fandoms--fluff · 2 years
Hi I’m this my first thing I’m doing on here but anyway could you do little fem reader x mama Nat x mommy wanda where all of the team has gone a mission and the villain brings something up about our pass and then our powers get out of control and we go into our little space and m..maybe go for Wanda’s milkes 👉🏼👈🏼 you don’t have too but if you can thank you
We're here baby
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Little!Reader x Mama!Nat x Mommy!Wanda
Summary: everything in the request
Warnings: swearing, mention of blood, breastfeeding, death?
a/n: I'm getting back into writing so expect more fics
You guys are currently facing a group of assassins from Bulgaria in their compound. You are in one of the many hallways fighting a man twice your size. Your currently trying to take him out with your dark green glowing power until he started speaking.
"Сега да/не, не помниш ли цялото забавление, което се забавляваш тук? Винаги вързани на една от онези метални маси с вериги или висящи от тавана със същите вериги? Защото със сигурност го правя, беше толкова жалко, ти крещиш за цял живот." (Now y/n don't you remember all the fun you had here? Always tied on one of those metal table with chains or hanging from the ceiling also with chains? Becuase I certainly do it was so pathetic, you screaming for life).
At that you started to freak out, getting flashbacks from the time you were with them against your will. You couldn't breathe right, mind fogging up and starting to slip into little space.
"y/n?" Nat asked through comms.
You started to sob and couldn't control your powers. Glowing green swirls coming out of your hands and more of the guards or assassins - doesn't matter, came running towards you. No one there you recognized and started to freak out more.
"y/n? Baby girl what's happening. Are you okay?" Wanda asked, concerned.
Wanda looked over to Nat who was next to her and they started to run towards you since your sobbing was getting more clear the closer they got.
Right before they got to you a blast of flowing green power came from the hallway, everyone falling down. Dead. Blood scattered all over. Quickly they ran faster to see you on the ground, leaning against the wall with your legs tucked into your chest, tears running down your face and entire body shaking.
"What's happening Nat?" Tony said through comms.
"Shut the fuck up" Nat whispered fast back back him through comms, him immediately listening not wanting to come to face with 'angry momma Nat' as he called it.
They made their way towards you and each of them sat on one side of you. "Hunny, you can open your eyes" Nat said softly and wiped the tears of your face.
Slowly you opened your eyes and looked at Nat and Wanda, them seeing the change in your eyes how your in little space right now.
"Mama, Mommy. Huwrt" you cried out and then saw all the dead bodies around you, starting to hyperventilate again.
"Let's leave and then we can go home and have a relaxing night" Wanda whispered into your ear, though Nat can hear her just fine.
You slowly nodded and started to stand up with them, clinging to your Mama's side, barely able to walk, with how much your body is still shaking from being remembered about your past.
Once all three of you were sat in the quinjet, it was very quiet with you inbetween Wanda and Nat, snuggled with a blanket. Tears were still streaming down your face. Nobody dared talking so they didn't send you into a meltdown.
The quinjet finally landed and Nat slowly lifted you up to her hip and carried you inside while Wanda walked beside. When you got to your guys' shared room, your Mama set you down on the bed and quickly got changed into a cotton grey t-shirt and matching shorts. And your Mommy also quickly changed into the same set, but in a deep blue. She also grabbed a soft green hoodie and a Mickey Mouse pull up from the dresser, placing them beside where you're laying down.
"Alright, let's get you changed out of this uncomfortable suit" she said comfortingly while stripping you out of it.
While she's changing you, you lifted your hands up and pulled a small section of your hair down. Playing with it by twirling it around your fingers.
Wanda finished and stepped away for a second to place your suit in the pile where her and Nat's are on the floor in the corner of the room to be dealt with tomorrow.
Nat came over from the bathroom and sat down beside you, helping you untangle the fingers caught in your hair.
"You comfy baby?" She asked once all three of you are laying under the covers in bed.
You nodded, sleepily but still wanted one thing. "Mommy, milk? Pease" you mumbled looking over at Wanda with puppy dog eyes.
"Now how could I say no to that adorable face" she smiled and pulled up her shirt, revealing her breasts.
You leaned against her and attached your mouth to her left nipple, suckling at a slower pace than usual but that's just because you're tuckered out from today. After a bit of time you fell asleep with your head pillowed on her now covered boob, since Nat carefully lifted your head not waking you up while Wanda pulled her shirt back down.
Before they followed and fell asleep, they leaned over carefully and kissed softly.
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nightmare-writes · 2 years
The unplanned game of hide and seek
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Hello! This is my first fanfiction ever so I hope you like it!
This fanfiction is 100% SFW Age Regression and contains a bit of angst (with a happy ending!) I think so I'm putting it up here just in case [18+ content]
The day started off not as planned.
Your loving girlfriend, Wanda, was meant to return from a mission last night. She said that she would be gone for two days exactly and that you'd wake up snuggled in her arms since she would be home after your bedtime.
However, this was evidently not the case since you were not snuggled up in her arms as promised.
You rubbed the sleepiness out of your eyes before hopping out of bed, your favorite stuffed bunny, floppy, firmly held in your grasp, on a mission to the living room.
"Mommy? Are you playing hide and seek?" You yell out into the hallway of your one bedroom apartment. You were greeted with no response which did not really answer your question.
'Mommy wouldn't lie to you about anything so maybe she was here after all! She's just being silly and hiding so you can go find her' you thought, time to start seeking!
"I'm gonna find you mommy!!" You announced before starting your search.
You and floppy looked everywhere: The kitchen, living room, bathroom, and even all of the closets, yet mommy was no where to be found and you were starting to get very scared that your mommy had forgotten about you.
You slumped down to the floor against the couch and yelled "I give up mommy! Can you please come out?". No response again. "Mommy please! I missed you" you tried to yell again, but it came out more as a muffled whisper as tears began to roll down your face.
As you busted into full on sobs, you couldn't hear the distinct sound of mommy's keychain rattling against the door.
"Baby! I'm home! I'm sorry that I couldn't get here last night like I said but-" Wanda was cut off when she found you curled into a ball on the floor in tears.
She stoops down next to you and begins to pet your hair and shush you to ease you down. "Hey baby, it's mommy. I'm right here little one, it's okay" She whispers before slowly moving you up so she can cradle you in her arms. You calm down enough to relax your breathing and turn to look up at her. A big grin adorning your face the moment your mommy appeared.
"It's okay, baby, mommy is right here. Why don't I put on a cartoon for you while I make something to fill that little belly, hm?" she offers
"Can I sit with you while you cook? I don wan you to go"
"Of course baby, let's get to cooking"
I hope you guys liked it! I will hopefully be adding more to this story so if you're interested please stick around!
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fandoms--fluff · 3 years
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Mommy!Wanda x Little!Reader
Summary: Reader just wants her mommy's milk and skin to skin contact but is too little to verbally ask.
Warnings: Lactation, breastfeeding, fluff
Your sitting on Wanda's lap facing her with your head on her shoulder. For the past couple of minutes you've been squirming a lot and pulling on the hem of her shirt up, trying to take it off of her.
"Baby girl are you okay, do you want some food?" She asked and you shook her head whining. "Are you sleepie, do you want to have a nap?" You shook your head again. If she takes you to your guy's room for the nap, that means your further away from her. "Well what's wrong baby, can you tell mommy?"
You started to whine louder and grip her shirt harder starting to pull at it a little aggressive then you were before. "Stop baby your startin to hurt me" you whined and stopped pulling but then moved and started to try and slide your head up her shirt from the bottom. "Ok hunny what are you doing. Can you tell mommy how old you are right now" she asked and took your head out of under her shirt. You shook your head and started to pull her shirt down from where her boobs are.
"Okay baby girl if your not going to tell me can you try and act out what you want? I can't understand the whining" Wanda said. You thought hard of how to do so until you thought of something. You pulled your shirt off and through it to the other side of the couch. Then started to pull at Wanda's shirt again.
"You want me to take my shirt off?" You nodded your head and she smiled and took it off revealing her bare breasts. You immediately sunk back ontop of her body and started to suck on one of her nipples getting the sweet taste of her milk into your mouth.
"Is this all you wanted baby? Mommy's milk and skin to skin contact?" Wanda asked you while rubbing your back in a circular motion. You nodded your head while you suckle and run your hands softly on her stumoch as a sort of automatic reaction to nursing.
You unlatched and whispered something, "luv mommy". After you whispered, you kissed her collarbone. Then you went back to suckling at her boob. "I love you too baby girl, I love you so much" Wanda said and then kissed the top of your head.
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fandoms--fluff · 2 years
Hey I'm not sure if requests are open and if they aren't they you can just ignore this
Can I request a reader who slips into littlespace during a mission? Mommies!wanda x little!r
Uh oh
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a/n: requests are always open
Little!Reader x Mommy!Wanda
Summary: Reader slips into littlespace while on a mission
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, all I could think of
It was no secret to the team that your a little and slip into a younger state of mind, so whenever they see something odd that others might think weird that you and Wanda were doing it was completely normal for them.
As of right now you, Wanda, Steve, Tony, and Clint were on a mission to infiltrate another Hydra base, collecting data on what type of experiments they were doing now. What you hadn't noticed when you went in was rows upon rows of sensory-triggered tiny bombs along the hallway. Mind it was completely pitch black cause of no windows anywhere. "Oh shit," You said once the first explosion went off. "y/n whats happened-oh fuck" Tony noticed the explosions starting to go off. "Tony get her out of there!" Wanda exclaimed while knocking two agents out trying to get away alive.
Tony flew over to you picking you up and placing you back down by a tree further away from where Nat, Steve, and Clint were waiting while Wanda finished up by crushing the whole place down with her powers. You went straight over to Nat starting to cry, slipping into little space. "Come here, it's okay," Nat said and started to hug you. "Hey, y/n are you little right now?" Steve asked and started to wipe the dirt out of your hair. All you did was nod your head and nuzzled your head more into Nat's neck. "Me wan' mommy, Natty" You whined. "It's okay mommy's going to be here soon. Look there she is hunny, look," Nat said to you.
You looked up and saw Wanda walking up to you guys. "Mommy!" You jumped up and ran over to her. She engulfed you into a hug and kissed you on the head, despite the dirt and gunk in it from earlier during the mission. "It's okay I'm here now baby girl" she said comforting you.
Once you guys got back to the compound Wanda took you up to her room. "Are you okay okay, does anything hurt right now?" Your mommy asked you while drying your hair from the shower she took with you. "No, but it was weally scary mommy. Everyfing expwoded in fwont of me" You said nuzzling into her chest.
"Aw it's okay, your safe now" she said and put the towel down on her desk. "How about we get cuddled up, we can also watch a movie" "Yeah" You responded and you two cuddled for the rest of the night.
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fandoms--fluff · 3 years
Mommy's baby
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Mommy!Wanda x Little!reader
Summary: Lazy morning with mommy Wanda
Warnings: FLUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You woke up in the morning, realizing you were alone and can't see your mommy so you got up and walked out, into the living room where Wanda was sitting on the couch typing something into her laptop. You walked over to her using your fists to rub the sleep out of your eyes. "Mommy" you say cuddling into her side on the couch. Wanda put her laptop down on the coffee table, "Hey baby, what's wrong?" Wanda asks kissing your head. "Leave 'e" You answered, nuzzling your head into her neck.
"I'm sorry baby, mommy needed to finish something for work". "Super hero suff!" You perked up. Wanda chuckled and nodded, "yes super hero work.... So how does breakfast sound for my baby girl?". "Yeahhhh" You said and started to jump a little while sitting. "Okay, so do you want waffles?" You nodded and Wanda started to walk to the kitchen. "Hey! I tink you forgot some'ody" You called from the couch and lifted your arms up. She turned around and picked you up. "Of course how could I forget my baby" She kissed your left cheek and sat you down on the counter, grabbing the Eggo waffles from the freezer. Once she put them into the toaster she turned around to face you. "Do you want any fruit with it?". You think for a second, "bueberrys!" "Okay coming up!" She grabbed some blueberries and washed them.
You guys are now sat at the table with the food on two plates. "Would you like some help baby girl?" Wanda asks seeing you struggled to cut it yourself. "Pease" you handed her your fork and butter knife. She cut your waffle and handed the fork back to you. "Tank you" "your welcome baby". You started to eat and every piece of waffle you ate a couple blueberries with it.
Once you two were finished Wanda brought you into the living room. "So what do you want to do today baby girl?" Wanda said while your relaxed in her lap and kissed the top of your head. "Cuddle wif Mommy" you said and set your head down on Wanda's shoulder, starting to suck on your thumb. "Okay, cutie. But no more sucking on your thumb you know this, only suck on your pacifier" Wanda said and pulled one out of her pocket settling it in your mouth. You kissed her jaw forgetting you had the pacifier in your mouth. Wanda felt the plastic part and kissed you on the cheek, lifting you up heading to the bedroom for you to take a nap. She started to walk around with you on her hip, bouncing you slightly and patting your bum continously knowing that it helps you fall asleep faster and calms you. "Go to sleepies baby, I'll be with you when you wake up" Wanda said and you rested your head on her chest.
"Lub mommy"
"I love you too"
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fandoms--fluff · 3 years
Do you guys have any ideas for posts?
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