#i still miss him
jjoneechan · 16 days
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Omg wait I never posted this quick sketch of pookie wookie
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connectingwithsoul · 1 year
Were we real ? I sometimes wonder if we ever happened.
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obsessedwrhys · 29 days
Damaged Souls
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Grieving him, fluff, angst, relationship between reader and Joel is plantonic (father figure), reader is like the stone cold typa person (this is for the traumatised kiddies!!!), this fic is almost like a prequel to my ellie fic, reader is fem!!
From how you two became acquainted. You knew Joel through Tess and at the time you were still a kid. But what you didn't expect was for the grumpy man to end up taking care of you after Tess died, going from some guy who comes to visit frequently to the only person you trusted with your life.
Even when Joel was ready to kill everyone in a hospital to save Ellie, you too were ready to do the same. For her and for him. After everything that went down, you agreed to keep the truth about what happened from Ellie. It was like you two had a mutual understanding.
So the moment you three moved into Jacksons, things were somehow looking brighter for your life. Though even good things didn't last forever. Eventually Ellie found out about everything. Going as far as to stomping into your home to initiate an argument that left you two on bad terms.
Now you felt hopeless... the only friend you cared about gone like that.
The winter became colder. The breeze stronger.
You rest your hands on the fence as you stood at your front porch, with nothing to do but to just enjoy the scenery. You were in your sweater and wearing a beanie as well as putting on a pair of mittens. Even with the pretty view, your mind were clouded with worries, worries concerning you and Ellie.
Is it more lonely to be hated or ignored? You wondered.
"Hey" Your eyes perked up as you turned to your side to see Joel approaching your house.
"What are you doing here?" You asked but he just brushes your words off. You watch him step up on your porch.
"How you holdin' up kid?" He stands beside you, mirroring your posture.
"You don't need to ask me, I'm good, you should check up on Ellie instead" You said which had him nodding his head with an amused smirk.
"I know, you're capable... but I'm still askin" He looks at you but you couldn't bring yourself to even look at him.
In a way you felt embarrassed, you always did whenever he cared for you, because almost your whole life you never showed your need for it.
"Won'tcha talk to me? What's botherin' you? Hm?" He nudges you slightly, almost playfully.
You sigh in defeat.
"I'm... scared...." You uttered almost too quietly that if it weren't for the quiet storm he wouldn't have heard you.
"What are you scared of?"
"Everything. Whatever that happens next" You suddenly rest both your elbows on the fence without even realising, seeming like the nerves have gotten to you.
"I'm scared of ending up alone" You admitted and he nods to your words out of understanding.
"Life's full of surprises kid... it's best you let go of those worries, you ain't gonna survive if you keep thinking like that" He stands up, straightening his back.
"You speak like I have a choice"
"You do"
Just then, he grabbed you by the chin to have you face him. With his other hand, he presses the tip of his index finger on your forehead. You didn't fight back but just bat your eyelashes at him.
"These thoughts... they're nothin' but problems you've overcomplicate. One day you'll see that things are better than how you perceived it. I'm sayin' this cause I care about ya" He said, staring directly into your gaze.
"You think Ellie would forgive me? For killing multiple innocents for her?" You raised an eyebrow.
"We did what we had to" He said as he lets go of you to grab onto the fence, staring off into the forest.
"She doesn't seem to see it that way"
"Just give her time"
"That's what I've been doing"
He could tell that from your tone you were frustrated. He was too, Ellie has been ignoring him as well but for some reason he doesn't seem as affected as you are. It made you curious.
"How are you not upset by all this?" You asked.
"... well... this is the kind of things you've gotta deal with once you have kids" He chuckles softly to himself but he clears his throat when he realised you were genuinely interested in his reason.
"Look... what I'm tryna say is... you and Ellie... you're both like daughters to me. It don't matter if we fight or what, I'll still be patient with ya'll, no matter how long the time takes" He said, placing a hand on your shoulder that instinctively made you turn to look at him.
"And how long is that gonna take?" You said, your gaze softening without even noticing.
"As long as it needs to be"
His response leaving you silent for a while. You turned to look away, thinking of the right words to say before looking back at him, but even with the time taken to think, you couldn't bring yourself to say it. His hand from your shoulder now moving to your back to give you a comforting pat.
"I'll leave you to your morning routine, I know how much you hate people interruptin you" He pointed out but you could hear him chuckle as he said it.
Without realising it ,you watched him start to leave, his back turned to you as your mouth was agape. You wanted to call out to him to say what you wanted to say but you were also too embarrassed to do so... so you let him go.
What you didn't realise was that that would end up being your biggest mistake.
The next day you were sent to go on patrol with him, the patrol was going well until a heavy storm hit, next thing you know you both were swarmed with infected. Having to encounter another girl and saving her, she was able to lead you guys to somewhere safe. Only to be lead into another trap.
The sound of a gunshot going off had your heart race, your eyes widening at the sight of Joel having his knee shot. Even with your struggle against the people pinning you down, it wasn't enough but everything went pitch black the moment you endured a punch to the face.
Then it was quiet.
But your consciousness came back. Slowly cries of a familiar voice woke you up. You almost wished you hadn't opened your eyes when you saw the sight waiting for you. He was bloody, hardly recognisable. You could only watch in disbelief as he was being held by Ellie in her arms, tears streaming down her cheek.
Even then, during his funeral, you couldn't even show up. It was too much. You were there with him when it happened. You felt as though you could have stopped it. You knew something felt off so why didn't you notice anything sooner?
The guilt was like a void drowning you in.
Just like that you spent your day pondering about the what ifs and alternative scenarios of what could have been. You made yourself coffee but the sound of you pouring into your cup was soon interrupted by the sound of knocking on your front door.
You let out a sigh before putting down the cups and then heading off to check who it was. When you opened the door, for a split second, an image of Joel appeared and it made you froze in place. Your mind was busy registering what happened that Tommy, who's the person that knocked, stared at you concerningly.
"You alright?" He asked and your lips moved but no words came out.
"I uh yeah... fine... I just haven't had my coffee yet" You said, quickly thinking of an excuse for your behaviour. He nods, seeming convinced.
"Well I just wanted to drop by and see how you were doing. Lot of the folks were beginnin' to worry about ya, they say they haven't seen you around lately" He said and the reality of the outside world was crushing on you.
"I'm good" You said but his face was showing how he wasn't taking it.
"I highly doubt that... but I'm not sayin' I blame ya... everyone's going through it. I just hope you know you're not alone" He said, nodding his head at you out of encouragement.
"... thanks..." You could only say and he looks at you for a while to study your well being before finally leaving.
Even after he left, you didn't go back in your house to get back to your morning coffee. Instead your fingertips scratches at the wood of the door as you began to overthink, one thought overtaking the other rapidly. You've tried multiple solutions to solve this problem but none seemed to work so far. That was until you had an idea.
An idea you might hate but was willing to try.
Putting on your coat, you left the house and decided to walk towards your destination. On the way you could see multiple people going about their days. The sight of seeing parents getting along with their kids made your heart ache which made you look away.
You tend to distant yourselves from the kids at Jacksons.
It wasn't done out of hate or anything.
It was out of envy.
Their innocence were somehow still preserved from the cruelty of this world.
Because how is it that you never got to experience that at a young age?
And when you did experience the safety that you longed for from someone.
It eventually melts away like a lit candle... until it's nothing but just melted wax.
The sound of your shoes crunching on the snow stops the moment you stood at the location you had in mind. You could only stare down at him, his grave, decorated with flowers and messages. In a way you felt better knowing so many people looked up to him the way you did.
Then you looked around to make sure there was nobody nearby that could potentially see what you were doing. Being out in the open after shutting everyone out made you felt a sort of guilt. But you also wondered is it really guilt for putting yourself first?
You cleared your throat as you look back down at his grave. Your breath like smoke from the cold weather.
"I uh... I don't really know what to say..." You uttered and you stayed quiet for a moment before finally saying something again.
"I'm sorry... for everything. For letting this happen. You didn't deserve this" You shut your eyes, trying to control the pace of your breathing.
"I'm scared. I'm so fucking scared. I don't know what to do with myself now that you're not here. I want you back... fuck... e-every day I wish you'd just walk up to my house to give me one of your talks. Hh... I really miss you. I fucking miss your voice" You sobbed, tears welling up your eyes as your nose was clogged, making it hard for you to even breath.
"I know I suck and I'm sorry for always being such an asshole to you. Just come back. Please. I fucking beg you" You got on your knees and could only stare hopelessly at his grave. Some part of you inside still not accepting the reality of this.
"I wish I got to tell you how happy I would have been to be your daughter. You're a cool dad. You're the only dad I actually have in this hell hole. Somehow you made me feel loved" You said, the words you've wanted to tell him that day finally coming out.
"I don't wanna be alone. I don't wanna feel these things... please... please..." You trailed off, muttering to yourself that you failed to notice the butterfly fluttering around you... before settling down on his headstone.
The very fear that you've prayed would never come true had became reality.
You were now alone.
You really lost the very same people who said they would stay your side forever.
Your hands than clawed at the snow, the sadness in your chest slowly transforming into rage. Hatred. You could feel your head almost pop from it. The tears feeling cold under your burning cheek. You stare at his grave, your gaze sharp.
"I'm gonna hunt them down... I'll find whoever that girl is... and I'm gonna kill her even if it takes away what humanity I have left in me" You said, a promise.
The butterfly on the headstone flutters its wings at you, almost like it's trying to say something but soon it flies away. You simply watch it go before standing up on your feet and heading back, getting ready for your hunt for revenge.
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jamisafan · 9 months
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Oh my god I'm so excited!
I'll miss Kirby voicing him, but Andrew Francis has done a pretty decent job so far, I'm looking forward to see more his Cole.
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fadinglandtragedy · 1 year
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Earl Carpenter&Eve Shanu-Wilson
@lasagnatrades 's master
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indigosky101 · 7 months
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fanfluffl · 1 year
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Technoblade in a fancy outfit :D
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I still love how BW Dinobot didn't need a redemption arc, he's just the Maximals' local bastard man (affectionate). He loses none of his bite, he just pinpoint focuses on defeating the Predacons.
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abjectimpulse · 2 months
someone i used to know told me that there was one big difference between dirk and hal.
dirk needs to be wanted.
hal wants to be needed.
i still think it's true. i think about it a lot.
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kalkiesoo · 7 months
I keep replaying the like, 20 seconds of jay's screen time in dragon's rising, I think some thing's wrong with me haha. I need the next season,, when will the next season be, I need more jay scenes
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dustyskies747 · 4 months
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I hope this means we’ll slowly start going through the other 3 yaksha, I’d love to have all of them in my teapot.
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morethanwords0475 · 2 months
his acc is private but I know what it looks like, and we've only ever been in contact through LinkedIn, so seeing his name on my Instagram was so so surreal. he would have had to search my name up. I miss you sir wish I could text you again.
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funnelcloudd · 3 months
Grief is so weird you’ll be okay for literally years and then all of a sudden you’ll be in the grocery store and think “wow I really am never gonna see my dad again” and almost have a sobbing breakdown in the produce aisle.
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lifeofloon · 4 months
4 years ago today, I lost my boy Lucky Cat to a sudden medical emergency at only 6 years old. From seemingly fine to gone in two hours time. I still miss the big lug, and his funny skinny tail.
Remember to spend time with those you love, both people and furballs, as you never know when they'll be gone.
Luv ya Luck. RIP ❤️❤️🌈
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edkerberos · 2 years
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robert bobert small ........ actually so so so smitten for this guy im going to turn him into my whole personality  (dadsona doodle under keep reading)
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msarams · 1 year
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Been coming across "I miss Rios" tags all week. So for this Santi Sunday, here's a small Captain Rios of the Stargazer and his cigars post.
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