#my spotify shuffled onto that disney song
trybones · 1 year
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we are the muses, goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of heroes
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elliexmylove · 1 year
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Pairing: Peter Parker x GN reader
Warnings: anxiety, social anxiety
Word count: 4.5k
Summary: you meet spiderman one lonely night and listen to music together, you also meet Peter and become best friends, and maybe more?
Notes: I'm so sorry the ending is rushed but it's 2am and I'm really tired<3
Sat lonely on the rooftop of your apartments building, music filled your ears, earphones tangled, goosebumps graced your skin from the cold breeze. It was a sad life, no friends, bad relationship with your mum who you lived with, mentally ill, the only thing giving you life at the moment was your dog, Sorren.
Thinking about going back down, lying in bed and watching Netflix or Disney+ was rudely interrupted by a person in red and blue swinging onto the roof.
Oh, spider man.
Thinking he was probably just here to take a break you stayed silent.
"Hey," a weak but friendly voice hesitantly said, voice cracking slightly.
You turned to look at him, unsure if he was talking to you, but realised of course there was no one else he could be talking to.
"Hi," You awkwardly smile, eyes darting from him to the ground.
Reaching for your phone resting on the concrete ground, you turn the volume down slightly, if he tries to talk to you again.
He points to the ground with his finger in a questioning manner, asking if it's okay to sit and you nod. Once sat, you two just stare at the city in front of you, in silence for at least five minutes.
"What're you listening to?" He questions,
"Uh well my Playlist is on shuffle and a song just finished, lemme check what's playing now."
Your phone lights up revealing your home screen and song that is about to start.
"Transgender by Crystal castles."
"Oh, I haven't heard of that." He pauses, "I'll have to listen to it now." Even with the mask you can tell he seems to be smiling,
"You can now if you'd like, I'm not sure what music you listen to so you may not like it,"
you regret saying anything at all, feeling stupid.
"Yeah sure!"
"I'll take most of my mask off but leave it covering my face,"
"I can just take the earphones out-"
"No no, I like them, it makes music better."
You smile and hand him one half of them, anxiety fills you a little, a lot of people haven't liked your music taste, you wish he'd come when you were listening to a playlist with other songs you know other people like, but this was the Playlist you listen to when sad or feeling empty.
With a sigh you relax a little, it's just music. But then you remember it's spider man and it comes back, you have just been talking to spider man. It makes you feel sick.
He probably thinks you're weird, and-
"Huh," he says, and you turn your head to look at him,
"It's not what I would usually listen to but it's cool."
"What music do you listen to?"
"Have you heard of One direction?" He seems to sheepishly grin,
Excitement takes over your anxiety. One Direction was your childhood, you still listen to it mainly for the nostalgia, but it's just great music.
"Yeah?" He says seeing the look on your face,
You nod with a smile, "who hasn't?"
Unlocking your phone, spotify appears,
"Which one?" You look to him,
"Kiss you?"
You turn your head back to your phone, typing and then playing it.
The familiar music starts playing and happiness causes a little grin on your face,
Oh I just wanna take you anywhere you like we could could go out any day any night
Spider man begins humming along to it, suddenly you feel comfortable around him, this is honestly the first time you've been happy around anyone but yourself for a while.
His head bounces to the song and you fight the urge to sing along.
"Do you think I should take the earphones out for this song?"
You pull it out of your phone and the music gets a little louder, setting the earphones aside you turn the volume up,
So tell me girl if every time we touch, you get this kind of rush, lemme say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if you don't wanna take it slow and you just wanna take me home
He starts singing to it and you laugh,
"I'm not laughing at your singing," you grin,
"And let me kiss you!" You sing, probably regretting it as you lie in bed tonight.
For the rest of the song you just hum along, having fun for the first time in a long time. And with spider man of all people.
Just as one thing starts playing sirens sound somewhere nearby,
"Aw man," he says
"This was really really fun, but I gotta go," He pulls the rest of his mask over the back of his head,
"Bye spidey,"
He smiles at the nickname under his mask, then shoots a web to a building, swinging from that to another.
You're left by yourself again, Sighing you get up, stare at the city for a second and start walking back down to your apartment, earphones now back and playing the rest of 1D's songs until you get there.
Sorren's tail starts wagging as you walk into your bedroom, his head still lying on his paws, the room was dark, the moon and city lights lighting it up enough to see, a large window taking up basically the whole wall was placed on the right side, your double bed with comfy blankets placed in the same corner.
Sitting on the bed sorren shuffles so his head can be on your lap, your laptop's screen was still illuminated from before you left, after a large sigh you paid attention to sorren.
"Who's a good boy, did you miss me? Hm?"
He shuffles around excitedly while staying in the same spot, you rub the sides of his head a little roughly but not hurting him. He was no small dog but he loved taking up as much space on your bed as he could.
The lights were beautiful in the city as you stared at it through your window, sorren had fallen asleep in the time you sat on your bed doing nothing. It was well past twelve, you should go to sleep, a buzz broke your empty thoughts and your phone turned off as it went flat. Yet another reason to go to sleep, so in doing so the day came much quicker than you'd like.
The sun shone on you, squinting your eyes open, the dread of the day filled you, all that had to be done was school and grocery shopping, not that bad, but it was hard enough getting out of bed.
Sorren realised you had woken up and started whining from happiness, tail wagging at an alarming rate and licking around his snout as he made his way up the bed to you, a grin grew on your face as you welcomed him.
Arriving at school the weather had turned into clouds and light rain, the best kind. Immediate dread came as you saw all of the students around, social anxiety was not fun, you stuff your hands into your pockets and your demeanour is slouched, eyes not meeting anyone.
Your head filled with thoughts of judgement, you tried to distract yourself with the thought of sorren and how you would see him at the end of the day. Heart racing you walked past people.
A particular person seemed to be staring at you, he had curly brown hair and brown eyes, breathing became difficult and sorren was no longer enough to make you feel better.
"Hi," the boy said as you walked past him,
"Hi." You tried your best to smile.
Once sat in your seat for class you calmed down a little, leg bouncing as the teacher began to speak.
After a while he asked if anyone could answer the question, you thought you knew the answer but feared it was wrong so didn't say anything, someone else said the answer and was right, you were also right and annoyed for not speaking up.
Mind drifting you accidently zone out for the most of class, and before you knew it the time for lunch had come. Everyone walked out including you to the cafeteria.
Upon arriving you got food and saw a table with only one other person sitting there, you knew she was rather quiet so figured it was perfect.
"Is it okay if I sit here?"
She looked up from her phone,
"Go for it."
With that being said you sat down, grabbing a book from your bag, with horror you saw the cover had been bent in half from the position it must have been in the bag. Bending it back the other way it helped but still a crease line and stuck out a bit.
The boy that stared at you earlier was now standing next to you,
"Is it okay if I sit with you?"
A flash of panic ran through you but you told yourself to stop overreacting,
"Yeah sure."
He smiled in return,
"I'm Peter,"
He said once sat down, "I'm Y/n," you said and looked back down to your book,
"Aw no its bent huh," you looked to him not used to people saying more than five words to you, "Yeah, I should've placed it more carefully in my bag,"
"Is it a good book?" He continues,
You look up again, this time just with your eyes, "Mhm."
"What's it about?" He was trying to hold a conversation with you, though he realised it wasn't quite as easy as last night on the rooftop, when he saw you today he recognised you and was excited you were in the same school as him.
"It's kinda hard to explain." You didn't leave much room for the conversation to continue, you don't really mean to but it always happens, you never know what to say.
"Okay." He smiled, he really wanted to get to know you but could see maybe now wasn't the best time, so he would try again later.
Once school finished you walked to the supermarket, it was a bit of a walk but you didn't mind.
You opened notes and checked the grocery list, the stand of baskets was next to the entry so you grabbed one and walked into the vegetables area, which was colder than expected so you pulled your hoodie over your head.
In spotting lettuce it got placed into the basket, carrots were more expensive that you'd like but you put them into the basket as well. Walking down the cereal aisle you got cornflakes and in the refrigerator got milk.
After a while everything you needed was in the basket but deciding you wanted some snacks you walked to the aisle, a familiar person was already in the snack section, Peter.
Stopping where candy was you looked at the options, probably going to be there for a while considering the indecisive person you were.
Peter noticed you and smiled, "Hi,"
"Oh hi," you smiled back, you picked up a bag of maltesers, still wanting one other thing,
"Oh you're so right," he said before getting maltesers as well, you exhaled with your nose and smiled as a reply while still looking,
He then got some gummy snakes, "Hey do wanna hang out and eat candy?" He knew you'd most likely say no and was kinda scared for your reply, who asks a stranger to eat candy with them? He awkwardly smiles and awaits your answer.
You didn't really know what to do, in all honesty the urge to say yes was overtaking saying no, it would be so awkward though, you haven't hung out with anyone in so long.
"Yeah uh sure,"
He smiled happily, and you decided to just quickly grab some chips, you two walked down the aisle to the checkout together.
You were actually really excited to be hanging out with someone, he seemed really nice too, but you couldn't ignore your anxiety either.
You thought about asking to hang out at your apartment but felt stupid because who invites a stranger to hang out there?
It ended up being the park where you ate candy and talked, well talked as best you could, but you had to admit you really enjoyed it and was excited the whole time, always worrying about what to say or do, but he was really nice and it made you feel better.
You wondered whether you just made a friend.
By the end of the day you piled the groceries on the bench and took your unfinished snacks to your bedroom, where sorren happily awaited you, your mum was out, so you played with him in the lounge.
Once you were tired out you decided to go to the roof again, only this time you weren't all that sad. Bringing your tote bag with the remaining chips and candy turned out to be a good idea, because spiderman was once again on the rooftop ten minutes after you got there.
The truth is he saw you and wanted to spend more time with you, he thought you were really cool.
"Well hello there," you smiled, "Hi,"
"Can I sit?"
You seemed a lot more relaxed than last time. "Want any snacks?" You offered, "what have you got?"
You got the chips and maltesers, "God, I love maltesers,"
"Glad to be of service."
He lifted his mask just above his mouth, by now you were looking at the tall buildings around you, he pulled his mask back down.
"Thanks." You smiled a little in response,
"Wanna ask some random questions for fun?" You felt a little childish, but it's a good way to get to know someone.
"Sure, just as long as you don't try ask who I am," he bumps his shoulder into yours,
"Okay. I know this is the most basic question I could ask but it has to be done. What's your favourite colour?"
"Hm," he contemplates,
"How did I guess?" He smiles under the mask, "you?"
"It's gotta be dark green, though I love so many more."
You cross your legs, "Favourite movie?" He asks.
This goes on for quite some time before he has to leave. You haven't felt this happy for quite a while, both Peter and Spiderman were so easy to like, you just worry if they actually like you.
Four months went by, Peter and you became quite good friends, you didn't see spiderman that often but most times when you were on the rooftop he would be there a while later.
Anxiety still was a problem wherever you went but Peter made you feel a lot better when he was around, you were supposed to go to his house after school for a movie night, your biggest worry of that is if he picks a terrible movie, you didn't mind star wars but the old ones were pretty boring.
Upon meeting his aunt May you realised she was really nice, and you wouldn't be lying if you said you had a tiny crush that you annoy Peter with on purpose all the time.
School was over and done with, now getting prepared to go to Peter's your alarm went off telling you it was five p.m,
"Gonna miss you" sorren gets a good belly rub before you go. "See you soon puppy."
You knock on the door and it opens almost instantly, Peter stands there with a grin on his face, "Hi"
"Hey," you walk in, "Hi May,"
She smiles, "Hi Y/n."
Peter drags you to the kitchen to make popcorn, you lean against the bench while waiting for the microwave,
"Wait, is that a new Lego set?" It was sitting on the table, "Yeah me and Ned built it yesterday."
You walk over to it, "Oh my gosh nice, you think you could stand building one with me?"
"Yes." Peter said a little too quickly and eagerly, making you laugh, the microwave beeped and he got the popcorn, putting it in a bowl and carrying it to the couch. You followed with the candy, putting it between you two on the couch.
"What movie have you got in mind?" You ask,
"I always choose them, you can tonight."
"Wait really? Hah nice."
You use the remote to look through disney+, "d'you want Pixar or Disney?" You question, but in your mind you've already made the decision.
"Pixar?" He looks to you, "good answer."
Ten minutes later you chose finding nemo, not having watched it in a long time you really enjoyed it, the popcorn was gone in the first twenty minutes. After eating half of the candy you both got comfortable, Peter was lying half back on the couch, his back in the corner of it, and you lay down on him slightly.
Sadly the movie ended, you didn't want to leave but even though you knew your relationship with your mum was terrible she would want you home very soon. Peter didn't want you to leave either,
"Hey d'you wanna stay the night? Like a sleepover?" He was hopeful, "thank you but I better go home,"
"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow?"
"It's Saturday tomorrow Pete," his heart burst at the nickname and he struggled not to smile, "Oh right, uhm well would it be okay if I came over?"
"You know I'd love that but she'll be home all day."
You walk to pick up your bag, Peter quickly makes his way over to the door and gives you a hug before you leave. The feeling of happiness leaves you giddy, and so happy he's your friend.
May was in her room so you didn't say bye, but much to your disappointment you did to Peter,
"Bye I'll see you later okay?"
"Okay Bye." He smiled as you walked out the door.
The day drifted away while you stayed in bed, you messaged Peter a little and watched a movie for a bit, but as the day dragged on into 5pm you grew to be really hungry.
Telling Peter of your starvation he was horrified, telling you to go eat, and you did. Peeling the blankets back and standing made you a bit lightheaded for a second.
In the kitchen pasta was boiling in a pot and you grated cheese, Sorren sitting right beside you, tail wagging and looking hopeful. Cheese melted and other ingredients added, the pasta was complete and put into a bowl.
The sun set while you sat at the table eating until you were very full, a blue and red suited superhero swung across some buildings as you chewed your last mouthful.
Sorren made a loud sigh curling up on his bed, you rinsed your bowl and put it into the dishwasher.
After doing nothing all day you were exhausted and collapsed on your bed, the thought of hanging out with Peter tomorrow excited you, a little rush of happiness and excitement made you smile.
Your shoe fought with you as you struggled to put it on, your beloved converse betrayed you like this almost every time. Tying them into a double knot you were ready to go, Sorren had gone with your mum to a dog park somewhere so he wasn't there desperate to go with you.
You took the elevator down the building, beginning your walk to meet Peter once you got to the bottom, a cool breeze felt nice at first until you got a little cold and started to have an earache.
Peter stood in front of a park bench, near the supermarket where you planned to buy food and go to the park again.
"Hey," he smiled widely once he saw you,
"Hi," you smiled back,
"Ready to go in?"
"Yeah." The two of you walked together,
"Peter I'm so tired," you drawled, "I've been walking for ages,"
He got behind you to push your back making you laugh, once you were outside the doors you stumbled to make him stop,
"Okay okay thank you."
The automatic doors opened, it was cooler inside, and also very busy, grabbing your phone from your back pocket the time said 12:04, you panicked a little, that was one of the busiest times you could be here, there were so many people.
Peter noticed your quiet panic and held your hand, the gesture made you feel better, the two of you walked to get snacks, hand in hand.
"Noo there are kids on the swings," you said once at the park, "Pete go push them off,"
"What? No way that's so mean!"
"I wasn't being serious." You mumbled,
"I know." He pushed his shoulder into yours, smiling.
You ate some of the food you bought and talked, the kids got off of the swings, and that didn't go unnoticed by you,
"Quick now's our chance!" You run towards the swings, Peter grabs the food and runs with you.
"Hey Pete, could you please push me?" You could swing yourself but it's fun when other people push you.
"How high?"
"Really high,"
You felt butterflies in your stomach as you went higher, you couldn't control your laughter, the butterflies got too much for you,
"Okay wait wait wait I wanna stop," you laugh but panic a little, once you slowed down Peter grabbed your waist until you stopped completely, and even though you weren't high in the air anymore you got butterflies again.
Peter then got on the other swing, looking at you expectantly, innocence on his face,
"You want me to push you, huh?"
Another five months went by, you were sitting at the table with Peter and May eating Chinese at their house.
"It's like Sorren is obsessed with Peter or something," you laugh, Peter had finally come to your apartment and met him.
"He almost crushed me!"
"Exactly, he loves you."
May smiled and got up, collecting the rubbish to put into the bin,
"Alright my little munchkins I'm off to bed, gotta be in early, don't stay up too late."
You cringed at the word munchkins, she did it on purpose of course.
"Night Aunt May."
"Night May."
"Wanna maybe stay the night?" Peter's eyes glistened with hope,
"Of course I would,"
"Okay uhm I have some pyjamas you can use,"
"Cool i'll get changed," you smile standing up and messing with the top of his hair.
Once changed you collapsed onto his bed, you used to sleep on the spare mattress but now it's normal just to share the bed.
The two of you continued to talk until 12am, laughing quietly in the light from the lamp in his bedside table,
you could feel his gentle breath on your face, minty from brushing his teeth earlier. You heated up a little realising how close your faces were, you couldn't deny the crush you'd developed on your best friend though you tried to the best of your ability.
He noticed you'd quietened down, a very light redness on your cheeks, this made him go a little red now also realising your closeness. His eyes glanced towards your lips involuntarily, you did as well.
He leaned in slightly, lips ghosting over yours.
You leaned in ever so slightly, ending in a kiss, he exhaled through his nose.
An alarm broke the two of you apart with a jolt, the alarm was to let the both of you know it was time to sleep.
You cleared your throat as he turned it off, not knowing what to do you quickly said "uhm I'm just gonna go sleep on the couch,"
"We'll talk in the morning!" You walked out with your pillow, there were already blankets on the couch.
Morning came, and your phone woke you, your mum was calling and in your sleepiness you still remembered you didn't ask for permission to stay the night.
You squint your eyes to see the time, 6:07am.
"Hello?" You croak out groggily,
"Where are you?"
"I stayed at Peters,"
She obviously wasn't that happy but only said,
"It's a school day, come home right now and get ready please."
She hung up,
Oh shit, it is a school day
Peter woke up later, he got up rubbing his eyes and walked to the couch, you weren't there.
He checked his phone and saw you messaged saying sorry you had to leave.
You made your way to school as fast as possible, with only five minutes to spare.
By lunch you were pretty tired, you shut your locker and saw Peter down the hall slightly shutting his as well, when he noticed you he began walking towards you.
Remembering about last you were a little awkward,
"Hi," He smiled making you a little more at ease,
"Hey Parker,"
"Listen I know now's not the best time but I cannot focus, so can we please talk?"
"Alright mister." You smile,
Peter looks around, he takes your hand and leads you to a storage closet.
"A storage closet?" You bite back smile,
"I thought it might be nice to have a little privacy, sorry it doesn't meet your standards." He teases,
"Listen about the uhm, kiss,"
Anxiety swirled in your stomach but you calmed down, it's Peter, it's fine.
"I'm so sorry I should have asked! Maybe you didn't even want to and I was dumb and stupid and-"
"Wait wait no it's okay I uhm, I wanted to I promise I just, I don't know I really like you and was scared you regretted it and-"
"You like me?" You looked up at him, he had love and adoration in his eyes,
"yeah," You shyly smiled,
"I love you so much," he whispered, your mouth fell open slightly
"oh my god did I really just say that out loud,"
"Yeah, you did Pete," you laughed
"Would it be okay to kiss you right now?"
"Hm, yeah that checks out with me."
He leaned in almost instantly, kissing you, and after a minute the bell rang,
You broke the kiss, "Gotta go,"
"Noo," he leaned back in, his lips moving slowly against yours, "stay in the dark and dingy closet with me." He mumbled against your mouth, and you continued for a minute.
"Excuse me, isn't it a bit weird to be making out with my best friend?"
"Hm, no, I think it's pretty good actually." He mumbled against your lips, the two of you didn't stop until you heard the second bell a good five minutes later, "Pete we've really got to go now,"
He rested his forehead against yours, eyes suddenly lighting up,
"You know, now that I think about it maybe it is a little weird to do this with your best friend,"
You looked at him,
"Would it be less weird if it was your boyfriend?"
"Hm, you might be onto something,"
"Hey y/n?"
"Yes Peter?"
"Do you maybe wanna go on a date?"
"Sounds pretty nice to me." You smile.
In class you feel giddy, you can't really believe what just happened, and neither can Peter, but he really did love you.
You met him as spiderman
And You fell in love with him as Peter
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
Heyyy!! Ooh the Papa’s Lullaby one got me interested! I sort of headcanon Taka as the parent to sing lullabies, so this sounds like it would be cute! I wonder what would prompt him to sing a lullaby tho. Maybe Kei just simply can’t sleep and he sings to her to get her to fall asleep, or Kei has a nightmare or a stressful day at school? Gah, the idea of Taka singing a lullaby is just so sweet and adorable to me!
Yeahhh this literally hit me in the face yesterday at work - I was listening to Disney songs on Spotify and then wondered if Colours of the Wind had a male version on YouTube (spoilers: it does - a pitched down version) and that was all I could think about!
So let's get cracking! Thanks so much for your ask! I hope you enjoy!!
• Kei loves how her Papa sings to her.
• It started when they were watching films.
• Her daddies were showing her Disney films (which she obviously fell in love with).
• Her FAVOURITE was Pocahantas and she would ask her daddies to watch it with her all the time.
• Which they always did - once a week for about three months, in fact.
• One day, Kei needed a drink so skipped downstairs to ask for some juice.
• And she could hear her favourite song - Colours of the Wind.
• But Pocahantas wasn't singing it.
• And when she looked into the kitchen, she saw her Papa washing up...and SINGING.
• Papa sounds AMAAAAAZING! It's even better than Pocahantas - and she sings lovely!
• She creeps away and hides, just so she can listen to Papa sing some more.
• And next time, when Colours of the Wind comes on, she grabs the control from Daddy's hands and puts it on pause.
• She shuffles onto Papa's lap and beams up at his confused face.
• 'Papa sing!'
• 'What?'
• 'Papa sing! Pweez!'
• Taka, thoroughly confused, starts mumblimg the lyrics and gets a grumpy look from his daughter as she shakes her head.
• 'NO! Like proper! In kitchen! Papa sing!'
• And so she clicks play and stares at her Papa expectantly.
• Taka, who is trying not to look at Leon's amused grin, starts singing along.
• And naturally, with how Kei's eyes sparkle, he loses himself in the song and goes all out.
• Receiving the biggest hug from his little girl when he's done and she stays firmly cuddled up with him for the rest of the night.
• After that, Kei wants Papa to sing to her all the time.
• He sings in the car, when she's having a bath, when they're making cookies together.
• And he'll always sing her a lullaby to go sleep.
• And course, it's ALWAYS as Disney song.
• He sings When You Wish Upon a Star, You'll Be In My Heart, Feed the Birds, and of course - Colours of the Wind.
• But there's one special song.
• One reserved for when Kei has a nightmare.
• Baby Mine.
• It's an obvious choice for Taka - it's the song his mum sang to him when he was a boy.
• So when Kei has dreamt of the shadow men that haunt her sleep, Taka will scoop her into his arms and hold her close.
• He'll run his finger through her hair and let her scrunch her fingers against his chest - peering up at his face through damp lashes.
• And he'll sing softly to her, smiling lovingly to help her smile in return.
• She's always fast asleep before he can finish the whole song, but he'll always sing it the whole way through anyway.
• Leon has to bury his face in Taka's neck when he sings that song because the emotion in his husband's voice always makes him cry.
• Kei won't let him leave - resting her little feet in his lap to stop him going - so he has to give them both a hug and shield his face so Kei doesn't see.
• And of course, he always gets a kiss better from Taka - who always looks very amused at his soft hearted husband.
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let-the-dream-begin · 4 years
In My Daughter’s Eyes Chapter 2: Know No Fear
Chapter 1
Read on AO3
Before I get to the chapter here, I just wanted to say that I am so beyond touched by the response this story has received. It’s difficult to respond to various comments on Tumblr due to the nature of side-blogs, but just know that I read every single lovely thing you all had to say, and it touched my heart. This is personal to me, and to know that you are all touched by it means the world. So thank you, and onward we go!
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By the time Claire found all the bedding and made the beds, she was practically faint with hunger. The fact that they’d left England at eleven in the morning and arrived here at two in the afternoon had made her forget that it had, in reality, been almost five hours since they’d been served food on the plane; and that had been no real meal. Claire had also managed to unpack some of Faith’s toys and arrange them lovingly on her bed before she decided to look up somewhere to get food. She’d heard quite a fuss over the pizza on Long Island; it was apparently the only place in the entire world that had “real” pizza. She would like to be the judge of that, eventually. There were so many different Italian places it was making her head swim. She decided to let Faith decide what they would eat since Claire couldn’t seem to make up her mind.
Claire knelt on the floor in front of the couch, which was haphazardly placed in the middle of the room at a very inconvenient diagonal. Bloody movers. Faith was humming in contentment, rocking back and forth.
“Faith?” Claire tapped her knee, but she did not look up from the tablet. “Faith.” Claire gently removed the headphones, causing her to groan in protest. “Faith! Listen to Mummy before you get upset.” Faith grabbed the headphones again, but Claire firmly kept her hands on her wrists. “Are you hungry, baby? Do you want food?”
Faith’s tune immediately changed, relenting her grip on the headphones and nodding enthusiastically, humming increasing in pitch and volume.
Claire smiled, chuckling. “I thought so. Here.” She held up the screenshots of menu samplings that she’d collected. “Do you want pizza? Or…” She swiped to the next image. “Spaghetti? Or Chinese food? Or a hamburger?”
Claire allowed Faith to take her phone into her little hands, watching in amusement as Faith scrolled between the four images, eventually handing the phone back to her mother.
Her humming heightened again, her hands and fingers twitching and twisting with excitement; stimming, the doctors called it. To Claire, it was just Faith being Faith.
“Ask and ye shall receive, little girl.”
Claire sat back on her heels and searched for the restaurant she’d gotten the spaghetti screenshot from. Christ, there were about forty restaurants called “Uncle Joe’s” in a four mile radius. She eventually settled on the closest one that was on DoorDash and ordered spaghetti and meatballs for Faith, her standard when it came to Italian food, and decided on penne alla vodka for herself. Gillian had insisted the Italian food here was better than in England, so she was quite excited to see for herself.
When the order was placed, she looked up at Faith, expecting her to be engrossed in the tablet again, but she was instead staring at her mother quite intently. She slapped a little hand over Claire’s screen and gave a little grunt.
Claire smiled knowingly. “Spaghetti won’t be here for another thirty minutes, darling. You have to be patient.”
She grunted in defiance, slapping the screen again.
“Hey. Be gentle.” Claire grabbed Faith’s wrist and looked her firmly in the eye. “Do not hit.” Claire unconsciously ran her tongue over the cut on her lip she’d been gifted with this morning.
Claire suddenly had a perfect idea to pass the time; that dance party she’d thought about a few hours ago. Claire smiled to herself and clicked onto Spotify, hitting shuffle on the Disney playlist. Faith’s stubborn demeanor immediately changed when the opening notes of “Under the Sea” began to play. Her face melted into that absent half-smile that Claire had grown accustomed to, and she began swaying back and forth on the couch.
Claire giggled and took Faith’s hands, pushing them back and forth, side-to-side in time with the music. Her grin widened, and she began humming with excitement again. It wasn’t long before the tablet and the headphones were forgotten on the couch, and the two of them were jumping and dancing around the living room, haphazardly avoiding the piles of boxes. Claire couldn’t explain it: Faith’s Disney obsession. She became a different kid when she watched a Disney movie, or listened to the music. Her entire countenance changed. If Claire could throw away every responsibility and every pound she owned to take up permanent residence in Disney World, just so that her daughter would always be this happy and carefree, she would do it in a heartbeat.
In the middle of Claire’s intense performance of “I’ll Make a Man Out of You,” Faith giggling madly and jumping up and down to encourage her mother, the doorbell rang. Claire almost jumped out of her skin and then she laughed, pausing the music.
“Spaghetti is here, lovie!”
Faith clapped her hands and hummed again as Claire shuffled around boxes to the door. She gratefully accepted the hot bag of food, mouth watering at the smell of it. She hadn’t realized how damned hungry she’d been. She inwardly panicked for a moment, realizing she hadn't at all bothered to unpack any silverware, but was relieved to find there was plastic cutlery in the bag. She made a mental note to put them in the sink when they were done instead of throwing them out in case they needed them before she found the motivation to unpack the kitchen boxes.
“Alright, Faithie! First meal in our new home! How’s that?” She, of course, didn’t answer, just kept on with her humming and hand twitching while Claire unpacked their meals. “This is so exciting, darling. Mummy is so happy to be here with you.” She kissed Faith’s forehead as she tucked a napkin into her shirt.
Claire had often caught Frank rolling her eyes at her when she spoke to Faith like this.
“She can’t bloody understand you. Why do you bother?”
Claire’s face turned beet-red with rage. “Just because she can’t talk doesn’t mean she can’t understand.”
To Frank, their daughter was dumb, as well as mute. He could not comprehend that she was a little person, despite her quirks.
No. Not our daughter. Not his.
So, Claire talked to her, despite knowing she’d never talk back, despite not knowing if she ever fully understood what she was saying. Claire knew well enough that the sound of her voice was soothing to her daughter, and that was enough of a reason to talk. And as far as she could tell, she understood quite a bit. Not as much as Claire wished, but enough.
The steaming tins of pasta were opened and Faith dug right in, moaning in pain and dropping her fork into the tin.
“Be careful! It’s hot, darling. You have to blow, remember?” Claire took a forkful of penne and blew on it lightly before putting it in her mouth. “See?”
Faith took a new forkful and heaved an enormous breath before blowing with all her strength, sending a veritable spray of tomato sauce all over the table. Perhaps Claire should have admonished her, told her to be more gentle, but she could not think over how loud she’d burst out laughing. Quite pleased with herself, Faith stuffed the entire forkful of spaghetti into her mouth, humming and bouncing as she did. If Claire was seeing correctly, it looked like she was smirking.
Doesn’t understand, indeed!
Christ…how could anyone not see how special she was?
Eventually, Claire had to inform her daughter that she was, in fact, blowing too hard, and so the rest of the meal proceeded in a slightly less messy manner. When Faith had apparently had enough, she unceremoniously ripped her napkin off and slid out of the chair, disappearing from the kitchen.
“Faith! Come back, please.”
She, of course, did not.
Claire sighed, setting down her fork despite not being quite full yet. She got up to see what she was up to, but paused upon hearing the music start up again. Faith quickly scampered back into the kitchen, Donny Osmond’s voice getting more clear with every step. Claire laughed again.
“Ah, missing the music were we?”
Faith began swaying back and forth again.
“Would you mind if I finished eating, then?” Claire sat back down, and Faith continued bobbing. “Why don’t you dance for me while I eat, hm?”
She didn’t need to tell her twice.
Faith had the choreography from the film memorized, of course, and it was the same for every song thereafter. Claire paused her eating to give hearty applause and many a “Brava!” after each song. If Claire listened closely enough, she could hear Faith’s buzzing hum morph into something that almost resembled the melody of the song that was playing, and it made her heart soar. She’d read online dozens of stories of children with autism that were completely nonverbal, but then all of a sudden they would sing entire songs word for word flawlessly. She prayed the same would hold true for her little princess someday.
Perhaps music therapy would get that out of her.
Jesus H. Christ, one thing at a time, Beauchamp.
After dinner was ended and the leftovers were sufficiently tucked away in the fridge (and the plastic cutlery was put in the sink), Claire followed Faith into the living room and was overwhelmed by the pile of boxes. She exhaled through puffed cheeks, anxiety crawling its way into the pit of her stomach.
“Faith,” Claire said, suddenly having an idea. “Would you like to sleep with Mummy tonight?”
She hummed, bounced and clapped.
“Lovely.” Claire smiled. “Let’s go look at your room first, hm? Because sleeping with Mummy will not be a permanent arrangement.”
She took Faith’s hand and led her into the room, where Faith promptly flung herself onto the bed and scooped all of the stuffed animals into her little arms. Claire broke into an enormous grin.
“I’ll bet you missed them very much,” she said. “And they missed you, too.”
Her very favorite, a very worn out Sorcerer Mickey, had, of course, remained with them and gone in her carry on. But the others--the Minnie’s, the other Mickey’s, the teddy bears, the plush baby dolls--had been packed away and shipped here a few weeks ago.
“This is your room now, lovie. You’ll sleep here tomorrow, and every night after that. But tonight is a special night. Yes?”
Claire outstretched her hand, gesturing for them to head across the hall into her own room, and Faith responded by scooping every stuffed animal into her arms and waddling out past Claire. Claire chuckled breathily through her nose and followed her into her own bedroom. She breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, this room, sparse as it was for now, was at least empty of all boxes. Faith plopped her little friends onto the bed and scrambled up.
“Ah-ah, PJ’s first, little girl.” Claire scooped her off the bed. “We’ll not be spending our first night in this bed in dirty airport clothes.” Claire dug through one of the suitcases for a fresh pair of pajamas for herself and Faith. If Claire really wanted them to be clean, she would have insisted on a shower for both of them (ever since Frank had left, Claire had always taken Faith into the shower with her; she didn’t want to leave her alone for that long). But she was far too exhausted, even if it was only six o’clock on the Eastern Seaboard. She was in no mood to fight with Faith to get clean after the day they’d had.
When they were both properly accoutered for bed, Claire scooped her up again and deposited her in bed. She retrieved the tablet from the couch, trying her best to narrow her vision to avoid seeing the Box Everest in her living room. She wondered when the hell she’d feel like tackling all that…
For now, she settled next to Faith in bed, laying on about four stuffed animals in the process, much to her daughters dismay given the loud moan Faith uttered.
“Well, I’m sorry! They’re quite the bed hogs, darling.” Claire pulled the toys out from underneath her and pushed them closer to Faith. “Now, what shall we watch tonight?”
Their collection of DVDs was far grander than the few movies that they had on digital download on the tablet, but the thought of finding them, then the DVD player, and then sitting in that room with the rest of the boxes made Claire nauseous. So their pickings would be slim tonight. Not that Faith minded in the least.
Claire half expected her to put Frozen on for the third time today, but she instead settled on The Little Mermaid. Claire smiled warmly.
“This was my favorite when I was your age, baby. I remember seeing it in theaters. Ariel was my Elsa back then.”
She allowed Faith to hold the tablet, of course, and she snuggled into her, gathering her tiny body into her arms as the movie’s opening chords began. Despite how rowdy their dinner had been, Claire had a feeling that she would not at all be fighting sleep tonight. They’d been awake a hell of a lot longer than it seemed they were, and the meltdowns of the day were enough to wear even Faith out.
Not shockingly, she was out like a light before they even got to “Part of Your World,” which disappointed Claire just a bit; she’d been looking forward to hearing Faith hum along.
Gently and oh-so-carefully, Claire pried the tablet from her sleeping hands and shut it off, setting it on the nightstand to her left. She adjusted Faith’s little body so she was properly lying down before getting up to turn the light off. Claire smoothed her unruly curls before bending down to press a kiss to her temple as she settled under the covers beside her. Again, she laid atop of several stuffed animals. Chuckling to herself, she picked them up and gingerly put them on the nightstand with the tablet.
As Claire’s head hit the pillow, she began running down the mental list of things she had to do tomorrow. Breakfast, then call an Uber to get to the dealership — shit, what the hell were they going to have for breakfast? Leftover pasta?
Scratch that. Call the Uber right away, get to a diner or somewhere else for breakfast. Faith will be quite excited to have chocolate chip pancakes. That thought made Claire smile. Then get a second Uber to take them from the diner to the dealership. Put that new Instacart to use and order some groceries so that they didn’t have to go to the diner every morning for the rest of their lives. Claire had shopped online for a car to lease when they arrived, and if everything went smoothly at the dealership, she’d be driving home in it tomorrow.
She also made a note to stop somewhere for a new SIM card and to cancel her international phone plan and start up a local plan. The thought of having an American phone number seemed strange, but also comforting. Not only did it seem to be the last step in finalizing her new permanent residence in the States, but it was also a comfort to know that Frank would never be able to contact her again.
She didn’t plug in her phone.
Groaning in annoyance, Claire peeled herself from her daughter’s side and out of bed to rifle through her purse for her charger. When did I get so damned scatterbrained…?
Well, that was a dumb question.
The world had come crashing down on her the day Frank told her he was through. Everything seemed to spiral out of control in that moment, and every single thing she had done since then had been an attempt to regain that control. It worked, for the most part, but she still felt like she was losing brain cells by the second since he’d dropped the bomb on her.
Faith was having a meltdown. It wasn’t necessarily one of her worst ones, but it wasn’t a walk in the park, either. Needless to say, things could have been better. Nothing in particular had set her off as far as Claire could tell, and Claire was beside herself trying to get it out of her.
“What’s wrong, baby? I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong…are you hurt? Hungry?” She felt her head for a fever, but came up negative. “Faith, darling, what’s wrong?”
“For fuck’s sake, Claire! She isn’t going to answer!” Frank slammed a hand on the kitchen table.
Faith shrieked and clamped her hands over her ears, her eyes wide with terror.
“Frank! Don’t do that!” Claire’s voice hitched. “Shh…it’s alright baby, Mummy is here…” She cupped Faith’s face in her hands as her daughter carried on, hands still firmly pressed into her ears.
“You know she can’t handle loud noises, Frank.” Claire tried to keep her voice level and quiet, not wanting to upset her further.
“She can’t handle anything Claire! That’s precisely the issue!”
“Do not raise your voice.” Claire was losing patience. “You’re making it worse.”
“Everything makes it worse! And what is it? What did it this time?”
“It is autism, Frank. You bloody well know that.”
“Christ, I know! I hear the word hundreds of times a day!”
“Oh, for God’s sake…” Claire’s face became hot with anger. “You have been nothing but difficult since her diagnosis, Frank. I feel like I’m doing this all alone! Why can’t you set aside your personal feelings for her? She’s your flesh and blood! How can you talk about her like this?”
Frank shook his head. “No flesh and blood of mine would turn out like that.”
Claire felt like she’d been kicked in the stomach. “What are you saying…?”
“I don’t…want this, Claire. I can’t do it anymore.”
“You can’t…You can’t do it? You haven’t done a bloody thing!” Her voice was near to shouting now, and Faith looked like her head was about to explode from the sheer force with which she was squeezing her ears.
“If you want to be burdened with someone like her for the rest of your life, be my guest. I’m through.”
“So that’s it then? You’re walking out on five years of marriage?” Claire stood up, leaving Faith in the kitchen and following him to the front door. “On your four-year-old daughter?”
He turned and gave her a grave, disgusting look as he opened the door. “That is not my daughter.”
Claire found her eyes welling up with tears again, as they had nearly every night since. And for perhaps the thousandth time she asked herself: How could she have been so wrong about somebody? How could she have married someone that would be so despicable towards his own child?
And for perhaps the millionth time, she silently vowed that she would do anything and everything for her daughter. God, she would walk through fire for her. She practically did. She vowed to be everything Faith needed, to fill the empty position of father, to devote every breath and every beat of her heart to raising her with love and patience. Every time she was harsh with her, and simultaneously every time she relented to her to avoid a meltdown, she felt like she was doing it all wrong. She could’ve been more patient, she could have reasoned with her instead of giving in…
But the truth was, every day was unpredictable, and no two situations were the same.
I’m doing the best I bloody can. And I always will, baby.
Luckily, her residence didn't start for another two weeks, so she and Faith could get settled, and Faith could get to know Mrs. Lickett before she had to watch her full time. The thought left knots in her stomach and a hard lump in her throat. Finding a sitter in Oxfordshire with the right qualifications had been a nightmare, and Claire had almost up and quit medical school because of it. Thank God she didn’t. Mrs. Lickett seemed more than qualified, however; it was just a matter of whether or not Faith would allow her to…well…exist in this apartment at all.
Claire absently rolled over to check the time on her phone, and she groaned audibly. 9:02. She’d been lying awake, mind racing, for nearly three hours. That was another thing she hadn’t managed to recover: a quiet enough mind to allow her to sleep. Sighing deeply, she gathered Faith’s sleeping little body into her arms, burying her face in her curls, breathing her in.
We’ve got another long day ahead of us, lovie. If you wouldn’t mind sharing some of that strength of yours, I’d quite appreciate it.
The truth is plain to see, Faith. You were sent to rescue me.
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mindmxtters · 5 years
Who Are You?
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NAME:  Bonnie!
STAR SIGN: Cancer (aka an angry crybaby crab floating in a sea of their own tears 🦀)
HEIGHT: 5′2″
WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME?: Rachel! Which was also my childhood babysitter’s name, funnily enough.
PUT YOUR SPOTIFY ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 6 SONGS THAT POPPED UP? Que Veux Tu (Madeon Remix) - Yelle, Gold - Chet Faker, Diane Young - Vampire Weekend, Future People - Alabama Shakes, Eros and Apollo - Studio Killers, Hello (Martin Solveig feat. Dragonette).
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU? LMAOOOO. Yes, but never explicitly. Basically this terribly stressful old rp group I was in and officially left last year had a superrr melodramatic admin who wrote poems on their personal as their form of venting. When The Drama was goin’ down last August, with my friend group officially leaving the group and discord servers and all, you can bet they were posting a poem every day about it for like, two weeks. One of them likened me and my friends to basically zombies, just dressed up in purple prose. What a dink!
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR? Hmm, hmm! Probably a few months, at least. There just tragically hasn’t been a lot of air guitar related opportunities in my life lately. I’ll have to change that!
WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? That's a tough one! I don't have any one end-all celebrity I like, personally. Lucy Liu has been an actress I’ve loved ever since Charlie’s Angels, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett is a cool dude, and Lupita Nyong'o is such an inspiration, and as time has gone on I've really started to admire Megan Fox and regret all of the ridicule she's had to endure, to name a few! 
WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE? I hate the sound silverware makes when scraping against a plate - basically any sounds where metal is grinding against something else makes my teeth itch. I love the sound of my cats’ purring!
HOW ABOUT ALIENS? Yep! I don’t really believe in an afterlife, but I think the idea that there’s other life somewhere out in the universe feels like a given.
IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? I’ve been a passenger in a few rear-ended crashes, and I have once rolled into the back of the car in front of me at a stop light. Eyes on the road, kids.
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? I’m alternating between the Animorphs series (since I found out it’s been uploaded in its entirety online and with the blessings of the authors), currently on book 4, and The Pnume by Jack Vance, after my mom recommended I read it when she checked it out of the library. I’m equal parts enjoying and horrified by Animorphs, since it’s so much more intense than I expected it to be, and I’m curious to see how The Pnume ends!
WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? GOD SO. On a whim me and my friends streamed The Sand (2015) because it sounded like one of those so bad it has to be good horror movies, and by god, we were right. It’s got everything - shoestring budget, horrible finale cgi, that one dude friend from Hannah Montana dying in the set piece scene of the movie because he literally just eats shit and falls onto The Sand, two women having immensely more chemistry than the beige dishtowel of a man they’re supposed to be fighting over, and Gilbert, who was the best thing about the movie and acted his role so well that he might as well have been someone they grabbed off the street and then convinced that everything happening in it was real. Would recommend if you’re not turned off by several very gorey death scenes!
WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? I’ve been lucky enough to never have broken a bone, so the worst I’ve ever experienced is one time I accidentally cut under my pinkie finger nail with a pair of safety scissors when I was like, 5. It healed fine, it was just a Very Bad Time in the moment.
DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? Always! Currently I’m really into Dead by Daylight, Non/Disney Fandom, Rimba Racer, Overwatch, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and so on! I kinda flutter between a lot of different series and games depending on my mood!
DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? It depends! If it’s something small, or something that happened a long time ago, like... who has time for that. Some shit just isn’t gonna come out in the wash, though, and ideally at that point I’m not interacting with that person much anymore, so it’s not like that’ll come up much. I’ll definitely still vent about things that hurt me, but I know ultimately anyone who hurts you doesn’t deserve any more of your time after that.
tagged by @anomalousunknown tagging: @glittcrngcld, @becominganexpert, @bluesmuses, @raceze, @wcrldlyadventures @hoopsheartthrob + whoever wants to do this!!! follow ur heart!! and don’t feel pressured to fill this out if ur not feeling it either, y’all do u!
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darbywu · 5 years
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this...is my...task
PRONOUNS — she/her
AGE — 18 
PINTEREST —  https://www.pinterest.com/melliesgrant/pins/
DISCORD — pantywise the dancing thot#2297
TUMBLR (PERSONAL/MUSE/RPH) — @lavraharrier
MYER-BRIGGS — i dont rmr tbh
HP HOUSE — no clue
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? — 100% hmu for my costar
WHAT YEAR WAS IT? — most likely 2013 or 2014??
NAME A RANDOM ROLEPLAY THAT STICKS OUT IN YOUR MEMORY — my favorite/most memorable rp i’ve ever been in was one called dare that shit was CRAZY
NAME A BOOK THAT YOU READ IN SCHOOL THAT YOU SURPRISINGLY LIKED — like every book i read in high school tbh?? the one that surprised me was romeo and juliet cuz i used to be one of the THEY WERE CHILDREN THEYRE DUMB but i fuckin loved it
WHAT TV SHOW DID YOU RECENTLY BINGE? — the society and currently true blood
FAVOURITE QUOTE —  “Angry, and half in love with her, and tremendously sorry, I turned away.”
DO YOU WRITE OUTSIDE OF RP? WHAT DO YOU WRITE? — only in my head betch
THREE YOUTUBERS YOU STILL TRUST — NONE TBH idk maybe loey lane, ryan hollinger, and david dobrik??
A CELEBRITY CRUSH THAT JUST WON’T QUIT — ewan mcgregor always will own my ass thx
EVER MEET A CELEBRITY? SHARE YOUR STORY — i’ve met nick robinson while in london and lauren jauregui cuz shes kinda related to my best friend
WHAT’S YOUR PICTURE-PERFECT NIGHT? — some scene in a movie where i’m adventuring at night in some beautiful place with people i love IDK
GHOSTS — 100%
BIG FOOT — 100%
THE LOCHNESS MONSTER? — i am the lochness monster so duh
DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING? — i used to collect snow globes but i guess i collect stephen king books
WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BUT YOU’RE TWO LAZY? — the entire stephen king universe and how it connects but i’m too lazy to read whoop
THREE LANGUAGES YOU DON’T SPEAK, BUT WISH YOU COULD — spanish, french, and anything else
A GUILTY PLEASURE MOVIE — charlies angels
A GUILTY PLEASURE MUSICAL ARTIST — i don’t listen to music tbh whoops
TELEVISION SHOW — if guilty pleasure? original roswell. if fav show?? twin peaks
HOBBIES BESIDES WASTING AWAY HERE? — i’m too lazy for hobbies
PLUG A TV SHOW / MOVIE / BOOK / VIDEO GAME / ETC… YOU WISH MORE PEOPLE WOULD CHECK OUT — ORIGINAL ROSWELL, twin peaks, all stephen king books, invisible monsters, anything written by ira levin, original silent hill games, BEING JOHN MALKOVICH
ON A SCALE OF 1-10, HOW MUCH DID YOU HATE FILLING THIS OUT? – i loved every second of it babe
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telemakheia-rp · 5 years
Who Are You?
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NAME:  Katie
HEIGHT: 5′3″
PUT YOUR SPOTIFY ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 6 SONGS THAT POPPED UP? This won’t be a good representation of my music taste as a whole since I don’t really use Spotify all that much but let’s see what we get from my liked songs: 1) “Save Tonight” - Eagle-Eye Cherry; 2) “Bitter Sweet Symphony” - The Verve; 3) “Numb” - Linkin Park; 4) “Semi-Charmed Life” - Third Eye Blind; 5) “Somebody That I Used to Know” - Gotye & Kimbra; 6) “Set Fire to the Rain” - Adele
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU? I believe I’ve been mentioned in a poem probably but that’s p much it. 
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR? Uhmmm ... it’s been at least a few weeks, I think? 
WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? uhhhh so many??? it’s safe to assume if they’ve played a sword- or bow- wielding heroic type character in any of my fandoms I’ve fallen in love with them at some point in my life. 
WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE? Uhhh ... oh!! Any beeping/blaring alarm sound like a fire alarm in a building or the sound trucks have to make to tell you when they’re backing up or a fast food restaurant with incessant alarms on their ovens. Can’t do it. I love most nature sounds, especially gentle breezes through trees, thunderstorms at night, waves rolling onto a beach, etc. 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? I don’t have a strong belief about them either way, but I acknowledge the possibility of their existence. Ghosts and gods fall into the same category: I’m technically agnostic about both.
HOW ABOUT ALIENS? There is definitely intelligent life somewhere out there in that unimaginably vast expanse of universe. Whether we’ll ever come in contact with them is another story entirely. 
DO YOU DRIVE? Absolutely. It’s kinda hard not to in my city.
IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? Yes. Parking lots are not fair at all, and before I got diagnosed with narcolepsy I once fell asleep at the wheel on the freeway and rear-ended an 18-wheeler. I was fine, thankfully, not going at full speed because traffic was backed up, but it was a wake-up call for sure. 
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? I guess technically Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannos was the last thing I read in its entirety.
DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE? Nnnope. It doesn’t disturb me too much but I don’t enjoy it at all. 
WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? Umm ... oh, I rewatched Disney’s Hercules with a friend! and also What We Do in the Shadows for the first time.
WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? I broke my arm the last week of 6th grade.
DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? D&D streaming shows, Non/Disney, ASOIAF/Game of Thrones, The Magicians
DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? It really depends. Certain things can blow over because they weren’t very important or serious to begin with, but once a certain threshold has been crossed, there can be no going back. 
tagged by: @anomalousunknown​ tagging: [just steal it if you wanna]
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taste-in-music · 5 years
My Favorite Songs of 2018 by Genre
There was a LOT of music this year that I still wanted to talk about but didn’t get put on the other posts I made, so I decided to put yet ANOTHER list together. (Read my top albums and EPs of the year lists if you want some context.) Buckle up, because it’s going to be a long one, folks. Here are the rules for eligibility:
The songs on this list most likely a) weren’t on an album that I loved in its entirety/didn’t feel that strongly about, b) were on an album that I didn’t have time to listen to, or c) were released as singles. 
No songs from the albums or EPs I’ve previously mentioned are eligible. 
I’ll try my best not to include singles that are for albums coming out next year (for example, I’m not putting Light On by Maggie Rogers or Party For One by Carly Rae Jepsen on the list.) Those songs will be eligible if I do a list next year. If I accidentally do put an album single on the list, it’s because I didn’t know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now, presented in no particular order, let’s get to some tunes.
Used to You by Dagny: If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that I’m obsessed with Norwegian pop star Dagny, who I learned about through a recommendation from a friend. This song is one of her best: uptempo but melancholy, with honest, vulnerable lyrics about a strained relationship. 
Crush by Tessa Violet: On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, we’ve got a bubbly sugar-pop song about having a crush on someone. It’s quite simple as to why I love this song: it’s just so joyfully adorable.
Sweet but Psycho by Ava Max: Okay, why is this not a hit the U.S.? It’s already gotten to number one in Norway, Finland, and Sweden, and is making a splash in the U.K. While I’m iffy on the lyrics, this song has one of the catchiest hooks of the year. It’s a giant guilty pleasure of mine. 
Sucker Punch by Sigrid: This was named the eighth best song of the year by Time magazine and it’s easy to see why. It has all the elements that make up a Sigrid song (catchy melody, her signature raspy vocals,) but has just enough quirky touches and eccentric details to it that set it apart from the rest of her discography. 
Do Right by Glades: Glades are so underrated, and I’ve mentioned them in a bunch of posts before. This song is them at their best, with one of the stickiest choruses of the year and a sweet synth riff. 
Batshit by Sofi Tukker: I first heard this song in an iPhone commercial, oddly enough. I’m not going to say that this song is good, because I’m fairly sure that it isn’t good. The chorus is literally the word “batshit” said over and over and over again. But somehow, it’s perfect? It’s simple while at the same time having so many cool elements that it’s never boring. The funky bass riff, lowered vocals, electronic drop are all so infectious. Sofi Tukker are my guilty pleasure band, so check them out if you’re into strange dance club music. 
Chasers by Bahari: This pulsating, electronic groove from California based trio (now duo :/) Bahari is like a dangerous lullaby. The twinkling production and harmonies keep the tone tense but enjoyable. I hope they release more music soon. 
Cause You Did by Willa: Willa exploded onto my radar with her powerful, ass kicking anthem Swan, which she released back in 2016. I was so excited to see that she had released new music. This song is a bit different from her previous work, swerving more into the pop lane, but is still charming as hell. (Fun fact, she was in an episode of Supernatural. 10.13 Halt and Catch Fire. The more you know, am I right?)
San Francisco by Fickle Friends: This is my favorite song off of the Broken Sleep EP (I think it’s an EP? It’s only three songs... Check it out regardless.) Fickle Friends’s sound is so summery and tropical, it never fails to put me in a good mood, and this song is a perfect example of that. 
F**k U by Kailee Morgue: A whole tell off anthem. Like her other material, this song balances darker material with a sweet and innocent sounding vocal delivery. Just make sure you listen to the uncensored version. Listening to the clean version is like listening to the radio edit of IDGAF by Dua Lipa or “Forget” You by CeeLo Green. It has no bite to it without the title word being said.
Emotion by Astrid S: When I first heard Such a Boy, I knew that Astrid S had the potential to be a pop starlet in the vein of Zara Larsson. This song is a lot of fun, with a whistling hook and Astrid S’s usual sassy delivery.  
Cherry by Rina Sawayama: This is a whole BOP, from the whispery intro to the rushing production to the melodic, get-stuck-in-your-head chorus. This song is much like its title suggests: bright and sweet with just enough of a twang to keep it interesting, just like a cherry. 
Baby Don’t Talk by LÉON: Of the two singles she released this year, I can’t help but like this one a little bit more (but don’t get me wrong, Falling is a whole bop and a half.) This song is just so likable, from the snappy percussion to the “ooOOooOOhs,” to the unforgettable melody. LÉON is so underrated, I can’t encourage you enough to listen through her three EPs and other singles. They’re all gold. 
Daughter by L Devine: I can’t tell you how shook I was when I first heard this song. It’s L Devine at her finest, with a catchy melody, relatable lyrics, and just the right amount of electronic elements. This song is the wlw bop that no one’s talking about that everyone should be talking about. 
Carousel by Skylar Spence: I found this gem thanks to Spotify’s Indie Pop playlist. The pulse to this song always makes me want to tap my toes. It’s like if the color yellow was a song. The lyrics are super cute, and the glitchy, robotic chorus just works somehow.  
R.E.M. by Ariana Grande: While I found Sweetener as an album a bit uneven in quality, it’s still by Ariana fucking Grande. She could sing What’s The Fox Say and it would sound beautiful. This track is my personal favorite, with the cute little “bum bum bums” and the all around dreamy atmosphere. There’s also a funny amount of self awareness in this song, with the whole “’Excuse me, um, I love you,’” and “does this end?” It adds a layer of charm and personality that elevate this song. Ariana Grande is definitely the pop idol we need in the hot 100 right now, dear Lorde.
Sue Me by Sabrina Carpenter: What a fricking BANGER! This song rocked me to my core. Sabrina Carpenter is one of the best singers to come out of the Disney machine, and she’s always had potential for greatness (remember Thumbs? That song slaps.) There’s something visceral and inexplicably powerful about this song, I feel it right in my gut. It’s my favorite off of Singular Act 1, @eleanorschidis thank you for convincing me to listen through the album.
Love The Lie by Call Me Loop: I don’t feel like I can communicate why I’m so obsessed with this song, but I’ll try. It’s catchy as fuck, the twinkling guitar riff, the beat and melody... it’s all just so perfect. You know what? I can’t do it justice. Just listen to it. 
Drink About by Seeb ft. Dagny: This might be my favorite pop song of the year, and I both do and don’t know why. On one hand, the lyrics are repetitive, it’s simplistic, and it’s just another club dance song. But on the other hand, there’s something about it that elevates it beyond that. First off, there’s Dagny, who I’ve said before I LOVE, and her performance brings so much emotion and pain and personality to the song. Then there’s Seeb’s production, managing to make an unforgettable drop and chorus out of only a handful of lines. There was a period of time where I would just listen to this song on repeat, and it never got old or tired despite its repetition. It’s like a rush of euphoria whenever I hear it, and I can’t recommend it enough. 
Honey Dew by LION BABE: Like Say Lou Lou, I first learned about LION BABE by reading about them in Teen Vogue. I put off checking them out for a while, and when I finally did, I wasn’t disappointed. This songs is one of the chillest I’ve heard this year. Jillian Hervey’s smooth voice and the twinkling pianos and shuffling percussion of Lucas Goodman’s production just meld so perfectly together. 
After the Storm by Kali Uchis ft. Tyler, The Creator and Bootsy Collins: There’s something about Kali Uchis’s voice that is so unique and so sultry, I can’t help but get sucked into her music. This song mixes together her lovely crooning, a rap verse from Tyler, The Creator, bubbly production, and uplifting lyrics, and I can’t help but feel happy whenever I hear it. This song feels like emerging from a cold lake, it’s that refreshing. (Also, count In My Dreams as an honorable mention, that song is great too.)
The Kids Are Alright by Chloe x Halle: The song is awe-inspiring, from the powerful harmonies of the opening to the rhythmic switch-ups present all throughout the song. I love the “we are we are we are” mantra that repeats all throughout the song. It almost sounds like a poem put to music. 
Blue Lights by Jorja Smith: Mixing a spoken word style hip hop and reggae elements into her usual graceful sound, Jorja Smith manages to craft a pretty sounding R&B song with a meaningful message behind it. Her debut album Lost & Found isn’t what I usually listen to, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. Also, can Jorja Smith drop her skincare routine? How does she get it so dewy and smooth? She’s so hecking pretty, I can’t even. 
Honey by Raveena: YouTube played this song as a commercial before a video I was watching, and I fell in love with it. Raveena’s voice is so delicate, fragile even, and just lovely paired with the simple but glistening production. 
Summer Pack by Childish Gambino: Okay, I’m putting both songs on here. My only explanation for this EP is that Donald Glover took the entire season of Summer and managed to distill it into two R&B songs. Summertime Magic has a watery, tropical mood that’s always refreshing to hear (am I the only one that is reminded of Wii Sports Resort?) and Feels Like Summer makes me feel like I’m sitting on my front steps in the middle of August with a melting orange popsicle. 
Baby by Bishop Briggs: While more pop leaning than her usual content, the blatant sexuality, personal lyrics, and Bishop Briggs’s usual powerful vocals sell this song. Also, the music video is AMAZING. I’ve put it on my animated music videos that give me life series, but I can’t reiterate enough how great the animation is. Holy hell. 
Gold Rush by Death Cab for Cutie: This song is downright ethereal. It sounds like it’s lulling you to sleep, but in the best kind of way. It isn’t boring, it’s soothing. Hearing this song on the radio is what got me into this band, and while I haven’t heard their entire discography, I know that this song will remain one of my favorites.
Hand It Over by MGMT: Just like Gold Rush, this song is so soothing it’s practically therapeutic. Every time I hear it, I just melt right into my chair. I’d say I’m a casual fan of MGMT, (I haven’t heard their less mainstream albums,) but I really like Oracular Spectacular and Little Dark Age. This is one of my favorite cuts off the latter album.
Idaho by Gorillaz: While The Now Now didn’t leave a big impression on me, this song makes me glad that I decided to listen to it. The production has this swell to it at the chorus, which is just so calming. I really like how the song is dappled with nature sounds, too. It makes me feel like I’m in a cabin next to a lake in the middle of the woods and it’s raining outside but I’m cuddled up in a cozy blanket with a cup of peppermint tea.
Baby You’re A Haunted House by Gerard Way: I’ve never listened to My Chemical Romance, so I didn’t know what to expect from this song, but holy crap. It’s a total banger. The guitars on this track are so fuzzy and aggressive in all the right ways. This was what I had on repeat all throughout Halloween. 
Blood and Bones by TRACE: The only word I can use to describe the song is entrancing. TRACE’s smooth vocals and the laid back production always make me feel so relaxed, and the funkier electronic touches and glittery piano riffs add just enough to keep it all interesting. 
Nobody by Mitski: I told y’all I be mentioning Mitski on one of these lists! While the entirety of Be The Cowboy was lovely, Nobody stands out as one of the catchiest, strangest, and most depressing songs of the year. How can a song about crushing, isolating loneliness that literally has a lyric about the hypothetical aliens living on Venus bop to the gods? I have no clue, but Mistki pulled it off. 
Fruity by Rubblebucket: Speaking of weird lyrics, this one takes the cake: “I said I’d make it to the party / But I’ve got a lot going on / The lioness gave a feast for forty off her body / Then slept on the ground till a flower grew out.” I have no clue what the hell that's supposed to mean, but it works. The little “lalala”s and the whispered vocals make for an interesting listen. Thanks, Spotify’s Discover Weekly!
Pristine by Snail Mail: The brain child of nineteen year old Lindsey Jordan, Snail Mail is one of the most intriguing indie rock acts I’ve heard this year. Her debut album, Lush, is full of awesome songs, but Pristine has got to be my favorite. The lyrics about the monotony of party culture, accompanied by an upbeat guitar riff and communicated through her raw vocals, all come together to form a song that you can both headbang and relax to. 
She’s Kerosene by The Interrupters: I don’t listen to ska punk, but this song is a just a ton of fun. There’s a sweet saxophone solo, and holy crap does Aimee Allen have a ton of personality on the vocals. Even my dad liked this song.
Body Talks by The Struts ft. Kesha: AND I MEAN THE KESHA VERSION. The original is fine, but when you’ve got a version of a song with Kesha on it, do you really need to hear the other one? This song has such an explosive and rocking chorus and Luke Spiller of The Struts and Kesha have great chemistry. I hope Kesha ventures more into the rock genre in the future, because she, well, rocks at it.
Midnight by Black Honey: A grimy banger complete with bold vocals, a chorus that will get. stuck. in your. head, assertive guitars, and a kick ass synthesizer solo? Yes, please. I loved Midnight from the first time I heard it. I might have mentioned before that I heard of this song through YouTube recommendations, and I’m so happy to have come across this song and this band. 
Lavender Bones by Stand Atlantic: As I mentioned in my artist recommendation post, this song is the update to Misery Business by Paramore that I never knew I needed. It’s noisy, it’s angry, it’s so goddamn catchy. I’m not always into the whole punk sound, but this song surpasses its genre. It’s just so good. 
Shame by Elle King: Since hearing Ex’s and Oh’s back in 2015, I’ve been obsessed with Elle King’s debut, Love Stuff. It’s one of those albums that I can put on and listen to all the way through. Her follow up, Shake The Spirit, was also pretty good, showcasing her gritty, powerful voice intertwined with rock, blues, and country elements. This song is the standout, explosive, boot stomping, and a whole lot of fun. 
Uh Huh by Jade Bird: This song is the epitome of a headbanger. It was a tossup between this song and her other singles, Love Has All Been Done Before and Lottery, for this list, but this one just had to be on it. This is one of my most listened to rock songs of the year. The energetic guitar gives the song an electric pulse, and Jade Bird’s vocals... holy shit does she have pipes. Her voice reminds me of Alanis Morissette. This song sprints at full speed, as over as quickly as it started, and a hell of a rush too. 
Fireworks by First Aid Kit: I’m not a big fan of country/folk music, but this Swedish sister duo have surpassed my usual genre bias time and time again. This song is my favorite off of their album Ruins, (they dropped the EP Tender Offerings this year, too. It’s a lovely little slice of folk that I’d definitely recommend y’all check out.) This is a grand, soaring ballad, showcasing the sisters’ harmonization and a showstopping string instrument. Just gorgeous. 
Reasons Not To Die (Demo) by Ryn Weaver: Ryn Weaver was one of the first artists I listened to when I was first defining my taste in music. Her album The Fool is what got me into the indie pop and alternative genres. While hopeful that she’d drop more music, I was also pretty sure that it wasn’t going to happen for a long, long while because she doesn’t currently have a label. Then this song came along. Everything about it is beautiful: Ryn’s vibrato-rich voice, the melody, the lyrics, guys. This song’s lyrics are so personal and authentic. As the song continues, it builds up to this crescendo, and Ryn’s voice gets more powerful and yet more vulnerable at the same time, the music swells... and then it drops back down again. This song makes me teary whenever I hear it, and that doesn’t happen that often. Please, Ryn. Drop more music. Lorde knows we need voices like yours in the current music scene. 
Listen to the complete mix of all these songs HERE. What were your favorite songs of 2018? Any artists, albums, singles, etc. I should know about? Leave your thoughts and recommendations down below.
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lloronala · 6 years
1. Name: Alice 2. Star Sign: Leo 3. Height: 5′3 4. Put your iTunes or Spotify on shuffle. What are the first 5 songs that come up? The Sound -- The 1975 Idea -- Gen Hoshino Dance To This -- Troye Sivan  Wild Heart -- Bleachers No Hay Nadie Más --  Sebastián Yatra 5. Ever had a poem or song written about you? LMAO NO 6. When was the last time you played guitar? Months back tbh? With a friend’s 7. Who is your celebrity crush? Michael B Jordan  8. What’s a sound you hate and a sound you love? I honestly hate the sound of awkward silence? I guess that isn’t exactly a sound...but tbh it does bother me either way lol--and a sound I love I guess are either being in a busy crowd for events/etc or laughter I guess. 9. Do you believe in ghosts? I’m very half on half on this. A part of me does believe in spirits, but I’m very torn about it despite having been raised in a religious household that does believe in them. 10. How about aliens? Not really no. 11. Do you drive? Yep. 12. What was the last book you read The Little Prince.  13. Do you like the smell of gasoline? Eh, sorta but not really? 14. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Spraining my ankle like twice in a row, I think...that or accidentally cutting part of my thumb off while making a stupid frame for class. 15. Do you have an obsession right now? As of now, not really?? Like I guess...Disney, surprisingly, since I’ve never really been into Disney until as of late? Otherwise, I’m not that into it, but it’s definitely something to keep me distracted while term is starting. 16. Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Depends on what they did to me. I’m someone that is very quick to anger, but I don’t hold onto grudges for that long because I sorta empathize with them at the very end most of the time. 17. In a relationship? No.
Tagged by: @rollingsnowsmasher !! <33 sends u a chef’s kiss Tagging: @galaxycrxss @vinterdronniing @dequererte @gliitchiing @mortiiicia @unboundbydeath @yellowedsunshines @heartshards @puentedeflores & anyonee
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