#my love for him is endless and eternal 💖💖💖💖💖
tatakaeeren · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Levi Ackerman! 💖 [25.12].。.:*☆
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
slow dancing or 5. hand kisses <3
So I’m picking #5, but stayed tuned for #1 👀👀👀 Enjoy the softness my dear 💖💖
It is the culmination of one thousand years of friendship, love, and joy.
Hob Gadling stands at the end of a long aisle, breath caught in his throat, eyes wide, and heart racing as he watches Dream of the Endless take his first steps towards the rest of their lives. 
“He’s lovely isn’t he?” Death whispers conspiratorially in his ear from his right.
He is. Dream has always been stunningly beautiful, but today he is radiant. He’s dressed in flowing midnight black robes that make his skin shine like moonlight, and Hob realizes with each step the Endless takes that they are covered with stars. In his hands he holds a small golden circlet adorned with a red ruby, his own crown situated atop his unusually neat hair. 
“He does clean up nicely from time to time, I suppose,” Desire remarks to Despair from the other side of Death. Hob stifles a chuckle and tucks the information away to share with his beloved for later. It’s the nicest thing he’s heard Desire say about Dream.
When Dream finally reaches him and hands the circlet to Delirium, he gazes at Hob in wonder, as if he cannot truly believe this is really happening. That Hob is really here, has chosen Dream, not once, but over and over again, over hundreds of years, all culminating up to this very moment. 
To their marriage.
Hob takes Dream’s hands in his, squeezes them tightly, and, because he can, raises them to his lips, brushing soft butterfly kisses against each knuckle. Dream’s breath stutters at the motion, and when Hob meets his gaze, he sees the most lovely rose blush blooming across his beloved’s face. 
“Hi,” Hob greets his future husband. 
“Hello dear heart,” Dream replies, breathless.
The gaze at each other, lost in the moment, before a cleared throat startles them back to the rest of the room.
“If we may begin?” Destiny asks, his book already open.
They both nod, and turn to face the being who will bond them together, mind, body, and blood.
Destiny recites a passage in a tongue that Hob does not know, but he nonetheless understands. The air shimmers around him and Dream, a current of magic enveloping them in a glowing warmth that Hob feels all the way down to his bones. When he breathes, he feels it. The sound of their hearts, beating in sync with one another, an affirmation that no matter where he is, he will feel Dream with him always, just as Dream will always feel him.
The magic’s intensity crests as they recite their vows, promises to remain true, to be faithful, to love into eternity. Hob can feel the pulse of their shared power between them, the weight of Dream’s responsibilities halved as Hob swears to share them as his Consort.
Hob then kneels, head bowed, and Delirium presents the circlet to Dream. Dream takes a deep breath, as if still in disbelief of what is happening, before he places the circlet on Hob’s head, completing the bonding ceremony. When Hob stands, he feels no longer just human, but so much more, and when he meets Dream’s eyes he is struck dumb by how much more beautiful his beloved has become. 
“The marriage is completed,” Destiny announces, closing his book. “Welcome Hob Gadling, new Consort of Dream of the Endless, and regent of the Dreaming realm. ”
The rest of the room erupts in a deafening and uproarious applause, every citizen of the Dreaming in attention standing to cheer their new regent. Some of Hob’s friends are in attendance as well, though they will only remember this ceremony as a dream. They will have a very different ceremony in the Waking, and Hob thinks he must be the luckiest man in the world to be able to marry the love of his life twice.
With the ceremony complete, there’s just one thing left to do. Hob wraps an arm around Dream’s waist and pulls the Endless in for their first kiss as a married couple, the first of many, the first to start a lifetime together.
“I love you,” Hob whispers against Dream’s lips when they pull apart.
“And I, you,” Dream replies, his eyes reflecting supernovas and galaxies that Hob had not been able to perceive before. It feels, he thinks, like falling in love with Dream all over again. He wonders what other new surprises this marriage will have in store for him, already excited at the thought of re-learning Dream anew.
They have forever to find out, after all.
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mycandylovefanatics · 6 months
Lysander headcanons with a pregnant Candy and later on with their kids? Don’t know, just live the idea of having a family with my man 😭💖
Lysander with pregnant Candy
Lysander is such a caring and considerate father-to-be. He’s always putting your needs before his, and is constantly wondering what he can do to make things easier on you and your body. 
I feel like in the first 0-3 months, he wouldn’t mind you working on the farm with him, in fact he would encourage it because the exercise is good for you and in turn good for baby! But when you finally start getting a bump, he really doesn’t want you straining yourself. It’s not that he wants to control you, but farm work is a lot! Lots of lifting, pulling, pushing. It could be too much for you so he only lets you take care of the easy stuff, like picking the apples, feeding the animals, etc.
Honestly it’s a bit worrisome for you because you wonder if he’s getting enough sleep, if he’s working too hard. He lets you sleep in as long as you need to because for some reason I feel like his kid would cause you a lottt of fatigue during your pregnancy. He shoulders a lot of the work himself, which is really nothing because he was doing it himself before you moved in.
Always there for you during your mood swings, and knows exactly what you need to feel better. “Do you want me to bring you your favorite blanket? And I can make you some hot cocoa.. Do you want your mug with the kittens or the one with the bunny?” I feel like most husbands would be exasperated after a while but the man’s patience is endless. And he’s also eternally grateful to you for willingly carrying his children, so in his eyes being patient is the least he can do.
With his kids
When his kid is born, he’s obviously there the entire time for the delivery. I feel like he would probably hire people to work on the farm for him while he’s gone because he doesn’t want to miss a single moment during labor and delivery. He would also probably hire someone to help him out a few times during the week so that way he’s able to give you and his newborn his full attention as much as he can. 
Holding his kid for the first time is the happiest he’s ever been next to marrying you. He already knew he was in love with his baby but physically seeing them, holding them, kissing their sweet little baby cheeks, it’s something he never could have imagined. I think he would be in absolute awe, and he would also be thanking you as well. He’d brush your hair out of your face, wipe the sweat off if need be and kiss you sweetly on the lips, “Thank you, my love. This is the greatest gift you’ve given me, she’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
And yes, I say she because I 1000% headcanon Lysander to be a girl dad, I think most of the fandom does. He’s so soft with her too. Not that he was ever an aggressive man but god the way that he’s so gentle with her. If the baby isn’t with you, you can find her cradled in her father’s arms, him whispering to her how much he adores her, probably even softly singing to her. He’s huge on skin to skin contact so he’s always shirtless nowadays lol. 
When the baby is a bit older, whenever she’s old enough to start actually comprehending the world around her he’s constantly teaching her new things. Words, numbers, animals, and he speaks to her as if she’s a full grown adult sometimes. It’s so funny.
I feel like Lysander would absolutely get matching clothing with his kid. You bet your behind they’ve got a matching color palette. He’s wearing a green cravat, she’s wearing green hair bows. That sorta thing. He also has immaculate fashion sense for his child, so unless you want your kid ruining all of their nice clothes do not let him dress the kid. “Lysander we’re going to the park, why is she wearing the 200 dollar dress my aunt bought for her??” I mean really… have you SEEN the way he dresses? Idk why we expected anything less. Leave it to him and she’s leaving the house dressed to the 9’s every time. He thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
Is probably what you would call a ‘gentle parent’. He never, EVER raises his voice at her, and even when he’s frustrated he’s really good at keeping his cool and handling whatever outbursts she decides to have that day. He’s soft, but if she’s being bad he’s very stern with her and is surprisingly good at holding his foot down even though she’s got him wrapped around his finger. 
Is definitely a good parent in all stages of his kid’s life. Toddler, child, preteen, etc. Not that your kid doesn’t trust you but if she’s in trouble or needs something she’s ABSOLUTELY going to call her dad first. It’s like he’s waiting by the phone just in case she calls because he always answers on the first ring no matter what. 
Something i headcanon about him as a parent is that he is neverrrr going to make you look like the bad parent, ever. If you make a decision, he’ll stand by you. If he disagrees with it he’s going to wait to talk to you in private, and THEN talk to your kid with you as a team. He’s very much an ‘on your side’ husband and i love that. 
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aralezinspace · 1 year
Pale II
~Part I~
A/N: Requested by anonymous- You asked and I have delivered, behold 3.5k of filth and feels!! Again, I hope anyone who needs this kind of comfort finds it in this story, and that if you are struggling with this yourself, know that you are not alone (I'm just a stranger on the interwebs but I'm rooting for you) and have access to the help you need 💖💖 tagging @fangirlmary
Warnings: smut, themes of eating disorders
~~Requests are open!~~ ~~Current WIPs~~
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Dream’s vow sent a shiver down your spine. The words vibrated with raw power and promise. He pulled away from the kiss just long enough to let you catch your breath, his eyes raking up and down your form as you took shallow, almost heaving breaths.
“If it would aid you,” he rasped against your lips, “I would begin my worship tonight.”
Your breath caught in your throat and immediately dried it out. Dream’s eyes were wide open and expectant. You could tell he was asking for consent, and that he understood why his touch may be unwanted. He was doing the same thing you had done for him, back when the two of you had stepped into the more physical aspect of your relationship: he had told you of his imprisonment, how he was isolated from the entire universe for over a hundred years.
It would leave anyone uncomfortable in their skin, yearning for touch and connection, yet frightened and recoiling from any form of intimacy.
These thoughts whirled through your mind for a few moments that stretched into an eternity before coming to a screeching halt when you realized that Morpheus was still waiting for your consent. You nodded once, breaths still shallow with anticipation.
With a touch lighter than a midnight breeze, Dream brushed a stray lock of hair out of your face. The same hand tenderly cupped your cheek. You leaned into the touch, letting him hold the weight of your head in his palm. A gentle, serene smile touched your face.
“My love,” he breathed, his eyes still silver and swimming like a full moon reflected in the ocean. If only you could see yourself the way he saw you. How you appeared to radiate life and warmth from the very center of your being like a sun. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever seen or spoken to, and he was Dream of the Endless, one of the most powerful beings in existence.
With a sure but gentle touch, almost as if he were afraid of you shattering under his fingers, Dream helped manipulate your body to the plush rugs in front of the fireplace. A pillow manifested beneath your head as Dream laid you on your back. The heat of the fire gently rolled over your skin.
Dream hovered above you on all fours and leaned in. The fingers of one hand ghosted over every inch of exposed skin: across your forehead, down your cheek, ever so gently over your neck. His ghosting touch raised goosebumps on your arms, sent shivers down your spine, and left a trail of sparks in its wake. His usually cold hands had been warmed by the fire, and waiting power prickled his fingertips.
“May I?” he asked, soft and low. You nodded again, not even attempting to form words that you knew would just get stuck in your throat. Dream had utterly enchanted you, had you spellbound with his gaze and his touch. His hands moved to your shoulders and squeezed for just a moment. When they began to move again, you felt a tingling, like thousands of tiny grains of sand. As his hands moved reverently down your chest, your shirt vanished in their wake, slowly revealing your torso to his gaze.
You shook and shivered with anticipation. You were sure Dream could see each pounding beat of your heart beneath your breastbone. His eyes darted quickly over every inch of you, the silver slowly bleeding to black as his hunger grew. Inch by agonizingly pleasurable inch, your whole chest was revealed to Morpheus’ ravenous gaze, and his eyes drank you in like a man starved.
Instantly self conscious, your hands moved to cover your chest, to start the process of shrinking in on yourself, to make your body as small and vulnerable as you felt. Dream’s hands flew to your wrists, stopping your hands in their path. Without breaking contact, his elegant fingers unwrapped from your wrists and intertwined themselves with yours before slowly pressing your hands into the floor on either side of your head.
“Please, my love,” he murmured, briefly brushing his lips over yours. “There is no need to hide yourself. Every inch of you is beautiful beyond compare.” His lips moved over your jaw and down to your neck, his kisses becoming firmer and more insistent. He gently sucked his favorite spot on your neck- a little patch where your neck met your shoulder, dotted faintly with freckles.
A tiny, surprised gasp slipped out of your mouth at the gentle but insistent sucking and tonguing at your skin. He hummed, soft and low in his throat, taking encouragement from that one sound. Ever gentle and reverent, he pressed his teeth into the skin. Not hard enough to leave a mark, not yet, although he would gladly oblige if that’s what you desired.
Your hands flew into his hair and anchored themselves in the onyx strands, keeping his mouth at your neck. His teeth bit in just a bit harder, the sting of pain from his scalp sending his blood hotly coursing through his body to settle between his thighs.
Morpheus detached himself from your neck in favor of kissing you, his lips greedily devouring yours. You gasped, and he eagerly swallowed it down to hold in the center of his being, along with every other sound he intended to pull from you. Your lips eagerly met his, returning the gesture as best you could, showing him that his affection was not unappreciated. That the worship he intended to bestow on you would not go unnoticed.
Dream’s hands released yours in favor of sliding up your arms towards your breasts. You tensed slightly, your eyes about to flicker shut, almost unable to handle the intensity of his stare. He paused, one hand reaching up to lovingly caress your face. “Look at me, my heart.”
His voice moved through you in a rumbling caress like velvet-clad lightning. His words were tender, yet never lost the air of a king. It may have been phrased as a gentle urge, but there was no doubt he expected you to do as he asked. You took a deep breath and forced yourself to open your eyes, focusing on the bridge of his nose rather than meeting his gaze.
The open adoration on his face almost brought you to tears. He continued to stroke your cheek with his thumb. “Dream,” you choked, leaning into his touch. Words were clawing at your throat to get out, but hell if you knew what those words would be. Dream hushed you with another kiss, you whimpered against his lips.
“My love,” he breathed in your ear. The low rumble of his voice mixed with the crackling of the fire, making your skin tingle. “You need not do or say anything.” His hand against your cheek firmed in its touch; you could feel his power faintly crackling beneath his skin.
“Every atom of you is more beautiful than anything I could ever create. That is truth, and what I believe. I promised to worship you until you believe it as well, and then I will continue to worship you, and not stop until every star has burned out.” Dream’s lips tenderly pressed into the spot just beneath your ear before he whispered, “This I swear.”
He sucked in a breath, as if he couldn’t believe you were there beneath him, letting him see you at your most vulnerable. You always claimed Dream had pulled you under his spell, but the truth was that you had utterly and completely enchanted him. The way the firelight was reflected and danced in your eyes was nothing short of hypnotizing.
You stared back at him, also not quite believing that he was real and not just an apparition. The fire bathed half of his face in its warm glow while the other half remained in shadow, his eyes positively sparkling. Just when you thought he couldn’t appear any more gorgeous, he does something like this, positions himself just so, burning an even more ethereal image of him into your mind. Beautiful and terrible as the dawn, ancient and bright as a star.
“Let me worship you my love,” he growled, biting slightly harder into the spot beneath your ear. “I swore that you would not endure this alone any longer. And you will not.” His words rang with truth and the entire room vibrated with his power, but his unspoken words were just as clear: he would continue to pour his love and devotion into you, even long after you overcame this, as he knew you would. It would take time, and courage, but he knew you had the strength to do it.
You nodded again, relaxing your body into the floor. Your hands caressed Dream’s shoulders, trying to push his coat off. Your shirt had long turned to sand, and Dream was still wearing far too many clothes for what he apparently intended. He took the hint, shrugging his coat off and tossing it to the side.
You sat up to kiss him again, your fingers finding their customary place in his hair. You tugged on the strands every time his tongue rubbed against yours, and swallowed the barely repressed growls he let out. You could feel his hips pressing into yours, could feel how hard he was already. Every barely controlled press of his hips into yours made your core tingle and spark like fireflies.
Dream’s mouth latched back onto your neck as your hands slipped down his chest to the hem of his shirt, scratching at the skin as you urged him to remove it. He chuckled at your eagerness but refused to budge, not now that he had you where he wanted you: open and vulnerable beneath him.
His teeth dug into your skin with more force now, hard enough to leave a mark. Your short cry turned into a soft moan when he traded his teeth for his tongue, sucking and licking at the indents until his favorite spot on your neck was mottled red. Dream’s voice in your ear vibrated with his lust: “Wear this as a mark of my devotion, my love.” His mouth attacked your flesh again, biting and sucking and kissing until you began to writhe under him.
“Lord Morpheus,” you chided, trying to imitate his kingly authority, “You are still wearing far too many clothes.” Dream chuckled deep in his chest, playfully biting at your bottom lip. His shirt and pants slowly dissolved into sand, revealing him to your hungry gaze. Your eyes flickered up and down his bare body, in awe of his ethereal beauty as always.
His hands grasped onto your hips, fingertips briefly biting into the flesh before taking the time to slide devotedly down your legs. Like your shirt, your pants disappeared in the wake of his touch, like sand sliding over your skin as an ocean wave recedes. You shivered when you were totally bare, even with the heat of the fire. You could feel his gaze slide over you almost as if it were a physical touch.
His hands were firm as they moved down your legs. He curled down your body with his arms in front of him like a stretching cat. A very hot stretching cat, that just happened to be the ruler of dreams and nightmares, who held you frozen with the force of his gaze. With deliberate slowness, he lowered his head to your patch of curls and took a deep inhale, a low, primal growl rumbling from his mouth. His eyes briefly flicked back to yours, making sure you were okay. A high, soft “Mm hm” was the only answer you were capable of. A devilish smile spread across his face, and he began his worship.
Your hips jerked at the first touch of his tongue against your folds, veins of fire spreading outward from the point of contact. Insistent hands instantly pinned your hips to the floor and unnatural strength kept them there while Morpheus continued to use his tongue to carve his devotion into you. Your hands grasped his hair and yanked, keeping his head firmly in place. You felt his moan reverberate through your entire being, felt his hot breath on your wet flesh.
You tugged his hair again, and Morpheus attacked your flesh with even greater intensity, more devotion. His elegant fingers massaged your hips before moving down to squeeze and knead at your thighs, pressing them to the sides of his head to keep him firmly in place. He appeared a devoted disciple, prostrated in reverence before his goddess, but you knew Morpheus was anything but submissive.   
With one long, final suck, he withdrew from your throbbing core and dragged his lips back up your legs, taking the time to suck marks of his love into your thighs, the soft flesh of your stomach, the undersides of your breasts. He traded his mouth for his hands, firmly kneading your breasts while his mouth devoured yours. You could taste yourself on his tongue and in every corner of his mouth as he drew your tongue in.
As he pulled away, you sensed the question he wanted to ask before he even drew breath to ask it. “Yes,” you breathed, “Yes, now. Now Dream, please.”
Normally, Dream loved hearing you beg- it made his blood run hot to hear how much you wanted him, how desperate you were for his touch. The breath he didn’t need got stuck in his lungs every time he took in your lust blown eyes, heard your breathy pleas.
Not this time. His love, his devotion, his support… these were things you should never have to ask for, let alone beg. Not when he’d eagerly give them.
You took Dream’s cock in hand and guided it to your entrance, as if the sweet, breathy moans that slipped out of you weren’t evidence enough of your need. “Shhh…” he gently eased you with a lingering, kiss. “Allow me, my love. Let me in.”
His hand replaced yours on his cock and he brushed it against your core, coating it in the wetness that had been leaking from you ever since he laid you down in front of the fire. Your tiny whimpers drew him in faster than a siren’s song. Not willing to wait any longer, barely keeping hold of his famous self control, he pushed his cock into you, inch by agonizing inch.
Your back arched with a sharp cry as you felt him stretching you, pleasurable almost to the point of being painful. When he was fully seated inside you, you both took a moment to breathe, to feel your flesh pulse in time with each other.
Morpheus twined your fingers together and pressed your hands back into the carpet above your head. “Every bit of you is beautiful,” he breathed against your lips, his length twitching inside you. “Let me in, let me ease your suffering.” His hips pulled back just a hair’s breadth before easing back in. “Let me banish the darkness that says all of those horrible things that have culminated in your pain.”
He could feel you trembling underneath him, your entire body vibrating from the impact of his words. You sniffed and bit your bottom lip, trying to keep more pathetic whimpers at bay. You felt the threatening burn of tears behind your eyes, the emotions clogging up your throat.
You now understood why it was referred to as the mortifying ordeal of being known: never had you felt so painfully exposed, or so fully loved.
“I love you,” he purred against your lips, his tongue chasing the words into your mouth. He shifted his legs, his muscles rippling like sand beneath a wave as he rolled his hips into yours.
It was like lightning had struck the center of your being. Every thrust of his hips sent fire through your veins. His hands squeezed yours in time with his movements, you whimpered under the onslaught of sensation. “Dream-!” Your choked call of his name was somewhere between a gasp and a whimper, watery with your unshed tears.
He gently shushed you again and brushed his lips over a tear that slipped out of your eye. He rolled his hips just right to brush against a spot deep inside you, swallowing your moans with a lingering kiss. “I’m here,” he breathed, capturing your bottom lip between his teeth. He increased his pace, his thrusts reaching deeper. “Let go. I’m here.”
A hand released its grip and slid down your body, briefly stopping to give each of your breasts a tender squeeze while his other hand kept both your wrists pinned. By the time his hand made its way between your thighs, your hips were meeting his every motion, eager to reciprocate the devotion and reverence he was granting you in any way you could.
Nimble fingers rubbed over your clit in tiny circles, and even more heat coursed through you. With pleasure heating you from the inside and the fire warming your skin, you felt like you were burning alive. Your arms strained against Dream’s grip, you wanted to bury your hands in his hair and mark his back with your nails, but marble had more give than his hold.
“Please,” you groaned, “Let me touch you.”
Dream paused, watched you pant for breath. He shifted his grip on your hands and brought them up to rest around his neck. You instantly pulled him down into a need-filled kiss, raking your nails down his back in an effort to pull him closer. When the only way for him to be closer would be to sink into you, he began to move again, desperately rolling his hips into yours.
His touch on your clit became more insistent once he sensed you were close to falling over the edge. You could feel him throbbing inside you, dangerously close to his own end. His eyes were somewhat hazy, completely lost in you.
“Let go, my love,” he murmured in your ear, the words almost sounding like a plea. “Let go.”
You were helpless beneath him, couldn’t resist even if you wanted to. Which you didn’t. Your climax gently washed over you in a manner not unlike sinking into a warm bath. Your back arched again, and a sharp cry that shifted into a satisfied moan forced itself from your mouth. Your grip tightened around Morpheus, your nails leaving crescent shaped indents in his back. You panted for breath in time with his movements, and when you finally felt his hot release inside you, you held him so tightly your arms shook.
For a while, the only sounds were the crackling of the fire, your steadily slowing breaths, and the whisper of skin on skin as you held and caressed each other in the afterglow. Dream shifted his form just the barest amount necessary so that he was laying on the floor beside you with his back to the fire, holding you in the warmth of his embrace. His arms around you, the wall of his chest, his legs twined with yours, it all made you feel so very small, but so very loved and safe.
Your eyes were heavy, and you were about to succumb to sleep when your stomach gurgled like an insistent cat. Your eyes shot open, and a million emotions crossed your face in an instant. Morpheus instantly held your face in his hands with infinite tenderness, his eyes taking in every expression you made. You were hungry, your body was telling you it needed sustenance, and this basic need was causing you anguish.
“I’m here,” he reminded you softly. A platter of grapes, cheese, and crackers, along with a glass pitcher of ice water and a crystal goblet appeared within arm’s reach. A thought occurred to him: a good first step to overcoming this may be to help you associate food with love and care, rather than the pain that had grown your disorder in the first place. Some of the books he read had briefly mentioned this; anything was worth a try for you.
Dream spent the rest of the night feeding you small bits of fruit and cheese and pouring you goblets of water like an offering at an altar. With every bite, he reminded you in that soothing baritone that you were beautiful, that he was so proud of you, that he loved every inch of you. Every bite was followed by tender, loving kisses, and you quickly grew addicted to the combined flavor of Morpheus and the grapes.
The process was slow, but by the time you had finished the platter, you were comfortably full, strength had returned to your limbs, and Dream looked at you as if he had never beheld something so stunning in the entirety of his endless life.
This night was only the beginning, but as you drifted off to a contented sleep in his arms, the gently burning fire of hope in the core of his being told him there would be many more such victories for you in the future. He renewed his earlier vows in a whisper against your slightly parted lips, letting you breathe them in and hold them inside you:
“I will worship your body with love and care until you know and believe, as I do, that you are beautiful in every way, and then continue to do so. Through every victory and defeat, I will be beside you. You will not endure this alone, for I will love you through it all, until this universe comes to an end. This I swear.”
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windsweptinred · 1 year
@maelstroms-blog and @remolinop I promsied you a wee Eternity short from Metamorphosis. So here it is, full to the brim with fluff. 💖😅
A cool night breeze drifted gently into the nursery through the open casement windows. 
Within an ornate oak cot, engraved with beasts, both fantastical and nightmarish in form, a tiny hand reached upwards, grasping at the air with glee. The gust swept down, caressing the little fingers lovingly, then withdrawing with reluctance, drawing back to skies with a  silent promise to return. 
A small babe, just past his first year of life, staggered clumsily to his feet. Toddering  to the bars of his cot, little fingers grasped tight upon the railing for support, looking towards the night sky longingly. Stepping on wobbly tip toes, he stretched his right hand towards the window, left clutching a small blanket of raven feathers possessively to his chest. "Ma-mi?" He called questioningly into the air. Above, two stars flared brightly down upon him and a great, beaming smile spread across his face. His little feet, stomping excitedly against the soft mattress. 
So enthralled was he, he missed the soft, swirl of sand materialising on the corner of the room, and the pale figure who stepped forth from it, tread quiet and considerate of the occupants within. 
"Do you not wish to visit my kingdom tonight little brother?" A soothing voice enquired. 
The young boy turned abruptly, swaying slightly on his unsteady legs as he did. Three teeth flashing proudly in a wide grin as his clapped his hands together with glee at the sight before him. 
" Deeam! " He cried, reaching now for the new arrival enthusiastically, chubby fingers curling in a grabby motion. Luminous, gold irises dancing and twisting in loops and figure eights on dark eyes at the sight of his older brother. 
Two slender hands reached down, carefully lifting the child and blanket and cradling them to his chest. "Why do you not sleep tonight Etie?" Dream asked. Fingers carding through the boys' silky black locks.
Little hands waved once more towards the open window. "Ma-mi" He called again. 
Dream looked through the frame to the night sky, blazing with unrivalled beauty over the rooftops of London. He reached out in greeting, feeling a wave of love sweep over him in return. 
"He will be back soon, Eternity. He crafts a new galaxy into existence tonight. Is that not exciting?" 
In answer, the young Endless shoved his blanket into his mouth, gumming at the dark, iridescent feathers with determination. 
Frowning slightly, Dream pulled at the blanket, releasing it from his brother's mouth with a soft yank and trail of drool. Earning an angry cry and teary eyes in response. 
"Be careful, Eternity." He scolded gently. "This belonged to your big brother. You must treasure it." 
Tubby legs swung and kicked as the littlest Endless looked at his brother thoughtfully. 
"Pffffiieeess?" He asked. 
Dream smiled indulgently, sitting his baby brother back upon his tiny mattress. "That's right, Orpheus. He wraps about you while you slumber and keeps you safe and warm. Are you not lucky?"
Eternity bounced on his bottom enthusiastically, smile, a carbon copy of his father's, "Cat Deeem?" He enquired loudly. 
Dream shushed him calmly, staring at the antique Elizabethan bassinet, engraved with songbirds, which stood opposite the cot. Within, a baby, only shy of newborn, with a riot of minute auburn curls already sprayed about her head, slept soundly. 
"Be careful Eternity, do not wake your sister. Euphoria plays in fields of Fiddler's Green. Do you not wish to join her?" 
"Cat, cat, cat!" The boy demanded, swaying his little arms too and fro as if to emphasise his point.
Dream raised a white eyebrow, unimpressed at his display. "I have duties to attend to, little brother." 
Eternity's little mouth formed a familiar, forlorn pout, eyes wet in a tiny replica of his mother's hard done by expression. 
Dream sighed, knowing the fight was lost. 
"Only until Mother returns," He warned sternly. And with a slight shift in the air, where once had been a fair young man, now a large white cat, hair long, thick and soft, sat upon the cot mattress. 
With a loud, rumbling purr it sauntered gracefully towards the child. Rubbing itself around the boy as he squealed in glee, clutching at the white tufts of his fur eagerly. 
Kneading happily at the soft bedding below, purr all the louder, Dream graced Eternity's forehead with a single, tender lick. Before settling demurely, legs tucked under himself, letting out a yawn, fangs glistening in the moonlight. 
The baby boy followed suit, little mouth wide as he yawned, snuggling into his brother's fluffy belly, a contented smile upon his lips. 
A few hours later a second form would materialise within the room in a cloud of starlight, long robe awash with magnificent, multicoloured nebula. Behind him, two owls came to perch elegantly upon the sill, as he gazed adoringly into the cot. 
"Dusk, relay a message to Lucienne in the Dreaming." He instructed quietly. "Tell her, Lord Daniel rests, safe and well in our care and will return to her in due course. In his absence, might she send Matthew to watch over my children's dreams?" 
He gave one last glance to the occupants of the cot as Dusk disappeared with a great waft of her wings. Little Eternity, head nestled into his brother's furr. Dream, head propped upon his baby brother's head in peaceful slumber. He checked next upon his daughter, green eyes, so like Dream's, closed tight in sleep. Little body curled up blissfully in her brother Robyn's lovingly restored oak cradle. 
With a quiet whisper to Dawn to keep watch over them, he took in his children one last time. 
"Sweet dreams" He wished them tenderly, before exiting the room to seek out his husband. 
Thank you to @danimydear (I hope I've linked the right blog there 😅) For the suggestion of Euphoria for Eternity's sibling. I loved it as it fills the gap left by Delight perfectly. I really liked Entropy and Evolution too... I sense the second coming of the chaos twins!
If you've got any more mini promots from the Metamorphosis verse you'd like me to tackle, feel free to send me them. 😊
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Welcome to the Family
If you want your description changed just tell me <3
According to @justarandomhumanpassingby I'm the paradesi philosopher <3
This is a (in progress) list of my tumblr family:
@dori-and-gray: my irreplaceable bestie who i love to the moon and back
@goodoldfashionedluvergirl: the beautiful, talented, lovable and honey voiced older sister
@the-eternal-seeker: the chill, oldest and wisest quadruplet who's always there to help; the only one in this family possessing anything resembling sanity
@technically-bean: my incredible quadruplet sister who always laughing and crying with me and whose probably either covered in dirt or reading another sad book)
@maddipoof: my other incredible twin quadruplet who thinks on the same wave length as me
@anyavaramyr: he therapist of my friend group who needs therapy herself heh(I'm broke, tumblr is less expensive than therapy). That one anxiety riddled perfectionist of the group tbh but I've been told I'm like the chaotic yet caring younger sister<3
@loverliner: my lil sister whos always vibing
@just-another-godless-god: my mischievous lil sister
@king-of-dholakpur: the oldest, deep thinking cousin who always knows what to say
@non-possum-invenire-bonum-url: the older, unhinged cousin who says everything i think but would never say (love your bio by the way)
@starlit-epiphany: my amazing supportive cousin who's been helping me in my identity crisis
@remen-nyoodles: my secret keeping cousin who I love dearly
@writingwitch007: my other secret keeping cousin who i love dearly and teases me incessantly
@chandrayee: the slightly fucked in the head cousin who randomly drops by animal facts!! (her words not mine; i can't tell you how hard i laughed at that 🤣)
@merapehlapyaarwaapasaagaya: my wonderful mother who i'd never forget
@midnight-rainnnn: the adorable cousin who is loved by everyone
@ishqhai-aapse: roach in my house that is secretly your granny that likes to sit in silence and read books xD
@yehdilkahehaye: the fun trying-to-act-like-an-adult cousin who will give you wise advices from time to time but will actually end up supporting you in all your insane decisions <3
@the-phantom-of-arda: The creative cousin who is quietly supportive of whatever you do. Who's DMs are a judgment-free zone and are willing to talk about anything.. she's too shy to DM first but wants to be friends.
Indumathi: my secret, anonymous admirer 🌕💘
@sincerelyyoursg: my beloved wife 💍
@shyamsakhii: hill dude who just likes to rant to friends and gossip and always misses it when the gc comes alive 😀🔫
@ell0ra-br3kk3r: the neighbor friend who's part time musician, part time author part time sane but unhinged at the same time; love to go by their house when they're back from paris
@ultimategenius: neighbor who i've adopted (welcome to the family)
@offo-yashika: one of the cousin's queer girlfriend who always rocks the stage with their dance<3
@kaagazkefool: the beloved latest addition to the fam who's excited and nervous of they'd fit
@thebestieyoureinlovewith: the friend that will give endless headpats
@mee-iykyk: the extroverted friend who adopts introverts
@insanity-is-my-vanity: my new friend (you’re mine now)
@inxj-ghxfa: the mom friend who gives out questionable, but reliable advice
@justarandomhumanpassingby: some person i claimed off the streets; saw them and was like "you're mine now" <3
@morningmiss: the cousin who checks up on me from time to time ♥
@vamp-rom-stuff: ellora's friend she brought back from her trip to France
@a-really-hot-caterpillar: we ain't mutuals yet but i'd be an idiot not to add him so he's my newest unhinged brother (adopted <3)
@hopefulmillennial: my favorite aunt (you remind me of my favorite aunt irl <3)
I love that like 80 percent of my tumblr family is desi 💖💝💕
reply what description you wanna be added with <3
@yehdilkahehaye, @humapkehaikaun, @hell-lit011019, @shyamsakhii, @anyavaramyr, @bookish-alone, @bibliophile-dendrophile, @iservemydog, @oh-sita, @moons-scar, @loverliner, @woahlifehitsyahuh, @the-phantom-of-arda, @puppy-coded, @sanskari-kanya
literally anyone who wants to join can join :)
If your name isn't up here please tell me; some of them are just disappearing.
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prince-kallisto · 4 months
I think the first theory I saw from you is the “Meleanor’s soul is trapped in the mirror/Meleanor has some sort of connection with the mirror” one, and to be honest, I was actually hooked! I went on to read through the rest of the whole saga of “Crowley is Levan”, and rest of your theories, and now I’m pretty convinced. You’re *amazing* at coming up with evidence to support your theories! Even if those theories turn out to not be true, they were all still super fun to read, and made me even *more* excited as to what’s coming in Book 7. There’s definitely more than meets the eye when it comes to Crowley, even if he isn’t Levan. Lots of shit surrounding him is super sus, or just doesn’t add up, and a lot of your evidence makes sense.
But if your theories aren’t true, I won’t be disappointed at all, since I just *know* we’re all really going to be in for an amazing surprise as we get hit with something we might have never expected, since TW’s writing really is amazing and will continue to be amazing!
If your theory is true, though, you win bragging rights and get to say “I told you so” for all eternity. So really, it’s a win win either way 😎
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Oh my goodness…thank you so much for this lovely message! 😭🫶💖💖💖💖💖💖🐦‍⬛ I’m so glad that you have enjoyed reading my theories- it has always been my goal for others to feel a similar joy and passion I have when writing/thinking of these posts.
When I first started this blog, I was inspired by both TWST and Kingdom Hearts theorists! The elements I loved so much from my favorite theories was the “evidence.” That’s what had me completely hooked, and I wanted to replicate what I loved most about these theorists. Sure- not everything turns out to be true, but I like adding as many in-game screenshots, novel lines, manga panels, etc so others can see my thought process and understand where I’m coming from. After all, perhaps not everyone has read the novel or seen Crowley’s Unified Exam voicelines! It does admittedly take some time to scour for evidence, but I’m glad you like it! \(//∇//)\ Plus, it is helpful for me as well, since I reference older theories from time to time, and having all these photos really refreshes my memory to see how I came to the conclusion in the first place.
I completely agree! I have faith in TWST to write something incredible for Crowley, even if he isn’t Levan! It feels like my entire saga of theories has just proven there is a trail leading to…something regarding Crowley. There’s too many oddities with him to even count, and I think Crowley in particular goes unnoticed because he WANTS to be unnoticed by the player and the other characters. I have found that many players become so blindsided by their annoyance of Crowley, that any depth to character or the strange (yet purposeful) inconsistencies in his lines often go ignored. Crowley’s writing has been SO clever, that even after literal months of analyzing him, I can’t come up with a concrete answer for his future role in the game! 🤣 But that’s why he’s also so fun to write about- the possibilities are endless.
👀 I worry about getting an ego if I somehow turn out to be right about the Crowley-is-Levan theory! 🤣🤣🤣 Jokes aside, I can’t even imagine how that would feel to be right about something I’ve been harping on about for so long! Those potential bragging rights are quite tempting 🤣🫶💖
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Thank you once again for this lovely message and for all of your support. It means the world to me knowing that people enjoy reading my blog ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ Let’s wait and see what the future of this game holds! 💖🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛
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m0stlygh0st · 4 months
Sav!!!! I'm sorry you're having a rough time, bestie... hugging you so much right now 🫂🫂🫂🫂💖💖💖💖
I heard you're accepting gushes, so I thought I'd stop by, hehe... hopefully, my endless talking about Rockie might cheer you up a little 💖
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This is my favorite doodle I made when I first started shipping with him (gosh, my first Java doodle 🥹), and this is my absolute favorite gif I made from his mv for Rocker's High 🥰
He is absolutely gorgeous and handsome and sweet and kind and passionate and chill and wise and... gfbgbhgmh... I feel so comfortable and safe with him fr 😭💖 Rockie is literally the very first character I've ever come across in my life that I felt such an intimate and deep emotional connection with. Out of all my f/os on my massive list, I feel like I relate to him the most - as in, completely with all of my heart. I grew up with classic rock as a kid, so his style of music instantly resonated with me. I actually fell for him from the second I pulled him in C.RO.B!!! I didn't care that he was only a rare Cookie, I still maxed out his magic candy and almost maxed out his level, too... God, his energetic personality won me over so quickly!! Rockstar as a young Cookie was absolutely adorable, and it feels incredible to play all the C.ooki.e R.u.n games and watch him slowly grow into the guy I ship with and love so much... C.RO.B (his experimental phase), C.RTO.A (his metal/guitar-smashing phase), and C.R.K (the self assured, confident old man I know and love and will soon marry... 🥹💖). He knows exactly what his music is and what it means to him because he's gone through a lifetime of experience, and I love that I get to see all these sides of him... I get to learn what made him who he is... and C.R.K will have a special place in my life forever as the game that gave me my husband and soulmate in this life... 🥰💖
Y'know, I literally kept him on my list as a platonic f/o in the back of my mind for years because I thought he was too young to ship with... and then C.R.K happened and made my dreams come true in the best way possible. I'm eternally grateful that they committed to creating an older, more mature design for him because they don't always make older Cookies in C.ooki.e R.u.n - and they don't always update their original Cookies in such a drastic way, either!!!
But they did for Rockie, and I absolutely adore him in every single way!!! His looks, his songs, his attitude, his voice... oh god don't get me started on how hot his voice is... I could listen to him sing and talk for hours in that rough, deep undertone of his - you know, the one he uses when he's not trying to shine in the spotlight... his calmer, more everyday voice... *siiiiiiiiigh*... ☺️🫶🏻💋💋
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Art: plurralthing 💖
(Of course, I did add a few of my own headcanons that I thought fit him too, but honestly... you can't go wrong with giving this man transmasc genderfluidity when he literally oozes it at every opportunity imo!! Also, fuzzy old man... body hair... hhhhghjgjgbbbhn)
Anyway, I just... I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT MY MAN FR... He is everything to me 🫦💕
♡• rockstars-babe •♡
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Like??? Your dynamic together is just so sweet and stuff, you know? Like, it's the kind of love that gives people good vibes just by being around, you know? That's the kinda vibe I get, anyway. 💕 It's the kind of love that just!!! Ages like a good wine!!! May it last for forever and always, my friend!!
It took me a couple days to get around to finally answering this but thank you for sharing your love!!! It really cheered me up and I hope you had as much fun gushing as I did reading, heh. :3c
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warriorteam1924 · 2 years
First times
Feat John Deacon
Author note : Hello my beauties. here I am for day 5 of Deaky’s 71th birthday. I’m not following any prompts, it’s just birthday themed. I’ve been super busy lately and I’m aware it’s not my best piece, but I hope some of you will enjoy it anyways. Thanks in advance to anyone who will be giving honest feedback, it’s always very appreciated. Also, I remind you English isn’t my mother tongue, apologies in advance for the mistakes. this is also inspired by the song by Ed Sheeran, First Times. 
Side note : This one is special given the tone I decided to use, but also, I would like to thank a special someone. This someone has greatly inspired me with this piece, as he always does. I’m not sure he wants his name in here, but my sweetheart, this one was also possible thanks to you and your idea. Thank you 💖💜
Warnings : none really, just my awful writing.... 
Summary : John ponding about his first times....
Words count : 1,371 words
Permanent taglist : @reavenedges-lies @thosequeenboys @born-to-lose  @orionis8689 @queenlover05​ (communicate with me regarding tagging please)
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As he usually does, John Deacon wakes up early. Earlier than anyone else in the house. And today is a special day, since it’s his birthday. So the whole family has gathered around the patriarchal figure he now is. He makes sure to step out of the bed very quietly, since he doesn’t want to wake his wife up.
 As silent as he can be, he carries on his way through the house. In the corridor, he can hear some loud snores and sometimes, what appear to be more like heavy breaths. Everyone is peacefully sleeping. Dawn is slowly showing up as he looks at the windows. The day promises to be lovely, a sunny summer day, like the ones they love to have in Britain. Everyone will be happy to enjoy the garden. 
 And surely he will too, but on his own for now. He knows his wife doesn’t like it when he smokes inside (or when he smokes at all), so he thinks about this alone time opportunity to get out a bit, feeling the fresh air on his cheeks.
 He walks in the garden, the morning dew wetting his slippers. He searches his pocket, taking his cigarette pack and his lighter. He slowly heads to the swing seat and lets out a sigh as he sits. A butterfly catches his attention as he softly pushes on his feet for the swing seat to move.
 71. He cannot believe he is 71 today. Does he feel old? He isn’t really sure. He is a father, a grandfather as well now. But he doesn’t feel like being 71 makes him officially old. He feels way older than when his own father left this world though. 
 He smiles as he thinks about this number, and suddenly, considers 71 the other way around. 17. Oh, boy, he was 17 an eternity ago. Young, so young, with so many projects.  
 In 1968, the Beatles were releasing their ‘White Album’, and he was already bass player for the band Opposition. Well, it was the band Art, then.
 What would 17 years old John Deacon think about the life that was waiting for him? As he was still softly swinging on his seat, John wonders. All the first time he’s seen, and all the things he’s done. And the things he’s stopped doing.
 What would 17 years old John think about him moving to London a couple of years later, and soon joining the band Queen? This definitely was a life change. The first time he actually met Freddie Mercury, Brian May and Roger Taylor comes to mind as well. 
 Then the first time he laid his eyes upon the person who would become his beloved wife. The first time their lips touched, the first time he felt like this was real love and not just a flirt. Their first night together also, passionate, loving. Discovering the other’s body with such tenderness and an endless affection. 
 Their first kid, and then all the first times he saw his five other children. 17 years old John would surely have been frightened if he was to know all of this in advance. John was also scared when his family became what it is now, but he also knew that he was just where he was meant to be.
 John carries on recalling his professional career with Queen as well, since it’s also been a massive part of his life. Music has always been a big part of his life, with young John Deacon learning how to play the guitar and then the bass guitar. As he thinks back, he isn’t sure 17 years old John knew how much of an impact it would have on his life.
 The first time he actually went on stage with the band Queen. Brian and Roger had known each other for a long time, it had seemed so easy for them. As for Freddie, he was born a performer, nothing ever seemed to scare him when he was in front of a crowded audience.
 He recalls his first time in a recording studio, experimenting everything, making art perhaps, more than actually making music. He smiles as he thinks about his studies and how his skills regarding engineering helped him build his own amp. It was the first time he was actually able to build something from A to Z. He also recalls the first song he ever wrote for Queen, and the embarrassment he still feels when he thinks about it. How come the rest of the band agreed for such a song to appear on their album….? This will surely remain a mystery.
 A slight breeze caresses his skin, as the sun slowly begins to rise in the horizon. Those are the first rays of the day and here he is, witnessing this. He sweetly sighs, but lets his thoughts carry on wandering.
 Queen…. It was also the name of their first album. Would 17 years old John Deacon think of this as a great accomplishment? An achievement that would lead the band to more albums….
 Music and recording albums also meant making actual gigs. The first ones were in London, then there were other dates in Britain. And soon, as the audience was carrying on showing support, their tours started to happen all around the world. He also remembers how embarrassed he was during the first interview, wondering how Freddie was handling this so easily.
 What would 17 years old John Deacon think about Japan? He recalls the first time he was in the Land of the Rising Sun, and how amazed he was. The geishas, the blossoming trees, the tea, the kabuki, the sushis…. And the massive support from the audience. It was another world, another time.
 Queen was his family, maybe some kind of a mistress for some, regarding his kids, his blood and flesh. Being part of his own family was hard, but he had always made sure to be there, being the best father he could be, given the circumstances. He recalls the first night he spent on the sofa, after an argument with his wife. But he remembers as well the first time he apologized to her and how making up after a fight sex was. He still has a smile on his lips, but this time, it’s cheekier.
 Would have 17 years old John Deacon ever consider playing Wembley? Maybe it was an unachievable dream for the shy teenager he was, and yet he did it. The first night the band played in Wembley was just incredible, and John wonders if he will ever be able to forget about it. It seems engraved in his brain, just like so many other memories. 
 He then thinks about the first time he released the Magic tour would be their last, with Freddie getting sicker and sicker. Tears form in his eyes as he thinks about the first time he played with Brian and Roger, but without Freddie. He remembers when he thought his musical career was over, since for him, it was no longer Queen without Freddie.
 He ponders about his retirement as well. He took a step back from the music industry 25 years ago, while he had spent almost 30 years being a musician.  
 Would 17 years old John Deacon consider stopping his career like this, almost fully interrupting any form of musical creativity? How would he compare his active time in the industry to his retirement? He wonders.
 There are things he misses about music and being creative like he was. But there are inconveniences he clearly doesn’t miss.
 His train of thoughts is interrupted, as he hears noises coming from the house. The family is slowly waking up it seems, getting ready for a family breakfast. It’s time to get back inside and spend time with them. John takes his cigarette pack and his lighter, realizing he didn’t even smoke his morning cigarette. Maybe he doesn’t need them anymore, maybe he should throw them away when he gets back inside.
 After all, today he is 71 years old. And just like 17 years old John Deacon, he is aware he still has a million more first times to witness.
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sentfromwolves · 2 years
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Hello friends! 💝 It is officially time to start the first round of beta reads for ENCHANTED AT EVENTIDE! 🎉 I’m looking for both casual readers and critique partners to beta read this draft. 
Enchanted at Eventide is a soft character-driven romantic fantasy. It is adult but has YA crossover potential. It takes place in a realm of planetary gods and celestial creatures, where the world has been shattered into kingdoms of eternal daylight, unending dusk, and endless night. 
Please see below for more information and feel free to DM me for more information or if you’d like to beta! 💖
In the celestial realm of Adrien, where the sun never sets, Aurora is a star that cannot shine. But that’s alright. As the middle child of eight siblings, Aurora is content to stick to the shadows and let the rest of her family dazzle the crowd. It’s Eventide, after all, the season of courtship and love among the gods, and no one is interested in marrying the black sheep of the Polaris family with no starlight to call her own.
But when Aurora’s eldest sibling goes missing over the edge of Adrien and into the unknown, Aurora runs away from the safety of home to save them, leaving everything she knows behind. The last thing she expects is the arrogant aid of Heir Jupiter, one of Adrien’s most powerful planetary gods, and Aurora cannot shake him no matter how hard she tries.
What’s harder still is finding Diana, stolen away to a kingdom enshrouded in mystery and moonlight. A distant realm, broken from Adrien a millennium ago, where constellations still light the eternal night sky and the full moon among them never once wanes. Through bargains with star serpents and dangerous games with clever fox kings, Aurora and Atticus must fall further into the darkness than they ever have before, in hopes of reclaiming a star.
GENRE: Soft Fantasy (Adult with crossover potential) 
THEMES: Self-love, Forgiveness, Familial love, Humility, Self-growth, Unlearning toxicity
WORDCOUNT: 102k (1st draft)
TURNAROUND TIME: I’m really flexible! Ideally I’m looking for a 1-2 month turnaround, but I’m also not very particular since life is life and it likes getting in the way!
COMMUNICATION: I’m happy to talk via Tumblr DMs but my preferred method of contact is through Discord. Feel free to DM me for my handle! 
I’ll provide a personal google doc of the draft for you to read and comment inside of unless a different document type is requested! I’m happy to receive feedback either as comments directly in the document or via DMs! Please send me a DM here if you’re interested! 🤗 I think that’s it for now, but I’ll add more if need be! Thanks everyone!! 💝💝
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Hello dearest ~ First, I hope your shift has gone well and been stress free. And next, I hope you receive this, as I still have access to tumblr mobile only. I plan to go to Barnes & Noble on Saturday to see if I can use my laptop to get on tumblr--at which time I can properly reply to your latest Ask. Answering on my phone has been dodgy, which accounts for the delay.
I did see (and rebloged with my thoughts) your post calling yourself a 'disaster'. I must protest! Your heart is evident in everything you create, and that's the farthest thing from disaster. Trust your instincts and the family you have gathered to yourself; think of us as the cream of the crop that will always have eyes and hearts to appreciate your works.
That's all for now, I suppose. Sending all my love, as ever!
V 🥰💖💜💙🤗
Thank you so much, sweet flower 💮
Admitted, it is very hard for me to own up to the fact that I am hard on myself and that I need to curb my thoughts when it comes to my self-deprecation. Of course, you and my darling fledglings have all become so important to me when it comes to my writings and my art. There are just days where it is harder for me to remind myself of this than others. When I see works like yours and Baker's, I remember that I'm writing for a completely different crowd and it's hard to not be able to give your side of the fandom what you need to. I suppose this is one of the days when I feel like I'm letting people down, even though I know I'm not. The feedback issue has always been my handicap and even now I am truly still trying to fight it if I can. There are days when I am able to lasso the demon and put it back in the basement, but today it has been a real struggle that I'm not completely proud to admit to. I wonder sometimes if I overthink even my thinking process.
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But regardless, I know that it is a part of myself. And even when I am at my lowest, the ones who truly care about me will be there to extend their hand and help me back up. I have found you, Harle, Icy, Fanartka, Sinister and so many other amazing people that have built me back up from the broken human being I was. You reunited me with Tony in my dreamscape by reminding me that it's okay to be in love with him and given me your endless support - for which I am eternally grateful and cannot put into words. I am trying to better myself a little more every day by remembering that all of you are here waiting for me to come back or post anything, (I find myself a bit humbled and embarrassed that you visit my page every day, but I admittedly do the same to yours, so I guess we're even, heh) and it truly does help. The real life struggles I have faced these last few weeks nearly did me in and I promise you, I will get better. I may try to post a GNReader and Stephen fic tomorrow if I can get all of the thoughts in my head down accordingly. I do hope you won't miss it, my dear. Be safe, also, while you are at Barnes and Noble, look for a book called "Storm Front" by Jim Butcher. If you don't know it already, I promise, you won't be disappointed. All my love,
- Steven 💜💜
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
Ok I don’t know, but I’m playing this as a non blue lock watcher, so based off of looks alone, i would marry ichigo, kiss the fox guy and kill megumi, listen his childlike aura is so unsettling to me i feel like i can’t tell what he’s thinking so I’m not taking chances. 😂😂 he looks like a male version of alice from twilight
Kiss marry kill?
Erwin, Zeke, Miche?
I know you love levi too much so I’m not including him to make it harder. -🫐🔒
ajkhdkhd hahahahah your answer makes so much sense 😂😂😂 also HAHAHA alice from twilight ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª
Yeah, if Levi was in the question it would be too obvious 💖 my love for him is endless and eternal 💖💖💖
Kiss: Mike ( we lost him too soon 😭)
Marry: Erwin 😍
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Kill: ZEKEEEEE 🔪🔪🔪 he hurt my man so he deserves death!!! 😤
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theraspberryler · 2 years
THAT WAS SO CUTE WHAT THE FLOOF!! ✨✨ I especially loved the idea of His back being a melt spot-! SO CUTEEEEE ✨✨💖
What vibes do you get from Mumbo btw? I really wanna know!
Oh- and I haven’t introduced myself yet- the name’s Blueberry! ^^
ahh hello Blueberry! I’m so sorry for taking so long to get to this, I’ve been so busy lately.
but anywho! thank you so much for all the love, I’m glad to have someone to gush to about what is quickly becoming my next obsession, lmao
💛 I’ve been debating with myself for a bit over what kinda vibes I get from Mumbo, but I think I’m gonna go with a pretty even switch overall, maybe just ever so slightly a ler lean, and I’ll get to why
💛 I feel like Mumbo would equally enjoy being on either side of a tickle fight, but I just think that he may get ler moods more often than lee. All one of the hermits would have to do to put him into a ler mood it reach up for something while he’s around, and my man is gone lmao
💛 the others definitely enjoy teasing Mumbo in just that way. when Mumbai supposed to be focusing on something or trying to act serious for whatever reason, they stretch out and leave their sides open just to see Mumbo struggle
definitely can see Grian being especially teasy with this - Mumbo’s been working on his newest red stone contraption for ages now, and he’s finally nearing the finish line, and he’s super determined to finish up before the end of the day. then Grian comes along, playing all innocent but Mumbo can immediately tell he’s up to something. he expects that Grian is planning on prancing him or something, but then he goes and presses himself up against Mumbo and leans on him, reaching up and stretching. Mumbo tries his hardest to ignore him, but then Grian stretches out his wings as well and he just gives up
💛 as a ler, Mumbo probably wouldn’t tickle anyone he wasn’t super close to, and would take a bit before he was really comfortable teasing someone. he just wants to make absolutely sure that whoever it is, is completely comfortable with teasing and whatnot
💛 once he his over this timid phase though, I still don’t see him being a super verbal ler, giggling along with her lee and offering some teasy comments here and there
💛 it is not hard to provoke him at all; tickling is pretty much his go to way to bring the others down a peg. if he notices someone is in a lee mood, he won’t make them wait long, but that doesn’t mean that the lee is safe from the teasing comments about it
💛 as a lee, Mumbo is definitely a squirmer, and will “fight back,” but his attempts at fighting back are pretty weak. but he literally can’t stay still for the life of him
💛 once tickles are threatened upon him, his ability to form coherent sentences has completely left the building. he’s such a stuttering mess, and as he fails miserably at forming sentences he’ll only laugh more at himself. sometimes he just gives up on speaking al together
💛 if he’s stressed over something, it’s pretty common for at least one of the hermits to come up and just wreck him, which he is eternally grateful for, because he knows that he’s not even remotely capable of asking himself
💛 when he’s stressed or overthinking things, he prefers it to rougher rather than soft, just because it distracts him from whatever he was thinking about. and the hermits have gotten really good at reading him; they know exactly how to keep it intense while not being overwhelming or too intense (is it obvious that I have a thing for comfort tickles?)
💛 if someone sneaks up on him and tasers his sides, my man will absolutely shriek, and it provides endless entertainment for the other hermits
💛 endless cackles, belly laughter, and giggles from this man. once he starts, he physically can’t stop until the tickling stops completely, and even for a bit after the laughing doesn’t stop for a bit
💛 sides 10/10 - I love the thought of Mumbo having super ticklish sides, and just squeezing them is all it takes to make him loose it
💛 neck 8/10 - Mumbo definitely has a ticklish neck, for some reason I can totally picture someone sneaking up behind him and poking his neck, only how him to completely curl in on himself like a turtle
💛 belly 8/10 - mumbo snorting while getting his belly tickled? yes please I can’t get enough. just him snorting and kicking his legs out and shaking his head back and forth while his cheeks steadily turn more and more red-
💛 knees 7/10 - the other hermits take great pleasure in being able to make him collapse and fall over just from scribbling behind his knees for a few seconds when he isn’t expecting it
💛 ribs 6/10 - not the most ticklish place, but will still get some laughs and giggles, and if you dig in at just the right place with the right amount of pressure, you can totally get him to squeal, and it never fails to make him turn bright red
sorry if these are kind of a mess, I’m a little scatterbrained right now lol
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amistytown · 2 years
Noelle im so excited you decided to do matchups :3 so id like one if that’s okay!
my name is Gray, pronouns are she/her, straight
im a Leo, and my mbti is enfp!
ideally id like someone who i can be silly with, but also calm with. despite enjoying going out/doing things, i really love quiet time and to decompress. my love languages are physical touch and quality time, but i also love do give and receive acts of service. i would say i like romance of course, but cheesy/corny gestures also make me really happy! i just wanna be felt like im worth loving and ngl……i like being spoiled too hehe 💖
i have a temper, and am feisty-but i do not prefer conflict and try to peacefully resolve things to make everyone happy. im up for just about any activity-cooking and baking, to shopping or seeing movies, to staying in and cuddling on the couch. i am the mom friend, i enjoy taking care of my loved ones. i dislike people being mean to others for no reason.
i hope this is enough! thank you my friend!
@barbabetos thank you for participating, Gray! I had a difficult time not matching you up with Levi, but I'm doing my best to avoid the obvious while choosing someone who compliments you. I hope this is okay and you enjoy your matchup!
I match you with Lucifer ♥
The human exchange student proved themselves to be feisty with a temper to boot, leaving Lucifer exasperated yet intrigued despite how they meddled in his affairs and tested his patience on more than one occasion. He noticed how brightly your soul shone, far greater than the stars strewn across the Devildom skies, unable to resist the light and warmth you emanate. Chosen on a whim, the Avatar of Pride no longer regrets his decision when his brothers flourish under your care, your love bringing his family together, and the sound of your laughter giving life to the House of Lamentation that all can appreciate. With you he feels emotions he has not felt in centuries, while discovering those he never knew existed until you came into his life and swept him off his feet, needing you at his side for eternity. Only you possess the power to tempt Lucifer himself, and he takes pride in kneeling at your feet and kissing your hand in a declaration of love befitting of the one he holds dear.
No one can compare to you, the sweetest and most beautiful being in all three realms, and Lucifer treats you as such, every glance in your direction and touch of your bodies reverent no matter how fleeting; he’s completely enamored with you, longing for and seeking out your company in the crowded corridors of RAD or inviting you to his study so he can wrap you in his embrace and forget the paperwork piling up on his desk as you melt into him, and he swallows your gasps with heated kisses. He hates to see you doubt yourself, showering you with endless love and praise—you’re worthy of it all and much more, deserving of nothing but the best. You warm his heart with a simple smile, singlehandedly changing him for the better, and he wishes to return the gesture, loving you fiercely and showing you how grateful he is to have you in his life—how fortunate he is you chose him.
This demon spoils you constantly, enjoying the way your face lights up when he dotes on you, savoring the sight of the blush that colors your cheeks and how your lips form the prettiest smile he’s ever laid eyes on. He likes to surprise you with romantic gifts such as flowers, chocolates, and jewelry—the finest in the Devildom—and takes note of anything you mention in passing or look at in yearning, wanting to gift you exactly what your heart desires. Behind closed doors, he smothers you in his affections, wanting to have you as close as possible, and love you thoroughly. Your happiness is his happiness, though he treasures all you do for him, whether it’s the softness of your hand on his, bringing him a freshly brewed cup of coffee during a tiring day, or lying beside him in bed, your head on his chest while his fingers tangle themselves in your hair as the tension leaves his body, stress forgotten and replaced with thoughts of you; anything you do for him is greatly appreciated.
There are nights he treats you to extravagant dinners at Ristorante Six or takes you on dates to the most luxurious places in the Devildom, happy to spend some time alone and escape the chaos of the House of Lamentation every once in a while; of course, he’ll bring you wherever you wish, making time in his busy schedule to accommodate you. You’ll be on his arm at the extravagant balls Diavolo throws or the parties Lucifer is invited to by Devildom royalty, the firstborn proud to have you accompany him and comforted by your presence. In fact, you steal his breath away standing in the lowlight with your dress highlighting the delicious curves of your body. However, you also relish the quiet moments in his study, sitting in front of the fireplace and drinking a glass of Demonus, or cuddling in bed the next morning before his brothers awake, sharing slow but passionate kisses as you lay in each other’s arms—Lucifer thinks your equally as beautiful in your pajamas, hair a mess, and sleep in your eyes.
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