#mod Rot
cripplecharacters · 12 days
Hello, thank you for all the information on this blog, it's very useful. I am an artist that really likes fashion and I wanna draw more disabled people than I already do. Recently I wanted to draw a character that uses a wheelchair and I want to decorate the wheelchair. Is this something wheelchair users usually do ? If so, in what ways do you decorate it (or at least, where do I find examples) ? Thank you and sorry if this has already been asked before. Grins
Thank you for your ask! Wheelchair users decorate their chairs in a variety of ways, some include:
Spokes covers
Decorations that clip onto the spokes
Wheel covers
Rim covers
Handle covers (I often see them spiked!)
Frame covers
Custom paint jobs (often on the frames)
Adding bags to the back/sides (if they have armrests)/underneath the chair
Adding phone holders and/or cup holders
Custom calf strap
Custom seat cushion
Custom joystick knobs for powerchairs
Basically anything that doesn’t pose a snag risk for the wheels, drag on the floor or unbalance the chair goes. I’d recommend looking up ‘decorated wheelchair’ or ‘custom wheelchair’ to pinterest or google if you need more ideas, although keep in mind some of the wheel decorations are just for the photo shoot and would be incredibly impractical for use.
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dirtybg3confessions · 5 months
Hey! Sorry you’re probably getting a ton of messages about this but what has happened to the queue rate recently? Not sure if it’s something on my end/a tech issue or if something has changed with the blog recently x
Hi! We've got a couple of asks like these over the past few days and I wanted to try and clear it up rq. Firstly, thank you all for being so kind and patient with us! It means a lot to see so many people wishing us and the blog well. Secondly, everything is okay! One of our hardest working mods Tri got quite busy this week and unfortunately the queue managed to fall behind. Posts may be sparse or a little off schedule for a second, but we're trying to catch up with our draft and queue! Thank y'all again for being patient with us. Hope to be back on schedule soon!
- Mod Rot 💀
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hostilesuggestion · 11 months
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kelnexia · 23 days
I’m still not sure if this will actually happen, but I’ve been daydreaming about how Rot Merged Pebbles would work as a modded character. And even if this mod doesn’t become a reality – the brainstorming I’ve been doing on his states and abilities will still be useful for other things.
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States and abilities are listed below the cut. (Warning – it gets a little creepy in some parts.)
Diet / Eating habits:
He has a total of 9 food pips to fill – 8 base requirement pips, and 1 storage pip.
The rot’s acid is strong enough that he can swallow and digest nearly anything… However, he will refuse to eat explosives, spears, pearls, and neuron flies. (He refuses to eat explosives and spears out of fear of injuring himself, he won’t eat pearls because he doesn’t want to destroy them, and his violence taboos prevent him from committing cannibalism via eating neuron flies.)
While he can eat basically anything – meat is the most satiating for him. Small prey is often swallowed whole as a result of the rot’s gluttonous instincts infecting his mind.
If he enters starvation – the rot will knock him unconscious and take control of his body in its desperation to feed. It will indiscriminately consume all life it can get its tentacles on, and will only relinquish its control once its hunger is satisfied. (Blue X pupils will form in his eyes when the rot takes control.)
Combat and Movement:
He can use his tentacles to grab and pull in prey or enemies to bite them. His bite deals 2.45 points of damage. (This move can backfire if the target has enough health to survive his initial attack.)
He can switch between walking on his legs, and walking on his tentacles. (Standard movement when on legs – DLL movement when on tentacles.)
He can use his rot to hold three items of any type on his back.
Most creatures are frightened by his rot. (This functions similarly to holding a vulture mask.)
His spear throws deal 1.25 points of damage. (Same as hunter.)
He can’t drown, as he does not need to breath.
He has a durability mechanic; it’s basically a health bar – most damage won’t instantly kill him, it will only drain his durability. He only dies when his durability runs out, or if he’s hit by something that completely destroys him. He can also struggle free from grasps at the cost of durability. His durability replenishes after sleeping.
Extra gimmicks:
He starts in his puppet chamber, next to his broken off umbilical. He’s in the endgame version of Rivulet’s world state.
If you take the music pearl with you – it will appear in the sleep screen along with its music. You can also activate it at any other time you want.
He starts with very low scavenger reputation.
Pebbles can read pearls. He also contributes to conversations when interacting with other iterators. If you sit him down next to Moon, she will hug him and hold onto him for as long as you stay still.
He’s being followed by a large number of his and Moon’s overseers.
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cherium-meadows · 3 months
I want y’all to know I’ll be back once I’m done having my fill w/ the new update LMAOO
In the mean time why did he do this when I gave him an egg😭😭😭😭
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0xeyedaisy · 2 months
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Random stuff
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if you're still alive. protoman eats batteries
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PROTOMAN ate a battery and DIED
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twinArmageddons: hii
carcinoGeneticist: WHO ARE YOU AGAIN?
twinArmageddons: your neiighbor
carcinoGeneticist: OH SHIT, WHAT'S UP?
twinArmageddons: turn up the volume of that 2ad mu2iic
twinArmageddons: ii want two 2uffer wiith you
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reirakurenai · 3 months
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What if getting hugged by Bernard stirs something within Durge. They thinking: "Why does this remind me of someone?" And it's Gortash and his Steel Watch they are vaguely remembering. T-T
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invisi-bee · 10 days
got morphable DAI heads working in origins yay
all vanilla DAI nose sliders are done. now i just have to finish all the gazillion other sliders too
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proteus-no · 8 months
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If you're not using the soft tummy mod I don't know what you're doing
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cripplecharacters · 28 days
What else can cause a person to need a wheelchair that isn't physical trauma, a degenerative condition, or outright paralysis?
Trying to figure out the specific disability of an ambulatory wheelchair user character (who isn't supposed to get any worse, and who's supposed to live very long).
Thank you for your ask! People can use wheelchairs to help with dizziness, weakness, unstable joints, conditions that cause fainting/falling, being born without one or both legs, fatigue and/or pain.
Some conditions off the top of my head are:
Miserable malalignment syndrome
Bilateral peroneal neuropathy
Nail-patella syndrome
P.o.t.s. (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
Congenital constriction band syndrome
I’d recommend using one or more of the keywords in the first paragraph for your search for a condition that fits your character [example: condition that causes leg pain, disability with unstable joints, etc.]. If you need to narrow it down further with a more specific ask, feel free to reach out again :] (smiley face
Have a lovely day!
Mod Rot
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dirtybg3confessions · 8 months
do you have any first time confessions in the queue? i.e: new NPC is mentioned? like, i await with bated breath on the weirdest and most obscure shit popping up on the dash
yes we do! without giving anyone away, a new tiefling, half-orc, dragonborn, and a certain wizard were recently sent in as confessions and/or are currently in the queue!
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hostilesuggestion · 1 year
hey, this is a genuine question, but whats wrong with imdrinkingyourmilkshake/killthehead and why are they on the dni list? i cannot seem to find anything about those blogs at all outside the fact that they post kind of edgy photographs with blood or cigarettes etc
when i find the actual post on my main i will link it but to condense it for the moment, they tormented and mistreated two people i was pretty good friends with. i dont really recall how the issue was or was not resolved but im still uncomfortable with them because of that, but also for other reasons i'm not going into bc theyre more personal.
iirc they steal peoples content nonstop btw
-mod rot
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kelnexia · 20 days
Good News! I found a mod team! We’ve just entered the early stages of development for the rot merged mod. You can thank @digi-056 @dying-light-over-hell and @sparkling-pendulum for making this mod a possibility. @vividyon was also very helpful in giving me advice on how to set things up. And thank you to all my followers and mutuals for showing interest in the rot merged au, and the mod that's now in the motions for it! None of this would've been possible without everyone's help and support. <3
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ooogai · 1 month
honey ramen
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