#morrowind postcards
marcurios-bench · 11 months
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"Are you the one that boat dropped off? Odd to see a boat arrive at that time of the day."
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ty for letting me know about best boy Julan. I had him for only installed for a day but ill die for him. Another excuse to replay morrowind for me.
A thot to share with u, but If you take Julan to a bookstore he actually talks about being made fun of for reading by other ashlanders but enjoying books anyway because he likes to learn. I just imagine Julan secretly reading up some books how to woo outlanders of (insert darlings race) or outlander romance for dummies. trying to hide it from his nerravarine darling. Imagine how tsundere he gets if you accidantly during your travels catch him reading some kama sutra type of book or one of those cliche shirtless fabio books of oh so taboo outlander/ashlander relationships. He totally wasn't reading them because he has a crush!! No way! It's very informative... knowledge..... Yup! Quit raising your eyebrow at him like that! Rahhh! (Is it too late to have those deadra re-summoned to just end his misery already to get him out of this awkward situation???)
He insists it's because he just wanted to see how inaccurate the book's portrayal of Ashlanders is. Look at this stereotypical drivel, why would he ever paint your face in a "mystical Ashlander mate-bonding ceremony?" His people don't have anything like that! And he wouldn't court you by--Well, not you specifically, just anyone he was in love with or had a crush on...
Still...it does seem like a good idea to write your lover a poem with dabs of Telvanni bug musk on it when he reads it to them.
And one night when he's drunk he actually gets the courage to do it, but his poem is like Homer's love postcard to Marge
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Imagine a time displaced Nerevarine getting dropped on the Dragonborn's lap to have zany lesbian advetures with and getting absolutely devastated over the fate of Morrowind as a direct result of most of her actions, her horror at the prospect of all her friends, subordinates, her cat wife, her dumb highwayman boytoy, her great house, her guulds, her velothi tribes, everyone she knew died in a blazing ball of fire, screaming anx alone because she wasn't there to stop it, because it was HER FAULT if it happened...
And then she discovers from the Dragonborn that someone from the third era actually did survive the red year and she's overjoyed that she can finally meet soneone that not everyone died so she travels to Solstheim and with tears in her eyes she discovers...
That the only survivor was Neloth.
"Oh it's you again, 200 years and not even a postcard... Well, what do you want now Thot, you here to smash my jars and play your silly trumpet badly again?"
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wintersongstress · 4 years
10 Questions Tag
I was tagged by two people to do this tag, and I will happily oblige them 😊 The rules are to answer ten questions, and then come up with ten new ones for the people you tag to answer. 
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My questions for ya'll:
What was the worst book you had to read for school?
What is something on your bucket list?
What is one of your most embarrassing moments? 
Do you like wearing makeup? If so, what’s one of your favorite products?
Recommend a game :)<>
What do you keep on your bedside table?
What’s your feel-good movie?
What’s the last place you traveled to? 
Have you ever broken a bone?
Are you related to anyone famous?
tagging (only if you’re interested!): @shallow-gravy​ // @mechecolomar​​ // @hindarsfjall​ // @little-box-of-flower-pots // @cclkestis​​ // @the-bluest-hour​​ // @arasaka-s​​ // @a-shakespearean-in-paris // @ghostlybai​ // @anyone who wants to!  
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@porkchop-ao3​‘s questions:
What’s your favorite game of all time?
That is such a loaded question! I don’t think I can answer this definitively because there are so many different factors and aspects to consider, but the game that probably left the biggest impression on my life was The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. It made me fall in love with open worlds and the story-telling potential of the medium.
      2. How would you describe your fashion style?
Lately its just been sweatpants 😂. But I don’t know how to accurately describe it. A lot of high-waisted jeans and I wear Blundstones all of the time. I mostly shop on asos so my closet is a mix of romantic, vintage, and uk streetwear. 
      3. Favorite kind of candy?
I don’t really eat candy, but I am a slut for chocolate and caramel. Twix bars, Kit Kats, Ghirardhelli squares, I’m not picky!
      4. What’s something that always cheers you up?
If I’m in a bad mental place, I often reach out to my friends. Otherwise, my cat 🥺 Sokolov is so sweet and very perceptive to my moods. He knows when I’m sad and will give me a nudge when I need it. 
      5. What was/is your favorite subject at school?
Computer Science and English. The creative side of me is naturally good at English, but I can’t deny that my brain likes the challenges and problem solving computer science provides. 
      6. Name a place you’d love to visit one day.
Hawaii 😭 it’s so expensive, but I’d love to do a cruise. 
      7. If you could live in any fictional world, what would it be and why?
Not to be a nerd, but... I think the star wars universe would be pretty awesome. There’s so many different worlds with colorful cultures and characters.
      8. If you could make any fictional character real and have them be your friend, who’d it be and why?
Paravati Holcomb from The Outer Worlds because she’s precious. 
      9. What’s your favorite song?
It changes daily, but I can say that Lana Del Rey is one of my favorite artists and one of my favorite songs by her is Off to the Races👀
    10. Do you collect anything?
Movie ticket stubs, postcards, fortunes from fortune cookies, sand from different beaches, pretty feathers. 
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@oblwans​‘s questions: 
Do you have a favorite song at the moment? What is it?
your teeth in my neck — kali uchis
      2. What was your favorite food growing up? What is it now?
I used to eat so baddd when I was a kid. Cosmic brownies, those soft frosted sugar cookies, I loved sweet shit and my teeth paid the consequences 😂. I’ve calmed down since then, but ice cream will always be my favorite🥰
      3. What’s your favorite board game?
That is a good question. Masterpiece is a really fun game where you buy and sell paintings that only you know the value of. Codenames is a great party game too. 
      4. Are you a coffee person or a tea person?
Definitely tea. It’s my coping mechanism to relieve anxiety and stress; it always calms me. 
      5. Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
I’m pretty introverted. I don’t mind being social, but I look forward to my alone time. 
      6. What was/is your favorite subject in school?
Answered this in #5 above 😁
      7. Where would your dream vacation be?
Roadtrip to Utah 🤠, that state is so beautiful and there’s so many national parks out there that look absolutely breathtaking. Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Arches, Goblin Valley, Dead Horse Point, I could go on. And there’s even more to see in Arizona and Southern California. I just love the desert 🧡
      8. What’s the most complicated thing you’ve ever tried to cook? How’d it go?
I made this coconut chick pea curry with black rice and toasted coconut flakes and it actually turned out pretty good!
      9. If you could wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
Veridian is a lovely color that has a very rich jewel tone. I’d love to wear more of it. 
      10. If you were to open your own store, what would you sell?
Oh, to be a humble whittler and carve birds and woodburnings, selling them in a rustic cabin of a store. That would be a peaceful life indeed. 
Thank you both so much for tagging me ♥ Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there🤗
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Azhklan’s abodes
Player: @azhklan
House: The Ebony Flask Inn Room, Mara's Kiss Public House, Saint Delyn Penthouse
“Mara's Kiss Private Tea Room:  Mara's Kiss is the smallest house in-game, but size doesn't matter. I turned the place into a cozy little tea room where you can retreat with a friend. Delicious snacks, hot tea and nobody to overhear or bother you! St. Delyn City Suite: A complete suite for the enterprising visitor or pilgrim to Vivec City. Copious amounts of storage for your luggage and your souvenirs and a writing desk to send out postcards to your friends. The Ebony Flask Inn Room: The Ebony Flask is a most peculiar tavern, catering to many different tastes. What would a room inside look like? Well, probably with lots of cushions, some skooma and a small shrine to lord Vivec. After all, as a book in game says: 'You'll find it all in Morrowind.”
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tastesoftamriel · 7 years
A shortcut (a long tale by Talviel)
Morndas, 12th of Sun’s Dawn, 4E 208. After my brief trip to Soltsheim and Blacklight with Lisandre, I immediately set west to uncover the territory I had left behind the year before. I had managed to cover Hammerfell’s main towns and cities, albeit briefly, and decided that I would spend some time in High Rock first instead of backtracking. It would take me over a month if I were to cross Skyrim into Jehanna or Evermore, which was the most straightforward route. However, I was disgruntled by the prospect of crossing Skyrim again, and the potential delays that would occur when word of my return would inevitably spread. There would have to be a quicker, more experimental way to travel, that I had gotten ideas from after spending time around the Dunmer. It wasn’t necessarily a good idea, but I was never good at coming up with those to begin with.
I picked Roach up from the Windhelm stables, who had done a good job of keeping her warm and fed while I was away. She grunted as I saddled her up, annoyed to be disturbed from her comfortable winter’s rest. Pulling my hood up against the snow falling in relentless whirls from the sky, I guided us on the day and a half journey north to the College of Winterhold. During the Dragon Crisis, I had received a message from the College pleading for my help in dispatching a Thalmor mage who had tried to infiltrate them and harness the power of an artifact called the Eye of Magnus. Having no magical aptitude beyond the Thu'um, I managed to take him down with a fair bit of shouting that left me winded for days after. I never stuck around to figure out what had happened after that, as I was too concerned with dragons and never had much of a care for learning magic to begin with. This was my first time coming back to Winterhold since then, and I was expecting a confused welcome.
Indeed, Tolfdir, the Master Wizard, looked puzzled when I trotted up to the main gate of the College. “Greetings, Dragonborn. What brings you to us? Have you finally decided to give magic a try after your little trial with that horrible Eye of Magnus incident?” He asked, helping me to dismount. “Greetings, Tolfdir. I suppose I am going to try my hand out at magic, in a way of sorts. But it’s your assistance I’ll be needing, because I don’t think turning myself and my horse inside out on your porch is the best idea since the only thing I’m capable of is the Candlelight spell.” The old mage raised an eyebrow. “Yes, turning yourself inside out would be quite a loss for all of Skyrim, but I don’t quite see how or why you would be doing that. What help do you need, my friend?” I rummaged through my satchel and pulled out a small but hefty tome that I had haggled out of a merchant in the Blacklight markets, and handed it to Tolfdir. His face lit up as he flicked through the pages. “Fantastic! A real Telvanni wizard’s spellbook! This will be an invaluable asset to the College and I’m sure Urag Gro-Shub would be delighted to add this to the library. But I’m guessing that this is payment for what you need.” “Please, Tolfdir, call it a favour. I know you also worship Talos so that makes at least two of us in Winterhold who are glad that Skyrim is free from one less Thalmor agent. I just came back from Morrowind and am in a bit of a rush to get to High Rock, and I hear that there’s a teleportation spell that can get me there in the blink of an eye. If you could do that for me, I’d be most grateful and the book is all yours.”
Tolfdir looked thoughtful. “Well, that is indeed an unusual request. Teleportation is definitely possible, but you’ll need to convince the Arch Mage, not me. It’s used strictly to go between the Synods and for private use by some houses across Tamriel, and as far as I know nobody but the most senior members are allowed to use it as it is a most volatile spell indeed. For those unaccustomed to teleportation, I’ve heard that at the very least you’ll be nauseous for a while and at worst you’ll disappear without a trace off the face of Nirn altogether! As much as it may disappoint you to hear, spending a few weeks in the saddle would be far preferable to any of the consequences that may await you should you wish to attempt to travel that way, but ultimately it is up to the Arch Mage to decide. Which, come to think of it, shows that you’re far more cunning than you present yourself to be, Dragonborn, since I’m sure that you’ve actually come with this Telvanni tome as a bribe of sorts.” He grinned. Brelyna Maryon, who had gone from being a star pupil to the Arch Mage of the College, was said to be a descendant of House Telvanni. “Alright, come on, I’ll bring you upstairs.”
Brelyna was in her chambers, engrossed in a large book written in a strange script I didn’t recognise. She didn’t lift her head when we walked in, and Tolfdir and I stood in awkward silence as she finished scanning a paragraph. Finally, she sighed and stood up, and jumped to attention when she saw me. “Goodness, Talviel of Riften! What a surprise and an honour! What brings you to us today?” We exchanged pleasantries, and I elbowed Tolfdir to explain my mad plan as his standing as Master Wizard would be far more persuasive than I, an outsider. When he was done talking, Brelyna stood there looking shell-shocked.
“Well, this is certainly the highlight of my day, Dragonborn. As you know, the College of Winterhold is an independent organisation and we haven’t used a teleportation spell in who knows how long. Are you sure you want to risk this? I can certainly attempt the spell, but I won’t be held responsible if something goes wrong.” “I’m all for an adventure, Brelyna. And so is Roach.” “Roach?! You mean for me to teleport your horse as well?” “Think of it as practice. And here’s something for your troubles, of course.” I shrugged, and handed her the Telvanni spellbook. She eagerly grabbed it from my hands, but looked worried. “This isn’t about the payment, Dragonborn. This is about the risk, and I’m not sure if I, or anyone else for that matter, should be attempting this. It’s seriously advanced magic and definitely dangerous. Remember the time I turned you green, and then into a cow and a horse and a dog? I really wish you’d just get on that horse and head west the conventional way. In fact, why don’t you just summon a dragon to fly you over instead?” “Come on, this will be fun! You can even gather the students to watch this as a demonstration!” I cajoled her, hoping to change her mind because by now I was looking forward to this to the point that I could practically hear Brynjolf swearing at me in the back of my mind.
Within an hour, I stood in the main courtyard with Roach next to Brelyna and Tolfdir, surrounded by excited pupils and lecturers alike. The air was steamy with the chatter of people eager to see the Arch Mage perform one of the most legendary spells around, especially on the clearly insane Dragonborn who had convinced her to do this in the first place. Brelyna raised her hands for silence, and a hush fell over the crowd. “Now, I’m going to say this once: this is a highly advanced spell that has not been practiced in Skyrim in at least a century or more. I am grateful that Talviel here has placed her trust in me, but until I can rest on the knowledge that this experiment has gone safely and successfully, nobody, including myself, is permitted to attempt this. Breaking this rule will result in swift disciplinary action, which can include dismissal from the College altogether. Are we clear?” Nods rippled through the crowd, and Brelyna sighed, raising her arms into the air, her gloved hands shimmering faintly. “Alright, here goes nothing. Everyone please stand back.” The air crackled with magical energy, and a loud roar shook the courtyard as she brought her arms down, casting the spell onto the ground. A large portal had opened in front of us, rippling blue with nothing but blackness beyond. Roach whinnied with alarm and I calmed her with Kyne’s Peace, though I felt jittery enough to puke myself.
I took the reins and stepped towards the portal, all eyes fixed on me. “Well, if this goes well you all should receive a postcard from me when I get to Shornhelm!” I joked, hoping to mask the quavering in my voice. “Talos be with you, Dragonborn.” Tolfdir said, clapping me on the shoulder. I nodded, my hand unconsciously going to the amulet around my neck. “Thanks, Brelyna. I’ll let you know when I arrive in High Rock.” “I still think you’re absolutely mad, but I applaud your bravery and dedication to the practice of magic. Safe travels, Talviel.” Taking a deep breath to steel myself, I jumped into the saddle and spurred Roach on into the whirling black mass ahead, feeling a hot wind pull us into its depths. I winced- it reminded me of getting pulled into Apocrypha by Hermaeus Mora’s slimy tentacles. Slowly, the roaring subsided, and we stepped out into daylight. Success! The spell had worked! Sort of.
Before I even had the chance to glance around, Roach reared and kicked me from the saddle, dashing off. This alone was a problem, but for me, it was a lot worse. The portal had opened directly onto the lip of a cliff, and the only way forward was down. Screaming and grabbing at thin air, I cursed myself and the portal and hoped that death would be quick and painless. Luckily for me, death was not on the menu that day. Unluckily, the fall was not painless. I plummeted right into the cold open ocean, hurting from the slap of the water and spluttering from the sting of salt in my eyes and mouth. I forced myself to calm down, treading water and trying to gain my bearings. Behind me was the craggy rock of the cliff I had taken my dive from, and on all three sides there was nothing but blue sky and rolling waves. Not a boat in sight, nor any indication as to where I’d been dropped. “I hate portals.” I muttered, swimming my way towards the cliff and following it along its edge in the hopes that it would lead me to dry land.
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hollandeiram · 7 years
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myrina enjoyed her trip to morrowind, and made sure to send some postcards back to the guild~
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marcurios-bench · 11 months
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The forest outside Vivec is totally picnic-worthy.
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thedisc0panda · 2 years
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Almost time for a Valentine’s sale! I’ve also added a few Valentine’s Day themed listings including postcard sets. It will run the 7th though the 15th at midnight. Get 15% off your order and give your loved ones some cute nerdy art ❤️ #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdecor #etsystickers #bulletjournalspread #stickers #fantasyart #bulletjournal #pastelart #gamingart #kawaii #digitalart #theelderscrolls #copicmarkers #thewitcher3wildhunt #bujo #kawaiiart #laptopstickers #stationary #procreateart #cuteart #thehobbit #morrowind #etsyart #etsystickershop #valentinesgiftsforhim #valentinesgiftsforher #etsytshirts #etsysale #commissionsopen #etsy (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZpnAnjpifg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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