#minako arisato x y/n
can i request yukari and minako (seperate) reacting to their s/o finding their evoker laying around?
(Persona 3) Yukari and Minako's S/O finding their Evoker
Minako's part has a 3D render for her because I am heavily biased.
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Yukari had gotten so used to having only the members of S.E.E.S enter her room, it didn't even occur to her that having an Evoker wasn't normal.
A fact she was quickly reminded when her S/O came through the door, and that was the first thing they noticed.
(S/O) "Yukari is that a gun?!"
Yukari's heart stopped for a brief moment before regaining her train of thought.
(Yukari) "Oh, jeez! Sorry, that's not actually real! It's for a club I'm part of!"
(S/O) "T-The Archery Club?"
Yukari tried her best not to act nervous, something she hoped S/O wouldn't pick up on.
(Yukari) "No, it's a different one. It's the one that you see me, Minato, and Junpei in."
(S/O) "That would explain why I see you with them all the time, but what even-"
(Yukari) "I-It's a prop basically. It looks pretty real and everything, but it's all just for show. You can't even fire bullets out of it."
It was clear from S/O's expression that they weren't buying it entirely, but upon closer inspection, they could tell that it couldn't be used.
At least, not in the way they were thinking.
(S/O) "Whew, next time warn me before you just have something like that lying around."
S/O eased up a little, chuckling as they decided not to press Yukari any further on the subject.
Something she was thankful for.
(Yukari) "Yeah, that's my bad...H-Hey, don't bring that up to anyone, alright? Last thing I need is for a rumor to go around that I'm carrying weapons."
(S/O) "Like the rumor of you and Minato going out?"
(Yukari) "Are people still going on about that?! They know we're a couple!"
Now her mind was wandering off, anger reigniting as she put her Evoker away and out of sight.
At least S/O didn't find her actual weapons hidden, including all the weird medicine, bombs, and elemental items she had stashed.
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Minako was in the middle of preparing her gear for tonight's expedition into Tartarus.
She had put on the SEES uniform for a brief moment, making sure there weren't any holes in it.
The last time they went, she had been hit by a particularly nasty shadow, and she wasn't entirely confident if she had come out unscathed.
There was a knock on the door, and Minako didn't think anything of it.
(Minako) "It's unlocked!"
She replied in a peppy voice. Minako was expecting her teammates, not S/O.
(S/O) "Hey, sorry to pop in like this! I just wanted to-"
S/O stopped when they saw her evoker laying on the nearby desk.
(S/O) "W-What the- Is that a gun?!"
Minako quickly snatched up her Evoker and holstered it, quickly clearing her throat and trying to play it off.
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She waves her hand dismissively in response.
(Minako) "That must've scared the heck out of you, sorry, I should have mentioned that sooner!"
S/O looked at her holster, then back at Minako.
(S/O) "Does your club make you wear that red armband?"
(Minako) "Red armba-?"
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Minako clears her throat before responding.
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(Minako) "It's kinda like a theatre club, but it's pretty exclusive. I was lucky enough to be invited! Mitsuru-senpai is the one who leads it."
(S/O) "A theatre club? But we don't-"
Minako cut them off before they could ask any further questions.
(Minako) "Anyways, I'm a bit busy, so what did you need?"
(S/O) "Well...T-To be honest, that gun kinda made me forget-"
(Minako) "Alright, I'll be out in a second, just close the door! I gotta change, don't make me throw the pillow at you!"
She almost forced S/O out by pushing them towards the door, quickly locking it behind her and sighing deeply to herself.
(Minako) Hopefully they bought that...Actually, who the heck let them in the dorm anyway?!
Much to her dismay, it was technically herself.
Minako had told her friends that S/O was allowed to visit her room, and that explained how they were able to come in basically unannounced.
She quickly regretted that decision. At least S/O wasn't active during the Dark Hour, thank god.
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frickingnerd · 4 months
when the stars smile at the moon
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pairing: makoto yuki / minato arisato x gn!reader
summary: makoto and you bump into each other on the roof of the dorms and watch the stars together
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“aren't you cold?”
makoto's voice snapped you out of your day dreaming. or rather, night dreaming, as you watched the stars from the roof of the dorms.
“no, i–”
you wanted to assure him that you were fine, but as you turned around, he already tossed a blanket towards you, which you quickly caught.
“…you brought me a blanket?”
makoto sat down next to you as you asked, softly shaking his head, as a small chuckle left his lips.
“no, i didn't know you were out here. i thought i'd sneak up here to enjoy some alone time, but then you were here…” makoto paused and smiled. “though perhaps i should've just pretended it was for you”
you chuckled softly and spread the blanket, covering your legs with it, then tossing the remaining blanket over makoto's lap.
“you would've looked a lot cooler if you hadn't told me that… but i appreciate the honesty!”
the two of you laughed softly, before falling into a comfortable silence. with how quiet it was, you could hear the others downstairs laughing and talking. but the two of you were comfortable just sitting in silence.
even as you slowly inched closer to makoto and rested your head on his shoulder, nobody said a word. there was nothing that needed to be said, as the two of you enjoyed the silence, while watching the stars together…
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lachalaine · 7 years
Mun Meme
tagged by: an angel @sunshowxr​ tagging: bonjour random person reading this you should do the thing i insist
RULES: Answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you wanna get to know better !
A - age: 23 B - birthplace: california C - current time: 10:18 when i started now its 11:10 pm D - drink you had last: ice blended mexican chocolate E - easiest person to talk to: my best friends F - favorite song: at the moment it’s lauv - the other (eden prince remix) G - grossest memory: went to pet a horse once and it threw up in front of me. 10/10 will be more careful with horses for the rest of my life. H - horror yes or horror no: NEVER TOUCH THAT STUFF WITH A TEN FOOT POLE I - in love ?: would like to be J - jealous of people: sometimes yes  K - killed someone: in video games i have killed plenty L - love at first sight or should i walk back by again?: try again. try 3467 times and maybe. M - middle name: danielle wow, j has an actual name i know N - number of siblings: two, an older brother and an older sister, but i’m the bby and thus the cutest hihi O - one wish: to be able to travel for a living P - person you called last: my brother to ask what he wanted for dinner. he kept hinting that he wanted pizza but then he always wants pizza so we ended up with spaghetti. Q - question you’re always asked: “how are you so sweet?” R - reason to smile: family, friends, threads, bunnies and otters, surprises, people that like your writing, people that like your muse, people that like you, people that reblog your promos, people that give you hugs, and people that message you randomly right out of the blue just because they wanna talk or plot with you. S - song you sang last: the wombats - greek tragedy (oliver nelson remix) T - top 3 fictional characters: lucy heartfilia from fairytail, minako arisato from persona 3 and anne takamaki from persona 5 U - underwear color: white V - vacation: dream vacation is tokyo but i’m going home to los angeles in a month so maybe that counts too W - when’s your birthday: 13th july X - x-rays: only when i’ve had bronchitis and employment tests Y - your favorite food: any kind of seafood and sashimi Z - zodiac sign: cancer
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magicisanima · 7 years
Mun meme
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tagged by: @pxyre​ ( doki!! ) tagging: @dokitsuu, @bakadevil, @ ..... idk anyone idc
RULES: Answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you wanna get to know better !
A - age: 26 B - birthplace: the color Orange C - current time: 7:47 pm D - drink you had last: water E - easiest person to talk to: serah F - favorite song: it changes regularly but anything with a good tempo and beat. Picky on vocals. G - grossest memory: um???? idk??? being vommy sick? H - horror yes or horror no: lots of horror yes. games i’ll scream, movies I laugh. I - in love ?: long long ago in a galaxy far far away J - jealous of people: duh K - killed someone: not literally but many a fictional being have suffered. L - love at first sight or should i walk back by again?: nope M - middle name: Elisabeth N - number of siblings: one shitty younger brother O - one wish: to feel.....real?  P - person you called last: i think a customer. I dont actually just call people. Q - question you’re always asked: "how are you?” the generic question because I’m an NPC R - reason to smile: my pupper Harlie. She’s 90% of what keeps me together S - song you sang last: Chop Suey by System of a Down T - top 3 fictional characters: Bartz Klauser (ffv), Akechi (persona 5), and Minako Arisato (persona 3) U - underwear color: dark V - vacation: a week and a half earlier this year in june to visit serah W - when’s your birthday: February 7th X - x-rays: i dont think I’ve ever had one that I remember Y - your favorite food: lemper ayam Z - zodiac sign: Aquarius
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frickingnerd · 22 days
first time at a maid cafe
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pairing: makoto yuki / minato arisato x fem!reader (+junpei iori)
summary: makoto is dragged to a maid cafe by a friend and ends up meeting a cute maid he can't stop thinking about…
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“i can't believe i let you drag me here…”
makoto's head was lowered, as he tried to avoid eye contact with all the pretty girls in maid uniforms running around the cafe. when junpei said he wanted to try out a new cafe, makoto didn't expect this would be the place! but perhaps he should have…
“relax, dude! you're being more weird if you aren't staring at all the pretty girls working here~!”
junpei leaned forward, head in his hands as he hummed softly, admiring the girls in their uniforms. makoto glanced at junpei, before slowly raising his head, daring to look around. and that's when makoto's gaze met yours.
“welcome home, master!”
with a smile on your lips, you approached the table with the two boys. makoto barely registered your words, as he stared at you in awe. you looked really cute in the uniform… damn it, he hadn't expected to be into that!
“w-welcome home–!”
makoto greeted you, only to watch that smile on your lips fade for a moment and be replaced by a perplex expression. when you turned away for a moment, giggling to yourself, makoto turned to junpei with a helpless look.
“that's the maid's line, not yours, idiot…” junpei shook his head, amused. “you're supposed to just give her your order.”
“how was i supposed to know that–!?”
makoto whined quietly. he already wanted to disappear. he had barely exchanged two words with you and already messed up. embarrassing himself in front of a pretty girl was worse than the usual kind of embarrassment…
“don't worry, master! is this your first time?”
you turned around towards the two boys again, hiding your amusement behind a smile. honestly, it was cute how flustered the boy was. you'd take a shy guy over a creepy guy any day!
“y-yes… this wasn't my idea, my friend–”
“your friend dragged you along~?”
makoto nodded quietly. you chuckled.
“yeah, that happens a lot! don't worry, you have no reason to feel nervous! i don't bite~!”
you playfully touched makoto's arm as you spoke. yet instead of relaxing, he tensed up and blushed when you touched him.
“so, what can i get the two of you~?”
as junpei gave you his order, makoto scrambled through the menu, trying to quickly find something. in the end, he simply copied junpei's order, without even listening to what his friend got.
“man, you're so lucky–!”
as you left their table, junpei leaned forward, while makoto sank further into his seat.
“that girl was totally flirting with you–!”
“flirting? that's just part of her job…”
despite what he was saying, it's not like makoto didn't get his hopes up a little. the way you smiled at him, the playful touching… this was why a place like this wasn't for him! he'd only get the wrong idea when someone was being nice…
but when you returned to the table a few minutes later with their orders, makoto noticed a little something. on the bill, you had written down your name and a number. a number that was way too long to just be the price of the order. it looked more like… a phone number!
“soo, is this still just part of her job~?”
junpei grinned and snatched the bill from makoto's hands, waving it in the air.
“hey, give that back–!”
makoto huffed and reached out his hands, trying to take the piece of paper away from junpei. but he only pulled it further away, while giving makoto a serious look.
“if you're not going to call her, i’ll do it~!”
“forget it, i'll call her–!”
makoto finally managed to snatch the paper from junpei. but just when he sunk back into his seat, he heard that sweet laughter of yours again.
“i'm happy to hear you'll give me a call~!”
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frickingnerd · 4 months
enemies to lovers with kotone and a strega reader
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pairing: kotone shiomi / minako arisato / femc x gn!reader
a/n: happy persona 3 reload release date to those of you who celebrate! here's something for P3's best girl that didn't make it into reload :')
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strega was supposed to be the enemy! kotone was supposed to hate all of you, to make it easier to justify hurting you during the full moon missions
and while members of strega like jin or takaya seemed like they were pure evil, you stood out among the rest
you were scolding your team members, urging them to fight fair and treat their opponents with respect!
you might still be kotone's enemy, yet she didn't hate you the way she hated the others. no, hating you was something she couldn't bring herself to do…
in fact, the more time kotone got to spend with you, even if it was as enemies who fought each other, the more she started to like you. until eventually, she realized she had fallen in love with you…
of course, every other member of SEES knew! kotone would never admit to it, but her constant “maybe they aren't so bad" or “perhaps we can talk things out with them" led everyone to believe she had a crush on you
over at strega, things were quite similar. you didn't think you'd have any sympathy for the members of SEES, yet when you met kotone, things had began to change for you
you were constantly bugging your fellow members, urging them to be nicer to SEES – or rather, be nicer to kotone – and perhaps listen to them once, before attacking them blindly
it seemed like neither of you could truly change the situation you were in, but that wouldn't stop the two of you from trying!
your teammates might not be willing to stop fighting yet, but perhaps if they were to realize how much you loved each other, they'd be willing to put their differences aside, just so the two of you could finally be together…
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