#levi x lily
storyofmychoices · 6 months
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Flickers of Hope
[Levi Schuler x Laura Day Masterlist]
Characters: Levi Schuler, Lily Day (daughter) Book: Mother of the Year [Levi x F!MC] Rating/Warnings: General, no warnings but mentions of the war Word Count: >700 Tagging: Hannukah / Holiday for @choicesdecember2023; @choicesholidays ; @choicesficwriterscreations
Synopsis: Levi and Lily celebrate Hanukkah, despite some reluctance.
I can't thank the incredible ArtByAinna (IG) enough for this heartfelt and beautiful art.
A/N: Last year, I decided to get art of Levi for Hanukkah, but with everything happening, it felt disingenuous for Levi to celebrate cheerfully this year. I don't feel he is that kind of person. To me, he is someone who would despise what is going on and have deep empathy for all suffering. So I was grateful to Ainna for working with me to make a Hanukkah piece that while they're still celebrating, they're doing so with a heavy heart. I hope the fic shows this as well.
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As she let herself in from school, Lily moved through the familiar rooms of their home with purpose. She glanced around the usual spot where the menorah stood proudly in anticipation of Hanukkah’s arrival, but it wasn’t there. Her brow furrowed in confusion. She had noticed its absences in the previous days leading up to today, but she reasoned that perhaps Levi had decided to keep it tucked away to keep the menorah safe from her younger brother Lucas, whose curious hands tended to explore anything within reach. But, today was the start of Hanukkah, and the menorah was still not on display. Sunset would be approaching soon. 
Lily carefully went through the closet, sifting through a few boxes before finding the right one. Her fingertips brushed over the cool metal menorah as she delicately pulled it from its container. With tender care, Lily placed the menorah on the table near a big window. This way, all could see its light.
With the menorah finally set, Lily gleefully sought out Levi, her steps brimming with excitement to showcase her efforts. "I found something you seemed to have forgotten!" She smiled, nudging his attention toward the menorah. "But don't worry, I know Lucas's terrible twos are keeping everyone busy, so I got you covered, Dad." 
Levi managed a half-hearted smile. "I didn't forget. I was thinking about skipping this year."
"Skipping it? Hanukkah?" Lily's voice raised with curious concern. "Why would you do that?"
"It's really only a minor religious holiday—" His hand rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Besides the latkes... it's not as important as some of the other days. And with Lucas... and Christmas..." 
His words trailed away. He knew none of the reasons he rambled off had anything to do with the true reason he was hesitant to celebrate this year. His heart broke for those caught in the ongoing fighting taking place. He felt guilty celebrating with all that was going on when so much had been lost, and so many lives had been taken. There were no victors in war, only losses. And the toll this war had already taken was too much. He mourned the unnecessary bloodshed and the lives that were forever changed. He didn't know how lighting a candle was going to help anyone.
Her small hand slipped into his, offering a gentle squeeze. She knew without needing to hear it. She had seen his pain over the past several weeks. The horrors the news showed. "Maybe now is exactly the time to celebrate Hanukkah," Lily offered softly, her eyes meeting his with bright compassion. "Didn't you once tell me Hanukkah was about light triumphing over darkness and about spreading hope? I think the world could use a little more hope, especially right now. Don't you?"
He wrapped his arm lovingly around his daughter. He knew she was the most brilliant child he had ever met, and yet she still surprised him. Her kindness, empathy, and, most of all, hope for a brighter tomorrow were something the world could do with a little more of.
He swallowed hard, holding back the tears that threatened to form in his eyes. "I think you might be right, Rocket."
"I usually am," she teased, hugging him back. "We can do it together."
"I wouldn't want it any other way."
Once the sun set beyond the horizon, Lily placed the first of the candles in its holder. Together, she and Levi recited the first two Hanukkah blessings. As Lily held the shamash candle, Levi carefully lit it. Together, they gently guided the helper candle to light the candle all the way to the right on the menorah and recited the third blessing. A somber tone filled their voices, knowing that while they were thanking God for keeping them alive and sustained, that sentiment couldn't be shared by all. They added their own fourth blessing: a prayer, a hope for peace for those living in turmoil.
Levi held his daughter lovingly in his arms as they watched the flickering flames of two small candles cast light around them. Even though they were only two, they still had the power to make a difference, and tonight they would focus on that. They would hope for better days and cherish what they had for as long as they could, vowing to carry the flame of hope with them through any darkness yet to come.
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you found this to be a good representation of Levi and what he might be experiencing and feeling at this time!
Happy Hanukkah to all those who are celebrating!
(oh, and I finally named Levi and Laura's son Lucas, keeping with the L theme!)
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lilirari · 6 months
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ ( ⚽ ) . . . FAKE TEXTS !
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ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ꩜⋆ i should be studying for my physics exam right now but i just had the sudden urge to make these texts for these silly bri'ish men ehe.. also i made declan's contact name as 'girl dinner' bc his last name is rice and that's basically what (asian) people have for dinner ahaha i'm so funny 👩🏻‍🦯 anyways hope you guys will like it ! i'm willing to take requests for fake texts so if you have anyone in mind (be it a f1/f2 driver or a footballer), you can send their names in my asks ! ^^
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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bachibabe · 7 months
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pairing: levi ackerman x reader
wc: 400
warnings: none <33
18+ → minors / blank blogs dni
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After the Titan war, after the dust has settled on the battlefield, a single thought finds itself ever present at the forefront of your brain. A single command that keeps your body moving, keeps your legs running no matter how hard they ache. Keeps your blood pumping and your heart racing. A single mission left, one you can’t fail.
You have to find him.
When Eren screamed, when you lost yourself and became a thoughtless Titan hellbent on following the new founders every command. You lost Levi. You lost your lifeblood. No matter how much you ache, no matter how terribly you just want to collapse— your body just can’t find it in itself to do so. Adrenaline pumping through your veins, pushing you, forcing you to find him. To continue on your desperate search of the barren wasteland. To search through the bodies of fallen comrades. To find your other half. To make sure he’s okay.
The moment you lay eyes on him, the moment you see him resting against that rock, a tear rolling down his cheek, a weight lifts off your shoulders. Your heart stops pounding. The food from your vision clears. Your legs carry your frame to him without thinking. You never have to think when it comes to him. At this point it feels like everything comes too easy. Loving him is easy.
Your hands find his temples, holding him. Letting you know that he is real. That you both still are. Your forehead presses against his own as your legs collapse. Finally safe. Finally with him. Tears swell in your eyes. It’s over, the story has reached its conclusion. You are free.
“You can rest now.”
Your voice is quiet, barely above a whisper. You know he heard it. His arm slumps, muscles relaxing as you finally hold him. As you keep him close. As the two of you make it out of a battle for the final time together. You both live together. All of your hopes and dreams can finally be realised. All of the hardships are worth it just for this, for now. For the present— for a future where you two can grow old, for a future where the two of you can find refuge in each others souls without worry.
A future where happiness is your only worry.
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gentle-gem-blog · 1 month
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I'm late to the Gajevy Week 2024 party🎉! Thanks for your patience! I plan on using the Draconic alphabet from D&D for more fun secret messages. 💙🖤💙🖤
Day 1: Discoveries/Gamer
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erzasimpbitch · 1 year
Gajeel: Do you ever just want to place your hands on someone’s cheeks, look into their eyes, and then violently jerk their head until their neck snaps?
Levy: That took an unexpected turn.
Panther lily: So did the neck. 
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emile-hides · 2 years
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Sorry I can’t get into Goncharov I’m busy thinking about a black panther that’s so full of Autism
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vampeachi · 2 years
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don't mind me being a little self-indulgent
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yorsgirl · 2 months
Grant me a wish
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Levi Ackerman x Reader
Synopsis: In which, Levi takes it upon himself to fulfil that one wish of yours.
Trope: Angst, fluff, established relationship.
Warnings: Post Canon, implied nsfw, kissing, no mentions of y/n.
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: Nothing just me milking my daydream with this fine specimen of a man. Fuck you Isayama for making my man go through all that shit 😭 (jk, thank you for writing this amazing story for us)
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Levi never said that he loved you.
In all the years you've spent with him neither did he once speak those three words. He never said those words while you were in the infirmary being treated for your broken ankle.
Neither had he ever urged you to skip any expedition nor did he push you away when you were adamant to fight this war alongside him.
Perhaps, his love is not to be heard. It's meant to be felt.
It was felt when you were the first one he looked for after every expedition. It was felt when he'd ask you to stay back for training. It was felt he himself strapped the harness of your ODM before an expedition. It was felt that after submitting the paperwork he'd take a trip to your room. It was felt when he told you about his past; revealing each and every darkest secret as you shared a cup of tea under the starlight. To know the hands which caressed your form every night with tenderness were the same hands stained with the red of death.
Amidst this never-ending war, the concept of a blooming romance was like a far-fetched dream. And there was a hint of fear. Fear of you suffering the same fate as everyone he loved.
For everyone he loved had been taken away one way or another.
It wasn't on any special day that it happened.
The air was humid and you could hear the crickets chirping outside your window. The sun was setting down the horizon slowly when Levi asked you that question.
"They died for us..." He had said, gazing out the window before shifting his form towards you.
"Would you live with me for the rest of my life?"
There was no bit of hesitation on his face but you could sense a subtle hint of fear when his voice turned heavy. Fear of what might be your answer. It wasn't a question on impulse or one of reassurance you had answered previously.
He didn't kneel before you nor did he voice out any of his feelings. It was a question, as simple as that. Yet, it was the most important he had ever asked of you.
When you didn't answer for long, he was prepared to apologize as his shoulders slumped down. But before he could conjure those words, your lips met his. It was unlike any other kisses you had shared until that day. Your lips didn't move against his, it stayed like a touch of a petal.
It was a kiss to shush him from wringing an apology (what was there to even apologize for), one to convey your answer.
He brought out a ring from his pocket. Nothing fancy, just a silver band on first inspection. In the second look, you found his initials engraved on the backside. He slid it on your finger without any further ado.
Next, he had passed you another identical ring and forwarded his hand to you. You found your initials engraved on its backside as he urged you to put it on him.
"I could only afford this." He confessed, meeting your gaze. There was a subtle disappointment lingering in his voice. He could have gotten you something more intricately crafted or one made of a more valuable metal.
You offered a soft smile, intertwining your fingers with his. The pad of his thumb rubbed circles upon your knuckles, the silver ring glinted as the sunlight reflected on it.
Only if he knew, you needed no ring for you had him by your side.
Each step towards the altar was a step-down memory lane.
Clad in a black suit, similar to the one he had worn to all the meetings in the survey corps. You always told him he looked like some nobleman wearing such an outfit.
You noticed the slight change in demeanor when he saw you walking down the aisle in your white dress and a bouquet of white lilies. He was standing before the priest; waiting for your arrival.
That caused a frown. His knee was still damaged and from the medical reports, he needed to rest it as much as possible. You remember repeatedly chiding him to use the wheelchair but his stubbornness was evident. You were sure to give him an earful after this was over.
You never took Levi as the one to want a traditional wedding ceremony. You were sure he'd want to just sign the papers in court and be done with it. That's what you thought. 
Until he asked you to pick a dress and a location. Informing you he had sent word to your union to the needful people. So you did, chose a dress to your liking and the spot which held both of your memories—the survey corps headquarters.
Walking between all the guests you reached him. A lot of guests weren't present to witness this matrimony. Only his remaining squad and the queen made a graceful appearance with her daughter - Ymir. But they were your family. The very family with whom you had fought a war alongside. The ones who held witness to your laughs and tears, who had your back through thick and thin.
A family brought together by tragedy.
Levi helped you up the stairs, offering his hand which you took gratefully. Standing before him, all the doubts that plagued your mind previously faded into thin air. There were no regrets, no second guesses, no jitters, nothing except the love you held for him. Looking back, there were a lot of things he didn't say but his actions conveyed proof of those unspoken words.
Everything felt right when you looked into his eyes.
A sense of tranquillity settled on you. Your loud heartbeat seized to a comforting pace when he held your hand. Gazing at you with no bit of hesitance whatsoever. There was a ghost of a smile adorning his lips.
He never looked more beautiful than now.
"Grant me a wish, Levi."
"What kind?"
"To speak of your honest feelings when the right day comes."
You were the strongest in his eyes.
Humanity's strongest soldier, they called him. He carried loads of expectations behind his back; and carried the hopes and dreams of every soldier who gave up their life for this cause. For a chance at freedom which was so valiantly fought for till the end.
And now, he stood before you. You, the woman who stuck by his side till the end. To not keep a distance when he revealed his vulnerabilities and shared about the darkness residing in him. Quite the contrary, you closed the distance into an embrace.
Surreal to know, you were here and not some vision in the air. You were here, right before him. And this war was over. The bloodshed, the death, the conflicts, everything was over. Hence now, he decided to live. Live a life with you which you used to speak about. A normal life.
He honestly didn't know what the future held. Neither was he aware of how this decision will turn out. He never had but he knew if you were with him; he'd figure it out.
The priest's voice reached his ears.
"State your vows."
Vows. He was never vocal about his intentions. Not the one to make sweet, empty promises. But here, he wished to say something which he always meant to express.
He took a deep breath, clutching your hand tightly in his. Each syllable of your name rolled off his mouth in an agonizing slow pattern.
And after a long time, he saw tears slide down your eyes. For once, these tears were not of sorrow but of happiness. The absolute bliss to hear him speak of his feelings for you. He granted your wish on this very day.
Those words:
"I'll always be yours."
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angelicdanvers · 5 months
a charlie bushnell x fem!reader social media fic.
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, levizmiller, dior.n.goodjohn, and others
y/n — australia’s my new fav country
tagged | levizmiller
levizmiller i’m challenging you to another round of pool tonight ↳ y/n bet
iamcharliebushnell when’d you go to australia? 😭 ↳ y/n when u didn’t show up for acai bowls >:( ↳ iamcharliebushnell im sowwy ↳ y/n DONT YOU DARE ↳ iamcharliebushnell okok sorry but thought you'd be in london ↳ y/n soon, yeah :')
levizmiller y/n im gonna poke you ↳ y/n okayy hi ↳ levizmiller let’s get boba ↳ y/n YES
dior.n.goodjohn I MISS U COME BACK TO ME ↳ y/n once my australian chronicles are over i promise i will <3 ↳ dior.n.goodjohn WOOOO
walker.scobell youre pretty! ↳ y/n thanks lil dude!
i.am.andrewalvarez AUSSIEEE ↳ y/n THE SWEET ESCAPE FR
dailymail Y/n and Levi? ;)
user omg bf reveal happening??
user2 ive never held my breath this much
“GALILEO’S GALS” — 5 notifications!
chanel’s enemy Y/N
lee lee Y/N
dr dre why am i in this gc
chanel’s enemy because u are
lee lee we’re getting off topic Y/NNN CMERE
↳ hiiiii?
chanel’s enemy HIIII HRU ILY
chanel’s enemy WE GOOD WE HAVE SOME ?’s THO
↳ oh?
↳ nooooo
chanel’s enemy that’s a very interesting no
↳ we’re not but idk
chanel’s enemy what
lee lee girl wdym
↳ we’re not dating but i think he likes me? idk
dr dre do you like him back though???
↳ eh he’s very sweet but i’ve always seen him as a best friend, i don’t think we could be more
lee lee do you want to be more??
↳ i mean, i’d give him a chance if he asked? but it’s not anything i’m particularly into or wanting
chanel’s enemy okay that helps
↳ uhhh why
dr dre well if my sleepy ass remembers correctly, everyone and their mother are wondering if you’re dating
↳ nah that aint possible
lee lee it is, stupid dailymail picked up on it first 💀
↳ my manager’s asleep, no wonder she hasn’t updated me lol oh well idgaf they can think what they want
chanel’s enemy but even walker and charlie are 😭
↳ they’re gonna forget it in t-minus four secs it’s fine
dr dre whatever you say, ma’am but are you sure that ‘cryptic’ caption won’t cause any issues??
↳ uhh andrew you’re scaring me
dr dre what if someone likes you? like like-likes you and knows you and gets hella jealous or doubtful? and not saying charlie does but he was raving about how he might finally get to hang out with you, ONE ON ONE. what if he thinks he can't because he thinks you two are dating?
↳ bro first off ik you don’t like me, neither does aryan and i know its DEFINITELY not walker
lee lee girl he had a celeb crush on you a few years ago dont tell him i told u that
chanel’s enemy LMFAOOOO but no andrew has a point how come you didn’t mention charlie? 🤨
dr dre yeah i was just aboutta say 🤨 especially after my little analysis?
↳ SECONDLY, guys, charlie doesn’t. not one bit and that’s obvious, like he isn’t even in considerations. i understand what he may feel but he has nothing to worry about. he knows i won't ditch him or anything lol (right?) but if anything the only person that’d be a little confused or whatnot is william
lee lee huh 😃
↳ we dated for a month back when we were 15 or so and realized we were way better off as friends
lee lee why ?
↳ idk i think i was just jealous of lily 😭 but anyways we’ve been just friends since and i’m completely happy with that. i don't see him romantically anymore, yeah he’s hot but like nah. but yeah if he was confused, it's probably because i was best friends with levi when we dated too and might question if he was the cause of our split?? AGAIN THATS IF HE OVERTHINKS IT
dr dre i feel like i’m reading an autobiographical analysis you definitely are fond towards “millers”
↳ ur welcome <333 and NO i am not
chanel’s enemy okok so we got several people who’d be jealous
lee lee ain’t no way you’re ignoring charlie
dr dre but there could be a possibility? just don’t rule him out
↳ bro he doesn't like me 😭 but yeah trust me everything’s gonna be okay again i dont like anyone and no one likes me, and we'll make sure it's obvious i'm single in case anyone does though that may take a while... ANYWAYS
lee lee suuuuure you should hang out with charlie btw
↳ idk why but im scared to 😭
lee lee but you need to he misses you a lot yk
↳ doesn’t change the fact that im SCARED
dr dre sure you and levi hang out and are sweet and shit but BRO the teeth rotting sugar is you and charlie in your damn COMMENTS
chanel’s enemy i think u like charlie, miss girl
↳ NO
dr dre nah, they’d be cute together, even charlie said so himself
chanel’s enemy you dumbass
dr dre uhhh ANYWAYS said too much im gonna sleep again love youse
lee lee BRO yeah night babes <3
chanel’s enemy LOVE U BAE GN
↳ what the duck STUPID AUTOCORRECT WHAT THE FUCK AINT NO WAY YALL JUST DIPPED fine ily guys too </3 BUT DONT THINK IM LETTING THAT GO EASILY ugh what do you guys mean 😭 aint no way thats true OKOK YK WHAT BYE!! FOR REAL THIS TIME
— taglist.
@shokocoded @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @surftrips @svtsimp22 @gcidrvsh @idontevencare1223 @thames-fig @captainshischier @reggieslifeboat @multifandom-loser @wheelerslover @mermaid-mqtel @randomnpc456 @kaithoughs @isab3lita @mariposa555 @sunshinessky @myr-cheri @thedeadlynights @ella33 @c1nn4mng1rl @poppysrin @breadbrobin @lucy-the-ant @jules-loves-lukecastellan @taloulalila @tom-pls-fuck-me @mia-luvs @iknowyoureabigfan @rinisfruity14 @chasebeth @auttumnsayshi @prettygirlformula @alwayswndr @balletfilmss @kestisvrse @1forthemoney2forthekish @eissaaaa @emelia07 @toffytaste @soulaires @bearwon @happy-mushrooms @simrah1012 @blimp-blimp @obxstiles @yuminako @hopexcroc @mackycat11 @knowugetdejavu @0puddleofgender0
thank you so much for all your love and support, it really means the world to me. y/n's beginning to find out certain things, wonder where things will go from here 🤔
as always, i will continue updating the taglist :)
i love you and am so proud of you, stay safe and drink water <3
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eli0004 · 8 days
Possible request only if you get time slash want to <3, can be headcanons but I always like to ask.
Levi’s reaction to having feelings for reader, (possibly them being established friends or at least comrades) but Levi noticing reader already has someone pursuing them too? How do you think Levi would react if someone else was pursuing reader, would it encourage him to voice his emotions?
Lets say in this instance the “competition” isn’t someone Levi views as nothing, could possibly be someone deemed as “good looking” and Levi feels off when the person gives reader attention.
This is such a good idea Anon, i love the way you think!
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Pairing: Levi x GN! Reader
Synopsis: How Levi behaves when he has competition 😈
Warnings: jealousy, an arrogant man lmfao
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I had to do a lot of thinking about this, for one reason. Levi is very selfless, and i do believe, canonically speaking, that he would simply back up and let you make that choice. Ultimately he would rather you be happy, regardless of how that affected him.
Especially since in a lot of ways, he would likely not see himself as fully capable of providing you with that level of happiness.
And, if that other person is someone who, like you said, Levi deems more attractive or more suitable for you, i think he would have a hard time convincing himself that he’s more worthy of your attention, let alone you.
And having met you and then found out someone else had their eye on you, he thinks: What could he possibly learn about you that the other guy doesn’t already know? Tactics he could use that haven’t already been tried? Conversations he could have with you, that hadn’t already been had?
But, alternatively, let’s say he had known you first, and had been the one to get to know you before the other person did. Levi would be a bit salty.
You’d sat with him, told him your stories, he knows about your favorite foods, how you like your tea, how you bite your lip when you concentrate. Even though his quiet listening and your mindless chattering, the two of you had become close.
To the naked eye, it appeared Levi had simply taken a liking to your company, but for him it was far more than that. Selfishly, he loved you.
When you introduced him to your new friend, it wasn’t long before you picked up on his jealousy.
The other guy, we’ll call him number two (because he could never be number one in comparison with Levi Ackerman), could flatter and flirt all he wanted, he doesn’t know you like Levi knows you.
He’d watch as number two flashed his handsome smiles, called you beautiful, bragged about his wealth and how he could care for you. He’d roll his eyes when he’d pass him by on the way to bring you a dozen roses
“Don’t you know anything about y/n? They prefer lilies. At least take them out of that tacky plastic first, how embarrassing.”
“That isn’t how y/n likes their tea, that’s far too much sugar. You’d know that if you ever bothered to stop talking about yourself.”
Levi isn’t the type to intentionally sabotage a budding relationship, but he is the type to sulk about it for as long as it takes for him to get over you. Ultimately, the only way he’d intervene is if he caught any indication that you might reciprocate his feelings.
I believe he’d struggle knowing what to say in person, so he’d write you a letter. He’d describe to you how he initially didn’t intend to tell you, how he wanted to back off and let you make the choice to be with whoever made you happy. But that if what he’d heard was true, he couldn’t stand by and let you slip through his fingers.
Levi would be anxious, absolutely miserable, stomach churning and mind racing while he waited for your response. But, that nervousness would quickly dissolve into delight as he spotted number two looking rather dejected, sending Levi a nasty glare and shoving his hands in his pockets as you let him down gently the next day.
There was a twinkle in your eyes as yours met his, a knowing smile spreading across your face. When you greeted him that morning, voice soft and flirtatious, he knew he’d won.
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storyofmychoices · 22 days
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Happy Mother's Day to Laura!
Laura is just the most incredible and strong mother. She endured so much to keep and protect her daughter! I hate Guy but I absolutely love this book and these characters!
Thank you to the absolutely lovely @bayleedraws-sometimesx for this adorable minimalist art of this beautiful family!
[Levi Schuler x Laura Day Masterlist]
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biancadjarin · 1 year
🌾a Roll in the Hay🌾
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pairing : perv!em x innocent!countrygirl!reader
warnings : graphic sex, p-in-v, breeding kink (sorta?)
a/n : hoo boy ok so I’ve been thinking about country girl reader and Eddie for a while, went a little crazy on this one. It’s kinda long, but I hope you enjoy! I have a lot of WIPs and ideas for different types of Eddie’s but it really helps when you guys comment/like/reblog so I know what you want to read more of.🧡
18+ !!!
You hear the crunch of his boots on the gravel outside the barn, your hands finishing up a braid in your horse’s mane. You feel the excited butterflies flutter awake in your tummy, a smile breaking across your face.
“There’s my pretty little baby.” Eddie coos as he wraps his arms around your waist, breathing in your sweet scent deeply. You’re so fuckin’ cute and innocent. In your sweet little blue and white gingham dress, a little bow tied between your boobs. And you never wear a bra. Fuck does Eddie love that. He swept his eyes down your frame, your soft thighs leading to the smooth skin of your calves, frilly little socks peeking out of the top of your boots.
He holds out a tiny bouquet of wildflowers he picked on his walk from his van to here. Tiny white and yellow star-lily’s, a baby pink prairie rose, a little bundle of baby’s breath. He’s always doing little sweet things to make you smile.
You throw your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a tight hug. “Teddy Bear!” You squeak, nicknaming him that after he won you a little blue bear at the carnival. He squeezes the jiggly skin of your asscheeks in his big, calloused hands and lifts you to wrap your legs around his waist, kissing you like he hasn’t seen you in a week. It’s only been about 18 hours. He spins while he’s holding you, making you giggle and get dizzy. “Put me down, Teddy!” You say as more giggles bubble out of your throat.
This has been going on for a few weeks, after you met Eddie and his friends at the Hawkins carnival, you two couldn’t be separated. He kissed you at the top of the ferris wheel, telling you you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever met. And he meant it.
“Why have I never seen you around before?” He’d asked, lips leaving wet kisses along your jaw. You giggle into his hair, the feeling of his big hands holding your hips, one of his hands sliding your legs over his thigh.
“I live an hour outside of this town. On a farm.” You reply breathlessly. He pulled back, his big brown eyes looking like a sad puppy’s. “An hour?” He sounded disappointed. He twirls your hair around a finger, his other hand playing with the hem of your tiny Levi’s shorts.
You nod at him, waiting for him to tell you that’s too far away for him to bother. He shrugs, “Guess I’m about to put a lot of miles on my van.” He says, pulling you into his chest, leather jacket arm closing around your shoulder, your head pressed against his shirt, his heart beating fast and the rumble of his voice in your ear. “I’m going to come see you so much, you’ll get sick of me.”
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So Eddie drops you down, still holding you close, his tight jeans and black sweater making him look extra cozy.
“Just missed you so much, babygirl. I hate when we’re apart.” He cupped your cheek and you smiled softly, leaning into his palm like a kitten being pet. “I missed you too Daddy.” That’s your favorite nickname for Eddie. His too. It sends a jolt right to his cock every time.
“So what do we want to do today?” Eddie asks, lacing his fingers with yours, swinging your hands gently. You two have gone to dinners, movies, concerts, taken long car rides. Anything to spend time together. But today, you have other plans.
“Mmm… I have an idea…” you sway nervously on your heels. “But I wanna show you something first.”
Eddie’s eyebrows raise curiously, nodding softly for you to continue. You take a deep breath, “okay. well I went to the starcourt mall last week and bought something for you.” “For me? Baby, you know you don’t have to buy me things.” He starts to chastise you.
“I think you’ll like this gift, Teddy Bear.” You push him back gently, telling him to sit on a hay bale. You lift the skirt of your dress up to your waist, revealing the lingerie you bought.
Eddie releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. His eyes go wide as he looks toward the opening of the barn, making sure no one can see you two. You giggle, “no one’s home, daddy, don’t worry. s’just me and you.”
Eddie’s brain short circuits as he drinks you in. His soft innocent little bunny, your sun-kissed skin, covered in peach fuzz and goosebumps. A sheer pink lace thong covers your smooth core, little flowers, leaves and strawberries embroidered in the fabric. A garter cinches at your waist, thin ribbons circling around your thighs. Silky pink bows hanging off your hips.
“Wow baby, fuck.” “You like it?” You ask, peeking down. “Like it? I’m losing my mind over it.” He says, hands coming out to pull you towards him. You rest your hands on his shoulders as he traces his fingertips over the ribbons, so dainty and small in his hands.
“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. Or anyone.” He says, looking up at you. The sun setting outside the barn is sending golden amber beams in through the door and Eddie’s caramel colored eyes are sparkling as he looks at you.
“What are you thinking about, daddy?” You ask, sweet as peach pie. “Shit,” he takes a deep breath, pulling your tummy close to his face, his lips kissing any bit of skin they can reach. “I don’t know if I should say what I’m thinking about.” He laughs.
“Are you thinking about fucking me?” You ask nonchalantly. He looks up at you, hands gripping your waist. “You can’t just say stuff like that, babygirl. You trying to kill me?” You giggle at the look on his face. “No, Eddie, I’m serious.” You say, shaking his shoulders softly and wiggling your hips to emphasize your point. Eddie watches as your hips and thighs recoil at the movement, he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold himself back and be a gentleman.
“But I thought you wanted to wait until we’re married?” He asks, sliding back on the hay bale to pull you into his lap. You look off to the side, clearly conflicted with what you were raised to believe and what you really want.
Eddie is a perv but he’s also so in love with you, it makes his stomach ache. He would never want to push you to do anything you didn’t want to do but to be honest, this whole ‘waiting until marriage’ thing has been kind of a bitch. He’s gotten used to rubbing your clothed pussy against his boner for a release, feeling guilty about it every time. But he needs to get off. And you make him so horny.
You whispering “Well maybe we can do… other things.” is all the ammo Eddie needs. He pulls your dress off over your shoulders, watching as your round perky boobs bounce back once the fabric is gone. He groans as he takes his bottom lip between his teeth, eyelids hooded as he palms and squeezes your boobs. He lets each fingertip graze over your nipples as you let your head fall back, tingles all over your body. He pinches your hard nipples a little too roughly, a loud moan escaping your throat.
He smiles slowly, “Oh, don’t tell me you liked that. Don’t tell me that because I won’t be able to control myself.” You nod, “Felt good, daddy.” You whimper. His eyes roll back in his head as he takes your nipple in his mouth, his tongue sucking and laving over it while he tweaks your other one. He switches back and forth between them until they’re nice and wet, his lips glimmering with saliva. You rake your nails through his hair, scratching gently at the nape of his neck.
“I feel tingly down there again, Eddie. Remember how I told you last time?” Oh he remembers. Almost had to pull his dick out and stroke it in front of you when you told him. You had been making out, your little hips wiggling, your pussy getting drenched. Eddie loves the fact that he can get you so turned on. He loves that he’s the one who gets to introduce you to all this stuff. He wanted to touch you that day but held himself back. But he’s done holding back.
He pulls a flannel blanket off the top of the hay and lays it out onto the dirty barn floor. He instructs you to lay down, while he unclasps your garter belt and slips your panties down your legs. He sniffs them taking a slow, deep breath, making you giggle and blush before he slips them in his back pocket.
You feel totally bare in front of him, legs spread wide open for him to settle in between. He crouches down, eyes hooded and mouth hanging open as he takes in the beautiful flower between your legs. Pussy lips all pink and puffy, little nub of your clit sticking out under it’s hood just begging for attention. Your tiny fluttering hole is leaking clear, milky fluid that has his mouth watering, he licks his lips to stop from drooling.
He lets his fingers dance through your folds, gathering all your slick. You tremble at his fingers, thighs starting to come together. “Oh none of that baby,” he says pushing your thighs down with his palms. “so sensitive aren’t you?” he asks before landing a little spank to your clit. You moan loudly, hands cupping your breasts and squeezing hard.
Eddie’s in awe of you, so perfect and pure laying open for him. He gets down on his stomach and hooks his forearms under your thighs, guiding your ankles over his shoulders. “Gonna help you get nice and open for me, ok baby? Gonna get you nice and ready.” You bite your lip and nod, eyes closing as his lips trail little wet kisses up your inner thigh.
He spreads open your lips and spits directly on your cunt, watching it drip down and mix with your juices. His mouth attaches to your clit while he carefully, slowly slips his middle finger into your tight hole. His thick finger curls upwards, finding that special spot deep inside you.
You rake your fingers through his hair, pulling his face closer to you and moaning his name. He smiles against your pussy, peeking his head up to admire your fucked out face and tell you how sweet you taste.
He goes back to licking and sucking at your clit sloppily, his wrist working faster to fuck his finger in and out of you. He pulls his finger out to dip the tip of his tongue inside you, so warm and tight around his pink muscle. “Daddy, feels so good, need your finger again.” He dips his first and middle fingers in this time, seeing how much you can take.
“Fuck baby, your pussy’s practically pulling in my fingers.” He groans. He flips his hand so his palm is up and he starts pistoning his fingers in and out of you. Your legs start to shake and he holds them down, fingers squeezing at the flesh of your thighs.
You cry out his name, a tense spasm feeling starting deep within. His thumb starts to strum fast circles on your clit, “c’mon baby. show me you’re a good girl. know you can do it.” He says, out of breath. You squeeze your eyes shut, all sound fading away as your first orgasm comes crashing over you, each wave of pleasure more intense than the last. You cry out, repeating Eddie’s name as you gush onto his hand.
“Fuuuuck babygirl, that’s it. Did so good for me, so fucking perfect.” He says as you come down from your high, catching your breath. “Oh my god, daddy.” you say, exhausted smile on your face.
Eddie palms at his hard length through his jeans, if he doesn’t stop neglecting it soon, he’s going to lose his mind. He leans over you, kissing you deeply, tongue sliding over yours. You run your fingers up his chest under his shirt, helping him pull it off. He pushes his hips into yours, the rough fabric of his jeans scratching at your soft skin. “I need to know how it feels to be inside you baby, just for a minute. I promise I won’t put more than just the tip in. Please.” He begs you, his hands already unzipping his jeans, unbuckling his belt. “Just for a minute?” You clarify. “Cause you know I’m not on the pill, Teddy Bear.”
He growls, “Just a quick minute baby,” he kisses the tip of your nose, “I promise, I just need to feel you wrapped around me.” You nod at him, sweet little smile on your lips. He shimmies down his pants and boxers, just to his thighs.
He shudders as he reaches down to grab his cock, giving it a few tugs as he kisses your neck and whispers a thank you in your ear. Your eyes wander down to look at it. “It’s pretty like you, daddy. Pink like your lips.” You giggle. He smiles, kissing you softly as his weight comes down on you. He looks down between your bodies, letting the mushroom head push through your slick folds. “Gonna be a little bit of a stretch, bunny. But it’ll feel better soon.” He says before pushing his cock all the way in to the hilt. You hold back a moan, focusing on when it’s going to stop hurting.
Eddie’s mind goes blank. Being inside you is more addicting than he thought it would be. He slowly pulls all the way out before sliding back in, just as deeply as before. He lets out a whimper as his face gets nuzzled into the crook of your neck, one hand on your hip, the other holding your cheek.
Your gummy walls hug him tight, like you were made for him. He lets his hips start to hump in and out of you, never fully pulling out, just enough to feel his balls slap against your ass. He keeps going and going and going, whimpering and moaning your name telling you how good you feel.
The painful stretching feeling is gone and all that’s left is pleasure, Eddie’s big thick cock filling you up just right, so much better than his fingers, which you didn’t think was possible.
Eddie’s hands grab behind your lower back, hugging you close to him as he fucks up into you. “So fucking tight baby, never gonna let this pussy go. Gonna make you mine forever.” He grunts as he fucks you hard and deep.
He’s starting to sweat, mumbling curses and praises to you. It feels so good you don’t want it to stop but you start to get worried. He’ll stop before it goes too far you think. His hips pump faster into you, wet sounds and skin on skin slaps echoing through the large barn. “Can’t pull out-can’t. Feels too good.” He chokes out. You whimper, hands pushing his chest, little “no”s leaving your mouth as another orgasm creeps up on you.
His movements get faster and sloppier, short broken moans leaving his mouth as his eyes screw shut, his forehead coming down to meet yours. You open your mouth as a silent moan comes from deep within you, coming at the same time as him. Thick ropes of his cum shoot inside you, his hips flush to yours as he pumps every last bit of his seed into you with a shudder.
You look at him angrily, “Eddie!” “What?” He says, laughing a bit at how cute you sound when you’re angry. “You said only for a minute!” “I’m sorry, it felt too good. Been waiting so long for that.” “You lied to me.” You said, eyes starting to water. He tuts at you, smile leaving his face. “No, no, no bunny, I tried to pull out, I really did. I’m sorry.”
A fat tear rolls down your cheek, “You didn’t try! Now what am I going to do? What if-what if-” you choke out through sobs. “It’ll be fine baby. You’re not pregnant. And if you are, we’ll be ok. All three of us.” You look at him with your big wet eyes, starting to relax and breathe normally again and Eddie smiles softly. He doesn’t regret what he did because he’d do it again. He meant what he said. He’ll make you his forever.
“Yeah?” You ask him. “Of course. Whatever happens, I’ll always be here. No matter what.” He says, thumb swiping away the trail of tears from your cheeks. He kisses you softly, “I love you, Bunny.” You smile, “I love you too, Eddie.”
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little-x-wolf · 5 months
| cardigan — the salvatores x reader |
there was a superstition that if you kissed your soulmate in the maze, you'd be bonded for life.
warnings: angst, guiseppe is a terrible father, a barrel full of tears, mentions of violence, lil bit of katherine slander!
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merry christmas everyone!
“Vintage tee, brand new phone
High heels on cobblestones
When you are young, they assume you know nothing”
You remember those days like yesterday. The three of you laying underneath the old willow, basking in the warmth of the Virginian sun at the Veritas. Some days you played hide and seek amidst the Salvatore maze. You'd place a peck on both of their cheeks for good luck. There was a superstition that if you kissed your soulmate in the maze, you'd be bonded for life. 
They kept telling you — the elders — that one day life was going to overtake your friendship. Soulmates would turn to friends, friends to acquaintances and one day, Salvatore would be a name you used to know. The three musketeers would exist in just memories, to never meet again. But those were just farces, right? 
You knew your bond was unbreakable.
“Sequin smile, black lipstick
Sensual politics
When you are young, they assume you know nothing”
Lily Salvatore died in 1858. Their fathers' beatings had become frequent to the point they couldn't even hide it from you. An occasional pat on the back would have Damon hissing. He seldom lied to Giuseppe to save Stefan from trouble. You would patch him up at night, listening the best you could. 
The nightmares in the deep pits of his mind had come to fruition. His mother was dead; His brother hiding in the closet from his drunkard of a father. Sometimes, their maid, Betsy would hum his mother's lullaby to help him sleep. Before long, Giuseppe had her released of her duties. You took over the role, your fingers caressing his raven locks — you helped him sleep. 
“But I knew you, Dancin' in your Levi's
Drunk under a streetlight, I knew you
Hand under my sweatshirt
Baby, kiss it better, I
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite”
Damon was sent to fight for the confederacy. Stefan was to be engaged to Rosalyn Cartwright, and you were to be married off to a wealthy Englishman. Your little games had stopped for a while now, but the older Salvatore wrote whenever he could. You'd write back, of course, waiting eagerly for his return. You feared he'd come too late; You'd be gone in a month or two.
Stefan would sneak you out sometimes, take you riding on Mezzanotte, his favourite horse. One time, he stole a bottle of rum from his father's collection to accompany the two of you on your getaway. He watched as you guzzled it down greedily, slurred disappointments tumbling from your lips in no time. Lord, you wished you'd never grown up. And when you started to sob, he held you tightly against his chest, placing a kiss on the top of your head. 
He wished it too. He wished it too.
A friend to all is a friend to none
Chase two girls, lose the one
When you are young, they assume you know nothin'
Then one day, a storm racked through your garden. One damsel by the name of Katherine Pierce, swiping them off their feet, boys who once had been yours. Rosalyn Cartwright was found mauled by an animal underneath the old willow, wide eyes staring upwards. They held a secret that couldn't be whispered anymore.
Her body was barely in the ground when you found Stefan emerging from the damsel's chambers. You were disappointed; He didn't care. Fights between the Salvatores had become frequent. They had become thirsty for the others blood, constantly fighting over her affections. Your despised the girl, maintaing as much distance from her as possible. They were well aware. Soon, they stopped bringing her up in your presence and eventually, visits to your house became scarce.
Stefan accompanied Katherine to the ball; Damon took you (because Katherine had chosen his brother). You smelt the whiskey on his breath, pushing him away when he kissed you in the darkness of your room. You were no rebound. You were no second choice. It stung your heart to think he thought otherwise. If you could have been, though, life would've turned out differently.
“But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss
I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs
The smell of smoke would hang around this long
'Cause I knew everything when I was young”
The Salvatores were dead. Giuseppe had a statement released saying that they died while trying to capture vampires. But you knew better. At last, you knew the secret Rosalyn was trying to tell you. Katherine was a vampire and they died trying to save her. 
You couldn't even remember the last time the three of you spoke. You weren't even allowed to be there when they were buried. You couldn't peck their cheeks or sing them a lullaby. And when you broke down finally, it was in the isolation of your room. Giuseppe died shortly afterwards and the house burnt down. You left for London, visiting the manor sometimes with your husband whenever you were around. 
You'd sit underneath the spot where the old willow used to be and think of them. Your boys. The lake dried up with and so did your tears. Your children would ask about the Veritas and you'd realize, when all your words were littered with past tenses, that Salvatore was a name you used to know. 
“I knew I'd curse you for the longest time
Chasin' shadows in the grocery line
I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired
And you'd be standin' in my front porch light”
Sometimes, on a particularly despondent day, you could see them in the dark alleyways, tiptoeing out of your memories and onto the corner of your eyes. In grocery lines, the cinemas, you swore you saw them on your porch in London once. And oh, you'd curse them. The sadness had turned into fury over the years and white hot it was. They didn't even care to say goodbye. Why should you spend the rest of your life thinking about them then? 
They chose to let you go. You didn't.
“And I knew you'd come back to me
You'd come back to me
And you'd come back to me
And you'd come back”
Your husband succumbed to the flu a few years later and in 1917, you decided to move your family back to Mystic Falls. One day, someone showed up at your door, asking for directions to the Boarding House. It was Damon and Stefan. They had barely aged at all while you were a 70-something lady with wrinkles and a barely functioning eyesight.
"The most beautiful I've seen you," Stefan murmured as he clung onto you, concious of not hugging you too tightly. He didn't want to hurt you.
Damon couldn't meet your eyes for a few minutes. The last time he did was before he kissed you. The kiss had been devoid of every good thing he felt about you, reduced to the anger at his brother and desperation after getting rejected. He hadn't been able to forgive himself. 
It took you all a little time to settle into your new reality. You were happy to have them back in your life. You were a frail old lady now, there wasn't much you could do physically. But on slow days, you'd find yourself with a cup of tea in the parlour of your house, settled admist your two boys. You loved to hear about all their adventures—the good and the bad ones.
You kept Stefan from going off the rails.
“And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite”
The Salvatores had a home till October 5, 1934, the last sunrise you'd ever see. Stefan clasped your head and Damon hummed you a lullaby, holding in the tears as you dozed off. The next time you met Stefan was about a century later and Damon followed soon.
And the three musketeers were reunited, never to part again.
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gentle-gem-blog · 9 months
Team Training 💙🖤
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I was practicing shading a little more this time around. This team is so versatile! They're smart, powerful, and adaptable 🤩! I'm enjoying drawing Gajeel + Levy 💙🖤!
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erzasimpbitch · 1 year
Gajeel: Love is a weakness and an evolutionary mistake.
Panther lily:
Panther lily [signs] : You're literally making a Valentine's Day card for Levy right now-
Gajeel [pointing glue gun threatingly] : YOU ARE ON THIN FUCKING ICE RIGHT NOW.
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smoft-demons · 4 months
(I’ve marked my favourites with ✨)
(Unless otherwise specified, these are all gn!reader &/x all seven brothers. Interpret them how you want.)
MC’s name is Lily (Lucifer, Beel, Belphie & reader)
MC gets nightmares when they sleep alone ✨
MC falls asleep on him
MC is scared of spiders
MC needs some extra love ✨
MC is on their period
Scenarios and ideas (i am encouraging you to use these)
(Brainrot abt characters)
MC misses Mammon terribly when he’s away ✨
Beel should be scared of spiders
What if MC got turned into a tiefling?
(Brainrot abt the setting/magic/worldbuilding)
What if pacts gave you spells?
Wondering about human world video games
Ideas about pacts ✨ (and a short follow up about using them from another realm)
My MC stuff (Auva)
(Oneshots with Auva)
Home ✨(Mammon & Auva)
Tsundere nonsense (Mammon & Auva. Beel’s there too.)
Envy ✨(Levi & Auva)
Bonding (Beel & Auva, Mammon & Auva)
(Obey Me OC prompts/questions)
Ask game/prompt list (contains more links at the end)
What Auva wants most ✨(oneshot, Auva & Satan)
Stealing clothes (drabble I guess? Auva & Mammon, Beel, Belphie)
(Who Auva is, OC characterization)
This is Auva (intro—picrew and personality basics)
Relationship dynamics (Auva & all seven bros)
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