#mortus draws
mortus-ch · 9 months
Fruit Punch Week Day I: Flowers
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from teammates and friends to queer-platonic partners, follow the Star Sanses as their love slowly blooms to be something a little more than platonic, but not romantic in nature. including all of the stereotypical hyjinks and chaos that is ever-present around these silly little skele boys.
aka: it's Fruit Punch Week, so enjoy these vaguly connected drabbles with lots of fluff, chaos, and humour with a side of drama and queer-platonic love (and only a lot of hurt/comfort and angst) . all of it staring our favorite trio: the Star Sanses. (pun vaguely intended). some of these will have drawings/doodles with them.
Fruit Punch Week by @starsanspolyweek (@annaraebananawriter )
Ink Sans by @comyet
Swap Sans by Au Community
Dream Sans by @jokublog
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rodentbrains · 1 year
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finally managed to do a half-way decent drawing of yana and immediately had to use it for a a lil character sheet 
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kashacreates · 2 years
Happy STS!
For the whole main cast in whatever WIP you want: The animal lover of your OCs enters with a box full of stray puppies, all of which they want to keep. How do the other characters react?
Happy STS!
Mortus ends up in a very similar situation, but instead of puppies it's baby Athers (think cat-sized dragon snakes). He saves a whole litter of them from the outer regions of the Hirudian star system.
At this point in the story, he's a part of a gang of mercenaries and smugglers in the Black Markets. His job is mostly to be the muscle and collecting scraps from the outer regions since his ship can withstand the dangers (unlike most other ships).
But he's a big nerd with even bigger hearts who sees the snakes as actual fire-breathing dragons in need of protection.
He's convinced to give up the Athers by his boss. His boss basically tells him that he can't take care of the snakes because he's big, poor, and stupid and that this exceedingly rich human merchant has all of the smarts and resources to ensure the dragons grow up proper.
Mortus gives them up and immediately regrets it. He's a pacifist, so going in and wrecking things is morally off-the-table. So he tries going to exceedingly rich human merchant's ship to negotiate and finds that the Athers have been sold off.
It kind of sparks his chase through the system after these babies. While trying not to hurt anybody. (I should probably add that Mortus is a 13ft tall and weighs multiple tons)
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crownedcrowrow · 1 year
If you're looking for things to do drawing-wise with the 03 turts, may I suggest
-send them on a vacation (they need it (cuz of the trauma))
-exploring the world outside new york! Where dya think theyd like to go?
-all of them getting soft hugs from one another (bc of the trauma again...or maybe just fluff)
-interacting with minor characters from the show like Sydney/ Angel/ Mortu / Leatherhead etc
Hugs :)
Taking the rest and putting them in my pocket for a rainy day, thank you!!
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voddiesk · 2 months
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Llewellyn draws from 2019, based on choir dress & candle themes 🕯️
lil rp design crossovers (MAGE x vas mortus) that weren't posted here. Felt nostalgic for this sort of creative exercise 😊 [past [1][2][3]
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rainafusonsart · 5 months
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My friend @fruitnoot made some art of my DND character Rick R. Mortus! Ahhhhhh! I love it sooo much! Thanks Bestie you awesome!
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This is the little bit of art I could find that I drew for him. I really should draw him more. I made him before I knew anything about Undertale so when I said my new DND character was going to be a skeleton that liked to make bone themed puns and had blue eye lights they kept comparing him to Sans and making Undertale references which would eventually lead me to playing the game to understand. Now I've been consumed by the fandom lol.
I made this character for The Curse of Strahd. He is a Vistani trapped in Barovia after making a bad deal with Strahd that turned him undead and left him no longer able to escape the fog barrier to other lands. He's currently acting as a guide for the party but because I've been rolling terrible history checks and my memory in generally is bad it's basically become canon that he has long and short term memory loss. My poor boy is trying so hard to be a good guide but can't remember jack shit about the land he's been trapped in for the past century🤣😂😭😭😭 We just freed the winery and defeated the vampire tree though so were going on strong! Hopefull Rick will remember that lol.
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Also Astarion approves this message.
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tench · 1 year
For the ask game 5 and 11?
5. Anything you haven’t drawn yet but want to?
I have two answers to this question: one is more serious than the other. The more frivolous one is all the tmnt 2003 fanart I have in my head (and I am still hoping to get through the most famous iterations to draw an epic Splinter-centric crossover. Also Mortu pin-up is a must). And the serious one is: my own graphic novel.
It's like inside me there are two wolves. One is a little gay fandom gremlin and the other is heavily inspired by european comics. And I am still desperately trying to find the balance
11. Favorite comment you’ve ever recieved on your work?
Once I did a challenge, where I daily drew shipping pictures of that one pairing from Borderlands. And there was one person who was leaving the longest and most heartfelt comments in the tags. Every day.
My second favourite one is when a person who used to work on tmnt property congratulated me on Splinter/Draxum "becoming canon"
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Harrow the Ninth, Chapter 21
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For detail on The Locked Tomb coverage and the index, read this one!)
(Slashed Sixth House icon) In which I get very sad at a reminder.
Rain and fog invade Canaan House. Harrow at first trusts her hood and veil to keep her dry, but soon it becomes nearly impossible to dry what becomes wet. She is resigned to accepting Ortus trailing her at all times, holding one of the ancient umbrellas Teacher and the priests unearthed. The rain going PLUT gives Harrow's hallucinated symphony of voices a "fertile ground" in which to grow more noticeable and annoy her. A new background wail sounds "for all the world like the mewling of a newborn baby."(1)
Teacher says it's months too early for the rain, "And this fog … I guess I might as well die," he adds.(2) Harrow finds this jest in poor taste, after the second round of deaths.
Camilla and Pal now lay dead,(3) their faces obliterated by gunshots, their bodies identifiable only by context clues. Flesh magicians to examine the remains are hard to find. The Tridentarius twins have been making themselves so scarce, Harrow struggles to remember when she last saw one. So it is that Dulcinea Septimus(4) has to identify the body of the man who invented the pulmonary drain making her breathe a little easier than she looks like she ought, and his cav.
"Dulcie" establishes their identities and that it was probably the same assailant that killed Judith. Ortus suggests that the Sleeper should have been called the "Waker" instead,(5) and asks what they can do against such a foe. Dulcinea suggests they should fight the Sleeper. Her cav, Protesilaus, agrees, saying they should muster the cavaliers. Better to die facing the enemy than overtaken like the Sixth.
Then this bronze statue cleared his throat, and added: "I held to the faith of my fallible flesh; Why should I think of the irradiating star?"
Harrow turns to Nigenad and finds him looking offended and disturbed. He disagrees, but Magnus steps in. He says Nigenad is "too good a man to roll over and wait for another death"(6) and tells Pro that they should get everyone present on board with the action before they try to open the unopenable box of the coffin. Harrow suggests that Dulcie should stay out of it, in her obviously ill condition, but Dulcie insists she's felt better since she arrived. Pro quotes more poetry, cautioning against mistaking "the thaw for the spring", and Harrow wonders how Ortus must feel, having "his only cultivated persionality trait co-opted by someone who looked like the hero of his very own epics."
They bustle to arrange the bodies and summon the others. Dulcinea wheels her chair over to Abigail and asks if this is how it happens.(7) Abigail says no, and Dulcie asks if it gets better than this.
Harrow picks up a piece of crumpled flimsy that was in a corpse's pocket. Nigenad tries to stop her reading it, but she snaps at him to mind his place and sweeps out into the corridor to read it alone. It bears another strange message, which I will again not all-caps though the book does:
Him I'll kill quick because she asked me to and because that much he honestly deserves but you two mummified wizard shits(8) I will burn and burn and burn and burn until there is no trace of you left in the shadow of my long-lost natal sun(9)
Nigenad, unprompted from behind her, describes that the flimsy contains a drawing of a stylized letter S.(10) He asks if Harrow would expect him to seek her commands if the Sleeper comes for him, and she asks if he plans to do anything but lay down and die. He says his father died for nothing more than that her parents told him to, and she realizes that Ortus knew the whole time that Mortus died at her parents' command. Before she can say anything more, a gust of wind sends a wave of water in the window nearby, bringing with it a pile of rusted pipette needles.(11)
(1) I don't recall Harrow having had this symphony of ghosts in her head in other POVs. Is the baby just an interpretation of the rain, or something else? (2) Meme reference to the old man in a red shirt, shrugging, captioned "Guess I'll die" (3) Hmm… but Harrow believes that Cam and Pal died in the Canaan House she attended with Ortus, why did Harrow not remember that when she read the note on the letter to give to Cam if she sees her? Or were her memories just still reforming and recovering at the time? Also, this is the very sad bit for me. I miss Pal and Cam! They're fun to be around. And we know Pal went kaboom trying to take out Cyth, but… whatever DID happen to Cam? She was there with Harrow when Cyth went down… and then she wasn't. (4) The real Dulcinea, or Cyth again? This one does seem to have a proper live cavalier, and I can say we never saw Cyth accept "Dulcie" as a nickname in book 1. (5) I mean, he has a point. It does only cause damage when it wakes. (6) Huh… Wait for another death? (7) There's that question again. (8) What a weird thing to say, even in a weird hallucination. Though, "mummified wizard" isn't a completely inaccurate description of a Lyctor. (9) So, someone or their ancestors lost their home solar system a long time ago. (10) The Stussy S/Cool S. (11) Something about the specificity feels like it carries meaning, doesn't it?
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Do you want a hug, Sal?
*offers to hug*
It's been feast and famine in that department for the last couple weeks... I'd say I'm officially hug-deficient at this point, so yeah, I will definitely take you up on the offer, Meadow. You guys know how I like it....
[hugs at 44%]
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.... yeaaahhh, I'm sure that tastes great, but I am not touching spaghetti for at least a few decades after this...
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Heh, these sure would have come in handy yesterday... though then me and Mitchie wouldn't have taken that bath together.... I think it was for the best. Teaching them what bubbles were and seeing them play in the suds was really something... 💙
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I'll put this on the nightstand near their... bed. Heh, I'm sure they would have gotten a kick out of having a pocket-sized singing friend of their own.... probably would have carried it around with them, just like I did with them before they could move on their own...
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A little late on the draw... I didn't really expect anything weird to happen this time around, so I didn't ask. Well, It's all in hindsight, right? I'm sure if we would have had them up yesterday, it would have been like when I was with Mitch(2), anyway- one frame, we're sleeping peacefully in bed, and then next... we're not. It explains why I didn't hear Mitchie(4) get up and go to the kitchen last night...
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Thanks for all of this, Meadow. There's soap and nail clippers and stuff lying around the house, but I was kind of busy today, and I don't want to use any more of the guys' stuff... even if it's not really their stuff...
I'll definitely feel a lot better after I clean myself up a little.
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Hehe, I can't help but imagine them smashing that piece of eggs on toast against their face... 'chirp, chirp! Yum, delicious! Thank you for the gift!' [laughing] I can almost hear them....
... Or...
You don't think...
Oh shit... you're right. When I was with Mitch(1), I was so mangled I couldn't move, and when I was with Mitch(3), I had rigor mortus or was too rotted to move, but I was still conscious both those times...!
Fuck. Fuck, Meadow..... I put that plushie in the coffin with Mitch(4)s remains earlier, right? I thought it had sunk in, but... you don't think it was pulled in, do you...? They can't be... hugging it...
Oh shit. Oh shit.... But how do I...?
[L.S.S. pours Hot Chocolate into the Coffin]
[A bubble forms in the hot chocolate]..... [A bubble forms in the hot chocolate] ..... [A bubble forms in the hot chocolate] [A bubble forms in the hot chocolate] [A bubble forms in the hot chocolate]...
[bubbles popping to the tune of Daisy Bell]
Holy shit..... Mitchie...?!
[bubbles popping to the tune of Daisy Bell]
Okay... okay.... uh... I'm grabbing my guitar. It's officially unorthodox sing-along time until I fall asleep sitting up...
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The monkeys paw does it again!! Not what any of us expected, but I'll take it!
[bubbles popping to the tune of Daisy Bell]
Woah, hold on there, Mitchie, this is a duet, you know... [laughing]
Alright guys, I'm gonna spend some quality time with Mitchie(4) while I still can. Thanks for keeping me company through all this. I'll talk to you tomorrow... however it turns out.
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grymmarts · 2 years
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Drawing disaster wizards gearing up to do disasters is tough sometimes. But ultimately satisfying.
First three ConQuest of the Aerolith-Mortus can be found at https://grymmarts.com/
Roughs for page four are now up for Patrons.
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badcherub · 10 months
bought my husband lunch so he could draw me lovin all over rick from rich mortus show 👽👾
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mortus-ch · 9 months
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take an Ink doodle dump
Ink Sans by @comyet
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grymm · 1 year
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ConQuest of the Aerolith-Mortus: Bad Times in the Borderlands Page 6.
I am so happy to finally get to the introduction of Monti. They’ve evolved so much in the past few years and I can’t wait to draw them over and over and over again.
Check out the previous pages, bios, notes, and more at GrymmArts.com
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artblooger19moon · 2 years
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MORTUS [ Kuroi Sekai Akuma ]
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maquinafantasma · 4 years
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Those sad black wings #death #mortus #sketch #wip #pencil #pencilart #sadwingsofdestiny #dead #ghostofdeath #illustration #drawing #desenho #maquinafantasma #walterpax (em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7UncMfgOdP/?igshid=1rhbh39bp84r7
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My MOGAI headcanons for Brook from the webcomic I'm The Grim Reaper because all the requests blogs were busy. Flags from left to right are: aroace, contreogender, muphridian, duragenderless, genderunique, aporagender, mogaihypic, cloudgender, rabbitgender, vulturehoarder, mortugender, lykh, corpsegender, bloodgender, zanggender, tentiagender, gendersanghe.
Definitions and reasoning under the cut!
Contreogender: A gender for someone who (generally speaking) believes society's attitude surrounding gender/gender roles is harmful and believes gender should not be so important. This belief leads them to not pay much attention to their own gender/only share their gender if absolutely necessary/only tell close friends about their gender. [Listen. Listen. Brook is over a century old. You think he gives a fuck about gender roles? At some point in time he probably had long hair, and there were probably a few people who assumed he was a woman, at which he probably realized that Gender Isn't Real.]
Muphridian: being man/masc-aligned, AGIN-aligned, and xeno-aligned. [Sums up his experience with gender pretty nicely. He doesn't really care about it, but he was born a man so he feels some connection to it, but his experience is beyond society's traditional understanding of gender.]
Duragenderless: when your gender is always partially agender. [As I said, Brook doesn't care that much about gender. In a way, this makes any gender he experiences sort of muted by his apathy. He perceives this as a small dose of genderlessness.]
Genderunique: a very personal, unique and interpretative gender that cannot be described using existing terminology. [Exactly what it says on the tin. Brook is so old and has been through so much that at this point they're probably the only person on Earth with their particular experience of gender. They sort of shrug it off when asked if they're a man or a woman, and says "I'm a reaper" or "I'm me".]
Aporagender: a strongly gendered feeling that is not male, female, or inbetween. [This kinda goes hand in hand with Brook's genderuniqueness. Not male, not female, something other and entirely separate. May or may not be related to the disconnect they feel from humanity as a whole.]
Mogaihypic: when your gender is affected by your hyperfixation on MOGAI. [Hear me out... what if Brook had ADHD? As anyone with ADHD will tell you, boredom is excruciating. It's even worse when you're immortal and have nothing but time on your hands. Brook hyperfixates on gender and hyperfixates on it hard, to the point that they hoard labels and probably run a (not very popular) MOGAI blog.]
Cloudgender: a gender which can’t be fully realized or seen clearly due to depersonalization/ derealization disorder. this gender is only for the use of neurodivergent people. [I headcanon Brook as having some sort of dissociative disorder due to trauma and the fact that she's over a century old, a timespan the human brain isn't really built to comprehend. Her dissociation makes it difficult to introspect and leaves gaps in her memory, which affects her view of herself and by extension, her gender.]
Rabbitgender: a subset of bungender for when one feels their connection to bunnies is not soft or cute, but rather feral, skittish, and territorial. [Need I explain? Brook feels a deep connection to rabbits because they're her demon, the thing she's spent decades caging and training and restraining, the thing she knows better than she knows herself. Of course she doesn't view them as anything resembling soft; how could she?]
Vulturehoarder: when you hoard AGIN and death-related genders. [Brook is dead. Xe's dead. It affects every part of xyr life; why not xyr gender? As this is pretty much the reasoning behind every gender after this, I won't be expanding further on those.]
Mortugender: a gender / gender addition that has strong ties to or relates to death in a deep way. The prefix mortu- is added to a gender when said gender becomes stronger in the presence or feeling of death. Coined with people with Cotard’s Syndrome in mind, but isn’t exclusive.  
Lykh: A xenogender characterized by supernatural vigor and a sense of disembodiment. Someone who identifies as a lykh might feel like their gender exists in spite of or apart from their earthly existence. Synesthetically, this gender feels undead, incorporeal and/or extradimensional, like a conspicuous absence. 
Corpsegender: A xenogender / kingender relating to one’s undeath. One’s gender perception is altered by the fact that they are undead, their gender might be muddled or weak but not necessarily. Some examples of “undead” can be zombies, vampires, ghosts, etc.
Bloodgender: A gender that is shrouded in confusion because of an overwhelming feeling of animalistic rage and feralness. This gender has a lot to do with frenzied confusion, anger, and visuals of gore and violence.
Zanggender: A gender based off or related to the "zannie" unnatural (Kovit in particular) from the book series Market of Monsters by Rebecca Schaeffer (or the Webtoon adaption 'Not Even Bones'), and/or a gender that draws energy from others' pain/violence. May or may not feel malevolent and/or related to blood. From the French word 'sang', meaning blood.
Tentiagender: A gender based off of or related to Nita's (main character of Market of Monsters by Rebecca Schaeffer) ability to control bodily functions, and/or a gender that feels made of many parts, each of which can be controlled through concentration, but is draining to control. From the Latin word 'potentia', meaning power/force.
Gendersanghe: a gender that feels thick, sometimes dangerous, iron-like, and related to blood. It can be connected to winter, darkness, and death.
I also headcanon xem as sepulcherine/ morguegender but I couldn't find a flag for that!
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