#monroe gooder
ballpitbee · 2 years
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Apparently Im on a 'draw old ocs' streak??
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trpiaep19 · 1 year
Unpopular opinion:
What Theo did to the pack was worse than whatever Peter or any other villain did
Hear me out...
A lot of people talk about how Theo didn't deserve going to hell and that the pack forgave Peter and Deucalion (both of them tried to kill them more than once) but never truly forgave Theo and how it is not fair but I think they are forgetting that Theo didn't only try to kill them.
He planned the whole thing. He found every member's weakness and used it. He ripped the pack apart from the inside. He turned them all against each other and tried to take Scott's place as the Alpha. We don't really know what it did to the pack bonds.
Until Theo and even after him the pack could rely on each other. When Peter tried to kill them they had someone watching their backs. When Deucalion came along they could fight him off because they were together.
With Theo pulling the strings...
Theo killed his sister when he was nine years old and then spent a decade with the Dread Doctors, working for them, killing for them, bringing kids to them so they can turn them to chimeras. I think he was looking for the way out and he did so the only way he knew.
In the scene when Theo kills Scott you can see how much he hates the True Alpha. He is everything Theo never got a chance to be. He is a cheap knock-off of the supernatural creature, not even his heart is his own. He is a creature made from hate and rage and with his skills the pack couldn't just let him go. No one knows just how many packs he ruined before coming to Beacon Hills.
Don't get me wrong, I know the hell changed him. When Liam brought him back, it became clear that all he wanted to do was survive.
Scott couldn't save Theo because Theo would never let him. He resent him. In his eyes Scott was a do-gooder that didn't know anything about suffering.
Liam was the one who showed and taught him different ways. The beta with angry issues was one of the few people from the pack that knew how it feels to have the beast crawling at your skin and still chose to be good. So, Theo learnt.
I think that the pack forgave Theo eventually. Maybe it took years after the war or maybe he was forgiven even before Monroe fled Beacon Hills but I don't think they ever truly trusted him again. In their eyes he will always be a wild card. They don't know anything about his time with the Doctors and I think they don't even want to ask. Theo might become a pack ally, maybe even part of the pack, but he will never be truly trusted because what he was capable of doing and probably still is capable of doing and just chooses not to, makes him unreliable.
I hope this makes sense...
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cattatonically · 10 days
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Demons Are So Annoying - Mia Monroe (Covens of Eaton Falls, book 6)
Somehow Fate gave me two mates. Can our bond survive the war or will our eternity be cut short?
A few months ago, if someone told me that I’d be fated with two mates, a surly vampire and a too-sweet-for-this-world witch, I would have laughed. Now, I can’t imagine my world without Willem and Prince by my side. Unfortunately, there’s no time for honeymoons and roses. We’ve got a war to fight, while somehow managing to embrace a bond none of us saw coming.
Willem and I do our best to support Prince as he steps into his new powers, but I’m left desperate to keep us together and in one piece, not an easy task. Prince is in the center of this mess, but all of us have a role. I just wish I knew what mine was. My brother found his power, where the Hades is mine?
With increasing demon attacks (so annoying) and time running out, our combined covens and allies must work together to banish evil from Eaton Falls once and for all. But when the smoke clears, who will be the victor and who will be lost? We have to win. If we don’t, our happily ever after will be cut short, and there’s no way I’m letting that happen.
Demons Are So Annoying is the epic conclusion to the Covens of Eaton Falls series. It is an MMM paranormal romance featuring a super sweet witch turned vampire, a grumpy twin with a marshmallow center, and a vampire priest with anger issues finding out just why Fate put them together. In this book there are demons running amok, a plethora of discoveries, steamy times in sacred places (Willem is a priest, after all), and an epic battle for the ages. It is the sixth and final book. Each book features a different love story with an ongoing conflict and therefore should be read in order. I promise an HEA for all.
My Thoughts
We’re thrown right into the thick of war right at the beginning of this book, meaning Jack, Prince, and Willem barely have time to come to terms with the fact that the three of them are fated mates before everything gets thrown into absolute chaos. But it really makes sense, in the end. Jack and Willem have had a will-they-won’t-they thing going on from the beginning, which turned into a semi-vicious love triangle when Prince arrived in Eaton Falls from New Orleans.
All in all, they’ve been very dramatic, and tumultuous, for a while, so it’s nice to see them settle into their relationship – or as much as they could, in any case – with very little fuss.
To say that this book is action-packed from beginning to end is an understatement. It honestly never seemed to stop. Until it did.
All of the chaos, and complexities, and convoluted discoveries led to this ending, and I have to say, it was well worth it. The Covens of Eaton Falls have found themselves exactly where they’re supposed to be – happy. And while this book centered on Jack, Prince, and Willem, it really was about the entire found family of witches and vampires alike, as well as a few other supernatural creatures who were thrown into the mix.
I definitely see some potential for a possible spin-off (I am very intrigued by the connection between our resident do-gooder demon Tempest and the reaper Nathaniel), but I’m also perfectly happy leaving Eaton Falls behind, and leaving the covens to their fates – eternal happiness.
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cherryzombiezz-art · 2 years
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(fnaf voice) it's been so long
monroe (dude on the right) is @ballpitbee 's
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bunsterkeaton · 4 years
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Warm up sketches of @ballpitbee‘s Monroe and @robboyblunder‘s Godrick Both of these men shouldn’t be trusted 
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A Little Art I Did For @ballpitbee Of Their Character, Monroe!(Reblogs Appreciated!)
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weky-woof · 5 years
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@ballpitbee I'm not one to usually put gifts all over the place, but I'm just proud of this one, so it's going on Tumblr, too!
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lorraine-melaton · 5 years
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oliviatckaotixqueen · 5 years
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Hey @ballpitbee / @smokerails I made a clay model of your Monroe Gooder
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deadf1refly11 · 5 years
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I was really inspired by animatic that @brueklynn had drawn a couple days ago, and I really love it! I’ve just thinking about the fact that I should draw something by the whole day!!! And I really enjoy drawing Monroe (but it was a little bit hard in the begining!!!) My english still isn’t good enough to tell everything I want to! So I just say: keep going! You inspired me very much by every your drawing. It helps me find motivation to draw and improves my mood most of the time! So thank you just for being so awesome!!!
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ballpitbee · 2 years
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Havent drawn Ennard in a hot second (read: a day)
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heehoo-snek · 5 years
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this man screams little shit goblin energy
 I love him
Monroe belongs to @brueklynn
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abeterger · 5 years
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HEY- thats not how the phrase goes
Birfday Gift for @toonybrue!!!! 
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cherryzombiezz-art · 5 years
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they’re so fucking stupid
monroe (purple) belongs to @brueklynn!! paul (pink) belongs to me <3
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ryry-artblog · 5 years
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So I absolutely love @brueklynn ‘s The Belief Pioneer series it’s just so awesome and all the characters are just amazing to watch interacting with things in their world. I love Blondie and Monroe the most out of all the characters. This picture is basically their character Monroe Gooder as a toon, anyways you should really check out their stuff, you won’t be disappointed!
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bonbonswirl-blog · 5 years
You sanity. Part 6
Everyone stood dead in their places, palsied they didnt move, questioning themselves if this reality, no human had ever seen such a view, disorientation was a given. Henry was numbed with disbelief and trepidation, Was there is anything possible to help his mind hang onto? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO HIS PARTNER?!? He snapped out his placidety, running so precipitately to reach those stairs and go up the stage, without even knowing what will he do. But he stopped in the half of his way when he saw a tizzy reaction from the transformed animator when getting approached, somebody should help him to pull himself way now. Blondie face closed in a grimace, skin pallid and clammy, long sharp horns and spiky tail started to form. He screamed, not like one of those guys in some horror movie being tortured, but worse. It had a raw quality, the realness of a person consumed by a pain that knew no end or limit. Then he would go quiet, just panting. He felt his limbs dont belong to him anymore. each move is a negotiation rather than an order. Everything hurts now. Every single thing. unmanageable pain increasing in waves, small lulls giving false hope of an end. Each peak robs his ability to speak, sends him crashing to the bare boards. Its as though his blood has became acid, intent of destroying him from the inside out. All he can do is writhe, the occasional whimper escaping to echo off the walls. Every here and then his beating comes down from exhuation, seconds later it races at tremendous speeds, there was a point where everything stopped. Pain sears through his body better than a branding iron, his mind conceding to the torment, unable to bring a thought to completion. All of this, felt like eternity of brutal agony. The pain would be with him until the end. Who knew a human body could bare all this? He screamed until he had no voice to keep doing so. Then he felt his mind being taken away, no...he was being taken away from his body, he could feel it, just like a soul leaving a dying person, his mind was taken away from reality, only reamining this ruthless form his body had became behind him. Thats it, no more smiles, no more laughter, no more jokey, no more dad, no more henry.
And he very much wished he had the chance to say goodbye.
When everyone noticed their boss calmed down and his formidable pain wearing off after this fanciful sufferance, they started reaching to him carefully, but when he left his eyes, everyone knew it, these are not the same blue shiny eyes everybody knew, this is not blondie anymore. Those are the lucidly eyes of malice that doest belong to him. The transformation was slow and unsteady, he transitioned from a normal human to a violence forming rage and finally a destructive demon. That devil who had taken him over looked so hazardous. but was resistant to attack yet had the strength of many men. Instead, he flyed, leaving everybody to accurately keep an eye on every move he does in the air.
What they didnt expect is that this demon policy was to demolish the roofs on their heads.
All started to to scream in fear, racing out of the gathering room to find the exit of the studio, making a lot squeezing each other at the doorway of the room, everyone holding for dear life, wanting to escape before their doom. Yet when the whole crowd reached the exit, they saw the demon there...flying atop of the door for their way out. The only explaination left is that his wings can fly faster than their feet. Nobody dared to try and walk under the shadow of this destructive demon, his smile made of pure evil, eyes full of sick surge of glee
"Blondie!! Please!! This ISNT You!! I Dont Know what Had Possessed You!! But You have to listen To me!! Joseph Come BACK TO US, JOSEPH PLEASE-"
Everyone including a pleading devastated henry moved back in panic when the ceiling ruins rammed the floor foreground. Trying to gather in a safe space. Expect jeff who tried in full purity to bring back his dear brother to his sane, but getting under or near a demon is never a good idea...jeff friends didnt know whether to decide if he is a good Benefactor or just purely stupid. "HEY BRO! What are you doing up there?! Come one dude!! you have refresh a b-" he was putting his hands togeter like an amplifier. Looking at the demon up there until rob ran to his side and grabbed his arm forcibly before any broken things from everywhere smash them, taking him back to their safe place. "Hey!-" "ARE YOU NUTS?!?" And there in the back of that area, was a normal rough argument from someone to the trumpeter. The staff kept watching every little flip that demon wings do, they are all trapped here, waiting for a good opportunity to come and a way to escape this nightmare, well they better come with a plan instead before their end...but when they heard monroe laughing in the back with malicious glee and triumph, everybody reached with him their full peaks.
"Nothing, i just freed his inner strength, thats all~"
If it wasnt for the fact of how a demon is going to knock them out any second and his massive anxiety for what his partner in terror had became, henry would have wiped monroe face off. But first he have to survive not getting crushed under the wrecks.
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