#midnight memories: you and i
fruitmans · 6 months
Im listening to 1D for the first time in forever and i feel like im discovering new songs🥹 so…
Pls reblog and tag your fave song from each album!🫶🏼 i’ll go first:
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karma is HER boyfriend🩵
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crybaby-bkg · 6 months
cw: this got long sorry 😔 but creepy/perv bakugou, recording, film major bkg x art major reader, masturbation, coercion, dubcon before it just becomes con, voyeurism/exhibitionism
as an art major, you typically did some works for a few students on campus; for their plays, as background pieces while they danced, a cover for their released songs. it wasn’t out of the ordinary for people to ask you to create something for them, and you enjoyed it more often than not. but, you weren’t usually the art itself.
Bakugou is a friend’s friend that you’ve seen a few times, ran into at the library or at coffee shops. he’s a film major, and always looks so unhappy about the whole thing, as if he didn’t choose it himself. you joke to Mina that you think he’ll graduate and become one of those directors that hate everything and yell at the actors constantly and later on get sued for being a dickhead. you never say it to him though—you’ve never spoken more than a couple words to the man.
it’s why it shocks you when he approaches you one day. it’s after one of your painting classes, and he stands outside the door with a frown and his hands shoved in his pockets, his eyebrows scrunched as if pissed at the mere sight of you. he asks you, in that low and gruff tone of his, if you could star in his final project for the semester. says it’s supposed to be a film made with this criteria and that, but, you’ve kind of checked out on the conversation after the first sentence.
“You mean, you want me to create something and that be the star of your film?” you ask him, feeling so intimidated at his stature. he always seems to loom, his hair shadowing the lights above, creates a cast over a portion of his face, makes his eyes look…unsettling. like they’re looking straight through your flesh, can find the marrow in your bones. he scoffs like you’ve offended him, rolling his eyes into his skull, mouth pulled tight.
“No.” his voice is firm, gaze concentrated only on you, like the halls are empty and you’re the focus of his lens. “I want you to star in it.”
his words confuse you—you’ve never presented yourself as an actor before, never alluded to wanting to be in the spotlight if not for what you create with your hands. but he shuffles on his feet, looks desperate even. there’s some hemming and hawing for a minute or so—why not choose Mina?—she’s busy—why choose me?—‘cause you’d be perfect for my short film—what’s it about?—you’ll find out once you get the script.
and even after you hesitantly agree and get the script—you still don’t understand what you’re doing. why you’re here, why you’re the only person, why it has to be a solo film, why there’s damn near zero lines in the entirety of the have-to-be forty five minute film.
the scenes are all so long, and maybe it’s because movies aren’t your forte or chosen major, but you just don’t get it. one scene; you’re staring at yourself in the mirror while Bakugou holds a small, black camera over your shoulder. he’s eerily quiet behind you, whispers out a faint fuckin’ go when you have to wash your face in the sink, makes you do it over because your movements are too jerky and unnatural.
the rest of the scenes go that way; you doing regular at home activities, being put under a lens, quietly barked at to do this and move that way and fix your hair and remember to frown.
“Isn’t there another way to film this?” you ask him on the fifth day of shooting in his spacious loft. there’s a bubble bath scene coming up, one you dont understand the importance of, but Bakugou tells you it’s the most necessary part of the entire thing.
“No,” he grunts out, looking at you from under his lashes as he sits on the lid of the toilet. “But I’ll make it soapy, so the camera won’t see much.” the camera? much? you weren’t worried so much about what the camera captured as you were the man behind it. he looks at you with such intensity, you feel naked already despite the robe you wear that’s suspiciously already your size.
he leaves the bathroom when you sink in the hot water, returns before you can say it’s okay, hears the water splashing and thinks that’s good enough. he kneels on the floor beside you, camera pointed directly in your face, makes your chest hot and your skin feel prickly. the scene passes on regularly enough; you run the water over your arms, tilt your head back as you sigh, whisper the few lines scripted, lean back and close your eyes, sigh again. it’s almost relaxing, makes you forget about the friend of a friend recording you naked right now. almost.
“Touch yourself.” Bakugou suddenly demands, hushed and quiet behind the camera. your eyes immediately shoot open, looking to him in question, how he’s eerily still in his spot hovering over you.
“Huh?” you ask, unsure if you heard him correctly, looking around the rounded lens in your face, trying to ignore the red blinking light. but Bakugou only frowns.
“It’s a masturbation scene. Touch yourself.” he repeats, voice louder, more demanding this time. your stomach twists at the thought of doing something so intimate in front of him. he’s a handsome guy, for sure, even made you consider asking him out after this, figured he was just serious about his work and awkward about certain things. but…something had been off about this entire thing since the start.
“But—but I don’t, I’m not,” you stutter, sitting up a little, the bubbles covering your chest starting to disperse with your movements. but Bakugou only sits a little higher on his knees, finally pulling the camera away from his face for the first time since he’s asked you to do this for him.
“You want me to fail?” he asks, booming voice eerily quiet in the silent bathroom, carmine eyes dull, shaded over with something terrible. “Then do it.” he tells you when you shake your head quickly.
you stare at him until he gets back into position again, camera back pointed at you. when he doesn’t say anything else, you swallow thickly, wondering if the art that will come out of this will be worth it. so you listen, sneak a hand under the water, start touching yourself in a way you never have in front of anyone.
is it bad to say that it’s exhilarating? being watched and recorded by someone who breathes so heavily every time your voice hiccups? being directed to touch your chest next when the suds start to disappear and your nipples start to peek through? is it bad that you want him to send you this portion of his film, only, just so you can watch yourself again and again? make a portrait of yourself with your fingers on your nipples and your knees raising from the water and your head thrown back from the intensity in oil pastels?
“That’s a wrap.” Bakugou announces when you finish, head spinning and still panting. you look over to him, how he closes the camera, the obvious bulge in his pants. “I’ll get you a towel.”
you wonder when’s the next time he’ll need you. or better yet—maybe he could be the star in your final drawing project? you had finished it already but, what was the harm in starting over with him as your muse? as naked as you are? camera not blocking his face so you can paint the similarities of his blushing cheeks and eyes when you direct him to look at you? to touch his chest? to play with himself just like that?
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connectingwithsoul · 1 year
Were we real ? I sometimes wonder if we ever happened.
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tay1024 · 2 months
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🎧🎵🎶 You and I🎶🎵🎧
I can't believe it's been 10 years since the release of You & I! Happy 10 year anniversary 🥳♥️ #10yearsofyouandI
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o-i-w-u · 4 months
i'm so bad at coming up with names AGH
i both need to name my characters and needa name my AUs ahrvhandj
thought and memory were purely inspired by norse mythology (i think? i was reading a book about mythology at that time), faith came from lunar being the only one showing any faith towards bloodmoon/thought, and wonder [no one knows who they are yet ehrgwje :3] came from the fact that they are curious in nature. but other then that brain empty name wise
sighfhrhshdjej names would make it so much easier to organize my posts, plus i'd be able to make a master post and that would be fun
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endtianxia · 3 months
Died 2014... born 2024... Welcome back midnight memories era harry styles
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divorcedfiddleford · 1 year
i already know what the story behind the picture is but please explain it anyway we need to educate the masses
oh my god thank you for enabling me ive been thinking about this all day. regarding this post i made yesterday and this classic image (which i actually just found out was posted seven years ago today!)
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basically as can be read in the post at BigFest in 2016 somebody had what i believe was a fan-made prop based on the laptop from season 2 of gravity falls. alex hirsch attended this convention and decided to type in the password to the laptop. we never learned the password in the show so lots of people were excited to find out!
a HUGE thing to note here is that journal 3 was still months away from releasing and in fact while a couple pages had been released as promotional material it was still being worked on until, like... gosh i wanna say may is when they finally started printing it? don't quote me on that though my point is that this was all taking place pre-journal 3 and, therefore, many fans were still operating under the (sensible) impression that the laptop which
had been designed by fiddleford
had been built by fiddleford
had fiddleford's name on it
said "PROPERTY OF F" on it (at this point it had been established through promo images that "F" referred to fiddleford)
was assumed to be fiddleford's by, like, four different main characters
was given to and used by fiddleford following s2e7
fiddleford presumably knew the password to
would also belong to fiddleford. right? i mean logically. logically, guys.
so when alex hirsch revealed that the password had been "STANFORD" all along, people thought that was a little bit... well
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of course, a couple months later journal 3 would be published and it would say that the laptop had actually been STANFORD'S, not fiddleford's, and that he had made the password his own name. so technically i lied in my earlier post, there IS a heterosexual explanation for this, but imo it's still bullshit. like sorry i don't believe for a fucking second that stanford "i need to encode all of my messages in multiple ciphers and write in invisible ink" pines would ever make a password as simple as his own name. he wouldve picked like something with six different layers of alternate meanings and also put it through atbash at the VERY least. also as i listed above there is a LOT of evidence which would support the laptop belonging to fiddleford, as opposed to ford, which has this random retcon (and like... some of the computer keys are different colors? i guess?? idk that bit was stupid) as its only supporting evidence.
my theory is that, while writing the show, alex and the other writers had intended for the laptop to belong to fiddleford, but for whatever reason, when they were writing the book, they decided to make it ford's instead. i want to make clear that i DON'T think this swap was motivated by homophobia, or as a reaction to seeing people interpret the password in a gay way. by the time that this photo was taken several promotional journal pages had been released, so it's safe to say that even if they were still adding the finishing touches to the book, it was pretty much in its final stage and in fact might have already started printing (i think the first photos we see of the book itself were posted like a week or two after bigfest). so to assume that there's a correlation there is both unfounded and extremely unlikely.
now, the stargazing scene reprint, on the other hand
#long post#gravity falls#fiddauthor#<- why the fuck not. it's midnight no one can judge me#why are you as a man making your computer password the name of the man you live alone in the woods with#sorry anon i doubt think this is what you had in mind when you said “explain it” LMAO#tales of the wild zeep#uhhh a couple other notes#1. i do not know who made the laptop prop at bigfest. i assumed it was a fan but i wasn't there i really don't know#2. i said may is when they started printing the book but i have literally no source for that#it is a guess based on when promotional photos were being posted#3. i say “fiddleford presumably knew the password to [the laptop]” and i just wanted to explain my reasoning there#basically in s2e10 fiddleford says that he “fixed” the laptop and is shown using it#we also see it at the start of the following episode being used to monitor the activity of the portal#now. i am not a computer engineer. i am mediocre with computers at best.#but based on what i have been told. when you are faced with a password screen. there are two ways to proceed#one way is to reset the computer's hard drive entirely‚ to... “erase its memory” if you will#however this would result in one being unable to access any of the information which had previously been stored there#considering that we see fiddleford using the laptop to monitor the portal's activity i believe that its files must have been intact#so we can rule out resetting as an option#the other way to proceed is by. um. knowing the password. and entering it#so THAT'S why i say that he PRESUMABLY knew the password.#now it's entirely possible that he was able to hack into the laptop or something. he is a mechanical genius and he built it after all#i'm just saying that i think it's far more likely that he just. knew the password.#which is honestly really funny and still kind of gay if you believe the whole “the laptop was actually ford's” thing#why are you as a man telling your computer password to the man you live alone in the woods with when you wont even write it in your diary#fucking apologies for this OCEAN of tags. ive done taxes all day im an adult im allowed to infodump about old hyperfixations as a treat
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onedirectobsession · 9 months
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yume-fanfare · 8 months
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also my future masterpiece for when im done with it
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suchh a cutay🥹❤️
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highladyofterrasen7 · 4 months
I want could also be from the pov of a girl she’s not like other girls who want material things and she just wants to be loved by him
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hekateinhell · 1 year
@uncivilcivilservice i have nothing to offer on short notice but i wanted to thank you again for being such a gem by showing you a snippet of the Devil's Playmate AU i started writing a couple months ago (i got distracted with flower fic and then fish fic but i hope to continue it at some point) it's a delicious idea and you brought it to me so i hope you like this 🥹
Armand/Lestat/Daniel, Devil's Minion AU where Lestat's human and becomes Armand's pet first and then Armand gets him a friend.
They were beautiful, Armand's twin pets: a vision of intertwined creams and golds and pale blushes of pink that would have put Botticelli's Venus to shame.
Not twins, not actually, but certainly similar enough in appearances. Lestat's golden mane, with all its luminous highlights, pressed against the darker fuzz of Daniel's narrow chest as they curled into each other. In contrast, the hair on Daniel's head an ashen blond that spoke to a different ancestry altogether. Two wet, animated, living hearts pumping their decadent, syrupy blood in synchronicity as they slumbered. Exposed limbs draped over one and other haphazardly — appearing for all the world as tender, innocent, and utterly defenseless as a pair of little kittens. Such an erotic offering they presented to man and beast.
Armand smiled as Lestat whimpered in his sleep, mouth slightly dropping open on a rapid exhale as his lonely hand grappled for his playmate. The younger one always sought out the older one, didn't he?
Humans don't do well in isolation, Armand had realized. They weren't meant to be solitary creatures, cut off from their own species. This had been the compromise, and a lovely one at that.
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khargaotte · 6 months
17: Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
Thanks for the ask Tan 🧡 and that question is one I actually already had the answer to when I reblogged!
Best surprise of the year was most definitely Wolfsong by TJ Klune! I had an inkling I would like it based on many factors (queer story, found family vibes, werewolves, liking the other book I'd read by the author, the StoryGraph librarians gushing about it...) but I didn't expect it to outright consume me like it did during the week it took me to devour the 550 pages of it. I even ended up buying my own copy after reading one I had borrowed from a friend! 10/10, need to grab the rest of the series.
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(list of questions here)
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theeliampayne · 7 months
mutuals as midnight memories songs for the anniversary?
@enchantedlandcoffee - Strong
@freyaforestafay - Best Song Ever
@keeganisabluegreener - Story of My Life
@imprintmoonstone - Through The Dark
@callouiee - Midnight Memories
@alloutime - Right Now
@losing-my-mind-in-the-mirror - Better Than Words
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helenadurazzo · 2 months
Updated Taylor Swift Album Ranking
Please note this ranking shifts constantly and these are my opinions and I am happy to hear yours. If you want me to elaborate on a specific album or song make sure to send me an ask
10. Red
Favorite Song: Message in a Bottle
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9. Evermore
Favorite Song: Long Story Short
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8. Taylor Swift / Debut
Favorite Song: Picture to Burn
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7. Midnights
Favorite Song: Bejeweled
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6. Lover
Favorite Song: Paper Rings
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5. 1989
Favorite Song: Wildest Dreams
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4. Folklore
Favorite Song: The Last Great American Dynasty
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3. Reputation
Favorite Song: Don’t Blame Me
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2. Fearless
Favorite Song: Change
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1. Speak Now
Favorite Song: Enchanted
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