louisterai · 2 years
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今日の一枚 レコード編 自宅の地下室で4トラックのレコーダーでカセットテープに録音した、アルバム。全て楽器、声、SPRINGSTEEN 会ったミュージシャンの中でダントツ良い人❣️立ち話で30分くらい話してくれた。音楽の話ゼロ。笑笑。隣の家の話とか、Chromeheartsから貰った財布の話とか何故か中まで見せてくれた。笑笑。彼の#chromehearts の財布には彼のイニシャルが刻印されたプレートが着いてた。機嫌が良かったのか話が止まらない。兎に角良い人だった。また会える日まで❣️ BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN NEBRASKA Garrard 301 #作品の産まれる環境 #brucespringsteen #nabraska #analog#レコード#garrad401#garrard301#orfton #vynalrecords #vynal#musicoftheday #motd#louisterai #アキュフェーズ#真空管アンプ #tannoystirling #オーディオのある生活 #audiophile #audio https://www.instagram.com/p/CjecChBPnPP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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15krixa15 · 8 months
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Fairy hat.....
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choppedmint · 5 months
None of my favorite characters ever die - nope, they're all fine. Just on vacation ... in Nebraska!
Me, finding out my favorite character IN A FANDOM I'M NOT EVEN IN (very certainly not, nope, not me, I'm not obsessed. I'm in a healthy working relationship with AO3 right now), dies.
This is normal. This is usual. I am always fated to have this occur. But also this never happened and I deny seeing anything. Death? What death? No death here? What does it mean that my character has this strange word next to them by their 'Status' on the wiki? Naaah. Imma just gonna go look at fan art and forget canon exists again.
In fact, I have never ever consumed canon ever. I've no idea what you're talking about. The only existence I know of for this character is whatever fun scenario I'm making up in my head! Ooo! Look at the pretty fan art! Isn't it great! Ignore this book I'm pushing under the bed, it has an authors name on it, but I think this story was ACTUALLY written by Unicornlovver256 on whatever site of my choosing, or weren't you aware you were reading the objectively incorrect one?
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the-fox-alive · 1 year
It’s very heartening to see that there are people who care enough about us to do the things they can to stop us from being killed by the government
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In the car with my adult son in 1990 on the run from the FBI we're in like Nabraska or something and he's making me listen to They Might Be Giants send help
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chahleybros · 1 year
So it's been a bit since the last episode of Trigun Stampede S1 has been out. So I wanna just talk about some things I liked. Spoilers, duh.
While condensing and rearranging the timeline of events between The Fall and Lost July is odd, it makes sense for the sake of being narratively clear what's going on. This show made me root for The Nabraska Family and Brad of all characters.
What I'm confused about is why anyone calls Vash the Humanoid Typhoon prior to July. It makes sense he'd have a bounty being accused of The Fall and some of Knives other actions, but the title specifically is given to Vash once he's been labelled a Human Natural Disaster by the Insurance Society, making all his actions not covered by their insurance. Meryl and Millie's job in the original is to follow Vash to verify if any damage done was caused by him.
That aside, with them changing how Vash lost his arm I'm most curious about how they're gonna handle Legato, since in Stampede he's never gonna get Vash's arm.
Above all else, I'm glad they reverted Vash to his personality separate from his depiction in the Pilot manga (Love and Peace from the '98 anime). The pilot is good, but it fundamentally changed how Vash acted to the point they had to rewrite his interactions with Meryl for 3 episodes in advance just to justify it.
Also they started Maximum in Lost July. It's only his jacket and Chronica being mentioned so far, but Vash's hair has subtly changed from platinum blonde to sand, and his eyebrows have gone to black. If they go full Maximum, well Knives will at least get a better fate than in Under the Sky So Blue (last episode of Trigun '98).
It's honestly incredibly fucked up morally how the '98 anime ends since Knives is still alive. All around, Trigun Stampede is really fucking good, and having read through the entirety of Maximum i can say it pulls off all the changes wonderfully. So quit bitching that it's different and watch it, my biggest complaint was that they Downsized Vash's gun from 6 shot .45 long colt to 9 shot .22 up until you see how he gets it.
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vatican3 · 9 months
I feel a bit dumb for it now. But before you mentioned it I did not realize North Dakota had a discernible accent.
North Dakota and nabraska simply slip my mind sometimes. Not that i think they aren’t real or whatever like how ppl joke about Ohio but more like I forget that those are places. If asked to name all the states those would be the ones I’d accidentally leave out.
I think JJ remains equally hot knowing his accent. Fuckability chart remains in a plateau. But Google has not offered me a consistent accent when I have tried to research this so my take is under informed at best. I will remain strong nonetheless. I’ve simped for characters with Wisconsin accents before it’s like I’ve been training for this.
As someone in Wisconsin the accent is very similar in North Dakota. I don’t find it unfuckable, I think it’s pretty charming, but I’m biased. JJ’s also from a pretty small/rural town (less than 1000) so the accent is. Stronger. He’s a very special boy (I hate him). He is pretty sexy though……
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guilted-bat · 1 year
How did the Nabraska family outlive Milly omg.
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untitled849 · 1 year
Lady Gaga《Alejandro》:再见了,阿力
Lady Gaga 2010 年发表的《Alejandro》的音乐录影带很难懂。导演说这部影片讲的是女主角对于想要重燃旧爱的渴望 - 她不能直面现实的残酷(about a woman's desire to resurrect a dead love and who can not face the brutality of her present situation)。他又说,这部影片是关于“失去了真爱以后继续活下去的痛苦”(the pain of living without your true love)。而 Gaga 则说这部片子是关于她跟男同性恋者之间友谊的纯洁性,以及她在跟异男之间找不到这样的感情("purity of my friendships with my gay friends, and how I’ve been unable to find that with a straight man in my life.")她还说,在影片中,她渴望得到男同朋友的爱,但是他们不希望跟她在一块(In the video I’m pining for the love of my gay friends—but they just don’t want me to be with them.)
Steven 还说,影片中的宗教符号并无负面意涵,而是象征了人物在这个世界的黑暗力量和灵魂的精神层面救赎之间的斗争。因此,在影片结尾,她决定成为一个修女,她的嘴巴和眼睛消失的原因是因为她把感官从这个邪恶世界当中移开,而是把感官探向内心的祈祷和思考当中。
“The religious symbolism is not meant to denote anything negative, but represents the character's battle between the dark forces of this world and the spiritual salvation of the Soul," Klein wrote. "Thus at the end of the film, she chooses to be a nun, and the reason her mouth and eyes disappear is because she is withdrawing her senses from the world of evil and going inward towards prayer and contemplation.”
从她的个人经历和之后几年慢慢说出的一些事实来看,Monster 这张专辑是对于欣快的《The Fame》的反面作品。这张专辑除了 Bad Romance 和 Telephone 是关于强烈的爱和对于烦人前男友的排斥外其他的歌曲《Monster》和《Dance in The Dark》好像都是在写关于她在受到性��犯以后的阴影。
男同性恋在她的眼中是纯洁的代表 - 她在跟异性恋男生的交往中被利用,被欺骗,被侵犯,对她不管不顾。而她的“真爱” - 那个 Nabraska guy,好像对她是不那么在乎的样子,也已经离开了她。也许她对于男同性恋的渴求一方面是因为她被抛弃以后怀念前男友,另一方面她在跟男同性恋之间的感情中找到了满足。
开头的场景是她对于旧爱的告别。她心情沉重地披着黑纱,说到“我知道我们还年轻,我也你知道你可能还爱我,但我们不能再这样下去了,阿力。”阿力眼神凝重地看着她 - 他留着短发,身材健硕,但他只是舞台上的一个道具,他已经逝去了,对她来说已经死了。
她跟阿力的告别是一种无奈。她爱他远远超过他的感情,而他却可以贬低她或者跟别的人交好。她不仅跟阿力告别,还跟其他的男生也告别了,也许这是她对于恋爱的绝望。在影片中,她好像想通过乱性来满足自己在恋爱中的痛苦(甚至有 SM 元素)。
跟她发生性关系的男生都留着波波头,这应该是表示他们是同性恋,她只是把他们当玩具来玩弄。她在影片中做男性打扮,把自己的生理性别模糊化。在后续的镜头中,她跟男同社群形成了多人簇拥她一人的关系(与 Born This Way 的影片很相似);她加入男同军队,想要征服他们。(军队的士兵需要一名军花来满足自己的性需求好像是可以想象出的一种场景。)她变成了男同社群的一个闯入者和异类,但是男同社群好像却对她五体投地 - 在性爱当中,她也是占据主动地位的那一方,好像跟平常的体位有明显不同。她在想象之中的自己好像是有男生殖器的,因为她可以插入他们 - 这也反映了她在这里的性别可能并不清晰,或者她是一个未行手术的跨性别女性。
可以这样想象 - 她想通过这支影片表达自己对于男同粉丝的一种性幻想。男同对她总是很崇拜、很依赖,把她视作女王。这种感情跟恋情之间的界限究竟是什么?她希望想象他们把这种崇敬从精神层面扩展到生理层面,成为他们的伴侣,在身体上达成结合。所以她想象出了 an army of gays(男同组成的军队),而她要作为悲伤之中的丧偶中性 Gaga 寡妇去征服他们,达到某种幻想的极致性爱/群交。
同时我们看到她在床上手举念珠说“阿力,就让我走吧。”可以理解成她心里依然在思念那个人,她希望神能让她超脱这种挣扎和寂寞,不让她陷入混乱的性爱之中。但镜头却不断切到她跟男人之间的性爱镜头 - 这反映了她在阴暗面与自我救赎之间的挣扎。
之后的镜头 - 男同群体抛弃了她。没有人要她。她对他们出卖了自己的贞操来换取他们的兴趣。她在男同关系中和异男关系中得到了同样的结局 - 被凌辱,被抛弃,被利用。至于为什么男同会喜欢她的身体
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15krixa15 · 3 months
On October 3 I came to nabraska wish my dad and my grandma and six dogs he said that we were going to go from Nebraska to Colorado and set up a new dog business and then I'd get to go to my mom in Oklahoma
He said it would take 2 weeks and left a couple days after like October 5th
It has been almost 6 months since I've seen him he's abandoned me and my grandma out here.
I was able to get some 300$ last month to go to my mom's house with one of my dogs
my grandma's check bounced in feb.
The person who said she was going to drive me to my mom's house is no longer doing that and she's keeping the $300 that I was going to use to get to my mom
I can bring her and try and get it back but that's only going to put me out on the street sleeping in the park with my dog and it gets to be about 16 degrees with wind 5° at night
I don't know what to do I don't have any savings any kind because my dad took it before we could leave that was about $700 and he was supposed to give me $400 to get to my mom so I could actually try and get a place
I don't have any way to get a job I don't even have a California ID anymore and I can't get one because I have no money.
And I don't know what to do because I can't pay her rent and my mom can't afford to get me to her it's a 6-hour drive away
And my what who helped give me the 300 is no longer talking to me because of this my mom's side of the family is no longer talking to me because of this
And it's not even my fault and I don't know what to do
And apparently it's illegal to kill yourself
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hausaloaded · 1 year
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Interactive Nabraska Map
The interactive Nabraska Map template shows you the names of each professional Interactive each state is clickable. You can use the code by copying and pasting it on any web site page (html page, WordPress, php website, shopify, Wix, SquareSpace, Joomla and other CMS’s). Features SVG responsive and fully resizable. All state (colors, link, hover information etc). Each state are clickable The map…
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pasparal · 4 years
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West Point Storm, June 14, 2013 Photographer: Richard Johnson (Caleb Elliott) Source: DeviantArt
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growingwithtrees · 6 years
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@Nebraskans, explain why you have a furry gas station. 
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