#monkie kid fanfic
aphroditness · 2 months
Hi!! Can i req a fem!reader x mei and its a short drabble (or anything your comfy w) after s3 where reader comforts mei for having the samadhi fire? (They would defo be Asami x Korra coded!! (Reader would b asami)
Fem!reader x Mei (Fluff + Angst)
"Shhh, everything's going to be okay.."
"N- No it won't! I- I don't want to hurt the people I care about.. I don't want to hurt you.." She sobbed, her face stained with tears as they fell onto her hands. You found her after a long while of searching as she was looking down in her reflection at a pond. You knew she'd push you away, but you'd have to at least try to calm her down.
"You're not hurting me Mei. We.. We'll figure something out.. Red son says he'll train you to control your powers. And Mk's worried about you." You smiled, rubbing her back softly to comfort her as she choked on her words.
"Why didn't he tell me? Why would Wukong use me..?" She looked up at you, finally making eye contact. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair a mess and her bangs were in the way of her face. You froze. You grabbed her hand and held it in yours, kissing it.
"Oh honey, you know how it is.. The monkey king gets desperate, and you know that. And trust me, I'm pissed at him too. But he feels bad for lying to you too."
"No he doesn't."
You let out a sigh, Mei was always a tough cookie, but you knew she was a trusting person too. And you couldn't help but clench your fists at the thought of someone betraying her trust like that. She let out an "Ow!" before you realized you were clenching the hand you were holding hers with too.
"Ah! Sorry sweetie-!" You flinched, about to let go of her hand until she brought you closer to her by grabbing your wrist. She didn't want to let go, and a faint blush painted on her cheeks as she stayed silent for those few seconds.
"Can you stay please?" She asked, her voice sounding desperate and shaky. It sounded like she was going to break down into tears again. You nodded slightly and sat beside her, wrapping your arm around her shoulder as she leaned her head down on yours.
"I could never leave you.." You whispered, running your hands through her hair and wiping her tears away. And she couldn't help but let out a faint smile.
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peony-flowerking7 · 3 months
Revenge of the Spider Queen: Celestial Realm base
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I found a biblically accurate butterfly wings and those designs WERE COOL AS FUDGE!! Decided to incorporate them in this piece, I am hoping to copy them when I draw them again.
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just for future references like the full version of it
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Yes, making backgrounds my citizens! Also because this is FOR THE LOOOORE now to eat my taquitos at 1 am I want to draw Duzhe in the outfit that she's wearing it pretty in my head. Hehehe had to smash two episodes together, the next one is fireworks. So exciting to do that one.
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deviliciousnavy · 5 months
Mei and friends learn of MK's predicament
(No art for this one, I didn't have the time TwT)
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glitchypotato3000 · 1 year
Finally managed to finalize Porcelains Design.
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You can read Miss Porcelain and The Lion Here!----> Miss Porcelain and The Lion
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marzinstarz · 2 years
minific! but its just SWK yelling at MK to take off his binder
Sun Wukong watched from his perch above, floating in his cloud, looking down as his successor ran through the forms the two of them had been practising together all morning
He only vaguely noticed the kid run through the final movements, but his attention caught as he watched MK then attempt to take a breath that was just a little bit too deep, MK winced and hunched in on himself, before straightening back up and continuing into the next movement as if nothing happened
Concerned, the Monkey King called down, "You alright there bud? What was that?"
"Nothing! Don’t worry about it!" MK assured him, already wrapped up in the next form
Not at all convinced, Wukong activated his gold vision, quickly scanning over MK.
"Hey, when was the last time you took off your binder?" He questioned, leaning down over the top of his cloud
"Binder? What binder?" Started MK, a nervous smile spreading across his face as he lowered his staff
"MK" Wukong deadpanned
"Ugh fine," groaned MK with a dramatic flair of his arms "I swear it wasn’t that long ago!"
"How many hours."
"uh…" said MK, now nervously fidgeting with his staff
"MK!!" Yelled Wukong, demanding an answer
"four…" He started, but then watched as his mentor rose one eyebrow, letting him know that he would be taking absolutely none of his bullshit today "-ty two" he finished with a sigh
Sun Wukong then took a moment to do the maths in his head, MK nervously watched on as the gears turned in his brain-
"YOU’VE BEEN WEARING YOUR BINDER FOR ALMOST TWO DAYS STRAIGHT??" Roared the Monkey King, his hands shooting upwards in a display of frustration
"…that is quite possible, yes" mumbled MK, his eyes looking anywhere but the very angry simian now in front of him
"GO CHANGE. NOW." Wukong yelled, gesturing back to the house in the middle of the mountain
"ugh but-"
With a groan MK shoved his hands into his pockets and stomped back into the house to get changed
"Stupid kid-" Wukong murmured to himself, eyeball twitching "when in the hell is he gonna learn to take care of himself!"
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qatheauthoress74 · 2 months
Chapter Summary: Several different characters want to win the Golden Peach at the Great Wall Race. Hua wants it for immortality but not for herself.
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icekingofhope · 1 year
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this is fanart of my friend @little-bean99 fanfic tidal wave on AO3
it’s about A OC X CANON of our both shared OC meilin mo and azure lion and a prequel spin off to path of hope for the upcoming character meilin mo
If you guys wanna read it here is the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/44510038/chapters/111953875
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The Great Beasts Wip Introduction (redo)
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Title - The Great Beasts
genre - fanfiction (monkie kid and other Jttw adaptions), gods + demons, half demons, adventure, fantasy, Chinese mythology & folklore
tropes and themes - family, sisterhood, gods and demons, half demons, learning about heritage, empowerment, demonic abilities, friendship, gaining and losing friends, betrayal (by family or friends), learning to use abilities through training, learning how to control abilities, emotionally maturing, a few slice of life moments, overcoming odds, motherhood, sacrifice, death and learning to overcome the grief it brings, vengeance, love, healing from trauma, slow burn romance, protecting those you love at all costs
Pov - Third person
current status - planning + drafting
content warnings - graphic violence, mentions of physical + verbal abuse, swearing, and alcohol
(Quick notes)
I am not of Chinese descent, nor have I experienced Chinese culture, so please don't hesitate to correct me if I get anything wrong!
characters such as sun wukong, the six eared macaque, the celestial apes, and other figures from journey to the west and Chinese mythology and folklore will be included in this story. there will also be a few characters from Monkie kid and other journey to the west adaptions.
: synopsis:
  Thousands of years ago there was a young half demon that lived with her human mother in a village that rested in the mountains. 
  Wei Xiurong was the last living child of her father, Wei Meng, and his entire family line.
  the Wei family, further known as 巨兽氏族 (The Great Beast’s clan) were family of powerful demons with the ability to transform themselves into a colossal kaiju beast based on the animal marking they were born with. 
   Eventually she grows into a powerful young woman and after accomplishing several good deeds both in the demons and the gods favor, she weds a young human soldier who moves into the valley with her so she can continue to protect the people in her valley. 
  Sadly, the day after she found out she was pregnant, her husband was killed by the same demon who killed her father. Then on the day she gave birth to her three daughters, The villagers came to her crying about the same demon and his army planning to come into the valley to kill them all. 
 Fearing for her daughters and village’s safety and powered by her grief for her husband, Wei Xiurong risked her life and ended up killing the demon and his army single handedly by awakening her inner beast.
 This act of bravery and display of power gains her favor among the gods and demons and ultimately secures her and her daughters' positions on both the gods sides and the demons' sides.
 From there we then follow the adventures, wins, losses, and the lives of her three daughters, Wei Chuntao the spring peach rabbit, Wei Rong the midnight dog, and Wei Qiaolian the sea sheep.
Three little half demons who would one day grow to be fearsome and powerful enough to scare those who dare to challenge them.
(Note - I'll be posting more detailed character introductions soon)
魏秀榮-Wei Xiurong - 東方大虎
-Half demon, Biromantic and demisexual
-her inner beast is a tiger that is so large that it could swallow mountains hole if she wanted to do so.
-loving mother, kind, generous, trustworthy, understanding and a leader who doesn't tolerate bullshit and will do anything to better her community.
-Through the sheer force of her abilities, her cunning mind, and her generosity she ranks high among demons and works well with the heavenly bureaucracy. the main reason the gods gave her a position
-earned her, her daughters and her descendant's immortality through her good deeds for the gods and solidified their status among demons through determination and building connections with the other demons.
-Xiurong is a person who's overcome the odds against and her continues to do so. so that her daughters can live good lives and that she can make sure their enemies know what they're capable of.
魏春濤-Wei Chuntao - 春桃兔
-half demon, panromantic + pansexual
-first born of the triplets. proclaimed as the shortest of the three sisters (5'2)
-her inner beast is a rabbit that could jump all the way to the moon and leave a massive crater in the earth
-energetic and impulsive, motherly and kind, and unafraid to stand up for herself and others when she wants to
-she has a keen ability to heal the sick and injured with the food and medicine she makes and can create and repair plants (such as flowers and crops) in a matter of moments.
-her main job was to help tend to garden of peaches of immortality and other gardens around the celestial realm. her side job was to work on foods and medicine to heal the sick and injured (be it gods or humans)
-befriended, fell in love with and married sun wukong when her and her sisters moved into Flower fruit mountain after keeping the other monkeys safe in his absence.
魏榮- Wei Rong - 午夜燈籠狗
-half demon, biromantic + pansexual
-second born of the triplets. proclaimed as the tallest of the sisters (5'8)
-her inner beast is a dog whose back can touch the heavens and armed with sharp teeth that could crack open mountains
-calm, blunt and charming, clever & mischievous, genuine and caring and willing to beat someone to a bloody pulp if she is given the choice
-she has the ability to create powerful enchanted weapons and objects and manipulate darkness and light to her advantage
-her main job is to create weapons and objects for the gods (with most of customers of her shop being demons), her part time job was being paid to hunt down demons or criminals and bring them back dead or alive
-befriend, fell in love with, and married the six eared macaque when her and her sisters moved to flower fruit mountain. unfortunately, after an 'incident' between wukong and macaque, she and him move out of flower fruit mountain and move into a smaller valley and does not speak to them for hundreds of years.
魏巧蓮-Wei Qiaolian-狡猾的水羊
-half demon, Lesbian + Demisexual
-youngest of the triplets. the second tallest of the triplets (5'5)
-her inner beast is a sheep who could make waves that could flood the land anytime she chose to enter the sea in that form
-clever, cunning, open-minded, curious, a bit of a perfectionist, secretly a huge softie, and just about fed up with dealing her siblings and their shenanigans in general (she is the epitome of 'I am surrounded by idiots)
-her ability to manipulate water and her intellect gained her favor with the dragon kings and other scholars.
-her main job is to be a scholar and advisor under the dragon kings. currently working under the dragon king of the east sea Ao Guang, a longtime friend, mentor and father figure to her.
-fell in love with and married the spider queen (I couldn't find her actual name anywhere in monkie kid or other sources, so I've nicknamed her zi = violet, for now). she met her on one of her sister's adventures and was completely awestruck by her and after a couple years of courting she married zi and moved in with her
comment below if you want to be added to the taglist!
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dramaticdabbler · 2 years
Lol it’s been years here’s some monkie kid fanfic
I’m literally a whole adult now. Although I haven’t dabbled in gay lego writing in waaaaaaaay too long, Monkie Kid finally got a hold on me and won’t let go. I’ll actually try to finish this story? I plan on it!
This one is basically a fan season where MK and Red Son have to go on a journey to save the world from one of Monkey King’s old enemies. I wanna make it as much about action and adventure as it is about the spicynoodles stuff. I really hope you guys like it, and I’m kinda glad to be writing again. College is hard, I think a project that I can pour my creativity into is just what the doctor ordered! I decided to dump the first three chapters so that you’ll have some stuff to read while I write more.
Here’s the link: Fanning the Flames (Chapters 1-3)
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zephyra-in-the-house · 3 months
Chapter 1 Summary for Second Chances
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(Art Credit: @elirastudio )
Several months after LBD's defeat, Macaque remains in Megapolis despite his better judgment. One afternoon while lounging in his submarine, he gets a visit from the Monkey King who has brought him food.
While unexpected, Macaque finds himself reminded of a time a hundred years ago when Wukong and him got into a fight only for Wukong to take him back to Flower Fruit Mountain to nurse him back to health.
In the present, Wukong makes an irresistible offer. A chance to train MK again. Macaque initially thinks it's a joke. When he realizes it isn't, he outright refuses the offer. Wukong chases after him and asks him to reconsider but Macaque still says no.
(End Summary)
My duuuudes look at the fuckin artwork!! Holy shit man I am so excited to share this project with you guys! As some of you may know, I have been working on chapter summaries for Second Chances for a little while now and, just a few weeks ago, Elira came and suggested we do a collab and I said absolutely!! And I am so glad I did because Elira's artwork is absolutely stunning~ I mean just look at that!
So, give all of your love and support to Elira and we shall have more for you guys in the future!
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peony-flowerking7 · 6 months
The Fallen Planet base
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Guess what my lovely subjects YES I AM HERE TO DELIVER FREE LMK OC BASE!
Please note when use always credit me and I will be making a hashtag so I can see all your ocs in the use of this base.
There the phone you can customize as much as you want and there you have a free base with Mk because!
My lovely subjects I present you!
MY FANFIIIIIC! It only has two chapters but it only because I started it. The base is actually one of the scenes from the fanfic but anyways! Here ya guys go use it as much as you want but always credit me and use the hastag
#Peony lmk oc base
So I can see your OCS!
I will be bringing more gifts later on.
Have fun and love you all!
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deviliciousnavy · 1 year
Wukong's back to MK, and the two of them have a talk.
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glitchypotato3000 · 2 years
Some doodles I made with Tang,Donghai and Tripitaka from my fanfic book The Golden Cicada.😌
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You can read it here in my Wattpad profile.
The Golden Cicada
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runningwithscizzorz · 9 months
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Someone on Twitter (don’t go there) asked me to draw the scene where Redson falls in love, and I wanted to telepathically say “Hold my beer” to them. This is the start of several more comic pages because yeah this fanfic is basically choke slamming me into the ground right now. It’s one of the only good fanfics I’ve ever read, so go read it because I’m not gonna draw the whole thing.
First pages
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Another smaller comic for this amazing spicynoodles fic by @pittdpeaches
Sequel to this post
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fluideli123 · 5 months
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And the Sun shone through layers and layers of heavy, gray clouds, and its rays warmed his face and hands and melted the ice he’d cast himself in. And the seemingly eternal Winter finally passed and allowed Spring and Summer to move in, the Moon had met the Sun once during the morning, the Sun looked at Him across the clearest sky he’d ever seen in his life.
- I've seen enough. I know exactly what I want (And it's this life that we've created) by @lovingshadowpeaches
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