#museum of american revolution
ms-march · 13 days
On my way home from my first day working at Colonial Williamsburg ???
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cookinguptales · 11 months
and I guess if it's disability pride month and I'm already feeling stroppy
every time someone comes at me with that stupid petition to save the mütter museum it's like
*leans forward into the microphone*
you're asking me, a disability rights writer and strong repatriation supporter, to try and save the collection of stolen bodies displayed in dehumanizing ways that made a fortune off of marketing disabled corpses as quirky and spooky and fun.
you're asking me to support the organization that fucking bribed gravediggers and lied about being a family member so they could steal the corpse of the (currently not concretely identified) saponified woman and put it next to the gift shop where they (at the time) sold soap lady on a rope.
you're asking me to support the organization that let donators "adopt" the skulls in the hyrtl collection without seeing an ounce of irony when they knew, they knew, that most of that collection housed the skulls of the disabled, criminalized, and impoverished. when we have josef hyrtl's notes where he talked about how it was better to steal the corpses of POC because they're cheaper. when they knew that not one of those people had the equivalent of $200 spent on them in their lifetimes, and that their lives often could have been saved if people had, but they also knew that these people were worth more to the museum-going public dead than they were alive.
when we fucking know that josef hyrtl's tomb was encased in concrete so no other grave robbers could return the fucking favor.
you're asking me! to support a museum! that I visited for a class on the history of medical ethics! and I had to go inside via a locked-to-the-public service elevator, unlike all my classmates! because a museum making money off of disabled bodies didn't have a dedicated entrance for living ones!
fuck you!
the saddest thing about the mütter museum is that I think some people working there really are dedicated to medical education. they gave me space to cry during that field trip after I heard a kid tell her dad that the body of a man who'd purposefully donated his body to the museum for education was going to give her nightmares. a real fucking person. one who'd willingly donated his body, the best-case scenario for that disaster of a museum. and her dad just laughed. because that's the vibe they go for there.
it's fucking dehumanizing.
I'm not against medical education; I actually think it's super important. but I've been to medical museums all over the world now, and the Hunterian model is not an effective way to teach. (though it does make lots of money, and has since Hunter first started having tea parties to show off stolen organs in bottles to his fellow rich friends in his fucking living room.) there are so many ways to teach about medicine and the history thereof without displaying, again, mostly stolen bodies in jars.
the depressing thing is that they know that there. I know that because their modern temporary exhibits tend to be really good. they're respectful and they're interesting and they're well-designed and they're deeply educational. I saw a few during various visits I had to make for classes. their exhibit on the way that medicine changed during the civil war? great! fascinating. important.
but the fact of the matter is that no matter how much their staff tried to get me in that building without missing too much of the tour the rest of my class got (but I very much did miss some of it) and no matter how much their staff acknowledged my concerns and no matter how respectful their modern exhibits are, the lion's share of their collection is still based on turning stolen othered bodies into a sideshow. that's their main draw and it's how they make their money. there is literally no way to thoroughly modernize a museum with a ghastly history while that's the case.
so uh no. I won't be signing your petition.
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streetsofsalem · 3 months
The Road to Mount Vernon
We have spring break this week, so I’m on one of my road trips, loosely following the footsteps of George Washington. I always feel like I need a theme beyond “interesting old houses” but often I find one along the way which replaces my original intention. Not this year though: George has been pretty present! I started out in northern New Jersey, where I visited a house that I’d long wanted to…
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ceresprime · 2 years
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Doing my duty in recruiting for His Majesty's Army, in the King's Own 4th Regiment of Foot. (It was a rather warm weekend, so please excuse my state of undress without my waistcoat.)
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I obtained no less than 60 new recruits by mark of their names in proper calligraphy! Though we may have lost many of them in this rebel town of Exeter, what with how many cheers were roared during a reading of that treasonous Declaration of Independence.
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queersnakeboi · 1 year
I started a podcast where I info dumping about different things
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I’m of the opinion that the Orb Transfer Agreement doesn’t matter. Nor does it matter, in this particular situation, who killed Dr. Buff.
What matters is that we’ve proven that this relic portrays the Founder and is therefore sacred and holy to the Khura’inese religion and should immediately be returned to the people, regardless of which random white person it legally belongs to.
But I also know that they’re in America so that’s not going to happen.
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historiavn · 3 months
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✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ we are about to brave the storm in a skiff made of paper ❜ ── the second continental congress
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ these are the times that try men’s souls ❜ ── the american revolution
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ a house divided against itself cannot stand ❜ ── the american civil war
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath ❜ ── the gilded age / the age of big business
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ blood and steel built belfast’s pride and joy ❜ ── before the voyage / titanic’s construction
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ ever westward on the sea ❜ ── rms titanic’s maiden voyage
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ turn the tragedy into spectacle ❜ ── titanic’s immediate aftermath / the inquiry
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ a visit for the season ❜ ── bridgerton
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ history comes to life ❜ ── night at the museum
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ the most undefinable yet paradoxical of things ❜ ── time travel
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ this universe is only one of an infinite number ❜ ── multiuniverse travel
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ the prince of rails ❜ ── first son of the united states
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ professor of magical history ❜ ── anastasia andrews in the wizarding world
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ now is the time to seize the day ❜ ── the 1899 newsboy strike
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ fortune favors the bold ❜ ── the princess of wall street
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ mother of the titanic ❜ ── mr. andrews’ apprentice
✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ with malice toward none ❜ ── sixteenth president of the united states
#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ we are about to brave the storm in a skiff made of paper ❜ ── the second continental congress#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ these are the times that try men’s souls ❜ ── the american revolution#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ a house divided against itself cannot stand ❜ ── the american civil war#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath ❜ ── the gilded age / the age of big business#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ blood and steel built belfast’s pride and joy ❜ ── before the voyage / titanic’s construction#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ ever westward on the sea ❜ ── rms titanic’s maiden voyage#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ turn the tragedy into spectacle ❜ ── titanic’s immediate aftermath / the inquiry#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ a visit for the season ❜ ── bridgerton#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ history comes to life ❜ ── night at the museum#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ the most undefinable yet paradoxical of things ❜ ── time travel#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ this universe is only one of an infinite number ❜ ── multiuniverse travel#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ the prince of rails ❜ ── first son of the united states#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ professor of magical history ❜ ── anastasia andrews in the wizarding world#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ now is the time to seize the day ❜ ── the 1899 newsboy strike#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ fortune favors the bold ❜ ── the princess of wall street#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ mother of the titanic ❜ ── mr. andrews’ apprentice#✎ ; universe / timeline ── ❛ with malice toward none ❜ ── sixteenth president of the united states
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litdigitalart · 3 months
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rosieposiepie · 5 months
Watching the new Percy Jackson episode, and while by no means is the show perfect, I do love how they updated the blending of Greek mythology and the American Gothic for social commentary.
What I mean is Echidna, the mother of monsters, is some respectable-looking vaguely southern white woman who is able to convince the police on the train that three kids shattered a train window and used those institutions to isolate the kids so she can target them and scare them for the chimera's hunt. The way that the police especially treat Annabeth. Now, as a young black girl, she has to know how to ask if they're getting arrested, and gets called out by the police for her tone.
And then, at the St. Louis Arch, we see Grover upset because of the museum, which is basically a monument to Manifest Destiny (literally, there's a shot where the words are in full display in the background). And while they say, "Grover is upset because he doesn't like it when people hurt animals," they explicitly depict America's colonization and destruction of indigenous communities as The Bad Thing. It adds another layer of flavor for the whole "Pan is missing" - it's not just about Climate Change. It's about the extermination of indigenous groups (the centaurs they saw on the train, the reminder that there used to be more of them until humans started killing them). They say "humans" are bad, but they're showing us Western/American colonizers.
Also, a rare yet interesting moment of conflict between Annabeth as a daughter of Athena and Grover as a Satyr. Annabeth insists that the museum's commodifying and glorifying of American colonization is "not what the arch is actually about, it's about architecture and math," but Athena is the goddess who protects social institutions and a patron goddess of the state, law, order, industry, and war. The Industrial Revolution and Western social institutions definitely contributed to colonialism; just saying. We also see in this episode that Athena can be arrogant and cruel - letting a monster go after her own daughter because she was embarrassed.
Anyway, idk. Maybe I'm overthinking this but these were the things that popped out to me on first watch, and now that I think about them more, I would love a continuation of these kinds of themes and tropes in future seasons, if we get them.
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scullz1013 · 10 months
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Today was my last full day here and I decided to go all out on the American history tourism.
I started at the Museum of the American Revolution which covers the revolutionary war and its aftermath. It had a pretty hefty price tag (although your ticket allows you to return the next day if you miss anything - I spent 5 hours there, so this seems like a nice idea for people who rock up in the afternoon) but I felt it was worth it. There is a lot of content and it's displayed a lot of different ways. They also had plenty of things you could touch and interact with for kids (I assume they get a lot of school groups).
I learned loads, for example I never realised how wide reaching the war was or how long it lasted. I really enjoyed learning about the nautical element of the war and the involvment of privateers as I've always just thought of it as a land war. I was also interested to learn that they considered making Washington a king (there's an interregnum related joke there that I will refrain from making) I also liked the fact that as you enter the first part of the museum "Rule Britannia" is playing on a loop.
The museum is only a block away from the Liberty Bell which I felt like I HAD to do on my first visit here. I got there about 3.30pm and was suprised that the queue was relatively short and fast moving, so going later in the day was clearly a good idea. There are some info panels about the bell and it's history as a symbol of freedom but disappointingly, none of them talk about how it was made, which is a shame, because like all the best bells, it was made at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry. You can walk all the way around the bell and get really close to it as well.
My last stop was Independence Hall (photo 7) where the Decleration of Independence was signed and where the US Governement sat in the early years of its existence. I deliberatly planned to go here later in the day because although it's free, you have to get a ticket for a guided tour of the main part of the building. If you go after 5pm in the summer though, you can just queue up and go in. I was able to see the first Senate room (photos 5 and 6) and the room where the Decleration of Independence was signed (photos 8 and 9) including the chair George Washington sat on to do the signing, which there happens to be a replica of at the Museum of the American Revolution that you can sit on yourself if you feel so inclined.
They also have a copy of the Declaration that is very slightly older than the one in the National Archives here, so if you are a constitutional completest, it's worth a look.
I have really enjoyed my time in Philadelphia - there is so much to do here and it's really easy to get around. I hope I can return at some point to explore more.
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ms-march · 1 year
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benedick arnold.
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qupritsuvwix · 11 months
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For untold years in the mouse-infested, secret crawlspace of an attic in Newark, Delaware, a man named Michael Kintner Corbett kept priceless American history locked away from the world.
That is, until the FBI came calling.
On May 24, 2017, FBI agents led by art crimes Special Agent Jake Archer executed a search warrant and found the hidden upper room of Corbett’s Newark residence and a safe tucked in the basement.
In the process, the agents broke open a 50-year mystery spanning six states, 16 museums and dozens of historic firearms whose provenance spans the entire history of America – a rash of museum burglaries Archer calls “one of the largest of its kind that we’re aware of.”
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streetsofsalem · 4 months
Glover Squad
With my February 1 deadline constantly in mind, I worked intently on the Salem book all weekend with the exception of Saturday afternoon and early evening  when my husband and I drove over to Marblehead for a tribute to Revolutionary War Brigadier General John Glover. Well, two tributes really: the revelation of the acquisition of a letter to Glover signed by General Washington by the Marblehead…
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tercerojaguilar · 2 years
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markashtonlund · 2 years
The Battle
The Battle of Bunker Hill – Re-Enactors Over the weekend I attended another wonderful re-enactment event at the American Heritage Museum. The Battle of Bunker Hill was produced with enthusiastic re-enactors that brought to life one of the famed early battles in the American Revolutionary War. While I have attended numerous re-enactment events, these re-enactors went out of their way to engage…
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