#mod trout
[ ] F[ ]r the l[ ]ve [ ]f fuck, st[ ]p p[ ]sting y[ ]ur full names and signs in DMs, they're n[ ]t safe. [ ]
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critterzstimz · 3 months
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Me irl btw (I am THE coastal sea wolf.) - mod🐕‍🦺
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 9 months
Feferi: Fuck monarchy…I am going to go be a trout………
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thepettymachine · 9 months
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Lyndsey went to the festival grounds and met a townie who thought it was okay to kiss her... yeah no
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realyauza · 1 year
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@majimassqueaktoy once said
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Trout skin perfectly matching the Tojo Clan Headquarters✨
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ozarkspringszoo · 2 years
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Ozark Springs Zoo is happy to announce the opening of a new aquatic exhibit, the Millpond.
This new exhibit winds through a ravine, much like a natural creek. On one side is the Millhouse, a concessions and refreshment building made from salvaged historic materials including a working water wheel. On the other side are “caves” with a set of underwater viewing areas for the featured animals, local freshwater fish. Animals featured in this multispecies exhibit include rainbow trout, smallmouth bass, and alligator gar.
Although newly opened, some features of the Millpond exhibit are still under construction, including a mixed terrestrial-aquatic exhibit at the far end of the installation and an outdoor eating area on the back deck of the Millhouse.
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salt-volk · 2 years
What I find most frustrating with DV is that the things they focus on now (quest reworking, fixing guilds, pet accessory shop) are things that should have been completed before full launch! We’re 2 years in now, the updates should be about new towns, new mini games, new events, new pets and so on. Why did they release a game that clearly wasn’t finished? What happened between beta and full launch? Can they please just be open and honest about the site development!?
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
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Wsa too late to screenshot the subtitles so just have this photo of kiryu with his mouth half open
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sisusquid · 2 months
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Made the Holy Mackeral for my Scout cosplay this weekend! Used a stuffed silver trout plush, and then wrapped it in 2mm craft foam which was then coated in newspaper clippings and sealed with Mod Podge. It turned out better than I hoped and I'm excited to debut it at C2E2!
(I love my Sandman bat, but it's a real wood bat so I can't bring it to a con. This is a good, safe, alternative)
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dawns-beauty · 6 months
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Children of the Hist: More Lizard Lads
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Derkeethus, with a fin style with rings based on one from Morrowind and fancy finned tail
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Swims-in-Deep-Waters, from the CC Fishing mod will be an optional addon. He has coloration loosely based on a rainbow trout and a finned tail
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Veezara, 2Edgy4U now a Black-Tongue, literally
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Teebi-Ei, a miner and potential Housecarl of Morthal
I've decided I'm not overhauling every single NPC, but I will be replacing all generic enemies and dead NPCs with higher-quality head parts.
Except for the random Assassin that sometimes gets sicced on you. She needed to look cooler:
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
The Critic's Arrival
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It appears we've been visited by some sort of critic. We didn't order any critic! Are you a film critic? Food critic?
"The name's THE Critic- get it right! I ridicule, just out of spite! And now you've got me at your door, You've no idea what you're in for! For I'm The Critic, that's no ruse! I'm here to criticize all youse!"
Oh? You're here to criticize us...? I don't think I like whatever it is you're imply- oh, he's already invited himself in. Okay! So, Mr. The Critic, can I... get you something to drink, I guess? We certainly have a lot of water.
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"That's all you offer? You're the worst! Good thing I've not much of a thirst! This living room... it's oh so drab. And are you serious? A CRAB? Your home decor is just no good. I'd burn this poster if I could! You must have all been in the dark, For not a soul likes Wonder Park!"
Come on... Boomer the Ride Tester is funny... right? Is there anything else we can do to make your stay more comfortable? And maybe make you more polite?
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"I hope my message makes you cry: This home of yours is much too dry!"
Is that so? At least here in Wet-Dry World, that's easy to fix! I'll just activate this Crystal Tap and raise the water...
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"This isn’t any better yet. The whole affair’s now far too wet!"
Oh... how about a more neutral level?
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"The moisture level’s at its middle, But I’m afraid, too late too little! You just can't seem to be a winner! Now, with that done, let's have some dinner!"
Okay, I've been trying to be polite, but you can't just be mean to us and expect to receive a free meal for it! Spikey's only made enough potatoes au gratin for us mods!
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"Oh, THAT'S the stench? It's just some gratin? I could have sworn something was rotten! I see you're near fed up with me, And knowing that fills me with glee!"
Why are you doing this, The Critic? Why us? What did we do to you?
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"Well, here's what's written in my log: You lot all run a Tumblr blog! Where posts are foolish, simply silly, Goofy creatures willy-nilly! You don't need to be analytic To know you're talking to The Critic. It's how I live, it's what I do. I've come here to criticize YOU!"
Hey. Words really hurt, you know that, The Critic? But no matter what you say, you can't break our spirits! We'll post what we want no matter what you say!
"Now comes the part I love the most... rescinding your license to post!"
OUR POSTING LICENSE?! The only thing that legally allows us to post about funny pretend creatures online... you're a monster! Unhand that license this instant!
"Ha ha! Hee hee! It's too much fun! And with that, I'll be on the run! Your permit's all I need to rob. I hope you've got a backup job!"
He's gone. That utter fiend... without our posting license, we're nothing. He's right. We'll need a new job. After all this time, we'll need to return to where it all began, where all of us met for the first time, and where we all worked before starting this blog, but it was never relevant so we never mentioned it...
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...the TROUT HATCHERY! See you there...
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Hey guys, quick question for fellow blog mods. What's the appropriate response if, say, SOMEONE JUST SENT ME OUR FUCKING COORDINATES AND STATION????
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critterzstimz · 2 months
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trout gifset
link here if used
-Mod 🪼
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
RUFIOH: th1s 1s w1ld ‘cause l1ke… 1sn’t r1g1d bod1es on cars a death trap? l1ke, there’s a reason cars are bu1lt to crumple 1n the way that they do when they crash… 1t’s because 1t lets the body of the car absorb a ton of the 1mpact so 1t 1sn’t transferred to the passengers…
CRONUS: its a tradeoff
CRONUS: giwven current urban crime rates, bullet resistance is a higher priority
CRONUS: yes it vwas a big newvs item a fewv years ago, a lets play youtuber content creator called markiplier vwas caught up in los angeles gang conflict
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thepettymachine · 7 months
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they're in a relationship now
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hetalia-club · 1 month
Stardew Mod Alfred Jones (America)
Summary of Town & Buildings you should read this first if you haven't so you're not confused.
Jones Household: Alfred
Alfred (America), His brother is Matthew (Canada) and they are also roommates living on a ranch/ tree nursery together at the furthest end of Cindersnap forest. They own a small farm where America raises cows & Canada has a small tree nursery where he taps trees for maple. They live the furthest away from town so they have space to farm. They come from a family of Ranchers and got a very large trust fund from their parents. Being raised rich he does not really have a concept for money and will often say tone deaf things until you form a relationship with him. (Commenting on your clothes similar to how Haley does) Bakery contribution- Supplies Milk for the baked goods and coffee Drinks. He also makes all the Apple Pie. Alfred Visits the Bakery on Monday morning around 10am to make his milk deliveries. He will stay there for about an hour and then head home opening his store around 12pm that day. Alfred break down: Alfred Loves grindball, cows and eating. He used to be in the military and fought with Kent in the war against the Gotoro Empire. After an injury he was given an honorary discharge and deals with the guilt of feeling like he got out easy. His Milk puns can make for a fun double entendre that he is unaware of. He can come off as self-centered and chauvinistic at times but he means well. This boy loves cows and will talk about them any chance you give him. He’s a cowboy if you will. But just because was a trust fund kid does not mean he’s afraid of getting his hands dirty or hard work. Don’t let his condescending demeanor rub you the wrong way once you break that outer shell this farm boy will love you until the cows come home. The Ranch-His house doubles as a ranch so he sells Barn Animals like Marnie does and Hay + tools like sheers, milk pale and anything else you might need for your animals. He does not have as big of a selection of Marnie but his prices are slightly cheaper if you are willing to make the trek there for your stuff. Animals bought from Alfred are already full grown and there is not waiting period to have them grow from babies as Alfred raises the animals up himself so they will start producing products right away. Keep Reading Down Below >>>>
Birthday- Summer 4 Loves- Pumpkin Pie, Banana Pudding, Survival Burger, All varieties of Milk, Gold Bar and Apple Pie Likes- All universal likes except for flowers and crops that cannot be eaten. All cooked food and all crops that can be eaten with a couple exceptions Neutrals- all universal neutrals, all raw fish (Because they have the ability to be cooked and eaten) Dislikes- all universal dislikes, flowers of any kind (They are not food) Hates- Salad & Moss soup & Universal hates Gift receiving lines- Loved Lines- Wow my favorite! It’s like you can read my mind or something… Liked Lines- Sweet, Thanks! Neutral Lines- Thanks for the gift I guess Dislikes- Um, Okay Hate Lines- Why did you give me your trash? I guess I’ll throw it away for you Birthday Gift Lines- Happy Birthday to me! Thanks for remembering. Unique festival dialog: Egg Festival- I asked Mayor Lewis if we could do a milk festival instead this year. He said he didn’t think the idea would “catch on”. Desert Festival- Every year I misread the flyer and think I’m attending the “dessert festival”. This is still alright though I guess. Flower Dance- *Alfred is busy eating and doesn’t seem like he wants to talk* Ask to dance? If yes- Dance!? With you!? I thought you’d never ask! I mean…dancing is cool sure. If no- Sorry, I have literally anything else to do. Firework Festival (New Event)- It’s my birthday today you know. It almost feels like these fireworks are a celebration for me. If only I had some Banana Pudding today would be perfect. Luau- Can you guess what I added to the pot this year? If you guessed milk you were right. Trout Derby- Does not attend Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies- I don’t get what’s so exciting about a bunch of glowing fish. Now a cow with glowing milk, now that would be cool! Don’t steal that idea… Stardew Valley Fair- (Has a stand with Matthew where they are showing off Cheese, Milk, Maple syrup, and some tree fruits.) Came to stake out the completion, Eh (Player)? Mattie and I are taking home the gold this year I know it. Brew Fest (New Event)- I’m on my 18th shot of espresso. What do you mean slow down? Who are you my Mom/dad/parent? (Depending on which gender you picked) Spirits Eve- I wonder If I could make a Golden Pumpkin Pie from the Golden Pumpkin. Don’t steal that idea… Festival Of Ice- My brother dragged me here. It’s too damn cold out here *Shivers*. Hopefully the cows are warm enough in the barn. Squidfest- Does Not Attend Night Market- I wonder if you could milk a mermaid. Why are you looking at me like that? Was it something I said? Feast Of The Winter Star- *Alfred Is eating an entire Pumpkin Pie from the tin with a fork*. *He looks like he’s trying to hide it from you* Friendship Letters after befriending Alfred: 2 Hearts letter: he will send you a letter in the mail and a bottle of Maple syrup as a gift The letter will say: Found this while going through my brothers stuff. I thought it would annoy him if I gave it to you. 4 Hearts letter: Sorry I was so annoyed with you before you’re actually pretty cool you know. I Got you something little to make up for it don’t spend it all in one place. The letter will contain a Gold Bar. 6 heart letter- Now that we’re such good pals I thought I would share with you my mom’s top secret Apple Pie Recipe. This information is classified. Letter contains the recipe for Apple Pie. 2 Apple 1 Wheat flour 1 Maple Syrup Health+ 80 Energy+ 175 8 Heart letter- When you first moved in I never thought I would even talk to you. But I want you to know you’ve become my best friend. I look forward to seeing you every day. Let’s hang out later okay? Letter contains a Diamond Romance Dialog Receiving a Bouquet- For me? Hell Yeah! That’s so crazy and here I was about to just go buy a bouquet for you. Mermaid Pendent- No way, no way, no way! You seriously want to marry me? I was too afraid to ask you! I’ll get everything set up don’t even worry about lifting a finger baby.
Married Life With Alfred Jones: When married to America his corner of the farm will be a singular cow which is named Big Tex. When married to Alfred there is a chance if you speak to him in the morning he will give you milk and will tell you it came from Big Tex fresh this morning. Three days after marrying Alfred you will get a letter in the mail from ‘In-laws’ with 10k gold congratulating you and apologizing for not being at the wedding. After Marrying Alfred he will still go tend his stores and will hardly ever be actually at your house. Due to the long walk he will warp to and from there and cannot be followed since the slow pace NPCs walk would take him literally all day to get there. Alfred will call you babe from now on regardless of gender. If you go visit him at work he will have special dialog expressing he’s happy you came to see him but you don’t get a discount just because you’re married. Occasionally he will mention the current war saying he ‘hopes everyone is doing alright without him’. On Sundays he and Matthew will meet each other in Cinderssnap Forest by the river unless it’s raining and then they will both stay home.
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