#mile magnificient
amoaenigmam · 2 years
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visionsandvistas · 7 years
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Snowy Chicago
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
April Fools epilogue of part 3
 Horkeu Kamui: My Hero...
Dorm Room
Harumo:  All right, you remember the plan, ?
“Yes, i know the plan”
Harumo: Okay, but if i really DID have amnesia, then..
 “ i know,......i’l use it”.....
{End of Flashback}
After falling in a state of unconcousness, you were rushed to the medical facility of The Ikebukuro Guild, there, you can find all sorts of bandages,healing ointments, medical machinery, and other necessities that specializes in healing severe injuries due to the level of intensity each fight provided to the Bersekers body’s as they would come in everyday after a match, there you lay on one of their hospital beds and next to your bed is Kengo who’s recuperating due to the number of punishment he recieved from the bloody exchange. 
Shiro:  Harumo....
Snow:  Do not worry, the doctor informed me that they are okay now, they just need rest. 
Shiro:  I see, Thank you very much Snow, 
Snow:  Then.. I will take my leave, My darling Master summons me. 
Snow takes a short bow and leaves, after that, the rest of the Summoners arrived with a bundle of snacks.
Ryota:  Shiro, we’re here.. and i’ve brought snacks for all of us. the food here looks really delicious.they have different kinds of roasted meat and they even have popcorn.
Moritaka:   How are they doing Shiro?.
Shiro:  Snow said they’re fine, they just need some rest.
Ryota:  Phew thank goodness.
Shiro:  Thats a lot of snacks you bought Ryota, are you sure you can finish those?
Ryota:  Don’t worry, im always going to share my food and...also for Harumo and Kengo when they wake up. and when they do im going to surprise them with a yummy treat right in their mouths.
Toji:  Lets hope they don’t choke from it. 
Kengo:  raaa.aa..aaaa
Kengo finally opens his eyes and looks around to see everyone.
Kengo:  Hey guys.
Shiro:  Kengo! 
Ryota:  Hooray you’re finally awake!
Moritaka:  I’ve got goosebumps from that fight just now Kengo, that was amazing!
Toji:  Im glad you’re awake Takabushi.
Kengo:  Yeah, yeah, looks like Harumo is still out. 
Ryota:  Don’t worry, They’l  come around sooner.
Kengo;  Yeah, they always do.
Shiro:  How are you feeling now?
Kengo:   Uhh,.....ow!... just a slight back pain is all. 
Shiro:   I see
Harumo:  MMMMMM, Uraghhhh, 
You open your eyes and the first thing you see is the light ceiling facing directly at you. tilting your head and see everyone looking at you in relief and happiness.
Ryota moves in to hug you while in bed, not worrying about the pain that you felt when you moved your body to hug Ryota back. 
Harumo:  Hey guys!, 
Shiro:  im happy that you’re fine now Harumo, how are you feeling? 
Harumo:  I feel like my body was thrown back in forth. 
Kengo:  Hey partner, when we were fighting Macan, you summoned your sacred artifact. 
Ryota:  Oh yeah they did, so this means you remember everything? 
Harumo:   Hmmm, Owww! my head..... ohhh..
Moritaka: Hey.. Take it easy there my friend,  you’re still resting.
Harumo:   Well.... the only thing i remember is calling out my sword and then...all of sudden, i was holding two swords?
Kengo:  Hold on, you can only summon one sword. 
Toji:  You guys probably didn’t notice this, when Harumo had summoned his sacred artifact a mysterious blue sword flew across the audience and made its way towards Harumo, 
Ryota:  Then, someone must have helped them, but who.
Horkeu Kamui:   That will be me. 
Everyone was surprised by the sudden appearance of a muscular wolf, with a sword on his side, 
Harumo:   Check out those muscles! 
Kengo:  Hey Kamui, how’s it hangin.
Horkeu Kamui:   My Hero.. you have awaken, im glad that you’re okay. 
Harumo:  My hero?,,,,whoooo, i love the sound of that.
Horkeu Kamui:   ahh, ....im pleased that you think so..My Hero..
Moritaka:  Horkeu Kamui !, It is an honor to meet you again.
Horkeu Kamui:  Likewise Moritaka, are you training hard? 
Moritaka:  Indeed i am, i train everyday to improve my skills to become a magnificient warrior. 
Horkeu Kamui:  Im happy to hear that, also Kengo Takabushi.
Kengo: Yeah what is it?
Horkeu Kamui: Thank you for protecting my hero!, im eternally grateful for your protection on him.
Kengo: Yeah yeah, whatever.
A sudden punch landed on Kengo’s head.
Kengo: What the hell was that for!
Shiro: You idiot ! Can’t you be a little bit nicer in responding to those kind sentences.
Kengo: What do you want me to say then, AHHHH!
Shiro: Im terribly! sorry for his rudeness, please forgive him, uhm sorry, but would you mind telling us your name?
Horkeu Kamui: My name is Horkeu Kamui, i vowed to protect my beloved Hero, whom im his sheath and shield. 
Moritaka: Im amazed! Harumo, when did this all happen?
Harumo: I don’t remember him, but i would love to be his student.
Horkeu Kamui:  What?, my hero, do you not know me?
Shiro:  Allow me to shed light on the problem. 
Shiro explains briefly to Horkeu Kamui the unseeable situation that has happen to his beloved Hero. and 
Horkeu Kamui:  I see... My Hero...im terribly sorry.
Harumo:  MMMM, There’s nothing to be sorry about, also...Thank you.
Horkeu Kamui:  F-For what?
Harumo:  You’re the one who gave me that sword remember,. i recognized you when i heard your voice back then. 
Horkue Kamui:  i see... then, how would you regain your memories then?
Harumo:  I don’t know, Shiro said If we go to places that i’ve been to, it might make me remember something.
Horkeu Kamui:   I see,..then, can i do this then?
Harumo:  Huh?, what do you mean.
Horkeu Kamui:  This...
Everyting turned white in an instant, as the lone wolf, known for being a teacher and guide for his students, kissed his beloved hero’s forehead, the onlookers could only look in shock as they could not have imagined someone as Horkeu Kamui would do such a bold move infront of people, The LUCKY BASTARD! could only sit frozen in place as he tries to process what transpired, 
Horkeu Kamui:   If you regain your memories again, if you remember this moment, then, i hope you remember my words. 
He whispered to your ear, unabling the shocked audience to hear what his gonna say to your ear.
“I Love you”
Moritaka’s ears twitch in shocked, because his hearing is much more powerful than it his to regular humans, as soon as he hears it, Moritaka could only watch and hear what transpired infront of him. even though his blushing from what he’d heard from the wolf.
Horkeu Kamui:   Well, I’ll be going now, i need to train. I pray for your success conquest my beloved hero. 
Harumo:  Y-yeah, i hope your training goes well, see you soon Horkeu Kamui!
The lone wolf waiked towards the exit, but you could clearly see a smile appeared on his face as he waiked out, and after that.
Ryota:  OH MY GOSH!, He just kissed Harumo! 
Kengo:   We clearly saw it infront of us Ryota, 
Shiro:   I-i-im .....
Toji:   Motoori?, hey, hey are you okay?
Ryota:   Whoah!, Shiro turned white all of a sudden. are you okay.
Moritaka:   Im, im also speechless of what just transpired !
Harumo:   Yahooo!, score one for Harumo!.
You are overflowing with joy from the bold move he’d done, Shiro is having a breakdown sorta from the event just now, Everyone else is shocked in belief.
Horkeu Kamui is waiking on the dark halls remembering the match that nearly cost his beloved hero’s life, 
Horkue Kamui:  .......
With each step is a scenario from the match, especially the part where his hero almost got devoured, this image keeps on repeating on his mind, as he waiks he remembers it, he remembers when he could’t do anything to save him, even though he was present, Anger, sadness, rage filled him as he punched a pillar out of rage, 
Horkeu Kamui:   Why,....why didn’t i do it?..They was there infront of me as i stood there doing nothing.... i don’t deserve to be called his shield, 
Feeling hopeless and sad in his thoughts,....he suddenly remembered what his hero said to him. 
“Thank you”
Horkeu Kamui:   *GASP*
Those words reminded him the time where he was training a hero before he appeared, as a picture of him and his student eating together, in the night sky, inside the little hut where they train, 
Horkeu Kamui:   Lets eat, Hero. 
Hero:  All right! finally meal time!, im gotta be skin and bones if i don’t eat soon, so, THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!
He quickly eats whats on his bowl and picks up several pieces of meat infront of the table in a flash to satisfy his hunger and to replenish his spirit.
Horkeu Kamui:   Don’t eat very quickly, or you might choke while eating.
Hero:   *nam* *nam* sorry Sensei, im just really hungry.
Horkeu Kamui:   I know, but take things slowly, 
Hero:   Okay...
The night sky passes by as both of them have finish eating and went outside to look at the stars above, listening to the crickets calming sound, fires providing illumination in the entire village making it visible from a mile away  as two onlookers look from the hill. 
Hero:   Wow! the village looks really lively from up here. 
Horkeu Kamui:  Yes, it does. 
Hero:  S-sensei, can i say something.
Horkeu Kamui:   What is it? 
Hero:   Do you remember the time when my village was destroyed.?
Horkeu Kamui:   Why do you ask that?
Hero:   Don’t you remember,   you were the one that saved me.
 Horkeu Kamui:   And why do you say that? 
Hero:  The things is, Sensei..
His student takes a long deep breath and his teacher is waiting for his answer to his questions. 
Horkeu Kamui:  You really are just like him, Harumo... i can’t believe i forgot my other students as well, hmp, I thought they will be angry at me for leading them to their deaths, however,
Horkeu Kamui:  All of them had the exact same expression as you are, as they went on to fight their enemies,   i fought alongside with them, and even when they are in the brink of death, they never looked at me with rage and hatred, but  satisfaction and peace were what i saw when they took their last breaths, over and over, 
Horkeu Kamui:   I thought i was a cursed, that i will drive every student that i have, to their painful deaths.
But thats not the case anymore, every hero that i forged, chose the path of becoming a hero, they didn't complain to me, they didn't even quit, they instead went on to fight their enemies head on with no regrets.
 I can't believe i didn't realize it sooner, or maybe it was faith that today i will finally get an answer. Hmp, My Heroes....Thank you all, and most especially.
Horkeu Kamui: Thank you.... Harumo...... My Beloved Hero..
He stared from the second floor glass wall and looking at the group whom is taking care of his precious hero. as they waik towards the undiscovered land of Tokyo in the orange sky.
.HARUMO:  WHAT THE ?!.....
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space-brood-moon · 3 years
I come here every time with something profound to write but every time I just stare at the screen. Not much to update, we went to Chicago for a few days and it was definitely what we needed. Our hotel was in downtown Chicago on the Magnificient Mile. Flying was less than ideal but we handled it. The Office Experience actually made me cry tears of joy and I haven't been that happy in a long time. My husband is so good at surprising me with things he knows I will love.
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travelingbunny · 3 years
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My original plan for today was to go see the National Gallery, but I kind of got lost and sidetracked. Instead, I walked all around (about 11 miles) and saw lots of churches. There’s a day-long church pilgrimmage that I will hopefully do before I leave. The best part of today was going to St. Paul’s Cathedral for an Evensong service. The church was magnificient and honestly, I was in tears over the music and everything about the experience. I ended the day by going with some friends to a bar and heading back for fun in one of our flats. One thing that I love about London is the way they have adapted into these old spaces, such as the churches. The other day I went to the Handel and Hendrix house where both Handel and Jimi Hendrix lived. While Hendrix was there, the bottom was a restaurant, and that is wild to think about given the historical context and age of the building. Another example is the Starbucks that was in the side of a functioning, open church.
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defectivenancydrew · 5 years
Very Important Questions, by Game
SCK: How did Jake miss out on the prime blackmail material that Daryl is a male escort?
SCKR: How come I don’t get to pull a gun on anyone this time but some old lady can have a human cage in her house?
STFD: Why is it that I can teleport via Maddie’s vanity, but end up stuck forever if I don’t immediately steal wire cutters, a screwdriver, and a doorknob?
MHM: If I make Rose talk too long, will she give herself whiplash?
TRT: How quickly do we think Hotchkiss ate all fifty drumsticks (cluck cluck)?
SSH: If they knew Nancy was trapped in the monolith, why did they plan a creepy skit and not a rescue?
DOG: Are we not concerned by the strange man living in our tree?
CAR: How did some random dude achieve the level of technological prowess required to build Miles the Magnificient Memory Machine in, like, 2003?
DDI: Why give us so many prime sandwich-making ingredients if 90% of them are going to give us food poisoning?
SHA: Where can I find me a Dirk Valentine kind of guy?
CUR: Where’s Ethel? Oh—!
CLK: Nancy can time travel, right? That’s canon?
TRN: Jake Hurley’s body was riding shotgun in the mine cart, right?
DAN: We’re not talking about an actual pet snake, are we?
CRE: But why can’t I spend the whole game fishing, collecting shells, and snorkeling as Frank, huh?
ICE: Who thought four mandatory rounds of Fox & Geese was a good idea, and where do I find them?
CRY: So we agree that Bruno just walked around his house and cemetery, popped out his eye, and shoved it in the first thing he saw?
VEN: Is it still exotic dancing if you wear a full-body cat suit and do the scuba dance to sirens?
HAU: Will I ever be as cool as Fiona?
RAN: When were they going to teach the monkeys proper sportsmanship?
WAC: Do we really believe that Mr. Harris was that hot, given the whole Jacob thing?
TOT: A prairie dog vacuum? Really? How does that work, exactly?
SAW: Did someone say dead mother?!
CAP: How is every part of this game peak comedy?
ASH: Who the hell has the time to sit around watching ice cubes melt and work a full time job as a prominent reporter/newscaster?
TMB: Remind me again why we had to maim the hot guy?
DED: Did Gray really keep falling for Nancy’s alarm trick or...?
GTH: What was that hell-creature that scurried across the room?
SPY: Does Nancy really see her father as a golf ball?
MED: What’s the mystery again? Sheep?
SEA: Who made the world’s most entertaining and hilarious snowmobile signs?
MID: Hahahahahahahahaha... haha... ha. Ha?
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checkoutafrica · 5 years
Why Visit Durban
Known as South Africas “friendliest city” Durban has to be one of South Africa’s best quest secrets! To me it is the middle man between Joburg and Cape Town, it’s a laid back yet busy city that is not too expensive. Durban combines an exciting mix of urban Afro- Indian culture and is slowly but surely becoming the place to be – It has even been likened to the Mediterranean for its beach bum vibe and relaxed atmosphere.
Why Visit Durban
The Weather – Of course just like every other South African city, Durban doesn’t experience cold winters like here in the UK. But whats different about durban is the fact that it is warmer than the rest of the Country and that no matter the season, the sun is always shining and in winter, the day temperature hardly ever falls below 18° C making it the ideal destination for any type of holiday.
The Golden Mile – Durban’s Golden Mile, a 3.7 mile stretch of sandy beach, invites surfers and swimmers to enjoy the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. Durban’s beachfront was completely redeveloped for the 2010 World Cup.
Art – Durban’s art museum was the first in the country to start collecting African art.
Everything you could ever wish for in one city – Durban has the sea, the valleys, and the mountains. Everyone knows about Durban’s amazing ocean but what people forget is that people can go a few kilometres inland and drive through the scenic midlands or even further into KwaZulu-Natal to see a number of game reserves.
Shopping – North of Durban, the Gateway Shopping Mall is one of the 50 largest malls in the world and claims to be the biggest mall in the Southern Hemisphere. With 18 movie theatres, over 400 stores, an arcade, a theme park, and a water park, the mall has food options and entertainment for everyone. Or if you want something more ‘African’ Durban has an amazing range of local designers.
Discover Zulu Culture – Take in a Zulu experience to learn more about the culture of South Africa’s largest ethnic group (some 10 million Zulus live here). At Shakaland and PheZulu Safari Park, both located in the magnificient Valley of a 1000 Hills, you can walk through beehive huts (replicas of Zulu homesteads), sip traditional beer, watch tribal dances and participate in traditional ceremonies. Journey about 40 miles west of Durban to see Isithumba Adventure Park, an authentic, rural Zulu village.
Where To stay
Beverly Hills Hotel 
Hilton Durban Hotel 
The post Why Visit Durban appeared first on CheckoutAfrica.
from WordPress http://www.checkoutafrica.com/why-visit-durban/
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vacationsoup · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/celebrate-national-trails-day-in-virginias-blue-ridge-mountains-june-1-2019/
Celebrate National Trails Day in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains – June 1, 2019
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One of these stunning parks is the perfect destination for National Trails Day this Saturday, June 1, 2019!
Grayson Highlands State Park
Located near Mount Rogers and Whitetop Mountain, Virginia’s two highest mountains, Grayson Highlands offers scenic views of alpine-like peaks more than 5,000 feet high. Facilities include a visitor center, campgrounds, and hiking trails leading to waterfalls and overlooks. 
  The inhabitants of Grayson Highlands--a herd of wild ponies that roam freely.
The following guided hikes are planned throughout this year's National Trails Day. 
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Hike on the Appalachian Trail to Mt. Rogers, meet at Massie Gap
10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Trail maintenance on Rhododendron Trail, meet at Massie Gap
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. – Trick Your Stick at the Campground Amphitheater
8 p.m. to 9 p.m. – Salamander Meander at the Visitor Center
https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state-parks/grayson-highlands New River Trail State Park
New River Trail is a 57-mile linear park that follows an abandoned railroad right-of-way. The park parallels the historic New River for 39 miles and the scenery is magnificient. The trail is relatively flat and appropriate for all skill levels. A trail entrance is located in Fries, VA at 323 Firehouse Drive.  From Route 94, go south to town.  Parking is available near the town park.
Untamed beauty along the trail.
Virginia Creeper Trail
The Virginia Creeper trail is a 34.3-mile rail-to-recreation trail, traversing through two counties from Abingdon, Virginia, through Damascus, and ending just past Whitetop Station in the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, at the Virginia-North Carolina border.  Cycling the Creeper Trail is perfect for riders of varying ages and fitness levels due to it's slight decline.  
To get to the Whitetop Station trailhead, follow US 58 east from Abingdon into Grayson County. Turn right on State Route 726 and head south toward the North Carolina border. You will see the parking area off of 726.
To get to the Abingdon trailhead, head south on Main Street/US 11 in Abingdon and turn left onto Pecan Street. There is a large locomotive engine on display by the trailhead, which you can see to the left of the parking lot.
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Tag 3 (27.4.22)
Für den dritten Tag in Chicago haben wir uns zwei Sightseeing-Touren gebucht. Um 10.30 Uhr stand die Besichtigung des Willis Tower und um 13.00 Uhr die Architecture Boat Tour auf dem Chicago River an.
Absolutes Highlight des Willis Tower ist “the Skydeck“ auf der 103. Etage (von 110) in 412m Höhe. Der rund 70 sekündigen Liftfahrt geht eine Ausstellung mit diversen Informationen zur Geschichte Chicagos sowie zum Bau des Willis Tower voraus. Oben angekommen konnten wir uns die Weite der Grosstadt mit 360 Grad-Ausblick ansehen. Als zusätzliches Highlight wurde vor ein paar Jahren “The Ledge“ - 4 Glasausbuchtungen am Gebäude - konstruiert - in diesen konnte jede «party» für 60 Sekunden eigene Fotos schiessen. Steffi fühlte sich in der 3-fach-verglasten Ausbuchtung sichtlich wohl, Bilder von Timo ersparen wir euch... diese werden  nur für interne Zwecke verwendet.
Vom Willis Tower machten wir uns auf den Weg zum Dock von Wendella Tours, direkt an der «Magnificient Mile» Michigan Avenue. Bereits in der Stadt war es unglaublich kalt, Höchsttemperatur war heute 2 Grad... wir sind mit unserem Gilet und einer dünnen Regenjacke definitiv am Limit unterwegs. Steffi hat sich sogar ein Stirnband gekauft, gut haben wir unsere dünnen Jogging-Handschuhe eingepackt - diese konnten wir also schon gut brauchen. Vor der 90-minütigen Tour haben wir uns im Panda Express gestärkt und uns im Starbucks Kaffee/Tee zum aufwärmen geholt.
Die Boottour führte uns zuerst Richtung Goose Island, anschliessend südlich bis nach Chinatown und wieder zurück zum Ausgangspunkt, nach einem kurzen Abstecher zum Lake Michigan. Unser Guide Jack hat sein Amt seit 9 Jahren inne und konnte uns unglaublich viele Informationen über die verschiedenen Architekturarten der Stadt erzählen. Er zeigte uns wo Lady Gaga ihr Penthouse besitzt, erklärte uns dass die 37 Klappbrücken in Chicago nur noch zwei mal pro Jahr hochgezogen werden. Im April fahren die Segelboote auf den Lake Michigan, im Oktober kehren diese zurück in ihren Hafen. Die nun unbewohnte 83. Etage des “The St. Regis” ist offen. Auf diese Weise wird die Windkraft auf das Gebäude verringert, sodass Schwankungen des Bauwerks reduziert werden. Ein Hoch auf die Architekten.. Die Tour war wirklich interessant, es wurde aber zum Ende brutal kalt - so haben wir uns äusserst rasch in unser Hotel begeben und uns unter die warme Dusche gestellt.
Am Abend haben wir dem United Center einen Besuch abgestattet, dieses beheimatet die Chicago Bulls (Basketball) und die Chicago Blackhawks (Eishockey) - die Hawks trugen ihr letztes Heimspiel der Regular Season gegen die Las Vegas Golden Knights aus. Wie in den USA üblich wird eine wahnsinnige Show neben dem eigentlichen Sport geboten, Kriegsveteranen werden geehrt und mehr gefeiert als das eigene Hockeyteam, irgendwie ticken die Amis da ein wenig anders... Hockey wurde auch gespielt, leider nicht auf höchstem Niveau (beide Teams haben die Playoffs verpasst), es war aber trotzdem ein unglaubliches Erlebnis und ein cooler Abschluss des Tages.
Zurückgelegte Strecke/Schritte: 19.1km, 23′400
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thewunig · 3 years
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The exhibition that caught my attention the most was the ‘2020 En Foco Fellowship Exhibition’ by Jon Henry. Jon Henry named the title of this project “Stranger Fruit”, to connect the meaning of families and fruits. This exhibition is hosted from February 4th to March 27th, 2021, there are approximately 16 pieces of work produced by Jon Henry. In one of the pictures that I picked the dimensions are ‘742*945’.(Jon Henry, Untitled #19, Magnificent Mile,IL, 2016). The other dimensions of the picture that I picked was ‘1000*798’.(Jon Henry, Untitled #6, Parkchester,NY,2015). In the photographs portrayed by Jon Henry, almost all of them depict how black lives are affected by the discrimination against them. The two pictures taken by Jon Henry have a lot of color to it with colorful backgrounds.
The photograph ‘Magnificient Mile’, portrays a mother holding her grown up son in her lap and she has a strong look on her face which explains one his lines, “Lost in the furor of media coverage, lawsuits and protests is the plight of the mother. Who, regardless of the legal outcome, must carry on without her child”. This line stated by Jon Henry explains how the mother has no choice but to move on with her life no matter how painful the loss is, this explains the strong look on the mother’s face. This picture also looks like it was taken right in the middle of the city, which explains us how no matter who witnesses it, it won’t be as helpful as it would for someone else. “Even with smart phones and dash cams recording the actions, more lives get cut short due to unnecessary and excessive violence.” This explains the statement that I made above how no matter how how many people witness it, there still wouldn’t be enough leverage to help these families. The second photograph that I chose ‘Untitled #6, shows a young mother staring at her baby’s crate and toys, now I would imagine that she had lost her baby because i don’t see a child present there and the mother seems really helpless. Jon Henry’s whole exhibitions portrays black families/mothers who had lost their children, which is something that’s sadly still occurring in out society.
The staying power of the photographs explain how the black families are affected and what they go through in their day to day life, this is something that many black families still face in our society. The message of this exhibition is to show us what the families of the lost lives go through and also to show how the skin color of someone can literally put their life in danger. Each and every single photograph had black families which gives us a straight forward message as to who’s being targeted against the most. This is relevant to us today because, to this day we are still losing many black lives who are innocent individuals, who didn’t deserve to lost their lives.
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clancarruthers · 4 years
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  Drumlanrig castle can be found 3 miles North of Thornhill and ½ mile West of highway A76.  It was built by William Douglas, 1st Duke of Queensberry, between 1679 and 1691.  It is a magnificient pink sandstone Scottish Renaissance palace.  It is actually a large palatial…
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marcobernasconi · 5 years
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Wedding ceremony at Agriturismo "Villa Baroncino", Lake Trasimeno Umbria & Tuscany Today we are with Laura & Tom a "madly in love" and cute wedding couple, from Liverpool the UK who chose the amazing Villa Baroncino as a location to celebrate and enjoy their wedding day. Villa Baroncino is a an ancient Villa located on the hills at only about 3 miles far from Lake Trasimeno, in Umbria. The photo session began with the couple's preparations in the main villa, while the ceremony was held in the magnificient garden. Ended the ceremony group photos, and then everyone in the pool area to enjoy a good aperitif and fantastic views of the countryside. While the guests enjoyed the aperitif our photo session began with some photos around the villa and then photos also in the typical tuscan fields. Dinner was set up inside the marquee of the villa with tables decorated in elegant style, very special also the fairy lighting on the ceiling of the marquee, all really very nice to see. For the last part of the day cutting of the wedding cake, bouquet toss in the garden and then all ready for the fantastic party immediately after first dance... Great Wedding Day, Auguri!!!" Wedding Location : https://www.villabaroncino.com Wedding Planner: https://www.romanticitalianweddings.com Wedding Photographer: https://www.photoweds.com (presso Agriturismo "Villa Baroncino") https://www.instagram.com/p/BwcIAGLnr71/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9lgungninate
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pinkheichou · 7 years
Fandom Fic Rec Days (Part 1)
I was waiting a whole month for this day to come and now that it’s happening I almost forgot about it lmao
In regards to Fandom Fic Rec Days, I’d like to express my love to some writers whose works I’ve enjoyed so much when reading them, not only lately but also overall.
@glassesgirl0401 Frau, you precious bean. I can’t tell you enough how much I love your writing. No matter what you write, it hooks me right away. You are my fave Ererijean author and a rare pair mother because you have the power to drag someone into rare pair hell. You made me like ships that I never ever considered before (doing that with me isn’t easy tbh). My fic recs are:
The DILF Club (Ererijean)
The first Ererijean fic by her that I read. When I had finished reading it, I was left positively surprised and stunned because I had never ever read such a beautiful story before. She wrote Ererijean so well, I fell in love with her writing right away!! THIS FIC IS A MUST READ! And once you’ve read it, you have to go on with her other Ererijean fic:
two alphas can really ease the pain
If you think that one can’t write Ererijean better than her first story, then read this and you’ll find out THAT IT CAN GET BETTER! IT BECOMES GREATER AND IT’S ADORABLE IN EVERY WAY! It’s a damn long one-shot but oh so fucking worth the read!!!!! This fic has perfect dynamics, flawless characterization, an amazing plot AND I LOVE THE WAY SHE WROTE ABOUT THE EREN/LEVI, EREN/JEAN, JEAN/LEVI AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THE EREN/LEVI/JEAN RELATIONSHIP!!! So fucking good. It is so fucking good. Read this fic of hers because it’d be a shame not to. Even if you don’t ship Ererijean, once you read this, you will take some sort of liking to that ship. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.
Other recs are:
How about another first date? (Ereri)
4000 miles and 1000 dollars (are a small price for love) (Erejean)
The Stohessian Mistake (Ereri)
(Love you, hun~ Keep up your gorgeous writing! ^~^ )
@kipnotize I know her stories from wattpad. I have read a good amount of her fics, and all I can say is that she is one of the best Ereri writers out there! Her writing is so magnificient, she knows how to capture feelings in her stories and how to use language and words to move the readers. My top fic rec is definitively
Illusion (Ereri)
I’ve read that one-shot six times now and everytime I cried at the same three scenes. This one-shot will always mean a lot to me and shall stay forever as a pleasant memory in my heart!! Read that story because it has a really touching plot and I promise you that you will cry. It has angst but the bittersweet end (with a bit more sweetness than bitterness) will ease your pain.
Other fic recs:
Your Royal Highness (Ereri) [Wattpad link] [Ao3 link]
Not Hell (Ereri) [Wattpad link] [Ao3 link]
Live On (Ereri)
Forgotten (Ereri)
Stupid Cat (Ereri)
If The Rain Stops (Ereri) [Wattpad link] [Ao3 link]
@sugarplum-senpai​ She has the talent to write in such a pretty poetic language and in a way that pleases your inner self when reading her stories. I recommend her fics because I guarantee you that they’re a nice stress relief and in general it’s a good choice to give her stories a try. I’m still not done reading Sparrow, but I fricking love it so far! My fic recs:
Sparrow (Ereri)
Hush (Ereri)
In The Moonlight (Ereri)
@conquering-queens​ First of all, thank you for writing two Jearmin fics that I had requested. And here and now I want to announce that her Jearmin one-shot Not That Tough is a fucking masterpiece!! A bless to the Jearmin fandom and shippers and anyone who hasn’t read it yet SHOULD DO THAT RIGHT NOW because there will always be something missing in your life if you don’t read this one-shot. You won’t regret it. Punk!Jean x self-confident nerd!Armin is a combo one doesn’t come across everyday, but I can tell you that she realized that headcanon incredibly well!! ‘Not That Tough’ has become one of my ultimate fave stories. Other fic recs:
When I’m With You (Jearmin)
Comfort in Your Arms (Jearmin)
Good At Being Bad (Jearmin)
Pitter-Patter (Jearmin)
@raefill​ Rae, it’s a shame that I couldn’t bring myself to read your fics earlier because now I realize that that was a mistake of mine. You write gorgeous (kinky and vanilla) smut and your Ererijean drabble Something Like That had me rolling on my bed because of all the fluff. A+ writing and good taste in kinks and smut. I recommend:
checking out her tag ‘rae writes’
Shit, I forgot to ask you. (Ereri)
Parting Ways (Ereri)
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djdjones · 6 years
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Madrona Stove
No standing pilot is needed for the Fireplace Element's Madrona gas stove. With its new E-Pilot ignition technology you can light up, and turn off the pilot from your sofa! In this era of global energy awareness, the possibility to comfortly turn the pilot on and off is a cost-cutting feature that will keep you warm and also save you money.
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With the Madrona gas stove, you benefit from a magnificient fire view. This stove proposed by The Fireplace Element is large with a big, clear window. The Madrona stove has definitely a presence of its own. With its large arched opening, and its clean cast front , the Madrona gas stove is a freestanding fireplace like no other.
This stove's high rising flames and dramatic ember bed glow add up to generate the realistic look of a real wood-burning fire!
The Madrona gas stove is heater rated. Its large secondary heat exchanger runs all the way across the top of the stove's fire box, and creates a steady flow of hot air with no need for a fan. The radiant heat, which Miles Industries is known for, makes the Madrona look much larger than it is.
No electricity is required as your Madrona gas stove will keep you warm even in the event of a power failure.
Raise and lower the flames from your sofa : Not only can you remote control the light pilot and thermostat function, but you can also adjust the flames' height, providing you with complete fire and heat control at your finger tips.
Your Madrona gas stove is fuel friendly, factory prepared and safety-tested for the fuel you choose. These stoves can be ordered functioning with natural gas or propane and no field conversions are required.
0 notes
kultguy · 6 years
   From Indicator/Powerhouse comes three more classic Ray Harryhausen adventures presented with brand new 2K and 4K restorations, and containing a wealth of new and archival extras. Here’s the lowdown…
Mysterious Island (dir. Cy Endfield, 1961) 2K restoration – UK Blu-ray premiere
American Civil War prisoner Captain Cyrus Harding (Michael Craig) escapes in a balloon with other Confederate officers and a war correspondant Gideon Spillet (Gary Merril, aka Bette Davis’s ex) and end up on an unknown island in the Pacific along with shipwrecked aristocrats, Lady Fairchild (Joan Greenwood) and her niece Elena (Beth Rogan). Holed up in a cave they nickname the Granite House, the plucky castways encounter strange creatures, pirates, an angry volcano and the charismatic Captain Nemo (beautifully underplayed by a blonde Herbert Lom).
This action-filled adventure, loosely based on Jules Verne’s 1874 novel, provides a field day for special effects man Ray Harryhausen, who conjures up a magnificent menagerie of oversized critters: including a giant crab (whose carapace was bought from Harrods Food Hall), a prehistoric Phorusrhacos (which looks like an oversized cassowary), a hive of bees, and a slumbering multi-tentacled cephalopod.
The picturesque Spanish locations (including Sa Conca Bay in Catalonia, and some others that would later be used in Jason and the Argonauts), evocative production design (especially the Nautilus and its Victorian-futuristic paraphernalia) and atmospheric score from composer Bernard Herrmann are an added delight to Harryhausen’s fantastical-take on a Boy’s Own-styled castaway adventure.
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SPECIAL FEATURES: • 2K restoration from the original camera negative • Mono and 5.1 surround sound audio options • 2012 audio commentary with Ray Harryhausen and Tony Dalton (This is thoroughly enjoyable, and I love it when a genuinely surprised Ray keeps commenting on how sharp everything looks in the restoration – especially as he used filters to soften the actor’s faces in the first place. He also reveals many of his camera tricks, including using a cardboard cut-out for the Phorusrhacos) • Audio commentary with film historians Randall William Cook, C. Courtney Joyner and Steven C. Smith (having heard everything from the master himself, I might leave this for a rainy day) • Archive interview with Ray Harryhausen (featuring many of his storyboards) • 2017 interview with actor Michael Craig (who talks about the difficulty of trying to act against an invisible crab on a beach filled with onlookers) • 2017 interview with clapper loader Ray Andrew (who gives an entirely different account of that crab story) • 2017 interview Kim Newman (on the shared cinematic universe of Jules Verne) • Mysterious Magic: 2017 interview with visual effects animator Hal Hickel (on the huge impact Harryhausen’s work had on his career) • Islands of Mystery: vintage black and white featurette (this one really beefs the film up – making you expect more monsters) • Super 8 version (a cut-down version, in colour, with a narrator to paste over the gaps) • Back to Mysterious Island: A preview of the 2008 Bluewater Comic that re-imagines the adventure for a younger generation (colourful, but not my cuppa tea, sorry) • Isolated Bernard Herrmann score (just perfect to listen to over and over) • Trailers and TV Spots • Image gallery
Jason and the Argonauts (Don Chaffey, 1963) | 4K restoration
With his father’s kingdom in the hands of a tyrant, Jason (Todd Armstrong) sets sail with the bravest men of all of Greece aboard the Argo on a quest for the Golden Fleece. Along the way, they encounter a host of mythical creatures and rescue Medea (Nancy Kovack), the high priestess of Colchis, who soon causes problems for the crew when she falls in love with Jason…
This spectacular mythological adventure marked the pinnacle in the career of Ray Harryhausen. A landmark in the history of movie special effects, it was this film that inspired many a budding young film-maker – from Nick Park to Peter Jackson (who provides one of the commentaries in this Indicator/Powerhouse release) and – on a personal note – fuelled my love for myths, fantasy and ancient history.
Harryhausen’s Dynamation effects are delivered with amazing imagination (and took him almost two years to complete). Jason’s climactic sword fight with a band of resurrected skeletons remains the film’s highlight of course, while the other weird creatures including the giant bronze automaton (Ray’s take on the Colossus of Rhodes), a band of hungry harpies (who torture poor old Patrick Troughton) and the magnificient seven-headed Hydra.
As well as Troughton, a host of other recognisable British actors provide great support, including Laurence Naismith and Nigel Green as Argus and Hercules, Douglas Wimer as Jason’s nemesis Pelias, amd Michael Gwynn and Honor Blackman as Olympians Hermes and Hera. This truly is the greatest mythical adventure film ever made.
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SPECIAL FEATURES: • 4K restoration from the original camera negatives (despite the odd flashes of grain, this really is the best presentation of Harryhausen’s film we shall ever see) • English mono and English 5.1 surround sound audio options • Audio commentary with Ray Harryhausen and Tony Dalston (This one is filled with lots of behind-the-scnes anecdotes, some we’ve heard before on the other commentaries, and much of it is also explored in the three books that Ray and Tony have published – which are also a must have) • Audio commentary with film-maker Peter Jackson and Randy Cook (Also very interesting, as Peter and Randy cover the film’s influence and legacy, although some of their conjecture is cleared up in the Harryhausen commentary) • Original Skeleton Fight Storyboards • The Harryhausen Legacy: archival documentary • Ray Harryhausen interviewed by John Landis • The Harryhausen Chronicles: archival documentary narrated by Leonard Nimoy • Original trailers & TV spots • Previews (Ghostbusters, Close Encounters, 20 Millions Miles to Earth, It Came from Beneath the Sea, 7th Voyage of Sinbad) • Image gallery
First Men in the Moon (Nathan Juran, 1964) 4K restoration – UK Blu-ray premiere
The world is shocked when a team of United Nations astronauts land on the Moon in 1964 only to discover that the Victorian British beat them to it – back in 1899!
In a Dymchurch nursing home, they track down the only survivor of the expedition, 91-year-old Arnold Bedford (Edward Judd)… Bedford then tells the assembled investigators how he travelled to the Moon with his fiancée Kate (Martha Hyer) and inventor Professor Cavor (Lionel Jeffries) in a spaceship which Cavor had coated with a revolutionary anti-gravity paste. And what did they find living beneath the Moon’s surface? Only an insectoid population with advanced technological know-how.
HG Wells’ 1901 science fiction tale gets the Dynamation treatment from Harryhausen and his 20 Million Miles to Earth director Nathan Juran, based on a screenplay by Nigel Kneale, who was best known for his Quatermass series.
This is entertaining yarn finds Lionel Jeffries going full pelt with his cranky inventor act, while the always stalwart Judd provides some energetic heroics. Martha Hyer’s Kate, meanwhile, is a spirited and feisty creation that was not in Wells’ original novel, but proves to be most welcomed here (and not just on account of her looks).
The film’s stand out creature is the giant caterpillar-like ‘moon-bull’, while the Selenites (actually kids in rubber suits) could easily have come out of a classic Doctor Who adventure or even Lost in Space (which Juran would later direct). Boasting great production values in spite of its limited budget, and having a great sense of Victoriania, this is million times better than the 1967 Jules Verne-pastiche Rocket to the Moon and a Harryhausen adventure that I can happily revisit time and again.
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SPECIAL FEATURES: • 4K restoration from the original camera negatives (It looks fantastic, especially the sequences involving the lunar surface and the Selenites’ underground city). • Mono and 5.1 surround sound audio options • Audio commentary with Ray Harryhausen, Tony Dalton and Randy Cook (there’s a wealth of information on offer here from the trio, with Harryhausen spending a lot of time chuckling at the film’s more comic elements, like Jeffries’ performance and improbably science. But then Ray does say, ‘you should never over analyse fantasy’. Now that’s something I totally agree with. He also reveals that his major influence for the stairs leading to the Grand Lunar’s throne room was 1935’s She – which was produced by Merian C Cooper, whose King Kong inspired Harryhausen in the first place). • An introduction by Harryhausen fan Randy Cook • Tomorrow the Moon: This vintage featurette is my favourite extra as it combines behind-the-scenes footage of the film (featuring producer Charles Schneer, Harryhausen and Juran, and some of the sets, and models) with the real-life US Apollo space project. • 2017 interviews with special effects assitant Terry Schubert (who reveals how all the effects were created in a small space on a Slough trading estate); production manager Ted Wallis, clapper loader Ray Andrew (who has some great memories of cinematographer Wilkie Cooper) and title designer Sam Suliman (who wasn’t impressed with his titles). • Isolated score by Laurie Johnson • Trailer commentary from John Landis (who quickly runs out things to say) • Trailers • Image gallery
Read about the First Volume of The Wonderful Worlds of Ray Harryhausen HERE.
The Wonderful Worlds of Ray Harryhausen: Volume Two (1961-1964) | Mysterious Island, Jason and the Argonauts and First Men in the Moon    From Indicator/Powerhouse comes three more classic Ray Harryhausen adventures presented with brand new 2K and 4K restorations, and containing a wealth of new and archival extras.
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