#mino drabble
blu-joons · 2 years
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He likes to know that you’re paying attention and so Minho will want your attention more than you want his. You’re the person that he wants to have listening to him the most and caring about what he has to say.
You both have your moments when you want your own way, and bicker to let the other person know that too. You can squabble like kids when you both feel really passionate about what you want and try and disagree with the other person that what they want definitely isn’t as good as what you want.
He hates seeing you upset, and although Minho isn’t the best at comforting, he’ll always try his best when it comes to you. Every time when you get upset around Minho, you can expect an arm around your shoulders as he lets you know that he’s there whilst you vent, sob, or anything else that you want to do.
Out of the two of you, Minho was the more likely to cause conflict as he had the shorter temper from time to time. He can get a little snappy when he’s getting stressed about work or worrying about the things that he has to do. But you know that once he’s had his snap, Minho will always apologise as he knows that whatever happened between the two of you stemmed from him getting annoyed.
It took a little bit of time for your friendship to build, at the start there was definitely a little bit of awkwardness between the two of you. You weren’t necessarily hesitant around each other, but you wanted to get a better understanding of one another before you completely let your guards down. It was something that you laughed over now as you wondered why either of you ever got so nervous with the other.
Minho’s family were huge fans of yours, mainly because they knew just how much you meant to Minho too. He talked about you fondly and spoke about you with a wide smile on his face too which was what his family needed to know how much he meant to you. As someone that Minho adored, you were someone that his family adored too, even before they met you, their opinions were all so high towards you.
Home was usually where you usually hung out, the two of you both just liked to be in the comfort of your own space. You’d sit in the background if Minho was busy doing something or make yourself at home if he decided to nap, just like how he decided to sprawl out to sleep at your home whenever he was there too.
The two of you had a habit of forgetting about plans that you’d made with your friends and making plans just the two of you instead. You weren’t fans of the big and loud social occasions that were sometimes arranged, instead you preferred to just stay at home and watch something with food for just you two.
Your inside jokes were usually funny things that either of you had done around the other person. With the two of you being so comfortable with one another, you had your fair share of mishaps where one of you had tripped or sometimes said the wrong thing that the other person just wouldn’t let you forget.
He didn’t like anyone threatening his spot as your best friend, and Minho wasn’t afraid to let you know that he was jealous whenever anyone did too. He was good at hiding it around every other person, but for Minho he felt that it would be better to let you know how he was feeling about things. You hated him feeling jealous, and whenever he mentioned it to you, you’d be there to reassure him.
Minho got a kick out of making you proud and hearing from you that he had done a good job. He loved the fact that you always hyped up his talents and didn’t let him be humble either, as much as he downplayed how good he was at his work and his hobbies, you refused to let him not realise how skilled he was.
He loved how easy things were with you, nothing was ever too much trouble for Minho with you around. He would do anything for you, even if you asked him to get you a glass of water after he’d just sat down from getting one for himself. It was anyone else, he would say no, but when you did so much for him, he was more than happy to do the little things that kept your friendship working so well.
The two of you first met when you were at school together, although at the time you remembered not being that close. A few years later you bumped into each other again, and started chatting about your old memories, in the end you exchanged numbers and found yourselves meeting up a lot more thereafter.
You were definitely one of only a few that Minho let his guard down around. He let go around you because there was no pressure, no one telling him what he could do or not do, and no one judging him either.
Minho was obsessed with how relaxed you were, using you as a calming influence in his life. He took a lot of inspiration from how chilled you were and tried to be as positive as you were as much as he could be.
The moments that meant the most to Minho were the ones when he could open up to you and get things off of his chest. He confided in you a lot about the things that were going on in his head, mainly because Minho knew that no one understood and offered advice in reply as well as you did for him.
Your opinion was something that Minho valued a lot and so when he was working on something he would often ask you what you thought. Whether it was music, drawing, or anything else, he loved your view.
Every year for your birthday, Minho painted you a painting that you could keep, trying his best to paint something that the two of you had done over the year. You were a huge fan of his artwork and never failed to be surprised by the things that he created, treasuring every single year what Minho designed for you.
If there was one person that Minho could count on to be in his corner, it was definitely you. If he mentioned to you that there was something coming up and that he was nervous about it, you’d make a note and remember to be there for him if you were able to, without telling him in advance that you’d be there.
Usually when you got time off, you both actually loved just taking a trip home. Shutting yourselves away for a while and doing your own things were the only things that the two of you needed. Minho especially loved having you at his place where he was comfortable and hoped that you would be comfortable too.
Together the two of you were inseparable, it was known by everyone that the two of you were the best of friends.
It brought a smile to his face whenever you decided to Minho when he was being creative. Whether it was music, painting, or anything else, he loved having you there so that he could show you what he was up to.
He tried his best to use his own experiences to be able to offer up the best possible advice that Minho could to you.
Usually when the two of you were by yourselves was when you were most affectionate with one another. You didn’t mind sitting close to one another, and definitely wouldn’t be afraid of hugging each other either.
You were his favourite, the go-to person for Minho was always you.
The comfort of home is something that Minho loves and so usually he’ll try and get you to go to his place more than take him to your place when you spend the evening together, as that’s definitely Minho’s favourite spot.
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chicken-fifi · 11 months
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Artist: Mino (Winner)
Title: Misty
Prompt: waterfalls
Requested by: anon
Tagging: @writingstuffandmore
There was a slight fog rising around the area as you neared the edge of the body of water where the waterfall was crashing down into. Mist sprayed against your face lightly, somehow both cooling you off and making you feel more sweaty in the humid weather at the same time.
“Okay,” you huffed out tired from the hike that you most certainly were not prepared for to see the waterfalls. “I stand corrected. The hike was worth it.”
Minho laughed tiredly before rushing past you and jumping into the shallow water sighing in relief as it cooled him down instantly. You followed in suit, swimming closer to the waterfall and moving behind it into the little cove.
“I’m glad we went up all the levels to see the different falls,” he sighed out joining you behind the water. “This one was definitely worth it.”
You looked at him for a moment before shoving him from the rock you were sitting on, sending him to the main impact zone of the water. In an instant the two of you became two little kids having water fights and playing little games with the loser having to stand under the fall, getting a face full of water.
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mino-diabolik · 2 years
Peer into my muse's memories
💕- A memory about their significant other
The door to the old demon castle’s entrance hall moaned deeply as it was pushed open. Mystic huffed with exhaustion, tucking away the revolver on the inside of his jacket. One of his Familiars trotted in behind him, nudging its head into his arm. As though he was asking for attention. Though tired, Mystic gave the wolf a few pats on the head and smiled.
A black blur zoomed over their heads, and a crow perched itself on the head of a statue nearby. Mystic wasn’t exactly sure who it might’ve been, but he also smiled at them and nodded to acknowledge them. Funnily enough, the crow returned his nod before it took off down a different hallway and disappeared, cawing loudly.
Mystic stretched out his arms over his head, groaning. The wolf kicked the door with one of its hind legs to close it once again. It was only a matter of seconds after the crow disappeared that the sound of footsteps hurried in his direction. The Founder looked up and his heart warmed.
“Prince,” he chuckled, exhausted.
Kino approached him and quickly scooped him up in a hug. Mystic stumbled back a bit, but hung onto the Vampire’s neck. They stood in said embrace for a while, silent.
“Welcome back,” Kino sighed into Mystic’s shoulder, shifting a hand down to the small of his back.
Mystic nuzzled into the crook of his neck and snickered. He hadn’t been able to hear his voice in months. no other feeling could compare to being in this hold once more. “Sorry for having to leave for so long.”
Kino backed away for a moment, frowning as he gazed down at him. “I hope you know you’re not leaving in a while now.”
“Did you fight Kazuha again?” Mystic chuckled. “You can lock me up for a while if it means I don’t have to work. I don’t mind.”
Kino balked, swiftly sweeping him up into a bridal carry. “Be careful what you wish for, Mys.”
Mystic circled his arms around his neck and shoulders to keep himself stable on his hold. He leaned in and planted a kiss on the Vampire’s temple and smiled. “I’m pretty damn sure of what I asked for★”
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vendettavalor · 5 months
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@tacticalvalor said: [SURVEY] The sender gently traces their fingers over the receiver's scars, curiosity evident in their touch. -> The Slayer and Moomin
⚔️ Scar Survey Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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Gentle as the touch is, Marmalade still flinches slightly at the contact. She's unused to letting someone so close, much less allowing them to touch something as personal and as sensitive as her scars. But she trusts Bruno. He's proven himself be thoughtful, gentle, protective, and kind. Especially with how he guarded her so intensely during the last fire fight. He trusts that he won't judge or degrade her for them. After all, he has plenty of scars of his own. His own collection of constellations mapping out the worst parts of his life. Their twin sets of memories etched into their flesh is something that binds them.
"Most of them are from the farm." She answers softly, and he nods in understanding. It's a story he's heard before. She never gave exact details but she never needed to. He was a smart man. He knew what she went through, and he wasn't about to press and make her relive that harrowing experience just to satiate his curiosity. His blood already boiled at the thought of ever seeing her in the position again.
Then, something unexpected comes; she feels him shift behind her and gasps as she feels the heat of him grow closer and closer, until warm lips plant themselves against the scars. She stiffens, unsure of how to respond as he gently lays a trail of them across the raised flesh. It's warm. It's loving to a degree of reverence, as if worshiping her for enduring such horrors and living to tell the tail. Moomin shivers, reaching back to touch his hand. He pauses, drawing back slightly to see her looking at him over her shoulder.
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For a moment, he thinks he's crossed a line. Violated some unspoken boundary and made her uncomfortable. As he withdraws though she turns to face him. Her hand moves to cup his cheek and slowly, she leans in to close the distance between them. A small sound escapes him at just how warm and inviting the kiss it, but he does not hesitate to return it. Something about his gesture was meaningful to her. Deeply so. And she cannot help but convey the love she feels fluttering in her chest like a caged bird anxiously trying to go to him.
But he supposed he doesn't mind. If anything, seeing her confident and comfortable enough to engage him makes his heart flutter too.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
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notes from op ; if you want to see more thoughts and one-off shitposts about gojo specifically, you can check my #a.gojo tag
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—✮ LONG FIC [4k+]
✮  [ HOW TO BE A DOG ] | [NSFW, 18+] | (PART ONE) (PART TWO) | WC ; 36.1k
SYNOPSIS ; With Six Eyes to see, it becomes clear. You are being watched.
TAGS ; AFAB + Fem!Reader, Yandere!Gojo Satoru, Mino Character Death, Religious Imagery, Neighbors to "Lovers", Fingers, Hickies, Bruises, Edging
All sexual content in part two.
✮  [ POWER TRIP ] | [NSFW, 18+] | WC ; 8.7k
SYNOPSIS ; Gojo satoru has been your mentor for 4 whole years and not once has he uttered a word of praise for you. It bugs you. you know it shouldn’t
TAGS ; AFAB + Fem!Reader, Dom!Gojo Satoru, Imbalanced Power Dynamics, Sub!Reader, Undernegotiated Kink, Petplay, Collaring, Praise, Humiliation
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—✮ SHORT FIC [1k+]
✮  [ SCUMBAG (FOREVER YOURS) ] | [NSFW, 18+] | WC ; 1.8k
SYNOPSIS ; You never know how Gojo feels about you until he approaches you. You don’t feel like denying him, either.
TAGS ; AFAB + Fem!Reader, Exhibitionism, Fingering, Strained Relationships, Age Gap
✮  [ ALL OF ME, JUST FOR YOU ] | [NSFW, 18+ ] | WC ; 1.7k
SYNOPSIS ; Gojo doesn’t like when you stray too far from home.
TAGS ; AFAB + GN!Reader, Crybaby!Reader, Soft Sadist!Gojo, Jealousy, Mocking / Teasing, Edging, Penetration
✮  [ I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE ] | [NSFW, 18+] | WC ;
SYNOPSIS ; The first time Nanami catches you and Gojo having sex is an accident. the rest, he’s not sure. either way - he doesn’t know how to feel. 
TAGS ; AFAB + Fem!Reader, Voyeurism, Public Sex, Mentions of Alcohol.
✮  [ BULLY!GOJO ] | [NSFW, 18+ ] | (PART ONE) (PART TWO)
SYNOPSIS ; Gojo has a tight grip, but you always slip like sand from inbetween his fingers.
TAGS ; AFAB + Fem!Reader, Fingering, Penetration, Public Sex / Exhbitionism
✮  [ HANDS ] | [NSFW, 18+] | WC ; 1.1k
SYNOPSIS ; Gojo Satoru has the nicest hands you've ever seen.
TAGS ; AFAB!Reader + GN!Reader, Lowercase, Fingering
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—✮DRABBLES [400-999]
└✮ Overtsimulation ft. STSG 18+
└✮ Dom Getou, Switch Gojo Threesome 18+
└✮ Pussy Inspection ft. STSG (P1) (P2) 18+
└✮ CW: HARD INCEST, Dad Gojo fucking you in front of your boyfriends + AFAB + Fem!Reader 18+
└✮ Bunny hybrid reader x Wolf!hybrid Gojo
└✮ Divorced Gojo returning to your empty shared home + GN!Reader
└✮ Missionary and dirty talk + AFAB + Fem!Reader 18+
└✮ Manhandling + Solo!masturbation + GN!Reader
└✮ Helping a reader who's scared of the dark + GN!Reader
└✮ Reflecting on the idea of reason + GN!Reader
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—✮ BLURBS [-400]
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whimsicalmeerkat · 5 months
✨Fic Writing Review 2023✨
The ever-delightful @dear-massacre tagged me in this a couple weeks ago, but I decided to wait until the end of the year. I don’t feel like working today, so I figure it’s close enough!
127,727 words posted on AO3
66 works posted or updated on AO3
Fandoms & Ships Represented:
Black Jewels - Anne Bishop (Daemon Sadi/Lucivar Yaslana: 5)
Demonic Disasters and Afterlife Adventures- Shannon Mae (Adam/Minos: 1)
Men’s Hockey RPF (1)
Original Work (2)
Perilous Courts - Tavia Lark (Julien Sandry/Whisper: 2, Bellamy Sandry/Rakos Tem: 1, Daromir Azri/Vana Dire: 1, Corin Marcel/Audric Sandry: 1)
Psy-Changeling - Nalini Singh (Aden Kai/Vasic Zen: 1, Kaleb Krychek/Judd Lauren: 1, Lucas Hunter/Hawke Snow: 1)
Radiance Series - Tavia Lark (Evain Marha/Leth ka Tariel: 3)
Teen Wolf (Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski: 27, Derek Hale/Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski: 1, Derek Hale/Peter Hale: 1, Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski: 7, Chris Argent/Derek Hale: 1)
The Authority - DC Comics (Apollo/Midnighter & Jenny Quantum: 1)
The Hollows - Kim Harrison (Trent Kalamack/Rachel Morgan: 7, Jenks/Matalina: 1)
Top Fics by Kudos
my heart was connected (Teen Wolf: Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski)
Trading Up (Teen Wolf: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski)
won’t you take me from this valley (Teen Wolf: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski)
devil don’t take a break (Teen Wolf: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski)
I think I know a secret (Teen Wolf: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski)
My Fandom Fic Events in 2023
30+ Fanfic (@thirty-plus-fanfic) 24-Hour Drabbles (drabbles)
sterekdrabbles (@sterekdrabbles)
The Sufficiently Advanced Exchange (so we remain the same: The Hollows, Trent Kalamack/Rachel Morgan)
Rare Male Slash Exchange (ah my love, remind me: Teen Wolf, Chris Argent/Derek Hale)
Battleship 2023 (15 works, multiple fandoms: series)
30+ Fanfic (@thirty-plus-fanfic) Third Serversary (Summer) Holiday Event (some glad morning: Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski)
Rare Pair Exchange (I’ll Always Know It's You: The Hollows, Trent Kalamack/Rachel Morgan)
Launch the Ship -⚓︎- Round 3 (We Were Helping!: Perilous Courts, Daromir Azri/Vana Dire, Vana Dire & Bellamy Sandry)
RelationShipping (take me to the edge so I can fall apart: Original Work, Werewolf Brother/Human Brother He Wants to Turn)
Sterek Prompt Meme (@sterekpromptmeme) (Trading Up: Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Peter Hale)
Trick or Treat Exchange (Trick or Treat!: The Hollows, Trent Kalamack/Rachel Morgan)
SPE (@sterekposevents) Fall In Love with Sterek (I think I know a secret: Teen Wolf, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski)
Wanksgiving (in the middle of the night: Teen Wolf: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski)
We Die Like Fen: We're Dark like Fen in a Storm at Night (then, now, and forever: Radiance Series, Evain Marha/Leth ka Tariel)
30+ Fanfic (@thirty-plus-fanfic) Holiday Bonanza and New Year's Shindig 2023 (Teen Wolf, multiple pairings: 2023 fics in series)
Upcoming 2024 Events & Projects
After making that last list my plan to do way fewer events in 2024 has been reinforced. I’m not going to list all of my projects. Most of what I plan to work on are my wips. Below are the events I plan to do:
Small Fandoms Big Bang
Sterek CollaBang (@sterekcollabang)
Battleship Exchange
RelationShipping Exchange
Various 30+ Fanfic Events (@thirty-plus-fanfic)
Rules & Tags
Honestly, do what you want to with this whether that’s putting in way too much effort like I did, ignoring it, or somewhere in between.
I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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Rain, rain, go away...
Rin sheltered beneath her mino. It was pissing rain, and while it never seemed to touch Sesshomaru, Jaken was soaked to the bone, too determined to emulate his impermeable master to throw on a mino of his own.
Or huddle together under hers, though she offered.
“Hmph. Silly human. We yokai are far too proud to—”
“Then allow me.”
Jaken stood dumbfounded as Sesshomaru ducked below the straw cape to join her underneath.
“Your sacrifice so I may sit by Rin’s side is acknowledged.”
“I, uh…” His vassal, becoming ever more drenched, sighed in resignation. “You’re welcome, milord.”
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coconutdays · 2 years
BODY by MINO | Porco Galliard x Reader
A small drabble of Porco seeing you for the first time after your breakup inspired by that one song by MINO
Warnings: A little bit of angst?
It's been a few weeks since Porco broke up with you.
And you just had to be at the same fucking club.
Your skin was glowing, probably from the thin veil of sweat you had from dancing the entire time you were here. How you always managed to keep your heels on after dancing for hours was a wonder to him.
Your lipgloss was still intact, which meant you hadn't taken a drink yet.
Or made out with someone.
After all, you were never one to reapply lipgloss.
"It gets all texturized. Yuck" You used to complain
You look like you lost weight.
Fuck. Was that his fault?
"Go dance with her man."
Porco's ears perked up to listen to conversation between the two guys next to him at the bar.
"She hasn't let a single guy dance with her though. She just keeps grinding on her friends."
Yeah, they're talking about you. Who wouldn't? Everyone always turns to look at you whenever you enter a room. It was what always made him proud to call you his girl.
"Dude, stop being a pussy and-"
"If you're talking about the girl in the blue dress, I wouldn't go for it."
The both of them turned to look at Porco, who nodded his head towards you.
"Her boyfriend owns the club and has surveillance footage. Heard he isn't too nice." He lied
You looked too beautiful to have any of the sorry asses in this club next to you anyways.
"Oh. Guess she's untouchable for a reason then huh." One of them said, obviously bummed out.
"You could say that."
No. You just weren't easy to get to. Of course he would know. He spent an entire three months getting you to grow used to him before you agreed to go on a date with him.
How the hell did he break up with you over the fear of you finding someone better than him.
Since when was he so fucking insecure?
You were still untouchable even after your breakup.
He fucked up.
Getting you back would be ten times harder than when he first tried making you his girlfriend.
But you were worth it.
And more.
Your phone just so happened to ring when you sat down for a second to rest.
Incoming call: Porco
The picture you took of him on your first date lit up the screen. It was still your contact photo for him.
You shouldn't have picked up the phone.
But you're still hooked on him, as mad as you are.
"Tell me what to do to get you back baby. Please. I will never leave you again."
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starshine-valley · 8 months
If you’re the biggest kohamino fan on the planet, can i be the second biggest 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 (/j)
Anyways, moot you came to the right person, I love everything about KohaMino (they’re both my favorite kohane and minori ships :D) so let’s go!!
-> Kohane loves collecting more more jump merch! Especially Minori merchandise!! She’s her super biggest fan ever !!
-> They go on karaoke dates with MizuAn! Minori loves to sing to Kohane the most sappiest songs imaginable as Kohane just blushes and becomes flustered.
“I dedicate this song to Kohane-Chan!” “M-Minori-chan?!”
-> Kohane loves taking photos of Minori! She often takes pictures of her (with her permission, of course!) on dates! More More Jump likes to joke that Kohane is Minori’s personal photographer.
-> 100% those pining idiots who were oblivious of the other one’s feelings. They thought the other was out of their league and well, that caused a lot of insecurity and doubt from the both of them.
-> Minori might be more clingy in public but Kohane is more clingy in private.
-> They probably get a pet together, maybe in the future after High-school but i see them with a pet (perhaps a dog maybe).
-> They’d have matching halloween costumes. Something of the top of my head are Minori as the totally scary DEFINITELY NOT CUTE wolf and Kohane as the little red riding hood. OR Kohane as a “scary” demon and Minori as an angel. Little stuff like that.
-> THEY LOVE TO CUDDLE. Aside from this, they like to have sleepovers even before they were together, usually, they happen in Minori’s house! Pillow fights and pillow forts galore (usually Kohane beats Minori in pillow fights and does most of the work in making pillow forts).
-> They are so sappy, It’s disgusting (/j). They are constantly at each other’s shows and clinging onto each other as they go on dates or hang out. They keep on complementing each other’s progress. More More Jump finds it cute and so does Vivid Bad but Akito gets irritated sometimes (not out of malice, bros just bitter lol)
I might write a drabble about it with Vivid Bad Squad being confused yet supportive of Kohane’s relationship with Minori (Kohane says they’re friends but they constantly act like a couple). Might include some ships like Ruitoya, Mizuan and Akitaro in the mix (we’ll see).
-> Kohane and Minori were 100% the last people to find out they liked each other and were dating. Everyone could see it but them.
-> tickle fights. I feel like those happen a lot. I headcanon they’re both super duper ticklish so…
-> they like to spoil each other with gifts! Most especially they like to give each other plushies or other cute things like hair accessories. The simple things that don’t necessarily cost too much…
-> they were super shy in terms of kissing. I feel like their first kiss happened at the spur of the moment. Like Kohane saw Minori at one of her performances when they were dating and then probably kissed her due to adrenaline and impulse then she became super shy and embarrassed afterwards
-> Minori likes to flirt with Kohane (when she realized that she had a crush on Kohane) but it’s either the most bizarre or corny pickup lines ever. Either way, Kohane gets super flustered somehow. Nobody knows how but many of their friends just assume it’s because of how much Kohane’s pining over Minori.
-> Kohane’s contact in Minori’s phone:
Kohane-Chan <33
-> Minori’s contact in Kohane’s phone:
MINO-RIN( ・∇・) !!
(Minori was in charge of her name in Kohane’s phone, Kohane allowed her to)
-> They share everything! Most especially clothes! Minori steals Kohane’s jackets, Kohane steals Minori’s shirts!
-> MATCHING BRACELETS!! They made bracelets that were supposed to only be friendship bracelets but meant so much to them that they wore them even after they made it official! Kohane’s is green and has a green leaf clover charm on it while Minori’s is pink and has a hamster charm on it!
-> Post third anniversary, When Kohane and Minori miss each other, they have regular outings after school (when they don’t have practice) so they go to a cafe to chat and maybe study. Vbs, mmj and literally everyone else thinks these are dates.
-> MINORI TEACHES KOHANE HOW TO DANCE !! Most especially if they’re in a fancy outing that requires a formal dance/waltz (i headcanon minori to be good at any type of dancing). Kohane’s a bit rusty at first but they both end up having a fun time.
-> Aquarium and Zoo dates. I dunno. They seem like the type to do something like that.
-> Minori likes doodling in her notebook about her and Kohane. Usually them holding hands or hugging with hearts surrounding them.
These are all the ones i have right now! I have more in regards to my AUs but i won’t go into those unless prompted :)
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Catches Another Idol Staring At You ~ Winner Reaction
“Is everything alright?” You asked Jinwoo, taking a seat beside him as you noticed him sat at the table all by himself, distant from everything.
“I guess,” he hummed, trying his best not to seem bothered beside you, but at the same time, unable to switch his brain off.
The feeling of a hand against his leg finally made him look across at you, “you know that you can say if something is on your mind, don’t you Jin?”
“It’s stupid,” he tried to tell you, “but all night I’ve just been noticing Minhyun looking nowhere else around the room other than where you are?”
“You’re not jealous that he’s staring at me, are you?”
“Only I should stare at you.”
A chuckle came from you as your head rested against Jinwoo’s shoulder, “it’s sweet Jinwoo how protective you are sometimes.”
“I don’t like it at all Y/N,” he reiterated, “it must kill him knowing that he can only look at you from a distance, not like me.
“You’re the lucky one who gets to be right beside me.”
“And I’m very lucky too.”
“Are you even listening to me?” You snapped at Seunghoon, waving your hand in front of his face to try and get his attention back to you.
“Sorry, w-what were you saying?” He stuttered, reluctantly turning away from what had caught his focus and moving to look at you.
The expression on your face made him stand tall, smiling weakly at you. “I’ve been talking to you for ages and you’ve not listened to a single word of it.”
“I am interested,” Seunghoon protested, “but it’s hard to focus on you when I know when I look away that Jeonghan is staring at you from behind me.”
“There’s no way that he would be staring at me Seunghoon.”
“I bet that he fancies you too.”
Your shoulders shrugged as Seunghoon began to stress himself out again, “and is it him that I fancy, or is it someone else?”
“Someone else,” Seunghoon murmured, catching your smile as he began to figure out what the point you were making was.
“So, who do you think is the one you should stare at?”
“You, the answer is definitely you.”
“You want to go?” You quizzed Minho in surprise, feeling his whisper linger against your ear, asking if you were ready to head home with him.
“I can’t settle here,” he confessed, catching Sehun out of the corner of his eye once again, looking across in the direction of you.
Your brows knitted together as you studied Minho closely, “are you going to tell me what’s wrong or am I going to have to break you down to tell me?”
“Sehun keeps staring at you,” Minho informed you, keeping his voice quiet so that no one else could hear, “I just feel like I need to watch him all the time.”
“And you’re going to let him ruin our evening together?”
“He’s really annoying me Y/N.”
You leaned across and pressed a kiss against Minho’s cheek, “I can think of something that might make you forget about that.”
“If distracting me means getting more of those kisses, you won’t hear me complaining,” Minho joked, “I could be swayed.”
“Shall we head somewhere that no one else can see us?”
“I like the sound of that a lot.”
“What has gotten into you?” You asked Seungyoon as soon as the two of you found a couple of moments to finally be alone together.
“He won’t stop staring at you,” Seungyoon mumbled underneath his breath in reply to you, “does he really think that you’ll pay attention.”
Your eyes turned around, soon noticing Kihyun sat across the room and staring at you. “Just ignore him, you’re giving him what he wants right now.”
“I can’t ignore him,” Seungyoon sighed, “I won’t settle Y/N until it is absolutely clear to him that you’re taken, and that he won’t be getting near you.”
“And is by being loud the way that you’re going to do that?”
“I don’t even know right now Y/N.”
You took a step forward, holding onto Seungyoon’s hand. “Whatever you’re doing isn’t working, maybe you should ignore him.”
“I guess you’ve got a point,” Seungyoon admitted, his voice trailing off, “but I still don’t like the guy very much, at all.”
“I’m sure he’s not your biggest fan either you know Yoon.”
“Yeah, but he’s just jealous of me Y/N.”
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
Well I'm sure you can guess I'm going to ask you about Mino Woljif Dance (please I have to know)
Hehe of course! This is a fun lil drabble/ficlet I was working on for a post-game canon story, when everyone is at the victory gala in Nerosyan put on for them!
I was skimming through it this morning and still liked it so I might touch it up and post!
Here's the first part of it!
Minovae laughed, breathless and downright exuberant for the first time in some many, many months. She wiped a hand across her damp brow, and tucked strands of her hair that had come loose from her up-do behind her ears.
“You’ve improved so much! Remember when I first started teaching you?”
The purple hand locked with hers pulled her back in from where she’d been spun out in the middle of their dance. She came back up close to her dance partner, and the two of them effortlessly shifted to a promenade position as they advanced across the dancefloor. The pairs of other dancers flowed with them and around them in their own matched strides. Everyone moved in time with the typical Mendevian waltz the music called for, but for them two of them, though? Something about their presence made them cut through the others as if they were a blade through water.
Not terribly surprising, though.  This insufferable party was in celebration of their impossible triumph, and they were the guests of honor, after all—the Knight Commander of the Fifth Crusade and her staunchest friends and allies.
“How could I not, chief! It was—” Woljif snickered as he turned them both in a well-controlled spin upon reaching the edge of the dance floor. “—right when we picked up Reggie. I nearly lost my arm to those gargoyles and you lashed our tails together, punishing me for getting hurt!”
She knew he was just being dramatic as usual, drawing his perspective out of proportion for the sake of humor and pity points. Teaching him to dance had been a punishment, yes, but for disobeying her orders rather than suffering injury. She could never be so cruel as to what he was—jokingly—suggesting, and he knew it.
Woljif had been such a terrified young man back then, at the start of the Crusade. He’d been more lost than the rest of them in the horrors of actual battle rather than the back alley trickery he’d been more used to at the time. Minovae’s orders had seemed so daunting to him—‘Stay right behind me and Seelah, strike when I leave you an opening!’—with his inexperience. Fighting right on the front line? Taking advantage of breaks in their shield wall that would put him most at risk as well? He’d subsequently been mauled by a gargoyle that cornered him after he’d decided to follow his own plans, instead.
Teaching him to dance, even going so far as to tie their tails together to do so, had been just as much a punishment as it was intended to get him more comfortable with fighting in tight and intimate quarters. 
And so Minovae merely clicked her tongue at his bellyaching, tsking up at the tiefling, who stood at least a foot in height over her. “Alas, poor Woljif. Taught to dance in the middle of a war. So sorry for making you irresistible to the number of eyes I’ve seen upon you here tonight.”
He faltered at that. An excited flush tinted those purple cheeks slightly red as he looked up from their movements and scanned the crowd for any of those implied admirers. Minovae, meanwhile, carried on exactly as he should have been. She drew her foot backwards and began to step, transitioning from promenade and fallaway so as to return to the center of the floor along with the other dancers who were, in fact, still in time with the music. 
When Woljif didn’t budge, as expected, she deftly scooted his foot along with the heel or her other, and he promptly had to correct in a rather ungraceful flail to keep from falling face first.
She laughed, rather impishly. “Oh, well. Maybe not anymore, what with that blunder.”
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mino-diabolik · 2 years
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
Peer into my muse's memories
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
The mostly silent table with the occasional exchange of words amongst the elders made the aura somewhat light. In a way Mystic didn’t feel on edge enough to be able to taste the food on his plate. He smiled politely, munching on his food, as his uncle and father chatted about a subject he hadn’t quite been paying attention to.
Just beyond the chairs of his elders, the Vampire Prince had been settled down to enjoy his own platter. Kazuha had immediately separated the two after they had arrived to the dinning room a bit too close to each other. Kino quickly sensed the Founder’s eyes, turning his attention away from the Tsukinami brothers to him.
There was a pause as their eyes met. Kino subtly lifted his brows; eyes thinning as he offered a questioning smirk, complete disregarding the rest of the family sitting between him and Mystic. Suddenly, a phrase flooded the Founder’s consciousness, having been transmitted by the prince without any previous warning. The words weren’t vulgar, surprisingly, but shocking enough to make Mystic almost choke as he swallowed.
He clutched his fork hard enough to bend the golden tableware, tensing up as the muscles of his face contorted with surprise. The very pale details of his visage were quick to burn up in a bright vermillion; his heart drummed against his very ribs. “This is not the time!” He cried out.
As the table turned to face him, Kino quickly burst out in hysterics; closely tilting to the edge of his desk and almost toppling off. The elders and Kazuha looked between the two of them—one laughing uncontrollably and the other burning up to the color of a blooming rose—quickly figuring what could have transpired.
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gabe-lovebot · 5 months
pinned post i guess!!
hi im void!! i think my url just about explains everything there is to know about me
if you're looking for the councilor model i made, it's here: [link]
minors i can't stop you from following me but please mind i post 18+ stuff on here sometimes so filter out #suggestive and #nsft
aside from that here's links to the tags i use for easy access!
my stuff: - void.txt (general posts) - void answers (my answers to asks) - my doodles (my art) - my drabbles (my fics) - 3d stuff (literally just my model of the councilor) personal tags: - fave - insp - later
general tags: - art - fic - ssshitpost
sensitive content: - nudity - suggestive - nsft - gore
characters: - ultrakill (all related content goes there) - ultrakill oc (i tag other people's ocs with their characters' names but i won't list them all here so this is their general tag) - v1 - v2 - mirage - gabriel - councilor - virtue - ferryman - minos - sisyphus - filth - stray - stalker - schism - soldier - sisyphean insurrectionist - drone - streetcleaner - swordsmachine - mindflayer - sentry - gutterman - guttertank - earthmover - malicious face - cerberus - idol - mannequin - hideous mass - leviathan - minotaur - cancerous rodent - mysterious druid knight - owl - something wicked - kitr ships: - gabv1el - gabv12l - councilgabe - minosgabe - minosyphus - sisyphusgabe - minosyphusgabe - ferrygabe - ferrygabv1el - mindcleaner
misc tags for other stuff i find cool: - helmetless gabriel - robot gabriel
and the things that are not about ultrakill but kinda related to it: - angel tag - demon tag - machine tag
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fiadorable · 2 years
stranded - a snw drabble
🌺 on wednesdays, we drabble 🌺
Star Trek Strange New Worlds An alternate universe... just because
On his third day stranded on Minos VII, impulse engines came back online, thanks to the girl.
She'd ripped the hatch off his burning shuttle when he crashed, pulling him from the wreckage and keeping him hidden, safe from the local authorities when they came to investigate, and then the helping him repair and source parts from her colony.
"Still keeping your name a secret?" he asked over their secure comm, initiating the pre-launch sequence.
Silence. Then, "Just call me Number One."
Lieutenant Commander Robert April laughed, "I bet you are, kid. Maybe one day I'll see you out there."
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koorinohebi · 2 years
Revamped Tags
So I remade my long-ass list of tags. They are under the cut because long. Anyway, I'm also going to remake my current shipping tags because I think they need to be revamped as well. So if you want a ship tag with Kiomi or any of the muses of this blog, feel free to like this post. Only requirement is that our muses have interacted.
=== Mun Tags ===
Beyond the Bounded Field || OOC Craft Essence || Commissioned Piece Limelight || Commission Drawing Board || My Art
=== General Purpose Tags ===
⩤ Throne of Heroes ⩥ Gallery ⩤ Unprompted ⩥ ⩤ Starter ⩥ ⩤ The Meme ⩥ ⩤ HQ Report : Dash Comm ⩥ ⩤ Simulation Room : Dash Games ⩥ ⩤ The Grind : Memes and Games ⩥ ⩤ Order Restored : Answered ⩥ ⩤ Dailies : Anon ⩥ ⩤ Attention : PSA ⩥ ⩤ Mystic eyes of .Crack. Perception ⩥ ⩤ tw : ⩥ ⩤ Inbox Call ⩥ ⩤ Preparing to Rayshift : Queue ⩥ ⩤ Take my Hand : Wishlist ⩥ ⩤ Drums of War : Music ⩥ ⩤ War Council : P . R . O . M . O. ⩥ ⩤ Loyalties : P.r.o.m.o ⩥ ⩤ Stashed ⩥ ⩥ Cont'd from x
=== Muse Tags ===
⩤ Blog Shenanigans ⩥ ⩤ Muse Commentaries ⩥ ⩤ Visage ⩥ ⩤ Saint Graph : Headcanons ⩥ ⩤ Battle Records : Aesthetics ⩥ ⩤ To each their own reveries : Musings ⩥ ⩤ Chaldea Lunchtime : Conversations ⩥ ⩤ Interlude : Drabbles ⩥
⩤ To each their own devices : Kiomi ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Kamo Serizawa ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Mitsuhide Akechi ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Takechi Zuizan ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Tanaka Shinbei ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Chen Gong ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Okuni ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Lanlan Fang ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Major Magatsu ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Major Reiter ⩥ ⩤ Echoes : Guest Muse ⩥
=== Verse Tags ===
⩤ Singularities : Main ⩥ ⩤ Remnants : AU ⩥ ⩤ Event Horizon : Crossovers ⩥
=== Friend Tags (Ever growing) ===
Arai-chan ⩤ Sarutobi Arai : Sister-in-Arms ⩥
Assortedsnacks ⩤ Touken Danshi : Kikkou Sadamune ⩥
Aurivore ⩤ Gilgamesh : Majesty Defined ⩥ ⩤ Kogil : Decadent Exuberance ⩥
Caemthe ⩤ Demon King of the Sixth Heaven : Oda Nobunaga ⩥
Gemsofchaldea ⩤ Jack : A Child Beloved ⩥ ⩤ Da Vinci-Chan : The Universal Beauty ⩥
Getsuruito ⩤ Momochi Tanba : The Great Ninja Master ⩥ ⩤ Pang Tong : The Fledgling Phoenix ⩥
Historias-Multorum ⩤ Hinata Hyuuga : Delicate Breeze ⩥ ⩤ Tsunade : Densetsu no Hime ⩥ ⩤ Izuna ⩥ ⩤ Shizune ⩥
Homeport ⩤ Sakamoto Ryouma : The Miracle Worker ⩥ ⩤ The Evil Mastermind : Takasugi Shinsaku ⩥ ⩤ Hizen Tadahiro : The Sharpest Edge ⩥
Kiicho ⩤ Kicho : Enchanting Pearl of Mino ⩥ ⩤ Nohime : Ties Severed ⩥ (Mitsuhide)
Lovedloyalty ⩤ A Saber Among Shadows : Okada Izo ⩥ ⩤ Alter Ego : Okada Izo ⩥ ⩤ Mori Nagayoshi : Blood Soaked Loyalty ⩥ ⩤ Beowulf : The Grendel Buster ⩥ ⩤ Leonidas : The King of Sparta ⩥ ⩤ Phantom : Angel of Music ⩥ ⩤ Shuichi : Spiral Bound ⩥ ⩤ Mephistopheles : Deals with the Devil ⩥
⩤ Hitokiri Izo : Hound of the Kinnoto ⩥ (Tosa) ⩤ Okada Izo : The Ghost of Tosa ⩥ (Redline) ⩤ Mori Nagayoshi : Demon of the Battlefield ⩥ (Blog Servants, Redline) ⩤ Old Man Li : Old and Strong ⩥ (Blog Servants, Redline)
Moonlightmagus ⩤ Yuuki : Friends Forever ⩥ ⩤ Na'amah : A Demon Dancing through Emotions ⩥
Mysticallities ⩤ Tristan : A vicious fairy knight ⩥ ⩤ Strange Amalgamation : Rintsuka ⩥ ⩤ Liber : The Ancient Arbitrator ⩥
Nobuverse ⩤ Chacha : A Radiance of Warmth ⩥ ⩤ Nobunaga Oda : The Avenging Fool of Owari ⩥ ⩤ Summer Nobunaga : Blazing Rockstar! ⩥ ⩤ Nagao Kagetora : The Dragon of Echigo ⩥ ⩤ Lancer Class : Mei Fan ⩥
⩤ Nobunaga Oda : Enemy at Honnouji ⩥ (Mitsuhide)
Nulltune ⩤ Hakuno : Shards of Moonlight ⩥
Madamhatter ⩤ Sophie : A Dutiful Heart ⩥
Soulsbetrayed ⩤ Avenger Class : Izou the Manslayer ⩥ ⩤ Touken Danshi : Tensho Koshirae ⩥ ⩤ Hosokawa Gracia : Beloved ⩥
Spookums ⩤ Witching Hour : Gabriella ⩥
Summoned-Anima ⩤ Ashiya Douman : The Humble Priest? ⩥
Super-Kame-Love ⩤ Aina Kichida : The Turtle Sage ⩥
Tenkoseiensei ⩤ Assassin Class : Yan Qing the Wingman ⩥
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whimsicalmeerkat · 9 months
Fic Master List
All the cool kids have these, so I figured I'd make one as well. Splitting them up by fandom since I have a bajillion fandoms and fics. List updated as of 2/24/2024. Some of the links go straight to my works on AO3 and some go to a post I've made here on tumblr. It's a work in progress.
Drabbles | 3 Sentence Ficathon
Teen Wolf: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Derek Hale, Derek Hale/Peter Hale, Derek Hale/Laura Hale
Men’s Hockey RPF: all archive locked, click the link to see pairings etc.
Black Jewels - Anne Bishop: Daemon Sadi/Lucivar Yaslana
Original Work: various m/m and m/m/m pairings
The Hollows - Kim Harrison: Trent Kalamack/Rachel Morgan, Jenks/Matalina
The Witcher: Emhyr var Emreis/Geralt of Rivia, Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Psy-Changeling - Nalini Singh: Aden Kai/Vasic Zen, Kaleb Krychek/Judd Lauren, Lucas Hunter/Hawke Snow, Judd Lauren/Walker Lauren
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
The Authority: Apollo/Midnighter, Apollo/Midnighter & Jenny Quantum
Perilous Courts - Tavia Lark: Julien Sandry/Whisper, Bellamy Sandry/Rakos Tem, Daromir Azri/Vana Dire, Vana Dire & Bellamy Sandry, Corin Marcel/Audric Sandry
Radiance Series - Tavia Lark: Evain Marha/Leth ka Tariel, Karis Cooper/Ronan Vizia, Arthur Davorn/Shaesarenna Nightven
Demonic Disasters and Afterlife Adventures - Shannon Mae: Adam/Minos
Chosen One Universe - Macy Blake: Victor Eastaughffe/Orsen Riggs, Victor Eastaughffe/Orsen Riggs & Gus, Bentley "Bebe" Baxter & Eduard Eastaughffe, Jedrek/Nick Smith
The Epic of Gilgamesh: Enkidu/Gilgamesh
Last Binding Series - Freya Marske: Robin Blyth/Edwin Courcey
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Loki/Thor
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