#meeting up is no longer entirely out of the realm of possibility
itstheghostofmypast · 4 months
Meow (Chp-2)
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Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: He had spent an entire millennia in solitude, waiting for her to come back to him, bearing this curse that was a constant reminder of his ignorance, his mistake, and his guilt. He had forgotten how fate had always been cruel to him, punishing him for all he had done, and so be it, meeting her in the 21st century should have brought him joy- there was only one problem, his love for her may not have decreased a drop, but she may love Poofy more than she ever loved him.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort Fluff
Warnings: death of a major character, war, PTSD.
Word Count: 2.3K
Est. Read Time: 11 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Masterlist I Chp-1
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"Shit." hissing in pain, his fingers gripped the handle of the dagger that was etched into his shoulder, sneaky bastard was lucky, if he was distracted by a butterfly, he would've sensed the goblin stalking up behind him.
Going back and telling Yeosang what happened would only cause more to laugh at the War Chief, reminding him of how he still is a mere child at heart, his title only a facade to match his physical presence. Pulling it out with a grunt he let out a low growl, staring at the emblem, "Bloody Xikies." Tossing it somewhere across the field he paused at the muffled thump, where was he?
 His head slowly turned in every direction, and his body stumbled forward to the golden field, sunflowers? It had been many moons since he had seen this part of the forest, it had been even longer since he had seen such a bloom, blinking slowly, trying to take in the beauty of nature before him. Yunho had never told them about this part- was this their turf?
Slowly gazing up at the sky he sighed, admiring the hues of pastels, the sky blushing down at him, the setting sun peaking at the creature below, letting him bask in the time of quiet, the hour of merging, the hour of tranquillity, the sun looking no different than the big-headed flowers around him, the once yellow petals, now golden, matching their settling master.
Slowly the world around him began to tilt, strange, he had never seen such strange scenery, the sky tilting into the ground, while the flowers chased the sun, pushing it over oh.
Slowly blinking away the blur, a whimper broke past his chapped lips, poison, the dagger was poisoned. Bloody goblins knew what they were doing. He could feel his limbs slowly giving up on him, the tingling sensation turning into tiny pricks, his fingers twitching, trying to grip onto something, that being a sunflower.
 Perhaps this was not the worst way to move on, the spirit realm may be a better resting place than this world full of hate. The view of the pale sky was obscured by the sunflowers looking down at him, possibly because his head had used their sibling as a cushion, as grave as this situation was, it was oddly romantic. Guess he was a romantic deep down, deep down he knew that too, the only regret he may have while departing was the lack of a soulmate in his life, no one to call, 'the one'.
Perhaps this was not that bad of a situation, his departing would only cause his lover pain, possibly as much as he was feeling now. Blinking up at the dancing specs of fuzzy darkness, he sighed, what a War General, one that fell to his demise because of a dainty little butterfly.
And soft?
He felt extremely warm, but the soft below him only forced his body to melt further into the - wait, what? He had fallen in the field- the ground, the dirt and the hard earth below. Jerking awake he hissed at the pain that shot up from his shoulder to neck, a broken whimper following as he fell back. Slowly blinking away the fatigue, the onyx-haired man looked around himself, head cushioned on soft linen, above him was a wooden roof, a cabin? Turning his head to the source of warmth, he spotted the small fireplace, the crinkling of the burning wood was the only other sound - other than his shallow breathing. He was close to the fire, a bit too close, well not enough to harm him but his own temperature was usually enough for him on snowy days, so this was somewhat bothersome. Slowly sitting up his right hand instantly reaching for his left shoulder, glancing down he noticed his bare upper body, his wound neatly wrapped up, encasing most of his torso- whoever this was, they were thorough. To his right was the door, if he could get off his futon, he'd be out quick as a cat, but much to his displeasure as soon as he had stood up and taken his first big boy step towards the door, his body decided to go back on sleep mode, almost falling face front, his right hand breaking his fall. Well, at least his cognitive process worked enough, he was able to not use his injured arm.
Unfortunately, the commotion had alerted whoever held him captive, the door sliding open with a feminine gasp following soon after. Glancing up from the ground his frown deepened, though something else within him seemed to blossom, why didn't he just die when he had the chance?
Great. A human.
"You're…awake." she entered the bedroom, closing the door behind her, tipping her head slightly as if to greet him. Well, at least this human was mannered- his eyes scanned her form, from her robes to the way her hair was delicately decorated with jewels, her whole posture radiating an air of royalty, yet her face was what had his breath hitch, the way her soft gaze on his shoulder had him gripping the futon he was on- no San, humans are the lowest being, they are selfish, ugly, petty, insensitive and-
"I- Ummm… I know you still don't trust me, but you need to rest, the antidote worked but it is slow." clearing her throat she sat with her hands on her lap, "It's been long since I've met someone like you."
Chatterbox, huh? Cocking a brow at her he tilted his head, he was in his human form, what was she going on about? More importantly, he was three times her size, how did she carry him here?
"Umm…he was a… puppy? You're a feline, right?" she gave him a small smile, "I-"
"Are you high?"
"W-what?" his question caught her off guard.
"I said, are you high? Did you consume something?" glaring at her, he stared her down, watching her squirm under his hard stare, "You and I both know I'm human so cut the crap, if you want something for saving me just ask and- " his words were cut short when she picked up a mirror and turned it to face him.
"Nice ears, kitty cat."
"OH MY-" snatching the mirror out of her hand he pulled it closer, his eyes widening at the reflection.
"I believe the poison in your blood must have altered your ability to transform," his eyes flickered up to meet hers, was she…smirking? Scoffing in response he rolled his eyes, turned his and placed the mirror beside himself, still not saying a word.
"You were a kitty when I found you," she leaned forward, trying to inspect the damage, that and to get a closer look at the ears poking out of the tuft of his hair, twitching at the slightest of sound, accidentally letting the next word slip, "Cute."
His head snapped in her direction, eyes resembling slits, as she covered her mouth, trying to catch herself from saying anything more, but a muffled giggle escaped her when he hissed, his tail tapping the wooden floor beside him, it was only then when he realised that his tail had accompanied his ears.
"I- I beg your forgiveness." Chuckling, she dipped her head in shame (or tried to) honestly at this point she was trying to hide a smile, one that he had noticed, biting his lower lip from morphing into a similar one- she was contagious.  Disgusting human.
"If I may, I am Y/N, I understand you're a bit… skeptical about this situation but I found you as an injured cat." she explained before standing up and going to the other end of the room, rummaging through a box, "I found this, and it was drenched in lily oil" turning to show him the dagger that lay wrapped in a silk cloth, in her hands, "I gave you a detox serum."
Coming back to his side she sat down neatly, smiling at his gaze, no longer stern or cold, but swirling with curiosity, pupils dilated and shaking, much like his tale that was tapping against the wood. Nodding in understanding he sat there patiently, his hands placed in his lap, though she noticed how his long legs were now covered by the blankets, must be feeling cold.
"Honestly, your chances of survival were slim, but I tried anyway… And eventually, you did show signs of improvement. " Placing the covered dagger between them she sighed, "Though heaven knows how I almost fainted at the sight of an unconscious man on my bed instead of an injured cat."
Frowning at the statement he nodded in understanding, of course, that would be awful and somewhat horrifying, men could be real beasts, especially with someone as delicate as her, no wonder he thought she looked familiar, her necklace had a small gold sunflower hanging, her face radiated a similar glow too and- San, stop it. Sighing in frustration he growled, catching the way she had flinched, noting how she may have scooted a bit further. Hongjoong would have probably scolded him for scaring off his saviour, especially someone who looked like she was not only royalty but was sent down from Heaven itself.
"How long…" Clearing his throat, he tried to sound normal, a form of a passive apology, "Was I… unconscious for?" After all his feline instincts clawed at him to maintain distance, at least for now.
"Around…two weeks," mumbling she looked everywhere but at him- IS SHE POUTING? Was she upset? Did he upset her? Should he thank her? Is that why she's upset? He could feel the panic spreading through his veins, noting the way she was playing with her fingers, "I think that's it." His fingers itching to grasp onto her smaller hand, but his resolve did not break, though it did crack, just a wee bit, after all, Sannie had always been a romantic, "Thank you for saving my life, little human."
Her eyes flickered to meet his gentle smile, a small smile of her own gracing her lips, much to his pleasure.
"My name is-"
"I know." he nodded, before looking ahead at the open window, the setting sun suddenly all too interesting, "But names lead to familiarization, which makes letting go, difficult." his words were soft, though they hit her with full force, she knew what he meant, they were from two different worlds, it was something her friend had told her too when they were younger, perhaps the last time she had seen him, the same day she had not only lost her mother but him too.
"I understand." with that she slowly stood up, bowing in respect before standing up straight, the sound of a bell catching his ears, eyes flickering to the little charm she was using as a hair accessory, a small bell hanging off a smaller ceramic cat head, painted in all black. "This is my cabin, a personal quarter of sort, only I come here so you will be safe, you must be hungry " mumbling she looked at the door, "I'll bring you something…"
"Why is a lady of your stature wearing such a childish accessory?" his words were blunt and direct, but holding no malice. He had been cautioned by Wooyoung several times about his bluntness, and the last thing he wanted was to upset his sunflower even more than he had already- his sunflower???
"It is- I like it- it just." shaking her head she gave him a tight-lipped smile, "It was a gift, I like wearing it when I'm alone."
"What was its name?" he asked, gesturing towards it, before scratching his head, "You can…. call me…whatever you called it." No lover would give such a childish gift to a lady, no mother would pass on such jewellery, hence this pin was a mere ornament that held to it an extent of emotional value, one that he knew must have been for a cat- perhaps his other form resembled her pet.
His eyes caught the smirk that graced her face for a second or less, a shiver running down his spine at the way her aura changed. What was he getting himself into? He watched her nod before walking towards the door, almost out before stopping to look at him, "I'll bring you something to eat…Poofy." with that the door slammed shut, leaving a flustered mess of the War Chief whining to himself as his tail swished around in anger, whimpering when the jerk causing a sharp pain to shoot up. Heaven was testing him, and fate was gripping his heart with pure glee, this is not what he meant by finding the one before his death.
"A… human?" Hongjoong looked up from his scriptures, his advisor standing before him with a frown, arms crossed over his chest, the tail of a green dragon tattoo peeking out from underneath the neckline.
"Yes. Wooyoung confirmed it today, the Xikey told him the same story," scoffing, the advisor glanced at the window, watching the sunset, "San has been getting himself into stupid things these days."
"Seonghwa, you're the one who sent him to that area." The king sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration, "And you say she's royalty?"
"I'm not sure…I've sent Jongho to investigate. " He mumbled, "I hope he's fine, with the war going on and him being injured, that too with a human, I don't like the odds."
A knock on the door interrupted the two, before creaking open, "Sorry to intrude but I'd like to inform you two that San is in good hands."
Hongjoong gestured for their mapmaker to enter his personal quarters, honestly, most of these fools didn't need permission but they had stuck by the rules of royalty ever since the kingdom became his, "How are you so sure of this, Yunho?"
"Trust me, I say so based on personal experience."
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Taglist: @edenesth @mlysalt @yessa-vie @spooo00oky @cereal-simp
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i’ll go see you again tomorrow (spring is coming to an end) ; sashisu
[ part 0 - first meeting ]
synopsis; the gradual blossoming of a youth shared with three strange classmates, at the weird, isolated boarding school you all attend. as the seasons of your first year together pass, the relationship between you changes into something you don’t need to put into words to understand.
word count; 1.6k
contents; sashisu/reader (but can be read as either platonic or romantic, or something inbetween!! i wrote it with the latter in mind), gn!reader, no curses au (dw they’re all still a little bit insane and damaged), very shoujo manga-esque, reader is a little bit in love with all their friends, just wholesome comfy vibes :), characters may be ooc but pls bear with me </3
a/n; this is the shorter opening piece of a sashisu/reader series i’m writing and the first out of six planned parts!! :> the rest will be much longer this is just me setting the tone. sorta. i’m extremely normal about sashisu and i wanted to write something summery and sweet so <3
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you first meet them in a sun-soaked classroom, with blue-tinted windows.
the room in question, clearly not having been of use for some time, is just a little dusty. enough that you notice it, nose scrunching up as your gaze trails over the space.
tiny specks of light dance around, meeting and intersecting between the gaps where streaks of sunlight fall and illuminate the floorboards. they’re oddly mesmerizing, a little hard to forget. the flicker of their movement begins to etch itself into your retinas; for some reason, you can’t quite take your eyes off them.
eventually, your attention is caught by something else, coaxing you into moving your gaze towards the translucent windows. they glimmer softly, tantalizingly in the sunlight, reflecting the blue of the sky. through the glass, it’s all you can see at first — a sky so blue that it’s a little irritating. big, white clouds are scattered like splotches of paint across a blue canvas, treading gently over the boundary of your vision. 
in a similar fashion, the ground of the schoolyard is littered with dots of white. for just a second, you delude yourself into thinking that it’s snow; it’s not until you spot the skeletal trees and their pale blossoms that you see them for what they are. soft petals flutter down to the ground eagerly, covering everything in a pure white. 
it really is eerily reminiscent of a snowy landscape, ephemeral in its beauty. it gives you the impression of having stepped over some sort of threshold, into another realm, another world entirely. coated in apricot blossoms, soaked in sunlight.
(it shouldn’t be possible from where you’re standing, behind the windows — but the scent reaches you all the same. everything smells of apricots.)
it’s springtime, and you’re in the prime of your youth. 
a youth you’re about to share with three other kids, all standing in front of you and wearing mildly indifferent expressions as you give each other a brief glance.
you try not to stare too hard, but it’s difficult to resist the temptation. three new classmates, mysterious and just slightly intimidating; two guys, and one girl. the tiny glances you steal at them aren’t very sneaky, but you doubt they’d care, when they’re all doing the same. 
you study their appearances, eager to sate the curiosity clawing at your heart.
the girl is pretty.
the expression on her face is laid-back, almost bored, and she looks a little like she doesn’t quite want to be here. her hair reaches down to her chin, just barely, brown and smooth and silky. estimating her exact height is a little tough; you can tell she’s fairly short, but you don’t know how much of it is exaggerated, courtesy of her placement between the other two. their lanky legs and broad shoulders only make her look smaller in comparison.
her eyes are chestnut-coloured, a little dim, somewhat hazy. there’s a mole under one of her eyes, too, and you’re acutely aware of how charming you find it. you’re relieved to have at least one girl in your class, anyhow. you hope she’s nice.
the boy on her right is pretty, too. 
he’s much taller, and wearing a somewhat serious expression, but something about him feels almost comforting all the same. he seems relaxed, but also sharp, as his eyes trail across the room. his hair is black and silky, and it’s long — or so you assume, judging by the fact that he’s got it in a bun. two things about him stand out in particular; one, the black gauges on his ears, and two, a single lock of hair framing his face. his hair is tied up and neat, prim and proper, with the exception of his bangs. you don’t think it looks bad, exactly, but it’s an odd choice.
at first glance, you think his eyes are black, but when a ray of sunlight falls across his face you realize that they’re brown. a deep colour, oddly soothing, warm. little sparks of amber glitter in the depths of his irises, illuminated only by the sun. it gives you the impression that there’s more to him than meets the eye.
then there’s the other boy. 
he’s the most intimidating out of the three, without a doubt, though you still can’t pinpoint exactly why. he strikes you as particularly unnerving; maybe it’s the expression on his face, that you can’t seem to identify. he’s also tall, very tall, even taller than the other guy — though only by a smidge. he towers over you slightly, and that unnerves you even further. there’s something in the way he’s standing that almost seems a little menacing. his hair is white, and soft, and just a tad messy. and he’s wearing a pair of round sunglasses, even though you’re indoors.
you can’t see his eyes well, behind the black glass, but you get the vague impression that they’re blue when sunlight cascades down the contours of his face and reflects in them.
you take another moment to simply look at them, observing them, as if trying to reach some sort of conclusion about what they’re like. it doesn’t really work, but you do get some semblance of an impression.
finally, your teacher clears his throat, breaking the silence of the classroom — urging you to hurry up and get the introductions done and over with. the impatient reminder snaps all four of you out of your collective trance.
the first person to speak up is the boy with the weird bangs. that alone gives you a sense of his personality; polite, proper, the first to do the thing no one really wants to do. 
”my name is suguru geto,” he begins, well mannered. ”it’s nice to meet you.” his voice is pleasant, somehow. nice to listen to. there’s something comforting about it, that you can’t quite place; it sounds almost familiar, like you’ve heard it all your life.
then, the cute girl chimes in, casual and unbothered as she fiddles with something in her pocket. ”shoko ieiri. just call me shoko,” she says, short and sweet. 
she really is pretty, you muse, bathed in the streaks of sunlight falling haphazardly across the room. and she seems nice, not uptight or obnoxious; the kind of person that’s easy to talk to, easy to be friends with. you think you like her already. but she notices your lingering stare, and so you look away, gaze falling to the floorboards.
finally, after a slight pause, the boy with the sunglasses speaks up. you still can’t get a good read on his expression. ”… satoru gojo,” is all he says, and you can’t seem to grasp his tone of voice, either. 
it irks you, though. you’re not sure why. you almost get the sense that he thinks he’s appeasing you, by introducing himself, like hearing his name is a priviliege. that, and you feel a little like you’re being dissected when his gaze falls on you — like he’s weighing your value, deciding your worth. you think you almost catch a glimpse of his eyes behind the black tint of his glasses, and they strike you as acutely menacing, bright blue and uncanny. you decide that you don’t like him, and that his sunglasses are kinda ugly.
their gazes fall on you, at last. 
you’re the only one whose name they don’t know, now. it’s a kind of power, in a way, the power of mystery. intrigue. their stares feel heavy on your skin, and you feel more than a little nervous; but you’re intent on following the silent cue, all the same. 
and you do so, dutifully, raising your hand up in a silent hello before tentatively saying your name. then, in a voice you hope doesn’t come across as bored or unpleasant:
”— it’s nice to meet you.”
some of them hum in affirmation, as if to say it’s nice to meet you too — others remain silent. even when the introductions are finished, you continue to look at each other, vaguely and discreetly, as if trying to look inside each other’s heads. 
but then your teacher begins to speak, in an authorative voice, and you’re snapped out of the trance, once more. 
he babbles on and on, about something you’re sure is important, something about the school and the classes you’ll be having and the dorms and so on. you try to listen, you really do, but it’s tough — you vaguely get the gist, but all you can really think about is your classmates, still so mysterious and intimidating.
you try to repeat their names, inside your mind, trying to ingrain them into your memory.
suguru geto, shoko ieiri, and satoru gojo.
you still don’t really know what to think about them. shoko will probably be fairly easy for you to warm up to, but the other two are a different story. all three of them seem to have strong personalities, reflected in their eyes; a dim hazel, a deep umber, and a stark azure. you don’t know what’s hidden in them, but you have a strange inkling that you will, in due time.
that’s how the four of you meet. and in this moment, as you look into their eyes for the first time, you have no idea how much your life has changed — how much they’ll change it for the better.
you only know that it’s springtime, and that you’re in the prime of your youth. 
a youth you’re about to spend with these three kids in front of you, who you know nothing about. some part of your soul urges you to find out, for yourself.
maybe you will.
(outside the sun-soaked classroom, through the blue-tinted windows, the world observes your meeting with bated breath and barely contained excitement.)
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part i
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moonlight-prose · 10 months
finding excuses to be alone with each other with miguel??
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a/n: my first ever miggy fic!!! babes i am so fucking excited to be writing for this man. our dms are literally just filled with thoughts about him and that gave me so much inspo to write this. i've tried to get his voice down, but honestly i don't think i nailed it quite yet. still i hope you enjoy! (the title is named after such a beautiful song by lupita infante. i definitely recommend her music.)
note: thank you to @sunflowersteves for beta reading and easing my mind that this sounds like miggy. you're lovely darling.🖤
summary: "for weeks you’d been playing this cat and mouse game. trying to put off the attraction you felt in the hopes that this would dissolve into friendship once more."
word count: 0.9k+
pairing: miguel o'hara x reader
warnings: not explicit, tad bit of angst (because it's me), fluff, the beginnings of love, soft miggy.
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If there’s one thing you can say for certain it’s this: finding a lick of privacy in the otherwise crowded Spider Society was near impossible. In fact it had surpassed being in the realm of near impossible to never achievable. Wherever you turned there was a Spider in need of help. Asking for the one person who always managed to get dragged away from your secretive plans.
Miguel wasn’t one to push off someone’s request for help. Yet the many inconveniences that pulled him away from you seemed to only drive him towards one solution. Doing what he could to steal away every moment that he had with you. He wasn’t oblivious—he knew people could see the way you looked at each other. Yet asking him the truth was never an option, and you were always swift in an escape plan whenever the question arose.
He didn’t mind you evading the truth. Given that he wasn’t one to be entirely open with everyone—he found you keeping whatever you had private admirable. Hell he even encouraged it.
Except for today that is.
“Miguel I know it’s a lot to ask but—” He felt his back stiffen at the sound of Peter’s voice behind him; the expectation of a request not far behind.
You had sent him a message asking him to meet you in an empty office twenty minutes ago, and he was adamant on making it there on time. But that possibility seemed to drift farther and farther away the longer he stood here. Peter’s cheery expression only soured Miguel’s. He had half a mind to make up something and escape, but the urge to help continued to gnaw at him.
“What?” he asked, attempting to keep his voice calm—steady.
“This mission is kind of well a little harder than most. Not that it’s impossible. I mean nothing’s impossible. But I was wondering if you—”
A message from Lyla let him know that you were indeed five minutes away from being stood up yet again. Something weighed heavy in his chest, a feeling he was used to harboring when it came to you. And he hated it. Shutting his eyes briefly he staved off the annoyance that built the longer Peter yammered on about the difficulty of one mission. If it were any other time, if you weren’t waiting patiently for him to show up, then he’d have agreed.
But that wasn’t the case.
“Dios mío,” he muttered, finally turning around. “Peter you’re capable right?”
The man froze. “I mean…yeah I’d say I was.”
“Then you don’t need me.”
“Yeah but Miguel—”
“I’ve got another mission to handle.” The excuse flowed with ease off his tongue. It certainly wasn’t the first time he’d done this—having made up every excuse in the book just to steal away time with you. He was certain you had done the same, knowing you were meant to be helping Gwen with something in the labs.
Peter seemed to catch onto the urgency of Miguel’s tone, but not in the way he hoped. A sly smile spread across his lips as he leaned in to nudge Miguel on the shoulder. If there ever was a moment to grasp onto any level of peace in his body—now was it. He was halfway to throwing Peter out of his office.
“I get you,” he said, backing away with his hands up. “The mission is much more important.”
“Get out.”
Peter was gone before Miguel could finish the word out—finally giving him the peace and satisfaction he desired. Instructing Lyla to close up everything behind him, he made his way towards the empty office—hoping you were actually still there. He couldn’t exactly blame you if you weren’t. It was rough finding ways to meet up, away from everything and everyone here.
Finding excuses seemed to be your way to go about things.
The door was shut and locked by the time he reached it, but that was easy enough to bypass. Given that you were most likely resting on the inside he figured it would be better to slip in silently. Sure enough he found you settled in a chair, your eyes opening to see him shutting the door softly behind him, a grin on his lips.
“I’m a mission huh?” you mumbled, standing and stretching with a groan.
He snorted, his eyes falling to the way you bent—watching you step closer. “Didn’t have anything else to say.”
“I suppose I could be a mission.”
“Yeah? And what was your excuse?”
You shrugged, leaning against the desk with a grin. “I told Gwen I was needed for repairs.”
“On what?”
Crossing your legs, you watched him take a step. “Don’t think it matters? She wouldn’t have believed me anyways.”
For weeks you’d been playing this cat and mouse game. Trying to put off the attraction you felt in the hopes that this would dissolve into friendship once more. But you could see it in Miguel’s eyes that he wasn’t interested in friendship. Hell he wasn’t even interested in taking things slow. Neither were you it seemed.
“I guess they know,” he muttered, his thighs pressing against your knees.
You smiled, reaching up to trace the Spider insignia across his chest. “Guess they do.”
“What now?”
Pulling him closer, you tried to keep yourself calm when he willingly fell into your hold, his body hunching down to meet yours. “We figure it out later,” you whispered, your nose barely brushing his. He grinned the sharp point of his fangs poking through. “Good.”
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Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, where Aemond got lost in sea)
Lucerys had managed to fight off the vultures swarming around him for five years. Unfortunately, his time is almost up. Even his mother, his queen, began telling him to remarry, and he is out of excuses.
It was easy the first year, after they declared that his husband, Aemond, officially dead after losing contact with him and Vhagar for so long. A funeral was held, a pyre was built and burned without a body, and Lucerys was officially declared a widow. Lucerys was five moons pregnant at that time, and the entire kingdom felt pity for the pregnant omega, their Pearl of the Seven Seas, the Second Realm's Delight. The queen gave him a year and a half of mourning, the longest mourning a noble ever had.
When he gave birth, it was said to have taken two whole days of labor before the poor boy finally managed to push out two babes, both boys. One that looked entirely like him, the other looking entirely like his father. It was a joyful occasion amidst Lucerys' mourning, and his entire family visited to check up on him and marvel at the babes.
He has continued to keep rule over Driftmark with the help of his grandmother Rhaenys, and it was said that he was the perfect mixture of both Corlys and Rhaenys, though many still question his abilities. How unfortunate that he was an omega, for the pressure to be perfect doubled with every large task he managed to complete flawlessly, though many nitpicked at anything they could. They wouldn't have acted like this had Aemond been there, but now that he was gone, they let loose their tongues and forgot their place. Lucerys says nothing, allowing the smooth operations of the Velaryon fleet and the thriving Driftmark to speak for him.
It was nearing the end of his mourning, when these vultures began to circle him. Letters sent by noble families, portraits of bachelors, sly remarks during meetings about a possible celebration that could help "better" his situation.
Lucerys never wished to marry anyone else, and despite everything, he truly believed that Aemond was alive, and that he would return soon. So he stalled.
He went to his mother and told her about how he wished to focus on his boys, to bond with them and enjoy their first years together, without needing to focus on searching for a new husband, because that wound of losing his husband, though not fresh, still hurts his heart, and he believes that bonding with them could lessen the sting. His mother had always had a soft spot for him, so she agreed easily, and word was sent to not bother her son, who wished for peace with his children.
It took another one and a half years, before they began to try circling him again. His children are almost three now, surely he has bonded with them enough? Surely the throbbing pain of his wound is no longer there? Surely, surely he would like to entertain the idea of a new marriage now?
The answer was no. No he did not.
He evaded yet again, stating that he and his sons were to travel the seas, for them to open their eyes to the world, and for him to make friends from different countries and exchange trades (and hopefully find out what happened to his husband, wherever he is). He left the ruling of Driftmark to Rhaenys. He managed to travel for almost an entire year, helping boost the trades of Westeros and filled the Driftmark coffers(and still he couldn't find anything about his missing husband).
By now his mother, and even his husband's mother, began asking about his plans to remarry. And Lucerys' excuses were dwindling, even Rhaenys (the traitor!) began stating that because of his earlier successes, he does have time to look for a new husband.
If he were an alpha, they would have left him alone. He had an heir, and a spare, though doesn't call his sons that. He didn't need to marry again, yet the alphas grow more ambitious, especially after seeing how rich Driftmark was becoming. A beautiful omega, a powerful and wealthy land, and, since they were to be married, a chance to rule over a powerful fleet? These alphas were absolutely itching to have him.
Lucerys finally decided to take a different approach. He agreed to search for a new husband, but he has certain requirements. The first being that the person needs to at least be close to his age, the second being that this person needed to be of noble birth and knighted, the third was that he needed to suit his preferences, and the fourth would be that his sons would approve of them. They all sounded quite reasonable, and thousands were ready to swarm Driftmark like the blood sucking mosquitoes they were, only to be told that Lucerys would only meet with one suitable suitor every 30 days for one whole afternoon.
In that one afternoon, they needed to prove themselves to Lucerys that they were worthy to marry the most powerful omega in Westeros.
Before this, they have never personally met Lucerys, only being able to look at him from a distance. They thought it would be easy to seduce him, they thought all they needed to do was to compliment him a few times, pat the children's shoulder's and marry him by noon.
They were dead wrong.
The first nobles that tried to woo Lucerys quickly realized how unprepared they were. The meeting place wasn't in some garden in Driftmark were they could set the mood. No, it was in the meeting room, with three other people, one being The Queen that Never Was, Rhaenys, the second being the head merchant of Driftmark, and the third being the head captain of the Velaryon fleet.
Lucerys began speaking, not in common tongue, but in High Valyrian. In their confusion, they could not answer, he switched to common tongue with a sigh.
A shame, he would say. I prefer alphas who knows how to speak my language.
Then they would begin in that negative note, though it became increasingly clear it was less of a meeting of an alpha wooing an omega and more of a subordinate answering questions of their superior. These alphas have never been treated this way, nor have they ever felt so out of place, especially by an omega they were pursuing.
And the questions weren't even about the alpha or how they were the perfect match for Lucerys. These questions were about tradings and the fleets and what should you do if this problem were to arise? Some tried to answer the questions, but every time they did, more questions came from all three, with Rhaenys watching silently. Some alphas would get tired by the grilling, some raged when their suggestions were found lacking, some couldn't even answer at all. By the time it was over, they would send the alpha away, telling them that if he would like to try again, he should write a letter to declare so.
Some complained, but were quickly shut down. They needed to realize that they weren't just marrying an omega. They were marrying the duties and responsibilities of Driftmark, and so far, none of them were even close to the standard Lucerys preferred. Lucerys prefers a capable alpha, a partner he could lean on if need be, not one that would undermine him, not one that would buckle under the pressure, and certainly not one who can't even solve a problem he had to face every single day.
And so on and so forth, Lucerys kept himself single for 5 years in total, his hope for his husband's return dwindling, turning into irritations, sometimes even hate. How dare Aemond leave him in this situation? How dare his husband leave and not come back? Where was he? What was taking so long?
Soon, his mother intervened after hundreds of letters asking her to please ask your stubborn son to marry someone already.
And just when Lucerys was considering that maybe it was time to let go of Aemond and actually choose between these alphas, an unknown dragon landed in Driftmark carrying one Aemond Targaryen.
*Escaping the time out corner to post this. You may or may not see this as an apology for the death of Arrax the goat (and the dragon)
There will be a part 2 with this one, but what do you think of it so far?
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
More Big brother Danny Au
Okay so in the case of some adoptions the child can get their records when they turn 18. I’m thinking when Danny turns 18 he decides to look up his birth parents not really planning to go meet them but just to learn about them. When he learns that they both died and that he has a little brother his entire core demands he makes sure he is okay because he knows what losing your parents can do to you. He finds out where his brother is living now and immediately flys to Gotham to see him. Danny follows him invisibly all day and just when his core has settled after being reassured that his brother is okay and happy he witnesses him opening a secret passage which leads to Batman’s secret hideout. Danny is freaking out now as he learns that his brother is NOT safe and sound and apparently vigilantism is genetic wtf jazz is gonna have a field day. So Danny starts following Batman and robin on patrol as often as possible between work, school, ruling the infinite realms, learning how to cook so he doesn’t burn his dorm down. At the very least sending a clone to make sure dick is not horribly mangled. Even going so far as to follow the YJ team on missions every now and then helping out just here and there. Nothing to big but over time he sorta adopts the whole team and even sends a clone to look over Kaldur and Artemis when they are undercover. Sending out his aura to make sure nobody approaches when they are vulnerable or they are planning. He keeps an eye on Conner to make sure he’s not at risk of destabilizing. He makes sure Wally always has a little extra food stored away and that Zatanna isn’t targeted by any spirits.
Danny is stretched thin but refuses to leave them unprotected. He doesn’t approach Dick as his older brother for fear of dragging him into more danger than he already is but it all comes crashing down when Wally is not as fast as flash and impulse and is going to die. Desperate to protect Danny overshadows Wally while he’s running pushing as much power as he can through Wally to catch up to the other speedsters. Everyone is surprised and confused but at the same time overjoyed that Wally is gonna be okay until the crisis is averted and Wally is non responsive standing there with glowing green eyes vibrating in place. They try to get through to him when Danny is spit out of Wally and is convulsing on the ground after turning back to his living form. Everyone is freaking out and immediately call for medics to help both of them. Not understanding what’s going on they try their best to help them both but neither of them are showing any signs of injury in fact Wally wakes up soon after. But the strange man still keeps convulsing with no obvious cause. They hook him up to machines to monitor his heart rate which was a little high but strong.
Unkown to them this is exactly the problem danny overshadowed a speedster whose heart rate was 10 times faster than an average human let alone a half ghost so he’s been having multiple heart attacks that show as a completely normal heart rate. In the meantime Batman runs multiple blood tests and other than a large amount of an unidentified substance that seems to flow through his there is one thing that concerns Bruce more than anything. The computer has found a dna match in the system…with his son.
Okay this was longer than planned but enjoy 😊
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dogcatrabbitbirdfan · 6 months
on my satosugu bs
0 people asked, but i am such an insanely firm believer in 'geto fell first, gojo fell harder' and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
we don't see them when they first meet, but it's pretty natural to conclude that geto would've fallen first because why would it have been gojo? likely sheltered, self-centered, god-complex gojo? nope. i think it's pretty easy to fall for gojo, from geto's perspective, and it would've taken gojo a little longer to take down all the walls that he probably had up around letting himself love someone.
who fell HARDER though? oh my lord.
gojo, who showed literally no one else the same respect that he showed geto. gojo, who (despite having other friends) regarded geto as someone special to him on an entirely new level. gojo, who gave up his status as The Strongest so that they could share the title?? don't even.
what i think is the biggest part of geto's character is that once he realized what he wanted for the world, he never sacrificed his character or his own morals in pursuit of that world. for better or worse.
when geto left, though, gojo sacrificed the majority of his character AND morals just as a knee-jerk reaction.
the two times throughout the entire series where we see gojo as anything but overconfident, uncaring, and nonchalant are the two times where he sees geto in a way that hurts him. the first time, geto has killed over a hundred people, and gojo is so panicked that he yells at yaga and clenches his own fist so hard that he bleeds. he then proceeds to let geto go because he can't bring himself to kill the man that he was ordered to kill. the second time, geto is meant to be dead, and gojo is so stuck in the delusion that it might actually be him that he stumbles, lets himself get caught off guard, and gets trapped in the prison realm.
all that isn't even mentioning what he WOULD'VE sacrificed had geto just asked him to.
the problem with what geto did, to gojo, was never the killing. this is probably reasonable to assume because, after riko was killed, he offered up the possibility of killing every person in that room. it's not that he thought those people to be villainous perpetrators deserving of death, either; he knew that the star religious group themselves posed little to no threat. he knew that they didn't know why what they believed was harmful. he was fine with killing them all anyway, though.
since the beliefs that the village held carried the same weight and harm as the beliefs of the star religious group, geto killing them would've been the perfect equivalent of gojo killing the star religious group, which he was very willing to do. so, to gojo, the problem wasn't that geto took out that village, it was that geto didn't need him anymore going forth. this was such a distressing idea to gojo because the same absolutely could not be said for him. he needed geto in every sense of the word; as support, as a partner, as a friend. most importantly: gojo would've NEVER left geto like that. if he wanted to drastically change the way he lived and reshape jujutsu society, he would've asked geto to come with him. if he snapped one day and killed hundreds, geto would've been the first person to hear about it firsthand.
geto loved gojo but didn't let it dictate his decisions, cloud his judgement, or keep him from following his morals.
gojo, however, let his morals become ambiguous, his judgement become muddled and problematic, and would've dropped everything to follow geto if he had just said the word.
gojo was geto's best friend and someone he loved very dearly. geto was gojo's entire world, his only weakness.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 1 year
A Good Time to Call the Experts: Justice League Dark PT. 1
Pairing: Batman x reader
Word Count: 2,201
Warnings: Mentions of that mother jumping off the roof in the movie (not graphic), creepy shadow, mentions of the various crimes commited in the movie (running people over, killing the family, trying to yeet your baby from a building NOT IN DETAIL)
Summary: Growing up, you were experienced with magic and the forces beyond the mortal realm. You’d always been close to them, you and Bruce knowing exactly how far it goes beyond the known world. Despite there being a quietness for a long time, a magical force is disrupting the balance of peace again, meaning that you’d be disrupted again. Following a series of gruesome crimes around the world, and an encounter with a messenger acrobat from beyond, you and Bruce decide that it’s time to call in more of the experts.
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The day that you came to the manor, back from the escapades that had taken you away from Gotham as a child, Bruce didn’t ask many questions as to what happened to you and where you went. He was more concerned that you were turned up with a bleeding forehead and some wild story about killing some leader. When Alfred had stitched up your wounds and given you tea to calm your nerves you had explained everything in detail.
You were taken by your parents who, apparently, were not really your parents but rather recruiters for a youth program specializing in training powerful girls. Your parents had sold you off to them for a sum of money before you were one years old and this couple took you as their own. A short time before Bruce’s parents were killed, they swept you off to some foreign pocket dimension, away from everything that you had ever known to be trained for the sole purpose of becoming an agent for the organization.
Eventually, when you were old enough, you finally had the advantage of being more powerful than the leaders there. You had taken your revenge on the leaders, killed them off, set free those that were captive to them, and escaped from the world you had been stuck in for so many years. When you had arrived to the mortal realm once again, the only place you knew you could go was back to Gotham.
When you woke up tangled in the bedsheets Bruce was already stirring from sleep. Usually when you woke up around this time of year rain sprinkled the windows of the manor. This morning was no different. As dim beams of sunlight seeped through the cracked curtains, you could feel Bruce move closer to you, if that was possible.
“G’morning” His voice was soft but still audible.
“Morning.” You laughed softly and ran your fingers through his hair.
Bruce grabbed at your sides and pulled you closer, laying his body on yours, crushing you for a few minutes. He found it amusing that you tried to hide the fact that you were laboring to breathe for the moment.
“B, you know that no-kill policy you’ve got?” You squeezed out.
“Well I think you’re about to break that.” Finally you pushed him off you just enough so that you weren’t struggling.
He let out a laugh and moved himself to be situated at your chest instead of covering your entire frame. There was a lasting silence and contentment between you two which lasted for what seemed like a long time. The only thing that interrupted it was a buzz notification that sounded from your phone. It read “League meeting at 10”.
“I’m pretty sure if we stay like this for much longer, the two of us are going to be very late.” You said looking over at your alarm clock.
It was only 8am, but considering that you two were not morning people, you needed to get moving.
“I’m pretty sure that we could just stay here for another hour. Can’t you just use some wavy finger magic and get us ready really fast?” He mused.
“Wavy finger magic?“ You raised a brow, “Here I thought you weren’t one to willingly use “wavy finger magic.””
“Only if it means another hour with you.” Bruce didn’t move off of you but instead laid there like a statue.
“Fairly positive that if we stayed in bed for another hour, Alfred would come in banging pots and pans together.” You sighed squirming under him.
That earned another chuckle from Bruce who eventually after some prodding, got up off you to start getting ready for the day. Bruce had gotten into the shower and you were busy washing your face when you noticed a strange shadow at the end of the bathroom. There was no light that would have caused the ill-placed shadow to appear there and you were sure that you had never seen one here before.
You stared at it, face wash still bubbling around your hairline from the contact it had with the water. The spray of water was loud enough in the other part of the bathroom that Bruce would never hear you muttering to it.
“Now I suppose you’re not a normal figment of the light are you?” You said rubbing the face wash out of your hair with a wet wash cloth. There was a slight shift in the shadow, “Well I hope you didn’t come here for a show this morning.”
You to raised your hand at it casting a light spell. The shadow ran itself wild convulsing and falling over itself on the marble floor. You saw the darkness drain from the spot that it was previously laid, knowing that the light you produced caused it to disintegrate. You wouldn’t mention the appearance of it to Bruce yet. It always put him in a bad mood when something was suspected to be amiss with magic. You also wanted to ignore the fact that it was in your bathroom for the time being.
When Bruce had finally gotten out of the shower you had already gotten yourself pulled together for the meeting. The only thing that the two of you needed was to pull on your suits and down a cup of coffee or two. The two of you headed downstairs where you were greeted by Alfred with the desired cups of coffee and a breakfast that made your mouth water.
“I don’t suppose that this meeting will last all day?” Alfred asked cordially.
“It’s not supposed to.” Bruce replied still scanning over the morning news, “We’re only going to review footage of the recent crime wave. Some of the Leaguers think the crimes are connected to each other.”
“Well I’d certainly hope it’s a quick fix.” Alfred looked at the two of you, “I’ve heard the family who has adopted the child from the other evening has been having a splendid time taking care of the child. It seems he will be alright.”
“That’s good news to hear.” You added, “The coroner is investigating the wellness of the woman before the incident. He thinks that there was possibly a mental disorder leading to the cause of the suicide.”
Bruce didn’t say anything, and instead continued staring at the news. You knew it wasn’t a good night for him. That night, you were working on the other side of the town because of the recent spark in crime. The two of you figured it would be better to spread out and cut down the area needing to be patrolled. When you got the call from him of what happened you rushed to his location to make sure everything was alright. Bruce didn’t let the baby go but to take off his cape to wrap the baby up. That time you were the only one allowed to hold the child. You knew he was thinking back to that night in the alley and his cause for possessiveness over the baby was because of his experience.
“I think it’s best that we get suited up.” He finally chimed in, “We should be leaving here in the next fifteen minutes or so.”
Bruce stood up and took your mug to the sink where he ran water in it and placed the cups into the dishwasher like Alfred had ingrained in him as a boy. With the look of satisfaction Alfred walked the two of you to the entrance of the cave, saying his goodbye.
You waited as the elevator stopped lowering and stepped out when the door opened. Bruce was beginning to start his brooding mood and you simply couldn’t have that so early in the morning.
“I heard Diana broke a sword against the training dummy during demonstrations yesterday.” You said throwing on your boots after getting dressed.
“Clark said she was more shocked than the interns watching.” Bruce responded.
“Well yeah, I’d think so considering that we’ve used those training dummies for so long without breaking weapons over them.” You chuckled, “She must have just used one with a metal deformity.”
The two of you finished getting ready and started for the Zeta tube in the cave. It was near the computers but far enough away that if there was an intruder, action could be taken to subdue them before they got too close. Bruce was sure of this when they were being installed. When the two of you beamed into the watch tower, there was a group of interns sitting around working on analytics together over coffee and tea. They looked surprised seeing the Batman and yourself walking in. It wasn’t that you two weren’t here often enough, there’s just always an aura of intimidation when you two walk in a room. That didn’t mean that they didn’t like you two though.
“Morning guys.” You said, “How’s it going?”
“Good, we’re just working on those stats for the energy of the tower.” The woman with glasses and long blonde hair chimed in, “I think most of the leaguers are here minus Flash.”
You nodded, “He’s always pushing it.”
You and Bruce walked into the meeting room where Wonder Woman, Superman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, and Shazam were situated. Like the worker had said, Flash wasn’t yet there. You two took your seats and listened to the chatter for a moment. Clark and Diana greeted the two of you and Martian Manhunter floated near to run a data configuration over with you. Before the meeting was meant to start, Flash came zipping in with a smile and an excuse that his alarm didn’t go off in time. The punchline was that he wasn’t late.
“So, I’m sure that everyone has heard of the recent crime spike.” Diana started, “Every crime that has happened so far has been in a similar nature. This is the footage of the crimes.”
Everyone sat quietly looking over the videos. Images of a woman running over civilians with her car, a man being detained by the FBI after passing out, the woman from Gotham jumping to her death, and other similar videos were played. You glanced over at Bruce you then did the same for you. It was as if you were talking to each other with simple looks. He was telling you that there was definitely something going on but he was sure the League didn’t have the right answer. The chime of the computer sounded off as the video paused on the woman running over innocents with her car.
Superman stepped up out of the side of the projection, “These crimes were committed by law abiding citizens.”
Diana did the same as the screen faded to blue, “They all claimed to have seen nightmare visions before hand.”
Lantern chimed in from his seat, “Any idea of what’s causing it?”
Superman looked at him, “No idea.” This gained a sigh of annoyance from the Lantern.
“The one week I fill in for Jordan, and it couldn’t be some hairy ass monster?” Lantern looked down at the table earning a smirk from Flash.
“The same pattern is repeating around the world. So, there could be an overriding factor. Perhaps a paranormal element?” Diana pressed the control switch on the remote that displayed a world map with red dots representing the sites of the crimes.
“Are you talking about magic?” Bruce asked.
Diana turned to face you two, “We’ve come up against magic before Batman. Circe, Trigon Felix Foust. Y/N is the most powerful magic user we have here.”
“Even Shazam’s powers are based in magic.” Clark chimed in before looking at you, “With as much as you’ve seen, can you rule it out?”
You looked dead on at Clark, “The criminally insane don’t need magic as an excuse.” You stood up from your chair getting ready to leave, “I recommend spending more time on the streets instead of flying over them.”
With that, you started walking out of the room. You heard the squeaking of the chair Bruce was sitting in and the footsteps following, indicating that he was trailing closely behind. You heard Lantern say something as the doors were closing but didn’t spare a glance backwards. Instead, you started for the Zeta tubes again.
“I think we need to call Constantine. Zatanna would be a good addition too.” You said, “There’s dark magic at hand. The kind that the league isn’t familiar enough with. Even Diana would be dead weight on cases like this.”
Bruce looked over at you as you were explaining, “You’re sure these cases are related somehow with it?”
“Almost certain. There’s shadows lingering around the manor again. Sign that something’s amiss beyond the mortal plane. Besides, what massive group of strangers are all going to coordinate the exact same response to the crimes committed. It seems extremely telling of something beyond insanity.”
“You just didn’t want the League asking digging deeper into it.”
“Not at all.” You said as the two of you walked inside the Zeta tubes.
Maybe it wasn’t being entirely honest about the situation. With your experience though, you knew that this wasn’t something the league needed to handle.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
HELLO I'M HERE TO RAMBLE ABOUT MC'S MORTALITY. I have literally been grinding event battles and coins and such all day because the power up campaign ends today (I'm under 200 in rank NB wise but geez it's getting harder to keep up)
anyway I always think about what happens to mc after/if they did die. like I love sam's/still-a-moronsexual's interpretation of mc not being entirely human for one
but there's different levels/circles of hell in the Devildom, and that the devildom and the celestial realm are separate from the traditional heaven/hell if I remember correctly? like what happens to mc in the event they do pass on. Everyone says they have a shiny soul. And would mc keep their memories after passing?
Like everyone has different beliefs and I'm just rambling, but there's reincarnation for one. Sometimes I think about Michael and if we'll ever meet him, and if he'd go so far as to pull strings to get mc into the celestial realm (everyone wants the once powerful mortal on their side). And imagine him making sure to keep mc's info access limited, but then let's say luke catches a glimpse and tells the brothers. Imagine mc doesn't remember the brothers either, but there's this dull tug in their gut when they see these demons. Painful angst. (And if mc DID keep their memories, would they immediately choose to fall? Imagine your fave catches you. like I think my mc would stick around to get info and out of curiosity, but would secretly be planning to fall. Even if it was painful, it'd be worth it to them.)
or mc ends up in the devildom because of how big of a tie they have. I wonder if they would/could become an Avatar, and what if they did. Despair possibly? Would they be a regular demon, or have a special power perhaps? Diavolo would probably give them a noble title. but also, ANGST IF THEY HAVE NO RECOLLECTION OF ANYTHING. Diavolo early in NB said something about knowing almost every demon, so I wonder if he meets new people to help them get set up?? aha imagine he lets them stay at the castle, and mc wanders off, and bumps into someone they used to know. chaos
There's also the possibility they could become immortal I'm sure with a spell or Solomon's cooking. Or maybe their lifespan is just longer than a humans by a hundred years or so. They simply cherish the time they have, but suddenly they're aging past 120 and they're sweating internally. Solomon I think has talked about feeling like he loses/lost touch with his humanity, until he met mc. I wonder if mc would go through the same if they ended up truly immortal
THIS IS GETTING SO LONG SORRY, BUT THIS IS MY LAST AND FAVORITE IDEA. The three worlds couldn't decide what happens to mc, like this is the first time this has happened. Huge arguments. Sometimes i think about the good place show when I'm brainstorming. ANYWAY, mc becomes a reaper. No one gets their soul. They are now in charge of collecting them, and reapers are sorta neutral right? It's a compromise for everyone. Thirteen is overjoyed. Mc with a scythe, what will they do? Or the night dagger lol
the obey me manga comes out on tuesday i think, I'm probably hitting the bookstore on Thursday. and while I could order it online, something about finding it on the shelf is so fun. I literally finished king of wrath on friday, and read almost the entirety of king of pride on Saturday, and now I'm on king of greed. My friend is concerned with how fast I read because we have a book tracking app that allows buddy reads lol
- ✨ anon
AH thank you, ✨ anon, I need all the luck I can get lol!!
Now see the interesting thing about all of this is that the game doesn't really specify. I do think they have implied that hell is a separate place from the Devildom (aka the Underworld where Solomon walked through the rings and Luci got trapped in the ice). So presumably if MC died and went to hell, they wouldn't actually end up in the Devildom itself. I don't remember if they've implied the same for heaven and the Celestial Realm, but it seems likely that it would be the case.
Personally I like the idea of reincarnation but MC just... keeps being reincarnated as a human on earth lol. Like every time MC dies, the others have to find them again. And they don't remember each life. Though if this happens enough perhaps Solomon or somebody comes up with a spell that can restore all their memories.
I do think it'd be interesting if Michael intervened and somehow got MC to be in the Celestial Realm, especially if they had no memories of the Devildom and everything. Imagine being an angel and then suddenly you get those memories back and you're like, that's it, I'm falling.
Which leads me to the question of how does one fall?
They don't really get into the specifics of that, either. Can you choose to fall? Or do you just do terrible things with the hope that the consequence will be banishment to the Devildom?? I have thoughts about this, but it's all just personal headcanon stuff.
I do think it makes sense for MC to just sorta end up in the Devildom because yo that's basically their home now, you know?
I tend to headcanon that due to the pacts and the "ring" and everything else MC has been through, they have enough magic interfering with their usual biology that they're probably already immortal. Just because that makes sense to me. I also think Solomon probably knows a way to make them immortal if they really wanted to be. vampire!MC lol
AHHH reaper!MC!! Thirteen would be thrilled!! They don't really give us a whole lot of info about the reapers either, but I headcanon that they're neutral and somewhat outside of the whole Devildom vs Celestial Realm situation. I have a lot of ideas about this, but again it's all personal headcanon.
So I think any of these options are possible! And it's certainly fun to think about all the ways in which MC's death might be dealt with. Somehow I don't think we're gonna get anything like that in canon, but I guess you never know!
Ah I love reading, I used to read so much... now I don't read as much as I used to because I'm spending all my time writing al;kdfkjfd. But yes the manga I read the first free chapter they had, but maybe I will buy the book itself...
Anyway, I love all these ideas and I think it's fascinating to think about all of these possibilities!
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spacesully · 3 months
Something has been on my mind recently.
If the souls in the Hazbin universe are people who’ve died, how is it even possible for these souls to experience death again? A soul can be defined as an immortal spiritual manifestation of oneself. The whole idea of the extermination makes little sense. Given that souls are immortal, it raises the question of why angels would bother to kill souls in Hell. If Pentious managed to find redemption, what fate befell the other sinners who had also been killed? Does that imply that the other souls are transported to another location? Certainly not Earth, because their physical forms are no longer living. Do they go to Heaven? If that were true, then Charlie's work would have no purpose. Since they weren't redeemed, did they simply disappear into thin air? There is a chance that it could be possible. As far as I can tell, the show doesn't explicitly align itself with any religious beliefs; instead, it draws inspiration from different religious concepts. However, it defeats the entire purpose of souls. The show emphasizes the significance of souls, but introducing extermination completely undermines its core purpose.
I noticed this while rewatching the show to analyze it for a fan fic I've been writing. It's honestly super intriguing to witness because we don't get an explanation. The storyline of Hazbin Hotel is exceptional, complemented by its distinct characters. However, a more detailed explanation of this concept would provide a better understanding. Give us the answer to why and where do these souls go when they've died? It's the same with the Helluva Boss series. It's implied that souls in Hell could meet their demise, but how is it possible if a soul is believed to be immortal? Is it not immortal in this universe? If so, then why do humans die in this universe?
That's the beauty of fiction! It's all made up and you can do whatever you please! No hate to the show at all! I'm a big fan of it! I love to analyze and ask questions. It helps me grow as a writer. It's just a few observations I've made.
Edit: I did forget to include that only angelic weapons could kill souls. Which I'm assuming that souls can be killed in this universe. However, it still defeats the entire purpose of a soul. Here's a definition of a soul: "the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal." In most religions, they believe that a soul is immortal. In the Hazbin universe this is not the case, meaning, they have their own definition of a soul. I want to know what that is. This is what I find interesting. I'm not saying I dislike it. What I am saying is that in my opinion it doesn't make sense that souls can be killed and wish there was a better explanation to this rather than just "oh they can be killed by these angelic weapons." I want to know what is the point of death when souls in Hell or Heaven can suddenly drop dead to angelic weapons? If Heaven and Hell are eternal realms meant to accommodate souls for eternity, why do these souls need to experience death? Why do mortals have to experience death initially if this were the case? Of course, Hazbin Hotel doesn't have to follow any religion, but some more context to souls would be helpful—an explanation.
Again, this is a work of fiction, so no hate at all! That's the beauty of creativity! I love Hazbin Hotel! This is just my opinion and my observations/thoughts! :) Don't mind my rambles :,)) I do overanalyze things, so, I see there can be flaws in these. Feel free to point them out !!
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banavalope · 1 year
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after drawing this, i took long enough trying to draw the second half of it i ended up just taking an entire three steps back to consider a lot of larger details. I now have more details than I know what to do with, so I’m just going to call it Starlore and say its a worldbuilding project at this point.
Worldbuilding is more enjoyable for me than writing a plot with some good legs, and I’m embracing that.
Text in image under the following cut for those who would prefer that.
Starlore: a worldbuilding exercise on the existential horros of creativity by me, Banavalope :) Amadeus, Betty, Ace, and Luz are a species of cosmic star beings best described as anthropomorphic personifications. Their home is called Astropa, which is not so much a planet as it is a cumulative of their nearly-endless realm, the Upside.
Despite the name, there is no way to quantify where in non-euclidean space Upside sits relative to Otherside and the Blanket*. Stars - known for having an exaggerated sense of self-importance - feel confident they’ve got it right.
Inherently, stars have an infinite amount of potential, but some facts can be held as true of the whole species: 1.) They are all sexless.** 2.) All stars have wings.*** 3.) “Unexplainable encounters” could be explained if stars admitted to making mistakes. * Three parts to a complete universe completely unrelated to our own - with the exception of a few copied answers, as to be expected. ** Unless they really want to make the effort, of which many do for any reason at all. *** Having wings is the leading cause of common misconceptions for any species. Often assumed to be an indication of the ability to fly, when they are just as easily an identification of the tendency to fall.
Astropa - the birthplace of ideas Anyone native to the Blanket would find the culture of stars incredibly stressful and incomprehensibly complex, were they to learn about it. This would be a correct observation, as stars seem to think they work well under pressure and go about scheduling it into their day.
An eternity spent in this kind of environment have made stars the only species known to effectively harness the most renewable source of energy across the universe: Validation.
In the ancient times of the Starmakers, validation was manufactured by fulfilling miracles blanketside. This was soon found by Timekeepers to be toxic on the environment, necessitating the regulation of wish granting* through the glory duty system**.
Modern day stars now mass produce validation locally and by natural means to meet high demand.
* Giving stars a whole lot less to feel superior over their peers about, ** and at the expense of longer lines at the Department of Miraculous Verisimilitude.
Elemental Anomalies Lucy’s hair reflects their current state of emotion. It maintains a sunny baseline, but has the widest range of expression compared to their siblings.
Ace breathes fire, losing control over it only when he’s incredibly frustrated. Holding it in makes him smoke.
Betty effects the air around her in a reliably straightforward way, under usual circumstances. In circumstances subjectively unusual, any adjective of air is possible.
Amadeus changes color to reflect the intense moods of others, rather than himself. Unfortunately, as everyone has unique colors they feel in, its not particularly helpful.
A variety of advanced technology can be found on Astropa. Holo’s are a versatile piece, commonly used to translate language when stars are blanketside.
Side Facts Some stars find them useful to have on all the time; Amadeus will use his to display closed captions for anyone not versed in sign language if his hearing aid* is out.
It isn’t necessary for stars to eat - or sleep, for that matter - but they do out of enjoyment.
* Which is not often.
Timekeepers A separate classification of anthropomorphic personification to stars are Timekeepers. They reside on a plane outside of spacetime, unimpressively called Timekeeping Affairs HQ.
The main office is reachable by taking the Timeline out of Astropa; there’s only one, and you can’t miss it.
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Okay so I'm gonna make you pick 1 😂🤣
- Slow and sensual, deep measured thrusts lovemaking with Steve in the morning, that will lead to him taking you on kitchen counter as well because everybody is else is on the mission. 🤭
A hot celebratory shower sex with Steve after one of Tony’s party that continues through the night and leaves you sore in good possible way in the morning.
Pick 1 😂
Oh my god this is such a hard one!! (Pun intended 😉) can’t I have both?
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But if I had to pick one it would be slow and sensual morning sex 👌
And of course I couldn’t not write a little something 😉
Slow Mornings - Steve Rogers x Reader
A/N: I’ve decided to make this a little bonus/extension to The Demigod from Asgard, but if you haven’t read that series don’t worry because there isn’t gonna be much plot to this 😂
Word count: not a clue 🤷‍♀️
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI! Fluff!
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There was nothing better than waking up in Steve’s arms on a cosy December morning. It had been pretty cold and icy out recently so Steve hasn’t been going on his usual morning runs. A fact you were taking full advantage of, and you may also be using your powers to make sure it stayed icy for longer than normal.
Not that you’d ever admit that.
It had been a quiet few days at the Avengers tower, Bruce and Tony were away at some conference or something, Nat and Clint were on a mission, and Thor was off somewhere in the nine realms. Meaning you and Steve had the entire tower to yourself to do whatever you pleased
So it wasn’t surprising when you woke up to the sensation of Steve repeatedly pressing kisses along your shoulders and up your neck. Your whole body hummed in content, a smirk growing on your face when you did a little wiggle and felt just how awake he was.
As you rolled to face him, he moved to cover your body with his. Kissing you deeply before his lips moved south and he began worshiping your whole body. Every move he made was slow and sensual. Neither of you had anywhere to be or anything to do so you were going to savour this moment.
Slowly but surely with deep measured thrusts Steve coaxed you to completion. Only allowing himself to finish once you had. You smiles lazily up at him, reaching up to run your fingers then his hair just how he liked it.
Getting out of bed was a slow process, especially when Steve took every opportunity to wrap his arms around you and press kisses to any exposed skin he could find. By the time you made your way to the kitchen you were barely even dressed. You wore one of his plaid shirts and nothing else, while he just wore grey sweatpants giving you the perfect view of his chiselled chest.
No point covering up when there was no one else around.
You should have known Steve wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of you. You had only started making french toast when he pounced, unable to whole himself back any longer. And who could really blame him, you were magnificently teasing in his shirt.
He easily pulled you away from the hob, lifting you up and setting you down on the kitchen island. He stood between your thighs as he ripped the shirt you wore open, buttons flying off and pinging against the counter and cupboards.
Your fingers tugged at his short strands of hair as he nipped and licked your chest. Tongue swirling around your sensitive peaks, making sure to give them equal attention. His hips rutted against yours as you dug your heels into the small of his back, pulling him closer.
It wasn’t long until his sweatpants were pushed low enough to free his erection and he was once again sliding home inside you. Just like before it was slow, passionate and sensual. All the love you felt for each other being communicated without the need for words. Your hips rolling to meet his in the same slow rhythmic tempo.
You both finished almost simultaneously, Steve’s arms wrapping around you securely as you slumped against his chest. He pressed kisses to your shoulder as you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, exhausted and basking in the afterglow.
As you lifted your head from his shoulder, your hands cupped his cheeks smiling as you kissed the tip of his nose before kissing his pink plush lips. All you could hear was your laboured breathing and beating hearts, all you could smell was the scent of your arousal and…. Something strange….
Peaking over Steve’s should your eyes widen when you see what was causing the strange smell. The french toast you’d been cooking on the hob was now in flames.
“Shit, shit, shit” you curse sending a blast of cold air towards the pan to extinguish the flames, pushing Steve away so you could run over and chuck the pan in the sink to be safe.
Steve looked over in shock “fuck how did we miss that?” He mutters.
“Sorry Sir, I’d noticed it but thought best not to interupt” JARVIS then said making Steve face turn beet red.
“No, no that’s okay JARVIS” you mutter shaking your head “just delete any footage there is and make sure Stark or anyone doesn’t find out” you add as Steve buried his face in his hands and lets out an embarrassed groan.
“Already deleted it Miss” JARVIS responds.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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vy-tachibana · 1 year
dp x dc fic idea
(Spoiler for Sandman Comics)
So this is a Danny Phantom x The Sandman crossover
Danny is King of the Infinite Realms
which is the dimension of the in-between, pocket gaps between different realities, where everything that ends begins again, etc.
Danny is one of Death of the Endless' favorite children though he is both her's and not her's at the same time
Anyways they have a working relationship because Danny rules over all who have been touched by the Lady Death and the Ghost Zone is kinda sorta where she takes everybody when they die
I'm going off the au that because it's the INFINITE realms, when people die they just go to whatever portion of the realms coincides with what they believe
also you know, not everyone becomes ghosts because there has to be enough ectoplasm when they died for them to form a ghost core and well not all ghosts ever lived
Morpheus dies (he planned it, in case you didn't know) and Daniel Hall becomes the next incarnation of Dream of the endless
I'm also gonna go out and say that Danny and Morpheus have met before because Nocturne is actually a conglomeration of all of Dream's nightmares that have died, by his hand or not
this is going off the assumption that everything in the world has a little ectoplasm, just usually miniscule amounts and that when anything meets its end the bits of ectoplasm it contains eventually makes its way to the Infinite Realms
so Nocturne is made of those multiple small bits of ectoplasm Dream's nightmares
and before Dream got characer development, the nightmares honestly did not have it the best which is why Nocturne was one of the more antagonistic/dangerous ghosts
but yeah so Danny knew Morpheus and they teamed up at some point because of Nocturne
I actually like the idea more that Danny was scolding Morpheus for his treatment of his Nightmares and the clear discrimination between Dreams and Nightmares and that if someone doesn't want to be a Nightmare they shouldn't have to choose between doing something they don't want to do or getting their existence ended (wow does Danny know how that feels)
and Morpheus recreated some of his creations like Corinthian but those are different incarnations, so kinda sorta the same being but also not
it doesn't matter, it doesn't erase what happened
Danny totally crashed Morpheus' castle somehow
Morpheus was definitely like, "You, a human child who once dreamt of nothing but the stars and now only has nightmares of a future that may come to pass (aka Dan, or getting dissected by his own parents, or the collapse of reality as we know it because humans found a way to break into the Ghost Zone and eradicate all the ghosts) would lecture me on the creatures that torment you? I am Lord Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, who has existed far longer than you could possibly comprehend, and you would dare?"
Danny I'm-too-tired-to-deal-with-another-godlike-entities-bullshit-again Fenton is like "Hey! I'm a half-dead child. Get it right. And you totally deserve this dude. I mean I finally had a talk with Nocturn after the Pariah Dark situation, which was not easy mind you, about his whole forcing people to sleep to absorb Dream Energy. His entire being is totally your fault. And your treatment of beings that you created from scratch who are essentially your children is terrible. My parent's are a constant danger to my very existence but at least I know they care about me unlike you and yours. And also...."
they totally became friends because Danny is that type of annoying that grows on you like a fungus and it helps that he's functionally immortal and has seen and experienced the worst of humanity (as well as other beings) and is the all-powerful Ghost King
anyways Danny goes to Morpheus' wake and as Lady Death, in her red dress, bids goodbye to her brother's body floating away into eternity to become one of the stars in the sky Phantom tells her
"Worry not, Mother of my core, I shall take him into my care just as I do all you have brought to my realm and one day, when you lay a final night's kiss upon this universe, you shall join us there until the time for a new Universe's dawn"
"...human child who once dreamt nothing but the stars..."
"Sleep well, my friend as you rest amongst the stars."
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alolanrain · 1 year
A little look into the family dynamic for the Legendaries and mythicals that is just my general hc for them.
Arceus portrays himself and Mew as the supposed Father and Mother of everyone. Even though only a few of the Legendaries are related to each other (like Zazamenta and Zacian are paired and Kyoger and Groudon) it’s a weird kinda Greek style of “you’re technically my cousin but I’ll marry/fuck you anyways” type of thing.
Territory, the regions and then some, is open for all but it’s more of a “you’re family and in my house so you have relaxed rules, but behave.” Way. But the majority Legendaries don’t leave their spaces a lot anyways. Mythicals are fucking outliers, along with mew and a few others.
So I’m going to try my best to describe how I see them.
Arceus and Mew are married in the loosest terms possible. Being the first two ‘born’.
Then comes the creation trio.
Then there’s Lugia, Ho Oh, and the. Rayquaza. Why I added Rayquaza is because I wanted a trio of brothers who are so so fucking tired of their children. (Children have not been born yet in the timeline)
Regigigas has come. (No kids yet)
Kyurem comes and rocks the shit out of the western regions.
The -dorus triplet has been born. Quickly followed by the majorly favored fans of Reshiram and Zekrom.
In come the snotty beasts and slowly followed by the birb trio. The. Quickly followed by the Mini Regis and then slowly followed by Celebi. She is the preferred grandchild at this moment.
Kyoger and Groudon makes themselves know, much to Rayquaza chagrin and peace of sanity, and they are the most hated twins and grandchildren. They also caused the first time Arceus pissed everyone off.
Deoxys comes and Rayquaza is a bit uncomfortable about it, stays like that for eons, now could not give a bit of a fuck.
Fucking years past. Reminder that this is the start of the world and it’s beginning stages. There’s a lot of fighting and Giratina gets thrown into the underworld and such.
Xerneas and Yveltal are much appreciated distraction from boredom. Zygarde comes right after quickly followed by Volcanion.
They all get shakes by Hoopa and it’s the first time in a long time that Arceus seemingly somehow pissed EVERYONE off. Including Mew.
Necrozma is a nightmare no one wants to talk about. This is the first time they all see Arceus’s unforgiving nature extend to his own children with ease.
Centuries past, so much that Humans are now a thing that’s looking permanent from how fast their spreading.
The Tapu’s come after another long break, longer then the last. They are the first quadruplet and the weakest set of Legendaries.
Years past. Uneasy but a few pair find the time to relax and seek a more permanent partner.
Tapu Bulu and Giratina meet under surprise situation. Since the Tapu sleeps so much his body seemed more connected to the earthly aura, which leads to him slipping from his body mentally and winding up in a dream like state in Gira’s realm. Giratina can’t do anything and Tapu Bulu takes the chance to become some sort of friend and therapist to the stricken god.
Humans become more of a thing and the Tapu’s are the first ones to be worshiped outside of Arceus. Since their people are so remote from the mainlands. The almighty Sinnoh takes a new name a few decades after.
Cresselia is born with her much weaker twin Darkrai. Giratina is the only parent since Tapu Bulu isn’t actually physically interacting with the higher god yet. They know about Tapu Bulu but the hush about him being so weak keeps them away.
It’s a shock to the entire universe as Lugia falls for Tapu Koko. THE golden child of Arceus and the only one allowed to verbally refer to him as father. No one knows why and neither he or Mew will ever speak a word about it. Rayquaza, the Creation Trio, and Ho Oh all bemoan and groan about it.
Tapu Koko and Lugia wants a Child. One between them, sharing their power to create a whole new thing. Arceus agrees and asked them to wait.
And wait.
There’s more born. Zazamenta and Zacian. Jirachi is born to Deoxys. Heatran is born and attracts the attention of Cresselia. Phi one and Manaphy are twins, overlooked by other bigger things. The first Diancie is born.
And wait.
Shaymin’s are made and even though their mythicals, they don’t mind the cute little things. Giratina aches as Tapu Bulu describes them. Two twin Cosmog drip from the Galaxy and the Tapu’s rejoice. Lugia stays away but likes to watch Tapu Koko drift around the beach with them, good practice for being a wonderful parent in the future. Enamorus is a thing and it’s the first time Lugia snaps out of the blue. Killing her with the -duros triplets by his side.
And wait.
There’s disputes, arguments, fights, wars, lovers torn apart.
Lugia cries for the first time in eyesight and it’s horrible and ugly. He’s gasping for breath and for a moment everyone thinks he’s dying. He doesn’t but the damage is done, Arceus calls everyone together for once in the hall of fame.
It’s the second type of legendary that has been banished. Even though Koko had broken Arceus favorite child’s heart he cannot punish him harder then he did Gira for trying to fight his siblings. So the islands to which they live, they now cannot leave. Just for Tapu Koko, the other three go live with him in sibling solidarity.
Lugia slumbers for the first time in a while. Ho-Oh disappears in solidarity. Rayquaza fucking wishes but the twins won’t shut the fuck up-
Years past, human civilization grows.
The ultra beasts make themselves know. Arceus is once again Enemy Number Fucking One despite their hate for Koko. The other three are fine and don’t deserve that.
Gira somehow has Marshadow but it’s a bit different from his twin and it shows, twisted price of crazy shit.
Latios and Latias are born and Rayquaza actively does wiggles in the sky in full view of anyone and everyone.
Eternatus comes literally a day later and Arceus openly does it on purpose. Zaza and Zacian actively and openly pitches a fit to Lugia who chills in the background as the battle with humans.
More Reggie’s, no one knows how to feel about them. Their different and also not in good way like Marshadow. Reggie openly claimed that he does not give a shit about them, that’s why their in Galar.
It’s an argument between him and the dogs.
Kubfu and the Urishifu evolution raises eyebrows at Arceus who gives everyone a “what the fuck is your gutter brain thinking.”
More times past, the whole in Paldea happens and the Legendaries are starting to seriously find humans annoying.
Sword of Justice happens, no one’s impressed. Kyurem is suddenly a grandpa without correlation and he’s mad.
Victini ks a thing then gets kidnapped. The twins go to bed but also not at the same time??? Most likely supposed to be asleep but trying to slip past Kyurems notice.
Mag earns is made, then another, and now Legenadries are starting to find humans a little bit more dangerous.
Calyrex appears out of nowhere in the middle of the night on his changing type steed.
The galarian burd trio is born and now Lugia had enough. The dogs are barking mad and he’s ready to beat the shit out of Arceus too. The lake trio appear somewhere in here.
Solgaleo and Lunala come to be. Cosmog long gone. Lugia wants to congratulate them but doesn’t, sending Giratina with his regards to Tapu Bulu.
Treasures of Ruin happens. Their there and then their gone and then back again??? It’s weird, Paldea is weird.
Koraidon happens.
More years and years past. Morison happens as well and so do more realms and shiny versions of them. Arceus has a lot to explain.
Rest of everyone is borne more years goes on.
Ash is born. Out of the blue and catching EVERYONE off guard, even Arceus.
Lugia is happy but it’s dampened because he and Ash will never have the same relation he has with the birds. Tapu Koko doesn’t even know until Ash gets to Alola.
Rest of history happens and Solgaleo dies and gives Ahs the Dream so he can revive himself.
I’ve given up, I’m tired. I’ll edit this later.
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sugurushimura · 2 months
In honour of yotsuba death day - how well (or how badly) do you think each of the other seven would have handled the death note had they been chosen by Rem instead of Higuchi?
GOOD QUESTION. i've pondered this some...
namikawa would... um... namikawa is a very composed person, but i think being approached by a literal shinigami would be so far outside the realm of probability in his life that he'd kind of dissociate his entire way through the interaction. none of this really shows externally, though; he comes off as pretty collected. although namikawa doesn't have any moral qualms with killing people for his own benefit, i think his ego would prevent him from just accepting the notebook. namikawa doesn't need to stoop to murder to achieve his goals, and this shinigami needs to know it, goddammit.
if he was under the impression that turning rem down would end in him dying, though, he'd just take it and use it for self-gain while he's at it. i want to say he'd do decently well, but then i remember "for someone to trace this back to us, they'd have to be a god"... he's definitely more reserved in his killing patterns than higuchi, but he still blackmails the police and tries to catch L. inevitably he gets too confident and gets himself arrested/killed, but he'd last longer than higuchi.
ooi would immediately accept the death note with no questions and use it for yotsuba's benefit, but i think he'd genuinely view it as a service to the company rather than selfish murder. he would last the longest out of any of the yotsubas simply because he's a combination of genuinely intelligent and maybe just slightly batshit, and that means that he'd be difficult to predict for a while. considering ooi directs the meetings, i don't think he'd stray that far from the group's plan of action in the manga proper, but when it comes to a confrontation between him and the L team, it's a wild ride. also, um, he's better with a gun than higuchi. there might be some casualties here. maybe someone even gets bombed, who knows!
mido would initially panic and then get herself under control enough to tell rem that she Does Not Want It. she at least knows that murder is bad, and besides, i don't think she'd be motivated enough to use it. she cares about personal advancement, sure, but not at this expense. if she felt threatened into it, she'd give it a shot, but i don't think she'd do much killing for self-benefit. she might start trying to take L out, but honestly i think she'd eventually break down and insist on giving rem the death note back.
takahashi would also panic when rem shows up. i don't even think he'd consider the possibility that he might be killed if he refuses, he'd just. give the damn thing back. rem would have to outright threaten to kill him to get him to do it (which i don't really think she'd do), and after that, i think he'd be too scared to use it on anyone who isn't a criminal. he'd turn himself in to the police in, like, two days. which... would make it significantly harder for light's plan to succeed... yay?
shimura would also panic and refuse to take it. if threatened, he'd just kill criminals, but he'd put some thought into how to evade L. if he kept going indefinitely, he honestly might be able to get away without getting caught just because he's so cautious and has no desire to kill L... but he just doesn't have it in him. he'd reach a breaking point, insist on giving it back to rem, and threaten to just kill himself if she doesn't take it.
kida would freak the fuck out but i think he'd ultimately take the death note. i think he'd use it for personal reasons, but not quite in the same way as higuchi did. namely, i think he'd kill mido out of petty spite (and have a bit of a crisis over it afterwards, but he makes himself keep going anyway). he'd be smart enough not to kill too many people who can be directly tied to him or yotsuba, but he'd still try to contact eraldo coil to investigate L, and we all know how that'd go. when he figures out that L is closing in, though, he probably decides to give the death note up. not that that saves him from arrest.
hatori insists that he's being pranked for a while, then figures out that rem is a real shinigami and sits there with his head in his hands for a minute or two. he very quickly copes by deciding that this is Cool And Fun, actually, and he can be like a superhero! he'd probably kill a few people for personal gain, but i think he'd see a few too many headlines about kira worshipers and start to get a little bit too into it... he goes through periods of despair where he thinks he's definitely going to get caught and die, and then he goes through periods of elation where he thinks he's really helping people and eventually everyone will realize that and love him.
he doesn't really do anything smart with it, and eventually i think he'd crack under the pressure and tell someone. shimura, maybe? or ooi? shimura would make him give it back to rem, and ooi would offer him counsel. which means he'd inevitably end up in charge of operations, so things would go similarly to the ooi option, except there's the possibility that ooi doesn't get caught and killed like hatori does. in which case... he probably just carries on with his life.
i should note that mido, takahashi, shimura, kida, and hatori all probably look like shit and act super on edge during their scenarios. lots of interpersonal drama probably ensues...
let it be known that i don't think rem would choose any of the other yotsubas, even if higuchi just didn't exist as an option. they're all pretty greedy, but not in the same outwardly scummy way. there are definitely worse people out there for rem to choose. there are also a lot of variables, so none of these are set in stone. definitely a fun hypothetical!
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'As film fans rage about 2024 Oscars nomination “snubs”, it’s the omission of Andrew Haigh’s gay ghost story All of Us Strangers that stings for me the most.
I found watching the delicate, affecting All of Us Strangers to be a little like picking a scab. The first time I saw it, a barely concealed wound opened and bled.
Although I knew going back a second time would only keep the wound raw, I couldn’t help it. An addictive pang of something – catharsis, masochism, I’m not sure – brought me straight back. I wept both times.
Based loosely on Taichi Yamada’s 1987 novel Strangers, the film follows depressed, queer, mid-40s writer Adam – played with excruciating vulnerability by Fleabag’s Andrew Scott – as he ventures back to his childhood home. His parents, played by The Crown‘s Claire Foy and Billy Elliot‘s Jamie Bell, are there to greet him – despite having died 30 years earlier in a car crash.
It opens a realm of possibility that all of us have or will imagine at one time or another: what do you wish you’d said to a loved one, now they’re no longer around to hear it?
It’s a tough year to be an Oscars contender, for sure. Online, frustrated film lovers are voicing their disappointment at a range of absences from the nominations list: both Barbie director Greta Gerwig and star Margot Robbie were left in the cold, while the heart of Past Lives, actress Greta Lee, wasn’t nominated for best actress.
But both films scored best picture nominations. Indeed, Barbie racked up eight nods in total.
All of Us Strangers? Nothing. It’s confusing. Even Todd Haynes’ May December, snubbed in the majority of categories, managed a nod for best original screenplay.
Critics have adored All of Us Strangers, as have audiences. It’s currently sitting as one of the freshest releases of 2023 on Rotten Tomatoes with a 96 per cent approval rating, while the BAFTAs have got it down for six potential awards, including best British film.
Spend a few minutes scouring social media, and you’ll drown in the wave of outrage from those shocked it didn’t get an Oscar nomination too.
Scott is the film’s highlight. Three decades of muted grief hangs from the delivery of his every line, and his childlike longing for protection resonates as something we all feel but rarely acknowledge. A best actor nomination, though not entirely expected considering he wasn’t nominated in the same category at the BAFTAs, would have been richly deserved.
And Foy should have been a no-brainer for a best supporting actress nod. Her portrayal of a fallible mother of the Thatcher generation – who at first struggles to understand her son’s sexuality – is as warm and tender as it is devastating, given the gulf that exists between their lives.
In one quietly affecting scene, she tells Adam that no matter how long he spends with their apparitions, it will never be enough, essentially capturing the film’s heart in a single line.
It also feels like a bizarre missed opportunity for the Academy to right some of Hollywood’s wrongs when it comes to LGBTQ+ representation.
There’s no doubt that the 2024 Oscars are already historic for queer actors: Colman Domingo is up for best actor, thanks to his role as a gay civil rights activist in Rustin, and Jodie Foster is nominated for her portrayal of lesbian racquetball player Bonnie Stoll in Nyad.
In Domingo’s case, it’s only the second time an out gay actor has been nominated in the category for playing a gay character (Ian McKellen was the first).
But for the Academy to be presented with an impeccable LGBTQ+ story – Adam meets a fellow gay resident, Harry (Paul Mescal), and they begin an intimate relationship – and to ignore it entirely, sits uncomfortably. Was the queer quota for the year already filled?
Fans have a few theories as to why it may have been cast aside. It was released in the US at the very end of the year, and in a limited number of cinemas, meaning it slipped under the radar for many. As a queer love story, too, it tackles the enormity of coming out and the pain of not being able to be our authentic selves with our loved ones before it’s too late.
That might be difficult to relate to for some viewers.
There’s the simple fact that the this year’s Oscars are stacked with talent, or perhaps as one satirical film site put it, maybe the Academy simple didn’t bother to watch it. “We got the DVD and everything,” reads a made-up quote from an Academy official on Screen Idle, “but, you know, it looked all a bit British and depressing, so we didn’t get round to watching it.”
The film might not have stormed the Oscars, and it might go unnoticed by those who aren’t avid cinema lovers, but, for the queer people who watch it, it will always be special – and that is worth way more than any gold statuette.
Director and Looking creator Haigh said it best. “I’m all right with it not being some big mainstream million-dollar, billion-dollar hit, because clearly, that’s never going to happen,” he told PinkNews in an exclusive interview.
“There will still be lots and lots of people out there who won’t go and see this film because of the [LGBTQ+ content], or what they think is the content, and that’s a shame, because I feel this is a film for everybody.
“But it’s nice and amazing that it has been taken under the wing by a lot of people. I love that.”'
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June of Doom #13
The Old Guard - #13 - Broken Promise
The plan had gone off as they expected. The shootout at the end wasn’t quite what they’d hoped for, but they knew it was in the realm of possibility, and so they’d prepared for it.
Sure enough, when it erupted, they were ready. Nile was supposed to guard Andy, but she’d gotten separated and so Nicky easily slid in next to Andy to cover her instead. They took their opponents down with swift, practiced teamwork.
Joe had glanced back at Nicky to make sure he was still standing before moving forward to ensure all the bodies scattered about were actually dead. No need for surprises this close to the end. 
He was relieved to find that they were all down, and he’d found the burner phone on one of the bodies. It had the information they’d been looking for, and the phone luckily hadn’t been damaged in the exchange of gunfire.
He was just starting to scroll through the phone when his entire world shattered.
Andy’s cry of his name was full of an agony that sent ice shooting through Joe’s veins. He pocketed the phone and rushed back to where he’d left the two of them.
Nicky had collapsed to his knees, heaving for breath. Andy was next to him, hand firmly on his back and pain in her eyes.
Nicky was coughing up blood.
Joe’s mind could not comprehend it. He dropped to his knees besides Nicky, reaching out and grasping his arm.
“Nicky,” he said weakly. “Nicolo. Where were you shot?”
Nicky leaned heavily against Joe and gestured weakly to his gut. Joe lifted his shirt and his face paled.
“It…It should be healing,” he said numbly.
“Fuck!” Andy snapped, slamming her fist into the ground. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! No!”
Nile put a hand over her mouth. “What- But-”
“No.” The world fell from Joe’s lips limply. He tightened his hold on Nicky’s arm. “When…?”
“Healed…earlier,” Nicky wheezed. He looked at Joe, and his eyes were heartbreakingly afraid. 
Joe enfolded Nicky into his arms, stroking his hair. “No, it’s just taking longer. That’s all. It was a bad wound so it’s taking longer. Maybe the bullet is stuck in there.”
Nicky grasped his shoulders with shaking hands. “Joe.” His voice was small. “Oh, Yusuf.”
“No,” Joe repeated, tightening his hold on Nicky, as if he could hide him from death itself. “No, Nicky. You promised. We go together. You promised!”
Nicky pulled back, his eyes shining with gathering tears. Despite it, despite the pain and fear, he gave a small, affectionate smile. He placed a hand on Joe’s cheek, thumb stroking in soothing circles. 
“Yusuf,” he whispered. His voice was choked with blood, but he did not let it stop him. “A millennia of loving you will never be enough. But I am grateful for every second of it.” 
“Don’t!” Joe cried, as if Nicky had struck him. “Don’t talk like that! Nicolo, you promised me!”
He should be comforting Nicky. He could not imagine Nicky’s terror. But all he could focus on was the idea of Nicky leaving him, by choice or by force.
He could not remember life before Nicky. He did not want to know life without Nicky ever again.
Andy and Nile were at Nicky’s side now, checking him over. He reached out a shaking hand to grasp Andy’s with. He pressed his head to her shoulder and she ran a gentle, soothing hand through his bloodied hair.
“Nicky,” she whispered, kissing his head. “It’s not fair. It’s not fucking fair.”
“Take care of him,” Nicky said, nuzzling his head into her neck, taking comfort from her just one more time. 
He shifted and Nile moved to meet him, putting her arm around his trembling shoulders. She had not known him long, but he felt like a beloved older brother already. She knew their little family would shatter without his calm guidance and warm heart.
“Take care of both of them,” Nicky said. He put his arm around Nile, pressing his forehead to hers and closing his eyes. “Nile, you will do so much good in this world. You were chosen for a reason. I am so grateful to have known you.”
He shifted back to Joe as Nile and Andy pressed together. He rested his head on Joe’s chest, closing his eyes as he listened to Joe’s heart beating hard.
“Nicky,” Joe said, his voice breaking.
“I never meant to break my promise, my love,” Nicky said, lifting his head to look into Joe’s eyes. “Please, I would never harm you.”
“It’s not your fault,” Joe said, tears already making their way down his cheeks as he held Nicky close again. “Oh, my heart. Nicolo, Nicolo.”
“Yusuf,” Nicky said, and he was growing weak in Joe’s arms. 
“I’ve got you,” Joe said, kissing Nicky’s head and pressing his cheek to Nicky’s hair. 
When Nicky went limp in his arms, Joe held him tighter. As the minutes ticked by and Nicky did not revive, Andy lifted her ax and stomped forward to find a fight. Nile backed away to give Joe his space, but did not take her eyes off him, knowing Nicky would never want Joe alone in this moment.
Joe was unaware of anything except the body going cold in his arms. He pressed his face to Nicky’s shoulder and wept over their broken promise and his broken heart.
I am once again whumping the fuck outta the boys. Also, I didn’t have a chance to proofread this and wrote it super quick so, uh, sorry for the inevitable typos! 
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