#naughty porcelain doll man
samgirard · 3 months
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└ross colton in the box | col vs. ari | 2.18.24
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ghostkinnie · 2 years
Pairing: Sett, Darius, Shen, Aatrox and Thresh x reader
warnings → nsfw, size kink, daddy kink, breeding kink, praise kink, degradation kink
a/n: some nsfw from the big guys 🥴
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Sett is huge, even if you're tall, you can't compare to the wall of muscle he is. So it's obvious he has a size kink and you found that out when you went to bed for the first time.
He tried to be as gentle as possible so as not to hurt you, entering you slowly but it didn't take long for him to lose control when he saw his cock being crushed by your small hole. This man moaned like a beast when he saw your belly rise with the size of his dick. He went insane.
"Fuck doll! You're so small, I'll break you like this"
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It may not seem like it but Darius is a gentleman, he loves to treat you like porcelain in bed and honestly what attracts him the most is how small you are in his arms.
You don't have to try hard because he will do everything. He loves having those big, callused hands by your breasts, sinking those wide fingers into your mouth and making you gasp. But if there's something that makes him going crazy is when he's fucking you and you're begging for his big dick.
"Do you want me to come inside you, baby? I know you want daddy to fill you."
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This man loves her small mouth and the way she fits his dick so well. He goes crazy when he sees tears in your eyes as you try to swallow his size with your throat tight, he can spend hours watching this scene.
"Come on, little one, you're perfect like that."
He whispers as he takes your hair in his fingers and makes you hold all his cock in your mouth, moaning at the contact.
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Thresh is a sadistic bitch, so it's no surprise that he loves to see you squirming to support his size. He licks his lips and smiles wickedly when you scream with pleasure at being fucked by him.
"So small but so naughty, bunny."
He teases you as he holds your small waist in his hands and sinks deep inside you making you roll your eyes and scream with pleasure. He wants to destroy your cunt.
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I hope you don't want to walk in your life anymore because this man has no pity. He'll fuck you like you're a doll and he'll love how you squirm. Aatrox is giant and his dick is as big as he is, so no matter how much you guys have done it you will never will be used to its size.
He will literally destroy you, leave you shaking and sobbing for him, a real mess.
"That's right, cry like a bitch over my dick that's what you're for."
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fuck-the-lore · 3 years
First request! This was sent by an anon party on discord whom I love and adore and treasure.
Brahms Heelshire x GN! Reader
Prompt: Overhearing Masturbation
Warnings: nonconsensual voyeurism, general smut.
Brahms knew the mansion like the back of his hand. He knew every audible creak, every weak floorboard, every crack and crevice where light could shine through to reveal the man hidden behind. This house was a part of him, just as he was apart of it. A decade plus of it being his entire world certainly aided in that regard.
Which made the soft sounds, muffled and hesitant, that echoed straight into his room feel deafening.
He knew the creaks and groans, the moans and whispers of the house. He knew them like a lover; like a part of himself. These… were not that. No, rather than ambient sounds of a house aged and heavy with history, these had a direct source.
Brahms just had to find it.
It was well past midnight, long since when he should have been abed, but the sounds beckoned him to rise and follow. Curiosity was a dangerous thing, yet Brahms could never deny its sweet temptation. He slipped through the narrow walls, slipping down rusted ladders and past tight passages with practiced ease despite his bulk. Every subtle breath and trembling sound caught his ears, coaxing him along, guiding better than any map.
When he finally found the source, Brahms honestly couldn’t say he was displeased. Surprised, perhaps, that a nanny would be so bold, but definitely not unhappy with the turn of events.
Where he had expected to find an intruder, perhaps even the long-since-lost hope that his parents were returning, Brahms instead found… You. In your room. Occupied.
Not unpleasantly, no - you weren’t with another party and breaking the rules. Rather, he found you in your room, door locked and curtains shut pleasuring yourself. He knew the sounds well, having made more than a few of his own in moments of longing. Several of your shirts were well stained with his desires filled in the dead of night.
But to find you like this? All laid out for his own private viewing pleasure?
Well… perhaps Brahms could be a bit naughty tonight.
You needn’t ever know, he promised himself, eyes transfixed on your writhing body. His knuckles were white from his grip on the wall boards. Barely a sliver was cut into the wall paper, just enough to see you. See your hands, stroking eager flesh, chasing release so fervently. Enough to bask in your muted sounds of pleasure; your gasps, your whimpers, your choked-back moans.
He wanted to be the one to wring those from you. Brahms wanted to touch you, to hold you, to bring you physical bliss beyond compare.
To kiss you.
Large fingers brushed cold porcelain, tracing the sculpted cupid’s bow, the flesh beneath brushing the hardness in a facsimile to a kiss. It would feel different, he knew, to press against your mouth rather than this. Warm; alive. God, you would feel so alive and his hands trembled at the merest thought of the contact.
Brahms choked on a gasp of his own, hastily tearing open his fly to join you. Even if he couldn’t yet take care of you himself right now, he could find solace in your own moments of private pleasure. Worn, cool fingers eagerly pumped hard flesh, eyes fixated on your body.
He wanted to trace every curve with his tongue, cradle every part of you like it was made of glass. Make you see stars with his mouth, his fingers, his body. You might care for him during the day, but at night, you would be his to love and cherish.
Teeth gnawed dry lips, smothering sounds that sought to escape. No, you couldn’t know Brahms was here. Not yet. You just knew the doll and he would play the part for now. Until he could be sure you would be his. Only his.
All his.
Your muffled cry, barely covered by your hand, of sweet release brought Brahms to his own. Head lolling back, a full body shudder wracked him, almost bringing him to his knees. White painted the other side of your wall - a mural to your beauty that you would never see.
You both panted, one voice unheard to the other, slipping down from your highs. One day, Brahms, vowed. One day, you would never have to seek the comfort of your own hand.
And neither would he.
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imhereiguess556 · 3 years
Brahms one shot story
Ok I finally did it, I’m posting a story here. This is my first short fic I’ve written in a long time,I tried my best to make sure its gender nuteral, hope you guys like it!
Warnings: Just some making out, implication of sex
Prompt: You just found out your ex was cheating on you, and a big hairy man has come to comfort you!
The fire place hissed as another photo was thrown into the fire. Soft sobs echoed in the manor, breaking the usual cold silence. Pictures of your ex sizzing as you reviewed the relationship. You gave them your all and they decided to throw everything away. Catching them cheating via an email from their mistress telling you of their misdeeds. Another photo went in as you sipped on the last of the red wine in the manor. Fuck them, fuck everything. You didn’t need anyone except Brahms. Yes, it was silly but the only constant in your life at this point was this doll and its schedule.
           You admitted it was weird at first, taking care of a doll. It was a reminder or the Heelshires deceased son. To cope, his parents made a porcelain doll of the boy. But you didn’t judge them for that. Losing your family at a young age, you wish you could have done the same thing. Whatever, more wine will make the bad thoughts go away. Swishing the empty wine bottle, you let out a defeated groan. You’ll burn the rest tomorrow; this wine was starting to get to you anyways. Dumping water onto the fire, you retreated into the dark towards your accommodations.  
           You had put the doll to bed, per instructions but you couldn’t help but check on the doll every night like a real child. Maybe it was your curiosity, maybe it was the loneliness you felt, but something always seemed to be in the same room as you. A presence was always watching you, studying you. You felt it with ever creak and groan the old manor would produce. Was it the ghost of Brahms watching over how you tended to his effigy? It did make you feel less lonely in the empty space, but it didn’t make it less creepy. But it has been like this for a month, you got used to being alone.
           The movement behind you sparked your imagination. You wanted to try something that you were always so chicken shit to try. Getting the ghost of Brahms to show himself. “Brahms? You’re supposed to be in bed. Don’t be a naughty boy tonight, I’m to…hm. Do I tell a doll I’m drunk?” the sounds stopped in the hallway, sobering you up a little. You placed your hand against the wall. Was the ghost of a child really hiding in the walls? “Hey Brahms, if I knock will you knock back?” you were met with silence, but it didn’t stop you from knocking twice. Silence again, sighing you turned away. Two slow knocks came out of the wall, causing you to let out a shaky breath. “Ok Brahmsies, how about we play a game. If you win, you’re not in trouble. If I win no good night kisses for a week!” Mrs. Heelshire told you he used to love playing games, so maybe this will entice the child ghost? Two knocks came out of the wall in what seemed like a response.
           “Ok let’s play red light green light. Red means you have to stop. Green means go! If I say red light and I see you, you lose! But if you touch me without me seeing you win! Knock twice if you understand.” After a minute, two loud knocks came from the wall, you walked into the middle of hallway, covering your eyes tightly. “Ok….green light!” the walls started to creak all around you. This would normally terrify you but in your state, you really could care less. The sounds were coming from above you now, “Red light!” It stopped, biting your lip you covered her eyes again, “Green light!” The sounds made their way towards Brahms room, with your eyes covered, Anna walked into the room. “Red light!” when you removed your hands from your eyes yet again, you notice the closet door had pushed open slightly. That’s when you realized what might happen. If you keep playing you might see….something… where you really ready the see the ghost of a dead child?! Inhaling sharply, you covered your eyes again, “You know what Brahms, you win. I’m to tired to play, I’m going to bed. Your not in trouble” You start to back up from the room but soft voice chimed out, “Y/N Not fair, I want to play.” You froze, that was a child. A child’s voice. Shivering you called out “Green light.” You could hear the closet door creek open, heavy footsteps, walking slowly towards you. Those are not child’s footsteps, “R-Red light!” The footsteps stopped but you wouldn’t uncover your eyes. You tried to walk out of the room again, “Y/N. You’re cheating!” Heavy footsteps walked towards you; Brahms sounded irritated.
           “Enough Brahms, please stop, go to bed.” Tripping over yourself,  you stumbe into hallway, you still kept your eyes shut tight. The footsteps picked up speed, two feet started to sound like someone was crawling on all fours. That defiantly was not the sound of a child crawling after you! You bumped into the wall pulling your knees to your face, shaking. Brahms was in front of you, you knew it, his was breathing so heavily. Much lower and heavier than any child should sound like. Something touched your bare foot, causing you to yelp, a child’s voice rang out, “I won Y/N, look at me Y/N.”
           Something moved up your ankle to your knee, was that a hand? That was not a child’s hand, that was a man’s hand. Oh god this isn’t happening. “Y/N….” The voice whined as his hand grabbed your calf, pulling your leg down. Taking a deep breath, you slowly opened her eyes, a porcelain mask was inches away from your face. It was Brahms face it looked exactly like the dolls face. This was not a child, this was a grown man, a giant, muscular, hairy man. He reeked of sweat, dust and what you assumed was his natural musk. You were speechless, terrified but also intrigued. Has he been watching you this whole time?!
Being lost in your thoughts seemed to be an invite for Brahms to run a shaky hand through your hair. “Pretty y/n, I won.” He leaned into your neck, the cool porcelain stinging your warm skin, a hand holding the other side. You let out a gasp as you felt his hot panting breath coming from behind mask, “I’m a good boy.” You gently tried to push him away, “B-Brahms please, you’re too close.” But this seemed to excite Brahms, causing him to push his chest against yours, his massive hands holding wrists against the wall, holding you in place.” B-Brahms please stop!” He came out from the crook of your neck and getting close to your face again, his eyes locked with yours. This time when he spoke it was deep, a man’s deep growly voice “You asked for me, so I came. I’m here now like a good boy.”
He was right. You asked him to come out of the walls to play with you. And now in front was you was a sweaty grown Brahms. “Please don’t cry.” This caught you off guard, was he watching you earlier? Was your assumption correct, that Brahms has been watching you for the past month? “They are not worthy of you y/n. I don’t want to see you cry anymore.” Another porcelain kiss was this time on your cheek, he seemed sincere with his words. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the blow to you ego for being deceived, but you felt comfortable with his advances. “Brahms, I…I won’t cry anymore tonight, ok? You’re right. He’s not worth it.”
Brahms let out a soft giggle as he kissed your cheek again. “Hey Brahms, can you…take off the mask?” His head jerk back a little, his breathing seemed nervous. “I want to see your face, please. Can you do that for me?” Brahms released your wrists, his fingertips sliding under the mask hesitantly. With a quick motion, he pulled off the porcelain mask, his breath quivering. You push the thick wavy locks out of his face, revealing the burn scare on his face. Brahms leaned his face into your touch, letting out a breathy groan. He was beautiful, handsome, breath taking. Pushing yourself off the wall, you couldn’t help but lean into his lips for a kiss.
His lips were dry at first but him kissing back quickly moistened them up. He pushed into your kisses eagerly, but inexperienced. No surprise if he had been living in this house all his life. You start to lead him with the kisses, allowing his tongue into your mouth. He brought you close, pressing your chest against his. Wrapping your legs around his waist, he lifted you up with ease. You two kiss with passion as he walks into the bedroom, gripping onto you as if scared he might lose you. This night was about you two now. No more ex’s, no more hiding, no more pain, just a night of two lost souls to become one.
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xxventiswindblumexx · 3 years
Shout out to @kyokokittykat for the help writing this part!
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A Yandere Rantaro x Fem!Reader
"I did this for your own good, I'm doing this out of love, you've been dead without me"
His taunting words echoed in your mind as you're tied in his dorm, how did you get here? Well, it started when you were in the library, you were almost murdered, a metal steel ball rolled on the books and almost got you in the head and would've killed you if Rantaro had not pulled you back. The steel ball hit the harsh ground with a loud thud as he held you close to him, your back is against his now breathing heavily chest, he seemed greatly disturbed and honestly, you're not far from the same thought. Whos trap is this?! 
You looked at Rantaro as he sighed placing a hand on your head messing your hair up "I'm glad I came when I did, you could've been the next victim" He gave you a sweet smile but..how did he know you were there? He had indeed been a bit...stalkerish and creepy before but at least it did pay off to have him as a stalker, he did save your life. 
But something changed since that day, he's been more clingy and more..persistent in hanging out with you and being with you, you also been hearing strange noises outside your dorm window only to find someone staring at you, but before you could see who it was they left, only yo be assumed Rantaro. It's getting a bit excessive and more creepy than you would allow. You need to speak to him and luckily it seemed he wanted to speak to you too, that did worry you, he seemed serious, and knowing him it may not end too well but he did save you, he wouldn't just turn around and hurt you..right? 
Its almost night time when you was supposed to meet Rantaro b[out back behind the school but Kokichi stopped you 
"Heeeyyyyy Y/N! Why are you out so late? That seems kinda suspicious dontcha think~?" He chimed smirking, you sighed annoyed, you didn't want to be late.
"Nothing Kokichi but better yet what are you doing out here?" you asked, he laughed
"I heard Shuichi and Kaito train outside so I wanted to go bother them when they show up! "he grabbed your hand as you tugged back to get lose, now 15 minutes late to your meeting.
"Kokichi now is not the time-"you were cut off when he held you close
 "I know you're meeting that creepy avocado man, he walked by earlier and gave me the creepiest glare! But..It would be a shame if you were taken right out from under his nose! You see I like you and I'm sure we can make this killing game much more interesting together~!" He laughed but then a rather tall shadow appeared behind him 
"It would be a shame wouldn't it be? Too bad they're taken by me"His voice..it was dark, cold and laced with poison, he was not happy, it was Rantaro, he must've gotten worried when you didn't show up and went to look for you only to find you in Kokichis arms, how unfortunate for poor Kokichi Oma.
Kokichi jumped back letting go
 "Oh, it's just you, god you're such a creepy-ass arent you!" He teased the already pissed man who grabbed you pulling you to him. 
"This is your only and final warning Oma, leave Y/N alone and you won't be the reason ill become the blackened got it?" he threatened the other, at first Kokichi laughed but then his smile changed when he noticed how serious the man was 
"Oh well, it's not like I really liked them! It was a lie! Anyways ill go find Shihara-Kun to bother!" he said quickly making his escape.  Rantaro sighed annoyed but then smiled kindly "Now that the pest is gone let's go to my room, we will have our little talk there so there can't be any more interruptions"He seemed so kind yet scary at the same time. You should've rejected, should've said no but instead, you nodded and followed him. 
Once in his room he closed and locked his door, the room was pretty clean and neat, did he even sleep in here? It didn't seem like it, he turned to you and smiled.
"What did you need to speak about Y/N-san(Kun/chan)?" he asked as the question threw you off, you expected him to talk about why he wanted to speak to you. You shallowed thickly as you gathered the courage to tell him.
"Rantaro...You've been a bit..clingy, its been creeping me and the others out, I mean I feel someone is watching me at night and I wouldn't be surprised if it was you!"That came out harsher than you expected but he needed to know that he should back off some. 
His kind smile faded as he gave you a similar look as he adorned when looking at others, it sent shivers down your spine, he walked over as he placed his hands in his pockets 
"Y/N..oh Y/N, you don't understand, you're so nieve it's almost sickening~" His voice was much different, his look as if he's mad but his voice, it was more..as if he's entertained? 
He pulled some rope from his pocket, it wasn't very long but it will do. He was shift as he grabbed you and managed to tie your hands before you could react, but once your hands were bound behind your back he smirked.
"Oh Y/N, with your hands tied you look so vulnerable...so delicious," He said as you struggled in the restraints
"R-Rantaro, please! I didn't mean anything bad by what I said-" He cut you off placing  a finger on your mouth "shh, it's not what you said, well..it did aggravate me but I originally planned this already, you just fueled the already growing fire within me~"
"w-what..? Rantaro! Let me go-!"
"I did the for your own good" he started 
"I did this out of love, you would've been dead without me"
Your eyes widened as he climbed onto you
"Now you'll be repaying me for what I did with your body~"
He said as he kissed you roughly, you tried to fight back by biting his tongue as he growled "you..you bitch! Cant, you be grateful?!"That seemed to tick him off further as he had a type of survival knife! Where did he get that?? 
he was quick and swift at cutting at your clothing "h-how do you-"
"Don't you know? I'm the Ultimate Survivor, you're in for a treat dear Y/N~"That's his Ultimate? Before you could have the time to think he attacked your neck leaving hickeys as his slender hands explored your now exposed body, you shuttered as his hands were cold but his rings were colder, it didn't help the crystal necklace he wore now dragged along your stomach with every movement he made, so gracefully as if you were some kind of porcelain doll. 
He soon moved down your collar bone leaving more marks as he slipped two fingers into you, it took you by surprise as you yelped and moaned out but quickly biting your lip to prevent any more moans from slipping out. He chuckled moving them at a steady pace
"Already soaked for me Y/N~? Such a naughty girl~" He smirked 
"Unfortunately for you, I'm not a man who patient so this is all the warming up you'll be getting"
"W-what do you mea-Ah~!" He had trusted his hips into your own colliding as he stretched you out, he seemed to take note that you weren't a virgin "who?" he asked, you stayed quiet, not wanting to answer, and looked away. He pulled your face to him 
"Who?" he asked again as one sharp thrust got you in a moaning mess "K-Kaito!"It was true, you two had a one-night stand, I mean what did you expect when putting a bunch of hormonal teenagers together with little to no supervision? 
Either way he was not happy as his movements became rougher and harsher
"Ill be sure to pay that man a visit later"He said annoyed but the pleasure brought him back from his anger, his face melting from an annoyed look to a more pleased face. 
He held onto you as his hips rocked into your own roughly as you couldn't even keep in the moans, you was lost in the pleasure as you noticed his thrusts became more sloppy, you also felt a familiar knot building in your abdomen as you tried to speak "R-Rantaro I-Im-"
"I know I'm going to as well-"He groans in your neck as he released, but the problem was you don't remember him putting anything on. 
"Oh i see you noticed, you're mine and mine only, ill make sure they know~"
That's a lot of words! My longest yet! 1572 words! 
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Soooo, I had a naughty dream last night so let me share it with you.
NSWF AHEAD!All kiddies beyond 18+ OUT of this filth, go and eat some candies or read some books!
You were enjoying your day while having a walk in the woods, the weather was fine until that damned hurricane hit you with the powerful rain and thunder. You saw a huge mansion in the distance and went for it, upon running to it you pretty easily opened the door and walked in calling out for the owners, despite the building looked pretty much empty, you didn't want to intrude. 
There was no sound whatsoever, as you walked through the halls dripping you failed to see that someone was following all of your steps breathing heavily behind the mask. Brahms was quite lonely after Greta has left him for the dead, he was quite excited to see a new face especially a female one. The tension in his abdomen made him growl lowly as you walked around looking for something to dry yourself with, he looked at the thick blanket deciding to leave it in the next room as he had secret passages around, as he left it he immediately hid behind the wall and watched. 
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You walked in cursing under your breath as you saw a chimney and a thick blanket waiting for you to pick it up and wrap it around you, you scowled as you looked at your damp clothes clinging for dear life on your body as your nipples were already hard and the clothing was showing your mounds to the world. Brahms almost broke the wooden plank he was squeezing his breathing became broken and even, his pants with each passing second became tighter and tighter as his hand slid to his bulge and gripped it, he needed release now! As you walked around you saw a chimney with a fire in it adding few logs made it warmer but not enough to warm you up, hearing a sound coming from upstairs as you walk to investigate it you ask aloud.
"Is there someone in the house?" hoping that at least to your paranoia there would be an answer? You walk upstairs scolding yourself that you're walking maybe to your doom only to see a light at the end of the hall, as you walk closer and closer you turn to see a bathroom?! Looking rather inviting than abandoned and gross, walking in you open the bulb with the hot water, and surprisingly there is hot water. Not wasting any minute, you undress leaving the damp clothes o the floor to deal with them later, as you walk into the shower closing the curtains, and dip yourself in the pure bliss of warmth
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Brahms was so tense as a spring that was ready to jump due to the pressure, he needed to touch you make you his, and never let you go the hot water running down your mounds, the beautiful curvy body you had, your hair, and everything was so perfect to him his cock twitched in his pants. As you finished washing your body you moaned from the warm sensation you received from your shower but you failed to hear another deep moan covered by the thickness of the walls when you came out there was a bathrobe on the chair...
'Strange' you thought 'Was this there before, maybe I haven't seen it' as you put it on you saw another door opened with a huge bed and all kinds of furniture. Walking slowly in you were surprised how everything was on point and there was less dust that this place could have, you sat on the bed and felt like somebody was watching you. Then the most unusual noise made you turn sharply around, a chuckle, a child's chuckle. Looking frantically around I asked the question again "Hello is there's someone here?" then I finally received an answer as a tall man in a porcelain doll mask was standing in the doorway watching me curiously I couldn't move, I was like a deer in headlights.
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Then Brahms decided to move first since you were in a stupor he aimed for you and more specifically for your throat, everything you could do is to mewl and collapse on the bed with him, he held you down watching you with lust sparkling in his eyes. He ripped the rope holding your bathrobe to reveal your body as he started touching, gripping, playing with your breasts making you mewl and arch into his lean and built body, as he leaned low lifted his mask, and sucked on of your mounds, at this moment Brahms knew he would tie you down but not let you go. He opened one of the cupboards and took out a rope, tying down your hands, he'll make everything possible to make you obedient.
 Taking a look over his work, he smirked behind the mask enjoying your cute scared, helpless expression, as he pulled down his pants revealing his thick and wide cock dripping and ready to claim you, he gave himself few pumps and slid into your wet dripping pussy making you both moan in pleasure. He was huge for you as you looked at him pleadingly but Brahms had other plans, he pulled out and then slammed himself back making you scream from how deep did his cock penetrated you. Pulling out and slamming in he enjoyed every single moment of it as your tightness wrapped itself around him, he wanted to breed you, see you carry his seed inside you, he let out an animalistic growl and rammed even faster into your core making you emit different sounds. 
You, on the other hand, was lost in words and proper thinking, you wanted all of him inside you, you wanted his seed, this stranger made you lose your mind and proper thinking, you didn't mind nor he did. Brahms was losing his mind the veins on his hands were pocking out the sweat running down his built body, he felt twitching and warmth in his abdomen as he gritted his teeth and slammed himself into you as his life depended on it. 
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Finally giving the both of you the sweet release you carved for, both laying and panting, sweaty, spent, he looked at you possessively and pulled his mask a bit biting into your neck making you moan softly, he whispered into your ear the name you'll scream from now on... "Brahms!"
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slashhinginghasher · 4 years
Could a girl get a Drabble of seeing Brahms without the mask on now that we’re all thirsty 🥺
This has been sitting in my inbox for so long, anon you are a saint for your patience
Kiss - Brahms Heelshire x Reader
You threw yourself to the side just in time to avoid the vase as it shattered against the wall. It had been quite some time since Brahms had thrown (literally, thrown) a tantrum of this caliber, but apparently asking to clean to his mask had brought out his brattiest side. You had started by asking nicely, of course, but you had each gotten more and more insistent, which was how you’d ended up in the library with Brahms hurling everything he could find around the room.
“Fine!” you shouted, tossing your hands in the air. “Don’t wash, then! But you don’t get anymore goodnight kisses until that filthy thing is clean. It’s gross!”
“You can’t do that! It’s against the rules!”
“New rule!” you announced, snatching up a pen and marching over to the rules list on the wall. “Naughty boys who don’t wash properly don’t get goodnight kisses.” You underlined the new rule twice, turned around triumphantly, and were immediately hit in the face with what must have been the fattest book in the Heelshire library.
“Shit,” you mumbled, wincing as you prodded at the large bruise on your forehead. “Idiot, idiot, idiot.” Brahms may have been a grown man, but it was your responsibility to be the adult in these situations. Losing your temper like that... One could not fight brattiness with brattiness. And boy, did you feel like the biggest brat in the world right now, pushing and prodding at something that was obviously a very sensitive topic for Brahms. Whether his issues were purely psychological or due to something physical, he was hiding his face for a reason. By pushing so hard and so callously, you hadn’t just been a bad nanny. You’d been a bad friend. And now Brahms had disappeared into the walls and you probably wouldn’t see him for days.
But you needed to apologize to him now, so you went to his room and picked up the Brahms doll, which had been collecting dust in the corner ever since the real Brahms had shown himself to you months prior.
“I’m sorry, Brahmsy,” you said, enunciating clearly out of habit. “That was so mean of me. It wasn’t right. You don’t have to forgive me right now, but I hope we can still be friends.” You picked up a comb from the dresser and began to brush out the doll’s shiny locks. “Are we still friends?”
A quiet thud sounded within the wall. Your hand froze.
“Brahms, baby, I’m really, really sorry.” Your eyes burned with approaching tears, and you sniffed. “I was awful. Whatever your reason for... Your reasons for your mask are your business. And not wanting to take it off doesn’t make you bad, or naughty, and I shouldn’t have tried to punish you for it, and I’m so, so sorry.”
More silence.
You set the doll down and went to bed early, feeling miserable.
You awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of your bathroom faucet running. Pushing yourself upright in bed, you rubbed some of the sleep from your eyes and squinted at the doorway. Weak moonlight outlined a tall, dark figure hunched over the sink.
“Brahms?” He flinched at the sound of your sleepy voice, turning slightly towards you. The light glinted off something in his hand. Something smooth and pale...
He was washing his mask.
“Baby...” The word was barely more than a whisper, choked by a sudden rush of emotion. Brahms was tense, a rabbit ready to bolt. The enormity of the situation struck you all at once, and you clapped your hands over your eyes.
“It’s okay, Brahmsy, I’m not looking. I won’t look unless you say I can.” Sounds of shuffling from the bathroom. The tap shut off, footsteps creaking over the floorboards, coming to a stop by your bed. Your skin prickled with an intense awareness of the body next to you, your pounding heart nearly drowning out everything else in the room.
“Y/N.” Brahms’ voice was low and rough. A man’s voice. A wholly inappropriate flash of heat zinged down your spine and coiled in your lower belly as a calloused hand grasped your wrist and pulled your hand away from your eyes.
The moon illuminated high cheekbones, a strong brow, and a straight, Grecian nose. Soft, full lips parted around gasping breaths, so hurried he was nearly hyperventilating. Raised burn scars, which would probably be an angry pink in the daylight, traced over one side of his face, creating small patches in his eyebrow and thick beard. Honestly, you had been expecting some sort of disfigurement beneath the mask, and this wasn’t anywhere near as drastic as what you had been imagining. His face wasn’t defined by the scars; they were just there. Brahms’ eyes glittered almost black in the moonlight, the abject terror in them enough to make your heart ache.
“Oh, Brahmsy...” you breathed. “So handsome.” You lifted a hand and let it hover in the air between you. “Can I touch you?” Brahms hesitated, twisting his mask with long fingers, before giving a single jerky nod. You touched the unscarred side of his face first, running your thumb over his cheek and caressing the line where soft skin met the prickle of his beard. Slowly, so slowly, you raised your other hand to the scarred side. Brahms flinched at your gentle touch and you held still, waiting for him to push your hand away. Instead, his eyes slid shut and he covered your hand with his, leaning into your touch.
“So handsome,” you whispered again, choking on the intensity, the intimacy of the moment. “My handsome boy.” Brahms reopened his eyes and held up the mask, showing you the clean porcelain.
“Kiss?” His voice was high and childlike again, and you were secretly relieved. If he’d asked you in that other voice, you weren’t sure you’d be able to stop yourself from jumping his bones.
“Of course.” You smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Good boys get kisses.” You kissed his nose. “As many as they want.” You lowered your lips to his. They were soft and warm, and he tasted... You weren’t sure how to describe Brahms’ flavor, but as you pulled back, all you wanted to do was lose yourself in him and never return. Judging by the flush on Brahms’ face and the way his pupils were dilated, he felt very much the same.
“Again,” he demanded, and pulled you back to him without waiting for an answer. You hardly minded. One hand clutched at your waist, the other holding the back of your head as he deepened the kiss. His movements were sloppy and inelegant, but what he lacked in skill he more than made up for in passion. You tilted your head slightly, creating a better angle, and nipped slightly at his lower lip. Brahms growled at that, the sound shooting straight to your core.
“Pretty Y/N,” he mumbled, lips brushing yours with every word. “Pretty, pretty, pretty.”
“No, you,” you teased, smiling against his mouth. You were crying, or he was crying, or you were both crying, but either way your cheeks were damp and the moment was so perfect you felt you could fly. Brahms pulled back a few inches, gasping like he’d just run a marathon. You ran your thumbs over his cheeks in gentle circles, trying to communicate all your love through the simple touch. 
You pressed your forehead to his, then hissed and recoiled. The bruise he’d given you, all but forgotten, had chosen that moment to remind you of its existence. Brahms watched you rub at the throbbing mark with no remorse.
“I forgive you,” he said.
“Oh, good,” you replied sarcastically. “I was a little worried there that you hadn’t.” Brahms frowned, but before your big mouth could ruin the moment, you leaned forward and gave him another quick kiss.
“I’m teasing,” you reassured, pulling back the covers. “Come to bed, you silly, handsome boy.”
For once, Brahms did not argue.
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 4 years
Flip as Barry Gib for Halloween... your thoughts?
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A/N: @maybe-your-left thoughts? I have several... since you’ve asked. I hope ya like it, Kitten 😉. BTW for those who don’t know who Barry Gib is: Lead singer of the Bee-Gees and the song Stayin’ Alive is their most popular hit of the 70′s. 
Warnings: Sub/Dom slurs, Alpha mentions, creampies, cum eating, slight choking, tit slapping, purple nurples (yes I used a Chowder reference thank you), smut in general, Flip is a total Dom, we are total switch, it’s all disco to me baby, playful married banter, slight fluff at the end 
“You want me to what?” Flip scratched his goatee as you were putting the finishing touches on your makeup for the evening. 
“You’re gonna wear these platforms and costume to the party with me,” you popped your lip gloss together, scraping the sides so your lips looked extra shiny and pouted. 
“Platforms?” he chuckled at the thought of it, “sweetheart, I ain’t wearin’ these,” he lifted the white boots to examine their contents as if drugs would fall out of them at any moment. 
“Ummm,” you carefully placed your lash on your right eye, “yes, you are babe,” smoothing it out so it lined up naturally with your other lashes. 
“And why the fuck would I do that, honey,” he dropped them on the floor, lighting a cigarette to keep himself from grouching even more than he already was. 
“Because if you want ANY of this,” you gestured to your bread and butter, “then you’ll do it. Also because you love me unconditionally.” 
He snickered again huffing out a plume of smoke, “is that fuckin’ so?” taking huge steps into the shared bathroom, pressing his large figure into your bent-over backside, “last time I checked, baby doll, I was in charge of things around here.” 
Whispering into your ear, causing a shiver to run up your spine, and goosebumps to form all over your body, “well, it’s Halloween, babycakes,” making yourself as tall as possible, turning around and plucking the lit cigarette from his lips and taking a huge drag, “so roles are kinda reversed for the time being,” smirking as you exhaled the plume from your perfect lips.
“You will do it,” ashing out the butt in the sink, “and you WILL like it,” inching into his open lips, leaving a little peck as you noticed the bulge forming in his jeans. 
Snaking your arm around and patting his ass, “now, get ready, we’re gonna be late, cowboy,” you smiled bright, turning back around to survey yourself in the mirror before moving into the bedroom to put the rest of your ensemble on.  
Flip stood in the bathroom, in utter shock at your forwardness, holding in a breath and looking at himself in the mirror. He’d never been talked to so… harshly before. 
He gathered his pride to walk back into the bedroom, watching you hunched over the bed placing the god-awful shoes on your pretty feet. 
Like the good boy, he was, got dressed in everything but the shoes, staring them down as if they’d disappear to which he’d be grateful for. 
“Baby,” you sang into the room, “are ya ready?” jogging into the OK Corral staredown taking place in your master. 
“Honey,” he whined at you, “I-I don’t wanna wear these stupid things,” huffing and puffing at everything about them. 
“Now, what did I say?” as if speaking to a child. He groaned out as he moved to put the disastrous hooves on his large feet, “I know, I know.” 
Rolling his eyes and standing up to a height he never knew he could achieve, “look at my handsome Barry!” pandering and tugging at the necklace hanging into his open-chested shirt. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he pecked your forehead, “let’s get outta here before I change my fuckin’ mind.” 
“Let’s go boogie, babe!” you giddily smiled pulling him out the door, to the truck. 
The bar was chalked full of ghouls, goblins, witches, and demons as the both of you meandered to fetch some drinks. Flip towered over the crowd in the heels he wore, so getting the attention of the bartender was easier than usual. With drinks in hand, you went to find your group of friends to start the night off. 
“Well, howdy there Zimmermans!” a familiar voice chimed out, “lookin’ groovy Flip!” a chorus of chuckles and whistles followed as the faces came into view. 
“I know doesn’t my husband look so damn handsome,” petting his chest again as he gave you a death stare. 
“Very!” Ron chuckled lowly, sending Flip’s gaze to burn holes into his chest, “watch your fuckin’ mouth, Rookie.”
Grabbing his beer from his grip, “stop it, Phil, he’s only trying to be funny,” placing them on the group table, “let’s go dance for a minute, honey,” pulling his lumbering figure to the disco lights as the last song faded out. 
You both stand there a minute amongst the crowd waiting for the DJ to spin another tune. All of a sudden, the beat to Stayin’ Alive comes on full blast, and you immediately turn towards your lumberjack in an ecstatic holler. He recants with an eye roll and spins you around a few times before the both of you join the rhythm with your hips and grind on each other like teenagers at a party. 
The final chorus fades out, both of you sweaty and all kinds of hot and bothered, turn to each other and lock lips like it was the first time you’d ever kissed. 
Your tongues dancing in and out of one another, teeth clanking on teeth, if there hadn’t been so many people around you’d hear the suctioning and moaning reverberate on the walls. 
“Bathroom. Now,” he pulls off of you, heading towards the destination with you dragging behind like a lost puppy. 
The second lock is turned in the claustrophobic and dimly lit restroom, he’s on you, caging you in like an escaped animal. 
“You think you can get away with talkin’ tough to me,” he snarled into your ear, rubbing your mound as you brace yourself on the sink, “you forgot who I am to you I guess.” 
Hissing in your ear as the tingling in your spine grew to a full blaze, “well I’ll remind you little whore,” inching another large hand to grip onto your tits with as much force as possible, pinching the sensitive nipple until it was almost bleeding. 
You let out a cry in pleasure as he kept pinching, “who am I to you?” growling at your pain, “use your fuckin’ words slut.” 
You winced as he brought the other hand to grip your other tit, doing the same motions in tandem, making your back arch off the porcelain. 
“Y-you’re my alpha!” you screamed as he twisted even harder on the sensitive buds, “that’s fuckin’ right, honey,” reveling in your pain as your lips dropped open in a huge gasp. 
His primal instincts ripped the jumpsuit you had worn to shreds on the bathroom floor, leaving you completely bare to him. 
“You fuckin’ slut,” he tsked pulling his zipper down and releasing his monster cock from his bellbottoms, “wearin’ nothin’ at all underneath that lil’ number huh? That’s strike two.” 
He chuckled, “bend over on the sink, I’m gonna fuck you so hard, everyone is this bar is gonna know who you belong to.” 
You turned around slightly bending over to get your footing with your platforms, going too slow for Flip’s taste. Gripping the back of your neck, forcing you down just enough so he could line his cock up with your wetness that had formed. 
“Naughty lil’ pussy is so eager for me, huh,” he mused, slipping in his angry cock, inching it in as your walls swallowed it like a good little kitty. 
Once he bottomed out, he wrapped one hand on your throat, pulling you flush with him, and the other in a bruising grip on your hip. Thrusting up into you as you moaned on his cock, gripping your tits for support. 
“Look at you,” his lust blown eyes, gazing at your writhing in the mirror, “so fuckin’ eager for my cock.” 
Your eyes opened to view his member pummeling your squelched entrance in the mirror, “fuck, Phil,” beyond words as you watched your man take you in the bathroom. 
“You want me to fill this whore cunt up?” panting between thrusts as they became more erratic watching your movements in the mirror, “make you sit in it the rest of the night?” 
Just then he moved his hands to push away your grip on your tits, massaging them with his own and then slapping the skin as hard as he could, “You’re all mine, Y/N.” 
He returned both hands to your hips as you slightly bent over. The new angle allowing him to pillage your hole with the most fervor he could muster. 
“All. Fuckin’. Mine,” he grunted out causing your walls to flutter, as you neared your climax. He reached his right hand to circle your aching clit, causing a chorus of moans and cries from your perfectly glossed lips. 
“You gonna cum for me, honey?” he sped up his movements, causing the tingling to spread throughout your abdomen. You rolled your eyes as you came hard on his huge cock, gasping his name out in a chant as he coaxed you through it. 
“That’s my good girl,” he mewled as his hand left your center, returning to your hip as he picked up his own pace towards his release. Your walls closing in and out on him sending him into a state of complete ecstasy as he released his spend into you. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he panted out as he dumped the last of his seed into your gaping hole, pulling out to see the leakage seep from your pretty little slit. 
“So full of me,” he scooped the mixture causing you to turn around and face him, opening your mouth in submission. 
“Good girl,” he stuffed his thick fingers into you, watching your lips close and suck on the concoction you’d both made. Pulling them out to watch you swallow the rest of it, patting you bare ass when you’d shown him your empty mouth again. 
“God, I love you,” he pulled you flush to him, kissing the sweat sheened on your skin, smelling your scent. You wrapped your arms around his midsection, “I love you too, honey,” kissing his chest and then his lips as he bent low to meet you. 
“Happy Halloween, Barry,” pushing him off of you in a chuckle and grabbing your jumpsuit from the floor, “we should head back out there. I wanna dance a little bit more, please?” 
“Anything for you honey,” he smiled, helping you zip the suit back on, “as long as you don’t fuckin’ sass me like that again.” 
“Well given the reaming I just got, detective,” you winked, “I may just act out once more to see what kind of punishment I’ll get when we get home?” 
Raising your eyebrow as you unlocked the door to walk out, “try me, baby girl,” his pupils dilated watching your smirk grow. 
“I have a few tricks up my sleeve,” leading him out to the crowd of ghosts, goblins, and zombies to finish the night off. 
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havebruises · 3 years
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“Cauterizing a Wound” with Warren + Mitchell requested by...I can’t remember but it was probably @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi and they’re Warren’s hurt tag list anyway! for @badthingshappenbingo​
requests open
cw: | captivity + restraints | injuries, knives + blood | light choking | nausea | noncon touch | intimate whumper | burning, obviously | blink + you’ll miss it suicidal ideation
“I don’t know why you cry so much. You’re not exactly made of porcelain, doll.”
Warren gave a half-coughed laugh, because it sure felt like he was, after all the bruises and fractures and injuries. A toy some naughty child had smashed against the wall without knowing how fragile he was on the surface. Blood-brushed bisque cracked all the way over with no hope of repair.
Normally, something so broken wouldn’t be allowed near anyone’s hands, for risk of the shattered material cutting up vulnerable fingers. He would be trashed, simple as that. But Mitchell had no worries guiding his touch over bare unwilling skin. It wouldn’t cut him. Warren wasn’t made of pottery. He was flesh. He had nerves, sparking with pain unlike any real doll and it was so gratifying feeling him twitch with agony.
He was soft, too, under calloused hands. Shaking and taut as a wire against his restraints where his limbs were spread out on the table, wrists above his head and ankles down at either corner of it, leaving him forcibly exposed like the knife sessions. Despite the icy metal surface, lying on the table ended up being the rare place he felt warmth in this place- from the constant intimate touches, and from the smears of fresh blood all over his right thigh. Mitchell loved to have one hand on a blade and the other hand smoothed over some vulnerable part of his body. He supposed it should have been a relief, to no longer be so cold. All it did was make him more sensitive to the pain.
Mitchell had won the scuffle an hour prior. The first time Warren had ever really tried to fight, had had the opportunity to fight in weeks- and he’d screwed it up. Warren had been pinned on his back with Mitchell’s knees squeezing his sides, both of the man’s hands on his jaw looking over cuts and bruises like they were reflections in a crystal. The sudden indignant rage that swelled in his chest and knotted up his stomach prompted him to make a move for the blade Mitchell had set aside nearby. The confidence that assuming he wouldn’t try at least- it was disgusting.
As sudden as the decision was, Warren wasn’t quick enough to avoid a big hand snatching his wrist. It squeezed him so hard he thought it might snap in multiple places, forcing him to let go of the knife. It had clattered to the ground and Mitchell simply released the boy’s wrist and scooped it up. One hand pressed down firmly across the front of Warren’s trachea while he adjusted his stance atop the redhead and sunk the knife-tip recklessly against soft flesh. 
“You know better! What were you thinking?” Mitchell hissed, affronted.
Warren choked and grasped at Mitchell’s wrist, trying to pry it away from his neck with a short scream as the sharp edge cut into the muscle of his thigh like it was paper. Slow at first, dancing a thin jagged line into his skin.
Then, it hilted without warning. A massively impulsive gesture from someone who always took his time with every cut, and had moments of thought between each blow. His captor usually made sure he had the time and energy and meaning required to make every move count. Like someone was scoring his infliction of emotional damage. Like he was being judged by how long he could keep the boy from bleeding out while still making him scream.
This wound in the boy’s leg was agonizing and risky and Mitchell hadn’t thought ahead, but the penetrative motion of it just felt so pleasurable that he didn’t even move at first. He just watched Warren gasp, the poor young man shivering hard to remain still rather than squirm and make it worse. Warren had been there long enough to understand that twisting about always made it worse. His chest still heaved under Mitchell, and his eyes had rolled so nicely in the moment. The fingernails digging into the man’s wrists were easily ignored for the sweet whine that trailed down in the back of Warren’s throat.
Even now, standing above his doll at the body-slab table and cleaning the messy flesh that betrayed Warren’s lack of porcelain- it had been worth it. Mitchell was already considering doing it again. He just wished he had someone else to take care of the mess afterward.
The deep slice had been scrubbed out, but it still bled in rich pulses and pooled over the edge of Warren’s thigh into a puddle at the crease between his leg and the shining metal of the table. It’d be an issue if Mitchell simply decided to stitch it up. A life-threatening, pallid sort of issue unsolved by even deep tissue sewing.
And whoever had any fun with something as small and painless as a needle and thread? It was worth the risk of infection, in Mitchell’s eyes. Well worth it.
Oh, and how Warren wailed when he saw the slim metal rod heat up to that telltale matte coal-red, smoke flickering in the air above it. His arms strained beside him and his wild eyes met Mitchell’s, pleading with him- begging- offering him anything in return for that implement not going in where the knife had only so soon ago came out. He could feel the thick blade’s path in his leg and he knew where that iron would go. 
“Stop stop stop wait--”
A rough hand clapped over his forehead and shoved his head down with a clunk, not wanting to stop those sweet cries but also refusing to let him jerk around like an animal and harm himself. That was Mitchell’s job, as Warren was so often reminded. It was usually an accident, when Warren hurt himself- so far, anyway. The mad grab for the knife had been the closest the redhead had gotten to trying to kill himself, and only because the motion had been so monumentally stupid that Mitchell might have just killed him for it. But Warren was apparently worth the trouble.
“Shh, doll,” his captor called down to him, with a little smirk that implied he didn’t really hate the sobs. “This is for your own good, why are you crying this time?”
He dropped the heavy iron tip down and let it graze the side of Warren’s thigh, the boy’s breath catching as he fell silent to the sound of soft sizzling. His leg felt aflame, like laying his palm flat on the hot metal of a stove only he couldn’t wrench himself away. He arched his spine sharply, but the restraints held him as safely as they always did.
The tip of the iron moved inward, toward the oozing wound, then- inside it. 
Warren yowled, mouth wide open and teeth bared, eyes wide and fists white-knuckled and shaking as Mitchell wiggled the implement into his slickened, open flesh, searing shut any split veins in the way of it. That’s all it took blissfully, the boy’s eyes rolling back and his body falling limp other than the tremble overtaking his whole body and his short panting breaths, sweat sheening his skin. He hardly twitched when Mitchell pulled the iron out and turned it off, setting it aside on the table to cool.
He woke to the scent of cooked meat, burnt hair, and antiseptic, the stench lingering in the air with the misplacement of a friendly barbeque in a morgue basement. It roiled his stomach instantly, and he had to clench his jaw and swallow hard to keep from vomiting. He’s freezing and wet, the table still dripping with water from the hose- though his leg had been towelled off and there was a dry tautness on his skin that implied bandaging. He couldn’t find the energy to move his head and look.
He didn’t want to. There was a dull, hollow pain that radiated up and down either side of his leg, leaving the outside of the radius numb from exhausted nerves and half-consciousness. The muscle in his thigh twitched on its own and he winced every time.
Mitchell leaning above him took up all his vision, toweling off his hands. Warren, shaking and pale, was most striking when splattered in blood. His red hair stuck thinly and contrasted to his forehead, and his lips were bruised and bright from being bitten.
Gorgeous, Mitchell thought, saying nothing. Warren said nothing. The silence was loaded with terror, matched in equal measure by his tormentor’s pleasure. He felt as if his pain was worthless in that way. It meant nothing, and the helplessness that curled around in his gut whenever he noticed it would be distracting- but for the pain.
He’d never felt such pain, even long after the iron had cooled. The sheer amount of it brought blackness into the edges of his vision, framing his captor in a closing tunnel. Soon Warren was overtaken again, finding blessed peace in unconsciousness lying flat on the table.
There was a time when he’d first arrived that he’d fought sleep. He wasn’t fighting anymore.
Warren was nothing less than grateful for it now.
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arty-e · 4 years
Cards Oc Playlist:
Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran Changes - David Bowie Keep You Safe - The Crane Wives Naive - The Kooks Ain’t it Fun - Paramore What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club Toy Soldiers - Marianas Trench 1234 - Feist Bloodstream - Ed Sheeran Donut Hole - Hachi Don’t Know Why - Norah Jones I See You, You See Me - The Magic Numbers arrow - half•alive Wine Red - The Hush Sound Death of a Bachelor - Panic! At the Disco People Used to Dream About the Future - A Girl Called Eddy Where is the Love? - Black Eyed Peas Kill Em With iIndness - Selena Gomez Little Wonders - Rob Thomas American Dream - Miami Horro I Was Here - Beyonce
Heart Attack - Demi Lovato One Woman Army - Porcelain Black I’ll Make a Man Out of You - Mulan Brick by Boring Brick - Paramore Don’t Let Me Get Me - P!nk Just a Girl - No Doubt I am the Fire - Halestorm The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy Warriors - Imagine Dragons Girl in the Mirror - Cheryl Cole Human - Rag’n’Bone Man Somewhere Only We Know - Keane Youth - Daughter I Don’t Wanna be Funny Anymore - Lucy Dacus One of the Boys - Katy Perry Satellite - Lena Halo - Beyonce Double Rainbow - Katy Perry Break Free - Ariana Grande Yonjuunana/47 - JubyPhonic cover Never Love an Anchor - The Crane Wives
Daydreamer - Adele Just Around the Riverbend - Pocahontas 7 years - Lukas Graham Get Off My Back - Byran Adams Good Feeling - Flo Rida Raise No Fool - Set it Off Ikanaide (Don’t Go) - Mafumafu It Took Me By Surprise - Maria Mena Viva La Vida - Coldplay The Man Who Can’t Be Moved - The Script King - Years & Years Just One Yesterday - Fall Out Boy Somebody to Love - Queen I’d Do Anything - Simple Plan Unlikely Hero - The Hoosiers Counting Stars - One Republic Golden Skans - Klaxons Back to the Star - Lily Allen The Next Right Thing - Frozen 2 Just one Last Time - David Guetta Save You (Feferi Peixes Fansong) - PhemieC
Cry Baby - Melanie Martinez One Little Slip - Barenaked Ladies My Songs Know What You did in the Dark - Fall Out Boy Bird Song - Florence + the Machine Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown - Fall Out Boy WOZWALD - Niru Kajitsu I Dreamed A Dream - Anne Hathaway (this is my fave version) Maps - Maroon 5 Perfect Illusion - Lady Gaga Just Like a Pill - P!nk Replay - Lady Gaga Hypnotised - Set it Off Volatile Times - IAMX Akaito - Rib That Distant Shore - Steven Universe Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park New Perspective - Panic! At the Disco It’s Alright - Mother Mother I’ll Try - Jonathana Brooke Stronger than You - Estelle Do Better - Say Anything The Call - Regina Spektor
Valerie - Amy Whine House Mouthwash - Kate Nash Drift Away - Steven Universe Naughty - Matilda Pack Up - Eliza Doolittle Cups - Pitch Perfect What the Hell - Avril Lavigne Class Fight - Melanie Martinez Touch the Sky - Brave La La La - Naughty Boy Persephone - Yumi Zouma The Show - Lenka Rather Be - Clean Bandit Lights - Ellie Goulding Are you Satisfied? - Marina and the Diamonds My Friends - Oh Wonder Pretty Lies - The Count of Monte Cristo Something there - Beauty and the Beast Bust your Knee Caps - Pomplamoose He Wasn’t There - Lily Allen Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienna Teng
Friend Like Me - Aladdin (Robin Williams) Say Geronimo - Say Hey So Riptide - Vance Joy There’s a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven’t Thought of it Yet - Panic! At the Disco Womaniser - Britney Spears Shama - Cheek Cover Happier - Marshmello & Bastille Every Time you go - Ellie Goulding Heartbreak Down - P!nk For Good - Wicked Everything Black - Unlike Pluto Grenade - Bruno Mars In God’s Hands - Nelly Furtado Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz Here Comes a Thought - Steven Universe Driftwood - Travis Distant fields (Sarishinohara) - Rachie Cover Everybody Wants Somebody - Patrick Stump You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles Love Like You - Steven Universe
Papoutai - Stromae Back In School - Mother Mother Out of Sight, Out of Mnd - Tale of Two Cities Diamond Heart - Lady Gaga Therefore, You and Me - Eve Pretty Girl (The Way) - Sugarcult Rats Died - Oktavia Cover A Story Told - Count of Monte Cristo My Time - Bo En MANTRA - Bring Me The Horizon Wolf in Sheep Clothing - Set It Off Shiny - Moana The Dismemberment Song - Blue Kid Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea - Fall out Boy Earthquake - Labrinth Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift Don’t Mes With Me - Temposhark Skyfall - Adele Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez bad guy - Billie Eilish
Beautiful, Dirty, Rich - Lady Gaga S.L.U.T - Bea Miller Stupid Girls - P!nk Fly on the Wall - Miley Cyrus Hot Problems - Cover Run the World (Girls) - Beyonce Dancing Queen - Abba Sparkling Diamonds - Moulin Rouge Hard Out Here - Lily Allen When I Grow Up - Pussycat Dolls Move Over - Spice Girls Grrrls - AViVA Strawberry Shortcake - Melanie Martinez Seventeen - Heathers Crazy Kids - Ke$ha Rich Girl - Gwen Stefani I know those Eyes/This Man is Dead - Count of Monte Cristo Beautiful - Christina Aguilera Princess of China - Coldplay A Little Party Never Killed Nobody - Fergie Like Other Girls - Mulan 2
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “Trapped” Part 2
Almost one year ago, someone tried to kill The Joker in a speeding car and Y/N pushed him out of the way, getting hit instead. With a fractured skull and broken bones, she was out of business for 6 months; when she finally recovered, The Queen of Gotham wasn’t the same anymore. Trapped inside her own mind and exhibiting severe cognitive impairment, Y/N’s life switched upside down without any hope of ever returning to normal.
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Part 1      Part 3     Part 4    Part 5
The Joker feels your hand searching around and he knows what you’re looking for: the yellow teddy bear.
“Here Pumpkin,” J gives you the toy that landed on the other side of the bed during the night; a couple minutes pass and his cheek is covered in soft kisses. He opens one eye and you instantly pretend to be asleep.
“I’m onto you, Y/N!” The King of Gotham sneers while you giggle at his affirmation. But as soon as he pecks the scar on your collarbone, your attitude changes.
“No…”, you whimper and cover your face with the sheets.
“I told you before I don’t care about scars,” The Joker tries to reason with you because it happens each time he touches the numerous stitch marks scattered all over your frame: some are deeper lacerations perfectly normal after the surgeries you sustained, others are cuts that might diminish in a few months. “Princess, are you listening?” J traces the lesion on your wrist.
Y/N is so stiff though he has to fight in order to pull the covers away from her.
“Hey…hey… See? I have scars too,” The Clown attempts to distract you. “Are you having a panic attack? No need to!”
You try to keep up with what he’s saying and it’s pretty difficult giving the circumstances; at least you do understand J is making you relax.
His cell phone starts vibrating on the nightstand and he reaches for it.
“Perfect timing, Frost!” The Joker takes his frustration on Jonny. “What do you want?!!”
The short conversation ends fast with The King yelling a bunch of angry stuff, including an interesting grand finale: “Next time you interrupt when I’m on a roll struggling to get laid, maybe you’d like to intervene and convince Y/N her scars don’t bother me!!!”
Why is he mad?...
You watch him toss the phone on the floor and crawl by him, intrigued.
“Upset?” you begin caressing his hair with the teddy bear’s paw.
“My throne won’t be ready until June, Princess! I requested that fancy chair for a reason and paid a fortune to have it customized! What am I supposed to use at the club?! I don’t like the old furniture anymore!!”
You already lost track of what he’s saying: something about not having a throne???… … …
Oh, there’s one really close by!
You grab The Joker’s arm and drag him out of bed towards the bathroom.
“Where are we going?” he inquires, confused.
You quickly guide him to the toilet, making J sit on the closed lid.
“Throne,” you point at the porcelain bowl and The King of Gotham frowns, immediately bursting into laughter afterwards.
“You’re brilliant, Pumpkin! Brilliant!” he praises your interpretation as you are pulled on his knees.
“You’re a clever Kitten and whoever says otherwise is an idiot! Turns out I do have a throne,” he admits and gropes you.
Too much for your brain to decipher all his sentences, yet Mister J seems content and that’s enough for you.
“The plan for this morning is simple,” he continues. “We’ll have sex, then take a shower and whatnot, then eat breakfast. Later I have a meeting; you just stay here and wait for me, alright?”
“Mmm…” you hesitantly process the words coming out of his mouth, opting to agree for his sake. “Ok?”
“You naughty girl,” he pulls down on your tank top spaghetti strap. ”I know you hate me sometimes, but in the end can’t resist my charm.”
“No hate… Love,” you snuggle to J while he walks back into the bedroom carrying the sweet burden of his existence; of course he ignored your statement because why would he pay attention to nonsense?
You’re outside the car and sulk when Alice sneaks on the passenger’s seat that literally belongs to The Queen.
“Stay here, Princess. I won’t be too long,” The Joker mutters.
“W-why?” you ask since you are not a fan of the idea of having your boyfriend’s ex riding alone with him.
“You get bored at meetings,” he explains. “Circle the property and let the boys know if you need anything,” J emphasizes and drives down the path leading to the gates, leaving a puzzled Y/N behind: you never liked Alice and that didn’t vanish after the accident.
“Bye, Y/N!” she shouts and you can’t make a lot of sense of what you’re feeling, still one detail is certain: it hurts.
How come you couldn’t go?! Why didn’t he give you a choice?! He always does.
If The Joker thinks you can’t put two and two together these days, he’s very wrong.
“Y/N recovered quite nicely,” Alice smirks.
The King of Gotham sighs and she fixes a rebel strand of green hair rebelliously flying over his ear.
“I was wondering if you’ll call me at one point. I missed you, babe.”
“Did ya’?” he scoffs at her bold confession; but she’s a direct person, one of the qualities J admired when they were an item.
“I can’t image how you two function; I mean… her unfortunate transformation, it must be hard for you to put up with someone fighting to comprehend the easiest tasks.”
“It’s not easy,” The Clown admits and gazes at her: Alice dolled up for their rendezvous. Everything he considers attractive is there: beautiful pair of legs popping from under the short skirt, his favorite perfume discretely lingering on her flawless skin, the tip of the purple lace bra she’s wearing casually showing each time the woman leans forward.
“I bet,” Alice pretends to sympathize with his problems. “A man like you has needs that I’m positive Y/N can’t even remember how to satisfy,” she pats his thigh, slowly working her way to his crotch.
The Joker chuckles, accomplice with her insinuations, also super annoyed when his phone rings.
“Yes?” he promptly answers.
“Sir,” Frost reports, ”we have a situation; Y/N is increasingly agitated and…”
“Deal with it!” he hangs up and strives to cruise straight despite the sexy distraction urging him to do otherwise.
“Why did we split?” she scoots closer to him, pouting.
“Beats me,” J purrs as she squeezes her fingers in his pants’ pocket.
“What’s this?” Alice rattles the small plastic pouch.
“Y/N’s anti-inflammatory drug; there’s not much that can be done now and this is helping with the blood clot pressing on her frontal lobe. The doctors say it will reabsorb; granted it won’t matter regarding her cognitive impairment.”
“Awww,” The Joker’s past flame pretends to be affected by his briefing. “That’s too bad, babe; probably the future is not too bright…” she shoves your pills in the glove compartment. “Why don’t we reconcile? You know I’d do anything for you,” the flirtatious tone makes J reply:
“Would you jump in front of a speeding car like Y/N did to save me?”
“Ha! I would,” she elbows him, snickering at his antiques.
“Prove it then,” J growls. “Get out of the vehicle and don’t flinch if I run you over. If you survive, I’ll take you back!”
Alice opens her mouth in amazement and the SUV halts before The King reprises driving.
“Got cha’!” he cracks up at her baffled reaction.
“For God’s sake, babe! You scared me!” she playfully pinches him and teases: “Are we going to our spot?”
“I was wondering when you’ll notice,” The Joker navigates the unpaved road guiding the automobile towards Clear Sky Summit.
“Pull over,” Alice urges him and he complies at once. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time,” she moans climbing on his lap. “I can tell you missed me too,” the woman grins at his body’s response.
“That’s my gun,” J buries his face in the revealing cleavage, firmly holding her waist.
“I bet it is, babe,” she winks while unbuttoning his silver shirt. “I love you!” she tries to bite him and he violently yanks her long hair, snarling.
“Is that why you tried to kill me?”
Alice cautiously exhales, a bit nervous at the switch in his demeanor.
“What are you talking about?!”
“Who was driving the car meant to hit me, huh? Tinted windows, no license plate.”
“Babe, you’re hurting me,” she winces in pain at his strong grip. “I swear I don’t know anything!”
“Are you sure?” J sniffs her scent.
“Yes I’m sure! I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our…”
“Our what? What exactly our means in this context? We separated more than two years ago!” The Joker crushes her spine against the wheel.
“Babe, let go!” Alice wiggles in his tight embrace.
“Why did you do it? Were you jealous I found a new fling? Took me months to track the culprit!!!” J restricts her movement when she stretches to open the door. “You fucked up my girl!” his hands forcefully twist her neck and the snapping noise of fractured bone halts the argument.
The Joker pushes the corpse off him, numb to the murder he committed out of pure rage: what’s another name added to the list?
Yet… this was personal.
He keeps staring at the trees surrounding the trail without discerning their shape. 30 minutes pass and the phone’s alarm alerts him it’s time for your remedy: The Clown Prince of Crime is so out of it he doesn’t stop it until he’s on the main road.
He speeds up to ensure a timely arrival at the mansion where Y/N will definitely confront him after being abandoned in such fashion: the truth is he doesn’t mind.
What he does mind though is that no matter what happens, Y/N will never be her former self.
The Joker parks in front of the villa and hops out of the car, barking instructions at the goons patrolling the area:
“I want this gone!” he gestures at the cadaver crammed under the front seat. “Where’s Y/N?”
“In the garage, boss” Frost indicates. “You should know that…”
“I got it! I got it!” J waves and sprints towards your destination.
Nothing prepared him for the carnage.
“Holy… … shit!!!” he inhales at the shocking landscape depicting all five of his most beloved vehicles mauled to pieces: broken windows, scraped paint, karoseri indents…a whole mess!
Bam!!! You smash the rearview mirror of his favorite Ferrari with the baseball bat.
“What are you doing, Pumpkin????!!!!” J screams, aggravated.
Oh, he’s back!
“Y-you like her??!!” The Queen redirects her wrath. “B-because she’s smart??!!”
“Who? Alice?” he quizzes for no reason whatsoever: The Joker’s aware of the reply.
“Wh-where did you go, hm?” you point the wood weapon at the man taking you for a fool; you try not to stutter but it’s impossible with the strained neurons firing up a storm inside an already troubled brain.
“Nowhere, I killed her.”
“I killed Alice!” The Joker raises his voice and watches you squint your eyes, a clear hint you’re analyzing his disclosure. “Look what you did, Princess! Are you happy now??” he finds the perfect opportunity to divert the outcome of the mayhem he actually created: J repeatedly learned this is the best strategy.
“U-hum,” you serenely admit since you’re indeed pleased with the results of your rampage.
The two parties glare at each other in silence and The Joker grabs the yellow teddy bear resting on a nearby hood, proposing truce before you bash something else:
“I’ll trade you the fur ball for your bat.”
Yikes, you’re reluctant to his treaty: further distraction is required.
“My collection is destroyed, Pumpkin!” The Joker approaches with the toy he stole for you on your first date. “Who we’re gonna call on such short notice to fix all this crap?!!”
Oh, you know this one! You and Mister J watch the movie on a regular basis.
“Mmm… Ghost Busters?” Y/N innocently suggests.
He puckers his lips at the astonishing proposal and it takes a lot of effort not to laugh.
“That’s brilliant, Y/N! Best idea I heard all week!” The Joker proudly compliments your intuition. “You’re a clever Kitten and whoever says otherwise is a moron!” he swiftly snatches the baseball from your grasp and replaces it with the teddy bear.
He rolls the weapon by the closest tire, signaling you to follow.
“Come on, Pumpkin, it’s time for your med. Why are you limping? Is your knee hurting again?”
“Serves you right for going rogue!” he scolds. “Com’ere,” J lifts you up, placing your legs around his midsection. “I expect apologies by the way!”
“No,” you sniffle while dangling the toy with one arm.
“Pain in the ass!” he huffs and you kiss him. “This is not an apology!” The Joker spanks you butt.
“Mine,” you cuddle to his shoulder, totally blocking his grouchiness.
“Yeah, yeah, yours,” J grumbles heading for the elevator. “So this is how the rest of today will unfold, Y/N: I’ll be mad until evening time, then we’ll have makeup sex and dinner, the last two not necessarily in the same order. And you’re not going to freak out when I touch your scars, OK?”
“Why is that a question?” The Joker continues bickering. “You have other prospects? Boyfriends I should know about? Are you even listening?”
“U-hum,” you poke J’s star tattoo. “No… freaking out.”
“Fair enough,” he compromises and lifts you higher on his hips when you cling to him: selective perception is infinitely better than none. “Is this Pink Blossoms?”
“Yes,” you nod at the familiar brand you use all the time.
The King of Gotham smells his favorite perfume in the air, reckoning he wouldn’t enjoy it if another woman wears it for him.
You can also follow me on Wattpad and Ao3 under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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krismusings · 3 years
Discord thread featuring: Roman and @quentindelancret
When: night of Jan 7th
Mentions: -
Description: This is literally just rough sex and Roman tops. Shocking, I know.
Trigger Warnings: degradation, breath play, dom/sub
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
Heavy breaths, and the sound of lips sliding together, that’s all that could be heard in Roman’s one bedroom West Kingsboro apartment. He had the younger male pinned against the bedroom wall, lost in his first time alone with Q since he’d left for Italy, and to say he was in a mood was an understatement. “Look at me.” Roman rasped with his hand secured around Quentin’s jaw, forcing the man’s gaze on him while his now dark eyes scanned his lover’s sharp features. “You’re going to do everythin’ I say. Do you understand? I need to hear you say yes.” Ro knew the other male liked to be pushed around in the bedroom, degraded, all the things that Roman himself enjoyed behind closed doors. They were both pretty sick when it came to kinks, but maybe that was why they were so good together.
The rush of adrenaline Q was feeling before even arriving at Roman’s new apartment, was nothing compared to what he was feeling now. His trip to California had awakened something in him, but it wasn’t something he could necessarily share with Aaron. This was something he shared with Roman, and Roman alone. His heart was pounding so hard against his chest as his eyes shifted to meet the deep emerald green orbs of his lover. His head nodding, but the word yes finally being forced from his lips as Roman’s hand tightened around his jaw. “Yes, daddy” he smirked mischievously. Quentin could definitely be a brat, and he loved testing the limits. But this deep yearning to touch Roman and be touched by him was making it incredibly hard to be anything but compliant. His hands moving to grab his best friends ass and squeeze it as he pressed his groin into his.
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
Roman had to smirk at the naughty nickname passing Quentin’s lips, deciding to drop his hand down to fist at the front of his coworker’s shirt. Roman tried to think back over all the time in his life he’d wanted something really bad, and nothing really compared to how much he wanted to just completely ravage Quentin right now. The actor pulled Q by the shirt to his lips, kissing the male hard, and needy, then decided to switch gears and grab his lover by the arms to throw him onto the bed behind them. “I need you naked.” Roman rasped and placed himself at the foot of his mattress so that he could start tugging down Quentin’s pants. “Get your shirt off for me baby. Wanna see that beautiful body...”
The energy that was radiating from Roman’s eyes alone. It had him feeling all types of ways. Like he could quite literally combust at any moment. The satisfaction of finally being able to kiss this beautiful mans lips shooting signals straight to his dick. It was like he was having hot flashes or something, because before he knew it his back was hitting the mattress. His lips parting with the most lustful gasp as his eyes scanned the features of Roman’s face. He crossed his arms across his chest and arched his back as he pulled his t-shirt from his body. Tossing it wherever as his hands found solace gripping at the sheets on the mattress below him. God, he wanted to touch Roman so bad. His fingertips were tingling as his hips shifted just slightly to help his lover get him undressed. “God, I’ve missed you” he breathed out. His lips practically quivering as they yearned to be pressed against any part of this beautiful man standing over him.
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
Roman’s mouth went dry the second Q pulled off his shirt, revealing that perfectly cut body that was dotted with beauty marks. Christ, he really was gorgeous. The lines of his abs, the milky color of his skin, like a porcelain doll. The kicker though, was that face. He looked like he could get anyone to do anything he wanted, and Roman definitely felt like he was under his spell. “I’ve missed you more.” Ro focused now on getting his own clothes off, and then he was turning to look for his handcuffs. He didn’t have as much storage space in this apartment as his last, but of course he still made sure he had a couple of drawers dedicated to his sex toys. “You’ve been such a bad boy, Quentin.” The older muttered as he slowly turned around, dangling the handcuffs from his index finger. “Hold your hands up above your head for me...” Roman instructed while walking back over to loom above his best friend so he could cuff him to his headboard with a cheeky grin. “You look so hot like this, fuck.”
Quentin was convinced that Roman could quite possibly be the death of him. But he wasn’t complaining in the slightest. Hell, he welcomed it fully with open arms. This man just had a way of doing things that left him feeling completely out of body. Every touch burning into his skin with the most euphoric pleasure he had ever felt. “Mmm, yours so fucking sexy” he hissed as he watched his lover undress. His fingers fondling with his own nipples as he bit feverishly at his bottom lip. He wasn’t sure what Roman was doing at first, but when he returned with a pair of handcuffs, he could feel his dick literally twitch. “Oh fuck...” he breathed out. Doing exactly as he was told as his body lifted like a magnet against his lover hovering over him. “Are you going to teach me a lesson daddy? Teach me how to behave?” His own lips curling up into a seductive grin as Romans eyes caressed his body.
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
Roman shook his head when Quentin tried to egg him on, a sheepish smile spreading across his face because Q still managed to somehow fluster him, even though he was trying to play a part here. It wasn’t super often that Roman played the dominant role in the bedroom, but that didn’t mean he didn’t fucking love it. He was one who enjoyed having control over things in his life, so of course he would get off on that in the bedroom. “Be quiet, or I’ll make you.” He countered to his lover while securing his hands in the handcuffs above his head. “Think you can stay quiet for me, Q? Not even a single sound?” He lifted a brow, and then ducked down to place some open mouthed kisses over his body, ending in some nipple play as he dragged his teeth over one, and then the other to get them hard.January 10, 2021
✰ 𝓠ᴜᴇɴᴛɪɴ ✰
Quentin was anything but quiet in the bedroom. But the way Roman just got onto him had his cock literally throbbing with anticipation. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth to keep himself quiet and simply just nodded his head. Knowing full well he probably wouldn’t be able to stay silenced for long. “Mmm” he hummed with a soft grunt as Roman’s teeth dragged over his nipples.  His lips pressing together as he tried to keep himself from making anymore sounds as his body practically squirmed beneath his lover. His eyes begging for more as his hand pulled against his restraints. This was definitely going to be a challenge. Not touching Roman or making a single sound. God, he needed this so bad, and Roman looked so fucking sexy with that look of dominance on his face.(edited)
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
Roman was smirking, probably looking like a demon straight from hell, but in a good way? Did that even make sense, or did it just make him sound insane? Christ, he was just so turned on, and he wanted as much of Quentin as he could possibly get, all at once, right this second. “Such a good boy for me right now, Q.” Ro gave the other boy praise, knowing that was just as important as being firm. Praise with punishment, the perfect pair. The actor nuzzled against Quentin’s leg as he wrapped a hand around his length, pumping his lover’s cock in his fist to give him some sense of relief while his light stubble rubbed against the sensitive skin of Q’s inner thigh.January 11, 2021
✰ 𝓠ᴜᴇɴᴛɪɴ ✰
There was absolutely nothing sexier than the way Roman looked right now.  His eyes dark and his lips curved up into the most devilish grin he had ever seen. His body was practically begging to be dominated by this man. The time they spent a part only adding to the intense amount of need that he was feeling throughout his entire being. He lifted his hips against the strokes of his lovers hand and his lip tucked back between his teeth. His toes curly with each brush of Roman’s stubble against his thigh. “baby” he whimpered with a soft barely there whisper. His own eyes glossing over with a hunger he could barely control.
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
Roman let out a huff when Quentin called him baby, giving a heavy indication as to whether he liked this or not. Roman had a huge thing for being called pet names while he was dominating his lovers, apparently something he shared with Quentin from time to time. He ran his hand almost lovingly over Quentin’s ass, prodding at the other’s heat with his thumb. "Hmm, good boy, get loud now for Daddy and I'll make you quiet with my cock down your throat, like I'm pretty sure you love." He replaced his thumb with two fingers, curling them to catch that sweet spot at the same time he wrapped his fingers around Quentin’s cock again between his legs. "My good little slut..."
✰ 𝓠ᴜᴇɴᴛɪɴ ✰ 
God! Roman was really testing his limits right now, and he absolutely loved it. His knees dropping to the sides as he lifted his hips even more for more access. “Ughhhh... fuck” he growled through his clenched teeth as Roman pushed his fingers inside of him. His legs involuntarily trembling with pleasure as his mouth dropped open. “Yes, daddy. I’m your dirty little slut” he moaned breathlessly. His arms pulling even harder against their restraints as he rolled his body against his lovers hand.
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
It was always an absolute pleasure to find all Quentin’s little spots and kinks. He knew he was dead right in his exploring as Quentin started moving and squirming against his restraints. He stroked Q in time to his own movements. He wasn't planning to deprive the younger of his orgasm tonight, he had plans, so he was fine with the man chasing the pleasure. He hummed approvingly to Quentin’s words, adding a third finger to the mix. "Such a good boy, cum for Daddy, nice and loud, and you'll get to choke on my cock, I promise."
✰ 𝓠ᴜᴇɴᴛɪɴ ✰ 
Roman added that third finger and Q couldn’t keep himself quiet any longer. Which was a good thing since he was instructed to be loud. “Oh. My. God. Yesssss” he moaned with the dirtiest most seductive hiss. His eyes practically rolling to the back of his head as he continued to thrust his hips and fuck his lovers hands. “I’m so close, daddy” he moaned again. His heavy breaths echoing throughout the room as he felt his cock flex with his release. “Mmm... fuckfuckfuck.... yesss daddy” he growled. His body jerking vigorously against each shot of cum that was released from his throbbing cock.
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
Quentin moaning like that and almost writhing in pleasure was the best thing he'd seen in far too long, this was heaven. He stroked Quentin faster, wanting the man to come to his end, swiping his thumb over Q’s leaking tip. "Good boy, let go for me..." The reason he wanted it was evident only moments later when the cold touch of a plug he’d grabbed for them out of his drawer, barely warmed from the coating of Q’s cum it was covered in, pressed insistently at Quentin’s hole, suddenly lacking Roman’s fingers. He didn't go slow when he pushed it in, knowing Q was prepped, grinning when the plug sank to the pretty gem stone on the end when Quentin squeezed around it. "There we go, good boy. I don't want you to go without a little pleasure while you suck me off." He moved off the bed and shed the rest of his clothes before moving up to Q’s head. He'd cuffed him to the corner bed post, all Q would have to do is shift and turn his head. Roman rounded the bed, and smirked at Quentin in the moonlight. They'd left the lights off, the only light coming from the night sky through the parted curtains. "I wanna see your pretty face while you make yourself choke on my cock. Show Daddy what a good boy you are and get me all wet, that's all the lube you'll get when I fuck you." He smirked. "And I suppose what's left of your cum from the plug." Ro informed the younger as he swung his leg over Quentin and straddled his face.
✰ 𝓠ᴜᴇɴᴛɪɴ ✰ 
Quentin honestly wasn’t sure what to expect when he agreed to this. But, who the hell was this man and what did he do with Roman? They had gotten pretty heavy and intense before in his playroom. But this role switch had Quentin molding into puddy at his lovers will. “Ro... oh...fuck” he hissed again as he pushed the plug deep into his heat. His cheeks clenching around the toy with such a pathetic whimper as he lulled his head back in pleasure. Only bringing his attention directly back to Roman as he spoke. “You’re so good to me, baby” he tried to respond. His words trembling with pleasure as he shifted just right to reach his lovers cock with his mouth. His tongue extending from his lips as he left it just barely curl around the underside of Roman’s cock. “Mmm.... Mine” he moaned hungrily. Opening his mouth wide to let Roman slide his cock completely down his throat. He didn’t really have a gag reflex, but damn. Roman was so fucking huge and his throat was finding trouble completely relaxing with the amount of pleasure he was currently feeling. His eyes fell shut as he choked lightly on his lovers girth before opening them again to watch his reaction. His arms were pulling desperately against the restraints again as he let out the dirtiest sounding moan. “uhmmmm” he let out with a muffled moan as his hands clenched into fists. It was like each time he curled his upper body to get Roman even deeper down his throat he could feel that plug pushing even deeper into him.
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
There was no doubt in Roman’s mind that Quentin would be mind blowing from this angle, there was just no way that mouth could be shit at blowies of any kind. But still, when that warmth enveloped his cock and then that little suck, Roman couldn’t even try to hold back his own moan. After missing Quentin for only one night, Q felt almost unnaturally amazing. God this was worth the wait. And then swallowing him fuuck this wasn't going to be a long blowie, Roman wanted to finish from fucking Quentin. His eyes were starting to burn a little, stuck on the younger’s face once again like how could he not fucking stare? He moaned at the noises Q was making and the look in those deep blue eyes, almost glowing in the moonlight. He couldn't wait anymore, he pulled away from Quentin and climbed onto the bed. He grabbed his lover’s hips and moved him up the bed  on his back so he didn't have to stretch with the cuffs. He pulled the plug out possibly too fast and tossed it to the floor, wasting no time to line up and sink his cock balls deep in one quick, hard movement. He gave Q, and himself, only a bare moment to relish the connection before he was pulling his hips back and slamming them forward, growls leaving him every so often. This would be a sprint, not a marathon, but God it felt so fucking good!
✰ 𝓠ᴜᴇɴᴛɪɴ ✰ 
Romans cock was quite literally Q’s most favorite thing to have in his mouth. He loved sucking cock, and he loved making Roman feel good. To him there was absolutely no better combination in the world. He needed this man’s cock and he craved it more than he craved air to breathe. Which was quite apparent with the way he was taking his lovers length to the back of his throat and completely cutting off his airway. It was almost tragic when Roman pulled away from him. Causing him to whine at the loss of friction against his lips before gasping in the most pornographic way. “Oh shiiiit” he groaned as Roman roughly pulled the plug from his heat and quickly replaced his with his cock. His glands were throbbing with the amount of intense pleasure he was receiving. It was impossible to even try to stay quiet now. His moans fluctuating between heavy breaths and deep growls as he slammed his hips back up agains each of Roman’s thrust. “Fuck, yesss baby” he groaned through his gritted teeth. God, this all felt so fucking good. Just the right amount of pain and so much fucking pleasure he could barely stand it. “Oh fuck.. Harder daddy.... yessss right there. More” he growled. His arms pulling so hard at the restrains with the need to touch Roman he was sure he was gonna have bruises. “I’m gonna cum so fucking hard. Don’t stop baby” he insisted through a very thick almost inaudible growl. His entire body trembling as he tightened his legs against Roman’s hard body.
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
That feeling of being on the same page as his partner was almost as good as the sex itself, it was so clear that Quentin was just as into this as Roman was. Almost. Nothing was as good as this, as pounding Q into the bed, the headboard banging against the wall now, fuck sex with anyone didn’t seem as good. He tried his hardest to give Quentin exactly what he was begging for, his muscles screaming already. He just wasn't a built dude, he had stamina he could spread out, not so much endurance. This was exhausting but worth it. He growled at Quentin’s words and tried to go even harder until he realized he really wanted to actually see Quentin’s face as he controlled him completely. He fell to one elbow by the other’s shoulder, making sure he was still lined up with his free hand before slamming home and resuming his furious pace. Then he was grabbing Quentin’s throat to make sure he had eye contact with the man, those stunning blue eyes. He also really wanted to control his breathing, and give him that extra level of pleasure. Cum... cum for Daddy, pet... I'm..." He didn't have enough breath to finish as he rammed his cock home one more time and exploded. His O face in the moonlight what something to behold, though Roman would argue it paled in comparison to Quentin’s.
✰ 𝓠ᴜᴇɴᴛɪɴ ✰ 
This was some next level shit. Quentin had never been with anyone who he could connect with like this. It was seriously mind blowing, and maybe even a bit overwhelming. His body had never felt so alive with passion and pleasure. There was quite literally nothing better than sex with Roman. Hell just being with Roman in general sent him. He was completely and utterly in love with this man, and every single aspect about him. Even the way he was cutting his air supply off right now was so fucking blissful. “”ughh” he moaned with a soft grunt. His eyes involuntarily rolling to the back of his head as he felt Roman slamming into his prostate over and over. He couldn’t breathe, hell he didn’t wanna breathe. It all felt so fucking euphoric, and he was right there on the edge of cumming. Romans words giving him that extra push he really needed to get there. “Fuuu..” he barely got out as he felt Roman’s hot sticky cum exploding deep inside of him. His own orgasm pushing him completely into a place of euphoric and celestial pleasure as he felt himself loose a bit of consciousness. His eyes rolling back to life as his body jerked with orgasmic pleasure.
❝𝓡✮м𝕒𝐍 ❜❜ 
Roman’s chest was heaving, his lungs on fire, legs ready to give out, but he refused to stop before he got to see Quentin’s face and it was worth it!His hold on Q’s throat tightened in response to their pending orgasms, because he literally couldn't talk for any form of warning, his thumbs now pressing into his lover’s pulse point in a way he knew Quentin could handle. Eventually he just couldn't hold himself up anymore and fell to Quentin’s chest with a heavy sigh after he came, going full limp noodle as he tried to catch his breath. His fingers left the other’s neck to start running over Q’s scalp instead, trying to soothe him through his come down. Once he felt less like he was going to die in the best way he turned his head and buried his face into Quentin’s neck. "Holy shit. You are fucking amazing... gimme a second and I'll uncuff you, dunno if I can move yet." He chuckled softly and shifted his leg to hook under Q’s in a comfortable piece of intimacy Roman probably wasn't even aware of, making the moment soft. He kissed Q’s neck softly and actually whined. "I didn't even get to choke you out completely!" Poor Quentin was going to get whiplash! It had taken probably three full minutes for Ro to be able to speak but still! It was a quick flip.
✰ 𝓠ᴜᴇɴᴛɪɴ ✰ 
Quentin gasped deeply as Roman moved his hand from his throat. His own chest rising and falling rapid and heavy as he fought to catch his breath. He was still a bit out of it himself. But the pressure of Roman laying on top of him kept him from completely fading out. He hooked his leg back around his lovers and a smile formed across his lips. “It’s okay baby” he rasped, pressing a kiss to Roman’s forehead before his lover was burying his face into his neck. “Ha, you can say that again. You... holy shit” his voice was weak and raspy with a thick and heavy French accent. But he didn’t really care if he ever caught his breathe. This was the most perfect and euphoric moment in his entire life, and he honestly didn’t want it to ever end. “Mmm” he hummed before letting out a soft chuckle. “Baby... I was right there. It was perfect” he assured. His legs wrapping around Roman’s body as he used the force of his own body to flip them over. Straddling over his lover with his arms criss crossed in the cuffs hanging over them. “I love you so fucking much” he breathed out. Letting his body slide down Roman’s as he laid on top of him and crashed their lips together.
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plueschpop · 5 years
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the way you talk to me • starker
Peter fell face down on his bed. His eyes stayed closed for a moment, his body completely relaxed. Sleep was calling him. He slowly drifted off.. his dreams pulling him in. Tony was already waiting for him, arms spread open. His love opened his mouth, words slipped out but he sounded off. Peter’s brain couldn’t process the things Tony said.
"Wake ... left a mess-... need to.... PETER!" Karen’s voice filled the room and ripped the young man out of his sleep.
"Why‘re you screamin'? Wanna sleep." Mumbled words left his mouth.
"I’m sorry Peter but Mister Stark left you a message when he went on his business trip." Peter did not pout, nop he didn’t. Okay, maybe a bit but Tony was gone for a few days and didn’t take his lover with him like always. "Can’t you just tell me what he said so I can go back to sleep?"
He was exhausted and missed his daddy, hearing his voice would make it worse.
"I’m afraid I can’t do that, Peter. Mister Stark said, you should listen to it when you’re alone." Karen was as lovely as ever.
"Alright, play it please." Peter made himself comfortable again. He reached for his pillow to wrap his arms around it, needing something to cuddle.
"Hello baby boy" Peter whimpered. "when you’re hearing this I’m probably going to be in a meeting but I thought I’d prepare this for you so you won’t miss me and it’s also something to .. distract yourself. Are you comfortable, sweetheart? I hope you’re on our bed now, looking all cute and cuddly in your sweater." Peter could hear Tony’s smile and it made his tummy tingle.
"Mhm okay, I know you’re daddy’s good boy and you‘ll listen to this, wishing I was there with you." Tony licked his lips. "Oh sweetheart, I should’ve taken you with me, shouldn’t I? You’d look so gorgeous right beside me in every meeting but I wanted to surprise you with something. You’re always on my mind, sweetheart. I love you." Peter’s eyes filled with tears.
"And I love when you spread your legs for me. Imagine me being there with you on our bed. I’d still be in my suit and you’re still wearing your cute sweater, aren’t you sweetheart?" He couldn’t help himself and let a "yes daddy" slip past his lips. "Mhm, your porcelain skin looks even more delicious like that. My pretty little doll, spread your legs for me. Daddy wants to get a taste of you. Let me lie down on top of you. You’d stare up at me and I’d lean down to finally kiss you after a long day. God sweetheart, I miss you so much. Your arms would wrap around my neck without you even noticing it. Mhm I can feel you against me, your tiny little cock pressed against daddy. And I know sweetheart, it’s hard to stay still but you’re my good boy and I know you can do it." Peter panted already. Desire spreading through his veins.
"I’d slip my hands down your body, rubbing softly over your sensitive chest. You can feel my lips softly pressed against your throat. Your cute little hands pull on my hair and you try to push me down. Oh no sweetheart, don’t get impatient. I’d push myself up again to taste you again. I slowly lick into your mouth while I push your sweater up. My fingers are lightly tracing your left nipple. Your whines are music to my ears." Peter slipped his hand under his sweater, trying to make himself feel as good as his daddy would.
"I’d break our kiss. Mhm my baby boy, every part of you is so gorgeous. Sit up for me, let us remove your sweater. I need to feel your skin now." The brown haired boy pulled every piece of clothing of his skin.
"Such a good boy and that’s all for daddy mhm. I’d wrap my lips around your nipple while teasing the other one. You’re desperate already, aren’t you sweetheart? I can feel you arching your back. Are you begging already? Calling for your daddy?" Tears slipped down Peter’s cheeks. "Daddy, I need you." Moans slipped past his lips while he let his hands slide up and down his chest.
"I know where you need it the most, sweetheart. My hand always finds your delicious hole mhm. Aw baby boy, you’re wet already .. or are you still wet from being bend over the kitchen table this morning? You’re a naughty boy, aren’t you? Your hole lets me slip in my finger so easily. You want me so bad, I know you do. I can’t believe how tight you are around me, pulling me in. Oh sweetheart, another finger won’t be a problem for you. You can take daddy just like that." Peter moaned as he pushed his second finger inside himself.
"What was it, baby boy? Did I hear a "daddy please"? You really need me that bad huh?" Tony’s voice sounded rough, deeper than usual. His daddy was affected by this after all. "Yes daddy please please please please." Peter was desperate.
"You need my third finger mhm? I’d push it in so slowly sweetheart. Daddy doesn’t want to hurt you after all. You’re always taking me so well. Are you ready for me sweetheart? I know you are. Spread your legs for me." Tony turned silent all of a sudden. "I’m sorry sweetheart, I have to go now. We’ll finish that when I’m home again." With that said, the call ended.
"Wha- no no no. Karen call Mister Stark." More tears slid down his cheeks. "I’m sorry Peter but Mister Stark is currently in a meeting." Peter was getting impatient.
"I don’t care, he has to take responsibility for his actions." Karen dialed Tony’s number.
Nici‘s october moodboards 🎃
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allyvampirelass29 · 4 years
The Frost to Her Fire
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A NOS4A2 Fanfiction By: Allyssa J. Watkins
Charlie Manx breathed in deeply, unbuttoning his long, royal blue chauffeur's coat, as his lovely wife kissed behind his ear, fixing his coif, and her fingers were soft, the womanly touch he'd been so cruelly denied for over fifty years, and he reveled in it, as she reached her arms around him, helping him off with his coat, already untying his blood red cravat. Those hands. So sweet, smooth as cream, and tonight oddly expressive. She was definitely up to something.
"Yes, My Sweet?" He simpered coolly, an eyebrow raised, so affected, as she rubbed his chest. He delicately grazed one of his long gloved fingers, up and down her pale cheek, and she sighed happily, which was a far more pleasant sound than the hopeless sobs that usually filled their evenings. Oh these hands, the greatest weapon against him. And she knew how to use them too. "Pray tell, what's got you in such cheerful spirits this fine evening, Mrs. Manx?"
Lips on his cheek, as she stroked the back of his coifed raven hair, and he murmured softly. What mischief was his little minx playing at? Why hadn't she been this affectionate on their wedding night? They could have been tangled up together, gasping blissfully in the throes of passion, consummating their love in the canopied bed beside the fireplace, the picture of newlywed happiness. But no, instead, he was forced to leave the newest Mrs. Manx crying by the window, for it seemed she was not at all pleased with his little magic trick, borrowing her hands, taking up her pen, to show Vic McQueen just who was the most POWERFUL Strong Creative of them all. Sweet, confused girl. You musn't be so ungrateful. You should be thanking me...….. for saving you. Saving our home.
"Of course, Charlie, it is your most dashing and enigmatic self that has made my spirits altogether bright," she whispered and he smiled, taking her hand in his gloved one, bringing it to his lips, feeling relaxed, rather liking the way she had said that. Why, Mrs. Manx, have you finally acquiesced to your fate?
"You flatter me, My Dear...… Your words like music, for a man that has languished too long in silence. I would, naturally, don any garb that would make you smile, and light up so." He grabbed her forearm, aching to feel her body close to his, and gingerly brought his fluttering dove to settle upon his lap, her legs bare and dangling over the arm of the chair, and he watched them, taking notice for the first time of her nightgown.
"Aaaaaaah, you do favour me with a treat tonight, Sweet Wife, wearing the very gown you wore when I absconded with you, kissing you for the first time in the falling snow." He grinned at her, remembering how it felt, dancing with her, the innocence of their first kiss, moving with her, and he admired how it hung snugly against her curves, still rustling about her legs. He was already tugging teasingly on the laces that tied at the neckline, his long fingernails, following the lacing down her bodice, feeling it through his gloves, and her own fingers curled around his.
"Yes, My Darling Charles, I crave always to dote upon and favour you...… I want to please you, My Sweet Sir, be your every imagining of beauty...…."
Charlie turned his nose into her soft cheek, breathing in, nostrils slightly flared with his rising passion, still fingering her bodice, made dizzier by her every word.
"Perhaps....... It is not only what you don, Fairest Husband, but what you might take off, that may delight me so........."
Charlie's black eyes fluttered open, struck speechless as he watched her cheeks redden, her full lip tremble, and he lowered his own lips to kiss her neck, seized by something he was powerless to stop, teasing the delicate skin, tasting it, trapping her hand, squeezing it tight, while the other caressed her cheek, feeling the heat between them, as she melted blissfully in his grasp. My, My, Mrs. Manx, Christmas Morning has come early, now hasn't it? Ooooh is tonight the night you finally give yourself to me in body and soul? Are we to at last become one as man and wife?
"Say the word, Mrs. Manx, and I shall gladly aid you in such unwrapping," He whispered breathily into her ear, already undoing his crimson waistcoat, with a mischievous smirk.
Ally giggled, the bubbly sound an elixir, making all a haze, as she nestled her head into the crook of his neck. He shrugged off his gentleman's vest with swift haste, wearing now, only his loose white shirt and black trousers. His fervor quieted though, when he felt her tugging at his wrist, wanting his black leather gloves off of him. Oh you, naughty girl.
"Charlie, please?"
Charlie pouted, his nose slightly wrinkling, having had the full intention of making love to her with them on. "My Darling, come now, we talked of this..... My gloves are very rarely removed, I am quite fond of them, you see...…"
Ally pouted too, which was the most endearing thing, softening his heart at once, and he watched, mystified, as she brought his wrist to her lips, kissing generously, lovingly just beneath his glove, his pulse tremulous.
"Oh Charles, you have the most..... sinfully soft hands, must you keep them covered, and deny your wife their luxurious touch? Would you neglect me so ill? Your fingernails, Charles...…." Charlie felt the chills dance down his spine, as she grazed one of his sharp nails against her bottom lip, her voice an ecstasy irresistible, breathless with subtle seduction. He'd never heard her talk like this, and it tempted him to the point of madness, ready to give her anything, needing to take her, to truly have her, and let her have him in a way even Jo was never allowed.
"I need them, your beautiful, long fingernails, against my bare skin, I have dreamt of nothing else...…"
Charlie grinned wickedly with a dark flirtation, imagining his dangerously long nails brushing against her soft, sensitive skin, torturously slow, lingering in the most intimate places, whisking against the curves that demanded his gaze even now. He locked hard onto her glowing green eyes, biting the tip of his glove, yanking it off with his teeth, his stare, lethal.
He watched the breath escape her chest, the ties on her laced bodice shuddered, still beckoning his wayward will, and she blushed all the more, looking dazed, as he ripped off his other glove, tossing them both to the floor, leaning in closer. Very well, Wife, as you wish, the gloves have come off........
"As you know, Allyssa Manx," He rasped, devilish, his desire untamed, his entire senses heightened, as he carefully placed his hands on either side of her face, resting all ten sharp vampire nails against her flushed cheeks, cradling her head in his claws. "I am in the sacred trade of making dreams come true......."
He kissed her hard, holding her face with the heels of his palms now, long fingers bent, careful not to scratch his porcelain doll, and she took his lips with the same impassioned ache, the same forbidden hunger, clutching the back of his head, mussing his shiny coif, one hand flush against his chest, pressing hard against the thin material of his shirt. While she was so engaged, Charles smirked into the kiss, the fingernails of his one hand moving down her body, at last pulling those laces loose, her neckline opening unto the loveliest snow white swell, and a rather pleasing feminine indent.
He moved to brush his finger across the pale crest, but she broke the kiss far too soon, before he could continue, and breathing heavily, she rested her forehead against his. He chuckled, admiring the effect his lips could coax from her body, making her blood run hot, exciting her in ways her docile mind had never dared to imagine, and felt her tremulous exhale as he brushed his nose against hers.
"Ohhhhhh My Ally...…... Do not take pause, and deny me the Elysium of your lips, I shall not survive it."
"Charles, I-I can't breathe...…. We are fire and frost, burning and melting together as was destined by the fates! You are....... Magnificent."
"Charles kissed her again, ravenously, forcing her head back with the fire of his passion, his fingernails clutching the back of her head, getting lost in a cascade of curls, closing into a fist of them, his other hand perched just above her chest.
Ally's whole body trembled as she kissed Charlie back, his lips igniting the fire deep within her very soul, held so happily captive in his arms. The way he touched her, so reckless, so possessive, no longer careful, the danger, the thrill, the way he took control, setting ablaze the polite affections most couples were fated to, favoring to stir her up something fierce, it was exquisite. She was overwhelmed with the wanting of him, the desperation for his hands on her skin, his lips taking hers without caution..... He was the fire and the frost, in which she would happily perish twice over.
Charlie's hand slid through her hair, and he touched her face, stunned by how feverish she was, his brow furrowing in worry. Did I get you a little too worked up, Darling? Don't fret. Once you've been undressed, properly, you'll feel much cooler. Of course, that's a delicious lie, I'm only going to get you hotter. You're the fire, yes, and you'll burn for me.
Ally broke the kiss, touching her own forehead, feeling faint, trying to remember to breathe. "Forgive me, I-I must be a little nervous." She was nervous, because he was perfect, her striking Byron, her gorgeous husband, as angelic in appearance as he was treacherous in intention, and she wanted their first time to be transcendent, incite his greatest pleasures, even if she still felt she did not deserve to be one with so flawless an immortal form.
Charles smiled at her very charmingly, absolutely adoring her bashfulness, her untouched virtue and she kissed the back of his hand, holding it to her lips.
"Of course, my beautiful bride, I do understand......." He cooed, whisking all of her silky curls over one shoulder, before bringing his lips to her fevered forehead. "Sweet, innocent Virgin Queen...…. Forgive me my folly, your foolish husband must learn patience, with so delicate a beauty. I only want you so madly, control is most elusive, this eve, just looking at so comely a countenance."
They both had trembled at the word virgin, and she stared at him in that way that he loved, her eyes gleaming, like he was her miracle. He took her up in his arms, while she hugged his neck, and laid her delicately in the canopy bed, grazing his hands through  the curls splayed across his pillow as she looked up at him with such longing. "Wait here, My Love, I'll return with some refreshment, to cool you, and calm your nerves. You make me so frightfully happy, Dear Girl." He turned to leave, and then stopped, leaning down to kiss her again, feeling her happily kiss him back, and before he pulled away, he whispered something.
"I love you, Ally Manx...….. More than Christmas."
It took everything in him to take his leave of her, and he watched the tender emotion overwhelm her soul, gentle eyes glistening, the past horrors forgotten, as she pulled him close one more time, hugging him, nestling her wet cheek against his, and he knew these were the joyous tears he'd been waiting for.
"I love you too, Charlie Manx. More than Christmas."
Once he'd finally torn himself away, fighting his own tears, Ally lay very still, out of breath, dizzy and perfectly blissful, still tasting him on her lips, imagining the pleasing lines of his handsome chest through his threadbare shirt.
"Oh my God. You really say that to him?"
Ally covered her face, startled, hearing Vic's voice through the window, feeling conflicted, having very nearly forgotten she was there, knowing what had to be done, but now she wasn't sure if she could do it.
"Vic..... I can't! I just can't! Not now...…"
"Don't fall for it, Ally. Don't give into his manipulation, his seductive, romantic whatever!!! You know the truth now, remember? He can play nice all he wants, but he's still a cold as ice, soulless, MONSTER!!! Yeah, sure, he knows all the right things to say, but it doesn't change who he is. You did good, actually, scary good, but you can't quit on me now!"
"I love him, Vic!!! I know what he is, but I don't care!!!! I still love him with terrifying depths!!!! How now can I betray him like this!? I won't do it! This- This was a mistake! He's my husband!!!"
"You betray HIM!? Ally, HE betrayed YOU when he pried your power loose from your fingers, used you, and imprisoned you in his merry apocalypse land forever. He's never going to let you out, if he thinks you love your cage, alright? Think of the kids!"
Ally shuddered, sickening flashes of sweet children transformed into vampires with razor sharp fangs, seemingly breaking the spell Charles Manx had performed so well. Biting her lip, she rushed to the door, locking it, and with trembling fingers, picked up Charlie's leather gloves from the floor, the gloves he'd used to violate her power, take control of her knife, the gloves that he was so reluctant to remove, because he knew...… They held the secret to playing with fire. These gloves were her strings, and they were going to break.
She hurried to the window, and opened it, a flurry of snow blowing in, catching her hair, as she looked down to see Vic on her cherry red motorcycle, and with a deep breath, tossed the gloves out the window.
"I can't believe you got him to take these things off," Vic yelled triumphant, catching them, closing her fist around them, before stuffing them into her jacket pocket, motioning Harlequin Novel to climb down. Ally climbed up to the ledge, and felt the cold on her face as she stood there, the wind ripping through her gown, and she sensed it, the coming snowstorm that Charlie Manx would drive at her in full force for her dire deception. Vic could practically feel her hesitation, and motioned her down again, even more emphatically
"Ally, come on! You got this! You don't really want to stay here, and have sex with Manx, do ya?"
"Yes!" Ally called down to her, still starry-eyed and swoony. "I do! Very much so!"
"GOD, you are one weird chick!"
Ally smiled down at Vic, bracing herself, as she jumped out of the second story window into the heaping pile of fresh snow, shaking the flakes from her hair, climbing onto the back of Vic's motorcycle.
"We are TWO weird chicks that are going to save the world!!!" She answered cleverly, and Vic smiled.
"Damn straight, Jane Austen."
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thaticychica · 5 years
Love, Guns and Roses (Mafia AU!) Chapter 1
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Summary: After your mother passed away, your father wasn’t able to pay his debt and you were forced to marry the son of the NCT clan’s boss - Kim Do Young, in order to make up for your father’s mistakes. And now you’ll have to deal with your future husbands and the NCT clans business. 
Genre: ...angst, I guess?
Words: 2.3k
„I know I am probably the last person on earth you want to talk to right now, but we have to get going soon.”, a deep yet soft voice spoke when a man opened the door of your bedroom, while watching you from afar.
“I’ll be ready.”, you said, your back facing him.
How pitiful you looked – all curled up in your own yet so unfamiliar bed.
Your bedroom was filled with darkness, not even the slightest ray of sunshine to be seen.
Your hair was a mess, your eyes puffy and your face wet from all the tears that were rolling down.
“Okay… We’re leaving in about half an hour. Meet me at the entrance.”, he half-whispered, glancing at your fragile form one last time, before closing the door – leaving you to your somber bedroom and loneliness.
You took a deep breath and sat up, taking in the room, that was going to be a part of your new life.
You looked to your left, where a sinfully expensive, long dress hung on a hook attached to your new closet and then down to the floor, where a pair of fancy high heels stood, waiting to be worn – “those are going to kill my feet“, you said to yourself.
If you were to determine the worst day of your entire life, it would surely be this one – Today.
Not the kind of “ugh-this-is-the-worst-day-of-my-life-day”, no this is literally as worse as it gets.
>>>      //         Flashback       //
“Why would you do that to me, dad?!”, you almost broke down in tears every time you opened your mouth, trying to protest.
“Darling, please listen to me. Look. I know it’s unfair and I am sorry, that you have to make up for my mistakes, but we do not have another choice.”, your dad said trying to soothe you somehow, when he saw your puffy eyes.
“Dad. Please don’t make me do that. Please don’t make me marry him!”, you begged him for what feels the 100th time today and that’s the exact moment you felt your tears finally rolling down your rosy cheeks.
“I am sorry, I truly am. But if you don’t marry him, they will have no mercy. They might even kill me and do even worse things to you.”
“Why can’t you just pay him the money back somehow!? Ask for more time!”, you tried to argue, even though you knew it would be no use.
“I already did that one too many times. You know the NCT clan’s reputation, you know how much of a big deal they are. They are the most powerful Mafia Clan.”, he was right.
The NCT Clan was one of the most powerful, influential and biggest Mafia Clans. Nobody who was right in their mind would try to mess with them. There were only few Clans that were nearly as mighty and feared as the NCT Clan. 
A Clan feared by most of the other Mafia Clans, as they were known as merciless and cruel. Many of the other Clans tried to compete with them, attack them or even destroy them but all of them failed.
There is only one Clan, that’s considered as equal – the EXO Clan.
Both the NCT and the EXO Clan have many allies however they also have just as many enemies, who try to hunt them down.
Due to the enormous rivalry between the NCT and EXO Clan, both of them have the exact same goal: To annihilate the other.
The mutual desire to destroy each other has led their simple rivalry to a kind of domestic war – a war of the naughty yet subtle kind.
Your family was merely a small yet well off Mafia Clan – you were just little fishes in a big sea full of sharks.
Your childhood was fulfilling – you had everything you desired and even more. A beautiful, big house, a maid, thousands of dresses and so many toys, you could barely count them. Your family and your parents showered you with love – there was only one thing that you’ve longed for more than anything else.
A normal life – visiting a school, having friends you could hang out with afterwards and everything else that comes with it.
Instead you had a home teacher and some cousins your age that would come by every few months. As years went by, you’ve learned to accept this way of life – at least you had your loving parents.
However, the day your mother died in a horrible car accident, everything went wrong – your family went bankrupt, your father became more careless with the little money you had left and here you were.
Forced to marry some strange son of a Mafia-Boss you’ve never seen in your life, sold to the NCT Clan, like a cow back in the days.
“So you really want me to marry some strange, old man!? Someone who probably killed a whole lot of people!? You seriously want your only daughter to spend the rest of her life with a murderer!?”
“I know you’re scared. If I were you, I would be too. But I met Do Young. He is a really nice, well behaved and honorable man. He will treat you just right, I promise. Also, he just turned 23, so he isn’t even that much older than you.”
“Dad! I am 18 years old and I’ve never even been in a relationship, because you…Wait. Did you… No way.”, the moment you heard yourself speaking these words out lout, it felt like everything you believed in fell apart in this very moment.
You finally realized it.
You finally understood. You finally saw everything clear.
All these years your father kept you from having contact to the outside world.
He isolated you completely, as if you would break if anyone touched you.
Like a porcelain doll.  
But it wasn’t because he was afraid of you getting hurt.
It was because he promised the innocent you, to a son of a Mafia-Boss in order to pay back your father’s debts.
“Darling, please. It’s not what you think it is… I am sorry…”
“Please tell me you didn’t keep me isolated from the outside world, because you promised them, that I would marry their son, when I turn old enough to get engaged.”, even though you already knew his answer, you couldn’t help but asking – not wanting to believe your father would do something this unfair to you.
“Please, forgive me. I was so scared, you were so young and your mother… Your mother objected this plan of mine, nonetheless I was able to convince her. I really thought I could pay him back before you were going to turn 18 and I made her believe me... When your mother died, we didn’t have any money left to pay the funeral and I again borrowed money from the head of the NCT Clan…”
“So, you purposely locked me up at home all my life!? And even worse – you made one of the most important decisions of my life, instead of letting me decide who I want to spend the rest of my life with! Shouldn’t you, as my father, want me to marry someone I love!?”, you still couldn’t believe any of this – it’s like the man you knew, isn’t the same man standing right in front of you.
“What I wish for you or you wish yourself don’t matter anymore! You need to understand what’s important. And right now, your only priority should be your and my safety! This is not something you or I can argue with – the decision is made.
You are going to marry Kim Do Young – or else we both are dead! That is my last word.”
>>>      //        End of flashback        //
After you had change into your new, glamourous dress, fixed your face and hair, you took a last deep breath, while starring at your reflection in the mirror.
You were brought to the NCT Clan’s mansion this morning – your father didn’t even bother to escort you there – you were all by yourself, when one of the NCT Clan’s guards led you to the Boss’ office to introduce you to the Boss himself and of course – your fiancé, Kim Do Young.
And to officially announce your engagement to all of the Mafia Clans, a celebration party was going to be held this evening – they clearly weren’t planning on wasting time.
You took small steps, going down the hallway – as if walking slowly was going to change anything.
You could see Do Young standing at the entrance – wearing a luxurious, black suit.
He did look stunning – as much you hate to admit, you couldn’t deny it.
He was handsome, tall, well built and unlike his cold and stern gaze – he had the most beautiful and cutest eyes you’ve ever seen.
As soon as his ears registered the clicking sound of your high heels on the floor, he lifted his gaze and he spoke: “You’re here. You look beautiful (Y/N)…”
“Thank you…”, you mumbled shy, unsure whether he was being sincere, or trying to be polite. Anyway – how could he say that so casually even though you literally just met?
This whole time he acted like this was no big deal for him.
“This guy is Johnny– he is my and from now on also your personal bodyguard. He is of our most talented and loyal men. I trust him with my life and that is why I entrust him with the duty to protect you.”, he explained pointing at the extremely tall man next to him, while Johnny gave you a heartwarming and bright smile.
“Nice to meet you (Y/N). I know this whole situation must be terrifying and confusing but being a part of the NCT Clan, isn’t as bad as you probably think. You’ll see.”, Johnny spoke with reassuring words and somehow these words seem to be calming to your fragile heart, you just couldn’t suppress the subtle smile forming on your lips.
“Wow – look at you. So you actually cansmile, little lady.”, Johnny teased, while knocking his elbow against Do Young’s shoulder.
Before another word can be spoken, the loud sound of the horn of the luxurious limousine in front of entrance gate made all of you jump.
“Well, it seems we have to get going.”, the giant laughed, while turning around to make his way to the car.
While Do Young only nodded, you lower your head – the nervousness slowly overwhelming your body.
“Let’s go (Y/N).”, Do Young announced while gently reaching out for you to take his hand, like a real gentleman.
You immediately complied to his action and took his surprisingly warm, soft hand and like this he led you to the black limousine.
After helping you to climb into the car, he took the seat next to you and soon you felt the car starting to move.
The first few minutes of your drive, no words were spoken and both of you were staring outside the windows. With every little stop, your heart beat faster, in fear of finally arriving at the party – every single of the most powerful Clans were invited.
Every ally. Every enemy. A herd of dangerous men were going to be there.
Were you really going to survive this party?
“You remember the plan?”, Do Young asked, breaking the silence.
“I do. I only speak when somebody is specifically talking to me. No sharing of personal information. And most importantly – nobody is allowed to know about our ‘arrangement’.”, you repeat the rules the Boss of the NCT Clan taught you earlier today.
“Good. What else?”
“Also, we have to act like we’ve known each other for a long time. Act like we’re in love, right?”
“Basically, yes. And in order to make people believe us, I… need to touch you, somehow. Like holding your hand or waist. We’ll also need to kiss at least once – I am going to warn you though before I do anything.”
“Okay…”, you gulp nervously, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Do Young – he was sensing anxiety this whole time.
He knew you’d be scared of everything going on and scared of him – after all you’ve never been in a situation like this and you didn’t even know him one bit.
You were all by yourself when you arrived – shaking like crazy and he saw your eyes brimming with tears. And he just felt so bad for you – you looked so fragile, so small– it made him wanting, to protect you even more. Even though he wasn’t comfortable with this arrangement at all, he was more concerned for you. 
Imagining how lonely, hurt and afraid you must’ve felt…
When the car came to a final halt, Do Young took the chance, to tell you everything, he’s been wanting to tell you.
“Listen (Y/N). I don’t want you to be scared of me. I have no intentions of harming you in any way. I am not the kind of man who gains joy out of hurting or abusing women. I know, right now, you have no reason to trust me in any way. You don’t know me, I am just a stranger to you and on top of that, I am the son of a cruel Mafia Boss. But I want you to know, that I want you to be safe. That is why, I need you to tell me whenever you feel unwell, if someone tries to harm you or if you feel scared. Can you do that? Will you try to trust me?”, somehow his words made you feel better. So much better, so much safer.
Although barely know him, you were able to feel the sincerity in his words, his eyes and his gestures.
Maybe he lied to you, maybe not.
Maybe you were naïve, maybe not.
Maybe you were just so incredibly desperate to have someone by your side, maybe not.
Anyways you were going to try.
“…Okay. I’ll try, Do Young. I’ll try to have trust in you.”
...so this is my very first mafia AU! and also the first writing I ever uploaded here. I hope you guys like it :))
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Goodbye to the Decade: Aesthetic Series
3) Songs
After the series and the books, in this week here are 9 fragments of songs that I liked this decade, since I know that there aren’t so many spanish speakers between you, here is a translation of what the central song says “If there is nothing left to talk about, if there is nothing left to shut up, how can it hurt so much?” is Diciembre by La Oreja De Van Gogh
Like the previous posts in the series a keep reading it’s here, because warning here is the full list of all the songs that I have from this decade, and when I say all of them I mean all of them.No Particular order in them. Congratulations if you make till the end, if not, well I can’t blame you xD
Mirrors by Justin Timberlake 2013
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons 2012
Demons by Imagine Dragons 2012
Counting Stars by OneRepublic 2013
Really Really by Winner 2017
Russian Roulette by Red Velvet 2016
Troublemaker by Troublemaker 2011
Mean by Taylor Swift 2010
Better Than Revenge by Taylor Swift 2010
We Are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift 2012
I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift 2012
All Too Well by Taylor Swift 2012
Shake It Off by Taylor Swift 2014
Blank Space by Taylor Swift 2014
Bad Blood by Taylor Swift 2014
Look What You Make Me Do by Taylor Swift 2017
You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift 2019
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift 2019
The Man by Taylor Swift 2019
Closer by The Chainsmokers & Halsey 2016
Sad Girls by Melo Moreno 2018
Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish 2016
Bellyache by Billie Eilish 2017
Hostage by Billie Eilish 2017
My Boy by Billie Eilish 2017
Bad Guy by Billie Eilish 2019
You Should See Me In A Crown by Billie Eilish 2019
My Strange Addiction by Billie Eilish 2019
Ilomilo by Billie Eilish 2019
Pump Up Kicks by Foster The People 2010
Burn by Ellie Goulding 2013
Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars 2010
Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars 2010
The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars 2010
Grenade by Bruno Mars 2011
Locked Out Of Heaven by Bruno Mars 2012
When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars 2012
Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) by Kelly Clarkson 2011
Stitches by Shawn Mendes 215
Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes 2016
Señorita by Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello 2019
Born This Way by Lady Gaga 2011
Blow Me (One Last Kiss) by P!nk 2012
Elastic Heart by Sia 2013
Cheap Thrills by Sia & Sean Paul 2016
Up In The Air by 30 Seconds To Mars 2013
Gangnam Style by PSY 2012
Daddy by PSY 2015
Voodoo Doll by VIXX 2013
When Can I See You Again by Owl City 2012
Uza by AKB48 2012
Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande 2014
Into You by Ariana Grande 2015
Side To Side by Ariana Grande 2016
Thank U, Next by Ariana Grande 2018
Love The Way You Lie by Eminem & Rihanna 2010
The Monster by Eminem & Rihanna 2013
Hotter Than Hell by Dua Lipa 2016
Only Girl (In The World) by Rihanna 2010
Rude Boy by Rihanna 2010
All Of Me by John Legend 2013
No Need To Talk by C-Luv 2014
Papercut by Zedd & Troye Sivan 2015
Misery by Maroon 5 2010
Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 & Christina Aguilera 2011
Payphone by Maroon 5 2012
One More Night by Maroon 5 2012
Lucky Strike by Maroon 5 2012
The Man Who Never Lied by Maroon 5 2012
Animals by Maroon 5 2014
Maps by Maroon 5 2014
Sugar by Maroon 5 2015
Lips On You by Maroon 5 2017
Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots 2015
Ride by Twenty One Pilots 2015
Heathens by Twenty One Pilots 2016
Chlorine by Twenty One Pilots 2018
Teenage Dream by Katy Perry 2010
Firework by Katy Perry 2010
Corazón En La Maleta by Luis Fonsi 2014
Lego House by Ed Sheeran 2011
Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran 2014
Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran 2017
I Want You To Know by Zedd & Selena Gomez 2015
Burning In The Skies by Linkin Park 2010
Waiting For The End by Linkin Park 2010
Iridescent by Linkin Park 2010
The Catalyst by Linkin Park 2010
Lost In The Echo by Linkin Park 2012
In My Remains by Linkin Park 2012
Burn It Down by Linkin Park 2012
Lies Greed Misery by Linkin Park 2012
I’ll Be Gone by Linkin Park 2012
Castle Of Glass by Linkin Park 2012
Victimized by Linkin Park 2012
Skin To Bone by Linkin Park 2012
Powerless by Linkin Park 2012
A Light That Never Comes by Steve Aoki & Linkin Park 2013
Guilty All The Same by Linkin Park 2014
War by Linkin Park 2014
Wastelands by by Linkin Park 2014
Until It’s Gone by Linkin Park 2014
Rebellion by Linkin Park 2014
Final Masquerade by Linkin Park 2014
Darker Than Blood by Steve Aoki & Linkin Park 2015
Nobody Can Save Me by Linkin Park 2017
Good Goodbye by Linkin Park & Pusha T & Stormzy 2017
Talking To Myself by Linkin Park 2017
Battle Symphony by Linkin Park 2017
Invisible by Linkin Park 2017
Heavy by Linkin Park & Kiiara 2017
Sorry For Now by Linkin Park 2017
Halfway Right by Linkin Park 2017
One More Light by Linkin Park 2017
Sharp Edges by Linkin Park 2017
50 Ways To Say Goodbye by Train 2012
60’s Cardin by Glen Check 2011
Paint It Gold by Glen Check 2013
I’ve Got This Feeling by Glen Check 2013
Ain’t My Fault by Zara Larsson 2016
Oh Nana by K.A.R.D 2016
Solo by Jay Park 2015
Mommae by Jay Park & Ugly Duck 2015
Me Like Yuh by Jay Park & Hoody 2016
All I Wanna Do by Jay Park & Hoody & Loco 2016
Teardrops by Emmelie De Forest 2013
Calm After The Storm by The Common Linnets 2014
Tonight Again by Guy Sebastian 2014
Golden Boy by Nadav Guedj 2015
Goodbye To Yesterday by Elina Born & Stig Rästa 2015
Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw 2015
Alter Ego by Minus One 2016
Occidentalis Karma by Francesco Gabbani 2017
Fuego by Eleni Foureira 2018
Bboom Bboom by Momoland 2018
Cool For The Summer by Demi Lovato 2015
Solo by Clean Bandit &  Demi Lovato 2018
Busted by Electroboyz & C-Luv 2013
MaBoy 3 by Electroboyz & Nana 2013
Lo Malo by Aitana & Ana Guerra 2018
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) by Fall Out Boy 2013)
Centuries by Fall Out Boy 2014
Immortals by Fall Out Boy 2014
Closer by Oh My Girl 2015
Control by Halsey 2015
Graveyard by Halsey 2016
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Backstreet Boys 2018
Feel It Still by Portugal. The Man 2017
Venus by Hello Venus 2012
Do You Want Some Tea by Hello Venus 2013
I’m Ill by Hello Venus 2015
Wiggle Wiggle by Hello Venus 2015
La La La by Naughty Boy & Sam Smith 2013
Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay & Beyonce 2015
Love Myself by Hailee Steinfeld 2015
Female Robbery by The Neighbourhood 2012
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood 2013
Cry Baby by The Neighbourhood 2015
Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood 2015
Go Crazy! by 2PM 2014
Playboy by EXO 2015
Monster by EXO 2016 
One Woman Army by Porcelain Black 2014
Need You Now by Lady Antebellum 2010
Just A Kiss Goodnight by Lady Antebellum 2011 
Little Apple by Chopstick Brothers 2014
Handclap by Fitz And The Tantrums 2016
Hann by (G)I-DLE 2018 
Youngblood by 5 Seconds Of Summer 2018
Easier by 5 Seconds Of Summer 2019
Teeth by 5 Seconds Of Summer 2019
Pretty Woman by Hebe Tien 2015
Fiction by Highlight 2011
Good Luck by Highlight 2014
Impermeable by Ha*Ash 2011
Lo Aprendí De Ti by Ha*Ash 2014
Peligro by Reik 2011
Que Ganó Olvidándote by Reik 2016
Spanglish by Reik 2016
Ya Me Enteré by Reik 2016
Barbie De Extrarradio by Melendi 2010
Canción De Amor Caducada by Melendi 2010
Lágrimas Desordenadas by Melendi 2012
Cheque Al Portamor by Melendi 2012
Tocado y Hundido by Melendi 2014
Otro Lío De Melendi by Melendi 2014
La Casa No Es Igual by Melendi 2016
Sor María by Maná 2011
Mayday by Oran-G 2011
Mi Novia Se Me Está Poniendo Vieja by Ricardo Arjona 2011
Lo Poco Que Tengo by Ricardo Arjona 2014
La Niña Que Llora En Tus Fiestas by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2011
Cometas Por El Cielo by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2011
El Primer Día Del Resto De Mi Vida by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2013
Estoy Contigo by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Diciembre by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Verano by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Camino De Tú Corazón by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Intocables by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
No Vales Más Que Yo by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Cuando Menos Lo Merezca by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Mi Pequeño Gran Valiente by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Siempre by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Bang! by After School 2010
Love Love Love by After School 2010
Someone Is You by After School 2010
Let’s Step Up by After School 2011
Shampoo by After School 2011
Virgin by After School 2011
Play Ur Love by After School 2011
Dream by After School 2011
Are You Doing Ok? by After School 2011
Funky Man by After School 2011
Into The Night Sky by After School 2011
Hollywood by After School 2011
Wonderboy by After School 2011
Lady by After School 2011
Ready To Love by After School 2011
Love Letter by After School & Son Dambi & Minhyun & Baekho & Xiyeon 2011
Rambling Girls by After School 2012
Broken Heart by After School 2012
Just In Time by After School 2012
Gimme Love by After School 2012
Miss Futuristic by After School 2012
Tell Me by After School 2012
Rip Off by After School 2012
Flashback by After School 2012
Eyeline by After School 2012
Wristwatch by After School 2012
8 Hot Girl by After School 2013
First Love by After School 2013
Dressing Room by After School 2013
Time’s Up by After School 2013
Love Beat by After School 2013
Heaven by After School 2013
Crazy Driver by After School 2013
Shh by After School 2014
Rock It! by After School 2014
Week by After School 2014
Dress To Kill by After School 2014
Ms. Independent by After School 2014
Triangle by After School 2014
Yes No Yes by After School 2014
In The Moonlight by After School 2014
Spotlight by After School 2014
Lucky Girl by After School 2014
Shine by After School 2015
Magic Girl by Orange Caramel 2010
Aing~♥ by Orange Caramel 2010
One Love by Orange Caramel 2010
Bangkok City by Orange Caramel 2011
Shanghai Romance by Orange Caramel 2011
Close Your Eyes by Orange Caramel 2011
Funny Hunny by Orange Caramel 2011
Yashashii Akuma by Orange Caramel 2012
Bubble Bath by Orange Caramel 2012
Milkshake by Orange Caramel 2012
Lipstick by Orange Caramel 2012
Lamu No Love Song by Orange Caramel 2012
Dashing Through The Snow In High Heels by Orange Caramel & NU’EST 2012
Cookie, Cream & Mint by by Orange Caramel 2013
Tenshi No Wink by Orange Caramel 2013
Red Shoes by Orange Caramel 2013
Catallena by Orange Caramel 2014
So Sorry by Orange Caramel 2014
Cried Uncontrollably by Orange Caramel 2014
Abing Abing by Orange Caramel 2014
My Copycat by Orange Caramel 2014
The Gangnam Avenue by Orange Caramel 2014
Tonight by Orange Caramel 2014
Reminding Me by Shawn Hook & Vanessa Hudgens 2017
Lay With Me by The Phantoms & Vanessa Hudgens 2018
Y by MBLAQ 2010
One Better Day by MBLAQ 2010
Running & Running by MBLAQ 2010
Sad Memories by MBLAQ 2011
Stay by MBLAQ 2011
Cry by MBLAQ 2011
Wish You Hadn’t by MBLAQ 2011
Mona Lisa by MBLAQ 2011
I Don’t Know by MBLAQ 2011
Baby U! by MBLAQ 2011
Again by MBLAQ 2011
It’s War by MBLAQ 2012
Hello My Ex by MBLAQ 2012
Run by MBLAQ 2012
100% by MBLAQ 2012
Sexy Beat by MBLAQ 2013
Smoky Girl by MBLAQ 2013
R U OK? by MBLAQ 2013
Celebrate by MBLAQ 2013
Pretty Girl by MBLAQ 2013
Dress Up by MBLAQ 2013
No Love by MBLAQ 2013
Broken by MBLAQ 2014
Be A Man by MBLAQ 2014
Key by MBLAQ 2014
Because There Are Two by MBLAQ 2014
Mirror by MBLAQ 2015
Hey U by MBLAQ 2015
I Know U Want Me by MBLAQ 2015
Tea Party by Kerli 2010
Army Of Love by Kerli 2011
Zero Gravity by Kerli 2012
The Lucky Ones by Kerli 2012
Last Breath by Kerli 2012
Sugar by Kerli 2013
Savages by Kerli 2018
Legends by Kerli 2019
Oh! by Girl’s Generation 2010
Run Devil Run by Girl’s Generation 2010
Hoot by Girl’s Generation 2010
Mr. Taxi by Girl’s Generation 2011
Trick by Girl’s Generation 2011
Paparazzi by Girl’s Generation 2012
Flower Power by Girl’s Generation 2012
Animal by Girl’s Generation 2012
Mr. Mr. by Girl’s Generation 2014
Lucifer by SHINee 2010
Sherlock by SHINee 2011
Dazzling Girl by SHINee 2012
Dream Girl by SHINee 2013
View by SHINee 2015
Dark Star by Jaymes Young 2013
Two More Minutes by Jaymes Young 2013
Moondust by Jaymes Young 2013
Running On Fumes by Jaymes Young 2013
As Long As You Love Me by Jaymes Young 2013
Habits Of My Heart by Jaymes Young 2014
I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young 2014
What Should I Do by Jaymes Young 2014
Sugar Burn by Jaymes Young 2017
Black Magic by Jaymes Young 2017
Infinity by Jaymes Young 2017
Paradox by Jaymes Young 2019
Bonamana by Super Junior 2010
Boom Boom by Super Junior 2010
My Only Girl by Super Junior 2010
Shake It Up! by Super Junior 2010
My All Is In You by Super Junior 2010
Good Person by Super Junior 2010
No Other by Super Junior 2010
Perfection by Super Junior M 2011
Off My Mind by Super Junior M 2011
Mr. Simple by Super Junior 2011
Opera by Super Junior 2011
Feels Good by Super Junior 2011
A-CHA by Super Junior 2011
Sexy, Free & Single by Super Junior 2012
From U by Super Junior 2012
Butterfly by Super Junior 2012
Break Down by Super Junior  M 2013
I Wanna Dance by Super Junior D&E 2013
Mamacita by Super Junior 2014
Evanesce by Super Junior 2014
Shirt by Super Junior 2014
This Is Love by Super Junior 2014
Can You Feel It? by Super Junior D&E 2015
Devil by Super Junior 2015
Magic by Super Junior 2015
Black Suit by Super Junior 2017
Love Song by Rain 2010
Hip Song by Rain 2010
Same by Rain & C-Luv 2010
Busan Girl by Rain 2011
30 Sexy by Rain 2013
La Song by Rain 2013 
Marilyn Monroe by Rain 2013
Baby by Rain 2013
Superman by Rain 2013
Face by NU’EST 2012
Action by NU’EST 2012
Not Over You by NU’EST 2012
Hello by NU’EST 2013
Beautiful Solo by NU’EST 2013
Sleep Talking by NU’EST 2013
Good Bye Bye by NU’EST 2014
I’m Bad by NU’EST 2015
Overcome by NU’EST 2016
My Heaven by NU’EST 2016
In Fact by NU’EST 2016
R.L.T.L (Real Love True Love) by NU’EST 2016
Love Paint by NU’EST 2016
Look (A Starlight Night) by NU’EST 2016
Just One Day by NU’EST W 2017
Where You At by NU’EST W 2017
Paradise by NU’EST W 2017
Good Love by NU’EST W 2017
With by NU’EST W 2017
I’ve Been Happy Till Now by NU’EST W 2017
Dejavu by NU’EST W 2018
Signal by NU’EST W 2018
Polaris by NU’EST W 2018
YlenoL by NU’EST W 2018
Gravity&Moon by NU’EST W 2018
Shadow by NU’EST W 2018
Bet Bet by NU’EST 2019
Bass by NU’EST 2019
Different by NU’EST 2019
Universe by NU’EST 2019
Shining Diamond by Seventeen 2015
Adore U by Seventeen 2015
Jam Jam by Seventeen 2015
20 by Seventeen 2015
Fronting by Seventeen 2015
Mansae by Seventeen 2015
OMG by Seventeen 2015
Rock by Seventeen 2015
Pretty U by Seventeen 2016
Nice by Seventeen 2016
Healing by Seventeen 2016
Simple by Seventeen 2016
Boom Boom by Seventeen 2016
Highlight by Seventeen 2016
My I by Seventeen 2017
Clap by Seventeen 2017
Sweet Dream by MFBTY 2013
The Cure by MFBTY 2013
Angel by MFBTY 2014
Buckubucku by MFBTY & EE & Dino-J & RM 2015
Bang Diggy Bang Bang by MFBTY 2015
Fly Like An Eagle by MFBTY 2015
Forever Love by Min Kyung Hoon 2019
My Everything by Han Seung Hee 2019
Take Out My Heart by Jung Dong Ha 2019
Empty by JYJ 2010
Be My Girl by JYJ 2010
Get Out by JYJ 2011
Mission by JYJ 2011
Only One by JYJ 2013
Back Seat by JYJ 2014
Letting Go by JYJ 2014
Baboboy by JYJ 2014
Valentine by JYJ 2014
One Kiss by Jaejoong 2013
Mine by Jaejoong 2013
Kiss B by Jaejoong 2013
Just Another Girl by Jaejoong 2013
Good Morning Night by Jaejoong 2016
Drawer by Jaejoong 2016
Love You More by Jaejoong 2016
Love You To Death by Jaejoong 2016
Welcome To My Wild World by Jaejoong 2016
All That Glitters by Jaejoong 2016
Tarantallegra by Xiah & Flowsik 2012
Incredible by Xiah & Quincy 2013
OeO by Xiah 2015
Stylo by Gorillaz & Mos Def & Bobby Womack 2010
On Melancholy by Hill Gorillaz 2010
To Binge by Gorillaz & Yukimi Nagano 2010
Detroit by Gorillaz 2010
Doncamatic by Gorillaz & Daley 2010
DoYaThing by Gorillaz & Andre 3000 & James Murphy2012
Ascension by Gorillaz & Vince Staples 2017
Strobelite by Gorillaz & Peven Everett 2017
Staturnz Barz by Gorillaz & Popcaan 2017
Moments by Gorillaz & De La Soul 2017
Submission by Gorillaz & Danny Brown & Kelela 2017
Charger by Gorillaz & Grace Jones 2017
Andromeda by Gorillaz & D.R.A.M 2017
Busted And Blue by Gorillaz 2017
Let Me Out by Gorillaz & Mavis Staples & Pusha T 2017
She’s My Collar by Gorillaz & Kali Uchis 2017
We Got The Power by Gorillaz & Jehnny Beth & Noel Gallagher 2017
The Apprentice by Gorillaz & Rag’n’Bone Man & Zebra Katz & Ray BLK 2017
Out Of Body by Gorillaz & Kilo Kish & Zebra Katz & Imani Vonshà 2017
Ticker Tape by Gorillaz & Carly Simon & Kali Uchis 2017
Time In A Tree by Raleigh Ritchie 2018
Inevitable by Dulce Maria 2010
Luna by Dulce Maria 2010
Dicen by Dulce Maria 2011
Antes Que Ver El Sol by Dulce Maria 2014
Te Quedarás by Dulce Maria & Frankie J 2014
Cementerio De Los Corazones Rotos by Dulce Maria 2014
O Lo Haces Tú O Lo Hago Yo by Dulce Maria 2014
Un Minuto Sin Dolor by Dulce Maria 2017
Rompecorazones by Dulce Maria 2017
No Sé Llorar by Dulce Maria 2017
Catch Me by TVXQ 2012
Humanoids by TVXQ 2012
Something by TVXQ 2014
The Chance Of Love by TVXQ 2018
Something by Girl’s Day 2014
Bubble Pop by Hyuna 2011
Make It Happen by Namie Amuro & After School 2011
Hands On Me by Namie Amuro 2013
Neonlight Lipstick by Namie Amuro 2013
We Don’t Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez 2016
Attention by Charlie Puth 2017
How Long by Charlie Puth 2017
Done For Me by Charlie Puth & Kehlani 2018
The Way I Am by Charlie Puth 2018
LA Girls by Charlie Puth 2018
Slow It Down by Charlie Puth 2018
Empty Cups by Charlie Puth 2018
I Warned Myself by Charlie Puth 2019
Mother by Charlie Puth 2019
Cheating On You by Charlie Puth 2019
Candy by Robbie Williams 2012
We Are Bulletproof Pt.2 by BTS 2013
No More Dream by BTS 2013
N.O by BTS 2013
If I Ruled The World by BTS 2013
Coffee by BTS 2013
Attack On Bangtan by BTS 2013
Boy In Luv by BTS 2014
Just One Day by BTS 2014
Tomorrow by BTS 2014
Spine Breaker by BTS 2014
Jump by BTS 2014
Miss Right by BTS 2014
Danger by BTS 2014
War Of Hormone by BTS 2014
Let Me Know by BTS 2014
Cypher Pt. 3: Killer by BTS 2014
Blanket Kick by BTS 2014
2nd Grade by BTS 2014
Look Here by BTS 2014
I Need U by BTS 2015
Dope by BTS 2015
Boyz With Fun by BTS 2015
Converse High by BTS 2015
Run by BTS 2015
Butterfly by BTS 2015
Whalien 52 by BTS 2015
Ma City by BTS 2015
Baepsae by BTS 2015
House Of Cards by BTS 2015
Fire by BTS 2016
Save Me by BTS 2016
Young Forever by BTS 2016
Boy Meets Evil by BTS 2016
Blood, Sweat & Tears by BTS 2016
Begin by BTS 2016
Reflection by BTS 2016
MAMA by BTS 2016
Lost by BTS 2016
Cypher 4 by BTS 2016
Am I Wrong by BTS 2016
21st Century Girl by BTS 2016
Wings by BTS 2016
Spring Day by BTS 2017
Not Today by BTS 2017
You Never Walk Alone by BTS 2017
Serendipity by BTS 2017
DNA by BTS 2017
Best Of Me by BTS & The Chainsmokers 2017
Dimples by BTS 2017
Pied Piper by BTS 2017
MIC Drop by BTS 2017
Go Go by BTS 2017
Fake Love by BTS 2018
134340 by BTS 2018
Paradise by BTS 2018
Love Maze by BTS 2018
Airplane Pt.2 by BTS 2018
Anpanman by BTS 2018
So What by BTS 2018
Idol by BTS 2018
Persona by BTS 2019
Boy With Luv by BTS & Halsey 2019
Mikrokosmos by BTS 2019
Make It Right by BTS 2019
Home by BTS 2019
Dionysus by BTS 2019
Do You by RM 2015
So Far Away by Suga & Suran 2016
Daydream by J-Hope 2018
Comeback Again by Infinite 2010
Waste It On Me by Steve Aoki & BTS 2018
Be Mine by Infinite 2011
Paradise by Infinite 2011
The Chaser by Infinite 2012
Safe And Sound by Capital Cities 2013
Wake Me Up by Avicii 2013
Sparks by Hilary Duff 2015
Aquí Voy by Jesse & Joy 2011
¿Con Quién Se Queda El Perro? by Jesse & Joy 2012
Decidiste Dejarme by Camila 2014
Saturno by Pablo Alboran 2017
Jenny Of Oldstones by Florence + The Machine 2019
¿No Podíamos Ser Agua? by Maldita Nerea 2011
En El Mundo Genial De Las Cosas Que Dices by Maldita Nerea 2011
Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor 2014
NO by Meghan Trainor 2016
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