#my Sheldon Cooper thoughts
Just found out that a super secret third “Big Bang Theory” spin-off show could be in the works. If it isn’t a Sheldon and Amy domestic dramady, then I don’t want it! I seriously could watch Sheldon Cooper’s entire life Truman Show style. 😭
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I don't like characters like Sheldon Cooper not because they're autistic-coded and have behaviours that are considered stereotypical. I don't like characters like Sheldon Cooper because many of the traits that make them autistic-coded are shown as something to laugh at.
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dix-rose · 3 months
I need a list of unhinged characters that literally say the first thing that comes to mind because that's all I ever do on here
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shoutlikethewolf · 2 years
Being autistic I naturally enjoy being alone but there are times when I realise I truly have no one. I honestly don’t know what will happen the day my mom won’t be here for me anymore. But I can’t just ‘make friends’ especially not just because that person is sweet or because we have one interest in common, I have a sort-of checklist in my brain for people which I can’t just shut off lol, I never understood how people can just be friends with someone because they ‘get along’. I sometimes wish I could but I just can’t, if someone doesn’t meet the criteria of my basic personality requirements list it just doesn’t work out and I’m immediately put off. (Before I stopped going, I would often change schools just because a teacher (usually one that I liked, otherwise I wouldn’t care since I didn’t like them anyway) said or did something I didn’t like. I’m incredibly just and despise anything unfair.)
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starryarles · 5 days
i watched too much young sheldon and started picking up the accent this is not funny
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conanssummerchild · 4 months
nah bcs my parents and are goofy as fuck, theyve spent my whole ass life telling me i think too much in black and white, to stop taking things so literally, that i need to stop being such a picky eater, that i need to learn how to concentrate and how to listen and that i live in my own world in my head too much and then go and be like 'autism? i dont think thats the problem we're having'
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nuklearis-sutotok · 6 months
Dad: "Your interest in physics is going to raise suspicions."
It... It really isn't? This has been a global interest for a very long time?? We no longer live in a state of McCarthyism? We're allowed to read the works written by the scientists of the Manhattan Project??? Some of them are even required reading???
But in any case, hey wire tap, I'm interested in acoustics and have to know half this shit anyway. May I carry on as per whoever's royal whatever approves?
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nick-nacker · 8 months
Guys why do I have a tv show that only straight white men watch as a comfort show
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I am not okay. Not even a little bit. 😭😭😭
Young Sheldon is special to me. I have not been a fan of it super long, but it was an unexpected surprise when I had given up on any American show ever making any profound impact on me again. (Yes, I am being dramatic, but so it is.)
It introduced me to Sheldon Cooper, which finally forced me to give in and watch The Big Bang Theory, and then I fell in love with Shamy and the rest was history.
Sheldon Cooper is a special character for me in that I never had a character so closely be relatable to me. It was kind of shocking and I still kind of can’t believe that this character exists. Things Sheldon Cooper has said and thought have been quite literally things I have said and thought. His struggles are my own struggles. These things of life that come more easily for other people, do not for me. I mean I am going to be 38, and I am just now getting my drivers license! I am pretty proud of myself for this achievement, but it is just one of many examples of how I totally understand Sheldon’s way of processing and navigating this world. It is slow. It is hard. It is a constant uphill battle that pretty much no one understands. Everyone thinks you are weird, and you might as well be speaking Klingon whenever you talk about the things you are passionate about. Even your own family thinks you are a little strange, even if they love you. You wish you could just live as a brain, as that would be SO much easier, but nah, you gotta deal with complex and frightening emotions and biological processes and somatic experiences!
So yeah, Sheldon is dear to me. I am upset to have to say good-bye to the character when I literally have just met him. (Thank you binge watching!) I mean I have rewatches and future meta analyses to look forward to, but there won’t be anymore of his story. It makes me sad.
And of course, the whole Cooper Family I have come to love, and I think this whole show is absolutely brilliant, despite its flaws. I hope to be able to talk more in-depth why I think it is such an important show for American television and the state of our current culture. It might be a spicy take, but necessary. 😏
Sheldon Cooper can teach us a lot. He can teach us that the human experience is myriad, and that the world becomes ever the more beautiful by that which is obtuse, weird, and bizarre. Human beings weren’t meant to be neatly categorized, and life wasn’t meant to be quantified. There is beauty in the imperfection. Not because the Ideal does not exist, but that somehow, in a mysterious way, that which is already Perfect becomes fuller, more realized, deeper, and more itself - through - imperfection.
I don’t know. I’m still figuring it out and discovering this life myself…
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“For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy…” | Hebrews 10:14
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jessie-jem · 11 months
Nah, I don't overthink....
She says knowing full well that she just had a 20 minute internal dialogue wondering what the "Blorbo Rules" are and if Blorboing a problematic character would make me problematic.
Like, take Jeff Winger, from Community. Is he a problematic character? Yeah, kinda. His intentions aren't always good and he generally has his own best interest in mind. And sure, he changes and grows as a person throughout the show, but to some extent, he is still problematic. However, I BLORBO HIM VERY MUCH and like does that make me problematic??????? Idfk anymore 😭
Anyway thoughts????
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imalittleoutthere · 1 year
Characters on The Big Bang Theory that I’d like to punch
1) Leonard’s mom
2) Bernadette
3) Sheldon
4) Leslie Winkle
5) Bernadette’s dad
6) Colonel Williams
7) Dr. Pemberton
8) Dr. Cambell
9) President Siebert
10) Penny’s ex boyfriend Kurt
11) Amy’s mom
12) Emily (the gold-digging one)
13) Dr. Nowitzki
14) Kripke
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bellarkeselection · 6 months
Hiii!! I saw that you wrote for Georgie Cooper from you Sheldon and I was wondering if you would write for him again 😊 Can I get Georgie with a latina gf that loves to cook, whenever she goes over to his house she's always bringing food from her culture (I'm Mexican so Mexican food ofc) .
Culture Cooking
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I am not Latina so I hope I wrote this correctly 🤗 and a very short request in my opinion but I hope you still enjoy
Coming out of Missy’s room that used to be Georgie’s old bedroom, I had decided to get up early and make the family breakfast. I had stayed the night after my date with her older brother, and we didn’t get back till really late, so she said I could sleep over in her room. Walking down the small hallway and into the kitchen, I got lost in thought, thinking of the ingredients that I needed. I have been bringing over some spices and stuff when I would come over here. I loved cooking for Georgie, and he always seemed to enjoy my family's food. “Hey…uh what are you doing up this early?”
Whipping my head around away from the stove I saw Georgie stumbling his way into the kitchen. “Oh hey. I thought I’d make the family my kind of breakfast.”
“Sweet.” He smiled sitting down at the table watching me go back to cooking. My family had moved to Texas after my father got a new job here being the assistant principal.
One day after I was leaving from English class I had been walking down the hallway and accidentally bumped into Georgie. All of our notebooks went flying and that’s how we met basically. Turning the oven off I put the whole meal together on a plate and slid it across the table to him. “I present to you one of my families favorite things to eat for breakfast.”
“Woah this smells really good.” Georgie gave me praise picking up his fork and dove right in. He took a big bite making the same noise he does whenever his Meemaw makes brisket for dinner that he loves.
Georgie stared at me with a mouth full of food. “So what’s in this?”
“Let’s see it’s a fried tortilla topped with salsa. And there’s eggs, pulled chicken, cream cheese and bean included inside it too.” I chuckled sitting down and taking some bites out of the one I had made for myself with him.
Georgie took a few minutes to finish his food wiping some sauce that was left on his plate. I bite my lip trying not to laugh at seeing some cream in his hair where I moved one hand up wiping it away. “Awe dang it! I guess you are a really good cook if I get it in my hair.” He chuckled back at me.
“Yeah suppose so.” I responded moving our plates off the table hearing someone else entering the kitchen seeing it was Missy.
She squealed hugging me by the waist. “Hi Y/n. What did you make for breakfast?”
“She made a fried tortilla.” Her older brother said forking some more from the pan onto his plate.
Missy gave me a confused look. “A fried tortilla?”
“Yes but it’s actually called Chilaquiles.” I told her before she sat down and I made her a plate of her own.
Georgie finished his second plate putting his plate up in the sink then came over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer to his chest with that same cheeky grin. “Even if I can’t pronounce your food half the time. You’re still a really good cook. Everybody in the family enjoys it. So thank you for this and all the other meals.”
“You’re welcome, Georgie. I always love cooking for y’all.” Draping my arms over his shoulders I grinned up at him kissing him slowly where he tightened his hands around me deepening the kiss.
He moved one hand into my hair and the other on my waist. We we’re getting caught up in the kiss that we almost wound have gone further if it wasn’t for his sister being in the kitchen with us. “Eww. If I knew you two were going to kiss after you ate I would have eaten my breakfast in front of the tv.” Missy made a look of discomfort.
“Awe I’m sorry Missy. I can’t help if he’s a good kisser and likes my food at the same time.” I shrugged my shoulders with him draping an arm over my shoulder so I laid my head on his shoulder since he was slightly taller than I was.
Georgie looped our hands together sending me a smirk. “Best of both words, my darling. You’re pretty awesome Y/n.”
“Stop being cute or I’m gonna barf my food.” She whined at us with her tounge sticking out.
I gasped remembering that their parents were already at work for the day so that left Sheldon in our care. Snapping my fingers at Missy I questioned his twin sister worried he needed to eat. “Missy, go tell your brother that I made breakfast.”
“Sheldon, Y/n made breakfast!” She spun around in her seat hollering towards their bedroom causing me and her older brother to start cracking up in laughter. Squeezing Georgie’s hand in mine I always enjoyed anytime I got to cook for this family.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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whenlilyfallsinlove · 2 months
sheldon cooper x reader??? thanks 😍
my first request!!! hope you like it :)
girl from the train station
"WAIT!" sheldon's voice called at the train that had just driven off. oh he was so screwed. his mom would be so mad; this had definitely put him off breaking rules for life.
he sighed and looked round to see if there was anyone he could ask for help. then he realised he was in germany, of course there wouldn't be many people that could help him! his german was good, but it could only take him so far.
"hey, are you okay?" your voice interrupted him from his thoughts. he looked up to see you, standing in front of him, a sympathetic smile on your face.
"hallo-." sheldon begins in german but you cut him off.
"i speak english, i'm here visiting family." you chuckle. sheldon finds himself smiling slightly as well, but quickly stops.
"oh well.. i'm definitely not okay, i just missed my train in a foreign country and my mom's going to kill me because she thinks i'm at the library." sheldon says, in a panicked tone.
"calm down," you say comfortingly, "i think my mom can help you get home."
"really? that would be wonderful." sheldon breathes out a sigh of relief.
"yeah.. i'm y/n. by the way. nice to meet you." you hold out your hand for him to shake.
"sheldon." he looks at your outstretched hand, and reluctantly shakes it.
you give him a confused look.
"sorry i don't really like physical contact, no offence but i don't know what germs you have." he states, matter-of-factly.
surprisingly, you laugh. "fair enough."
sheldon smiles slightly back. you seemed a nice enough girl, he felt like he could trust you.
"right, you're in luck, we just dropped my dad and brother off here, so we'll be able to take you back to your mom." you say, and lead him to where he had just bought that damn strudel that made him miss his train in the first place.
"mom" you approach a woman that looked like an older version of you, "sheldon missed his train home and has no way of getting back!"
"now now honey calm down." your mom says then turns to look at sheldon, "do you know where you're staying?"
sheldon nods and tells her where he's staying.
"oh, that's right around the corner from my parents, that'll be easy then, you can come with us if you'd like." your mom smiles at him.
"i.. would like that." sheldon nods.
"great!" you cheer. sheldon looks at you. although you weren't his type of person (then again, who was?), he found you endearing.
"let's go then!" you say, and the three of you walk to your mom's car.
"would you like to sit up front sheldon? i'm feeling generous." you smile at him.
"no thank you, it's statistically safer in the back." he says, but then sees your face drop a little. "thank you though." he adds, and smiles at you.
"that's fine, i'll keep you company." you take a seat beside sheldon in the back.
your mom starts the car, and then you were on your way back to sheldon's hotel.
"so where are you from sheldon?" you ask, wanting to find some things out about him.
"medford, texas. what about you?" he nods.
"nice, i'm from (insert place here)." you respond.
"how come you're in germany anyway, sounds like a long way from home?" you chuckle.
"i'm here at grad school." sheldon responds.
"grad school?! wow you must be a genius." your eyes widen.
sheldon sees your reaction and chuckles.
"i am, i started college at 11." he subtly brags.
"11?? woah!" unlike many other kids his age, you seemed impressed and in awe of him. he liked that.
"yeah." sheldon says.
"i wish i was as smart as you." you look at him.
"it's just a natural gift." he responds. "i'm sure you're good at other things that i'm not. for example sports."
you giggle. "maybe i am. then."
for the rest of the car journey, you and sheldon talked about yourselves. sheldon learnt you came to germany quite a lot because your grandparents lived here, you had an older brother who annoyed the living hell out of you (he could relate) and you were a swimmer. he found himself quite enjoying talking to you, and was quite sorry when he arrived back to his hotel.
"here we are, it's been a pleasure driving you home sheldon." your mom speaks up from the front.
"thank you so much for driving me." he smiles politely.
"mom, please can i walk sheldon in!" you beg.
"alright, but don't be too long." she smiles fondly at you.
"come on." you say to sheldon who thanks your mom again and you walk up to his shared room.
you reach to a stop outside of his door and sigh.
"well.. it was nice meeting you sheldon." you smile sadly at him.
"and you. i had a great time talking to you in the car." he smiles back.
"yeah uhh.. maybe i could give you my number, in case you'd want to talk again..? you can tell me more about your string theory." you feel your face heat up and look down.
sheldon's eyes widen "uhh yeah okay." he surprises himself.
"here." you take hold of his hand and write your number on it, using a pen from you pocket.
"i'll call you." he nods. "well goodbye y/n.."
"bye sheldon." you reply and before he can stop you, you place a quick kiss on his cheek and walk off.
sheldon brought his hand to his cheek, open-mouthed. first, he lied to his mom, then he snuck out, and now he had just been kissed by a girl!
maybe today hadn't been so bad after all.
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asexualenjolras · 16 days
I've seen a few people commenting about Sheldon Cooper's behaviour at his dad's funeral during the season finale of 'Young Sheldon', and I wanted to share my thoughts as an autistic person.
I thought it was incredibly realistic.
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Grief is difficult for everyone, and everyone grieves in their own ways, and autistic people are no different.
But I found myself grieving in the same way that Sheldon did when a loved one died. Emotions are really difficult, and it feels like there are a lot of social rules that come along with grief and with funerals that I just didn't understand. It was my first experience losing a loved one, and I felt so overwhelmed and numb to the world.
Sheldon not expressing emotions outwardly at his dad's funeral doesn't make him heartless or a bad person. He's just dealing with it in the way that he knows how to. Judging another person's grief is really unfair, and labelling him as a bad person or a "bad son" for not saying goodbye to his dad is horrid.
Everyone is entitled to grieve in the way they grieve, even if that looks different to you.
Sheldon Cooper is autistic. And a lot of autistic people really resonate with his characterisation. And that's really important.
I've said it before but Sheldon, as a character, isn't overly terrible as autism representation. I resonate with a lot of his characteristics, and a lot of other autistic people do too. But the way he is treated by people in his life, and by the script writers and audience of the show is terrible. And if you hate him for his autistic traits then you're just being ableist.
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giorno-plays-piano · 5 months
Binary Star
Part I
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Pairing: academic rival!Satoru Gojo x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, power play, hurt/comfort, no curse au, this series will get darker as the story progresses.
Words: 1.2k
Summary: It has to pay off, he thinks as he waits for the headmaster to finally announce the valedictorian, knowing she is there too, shifting from one foot to the other impatiently. What face is she going to make when his name will be called? Is she going to cry? To yell at him and publicly demand a re-evaluation? Or will she, perhaps, finally admit he's done a fantastic job and won fair and square?
He is really going to get her this time. This is the finish line, quite literally: the graduation; his last attempt to win and emerge victorious from the very last battle between him and her. It has to be it.
If he couldn't win against her for the last time, Gojo would probably have a mental breakdown right in the middle of the ceremony. Geto standing right next to him rolls his eyes to the ceiling over his friend who's shaking from excitement and fear. Of course, Satoru wouldn't admit it even under torture, but Suguru knows better. The girl his friend has been competing with throughout high school isn't just smart: she's completely insane like Gojo and as big pain in the ass as him. Who knows, perhaps she'll really win this round. He prefers not to think of it.
Satoru searches for her in the crowd, standing on his toes despite already being a foot taller than anyone else in the hall. Is she here? This nightmarish woman who has been pushing him to give high school his all because she dared to take away his crown of the best student during their freshman year? When Satoru saw the scores, he thought he might have had a heart attack. There was no way he was no longer #1.
"That's what you get for messing around the chem lab," Shoko snorted while Satoru dumbly stared at the name of that annoying girl, always the teachers' pet, heading the list. His name was written right under hers.
What the actual fuck?! She got a better score than him? Him, the genius, with his undeniably superior IQ of 180 that he flaunted at any given time? Who did she think she was, Sheldon Cooper or something?
It got him so fired up he actually started studying.
"You're so dumb," Geto eventually said after his friend had gotten in the argument with the girl during their ethics class - again. "You know you could be making out with her now, right? She's the only person who could actually get along with your stubborn ass."
"Wha-a-at? What about you?" Immediately disregarding his question, Satoru was already pouting like a kid. "Wouldn't you date me?"
"Yeah, over my dead fucking body."
To be fair, it's not that Gojo never thought of her that way - she was pretty, even if he was never going to admit it out loud - but she was also so insufferable Gojo really couldn't focus on anything else but beating her in that game they were playing. The best score on the history exam? They both wanted it. Math test? Him and her were working on those questions as if their lives depended on it. Biology project? Satoru made sure to do the impossible, submitting something he would get a Noble prize for, and yet he still somehow managed to get the same grade as her. It was absolutely infuriating.
Why on Earth did she decide she could be better than him? He was Satoru Gojo, after all. The one and only son of Gojo family, who was not only embarrassingly rich but also fucking smart - his parents used to flaunt his talents throughout his whole childhood and continued doing it well into adulthood. He couldn't tell them he was no longer #1. What would his mother say? Dear God, it was hard to imagine what would happen to his father of he learned some random girl got a better grade for that English paper than him. It was, at the very least, unbecoming of Satoru.
But she was unrelenting, irritated with his status of the school genius, and ready to fight him on every occasion. Satoru had no idea what could piss her off so much - in the end, he was the most charming guy around, wasn't he? - but there wasn't a day she'd let him have his way. She was brave, persistent, and knowledgeable, and he hated her very much.
The fact that Shoko and Suguru were asking him to please get together with her and stop antagonizing the whole school only riled up Gojo even more. As if he was going to date that nerd!
When he learned she'd be running for the valedictorian, it was the last drop. No fucking way. She couldn't take it away from him - even if he had never actually cared about being a valedictorian.
If his friends had thought he was obessessing over her, now they realized Satoru went completely nuts. He started studying so much he barely slept: it was a given, considering the bags under his eyes were making his skinny ass look like a starving raccoon. Geto couldn't drag gim out even in between lessons because Satoru was immediately burying his head in the books.
It has to pay off, he thinks as he waits for the headmaster to finally announce the valedictorian, knowing she is there too, shifting from one foot to the other impatiently. What face is she going to make when his name will be called? Is she going to cry? To yell at him and publicly demand a re-evaluation? Or will she, perhaps, finally admit he's done a fantastic job and won fair and square?
Pfft, of course she won't. She'll probably stab him in the parking lot once he tries to get into his car.
But when the headmaster finally announces the results, and his, Satoru Gojo's, name is called, he no longer sees her in the crowd, and the sweet taste of victory suddenly turns to ashes in his mouth.
Where is she? She couldn't have known it would be him. To be frank, he didn't either. How could she leave right before the results were announced?
He gives his speech with a stupid smile plastered all over his face, but his mood has already soured. She had to be there to hear he was named this year's valedictorian! What face did she make? Did she leave right after she heard it wasn't her? Did she cry? Did she run away because she couldn't take it? Wasn't she going to say to him anything at all?
How could she just... vanish?
He doesn't know why he expected her to be the bigger person and come tell him he did great, but he truly did. Suddenly, he realizes he wants her to look him in the face and say he is good enough.
Did he need to be the bigger person, perhaps? But, wait, isn't he a bigger person by default because he's the winner, he wondered. The winner is always the bigger person if he doesn't rub loser's face in the dirt, right?
In the end, he couldn't even enjoy the victory he had been craving for so long.
"She had something urgent come up," Shoko says later in the restaurant, making a tsk-ing sound while Gojo listens to her with a frown on his face. "Something about her family."
Something about her family? What could be as important as the announcement of valedictorian?
"Are you dumb?" With a sigh, Suguru cocks his head to the side. "Plenty of things are more important than this valedictorian crap."
Maybe to somebody else, but not to her, Satoru thinks. Beating him has always been the only thing on her mind, and nothing could have changed that.
He will be mulling over it for a long, long time once he realizes she did not follow him to Harvard despite her scholarship.
Part II
Tags: @minshookie29
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