#moty levi
storyofmychoices · 6 months
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Flickers of Hope
[Levi Schuler x Laura Day Masterlist]
Characters: Levi Schuler, Lily Day (daughter) Book: Mother of the Year [Levi x F!MC] Rating/Warnings: General, no warnings but mentions of the war Word Count: >700 Tagging: Hannukah / Holiday for @choicesdecember2023; @choicesholidays ; @choicesficwriterscreations
Synopsis: Levi and Lily celebrate Hanukkah, despite some reluctance.
I can't thank the incredible ArtByAinna (IG) enough for this heartfelt and beautiful art.
A/N: Last year, I decided to get art of Levi for Hanukkah, but with everything happening, it felt disingenuous for Levi to celebrate cheerfully this year. I don't feel he is that kind of person. To me, he is someone who would despise what is going on and have deep empathy for all suffering. So I was grateful to Ainna for working with me to make a Hanukkah piece that while they're still celebrating, they're doing so with a heavy heart. I hope the fic shows this as well.
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As she let herself in from school, Lily moved through the familiar rooms of their home with purpose. She glanced around the usual spot where the menorah stood proudly in anticipation of Hanukkah’s arrival, but it wasn’t there. Her brow furrowed in confusion. She had noticed its absences in the previous days leading up to today, but she reasoned that perhaps Levi had decided to keep it tucked away to keep the menorah safe from her younger brother Lucas, whose curious hands tended to explore anything within reach. But, today was the start of Hanukkah, and the menorah was still not on display. Sunset would be approaching soon. 
Lily carefully went through the closet, sifting through a few boxes before finding the right one. Her fingertips brushed over the cool metal menorah as she delicately pulled it from its container. With tender care, Lily placed the menorah on the table near a big window. This way, all could see its light.
With the menorah finally set, Lily gleefully sought out Levi, her steps brimming with excitement to showcase her efforts. "I found something you seemed to have forgotten!" She smiled, nudging his attention toward the menorah. "But don't worry, I know Lucas's terrible twos are keeping everyone busy, so I got you covered, Dad." 
Levi managed a half-hearted smile. "I didn't forget. I was thinking about skipping this year."
"Skipping it? Hanukkah?" Lily's voice raised with curious concern. "Why would you do that?"
"It's really only a minor religious holiday—" His hand rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Besides the latkes... it's not as important as some of the other days. And with Lucas... and Christmas..." 
His words trailed away. He knew none of the reasons he rambled off had anything to do with the true reason he was hesitant to celebrate this year. His heart broke for those caught in the ongoing fighting taking place. He felt guilty celebrating with all that was going on when so much had been lost, and so many lives had been taken. There were no victors in war, only losses. And the toll this war had already taken was too much. He mourned the unnecessary bloodshed and the lives that were forever changed. He didn't know how lighting a candle was going to help anyone.
Her small hand slipped into his, offering a gentle squeeze. She knew without needing to hear it. She had seen his pain over the past several weeks. The horrors the news showed. "Maybe now is exactly the time to celebrate Hanukkah," Lily offered softly, her eyes meeting his with bright compassion. "Didn't you once tell me Hanukkah was about light triumphing over darkness and about spreading hope? I think the world could use a little more hope, especially right now. Don't you?"
He wrapped his arm lovingly around his daughter. He knew she was the most brilliant child he had ever met, and yet she still surprised him. Her kindness, empathy, and, most of all, hope for a brighter tomorrow were something the world could do with a little more of.
He swallowed hard, holding back the tears that threatened to form in his eyes. "I think you might be right, Rocket."
"I usually am," she teased, hugging him back. "We can do it together."
"I wouldn't want it any other way."
Once the sun set beyond the horizon, Lily placed the first of the candles in its holder. Together, she and Levi recited the first two Hanukkah blessings. As Lily held the shamash candle, Levi carefully lit it. Together, they gently guided the helper candle to light the candle all the way to the right on the menorah and recited the third blessing. A somber tone filled their voices, knowing that while they were thanking God for keeping them alive and sustained, that sentiment couldn't be shared by all. They added their own fourth blessing: a prayer, a hope for peace for those living in turmoil.
Levi held his daughter lovingly in his arms as they watched the flickering flames of two small candles cast light around them. Even though they were only two, they still had the power to make a difference, and tonight they would focus on that. They would hope for better days and cherish what they had for as long as they could, vowing to carry the flame of hope with them through any darkness yet to come.
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you found this to be a good representation of Levi and what he might be experiencing and feeling at this time!
Happy Hanukkah to all those who are celebrating!
(oh, and I finally named Levi and Laura's son Lucas, keeping with the L theme!)
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the-unconquered-queen · 6 months
*Examples of books in which you can tell there is a main LI:
Bloodbound - Adrian
Bachelorette Party - Aisha
Foreign Affairs - Blaine
Open Heart - Ethan (practically canonized in WEH)
The Haunting of Braidwood Manor - Eleanor
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vi-writes-stuff · 2 years
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tayab12 · 2 years
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I miss him so much 😭
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onmarswesail · 9 months
Choices's characters MBTI
Random characters MBTIs, according to myself
MOTY crew: MC - ESTP, Thomas - ISFJ, Levi - ISFP, Eiko - INTP
TRR gang: MC - ESFP, Liam - ESFJ, Drake - ISFP, Hana - ISFJ, Maxwell - ENFP
BOLAS party: Tyril - INTJ, Mal - ESTP, Nia - ISFJ, MC - ESFP (?)
COP squad: MC - ISTJ, Trystan - ESFP, Ruby - INTP, Luke - INTJ (?)
Guinevere crew: Arthur - ENFJ, Lancelot - ESTP, MC - INFP
TCH: MC - INFP, Kieran - INTJ
TPA team: MC - ESTP, Agent Gray - ISTJ, Vivian - ENTP, The Architect - ENTJ, Rowan - ISTP (?)
LOA gang: MC - ENTP, Ainslinn - INFJ, Gabe - INTJ
Do you agree? Tell me what you think!
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princepotatosack · 1 year
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here is my character sheet for my mother of the year mc!!
notes below :-)
on my first playthrough of the book i didnt romance anyone cause i was diamond mining oopsie but then i saw peoples screenshots of the levi route and i thought it was so cute!! so 2nd playthrough was the levi playthrough <3
i forgot where i got "seacrest heights" from i think the mc says it at one point in reference to like a different school? idk. also idk if they ever say where the book takes place, i'm assuming generally east coast united states?? i actually had to do a little bit of research on bougie private schools in new york for a play i was doing that was set in one so i guess thats why i thought it would be like in upstate new york HAHAHA
oh i just remembered that the book series "the clique" from my childhood took place in upstate new york lol maybe MOTY takes place in the same area as all those richie rich schools from those books hehe
my inconsequential headcanon is that stephanie's mom, (and madeline's grandma) rachel was an elementary school librarian :-)
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raven-eruri · 2 years
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Levi’s smile is frozen in time, forever laced with grief and sorrow. 
Much like this place, he thinks gloomily as he enters the small Bed and Breakfast on Kirstein Street, a bell jingling as he pushes the heavy wooden door. The house, clean and quiet, smells like cinnamon and apples. The landlady emerges from the kitchen, wiping her flour-covered hand on her apron. She greets him cheerfully, producing a small pair of thin round glasses from her pocket as she registers his name in the big leather-bound guest’s book on the counter.
“Ackerman, you said?”
“Yes. Levi.”
“That’s not a common name around here,” she remarks idly. 
“I’m not from here.”
Levi takes in his surroundings, half-listening to her perky chatter. Everything about the house screams old-fashioned, from the floral wallpaper to the gleaming, spotless hardwood floors. As he scans the room, his eyes fall upon the portrait of a middle-aged man hanging proudly above the fireplace’s mantle. He looks about forty, standing proud and at attention, his right fist curled up on his chest, above his heart, inches away from an elegant bolo tie nestled in the collar of his green military coat. Marleyan soldiers wear grey, not green, and rank is shown by stripes on their shoulder pads, not stones around their necks. 
“Who’s that?” Levi asks, a bit curious.
“Hum?” she raises her head, follows his gaze. “Oh, that’s Jean Kirstein, the 16th Commander of the Survey Corps. Great man. He was the officer responsible for brokering the peace treaty that ended the war in 864, after the bombings and the second Marleyan Offensive on Paradis,” she explains. “He was a distant relative of my husband.”
Levi nods. Other portraits are scattered around the room, showing more people in old military uniforms, posing with the same proud salute that was the habit of the old Army. Offering their hearts, if Levi recalls his history lessons correctly. On the right, Levi spots a smaller portrait of a boy with golden hair, a resolute and determined expression painted on his face. There’s a harshness to him, something hollow in how his eyes are fixed in front of him — like he’s looking at something beyond the painter, something only he can see. This is not the kind of expression Levi would have expected to see in someone so young, he thinks as he averts his eyes, uncomfortable. A bit further from the boy’s painting, above the couch, is a small round miniature of a messy brown hair soldier, one eye covered with an eye patch, the other eye piercing and tired. It doesn’t look much like the other paintings — it’s more of a sketch, really, but the lines are sharp and manage to capture the image of the soldier, freezing it in time. It makes Levi feel uneasy, somehow. The portraits are another reminder of the ghosts inhabiting this place, casting an old, eternal shadow over the otherwise warm room.
Levi can’t wait to get away from this place.
“Those are more portraits of the Survey Corps Commanders,” the landlady says upon noticing where his gaze has landed. “This is Armin Arlert,” she points to the young boy with the deep blue eyes, “he became Commander during the Rumbling, after the previous one, Hange Zoë,” she motions to the other portrait above the couch, “sacrificed their life to allow their comrades to escape the island." 
Levi gives her a polite smile, turning back to the counter, eager to escape the weight of the dead commanders’ gazes. 
"My late husband, may he rest in peace, harboured a bit of an obsession for history and all that related to the Jaegerist Insurrection and the Rumbling War. He had the greatest collection of books and writings about that time on all the island. When he passed away, I donated everything to the Sina National Archives, but I didn’t have the heart to get rid of the decoration.”
Levi nods again, uncomfortable. 
“Are you interested in history, dear?” she asks.
Levi fumbles, trying not to show his annoyance at being called dear. “No. Not really.” He picks up his suitcase as she motions for him to follow her up the stairs. “I thought —” he falters. “I thought this was frowned upon?”
“Oh,” she lets out a small humph, condescending. “It used to be, yes. But it’s been over a hundred years now. We Eldian folks remember, of course. But Marley doesn’t care for it so much anymore.” She says that in a strange tone. The words are spoken lightly, but they carry a weight that takes Levi by surprise. 
She breathes through her nose, curious. “Is it your first time in Paradis, dear?”
“Hum, no,” Levi coughs. “I was born here." 
She stops midway up the stairs, raising an eyebrow. "Are you visiting family, perhaps? How lovely.”
“I’m here for a funeral, actually." 
Her face falls upon hearing that, curiosity slowly replaced by sympathy. She lays a hand on his forearm, patting his biceps. "How dreadful. I’m so sorry to hear that. You have my condolences.” She studies his face for a bit longer than Levi feels comfortable being watched, so he casually snaps his head, tossing his hair out of his eyes and motioning to the door on top of the stairs.
“Thank you. Your brochure said the rooms were equipped with a private bathroom?" 
"All of them! We take great care of our guests here; don’t you worry about that." 
She unlocks the door, and they step into a small and plain but cosy guest room. The walls are bare of paintings or portraits, which Levi is thankful for. A double bed sits in the middle of the room, made of sturdy oak wood that matches the rest of the furniture. The quilt lying on top of the bed looks handmade, just like the lace doilies sitting under the lamps on the bedside cabinets framing the mattress on both sides. He takes a few steps into the room, setting his suitcase next to the dresser.
"Breakfast is served from 7 to 9 am. The rooms are cleaned daily, so we’ll ask that you vacate the room for at least an hour each morning. How long will you be staying with us?”
“Only a few days, hopefully,” he responds. He doesn’t plan to spend a minute more in this place than necessary. He’s been here for merely two hours, and already he’s feeling his old self sliding back into place, replacing everything he worked so hard to rebuild. To heal. 
He thanks the landlady several times, each one more strained than the previous one, before she finally takes the hint and leaves the room — and when the door closes behind her with a light click and silence fills the room, he finally allows himself to breathe. 
Deeply, eyes closed. Inhale, exhale. Once, twice, a third for good measure, until he feels his nerves relaxing and his heartbeat settling down.
He doesn’t have time to get distracted or overwhelmed by uneasy memories. 
He’s here for one task, and one task only. 
In forty-eight hours — seventy-two at most — he’ll be back on the boat, returning to his life, job, and Isabel. He’ll leave the island and never set foot there again.
Dragonfly in Amber | Chapter 1
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bryceslahela · 2 years
random specific headcanons i have about choices characters
disclaimer: don’t take this seriously <3
• zeph can burp on command. shreya knows seven different languages and will teach you how to swear in them. beckett knows five and will not teach you shit. atlas finds doing laundry really therapeutic and will do it late at night while everyone is asleep. griffin had a crush on someone once and decided to choreograph a whole dance routine to ask them out but the day before he were supposed to do it, they moved away. he thanks the higher powers every night. aster is really bad at handling kids, if a kid comes in the store she goes in the back. she also will blend into foliage purely to hide from people.
• maxwell has almost gone to jail, multiple times. his crimes range from tax evasion to gbh to eating an apple off of his cranky old neighbour’s property. his brother covered for him. liam was the president at his alma mater, even though he didn’t run. people just found him hot. hana is a hit with old ladies, they adore her. they were all angling to set her up with their sons and when she said she was lesbian, they immediately offered up their daughters and nieces. drake once got so drunk he called liam ‘mommy’ and when liam awkwardly offered to pay for his therapy in response, drake passed out.
• cassius had a wife at one point, she left him because he was ‘too boring’. sabina was once gifted a lion cub and when it bit aquila, she would reward it in treats. aquila eventually threw it out though :(. syphax is the youngest child and he has mostly older sisters. marc antony thinks he has a god complex, he does not. he has a lot of other issues though.
• eiko is obsessed with musicals and she makes mc do duets with her. it’s a problem at this point. in the future after moty, levi has multiple a-lister best friends, when he shows them to mc, he thinks its totally normal. mc will wake up to ryan reynolds walking in the hallways after leaving levi’s. thomas fainted when luz was born.
• speaking of musicals, caleb is obsessed with hamilton and glee. he hangs a poster of them both in his locker. michael secretly enjoys listening to beyoncé and lady gaga, but he’ll play nothing but indie music, that has less than 1k streams, around his friends. emma had a crush on big bird when she was little, no explanation. aiden adores just dance and that will be the secret he takes to his grave. he thinks hes being slick but his parents know. maria cannot spell pharaoh, and feels like it’s too late to learn how.
• bryce cannot take a bad picture, and when jackie tried to take one of him, it ended up so pretty it was put on multiple pinterest boards. he still brags about it. jackie has a strong southern accent and her voice is slightly deep, kinda like beyoncé’s. sienna had three boyfriends at once during high school, they never knew about e/o but she got so stressed out about it that she ended it with all of them. raf was average in middle school but suddenly had a glow up before high school. he looked so different that people just flat out refused to believe it was him.
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endlessflame · 2 years
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Levi! ❤️ He’s happily involved with my MOTY MC Stephanie and helping her raise her daughter Kayla.
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I wonder who will make a cameo? Jaylen from Platinum? Levi from MOTY? Please say Zoey! I miss Zoey so fn much!
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storyofmychoices · 1 month
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Happy Mother's Day to Laura!
Laura is just the most incredible and strong mother. She endured so much to keep and protect her daughter! I hate Guy but I absolutely love this book and these characters!
Thank you to the absolutely lovely @bayleedraws-sometimesx for this adorable minimalist art of this beautiful family!
[Levi Schuler x Laura Day Masterlist]
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the-unconquered-queen · 6 months
*This does not include LIs whose feelings for MC are necessary for the plot of the book, such as Liam in TRR or the MTFL LIs (because without theirs and MC's feelings for each other there's no story to begin with), just LIs who happen to like MC no matter how you play
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mariatsu · 4 years
Chciałabym być przeraźliwie chuda.
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cocomaxley · 4 years
Twenty Questions
This is my submission for @motyappreciationweek Day 3 - Levi.
Summary: A continuation of Levi babysitting Zoey and Luz. Read Breaking & Entering here.
Pairing: Levi vs Zoey & Luz
Word Count: 664
Thank you, @ao719 for your help and pre-reading!
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Levi threw his keys on the counter after picking Zoey and Luz up from the Mendez house. Convincing Thomas that he was capable of babysitting was difficult since they had just gotten caught breaking into their own house. Tara was able to calm the lawyer down, reminding them of their vacation.
The two girls sat on the couch with a tablet between them as they watched YouTube videos. Levi couldn't help but smile when he saw them giggling at whatever they were watching. His phone rang in his pocket, his face breaking into a smile when he saw his girlfriend’s name flashing on the screen.
“Hi, Grace.”
“Hi, baby. How is babysitting going?”
“Well they've already escaped and committed a felony. Everything's great.”
Grace laughed on the other end of the line. “Thomas and Tara have said that Luz is a handful. She's hilarious.”
Levi chuckled. “She is all of those things. I'm prepared now though. I'll be on them like a fly on shi-”
“Levi, do not finish that sentence!”
“Like a fly on poop…”
The girls looked up at him curiously. He turned his back to them to continue his conversation.
“I miss you, babe. Maybe you can come by tomorrow?”
“I miss you too, Levi. I'd love to come by. I'll see you guys tomorrow.”
“I love you, Grace…”
“Love you too.”
Levi pressed the end call button. When he turned, Luz and Zoey were on their knees on the couch facing him.
Luz was the first to speak. “Who was that?”
“My girlfriend.”
Zoey added, “her name is Grace and he loves her.”
Levi rolled his eyes but grinned. Luz was ready with more questions that caught him off guard.
“Are you gonna marry her?”
His cheeks flushed. “Uh...I…”
“Do you have a ring?”
“No...I...no I don't.”
“Why not?”
“Because...I don't know, Luz.”
“Well you love her, right?”
He nodded. “I do.”
“Then you should marry her. Ohhh, is she going to move in?”
He arched a brow. “Have you talked to her or something?”
Luz kept her interrogation going. “Do you have sleepovers?”
“That's none of your business, young lady.”
Zoey looked up from her iPad. “They do. I've seen her leave in the mornings when mom and I lived next door.”
“Alright, that's enough questions about my love life.”
Luz shrugged her shoulders. “Dad and Zoey’s mom used to have sleepovers, and they got married. So you're gonna get married.”
He suddenly got an idea to change the subject. “Why don't we call Alma and see if she wants to hang out?”
They eagerly agreed. Luz jumped up and down. “Yes! I love Alma. She's so fun.”
He dialed the number, placing the call on speakerphone. Alma answered the phone. “Did you lose them already, rockstar?”
Luz yelled from the living room, “He did! We just got back!”
Alma laughed on the other end. “Oh my god, they already got away! The next couple days are gonna be rough, buddy.”
“Ha ha ha. So funny,” Levi replied sarcastically. “We wanted to see if you and Marcus wanted to come over.” He lowered his voice, “Luz asks very personal questions and I need help.”
“Sorry, no can do. I've been drinking.”
“Alma, you live on the first floor!”
All he heard was cackling before the line disconnected.
Luz walked into the kitchen. “Levi, I'm bored. Do you have any legos around here?”
“I do not, kiddo.”
“Do you have weapons, like knives?”
“If I did, I would not tell you.”
Luz giggled. “That's fair.”
Zoey let out a big yawn which then made Luz yawn. Levi breathed a sigh of relief. “I think it's bedtime, ladies. Go brush your teeth and put on your pajamas.”
After they were ready for bed, he walked into the spare bedroom with his guitar in hand. “Good night, you little hoodlums. Sweet dreams.”
He sat down on a chair and strummed a lullaby as the girls drifted off to sleep.
Sucks to be my friend tag list: @ao719 @emichelle @the-soot-sprite @zaffrenotes @burnsoslow @annekebbphotography @plumeriavibes @aestheticartsx @mfackenthal @flyawayboo @princess-geek @poorchoicesplayer @rookie-ramsey @dcbbw @speedyoperarascalparty @drariellevalentine @neotericthemis
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lady-pixelated · 5 years
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Yes. Yes they are.
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cyb3r-kat · 5 years
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so MC really just WENT and gave levi a blowjob in the elevator like that im-
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