#mizu tattoo sleeve when
biibini · 4 months
Bold of y'all to assume mizu goes to college. She works at a garage fixing cars, tank top on, abs out, grease all over her tattooed arms. Ringo DOES go to college though and talks her ears off to go with him to one of those typical Saturday night college parties for moral support and there she meets some obscenely gorgeous girl that's at some dude's side, but can't stop staring at mizu all night long and ok..I said i don't like modern aus and now yall have made me wanna write Modern Mix things & that's what i get for living in the bes tags for the past 2 days
frothing at the mouth at her tattoo sleeve w grease on it
i feel like this would be alternate mizu timeline in this modern!au i made
bc i feel like she would be smart and be a nerd/gym rat
idk both niches tend to mix
not all nerds are gym rats and vice versa but theres an overlap
i see ur vision tho dw
her with a wife pleaser
yeah not a wife beater im talking ab a wife pleaser bc she knows how to-
also ringo would def give mizu a rundown of the events that happened during the week
i feel like no matter where ringo goes, something always be happening
doesnt have to be major things but its always something unique or some weird interaction
and ugh imagine if rlly pretty girl aka reader was dragged to that party w the guy as a favor
and counting down the minutes
but then they spot mizu
and something in the frat party air shifted
the yells and talk become more mumbled
the dance lights flicker and highlight mizu’s arms
reader is freaking tf out and is like “woahhhhh this is NEW”
they would def not keep their eyes off of mizu’s arms
(i would also do that too)
anyways this was great ty for the idea
pls write modern au mizu i love reading other variations and interpretations of her :)
im cooking up in the drafts i swear yall 😭😭
also if ur an artist,
im begging on my knees
pls pls pls draw mizu w a wife pleaser and tattoo sleeve im so serious
dont make her look like a “hey mamas” lesbian but pls pls pls begging on my knees like a dog
if i could draw i would do it rn 😭
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that-basic-simp · 2 months
Girl With The Wave Tattoo
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Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: None WC: 1.5k+
"Hottie alert," my friend tapped me on the back of my arm.
My back was facing the customers as they were coming and going. I was doing my work while my friend was looking at the customers. I should be more specific. The attractive customers.
"If it's another athlete with the typical body, I am not turning around."
"No, it's your kind of hottie."
"If this is another prank I swear I am going to--" I immediately shut up as I was face to face with someone who was indeed my kind of hottie.
They were tall, tall for a woman. Or at least they appeared to be a woman. It was kind of hard to tell as they were wearing cargo joggers with high-top Converse and a white tank top. There was a long chain necklace with the sword as a pendant. Finally, to top off their appearance, they had orange tinted glasses covering their eyes and a bun on the top of their head. Running up both of their arms was a sleeve tattoo of what looked to be water in the traditional Japanese art style. Similar to that of the Great Wave.
"W-What can I get for you today?" I asked.
"What kind of tea do you have?" they asked, in a bit of a raspy voice.
"We have all kinds ranging from green, black, oolong. You name it, we probably have it."
"Do you by chance have any hot matcha green tea?"
"W-We do."
"Can I get that in a large?"
"Yes. Name for the order?"
"Alright. That'll be about 500 yen."
Mizu handed me a small coin and I took it from them.
"It should be out soon."
"Thanks," they walked towards the counter and waited for me to make the drink.
"So, what do you think?" my friend leaned over and asked me, whispering in my ear.
"I don't know about this one."
"What do you mean?"
"Their appearance. I can't tell if they're, you know."
"In a sense. The bun isn't helping, but their eyes," I turned to face them.
They were reading something on their phone. As I looked closely, which is an odd feature to stare at, their fingers were thin and slender to be a man's. I mean, depending on the man, they can be long and slender. But they looked oddly feminine for someone who is trying to be neither gender. Or maybe one more so than the other. It's hard to tell. But it didn't matter. They were attractive.
"Did you at least get their name?"
"Mizu," I whispered, not wanting to confuse them with thinking their order was ready.
"Interesting name."
"I think so. Unique."
I finished making the tea for Mizu and I set it on the counter.
"Mizu?" I called out their name.
Their head picked up and they walked over to me, grabbing the cup.
"Thanks," they said, placing a couple pieces of yen in the tip jar.
"Have a nice day."
They smiled before turning around, walking off towards the door. The chime of the bell rang as the door opened.
"Is this the first time you've seen them?"
"I've seen them in this area. I think they work at a tattoo parlor just down the road."
"Huh, interesting."
"Thinking about giving them a visit?"
"Maybe not like instantly. I think I'll give it a bit and see if they come around again."
"If you want to know that answer, talk to Ise. She hears and sees everything that goes on here."
"She doesn't come in until three, doesn't she?"
"Yes, but if text her and say you need details on one customer, she'll be here in a flash."
"I kind of don't want to because I'd rather talk to her when she's scheduled to be here."
"Suit yourself. Oh, Mr. Watari is here again. Be careful."
"I'm heading into the pantry then."
"To do what?"
"Hide from him."
After waiting a few hours, Ise came in and that was when my friend dropped the bomb on her and she came rushing over to me, excited and happy as a clam. If she was a dog, her tail would be wagging so fast she could fly off into the clouds.
"I heard you want to know something about someone."
"Mizu. I was told they work at a tattoo parlor."
"Mizu is a woman. When she's out in public or when she's in the tattoo place, she binds her chest."
"Why's that?"
"Bad history with another work place where they would only hire her if she was more masculine."
"That's backwards."
"It was."
"Is there anything else you know about her?"
"Other than she can rock two arm sleeve tattoos and make it look attractive, no. That's really it."
"Alright," I sighed.
"Why? Are you interested in her?"
"I mean, I thought I was."
"Y/N, everyone here knows you prefer women over men."
"I guess I was just ready to open the door to Mizu if she was in fact a guy. I just didn't want to jump to conclusions when I wasn't able to tell."
"You wouldn't be the first. People here had issues with her."
"Why's that?"
"She was a regular here before you started working with us. That was when she was a bit more feminine presenting. But when she started changing into what we see her normally wear, she went into the bathroom one day. It was also before we changed it to be single stalls instead of multiple. She went in to use the restroom and a mother and her young child came out, screaming at us for allowing Mizu into the bathroom. The mother thought Mizu was a man, and when explaining it to her that she is biologically female, the mother did not believe her. You'll never believe what Mizu said to the woman."
"'Want to check yourself?'"
I almost dropped over, both Ise and my friend laughing.
"The mother was so disgusted, saying that she was being assaulted now by what Mizu said. The police got involved and after some extensive and some invasive work on Mizu, they deemed she was in fact a woman. The mother still didn't believe it."
"I feel bad for Mizu," I said.
"We all did. So whenever she comes in here, which isn't as often as before, we give her a discount on her entire order. She doesn't know that and the other customers don't know it either."
"It's hard to believe that she doesn't know."
"I'm sure she does. But she hasn't said anything about it. Although, she does tip generously."
"I think she's making it up for the many times you discounted her order."
"We just all felt bad for her and what she had to go through. Oh! I know. You should do something for her."
"Yeah. She's going to be coming here in a few days."
"How do you know that?"
"Ise is able to track people's schedules," my friend said.
"No, I just know that Mizu is going to be tattooing a friend of mine. She comes in here whenever she has to tattoo someone."
"So I take it she was tattooing someone today."
"Yes. This is my friend's first session," Ise said. "She'll be going back in a few days to do the second session."
"I see. What should I do for Mizu?"
"Chocolate can't go wrong," my friend said.
"But she does like tea," Ise said. "When my friend goes to get her tattoos done, Mizu is always drinking tea. Mostly hot tea."
I nodded my head, "I see."
A few days had gone by and when the day Mizu was going to be making another return, I was ready. I didn't want to come off as stalkerish, which was why I had to make this perfect. When the bell rang, I picked my head up and found Mizu walking to the counter.
"Same as before?" I asked.
"How do you know?" Mizu looked at me with suspicion.
"Your order stands out."
"Does it?"
"You're the only one who orders the hot matcha green tea," I said.
"Out of all the customers here?" she perked an eyebrow.
I nodded my head, "Most people here enjoy coffee. You're the only tea person."
"Huh. I see."
"And some people here thought it would be nice to give you this," I pulled out a small bag and placed it on the counter for her.
"What's this? Was this Ise's idea?" Mizu asked.
"You know Ise?"
"She came in to accompany her friend one time. I tattoo her friend and she is getting her second session today."
"What is she getting?"
"Something similar to what I have."
Mizu turned around and moved her tank top down slightly. I poked my head over the counter and found there was a large phoenix tattoo on her back.
"It's not exactly a phoenix. Hers is going to be a turtle."
"Oh, I see."
Mizu turned around, "Thank you," she gestured to the bag. "If it was Ise's idea, I assume it will be tea."
"It was actually mine. Ise gave me the idea to give you something."
"Why's that?" she asked.
"I'm sorry, but she told me what happened to you. About the mother and child here that caused you issues."
A small smile crawled on Mizu's lips, "It was a bit of an unfortunate situation, but it just showed me that people will think what they want to think no matter what."
"Even though I don't really know you, I think you're a great person. For persevering through all of that."
"Thank you," she said.
"I-I'll get your tea ready."
"What's your name?"
"Am I not wearing my name tag?" I looked down at my apron, noticing it was gone. "Shit, I'm not."
She chuckled.
"It's Y/N," I said.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N," she said. "I hope to see you around."
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aki-in-tokyo · 5 years
Akihito Satō - Character sheet
repost. do not reblog.
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.   Satō Akihito NICKNAME.    Aki GENDER.     Male. HEIGHT.   176cm. AGE.   22 ZODIAC.  Scorpio SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Japanese, Almost no English
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOUR.  Brown (Natural, usually dyed some variety of red) EYE COLOUR.    Brown SKIN.   Fairly pale BODY TYPE.   Toned DOMINANT HAND.   Right POSTURE/BODY LANGUAGE.    Typically shows stand off-ish behaviour, squared shoulders, arms folded, crooked neck with a typically thin, squinted glare like gaze. SCARS.  Multiple small scars across his back from being hit as a kid, a knife wound just below the left lower rib. TATTOOS.   Two shoulder tattoo’s, one of an animal skull and the other of a coiled serpent (The beginning of a sleeve.) Cross tattoo in the middle of his chest, a death moth on his back right hip.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.  Osaka  HOMETOWN.  Osaka SIBLINGS.   None known PARENTS.  Unknown
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.  Bartender, Failing model CURRENT RESIDENCE.  Ogikubo, Tokyo CLOSE FRIENDS. Nao, Mizu, Saku. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   Single (Mainverse) FINANCIAL STATUS.     Getting by DRIVER’S LICENSE.  No CRIMINAL RECORD.   Multiple minor breaking and entering charges, 3 assault charges.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  Bi, as far as he knows PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.    submissive  | dominant |  switch | top | bottom LIBIDO.   High TURN ON’S.    Choking and being choked, marks, thighs, abs, muscles, power struggle, lack of control, oral fixation TURN OFF’S.   General body function stuff RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Avoids hard
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬  !
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. Video games, exploring Tokyo and abandoned buildings MENTAL ILLNESSES. None known PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.   Residual pain from taking some pretty heavy damage in his young adult years. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.     Right brained. PHOBIAS. Slight Thalassophobia (It was the closest thing I could find.) SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.   Lower than he lets on 
TAGGED BY: @isolated-songbird @hibiki-the-beast @plaryutaro @wolvesjudges @natsuki-oz @naoya1009 @hazukixlynch (I hope I got everyone, thank you all so much!)
TAGGING: (I’d love to tag people but I really can’t remember who has and hasn’t done it…if you haven’t and you were reading this hoping I tagged you, i’m really sorry! Feel free to see this as an open invitation and tag me when you do one!!)
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gwensparlour · 7 years
Don’t worry, it’s written on our skins like it’s written in the stars
Title: Don’t worry, it’s written on our skins like it’s written in the stars 
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Characters: Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Katsuki
Pairing: Victuuri
Summary: The first word your soulmate will tell you is written on your skin in the language they'll say it. And don't worry, you'll eventually meet, in this lifetime or another.
(As a writer I need to spam my works wherever I can)
AO3 Link
Italian version
The first time Victor is a young prince at the Czar’s court and Yuri’s an artisan in some Japanese unknown village, both barely aware of the existence of the respective countries. They don’t meet in this life, carrying on a pitiful existence as the mark on their wrists, written in an unknown language, cast on them the stigma of prejudice. Victor marries a fellow noblewoman and uses a golden bracelet to hide the strange symbol on his fair skin. They told him it’s the writing used in the Far East, from where the soft silk came. He marries for political reason knowing his true soulmate is a person who speaks a language he doesn’t understand and will never be able to find. He carries on with his life not knowing that on the other side of the world a Japanese man drown in solitude, as people throw stones at him and cry “Go away, oni’s son!”
The second time things don’t change much, only that their roles are reversed. Victor’s a poor farmer and Yuri’s the member of a powerful samurai clan. It doesn’t matter. Victor’s can hardly write down his own name, let alone read the strange signs on his shoulder, the ones the priest burns saying they’re a mark of the Devil. Yuri’s mark, on his side, is transformed in the clan tattoo crest.
“Forget about it!” his grandfather orders him, as ink poisons his skin and happiness.
The third time Yuri’s a plump Japanese nurse and Victor’s a wounded prisoner in the Japanese-Russian war. The man’s burnt face is almost unrecognizable and when he speaks his voice is low and creak. “Water” is the first thing he asks, in Russian. Yuri, whose name in this life isn’t Yuri, complies, too busy to think about that four letters that read вода in the crook of her left knee. She doesn’t think about how her parents were planning to save money to send her to Russia, hoping that a year would be enough to find her right soulmate.
“Better?” she asks. As the man nods, his eyes go wild with realization. He grabs her wrist with the force of desperation and jerks his head to the side, tilting it toward his forearm. The woman’s hands tremble as she pushes the pyjama sleeve up to the elbow to reveal a scattered mark in familiar hiragana. She feels tears filling her eyes as she writes down her own mark on a piece of paper and put it under the man’s nose.
“Voda” he gurgles on the verge of death. “Mizu.”
This lifetime they meet, but they don’t have time.
The fourth time Victor’s a ballerina, silver hair held in a tight bun and lovely calves aching on the stage, and Yuri’s a flute player, under the very same stage. They’re so near they probably have already exchanged some quick glances, in the rush that precedes an important show. If it were visible, they would even see the red, thin string connecting their pinkie fingers together. This time they are open-minded and acculturated enough to understand what is written on their skin. “No,” reads in Russian the one on Yuri’s right hip and it’s strange to know he’ll start his soulmate relation with a negation. Meanwhile Victor caresses the Japanese letters on her ankle, before wrapping her pointed shoe laces around it. They spell “hurt”.
They both plan to travel around the globe; they both practice till their feet and fingers and lips bleed to be on the world’s most famous stages, hoping to meet their other half in the crowd.
They don’t really meet in this lifetime. They pass next to each other in the hallway of the theatre, shoulders brushing, but in the rush they don’t speak. It should be easy, as they already know what they’re supposed to say. Yuri would ask, “Are you hurt?” in a polite voice and the Victor of this reality would answer “No”.
It doesn’t happen and when realization hits them, it’s already too late.
The fifth time they are both males again. They don’t remember their precedent lifetimes, so the surprise of having foreign words on their skin is the same of the first time. “Your name?” Yuri reads in Western alphabet, twisting his head to see the mark on his upper back, strong muscles flexing in the mirror. It’s not very useful when you’re a prostitute and potential client always, always, ask your name. Yuri hides behind a pseudonym most of the time, when he’s not saying something cheesy like “I can be whomever you want.”
And besides it’s not use, when all his clients are Japanese men like him. Some of them are gentle; they treat him like a porcelain doll. Others are rough, but not cruel. Others still care only to fuck his body.
This is why when the owner of the house introduces him to two European guests, Yuri’s heart makes a backflip down in his stomach. One of them, silver fringe hiding his left blue eye, asks his name and for once Yuri doesn’t feel the need to lie.
“Yuri,” so he answers. The stranger shows him the palm of his own hand. “Yuri, like this?” he questions in broken Japanese. Yuri nods.
In this lifetime Victor’s some kind of businessman always travelling for work. He’s been married for already ten years when he meets Yuri and despite all he doesn’t feel like abandon his wife. In the end he doesn’t even cheat on her, and just spend the night drowning in Yuri’s pleasant words. After all the idea of visiting a brothel has been Chris', not his.
In the end Yuri receives in a night the money he normally gains in a month of work and Victor promises to come again. He does it. This lifetime they meet again and again, lingering in the dream of what their life could have been.
The sixth time everything seems to be perfect. They are girls, with different names and different hair colours, studying elbow-to-elbow in the same chemistry course. They know they’re soulmates, no doubt about it, and together they plan both their career and private life. They walk down the college aisles, hand in hand, beaming with love, mouths giggling.
They argue about wedding dresses and wedding rings. They wish for a house full of dogs – and maybe a kitten. They dive deep in learning the respective native languages. They have fights and they make up. They’re basically the epitome of the perfect couple.
This time everything seems perfect, but seems is the key word, as they have not considered a drunk driver on a cold October night.
The seventh time Yuri’s again a girl, while Victor’s back to be a boy. The seventh time they die very young and simply don’t meet.
The eighth time their roles are reversed and for a strange trick of Fate, they are Web pen pals for a while. The problem is that the soulmate mark must be a spoken word, not a written one and in this lifetime they never speak. Eventually they forget about each other. The ninth time is so dull it isn’t even worth telling.
The tenth time Yuri knows Victor way before they meet in person. He spends his afternoons with eyes glued to the screen, captivated by Victor’s smooth skating. Sometimes he dares to daydream about Victor Nikiforov being his soulmate, when days seem too grey and fantasies are a nice way to escape the anxiety that tightens his chest. He grows up with Victor's face plastered all over his bedroom walls.
In this lifetime Victor doesn’t have any soul mark. His body has been thoroughly scanned, only to confirm the fact that there isn’t a word on his skin, not even a letter. Markless people are rare, but they exist, usually destined to be bound to someone who is mute.
Growing up, every time someone doesn’t answer his attempt to start a conversation, Victor always asks to see their soulmate marks. He knows it’s rude, but he can’t stand the thought of not knowing who his soulmate is.
On the other hand, under Yuri right foot it’s written “a commemorative photo?” in English.
The first person to ask him it isn’t Victor, though, but a young man in Detroit Yuri dates for a while. However soon things start to get ugly, until Yuri insists to see that mark the other is so adamant in hiding. The words he reads aren’t his. They break soon after.
The experience is still lingering in some place of Yuri’s mind, poisoning him with the idea he’ll always be mistaken about finding his soulmate, when Victor offers a commemorative photo. This is why Yuri turns his back on the Russian man, who by this point has already got tired of the habit of checking the mark of every person he meets.
But in this lifetime, Fate is determined to sort things out. So they dance together during an otherwise boring banquet and when Yuri considers retiring, it’s in the hand of three six-years old girls to adjust the strings of destiny.
When Victor knocks on Yuri’s door, the younger man is too surprised to even think about that first small dialogue they have had some month before. As months pass and their relationship blooms, Yuri finds himself torn between the hope of dilating his time with Victor ad infinitum and the dread of its inevitable ending.
“Tomorrow I’ll ask him,” he says, as he looks in the mirror, but then he continues to procrastinate. Yuri believes Victor’s soul mark to be probably in some private or difficult to reach body part, as he hasn’t still seen it despite having bathed together.
He sets on giving back Victor to the world when the season would’ve ended.
“Just for this moment,” he prays, as he slides a golden ring on Victor’s ring finger. “Just for this moment,” he thinks as he climbs his way to the GP Final.
That missed quad flip is like being stabbed in the chest.
“Let’s end this,” and while saying it, Yuri isn’t referring only to Victor’s being his coach. No matter how much his own heart is suffering, he has no right to pretend Victor is his soulmate. He’s determined to do it, no matter how much Victor will protest or how much it will hurt.
“Yuri, I know what your soulmate mark says. I’ve seen it when I helped you stretching in the hot spring,” Victor replies instead. Yuri shakes his head.
“It doesn’t matter. You’re not the first person to ask me a commemorative photo before saying anything else.”
Victor pauses for a while, tears still wetting his pale cheeks. “Yuri, do you want to see my mark?”
Yuri nods. “I’ve always wondered where it is, since I’ve never seen it despite having seen you naked a lot,” he adds, with a little chuckle. He blushes when Victor moves from the window on the bed and slowly undresses his bathrobe. “Come! Let’s see if you can find it,” Victor invites him and the request’s so absurd and embarrassing, Yuri can’t help but complies. His fingers trail every centimetres of Victor body, his armpit, his inner thighs, the shell of his ears, and the soles of his feet.
“I can’t find it,” he surrenders, realising the absence of words even on Victor’s sex. “You don’t have a mark,” he dares to speculate. Victor’s lips curl a little upward, almost as he’s waiting for Yuri to put together all the pieces. When Yuri finally does, it’s like the time has stopped.
“I can’t believe it. Gosh, it’s … I just can’t believe it,” Yuri babbles, as Victor’s smile become a grin.
This time things will go well, they have no doubt.
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that-basic-simp · 17 days
Girl With The Wave Tattoo PT. II
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A/N: I sincerely and deeply apologize for not getting this out sooner. Tumblr did not notify me that a couple people commented asking for a second part to this. It was only recently that I saw that part two was requested. To those who requested this, I am so sorry for making you wait this long! Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: Deep conversations about trauma and dark/intrusive thoughts WC: 1.0k+
"Hey, Mizu!" I smiled, waving to her.
"Hey, Y/N," she smiled.
"Tea again?"
"You know it," she said, pulling out her wallet.
"I got it," I said.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Yes, I am sure. I know you've been working hard."
She smiled, shaking her head, "I take it Ise told you?"
"Yes. And the social media posts of your recent tattoos lately."
"Business has been booming. I am grateful."
"I take it you're stressed, though."
"Very much am," she let out a sigh. "Oh, before I forget."
"You free tonight?"
"Yes, you," she chuckled.
"I-I," I found my friend and Ise were standing around the corner, vigorously nodding their heads. "I'm not doing anything tonight."
"Great. I'll meet you here, then?"
"Y-Yeah," I said, finishing up making her tea.
"See you then," she smiled, taking the cup from my hand.
Our fingers brushed over one another's as she grabbed it, heading out of the little cafe. She waved to my friend and Ise before heading out. I stood there, my mouth wide open and my eyes blinked rapidly. My friend came over and hugged me from the side.
"Look at you! Wooing Mizu like that."
"I-I didn't do anything. I-I just treated her with kindness and respected her as a person."
"And those are qualities you don't find a lot these days," Ise said.
"Yes, I remember the story you told me."
"And also, from what I heard from my friend, Mizu is not the easiest person to like. And she struggles to find people to talk to," Ise said.
"I can see why," I said.
"But this is good!" my friend said. "I know how much you've been wanting to date someone."
"I-I'm not sure I want to date Mizu. I mean, she seems nice and all and I do find her attractive, but I-I don't know."
"Just let things happen, Y/N," my friend said. "You don't have to force yourself to like someone if you don't feel like you do."
"Thanks," I said.
"We should also probably get back to work," my friend eyed the line that was starting to gather behind us.
"Oh shit," I said and turned towards the register as my friend and Ise were getting things prepared.
After we closed the cafe, I was walking out right when Mizu was walking towards the building.
"We'll see you later, Y/N," Ise and my friend said.
"Later," I said to them before turning to Mizu.
"H-Hey, Mizu."
"Hey, Y/N," she smiled. "You ready?"
"Where are we going to go?"
"I found an awesome place to show you," she said and walked off towards the outskirts of the city.
We got onto a train that led to the outer parts, where not many people lived and it would be a long hike to reach the next town over. The train stopped and Mizu got up. I followed her off the train and into the woods. The sun was starting to set and it was getting chilly. My work uniform wasn't enough to keep me warm, since I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and jeans.
"Here," Mizu said and wrapped her jacket around me.
"Thank you," I said. "W-What is here? And how did you find this place?"
"I remember a friend of mine, Ringo, told me about this place. How it's mostly woods and it's far enough from the city to where I won't get lost, but also far from the next town over. I came here one evening and started wandering around, trying to find a calm and quiet spot. Then I stumbled upon this," she pulled back some foliage and there was a large cliff ahead of us.
I stepped out of the woods and she followed behind me. I noticed she was wearing a white tank top and shorts with tennis shoes.
"How are you not cold?" I asked.
She chuckled, "The tattoo shop I work in is either freezing or boiling hot. The HVAC needs to be repaired and we're struggling right now to get it fixed. I've been working a lot more hours so that I can use what I get to help pay for the repairs. Don't worry, it's not just me who is doing that. Everyone is chipping in."
"I was gonna say," I said.
"It's the only place I will be a good person to, along with you, Ise, and your friend at the cafe."
"I don't blame you," I said.
"Come, let's sit."
We walked towards the edge of the cliff and sat down, our legs swinging in the air.
"After everything you've been through, I don't blame you for not being nice to those who aren't deserving of it."
"I should be nicer to people. They're just trying to get by and here I am, traumatized from my past."
"The healing process is a long and perilous journey."
"It truly is. I-I don't think I will ever heal."
"I know people say time heals all wounds."
"It's bullshit."
"Time heals the physical wounds, not the mental ones."
Mizu turned towards me, a look of shock on her face.
"What?" I asked.
"I always say the same thing, too."
"Well it's true. If you've been traumatized, no matter how much it hurt you, you can't easily get over that within a week. Or even a year. Hell, not even two years. Your body may be able to heal itself, but the brain and heart can't."
Mizu slowly nodded her head, "E-Exactly."
"I-I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't want this to sound like a therapy session."
"You know, no one understands any of that like you do."
"Yeah. A few people I have talked to have never made me feel safe. Safe in the sense of I can express my thoughts and feelings freely."
"Your thoughts and feelings are valid, Mizu," I said. "No matter what anyone says, they're valid."
"Even the dark thoughts?"
"That's a gray area. But if you don't enact on them, either if they're dark towards yourself or someone else, they're still valid to have."
"Why do you say that?"
"They're your thoughts and feelings. So they should be valid to at least you. I think it's important that they're mainly valid to you, but I do feel you need validation from others on what you're thinking. And I think everything you think, dark, light, whatever it may be, is valid. Unless you enact on the dark thoughts."
"Don't let the intrusive thoughts win," Mizu chuckled.
I chuckled with her as well, "Yeah. Don't let the intrusive thoughts win. But they're still valid."
"Thank you, Y/N," Mizu said.
"You're welcome, Mizu. And this is a great sight. Thank you for bringing me here."
"You're welcome. Want to do something like this again sometime?"
I turned and smiled at her, "I'd love to."
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