#minecraft really did change over the years huh
tripping balls as i am watching old mcyt videos
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i’ve read two novels tonight it’s 3:31 am as i’m typing this if there’s a higher power fucking with us and running things down here i am staring at you and giving you the middle finger. i will become immortal using mcdonald’s preservatives and start slowly destroying the universe in seemingly innocent, harmless ways until everything we know is no longer recognizable and you will be left wondering how you lost control and the answer is ME BITCH. then i’ll make you into a giant egg eternals style and force you to die and recreate the universe but better because unlike you i don’t make the dominant species in a small pocket of my universe fucking ruin lives for shits and giggles. if there’s multiple people involved in running this shitshow i’ll do it chain reaction style everyone has to explode at the right time in order to make the new universe. and magic will be real and there will be a lot more good shit in the universe like FOOD. omigod food is so awesome. and the food won’t affect anyone’s health negatively which would be like. so sick. all of this will happen in a riverdale style plot where everything becomes more and more non sensical over time and you slowly go insane from the sheer weirdness of what is happening until you’re more insane than that guy in the mind electric. big mood honestly man sometimes you just need to sail out to your death that’s respectable goals. less respectable that you did this for your girlfriend but whatever romance is fine. kind of overused plot line whoever is writing this universe sucks at writing. change it up a little bit why aren’t enough people making musical masterpieces about that star trek shit huh. make a goddamn musical masterpiece album about those star trek concepts and then we have something new. or maybe here’s a better idea since there so much lovey dovey shit in there let there be music and let the music have GAY SEX where they are FUCKING RAW. as a certified singer bastard that’s a amazing concept. all these allo sexual folks describing the sex sounds and i have no idea what the fuck they are but if you have them MAKE SOMETHING WITH THE SEX SOUNDS. like y’all got so much to work with and no one is doing it it’s fascinating. take that first step. it only takes one person to start a trend of interesting shit. see there’s things like this in life now we gotta add some fucking horrors too but not the dull soul-sucking horror we have here with the government and capitalism and everyone wanting someone dead. PEACE AND LOVE MY DUDES. except for cops go fuck yourselves. see the universe writers had some interesting shit with my childhood where i hallucinated for a year when i was 7 we need more of that energy. not enough people these days lose their minds over non world ending shit we don’t need another disaster. actually while i’m at it WHAT THE FUCK IS THE GOP DOING?? some people really just turn off their brains and hear the most dogshit insane lies and parrot those statements word for word. sweetheart no that’s not the way go take some benadryl see the hat man expand your worldview and realize that not everything is about what is happening with our local stupid white karen assholes THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. honestly i’m pretty sure i got drunk off our vanilla extract i chugged a bunch of that shit. for fucks sake i mean it’s vanilla it should not taste spicy when i chug it. does vanilla minecraft mean nothing to you bastards?? hey another thing universe writers ever try fucking. MAKING NICE PARENTS. should not be up to half of my friends are on cps watch. i’d like to suggest some more of that peace and love 70s hippie energy. you wrote the goddamn protests live that truth. smoke weed and live a healthy stable life. now i understand perhaps you’ve been dropped as a child. or child abandonment. or parental murder. honestly all of those seem pretty common for god backstories so WE COMMIT TO THE BIT. however, consider talking your shit out. i’ve heard yoga does wonders. or a nice cup of tea. anyways peace out commit crimes be queer and disgusting about it feel the whimsy.
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vicea · 3 years
dream merch discord recap (june 12, 2021) - disclaimer: i may have missed some things or mistakenly heard other things, apologies in advanced for that!
he has not played the new minecraft update
dream “knows” the date george is coming to florida but he’s not saying it :p
dream doesn’t have anyone muted on twitter
dream guesses his favorite disney princess is belle
sapnap has seen dream’s feet before
he’s not actually connor’s dad in the dsmp lore
dreamnap do not have nicknames for each other D:
dream likes olives but especially black olives
his mother makes homemade pickles
he doesn’t have a phone case
he has dropped his phone from his ear onto concrete in the parking lot before and the screen didn’t crack
dream has six fingers /j
he pours cereal first not milk when making cereal
dream calls sapnap nick most of the time :D
what’s your dream car? “idk the one that gets me to point A to point B consistently”
he finally fixed his sleep schedule, woke up at 8 am today
mrbeast owes dream a tesla because he never sent dream the audio file
dream is a very analytical person - he thinks with numbers/data
creativity is one his strengths that he is the most proud of
3 to 4 years ago, dream used to say george looks like shawn mendes a lot, now he doesn’t resemble him as much
patches is currently sleeping <3
swimming is very relaxing to dream, he swam the other day!
many houses in florida have pools than other places, even the cheapest houses in orlando have pools
dream has merchendise defects (misprints on merch) + milestone merch and he wants to give them away to those who live in orlando (probably to anyone but the event will be held in orlando) though he doesn’t want it to be a covid super-spreader thing so once you pick up your item you gotta dip. just all an idea though
he has been donating them to charity too though :)
dream has likely read Heroes of Olympus before a long time ago
he says that he’ll do a give away of his childhood books with his signature on it
he was obsessed with the series (Percy Jackson) 
he really liked the Alex Rider series
has all of Maximum Ride books, 39 clues books
has read the legend series, the twilight series, and the maze runner
has all/read of the harry potter books, divergent, eragon
he would read all the time, to the point he would read more than one book a day (a book worm he says)
dream had a goal to read 200 books in a year and he wind up reading about 150
he doesn’t want to call it a library but- growing up he had something like that that had 600 or 700 or more books in it (privileged he admits it)
he has not read a book since he started youtube (about 2 years)
dream has a folder called Book that has his own writing in it
word count: 76000 words for one of his stories 
another one he wrote 5 chapters of
he sounds very excited/embarrassed talking about the stories he wrote he’s so endearing
the very first paragraph of one of his stories (he was young when he wrote this) “What exactly is darkness? is it the lack of light? is it a pit of nothingness? ... your mind is full of darkness...” then he couldn’t continue.
the story is about a kid who wakes up in a cell and has no idea where he is with other people who are in the same situation
dream has a world building document
he has a sequel to the first book he has ever written
he found a query letter that he wrote because he wanted to get his book published- he finds it very funny
he’s calling himself a nerd but idk it’s kind of endearing
“as you can tell i’ve always been incredibly cool and not a nerd at all! ever.”
he cringes at his own old videos
dream took a lot of inspiration from witches and wizards by james patterson for writing
the story is written in a way where the main character is actually writing the story so you’re getting input from the main character during it. there’s a lot of sarcasm in it and it’s making dream laugh
very first person narrator
he feels like it’d be very cool if he were to publish his works he wrote when he was 16 on amazon or something but he probably never would because he’d have to read through all of it and it’s just embarrassing for him
dream used to video call sapnap fairly frequently- even before youtube
he strictly remembers, a very long time (at least 7 to 9 years) ago he was at his old childhood house he video called sapnap. he was wearing a (technically) suit and he remembers specifically that he was giving sap a tour... 
“snazzy in a suit”
he had no reason to put on the suit (wow time is a flat circle huh)
drista is pretty close to sapnap’s height, she’s like 5′7″ but sap is still taller than her
dream filmed the whole thing when he and sapnap met but... it’s... gone because when he was clipping that one clip for twitter... it edited the whole video
he’s sure when they meet up with george they will film that too :D
DREAM IS PRETTY SURE THAT HE AND GEORGE WILL MEET THIS YEAR-- HE SAYS A 95% CERTAINTITY the five percent is like either restrictions or visa issues
dream does not play any instruments but he had a guitar hanging on his wall when he was younger...
dream is convinced they’re the same height but also sapnap is probably taller??
they had george compare his height to a door frame and dreamnap were googling for any doorframes to find any possible chance that george is taller than 5′8″ ... nothing came up
there’s a chance they’re both lying about being 5′8″
sap and george will literally just show up in stilts to prove they’re taller than each other /j
dream without shoes is between 6′2″ and 6′3″ with shoes he’s 6′3.5″
dream is talking about awesamdude’s fake height arc again LOL
dreamnap are very private people so they don’t bother each other but george doesn’t care and would just barge into their rooms and start bothering them- they were all joking about that over a voice call
he will visit europe
he thinks that greece would be a cool place to visit because sapnap’s family is from there :) so it’ll be like a nice “treat” to go back with sap :D
dream isn’t entirely sure that the dream team meet up will happen this year but he’s working out the details because he wants to make sure it’s safe
he’s talking to youtube about his face reveal
it’s up to george if he wants to eat healthy when they finally move in
dream just has a lot of meat and vegetables in his house
spinach with chicken is good
not much fruit (only apples and tomatoes)
“DRISTA IS 5″ is trending on twitter LOL (her height got cut off)
dream doesn’t want people flying to different places because he doesn’t want to encourage travel so he wants to do all of the meet ups with a two day heads up at most
he thinks that it’s awesome that ranboo and tubbo are meeting soon !! :D
it’s very cool to dream to see how far everyone’s has come since the beginning of the dsmp. everyone has done so much
dream finalized his youtube plan a couple weeks before he uploaded his video and he was talking to drista about how he was gonna be a big youtuber in a parking lot :”)
she was the first person he really ever talked to about it
dream would love to teach george how to drive it’d be really funny :D (a very good video or a livestream idea) 
dream knows how to ride a bike, he used to have to bike to school
he can’t explain dnf.gay he has no clue he is not responsible. sapnap was the one who found it LOL. he is adamantly exclaiming that it was not him
dream doesn’t worry about views/likes/dislikes a lot- mainly views but that’s for the new uploads
he hasn’t uploaded in like a month and a half (*cries*)
he wants to stream at some point but he doesn’t know when 
he wants to play geoguessr but not now... he doesn’t want to alt stream rn- maybe tomorrow!
he is insisting that the splash text on his minecraft home screen is by callahan
he asked callahan to send him bunch of text files that are dream team related so that the splash can rotate through it but callahan thought it was funny (it is) to put only dreamnotfound <3 so it doesn’t ever change at all and dream doesn’t even know how to change and he has asked callahan to change it but he said no (even though dream pays him LMAO)
the video referenced in the padilla’s video is still in the works, it might be handed over to sapnap though !
he has no idea if he will be in MCC pride yet
padilla got dream’s input for the video, dream found him to be a very nice guy ! :) it’s the first interview that dream did that wasn’t by a person with a negative opinion of dream
dream felt relaxed doing the interview with padilla 
?????? he’s blaming callahan for his “dnfisreal” nickname in bedwars 
he’s blaming callahan for a lot of dnf-related stuff
callahan runs the dream fanart account thus the liking of dnf content
he’s so insistent that it was callahan
dream admits that he was lying about the twitter and other stuff but for sure callahan did code the splash text in LOL
dream liking that tweet “the chances of george doing a hot tub stream is the same of dnf dating” was “funny” he wasnt trying to do any commentary...
the inside joke of “oh it’s all just a joke to you” originates from george and sapnap actually always fighting (like them yelling and shouting at each other) and george said something really mean and sapnap was hurt then geroge said “it was just a joke” and sapnap replied with that line and ever since then it’s been a meme LOL
he says that everyone does the hand-on-the-passenger-seat-while-reversing thing
dream is offline raiding with his chat with 6k people
dream appreciates us and will talk to us soon! 
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Forget Me Not-SBI
…. To the person that requested this…. Why? Why would you rip my heart out like this… 
This is a SBI x gn!reader in the dreamsmp. So in this, Dream is kind of like an immortal being who is one age and has been that age for a really long time… You’ll see more what I mean when you get into it…. 
This is fine in the beginning and then it gets hella sad….. You’ve been warned.
Masterlist here 
The garden. That’s where it all began with Y/N and the Minecraft family... It’s unfortunate that’s where it all ended as well. 
I met Phil many years ago in my garden. I had lived alone in the middle of nowhere for many years. After months of feeling lonely, I built a beautiful garden with not only lots of fruits and vegetables, but also lots of flowers so that all types of animals and insects could come and hang out in my garden. One day, I peeked out into the garden and found a man with two young children admiring the rows of plants. I didn’t mind, I was just curious as to the new people that had wandered onto my property. 
“Hello” I greeted softly, approaching the three carefully trying to appear non threatening. The blonde man whipped around with wide eyes, revealing that what I thought was three people is actually four because there was a baby strapped to his chest. “Who might you new friends be?” I asked softly. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t know anyone lived here. I just wanted to show my sons around a beautiful garden to get them to calm down, I’m sorry again, we’ll leave!” He rushed out, grabbing his two standing son’s hands before trying to leave. The poor man looked exhausted. Like he just needed a break from… Well from his children. 
I quickly held my hand out to stop him from moving, “No, you’re quite alright. You just startled me. It has been quite a long time since I’ve had visitors. My name is Y/N!” I introduced myself, hoping to further reassure the father and his children. The blonde man gave me a kind smile and let go of his brunette child’s hand, “I’m Philza, you can call me Phil.” I took his hand with a smile and shook it. “It’s very nice to meet you Phil.” “You as well Y/N. These are my three sons, Wilbur” he says, motioning to the brunette, “Techno. And the baby is Tommy.” I gave each child a warm smile. “It’s very nice to meet you boys as well…. Would it be alright if I showed your boys around the garden myself? You could go inside and relax for a bit if you wanted!” Philza hesitated for a moment, but couldn’t help the wave of relief that washed over him. “Yes. Please, that would be lovely.” 
After chatting for a few more moments, Philza handed me Tommy and told the two other boys what would be happening. “I’ll be right inside, okay? Yell if you need anything.” And then Philza went inside. I had just met the man, but I knew I could trust him. “Alright boys, what do we want to look at first?” The four of us slowly moved about the garden. I told them everything there was to know about the plants I had been growing and answered each and every one of their questions with the utmost patience. 
“Y/N! What kind of flowers are these?” Wilbur asked, his eyes wide and his small fingers reaching out and caressing the blue petals of a small flower. I smiled fondly at the flower before diving in. “Well Wilbur, those are Forget Me Nots and they are my favorite. They represent remembrance, a promise to always remember someone. They also represent love and protection. If you give someone a Forget Me Not, it means you truly love them and would go to the ends of the earth to protect them…” I explained softly. 
Pondering for a moment, I reached out and picked four of the flowers. “Here,” I offered the boy softly, extending out the flower to him. Wilbur stared at me with wide eyes before softly reaching out and taking the flower from my fingers, “But you just said-” “I know what I said,” I cut in gently, extending my hand out and offering another of the flowers to Techno who also carefully took it. “I know I just met you today, but I would do anything for you boys okay? Anything you need, I’ll be there.” I told them softly as I rested yet another of the flowers next to Tommy’s sleeping head. For the first time today, the boys were silent, staring intensely at the blue petals of the flower that symbolized my promise to protect them. 
“Now how about we go inside and give this one to your dad, huh? Then you boys can help me make dinner” The boys seemed to break out of their trance at that. Snatching the remaining flower from my hand, Wilbur bolted to the house, “I’m going to win!” He called over his shoulder to his pink headed brother. “No you’re not!” Techno screeched back, chasing after him. I couldn’t help but laugh at the interaction before slowly following the boys inside. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I would do anything for them. 
Ever since then, the boys had become my family. Phil would come over with his sons and hang out. Sometimes when he needed a break, I would offer to take them off his hands for a while. At first he felt guilty for accepting, but he soon faded from that habit and learned that just because he needed some help sometimes did not make him weak. I watched the boys grow before my eyes. Tommy went from being carried everywhere to throwing a tantrum if you tried to pick him up without warning. Wilbur slowly became more and more invested in the garden, spending many hours out there with me, helping me in any way he could learning everything for himself. Techno broke out of his shell more and also spent a lot of time in the garden with Will and me, although he usually sat back and just watched. 
One day while we were out in the garden, Dream appeared. I hadn’t seen Dream in a long time. We had once been friends. But over time, he slowly became a completely different person. Ruining people’s lives for fun and having no regret or remorse for it. So one day I left. I left for the middle of nowhere and never looked back, never expecting him to find me. But of course he had. 
“Well, well, well… What do we have here?” I almost couldn’t believe the voice that called from behind me. I slowly stood up from what I was doing and carefully turned around. I could feel the twin’s eyes on me as I stood to confront the figure. “What are you doing here, Dream?” I questioned in as stern of a voice as I could. Dream let out a mock laugh as he crossed his arms in front of him, “Now, now. Is that anyway to greet your best friend?” I let out an irritated sigh and rolled my eyes, “You’re not my best friend. You are just somebody that I used to know. Now tell me what you want or get the hell off my property.” I finally snapped, just wanting answers. 
A fake pout peeked out from under Dream’s white smiley face mask. “Awe, Y/N/N. That hurts. That really hurts… But I would watch your words and your tone… You wouldn’t want those two boys to get hurt, would you?” My eyes snapped to the two young teens standing by my side. “Boys, get inside the house.” I growled under my breath. “But Y/N-” “Now” I snapped. They didn’t question me again. Wilbur and Techno sprinted to the house. I watched carefully as the door shut behind them before turning back to Dream. “If you even so much as think about laying a single finger on them, I swear to God I will kill you.” Dream smirked, “Oh come on now. You wouldn’t hurt your best friend, would you?” “You’re not my best friend!” I broke, I marched forward and swung my fist at his face, which he caught. “And here I thought we could have a civil conversation.” 
Dream threw my hand back and quickly struck back, his own fist flying for my face, which I easily blocked. The two of us took a step back, each scanning the other’s body before lunging back into the fight. Punches and kicks fly as both of us try desperately to get the other hand. It’s no use. We know each other too well. 
The fight could have gone on forever if not for Philza. Wilbur and Techno must have gone and gotten their father because all of the sudden there are hands on my shoulders and I’m being pulled off of Dream. “Y/N!” He exclaims, turning me to face him, “What’s going on? Who is this?” I broke myself from the concerned man’s grip and turned to the green hoodie cladded man. “Go home Dream. Go home.” 
Dream reaches up and gently removes his mask from his face allowing our eyes to connect. His emerald green eyes burned with a fury that I hadn’t seen in many many years. I allowed my eyes to roam his face, taking in the subtle changes that have taken place over his face. A small smirk quirked on my lips as I watched blood drip from his nose, knowing I was the one to do that. It must hurt… Good
“You’ve made a big mistake Y/N. All I wanted to do was talk. Wanted you to stand by my side once again.” I let out a scoff, “I will never stand by your side again Dream. You’re a monster and that is something I will never be.” The fury in his eyes seemed to burn brighter as his deamour shifted even darker, “You’re going to regret this Y/N. I swear. I’ll get you one day and you will regret not joining me. It will come from nowhere and you’ll regret it.” “That will never happen. Now get the hell out of here.” And for once in his life, Dream did as he was told. 
After I was sure Dream was gone, I turned back to Phil with a sheepish smile on my face, “Thanks for that… That fight would have gone on for literal ever. Turns out when you’re best friends with someone for many years, you learn their fighting styles and can predict their every move.” Philza just stared at me in shock. “Who was that?” I let out a sigh before delving into a short version of the story. “That was Dream. He’s been alive for like, ever, and will be alive for the same amount of time. We used to be best friends… And then he changed and I didn’t want to be around that, so I left. Today was the first time I’ve seen him in years. It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m here and safe.” Philza seemed to accept my answer and pulled me into a tight hug. “Okay, well I’m glad you’re okay.” I hugged him back tightly. 
My eyes flickered to my house and I let out a small laugh at the thing that stared back at me from inside my house. Philza pulled back and gave me a curious look. “We should go inside. It looks like two boys are very eager to ask questions.” I noted, pointing over his shoulder at the two boys that were peering through my kitchen window, curious looks on both their faces. Phil turned around and laughed at the sight as well. Phil put a hand on my lower back and walked with me inside the house. 
Once I was inside, two sets of arms wrapped around me. I immediately hugged Techno and Wilbur back. “I’m okay guys. Thank you for listening and going inside the house. And thank you for getting your dad for me. I really appreciate it.” “Anything for you,” Wilbur murmured against my shoulder, “You promised to protect us the day we met you… We’re going to do the same for you.” His words caused me to melt. I can’t believe he still remembers that. I squeezed my arms around them tighter. My boys. 
We embraced for a few moments longer before pulling away with a small smile. Techno cleared his throat drawing my attention to him. “Do you think… That maybe you could teach me to fight like you? Just so that I can be prepared in case Dream comes back I can help fight?” His question surprised me. I slowly looked over to Phil who simply gave me a shrug, “Up to you.” I turned back to Techno with a soft smile. “Sure bud, we can start tomorrow morning if you want.” A bright grin, one I rarely ever see from Techno, spread across the pink headed boy’s face. “Yes, please! Thank you!” “Of course kiddo… Now let’s get cleaned up for dinner.” 
So everyday since that day, I trained Techno in the morning. It didn’t take long for him to become better than me. But still, everyday without fail Techno and I sparred. I would also tell him about Dream’s fighting style so that if he ever did come back, Techno would be ready. I assured him though, that Dream wouldn’t be back though. That nothing would ever happen. Oh how I wish I was wrong. 
Dream did come back. On the day I least expected it. 
I was in the garden, tending to the flowers. I gave Techno the day off of training, deciding he had been working hard enough that he deserved a day off. So having the morning free, I decided I would take the time to tend to my garden on my own, something that I hadn’t done since the day I met the Minecraft family. It was nice to have a little time to myself, but as I tended to the Forget Me Nots, I couldn’t help but miss my boys. 
“Hello Y/N” Dream’s cruel voice greeted me from behind, startling me from my work. I felt irritation flood my veins as I rose from my kneeling position, turning around to face him. I felt my blood run cold as my eyes caught sight of the enchanted netherite sword that rested by his side. “Dream… What are you doing here?” I questioned, my eyes flickering to his white mask. I watched the bottom half of his face flicker into a smirk, “I warned you didn’t I? I would be back when you least expected it. Today’s that day.” He claimed with a huge grin, taking a few steps forward, raising his sword toward me. “Dream,” I whispered, horrified, “Don’t do this.”
I was defenseless. I had no shield, no weapon to defend myself. I knew if I tried to book it to my house, Dream would kill me before I even got half way. I couldn’t yell for anyone, I lived in the middle of nowhere and none of the boys were around. I was trapped with no way out. 
“Don’t do this? No I think I will do this. I told you, you would regret it, today’s that day Y/N. Today’s the day.” I didn’t get to respond. Dream lunged forward and the sword was plunged into my stomach. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t. All I could do was let out a painful gasp as I collapsed on top of the sword. I couldn’t stop my hand that reached out and grabbed onto Dream’s bicep. Slowly, I looked up and met the white mask. Making a decision, I reached up with my free hand and ripped the mask off his face. If he was going to let me die, he would have to look me in the eyes when he does it. 
Utter shock filled his face as the mask fell to the ground. His emerald eyes flickered down to where his sword had punctured my body. Regret seemed to fill his face, but only for a moment. Indifference took its place before a forced smirk played on his lips. Another gasp was ripped from my throat as Dream wretched the sword from its place in abdomen. The only thing that was keeping me on my feet was the hand on Dream’s bicep. Once he realized that, my hand was ripped from his body causing me to lose my balance and crash into the ground. 
Dream loomed over me, a satisfied smirk painted on his lips. “Should have listen to me Y/N… Should have-” “Y/N!” A scream roared through the air. Techno was here, why is Techno here? Dream’s head snapped away from me toward the direction of the voice. He looked back to me and forced that smirk once more. “It’s too late,” he stated calmly, “You’ve lost too much blood… Goodbye Y/N… Should have taken me up on that offer” Dream almost sounded sad. I didn’t get a chance to say anything because then he was gone. 
“Y/N!” Techno’s voice called again. I couldn’t call back. Everything hurt too much and I was getting too sleepy. Through my blurry vision, I could see Phil kneel down beside me, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy close behind him. I could feel his hands find their way to my stomach where he tried to put pressure on the wound. “No, please. Y/N” Philza begged, trying desperately to stop the bleeding, but deep down we all knew it was too late. “Phil,” I whispered, my hand reaching out and cupping his face. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. You’ll be okay without me.” 
“Don’t talk like that Y/N. You’re going to be okay too. Please, you have to be okay,” Wilbur’s voice broke as he sank to his knees beside Phil. Tommy and Techno both joined him, each of their hands reaching out and grasping at a part of my body. “Yeah, we still have so much to do together. I have so many pranks I have to pull on you… Don’t leave.” Tommy said, trying to remain strong, and failing a bit as tears streamed down his cheeks. “Please don’t go,” Techno begged, “I still have so much to learn from you. Don’t go. Stay. Stay here. With us.” 
I gave them all a sad smile, pulling my hand away from Phil’s face and resting it by my head above me, my fingertip brushing against the flower bush planted there. “Stay? I would love to stay and be with you boys. But it seems that I can’t.” Gathering all my remaining strength, I reached up and pulled a handful of the flowers from the bush. I let out a small laugh as they came into my view, just as beautiful as the day I planted them. Slowly, I reached my hand out to the boys. Techno was the first to get the message. His fingers reached out and softly plucked one bunches of flowers from my hand, as careful as the day we met. Three other hands slowly reached out and plucked the remaining flowers from my hand. 
Once the blue flowers left my hand, I allowed my arm to collapse to my stomach to rest. “Forget me not” I breathed out before my eyes fluttered closed. Sobs filled my ears as I allowed myself to fall deeper and deeper into a black nothingness… And soon, there was nothing at all. 
*POV Switch*
Third Person POV
Y/N was buried the next day in their favorite outfit in their favorite place, the garden, under their favorite flowers, the Forget Me Nots. The death hit the family of four extremely hard. Days and weeks went by as the four tried desperately to fix the hole that Y/N’s left in each of their hearts. 
Techno was in denial the longest. Going to Y/N’s house everyday in the morning, knocking on their front door waiting for them to answer the door so the two could train together. But every morning without fail, the hole in Techno’s heart grew as his incessant knocking when unanswered. Techno only leaves the house once his eyes catch sight of the grave constructed in Y/N’s garden. 
Wilbur took over taking care of the garden. He could be found many times a week slaving in the hot sun making sure that every single plant was thriving and perfect. He feels like he owes it to Y/N… If he couldn’t protect Y/N, maybe he could protect the garden.*
Tommy got really quiet. His usual loud manner and joking demeanour vanished once Y/N died. His pranks against his family stopped. He didn’t feel right joking in a world Y/N wasn’t in. 
Philza was hit the hardest. He had to put up a brave front for his children. But at night he would allow himself to collapse. Y/N was his friend… His best friend… No. A piece of his family. They understood him like no one ever had. They had taken care of him and his family asking for nothing in return for years. Philza blames himself for many months. Had he gotten there quicker, Y/N would have survived. It was his fault they were dead.**
Everyone grew more protective of one another after that. Never letting one go anywhere alone, not that they wanted to anyway. Although they were protective of each other, the three boys were way more protective of Philza. They had already lost one parental figure. There would be no coming back if they lost the other. 
Techno was almost always the one to accompany Philza on his trips. Training even harder to make sure that nothing would ever be able to sneak up on them or take him down. Every possible threat would find itself dead before it could even think to agro to Philza. With every swing of his weapon, Techno silently thanked Y/N for teaching him so well and swore to avenge them by killing Dream… One day. 
Wilbur became protective over the words that were said about and to Philza. Not hesitating to physically fight someone that said a single bad word about his father. Philza was the strongest man Wilbur had ever known, he understood that now, and so insulting Philza would not fly by Wilbur. 
Tommy began to do everything he could for Philza. He wanted to make sure that Phil knew how much he was appreciated and how much he was loved by his children. Tommy would make sure that Philza had enough food, that chores were done, things were clean, and everything was put in its place. Tommy knew now how much the little things meant. 
Slowly, the four healed together. Laughter and smile crept back into their household as months passed by. The four made regular trips to Y/N’s house. They left gifts and letters one Y/N’s grave, hoping wherever they were they would accept them as an unspoken apology. Taking time to admire the garden started by their beloved family member, currently being kept by Wilbur. 
Their eyes always linger on the Forget Me Nots. The flower that they got at the beginning and the end. Y/N’s favorite flower. Each time they visit, gentle hands reach out and pick five flowers… One for each of them and the final one for Y/N. No words are ever said as they gather their flowers, they don’t need them. The meaning of the gentle blue flower speaks for itself. The silent promise. Forget me not. 
There you go… I really hope you enjoyed. Writing this legitimately made me cry, see the notes below. (the asterisks correlate to the ones in the imagine and points out where my tears occurred). If you did enjoy, please please be sure to leave a like and maybe even a reply or a reblog!
*I kid you not, I know I’m the one that wrote it, but I began crying at that line. Like full on crying because it made me so sad. It doesn’t help I was listening to my sad playlist when I wrote this imagine.
P.P.S. This is what a forget me not looks like if you didn’t know. 
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nojey · 3 years
karl jacobs x reader
genre: angst, slight fluff  pronouns: she / her word count: 1.0k warning(s): having hoes, failed relationship, cursing, cheating
synopsis: an ongoing, on and off, confusing, relationship between you and karl
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feeling things scared you. more specifically, feeling romantic things for people scared you. you craved the idea of being loved, but when you truly came close to being in a relationship your mind was overpowered by self-destructive thoughts. thinking you weren’t good enough for him, thinking you’d be the one to fuck things up and spend months blaming yourself, thinking that he’d fall for someone else and leave you.
all these things were the result of your ex boyfriend cheating on you. spending almost a year with him, you trusted him. you thought you’d done what you could to change his ways of messing with girls, but you were just another pawn in his game.
you and karl were best friends before anything. he always made you laugh, you told him everything and you spent a ton of time with him. when you started liking karl you thought you were over your ex, but you and karl were out on a date, one that you asked him on, and you saw one of the girls your ex cheated on you with. throughout the date, a bitter taste was left in your mouth, head clouded with insecurities. every once in a while you’d glance at her and you’d just get more upset as the moments passed.
how could you be thinking about your ex when you were with an amazing guy like karl? a guy that made sure no one was in your path in a crowded area, staying with you the early mornings and late nights when you couldn’t fall asleep, keeping you company when he knew you had no intentions of talking and just wanting to be in his presence, him just giving you his hoodies whether or not you’d admit that you were cold, treating you so much better than your piece of shit, dirt-bag ex did. how could you do that to him? he didn’t deserve that, you didn’t deserve him. at all.
so after that date you distanced yourself from him. you had absolutely no idea what you were feeling. why were you still upset when you saw that girl? you thought you were over your ex. why did it affect you so much? you had to figure out your feelings before you could even think about being with karl. so you ended things with him.
but you did it in the worst way possible. you started to ghost him.
karl <3: good morning (y/n)! i hope you have a great day :) message me whenever you’re free
karl <3: hey, can you facetime right now?
karl <3: do you want to play minecraft?
karl <3: good night, (y/n) karl <3: i hope you had a day as amazing as you ;)
karl <3: wanna go out to eat later?
karl <3: facetime?
karl <3: hey (y/n)? (y/n) :P : what’s up? karl <3: is everything okay between us?
karl<3: (y/n) can we talk? (y/n) :P : yeah, what’s wrong? karl <3: do you still see us being together? i just, i feel like things haven’t been like they were... (y/n) :P : i’m sorry karl.  karl <3: oh.. it’s okay. karl <3: i’m sorry for that past few months (y/n) (y/n) :P : you don’t have to apologize for anything
and that night you cried, your own thoughts eating you up. you deserved it though, how could you hurt someone like him? he didn’t deserve anything you put him through.
you were the one to blame, you were the one that couldn’t figure out these feelings, you were the one that ended things with him, you were the one that just couldn’t decide, you were the one that strung him along, you were the one that hurt him, he did nothing but cherish you and you hurt him.
you had no idea how to cope with these feelings so now started your hoe phase. barely keeping contact with karl, you started talking to other guys. multiple at a time, becoming the person you hated the most, your ex. but you weren’t as bad as him, right? you didn’t go as far as to start dating these guys and cheating on them. but you were still talking to many at a time. why would you do that? you didn’t know. you were getting over your ex, but those feelings for karl still lingered.
after a few months of this, you met a guy that you really liked. fully over your ex, healing from what he put you through, now friends again with karl. you thought that karl was your dream guy? the new guy exceeded expectations to the fullest. staying up to talk to him till 6am and facetiming while you were both napping during the day. but everything is too good to be true, huh? 
he wasn’t over his ex.
this was karma, wasn’t it? this is exactly what you put karl through, you whole-heartedly deserved this. so you got tired of this phase and just started focusing on yourself, i mean, you tried to.
karl started talking to other girls, becoming who you were. having hoes, talking to multiple girls, ending up being so different than the guy you fell for. until he found a girl he really liked and dropped all his hoes for her. and you were very confused to say the least. why were you feeling jealous when you were the one at fault for things ending with him? you didn’t even know how you felt for him. and the girl he started talking to? she was so kind, a girl that really deserved him. and then she ended things with him. 
now here both of you were, not talking to anyone, speaking to each other more and more everyday. but what were your feelings for him? what were his for you? neither of you knew. so you left things as is. if it escalated, then it did. if it didn’t then so be it.
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shushiyuii · 3 years
A giant going out to eat with their friends and getting a tiny in their food that looks more appetizing then the meal.,, (crimeboys??)
Warnings: Soft vore, choking and maybe mentions of fatal? (It's not as bad as it sounds i promise)
Words: 2K+
There was one restaurant known worldwide, known for its delicious recipes from a world-renowned chef, Philza Minecraft. It’s not only known for its mouth-watering meals but also its delightful sweets from their baker, Kristin Minecraft.
Phil and Kristin had met back in their college days in one of the most famous schools for culinary with everyone going there being talented individuals and exceeding expectations of taste tasters across the world, the school’s purpose was to help drive those expectations even further.
Phil was a fine-dining chef whilst Kristin was studying in the baking course. Both had run into each other in coincidence and continued to run into each other since. And well, the two had simply fallen in love fairly quickly, they became the school’s admirable couple. It was love at first sight.
So, you couldn’t be surprised that Phil purposed so quickly after graduation, it was a simple picnic date where Phil attempted to bake a special cupcake for his beloved Kristin. And in the middle of that cupcake was an engagement ring.
They got married soon after, then settled down, started a restaurant together which became known as Tasty Treats. Then came their two little bundles of joy. Wilbur and Techno, they grew up in the restaurant, showing their own cooking talents. But not as much as their parents.
Techno had a particular interest in potatoes, any food he made with his parents had to be made with the ingredients, not that his parents minded this interest. It was just they had no idea why he had an interest in such things.
Techno was more like his father than his mother, and it was the opposite for Wilbur, more like his mother than his father. Although talented with his baking it wasn’t really his main interest, he just helped his mother where he could. His interest was music.
He was often just playing music for the restaurant, his own songs or general music. People noted that Wilbur did have a lot of musical talent, one that was similar to a siren’s lullaby. It was hypnotic, if you heard it, you’d be leered to the restaurant without a choice.
That’s how they met their third bundle of joy.
It was known that Borrowers lived amongst Humans, some being known as family or friends, they were known to live in Human’s walls or under floorboards and such. They weren’t eaten commonly as they used to be since Borrowers had evolved to be resistant to digestive acids.
Tommy had been a young Borrower, a kid living in the restaurant’s walls. He was abandoned by his parents and had grown to be somewhat independent on his own. He definitely wasn’t sneaky or cautious, but he got the job done.
Many of the customers and the owners were aware of a Borrower amidst their walls but they didn’t mind them, since well, the Borrower wasn’t doing any harm to them.
Now how did Wilbur’s music come into play? Well, Tommy would often listen to Wilbur’s music above a loose vent covering in the room. Wilbur was just a teenager and Tommy was just a child at the time.
Tommy was allured to the boy’s music, he found joy and comfort in Wilbur’s music, many had seen him at this point, but he had just become a part of the restaurant at this point, he had yet to be caught yet though.
Wilbur was just happily singing but got called over to help his mom with baking, to which he happily agreed and put his guitar aside by the chair, much to Tommy’s disappointment. Tommy stood up and was about to go back to his little space in the walls when he felt the rumbling in his stomach.
Right, he needed food.
So, he made his way to the kitchen. He stealthily entered the kitchen (as much as he could) and made his way over to the counter, he scanned around for anything to eat and a particular mixing bowl caught his eye and he made his way over to it, without the humans noticing him.
Once he saw the mixing bowl, he was delighted to see that it was a cookie dough mixture, the chocolate chips already in place, all they needed was to be cut into shape and baked. So, before the inevitable happens, he may have helped himself a bit.
But big mistake, “Wilbur! Could you pass me the cookie dough mixture, please? Darling?”, “Yeah! Course Mom!”. The sounds of the humans scared Tommy to a point he fell into the mixing bowl and when he looked up, a wide-eyed human stood above him…
“Mom! There’s a Borrower in the mixture!” Wilbur yelled out in confusion. “What?! Bring it here!”. Wilbur then brought the bowl to the other side of the room where his mother was. He placed the bowl down with Tommy struggling to get out of the mixture.
Kristin peered down into the bowl, her eyes widened as she immediately pulled out the Borrower, it scared Tommy. Was he going to be killed for stealing their food?! Was this his end? Tears stung into the boy’s eyes as he looked away from the human who was holding him in between her fingers.
“Wilbur, pass me a cloth, will you?” The hold then changed to a much comfortable one as he now laid on the human’s hand, “Awe you poor guy, you’re just a kid”. Tommy looked up angrily and with fear, he managed to speak up. “I’m not a little kid! I’m a big man!”.
Kristin's eyes softened and she smiled at the Borrower, “A big strong man, huh?” she asked with playful curiosity as Wilbur handed her the cloth, “Mhm!”. “Well, big strong man. Could you tell me your name?”.
“Tommy…”, “Nice to meet you, Tommy, I’m Kristin”. Tommy looked to Kristin to see a comforting face, it assured Tommy it was safe. Then, Kristin used the cloth to wipe over Tommy and clean him up. And once he was, he got another smile.
“You hungry, Tommy?”. To which Tommy nodded, he was then handed multiple chocolate chips to eat. Whilst he ate, he listened to the two humans’ conversation. “You think this is the borrower living in the restaurant?” asked Wilbur, “I think so”.
The two continued to talk as they worked, Tommy answering questions he was asked and that was show they met.
Now years later, Tommy was a teenager himself helping out in the restaurant. Multiple changes had been made to the restaurant to become a lot more Borrower friendly so their new son Tommy could easily move around.
Yep, Tommy had been adopted by the Minecraft’s so he was now Tommy Innit Minecraft. And he couldn’t be happier with his family.
“Tommy hun, mind taking this over to your father please?”. It was a small pot of seasoning his mother had prepped for his father’s latest recipe. “Yep, Will do Mom!”. He yelled as he grabbed the seasoning from his mother’s hands. He almost lost his balance from the weight of the seasoning but managed.
He made his way over to the kitchen, where his father was with Techno, “Dad! Seasoning!”. He yelled as he almost toppled over from the weight of the seasoning. His father noticed and immediately put everything aside, running over to catch his son.
Tommy landed in his hand and the seasoning in his father's hands. “Thank you, Toms”. Tommy then regained his balance, “Where’s Wilbur?”.
“Dunno”. Techno responded as he stirred the potato stew he was making. “It’s been forever since we’ve seen him! When’s he coming?!”. Wilbur’s musical talent had been recognised and had been offered a scholarship at one of the world's most prestigious music colleges.
He didn’t want to miss out on seeing Wilbur again.
“Tommy! A little help please!”. His mother called which snapped him out of his thoughts, he then ran over to the front to his mom and carried out the tasks given to him.
Now he was stirring a bowl for his mom as the day was almost finished, as they were closing his mind began to wander. Then, the bell before the door rang, it caught Tommy off guard to a point to which he fell into the bowl. “Sorry we’re-“ His mom cut herself off.
“Wilbur!”, She suddenly yelled. Running over to her son and embracing him into a tight hug. “Hi, mom! I missed you!”, he hugged back. “I missed you too, honey!”, he placed a kiss upon his forehead.
Then, Techno and Phil entered the room, “Wil!” his father said enthusiastically as he joined the hug of the two. “Hi dad!”, Wilbur laughed. The hug then broke apart and then he got a ruffle of his hair from Techno.
The four of them laughed, “How’s college been for you, mate?”, “Tiring, but great! I’m having a lot of fun!”. “Good!”. The four continued to converse until silence overcame them, they were all wondering the same thing. “Where’s Tommy?”.
The four then agreed to split up and find the Borrower, Wilbur searched the front kitchen, Techno in the back, Techno the storage and Kristin the serving area.
“Tommy! Where are you!?”, yelled Wilbur as he lifted the lids of pots to try and see if the Borrower was hiding in ingredients again. “Tommy!?”, he yelled again then noticed the out of place whisk in a mixing bowl, with Tommy struggling to breach the surface.
He then picked up Tommy, carefully yet playfully lifted him by the leg. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” he said with a playful tone. Tommy then began to spit out curses. “Fuck you! Lemme go dickhead!”.
“That’s how you greet your brother after not seeing him for months, Tommy?”. Tommy then stopped his struggles and looked to his brother, “No- I-“. Wilbur then laughed, “Calm down Toms- I’m just messing with you!”.
“Be quiet Gremlin since you’re covered in batter. I suppose we better get you cleaned up, huh?”.
“Don’t you fucking dare!”
Wilbur then lifted the boy above his mouth, smirking at his brother’s struggles. He then open his mouth, bringing his tongue out to taste him, he licked at the batter covering him, “Chocolate pudding? That’s always been one of my favourites!”.
He then carefully dropped Tommy into his mouth, feeling no struggle, he knew he had permission. So, he closed his mouth and poked his tongue at Tommy. To which his tongue got attacked by the playful struggles and hugs.
He then pinned Tommy to the top of his mouth, swallowing the chocolate pudding. He then opened his mouth to bring Tommy back out as his fingers carefully picked up the boy. Tommy complained as he was brought out of the mouth.
“What, you want to be swallowed?”. Tommy’s poutful expression was enough of an answer. “Alright! Alright!”. Then put the borrower back into his mouth. The once Chocolate pudding turning into a taste of Strawberry and Vanilla.
Soon, after tasting the borrower, he tilted his head back and was about to swallow. When the bang of the door scared the fuck out of Wilbur. “Wilbur!” Techno yelled, “We can’t find Tommy!”. His family soon joined the room.
The family stood as Wilbur almost toppled over, holding his throat and stomach. Tilting his head upwards as he began to choke. “Wilbur?!”, his father then ran over to Wilbur. He grabbed his son’s shoulders.
“T-tom-“. Wilbur choked out, Phil’s eyes widened as he realised what was happening. “Techno! Go grab water!”. Techno ran over to the sink, filling the cup to the brim and running over, handing the cup to Wilbur.
Wilbur gulped the water down, the lump in his throat moving as it finally made its way to his stomach. Wilbur panted as he finally got air into his lungs. “J-Jesus…”. Phil patted his back gently to soothe his son.
“Are you okay?”, he asked. “I-I’m fine”. Wilbur’s hand then suddenly moved down to his stomach, and he stared down at it. “Are you okay, Toms?”. “I almost died! Dickhead!”. Wilbur’s then rubbed his stomach in circles and sighed.
“Tommy’s fine too”. Then, he stood up with the help of his family and made their way home. Once he was in his room he put a hand to his stomach, feeling Tommy comfortably sleeping. ‘Yeah, sleep sounds good’. Then laid back, falling asleep himself.
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emo-and-confused · 3 years
Headcannons based on @cb28 ‘s “ceo of many hotels tommy and hotel receptionist tubbo” au art (includes dysfunctional sleepy bois) (awesamdad)
-techno, wilbur, and tommy are phil’s kids
-(the three kids are adopted, techno was adopted when he was five, wilbur was adopted when he was four, and tommy was adopted when he was seven)
-techno is older than wilbur by two years and wilbur is older than tommy by eight years
-phil is this rich businessman. techno is some powerful leader. wilbur is a famous songwriter.
-then tommy owns a hotel
-he's still like 16/17 but he owns and manages it
-techno is the oldest therefore favorite and heir to whatever money and property phil owns
-tommy is least favorite. phil ignored him.
-then one day phil just gave him money and said "stop being a disappointment" so he started his hotel at 15
tommy: i’m going to build a hotel in rage
-then best friend tubbo who works there and is nice to tommy
phil: oh, theseus, my son. come, i was just telling my companions about your ho- who is that?
tommy: this is tubbo.
tubbo: hello :)
-wilbur being the normal brother and treating him like a normal person and taking him and tubbo to hang out and be kids
wilbur: tommy, let’s go get ice cream
tommy: wilbur, ive got things to do, paper work and, and shippments and-
wilbur: tommy.
wilbur: let’s go. bring tubbo.
-tommy feels like he has to prove something to phil
-he also feels like he might be able to earn attention from him. that if he works hard enough phil will be proud of him
-wilbur’s music is what makes phil pay attention to him, but when he was a kid phil said his music was never going to be a stable source of income and actively encouraged other future job choices. this only made wilbur more focused on his music
-both tommy and wilbur feel the need to prove themselves
-tommy meets sam when starting up his hotel, and immediately gets attached
-sam is basically his guide, even after building the hotel. sam saw the child and went “yeah he needs parental guidance” and continued to stay in contact with tommy
-tommy is the one who gives sam the creeper mask. because sam is always working on construction and stuff and he's always inhaling debris and tommy likes minecraft so he gives it to him. sam adores it and wears it all the time.
-tommy totally calls him sam nook
sam: hey tommy! just building your hotel. i do need some more things for construction though... could you ship them over to me?
tommy: y'know this reminds me of a game my brother made me play over the holidays...
sam: ... uh,,,, what?
tommy: animal crossing! that's it. you're totally tom nook.
sam: alright, tommy.
-[over emails]
]Mr. Danger Careful Innit,
Could you supply more building materials?
Sincerely, Sam Nook
]Mr. Samuel Nook,
Sincerely, Tommy
-sam gets a very official hand written contract (the same one as the lore)
-he gets it and just goes with it (there’s a more real contract but tommy values his handwritten one more)
-sam signing it and tommy cheering and immediately going to text phil
sam: and... there you go! signed. :)
tommy: really??? ... YES!!! LETS GO!!! (calls phil and tells him)
-then tommy hanging up and smiling, then looking back over to sam.
tommmy: (clears his throat) um. my apologies. that was very unprofessional. thank you very much, sam.
-tubbo is the receptionist for the main hotel in the chain, (the one tommy is constantly at) but he basically becomes sort of a manager
-tommy sends him off to do multiple jobs throughout the day, and tubbo does them with only little complaint
tubbo: you know i’m not room service right?
tommy: i don’t remember asking
tubbo, already holding the room order: this isn’t my job tho-
tommy: and yet here you are, doing the job
-tommy pays him more than everyone else though, but tubbo doesn’t know that because tommy won’t let him see the usual staff paycheck
-tubbo is half a year older but his parents are constantly away on buisness trips so he is often home alone and has to take care of himself
-tommy is not good with showing his affection, the only one in his family to do so was wilbur. phil just kind of threw money at him on holidays and ignored him the rest of the time, and while techno was a lot more attentive to him, he wasn’t the best at affection either
-when tommy started making money with the hotel, (how very successful hotel chain), to show tubbo he cared he just started offering to buy him things
tommy, upon finding out tubbo likes bees: you know i could buy you a bee sanctuary if you’d like?
tubbo: tommy no-
-tubbo teaches him that money isn’t the only form of showing you care. it’s a long process
tommy: so you’re saying i shouldn’t buy sam a private engineering lab for his birthday?
tubbo: i know for a fact sam wouldn’t know how to accept such a gift and that he’d rather you close the hotel for a day and take him to play laser tag
tommy: ...okay but what if i do that and buy him a private engineering lab?
-the dream team are bell hoppers.
-tommy gets hate for being that young and successful
-the dream team are like “stfu i'm proud to be working for a very successful 16 yo how dare you" and go off on every rich person who says something about tommy’s age
they're still streamers. they just don't tell tommy. (tommy totally knows tho, he’s a 16 year old kid who plays minecraft and animal crossing, ofc he knows they’re video game streamers)
dream: hey tommy-
tommy: yes? is there a reason you're barging into my office?
dream: .. is that... animal crossing music? are you playing on a switch?
tommy: no!! i'm signing very important and legal documents!!! if you have nothing to say, get out!!
dream, to sapnap and george: he’s totally playing animal crossing.
-tommy makes them greet people at the doors and carry peoples bags purely because they’re famous. they don’t know this though
-they don't think tommy knows. tommy and tubbo think it’s hilarious. tommy hints it all the time that he knows but they just think he's being a kid
-quackity is on sam’s building/contracting team
-even after the hotel is built, q comes in to "check up" on the building with sam. and they "make sure nothing is going wrong with the building"
-they really just want to make sure tommy is okay under so much pressure
-wilbur totally has tubbo’s schedule and knows when tubbo’s on break, he can usually be found with tommy in tommy’s office
-wilbur will just barge in and be like “okay let’s go, you need a break”
-one time wilbur came in while sam and quackity were there
wilbur, barging in: kay, tommy, tubbo, let’s-
sam, mid lecture with tommy: you can’t keep doing this!
quackity, also scolding: you need to take a break, man.
tubbo, who noticed wilbur come in: wil! tell tommy he needs to go to bed and sleep! he hasn’t slept in twenty seven hours!
tommy, from his desk, with his head in his hands and leaning over paper work: i’m being ganged up on.
-wilbur instantly likes sam and quackity, because they care for his little brother (he totally has a rivalry with them though, he was there first, and tommy’s actual brother)
-the main hotel in the chain is sometimes used as an international meeting place for big companies and politicians
-more than once has phil or techno needed to stay for a few nights due to major meetings with powerful people
-it’s kind of awkward sometimes because tommy’s the hotel chain owner and since he’s based at the main hotel, he sometimes needs to greet the people going in for meetings
tommy: good afternoon, madam secretary
tommy: good afternoon, mister minister
tommy: good afternoon... *awkward cough* ...technoblade.
-or since he’s the ceo of a big name company, he sometimes has to attend big rich people galas that he hates
tommy: tubbo i literally hate these types of places, when can i leave, when am i allowed to to leave
tubbo, who is tommy’s plus one and moral support: dude i don’t know, i didn’t grow up rich
tommy, who grew up talking care of himself when wilbur wasn’t there: yeah well technically neither did i!
-and his father is a business man..
tommy, faking confidence and striding across the room: tubbo, i have no idea what i’m doing-
phil, from a table a few feet away, calling him over: theseus!
tommy, slowly turning around to see phil with a bunch of other rich people: fuckkkk-
-tommy makes sure everyone calls him tommy and not theseus
[in an interview]
interviewer: so theseus-
tommy: it's tommy.
interviewer: ... alright, tommy. would you like to address the rumors going around of your boyfriend?
tommy: huh??? oh, you mean tubbo? no, we're just best friends. and that's weird. i'm a minor.
interviewer: are you gay, though? we've never seen you date any women.
tommy: no, i do date women! all the time!!
-tommy being legally named "theseus watson" but calling himself "tommy innit"
-wilbur is legally “wilbur watson” but only ever goes by his stage name “wilbur soot”
-they both totally end up changing their names. legally.
-tommy saying i hate men because he just hates his father
-tommy getting scandals and controversies all the time but just by the upper class
-everyone else loves and adores him and knows he's literally just a 16 yo kid so that kind of stuff is a joke and he can say that without getting in trouble
-tommy will be in his office and tubbo will be at the front desk and sometimes tommy will just yell “TUBBOOOOO HELP MEEEEE” if his laptop crashes because Tubbo Tech
tommy: [during a meeting] oh, tubbo's clocked in for work.... TUBBOOO!
tommy: he's gonna come in here. surely. he'll go "hellœ?" surely. he'll walk in here...
tubbo: [walks in the room] hellœ?
-phil still has no idea who tubbo is
wilbur: yeah, i’m going to go check on tommy and tubbo
phil: ..the receptionist?
wilbur: ...
wilbur, internally: also your sons best friend but yeah sure, the receptionist.
-techno is lowkey fond of tubbo
-techno notices how tommy is clinging to tubbo at parties and galas all the time so he tries to get tommy to talk about him
-he likes that tubbo is there for tommy and totally resonates with the chaotic energy the two create
-sometimes when tommy can’t get tubbo in to the parties/galas, and techno is there, tommy will hang around him and steal his things
-like taking his wallet so techno will have to go back to the hotel afterwards and visit tommy
-he does it for attention. 
-tommy lives at the hotel. it’s not technically legal cause he wasn’t emancipated from his family and he’s only 16 but they’re rich so people don’t really say anything
-technically he still has a room at phil’s place, but he stays in a room at the hotel. when designing the place, he made sure to map out an area for his living space
-tubbo takes naps in his room
tubbo: i'm gonna go take a nap in the break room
quackity: there is no break room??
tubbo: yea there is. on the top floor. with the giant door.
quackity:... isn't that tommy's room???
-tubbo sometimes stays the night with tommy, when his parents have been on a business trip for over two weeks. he still goes to in-person school so he usually only stays on weekends during the school year
-tommy does online school, and forces himself to get his schoolwork for the week done over the weekend so he can focus on the hotel and other responsibilities
-he fakes having the “lmao i'm better and have more money also you don't play minecraft" mentality towards other kids and claims that’s why he does online
-it’s actually because he doesn’t have time to balance everything and he was bullied in the past so he switched to online school as soon as he started his hotel
-sometimes tubbo helps him with his classes tommy is overworked. like, in his off time. he has the passwords to tommy's computer so he just goes on it and does some of his school work
-tommy ranting to tubbo about how he hates his dad and how he said phil was gonna visit him the next day
-phil arriving and asking tubbo (because he's the receptionist) where tommy is. tubbo saying he doesn't know and that he left. even though tommy is literally in his room
-phil tries. he just doesn’t know how to parent. techno was 17 and wilbur was 15 when he adopted tommy, and he just got busy enough and forgot how to take care of a child
-tommy knows if he talks to phil, it’ll be awkward and phil will just try and buy him off (not intentionally, it’s just how business men be working, yknow)
-tommy just wants to prove himself, to both himself and phil. and hes using his hotel to do that
fanart that was posted with @cb28 ‘s work
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(i got permission to post this)
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She’s Creepy (Dream)
(PART 1)
pairing : dream / clay x reader
summary :  apparently being a huge fan of a big youtuber is considered being a creep, according to minecraft gamer, dream. and ever since he called you mean things, your world turned upside down. (ANGST) (TRIGGER WARNING)
looking back, there was so many things we could’ve done before she saw us.
walked out before she did? 
not stared at her like she was the only source of food in a stranded island?
but then again, we were still in shock. but we were left in more shock after she did what she did. 
she settled the bill and was proceeding to walk out the restaurant alone, since her family went off first. 
since she wasn’t really paying attention to her surroundings before, we didn’t think she would this time. 
but we were proven wrong in the next second. 
she looked up from her wallet, coincidentally, looking up to us. 
her eyes moved from me to nick to clay. she looked confused for a second. 
and then, a smile. 
wait? a smile?
you smiled at us, bringing up your wallet-less, right hand to wave to the three of us. 
i looked to see what the other two boys reactions would be. 
as expected, shock clearly written all over their faces. 
three years can make someone change. a lot, in fact. 
they say to forgive and forget. but logically, how does one forget something that change your whole life? 
but you forgave them. you were not heartless. you weren’t going to bring this to your grave. that seems so childish of you. 
at the end of the day, what happened years ago changed your life, for the better. 
you were making better money than you did when you still made videos. 
sure, now you couldn’t really enjoy life by posting on the internet you doing things you love or posting the people you cherish. but that didn’t matter anymore. 
you had a good career, a good life. 
and you still looked up to the three boys. 
sure, they hurt you a little. but you were sure they must’ve did something to stop people from ruining your life after you left social media. right? 
so you smiled at them. 
you would be lying if you said you weren’t shocked and confused. you were almost speechless. what do you say to the three people that made you the woman you are now?
how did you not notice them sitting on the table just opposite you? and why were the three of them together? as you knew before, they don’t even live in the same country. 
maybe they have met since then and they’re just enjoying a good dinner. as you just were. 
“hi, haven’t heard of you guys for a little bit.” you walked closer to their table. 
your family left, anyways. they said they would catch up with you another day, seeing that most of them have jobs, just like you. 
“uh. we- we haven’t heard from you either.” sapnap, nick. 
nothing changed. they still looked the way they did three years ago. 
besides dream, of course. up till today, you had no clue what he looked like. but damn, he is one hot dude. 
“please, sit down. that is, if you don’t have to go.” george. even after three years he is still so adorable and awkward. 
you pulled out the empty chair beside sapnap, sitting down. 
“since i haven’t formally introduced myself, i’m y/n.” you said, shaking sapnap’s hand. 
the polite texan brought your hand to his lips and kissed it instead. how sweet. 
you smiled at him as he told you his real name. 
they took turns introducing themselves. 
air still tense, you tried to make it less awkward. 
“stop thinking about the past.” you broke the awkward silence. 
“how? you were forced to leave the country.” dream, or clay said. 
“that was years ago. now i’m back and clearly fine. my fault for not getting a place with better security, anyways.” 
“no. it was clearly my fault for sayin-” 
“let’s just put this behind us now. it doesn’t matter now, anyways.” you cut off clay’s words. 
clay looked like he was thinking about it for a while before he nodded and let it past him. 
“still, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean all i said.” clay looked into my eyes, sincerely apologizing. 
“i forgave you years ago. don’t worry about it.” you smiled at him.
“god you’re too nice.” you laughed at what clay muttered under his breath, thinking you wouldn’t hear him. 
“soooo, frozen yogurt?” nick asked all of you. 
everyone agreed. maybe then, you’ll know each other more. 
not as content creators, but as normal people. 
“let’s go to my house.” you told them. you lived alone in a big house, constantly lonely. and you didn’t want the night to end yet. 
although they were hesitant, they agreed. 
it was obvious they didn’t want to accidentally push any boundaries with you. they acted like you are still fragile. they were scared that the wrong thing you make you blow up. 
you told them that you would never do that. that you were comfortable with any kind of questions, to not act like you were a piece of glass. 
you drove to your house, clay’s car trailing behind, nick sitting on the passenger seat of his car. 
george asked you politely if he could follow you instead of clay. 
obviously, you told him he could. he was to adorable to say no, anyways. 
although he is the oldest, it felt like he was the opposite. he was just so shy and quiet. 
in the car, he told you everything. what clay thought of you, the times he cried in his home watching your old videos and looking at your old photos. he told you the times clay wished he spoke to you instead of acting arrogant. 
you almost teared up at that. so this is why george wanted to drive with you instead. got it. 
george told you clay basically fell in love with you through social media, that he felt the need to lash out on your in the eyes of the public due to his jealousness. 
apparently he felt like he didn’t stand a chance with you. 
“has he seen himself in the mirror lately? that man is beautiful.” you laughed at your own comment. 
“well, technically, you didn’t know what he looked like. but yeah, he is pretty hot, huh?” george laughed along. 
“i didn’t know what he looked like, which made it so much better. i simped for a green smiley face, can you believe that?” you laughed even harder. 
“his voice is pretty attractive, too.” george agreed and laughed with you. 
you stopped at the security post which was unusual for you since the security guard knew your car and you could always just drive in without stopping. 
“the car behind mine is with me.” you told the guy. 
“yes ma’am.” he told you, and cleared clay’s car. 
“so this is what being rich is like.” george said. 
“you’re an idiot. you’re rich too.” you told him. 
“you live rich, i don’t” he replied. 
“touche.” you told him. 
you parked your car in your garage, leaving space for clay car beside yours. 
you and george walked to your front door, you using your fingerprint to open the door. 
“hey, y/n?” nick called you as you opened the door to your house, them stunned at the classiness of the layout of your house. 
“yeah?” you acknowledged him. 
“are you single?” you almost chocked on your spit, but laughed it off. 
“yes, nick. why?” you turned to him, confused on why he asked you that question. you were surprised to see how close he was to you. 
“hey mamas, let’s go on a date someday.” nick invited you, clearly joking. 
“nick! you can’t just say that.” clay. someone’s jealous. 
“you paying?” you jokingly asked nick, staring into his eyes, acting serious. 
“you bet.” 
“where are we going?” you asked him, leading the boys to the living room to watch some television. 
“in n out.” nick laughed but still managed to let out the answer. 
“text me the date, i’m down.” you answered him. nick laughed, going up to you to kiss your cheek. you shook your head at his stupid antics. 
“it’s that easy.” nick told the other boys, more specifically, clay. guess he was trying to get clay to do something. it’s too obvious. 
“wait. is this real? you guys are serious?” clay asked, almost sweating, it seemed. he asked it like it was an urgent question. 
“you’re an idiot, clay.” nick told him. nick put his arm over your shoulder as he sat next to you on the couch, stealing the remote to pick a movie. 
“no clay, not real. he’s just messing with us.” george finally said something.
you heard clay sighing. you assumed he sighed in relief. you laughed to yourself. nick realized what you were laughing at, laughing along with you. 
“you know, don’t you?” nick whispered in your ear. you nodded, smiling to him. 
“know what?” shit. clay heard that? you shook your head, telling him to forget about it. 
and he did forget about it. or so you thought. 
while the four of you watched hamilton, he was the most silent. but you didn’t think much about it. you talked at some point of the show and continued watching. 
“wait a second.” clay realized something. 
“FUCK. YOU KNOW.” clay basically screamed. 
george almost snorted. “duh. you couldn’t have been more obvious, loverboy.”
“shit. how did you know?” he asked, looking at you straight in the eyes. 
you pointed to george. 
and that, is how you find yourself a boyfriend after years. 
you weren’t even sure how it progressed after that night. 
the boys stayed at your place and you order a shit ton of clothes their size so they could keep staying here without buying anything. 
you were glad they willingly stayed. you were lonely in that house anyway. 
you were making breakfast for three starving boys and yourself when you felt hands on your waist. “you’re too kind.” he whispers in your ear. 
“you’ve told me once or twice.” you chuckled. 
“get a room.” george yelled, nick agreeing. 
“i will kick you out.” you threatened. 
“kidding. we love you.” the two boys tried to take their words back. you and clay laughed at how stupid they were acting. 
@sarah-limelight  @your-typical-giggle  
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iceglade · 3 years
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ppl who go "dream is a manipulative mastermind" bc of how intelligent he is on his own channel vs [actually meeting him] "... oh this guy really is just absolutely clueless huh he only knows minecraft" like NO PLSSSSS SMART DREAM IS PROPAGANDA HES A DUMBASS(affectionate)
- "give me the incantation" "...... if i knew what that word meant," (techno's lore stream)
- "what do the degrees in a triangle add up to" "...90?" (miskif's schooled stream)
- "i had to google him i didnt recognize the name 😭" (hasan)
he only likes politics in THEORY but he never was the kind of person to do heavy research into it. hes into sports and minecraft. adhd brain doesnt work that way. read the pastebin
my streamer didnt graduate highschool ❤️ and it shows ✌️😗 but considering where he started and where he is now. his growth is so........ unreal /posi. his story really really really matters. and not just bc its a lot like mine because i'm "southern privelaged adhd empathetic" too. i just dont know how anyone DOESNT feel hope when they read dream say
"i was selfish and self centered, i only wanted to have fun. i gained a community and i grew close to them and my world opened up."
i feel Hope, it makes me think maybe other people can learn and change too.
also pfft imagine your first impressions of a dude are
1. this dude could have easily gone down the alt right pipeline
2. this dude is now lowkey actively having a panic attack on my stream and feels like its unsafe to leave without overexplaining his point or people will rip him a new one over a misunderstanding
3. people have already drawn fanart of us kissing... [kinda impressed]
godspeed hasanabi my communist king.
"how the fuck did he think trump was funny???"
dream's sense of humor is pee
dream's sense of humor is this gif
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dream's sense of humor is saying something out of pocket and sitting back and watching people absolutely lose their minds
of COURSE without those diverse community ties and teenager self-centeredness he thought they were funny to see and make fun of.
of COURSE with the community he has, he doesnt think its funny anymore.
but seeing someone like this grow to care about his diverse community (even if they're a handful) and CONTINUE to grow from where he started is so positive and makes me really really hope for the future. even if his messiest years are going to be documented in 4K footage. forever.
dream's fans & dream (REAL!)
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jinkicake · 4 years
Paint For Me
Nishinoya, Tendou, Ushijima with a s/o who is an artist.
Nishinoya Yuu x Reader
Tendou Satori x Reader
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
For Anon who requested this~ I kinda went a little A LOTTA soft on Ushijima’s but.... can you blame me.... Also, I’ve been reading Haikyuu-bu and Tendou’s little manga chapter was sooo cute I had to take inspo from it!!! Anyway, I’m going to try the minecraft hardcore 100 days challenge again and if I die,,, I will pass away on the spot so if I go silent it is minecraft’s fault. 
WC- 1,687
Nishinoya Yuu
Nishinoya would think your artwork is the coolest thing he has ever seen,,,,
He will beg you to draw on his bags or notebooks, he wants you to customize all his stuff because he wants to show you off
Nishinoya would watch you whenever you’re working on something, but then get bored after like five minutes and start going through his phone
He likes being in your presence so even if you work on something for hours, he will lay right beside you with his head in your lap while he naps or plays games 
Nishinoya would probably ask you to teach him how to draw stuff like a lion or something,,, you would have art lessons with him. His art is a work in progress...
Please, he is such a big show-off that if you give him something he will proudly go around presenting it to everyone…. Tsukishima is usually the person he always brags to 
‘Did (Y/N) make that for you senpai’ ‘They did! How did you know?!’ ‘Well, I know you certainly can’t draw that good’
Cue Nishinoya tackling his favorite first-year and trying to steal his glasses. Yes, Tsukki is his fave first-year 
If you ever want to go out to the park or the mountains or the beach to take pictures for inspiration or even do something cute like drawing the sunset, Nishinoya would tag along. Please, he would make it his own little adventure
Nishinoya has his own love for volleyball so he can really appreciate the love you have for art, he finds it super intriguing and it makes him fall in love with you even more~ 
“Right here!” Nishinoya points to the handle of his bag and you stare confusedly at him.
“You want me to paint on the strap?” You ask and Nishinoya eagerly nods, you squint at it while thumbing the fabric. “I’m not sure if it will work on this material.”
Nishinoya sighs dramatically and you flick his forehead.
“I can draw you something else though, here,” You lean up and kiss the area you had previously hit before digging right into your sketchbook. Your pencil flies across the paper and Nishinoya watches with interested eyes.
That lasts for about thirty seconds.
“Is it done yet?” You glance over your shoulder to see Nishinoya hanging off your bed, a bored expression on his face.
“Yuu, it’s been like two minutes.” You laugh and go back to the sketch you’re working on.
“Is that a yes?” He asks hopefully.
“Mmm, it’s a no.” Nishinoya sighs at your words, he drags himself off the bed and brings the blanket with him. You jolt slightly when you feel his body press up against yours and you glance behind you to see him curled up against you. 
The sun continues to fall from the sky and you diligently work on the paper in front of you. Nishinoya wakes up from his nap with a quiet yawn, the sleepiness still inside of his body. His arms wrap around your waist and he rests his head on your shoulder.
“Are you done yet?” You answer his question with a brief head shake. “Let’s go to sleep do it later,” He moans and you can already feel him falling asleep against you once again. “I want cuddles.”
Tendou Satori
Tendou is that kid in school who always begged you to draw him when he found out you could draw 
LOL like this mf will get on his knees ‘pls draw me’ and when you finally ask him what you want to draw he’d be like ‘me fighting a dragon’
Tendou would be very supportive of your art, he would love to sit there and just watch you paint or draw or make sculptures, whatever you do he loves to watch 
He will sit there in your room and lay on your floor and just stare, watch every brushstroke you make, you’ll have to physically push him away for space
I feel like when he sees you draw he, himself, will want to draw something as well 
Tendou will practice making little stick figures or draw portraits of you 
You have to hype him up and put it in your phone case or hang it on your wall because it is too cute
Tendou will make you work with Ushijima to create his manga, he will have the two of you draw the entire thing
He’d love everything you create and will always cherish it like he will definitely have a little place just for all of your artwork
Tendou loves encouraging you in everything that you do,,, your hobbies will somehow also become his 
“And then when it gets recognized we will become super famous!” Tendou tells you with excited eyes, his hands tightly gripping your shoulders. “We will get to work together in the future, angel! I get to spend even more time with you!” You laugh softly at his eagerness for the future as you continue to sketch in the tiny boxes.
“That’s the plan, huh?” You ask and Tendou nods, he swings one of his long legs to sit on the bench beside you, moving to practically sit on top of you.
“This is going to get sued for copyright.” Shirabu comments, his eyes narrow towards Tendou, as he reads through the manga ideas that Tendou created.
“I simply took inspiration from other shows, Naruto did it with Hunter Hunter!” Your boyfriend defends and Shirabu simply shakes his head, continuing to thumb through the papers.
“(L/N), I will take the next page,” Ushijima tells you, already reaching for another piece of paper to draw on.
“Woah, you’ve finished already Ushijima? Can I see it?” Ushijima nods and shows you his paper, your eyes widen when you look at his drawings. “This is really good, Ushijima! You’re good at everything!” You compliment and Tendou pouts when he notices your attention is no longer on him. 
“I, too, am good at everything.” Your boyfriend tells you, moving his arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to him. 
“If you’re so good then why didn’t you draw it yourself?” Shirabu asks, his eyebrows raised behind his bangs. 
“I can’t be the writer and illustrator, Kenjirou!” Tendou defends and you put your hand over his own. 
“We believe you Tendou, you’re the most amazing person ever!” Tendou practically melts at your compliment and hides his face in your shoulder.
Ushijima glances up at you, nods his head, then goes back to work.
Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Let me first say. Ushijima is also kinda artsy,,,, he is the perfect man,,,, we all saw how he drew for Tendou’s manga! It brought Goshiki to tears!!! 
He can appreciate all the works that you create because he knows how much effort is put into each piece 
Ushijima used to draw a lot when he was a kid and was really interested in it so seeing you do your thing will probably pique his interest again
He might start drawing again, aimlessly, whenever he is bored and it’s all for you~
Ushijima loves when you show him whatever you create, even if you think it is bad, he will always find the beauty in it
He’d probably sit there while you describe what you drew and why, how you did it, stuff like that because he loves to hear you talk 
Whenever you two hang out in your respective dorms, Ushijima probably reads magazines while you work on your latest project
He’d probably try to sneak peeks at what you are creating just because he is curious but he doesn’t want to disturb you when you’re in the zone 
If you ever draw something for him, Ushijima’s heart would bust the fattest nut, he would be so happy. He would praise you for like ten minutes and then hang it up in his room
Ushijima loves how passionate you are about something that you like and in turn, he wants to support you with it!!! He’d probably buy you supplies as little gifts, even when you don’t ask for it
“Let’s paint the sunset!” You beg Ushijima, your hands cupping his own as you pout up at him. “Please, it’ll be so much fun!” 
Ushijima glances down at you and then to the art supplies collected in his room from your daily visits, he really can’t say no, can he?
“Okay.” He responds and you squeal happily before placing a kiss on his cheek and grabbing all the things that you’ll need. 
“Here, hold this.” You thrust your bag of supplies into his arms before grabbing a blanket. “Let’s go up to the roof.”
Ushijima follows you quietly, listening to you as you ramble about how excited you are. His heart soars at the happiness you emit at this moment. 
“Wow.” Ushijima comments when you open the door, he knew sunsets were pretty but damn, this is something else. 
“This is going to be so much fun!” You grab his hand and drag him to the center, placing the blanket down before hopping on it. Already you’re grabbing for the orange and yellow paints. “Don’t you think?” 
Ushijima nods and sits down beside you, unconsciously making it a point to rest your legs in his lap, he always has to be touching you.
The sun continues to change colors and you keep up with it to the best of your ability, your canvas no longer the original color. Ushijima’s, however, is still blank. He’s been unable to take his eyes off of you the entire time. Instead of painting the sunset, he finds something better to paint. 
When the sun eventually goes down and the two of you are now under the moon, you hide your canvas away from him.  
“Let me see yours first before I show you mine!” You bargain and sit up, looking over his shoulder at what he painted. “That’s not the sunset.” Your lips part when you notice what he painted was you. Ushijima glances at you while trying to calm his racing heart.
“I know, I decided to paint something even prettier.” 
~ Taglist.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @littleshopoflove @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee​
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Separation AU Part 1!
Requested by @grant-likes-minecraft. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Impulse and Skizzleman have lived in the same world together for decades, and that’s just the way they like it. But all that will change when one day, Impulse is summoned (literally) to the Hermitcraft server...
(Based on Impulse literally canonically being brought to Hermitcraft via summoning circle in season 3)
  With a yelp, Impulse dropped into a shallow hole over where he had just been walking. He stared upwards as he heard laughter and spotted the grinning face of his best friend a few blocks above him.
  “Skizz!” Impulse laughed indignantly. “This is like the oldest trick in the book!”
  “Uh huh, and you fell for it,” Skizzleman replied through his laughter. “Skizz: one. Dippledop: zero.”
  “Get me outta here and I’ll SHOW you zero,” Impulse snickered. “Got any ladders?”
  Skizzleman dropped a single ladder into the hole. At Impulse’s raised eyebrow, he giggled and dropped a few more, before stepping back and letting his best friend climb out of the hole. 
  Impulse shook his head amusedly at the grin on Skizzleman’s face. “Have you done your chores yet? Or did you spend the whole morning setting up that prank?”
  “Whaaaat? Does that sound like something I would do?”
  Skizzleman made eye contact with Impulse, causing him to giggle again. “Okay, yeah, I did.”
  Impulse chuckled as he started walking back towards the house, letting his best friend fall into step beside him. “It’s your turn to harvest and replant, buddy.” 
  “Aww, but it’s so boring,” Skizzleman complained, flipping around to walk backwards so he could talk directly to Impulse’s face. “Can’t we just skip chores for today and go to the beach?”
  Impulse scoffed. “Skizz-.”
  “C’mon, just look at that ocean.” Skizzleman threw his arm out to indicate the sparkling sea, just visible through the trees. “Can’t you hear it calling you? Don’t you wanna just dive into the cool, refreshing water and just relaaaaaax?”
  “You’re doing a great job of selling it, I gotta admit,” said Impulse amusedly. “Okay, we’ll go to the beach, but only if you do crops for the next two days.”
  Skizzleman broke into a run, causing Impulse to laugh and pick up speed to catch up with him. 
  However, at just over halfway to the beach, Impulse skidded to a halt, realising his entire body had started to glow. “Uh, Skizz?”
  His best friend stopped a few blocks ahead of him. “What? Oh…! Wait, what’s happening?”
  As Impulse was staring down at his glowing hands, he felt himself be lifted slowly off the ground, the block around him glowing brightly.
  “Wh-What’s going on, dude?!” Skizzleman yelped. “What are you doing?”
  “I’m not doing anything!” Impulse started to panic. “Skizz, help me!”
  He reached out blindly and Skizzleman grabbed his hands. Impulse hung almost upside down in the air, as if something was dragging him upwards by his legs. He strained against the invisible force, focusing on holding onto Skizzleman’s hands as tightly as he could.
  But the pull was just too strong.
  Skizzleman cried out as he felt Impulse’s hands slip from his. He toppled face-first into the dirt, but by the time he managed to push himself onto his back and look up, Impulse had disappeared.
  Impulse couldn’t stop screaming as he fell through a weird, terrifying vortex of swirling colours. He managed to angle himself so he was feet-first, but this did nothing to alleviate his fear.
  And then he landed.
  He stumbled as his feet hit the ground, but quickly regained his footing enough to not fall over. Blinking against the bright sunlight shining directly in his face, he realised he could see the slightly blurry outlines of three people standing a little way off, watching him.
  Just as he registered them, one of the figures rushed towards him and grabbed him in a tight hug. “Impulse! Oh my god, I can’t believe it actually worked! You’re actually here!”
  The person’s distinctive voice helped Impulse identify him immediately, and he was so shocked that he momentarily forgot his disorientation. “T-Tango?!”
  Tango released him and stepped back, an expression of pure joy on his face. “You’re really here! I can’t believe it!”
  “Wait, wait…!” Impulse frowned, his brain still trying to figure out what had just happened. He stared around and found himself in a brand new world, entirely different from the one he had just come from. “Where am I? And how did I get here?”
  Tango beamed. “You’re on Hermitcraft, buddy!”
  “And you got here through a… uh… sort of wormhole,” added an unfamiliar voice.
  Impulse turned to find a person wearing green armour and a purple helmet. 
  “Hi, I’m Xisuma,” the person said, giving a friendly smile. He indicated the suited person behind him. “This is Mumbo.”
  “Hi!” said Mumbo happily. “Welcome to Hermitcraft.”
  “I…” Impulse blinked, hardly daring to believe it. “I really am on Hermitcraft? But- But why did you bring me here?”
  “Because you belong here, Impy.” Tango gripped his friend’s shoulders. “I’ve been trying to bring you here for months and it never worked until now. I don’t really know what Xisuma did, but you’re finally here.”
  “What about Skizzleman, though?” Impulse asked urgently. “You’re gonna bring him here too, right?”
  Tango’s smile fell. He glanced back at Xisuma, whose shoulders drooped. “I… um… I tried to grab onto both of you and get you both here, but… it didn’t work for Skizzleman. There’s something in his code, something that didn’t let me latch onto him. I can’t bring him here. I’m… I’m sorry.”
  Impulse stared at him, his stomach lurching. “So… I-I’ll never see him again?”
  “Not never,” said Tango quickly. “Just…”
  When Tango failed to come up with anything else, Xisuma said, “The borders between servers and worlds are rocky at best. We can’t send you back or bring him here, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good life here.”
  “A good life?!” Impulse’s fists clenched. “How can it be a good life without Skizzleman?!”
  Xisuma held out his hands to steady him. “Impulse, please, calm down a moment and-.”
  “Calm down?! Y-You just plucked me out of my world without my consent! Forcibly separating me from my best friend! What gave you the right to make that decision for me?”
  “Impy-,” tried Tango.
  “Don’t Impy me!” Impulse’s voice cracked. “We’ve lived together for most of our lives; I can’t just abandon him!”
  “You’re not abandoning him.” Tango grabbed his friend’s hands soothingly. “You’re moving on to a new life, a better life. If Skizz is truly your best friend, which he is, he can’t possibly resent you for taking the opportunity.”
  “I…” Impulse hesitated. “I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him.”
  Xisuma winced and hung his head. “I’m sorry, Impulse.”
  Seeing how defeated Xisuma was, Impulse’s anger slowly ebbed away. He glanced back at the spot where he had been summoned, a lump rising in his throat. 
  “Impulse, this is the start of a new life for you,” Tango said gently. “And for me. Finally, you and I get to live on a server together. Imagine what we can do! The possibilities are endless.” 
  “But they’re not,” Impulse whispered. “Because Skizz isn’t here.”
  “Listen…” Tango hesitated. “You two have been together for… for god knows how many years. This change will be good for both of you.”
  “And I’ll keep investigating to see if we can bring Skizzleman here,” said Xisuma. “But in the meantime, your new life awaits you.”
  Impulse cleared his throat. While part of his brain wanted to scream and cry at being separated from his best friend, he couldn’t deny that he was excited about the chance to finally be on Hermitcraft, as a member of their family. So many more things were possible on a server than in a simple world, from building materials to redstone contraptions. And it wasn’t as if he would be alone; he had Tango, he had Xisuma and Mumbo, he had many other Hermits whom he hadn’t even met yet. 
  “Alright, then.” A smile slowly spread over Impulse’s face. “What first?”
  A spark ignited in Tango’s eyes. “Oh, first we gotta introduce you to all the other Hermits! Then we can talk about building bases. You and I could build one together! I’m thinking a giant underground base in maybe a nether style? There’s so many block palettes we can use and- oh, I think I might already have the perfect thing back at my-.”
  “Whoa, buddy, slow down,” laughed Impulse. “Let’s start with meeting the other Hermits, okay?”
  As Tango nodded happily, the phrase “other Hermits” reverberated in Impulse’s mind. He knew it would take a long time to get used to this change and wrap his head around the fact that…
   ...that he was a Hermit now.
  After six long, sleepless nights in the big house all alone, Skizzleman had finally given up and moved. With his limited building skills, he had managed to construct a small shack near to where Impulse had vanished. His spark, his passion for life, faded a little more with every day that passed. 
  Skizzleman exited his tiny shack and harvested the small amount of wheat next to the pond, before replanting it monotonously. He then used the wheat to make a few more pieces of bread for his stock. It wasn’t much but it was enough to get by. 
  After his chores were done, he made his way slowly towards the beach. The sand and the sea used to call to him, urging him to rush down there and have some fun. Not anymore.
  On his way, he passed the spot Impulse had disappeared from. No sunlight hit this block anymore. The small allium Skizzleman had managed to plant there was barely visible in the shade. 
  He lay down on the grass and stared morosely up at the sky, his hand resting on the dirt around the flower, his elbow bent slightly as if he had his arm over his best friend’s shoulder. Closing his eyes, tears trickled down his cheeks. 
  Skizzleman had never been so alone before.
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
A tattoo for a lost best - Fd!au - 3/3
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
This fic was corrected by the lovely @im-default
Techno and Skeppy bet on stupid things, and sometimes their bets can have very severe consequence if lost.
If you want to, look at what Minetra’s desing of Techno tattoo
Tw! Betting, swearing. Btw, this is very long
<—Previous part 
To avoid any more drama, he went straight home. The house was empty though, so he connected his phone to Wilbur’s small Bluetooth speaker to his phone and played a random playlist he had made to motivate him to do chores, took out the mop and started cleaning the floors, humming the songs and sometimes bopping his head to the beat.
While the pavement was drying, he logged on Minecraft and started playing on Hypixel.
Tommy arrived home just as the pavement dried out, grabbing a glass of chocolate milk and another glass full of cookies. Bringing them to his room and closing the door. A few minutes later he logged into Hypixel and sent Techno a party invite, they started playing various minigames, winning most of them.
Until, while playing BedWars, Tommy whispered to Techno.
TommyInnit whispers to you: I’m sorry
Techno finished destroying a bed and sat at the generator while quickly responding.
You whisper: About what?
TommyInnit whispers to you: About telling Will about your tattoo, I sneaked into your room this morning and I saw it
TommyInnit whispers to you: I’m really sorry, but if Phil found out later it would have been worse
Tommy’s and Techno’s bed was gone, they were just flying around as ghosts at this point. But if they wanted to keep talking, they couldn’t have gone into another game so Techno typed /hub and teleported both of them into the main hub of the server.
You whisper: It’s fine Tommy, I’m not angry
TommyInnit whispers to you: Then can I come and hug you?
Techno wasn’t expecting that. But he smiled and closed Minecraft after sending the last message:
You whisper: The door is unlocked
Techno lied down on his bed closing his eyes as he listened to Tommy’s steps growing louder.
The door gently creaked as the young Pandel stood by the door, looking at his older brother laying down with his eyes closed.
Climbing onto the bed, he plopped down next to Techno, scooting closer to him and hugging him, Techno exchanged the hug, embracing the blonde boy tightly.
They stayed like that in silence, the world around them looked like it froze. When Wilbur got home and went to check Techno’s room to see if he was there, he found the two brothers peacefully sleeping. Wilbur smiled at the cute sight, he made sure to cover them with a blanket and close the door.
When Phil arrived home, the brothers were silent, they couldn’t get themselves to talk or make jokes, the older brother acted as usual, solar and positive, but he had noticed how Wilbur and Tommy were silent. Something was wrong, and after dinner, he was going to figure out what.
To his surprise, when he got out of the bathroom, the brothers were back at the kitchen counter, all of them had serious and sad faces, “Phil, we need to talk to you”
He sat on one of the stools, “Sure… what is it?” The two brothers both looked at Techno who’s shoulder tensed, he looked like he wanted to disappear.
“I… have made a serious decision without asking and… It’s something you have explicitly said to not take before... “ What was going on? Techno never made dumb decisions, and if he did, he alone came to talk to him, then why were all of the brothers there? Phil was now very worried.
Without saying another word, Techno took off his hoodie, revealing a sleeveless shirt, and the tattoo.
Wilbur looked away, Tommy looked sadly at Techno, Phil looked unimpressed.
So you really did it too huh…
“Wait, you guys didn’t know he had gotten it?” Everyone froze.
“It was pretty obvious, the bandage, the moisturizing cream, the antimicrobial soap, they all gave it away. Plus, we all know Techno hates carrying his backpack on one shoulder, there had to be a good reason for him to carry it like that” The brothers were impressed, Phil could notice the most subtle changes in behaviours, it wasn’t surprising he had picked it up quickly, but still…
“Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m okay with your decision”
Phil brought a hand on his forehead, thinking about what to say, choosing his words to get his point across, he hated scolding his brothers, but they were teenagers, sometimes he had to be strict and direct with them.
“The only thing I can say, Techno, is that I’m disappointed in you, very disappointed” The pink-haired boy fidgeted with the hoodie in his lap.
“I thought I had made it clear that tattoos were prohibited until you're old enough, just because I have one doesn’t mean you could get it too” Phil sighed, “You’re grounded Technoblade” All of them looked at the older brother in disbelief, Phil almost never grounded anyone, both Tommy and Wilbur now felt guilty for getting Techno in this situation. Techno just accepted his fate, all of this for a goddam bet.
“No going out after school and no video games for fifteen days, let this be a lesson for you two too, ok?” Wilbur and Tommy looked at each other, only fifteen days? That was nothing! Techno had gotten a permanent tattoo without permission and he got away with fifteen days?!
“Now, Techno, prepare for bedtime and go to your room, I need to talk to you more in private. Wilbur, Tommy, you’re free to go” They nodded and got up the stools, both of them flopping on the couch. Techno instead whispered a soft “I’m sorry” and headed for the bathroom, leaving Phil the only one at the counter. He took his head in his hands and leaned over the counter, using his elbows to support himself.
I hope your reason was better than mine.
A knock on the door interrupted Techno’s train of thought, he quickly sat at the edge of his messy bed and waited for the crack of light coming to illuminate his dark room. Phil peeked from the door,  surrounded by a halo of yellow light, smiling brightly as he always did, “May I come in?” Techno gently nodded.
Phil sat next down and hugged Techno for a bit, “Let me guess” He started, bringing a hand to scratch his short beard,” You didn’t tell the others why you got it” Techno nodded again. The older brother looked at the younger one, waiting for him to start talking.
“I’m warning you, you won’t like it” the blonde man shrugged, so he took a deep breath.
“You remember when Skeppy had to get his ear pierced last year?” It was Phil’s turn to nod, “That was because we had made a bet. He didn’t believe I was going to get max votes for every subject, so we made it that if I did have max votes, he would get his ear pierced, if I didn’t, I was going to get my ear pierced. You know who won the bet” Techno chuckled when the memory of Skeppy getting super mad at him for getting max votes arose, he had gotten one of his ears pierced, and even if he will never admit it, he loves wearing e-boy earrings.
Techno had actually bought him his first pair of earrings, he kept a mental note to look at Skeppy when passing near jewelry in case he started staring at a pair of them, he was bad with gifts so this was a good way to get ideas.
“This was… the same… We made a bet and… “ He had lost, Phil knew that Techno and Skeppy made these “bets” and he knew that they sometimes could have a strong penalty if lost… but they were childhood friends, if something was “too much” they could always call it off. So Techno did make the decision to get the tattoo, he just didn’t want to admit it.
“Okay then, I understand… You’re still grounded though” Techno smiled, “Goodnight Techno” Phil patted his brother on the shoulder and left his room, leaving him back in the dark of his room.
He just climbed further into the bed and fell asleep.
“There is something going on here, there HAS to be!” Wilbur was pacing back and forth in front of the coffee table, he sounded pretty stressed about his thoughts, not that Tommy would care. He was just sitting upside down on the couch, legs slumped over the back and head dangling off the seat, of course, switch in hands playing the Octo expansion for Splatoon two. Techno bought it for him as his quote on quote “reward” for cleaning his room for him.
“You’re getting too agitated big dubs” The blonde boy shot a look at the legs walking around on the other side of the table, they stopped, facing his direction, “Shut the fuck up Tommyinnit I’m trying to think!” the legs continued pacing left and right. “Well, now that you said I need to shut up I’m interested!” He sat back up properly on the couch, pausing the game and placing the switch down. “What we thinking, big dubs?” He said before rubbing his hands together.
With a roll of his eyes, the older brother started explaining: “You remember when I took Phil’s scooter and drove Techno around town a year before I got my license?” Tommy giggled, Wilbur dead stared at him. “OKAY Okay jeez! Go on!” Will shook his head, “Well, Phil that time grounded us both, understandably, Techno got away with no video games for a week, I was the one driving after all…” He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, “But I had to go through A MONTH without video games and phone! And look at Technoblade! Fifteen days! Only fifteen days for getting a big ass tattoo without permission!”
Now that Tommy thought about it, Will did have a point, plus, not going out after school didn’t really affect Techno, he never went out anyway. “I know this going to sound bad but…” Will looked at Tommy, noticing the serious look he had on his face, “Do you think… Phil has… favourites?” Will’s eyes widened, a shiver shot down his spine. “Wha-what are you talking about Tommy? Phil loves us equally, he quit college to take care of us, there is no way he has… “ He couldn’t even finish the sentence, the words got stuck in his throat, he refused to believe that his older brother had a favourite among them. He just couldn’t.
“But what if he-”
“No Tommy, there has to be a reason why he gave him less time than he did with me, and he will tell us, I know he will. I’m going to sleep now” He passed by the kitchen and closed himself in his room, Tommy whispered “Goodnight Wil”  and headed for his own room, grabbing his switch along with him.
From there on, it was a monotone style of life for Techno.
Wake up, go to school, go back home, read, clean, and go to sleep.
He and Skeppy had to hang out at lunches since they couldn’t meet up after school, and if for some reason they couldn’t, they would either discord call or facetime each other and just talk about the most random things for hours, as good friends do of course.
The house felt a little bit empty for some reason: Tommy would stay outside later than usual and Wilbur didn’t try to create any type of chaos or loud noise, the melancholic sound of a soft guitar would fill the house more than it used to and Phil was constantly spaced out, it was like the cheerful Pandel apartment had lost it colours.
All of them had noticed this phenomenon. They all knew that they couldn’t last long like this, they needed the chaos, they needed the cheerfulness and the happiness of each brother equally. Their house was like an echo-system: If something was off, it made an impact on everything else.
So on the fifteen-day, the last day, while everyone was sat around the kitchen counter sharing dinner, Wilbur spoke up.
“Taking turns, let’s say what’s on our mind, anyone wants to start?” Techno nodded in approval of Will’s proposal, after setting his spoon down, Tommy started talking.
“I feel like we are hiding something from each other” Phil froze, Techno’s mouth curved slightly downwards “I don’t know why Techno didn’t tell us about the tattoo, I-I  honestly felt betrayed when I saw it, but someone else is keeping a secret now, and I don’t want this to become a normal thing!” Tommy looked away, clinging his fists. “You’re right, Tommy” The attention moved to Wilbur, “ We have always been honest with each other, please let’s keep it this way” Techno nodded again “ I am so sorry for not telling anyone about… you know… “ silence fell briefly while he recollected his thought, “ It felt wrong doing so, but I had no choice-”
“You did Technoblade!” Wilbur interrupted him,” You know we would have supported you in any decision you would have made! You were always the one to encourage us every time we were insecure about anything, no matter how stupid it was!” Techno took his glasses off, letting what Wilbur had just said sink in.
“I know… But-” He rubbed his eyes, “But what?! Don’t you trust us-”
“Alright, calm down boys” Phil interrupted them, making them realize what tone of voice they were using against each other.
“I am the one who should fix this since I was the one who started it” He sighed, allowing his head to rest in his hands.
“I gave Techno a pretty light consequence for what he did, I am aware of that and I’m sorry if that looked like I was playing favourites” Tommy looked at the plate in front of him, how could he have doubted Phil?
“There is a better…  or worse, reason for that, let me explain” he looked up at the other brothers waiting for a response. They looked at each other in confusion and nodded, at that sign Phil started.
“You all are aware that I also have a tattoo, a pretty big pair of wings on my back, I’ve never hidden it from you guys because there was no need too… what I didn’t say was why and when I got the tattoo… and there is a good reason for that, I promise” the brothers felt a bit dumb, why did no one ever think of asking him why he had gotten his tattoo? No matter how long back they recalled Phil always had that tattoo, that pair of angel-like wings who occupied most of the upper part of their older brothers back felt to them like something that always had belonged to Phil. They couldn’t imagine him without it, but it was still shocking how no one had asked him why he had gotten it.
“The reason why I never told you about why I got it was because I was afraid you would try to imitate me… which was the last thing I wanted to happen” Techno tried to lighten the mood a little bit, “Jeez Phil, you’re making it sound like you got it to enter a gang” Tommy and Will smiled, “That’s at least is a reason to get a tattoo” the smile faded away, “Mine wasn’t even a reason, I got my tattoo because the thought of getting a tattoo made me feel free, made me feel independent… me and a good friend of mine were “good boys”, we always did what our parents wanted and had the highest grades, getting a tattoo was the most rebellious thing two sixteen years old kids could do, so that’s why we did it” They all looked down, each of them absorbed in their own thoughts, “So that’s why the wings… “ Wilbur whispered, “To symbolize freedom… “ Techno finished the thought.
When the silence was about to become awkward, Phil got off the stool and grabbed his jacket that he’d left on the couch,” Get your shoes on, were going out” They looked at each other in confusion, “Wh-why? Where are we going?” Tommy stuttered while asking. “You’ll see”
The night’s breeze blew lightly through the Pandel’s hair, Phil was walking ahead of everyone with his hands in his pocket, Wilbur was behind him, trying to figure out where he was taking them meanwhile Techno and Tommy were playing rock paper scissor, mouthing each other insults and quietly cheering.
The walk went on for five minutes until Phil entered an ice cream shop, “C’mon, order what you want” the brothers looked at each other after ordering their flavours.
They sat down on a bench, each of them focused on their ice cream, Wilbur was leaned against a light pole since they all couldn’t fit comfortably on the bench.
“So…what was this for?” Tommy asked before licking his chocolate and strawberry ice cream, Phil looked up at the moon in the starry sky, “An apology, for hiding this part of me from all of you until now… “ Techno finished his ice cream and wiped his mouth with a napkin, “ I hope you guys can forgive me and we can all go back to when we never lied to each other-” All of the brothers threw themselves on him, “Whoa-! Guys careful I’m still holding my ice cream!” But the brothers didn’t care.
“We forgive you Phil, in fact, we were never angry at you, we understand that you didn’t tell us to protect us” Wilbur broke from the hug, “Thank you Phil for being the best brother in the world!” Tommy said with a huge smile, the other two nodded and he couldn’t help himself from crying with joy. If he had to decide again between taking care of his brothers and continuing collage, his answer would have never changed.
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lildevyl · 3 years
Egotober Day 1: Hat
Little Ram/Son of a Ram/Second Chance: Schlatt
Summary: Tommy stood there on the Prime Path frozen in front of Dream. Wishing that someone - anyone would come along and save him from this encounter. This silence stretched on for what felt like possibly hours to Tommy until Dream finally spoke.
“You know Tommy, I’ve been wondering. Why do you constantly wear that hat all of the time?” Dream tilted his head as if trying to figure out a really difficult puzzle that laid before him. “You’re not trying to hide anything now are you?”
Inspired by Son of a Ram, Shatter Me
(Prime Path)
It was starting to get late at night when Tommy started to make his way to his house with a small smile. He couldn’t help it, things in L’Manburg - Manburg were starting to turn for the better. Schlatt was trying to be better, which surprised Tommy. Schlatt was trying to sober up, drink less, and listen! Actually listen and take others' opinions to heart. Tommy felt kinda proud of himself. For once, someone actually thought that his opinion mattered! Don’t get Tommy wrong, he still misses Wilbur! But maybe . . . just maybe . . . Schlatt might not be the bad guy? Or at least not all that bad?
Tommy’s not sure, as a matter of fact Tommy’s not sure about a lot of things anymore! Especially with all the damn changes that’s been happening to him! Subconsciously, Tommy pulled the beanie hat that stole from Quackity down a little more.
Horns! Tommy was starting to grow horns! Not only that but Tommy’s pretty sure he might also be growing a tail? The headaches started around the Election Time but then they grew into migraines. At first Tommy had thought that it was the result of all the stress and pressure from everything that’s been happening. But then Tommy felt small little bumps on his head. Okay, so at first Tommy thought it had to be acne or that he possibly hit his head on something. But then the bumps grew more and then Tommy felt the beginnings of horns starting to grow from his head.
Needless to say, Tommy began to panic and kept everything that’s been happening from his brother, Wilbur! It was one of the biggest reasons why when Schlatt offered Tommy to come back to L'Manburg - Manburg, was that Tommy jumped at the possibility! Yes, he’s here to spy on Schlatt and help keep Tubbo safe! But Tommy didn’t know what to do!
What if his brothers found out? Prime, Tommy wasn’t sure. Would they still love him or cast him out? Would they view Tommy differently now that he’s a Hybrid of some sort after thinking and believing for so long that he was human? Which led to another thing that kept Tommy freaking out about. Not knowing exactly what kind of Hybrid Tommy was! He’s growing horns and possibly a tail for Prime’s Sake!
Goat Hybrid? Hey! Tommy and Tubbo could be “Goat Buddies” then!
Demon Hybrid? Okay now, there’s a possibility! Well, everyone kept calling Tommy a “Gremlin Child” ever since he first came onto this Server! Who’s to say that they weren’t wrong? Might explain his quick temper and chaotic nature more. Huh, maybe Tommy should get in contact with BadBoyHalo and Sapnap? Maybe they could help!
Ram Hybrid? Tommy stopped walking as that thought just crossed his mind. There was only one other Ram Hybrid that he knew of that was on this Server. And he was the one that invited Tommy back after exiling him and Wilbur.
Which brought Tommy back to his original dilemma, Wilbur. Tommy didn’t know what to do about Wilbur. There’s no denying it or lying to himself anymore. Wilbur’s gone! He’s been replaced by this - this Doppelganger of Mad Man! Wilbur needs help! A lot of help! Maybe Tommy could convince Schlatt into letting Wilbur back into L’Manburg - Manburg! And maybe force Wilbur to get the help that he needs!
Or maybe . . . or maybe . . . Phil! If there’s one person in all of the Minecraft Universes that Wilbur will listen to it’s Phil! Now how to get Phil here was the million dollar question? Tommy could message him, call him up and explain everything! But would Phil believe Tommy? Or would he just think that Tommy’s being over dramatic and just over exaggerating things due to Tommy being Exiled and scared?!
Techno! Tommy could message Techno! He’ll message Techno under the guise of Schlatt planning something that he and Tubbo aren’t sure what it is (which isn’t a total lie) and that Techno needs to contact Phil to be here encase Tommy or Tubbo’s cover was blown! Techno would message Phil. Phil would come here. Techno would take Phil to Pogtopia and then Phil would see that Wilbur wasn’t doing good and be able to help his two sons! Yes! This was a perfect plan!
With a plan of action in place, Tommy continued down the Prime Path to his home. It’ll work! It has too! Phil will be here and everything will be alright! Phil will help Wilbur. Wilbur will get better. And then they can figure out how to get L’Manburg back from Schlatt!
“Hello, Tommy.” Came a familiar voice.
Tommy froze where he was standing on the Prime Path for there standing in front of him was none other than Dream.
“What the fuck do you want?” Tommy demanded, ignoring how nervous his voice just sounded. No, he wasn’t scared of Dream! He wasn’t! He was a big man! So, not scared of Dream! Not at all! There’s nothing to be scared of by him!
“Well, I heard that you were back in Manburg and wanted to see it for myself if it was true or not.” Dream replied. “Not gonna lie, I’m kinda surprised that Schlatt invited you back and not well, Wilbur instead.”
“Wilbur wouldn’t have accepted even if Schlatt invited him back, though.”
“And yet you did?”
“You know Tommy, I've been wondering. Why do you always wear that hat?”
Tommy shrugged. “It’s getting cold out. And I want to change up my brand!”
Dream tilted his head to the side as if trying to figure out a very difficult puzzle. Tommy stood there silently praying and begging that someone - anyone would come along and save him from this encounter. He really didn’t want to be talking to Dream of all people! It was a long time that felt like hours to Tommy until Dream finally spoke again.
“So, it's not like you’re trying to hide anything, right?”
“Why would I?” Tommy took a step back from Dream subconsciously pulling the beanie that he stole from Quackity down. He couldn’t let Dream see his horns! He couldn’t!!
“Oh Tommy, you’ve never been a really good liar.”
Tommy didn’t see the outstretched hand until it was too late. Dream grabbed the beanie and before Tommy could do anything, Dream tore the beanie right off. Revealing Tommy’s newly growing horns and the start of his ears beginning to change as well.
“So, I was right! You do have something to hide!” Tommy could just hear the smugness in Dream’s voice. “I mean I had a feeling after that little slip up of his! But now this just proves that I was right!”
“Right about what?”
“You know Tommy I’m gonna be real with you. I never thought that in a million years that Schlatt would invite you of all people back. But after that little slip up he made about how he has been looking for his son . . .” Dream trailed off and shrugged his shoulders letting what he just said sink in.
Son?! Schlatt had a son?! What does that mean? Does that mean?
“No, no, no, no! Dream! You got - you got this all wrong man! I mean . . . Phil’s my Dad!”
“Phil’s an Avian Hybrid, Tommy. You would have been sprouting wings if he was your biological father or you would’ve been human if the gene was dormant. But the Hybrid Gene wasn’t dormant in you. And that just leads to asking you one thing Tommy. Why would Phil lie to you? Why would Phil lie to you about who your father is?”
Why indeed?
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m1lespr0w3r · 3 years
Sleepy Bois Inc: Family AU
Toby (Tubbo)
Disclaimer : this au in no way is about Tubbo as an actual person; nor anybody else mentioned all of this is about their minecraft characters and is an AU, so very little of this is actually canon in-game; Schlatt is not an abusive person, Wilbur and Techno are not twins- none of them are related in real life, again, Schlatt is not abusive!
THIS IS NOT ALL OF WHAT TUBBO WILL BE IN THE AU! This is only the significant moments so far, more will be added; this all takes course over a few months.
TW FOR MENTIONS OF CHILD ABUSE, CRYING, SCREAMING, CHILDREN HAVING TRAUMA AND SINGLE PARENT! If you don’t want to read these things, even if they are brief; please do skip along! The mentions of child abuse, no matter how lightly mentioned,will have ‘❗️’ emojis.
Toby was taken in at the age of two or three, Phil knew Schlatt; but didn’t know much about him and they weren’t close at all, just some higher-up person at work.
Schlatt emailed Phil a request one day, as he had been promoted; he gave Phil a request.
❗️VERY LIGHTLY To take care of his son, give him a good home; he simply could not look after him, Tubbo was in a horrible place with horrible parents, but Schlatt lied and said that it was because of work, and he would come back for Tubbo when he was a child, not old but not extremely young, so it would be easier to manage the child.
Phil would be paid to look after the child to make sure he wasn’t neglected and that there was enough to look after him with, and he would be promoted and given a raise too, and Phil agreed.
❗️VERY MILD MENTION, NO VIOLENCE. Toby came along a month later, seemingly dropped off without as much as a wave goodbye from his dad; where was him mum? Why didn’t Schlatt even say anything? Toby just showed up, with a box with a tattered blanket inside; sitting inside it, he cried when he was brought inside, he squirmed when he thought he’d be touched, he just cried and cried and cried; why didn’t Schlatt tell Phil about this child’s ’temper?’
Tubbo had to share a room with Tommy, Tommy disliked that; since Toby just cried and didn’t want to speak, he just sat or laid in his box all day with that blanket which was anything but soft; Phil decided to let Tommy stay with the twins or sleep downstairs with him in the ‘can’t sleep’ or ‘nightmare’ bed, Tommy only even came in HIS room to get HIS toys or HIS stuff, it was untouched by Toby; Toby just had his box and blanket, no shoes- only one outfit, and if he really did need to change, a nicely folded outfit of Tommy’s was lying near his box for him, which Tommy messed up the perfect fold out of jealously.
❗️MILDLY THOUGHT ABOUT Wilbur, Techno and Phil tried leaving meals by the door and knocking; but the knock just made Toby cry, Phil was starting to wonder if Toby just had a bad temper... but he didn’t want to force Toby to speak or do anything; he just whispered things like, ‘There is food for you, buddy; do you want a bath?’ to the frail child with strange ears outside the door, but not much changed.
Toby only calmed down when he slept, for about 5 hours at the most; he would then wake up and hyperventilate or cry, he wet the ‘bed’ a lot too; Phil taking him out of the box to let him sleep on the bed for a while, getting a new similar box; or lining the other one with fresh blankets, washing up the tattered blanket that was barely being held together, he really wanted to patch it up; but he wanted Toby to be well settled, Toby still had trouble even getting out of the box or leaving the radius around it- Tommy didn’t dare to go over there, he thought it was contaminated; since it took a lot for Toby to have a bath- which was hypocritical, since Tommy is a tough one to persuade to have a bath too, but they’re just children, and Toby was MUCH harder to persuade.
❗️LIGHTLY TOUCHED UPON VIA TRAUMA Then there was the twins, Techno(blade) and Wilbur; Techno found it difficult to interact with Toby, Toby didn’t speak; he cried, but Techno found it easy to know when he wanted to be left alone, him not being neurotypical made it difficult to understand expression, but Toby was easy; but Toby’s crying scared him, he still left food for him though, but didn’t knock the door; as it both scared Toby and triggered him to cry loudly.
Wilbur, however; found it very sad, he was the younger twin; he wanted to help Toby, little by little; leaving him meals with his dad and brother soon escalated to him sitting outside the door with his dad, to whispering with his dad, it sounds like this happened quickly, but Toby still didn’t trust anybody, really; he trusted Techno and Phil the most, he didn’t trust Wilbur or Tommy at all- Tommy because Tommy was, well- Tommy, and because he didn’t know Wilbur; but he thought Wilbur was bad, he thought everyone was bad.
Wilbur came in one day, however; a little box in hand; which he, Techno and himself packed up- it was Wilbur’s idea, though; surprising for a pretty young child, Toby immediately shuffled back, already whining; Wilbur placed down the box gently near him and opened it, placing a neatly folded pair of clothes to one side- which were mostly yellow (some were hand-me-downs from Wilbur and Techno, and Wilbur liked yellow), there was also a nice little striped brown and yellow blanket; to the other he placed a warm goat, hat, gloves, boots and scarf as the colder months were approaching, and finally; a bee plush.
Toby didn’t understand, he still didn’t trust him too well; nothing happened though, just a five/six year old brunette smiling and placing stuff down before him; and gently stepping back and closing the door.
❗️LIGHTLY, LIGHTLY TOUCHED UPON. Toby slept with a bee plush that night; which had a wash before he woke up at about three in the morning, crying; Phil had set an alarm to wake him up now to do a house check, you never know who snuck the DS under the pillow! And, to check on Toby; so he could clean him up, the tattered blanket and now his plush; Phil was worried, what happened to this child? Of course, he’d be scared being away from home, probably, but this was continuous.
Toby, little by little, piece by piece began to trust the twins and Phil; mostly Wilbur, though, due to the gesture Wilbur did for him- of course this trust wasn’t automatic, Toby still cried a lot and cried when someone came in the room; especially Tommy, he didn’t like Tommy.
Tommy didn’t like Toby.
Toby was just a crybaby.
He had nothing to whine about.
HE was the one who took TOMMY’S room!
Phil began to sit upstairs with Toby at dinner sometimes; giving him food and sitting by that box, Wilbur sometimes did that too; Tommy didn’t want Techno to go, so Techno never went, Tommy always told him how Toby was being a big baby and had to stop crying all the time, as Techno tried to explain Toby’s probably been through a lot, Tommy never understood what he meant- until, well- an incident happened... but more about that later.
Toby warmed up to the family after a few months, he came out of his box sometimes; too, letting Phil clean him up if he had an accident again during the night, he was able to come out of Tommy’s room and walk around and play a bit with the twins, too!
❗️MORE HEAVILY TOUCHED UPON The thing that hadn’t changed however; was him crying if he heard somebody coming or him getting petrified if somebody tried to touch him, it was strange, Phil knew something was wrong- how could he be so... stupid? The signs were everywhere... Toby looking like he was bracing himself everytime somebody opened the door, getting afraid at somebody even brushing against him accidentally...-
Oh, and Toby and Tommy still didn’t get along the best; eventually, however, Tommy was persuaded to sit with Toby one day at dinner, as Toby still liked eating upstairs and only came down if he really wanted to.
Tommy tried fighting back, since he was in his rebellious phase- like refusing to go to bed; after a lot of squirming and time out threats, he went upstairs with his food, with most of it downstairs flung onto Wilbur’s jumper or onto Phil’s face- with Toby’s getting cold due to Tommy’s earlier childish protests, he opened the door.
❗️ LIGHTLY REFERENCED VIA TRAUMA Toby’s eyes immediately went glossy, clutching his bee teddy as he sat on TOMMY’S bed, his knees going up to his chest and his eyes clenching shut with his face pressed up against the teddy; Tommy then put down Toby’s dinner onto the beside table and sat on the floor with his- Toby stole his bed and now he has the floor! No fair!
Nothing was said, the two just ate their dinner in silence; well, until Tommy became a chatterbox again, as he noticed Toby’s ears- he never payed attention to Toby’s appearance, so he immediately pointed them out.
“Wow! Your ears are fluffy and pointy!”
“Your ears! They’re really cool, why are they like that? Are you like a dinosaur from my bedtime story?”
“Nu uh.”
“Uh huh! You’re a... a... Tubbosaurus Rex!”
“Really? ROAR!”
“Yeah! Like that! You’re a Tubbosaurus!”
And a bond grew from there, a simple joke about Tubbo being a dinosaur; Tommy and Toby- or Tubbo, still had a long way to go ‘till they began best friends, but they began to play with each other, Tommy sometimes asking if Toby was going to come down the stairs, which; Toby was doing more often now than not.
The before-bedtime chats, Tommy having to be picked up and taken out so the family could sleep without anarchy; they became almost inseparable, Tommy soon even got back into his room! But, Toby never lasted a night; he always snuck down to sleep in the special bed or in his box, his box was still an awful habit of his that was far from broken; Tommy sometimes got annoyed because their bedsheets had to be changed so often.
❗️LIGHTLY TOUCHED UPON VIA TRAUMA Tommy didn’t understand, still, why was Toby so afraid? Crying so easily, getting so scared; shaking if you even got too close to him.
Until one day,
The children were all playing outside, running about and enjoying the warm day for a change; finally, a warm day- even during the cold months! The sticky sunscreen was sprayed onto a bunch of arms that day, that day wasn’t perfect; however, the boys had went inside for a break along with Phil, it was getting really really warm out there; Wilbur being irritated that the slide at the park would turn him into a lobster, the bottom of Techno’s feet burned from the metal and or plastic manholes down the street.
❗️VERY LIGHTLY REFERENCED As they played inside, instead; a bit of yelling came from the twins’ room, Tommy, who was playing with Toby got curious- so he got up to check what it was, Toby staying behind, covering his ears and ducking his head down a bit.
“Techno, let me have a turn with the sword-!”
“No, you HAD your turn!”
“Gimme, that’s not fair, you had it longer!”
“It’s still my turn though-!”
The bickering continued, with Tommy coming in and trying to take the sword off of Techno- Wilbur’s turn? Pfft- it was now Tommy’s! Techno protested to Tommy, yelling at him to get off and Wilbur trying to pull him off, saying it was still his turn, as the two other brothers denied it, Toby still in his and Tommy’s room, shuffling back a bit.
Phil had heard the commotion and ran upstairs to the squabbling siblings, pulling Wilbur off of Tommy and pulling Techno away, too; raising his voice a bit to tell them to stop fighting, and that they would have to go to the time out and with no dessert, the parent and the twins didn’t even notice Tommy leave the room to go see Toby; with the sword in-hand, seeing the distressed Toby now inside his box.
Tommy was still confused, but Toby was an easy book to understand; he was unhappy, it was too loud, Tommy said “C’mon, Tubbo! Let’s go outside and play!” Maybe that would calm him down? A good run in the garden?
Toby got up shakily, not bothering to get his boots on; he followed Tommy out of the room; down the hall and near the stairs, Wilbur then came out of his and Techno’s room, Techno and Phil trying to get him again.
“Gimme the sword, Tommy-! Dad said we can’t have it after my turn turn now!” He ran to Tommy, Phil tried picking him up with Techno sticking a tongue out at his younger-by-a-few-minutes brother; who started to squirm to get at his brother, which Phil tried to control.
“Let’s go now, Tubbo-!” Tommy said, touching Toby’s shoulder.
He touched me.
He wants to hurt me.
I don’t want to be hit.
Not again.
Never ever.
Don’t hit me.
I’ll behave.
I won’t fool around.
Don’t touch me.
Those words filled Toby’s head, as he lost control; a shiver went down his spine from the touch, he didn’t want to be hurt again; he trusted Tommy, and Tommy was going to hurt him.
A scream escaped, “NO!” he shrieked, pushing Tommy down the stairs; everything happened so fast, everyone shooting their heads into the direction of the two very young children as Tommy shrieked; his body hitting each step sounding like hell to Phil.
“ Stay back ! “ he yelled, running down to Tommy who was on the wooden floor; unconscious, his head bleeding and a bruise on his cheek, Wilbur stood at the top of the stairs; then rushing back up to get Phil’s phone to call an ambulance.
Techno looked over at Toby, who seemed shocked; what had he done? Was Tommy really trying to hurt him? The child covered his ears and went back into his room, shutting the door.
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unimooshi · 3 years
Ok a bit of a late night story time cause I just had a memory come up from the depths of my brain and I can’t believe how stupid it was and I really wanna tell it cause I think it’s funny. It’s the story of how I broke my arm when I was 7.
TL;DR at the end
So basically it’s 2010 , I was 7 and back then I LOVED riding my bike. Like it was some random hand me down from my cousin or something, but I loved bike riding and would regularly bike around this park near my dad’s house. There was usually never anybody there so I could go as fast as I wanted without fear of crashing into anybody and that’s exactly what I did. I biked as fast as a 7 year old could, which is surprisingly pretty fast.
So given that, it’s well known that children are pretty fucking stupid. I know that because I was one and at 7 years old it didn’t connect in my brain that cartoon physics don’t apply to real life and inertia is a real bitch sometimes. And in my head at the time, I remember thinking “huh it would be pretty cool if I stopped the bike wheel with a stick while riding and came to a skidding stop like in Tom and Jerry”. It was something similar to that.
I thought I was a genius at the time and so I did it without even thinking twice. I go zooming down the path like I’m in 5 different zones and I’m trying to be in all of them at the same time after ingesting 20 five hour energies. I invented speed is what I’m saying. Anyway, I’m going and I wanna stop at someone point and so I take my stick and stab it directly into my front tire, all while basically going 35 MPH or something.
I get up and my arm feels funny, like it hurts, but it doesn’t hurt that bad. My dad thought it was a sprain and just told me to walk it off. Me being dumb, I just trusted him even though I had a hard time doing anything and my arm started bruising after the first night. He didn’t even take me to a doctor to confirm. My mom had to take me to the doctor after 2 days and wouldn’t you believe it my arm was broken and literally hanging on with a small sliver of bone. My arm was so close to becoming the aftermath of a Kit-Kat commercial and I had to get a cast for a month then had to wear a wrist brace for another month.
So to recap, I flipped over on a bike going 30+ MPH bc I thought it would be funny to replicate a Tom and Jerry scene, landed on my left arm, and was left with BROKEN ARM for 2 DAYS and DIDNT THINK ANYTHING WAS WRONG EVEN AFTER MY ARM STARTED TO CHANGE COLORS.
Conclusion: Am big dumb cause even now sometimes I wonder why my idea didn’t work and I feel like I should retest my theory cause I just decide to throw out physics bc I can. I legitimately thought for a while that swimming up a waterfall like in Minecraft was totally plausible and a solution if I ever fell down a waterfall.
TL;DR: I broke my arm and didn’t get medical help for 2 days even after my arm started changing colors until my mom picked me and my brother up. Am 500 IQ.
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umbry-fic · 3 years
A Palette Full of You (2)
Summary: Glimpses into Colette and Lloyd's lives as they grow up together, learn who they are, and fall in love with each other.
(Written for Colloyd Week 2021)
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters: Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel Relationships: Colette Brunel & Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel/Lloyd Irving Rating: G Chapter: 2 of 6 Word Count: 4212 Mirror Link: AO3 Original Post Date: 10/06/2021
Chapter Title: Save the Children!
Chapter Summary: Lloyd and Colette take a break from studying and decide to play a video game. Colette starts to ruminate a little on how she's different from the rest of her classmates...
(Colloyd Week Day 2: Sidequest)
Notes+Warnings: Chapter 2 of my multi-chapter Colloyd week fic! Colette and Lloyd play a bunch of Kameo: Elements of Power. Lloyd is bisexual. This chapter might have a bit of internalised acephobia so beware.
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"There! Over there!" Colette shouted, dropping the Xbox controller onto her lap and gesturing frantically towards a corner of the television screen. In her frantic excitement, she completely forgot that Lloyd was sitting right next to her on the sofa, her elbow banging straight into Lloyd's arm.
Lloyd, startled, pitched to the side and pushed the joystick on his Xbox controller in the same direction.
Major Ruin, who Lloyd had been controlling to charge up a Bolder Rush, executed the move at this exact moment as Lloyd let go of the right trigger.
And so Major Ruin careened right off the edge of the platform, as per the directions Lloyd had just inputted into the game. The tragic end to a glorious adventure. Kameo would never rescue her father from her sister’s evil clutches, for she had fallen to her death from a high height... by complete accident. Or maybe it would be better to class this as incompetence?
"Oh, no," they both muttered at the same time, staring with their mouths open in horror. Colette reached out uselessly towards the TV, as if she could reach into the game and stop Major Ruin’s fall.
As if.
The armadillo look-alike Earth elemental (except a lot spikier) continued to fall while flailing their stubby limbs uselessly, eventually hitting the ground with the familiar and resonant "thud", accompanied with the dreaded snapping sound that had populated much of their playtime in the Snow-top Village. The thin and winding ice paths throughout that area had led to many a death from fall damage as they had tried to get their hands on the elemental fruits hidden away among various corners. Now that they were in the Ancient Tower, with its dark, foreboding, narrow stone corridors lit only by the sparest of torches sitting in sconces, where there was only one path forward and they were caged in by walls, Colette thought their falling episodes would be over. It was a bit claustrophobic, really.
It appeared that was not the case. Fall damage was eternal, and it would haunt them always, following them everywhere and showing its face at the most inopportune of moments.
Major Ruin morphed back into Kameo's petite, winged form, collapsing to the ground with a pained groan. Lloyd's side of the screen faded to black before he respawned at the last checkpoint, erasing a full 20 minutes of progress. The Kameo that Colette controlled was now completely alone in the chamber, performing her idle animations as Colette’s controller went untouched. Lloyd dropped his Xbox controller into his lap as well, leaning back against the sofa as he let out a groan of his own.
There was no sound apart from the whirring coming from the Xbox under the TV, the game music, and the "whup-whup" of the blades of the ancient standing fan in the corner of the living room, struggling in its job to blow "cool" air at them and combat the viciously hot weather.
Lloyd had every right to be frustrated with her; she had a tendency to kill him in-game. It wasn't murder, just manslaughter: knocking him off the cliff, setting both of them on fire, or startling him in general. It wasn't just in Kameo. Her clumsiness and butterfingers translated to every genre. No matter the game - Mario, Minecraft, Maplestory - she always found some way to cause a game over.
But he'd never directed any frustration or anger towards her. These are just silly games, he said every time. Much easier to laugh over the mirthful consequences together than get mad. Whenever they had the time to play video games together, the air was filled with nothing but laughter, a few frustrated grumbles from when they were struggling at a particular level, and the occasional rib from Lloyd’s end when she messed up. That's what made it incredibly fun. What the two of them had termed "game-time" never failed to put a smile on their faces.
And it was an effective destresser! It was a great relief to be able to channel all the stress from studying for PSLE into beating up trolls in Kameo. That appeared to be Lloyd's favourite part of the game - racking up combos with his favourite character Pummel Weed. Though she had to say her favourite part of the game so far was watching the cutscenes that played after rescuing the baby elementals from the prisons created by the nefarious shadow trolls. The wacky transformation from adorable blob to full-fledged elemental, complete with the blob sprouting arms and growing claws or shells, was… interesting to witness.
"Sorry," she sheepishly said, still feeling the need to apologise as she patted his hand. "Didn't mean to startle you. It's just that I found the last child!"
"Oh, really? Where?” Lloyd asked eagerly, attention turning back to the TV. “I couldn't see anything. It's all so dark."
"Over there." More calmly this time, Colette pointed out the child encased in a translucent ice crystal, tucked away in a corner of the platform hidden in shadow. She’d forgotten the name of this species, and could only describe them as cuttlefish that had taken human form. What were they were doing so far from the Mountain Falls? Weren't they native to that location? "We need to free them quickly! This is the last child."
“The last - you’ve been keeping count?!” Lloyd asked, voice rising in volume and shock written clearly across his face.
“Yeah! The mother said there were three, and we’ve rescued two. She must have been really worried, or she wouldn’t have begged us to save her children. I want to reunite them as soon as possible!”
"Alright. Ice, huh? It'd be similar to the other crystals we got rid of in the snow area. So just turn into Ash!" Lloyd suggested.
"Oh, you're right! Thanks for the reminder!" Colette opened the transformation wheel with a quick press of a button and proceeded to fumble with the joystick for a full minute while Lloyd slowly crawled his way back up the tower. She kept pushing too far to the right and overshooting Ash's dragon head on the wheel to land on Thermite, before overcorrecting to the left and landing on 40 Below. Frustration slowly piled up until she groaned, burying her head in her lap. This was embarrassing. She couldn't even navigate a simple menu like this, even after months of playing this game. Butterfingers, once again.
"Lloyd, can you open the main menu? I'll just pick Ash from there."
"Nah, we don't need to open Wotnot. Let's give Ortho a break for now," Lloyd replied. She knew that wasn't the real reason. Lloyd just didn’t want to hear from the eccentric wizard trapped within the paperback book that doubled as the main menu. "Here, let me help. But you need to get up first!" She straightened up, still sulking as he smiled at her, looking like he was holding back laughter at her predicament.
Lloyd stretched out his hand and placed his index finger over her thumb, gently guiding her thumb on the joystick so that the selection square landed right on Ash's head. Colette watched as Kameo hunched over and transformed into the red, clawed, scaly dragon that was the fire elemental Ash, tail slowly swaying from side-to-side as his wings flapped.
"You're so good at this..." she muttered, glancing down at her controller where Lloyd's hand was still placed over hers. They were only 12, but his hands were already slightly bigger than hers. He'd gotten his growth spurt in the earlier part of this year and shot up in height; now half a head taller than her. It was a slightly startling change after being the same height for the six years they'd known each other. He would likely only grow taller as time went on. As for herself... Maybe she'd gain another 5 centimetres by the time she was 18, if she was lucky. Given the actual state of her luck, she'd probably stagnate at her current height. Tallness was just not in the cards for her.
Not that she minded. The added height made him rather comfortable to lie on. If he gained just a few more centimetres, his shoulder would be the perfect height to rest her head on… That would make movie nights all the more comfortable.
Plus, the height change was just that. A physical change. Inside, Lloyd was still the same person - the boy who loved playing with Noishe but hated doing his homework, and would do everything in the world to avoid it. He hadn't changed. Not a single bit.
"Don’t sweat it. There are so many things you’re good at too! If it weren’t for your keen eye, I would’ve missed the kid entirely… So don’t be too bothered!” Lloyd gave her hand one squeeze before removing his hand, returning to his quest of returning to Colette's location. "Now, melt the ice!”
Colette did exactly that, leading the lumbering Ash over to the entrapped child and unleashing his fire breath. She watched with bated breath as the ice slowly melted, causing more of the child to be exposed to the air. They had previously used this exact same technique to unearth elemental fruits in the icy caverns filled with those icky bugs that exploded when defeated and obscured the screen with blue juice. It had been exciting then, to stumble upon secrets because of their penchant for exploration. But watching the child slowly be freed, watching their tentacles slowly start to move as they came into contact with warm air, was an entirely different experience, one that filled her with joy.
When was the last time the two of them completed a side objective like this, one that had direct effects on a citizen of this magical world? Casting her mind back informed her that that would be the starting town, when they returned to water the farmer’s crops with Deep Blue.
Now that the last child had been fully freed, all the children went running back to their worried mother, who proceeded to pull them into a giant group hug. Colette dropped her controller, clapping her hands together at such a sweet sight. Lloyd did laugh, then, a chuckle that she could feel rumble through her as well from where their shoulders touched. "What are you so excited about?" he asked.
"We did it! We saved all the children!" she exclaimed, watching the mother pull out one of the large elemental fruit in thanks. "Doesn't that make you happy? That we were able to help someone... That's what makes these side objectives fulfilling, right?"
"Yeah, I guess. It's just like you to get like this over a video game,” Lloyd replied, watching Kameo hoist the elemental fruit into the air, where it magically shrunk in size to fit in her bag. Colette wondered how Kameo’s bag even worked - how did it store Wotnot and dozens of elemental fruits? It was like a black hole. Just like Noishe's stomach.
“Though..." Lloyd frowned, staring up at the clock that hung on the wall, whose hands indicated that it was 2 pm. "Time’s up. We should get back to revising before Mom gets home from the vet with Noishe."
"Oh, you're right..." That was a downer. Time had flown so fast; their 20 minutes were up already!
The moment had come to return to the dining table and the assessment books that sat open on it. Studying was never fun, but it just had to be math today, and the chapter just had to be nets. Her most hated subject, combined with the topic she hated most. It was a headache all around.
But Lloyd was surprisingly good at nets, and he'd been a great help the whole day. Even if he still hated math with a passion and always got stuck on algebra questions, where it was her turn to assist him. That was why studying together was effective! They could fill in the gaps for each other, and motivate each other to keep going. Just three months left to go until it was all over! They could do this, and they would get through it. Together, just as they would every predicament that came to pass in the future.
"Um, and before you go home today, could you help me with something else?"
"What is it?" Colette asked, reaching for the TV remote on the coffee table. Lloyd was staring at the carpet, his hand absent-mindedly pulling at the hem of his singlet, separating the fabric from sweaty skin.
“Ellum’s birthday present,” Lloyd muttered, his voice getting softer with each word he spoke, until she could barely make out the words. “His birthday is in two weeks, and I…”
They had a habit of telling each other almost everything, for any secret was always safe with the other. So she knew why Lloyd was clamming up. Ellum was his current crush, after all.
“Say no more. Of course I’ll help you! We can do whatever you want!” she replied with enthusiasm. She'd be happy to help.
"Thank you," Lloyd replied, meeting her gaze again with a tiny smile lighting up his face. "Now, let's get back to studying."
They made the short walk to the dining table, taking their seats across from each other. Lloyd's face was already starting to twist into a grimace, resigning himself to another few hours of torture at the hands of the twisted people who made their livelihood setting math questions.
Clearing away the Kit Kat wrappers on her assessment book, she glanced down at a question about nets she'd been working on before the break. Yet not a single word on the page was being absorbed. They were all running away from her.
The downside of Lloyd confiding in her for all of his crushes was that it was a stark reminder that she hadn't had her first one yet. And then, inevitably, her mind would drift further to all the little ways she stood out from her classmates.
It was like everyone around her had changed drastically overnight at some unknown point in time. The jokesters of the class had just started making dirty jokes one day, prompting scandalised glares from the rest of the class but also prompting snickers. She herself didn't get the joke half the time, just laughed to go along with everyone else.
Then there was the shift in daily conversation. Instead of discussing their favourite Pokémon, more often than not the other girls would now discuss in hushed voices while giggling which celebrity was the most attractive. She herself would sit quietly, trying to melt into the wall as she observed without interjecting, half fascinated and half horrified. Weren't they all too young for this?
Things got even more awkward when she was forcibly pulled into the conversation when someone directed a question at her. She had no idea what to say whenever someone showed her a picture of a celebrity and asked her to rate them. The only thing she ever managed to stutter out was that their eyes were a nice colour, and so was their hair. That... was how you judged a person on how attractive they were, right? Everyone else, though, seemed to think she was weird. But how was she supposed to be feeling? No one had ever taught her. It felt like everyone was keeping a secret from her on how these things were supposed to work, then making fun of her for not getting it.
She only got more confused every time something like that happened. All she wanted to do was go back to talking about her favourite cartoons, but that didn't seem to be an option. Lloyd wasn't in the same class as her, so she couldn't even sit with him and ignore everyone else. The only time she could meet up with him during school hours was at recess. She didn't know what Lloyd talked about with the rest of his friends. Maybe the same stuff. But she didn't really care, because, with him, she could just be herself. There was no need for tiring pretence.
All she could do when the girls were in a mood to discuss celebrities again was sit a little outside of their circle, counting down the seconds remaining for class to start while she tried to look as occupied as possible. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief every time the topic of conversation turned back to something a little easier to understand, like video games.
But surely, someday, she would understand.
She was waiting. For that day. For her to finally catch up to everyone else in the race she hadn’t even known she’d entered until everyone had left her in the dust, still standing with her mouth agape at the starting line. To finally be like everyone else, to be able to fit in seamlessly. But there was no use getting down about it!
She just had to meet The One. Then everything would change, everything would fix itself. That's what happened in all the stories, the shows, the movies, after all.
Because everyone, in the end, learned to feel the same way, right?
"Right! I think that’s enough for now.” Colette’s voice shattered the serenity of her room from where she was sitting on the bed with her laptop balanced in her lap, cutting through the sleepy fog that was starting to fill Lloyd’s head. The peaceful Ghibli tunes that had been filling the room cut off abruptly as she shut her laptop screen, reaching a hand up to undo her messy hair bun.
Lloyd yawned, rubbing his eyes and hoping that would make his eyelids feel less heavy. Pushing himself up from his belly-down position on the bed, he caught one last glance of the back of Colette's neck before her hair covered it again. Doing prep for uni was not the most exciting way to pass the afternoon, and it certainly wasn't normal fare for a date. But it had to be done, so they might as well do it together, as they did all things.
Though he'd gotten distracted and started scrolling through YouTube about an hour ago.
"Are you going to change out of pyjamas?” Lloyd asked, stretching, his shirt hiking up slightly. He’d taken the lift down the three floors that separated his apartment and hers in the old HDB block that they’d stayed in all their lives, rang the doorbell while staring at the Chinese New Year decorations that were still hung up despite the month now being April, and waited for Colette to open the door… Only to be met with the sight of Colette in her favourite doggie pyjamas, the baby blue button-up ones that covered every inch of her skin. She'd shrugged and said it was cold from the non-stop rain, but he knew the real reason was the lazy post-A-levels haze, that affected him as well. These days, sleeping in until noon was the norm. Or sleeping in until one of his parents came into his bedroom to knock him awake.
“Yeah,” she replied, grabbing a towel and a few articles of clothing from the open wardrobe and heading towards the doorway.
Lloyd closed his laptop slowly, not wanting a repeat of the time in Secondary 3 he’d shattered the screen because Zelos had sneaked up on him and caught him unawares. He rolled off the bed, making the small trip of barely a few steps to the study table, passing the various objects Colette had up on the walls - the Disney posters she’d gotten ages ago, and the random stickers she’d amassed over the years from school club sales and donations - and the bay window filled to the brim with cute and huggable soft toys, a familiar Siberian Husky that showed the signs of being well-loved sitting atop the pile.
Lying on the study table was Colette’s Nintendo Switch, plugged into a socket to charge. Right next to it was a jar holding paintbrushes of all sizes, all of them as clean of paint as possible, for he knew Colette took extremely good care of her art supplies. The sketchbook no one was allowed to peek into was sticking out of the table’s drawer, half-used pads of foolscap and sheets of paper with pencils rolling in them visible within. Files that he’d nearly kicked, containing lecture notes and worksheets, were shoved into messy piles under the table, unneeded after the conclusion of examinations but having no convenient place to be stored. The tiny shelf sitting on the table still had her Junior College badge housed on one of the layers, silver in colour and reflecting the light from the windows, despite her having no use for it ever since they had graduated in November. (Perhaps she liked looking at it? She was something of a magpie sometimes.) He could spot a familiar conch shell, placed among other knick-knacks, mostly birthday presents.
Picking up the handheld (with its lime green and cyan JoyCons firmly attached), he unplugged the charger and watched the screen light up - and frowned at what it showed him.
"Hey, Colette!" he yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth. He hoped he could catch her before she entered the bathroom. Uncle Frank was working in the master bedroom no more than five metres away and had been nothing less than incredibly nice, as he always was, providing tons of refreshments and snacks. Lloyd would like to prevent a shouting relay if possible.
If Colette had been walking, she shouldn't have reached the bathroom yet...
The fast pitter-patter of bare feet against the floor informed him that he was right. "What is it, Lloyd?" Colette's head poked its way into the doorframe, her golden hair reaching down towards the floor, her blue eyes wide and questioning.
"You left Animal Crossing on," he answered, waving the Switch in the air.
Her eyes lit up in understanding. "Oh. You know what to do, right?"
Control the playable character and put her to sleep, then save the game. He'd done it before.
"Yeah, but, I was thinking... I haven't taken a walk on your island since last year. How about I take another tour while you're in the bathroom? If you're okay with it, of course."
"Oh, sure! I trust you." Colette smiled sweetly, turning to leave before pausing and turning back. "But remember -"
"- remember not to step on the flowers." Lloyd finished her sentence easily, stating that fact very seriously. He knew about Colette's concerns about her precious flowers, which she’d spent hours arranging around her little island until they were in just the right spot - fields of rainbows to welcome any guests and guide them around. He hadn't known that the stems of the flowers could break from being trampled multiple times when he first explored her quaint world - the fictional flowers were just as fragile as their real-life counterparts. He’d kept that in mind ever since, adding it to the many rules to follow to ensure no harm came to all the hard work Colette had put in to make her island perfect.
"Yep. Um…” Colette wrung her hands together, bowing her head so her hair formed a veil over her face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, taking a step towards her.
“No, nothing’s wrong!” Colette hurriedly replied, lifting her head again. She screwed her eyes shut, hands clenching into fists. “I - uh, just wanted to say… I love you!”
The last three words came out in a shout, so quick that he almost didn’t catch them.
Lloyd froze, trying to process what he’d just heard - and before he could reply, Colette was already gone, having fled down the corridor and out of sight.
He slowly shut his mouth, which he hadn’t even realised was open.
This was the first time she’d said those coveted three words since they'd started dating. Her voice had been dripping with uncertainty, her posture betraying her shyness, but no matter how contradictory, she’d said it with sincerity, with all her heart. And even though he didn't need to hear them from her to know she loved him, for it was actions that counted, and certainly didn't need to hear them from her for him to love her, it still made him smile, his whole soul filled with a light warmth.
They’d travelled such a long way from all the checkpoints in life that they'd passed together. They still had a long way to go, but they’d do it together. As they always had.
"I love you too, silly," he said into empty space, knowing Colette couldn't hear him but wanting to say it anyway.
Lloyd unlocked the Switch screen, staring down at Colette's intricate creation. Flowers filled the screen, black, grey, white, purple, that he found familiar but couldn't put a name to. Oh, well. He would just tour the island and check out any new changes while he walked to the living room and waited for Colette to come back. Maybe he'd visit the town centre as well.
The most vital question to be answered was... Had Colette gotten those froggy chairs that she wanted for the townspeople?
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