#mipsy mipson
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Melissa “Mipsy” Mipson
As Told by Ginger (2000)
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megankoumori · 2 years
You know "Wicked Game" suddenly makes a hell of a lot more sense if we take out Darren and put in Courtney. Ginger is dating Darren and suddenly Miranda and Mipsy want to break them up to...take her down a peg?
Yes, Miranda runs on spite and snake venom, but why should she give two shits if Ginger dates Darren? Miranda's whole thing is keeping Ginger away from Courtney. Hmmm, it's almost like this was originally written about someone else.
As for the other Three Stooges, Mipsy, plus Dodie and Macie, I can see it playing out a few different ways. Maybe the motive for Wingo and Dingo remains "What if we lose Ginger as a friend?" Weak. Or it could go in a darker direction.
"If Ginger dates a girl she could get kicked out of school/never go to college/wind up living under a bridge fighting a rat for the last scrap of cheese on a burger wrapper/NEVER BE POPULAR!!! We have to break them up for Ginger's own good!"
As for Mipsy, she's a bitch who loves messy drama. Maybe homophobic, maybe not. Probably. She is a nasty piece of work after all.
In the end, Darren blows the whistle, not Courtney.
There's a reason "Wicked Game" didn't work and why it was so despised. Because the players and their motivations made no sense. But one little tweak and you've got one of the darkest episodes Nick didn't have the balls to put out.
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manilafm · 1 year
[ she/her / Cis-Female / heterosexual ] {Mipsy Mipson}, who is a {canon character} from {As Told By Ginger} has just been spotted in Manila, Philippines. Her current age is {twenty-three}-years-old, and she is working as a {clerk/cashier/merchandise stocker} at the {The Manila, Philippines Hotel’s Gift Shop}. She is {confident}, and {persuasive}, but she is also {manipulative}, and {insincere}. Her memories are set to {partially forgotten}, and I keep mistaking her for {Maude Apatow}. Unfortunately, she will not be able to leave this city, so I hope that she will adjust to living here. She is {trying to return to her hometown}. [Georgia/22/she/her/P.S.T.]
Accepted !! Thank you so very much for bringing us Mipsy Mipson from As Told By Ginger, Georgia !! I can’t believe that Mipsy Mipson is not Maude Apatow !! Maude Apatow is now taken x1 !! Welcome to Manila, Philippines, Mipsy Mipson !! You have arrived to Manila, Philippines with all of your memories partially forgotten, and you are reportedly trying to return to your hometown !! Georgia, will now have twenty-four hours to send in your blog for Mipsy Mipson, or we will have to re-open this character. Please also take a look at our Checklist, and please review our new Rules here for this RPG !! Thank you so very much for applying to our RPG, Georgia !!
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Hi there, out of curiosity does these characters fit as mean girls?
Mipsy Mipson (As Told by Ginger)
Mertle Edmonds (Lilo and Stitch)
Penelope Lang (Atomic Betty)
Reika/Jessica (Stitch! Anime)
Cindy Vortex (Jimmy Neutron)
Veronica Star (Jimmy Neutron)
Sena Kashiwazaki and Yozora Mikazuki (Haganai)
Akane Tendo and Kodachi Kuno (Ranma 1/2)
Star (Danny Phantom)
January Cole and Karlene Trainor (Angela Anaconda)
Thanks :)
Hi! I think most of them would, though I wouldn't count Akane (and possibly Cindy).
"Mean Girl" is more about the archetype than being aggressive/abrasive. There are more details about this on the initial submission form post here.
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petitionthis · 3 years
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"Do I have a "I talk to losers sign on my head?" No? Then, walk away, geekbait. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone." It was at that moment that Mipsy realized that she is currently working at the Java Lava Coffee House as a barista/cashier right now. "I mean, uh... Your drink is on the house," Mipsy said to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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forricher-andpoorer · 6 years
Robert Joseph “Hoodsey” Bishop Bio + Tags + Headcanons
Name: Robert Joseph Bishop Nicknames: Hoodsey, Hoods Age: 19; Can Change Birthday: March 15th Sign: Pisces Gender: Cis Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Homosexual Demiromantic Monogamous; Moderately Sexual Hair: Naturally Blond, slowly fading to brown Eyes: Pale Blue Skin: Pale Tan Height: 5′4″ Weight: 158 lbs Faceclaim: Jeremy Allen White Piercings: Mostly does play piercings with needles/strings/ribbons Tattoos: None Scars: A hole from a missing molar on the top right, a deep slice on the inside of his left thumb, a thin but long scar on his left forearm, a large almost knotted scar on his right wrist where the bone broke through once, and two holes (entry/exit wounds) on his left calf. Most of these injuries were sustained with Carl.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Religion: Raised Christian, Agnostic Allegiance: Carl Foutley
Family: David Charles Bishop (Father, Alive); Joann Bishop (Mother, Alive); Deirdre Hortense “Dodie” Bishop (Sister, Alive); Nana Bishop (Grandmother, Deceased)
Pets: Rock The Rock Rockson (Pet Rock)
Personality: Gullible, submissive, helpful, sweet, misguided, loyal, mama’s boy, devoted, selfless, compassionate, empathetic, artistic, intuitive, gentle, gross, squeamish, fearful, paranoid, too trusting, romantic, unconditionally generous (especially to Carl), easily embarrassed, socially awkward, follower, scapegoat, eats feelings, expressive, worrywart
Likes: Carl Foutley, bugs, frogs, any kind of fried food, his van, dogs, sugary sodas, gore, dismembered body parts, the petrified eyeball, pranking his sister and/or Blake Gripling, journalism
Dislikes: Blake Gripling, Pandering, Megalomaniacs, Brandon Higsby (his monkey’s cool though), Losing, When Carl doesn’t listen to him, being the butt of the joke, being naked around most people (Carl’s cool but he’d trust him with anything)
Can Do: Drive, play exactly three cords on a bass guitar, film things, watch horror movies, eat ungodly amounts of food, ignore everything for a project
Can’t Do: Handle secondhand embarrassment, allow Carl to get them hurt, kill something, take cough syrup, think for himself
Mental Health Diagnosis:
Schizotypal Personality Disorder: Hoodsey often has a hard time being followed when he speaks, or doesn’t make sense. He believes he has an extra sense of when he and Carl are going too far, or when they might get hurt. He also claimed to be able to completely understand Carl without speaking. He seeks isolation from most people, if only because Carl is the only person that understands him and nurtures his confidence.
Avoidant Personality Disorder: When not with Carl, he is incredibly shy and fears ridicule. All he wants is to be comfortable in his own skin but he’s so afraid without someone to give him orders.
Dependant Personality Disorder: Most people consider him to be constantly clinging to Carl, and they are rarely apart from one another. Most of his decisions are made exclusively after consulting Carl, or by Carl himself.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Often times, especially alone, he is so anxious to the point of chewing his nails or biting the skin off of his lips.
Physical Health Diagnosis:
Asthma: Sports had always been hard for him in school, and he was diagnosed with asthma shortly before middle school. He always carries his inhaler on him, and when he doesn’t have it, usually Carl has a spare for him.
Overweight: His pretty constant intake of everything has left him a bit overweight for his height. It doesn’t help his asthma all that much, and makes exercising a little more difficult.
Fears: Being abandoned, competitive situations, large crowds, being stalked/killed
Positive Traits: Gentle, loyal, optimistic, eager to please
Negative Traits: Gullible, easily embarrassed, shy, bottles up his feelings for Carl
Quirks: Always up for pranking others; uses his van as a trash can most of the time; always writes things down to remember them but misplaces the notes or doesn’t remember what it was supposed to remind him of; has a playlist on his iPod that is only What’s New Pussycat, It’s Not Unusual, and Never Gonna Give You Up for when he and Carl are in the mood to bother everyone.
Tends To: Follow Carl’s word above all else; fears his mother’s wrath and tries to do right by her and Carl at the same time; hide his feelings for Carl and thinks he’s slick but everyone else knows; Always have his phone, iPod, keys, wallet and inhaler in the same pocket
History: Hoodsey was two weeks late to his own birthday, he came out fairly healthy, if not a bit larger than he should have. Dodie was not stoked to have a little brother, but Hoodsey was always a sweet, clingy child. A natural-born follower, he did exactly what his mom said until he started Kindergarten.
The fateful day he met Carl Foutley changed everything. His attention, his clinginess, was divided between his mother and Carl. While he often tried to stop Carl in his mad bids for fame, fortune, and the truly gross, he let himself be steamrolled into everything after a mild fuss was put up. Over the years, he and Carl only grew closer.
Hoodsey strongly dislikes Blake Gripling, and while he will not quite admit it to himself, it’s only half because he’s annoying. The other half is definitely jealousy. Occasionally when his mother lets him go to concerts and things, he and Carl live in the back of his 1997 Chevrolet Astro.
Tags List - Personal
Broke As A Junkie But I Have A Good Time (Hoodsey) I’m Pretty Sure My Mom Doesn’t Like This (Hoodsey’s IC Posts) The Purple Hoodie The Purple Hoodie Or The Purple Hoodie? (Hoodsey’s Closet) Oh Dude! (Hoodsey’s Stuff) Yes Yes Yes! (Hoodsey’s Desires) Gross Dude (Hoodsey’s Aesthetic) Never Have To Feed It (Rock The Rock Rockson Tag) It Was Just Never Gonna Give You Up On Repeat (Hoodsey’s Music) Thinking Is A Dangerous Past Time (Hoodsey Musings) Snips Snails And Puppy Dog Tails (Hoodsey Headcanons)
Tags List - With X - Canon
Tastefully Tasteless (Hoodsey And Blake Gripling) At Least Let The Monkey Have Fun (Hoodsey And Brandon Higsby) My Best Friend’s Hot (Hoodsey And Carl Foutley) She’s Like A Princess In A Tower (Hoodsey And Courtney Gripling) Can I Have The Headgear When You’re Done? (Hoodsey And Darren Patterson) You’re Not A Lady You’re Nothing But A Sister (Hoodsey And Dodie Bishop) Kind Of Like A Sister To Me (Hoodsey And Ginger Foutley) Mother/Jailer (Hoodsey And Joann Bishop) The Mother I Never Had (Hoodsey And Lois Foutley) Weird In A Different Way (Hoodsey And Macie Lightfoot) May She Rest Knowing The Worms Have Eaten Her Corpse (Hoodsey And Maude) Mean Girls (Hoodsey And Mipsy Mipson) Mean Girls 2: Fucking Furious (Hoodsey And Miranda Killgallen) Bandaid Queen (Hoodsey And Noelle Sussman) A Dweeb’s Workhorse (Hoodsey And Winston)
Tags List - With X - OC
None At This Time
Tags List - With X - Crossover
A Little Crazy Is OK As Long As Nobody Says Any Dirty Words (With Jerome Valeska)
Verses - In-World
Someone Once Told Me The Grass Is Much Greener (Hoodsey’s Elementary Verse)
Already thick as thieves with Carl, Hoodsey is very much his go-to yes-man and best friend. He was so happy just to have a friend that he’d almost do anything for Carl. By first grade, he knew the feeling of being truly wanted by someone.
Everything Is Alright (Hoodsey’s Middle School Verse)
His schoolwork suffered greatly in Middle School and he skipped more often. When his mother found out he was grounded for three months, and when he was finally out of solitary confinement, he stayed at the Foutley’s for over a week.
Partner In Crime (Hoodsey’s High School Verse)
Hoodsey handled a lot of AP classes because of his mom, as well as band and his photojournalism club/classes. Between school, extra curriculars, and his time with Carl, he was pretty busy and stressed. For two weeks during his Senior year, he ended up in the hospital because he had a nervous breakdown. Being away from Carl and not allowed visitors was almost harder on him.
Brain Stew (Hoodsey’s College Verse)
Finally being out of his parents’ house for college, Hoodsey goes a little wild when he finally realizes that he is free. Anything goes, and he wants to try as many things as he can. He’s going to film school.
AU Verses
Running Up That Hill (Hoodsey’s ABO AU)
Hoodsey is an Omega that probably takes way too many scent blockers and heat suppressants. His mother is so controlling that she is still hoping that there is some way to get her son and daughter to switch secondary sexes.
Admitting Guilt (Hoodsey’s Deadman Wonderland AU)
After being neutralized and turned into an Undertaker, Hoodsey stayed mostly to himself. He can’t remember much beyond his turning. All he knows is that he lost something, and he wants to get it back.
Green Around The Gills (Demon!Hoodsey AU)
A lesser demon of Envy, Hoodsey has a tendency to cling onto one person and leech off of their emotions. He loves to provoke people with misunderstandings the most.
A Caged Bird Sings (Mer!Hoodsey AU)
Hoodsey is a Royal Gramma Fish, kept in a tank at an aquarium. He sings a sad song all night long in hopes that someone will come and let him out, though most people tend to ignore him. On land he loses his sense of taste.
Not A Fun Job (Hoodsey’s Repo! The Genetic Opera AU)
A backdoor Gentern, Hoodsey administers illegal Zydrate to patients of Carl’s. He isn’t entirely sure why he has to wear the dress.
And Everything You Touch Shall Be Destroyed (Vampire!Hoodsey AU)
Hoodsey was turned late one night while walking back home from work. His van was out of commission, and the second that he was grabbed, he was sure he was being mugged. Being so sweet, he was allowed to go after feeding the vampire, who came back night after night to see him and feed from him. They are very good friends, and Hoodsey was eventually turned to keep him from dying due to stomach cancer.
He’s A Good Dog Blake (Werewolf!Hoodsey AU)
Hoodsey didn’t quite understand that when he was bitten by a weird dog while walking home from Carl’s one night that his life would change forever. Ever since, he has found a way to use his powers for the betterment of the two of them, even if it has made him more aggressive and territorial.
None At This Time
Open Starters
None At This Time
Headcanon Posts
* ( positive personality   traits!
Physical Traits Of Your Muse
Detailed Profile Tag
Bold Your Muse’s Aesthetic (Spooky Edition)
Faceclaim - Jeremy Allen White
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manilafm · 1 year
( Georgia ) is in need of a ( semi-hiatus ) starting on ( May 27th, 2023 ), so please put ( Becky Baker from Degrassi: The Next Generation / Degrassi: The Next Class and with an Olivia Holt playby, Ginger Hirano from Phineas And Ferb and with a Haruka Komiyama playby, and Mipsy Mipson from As Told By Ginger and with a Maude Apatow playby. ) on hold until ( June 10th, 2023 ). My college classes are ending on June 10th, 2023, and I still have to do chores, and go to a fitness center to lose calories and also try to lose my weight. Thank you for understanding that!
Your request for a semi-hiatus has been granted, Georgia !! Please make at a very minimum of one new I.C. reply for each character that you write for in this RPG at least once every seven days either on the Dashboard, and/or in our I.C. Discord server, and/or in the rooms that are for this RPG on RPnow.net with the other members and admins. of this RPG to avoid having any of your characters from being re-opened for applications !! You're welcome, Georgia !! And we wish you the best of luck with all of your schoolwork, and with your fitness goals !! And lastly, we will now look forward to seeing you fully back on our Dashboard, and/or in our I.C. Discord server, and/or in the rooms that are for this RPG on RPnow.net with the other members and admins. of this RPG on June 10th, 2023, Georgia !!
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The fact that three of these girls don’t have a chin is the thing that annoys me the most about this art style. 
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heygingerfoutley · 11 years
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manilafm · 1 year
Mipsy Mipson will be on this blog, RPnow/net, and I do not have a Discord account made at this time.
Notices : Please make sure that you are following Georgia’s multi-muse blog for Becky Baker from Degrassi: The Next Generation / Degrassi: The Next Class and with an Olivia Holt playby, Ginger Hirano from Phineas And Ferb and with a Haruka Komiyama playby, and Mipsy Mipson from As Told By Ginger and with a Maude Apatow playby, HERE, Manila RPG members !!
And this RPG is also on Discord, so if you will be joining the I.C. activity on those websites, and if you will be joining our I.C. Discord server, please I.M. us, and ask to be invited into it !! And thank you, Georgia !!
Georgia, you will now have forty-eight hours to make at a very minimum of three I.C. replies as Becky Baker from Degrassi: The Next Generation / Degrassi: The Next Class and with an Olivia Holt playby, Ginger Hirano from Phineas And Ferb and with a Haruka Komiyama playby, and Mipsy Mipson from As Told By Ginger and with a Maude Apatow playby either on RPnow.net, and/or on Tumblr, but if you will need an extension on your I.C. replies as Becky Baker from Degrassi: The Next Generation / Degrassi: The Next Class and with an Olivia Holt playby, Ginger Hirano from Phineas And Ferb and with a Haruka Komiyama playby, and Mipsy Mipson from As Told By Ginger and with a Maude Apatow playby, then please use the form below, and send it in via our ask box, or submission box !! Thank you, Georgia !!
( Mun ) is in need of an extension, so please allow ( list every character that you roleplay in this RPG ) an extension to post I.C. until ( date that you will be able to post I.C. as all of your characters ), and this extension is for ( Tumblr, RPnow.net, and/or for Discord )
Thank you for letting us know that, but if you would be interested in the Discord I.C. activity, please let us know, after you have made an account on Discord, Georgia !!
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manilafm · 1 year
[ she/her / Cis-Female / bisexual ] {Ginger Hirano}, who is a {canon character} from {Phineas And Ferb} has just been spotted in Manila, Philippines. Her current age is {twenty-one}-years-old, and she is enrolled at the {Manila College}, and she is working as a {barista} at the {Java Lava Coffee House}. She is {resourceful}, and {helpful}, but she is also {sarcastic}, and {shy}. Her memories are set to {partially forgotten}, and I keep mistaking her for {Haruka Komiyama}. Unfortunately, she will not be able to leave this city, so I hope that she will adjust to living here. She is {trying to return to her hometown}. [Georgia/22/she/her/P.S.T.] Could I please reserve Mipsy Mipson from As Told By Ginger? My name for the reserve is Georgia. Thanks!
Accepted !! Thank you so very much for bringing us Ginger Hirano from Phineas And Ferb, Georgia !! I can’t believe that Ginger Hirano is not Haruka Komiyama !! Haruka Komiyama is now taken x2 !! Welcome to Manila, Philippines, Ginger Hirano !! You have arrived to Manila, Philippines with all of your memories partially forgotten, and you are reportedly trying to return to your hometown !! Georgia, will now have twenty-four hours to send in your blog for Ginger Hirano, or we will have to re-open this character. Please also take a look at our Checklist, and please review our new Rules here for this RPG !! Thank you so very much for applying to our RPG, Georgia !!
Sure thing, Georgia !! Mipsy Mipson from As Told By Ginger is now reserved for you for the next twenty-four hours !! You’re welcome, Georgia !!
Notices : Mipsy Mipson from As Told By Ginger is now reserved for Georgia for the next twenty-four hours ( until April 19th, 2023, at 10:21 P.M. in the P.S.T. Time Zone ) !!
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So, Mipsy and Macie’s birthday was almost two weeks ago...
...on April 22, according to their birthday episode in Season 2. Based on visual cues from Season 1, the show takes place in 1999-2000, so this means they were born April 22, 1987. (Yep, they’d be 30 this year.)
That said, I’m almost done with their astrological charts. My problem now is that the descriptions are stupid long, and the only sea of text I want to put on here are my episode guides. However, charts are so complicated and everything intertwines with everything else to create a full picture that any attempt to shorten it removes important details. 
\Also, Mipsy’s chart is much harder to generate due to her lack of development as a character and the average chart generator focusing too much on positive traits. 
The struggle is real, y’all.
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How Courtney’s night went: a story in three photos. 
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