#mutant momakase
kingofplushies64 · 6 months
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Big hero 6 secret Santa gift for @freedom-barricades-bighero16 !! Happy holiday!!
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drama-glob · 2 years
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Has anyone else noticed that “Big Hero 6 The Series” seems to favor pink-pinkish purple vs. blue color palette? I mean from Globby vs. Nega-Globby, Honey Lemon vs. Momakase or the sonic cannons in “Krei-oke Night,” there’re a lot. (The “Krei-oke Night” fight even seemed similar to Globby vs. Nega-Globby where they’re battling out with destruction all around, where the pinkish purple is starting to wane, but then comes back bigger and stronger for the win ;) ). It’s even seen with High Voltage where they went from blue electricity to pinkish purple (while they currently are blue from being eel mutants)! Just something I noticed and is something to think about. ;)
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Since episode 5 is out, here's Momakase's mutant form redesign.
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arctimon · 2 years
Thinking with Portals - A BH6 Character Analysis
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You know, I laughed at this when I posted these two together last week, but now I’m been thinking about it a bit too much.
So...a normal day for me.
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Everybody knows who the person on the right is.  That’s Celine Simard (aka Sirque), the acrobat thief that showed up for one episode, made a splash, and then never came back ever again sans a mention by Hiro in “Go Go the Woweroo”.
The person on the left?  Well, that’s a little bit more interesting.  I could give you one reason why, but instead...
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(Spoiler: I don’t actually have six.)
That would be Rita Wayword, aka Spiral. 
Now, I know that you guys are probably thinking, “Jason, you’re on the sauce again, aren’t you?  These two don’t have anything in common.”
Which I would say “No...because I have to work tomorrow.”
Spiral is a mutant, once known as Ricochet Rita and a professional stuntwoman (similar to Celine’s background as a circus performer).  In a very long, very convoluted backstory that I’m totally not going to go into, she was attacked by her future self, went to the Mojoverse to be with her boyfriend, genetically modified to be Mojo’s bodyguard, and then sent into the past to close the time paradox.
This is why I hate time travel.
Oh yeah, and this is Mojo:
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Ain’t nobody got time for that thing, though.  Moving on.
Spiral is a sorceress and was once on the shortlist to be the replacement to Dr. Strange as Sorcerer Supreme.  The magic that she’s most well known for, however...
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Is portals.
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So we have a stuntperson/circus acrobat who can make/steal portals into other dimensions with white hair.
Now, let’s add another wrinkle to that.
Spiral at some point would join up with the Sisterhood of Mutants with a bunch of other people (mainly Jean Grey’s clone Madelyne Pryor) in an attempt to steal a lock of Grey’s hair to resurrect her and have her body be Pryor’s body.  Another member of that team?
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Lady Deathstrike (on the right).
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I would also like to note that both the names Celine and Rita mean “moon” and “pearl” respectively (Celine being an alternate spelling of Selene, Greek for moon and French for “heavenly body” and Rita being a shortening of Margarita, Greek for “pearl”).
Take that into account with Spiral and portals, and...
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Everything comes back around, doesn’t it?
(Yes, that was a circle joke.  You’ll have to forgive me; it was almost one AM when I was typing this.)
Now, I know what you’re also thinking.  “Jason, aren’t you forgetting the most obvious part? The whole ‘six arms’ thing?”
No, imaginary person, I didn’t.  That’s because I...don’t really have an explanation for that.  The only thing I can say is that they can’t really give her six arms in the show, now can they?  It’d sort of give it away.
“Also, didn’t you have a six-armed person in your fanfics already?  Coat of Arms?”
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Yes, I did, and Hiro did learn a lot from fighting her back in The Straight and Arrow.  But that’s not the point.  She’s got a coat.
Boom.  Got ‘em.
But the imagination starts to run wild at some point, and my mind but can’t help but go back to Momakase’s situation with Sycorax and how she was “enhanced” to fight Big Hero 6.  If she can go from this:
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To this:
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Just imagine if Di Amara was able to get her hands on Sirque.
Is it really that hard to believe that there’s another villain in the Big Hero 6 universe that can go from this:
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To this?
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*taps head*  See?  Now you’re thinking with portals.
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brainyxbat · 3 years
Big Hero 6 Month Day 19: Scariest Mutant/Monster
https://spyrkle4.tumblr.com/post/641066643590692864/bh6-month-guideline by @spyrkle4!
😨😰Karmi and  Momakase!😰😨
I couldn’t decide between the two, so I went with both. They’re both creepy! 😬
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Have a simple spoopy edit :3
That song was my jam when I was like 12
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spitalofatalo · 3 years
A2, B2, C1 and D1 for the BH6:TS ask!
A2: what season do you think is best?
i want to say season 2 because i really love it - it's got several of my favorite moments, and i love how it expands on the first season. but season 1 is probably objectively best in terms of pacing and setting up the final conflict, which s2 unfortunately had some issues with. i'm torn
B2: who do you think is the best villain?
di amara!!! frightening, creative, ultra-capable, the public on her side, unique motivation and origin that raises lots of questions about her psyche, a last-minute moment of vulnerabilty... she's so fascinating, has so much potential, and even though they had to wrap things up quickly her arc is my favorite of the whole series. that's my wife. miss her every day
C1: what is your favorite moment with your favorite character?
it is impossible for me to pick one favorite character because i love so many of them in different ways for different reasons. here's a list, in no order
honey lemon: going full mad scientist while making the brain for nega globby
megan: her interview with krei in hiro the villain
globby: "tell felony carl... he was my whole list"
granville: putting on the super gear and fighting momakase
mel: his surprise party speech to aunt cass while in krei disguise
hardlight: all of big chibi 6 but especially his goofy dance with his mini-me
momakase: giving herself up to let the team escape!!
sparkles: "stop enforcing gender on our mutant bear monster"
judy: chilling at di's desk in return to sycorax
wendy wower: telling hiro through song that she thinks her life is in danger
D1: what would you like to happen if the series was never cancelled?
more amaras. more callaghans. hardlight as arc villain. hiro-karmi-megan friend group shenanigans. bring back mel, the mad jacks, cobra, high voltage, and sirque
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mayoi-draws-stuff · 4 years
Can you did mutant Momakase with snowy morning?
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"Very funny, Chris. Very funny."
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cartoonsliveon · 4 years
Random Big Hero 6 Thoughts/Headcanons
1) Hiro and his friends all have a villain that, in an alternate reality, they would probably work alongside as a sidekick or partner. Hiro would work alongside Obake, obviously, as his protege. Obake was most clearly Hiro’s villain, he was obsessed with Hiro and they’re both talented robotics engineers. And they share the same flaw of being cocky/over confident and not understanding boundaries.
Fred would work for Di, because she’s the only scientist who could make him into the kaiju mutant monster he’s always wanted to be (though he might not necessarily be in complete control of his actions). Fred is absolutely gullible and impulsive enough to go through with it without thinking about the repercussions or consequences of it. 
Wasabi would be working under Momakase. She’s the only villain whose training he would benefit from because they both deal with plasmic laser blades (or something of the equivalent). He’s referenced studying fencing and related things so he can fight her. Momkase is a master chef, as a chef and as a villain she relies on precision and exactness. And in a lot of ways these tributes shine through Wasabi in the way he focuses on organization and through his final projects.
Gogo works alongside Supersonic Sue. I know, technically, she’s a Boss Awesome villain, but she aknowledges that Big Hero 6 is a threat. She calls Gogo Skater Tot!!!! How can you not put the super hero speedster with the super villain speedster. And as much as I love Stu, he’s not exactly going to make a super competent super villain when she does retire or can’t keep up the super villain life style. I can see her training Gogo to be her successor with Stu being Gogo’s lackey when she retires.
Now Honey Lemon is trickey because there is no villain equivalent to what she can do or utilizes chemistry the way she does. There was Globby, but Globby isn’t a villain anymore. And quite honestly, even if he was, he’s be her henchman to be very honest. If I had to pick one of the villains though, it be Sparkles. Sparkles is incredibly eccentric, obsessed with the spotlight, and honestly whacky. He’s unpredictable. But that’s because he’s clearly thinking a few steps ahead and reads a situation. That’s what Honey Lemon does. She reads a situation and her brain is working overtime to create a solution. She’s thinking of chemical solutions on the fly and applying them to her problems. You can’t tell me that someone like Sparkles wouldn’t want that kind of genius on his side, working for him.
2) I have a headcanon that’s constantly toiling around in my head that Gogo has a past with the Fujitas. When I first learned about the Fujitas, and how they rely on roller skating to travel quickly and make trouble, I couldn’t stop thinking about how that would be an interesting parallel or foil to Gogo. I’m not saying that Gogo was once a Fujita, but she definitely has to have some history with them from when she was younger in her high school/teen years. Like, when she was younger, she participated in some sort of underground roller derby or illegal racing and that’s how she got to know them. She used to be on her own, doing it for fun and for the adrenaline rush, and they tried to get her in with them because of how good she was. But Gogo clearly didn’t agree with their morals or ruthlessness, and immediately cut herself off from that and her secret, not totally legal hobby to protect herself and stuff. Which would be cool because then she’d have something in common with Hiro.
But I just have thoughts of them like tracking her down (civilian her not super hero her) and trying to get her to upgrade their roller skates and equipment to make them faster. Or super hero Gogo being the only one other than Baymax who can keep up with them but because they outnumber her, they maybe capture her and bring her to Yama for a reward or something.
3) There is a villain out there for each of the members of Big Hero 6. There is someone out there who has a vendetta against them or a creepy focus/obsession like Obake’s interest in Hiro. 
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spyrkle4 · 4 years
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that ending to “Hiro the Villain” is making me a lil’ anxious
what’s gonna happen next week for sure will be scary 0_0
In the meantime here is a drawing of Megan feeling..shock?..confliction? Well she did crack the code, that has to invoke some feelings
(below is some of my thoughts of the episode..aka spoilers)
-I love how the beginning of the episode was just
*scratch, freeze frame* yeah, that’s me..you’re probably wondering how this happened
and there was a 48 hours earlier segment
-Megan shows up! And the whole episode subplot revolves around her
-Mel Meyer got mentioned, his encounter with Krei is recorded on the conspiracy wall 
-They said Callaghan’s supervillain name Yokai..I think that’s the first time anyone in the series has said it
-Speaking of Callaghan he showed up... *sob*
-The mention of the SFIT fire and Tadashi ;-;
-Sidenote: Where on earth does Megan get her photos from..is there some photographer SFIT student that posts stuff on Instagram because superhero stuff brings in a lot of views?
-She had a photo of the CoM part 1 cliffhanger that had us reeling (aka mutant Karmi jumping out of a window with Hiro hostage) Who even took that photo?!
-I NEED ANSWERS (somehow that’s the only thing that bugs me)
-Momakase seems to have a soft side after all!..it was cool how we learned more info about her
-San Fransokyo would be doomed if Hiro ever went a villainous route...he’s got the skills after-all 
-Megan cracked the code *shocked pikachu face* instant concern
-tldr this episode had some good food, we’ve been fed. And this has been my favorite episode of the fugitive arc
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kingofplushies64 · 3 years
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Have my mutant girlfriend úwù
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drama-glob · 1 year
Incorrect BH6 Quotes
(Fred noticing Wasabi doing some running in the training room)
Fred (Waves and calls out): Looking good Wasabi.
Wasabi (Stops for a drink of water): Thanks. Just trying to stay healthy.
Fred (Flexes unceremoniously): Yeah, I’ve been getting in shape too. I’m training for the San Fransokyo 1K.
Wasabi (Quirks eyebrow in confusion): That’s only like 3000ft.
Fred (Shrugs): Yeah, there’s not a lot of training involved.
(Globby stepping into Momakase’s room to tell her something)
Globby (Smiles): Hey teammate, I just came to say-
Momakase (Interrupts and glares): Leave my room this instant you mutant.
Globby (Sighs and waves finger playfully): Okay, but you know you didn’t say the magic word.
Momakases (Anger intensifies): NOW.
Globby (Yelps): Right! (Rushes away)
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A redesign of sorts of Momakase's mutant form, bc to be honest I'm not a fan of the bushy eyebrows, and I expected her final mutated form to be more feline.
Also I made this illustration to show that she has rosettes on her body bc Di encoded some leopard genes into the biochip
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arctimon · 3 years
The Six of Swords - A BH6 Fanfiction Analysis
To wrap up Swordtember, the overarching fanart prompt that I didn’t know existed until halfway through the month, I thought I would go into something that I think would fit perfectly into a Big Hero 6 story: a swordfight tournament arc.
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Last year, Marvel Comics had a sprawling event spanning all of their current X-Men comics call X Of Swords.  This basic outline was that Krakoa, the sentient living island that mutants call home off the Pacific Ocean (which is a whole different thing we could go into, but we’ll leave for another time), was pulled into a interdimensional tournament with Arakko, its besieged counterpart.  The tournament, set up by Grand Magistrix Opal Luna Saturnyne (seen here being a right [Insert your choice of expletive here])...
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Pitted ten champions of Krakoa against ten champions of Arakko to decide who would come out on top.  The list of chosen champions from the X-Men included:
Magik wielding the Soulsword
Wolverine wielding the Muramasa Blade
Storm wielding the Skybreaker
Cypher wielding Warlock
Cable wielding the Light of Galador
Captain Britain wielding the Starlight Sword
Captain Avalon wielding the Sword of Might
Apocalypse wielding the Scarab
Gorgon wielding both Godkiller and Grasscutter
(Links left on for information purposes and I’m too lasy to remove them.  And yes, there are nine here, but we’ll get to that in a second.)
The history, events, and overall plot of the entire tournament is way too broad to cover in one singular post, but I will say that this would be a fantastic idea for a Big Hero 6 story.  And it would center primarily around the swordswoman at the heart of the show: Momakase.
The idea is that Momakase has to enlist her own team of “champions” to battle another group located a long way away around the word, perhaps for family or honor or “the lulz” purposes.  Of course, Momakase doesn’t have anyone in her inner circle that can do that.  So...she enlists Big Hero 6.
Or maybe she blackmails them.  What’s the difference, really?
In any case, Momakase (with Wasabi as her second) have to bring everyone else up to snuff on the art of sword play, and also find their instruments of battle scattered around the world.  It would be a hard sell for the pacifists of the group (Hiro, Wasabi), and maybe not so hard for the good fighters (Go Go).
I also know that I previously linked the Nano Arms, the Keyblade Sora uses based off the BH6 universe as a possible weapon for Hiro, but why go that route...when you have a perfectly good list of swords above?
So here’s how I think it would go (in no particular order):
1.) Godkiller and Grasscutter - Momakase: We already know that she has swords, but graphene blades are so last year.  Why not up the ante and make her use something she’s not accustomed to?
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Like the family blades that she had to rescue from Yama back in “Hiro The Villain”?
Two swords made by a single blacksmith, and lost to time only to appear much later?  Fits these to a T.
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2.) Muramasa - Wasabi: Pretty self explanatory.  Yes, you could go with his normal plasma blades, but you should be able to give him something where he can really show his skill.  So do that with probably the most famous blade in all of Marvel comics...
The one wielded by Wolverine and forged from a piece of his soul.
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3.) The Light of Galador - Hiro:
An otherworldly blade that holds yottabytes (that’s 10 to the 28th power) of data and has a hidden component to it just like a thumb drive?  How can you not give that to Hiro?  He could use all of that information to actually learn how to fight.
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4.) Skybreaker - Go Go: Skybreaker is a blade from Wakanda, forged by the first king.  It’s virtually indestructible, transfers a large amount of energy, and looks cool doing it.
Weirdly enough, that also describes Go Go.
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5.) The Starlight Sword - Honey Lemon:  I mean...need I say more?
Now, the others are a little tricky.  I’m going to note now that Fred is not a part of the team.  He would be doing some undercover stuff as one of the socialites overseeing the tournament.  He’d be much more useful as a wealthy person than a sword-wielding one...much to his chagrin.
But that would leave four more people from this list.  So Momakase would have to branch out a bit, starting with:
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6.) The Scarab - Trina: What better way to bring Trina back into the fold than for Momakase to recruit here for this, and also give her a giant sword to play with?  She wants nothing to do with Obake, but having his “daughter” there would complicate their work relationship a fair amount.
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7.) Warlock - Felony Carl/Globby: Unlike the other blades, Warlock is not a thing; he’s a techno-organic being that can change his shape into almost anything.  Cypher’s arm above is not really yellow and black.  That’s Warlock.  So wouldn’t it be really cool if Felony Carl had to go, and Globby attached to his arm to make all of the weapons he needed?  I think that would be amazing.
The next two are the most unexpected, so much so that I’m not going to spoil them immediately.  For anyone that knows about me and my Momakase theories, they won’t come as a surprise.
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8.) The Sword of Might: Whenever there is a new Captain Britain, they must chose between the Sword of Might and the Amulet of Right.  Choosing over over the other decides your powers.  The Sword represents the path of violence, and the Amulet represents the path of reason.  Different Captains have chosen differently over the years, and one would have to imagine what would happen if Momakase found someone who would have to make that decision.
Or maybe they would already know what decision they would make.
Someone having to make a decision between what’s right and throwing everything he has at a problem?
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Now where have I heard that one before?
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9.) The Soulsword: This one was the hardest one to figure out, because I was rapidly running out of people to draw upon.  It’s a shame, too, because I love Illyana and her sword (and also her sarcasm).  It’s also one of the more powerful swords, with its ability to control swords, channel magic, and a bunch of other stuff.
And then I remembered other people have wielded the Soulsword before.
Or more importantly, just a piece of it.
The sword had to be reforged a long time ago, and it needed a soul.  A fellow mutant took up the challenge, but instead of creating a whole sword, it created a dagger.
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A Souldagger.
Made from the soul of a little pink-haired girl named...
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Megan (Gwynn).
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See where I’m going with this?
So the updated roster would look something like this:
Megan Cruz wielding the Souldagger
Wasabi wielding Muramasa
Go Go wielding the Skybreaker
Felony Carl wielding Globby
Hiro wielding the Light of Galador
Honey Lemon wielding the Starlight Sword
Chief Cruz wielding the Sword of Might
Trina wielding Scarab
Momakase wielding both Godkiller and Grasscutter
So where’s the tenth one?  In the comics, the tenth “sword” in the prophecy ends up being “The Peak”, a giant satellite that was run by S.W.O.R.D.:
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So now you have the possibility of getting Brand involved into this.
Space shenanigans aside, I think a tournament arc would work really well in Big Hero 6.  You would have to move things around a tiny bit, but just imagine the drama that would pop up between Momakase and everyone on the team.
Including Diego.
Oh, I wish I could be in the bleachers for that interaction.
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brainyxbat · 5 years
Hi just wanted to say I love your OC Venus, she’s so cute! And I’d like to ask: Which of the mutated villains in City of Monsters would she have the hardest time dealing with? Have a great day btw :)
Thanks! :D Hmm... I think Momakase would give her a good challenge. I imagine her teaming up with Honey Lemon for that part where all the mutated villains are attacking the city. Thanks! Also, one upgrade Venus’ ultra armor would have starting at this time is cat-like claws that grow out of her gloves (since she has a bit of a cat theme in her super suits), so Momakase would be a good fighting match for her.Thanks for being a fan!
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itstimetotheorize · 5 years
props to the bh6 writers. What will happen next? a discussion on season 2 episodes 1-5, warning spoilers ahead
i gotta say we’re not even half way thru the second season and i can already tell that the bh6 writers have really outdone themselves. The story is much darker than the first season and the villains of the show have developed into more sinister versions of themselves. 
but out of all the villains so far, the big MVP of this season is definitely Liv Amara. Not gonna lie, i didn't know how they would play liv out in the show, or if she would even be played off as an even bigger threat than Obake, but oh boy do they know how to write a good villain. 
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liv amara is more cynical compared to Obake, and unlike Obake who was originally good, but due to a deathly explosion that caused him brain damage, he was left with the inability to tell right from wrong, so he was not consciously aware of the fact that he was doing something he didn't want to do. Liv Amara on the other hand has no such brain damage and is fully aware of the fact that she is doing inhumane things and doesn't care who she brings down if it means she can accomplish her goals, but just what are her goals to begin with? thats the other thing that the writers are doing so well, keeping the mystery behind liv amaras plan a secret but still laying it out bit by bit to keep having us guessing
so far from what we have seen, Liv Amaras generous funds do not just come from investors seeking to support her work, rather they mostly come from shady villainous people who will have no issue supporting her insane experiments. In season 2 episode 2, Liv meets up with Momakase to talk about her “investing” funds for a specific top secret project she is currently working on at sycorax. We do not know what this secret project is but it is no doubt something that she cant just show to any investor with a good conscious 
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 However, that doesn't matter to villains that have done equally horrid things and wouldn't mind giving Liv the cash she wants if it means that they could benefit from her skills as well. And, as we later learn near the end of the episode 2, (thanks to a mysterious chip liv inserted into her neck) momakase can now produce indestructible knives from the tips of her fingers
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since it is clear that Liv is responsible for the mutations this season the only questions now is, what is Liv Amaras end game?, what is her “top secret project” and what do those chips mean for the people she is mutating. 
first lets talk about the chips. Its clear that the chips reprogram a persons DNA and can cause specific mutations at the persons request. My only question is, are these mutations permanent ? orso knox in season 3 episode 3 was able to return back to normal thanks to karmi, but as liv amara states ( as she effortlessly blackmails him), she has the power to return him back to his monstrous form whenever she likes. 
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if these chips are removed will the persons abilities be removed along with them? or do they become inactive once the person has fully mutated, leaving their only chance to return to normal a series of treatments to splice their DNA back to normal. Regardless of who it is, once its embedded in a persons skin all it takes is for liv to activate it.
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next, lets talk about this “top secret project”, in episode 2 liv shows the top secret project file to momakase. This project may be what gave momakase the idea to have liv turn her into a knife wielding super monster, so its clear that the plan involves some kind of human genetic mutation. 
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In episode 3 (out of hiros constant bickering to figure out livs actual progress on orso knox) karmi finds out that she cant access the knox file, then directly goes to livs office to ask about why she cant access the info related to orso knox. 
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before karmi reaches livs office we get a clear shot at some of the files on her screen and what we see are base pairs for parts of someones DNA (maybe orso knox, momokase or someone we haven't seen yet) and what is clear in those pictures is that there are parts blackened out, as if to show that something is missing.
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 We see this same DNA in episode 4 when liv meets high voltage, the dna strand is visible as a hologram on her desk and is again missing certain pieces.
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 When karmi looks at the DNA sequence of mutated orso knox in episode 3, she notes that the base pairs in his DNA are not similar. 
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For those of you who have a hard time understanding this, basically imagine DNA as a ladder split down the middle, the steps that make up the middle part of the ladder and allow people to climb it normally are different shapes on both sides but when they come together they make a proper ladder, 
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in order for DNA to produce a functional human being the DNA base pairs need to match. Those regions of his mismatched DNA are being caused by a specific area somewhere else in his DNA, and so long as that specific region remains orso knox continues to lose more and more of his humanity as his DNA continues to produce that mismatched areas. 
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We can clearly see this occurring with Momokase as well. When momokase escapes the teams combined attacks near the end of episode 2 we see that she has now developed blue skin, sharp teeth and wild and unruly hair,
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 even more noticeably is when she runs in the direction of hiro. She doesn't try to attack hiro and granville now that they are vulnerable without baymax and the others there to help, instead she makes her way to the pillar behind them to escape and gives them an angry hiss/growl before leaving. 
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In episode 4, high voltage undergo the same procedure as momakase but transform at a slower rate. Later on when they crash a high school dance, they become fully mutated eel people
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once high voltage gains the upper hand to make their escape, what do we see them do? they dont just escape, they escape and without a second thought they immediately go to liv amara, now fully mutated into eels and living in her office aquarium!!. 
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If high voltage returned to liv then odds are that momokase is somewhere in her building as well. But why are they going back to liv?, well, back in season 1 episode 18 knox didnt go directly to liv, he followed his schedule until he found his way back to her, only to attack her, and sadly now that we know liv is the second seasons main antagonist liv learned from her mistakes with knox and most likely implanted the idea in future mutated people to return to her without fighting back. But what does this all mean?, why is she collecting mutated villains, what was the point of mutating orso knox? and what does this have to do with her secret project?
well, what if Liv is trying to make mutants but is having a hard time figuring out a base pair that will allow the persons DNA to remain stable and thus creating a stable mutated human. But to do that she needs test subjects, and she knows that she cant just experiment on ordinary people without drawing suspicion, so instead shes using criminals that the public would prefer not seeing. The only exception was orso knox who may have realized what liv amaras secret project was and refused to give her the money to support it. Liv turning him into a monster was just one way of keeping her money and gaining a lab rat, however, now that he is back to normal all she has to do is threaten him with turning him back, if he doesn't keep quiet about what she is doing. 
she may have always known how to turn mutants like orso back into regular humans but thats not what she wants, she wants these mutated and now animalistic humans to stay unstable so she can figure out the missing link in their DNA.  In episode 3 when karmi sees orso and quickly figures out the right treatment to turn him back, liv comes in and looks at karmis work, 
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liv doesn't look happy or surprised, shes upset because now there is someone other than her that can successfully turn mutants like oros back to normal, liv knew karmi was smart, but now that she knows karmi is to smart, she identifies her as a threat. And what does she do once she realizes that karmi is capable of undoing her work?  she pushes some buttons, 
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takes fred to the elevator and leaves karmi, hiro, and baymax seconds before orsos lock is disabled and the entire building is placed on lock down. 
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Liv was trying to murder hiro and karmi, then later pin the blame on orso to cover up her tracks!! and the only reason she took fred to safety is because she still needs to get her funds from his mother, and she cant do that if his mom is grieving for her dead son. 
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and now lets talk about the biggest question of the show, what is liv amaras end game? in episode 5, we see her experimenting with the cell regeneration capabilities of globby and claims that the way globbys cell regenerate may be a breakthrough to what she is working on. When nega globby begins to regenerate  into a bigger size in front of liv we see that they are confined to a small room, this room/lab contains a series of pods and one more pod that chris looks over to on his right off screen.
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 In episode 3 as hiro, karmi, and fred discover that orso is confined in sub level 9 fred says, “thats the most mysterious sub level there is, unless there’s a  sub level 10, is there a sub level 10?”. 
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Odds are, freddy is right!, there may be a secret level that liv did not include into the buildings computer and that secret sub level is where she is currently conducting her “secret project”
later, when the nega globby escapes, Chris meets up with liv in that same suspicious room were liv is working on a single giant pod in front of her
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when chris states that the glob escaped liv deactivates the security shutdown (which she says in episode 3 that she has no control over, but clearly she does !!!) 
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and lets it escape into the city. Chris then says, “dont we need it for..” then points to the giant pod next to him. 
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What if livs top secret project and ultimate end game has to do with whatever is in that giant pod. And what exactly is in that giant pod?, I have no idea!!, it could be anything at this point, and without enough evidence I am just gonna list out some ideas below and do a follow up later on when new info is revealed in future episodes:
1. in episode 1 liv says to grandville, hiro and the gang on their tour, “mother nature is an artist and I see myself as her protege, studying and... even improving on her work”. Liv believes it is her responsibility to do what nature is no longer capable of, improving human kind and is making a giant serum to transform the entire city into mutants, and later transform the entire world, making her the new mother of an entirely new world.
2. she is trying to create a new human race and what is in that giant tub in episode 5 is the first superhuman, however, because she hasnt figured out the right DNA sequence it is still incomplete and unstable. 
3.she knew(possibly admired) or knows obake and found his body underwater after his base fell apart and currently holds him in that tub as she is trying to turn him into the first line of super mutants and thus saving his life but also using him to her advantage.
4. shes gonna turn the entire city into mindless animalistic mutants, have them all under her control, then later use her new army of mutants to take over the world, starting with san fransokyo.
5. again this is just a theory, so don’t bother complaining, I’m just making this up as i go until i get new info. Liv found Tadashi after the fire and is currently holding him in that giant tub as she is trying to figure out how to stabilize his mutated genes and fix his damaged body so he can use whatever abilities his body is developing. Then she will later use his DNA to create a new line of mutants to serve under her. 
its just a theory, a big hero 6 theory!
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