#fanfic writers appreciation
imaginarylungfish · 7 months
I was just thinking: it takes a special kind of person to enjoy fanfics. Like it's fantasy of fantasy. It's fiction of fiction.
I am a special kind of person. And most people on tumblr are too lol
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missameliep · 2 years
What if some of our favorite series in the Choices fandom were books? What the covers would look like? Would they have special editions? Hard covers? Covers portraying the actors who portrayed the characters in the movie/series adaptation?
Fanfic Writer's Appreciation Day had me wondering about this and I'm starting something here...
The first one is Meant to Be by the talented Lori and I have a couple more planned.
1. Meant to Be by @lorirwritesfanfic
2. Unspoken Desires by @princess-geek
3. The Cursed Heiress by @noesapphic
4. The Greatest Con by @lorirwritesfanfic
5. For Love and Duty by @noesapphic
Bear with me and share your thoughts on the matter.
I'm tagging a few of you who might enjoy the idea: @princess-geek @noesapphic @lorirwritesfanfic @storyofmychoices @aallotarenunelma @lilyoffandoms
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iluvsumbucky · 2 years
So I wanted to say
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To all of you amazing writers that share your wonderful work here! I want you to know how thankful I am that I’ve been able to read so many terrific stories. Getting to read them have brought me so much joy & happiness, they truly have made me smile & lightened my days & heart & I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. I’m sending so much love to all of you!! YOU ALL ARE FABULOUS!! REALLY THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!!
Shout out to some of the terrific writers that I’ve read from 
@bolontiku @zep-writings @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @wiypt-writes @wordynerdygurl @tilltheendwilliwrite @twittytelly @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @princessofdarkwinter @navybrat817 @secretswiftymarvelfan @jennmurawski13-writes @denisemarieangelina @sagechanoafterdark @shotsbyshae @jewels2876 @jobean12-blog @bitsandbobsandstuff @talesmaniac89 @jay-and-dean @roonyxx @the–sad–hatter
@allaboardthereadingrailroad @a-rose-byanothername @angrythingstarlight @angstysebfan @avengerofyourheart @avengerscompound @beccaanne814 @beyondspaceandstars @bonkywobble @buckysknifecollection @carryonmywaywardcaptain @clintbartonswife @crispychrissy@deanwanddamons @drabblewithfrannybarnes @fangirlovestuff @fvckingavengers @give-me-a-moose @heli0s-writes @helloimanavenger @high-functioning-lokipath @imaginedreamwrite @imagine-assembling-the-avengers @imagining-supernatural @iwillbeinmynest @jtargaryen18 @just-the-hiddles @justreadingfics @loki-hargreeves @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @luci-in-trenchcoats @magellan-88 @marvelgirl7 @mostly-marvel-musings @notyetneedcoffee @original-wintersoldier @plus-size-reader @saiyanprincessswanie​ @sebbys-girl @shield-agent78 @shreddedparchment @shy-violet-soul @sidehowriting @simsadventures @sinner-as-saint @smediumsmeatbae @softbiker @specialagentlokitty @supernatural-jackles @sunflowerxbarnes @sunriserose1023 @syven-siren @teamcap4bucky​ @thatfangirl42 @theycallmebecca @thinkinghardhardlythinking @tuiccim @waiting4inspiration @waywardnerd67 @welldonebeca @whatareyousearchingfordean @whisperlullaby @winchester19-67 @wkemeup @world-of-aus @xbuchananbarnes @xxgoblin-dumplingxx 
I know that I’m forgetting someone & I wish that I could list every single writer that is here, but this goes out to all of you! I hope you all have a spectacular day! Again thank you so much, I love & appreciate you all so much🤗🤗🥰🥰😍😍❤️❤️!!!!!
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To all of you readers, please take a minute to send your fanfic writers out there your love & show them how much you appreciate them. That they matter to us & we are so happy that they share their wonderful works with us! 
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Appreciation!
Like I don't shout about these people often enough, but I need to also shout about them on THIS PARTICULAR DAY because each and every one of them has a large part of my heart/my brain/my nethers, whether they want it or not:
@lowlights, @letterfromvienna, @honestly-shite, @beskarberry, @brandyllyn, @littlemisspascal, @mandosmistress, @amywritesthings, @leslie-lyman, @iamskyereads, @javierpinme, @astroboots, @ezrasbirdie, @pedrito-friskito, @mandoblowmybackout, @write-and-buried, @boliv-jenta, @chaoticgeminate, @grogusmum, @thewayofthemandalorian, @jazzelsaur, @pedropascalsx, @whataperfectwasteoftime, @fuckyeahdindjarin, @starlightmornings, @pagannightwitch, @musings-of-a-rose, @radiowallet
I've got a lil fic rec posting THING I've been trying to get going for a few weeks now and this is starting to motivate me to actually do it! Because I want all of the awesome writers of my favorite stories to know how much I enjoy what they do! Thank you all for brightening up my day/being absolute menaces to my productivity.
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bluebellhairpin · 2 years
If I'd know it was fic writers appreciation day, I would've made a huge list tagging the writers I know and telling them individually how well their doing and what I liked best from the past year. But I don't have that time, today will be busy for me, but I'll see if I can post something anyway.
This is for if I don't do that, and I'm really hoping all my writer friends see this.
It doesn't matter if you've written a novel-worth or a 1k drabble for your fandoms over the past year. Writing and contributing to these communities takes effort. And I see that effort, and I deeply appreciate it. Not just the work done by my mutuals, but also the ones who I haven't interacted with enough (if I did that, we'd be mutuals already). But I see you hard work. I see the effort. I see you. It's been hard, sometimes, I know. But you pushed through. You're here now.
So on behalf of everyone in fandoms who may forget to say this to you today; I love your work and I appreciate you.
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Reblog if you love AO3 and appreciate their volunteers who are working harder than God, fighting battle after battle, making sure the place that is a safe space for every fandom is staying up and running for all of us
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bobaheadshark · 4 months
when you find a fanfic writer whose work just sings to you… i would read anything you write…. i would wade into a tag no matter how deranged… i would travel to the ends of the earth for you if only to soothe your little oyster shell just so you would be comfortable enough to make another pearl whenever you felt like it … i would love you tenderly and support you as you carefully place every grain of sand onto your little castle, regardless of how long it takes, if only to enjoy your words just a little longer
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hussyknee · 1 year
Shout-out to the brazen AO3 smut crankers posting the nastiest, most unholy filth I can only save in private bookmarks. Y'all's cojones are solid brass. The international sexual deviant community thanks you for your service
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writebackatya · 8 months
Fanfic writers who know how to write show accurate dialogue for shows aimed at a younger audience while also allowing certain characters to swear in a way that’s completely in character and never overdoing it are a godsend
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everybodyhatesari · 6 months
Sometimes I get happy bc of a fanfic then remember I’m reading a fanfic
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imaginarylungfish · 6 months
i love checking ship tags on ao3 to see what new content fanfic writers are giving us
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tarlosmalec · 9 months
Fanfics on AO3 are very well tagged these days. You see barely a few authors (mostly amateurs) who don’t tag their works. Most of the time, if there are no tags, then there are summaries and warnings listed in the author notes.
So if you’re reading a well-tagged work and going to comment shit about it, don’t. You know what you’re going to find in there. If it’s not something you like, just leave.
Don’t harass those authors, man. These platforms are just creative outlets to most of them, an escape from their realities. A lot of times, these are the things that keep them going. Don’t be an asshole about it.
Don’t like, don’t engage. It really is that simple.
If you’re really brimming with hate that much, find some other ways to let it out. Idk, maybe smash a plate, pick up a sport, whatever. Just don’t hate on people for doing what they can to keep going while not harming others.
Damn, but the audacity people have here to put others down like that. Yikes.
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all-or-nothing-baby · 7 months
i was just idly looking at the bookmarks on one of my fics and, nestled in between somebody's perfunctory tags (hurt/comfort, soft boys, completed etc) was a tag very simply named 'WOW' ...and, well. feck me backwards if that didn't make my whole goddamn day ×10 better lol.
my dudes, i can assure you that the above is often all it takes to make a writer's/artist's heart bloom with happiness.
so, i urge you to reblog! reblog! reblog! here on tumblr dot com and try to say something kind in the tags, a mere keysmash even.
on AO3, always leave kudos if you read fic or look at art there and—whenever and wherever you possibly can—comment to your hearts content, even if that is only more keysmash or just one word or a wee emoji (or a few!). also, if you bookmark publicly, try to tag it with something complimentary like my reader did or leave a nice description as a part of your recommendation because the author gets to see those things, too.
sometimes a single word or symbol can mean the whole world <3
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joeldjarin · 9 months
devil works hard but the fic writers work harder to keep this fandom fed
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PS: thanks to the writers ilysm🥹
Also I forgot to add various other variants of Joel but promise I love all of them
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breannasfluff · 7 months
Fanfiction Comments: Why Bother?
Genuine question: If ya’ll like a story, why not comment?
This question, born out of previous discussions and Discord chats, is one writers have been dealing with for a long time. Feedback/reblogs on art tends to be more common than on fics. Yet writers continue to beg for comments on stories. So what's stopping people?
Don't know what to say/an emoji/script feels too impersonal
Forgot to comment
Read everything and how do you pick out one part?
Rather give feedback personally
Feels like an expectation/I owe them
Send me a string of emojis? I love it. Send a single heart? I love it. Keyboard smash? I love it. Copy/paste a "thank you for writing"? I still love it. "I don't know what to comment or how to put my feelings into words." Then put that! That's a compliment! Can't think of anything to say, then "I don't know what to write but asgfdhgf I liked it." is fine!
Seriously, I don't care WHAT you put, because it shows me you cared enough to take a few second to show that love. I recognize and look for my regular commenters, even the ones who leave just a heart or "extra kudos".
Forgot to comment? Leave the fic open on your phone or get in the habit of dropping SOMETHING right as you finish. If you had time to make it through the last 100 words, you can probably tap an emoji. It's likely more of a habit to build up than anything.
Read it in one go and it's all a blur? "I read this all in one go and it's a blur, but I loved it!" We don't need specifics; just tell us you loved it on the chapter you stopped on. That in itself is a compliment because Hey! You loved it so much you had to keep reading!
Personal feedback? Well, I'll never say no to friends gushing about stories to me! And it might not be the same for everyone, but if you stop commenting on AO3 and only tell me personally...my assumption is you don't like it enough to say it publicly. I've spent many a time wondering why people stopped giving that support and what I should do better. If it's a friend, try asking them which they prefer! We can go back and reread (and do!) AO3 comments. Much harder on discord/dms/etc.
Owing authors? Look, we put a lot of time and work into writing and providing content for free. Hours of idea planning, actual writing, editing, catering to requests, etc. My partner once said I have a second job, writing, but I don't get paid. If you read and enjoyed something that someone put a lot of work into, it's nice to take a few seconds and tell them that.
You don't owe authors comments. They also don't owe you free writing. Sometimes, you forget there is an author at all when you're reading. But there is. A real person put out a story hoping you'd love it, or connect to it. You'd see yourself in the writing and feel less alone, or cheered up when you have a bad day.
Writing is art, and all we want to do is connect with you. Comments help bridge that gap.
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There is a special place in hell for all the people behind these bot attacks that harm AO3 and the communities we built.
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A reminder that Archive of Our Own is not Instagram or TikTok. It isn’t run by a big company with money and power. The site is a non-profit site run by volunteers (fans), for fans. And its main purpose is to bring people within the same fandom together and connect artists with audiences who would love and appreciate these artists’ works. It’s the only platform without any ads, without any censorship, without any of these capitalism bullshit. It doesn’t make users pay for any features and the only source of money they get, to keep the site up and running, is through donations. It’s literally a safe place for every fandom.
To think that it’s a target just because it’s easier to attack than those huge companies is just so sad.
Not to mention that there are so many genuine guest users out there (people who aren’t logged in / don’t have an AO3 account), and these people are directly affected by this whole thing, because they are no longer able to comment and connect with their favorite creators — and this still affects creators directly because I know for a fact that getting comments and being able to connect with their audience mean the world to them. I don’t blame AO3 for disabling guest comments altogether.
I do blame and curse the fuckers behind these bot attacks though.
If you try to sabotage AO3, out of all the other platforms out there, you are pathetic. You’re not just attacking a small, independent company, you’re trying to tear apart people’s communities and safe place. Disrespectfully, fuck you. Burn in hell.
Mad respect to all the brave soldiers that are AO3 volunteers who work harder than god fighting these scums.
I know these brave soldiers will win in the end (they always did, this isn’t their first battle, mind you), but in the meantime I’m sending them all my love and respect. They truly are the heroes.
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