#yukari takeba x you
can i request yukari and minako (seperate) reacting to their s/o finding their evoker laying around?
(Persona 3) Yukari and Minako's S/O finding their Evoker
Minako's part has a 3D render for her because I am heavily biased.
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Yukari had gotten so used to having only the members of S.E.E.S enter her room, it didn't even occur to her that having an Evoker wasn't normal.
A fact she was quickly reminded when her S/O came through the door, and that was the first thing they noticed.
(S/O) "Yukari is that a gun?!"
Yukari's heart stopped for a brief moment before regaining her train of thought.
(Yukari) "Oh, jeez! Sorry, that's not actually real! It's for a club I'm part of!"
(S/O) "T-The Archery Club?"
Yukari tried her best not to act nervous, something she hoped S/O wouldn't pick up on.
(Yukari) "No, it's a different one. It's the one that you see me, Minato, and Junpei in."
(S/O) "That would explain why I see you with them all the time, but what even-"
(Yukari) "I-It's a prop basically. It looks pretty real and everything, but it's all just for show. You can't even fire bullets out of it."
It was clear from S/O's expression that they weren't buying it entirely, but upon closer inspection, they could tell that it couldn't be used.
At least, not in the way they were thinking.
(S/O) "Whew, next time warn me before you just have something like that lying around."
S/O eased up a little, chuckling as they decided not to press Yukari any further on the subject.
Something she was thankful for.
(Yukari) "Yeah, that's my bad...H-Hey, don't bring that up to anyone, alright? Last thing I need is for a rumor to go around that I'm carrying weapons."
(S/O) "Like the rumor of you and Minato going out?"
(Yukari) "Are people still going on about that?! They know we're a couple!"
Now her mind was wandering off, anger reigniting as she put her Evoker away and out of sight.
At least S/O didn't find her actual weapons hidden, including all the weird medicine, bombs, and elemental items she had stashed.
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Minako was in the middle of preparing her gear for tonight's expedition into Tartarus.
She had put on the SEES uniform for a brief moment, making sure there weren't any holes in it.
The last time they went, she had been hit by a particularly nasty shadow, and she wasn't entirely confident if she had come out unscathed.
There was a knock on the door, and Minako didn't think anything of it.
(Minako) "It's unlocked!"
She replied in a peppy voice. Minako was expecting her teammates, not S/O.
(S/O) "Hey, sorry to pop in like this! I just wanted to-"
S/O stopped when they saw her evoker laying on the nearby desk.
(S/O) "W-What the- Is that a gun?!"
Minako quickly snatched up her Evoker and holstered it, quickly clearing her throat and trying to play it off.
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She waves her hand dismissively in response.
(Minako) "That must've scared the heck out of you, sorry, I should have mentioned that sooner!"
S/O looked at her holster, then back at Minako.
(S/O) "Does your club make you wear that red armband?"
(Minako) "Red armba-?"
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Minako clears her throat before responding.
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(Minako) "It's kinda like a theatre club, but it's pretty exclusive. I was lucky enough to be invited! Mitsuru-senpai is the one who leads it."
(S/O) "A theatre club? But we don't-"
Minako cut them off before they could ask any further questions.
(Minako) "Anyways, I'm a bit busy, so what did you need?"
(S/O) "Well...T-To be honest, that gun kinda made me forget-"
(Minako) "Alright, I'll be out in a second, just close the door! I gotta change, don't make me throw the pillow at you!"
She almost forced S/O out by pushing them towards the door, quickly locking it behind her and sighing deeply to herself.
(Minako) Hopefully they bought that...Actually, who the heck let them in the dorm anyway?!
Much to her dismay, it was technically herself.
Minako had told her friends that S/O was allowed to visit her room, and that explained how they were able to come in basically unannounced.
She quickly regretted that decision. At least S/O wasn't active during the Dark Hour, thank god.
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frickingnerd · 6 months
S.E.E.S. Masterlist
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Makoto Yuki
when the stars smile at the moon - oneshot
first time at a maid cafe - oneshot
makoto dating an idol who's in a fake relationship for publicity - headcanons
Kotone Shiomi
enemies to lovers with kotone and a strega reader - headcanons
Yukari Takeba
until you hold my hand - oneshot
what we do in the shadows - oneshot
Junpei Iori
people will talk (no matter what) - oneshot
there's a first time for everything - oneshot
hold me in your arms tonight - drabble
Akihiko Sanada
being in a poly relationship with shinjiro and akihiko - headcanons
drunk on your love - oneshot
tending to his injuries - drabble
living together with shinjiro and akihiko - headcanons
fake dating shinjiro & akihiko falling in love with you - headcanons
Mitsuru Kirijo
dating mitsuru kirijo - headcanons
mitsuru dating a former delinquent - headcanons
mitsuru's crush being in an abusive relationship - headcanons
Fuuka Yamagishi
undeserving of her kindness - drabble
Shinjiro Aragaki
↳ Masterlist
aigis' (failed) flirting attempt - drabble
holding hands with aigis - headcanons
having a baby with aigis - headcanons
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miutonium · 9 months
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Saw @mango-mya 's si/oc inspo post (lmk if you want to be untagged its ok!!) and decided to make a seperate post instead since I'm going to ramble about Chloe and I dont want to clog the main post with my infos (anyway the post is here if anyone wants to reblog with their char's oc inspo :3)
Here's some inspo for my s/i oc Chloe! I don't really have a lot of inspo as oppose to others but I do have a bit detail about it and ahshskaja I think it's fun for me to pick on so the rambles undercut! (Like, im not kidding all my points are everywhere hsksksk)
When I was making an early concept for Chloe, I used Ima (Sedusa) as my early reference for her design. There's a lot of unique body figure of woman in PPG but I am mostly attracted to Sedusa's frame and I cannot stress enough that I love love LOVE her design! Her design is the exact opposite of Utonium (curvy and circle as opposing to Utonium's rectangular and sharp edges) so like I wanted her design to be the opposite of him. I love the idea of opposite attracts and I refered to this idea a lot when I build her character. More on that in just a bit.
When I created her, I was working as a service crew/waitress and I wished it theres something that could swoop me from my boring job so I thinkered with the idea that she found love at the dinky diner she worked at. So one day, I discovered Suzanne Vega's Tom's Diner and I loved this song! What's so interesting to me about this song is that it's an acapella so like I'm able to focus on the lyrics and it basically captured the essence of what I want Utonium and Chloe to be except Chloe would be the one greeting him every morning and give him hello kissies and hhh thats basically the catalyst for their story.
For most of her inspo, mainly personality and clothes, I refer a lot to The Nanny's Fran Fine. I grew up watching The Nanny and I always love how her character is someone that's street smart, extroverted, cares about others and charismatic at times so I based Chloe's personality off this. I also refer to Fran's outfits a lot whenever I draw Chloe in other clothing so if you take a hard look at any of my previous art you may recognize some of her clothes that I used as reference.
For Chloe's hair, I want a distinctive short hair for her and P3's Yukari Takeba was my first choice for a cute short hair cut. I love how her bangs just swoops to her sides and the end of her hair just curls outwards its just so cute to me. I added the heart curl design on her bangs because I really want her hair to be the main focus for her design so that when she wears any other clothes, her hair will remain the same and recognizeable. The heart curls that sticks out of her hair was added veryvmuch later during design process and it almost didn't make it. I'm so glad I keep it, I think people mostly recognize her heart cowlick the most.
While I did say Fran Fine is my main inspo, I did have Bojack's Pickles as another of my personality inspo. She's bubbly, energetic and sometimes ditzy and I never mentioned this but Chloe's a bit ditzy and has a valley girl accent. I have not think of a voice claim yet but the voice that I think that would fit Chloe rn is ATSV's Lyla. There's a significant age gap between Utonium and Chloe and I really want to show how both of them came from different generation (Utonium's a boomer while Chloe's more of Gen X so I want to play around their understanding of trends and how they act with their age accodingly hhh)
Overall, what I want to achieve for Chloe's personality and appearance is someone that would compliment Utonium's personality and appearance in the opposite way because like I said, I love the idea of opposite attracts. Where she lacks education, she makes them up for her communication skills. Where Utonium is big on being a book smart person, she is street smart, she knows how to handle things by her way.
I have no intention to make Chloe have a cool career like Utonium because I still want her to be normal. I always make elaborated backgrounds and jobs for my other s/i ocs so for Chloe, I want to relax, I want her to be normal, have a normal job, nothing interesting. I don't want to rely heavily on those points but instead focus more on building her personality.
When I think about it now, I think its good thag I make Chloe normal. She is really the normality that Prof and the girls needed in their family. She doesn't have any special skills, any benefits directly to them nor any interesting history that makes her unique, she's just some woman that just walks into their life yet unintentionally becomes someone significant to the family's life.
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writers-reach · 5 months
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(p) - platonic
(x!r) - where x is the specified gender of the reader (i.e. m for male, f for female, nb for non-binary) note: for transgender requests (i.e. ftm, mtf, ftnb, etc), the prefix will change to fit the specification. gender-neutral readers are not labelled, as they are the default.
(au) - alternate universe scenario
(ha) - heavy angst, reader beware! content warnings will be in the notes section and the request will be under a break
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persona 3
minato arisato
general dating headcanons you're so tired... s/o who's one of the boys first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons hiding your relationship on the kyoto trip
minako arisato
it'll be alright (m!r) general dating headcanons s/o who allies with shadows
yukari takeba
shopping date headcanons
junpei iori (p)
s/o who's one of the boys
akihiko sanada
general fluff headcanons wedding headcanons
mitsuru kirijo
calling her 'mom' saying 'i love you' for the first time lover who plays with her hair
fuuka yamagishi
fluffy relationship headcanons defending your relationship from bullies
adopting cats
shinjiro aragaki
fluffy date headcanons w/ an upbeat male /so (m!r) fluff headcanons with a fem s/o (f!r)
(elizabeth) - fluff headcanons (ryoji mochizuki) - s/o who's one of the boys (ryoji mochizuki) - fluff headcanons (jin shirato) - cuddly male s/o (jin shirato) - painting his nails (nb!r) (p4au!ken) friends since before sees (f!r)
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persona 4
yu narukami
general date headcanons s/o who allies with shadows first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons
yosuke hanamura
general date headcanons having a shy s/o (f!r) having a sleepy s/o (m!r)
chie satonaka
sparring gone wrong!
yukiko amagi
lover who plays with her hair
kanji tatsumi
general date headcanons
rise kujikawa
s/o who is an idol dancing under the stars and among the fireflies shopping date headcanons trying out lip balm flavours
teddie (p)
none yet...
naoto shirogane
snowstorm snuggles! fluffy headcanons
(marie, margaret) - fluff headcanons
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persona 5
ren amamiya/akira kurusu
playing with his hair (f!r) first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons
ryuji sakamoto
none yet...
ann takamaki
shopping date headcanons
yusuke kitagawa
none yet...
makoto niijima
calling her 'mom'
haru okumura
none yet...
futaba sakura (p)
none yet...
none yet...
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ochazos-m · 4 months
@unrealization said: "Don't go… I love you." - Yukari / 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 - accepting (x)
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He pauses for a long moment. He had resolved to see things through, but now he freezes. He had intended to walk away for good. Leave Yukari to move on with her life. He was gone. He could never come back. Him just being here left Nyx unsealed. It was only a matter of time.
But she said she loved him. He never thought she would say it. Even if she felt it. He doesn't want to look at her. He needs to walk away. He needs to leave again. But he doesn't. He turns back and faces her.
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"Takeba..." He stops. His chest felt too heavy to breathe. His throat felt tight. His voice came out quietly. "Yukari... I..."
He didn't want to go. But he had to. He wasn't supposed to be here. He had only hoped they could all move on. But it wasn't so simple. He could have never imagined he'd mean so much to her or anyone.
"You know I don't have a choice... I have to go back..." He kept his distance, even though he wanted to get closer. But it was hard to imagine leaving if he did that.
"You know I'm not supposed to be here." He can't look at her. His lips tremble as he gazes at the floor. "I'm sorry... For hurting you again."
  Please hate me.
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narrators-journal · 8 months
Persona Masterlist 2: Eternal punishment
Kinktober was too powerful, but at least I'm having fun naming these!
First masterlist: Here
Created: 10/3/23
Updated: 6/1/24
Fanfiction: x
Headcanons: //
Scenario: \\\
Ask: ^
OC included: _
Persona 2
🔧 Tatsuya Suou 🔧
Regular content
Caught off gaurd \\\^*
💐 Tatsujun 💐
Regular content
Keeping the spark alive \\\^*
Yandere content
Sweet dreams \\\^*
👮 Katsuya suou 👮
Regular content
Home videos \\\^*
Wire tap that \\\^*
On the job \\\^*
🕶️ Baofu 🕶️
Regular content
Home videos \\\^*
A secret valentine \\\^
Wire tap that \\\^*
🎤 Eikichi Mishina 🎤
Regular content
A steamy Siren's call \\\^*_
The scorpions sting can be oh so sweet \\\*
The lethality of the persona bites //
sing little song bird \\\*
🏵 Miyabi Hanakouji 🏵
Regular content
Sing little song bird \\\*
💕 Lisa Silverman 💕
Regular content
Sing little song bird \\\*
💬 Chikarin Ueda 💬
Regular content
Sing little song bird \\\*
Persona 3
💀 ryomina 💀
Regular content
New moon \\\^*
Full moon \\\^*
Strawberry scented \\\
Mine \\\^
Consequences \\\^
Silence is golden \\\^
Silence is golden v.2.0 \\\
Yandere/dark content
Anniversary lilies \\\^*
Winter is a lovely season for romance and funerals TOC x*
Don't you dare (make me fall in love with you) \\\^
Yandere!Ryomina x reader //
Photogenic \\\
Ring, ring \\\
Just a dream \\\
🥀 ryoji mochizuki 🥀
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
Yandere/dark content
My bloody valentine \\\^_
The lethality of the persona bites //
🌼 Elizabeth 🌼
Regular content
Breed the Easter bunny \\\^*
The honeymoon phase \\\^*
Knock before you enter! \\\^*
🍾 Mitsuru Kirijo 🍾
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
🌸 yukari takeba 🌸
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^
🌙 minato arisato/Makoto yuuki 🌙
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
Today's the day \\\^
A creative use for personas \\\^*
🥊akihiko sanada 🥊
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
🤖 aigis 🤖
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
⚾️ Junpei iori ⚾️
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
📕 fuuka yamagishi 📕
Regular content
Crime and punishment \\\^*
Regular content
Crime and punishment
Persona 4
🌼 Margaret 🌼
Regular content
Compliments \\\^*
Wish you were here \\\^*
The honeymoon phase \\\^*
Welcome back, dear \\\^*
The birds teach the bees \\\^
👓 Yu Narukami 👓
Regular content
Dessert before dinner \\\^*
Compliments \\\^*
Breed the Easter bunny \\\^*
The birds and the bees, the squeakquel \\\^
Wish you were here \\\^*
The honeymoon phase \\\^*
The birds finally meet the bees \\\^
Welcome back, dear \\\^*
🧡 souyo 🧡
Regular content
It's only gay if you kiss \\\^*
Dom/sub dynamic ideas //^*
🎎 Kanji Tatsumi 🎎
regular content
Take ten \\\^*
Loosen up \\\^*
Double trouble \\\^*
🌟 rise kujikawa 🌟
Regular content
Double trouble \\\^*
Persona 5/royal
🏴‍☠️ Ryuji sakamoto 🏴‍☠️
Regular content
Just relax and enjoy yourself \\\^*_
Just a normal lunch date \\\^*_
Draw me like one your french girls \\\^
Paint me like one of your anatomy studies \\\^
A midnight visitor \\\^*
🎬 Mishima yuuki 🎬
Regular content
Just relax and enjoy yourself \\\^*_
🐈 akira kurusu/Ren amamiya 🐈
Regular content
Bow to your emperess \\\^*
The lethality of the persona bites //
☕️ Haru okumura ☕️
Regular content
Bow to your emperess \\\^*
How to get a promotion 101 \\\^*
🦞 Yusuke Kitagawa 🦞
Regular content
Just a normal lunch date \\\^*_
Draw me like one of your french girls \\\^
Paint me like one of your anatomy studies \\\^
A midnight visitor \\\^*
🔫 akeshu 🔫
Regular content
Smile for the camera \\\^*
A wolf in sheep's clothing \\\^*
Calling collect \\\^*
Yandere/dark content
My crown jewel \\\^*
🔪 Goro akechi 🔪
Regular content
Human nature \\\^*
The lethality of the persona bites //
Dark/yandere content
Blackmail \\\^*
👩‍⚖️ Sae Nijima 👩‍⚖️
Regular content
The perfect method of stress relief \\\^*
Wish you were here \\\^*
Loosen up \\\^*
Welcome back, dear \\\^*
🐼 Makoto Nijima 🐼
Regular content
Peep show \\\^*
🐆 Ann Takamaki 🐆
Regular content
Who needs implants with shadows like these? \\\^*
Take Ten \\\^*
Double trouble \\\^*
👩‍⚕️ Tae Takemi 👩‍⚕️
Regular content
Check up \\\^*
Loosen up \\\^*
Sneak peeks
Crude jokes are my specialty!
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randoimago · 6 months
Hello! Is it okay if i requested Akihiko Sanda and possibly Yukari Takeba with the C, F, M, N, S, X or Y from the alphabet list?
Anon, I only take up to 4 letters from the list. I assume you meant for me to choose between the letters you picked out, but I'd prefer to just be asked specific letters or only have 4 to choose from if you are giving me that option.
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eatmyasa · 7 months
ok brina is here back at it again... may i reserve yuna from final fantasy x and takeba yukari from persona 3 as well? ;-; thank u
yuna my beloved... i know our tidus rper is crying because she told me... both are reserved for you, brina!
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playxthexfool · 5 years
@foolxfated​ | For Yukari
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Ramrod still with sharp brown eyes shot wide. A RARE STATE for the usually confident and composed student council president to find herself. She’d somehow let slip from her mind that these dorms were no longer HER OWN. And now she’d bumped into Yukari -- The newest compatriot of SEES -- Sporting little more than a TOWEL and hair turned a DEEPER RED with the water it still held. “Oh, my... My apologies...” Delay said a lot if Mitsuru was ever going to be HONEST with herself. The girl had been practicing the right thing to say all her life. Which made rendering her speechless an UNHEARD OF accomplishment. “I shall remember to get dressed in the shower stall from now on.” Eyes once wide were now beginning to study the other girl. Her reactions. And her more... PROACTIVE ENDEAVORS. After all. For all the names she had committed to memory in this GODFORSAKEN SCHOOL, ‘Takeba’ was easily the most discomfiting. “How are you settling in, by the way...” 
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cinnoasch · 3 years
Hello. Could you please write an Yukari x female reader, where Yukari remember the reader that she loves her very much?
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I hope this goes with what you requested Anon!
Word Count: 2006
Dear Yukari,
How are you? Are you doing well? You may be wondering why I keep sending these letters, it’s probably a nuisance to you, right? Well, at the same time I never receive a response, but I hope you’re reading this. I know we didn’t exactly leave things on a good note since we last saw each other, but I miss you. I’m also moving back to Tatsumi Port Island. I wonder how much has changed since I moved away. How you have changed since we drifted apart.
Anyways, I hope this letter finds you well, and I guess I’ll see you soon.
Yours truly, Y/N.
Yukari sighs as she gently folds your letter, putting it back in the envelope and slipping it in the drawer where all of your other letters resided. How many years has it been since you last saw each other? Five? She remembered that day clearly when you told her you were moving. When she yelled at you for leaving her just like everyone else in her life did. Her father who had died, her mom who left her at home often after her father’s death, and now you who was moving away. You had flinched slightly when she yelled at you. You had never seen Yukari this angry before. But you only smiled, telling her that you were sorry, and promised that’d you’d be back soon. She couldn’t understand why you smiled. You were leaving her alone. You wouldn’t get to see her everyday anymore. Was that something to really smile at?
When she first received a letter from you a few days after you had moved, Yukari was ecstatic. But then she started to remember the fun times you had together, all the memories. Usually, these types of things would make you feel happy, if not somewhat bittersweet. For Yukari, this just made her more upset at the fact that you weren’t by her side. How long was soon anyways? A few months? A year?
Five years. Five years since you moved away. Five years of keeping your letters yet never replying. Yukari never knew why she kept them all this time. Was it to hold on to the memories she had? All the good times? Or was because of how guilty she felt when she yelled at you that day? Or was it something else?
You find yourself standing in front of the Iwatodai dorms, a bit nervous to knock on the door. Although you never received responses from Yukari, you were fortunate enough to receive one from Yukari’s mother, telling you that Yukari now lived at the dorms of her school.
You were afraid to say the least, would Yukari even want to talk to you? You had no idea if she kept any of your other letters, much less read them. You always regretted how things ended between the two of you after you moved. Was there anything you could have said to make things better? Was there anything that you could have done?
“Excuse me.”
Startled, you turn around coming face to face with a guy about your age and dark blue hair.
“I need to get by, so could you move please?”
You nod, quickly stepping out of the person’s way, “Sorry.”
The guy doesn’t say anything else as he begins to walk past you.
“Oh, wait! You live here, right?” You say before he walks through the door.
Staring blankly at you, he only nods.
“Is Yukari Takeba here right now?”
“...she might be back soon. If you want to wait inside, I guess you can.”
You smile and bow to the guy, “Thank you. Oh, uh, I’m Y/N L/N by the way, an old friend of Yukari.”
“...Minato Arisato. Come on in.”
You follow Minato inside and close the door behind you, mumbling a quiet “Sorry for intruding.”
You look around the dorms, it reminded you somewhat of a hotel. A sign-in sheet located near the front door, a lounging area in the middle of the room. It was somewhat comforting.
“Hey Minato, who’s that with you, eh?” A guy wearing a baseball comes walking up to you.
“I’m Y/N L/N. A friend of Yukari’s.” You say bowing slightly.
“A friend of Yuka-tan’s, huh. Well nice to meet ya, I’m Junpei Iori. Not sure when she’ll be back, but feel free to hang here for now.” He says gesturing to the couch in the lounge.
“Oh, thanks.”
You head over to the couch, taking a seat as Junpei sits in the chair across from you. “So, how do you know Yukari?”
“I used to be next-door neighbors with her. Childhood best friends, you could say.”
“And then you moved away?”
“Yeah, but I just moved back actually. I’m kind of surprised that it hasn’t changed much around here..”
“Hah, yeah. I’ve lived here all my life and it hasn’t changed much at all.”
“Why did you move away?” Minato quietly asks to your surprise.
“To be honest, I’m not sure. My parents never told me why, I guess I was too young to understand. Even now they never mentioned it. In fact, I was the one who wanted to move back here. My parents didn’t agree, but told me I could do what I wanted. So, here I am.”
“You’re here alone?” Junpei asks. “Where are you gonna stay?”
“Don’t know yet. Seeing Yukari was the first thing on my mind after all...”
As if on cue the dorm doors open and you hear Yukari’s familiar voice.
“Hey, Junpei you forgot your homework...” Yukari starts to say but she trails off as soon as she sees you. “What are you doing here?”
“So you haven’t read any of my letters.” You say standing up.
“If I’d read them, you’d get a response. Besides, shouldn’t you take it as a sign that I want nothing to do with you?”
“Woah, hey there. She’s your best friend-” Junpei speaks up but Yukari cuts him off.
“Stay out of this Junpei. Y/N, why did you come here?”
“I missed you. I missed hanging out with you, being your friend.”
“You should’ve thought about that before you moved away.”
You walk over to Yukari, trying to keep calm. “Why are you being so stubborn? I already told you time after time that I was sorry.”
“Sorry for what? Sorry for moving away? Sorry for leaving me alone?”
“Yukari, moving away wasn’t something I could control. I told you I’d be back right, well here I am! I came back for you didn’t I?”
Yukari lets out an exasperated sigh as she quietly mumbles that she’s done talking and begins to walk past you. You quickly grab her arm before she can leave.
“Yukari, talk to me please! I kept in touch with you didn’t I? I sent you a letter every single day after I left yet I never got a response. I spent every day hoping, maybe one day, I’d get a response from you. If we’re talking about leaving, I’m not the one who left, you did!”
“Let go of me, Y/N.”
“Not until you talk to me!”
“I said, let go of me damn it! I hate you!” Yukari yells as she pulls her wrist out of your grip.
Yukari’s angry expression falters slightly when she sees the hurt look on your face and you laugh a bit sadly.
“You’ve really changed, haven’t you? I mean I expected as much... but this definitely was more surprising than I thought. I guess coming back was a mistake.”
You were half-expecting Yukari to say something, but of course she only stayed quiet.
“Well, I guess I’ll leave then. Nice to meet you, Minato and Junpei. Maybe I’ll see you guys around.”
With those parting words, you leave the dorms, the door shutting makes the following silence even more deafening.
“Look, I know what you’re going to say and I get it, alright. I messed up big time.” Yukari says, looking over at Junpei.
“Glad that you do, but did you have to be that harsh to her?”
“I didn’t mean to. It just came out. I wasn’t really angry at her; I was just overwhelmed with emotions...”
“But you really care about her, right?” Minato adds.
“Then go find her. Apologize. Tell her how you really feel.”
“He’s right. It’s getting late anyways, so you better find her before Dark Hour starts.” Junpei says.
“R-right. I’ll be back later then. Thanks Minato, Junpei!”
Yukari runs out the door, leaving Junpei and Minato standing there in the lounge.
“Y’know, it was kind of weird hearing you say that sort of thing. Maybe you’re not all emotionless after all.”
“Shut up Junpei.”
Yukari knew of one place that you would go when you were upset or scared. She remembered one time when the two of you got into an argument. She didn’t remember what it was about, but the expression on your face when she said something that hurt you, that expression was one that she would always remember. It took her a long time to find you that day, but she finally found you sitting on the swing set at the playground.
Yukari remembered that moment when she saw the hurt expression on your face earlier. One expression that she knew too well. Countless arguments between you two when you were younger always ended with someone getting hurt. You.
As she made her way up the stairs leading to the playground, Yukari was racking her brain of all the things that she wanted to say to you. What should she start off with? Would you even want to talk to her after what she said to you? Maybe this was a bad idea. But then Yukari remembered what you said earlier. That coming back was a mistake. It wasn’t a mistake. Not to her.
She hadn’t realized it before, but when she saw you again for the first time in five years, her heart jumped. She had just been so stubborn for the past five years, she had never realized how she really felt about you.
Yukari didn’t even notice that she was standing at the top of the stairs until she hears your voice.
“Yukari? What are you doing here?” You were sitting on the swing sets. It was like the day of your first argument with her.
“Y/N, I-” Yukari hesitates, trying to find the words to say. “It wasn’t a mistake.”
“Coming back wasn’t a mistake.”
Yukari sighs, looking at the ground while she talks.
“The truth is... I’ve missed you too. A lot. I received each and every one of your letters, it made me really happy too, but I just couldn’t bring myself to reply back. I didn’t even think about you would feel if I didn’t respond, all I thought about was how you left me. But more than anything I wanted you by my side rather than communicating through letters! I wanted to hear your voice, hold your hand; I just wanted you to stay by my side, because I love you!”
Embarrassed, Yukari's face flushes as she covers her face with her hands and you walk up to her, gently taking her hands in yours. “Why didn’t you say all of that in the first place?”
“Because... it’s embarrassing.”
“Is it now?” You ask, using one of your hands to tilt Yukari’s face to look at you. “I love you too.”
Yukari turns her head away, blushing profusely. “Stupid... but I guess that’s one of the reasons I love you. You’re not embarrassed at all.”
“Of course I’m not. It’s how I really feel after all.”
Yukari looks at you again before kissing your cheek and then pulls you along down the stairs. “C’mon, it’s getting late. We should head back to the dorms.”
You simply smile as you follow her down the stairs.
“And don’t ever leave me again, got it?” You hear her quietly mumble.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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Pfft Aegis with a reader who wants to lay on her to sleep but is met with a metal ftaaang as soon as they lay their head down
(Persona 3) Reader attempting to rest their head on Aigis
That should probably happen a lot more for the Girls' Frontline T-Dolls and the other newcomers I'll be adding in, considering they're all androids like Aigis.
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Aigis stares at (Y/N) when they asked the question: "May I rest my head on your lap?"
They had gotten some strange looks from the others in the dorm, but Aigis seemingly did not care.
Or more accurately, she didn't understand the implications.
(Aigis) "Very well. I have no objections. However, doing so may not be comfortable for a human head."
(Junpei) "Whaaat?! That's like, every guy's dream!"
(Yukari) "More like it's yours..."
Aigis adjusted her position and gave (Y/N) plenty of space on her lap.
And right when they laid their head down, dropping their full weight-
(Y/N) "AGH!"
Everyone in the dorm winced in pain. They could feel that impact.
(Minato) "That sounded like it hurt."
(Y/N) "Ow, it did!"
(Aigis) "Are you injured, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) rubbed their head while Aigis continued to stare at them, albeit her eyes seemed to be focusing on their head.
(Junpei) "Oh shit! That's right, I forgot you were a robot!"
(Yukari) "How do you just forget an important detail like that?!"
(Aigis) "It is why I warned them it would not be comfortable."
(Y/N) "And I appreciate it, Aigis but...Now that I know what it's like, maybe I won't just drop my head like that."
(Aigis) "Would a pillow suffice?"
Y/N smiled.
(Y/N) "That'd...be nice, yes."
Minato wordlessly tossed (Y/N) a pillow from the couch and allowed them to fulfill their wish without suffering a concussion.
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frickingnerd · 21 days
there's a first time for everything
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pairing: junpei iori x gn!reader (+yukari takeba)
summary: after junpei complains about being single, yukari sets him up on a date with one of her friends aka. you!
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“yuka-tan, i'm not sure i can–”
“if you're backing out now, junpei, i'll never set you up with one of my friends ever again!”
junpei had been pacing around the lounge of the dorms for the last couple minutes now, much to yukari's disapproval. he had been whining for months about wanting to be in a relationship, but at the first opportunity to meet someone new, he's getting cold feet.
“i don't care how nervous you are, they are waiting for you, junpei! so you'll go out there, be nice and give them a great time–!”
finally, yukari had enough of junpei's behavior. with a firm push, she shoved the boy towards the door. junpei whimpered and stumbled, not even fully resisting. and just when yukari opened the door to shove him outside, you knocked.
“there they are–! o-oh man…”
junpei stuttered, his hand shaking as he reached out for the door knob. he took a deep breath, before swinging the door open and trying to act all cool, as if he wasn't just thinking about running off.
but then he saw you and the words got caught up in his throat…
“you must be junpei, right? hi, i'm–”
“y-yes, yukari told me all about you! h-hi!”
junpei didn't even let you finish, as he eagerly replied, before awkwardly laughing when he realized he interrupted you. when you simply smiled as a reply, he slowly turned around, looking at yukari for help.
“don't look at me like that! you never shut up, so why start being quiet now? tell them you think they're cute–!”
yukari's voice wasn't necessarily quiet. you couldn't help but chuckle softly, as you heard her.
“it's okay, you don't have to force yourself to say anything, junpei!”
you gently rest a hand on his shoulder, trying to help the guy calm down a little. yukari had told you all about him, but she had failed to mention how cute he was. he sounded rather… pathetic, the way she talked about him.
“n-no, i– i really think you're cute! and i'm not just saying that because yukari told me to say that–!”
“thanks! i think you're pretty cute too, junpei~”
out of reflex, junpei turned around to seek for yukari's help again. he had never been called cute by… anyone! he had no idea how to react, but yukari didn't seem eager to guide him any further.
“for the love of god… junpei, stop being such an idiot! go out there already and have fun on your date!”
yukari had come all the way to the door again, only to finally push junpei outside and slam the door shut behind him. junpei awkwardly laughed, when he realized he was all on his own with you now…
“is this your first date, junpei?”
“h-huh? what? no, i–”
junpei sighed.
“y-yeah, it is”
you smiled softly, this time taking the boy's hand.
“you don't have to be so nervous. trust me, i've heard the worst about you from yukari already and i still wanted to meet you. it can only get better from now on!”
junpei couldn't believe what he was hearing. after everything yukari told you, you still wanted to meet him? a small smile slipped onto his lips.
“in that case… perhaps you should tell me everything yukari told you about me!”
you smiled amused.
“sure, but only if you tell me everything she told you about me!”
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Persona x Soul Eater AU
Spoilers for Personas 3-5 (and their remakes FES, Golden, and Royal), PQ1 (Shadow of the Labyrinth), and the P4: Arena series below, as well as the Soul Eater and Soul Eater: Not! anime (and potentially manga? it’s been a while, so I forget)!
Cast (We = Weapon, M = Meister, H = Human, Wi = Witch, O = Other):
Minato Arisato - M | Aigis - Multiform-We | Ryoji Mochizuki - We
Minako Arisato - M | Yukari Takeba - We | Ryoji Mochizuki - We | Aigis - Multiform-We
Junpei Iori - M | Chidori Yoshino - We (presently)
Akihiko Sanada - M or We? | Shinjiro Aragaki We or M?
Mitsuru Kirijo - We (Meisterless and badass; probably a rapier?)
Ken Amada - M | Koromaru - We (a non-human Weapon)
Fuuka Yamagishi - Wi (??? animal)
Investigation Team:
Yu Narukami - M | Teddie - We (potentially a non-human Weapon)
Yosuke Hanamura - M | Labrys - Multiform-We
Chie Satonaka - We or M? | Yukiko Amagi M or We?
Kanji Tatsumi - M? | Naoto Shirogane - We?
Rise Kujikawa - Wi (??? animal)
Phantom Thieves:
Ren Amamiya - M | Morgana - We
Ryuji Sakamoto - M or We? | Yuuki Mishima We or M?
Yusuke Kitagawa - M | Ann Takamaki - We (a whip)
Makoto Nijima - We or M? | Haru Okumura - M or We?
Goro Akechi - M | Robin Hood - We (a bow) | Loki - We (a greatsword)
Kasumi Yoshizawa - M | Sumire Yoshizawa - We (a ribbon wand)
Futaba Sakura - Wi (??? animal)
Daisuke Nagase - We or M? | Kou Ichijo - M or We?
Rei - H
Zen - We, H, or maybe O?
Takuto Maruki - H
Sho - M | Minazuki - We (separate entities in this; Minazuki's a katana)
Shuji Ikutsuki - H
Takaya Sakaki - M | Jin Shirato - We | Chidori Yoshino - We (formerly)
Marie/Izanami-no-Mikoto - Wi (??? animal)
More Notes:
The 'Wild Cards' in this just have really good partnership/Resonance abilities with everyone in their groups, so they can work with any of the Weapons in their groups (and even outside of them a lot of times... looking at Ren and Loki for an example. xP) uncannily naturally.
The Navis in this are all Witches, but good-natured ones, and use their magic to support their respective groups/help make the world a better place. For example, Futaba would probably be able to 'hack' souls somehow with her magic, and also her reclusiveness in this would be at least in part due to being terrified of people finding out her true nature as a Witch. I'm not sure how welcomed/persecuted/the general climate of Witches are/is in this AU yet though.
The Arisato twins and Ryoji are all children of Death in this, with Ryoji being the older sibling and the twins being twins. Death is still Death like he is in SE-OG in this AU, more or less.
Ryoji and Aigis tend to float between Minato and Minako as their secondary partners, though Aigis tends to stick more to Minato as his primary partner and much less often swaps to Minako, while Ryoji shifts between his two siblings more frequently. Yukari swaps about as much as the rest of SEES's Weapons do among their Wild Cards, which is more or less situationally or for fun. Despite this, Aigis and Ryoji still don't get along particularly well with one another, only putting up with each other for their Meisters' sakes.
Strega did exist in this, though I'm not sure yet what their aim was, or the fate of its members. At the very least, they were some kind of rogue antagonist group, and Takaya used to be the Meister of both Jin and Chidori. Chidori ends up defecting to DWMA though, or whatever organization Junpei is a part of.
Aigis, maybe Ryoji?, Mitsuru, Labrys, and Minazuki are all Weapons that can fight without Meisters. Loki and/or Robin Hood might also be among them? I'm undecided.
Originally, I was considering having the cast have their Personas as their Weapon-partners, and just have them have personalities based off of their Shadow-selves' but more aligned with their accepted-selves, but I decided against it in the end. Akechi gets to be the exception, because he's Akechi.
Speaking of Akechi-- Robin and Loki are very powerful Weapons in this AU. Loki's 'chaos magic' would become an incredibly chaotic/maddening soul-wavelength that most others wouldn't be able to handle contact with on its own, as well as perhaps some Madness magic or abilities of some kind? Robin's soul meanwhile would be much calmer and help to counteract/cover-up Loki's from those who can sense souls, as well as perhaps provide some tactical abilities; I'm undecided on that for now. I'm not sure who's side Akechi would be on in this AU yet, like if he was being manipulated by a Shido-like person or not, and for what reason if so.
As for Robin and Loki's personalities and appearances in this... Well, the latter would be somewhat similar to their Persona forms probably, including some of the less-human traits given OG-SE characters (*stares intensely at Excalibur*), and the former would also be somewhat based off of those, as well as sort of how Akechi acts in relation to both of his 'masks'? So Robin tends to be calmer and more polite, though he still possesses a small amount of vengeful desire or bloodlust, whilst Loki is a lot more chaotic, hot-blooded, and very vengeful/aggressive. Both share a tendency towards showiness however, and sometimes get in small competitions with one another to up the other to impress their Meister or be the better Weapon among themselves (since they both might think already that they're superior to other Weapons in general? Unsure).
Also speaking of manipulated and abused children, Sho and Minazuki, alongside Ikutsuki, more or less replace Crona, Ragnarok, and Medusa in this. Not fully 1-for-1 however. Ikutsuki is very much a human, albeit a Mad or power-hungry one (still kinda looking to create a Kishin or otherwise bring about some kind of catastrophic destruction), and Minazuki is a separate Weapon, as opposed to how Ragnarok is Crona's Black Blood. Minazuki and Sho might be twins however, just with one a human/Meister and the other a Weapon. They look almost identical physically in this AU, even down to haircuts, but Minazuki lacks the iconic X-ish shaped face scarring that Sho possesses (and overall the two have a different patterning of scars across their bodies), and Sho's irises appear to be more gray while Minazuki's appear to be more blue. Weapon-form-wise, Minazuki looks like Sho's OG katanas, just in different colors and as a singular blade rather than a pair.
Ikutsuki is still forcing Sho and Minazuki to become stronger in similar methods to Medusa in some ways however, such as going out and obtaining/consuming great amounts of human (and maybe even Witch) souls.
Sho's a little less messed-up than Crona is, due to Minazuki being supportive of and dedicated to him as opposed to bullying him into submission like Ragnarok does to Crona. That being said however, I don't yet know why Minazuki hasn't yet defected from Ikutsuki. P: Other than that, Minazuki is kind of like Sho's impulse control and logical reasoning at times, due to being able to control when he transforms into his Weapon form and thus deny Sho access to his weaponry in times where he's being reckless or unreasonable. Soul-wavelengths-wise, too, Minazuki's soul just in general helps to keep Sho's soul/wavelength more stable probably?
Also in terms of replacing SE cast and plots; The IT replaces Maka et al for the sake of the main story most likely, with SEES being their upperclassmen or alumni and the PT being their underclassmen, if they even attend DWMA at this point anyways.
Lotsa dead people in OG are alive in this AU; Minato, Minako, and Ryoji, Shinjiro, Kasumi, etc.
Speaking of Kasumi; she fights kind of like Sumire does in Royal, that being making use of their gymnastics and priorly-athletic builds. Both sisters are gymnists in this still.
Alternatively, Sho and Minazuki's situations almost ended up reversed, leaving a highly impulsive/aggressive Weapon-Sho and a Meister-Minazuki who would have the kinda backwards idealology of trying to protect his Weapon partner in times where it would be best left to the Weapon to defend their Meister, but also really good at getting Sho to focus when wielding him as a weapon/in resonance (and can in general reign him in to some degree while others can't), making them an exceedingly deadly duo. I kind of prefer Minazuki as the Weapon however, as fun as the reverse could be, as it gives Ikutsuki a bit more leverage over Sho's situation I think? Also in that vein, it would make a lot of sense, given OG, for Minazuki to be more like a Black Blood entity like Ragnarok; however, I like Minazuki being able to have his own body in this, so that can be left for another AU perhaps. xP
Ikutsuki would infiltrate/be trusted by the DWMA in this AU at first, like Medusa was, but eventually get outed for his true intentions most likely. He might be a teacher or other kind of faculty rather than a nurse however?
Maruki meanwhile gets to play the role of school nurse in this. He's not a few screws loose like his Royal counterpart is though, he's just a humble nurse. However, he does still have his interest in researching dangerous subjects, though I haven't yet decided if that would be magic, Witches, Madness, Kishins, or what. It could potentially put him in knowing-contact with the Navis, if they aren't already known to be Witches by the DWMA anyways.
I'm not yet sure on what to do with Adachi or Nyx yet. Nyx might be some kind of Madness-related catastrophe, power, or individual perhaps however?
Rei and Zen are probably just civilians in this. Zen just happens to be really devoted to protecting/looking after(?) Rei still. xD
I'm undecided on if Marie should be amnesiac about her Witchhood or if she should be more like Izanami-no-Mikoto from OG in this.
Yusuke is still obsessed with artistry and beauty in this, so you can imagine what he's like as a Meister. He is still capable as a fighter and dependable when needed... more or less, but is also still easily distracted by, and places higher priority on, such things.
Ryuji kinda gets the short end of the stick because I didn't particularly know who to pair him with or what really to do with him at the moment. Mishima's a big tentative as his partner as a result of that, though I think it could prove to be an interesting relationship potentially.
I'm hoping to add more SL/Confidant and secondary/tertiary/background cast peeps eventually into various roles, but I'd need to do more refreshing/research on them first. I also haven't decided on if I should include Metis in this or not.
If the SE info is inaccurate, it's because I haven't seen the anime or read-up on it in like years. I might do clarifying/fact-checking research some day, but for now, nah. xP
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montyblanc · 3 years
Persona x Detective Naoto is canon, actually
"But Mont, didn't you say PxDN was non-canon a few months ago?"
Yes, yes I did. And it turns out that I was wrong. I got not only the timeline of Golden's epilogue and Dancing mixed up (it takes place in the same year as Arena, not a year after the end of P4), but I trusted MegaTen wiki's baseless and false claim that Ultimax threw it out of canon.
"So what's your proof that it is canon?"
Ok, maybe I don't actually have explicit proof of its canonicity, but I can debunk the claims of it being non-canon and show how it fits into the timeline.
Let's start by addressing the biggest declaration of it being non-canon: Arena Ultimax. There is one big reason why people point to this game as killing PxDN, and that would be the Tsukiyomi, the Persona of Sho. The argument here is that because Sho has Tsukiyomi, then Sousei (Naoto's partner) can't have it, and therefore PxDN is impossible.
Except that's false. There are many instances of characters not only having the same Persona (Susano-o, Hermes, Izanagi), but also the Wild Cards (Yu and Joker specifically) being able to gain Personas outside of DLC that are also currently in use. The biggest example would be Isis, the Persona of Yukari Takeba. In Persona 4 and 5, you can still fuse and utilize Isis as you would any other Persona, despite it being the Persona of Yukari at the time. So with this in mind, we safely debunk the claim that Arena Ultimax decanonized PxDN.
And beyond Ultimax, nothing ever explicitly throws PxDN out of canon, as nothing really contradicts it.
"OK, so how does PxDN fit in the timeline then?"
That's easy: it takes place one whole year after the end of Persona 4 (2013), meaning it chronologically takes place after EVERY spin off.
"Should I read PxDN then?"
Well, you don't have to. Just like how the other spin offs aren't necessary to go through, PxDN is not a necessary read (assuming Naoto doesn't return, that is).
Would I recommend it? Only if you are really into Naoto. Contrary to what detractors will have you believe, the story isn't really that bad (a 6.5/10 really). It has issues, notably having a lot of fanservice moments, but the overall storyline and characterization of Naoto is fine, especially in the second half where the fanservice is heavily cut down. Nothing is really wrong with Naoto's portrayal, either. There are a lot of callbacks to her SL (which is also why Amatsu-Mikaboshi is a non-combat type) and her personality is intact.
And no, Naoto doesn't constantly degrade herself for being a woman, nor are her abilities to use her Persona tied to it or anything like that. I genuinely have no idea where this came from. The most we get is in the first chapter where Rise is being kinda mean to her for still being so shy about herself and Naoto internally agrees a bit but still argues with Rise. In fact, Naoto uses both a male and female alias to her advantage throughout the story. She uses the female alias of Nao-chan as a disguise to lure a guy into custody and uses her public male alias when attending Yagokoro to investigate. Best of both worlds.
"Are you done?"
Yeah, I think so.
PxDN is certainly not a perfect novel, but it's not some sort of disgrace to Naoto or the canon as most people pretend it is. Hell, with most of the hate I see towards it, it becomes evident that a lot of people either didn't read it and are going by hearsay or only read the first chapter (which yeah, it's not very good). So before you go claiming it is non-canon, check the facts and verify them. And actually READ the work you are bashing. If you don't like it after that, then bash it all you want.
I will continue to defend PxDN to my grave, because no one else gives it a proper chance.
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rules for requesting !
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1. we do not write nsfw of any kind
2. 1-2 characters for each request
3. we do not write for incest, poly relationships, and relationships with a huge age gap / illegal relationships
we have the right to deny anything i’m uncomfortable with.
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fandoms/characters we write for !
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assassination classroom - akabane karma, ryunosuke chiba, shiota nagisa, nakumara rio, isogai yuuma, horibe itona, manami okuda, rinka hayami, ryouma terasaka, hiroto maehara, and asano gakushuu
demon slayer - tanjiro kamado, nezuko kamado, inosuke hashibira, zenitsu agatsuma, gyomei himejima, giyu tomioka, sanemi shinazugawa, muichiro tokito, obanai iguro, kyojuro rengoku, tengen uzui, mitsuri kanroji, and shinobu kocho
persona 3 - makoto yuki/minato arisato, yukari takeba, mitsuru kirijo, junpei iori, akihiko sanada, shinjiro aragaki, fuuka yamagishi, aigis, and female persona 3 protagonist
persona 4 - yu narukami, yosuke hanamura, chie satonaka, yukiko amagi, kanji tatsumi, rise kujikawa, and naoto shirogane
persona 5 - akira kurusu, futaba sakura, ryuji sakamoto, haru okumura, goro akechi, yusuke kitagawa, ann takamaki, and makoto nijima
the world ends with you (twewy) - rindo kanade, tosai “fret” furesawa, nagi usui, shoka sakurane, daisukenojo “beat” bito, raimu “rhyme” bito, and tsugumi matsunae
genshin impact - albedo, sucrose, kaeya, rosaria, keqing, mona, childe, ninggaung, barbara, jean, lisa, xiangling, zhongli, yan fei, hu tao, xiao, xin yan, ganyu, amber, beidou, noelle, and venti
identity v - luca balsa, edgar valden, ganji gupta, eli clark, tracy reznik, aesop carl, andrew kriess, william ellis, fiona gilman, emma woods, emily dyer, kurt frank, martha behamfil, naib subedar, helena adams, vera nair, kevin ayuso, margaretha zelle, norton campbell, patricia dorval, mike morton, jose baden, demi bourbon, and melly plinius
hunters - wu chang, antonio, joseph, mary, ann, leo, smiley face, grace, michiko, galatea, and bane
puyo puyo - ringo ando, maguro sasaki, arle nadja, schezo wegey, draco centauros, witch, amitie, sig, raffina, klug, lidelle, tee, ally, rafisol, marle, and squares
mystic messenger - 707 (saeyoung choi), jumin han, zen (hyun ryu), yoosung kim, jaehee kang, and V (jihyun kim)
puella magi madoka magica (note: if we are writing for an x reader for this fandom, we only write for female readers.) - madoka kaname, mami tomoe, homura akemi, sayaka miki, and kyouko sakura
project sekai: colorful stage! ft. hatsune miku - akiyama mizuki, kamishiro rui, momoi airi, asahina mafuyu, shinonome akito, shinonome ena, yoisaki kanade, tenma tsukasa, tenma saki, shiraishi an, otori emu, mochizuki honami, kusanagi nene, kiritani haruka, hoshino ichika, hanasato minori, azusawa kohane, and aoyagi toya
svtfoe (star vs the forces of evil) - tom lucitor, star butterfly, marco diaz, and janna ordonia
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this is all for now but we will add more characters in the future ! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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narrators-journal · 2 years
Persona masterlist 1: Innocent sin
Created: 8/18/22
Last edited: 10/3/23
Sequel master list: here!
Fanfiction: x
headcanons: //
Scenario: \\\
Ask: ^
Persona 2
🔧 Tatsuya suou 🔧
Regular content
When the users are away \\\^
💐 Tatsujun 💐
Regular content
Fluff headcanons //
🚔 Katsuya suou 🚔
Regular content
Relationship headcanons //^
Persona 3
🥀 Ryoji Mochizuki 🥀
Regular content
General headcanons //
Nsfw alphabet // *
Yandere/dark content
Yandere!Ryoji headcanons //
🌙 Minato arisato/Makoto yuuki 🌙
Regular content
General headcanons //
Nsfw headcanons // *
A mismatched pair \\\^
Yandere/dark content
Yandere!Minato headcanons //
☠ Ryomina ☠
Regular content
Angels love backrubs \\\
Fun things to do on the train ride home \\\ *
Vacationing with the devil \\\ ^*
Sleepovers are fun, I promise! \\\ ^*
Thoughtless soft \\\
Imaginary friends tend to linger \\\
A fun bonding exercise \\\*
You are the moon \\\^*
Ryomina as parents //
Good boys get to stay the night \\\*
When the users are away \\\^
Pet shadows love salami \\\
You showed me human compassion, now I'm your problem \\\
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach \\\^
Ryoji vs the personas //^
Baby it's cold outside \\\
Festive attire \\\^
Ryoji needs enrichment //^
Winter is a lovely season for romance and funerals x
Dark/yandere content
You were meant to be mine \\\
🥊 Akihiko Sanada 🥊
Regular content
You can’t fight reality \\\
🌼 Elizabeth 🌼
Regular content
Dinner and a show \\\ ^*
Candy shop \\\^*
Indulgences \\\^*
My turn \\\^*
🍾 Mitsuru Kirijo 🍾
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Every good dog deserves a reward \\\ ^*
🌕 Kotone shiomi x Ryoko mochizuki 🌕
Regular content
Spider lilies in the moonlight \\\^*
🌸 Yukari takeba 🌸
Regular content
At first she's sour, then she's sweet \\\^*
🤖 Aigis 🤖
Regular content
Truth or dare \\\^*
Persona 4
🌼 Margaret 🌼
Regular content
Happy birthday to you \\\ ^ *
Please the empress \\\ ^*
Dinner and a show \\\ ^*
Double dipped \\\^*
Candy shop \\\^*
Buy me dinner \\\^
Indulgences \\\^*
Movie night \\\^*
My turn \\\^*
🌟 Rise kujikawa 🌟
Regular content
Going for a midnight swim \\\ ^*
👓 Yu narukami 👓
regular content
The kings order is absolute \\\ ^*
Happy birthday to you \\\ ^*
Please the empress \\\ ^*
Dinner and a show \\\ ^*
When the users are away \\\^
The birds and the bees \\\^
Double dipped \\\^*
Candy shop \\\^*
Buy me dinner \\\^
A gods favorite toy \\\^*
Indulgences \\\^*
Movie night \\\^*
My turn \\\^*
⛄ yukiko amagi ⛄
Regular content
The kings order is absolute \\\ ^*
🧡 Souyo 🧡
Regular content
Wrong number \\\ *
Domestic souyo //^
🙈 kanao 🙈
Regular content
Be my first \\\ *
🥩 Chie Satonaka 🥩
Regular content
Well, this is awkward \\\^*
Persona 5 Royal
🔫 Akeshu 🔫
Regular content
Homecoming \\\
Homecoming part 2 \\\
A tough nut to crack \\\ ^ *
A well-behaved thief \\\ ^*
Black pepper and mint \\\ ^*
🔪 Goro Akechi 🔪
Regular content
Desperate measures \\\ ^*
Introductions are important \\\ ^*
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
🏴‍☠️ Ryuji Sakamoto 🏴‍☠️
Regular content
Succubi to make the boy go crazy \\\^*
A little experimentation is healthy \\\^*
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
🐈‍⬛ Morgana 🐈‍⬛
Regular content
A nerve-wracking request \\\^*
Today's the day \\\^
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
🐆 Ann takamaki 🐆
Regular content
My gold medal \\\ ^*
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
Tit for tat \\\^*
🦞 yusuke kitagawa 🦞
Regular content
Spring fever \\\ ^*
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
🐈 Akira kurusu/Ren amamiya 🐈
Regular content
Learning something new about myself \\\ ^*
When the users are away \\\^
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
We've got a lot of catching up to do \\\^*
☕ Haru okumara ☕
Regular content
Dungeon crawling alone can be dangerous \\\^*
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
Tit for tat \\\^*
🐼 Makoto Nijima 🐼
Regular content
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
We've got a lot of catching up to do \\\^*
💻 Futaba Sakura 💻
Regular content
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
👩‍⚖️ sae nijima 👩‍⚖️
Regular content
We've got a lot of catching up to do \\\^*
Sneak peek
Cheese and mayo
Dashing through the snow
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