#my partner just needs to realise that I just love spending time with them doesn’t matter what we’re doing
We don’t have to talk or be doing the same thing, we can just exist in the same room together, doing our own things, and be happily separate together.
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midnightorchids · 27 days
Hey babe- I wanted to know how you felt about booknerd!reader x Jason. Because it's been rotting my brain forever now and I need to know what someone as genius as yourself thinks about it. So like- We know Jason is a book girl. He's got huge floor to ceiling shelves in his apartment filled with non-fiction, historical fiction, classics, and maybe a few Si-Fi titles. I feel like he would love Toni Morison, Maya Angelou, Henrik Isben, Margret Atwood, and maybe even Harukai Murakami. He has this beautiful collection of leather bond additions of the Iliad Bruce gave him when he was 16. And when he finally invites you over, he cannot contain his excited smile as you start gushing over his home library. He makes you guys coffee and you spend hours talking about your fav genres, authors, online author drama - and after he's walking back to his apartment after dropping you off, he's smiling down at his phone at the message you sent. 'I had so much fun today! Ur library is so so so cool, was wondering if you would be ok going with me to Chapters next week? Wanted to pick up the new Skyward book' He's kicking his feet and hiding his face in his pillow. So deeply overjoyed that his crush shares in his immense love of literature. After you guys officially get together, he buys you so many fucking books. He fallows your goodreads wishlist religiously and surprises you almost every month with a new addition to your growing collection. He usually collects used paper backs, but for you, he splurges on the hardcover special additions. Of course it's because he loves you but it's also so that, maybe, you'll be more incentivised to move into a different apartment. One with floor-to-ceiling book shelves and a shared bed... just saying.. He branches out into more genres and authors he wouldn't usually read from just so he could talk about your favourite books with you. You do the same - your book collections getting mixed together in the process. Library dates, bookstore dates, used-bookstore dates. Your first couple of dates and realisations of love happened in and around books. You would always leave little messages inside the first page of the books you give him. So that if your every away or he's on a mission and he takes a book with him, he'll have one of your small messages of love as a reminder of something to return home to.
Hi hon!! I’m so sorry for the late response, I’ve been dying with uni and just life in general recently, but I’m back and ready to write again!!
I fully agree with almost everything that you said, like you’ve written it out so well and it’s just so cute! I was literally giggling and kicking my feet at the last one omg.
I shall try to add more stuff!!
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Jason’s go to present for his loved ones is annotated copies of his favourite books. He only does this when he feels comfortable with a person because sharing his thoughts feels raw and vulnerable sometimes.
Having a significant other who loves to read and appreciates these types of gifts would make him feel happy and very emotional. It’s not often he gets to share this side of himself with people.
When he gifts his copies to his friends or his partner, he feels like he’s leaving a piece of him with the person, so he only does this when he trusts you.
He leaves detailed little messages on the margins of his books. He draws little smiley faces on the cute parts and angry faces on the parts that made him upset.
In the books for his significant other, Jason leaves little notes around the quotes that remind him of you. He highlights them in a different colour and makes sure his notes look extra tidy.
He sucks at wrapping things, so sometimes you’ll get a very poorly wrapped, tape covered novel. You’ll look at the wrapping and laugh, you’d pinch his cheeks teasingly and tell him he did a good job. He’d turn his face away in embarrassment, which leads to you placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Then, there would be times where he doesn’t have the energy to deal with the horrible wrapping paper. So, you’ll be gifted a plain paper back with a sticky note on the front cover that reads ‘for you,’ in squiggly lines.
It’s honestly sweet and he gets very shy about it.
Also, Jason’s taste in books is very diverse, he reads anything from the classics to romance to gothic horror. He reads anything and everything and because of that, I think that it would be very easy for you to share your thoughts and recommendations with him.
Even if Jason hasn’t read the book, he listens intently with a huge smile on his face. He loves listening to you talk. If he doesn’t know the author or the book, he will try to familiarize himself with what you’re reading and branch into different genres.
There would be lots of reading and bookstore dates. You’d browse through the different aisles with his hand in yours, only letting go when a particular book catches your attention. He watches you in awe as you gush about the different series.
(Side note, my friends and I always go to bookstores and just point out the worst books we’ve read and I think Jason would do that too.)
As you search through the shelves to find your next read, he’ll come to you all excited, rambling about the book in his hand. From the looks of it, it seems like he loves the book. His hands are moving around, he’s smiling and giggling, but if you pay attention, he’s actually just cussing out the author.
This becomes a tradition in your relationship. You both bring up books that you hate instead of the ones that you really enjoy. You’d spend the next hour of your bookstore visit just giggling at the random passages that the author thought were good enough to share with the world.
I think this would also lead to a book club of reading awful books sometimes just for shits and giggles. There would be weeks where you would read amazing, well written stories together, but then there would be times when you guys would pick up something bad just to make fun of it.
Overall, Jason would love having a book nerd significant other because he finally has someone who he can geek out with.
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wayfayrr · 7 months
I can't believe that I almost missed Sky's aniversary!!! happpy twelvth birthday to skyward sword! <3 I'd just like to say thank you to @yourlocaltreesimp for reblogging something that reminded me that today is the boys birthday - this peice is all because of them I wrote it in 40 mins so sky could have something for his bd before the date changes It's a continuation on my self aware sky fic with some headcanons and a small drabble under the cut about how the both of you celebrate his birthday <3
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✦ After about a month and a half of being with you, the both of you are quite used to living together. With Sky getting a grip on how to handle being a real flesh and blood person now - the both of you have even started on getting paperwork sorted for him to be recognised as a real person even if he’s never seen apart from your side
✦ The past few days though he’s had this energy around him, like a little kid excited for their - oh that's right, you’d almost forgotten the anniversary of his game was coming up. No wonder why he’d be so excited about it. 
✦ In the time it’s taken you to realise the date he’s taken his chance to be a little more clingy, you can blame nostalgia for him wanting to be closer. The feeling of the day he was created making him come to terms with just how lucky he was to be standing right next to you - his saviour lover. 
✦ If you were to do anything for him, say buy him gifts, treat him to an expensive meal, take him for a date, set aside the day for him or heck even spend the morning in bed cuddling with him? He’d fall for you all over just being flattered to the core over how much you care about him, if there was even a sliver of a chance of him loosing his possessive tendencies before that chance is shattered beyond repair now. You’re his and he’s never letting go.
✦ with how nostalgic he’s gotten, it’s not all that much of a surprise that he’s asked if he can play through the game on his own, with you sitting right next to him naturally 
“Are you sure about this Link? I mean I’ve not touched it since you well, since you crawled out. Who’s to say that he won’t figure it out as well?”
“It should be fine, what would be the odds of it happening twice? Besides if it does I’d bet he’ll feel the same way my dove.”
He’s not certain which is as clear as day, of course he doesn’t have a clue what could happen if he plays. What would happen if the version of himself he plays as hates him more than anything? If he gets jealous? If he tries to bring him back? Link hasn’t considered any of that, not that I can hold it against him. After that first day out of the game he’s mellowed out so much, it really was his desperation that made him terrifying - not that that doesn’t slip out every now and then of course. If he really wants to play? We’ll deal with the consequences of it together.
“If you’re really sure then love, want me to grab some snacks while you set up the switch?”
“I’d love that, thank you, darling.”
A soft kiss to my cheek is all that I need to become a blushing mess as he moves to turn everything on, including the new tv I had to buy after he shattered the old one, not too expensive but still more of a hassle than I wanted to have to deal with. Seeing as he’s never had any previous experience with any technology like this he’s picked it up like a natural, so in no time at all we’re back to sitting together on my couch to play. It’s nice like this, all gentle and domestic. If you didn’t know Link wasn’t originally a ‘real’ person you wouldn’t even be able to tell, he fits in like he was always supposed to be here with me. The clothes he’s nicked only adding onto that feeling of belonging like he’s just any other boyfriend stealing his partner's clothes. 
“Guess now is the moment of truth to whether or not I’ll be dealing with another nuisance stealing my heart then.”
“I wouldn’t let him take your heart, that belongs to me and only me.”
“Alright then, are you gonna make a save then my lovable anomaly or are you just gonna threaten someone you’re not sure even exists?”
“I’m making it my dearest player, I just had to make sure you were fully certain of where I stand.”
True to his word, he did make a save file - although he did name it something different than his own name - not before kissing me yet again though. Playing it with him was nice, seeing his reactions to his past where he didn’t have to get traumatised? It’s one of the sweetest things I've seen in a long while. It did seem I was right though, he didn’t manage to get to demise before we had a shocked link staring at the both of us like his world had been ripped apart. His reaction was so different to my link’s though.
He’s petrified. 
“Wh- What’s going on - who are you both – wh- wh-” … “And why do you look just like me?”
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prettyniji · 2 years
authors note: aaa my first post !!!! hello i am maia and i love silly vtubers so i decided to write for them ! feel free to request anything anytime ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა also im too lazy to learn the html stuff so my post doesn’t look as fancy (╥﹏╥) and i wrote this all on my pc so i hope it doesnt look silly on mobile ......
all writing is mine and mine only !! no reposting ,,, this isnt proofread very well sorry for any mistakes hehe
characters: vox akuma; mysta rias; ike eveland; luca kaneshiro; shu yamino; shxtou
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗  luxiem + shoto needy for attention ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
ʚɞ vox akuma ʚɞ
i can’t decide if vox would be stubborn about wanting your attention or he would just annoy you till you give him what he wants ....
he would definitely either ominously stare at your from across the room until u ask him what’s wrong, or he would contantly poke your cheeks until you look him in the eyes, in which he then just give you the biggest, cheekiest smile you’ve ever seen he’d be like (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
if you were sitting on the bed on your phone and he had just finished up a stream or playing a game, he would definitely do that cliche thing where he just sighs over and over again until you sigh yourself, look over at ur needy boyfriend and reluctantly ask him what’s wrong.
he would only sigh again and tell you how his partner is paying more attention to their phone than him !! despicable right ? :((( how dare they ! 
OR ! if he’s feeling extra pouty and stubborn he would try to do anything possible to put aside his neediness, playing games with shoto, tweeting weird 5head tweets, but eventually he would get impatient (with a decision he made...) and flop beside you on the bed and lay his head on your lap
he’d grab your hand and force it towards his head, forcing you to play with your boyfriends long hair and fall asleep as you braid his hair, making him realise it would be a lot easier if he just asked for attention hehe (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ 
more under the cut !!
ʚɞ mysta rias  ʚɞ
the fox-like detective would be another one to refuse to ask for your attention, but unlike mr voice demon he’s not stubborn, he just wouldn’t want to bother you :(( 
even if you weren’t doing anything in particular, mysta would still not really want to bother you, so you would have to be the one to approach him. it wouldn’t be hard to notice when mysta’s feeling needy, as he spends a lot of time staring at you, and instantly looking away when you make eye contact with him. he also sits next to you with a sligh gap in between you, fidgeting with his hands trying to form a million plans in his head trying to find ways to make you give him some attention (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
when you eventually notice his nervousness and neediness, doing any simple thing such as grabbing his hand or pulling his head to lie on your shoulder, will make him let out a sigh and mutter a “thank you” 
pls treat him right and give him the attention he needs 24/7 he deserves it (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡
ʚɞ ike eveland  ʚɞ
i can imagine ike being slightly open about being needy for your attention, however he wouldn’t outrightly say it. he would find ways to constantly touch you, such as sitting closer to you than normal and laying your head on his lap as he reads.
ike will have just finished up a long drinking stream, the alcohol in his system making him feel extra warm and cutesy, wanting to be held in your arms (୨୧ ❛ᴗ❛)✧
he would stumble his way towards your shared room to find you lying in bed, and he could already envision cosying up next to you and feeling warm and fuzzy from your undivided attention. 
however, unfortunately for the poor novelist, whatever you were looking at on your phone (he was too jealous to look..) was slightly more important than your tipsy boyfriend. \(๑•́o•̀๑)/ 
ike, now glaring holes into your poor phone, laid his head on your shoulder, his cheeks warm to the touch, and buried his head into the crook of your neck
if that wasn’t enough to grab your full attention, what else was he supposed to do rather than grab your phone and aggressively sit it somewhere behind him on the bed (he didn’t care where, as long as he got your hand in his hair hehe)  
the second you let out a laugh and wrap your arm around your slighly dizzy tipsy boyfriend, you feel him sigh against your neck and plant a small kiss against you (୨୧ᵕ̤ᴗᵕ̤)
peace at last for the drunk novelist !!!
ʚɞ luca kaneshiro  ʚɞ
our big mafia boss is just about the biggest cuddle bug around around would not be afraid to jump into your arms whenever he feels he hasn’t had enough attention from you ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡
if you were slighly busy with work on a laptop or something, he would lather himself all over you like a koala and whine about how much he wishes he was your laptop in his next life so he could lie on your lap peacefully.
he’d bury his head in your neck so far you could smell his shampoo, and place kisses all over your neck trying his hardest to tickle you to make you give him the tiniest sliver of attention 
big scary mafia boss would wrap his arms around you and slowly close your laptop like a cat that’s hoping you don’t notice him (very obviously) dramatically closing your laptop —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ —
when you snuggle into his hair asking what’s gotten him so cuddly, he simply whines “babyyyyy you haven’t paid me any attention to me on my day off!! if it’s my day off that means it’s your day off too” /ᐠ. .ᐟ\ฅ
and if you somehow resist the cute mafia boss you must have all the strength in the world to turn down his puppy dog eyes .... because i wouldn’t be able to i’d jump to give him all the attention in the world hehe
ʚɞ shu yamino  ʚɞ
the cutest sorcerer in the world would probably start feeling needy after playing games on stream for a while, but he’s not the type to end stream because of his neediness. why would he when he can just make you come to him? ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )
shu knew you were doing your own work in a different room so he’d text you to bring all your stuff into his room, not replying when you ask why
when you quietly enter his room hearing him talk to his chat, you see a space next to his desk that’s been obviously cleared to fit all of your work, and a chair sat next to his.
smiling like a dummy at your boyfriend clearing his desk mid stream just so you can sit next to him, you sit and immediately see him judge how far your chair is from his, and pull you closer to him.
STILL smiling like a dummy your try your hardest to go back to your work but cant find the ability to focus when your boyfriend woke up today and decided to be the cutest man on earth, his hand tracing random shapes on your thigh and his shoulder touching yours.
as soon as shu finishes up his stream you decide you can spare some time to give attention to the most cat-like sorcerer in the world, who immediately turns to you and gives you the brightest smile you need to look away before you go blind ପ૮๑ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ๑ აଓ 
“are you almost done love? do you wanna watch some movies when you’re free?” and it’s impossible to say no to your boyfriend who looks like hes about to jump out his seat the second you say yes <3
ʚɞ shoto  ʚɞ
this boy is the human reincarnation of a puppy,so when he’s needy you can count on the fact he will follow you around everywhere you go, asking “where are you going baby?” everytime you so much as lift a finger to go get food or leave the room at all !
your boyfriend would practically have his hypothetical tail wagging back and forth the second you even look at him ૮⍝• ᴥ •⍝ა
he would chat your ear off talking about anything and everything, slowly inching closer and closer to you until he’s sitting in your lap, arms wrapped around your neck, kissing all over your face and grabbing your hands to put them around him. 
shoto would kiss every part of your body he could reach, talking about how much he misses you and bargaining anything to make you pay attention to him, even though he doesnt need to bargain anything since who wouldn’t pay attention to the cutest boy ever ??
your hyper boyfriend would lay his entire body on you and invite you to play games with him or watch any anime he can think of, telling you that you should take a break after working for so long, even if you are simply working on a hobby rather than work stuffs ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
as soon as you close your laptop and pat his legs to get him off you, he gets up and grabs your hand, dragging you to bed to watch all your favourites as you cuddle him like a big teddy ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
thank you for reading !! have a good day ♡〜٩( ˃▿˂ )۶〜♡
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capseycartwright · 1 year
and half of my heart has always been yours
Lightning doesn’t strike twice –
Except it did.
Because Eddie is thirty-five, when he watches Buck’s lifeless body disappear behind glass doors and he realises in that moment that Evan Buckley is the love of his life.
And he’s dead.
Eddie spends eight days in the hospital waiting for his best friend to wake up from his coma so that he can tell him that he loves him. It's kind of the worst eight days of his life.
ao3 link
Eddie was thirty-one years old when he watched his wife die. It’s a moment he would never forget, not as long as he lived, and maybe even after that – as he got older, he was more able to sit with his grief, accept it as part of himself, and he was glad he had been there: glad that in her final moments, Shannon hadn’t been alone. He had been able to give her that much, at least, even if he hadn’t been able to give her much else over the course of their relationship, their marriage.
Eddie is thirty-five, when he watches his best friend in the entire world get struck by lightning, and he clambers up a ladder – a metal ladder, he realises later, hardly a safe place to be in the middle of a lightning storm, but surely lighting couldn’t strike twice – and tries to pull Buck’s lifeless body toward him, because his automatic response is to want Buck to be closer, closer, even as his arms burn with the effort of trying to pull Buck closer.
He has to lower him down, in the end. Eddie didn’t want to - but he couldn’t bring Buck’s lifeless body closer to him, so he did the next best thing, and he lowered Buck into Bobby’s waiting arms.
Eddie is thirty-five, when he watches his partner hit by lightning, and he’s thirty-five when he drives the ambulance containing Buck’s lifeless body, Hen and Chimney’s yelling in the back as they desperately work to save his life static noise as Eddie tried to focus on the road and getting them to the hospital as fast as the ambulance allowed.
Eddie is thirty-five, when he feels Buck’s ribs crack under the force of his own hands, the crunch sounding sickeningly loud as he takes over from Chimney and tries to force life back to Buck’s body.
Seven minutes, seven minutes - Buck had been down for seven minutes, and he barely registers the meaning of the words when he hears Hen yell that Buck has a pulse because all Eddie can think of is that he broke his best friends ribs, and -
Lightning doesn’t strike twice –
Except it did.
Because Eddie is thirty-five, when he watches Buck’s lifeless body disappear behind glass doors and he realises in that moment that Evan Buckley is the love of his life.
And he’s dead.
“Do more.”
Do more, do more - as if Eddie doesn’t know that every doctor and nurse in LA General always did their best, did more, went above and beyond the call of duty to try and save lives: but they weren’t just saving any life, they were saving Buck’s, and Eddie knew how this story went because he lived it before, and it ends with him standing at a graveside wearing a stiff black suit and wondering if his love is the curse, wondering if everyone he loves is doomed to die.
Do more -
Because their best wasn’t enough, not when it came to Buck.
“Eddie,” Hen’s voice sounded fuzzy. “Eddie - can you focus on my voice?”
Eddie thinks he shakes his head. He’s not sure.
“Eddie, I need you to focus on my voice,” Hen continued. “Eddie, you’re having a panic attack.”
Oh. Oh - well, that made sense, actually. Eddie hadn’t had a panic attack in a long time: Frank, and Buck, probably, would assure him it's because he has been putting in the hard work and focusing on his mental health, and all that hard work made for less panic attacks. Eddie would probably say it’s because his life was finally happy - he hadn’t felt like he had all that much to panic about, lately, and so in the months since the last time he’d had a panic attack, he’d forgotten the way it burned his chest as the terror consumed his body.
“That’s it, that’s it Eddie - in, and out, nice and slow.” Hen had a soothing voice - it made sense that she was a paramedic, because she had a calming effect on people. She was born to help, Eddie figured - maybe he should tell her that.
The room slowly came back into focus, Hen’s concerned face close to Eddie’s own.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, face burning red with embarrassment as he realised what had happened - the way he had panicked, as if he was the only one of them who cared about Buck. Buck, who was like a son to Bobby. Buck, who was Chimney’s brother-in-law. Buck, who Hen loved like a brother. Eddie wasn’t the only one who staked a claim on Buck, and here he was, making it all about him.
“It’s okay,” Hen reassured, gentle, always gentle. She brushed Eddie’s soaking hair back off his forehead, her gesture motherly. “It’s okay to be scared, Eddie.”
“We all are,” Chimney reassured, solemn in his words. He didn’t know - how could he know? Eddie didn’t know, until a few minutes ago - consciously, at least. Maybe subconsciously he had known for longer, but not consciously, no: his treacherous brain had waited until the moment Eddie had felt Buck’s heart stop beating under his hands to let him in on the secret.
He loved him.
Eddie was in love with his best friend.
read the rest on ao3
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welcometololaland · 10 months
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WIP WORKING WEEK PART 2: PRODUCT PLACEMENT This is way more than the sentences I was supposed to do, but it's dialogue so I feel like I can get away with it. I'm also doubling this up as my (twenty) seven sentence Sunday. Thanks for the tags @freneticfloetry, @rosedavid @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @three-drink-amy @alrightbuckaroo @lemonlyman-dotcom @strandnreyes @carlos-in-glasses and @heartstringsduet! I can't wait to dig into your snippets!
Carlos pauses. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re about to confess to doing something that you know I won't like?”
Carlos sighs deeply and pinches the bridge of his nose. “TK.”
“You can’t be mad, you don’t even know what it is yet,” TK protests. Carlos thinks he can hear Nancy snickering in the background of the phone call.
“It?” Carlos asks, shuffling into the kitchen, throwing a Nespresso pod in the machine and turning it on at the wall. He feels a little woozy after spending so much time asleep and wonders whether a coffee will make him feel better about this conversation. He loves TK so much it feels like his heart could burst, but the love of his life also spends a lot of time tap dancing on Carlos’ last nerve. 
“Okay, first of all,” TK insists. “It’s very small.”
“How small?” Carlos asks. “Like, Lou small? Or Buttercup small? Because sometimes you treat those two animals as if they’re the same size.”
TK scoffs. “Carlos, we have no idea how big Lou is now. He could be huge.”
“I doubt it,” Carlos says drily. “But we can go out to the Greenbelt and search for Godzilla if you like.”
“Okay, I meant huge for an alligator lizard. I think their maximum length is eight inches—”
“TK, what did you buy? It’s not…alive, is it?”
“Baby,” TK chides. “It’s super irresponsible to buy a pet without first consulting your partner. Unless you want to buy me a lizard, in which case you should just assume that the answer is yes—”
“You brought Lou home without consulting me!”
“Technically, I didn’t buy Lou because I found him in that guy’s leg.”
“That is not helpful.”
TK sighs. “Okay,” he admits. “I should have asked. But it all worked out for the best, right? We released Lou into the wild, and you got to finally redecorate the living room.”
“After I trashed it trying to find him,” Carlos says, rolling his eyes, but he can feel his resolve waning. TK has such a big and generous heart, something that Carlos loves intensely – even when it extends to reptiles. “Okay, come on. You need to confess before you get home or you’re going to be all funny.”
“What do you mean?” TK asks innocently.
“I mean, you’re going to simultaneously try to distract me with sex and a TV show we both know I don’t want to watch.”
“But the sex works, doesn’t it?” TK asks, his voice dropping to a whisper. In the background, Carlos hears Nancy make a retching noise.
“Fine,” TK relents. “I bought you something for work.”
Carlos pauses. “You know I can’t use costume handcuffs for work, right?”
TK practically chokes. “Mind out of the gutter please, Carlos,” he says. “I got you a desk vacuum.”
There’s a long pause, where Carlos tries to imagine how a vacuum cleaner is going to fit on a desk, much less what it is required for. The station has nightly cleaning and since the pandemic, each unit has been given a near-endless supply of anti-bacterial wipes which Carlos uses religiously on his office keyboard, even though he’s the only one who uses it.
“Thank you, babe,” Carlos says slowly. It’s not supposed to be a question, but it kind of sounds like one. “What’s a desk vacuum?”
“It’s like this mini vacuum that gets rid of all the crumbs and stuff on your desk,” TK explains calmly. “I bought one for Dad, too. He loves it.”
Carlos has heard those Freudian theories about marrying someone who subconsciously reminds you of your parent, but it still alarms him to realise TK considers him sufficiently similar to Owen that he buys them the same thing. 
“I’m a little concerned you’re starting to believe police officers eat doughnuts at their desk all day,” Carlos says weakly, trying to pass off his uncertainty as humour.
TK laughs. “Baby, I’ve seen your abs,” he quips. “Those are not made of doughnut.”
“The doughnuts never last long enough in this house for me to—”
“You do spend heaps of time at your desk though,” TK continues. “I thought a desk vacuum would be useful.”
Carlos frowns. “I do?” he asks, wondering where TK has plucked this idea from. In reality, Carlos does spend more time than he’d like to sitting down, but most of it is in a patrol car.
“You’re always complaining about the paperwork,” TK says mildly. “Right?”
“Right,” Carlos agrees slowly. “But it doesn’t mean that police work is a desk job.”
“I mean…it kinda is,” TK replies. “Not all the time. But you spend heaps of time inside.”
Carlos scoffs. “Are you saying that because the one time you’ve been inside the station you were handcuffed to my desk?”
“Very funny, Carlos,” TK replies drily. “Don’t get defensive because you spend way more time typing things on a computer than I do.”
“You do inventory all the time!”
“With a clipboard,” TK says hotly. “Standing up and waiting for the bell to ring.”
“Oh, when you’re not busy playing table soccer and cooking up four course meals?”
“I also do those things standing up,” TK points out. “And I don’t see you running into any burning buildings on the job.”
“Do not go there, TK Strand,” Carlos mutters. “You can’t seriously be starting a red versus blue argument with me.”
Pretty sure everyone has done this already but tagging @bonheur-cafe and @marjansmarwani just in case and @goodways because I know you love a good TK and Carlos argument dlfjlsdkjf.
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worriedvision · 1 year
You try to be his type - Tighnari
Angst, gender neutral reader. Unhappy ending. I think the title explains it.
While you didn’t work as a forest ranger, you found yourself finding the forest to be a nice place. Your corporate job was incredibly boring, but it brought you the mora you needed to live. The forest was your escape, and at first it was all you needed.
Then, Tighnari came along one day. He was worried you were lost, or god forbid  having a high from eating a mushroom. Turns out, you two had quite a bit in common. You both enjoyed music, although neither of you liked concerts because of their noise, you both appreciated the forest and he seemed open enough to engage in a full conversation with you. He often spent time sitting with you, chatting away while he simply took a moment to breathe. 
One thing led to another, and you two got together. You felt complete with him in your life, you had Tighnari as your partner. Not only did you go to the forest for the sights, you also got to see Tighnari. You sometimes stayed at his place, and he sometimes paid your house a visit, it all felt lovely.
After a hard day at work where people were implying strongly Tighnari was settling for you after they caught wind of it and admittedly got jealous, you wanted to spend time with him for reassurance he did like you. Seeing him with a friend you didn’t know, you decided to let them finish their conversation instead of cutting in.
“I thought you told me you preferred a...different appearance.” the friend starts. “Are you sure this is going to last? I’d hate for this to end if someone who looks like your type was to come along.”
Huh? You weren’t his type? If that was true...no, it couldn’t be.
“While I don’t find them attractive, I enjoy my time with _.” Tighnari explains, shrugging his shoulders.
“Why don’t you just keep being friends then? Are you sure this isn’t you not knowing the difference between a friendship and a romantic relationship?” The friend asks.
“...” Tighnari doesn’t answer it for a while, and by the time he has, you’ve gone home to start to get upset in your own home about it.
The next few days, you adjusted your appearance as differently as you could. You didn’t want to lose him, and you knew your feelings were romantic, but you couldn’t help but want to be attractive to him. You knew your friends would call you silly for changing your appearance for a man, but Tighnari wasn’t just a man to you. 
In the office, your coworkers didn’t say anything. Some people kept looking over, admiring you before getting nudged to keep working, and you didn’t think too much about it. If these people were attracted to his, surely you could keep your boyfriend if you kept up this appearance.
The first time you talked to Tighnari, he seemed to be suspicious. Somehow, he didn’t realise this was you, but you were now his dream person. You had the appearance and the personality of his dreams, and he was now starting to talk to you normally after a day. 
Unknown to you, Tighnari had been thinking of breaking up with you. He thought this person was not you, and he thought you stopped visiting for some reason. He figured he was as well ending this relationship, and moving on to build a relationship with his dream person. 
Tighnari knocked on your door, expecting to see your normal self there when you open the door.  You were exhausted, now out of your new look, and you were getting ready to rest.
When he tells you he wants to talk, he hopes you take it well when he explains he’s found someone new. Someone that he, admittedly, felt like love at first sight. He stated he didn’t feel that same spark with you, and he hoped you could remain friends.
“No, I don’t think I can.” You shakily sigh out, looking at your front door. “...I think you should leave. I need some time alone.”
“But _, I can’t leave you as a friend like-”
“Please leave.” You croak out, turning away and hiding your face in embarrassment. 
The next day, you show up to work in your new attire. You figured you got much better treatment in your different look, and you knew word of the break-up would break out as soon as people hear Tighnari’s moved on. Meanwhile, Tighnari waited eagerly for the person he got feelings for to show up so he could admit his feelings. 
After a couple more days, Tighnari gets worried. He knew where his love interest worked, it was the same place as yours, so he shows up there. He spots you, and he walks along.
“Hello.” He smiles, holding out a bookmark he put a lot of effort into. “I ended things with _, as I have gained feelings for you.”
Your coworkers look over, furrowing their brows in confusion. 
“...Who do you think I am, Tighnari?” You spit out, Tighnari suddenly feeling like he’s hit a brick wall. “I changed my appearance to fit your personal taste, as I overheard your friend asking you why you settled for me. Like an imbecile, I stupidly decided I wanted to change my outer appearance to keep you.”
“..I thought you weren’t-”
“What, you thought someone had the exact same personality as me and happened to be more your type?” You raise a brow. “When you broke it off, I could have gone back to being ugly-”
“You aren’t ugly-”
“But I decided to keep my new look, as I find it actually matches me more.” You finish, Tighnari fidgeting his hands. 
“I want to continue what we had before I broke things off. Admittedly, I wasn’t thinking at the moment, but now I am.” Tighnari states, hoping it saves his ass.
“No, I told you. I need some time for myself.” You tut, shooing him away. He leaves without another word, the absolute humiliation of everyone in the office space finding out Tighnari had grown that shallow that he didn’t even realise the ‘new person’ was you in a different look.
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wheeboo · 3 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny. ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
okay i received this ask game 3 times so JDFKLS i guess i shall do it rn . i will be doing my moots svt biases <3 rlly wish i could do a lot more moots but this took more brain power than it needed 😭😭
@slytherinshua -> joshua
first thought was cute lil teacher x teacher couple!! maybe he's a new hire as a music teacher and him and zanna both have a lil meet ugly at first in the staff room (one of them spilling coffee on the other or something dsjfklfsd) but its all full of shy smiles and fumbled apologies, and joshua smoothly gives her his # with the purpose of starting over 😍
@etherealyoungk -> hoshi
the classic case of the class president x class clown. skye our big brain queen is just trying her best to sort through all these plans and plans for school while hoshi keeps curiously meddling in her business, trying to get close with her by proposing these weird n funny ideas at meetings (even tho he's not in the student council???) that don't make any sort of sense, and overall just wanting to make her smile cuz he may or may not have a tiny tiny crush on her. and skye may or may not like him having around...
@roziesmei -> jeonghan
love at first sight. not the biggest fan of this trope but hello who wouldn't fall head over heels over this man at first glance? maybe mimi is out and about running some errands to the store, and as she's about to grab for the door, another hand meets hers, and i WONDER who it is!!!! the two of them gaze at each other for a second, and maybe the world feels a lil brighter and a lil warmer in those few moments, before maybe jeonghan pulls away and holds the door open for her. she spends her entire time shopping thinking abt him wondering if they'll ever cross paths again (they do)
@bookyeom -> seokmin
i love the whole concept/trope of exchanging letters. maybe leslie gets received this Very long letter detailing something she has no idea what is and its signed sorry from me & my dog, lee seokmin. does she know who lee seokmin is? absolutely not. but is she very curious why he seems so STRESSED in this letter over his dog accidentally stealing a stranger's pair of socks from the laundromat? yes
@welcometomyoasis -> seungcheol
ngl the whole enemies to lovers arc from rival families has always been a concept in the back of my mind and i've ALWAYS envisioned something for cheol for it so here you go shu 😭!! and perhaps there's some forced proximity involved, where they both become reluctant allies for some overly complicated business reasons and realise 'maybe we aren't exactly enemies after all...'
@haecien -> jun
fake dating!! maybe cien accidentally says to his group of friends that he has a partner but like... who is it ?? and so he gets jun to play as his fake boyfriend for the time being and it's this whole cute mess but yeah they're both sorta falling for each other. i can imagine this whole cute prom scene where they are each other's dates and this cute slow dancing scene... yeah you get i'm going with this i think lmao
@planetkiimchi -> minghao
strangers to friends to lovers!! but it's the most natural, sorta slow burn ever. it's kinda like reading your favourite comfort book with your favourite comfort couple where they get together and it's like THE standard ?! they're both communicative with each other, understand each other's boundaries, etc. bonus for the plot since they're both dancers and meet each other for the first time at practice, and it kinda just blossoms from there :)
@blue-jisungs -> wonwoo
a very very cute office romance. axe may be like a new intern at this workplace and is nervous asf abt everything, but she gets assigned this very handsome man with the power of glasses in his eyes to help her around and get adjusted. but even after settling in axe really tries her best to get close with wonwoo. he's a little reserved, composed, maybe a bit cold at first, but it's enough to cause some gossip to float around the office hehe. one thing leads to another, and they're both trying to hide their relationship from everyone else (but they all know anyway)
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basicallyahedgehog · 2 years
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Happy Asexual Awareness Week!
Whether you are asexual, demisexual, grey-sexual, aromantic, demiromactic, aroace, sex-favourable, sex-repulsed or anything in between, you are valid and you are loved.
Whether you know you are ace, are questioning or are looking to be a good ally, asexuality.org is an amazing resource. You can find out more about asexuality awareness week specifically here.
For me personally, fandom and fic had such a huge influence on my journey to identifying as ace. So I've rounded up a few of my faves:
Let Me Count The Ways by @thebooktopus: Intimacy comes in many forms. Draco wants to explore them all with Harry.
Not Broken by Undercoverwarlock: Draco wanted this. Right? He had daydreamed about it, imagined what it would be like, wanted it. Right?
The Art of (Not) Being Broken by OTPshipper98: Draco reads an article that explains a few things. And so he shares it with Harry.
Glowing by @cavendishbutterfly: Harry's lived alone and vampiric in his cottage for ages, until a long-lived Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up to answer an advertisement Harry had practically forgotten he'd put in the Prophet. Cue soft blood drinking, quiet nights of reading and crocheting, and Harry thinking that maybe--just maybe--he might not be so alone anymore.
Like A Dream I Can Reach (But Not Quite Hold) by Cassiara: Harry spends his life waiting for something he isn’t entirely sure he wants, and looking for something he doesn’t know exists. Everything feels ill-fitting until Draco Malfoy enters his life and shows Harry he doesn’t have to want the expected things, and Harry learns happiness doesn't have to look a certain way.
Which Merely That Is by bafflinghaze: In which Harry notices changes in Draco (he’s a late bloomer, apparently), but that’s not nearly as important as the time they spend together.
How To Read A Map by Bumble_Beckie: Harry's never been able to read a map. Then he met Draco. or Harry's still working out his sexuality and then Draco comes along and fucks it all up.
There's A Word For This by Undercoverwarlock: Harry wants to show Draco how much he cares for him, but it's not that easy...AKA the one where Draco doesn't understand, Hermione goes to the library, and Harry realises something about himself.
Lightning Never Strikes Twice by DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes: Draco's soul mark finally appeared, but he isn't quite sure what to do since it's tied to the career bachelor, 'Best Lay in the UK,' Harry pain-in-his-arse Potter. Especially when he isn't even interested in sex...
You Make Me Smile by Dazeventura6: Years after the war Harry's quiet, reclusive life is disrupted when Draco Malfoy barges into it. Will it be a disaster or will both men manage to finally find happiness in each other?
What She Said by @demonbanisher: The Marauders secret language is dirty jokes, but nothing has to change now that Remus has realized he's ace. Right?
the space between (what you want and what you need) by disapparater: As a specialist Healer in dark magic, Draco has had his fair share of difficult cases and awkward patients. Still, nothing has prepared him for a curse-paralysed Harry Potter.
Your Embrace Is Enough by bickymonster: Harry has noticed he isn't the only one who doesn't appreciate the family's attempts to get him to date.
If Three's A Crowd, The Crowd Me by SumthinClever: Draco is asexual and fears Blaise will leave him due to his inability to fulfill his needs, and so suggests they open their relationship for Blaise to find partners willing to fulfill him. Draco fears Blaise will fall in love with someone else and still leave him, but neither of them figured it would be Draco that found someone else to love, too.
That's Ace by Leontina: Charlie is asexual. Harry isn't. They still find a way to satisfy both of their needs, however
No Kissing by @asexual-lovegood: Draco doesn't like kissing. Hermione doesn't understand. Harry intervenes.
Capture the Moment (Capture My Heart) by dot_the_writer: Surrounded by photographs with just a cat to keep him company, Draco was left questioning his identity and what a new label would mean for his relationship with Harry.
the trembling of the moment by @blue--dreaming with incredible art by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm: “You’re the last person I’d have expected to stumble across on the other side of the world.” In which Draco's quiet single-parent life is not so much interrupted as unexpectedly harmonised.
Midnight Radio by EverythingButColdFire: Sirius is an actor in his late twenties. Enter Remus: the wardrobe supervisor and dresser for his new show. No knowledge of Hedwig and the Angry Inch is required for this to make sense.
Little Deaths and How To Avoid Them (Or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by Nerakrose: Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry. Features: Little League Quidditch, an abundance of bath bombs, happy endings, and gay robots in space.
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pazpatas · 7 months
Remember this is only my opinion you can disagree;]
I don’t know if anyone will agree but, I hate the yaoi fanart of Hannigram and Lacho. As a guy who is actively involved in the Hannibal and Better Call Saul / Breaking Bad fandoms, I am really not comfortable with these types of art. The characters aren’t ruined but it seems as if people miss completely the point of the shows.
Lacho is just… meh and shouldn’t be a ship. Like BRO THEY HAVE NO CHEMISTRY (in my opinion) and I know it’s hard to say, but Nacho Varga and Lalo Salamanca are straight men… who deal drugs and are just cool criminals. I get that there’s not a lot of people you can ship in this fandom, but these are just cool characters and y’all are ruining them with your horny bullshit.
Edit: I removed the lacho tag, you can stop commenting about me being rude. Damn y’all like to attack people who don’t have the same opinion as you.
Hannigram is a ship and it’s a very cool one! I like it, but when it’s done correctly:
There’s 3 whole seasons cooking this delicious soup of nuanced interest between Hannibal and Will. I love this series, especially as an asexual, because it shows sexual intimacy in a much more complex way and from a completely different perspective. At least, it is different from how we usually see it in media.
This intimacy is here to make us observe, these people; them and only them, in the rawest selves, between each other. That’s why it is so important. NBC Hannibal shows different characters in these moments, adding music and interesting visuals; they play with colours and sounds of fungus. Every scene is just so cool to watch and not as awkward as it usually is. I like how it looks like, people are merging in one. Sex scenes, like Alana with Hannibal and Margo with Will’s intimate shots, can also portray something that is happening subconsciously outside the very scene, disassociated from the moment.
(Hannibal spoilers season 3, 13 episode!!!)
Now, the coolest thing is that the relationship between the murder husbands doesn’t need sex. In my opinion, it’s purely intellectual! When it get’s physical its because they’re both killing the dragon. That was their intimate connection, the first time truly being with each other, not divided by two sides. They are one, together versus the dragon. After that, Will sees Hannibal; by that I mean that he sees his whole nature, and he can’t go back. His family is an illusion of something normal, but Will has reached something greater. After feeling Hannibal’s way of viewing the world he feels that he belongs. Of course, after realising that he is now with Lecter; that they are not understood by the world they exist in, both of them need to become even greater than their actual form. They had to die because their love is spiritual. By transcending into a bodyless form.
Hannibal, for me is the sanest character, he is always fine. The only moment when he’s not alright, is when Will “betrays him”. In Florence, Dr. Lecter is reckless, he kills a lot more than he needs to. He sees people, who he consumes, as pigs. It doesn’t feel bad killing them, because they’re just little animals walking around. He of course enjoys their company, humans can be befriended and he spends time with them with pleasure. It is still possible to eat them, except Will. Lecter, after Grahams betrayal, doesn’t trust him anymore. He does not want to show his true self to him anymore. Hannibal regrets opening up after he truly thought that he could be understood. So, Dr. Lecter convinces himself that Will is also just some meat. Yet again, seeing Will, after Florence, being on the same side, when they’re both confronted by Mason, Hannibal sees Will as a partner. A partner in a love crime.
P.S. I realy like cute mini comics those are cool and funny keep doing them 💪
Again only my opinion, you can disagree, I literally don’t care. I would like to know your opinion actually!
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Stupid Mistake
Hi I love your writing!! Could I maybe get an Eddie x popular!reader (not a cheerleader, not a “sunshine and rainbows” girl either, more feisty/stands up for people, is respected for strong opinions/kinda intimidating but in a good way kinda reader) where somehow they become sort-of friends (partners on a project maybe?) and start to fall for each other. Jason makes a comment in front of them like “aww does the freak like y/n? Too bad she’s so far out of your league” and when reader is about to stand up for Eddie, Eddie goes too far with the whole “I could never like her, she’s mean, too much, too opinionated, too stubborn” etc etc and whilst she doesn’t show she’s upset in the moment, she gives him the silent treatment and he realises he went too far and has to apologise because he hurt her feelings and needs to prove he actually does want to be with her. I’m so sorry this is so long!
Warnings; Fluff, falling in love, angst
Likes or reblogs are always appreciated 💞 I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
Part 1 of 2
Reposting this as I accidentally deleted this part 😞 Slow and annoying wifi plus a migraine caused me to delete this and I'm so pissed off 😓
Mrs O'Donnell is partnering people up in class and y/n isn't happy about that. What if she ends up with an asshole who makes her do more than half the work?
Aaron from the basketball team comes to mind and their ill-fated pairing last semester when she refused to let him have credit because he didn't lift a finger during their science project.
So yeah, she was not worried about expressing her opinions or being stubborn on something when she knew she was right.
Her name is shouted along out with Eddie Munson which brings her out of her reverie and she hears the usual gossip train start-up and rolls her eyes.
Then she heads to the back to Eddie's table and raises her eyebrow at him.
"Yeah, sorry he snarks can't help that your paired with a freak like me" she scowls and corrects him.
"I don't think you're a freak Munson, I was going to say that I've already had my share of assholes who do the minimum work and I won't tolerate it. Do half the work and we have no problem okay?" He looks surprised and nods.
Surprisingly she gets on well with Eddie and actually likes him, ever since she told him to put the work in he has never let her down.
She didn't expect to like him so much but she did.
The first time she goes to the trailer he shares with his uncle he opens the door and gestures for her to go first.
"Welcome to my castle". He tells her sarcastically, she likes the trailer. It has a cosy feel but she's confused by the excess of mugs and caps.
Eddie grins following her eye train.
"I know, that's my uncles doing". She nods and pulls out the work for them to do.
"I like here, it's cosy and I like the mugs and cap collection too, we don't have things like this in my home, my mother likes things to be minimalist and cosy".
He softens.
"Well you can come here anytime sweetheart, I mean it".
After that invitation, she does spend a lot of time at Eddie's she loved being with him and his uncle Wayne was so lovely.
Eddie was even helping her learn the guitar because she expressed that she liked it and wanted to learn.
He had introduced her to Hellfire Club and she liked the boys straight away, meanwhile, Eddie got on with Chrissy and Sasha who were her closest friends in the popular crowd.
Chrissy is adamant that y/n is falling for Eddie which she totally isn't. She just likes hanging out with him and yeah he's really sexy and she loves his beautiful brown eyes and his tattoos but it's not like she's falling in love with him.
Chrissy raises an eyebrow as if to say she doesn't believe her and she is about to say something back when Eddie comes into the cafeteria and catches her eye.
He winks at her and goes to sit at The Hellfire table, they share a secret smile and she can't help but notice how handsome he looks like in his Hellfire shirt.
"Sweetie, you got a little drool". Chrissy teases her and she feels embarrassed and shakes her head.
"Shit, Chrissy I think you're right". Chrissy gives her a told you so look.
"Let me ask you a couple of questions? Do you think he's handsome? Does he give you butterflies? Do you feel happy in his presence and find yourself thinking about him and what it would feel like to kiss him? Go further?".
Yes Yes Yes. Fuck, she swears and nods and Chrissy once again looks triumphant.
"You have to tell him, that boy is smitten with you, honey"
She nods but feels nervous and only calms when Eddie catches her eye again and that gorgeous smile sends butterflies racing in her stomach.
She's talking to Eddie her heart is fluttering like mad and she is trying so hard to conceal the fact that she is falling deeply for him.
After her realisation the other day she is been torn on what to do because even though she feels like Eddie has fallen for her too, she's still too nervous to find out if Ihes right.
What if she isn't and it spoils the friendship they have?
Of course, while they are chatting, Jason would come up and ruin it sneering at her and Eddie.
"What the fuck am I actually seeing this?" Jason is staring at Eddie with a smirk on his face.
"Aww does the freak like y/n, she's way out of your league dude?" Jason teases meanly and she glares at him furious.
She's about to say something, give him a piece of her mind when Eddie butts in.
"I could never like her, she's mean and far too opinionated and too stubborn, so I don't know why the hell you would think that Carver!"
She blinks listening to Eddie's tirade and her heart sinks, is that really what he thinks of her? Even though she is falling for him she truly thought that they were friends?
Maybe they never were? While Eddie and Jason are too busy sniping at each other she rushes to the bathroom and tries desperately not to cry.
He's the first guy she has truly fallen for and all that's left her with is a broken heart.
She can hear Eddie call her name the next day after class, she didn't know what to say to him without feeling hurt so she just didn't talk to him while they did their work.
His assessment of her while true, she was opinionated and stubborn and she could be mean if the person was an asshole but she never expected him to be cruel, she thought he liked her, liked all of her and it hurts.
Why were they even friends if he didn't like her? So she ignored his jokes and attempts at conversation and left class as quick as she could.
She doesn't stop when she hears him call her name and instead of going to his spot with him she sits beside Chrissy who heard everything yesterday and puts her arm around her glaring at Eddie.
All through lunch she can feel his eyes on her and Dustin calls her over. She likes Dustin and she could never ignore him so she walks over.
"Hi Dustykins" he blushes at her nickname and then points to Eddie.
"Eddie asked me to call you over". Oh, she turns to Eddie and regards him ignoring her aching heart.
"Yes?" she murmurs cooly, he blinks and swallows hurt flashing in his eyes and this is the thing that makes her close snapping.
"I've been trying to talk to you all day?" her eyes narrow and he looks reproachful.
"Are you for real? Don't you remember what happened yesterday? What you said to Jason?".
His face drains of colour and she feels the sting of tears and is furious he is making her cry. Again.
"I actually thought you liked me or maybe you were falling for me like I was for you but clearly I was mistaken because it turns out you don't really like me at all! You could never like me right?"
He swallows.
"Sweetheart?" she wipes her eyes and looks away from him stubbornly.
"We can finish out project then you can leave me alone Eddie for good". She stalks away back to Chrissy and misses the devastated expression on his face.
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asmutwriter · 3 months
Just A Woman (Part 1 Section 2)
DESCRIPTION: You spend the day with the Bridgertons. Getting to know one of them just that little it better
A/N - I have condensed partr 1 (which you can find here) into 4 smaller chunks so that you can have a better reader experience
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
From beginning / Previous / Next / Master List
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WARNINGS: swearing, time period sexism
- I wrote this in my knowledge of sex workers and I am truly sorry if I got it wrong and/or is offensive, that is not what I wanted to do and I’m sorry if that is the case
-  This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
Night comes and goes, and so does the morning. You all have lunch together, then early the Saturday afternoon you see Eloise reading. You read it over her shoulder. “May I help you?” she asks as you shake your head
“Just bored. I want to do something” just as Johns mother walks into the room, John holding her arm. She smiles at you
“You could sing for us some more my dear if you are bored”
“Oh I don’t think people want to hear my voice anymore” she laughs 
“Sing my dear. I do not care what the others think of your voice. I find it divine and want to hear more” you nod and look at the now several pairs of eyes on you. 
“As you wish” you go over to the piano and start playing. Typically, you go for a slow love song. They all clap afterwards. Eloise looks at you 
“Why do you always sing about love and romance?”
“It’s the easiest thing to think of on the spot”
“I wish you would change it up a bit”
“Oh. Is that a challenge?” she laughs
“I doubt you would be able to think of one” she scoffs “when I can find a woman who doesn’t want marriage” you bite your lip anxiously. You stand up and go in front of her, holding your hand out for her to take. “What?”
“You are joining me. You wanted something different did you not?” she nods “then take my hand and trust me” she laughs slightly, but intrigued she take your outstretched hand. You look at her as you lift your skirt slightly, so she can easily see your feet. You hear Violet go to say something but you notice John shake his head. She lifts her skirt up to, just above the ankles. “Foot forward. Heal to the floor” you show her, as she copies. “Hit twice, then go back and hit your toes to the floor twice” you show her as she copies. You show her the rest of the dance, she copies as best she can. “Now turn to me and dance down the length of the room, hands pressed to each other” she nods and does as you do. 
“I don’t believe you’ve actually done this to a song you’ve made up” you raise an eyebrow to her, going over to a little table you hit the top, creating a rhythmical thudding noise. Johns mother smiles and does the same on a table near her as you stand and do the dance. Once getting to the other end you start to sing, repeating the dance. Going back to her, you take her hand, doing the dance with her, nodding and smiling at her as she manages to keep up. After the dance you stop, bowing to each other and smiling
“I hope you enjoyed that. I and my friends have a full dance routine to that song. It looks cool when we all do it”
“Are they coming to the dance tomorrow?” Daphne speaks up. You shake your head
“Unfortunately no. It’d be unfair to only invite one of them but I think only one is old enough to go to a dance” she nods as Johns mother turns to the woman as they begin discussing tomorrow’s ball. You bite the nail of your thumb as you suddenly realise you will be likely required to dance in a more proper fashion and you only tend to do more… eccentric dancing so you need to brush up on your more posh dances.
So, when it gets late at night you go into the drawing room. It is the furthest away from the bedrooms so if you knock something over or fall over yourself you’ll be less likely to wake the family here. You practice the steps of your feet, counting out loud the numbers. “One two step one two step and spin. One two step one two step and spin” you repeat. “And spin, spin, spin, spi- holy fuck” you get made jump as you see Benedict standing in the doorway. You place your hand over your heart “you scared me half to death” he chuckles
“Apologies miss. I didn’t mean to” he pauses a moment “You’re pretty good at dancing too”
“Thank you. It’s not my best talent but it’s one of them”
“Where did you learn?” you run your hand through your hair 
“I umm, I taught myself actually. I would always picture myself at fancy balls or parties”
“Have you never been to a ball before?”
“No. Unfortunately not. Not ones that I can dance to. I snuck into a couple before, weddings mainly. Get free food and drinks that way. But I couldn’t dance at those ones as I didn’t want to bring attention to myself” he nods
“You’ve not danced with anyone then, have you?” you avert his eyes
“Is it really that obvious?” he laughs and walks over to you
“I can only tell because your hands are in the wrong places” he takes your hand, placing it on his shoulder, taking your other one in his as he places his hand on your waist “you need to have a more relaxed frame. Yours is up to high” you nod as he smiles at you “Now count again” you nod as he takes the lead, surprising yourself with the fact you don’t tread on his toes at all. Once you both find a rhythm your curiosity gets the better of you.
“Why are you up so late?”
“Couldn’t sleep. Came down for a drink and I heard you counting in here”
“So you aren’t just stalking me?” he laughs
“I’m going to spin you, ok?” you nod as he slowly spins you under his arm, pulling you back into the dance. “Where did you and John really meet?”
“What do you mean?”
“Considering how long he’s been talking about meeting this amazing woman you are not quite what any of us expected. Plus, he doesn’t seem to be fully attached to you. You seem to be like strangers to each other. Makes me think you don’t know each other very well”
“I thought your sister was meant to be the smart one of the group?” he laughs
“Is that meant as a compliment or an insult?” you smile at him as he spins you again
“A compliment. I’m not sure who I’m allowed to tell though so if I tell you then you have to keep it a secret”
“Pinkie promise” you keep the dance up but move the hand that’s holding his upwards, holding your pinkie finger near him. He nods and takes your finger with his
“I promise” you smile and go back to taking his hand and dancing.
“He came into my work one night and asked me to be his female friend for this weekend” he raises his eyebrows at you slightly
“You work?” you nod and avoid his eyes. 
“Got any more dances you think I need to know about before tomorrow?” you say as you change the subject
“None that I can think of. You’re good considering you’ve never danced with anyone before”
“Will I need to know the quick paced ones?”
“I might just sit those ones out if they are a part of the event” he nods
“Might be for the best” you move away from him, letting your arms fall to your sides as you look him in the eyes as your own dart to his lips for a second, and then look away. You feel his eyes scan over your body quickly before he stretches and looks away from you. 
“Considering how late it is, I’m really not tired” he nods in agreement
“No neither am I” you look at the clock in the room
“Fuck it’s nearly 2am” he laughs slightly. “What?” you look at him
“I’m not used to such words falling from the mouth of a woman who looks so well dressed” you laugh
“I think I’ve done pretty well to not have vulgar language in front of your family though. One of the few things John said to me was to not swear” he nods as he watches you go over to the bookshelf in the room. “I love the book selection this house has” Picking one out you flick through the pages. You let out an annoyed groan as you put it back
“All of them except that one I presume?” you nod as he comes to stand by you
“I dislike romances”
“They are an awful representation of a woman and how she thinks” he furrows his brows as he looks at you
“I would’ve thought they are quite accurate” you laugh and turn to look at him, seeing his soft eyes contrast the slight irritation of the rest of his face “doesn’t everyone want love?”
“Yes. But it isn’t always possible. Most of the time woman and men marry for convenience, not love. It gives girls a terrible idea of how their adult life could look like when the reality is far worse” you see his brow go to normal again as he watches the candlelight dance on your skin. “I always dreamed I’d marry a handsome prince. That a man would meet me one day and he would fall in love with me and we’d live happily ever after in a castle. I realised that men don’t want anyone who doesn’t have anything to offer” you lightly touch the spine of the book you had just held in your hand “men want an untouched woman who’s main purpose is to sit still, look pretty and have children. Not one with a lot to say and an intelligent mind”
“You have a very biased opinion of love”
“Have you ever been in love?” he shakes his head 
“No. I’ve liked people but never loved anyone. Have you ever been in love?” 
“No I don’t suppose I have. At least not in the ways that books describe it as. I loved my friend and I love her children but that is a platonic love” he nods
“What about your parents?” you laugh slightly
“I don’t have any parents. I did have someone who looked after me but she died about 4 years ago” you see him watching you out of the corner of your eye. “Sorry. Telling you my whole sob story which you probably don’t care about”
“No. Please go on. So long as you are ok talking about it” you nod slightly. He hesitates at first before he takes your hand as a way to comfort you 
“There’s not really much else to say. I now live with her children and look after them” you chuckle slightly as you turn to face him, meeting his eyes in the low light of the room. Your breath catches slightly as you take a few seconds to take in his features. You mentally shake yourself and look away, but subconsciously tighten your hand around his. He raises an eyebrow to you
“Are you ok?” you nod
“Yeah. Fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” he chuckles slightly
“You seem nervous is all?”
“Yeah. I’m nervous about the ball tomorrow” he smiles at you
“You will be fine” he brushes a hair behind your ear, watching your cheeks turn red. “It is late. We should be off to bed” you nod
“Goodnight Mr Bridgerton” you say as you walk calmly to your room. You get in and shut the door, placing your back against the cold wood you smile to yourself and get into bed. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
Yes to more watersports!!! Although I don't know much about Marcus, otherwise I would fulfill your wishes :(( but that Max gifset made me think a lot...
We know that Max spends a lot of his free time in the sim, or at least playing something (it seems to be his hyper fixation) and it makes him very happy! But you know that Max tends to focus too much during sessions and forgets to take care of himself
Max loves it when you come over every once in a while and ask him if he's okay, if he wants to go to the bathroom or if he's thirsty, then hand him a drink with a straw and stroke his hair while he drinks. It's the perfect way to spend a lazy Saturday (well, aside from sex), because he knows you can take care of him and he doesn't have to worry
But Max is also stubborn, and often he will tell you that he doesn't need to go just to continue in the sim, but he doesn't refuse the drinks you give him. Most of the time you realize and then remind him he has to pee. But sometimes you have to get close and put your hand firmly on his bladder, reminding Mac that he has to be a good boy and go to the bathroom. Works like a charm
There are times when you're not in the room with him, probably busy working, and when Max feels like he's about to burst he runs to you and just begs you, he can't even explain what he wants, but you just see him squirming in the door and know what he wants
You quickly take him to the bathroom, and he is shaking so much and trying to press his legs together so you have to help him out of his pants (by unbuttoning his jeans or pulling down his sweatpants/shorts) because Maxy is too desperate, and it's a matter of time!! ! You have to hold his dick in your hand because the poor boy can't, he needs you to take control. As soon as you touch him you have to aim correctly, because Max starts to leak when he feels your hand, but you also have to give him permission to let go !!! Max just wants to obey even when he is this desperate
OH MY GOD YES!!! Have we ever even talked about watersports with max? If we have, then it was definitely a while ago. Anyway, this is amazing and I love it.
Firstly, nothing makes max feel as loved as when you come in and look after him like that? He’s had so many partners who try to limit his time on the sim, making him feel terrible and accusing him of not caring about them because of how much time he spends on the sim.
And make no mistake, you make it clear that you don’t think max should be spending an unhealthy amount of time on the sim. He needs to take breaks and look after himself and spend time with the people he cares about, but you’d never suggest he doesn’t care about you or doesn’t want to be with you.
And you’ve discovered that the best way is to support max while he’s on the sim. He won’t get off the sim to grab water, so you’ll bring him some water to drink and some snacks, asking him if he’s stretched, if he needs anything.
Sometimes he honestly just wants company? You sit on an chair next to him and just chat while he races.
Anyway, watersports!!!
He drinks much more water on the sim with you there than he’s never done before, because you’re always refilling his drink. There’s nothing that makes him feel loved more than when you hold the glass to his lips, your other hand on his hair as he drinks it all and then listening to your praise after he finishes it.
All of this means that obviously his bladder will fill quicker than before, but he’s not willing to take more bathroom breaks than usual.
The first time you tell him to go to the bathroom, he goes without asking you anything. Just instantly putting the sim off and going, like you had somehow given him permission to go. He doesn’t second guess you, knows you wouldn’t tell him to go if it wasn’t important. He puts his own needs aside and just listens to you.
But sometimes you don’t always tell him in time, because you have your own things to do.
You used to feel bad when you realise he’s desperate, but now you know he loves it. He loves struggling to hold it as he races, loves having to push through a race simulation before he can go to the bathroom.
But he realises he doesn’t like it as much without your permission, which is how he ends up standing besides your office, holding himself trying not to spill all over the floor, begging for help.
You take him to the bathroom quickly, and he can’t get his hands to stop shaking. You don’t even think about it, just undo his sweats and take his cock out for him.
He tells you later that it was the best part, that he loved relaxing into your arms and letting go without worrying at all, that he’d like you to do that more.
Sim racing actually becomes submission soon? When he gets on the sim, he does nothing but race. You control everything else, when he eats, when he drinks, when he uses the bathroom, when he stretches, everything and you do it all for him. You hold the glass to his lips, walk him to the bathroom and hold his cock while he pees, bring the fork to his mouth, etc.
He loves it. So much.
Sometimes you wait till he’s desperate, until there’s a wet patch on his sweats while other times you’ll take him twice in one hour. He loves the fact that he has no idea when you’ll do it, when you’ll be back.
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socheckitout-mikey · 1 year
Hi! I love your content! I saw u did the type of girl the greases would date. Could you please do what type of girl the socs (randy and bob) would date?
heeeey! yeah ofc (': i haven't ever really written much for randy and bob, so i hope i do them justice. i also decided to add cherry and marcia too! sorry that it took me ages to get around to writing and posting this, it was a bit tough for me to figure out but i tried my best. - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The Soc's Ideal Types (Personality Wise) Preferences:
Bob Sheldon:
° I think Bob would work well with someone who is more assertive and strong willed – who knows what they want and aren’t afraid of voicing their opinions. We learn in The Outsiders from Randy that Bob just wanted somebody to tell him, “no”. Especially his parents.
° Someone who’s unafraid of pointing out when he’s not being his best self and standing up to him. He may feel uncomfortable, but I think it would help him realise that he can’t get away with everything – and I believe that’s what Bob wanted.
° We also know that he was a leader and people took a shining to him. There was a sweeter side to him when he wasn’t all boozed up. So I believe he would fit with someone who is patient but also nurturing in their assertiveness. He needs someone that can cut through that thick outer shell and tough guy persona – a person that makes him feel safe.
° He also seemed to have a really big circle of friends, so it’s clear that Bob is very social. I think that he’d need someone to be able to keep up with him – someone that he can have fun with at beer blasts, rodeos, parties and the like! He wants to show off his special someone on his arm, but he also likes to press some buttons.
° Not much is really known about Marcia, but I definitely think she would work well with somebody who can match her scatterbrained sense of humour and ability to bounce back from stressful situations. She seems to be very present, albeit her awareness isn’t as in tune as her friend Marcia. She seems to enjoy banter and mingling with others as a social butterfly.
° She’s also someone that probably says what she thinks, as noted when she spoke about Dally like he wasn’t there and honestly answered both Johnny’s and Pony’s ages. So I think she’d need to be with someone who has a thicker skin and is able to take on her lack of filter at times. But that isn’t to say she’ll always say something without tact that will hurt you – a lot of the time she’ll shower you with truths of how wonderful you are. So compliments need to be accepted, because Marcia means them.
° Marcia loves to be spoiled by her special person. Not because she’s selfish, but maybe because she just enjoys it. Some may think this is being spoiled, but she knows her worth – and if someone offers her something then she won’t say no to it. I think as well that Marcia is also good at spoiling, so would love someone who genuinely doesn’t feel thrown off by the kindness she showers them in. She tends to go overboard.
° Having someone with a positive mindset helps put Marcia at ease – especially if they’re able to keep up with her sunny personality. I also think she likes to feel wanted, so likes to spend quality time with her partner.
Randy Anderson:
° Randy seems to be quite aware of his surroundings and understands the bigger things in life. He seems to feel lost in the crowd where he goes out of his way to fit in. He’s also more emotionally aware and mentally aware than he lets on, as he shows when he realises there’s no reason for Soc’s and Greasers to fight in the rumble, because it won’t make a difference. I think he needs someone a little bit more sensitive to bring out those parts of him.
° He also seems to be very protective and easily roused to jealousy as seen with Marcia having Two-bit’s jacket on her shoulders. I think he would pair well with somebody that is more calm and faithful – someone that he can trust and be reassured by when he does get overcome with jealousy and protectiveness.
° He’s also very loyal, so I think someone who’s just as loyal is important to him. To know that you’ve got someone who’s got your back no matter what is someone everyone needs, but especially Randy.
° Much like Bob, Randy is someone who’s adventurous and would much prefer to have someone that can keep up with him. He can get a little wild and is pretty spontaneous.
Sherri (Cherry) Valance:
° Cherry is a girl who knows what she does and doesn’t want, and she’s undeterred by much to acquire it. So I think she’d pair well with someone who’s equally as driven to accomplish their goals and dreams, but also knows when to dial it back and relax.
° She shows and proves that she’s always willing to speak the truth and is quite courageous when she is faced with adversities. Cherry will always do what’s right even if it’s painful for her, which she demonstrates a lot during The Outsiders. I think even if she was with someone who wasn’t as confident as her, as long as they’re doing their best to be a good person and do what’s right then she feels like she’s with the right person.
° Cherry also has a habit of feeling less or hiding how she truly feels, or even bored because of her friendships seeming superficial at times. I think someone that can shake her up a little and help her dream/have fun is someone she needs. She’s attracted to big personalities or people who are memorable in some way – someone that makes her feel alive.
° Someone who listens and respects her boundaries. Cherry seems to always be justifying herself to the people around her, especially when drinking and rough endeavours come into the mix. She likes what she likes, even if it does sound expensive, and honestly it probably feels very exhausting for her to always justify. I think having someone who respects her boundaries would help her feel less defensive and she’d be willing to compromise/also respect your boundaries.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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himbo-half-orc · 2 years
This Pride season, I thought I'd rec some of my favourite aromantic and asexual witcher fics, as I am aro/ace myself and these bring me joy. Most of these are either Geralt x Jaskier or Lambert x Aiden, as those are my favourite pairings, but there are others on the links to the lists provided.
Aromantic Fics
Always Will Be (T) by @jaskierswolf - Triss and Yen can't quite believe that Geralt and Jaskier aren't dating yet.
Loves Me, Loves Me Not (T) by JamieDragon - Jaskier struggles with the knowledge that Geralt loves him, while he doesn't love Geralt. At least not the way he feels he should. No matter how much he tries.
Just Another Quarantine Fic (Gen) by Jlocked - Jaskier’s classes at Oxenfurt U have been moved online due to the partial lockdown of the Continent. It’s no fun sitting alone in his tiny flat, but his students and his own writing project is keeping him busy. So he really doesn’t need the prorector pushing him to contact the team he’s been assigned to in the University’s newest scheme to improve its academic levels. Especially since he doesn’t know any of the people he’s supposed to be working with.
Changeable (T) by YorkandDelta - Aiden isn't sure if he had only convinced himself that he didn't need a soulmate because his mark was broken, or perhaps his mark merely reflected that something inside him was broken, and had been from the start. Then he meets Lambert, a Wolf Witcher who couldn't care less about soul mark nonsense.
Date Night (T) by @himbo-half-orc - Aiden and Lambert meet again after a few weeks separation. Lambert has made some special preparations, but it takes Aiden a long time to realise that this might in fact be a date.
Just Who I'm Not (M) by @bi-aragorn - 'It felt like everyone else had their lives sorted out to some degree, they had their partners, they had people they fancied- for the gods sake, Jaskier had a new person every week. And Geralt would never, could never begrudge him that. That was just who Jaskier was. And it was just who Geralt wasn’t.'
Aro Lists:
I have written a fair few of my own aromantic witcher fics, found here
The @thepassifloradiscord ran an Aro event recently, and you can read the entries here
Asexual Fics
A Little Human Contact (T) by Quillan42 -Geralt has now been officially divorced for longer than he has been married. Eskel and Lambert celebrate by buying him a session with a professional cuddler named Jaskier. Sometimes a little human contact can change everything
Compromise (T) by @kueble - Jaskier isn't sure his gift for Geralt will be well-received, but he ends up getting a great gift of his own in return.
Taking Care of You (T) by @resident-lambert-hoe - After spending a rather athletic evening with Geralt and Eskel, Jaskier noticed a third witcher lingering at the door. Lambert may not have been there for sex, but Jaskier was determined to take care of him either way.
I Never Knew How Much I Needed You (E) by @jaskierswolf - After years of travelling with Geralt, Jaskier who's given up all hope of finding love, comes to the startling realisation that he's in love with Geralt, but Geralt is worried that not wanting sex will drive Jaskier away. Jaskier is a stubborn bard though and he's determined to make their relationship work in a way that suits both of them.
Just Friends (E) by @himbo-half-orc - Lambert invites his friend Aiden to spend the winter with him at Kaer Morhen. They're just friends, but it takes a while for the rest of Lambert's family to understand.
Dangerous Assumptions (E) by @himbo-half-orc - Geralt assumes he is immune to the effects of sex pollen, after all, he's asexual. What's the worst that could happen?
Ace Lists:
You can find a list of my ace fics here
@thepassifloradiscord ran an Ace week event in 2021, and you can read those fics here
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moonshoon · 1 year
SFW Alphabet
MASTERLIST i have the template from this website!
member: nishimura riki word count: 2.5k
A: affection how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?
i would say he is a pretty affectionate person, but only if he is deeper into the relationship/friendship. he is someone that needs to know a person first before really being able to be comfortable on a more intimate physical and romantic way. 
B: best friend what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?
i feel like a frienship with riki would start in a place like school or work. as i already said, he isn’t the person to click with others in the first moment, so meeting someone (ex. at a park or just in public) would be more like just a ‘oh i have met this person’ thing, and he wouldn’t immediately become friends. he needs time to approach a person, so it’s most likely to befriend him in school or at a work place, where he is in the same enviroment/room with a person and can really observe and get to know them.
he would be the very playful type of friend, that likes to make fun of things with people he is close with. he also likes to throw insults jokingly, but if he notices that it upsets other people he will stop immediately and apologise for being inconsiderate and hurting them. he is also a pretty protective and jealous friend, so if they spend more time with someone else, he will either get pretty upset or he will get jealous.
C: cuddles do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?
he loves cuddles. he just doesn’t like to admit it. like in the whole physical aspect, he would only want closer body contact when he is in a relationship for some time - maybe a month. 
his favorite way to cuddle would be spooning, and surprisingly (in my opinion) he would mostly prefer to be the little spoon. he won’t complain about being the big spoon either though, he just loves cuddles in general.
D: domestic do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?
he would love to settle down with a partner one day, but he really wants to wait until his carreer is finished, because he feels like he would not give enough attention to his partner since he has to work long amounts of time. so if he will settle down he will do it when he can give all of his attention (or more than as an idol) to his partner. 
i feel like he wouldn’t be too happy about having to clean or cook, but he will do it and over time he would grow accustomed to it and maybe also enjoy it someday. it is a part of growing up and having your own responsibilities, and that’s what he realises too.
E: ending if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
i feel like at the moment he would be the type of person to break up over text, since he doesn’t really know how to or feel comfortable with confrontig people in person. but if he’s more grown up he will probably also tell the person personally.
F: fiance(e) how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?
i think while he is an idol he isn’t too fond of the idea of marriage, but he will definitely think about it more as time passes. and especially if he has a partner whom he really loves and appreciates he will think about marrying that person for sure. but as i already mentioned, he would like to wait until his carreer is coming to an end before marriage.
G: gentle how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
he’s a very gentle person physically for sure. he will treat his lover with lots of care and thoughtfullness so he will not under any circumstances hurt them. since he has been working out and growing a lot (this boy is nearing 190cm and i am very much afraid how long this is going to continue), he has been realising that he has also gotten a lot stronger, and the light hits on the shoulder turned into world-rocking slaps on the shoulder. and when his s/o tells him to hold back a little, he will do that immediately. 
emotionally he would be a little harsher, still very gentle, but i feel like he is a person that says a lot of things straight up. if he has a thought running through his head he will say it out loud, mostly without thinking. and sometimes these comments can hurt a lot, based on the tone and what was said (speaking of experience). but still, if he notices someone has taken damage or was hurt by his words he will immediately apologise to that person and try to make it up to them.
H: hugs do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?
he is in love. hugs are one of his favorite things. he hugs on a daily basis, more like hourly or even minute-ly basis. he is very much into physical contact, but again, he will only be comfortable if he has known the person for some time. but once he gets to know them, he will not hold back and hug them literally every second possible. 
his hugs are like a warm summer day, where you’re just lying down in the grass, closing your eyes and listening to the beautiful sounds of nature. they’re comforting and always a good thing when you’re upset or sad. this feeling also comes from the fact that he really means his hugs, because if someone doesn’t want to hug, or doesn’t put emotion into their actions, it won’t ever feel the same.
I: i love you  how fast do they say the l-word?
i think he takes some time. he would say ‘i like you’ instead of ‘i love you’ a lot. and even though he doesn’t say it soon or a lot, he will call his partner wholesome nicknames, including the name ‘love’. he feels like this is a more discrete way of telling someone you really care for them and really like them, without telling them directly. for him, the meaning behind the word matters, not the fact that he said it.
J: jealousy how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?
he is a pretty jealous person, and gets jealous very quickly too. if his partner devotes their attention to someone else, he will often get clingy really quick if the attention is not on him sooner or later. in this case he will probably whine or pull at his partner’s sleeve to get their attention back, if it’s in front of his friends though, he will try to find a more discrete way to try and get the attention back, because he thinks it’s quite embarrasing to whine in front of them. if he is jealous of another guy though (or a girl), he will go into protective mode, and he will most likely kiss his s/o quickly to show the other person that they’re his partner and not single.
K: kisses what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?
if he gets to that level of comfort where it feels okay to kiss someone, he will do it pretty quickly, more like a peck at first. over time the kisses will get longer, and maybe he will get to a stage where tongue is a thing, but he honestly prefers the cute little pecks. 
he really likes to kiss his partners lips. there’s no denying that he would really love to hang on their lips the whole day, just enjoying the feeling.  his favorite place to be kissed is also the lips. lips on lips are the best feeling ever to him.
L: little ones how are they around children?
he thinks kids are pretty cute, but he also thinks they can be annoying sometimes. as for now he is sure he doesn’t want to have any kids, but when his carreer has ended, he would like to have children with a partner one day. 
M: morning how are mornings spent with them?
cuddles. he would be all cozy, cuddled up against his parnter and not wantig to let go. sometimes his partner would have to pull themselves away from him so he would finally get up and not miss his schedule with the other members. on other days both of them wouldn’t be too opposed to the idea of getting up, so they would just lay in bed with eachother and wait until the boys either call them or come into the room to pull them away from each other.
N: night how are nights spent with them?
again, cuddles. the best way to get this giant baby to sleep would be to cuddle him. if he feels secure and safe in the hold of his partner, or just with his partner next to him, he is immediately calmed down and will fall asleep in no time. even if it’s not time for sleep, he will want to cuddle and have some comfort time with his s/o.
O: open when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
he needs some time to open up about his past experiences or things about himself. at first, he will surely tell his partner things about himself, about his family and maybe friends too. but for deeper things, like trauma or things he’s struggling with he will take more time, maybe he won’t even tell anyone about it.
P: patience how easily angered are they?
i think he is one of those persons that can be very annoying and loud, so they can anger other people pretty quickly, but when he’s the one that gets annoyed, he will be angry pretty fast. like those people that can call others out for things, throw insults at them etc. but when they’re the ones being called out or insulted they feel like it’s unfair. 
Q: quizzes how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
he is very attentive if his partner tells him something, and will mostly remember it. but when it’s something complex, or when he’s loaded with work and practice etc. he won’t remember as much, in this case he’s pretty forgetful, not just about things his s/o tells him, but also about other tasks.
R: remember what is their favorite moment in your relationship?
first kiss. for sure. i have mentioned under the kisses title that he loves to recieve and also give kisses, so i feel like the first one would be the greatest moment of his life. he will forever remember the date and maybe celebrate the anniversary of your first kiss, not with presents, but just tell his parnter every now and then ‘a month ago today was the day we kissed for the first time!’
S: security how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?
he’s a very protective person over the people he loves. he protects his partner in any way he thinks is good, for example in public, he would hold their hands, or their waist to keep them close and to show strangers that they’re together. i think he’s also a person to say something about clothing, so when his s/o goes out with revealing clothes he makes sure to give them his jacket or something to feel warm and safe. on winter days he will also make sure his partner is warm enough, so they don’t get sick. for himself, he wants to be that big, mature guy that doesn’t need to be protected. but if his s/o cares for him he loves it, he gets butterflies.
T: try how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
he would try to do his best, but when he’s stressed he forgets a lot of things, and doesn’t have the energy to do too much. but still, he does everything in his power to make good memories with his partner. a date a week would be the standard. it doesn’t have to be a fancy restaurant date, maybe just a late night walk to the convenience store to buy some ramen or bungeoppang, or a movie night together.
U: ugly what would be some bad habits of theirs?
he says everything he thinks if he’s comfortable enough. sometimes these thoughts can be hurtful, but he will definitely apologize immediately when he notices it upsets his partner/friends. 
V: vanity how concerned are they with their looks?
he’s pretty sure about his looks, but he does have some times, especially before comebacks, where he worries about his looks a lot, because he is sure that the fans have a certain expectation for him. 
(but as a fan i can tell you i wouldn’t mind if riki showed up in a pijama, messy morning hair and his clothes full of stains. he’s beautiful)
W: whole would they feel incomplete without you?
he would feel extremely incomplete without his partner. he doesn’t like to be alone, especially not at night, because he’s so accustomed to cuddling with someone. in this case, not even sunoo will help much anymore, but he’s still a good person to cuddle with. during the day he would text his partner multiple times to ensure they’re safe and to have some sense of proximity. 
X: xtra a random headcanon for them.
he loves to play videogames with his s/o, even if they’re not the best at it. his partner would also be the only one that his allowed to play on his account because he fears the other boys will sabotage his account. 
Y: yuck what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
he wouldn’t like his partner jugding his eating habits (like microwaving strawberries or eat watermelon with salt), because it’s something he grew up with and has a lot of memories with. maybe he used to eat watermelon with salt with his friends back in japan, and when his partner talks badly about it, in a sense, they talk badly about his experience. so that’s a no-go for riki.
Z: zzz what is a sleep habits of theirs?
when he sleeps on a bed with someone (aka cuddle) he will most likely take up more than 3/4 of the bed. the only way to escape this is to sleep on top of him, or build a wall of pillows and blankets in the middle of the bed. but since he’s started cuddling with his partner (or sunoo/other members) this habit has lessened.
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