#nct 127 fan stories
johnnysnostril · 2 years
hi cuties ✨
so it’s been some time since i’ve done imagines & things like that, & i really miss doing them.
so, i would like to open up requests! give me some ideas & i’ll post them asap!
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cdrea · 1 year
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i do write full fictions, imagines, one shot, etc.
- NCT's
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whyse7vn · 11 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
tae: my girl tell me to shut up and i do
hobi: do you have schizophrenia
jk: ong
my girl tell me to shut up i kill myself
yoongi: it’s 6 in the morning
tae: so…
i’ve been seeing someone…
jimin: as in dating??
namjoon: therapy?
hobi: hallucinations?????
y/n: gm 😚
jk: omg my girl online what do i do >.<
jin: send nudes
jk: u first
jin: ?
jk: ??
jin: send it to HER
jk: ohhhhh
yoongi: ur girl?
namjoon: our book is out btw
tae: we wrote a book?
jk: did my story about the aggressive zebra in my room make it in
jimin: what
tae: i don’t remember writing a book
namjoon: no
jk: wtf :/
hobi: he needs to leave those drugs ALONE i’m telling you
jin: awoman
tae: did you write it without me??
y/n: if exo and superjunior are at our doors with ak47’s and bombs in the next 48 hours don’t act surprised
jimin: i could take them all tbh 🥱
jk: in bed?
jimin: stop talking to me
tae: do i still get paid for the book?
namjoon: ur overreacting
jimin: ????
namjoon: not you
y/n: I AM NOT
they’re gonna come get us i’m not joking
hobi: what if they bring all of nct with them
yk for back up
y/n: the end of bts for realzies
yoongi: dramatic
jk: let’s bomb the sm building
tae: is it like a colouring book?
namjoon: tae stop talking
tae: ur not my girl i don’t answer to you
hobi: where do we get a bomb?
jimin: bet namjoon knows
namjoon: ??
why would i know
jin: but i like shinee
y/n: REAL
we have to think about this
yoongi: still 6 in the morning btw
jimin: okay big ben like???
jin: yoongi can you not be a hater rn
yoongi: get a job
jin: i just wrote a book actually
namjoon: technically
jin: shut the FUCK up
hobi: what if we bombed it while shinee wasn’t there
jk: what about nct??
i think they’re cool
jimin: idc what you think tbh
y/n: i agree
jimin: great minds think alike
y/n: make sure shinee and nct are out
ALL of nct
jimin: nvm
jin: isn’t there like 400 of them
lowkey impossible
namjoon: 400 is a major exaggeration
there like 20 of them??
something like that
y/n: gotta make sure marks safe >.<
yoongi: ?
jk: what
tae: is the book only in korean?
jin: someone put a muzzle on him omg
hobi: isn’t he into that?
jin: ur right the only option is to kill myself
jimin: this bomb plan is getting long i’m out
hobi: yikes
y/n: hobi :C
hobi: sorry :c
jk: i’m also out i have a new mission
jimin: to shower??
sorry couldn’t help myself
i’m actually not sorry
i could help myself
i like to lie sometimes
jin: kim seokjin is also out
y/n: fine me it’s gonna be me yoongi and joon to save us all then
namjoon: i never said i was in?
y/n: you never said you were out?
namjoon: out
yoongi: i’m not involved
y/n: FINE
you all SUCK
poor lonely y/n will save the day then
we have to get them first
like are you guys suicidal??
hobi: a bit
y/n: i’m just gonna save myself then
hobi: saving you saving me
i really love nct
y/n: hope they get you first
hobi: i’ll literally become an nct member
i’ll be in wayV
jk: ur not chinese
jin: wayV isnt nct that’s two different groups??
namjoon: isn’t the group just called nct 127?
jin: like they are all under 127?
yoongi: so what’s nct dream then?
jimin: isn’t there an nct u??
jk: me?
jin: so the people that sung the perfume song are 127 not wayv???
y/n: no dojaejung are a separate unit
but they are also in nct 127
namjoon: what
yoongi: superm is also 127?
jimin: i’m having a stroke
this is so jin core
jin: excuse me??
jimin: ??
hobi: fake fans
you would never understand this nct life i live
namjoon: ur right
yoongi: what is going on
jk: have fun with nct i’ll miss you
jin: i’m back on the plan of bombing sm cuz wtf was that
unnecessary as HELL
down with sm
and all their fucking units
tae: can i get my money from the book now or…
yoongi: why are you still talking about the book
jimin: the broke era is really getting bad
y/n: begging for money is insane
tae: i’m NOT begging
y/n: so what are you doing?
tae: humbly asking for my cut?
i’m a businessman
i’m a millionaire for a reason
namjoon: act like it
tae: um?
rude but i’ll let it slide
pay up
preferably now would be nice
jimin: don’t have it millionaire?
tae: ofc i do!!!!!
but why in my right mind would i give YOU out off all people any of MY money
y/n: if you are in ur right mind i must be fucking insane oh my god
jin: about to cut some watermelon
hobi: yummy
jk: what if nct are all robots made by russia to spy on all of us
tae: what
jk: i’ll kill mark first
to test the theory
tae: ur not talking about my money and it’s making me itch stfu pls
yoongi: itch?
hobi: are you a crack addict?
jimin: namjoon would know a lot about that
namjoon: no i wouldn’t
stop saying that
jin: this watermelon just squirted on me
feeling violated
y/n: wtf?
hobi: i don’t think that’s normal
jimin: how tf a watermelon squirt
jk: pics
yoongi: what is wrong with you
namjoon: let’s do a phone detox
let’s all turn our phones off
for a month
jimin: namjoon 1 hour off the drugs
hobi: highkey gross get some cream or something??
jin: right i’m trying to eat here
namjoon: i don’t do drugs
jin: what if i sent a watermelon with a bomb in it to sm
namjoon: leave sm alone
jin: never
i’ll send a bomb for every unit they confused the poor world with
jk: 82
jimin: something about that number seems wrong
jk: 127
yoongi: didn’t laugh
y/n: think you did
tae: itched so hard i’m bleeding
hobi: we’re gonna let them kill tae before the bombs are sent right?
tae: ??
jin: that’s stupid
tae: right like 😭😭
jin: ofc lmao
tae: what
y/n: now we have a book out can we start a book club
namjoon: that would be cute
yoongi: idk if tae knows how to read like that
jk: i love boobs
jimin: i don’t believe you
jk: PLS
tae: i love the sound of “book club”
hobi: ???
y/n: “book club”??
tae: what?
jin: he’s gonna say something dumb
tae: book club is code for sex?
jin: told you
y/n: what
hobi: bro
jk: it is?
yoongi: no
tae: guys i think ur getting old
all the kids know that
jk: i would like to try book club
did i say it right?
like the kids would
tae: no it’s gotta be more like
wanna join my book club 😉
jk: wanna join my book club 😉
tae: perfect
jk: i don’t have a book club tho
tae: that doesn’t matter
jk: i don’t like lying
i don’t think i can do this
yoongi: same
yoongi left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
tae: he’s mad he’s old
doesn’t know the slang of todays children
jin left left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
tae: lame
@y/n wanna join my book club 😉
y/n left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
jk left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
tae: lol wtf he mad as hell
hobi left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
jimin left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
namjoon: i really hope the person that you’re seeing is actually a therapist
namjoon left “MILLIONAIRES CLUB + tae”
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outro-jo · 1 year
dating an nct 127 member and being besties with another
pairing: nct 127 member bsf x reader x nct 127 member bf
type: scenario
warnings: none really
a/n: so each one is the bestie and it says who the partner is. if that makes sense lol
masterlist | info
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taeyong- besties with doyoung’s partner
so you actually did a little work with nct on a title track. you wrote and produced the demo and worked really closely with taeyong and became besties in the process. you’re more freelance, so your time working with 127 was short but taeyong still wanted to work with you on different projects so he kept you around some. this is also how you met doyoung. you are quite literally the polar opposite of doyoung and your differences made him fall for you SO hard but it took him a little while to actually ask you out. ty was the one encouraging him the whole way but it took soooo much effort for him to not tell you. he was there and helped arrange for you to be at the studio for doyoung to ask you out. the second doyoung left after asking you, the both of you cheered and screamed together. he’s been your and doyoung’s biggest supporter and defender ever since.
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taeil- besties with jungwoo’s partner
from the moment he met you he thought you were adorable. tiny and sweet, like a little sibling. he has a little sister and he’s the oldest in nct so the brotherly protective role came pretty naturally with him when it came to you. he NEVER let’s you pay when y’all are out and he just has a way of looking out for you when jungwoo isn’t able to. you and taeil also have basically the same music taste so you’re always sending each other new music you find. jungwoo thought it was very sweet the way his hyung took you under his wing and grateful to have someone look after you like an older sibling.
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johnny- besties with haechan’s partner
it was just to be expected. donghyuk is pretty much johnny’s son so he had to get to know his new child. at first it started out as a way to protect donghyuk, getting to know you just to make sure he wouldn’t get hurt but eventually you two became very close. as time went on, johnny worried less about donghyuk getting hurt and more about you. donghyuk is actually really thankful to have someone around who might be able to protect you better than he can especially when it comes to the more questionable fans of nct. you had a few moments where he was definitely glad to have johnny around. both of your boys just want you safe. your boyfriend loved that you and johnny were so close… until he became the butt of the joke. all with love though.
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yuta- besties with mark’s partner
you’re literally the perfect mirror of mark, like a little ray of sunshine. all of the endearing qualities mark has like being clumsy, goofy, and sweet, you have and yuta immediately took to you. he’s just as affectionate with you as he is with mark (in a respectful way of course). sometimes he’ll even push mark away when he tries to love on either of you. yuta treats you like his precious little angel and he will fight anyone that hurts you, including and especially mark. he will sometimes call you up on his off days when mark has to work for dream or producing and make sure you’re well fed and not bored. he’ll also just facetime you in general, especially when the boys are on tour. it’s really funny because he never tells mark he’s calling you and mark just walks in and you’re on yuta’s phone. “wait… is that y/n??” “yes, but they’re mine right now. you can call them later.” the thing that warmed yuta’s heart the most is when you started learning japanese just to have something else in common with him… also to shit talk about mark a little. despite being teased so much, mark is actually so happy that you and yuta are close. he’s glad to have him care for you so well and honestly him not liking you would have been a bit of a dealbreaker.
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doyoung- bestie’s with taeil’s partner
funny story… doyoung was actually your bias. the look on everyone’s faces when he said this at your first meeting the boys was priceless—especially doyoung’s face. after the initial shock wore off, doyoung was totally endeared by your admiration and wanted to get to know you for who you were and because you were dating his group mate. his expectations were low, not thinking you would be close but he hoped to have pleasant interactions with you. come to find out, the reason you were always so drawn to him as a fan was because you were so much alike in a lot of ways. taeil actually found it kind of funny and preferred that you weren’t all over him just because of his role in nct. he was glad that you found a friend within the group of boys he’s known for so long and he feels like doyoung is one of the better choices among them.
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jaehyun- besties with johnny’s partner
no one was surprised when johnny started dating a foreigner and he was incredible when you made the move to korea but the new environment had you pretty anxious when it came to making friends. it didn’t help that you were still learning the language too. jaehyun was the first to step up and offer to help you and be a conversation partner. of course, johnny was top choice but it was nice to have someone else. your boyfriend is incredibly confident in himself and never once was threatened by your friendship because he trusts you both so well. at the end of the day, he knows that you’re with him because you love him and not his best friend. when teaching helping you study korean, jaehyun had so much patience with you and never made you feel bad when you messed up your pronunciation or phrasing. this pair is really the best to go out with because they’re so goofy and comfortable with each other and you fit in so well. the three of you are the perfect trio.
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jungwoo- bestie’s with jaehyun’s partner
you and jungwoo were pretty similar and close in age so when jaehyun introduced you to the group you clicked immediately. the two of you started hanging out more often and he would invite you to hang out at practices which threw jaehyun off when you’d walk in and he didn’t invite you. the group called you “the twins” because you were practically the same person and almost always together. jaehyun had to catch himself at first because even though he wasn’t normally the jealous type, he couldn’t help but see how well you got along. he was just so scared of losing you but honestly you and jungwoo laughed when he brought the notion up to you and were almost like school kids saying it was “gross”. truly, you never thought of each other in that way. from then on, jaehyun was happy that his little nct family loved you almost as much as he did. 
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mark- besties with taeyong’s partner
mark actually introduced the two of you. you had known mark for years and one day when you were with mark at his studio, taeyong walked in. he was so sweet and shy but very kind to you, it melted your heart. after that you would do all you could to get a chance to see him again. for months, you silently held on to your crush and thankfully mark is pretty obvious despite knowing you so well. it came as quite the shock to mark when you told him but he made it his mission to find out if he liked you too and set you up. years later mark was telling everyone the story during his best man speech. 
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haechan- besties with yuta’s partner
honestly, this shocked everyone a little bit. we all know how donghyuk tries so hard to receive yuta’s love, when he started dating you, donghyuk didn’t really try as hard with you. he was polite and kind but kept a distance but you’re the one that found him to be so adorable that he couldn’t help but have hearts in his eyes. you’re kind of like an older sibling with him. you care for him, take him out to eat, you listen and help him with his problems. donghyuk being your bestie meant that he’s over at your apartment A LOT which yuta doesn’t like very much but it’s the best time to poke fun at him. also whenever you come to see yuta at work, he spots you immediately and rushes over to hug you. sometimes even before yuta can get to you (which he HATES). most of the time when you’re with the boys, yuta has to fight him off you to give affection but it’s cute that they fight over you.
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swee7dream · 25 days
ilichil as agere caregivers ! nct 127 x f!reader
warnings feminine nicknames dni if you sexualize age regression in any way . author's note i guess this is my opening to start writing cg!127 and cg!wayv ! mahae can be found here and winwin's headcanons can be found in wayv's when it's out .
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moon taeil (´ ∀ ` *)
he’s just so entranced with you and age regression in general.
“wait, that’s a thing you can do?”
he can’t keep his eyes of you when you’re feeling tiny, not because he thinks you’re in trouble or anything, but because he views you as the cutest thing in the whole world!
a grandpa-like caregiver. loves pinching your cheeks and pretending to eat you up! nom nom nom
not a big title user. he’s just moonie and ur his kid! his baby :3 his precious bit of starlight
got a rocking chair just to sit in with you to sing you lullabies when you have trouble sleeping!
what’s the opposite of an iron fist? that’s taeil.
if it’s past bedtime and you’re small or you don’t want to eat a certain food on your plate, you can bet one of two things will happen: a) he just lets you do what you want or b) bribes you with a sweet treat
you can try to bribe him in return the few times he puts his foot down, but he’s surprisingly firm. he’s not a pushover by any means.
“please?” you bat your lashes at him.
“no.” the little bugger puffs his cheeks right back at you.
the worst at playing with dolls /lh
“oh no, we got kidnapped!” you gasp, moving the bingo mini figurine in your hand.
“oh no...” taeil moves bandit in his hand with a voice lacking so much emotion it’s actually impressive.
he’s doing his best. try playing pretend instead! (he likes playing doctor the most)
seo youngho (¬‿¬ )
you got him wrapped around your finger! not that he’ll ever admit it
saw a cute dress? he got it for you. your stuffie’s arm ripped? he’s learning to sew for you.
purposefully hides pieces of the puzzle you’re building and feigns innocence just to see you get mad when you find out his schemes
“how’d that happen?” he pouts, cocking his head to the side.
if he every truly upsets you, he’s quick to apologize, pulling you into his arms and leaving kisses all over your cheeks until you’re laughing again because it tickles so much and he’s holding you so tight you can’t get away!
johnny loves being called daddy! he’s your daddy and you’re his babygirl!
loves cheesy, old-fashioned nicknames like honeybun, buttercup, cupcake… he just thinks you’re sweet, is what he’s trying to say
he loves when you sit on his lap and show him the coloring pages you finished while he was gone. he’ll make up stories off them like the purple elephant that wants to be a trapeze for the circus!
another big fan of playing pretend
his favorite game is dinosaurs, stomping around the house in slow motion with an evil toothy grin. you always manage to sneak away from his t-rex arms somehow but he’ll get you one day!
but johnny isn’t just a big goof. he knows when to put his foot down and is more 50-50 with it rather than taeil’s 90-10.
“i said no. put that back, please.”
his serious voice never fails to cause a shiver up your spine, settling you down within seconds.
when you finally decided to tell johnny, it took a minute for him to understand what exactly age regression is but kept the line of communication open. very open.
once, you were at work and your screen lit up with a message notification from him reading ‘do you like pacifiers?’
you almost beat him up
lee taeyong (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
worrywart !
doesn’t wanna make your regression feel even the slightest bit off. prioritizes your safety and comfort
at the beginning, taeyong as a cg can be seen as… a bit much
in preparation for his first time caring for you when small, he bought so many things. just anything he saw mentioned just once in all of his research of agere.
from itty bitty gear to middle/teen gear, bubu bought it all. if you don’t use any gear at all and have the ice cold heart to tell him so, you watch the color drain from his face.
poor guy
he just likes to be prepared. there’s nothing he likes more than a good plan.
cooking together is always so much fun. never lets you near the knives or heat but likes to keep you around to be his taste tester!
“what do you think, sweet pea?” “so yummy, bubu!”
loves doing crafts with you, particularly finger painting. you do it regularly, always forgetting that taeyong’s going to make you take a bath when the two of you end up with paint all over your faces and clothes
if you are allow it, taeyong is great with bathtimes !! he’s got rubber duckies and bath crayons to play with while he washes your hair.
cackles like a witch with a cauldron when adding a bathbomb to the bathtub, saying he’s preparing ‘baby soup’
“mommy, stop bein’ creepy.” “sorry, bug (っ- ‸ – ς)”
nakamoto yuta ( ̄ω ̄)
“so yeah, it was just me and this big panther booking it down the forest to get away from this bear.” “and then?!” “i dunno i made it up :3”
an evil, evil man that takes advantage of your imagination during your tiny time to make up stories only to not finish them!
“what do you think would’ve happened next, baby?”
evil, but a good storyteller that gives you ideas for games nearly everyday you suppose….
loves playing dress up and salon
learned to do your hair! it’s an ongoing process… how did you end up with one low bun and one high? don’t ask
your breath hitches because he pulled a little too tight and he drops everything. are you okay? are you crying? he’s sorry, so so sorry. you know what? let’s have ice cream for dinner
likes listening to acid black cherry while doing your (v-kei) makeup! lets you sit on his lap when its your turn to do his
“daddy’s making you a total rockstar, baby.”
lets you draw on him! might get one (or several) of your doodles tattooed on his skin permanently just because he likes it so much
cuddling is his true life’s passion. takes out all the pillows and blankets in the house to make a pillow fort for movie nights. if he has any left over he uses them to wrap you up into a burrito
kim dongyoung (´▽`)
just smile and wave, doyoung, smile and wave
maybe he shouldn’t have introduced you to his friends… they help add to your mischievous streak
“bunny? kangaroo! …pogo stick?” “doie… ‘s obviously you.” “me?” “yeah! when you can’t get the stuff on the top shelf at the the store so you did like this. ‘member? doie so bad at charades...” “:D ?!”
simultaneously the most competitive and worst player when it comes to video games
says he’s gonna win as you load up animal crossing like ….? okay gramps
hates when you call him that so you do it as much as possible because you live to displease
always knows the right thing to say when you’re feeling big feelings that feel only bigger when you’re small
treats you like you’re made of porcelain, his fingers delicately wiping your tears away silently.
never tells you to not cry or to stop, just tries to makes the process of feeling your emotions as easy as possible by making sure you’re drinking as much water as you’re crying out and making sure nothing could trigger you further
when you first told him about your regression you weren’t sure what his reaction was gonna be. he just stared dead at you in silence for like 8 minutes and then whispered “yeah… that makes sense” to himself
what is that supposed to mean? you know as well as i
jeong yunoh o(〃^▽^〃)o
he really just wants you to think he’s cool
that’s his main thing. of course, you being comfortable and happy is first, but you thinking he’s cool is a close second
most of his cg work is actually done behind the scenes; trying recipes, researching agere tips, and learning different crafts so that when you’re finally little again he can see the sweet, sweet sight of your awe
if you two planned for you to have some tiny time after a long time spent without regressing because overwhelming stress and responsibilities, you can bet on jaehyun to have organized an entire mermaid scavenger hunt in your home at a 6pm on a wednesday evening
the reward is always a ticket for something like a veggie-free night or a warm hug (he’ll give them to you whether you have one or not)
he calls them baby tickets
yes, that’s really what he calls them. yes, he chose the name himself.
there’s a reason you don’t let him name your dolls or stuffies
you tried once, this is basically how it went:
“hyunnie, what you think?” “it’s a bear… and pink… what about bearie? like strawberry and bear. bearie, haha. get it?” “…”
likes being called mister! but it’s actually rare for you to call him anything other than hyunnie
“say ‘please’ and i’ll think about it.” “please, mist-”
he’s already swiping his card
dong sicheng ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
read here (when it’s published) !
kim jungwoo (☆^ー^☆)
the silliest!!!!! how can you not love snoopy
your number one supporter in every single thing.
“the way you colored the sky with cerulean blue instead of the standard blue is just a peek into the artistic genius mind you have, my dear. how is every single art piece of yours just flawless?”
your babbles? “you don’t say! you know, i never did like that scoundrel…”
loves playing doggy! he could be cleaning around the house but if you slip that dog ear headband on him he’ll drop everything to entertain you.
he’s shattered a few plates...
he’s the most loyal friend you could have. he herds all your sheep plushies together and sniffs out the clues to help you solve the mysteries!
he also lets you doodle on his face. he’s just so easy-going it doesn’t matter what. whiskers? meow! mustache? hm, yes, it’s quite becoming of him, he thinks. you stuck some gem stickers on his cheeks? he’s an alien from the moon.
likes playing pretend much more than playing with toys.
sulky when you choose to play with your dolls rather than him. when he’s literally right there!!! your best friend :(( your buddy :((
i don’t know how else to describe this other than a dog-like caregiver
energy is always up, even when its bedtime which can be counterproductive sometimes. although? not completely? he definitely helps you tire yourself out until you’re knocked out on the couch
his nickname for you is giggles !! your giggles are his favorite thing in the whole wide world and makes sure to tell you that often.
lee minhyung (ᓀ‸ᓂ)
read here !
lee donghyuck ʕ˙Ⱉ˙‧:ʔ
read here !
extra ! ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
cg!johnny+yuta is being hit with whiplash every two seconds because they can either be the sweetest people ever or pranksters from the deepest depth of WICKEDNESS AND DARKNESS. they always, always, always tag team too, so it’s not like you can run to one when they other is trying to tickle you to death
cg!jeno+jungwoo is what happens when a baby is left alone with an old, tired dog (jeno) and his younger brother that has all the energy in the world (jungwoo)
cg!taeyong+doyoung has the same power imbalance as djj, leaving doyoung groveling at the ground even when he’s supposed to be the one taking care of the others
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blackvortex · 1 year
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— 🧸 Pairing: Lee Taeyong x (F) Reader
— 🧸 Themes: sadistyandere!taeyong, yangire!taeyong, soloartist!taeyong, !fangirlreader
— 🧸 Warning: mentions of death, blood, extreme gore, manipulation, toxic love, stalking, abduction, mental health, etc.
— 🧸 Summary: Lee Taeyong, A very well-known solo artist in his country has a dirty little secret. What was once a longing desire has now reached reality, It was the desire of Inflicting pain and torturing his fans to create all of his musical masterpiece, admiring the faint screams of his name coming from their mouths and enjoying the sheer pain they are suffering from in the hands of himself. Yet, he still had one desire to fulfill, the desire of having you all to himself.
A/N: The themes are altered to match the story. I apologize for the very very very very long wait, feel free to share your suggestions with me regarding about the fic! 'Lovesick' is also available on Wattpad! (wattpad: blackvortexwastaken)
The mysterious origins of the extraordinary luminary, Lee Taeyong, remain veiled in obscurity, as he has steadfastly chosen to withhold any details about his lineage or ancestral heritage, even when prompted by others.
Without a doubt, Taeyong's inclination to safeguard the privacy of his personal life is palpable. However, he does unveil a remarkable facet of his journey, disclosing that prior to embarking on his transformative path as a K-pop trainee, he honed his skills as a talented bartender, achieving mastery in the art of mixology.
After securing a position as a bartender, a newfound fervor surged within Taeyong, igniting an unwavering passion for the realm of idolhood. With relentless determination, he embarked on a quest for knowledge, fully immersing himself in the captivating world of K-pop idol shows. His sole objective was to absorb, analyze, and emulate the most accomplished soloists and adored group members. Diligently, he dissected their captivating presence, studiously examined their graceful movements, and scrutinized every aspect of their performances, leaving no characteristic of a transcendent superstar idol unexplored. Motivated by an indomitable desire to establish himself as an unrivaled idol capable of capturing the world's collective attention, Taeyong pursued his aspirations with unwavering dedication.
Taeyong's effortless triumph during the auditions effortlessly caught the attention of various companies, each fervently pursuing him. However, Taeyong, aware of the tempting offers from other entertainment entities, made a wise decision to join the prestigious SM Entertainment. This choice was influenced by SM Entertainment's esteemed reputation, not only in South Korea but also across the global K-pop landscape. Paired with his remarkable talents, cultivated through unwavering commitment, it was no surprise that his video showcasing his skills as a K-pop trainee rapidly spread, captivating the world's gaze.
Undeniably, Taeyong swiftly ascended to the status of SM Entertainment's favored artist, even prior to his official debut. His soaring popularity led to a plethora of privileges bestowed upon him, surpassing those granted to any other idol within the esteemed establishment at a similar stage of their career. Taeyong received an abundance of guaranteed projects, meticulously tailored to further enhance his renown. Moreover, he was offered the opportunity to debut as a member of SM Entertainment's new boy group, "NCT," obtaining the coveted roles of visual, main rapper, and main dancer. In addition, his journey encompassed a solo debut, amplifying his artistic prowess and individuality.
Upon making his debut as a member of NCT 127, the enigmatic and captivating idol, Lee Taeyong, swiftly became the center of attention. In an instant, his schedule grew exponentially busier, and his name began circulating across various social media platforms, articles, and throughout the vast landscape of the K-pop community. With his alluring beauty and irresistible charm, Taeyong became a prime target for modeling agencies, continuously receiving offers due to his undeniable appeal. Every camera lens and gaze seemed to be fixated upon this exceptional idol, as if the world momentarily paused to revel in his presence. It was indisputable that he held an unparalleled sway over the collective consciousness at that particular moment. Unquestionably, Taeyong reveled in the adoration and eagerly sought every ounce of attention that came his way as time progressed. It became increasingly apparent that he was destined for the stage, a natural-born superstar who is destined to be under the spotlight.
However, akin to many other idols in the expansive world of K-pop, the initial euphoria surrounding Taeyong's debut eventually subsided, leaving behind a sense of disenchantment. It appeared as though his grand entrance had not yielded the remarkable impact that was anticipated. Consequently, the prospect of Taeyong debuting as a soloist, along with his other promotional projects, was regrettably withdrawn by the company, citing a perceived decline in public interest.
Naturally, Taeyong found himself dissatisfied with this turn of events. He steadfastly refused to settle for anything less than what he believed he deserved. While there were still loyal fans who wholeheartedly supported him, he is yearning for greater fame and attention surpassed the fame he had attained during his debut. He craved more, an insatiable desire that led him to contemplate drastic measures, even if it meant sabotaging his fellow group members, all in pursuit of securing the coveted spotlight he so fervently desired.
Despite Taeyong's downfall, he maintained an outward facade, emulating a charm that had long been overshadowed by resentment. He diligently worked with his bandmates, flawlessly recording their latest album, "2 BADDIES," never missing a beat. Following a lengthy lunch break, he returned to the studio only to be met with the gift of fate. The pungent smell of burning wires filled the air, setting off alarm bells in his mind. Hastily, he made his way to the control room, only to find the doorway blocked by the recording equipment. On the other side, his bandmates pounded on the door, their desperate cries mingling with the crackling of flames.
Taeyong called out to them, rushing towards the fallen equipment, instinctively reaching out to save his fellow members, only to abruptly freeze. In that moment, he found himself transfixed. Each breath became a conscious, deliberate act, demanding his full attention, while the distant cries grew faint until they were scarcely audible. Slowly, he stepped back, his realization dawning upon him. They were screaming his name as the flames consumed them. Their desperate pleas echoed in his ears, "Taeyong!" "Lee Taeyong!" "Taeyong!" It was a hauntingly beautiful sound, etching itself into his soul. When the fire fighters finally arrived, his tears flowed freely.
His tears continued to flow unabated, but alongside the sorrow, an unsettling sense of satisfaction began to seep into Taeyong's being. The haunting cries that reverberated with his name brought an unexpected thrill, sending shivers down his spine. Each agonized scream became a twisted symphony in his mind, a perverse melody that he savored with perverse delight. As the echoes of their screams repeated in his thoughts, a morbid idea took hold of him. The notion that he had successfully orchestrated the downfall of his bandmates to create a gaping void for his own fame not only intoxicated him but also sparked a disturbing inspiration within him. It ignited a desire to infuse his music with elements of violence and darkness
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The tragic news of the untimely demise of nine members from the beloved boy band group NCT 127 reverberated with an unprecedented swiftness. The devastating information spread across the vast expanse of the internet, permeating news outlets and inundating various social media platforms. The collective mourning and outpouring of heartfelt condolences enveloped the entire community, extending solace to the grieving family members and loved ones of the victims. Among the somber aftermath, one member stood as the lone survivor, bearing the weight of unimaginable loss.
As a relatively new fan of NCT, the impact of this harrowing news weighed heavily upon you. Despite just your recent liking of the group, the magnitude of the tragedy stirred within you a profound sense of sadness. Compelled to express your emotions, you sought solace in online forums, joining others in grieving and sharing your condolences during this somber period.
Amidst the overwhelming sorrow, a deep concern for the sole surviving member of the group, Lee Taeyong, gripped your thoughts. You contemplated the immense burden he must be shouldering in the wake of such a tragic event. Driven by a genuine empathy, you tirelessly sought ways to reach out to him online, yearning to offer solace and comfort during this trying time. Utilizing the Bubble app, to which you subscribed, you composed a heartfelt message for Taeyong, hoping to provide a source of support and understanding amid the aftermath of these unfathomable events.
“Taeyong, I am sending my deepest condolences towards you and those who were also affected by this horrid news. I hope you are holding up well and eating a lot, please still take care of yourself and I want to let you know that we are all supporting you and whatever it is that you decide on doing now, we will wholeheartedly support you no matter what. <3”
Sent, 14:34
As the memories of that tragic event resurfaced, it felt as though time had both stood still and raced forward, for it had already been three years since the devastating incident unfolded. The nightmare that had gripped the K-pop community during that period continued to cast its shadow even to this day, a somber reminder of the fragility of life. How you wished it were all a dream, a cruel illusion that could be banished with a simple awakening.
Sighing, you pushed these heavy thoughts aside, diverting your attention to your present reality. You focused on your full-time job as a waitress at a local café, located in close proximity to your residence. As the closing hours approached, you bid farewell to the last customers of the day, offering them warm smiles and well wishes as they departed from Vortex Café. Taking a deep breath, you swiftly embarked on the task of tidying and cleaning the café, eager to complete your responsibilities for the evening.
On your way home, you eagerly reached for your phone in your bag, looking to find any updates regarding Taeyong. Following the tragic event, he had taken a hiatus from the spotlight during those past three years. However, the recent announcement by SM Entertainment declaring Lee Taeyong's official debut as a soloist sent shockwaves of excitement through the internet. The anticipation among fans was palpable, as they rejoiced at the prospect of Taeyong returning to what he was destined to do.
This news brought a sense of joy and relief to you, as you had been diligently saving up to meet him. Being a relatively new fan who joined the fandom shortly after the tragic accident, you had not yet had the opportunity to see the renowned Lee Taeyong in person. The prospect of finally witnessing his presence and experiencing his artistry firsthand filled you with anticipation. Taeyong had become an influential figure in your eyes, and your love for his work was unwavering
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A year into his hiatus, Taeyong immersed himself in solitude, utilizing the time to introspect and meticulously plan his upcoming musical endeavors. As he delved into the depths of his creative mind, haunting echoes of the horrified screams from his band members during the fire accident resurfaced with unsettling clarity. The memories lingered, evoking a sinister desire within him. He craved more of those desperate cries, yearning to hear his name chanted in fear once again. The twisted obsession grew, driving him to plot his next move and identify a potential victim to serve as a vessel for his violent ideas. His newfound fixation centered around incorporating these horrified screams into his music, creating an amalgamation of darkness and artistry that blurred the boundaries of conventional expression.
As Taeyong sought solace in his artistic endeavors, he sought refuge in a remote and abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Its desolation ensured that his forthcoming musical masterpiece, with its unsettling undertones, would remain concealed from prying ears. With meticulous preparation completed, the time had finally arrived for Taeyong to embark on his daring experiment: the fusion of violence and music.
His first target was a persistent sasaeng fan, an individual who had relentlessly pursued him during his hiatus. Acutely aware of this unwelcome presence, Taeyong bided his time, waiting for the opportune moment to take action. Positioned on a bench in a park near his residence, he remained vigilant, keenly observing the sasaeng fan stationed just outside the park, near a bustling bus stop. Clutching a camera adorned with a shoulder strap, the fan deliberately angled it towards Taeyong, capturing his every move. The clarity of her intent was unmistakable, as she persisted despite the passage of numerous buses.
Taeyong stifled a quiet chuckle as he moved leisurely towards his unsuspecting target. "How long are you willing to stay here?" Taeyong's hushed words brushed against her ear. Startled by his sudden presence, the sasaeng leaped in surprise. She gazed intently at the idol before her, struggling to collect herself after the unexpected encounter. "Um... You..." The sasaeng stammered, still shaken by his abrupt approach. "What's the matter? Why are you so taken aback? Did you really believe I wouldn't notice you from a distance?" Taeyong's smile widened as he gradually closed the gap between them. "Would you prefer a change of location? You must be pretty hungry for staying there for too long.” Taeyong continued.
The sasaeng stood motionless in her position, her mind racing with the countless advantages she could reap from this very encounter. If the conversation went smoothly, she might find herself alone with the idol, a cherished fantasy she had nurtured for an extensive duration after years of relentless following.
It was almost as if Taeyong possessed an enchanting aura that bewitched anyone fortunate enough to cross his path. The prospect of accumulating wealth through obtaining his personal information and, perhaps, even acquiring one of his personal possessions tantalized her thoughts. Moreover, an even more gratifying outcome came to her thought, as it could potentially pave the way for further interactions on various occasions with the idol.
As her reverie abruptly dissolved, she found herself transfixed on Taeyong, who had already closed the distance and now stood mere inches away from her presence. Her heart pounded fervently within her chest, its rhythm resounding in her ears, as the sight of the idol before her intensified her emotions. With trepidation, yet undeniable eagerness, she mustered the words, "I would be thrilled to accompany you." A smirk played upon Taeyong's lips, hinting at the burgeoning desires that simmered within him, growing steadily stronger.
Taeyong graciously escorted the sasaeng to his vehicle, courteously opening the passenger-side door for her before proceeding to settle himself in the driver's seat. However, as the car journey commenced, an unsettling turn of events unfolded. Taeyong surreptitiously secured the doors, evoking a sense of entrapment. Suddenly, he swiftly covered the sasaeng's mouth with a handkerchief that had been tampered with a mysterious substance, inducing a gradual descent into unconsciousness.
As her vision dimmed and the world faded into obscurity, the sasaeng valiantly struggled to remove the cloth, her diminishing willpower waning. A haunting image imprinted upon her consciousness: Taeyong's unsettlingly luminous smile, hinting at enigmatic intentions.
Gradually, the sasaeng's consciousness returned, and a surge of anxiety coursed through her as her eyes flinched open, met with a dazzling array of bright lighting equipment aimed directly in her direction. As her awareness fully rekindled, she cautiously surveyed her surroundings, discovering herself ensconced amidst an array of recording equipment. To her dismay, she realized her limbs were securely bound to the chair she occupied, prompting a sense of urgency to escape her precarious predicament.
Just as she mustered the courage to make a frenzied attempt at freedom, her gaze caught sight of Taeyong's silhouette gracefully emerging from a distant hallway. Time seemed to momentarily halt as her gaze fixated on his approach, harboring uncertainty about his intentions and the imminent encounter that awaited her
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A smile adorned your face as you observed Taeyong's captivating presence on your phone screen. He just released his first music video after 3 years. His charm radiated brightly, surpassing any previous glow, even through the digital realm. However, you couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in his musical style and vibe compared to his time as a member of NCT 127. The current manifestation exuded a darker, more edgy aura.
As the melodic strains resonated, a peculiar addition caught your attention—a backdrop of distant screams harmonizing with the song. Surprisingly, rather than disturbing the experience, these eerie echoes blended seamlessly, enhancing the authenticity of the artistic vision. In fact, you found yourself personally drawn to Taeyong's newfound musical direction, appreciating the boldness and allure it exuded. Thus, you took a moment to express your approval by leaving a like under the video, acknowledging the captivating journey he had embarked upon.
And just as with many other K-pop idols, Taeyong embarked on tours, captivating fans both near and far with his awe-inspiring performances. His popularity soared to new heights after the release of his first full solo album, propelling him to become the center of widespread attention and admiration once more.
After hustling in you full-time job as a waitress, you secured a coveted VIP meet-up reservation with Taeyong following the announcement of his world tour. Being among the first to secure a spot was a stroke of luck, as the demand was immense, evident from the fact that all available slots were swiftly sold out. Taeyong's impact on the world had undeniably reached staggering proportions during this time.
Now, in the present moment, you find yourself in a taxi en route to the restaurant. However, a tide of uncertainty washes over you, causing a flicker of doubt to emerge. Despite your physical preparedness, a sense of apprehension clouds your mind. Taeyong's overwhelming success, remarkable handsomeness, and unparalleled talent have left you feeling somewhat intimidated. The prospect of meeting him suddenly renders you shy and hesitant to attend.
"Ma'am, we have arrived at your destination," the cab driver announces, interrupting your thoughts. Snapping back to reality, you express your gratitude with a soft smile directed at the driver, promptly offering a tip before stepping out of the vehicle.
Tentatively, you made your way into the restaurant, your lingering shyness still present from your contemplations. As you entered, a poised waitress gracefully approached you, her steps purposeful and her presence welcoming.
“Good afternoon, madam. Are you reserving a table?" inquired the waitress, her professional demeanor graced by a warm smile. "Ah, no, I'm here for a VIP meet-up with Taeyong," you replied, reciprocating her smile. Sensing the purpose of your visit, she requested your name, opening a journal awaiting your response. "Y/F/N," you promptly provided. The waitress scanned the pages, seeking your name among the entries. "Ah, Ms. Y/L/N! Welcome to the Vortex Lounge. Please follow me," she cordially invited, guiding you towards the VIP room.
As the waitress led the way, your mind couldn't help but wander, pondering the choice of a restaurant for this meet-and-greet event with Taeyong. Unlike other idols who typically only have a brief encounter with fans, this setting felt more akin to a romantic rendezvous than a traditional idol-to-fan gathering. The notion of a private date with the esteemed Lee Taeyong briefly flattered your imagination, although you remained acutely aware of its unlikelihood. Snapping out of your delusions, you refocused as the waitress halted in front of the VIP room.
"Enjoy your stay. Please refer to the order button on the table if you require anything," the waitress informed you, graciously opening the door. Expressing your gratitude, you bid your farewell to the waitress and stepped into the room, sensing the door gently closing behind you.
An inaudible gasp escaped your lips as your gaze fell upon the solitary figure of Taeyong seated at the table, his eyes fixed upon you as though he had eagerly awaited your arrival for an eternity.
Taeyong gracefully rose from his seat, extending a kind gesture as he pulled out a chair for you. "Please, have a seat," he invited, his smile exuding warmth and hospitality. Grateful for his courtesy, you settled into the chair, feeling a mixture of disbelief and elation as Taeyong resumed his place across from you. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Y/L/N. My name is Lee Taeyong," he introduced himself, his words laced with sincerity.
The reality of Taeyong's presence before you, no longer confined to a phone screen, seemed almost surreal. His physical allure surpassed even your wildest expectations, leaving you awestruck and feeling as if you were living a dream come true. It was as though your eyes were playing tricks on you, unable to fully grasp the extraordinary moment unfolding.
"Likewise, my name is Y/N," you managed to utter, your flustered state growing more apparent with each passing second. Taeyong responded with a gentle smile, attempting to alleviate your nervousness. "Please don't be anxious. I'm just like any other person, really," he reassured you, his politeness shining through. "Feel free to order anything you desire; it's my treat," he graciously continued.
The extraordinary level of fan service offered by Taeyong made you wonder if all the VIP holders were being treated to the same extent. This elevated experience surpassed all expectations, and you couldn't help but feel immensely fortunate to be among the privileged few granted such a remarkable opportunity.
You carefully perused the menu, deliberating over your choice. "A Carbonara will do," you finally decided, sharing your selection with Taeyong. His smile grew wider as he promptly pressed the button to place your order. Soon after, a waiter entered the VIP room to take Taeyong's order, greeting you both with a warm smile. "What can I get you today?" the waiter inquired. Taeyong responded graciously, "Just one serving of Carbonara for this beautiful woman, please." The waiter jotted down Taeyong's order before expressing their intention to bring it promptly. With the waiter's exit, Taeyong's gaze fixated on you once again.
Taeyong's compliment had left you completely flustered; his description of you as beautiful caught you off guard, rendering you momentarily speechless. Frozen in place, you struggled to find an appropriate response, your cheeks tinted with a deep blush. Sensing your flustered state, Taeyong chuckled softly, his amusement evident. Seeking to redirect the conversation and regain your composure, you changed the topic.
"Taeyong... We greatly appreciate your unwavering dedication, particularly in light of the challenges you've faced, including the accident. How are you holding up?" you inquired, earnestly seeking his perspective. Taeyong's expression softened as he responded, weaving a fabricated tale of personal struggle and trauma stemming from the incident. He wiped away his tears, emphasizing the profound impact of his bandmates' tragic passing and how it had left him grappling with profound emotional scars. In reality, he was deceiving you, his mind replaying the haunting screams of his bandmates as they met their agonizing fate.
Filled with remorse for broaching such a sensitive topic, you sincerely apologized to Taeyong, expressing your concern in a gentle tone. The weight of your words weighed heavily on your conscience, and in an effort to alleviate some of the discomfort, you swiftly reached into your bag, retrieving a handcrafted gift. With a warm smile, you extended it towards him, presenting a meticulously made jar adorned with an array of motivational letters nestled within.
"I hope this gift brings you solace during challenging times. Please accept it as a token of my support," you offered, your smile conveying genuine care and empathy. Taeyong's countenance softened further as he reciprocated your gesture, accepting the gift graciously.
In that moment, Taeyong found you endearing. Though your question had touched upon personal territory, he didn't mind sharing his feelings with you. Moreover, he couldn't help but notice the beauty of your voice, envisioning the possibility of incorporating your screams into his musical compositions. Little did you know, Taeyong had already marked you as his next prey, his twisted mind reveling in the prospect of capturing your terror.
A/N: I apologize for stopping early. I just wanted to see if anyone was still going to read ‘Lovesick’ after I halted the release for 2 years TT feel free to make suggestions for the fic <3
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nctyena · 10 months
A Compilation Of Fans' Favorite Moments YenaxMembers #3
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NCT 2018 - Weekly Idol ep347
The show was pretty chaotic since all of the 19 members were at one place. Not everyone had the same chance to speak, show on the camera. Specially Kun as Yena noticed. So throughout the episode she tried to mention her precious member.
"Do you know Kun oppa speaks Korean so well. It's amazing."
"Black On Black is my favorite track because Kun oppa is in it."
"Look at his dimple!"
Fans couldn't help but notice his little smiles whenever she talked about him.
Yena's Vlive (A duck in the Tower) 190927
"And this is where we usually practice with fewer members. Sometimes it's occupied by others. Let me check first."
She opened the door and her eyes lit up.
"I'm showing the fans around. Do you wanna say hi?"
She went in to the room and hugged someone. Then Kun with a cap on his head appeared with a big smile on his face.
"Hello everyone."
He waved to the camera.
"Wayv members are here practicing hard. Their leader looking handsome as always."
Some members cheered behind the camera.
"All of them are working very hard. Please support them. Specially my favorite Kun oppa."
"Don't act surprised."
[Un Cut] Take #1 | 2020 YearParty Behind The Scenes #1
"Yena looks good today."
"I look good everyday"
"Yes but you used to be so cute back then."
After his comment she got up and started to annoy him by acting cute nonstop.
Even after a few other scenes, they could be seen at the back. Kun fighting to get away from her and Yena still not letting him go.
Wayv Concerts
It's not one moment. Whenever she attends a Wayv concert she always brings a little pankart about Kun. And fans' favorite is the one with "Can do anything he wants Creative Leadership 10/10 Can do magic God? No Qian Kun"
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SMTown Concert 2018
Everyone was saying goodbye to the audience at the end of the concert. Yena was trying to go to her members. She was distracted by Red Velvet's members and waved at them but someone in the crowd throw a soft plushie to her. Since it was out of nowhere and hit her head she got surprised and got startled. Doyoung saw it and went to her as soon as he can. It wasn't clear what they were saying but Doyoung started to kiss her head and brushed her hair. Even though she got some hate after that moment fans still love how Doyoung was alerted even by something like that.
Music Bank Interview 200626
She had high ponytails that day and was standing in front of Doyoung. He kept playing with her hair the whole time. She wasn't even fazed at all. It was a simple but sweet moment that made fans go crazy.
NCT 127 Vlive Punch Countdown
"Yena please marry me."
Jaehyun read the comment out loud. Even before she could say something Doyoung sighed loudly.
"Why are guys like that? I already told you , you cant marry her. Be normal."
"Omo, angry rabbit."
Then she hugged his back and stood like for a while.
Just One Of The Very Times Doyoung Claimed Jeno As His Favorite
"Jeno is my favorite dongsaeng."
"This is why you are not my favorite. You hate me."
"What? I don't hate you."
"Then why do you always betray me?"
"Jeno respects me more."
"Because you love him. See, it's a chain reaction."
Then like she was not sulking she started to sing chain in a weird way. Doyoung didn't even bother to stop her. Mouthed to the camera "This is why it's Jeno."
Doyoung Instagram
We all know that Doyoung is the biggest fan of his members. But his instagram story posts are somehow always filled with Yena. It's either him being a fan and praising her or sharing embarrassing pictures of her.
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northstarco · 2 months
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⟡﹐ꊞ niko's eras (except it's a deep dive) !
⟡﹐ꊞ oh i need to take a long sigh for this.. okay! so niko's eras can be split into three categories: good, bad, and downright horrible. from the moment he debuted, bad luck seemed to follow him around like a lost puppy. with him almost breaking his bones every era, having to face the weirdest interview questions, being picked apart by korean netizens because he looked at someone the wrong way, and being the target of insanely specific rumors, things never really seemed like they were ever going niko's way. he's definitely had many good moments, moments that most nctzens enjoy reminiscing on, but those good moments are often overshadowed by his many bad and downright horrible moments, much to his own dismay.
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19 YEAR OLD NIKOLAS made a surprising (as in surprising to both him and his new fandom) debut as an nct u member with the "7th sense". now, the reason this debut was surprising is because it was a last minute decision really. he had been told that his debut in the first ever nct unit would be "unlikely", so he wasn't preparing to debut in the unit, they kind of just threw him in there a month before the song was originally released. so he basically had no time to do anything, no time to write lyrics, and no time to learn lines. so, at nineteen years old, niko made his debut in the first ever nct u lineup with absolutely no lines. no really, he did a few adlibs and backing vocals, but he didn't really sing.. or rap, or do anything.
debut era niko was really like how he is now, he was quiet, reserved, and didn't talk unless he had to. he was regarded as a strange mix in the group, sm really just threw in this random australian guy with long hair in nct? opinions on niko were all very mixed, most people liked that he didn't talk much, that he was respectful, that he clearly enjoyed performing, but others weren't too nice. they felt he didn't add anything to the group, he wasn't interesting, he was too quiet, he let everyone else do the talking, he was all of these things they didn't like, he sadly wasn't a fan favorite.
the 7th sense era is one niko looks back on with furrowed eyebrows. he sometimes wishes he could've done more, especially considering how little he talked. he couldn't even bring himself to answer questions, especially the.. bad ones. a particular one he remembers is from a snickering interviewer who had just enough time to ask if he was trying to pass as a man or a woman, clearly wanting to elicit a tempered reaction from him. the only thing he responded with was a dry chuckle, leaving the question unanswered as taeyong quickly took over, changing the subject.
so, in niko's terms at least, his debut era was a good one, it had a few hiccups, but it wasn't as bad as what would come in future years.
nctzens didn't have to wait long, because a few months later in july, a now 20 YEAR OLD NIKO would go on to debut in nct 127 with "fire truck". though only 3 months after his debut in nct u, fire truck niko was much more lively, well— as lively as someone as introverted as him can be. he felt much more comfortable in showcasing his humor, and while he was still the quietest member, he definitely talked more than he did the previous era. fire truck era nikolas was running his mouth like there was no tomorrow, whether it be telling stupid jokes, almost cursing out jaehyun during the mv behind, and almost spoiling nct dream's debut right after their debut stage (he had mentioned kihyun while retelling a funny story to the camera, but he thankfully didn't say anymore, quickly getting shut up by a bruising nudge from mark).
midway through fire truck promotions, nikolas had to step out after suffering a dangerous fall and breaking his ulna. the funniest thing (niko likes to say it was funny, but the members weren't so amused) is that it happened right in the middle of a performance, niko slipped on the stage and used his elbow to cushion the blow, slamming forcefully into the metal and fracturing his ulna in the process. he didn't even realize his bone was actually broken until he complained to a manager about the pain, and by that point, his arm had already been bleeding excessively. though he tried to pass it off as not that bad, it was, and niko sat out of the rest of fire truck promotions as his arm healed.
still, even with a broken arm and having to sit out of performing for a good chunk of the year (one of his favorite things in the whole world), fire truck was a good era, he was definitely feeling better than he did during his original debut. niko remembers his debut with 127 as a fun time, even with the broken bones.
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a (STILL) 20 YEAR OLD NIKOLAS made his eventual return with the groups second extended play, "limitless". though he couldn't move his arm much without letting out a wince of pain, he was much better off than he was in july of 2016 when his ulna almost came apart. for starters, he was becoming much more talkative, considering johnny and doyoung were now around for him to poke fun at, but especially his fellow 96 liner, because he was much too afraid of the second eldest's wrath. limitless era niko is often overlooked because, again, he didn't do much singing. he did rap, of course, but it was short and sweet, he wasn't allowed to showcase any of his talents, unfortunately.
a moment during limitless era most fans love to remember is during the mv commentary, where niko could not stop talking about doyoung the whole time. it was really during limitless era that these two became a fan favorite duo, because they were the epitome of best friends. they were bickering about stupid things backstage, onstage, during the mv commentary, during the mv behind, they were the funniest duo in the world. fans never realized how close they were because they never seemed to want to talk to each other during the 7th sense era. nikolas knew exactly how to push doyoung's buttons, and the older would do nothing but clench his fists and threaten him with punches.
limitless era ended with a bang.. literally, because right as their last stage for the era ended, niko accidentally dropped his microphone on the stage after the show winners had been announced, letting out a swear which was heard by the fellow idols standing around, who ducked their heads down to let out tiny giggles and snickers. the instance became a viral video, as niko's slippery fingers, his swearing, and the look of horror on his face was enough to get laughs out of fans everywhere, and even from people who had no idea who he was. he received many teasings and mimics of the whole situation from the members, but besides all of his fake pouts, limitless was a good era for niko.
no more than five months later, a 21 YEAR OLD NIKO would return with 127 with cherry bomb and a constantly debated involvement in lyrics. technically, cherry bomb should've been considered niko's songwriting debut, as he helped both taeyong and mark with lyrics on the title track, but he isn't credited as a lyricist on the albums liner notes. now, niko has never really addressed this situation, the only reason anyone even knew he helped with the lyrics of cherry bomb was because the members brought it up one time during a vlive in late 2017, but it is often debated by nctzens, one side of the fandom thinking niko deserved lyrical credits because he helped in writing the lyrics and another side of the fandom saying that he shouldn't have received lyrical credits because his fellow rappers did most of the work.
cherry bomb is undeniably one of niko's best eras, and it's an era he often looks back on with fondness. his humor truly shined this era, as he made sure to solidify himself as one of the funniest nct members. though niko was quiet, he was hilarious. some of his most iconic moments ever stem from cherry bomb era, whether it was his many sarcastic comments during nct life in osaka, or him stating he's never thought about his ideal type in a woman, it was clear that niko had a natural knack for variety.
now onto the groups first win, oh niko looked so confused, probably because he couldn't hear anything anyone was saying. when the confetti went off, he was much too busy trying to get the ringing out of his ears to even realize the group had won a music show award. he only saw taeyong begin tearing up and panicked because he thought something was wrong, but then, while hiding his giggles behind his hand, taeil explained that they had gotten their first win. it was a hilarious moment that's always ended up in niko compilations on youtube.
towards the end of cherry bomb era came the rise of, hilariously enough, conspiracy theories. something about niko really spurred these kpop conspiracy theorists, because they all seemed to come to a unanimous agreement that he was secretly an illuminati member. the rumors were ridiculous, clearly, but niko had no idea these rumors existed until johnny brought it up to him after they finished one of their stages, literally dying laughing as he watched the younger's face form into one of shock, but he did what seemed funniest at the time, fueled the rumors, he did that triangle hand sign thing, mimicking that popular jay z photo, he found it hilarious how rumors of it spread so quickly, and he's never said anything public about it.
cherry bomb was a good era, arguably niko's best era.
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having graduated from college and suddenly full of inspiration, 22 YEAR OLD NIKOLAS made his (this time actually credited) songwriting debut on regular-irregular with the song knock on, an incredibly underrated song that deserves to be performed live at least ONCE. anyway, it was clear that regular was a song niko loved performing, because he was always giggling during the stages and jumping up and down during dance practice, he was enjoying every second of regular promotions.
regular not only marked niko's (officially credited) songwriting debut, but it marked a true vocalist debut. previously, niko hadn't sang much in any of the groups previous songs, rapping was always sort of his forte, but when he wrote knock on, he was finally allowed singing parts. of course he didn't sing much, but he absolutely loved it, if you didn't know already, he really likes having singing parts in songs, even if they're minuscule.
regular marked the beginning of niko.. sort of opening up to fans. he never really said any facts about himself in all the other eras, just presented himself as how he always was, but it was really regular era where he actually started sharing facts about himself. a lot of facts about niko weren't even shared on his own accord, the members made him say a bunch of stuff about himself during a live because he spent half of it sat silent in the corner. nikolas would (though begrudgingly) disclose never heard before facts about himself to nctzens, and even some never heard before facts to the members as well, though he doesn't usually enjoy talking about himself, it was pretty fun, he'll admit that.
regular era also marked two other very important things. 1: his official solo fandom name, and 2: smoking rumors. on one of his first solo vlives, niko announced that his solo fandom name was 'junis', a combination of his stage name, juno, and the word 'bliss'. according to the 96 liner himself, he found the word "bliss" to be a very pretty word, and it was a word he enjoyed saying, as he loved dragging the s at the end of the word, with juno meaning "youthful", it basically meant his fandom name was "youthful bliss".
though the fandom name was good news, the smoking rumors were definitely not good news. now, niko is not the first person in nct to be accused of smoking, but he was given a lot of flak for it because he seemed to find it funny, and he remained vague about everything. when asked if he does smoke during another solo vlive, he just snickered and said he'd leave it to others to figure out what was going on with that.
though he received much criticism and faced a hefty amount of backlash for seemingly not caring about smoking, regular was still a good era, a great one he would even say.
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once superhuman era rolled around, the then 23 YEAR OLD NIKO was, noticeably, not doing his best. though he was usually noted as one of the quieter member of nct, he seemed to have a shift in personality. he began retreating into himself, got less talkative, was clearly struggling more during promotions, whether physically or mentally, but he didn't say anything about it, he'd notice a camera trailing on him and would immediately put on his best fake smile, one which made it look like everything was okay. he was overly anxious, flinching at even the slightest touches from the members.
though his change in character was noticeable to his members, most of the people who watched nct content didn't really seem to care. as long as niko was smiling every time the camera was on, he cared about what he was going through?
well, korean netizens cared, because they always care.
unfortunately, niko wasn't spared from the countless day to day rumors k-netizens enjoyed spreading. he was accused of having a bad attitude because he told a staff member to stop touching him for no reason. it seemed that the unnamed staff member in the video wasn't actually doing their job, just trying to spur the other into giving them a reaction, which eventually worked because he snapped at the staff member who kept touching his arm, an irritated tone in his voice that most of his fans had never seen before. he never tried to address these rumors, believing he'd do more harm than good if he even tried to talk about it. the rumors were vaguely addressed by mark, who only stated that niko "wasn't doing his best mentally" and he'd been getting worked up by many people in his life for the past few weeks, he didn't comment on what the older was going through mentally, just stated that he was in a "bad state of mind".
rumors still kept coming up though, rumors began spreading that nikolas was some kind of drug addict after a video of him taking pills for unknown reasons. these rumors weren't entertained for long, because no professional idol would be dumb enough to pop pills in public if it wasn't prescribed, but the constant media commentary on him didn't help with his already spurring mental health issues.
superhuman era was really the first example of a bad era for niko, and it's definitely ranked as one of the worst. when be thinks back to the era, he's often surprised that he made it through without having some mental breakdown, but he also feels it would've better if he did, because bottling everything up was making stuff worse for him.
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(STILL) 23 YEAR OLD NIKO seemed to be doing just a little better than back in may of 2019 when superhuman promotions began. after two years of radio silence songwriting wise, he made his eventual lyricist return with not one, but TWO songwriting credits on the album. he wrote both "boom" and "make your day" with seo jieum, the two of them spending hours bouncing ideas off each other during the creation of the album. though a return to songwriting was a success, he was still not doing his best, which reflected during the comeback stages.
with the beginning of 2020, and neo zone promotions came more niko solo lives, it was slow at first, as he was afraid most people didn't exactly want to see him, but after the first few lives. these little solo lives became a staple of comfort for junis during 2020. niko would sit and just talk about anything for up to an hour once every week. it was just him and susi alone in his room, talking about whatever he wanted to talk about.
niko would address some of the rumors during superhuman era. he talked about his thoughts, and why he was so antsy the whole time. he avoided looking at the camera as he talked about his depression, how he was in the middle of a fight between his parents, and how, though he was taking medication, all it really did was slow him down, it made him feel much more sluggish than the depression did. he said he felt as if he was "forcing himself to wake up everyday", and he made a formal apology to his fans for, in his words, "giving lackluster performances" during superhuman era. he also lightly alluded to the fact that he was having issues with certain staff at sm and sm in general, referencing a few song drafts that he had unfortunately trashed, but this specific live has since been deleted, an act done by nikolas himself, even with how he doesn't like to talk about it in future times.
midway through kick it promotions, it became clear to his fandom and even his own antis that niko had developed somewhat of a reckless habit of scratching his palms until they burned red, he also seemed to be avoiding talking as much as possible. the solo lives slowed down, he stopped talking much in group content, and really just floated around as a whole. he became much of a sour topic for nctzens to talk about, he was much less of a fan favorite now than all the way back in cherry bomb or regular era, most fans regarded him as a "lost cause", as someone who was dragging 127 down instead of providing anything special to the group.
niko never did anything to address his growing hate train, which sadly carried over to the release of nct 2020 resonance. he didn't seem to be around much, and truly appeared just to appear, he seemed to be more of a figure than an actual person, and though he seemed to be doing great in the beginning of the year, nikolas was in a horrible place by the end of 2020.
but when it didn't seem like it could get any worse, it did, because right as november came to a close, song lyrics allegedly written by niko were leaked by a supposed "insider" online. these lyrics sparked immediate outrage as they were.. and i quote, inappropriate in nature, alluding to things such as sex, partying, and personal family issues. while these lyrics were never commented on, considering the person got torn apart immediately by other nctzens, who scrutinized them for digging into such personal things, he wasn't spared from criticism, and he was being treated as if he committed a crime for writing about things he never even planned to release in the first place.
niko concluded the year with a final solo live, where he sort of just sat around and played with susi as he tried his best to ignore the growing negativity in the comments. he simply stated that he felt "tired", and apologized again for the worry he caused everybody. he said that he'd work towards "being a better idol in the future", clearly holding back tears as he tried his best to laugh about his train wreck of a year.
all in all, neozone and resonance were both downright horrible eras.
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25 YEAR OLD NIKO made again another great lyricist return with songwriting credits on the 1st and 4th track of sticker, the title track and "focus". in the beginning of promotions, doyoung thought it was important to reiterate to their fandom that niko wasn't going anywhere, and that "he belonged in the group". though he remained silent mostly, he seemed to regain a lot of his usual "niko-ness" during the sticker mv reaction, where he could be seen giggling as he complimented both taeil and jungwoo during all of their parts.
the recovering was slow, niko was very much still struggling with depression and questioning his place in the group, but any thoughts he had about leaving were quickly overshadowed by the support of his members, who stressed it to anyone who would listen that niko was not going to be leaving the group, that he did matter, and that they didn't care about what people were saying online. in the studio choom behind the scenes, niko had been talking the most ever he did since the beginning of superhuman era, going on and on as he exchanged stupid jokes with johnny, it was a nice thing, to see him talk again.
though he still wasn't really regularly seen much, he would occasionally pop into other members lives, just reminding everyone that he was indeed alive. it's not like niko was suddenly being accepted by everyone with open arms, but he was slowly piecing his life back together and his idol life as well.
sticker era was really.. fine, niko performed as he always did and was praised (surprisingly) for the lyrics he'd written for focus. he felt as if he had to prove himself because of how he disappointed nctzens during 2020 with his down attitude. he spent a lot of time just perfecting the choreography, hours and hours in the practice room dedicated to making sure he wouldn't make a single mistake. he never really spent too much time in the practice room because the members always made sure to drag him out in the late hours of the night.
with sticker era came a new emergence for all junis everywhere, guitar covers. niko spent a lot of time at home writing songs, or just listening to music in general, and whenever he could, he'd hop on instagram live to perform a guitar cover of his favorite songs, or he'd perform original songs he wrote. he described these new covers as a "coping mechanism" for him, as it was sort of the only way he felt he could express himself. the guitar cover era was sadly short, but junis are very much waiting for the day they make their return!! #bringbacktheguitar
so sticker era? it was strange, a mix good but still a mix of bad.
when favorite rolled around, niko was seemingly getting back to how he was right before superhuman, though he was still a little silent, he now began cracking his usual jokes and participating in much more group content. favorite era marked the famous doni vlive, where they sat and talked about bullshit for so long. it was so nice seeing him get back to how he was before everything went downhill, and the pair were so cute, it was like nothing bad ever happened.
niko enjoyed poking fun at his members during favorite, especially during the halloween practice, where he made fun of mark for being so into his costume. much to his own dismay, he'd get his karma, because his headband got uncomfortably tangled in his hair, and yuta had to help him get it untangled, so he faced teasings from his members as he pouted the whole entire time.
finally, after what seemed like forever, niko returned to the solo live industry, though he was insanely nervous, he had to have taeil encourage him for like twenty minutes before he pressed that go live button, and even then, he had doyoung join with him like fifteen minutes in because he was feeling anxious, and he hid behind susi like half the time.
favorite era was.. okay, definitely not one of his best eras, but it's considered a good era by junis everywhere.
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the now 26 YEAR OLD NIKO seemed to be back to full charge during 2 baddies. he found it fun to insinuate the most when it came to the title track of the album, amping up the sexual innuendos as the members tried their best to stop him from saying something career threatening. sadly, no songwriting credits on the album by our knowledge, lyricist niko would then again disappear for another year, BUT, he did bring back his treasurable humor, even swearing during the recording of 2 baddies, panicking as he asked for the editor to cut it out of the final version of the video (it did not get cut out).
after everything, niko seemed to be back to normal, back to how he usually was, teasing the members over everything and especially making sure to leave all things vague. a highlighting moment of 2 baddies was during idol human theater where he basically became a seat for all the members, eight of them had sat on his lap at least once during the video, and all niko could do was sit back and let them do their thing. some of his most hilarious moments from 2022 are from this idol human theater video, and from certain concert clips.
niko spent at least half the tour running away from the members who were trying to get him to take his shirt off, they would catch him eventually, which led to a very sulky niko backstage as his members practically died at his red faced-ness, and if the members weren't trying to get him shirtless, they were forcing him to give them piggyback rides, or carry them bridal style, or just carry them in general. one of the best things that happened this era was niko getting thrown a poster with his face on it, a poster which the members were all giggling over for the rest of the concert.
though it was all fun, niko sadly couldn't get through this era without injuring himself. right as their asia leg was about to begin, he injured his knee during a performance. there was nothing specific said about his injury or his health, just that he was in the hospital and would be excused from any schedules for an unspecified amount of time. surprisingly, niko became much more active on social media while trapped in the hospital, making stupid jokes about his injury and whining about missing the members on bubble (words that he would never say out loud).
so even though he ended the year with strained muscles, 2 baddies was a good era for niko.
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when the still 26 YEAR OLD NIKO returned after months in the hospital, all junis across the world died, because something changed. he dyed his hair, and he dyed it blond. yes, nikolas khornthon himself, known despiser of hair dyeing, dyed his hair. the funniest thing about this was that he didn't inform any of the members that he was dyeing his hair, so they all had their own moments of surprise as well. ay-yo era was just full of one surprise after another for all junis, because they were getting a surge of niko content they had never seen in any other era.
niko was working his ass off in the beginning of 2023, promoting the comeback with 127 whilst also appearing everywhere else. he continuously went back and forth, from country to country, it seemed he was getting on a new plane to go to a new place everyday, but he did all of it flawlessly. it was like every other day niko was in another country doing some other thing, but he seemed to be having fun. it was especially hilarious because fans would just randomly find him on the street when they least expected it, and he would always respond awkwardly, as if shocked that people knew he was.
so ay-yo era? good.
he would make his return to his original nct u lineup in august with baggy jeans, now 27 YEARS OLD and no longer blond. the blond niko era lasted for only a few months, and fans are waiting for the day it makes a return. he found the song to be silly, a song about jeans? he was totally entertained. he couldn't get through a stage without laughing, often having to hide his giggles behind his hand as he mimicked ten's lines.
baggy jeans niko was flawless, ruthless with his insults towards the members and a skinny jeans hater to his core (sorry haechan). a highlight of this era was him getting into a full on argument with jaehyun about which kinds of jeans were better, an argument which was egged on by the rest of the members, who could only watch as the two screamed about blue pants. don't even get me started on the liar game, niko got found out right away, as he's a terrible liar, and the teasing from the members ended up getting so bad that he had to hide behind taeyong for the rest of the game. baggy jeans was a good era, and it was clear that niko was glad to be back with his original lineup of members.
after what seemed like years, niko made a songwriting return on fact check, with lyrical credits on the albums 6th track, "je ne sais quoi". it was during this era that a small discovery was made, niko had revealed that he did write more songs intended to be on fact check, but they didn't make the final cut for the album. he simply stated that he would probably release them someday, just that he didn't know when exactly.
fact check brought a lot of cute niko dance practice clips. he was making doyoung's life a living hell, dancing stupidly around the practice room, praising haechan for doing the bare minimum, terrorizing johnny, and even suggesting things to add to the choreography. he also had a lot more lines in the song, fact check becoming the 127 title track where niko rapped the most, why did it take THIS long for it to happen? we shall never know.
again, this era brought a surge of niko solo lives, lives which would often be interrupted by a certain vocalist of nct dream. these solo lives brought some of niko's most iconic lines ever, such as "jeong jaehyun? i have no idea who that is..", "someone called me a bitch and i slapped them in the face", and, the most iconic of all; "i'm gonna get thrown out like all of those song drafts", which stapled fact check era as a good era.
as christmas approached, the still 27 YEAR OLD dancer was definitely very festive. he took the act of gift giving very seriously, making sure to get gifts perfect for each of the members as "be there for me" promotions began. when the day for christmas came, niko didn't just get gifts for everyone 127 member, he got gifts for every nct member. he had clearly put much effort into every gift, some of them even made by his own hands. he couldn't stop smiling as he watched each of the members open their gifts, even bringing out some tears from a certain few.
so while short, be there for me era was a good one.
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in total, niko has had 12 good eras (7th sense, fire truck, limitless, cherry bomb, regular, sticker sort of, favorite, 2 baddies, ay-yo, baggy jeans, fact check, be there for me), 3 bad eras (superhuman, beginning of neozone, again sticker sort of), and 2 downright horrible eras (end of neozone, and resonance). it seems that, even with all he's been through, niko has always been grateful for the opportunities he's had as an artist, he's always been happy for his place in the group, and though he's had bad times, he never allowed for it to affect his performances.
throughout his seven years as an nct member, niko learned many things. he grew into someone much more comfortable in his own skin, compared to when he debuted, he is now much more talkative (even as an introvert), much more confident, and much more intelligent as an artist.
though he definitely still has a while to go before all of his issues are resolved, he's come a long way, and he's proud of himself for getting through everything he did.
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wooluv3r · 3 months
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Jungwoo’s Insta Story- on his way to Shanghai with NCT 127 for offline fan sign 💚
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dojae-huh · 3 months
Hello! Just want to say again that I'm glad I found your blog, your down-to-earth commentary, especially about the business side of it all, is very much appreciated :)
Hi. Thank you for letting me know, I'm glad you find some more down to earth posts useful. In part, I run this blog to offer an alternative in fandom experience.
Thing is, we, as k-pop fans and as people who don't work in showbusiness or South Korea, don't have enough knowledge, experience or inside information to have a strong educated opinion on most of things when it comes to idol companies and their executives. We can have opinions as customers - I like this music, this promotional strategy works on me, these outfits are ugly, this concept rocks -, but not as business analytics. Especially considering how much media play, false information and difference in cultures we face.
However, nowadays everyone has the illusion that they know better, that their opinion and feelings are valid when it comes to any topic. And spread and defend their opinion like it is the ultimate truth.
I've recently come across a twit starting with "it appears that" and ending with "for sure". In a span of a few sentences the fan offered an imaginary scenario and finished with a "this is truth". Of course to "prove" that SM is evil, heh. Such baseless statements easily play on fans' love for their biases, evoke an emotional response, call to arms, they give an answer to "Who is to blame?!", provide a target for unleashing frustration and anger.
When one solo-stan blames our bias, we can call bullshit because we know how things really are. When a fan blames Chris Lee or SM, other fans are ready to accept the words as believeable. Either because they share the sentiment, or have no own opinion on the matter, so any will do. If everyone around says the same thing, it should be true, afterall? That's how our brains are wired: follow the majority, agree with the tribe, mirror everyone's current emotion.
We can't see the inner works and we don't know the inner rules, but we can see the results of labour and sometimes a reflection of things.
When I came to k-pop, I knew SM as the company that overworks its artists, has lawsuits with them, is super strict. Broken in two halves TVXQ and EXO with half of its members gone weren't a good representation. So when I started to get to know NCT better, I started to wonder if I was lied to or that something had changed in SM (the latter). Neos were taught how to songwrite, SM persisted with good quality music for NCT despite the group not taking off right away, artists not looking slavelike, there was SMstation and interesting projects.
Sure, I can observe bad work: poorly prepared concerts (Link), constant failures with album production (omitting Doyoung's name, boring designs for 127), tasteless stylists, etc. However, I also see good work: artists flying first/business class and living in 5 star hotels, being given opportunity to go to the beach, museums, to enjoy sightseeing in new countries; opportunity to explore one's creativity (soundcloud, NCTLabs, solo performances for Link); SM giving artists second professions (MC, variety host, model) that will aid professional longevity (Doyoung hasn't finished school and doesn't have a degree, but I'm not worried for him, even if SM collapses, he'll always find a job. Same for Taeyong, he came as a blank page, now he is a songwriter and a producer, he can even become a choreographer); neos progressively being given more choice and say, their opinion being consulted and their ideas being implemented once they gain enough experience (Golden Dust story, Taeyong making his own setlist for his concert, Doyoung saying Unity should not have solo-stages, Ten choosing the mood and genre for his solo, etc).
Most importantly, I can see many friendships between neos and producers/managers, and that Haechan and Doyoung, who experienced all of SM's downsides personally and not once, continue to like the company. Meaning, the good should outweight the bad. At least for now.
Fans learnt the name of Chris Lee and continue to blame him for everything to this day, although he doesn't own any shares in SM and has stopped being a CEO a year ago. He is a token scapegoat.
Should I blindly trust fans or should I go read Wikipedia, interviews and listen to the guy himself? In situations like these I always choose the latter.
Sure, I can't tell if he evades taxes or participates in shady business, and what neos think of him (aside from Doyoung calling him "hyung" in public and not being afraid of getting punished for it), but I can see he was the person who overlooked all the early NCT songs (we have "Limitless", "Cherry bomb" thanks to him); created SMStation and SMClassics (say thank you for "Try again", "Star blossom"); found Dem Jointz ("Kick it", "Punch", "Sticker") and multiple other songwriters who now work for SM; brought to Korea the idea of songwriting camps, in which Kun participates nowadays and where he befriends foreign creators; invested SM money into a publishing company (and not a winery or a hotel business), which means SM artists will be secured to have a lot of songs to choose from in the future, and Korean young producers will have access to the global market. He has been with SM close to 20 years, and he is evidently a music nerd, ergo he understands artists and their love for music. So why should I hate him? I have no proof of him taking money away from neos, but I have evidence he was very essential to formation of NCT and the quality of SM sound being maintained. On the contrary, I'm inclined to suspect the quality of albums (song setlist, production) is raising again because he is back to supervising A&R in SM.
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orangewoo · 2 months
So I'm seeing a lot of a certain fandom (when will they mind their own, my lord) celebrating that they're "free from NCT for a decade" because of the start of the enlistment era and it just makes me outright cackle because that's just... not true. My favourite thing is when people forget or just don't know the sheer amount of members and units in NCT. Like sorry but these fuckers will continue to be everywhere and we'll be seeing them for a long time unless SM finally implodes.
SM quite literally has the chance to carry out the most seamless enlistment period of a group like... ever? (if they actually do is another story given that it's, well, SM but I digress). The NCT system has many, many shitty downsides but this just isn't one of them. Out of the current 26 members of NCT, only 11 have to enlist. I won't get into the nitty gritty breakdown of the overlapping enlistment years but essentially no substantial amount of members will have to go all at once in the near future (Dream's 00 line is going to be rough but that's close to 2030 so not anytime soon, and by then 127 will be back almost entirely). The fact that the age gap between 127's hyung line and Dream's hyung line is so big is a huge advantage and WayV doesn't even have to go at all.* NCT Wish are also young so it's not even of use to think of their enlistment just yet. Factoring in all the NCT U combinations SM can make as well as solo career launches, it's safe to say that you guys will not "be free" from seeing NCT around. A blessing for fans but an eyesore for haters, I guess.
Of course, with all this said, it doesn't make it any less sad to see them go, but I just needed to get this off my chest because it makes me laugh when other fandoms are in our business but they're not even in our business properly because they have no idea what they're talking about.
*don't want to get into politics but I think YangYang may actually have to serve sometime?
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lunarsun12 · 5 months
The Winwin Lovers
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Jaemin and Doyoung are now sitting in the hospital with their distress husbands, due to a certain incident in the 127 household which lead to Kun to be put into hospital.
Jaemin and Doyoung are debating whether to tell Ten, what happened to Kun. They have two options:
1) They lie and let Kun have an earful from Ten (which is tempting but Taeyong strongly disagree as he feel bad for Kun)
2) They tell the truth to Ten and prays he doesn’t destroy their lives.
With Taeyong disagreement, they have to tell Ten the truth what happened to Kun. Jaemin without hesitation immediately nominated Doyoung since he doesn’t want Ten to shave his hair again.
How will Ten react upon finding the news? Also how an earth did Kun end up in the hospital?
Back at NCT Mom Chat
Today 19:00
Jaemin🌸: Doyoungieeeee, tell Ten what you have to say
Doyoung🐰: I really don’t want too cause it’s your fault, that your husband did something
Jaemin🌸: He did no such thing, definitely your husband doing
Ten🐱: What is going one?
Ten🐱: Also you guys, have you seen Kun? He is late and Hendery is getting restless. I don’t want to cook for them so much work!
Jaemin🌸: Doyoung husband put Kun in hospital!!
Ten🐱: What? Why is the old man in hospital, did he break his back tackling some five year old?
Jaemin🌸: No, let me explain!
Doyoung🐰: You are not explaining, you will make it worse! I will do it since I am the most responsible
Jaemin🌸: I’m gonna-
Doyoung started to tell the story before Jaemin gets to utter another word
Flashback to this morning
WayV family chat
Kun🐻: Where is winwin?
Hendery🦄: Winnie hyung, is getting ready and plus protection
Kun🐻: This child…it not scary going to his uncle doyoung house
Xiaojun🦖: We are all at the front door…did I hear winwin grabbing some pans?
Kun🐻: I get the child, you guys wait in the car. Also this time it is Hendery, takes front seat
Kun and his kids arrive at the 127 house. Kin knocks on the door and is greeted with a smiling Taeyong.
Taeyong: Welcome, I’m so glad you bought the kids. Jungwoo finally have some friends to play with!
Taeyong: Come, you just in time for lunch
Taeyong bring Kun and his kids, to eat with his family plus uncles. What Winwin didn’t realise that Yumark was home and it lead to Winwin to have funny feeling about the situation.
Mark: Yo, Winwin! I’m your biggest fan
Yuta: Winnie! It nice to see you again!
Winwin hides behind Hendery
Winwin: *whispers* is he gonna punch me?
Hendery: *whispers* Nah he doesn’t stand a chance against you
Taeyong: I see some of us are well acquainted, shall we start?
What Taeyong has forgotten, that he had invited Jeno and Jisung (as the rest of the kids refused to come due to last year feast) and to lead not so happy Jeno, that they have been forgotten. During the lunch, Jungwoo won’t stop asking Xiaojun questions.
Jungwoo: Why are you so tall? Why we have feets?
Xiaojun: I-I don’t know man..
Jungwoo: I have another question to ask you
Before jungwoo say another word, xiaojun put a piece meat in his mouth. To get him to stop asking as he have been doing that for the past 30mins.
After the lunch, the dads have gathered around the living room along with their kids. It has been a while winwin decided to go to the bathroom. When he exits out of the bathroom, he saw Yuta standing there waiting for him.
Winwin: Gosh! Yuta hyung? You need to go to the bathroom?
Yuta: No, I am waiting for you winnie
Winwin: Why? Haven’t you stalked me enough!! You and that crazy cousin of yours are crazy!
Yuta: *sighs* Winnie, I said I was framed
Winwin: Yeah right! You never tell the truth all bag of lies!!
Yuta: Hear me out, okay?
Winwin: No! What happens mark saw us together? I don’t want another Yumark drama part 2!!
Yuta: Mark is preoccupied with Uncle Johnny filming for his show
Winwin: Fine I hear you out. After that leave me alone!
Yuta: You right, I did stalked you little bit…JUST only a little bit!! But it was out of love, I wanted to make sure you aren’t getting harassed by fans
Winwin: That hard to believe
Yuta: Winnie, you have no idea how much my family loves you
Winwin: Don’t try to justify your action
Yuta: Winnie, I just felt wronged that we broke up like that! You didn’t let me explain!!
Yuta: I really liked you and made me heartbroken! I still do! If you take me back, I will break up with Mark!!
Winwin: Ermm, I gotta go…
Whilst Yuta and Winwin were having their convo. Jisung stumbled into their convo, as he needs to use bathroom and he overheard the convo that those two hard. Which leads to a heavy heart after founding out that sudden confession.
Later on the in the afternoon, whilist the dad busy chatting and kids enjoying the company of jungwoo under the supervision of Taeil. In case someone set the house on fire. Until Haechan skipped into the communal area, with smile on his face for his weekly visits.
Taeyong: Hey hyuckie, the kids are in the garden with your uncle Taeil
Jeno: Hyuckie? Have you done your homework?
Haechan: Yes I did! Plus why did you put me in class on how to behave well. There are full of dogs! I am not a dog
Jeno: No reason run along now
After Haechan left to find his friends
Kun: Bro, are you still hang up on about the dog?
Jeno: Yes! Nana tricked me!! I never wanted these kids…well jisung is not bad apart from that I hate it!
Taeyong: I feel more sorry for kun! Living with Ten
Kun: I could have bought a massage chair but Ten said no saying he needs money for the cat toys
When haechan enters the garden, he saw Winwin and immediately shouted
Before winwin gets a time to react, haechan immediately cling onto him like koala. With a very distress winwin
Winwin: H-Help me!!
Yuta: Yo hyuckie get off winwin, he is uncomfortable
Haechan: I am never letting go!!
Yuta: I told you not to touch Winnie again, after you blamed me! I am asking you nicely
Haechan clings onto winwin harder. Somehow seeing Haechan in close proximity to Winwin made his blood boil. Which lead to angry Yuta to be unleashed, with winwin in the middle of the crossfire.
Mark and Xiaojun happens to be nearby and rushed to see what the noises. When they saw Yuta and Haechan fighting over winwin.
Xiaojun: I tell Appa right away!
Xiaojun told the dads everything, once the dads has arrived it has gotten worse. Now Taeil has joined in, saying they are hurting his baby chick. Without hesitation Kun, try to break up the fight to save his child. With a very distressed Taeyong and Jeno along with him.
Taeyong: I don’t know what are we supposed to do? Ahh ahh
Jeno: Grab them! On the count 1…2…3
Taeyong and Jeno tried to grab their family members. It was a struggle, they manage to grab their family members, during the process they haven’t realised they have knocked Kun down with their elbows plus Jeno fist. Until they saw Kun on the ground with his head bleeding and unconscious.
End of flashback
Doyoung🐰: So this happened
Ten🐱: Idiot Kun, why does he have to bring winwin to that devil house
Doyoung🐰: EXCUSE ME! My house is perfectly safe
Jaemin🌸: That not what happened today…
Doyoung🐰: It was your child, who started this!
Jaemin🌸: I don’t know what you talking about. DON’T DISRESPECT MY CHILDREN LIKE THAT
Ten🐱: Quick question? Is he dead?
Jaemin🌸: No, why would he dead…
Ten🐱: Just checking, he can’t leave me with the kids SO MUCH WORK
Doyoung🐰: He is resting now! You should visit him
Ten🐱: Good, I need him to give me money!
Ten🐱: Actually, since it was both of your husbands fault. How about you pay me for my husband medical bills
Doyoung🐰: Don’t worry, it has already been taken care off!!
Ten🐱: It’s better you pay me, the distress I have been
Jaemin🌸: I’m not paying you, it has already been taken care off
Ten🐱: Let me rephrase, give me the medical bill money or else I will burn your most prized possession
Doyoung🐰: The money has been sent
Jaemin🌸: Yes, please don’t burn my only designer top!
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seawitch62 · 2 years
What if your fantasies became real! Too real!
Alcohol and sex mentioned
Word count 2351
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In contemporary paranormal discourse, a tulpa is a being that begins in the imagination but acquires a tangible reality and sentience. Tulpas are created either through a deliberate act of individual will or unintentionally from the thoughts of numerous people. (Novo Religio)
"Work, study, classes" is this  what my life has become? The computer monitor silently mocks. Tapping away at the keyboard, crunching numbers, and for what? Student loans!  A degree which may or may not be beneficial. When Covid 19 hit it was decided that working from home was the prudent way to go. After all, the employee's health is important. It was fun at first then it became as mundane as any office. Locked in the apartment with no human contact, just online meetings. The classes are even online classrooms. Yes, stopping the spread of the Covid is very important but what about my sanity? The need for human interaction! Music, my solace, my constant companion. YouTube  watching music videos. This is where it all started my obsession, if you can call it that. It all started when I watched NCT 127….
Kpop opened a whole new world, I immersed myself in the culture of fandoms, and read all the fanfiction I could find. Watched all music videos countless times. Scoured YouTube for all the content that was available. Gradually a favorite emerged or bias as is the term, Taeyong the leader. Handsome and talented, what is not to like. So I researched him extensively, storing my fave photos. Basically I became my own personal expert on him. I even went to the extent of photoshopping myself into his photos.  Crazy right? What can I say I was lonely! 
🎶🎵Imaginary lovers
Never turn you down
When all the others turn you away
They're around
It's my private pleasure
Midnight fantasy
Someone to share my
Wildest dreams with me
Imaginary lover you're mine anytime
Imaginary lovers, oh yeah🎶🎵
The fantasies and stories I conceived within the realm of my own imaginary world. They kept me warm and well satisfied on many a lonely night. Even as the restrictions eased up, I found I did not want to leave my home, the security blanket of my own private Idaho kept me wrapped in contented delight. Groceries and other needed supplies delivered to my doorstep, work and classes continued from the comfort of my castle. Reality and illusion became a thin line, yes I knew where the line was drawn but still I delved deeper and deeper into my own little universe. Concocting story after story Taeyong and I are always the central characters. As time passed his personality evolved. I deviated from his  well publicized persona and developed another.  This Taeyong was mine, all mine! He in turn was devoted to me, me only! Jealous, possessive and territorial but all mine! In hindsight and what I know now, I lost the plot. Previously in the real world any guy acted this way, he was dropped in a heartbeat, but this is not real its mirage, a day dream, a trip of the mind.
One particularly gloomy cold night, sipping Sauvignon blanc and feeling very sorry for myself, I did something my sober self would never do. I posted one of my doctored photos, Taeyong and I enjoying a romantic dinner, I added a caption "who is she?" Of course I posted anonymously, giddy from the wine I consumed I watched as the fans chatted and debated, the text now blurry and out of focus due to copious amounts of alcohol I called it a night and went to bed. Never believing for a moment it would spread from the chat room I had just exited. I was wrong! 
The jackhammer in my head never let up, the talon grip of pain a constant, simply put a hangover. My own stupid fault drinking all that dry grape juice. Barely remember stumbling into bed, stomach churning, head beating like a drum. I spent most of the day in bed. Finally a reprieve in the late afternoon,  with a fuzzy head but I could hold down a cup of coffee. Progress! Shower and change a light meal feeling somewhat human again. Checking my favorite social media, my post with the photo had blown up, in fact it had gone viral! Fuck a duck! It was everywhere. "What have I done?" Besides  making  a complete fool of myself! In a panic I tried the useless, I deleted the original post, "who is she?" But it was too late so many people had shared, downloaded and uploaded to other social media sites, it was now an entity of its own. A monster made from my own drunken loneliness. It will calm down, these things always do, right? Watching in horror as the photo garnered more and more online attention. With the wave of momentum came the usual, it was fake, but something else was also gaining speed, she is so lucky, wish it was me. The fans made up scenarios that they felt suited the photo.  Inside I just wanted to curl up and die of embarrassment. "What an idiot!" My only happy thought was this will die down soon. I soon discovered when something is viral it does not disappear overnight as much as I wished for it. With a life force all its own all I could do was wait it out. 
Persistent knocking at the door broke my concentration. This account I was working on had loops and bumps as if Loki himself created it. A tangled web of names and numbers with many paths. Knock knock knock. Damnit! Standing in frustration at the interruption, "maintenance? No cant be? Delivery? No? Salesperson? More likely" wish they would piss off! 
Standing by the door, peeping through the peephole, "no!?!?" I've lost it! Slowly backing away as the knocking perseveres, heart racing, palms sweaty I once again look at the determined knocker. It is Lee Taeyong's doppelganger.
Once the shock subsides, opening the door. A man the spitting image of Taeyong stands. Handsome, well dressed and smelling delightful. "Sweetheart, finally!" With a look of concern on his handsome face "I was getting worried when you didn't answer" as he strides into the small abode as if this was a common occurrence. Taeyong proceeds to wander into every room as if he is looking for something. "What are you doing?" Without blinking an eye Taeyong responded "making sure you are alone!". Stammering "who are you?" With a look of concern Taeyong gently raises his hand and runs his fingers along the puzzled frightened face "babe it's me! Are you okay?" Flinching from his touch and stepping back "I'm sorry I was drunk" mumbling trying to make some sense of the situation, seeing his baffled look "the photo".
"Photo? I have no clue what you are talking about, are you drunk?"
"What? No"
"You must be ill, you need to rest" he states with confidence.
"I… I… yes,  when you go I will".
Taeyong stares, "you need chicken noodle soup! I will be back" and with that he leaves.
Door locked and bolted, "was I punked?" That must be it! The fans found me! Maybe I'm dreaming? A nightmare! Or due to isolation my egg cracked! Nerves frayed as the body reacts with slight jerky movements. "Calm down, be real, get a grip" 
Alerts from the computer draw me back to reality. I'm logged in, I'm awake, it must be one of my daydreams! That's it.
Logging off from an arduous day of work, feet firmly now set in reality. 'Dinner time!' Knock knock knock
"Open the door, I know you are in there" an irritated Taeyong demands. Upon opening the door there he stands takeaway bags in hand.
"Chicken noodle soup as promised" walking directly to the kitchen and setting up the table for a meal.
Staring in disbelief as he works his way around the kitchenette. Knowing the placements of everything needed. "This isn't real?" 
"Real? Yes it is babe, I got your favorites as well" he grins.
After a scrumptious dinner, Taeyong insists that he cleans up, and suggests we watch some television. Cuddling, the scent of his masculinity intoxicating, arm firmly planted around my shoulder. Laughing and commenting on the sitcom, 'they are coming to take me away hahaha' plays in my frazzled brain.
This scenario, one of my best! The sex, orgasmatic, a tender yet demanding lover who knows all the right moves, then some. Lost in the veil of reality, fantasy slowly the invading conqueror. Weeks pass, Taeyong my lover, ever thoughtful, always concerned for my well being.  The line between reality and what is not, fades, becomes obscured and slowly loses focus.
Today is a big day, a lunch, well business lunch, the powers that be, suggested a luncheon to do a face to face catch up. Basically check up on their employees. Excited to see co-workers, stupid yes, but to see real people who are not a figment of my imagination, I need it.
Parking the vehicle in my allocated parking space, it was nice to get out, take in fresh air, see people, and communicate. The food was delicious, but more importantly it knocked me back to reality. My asinine behavior has to stop. Foolish, daft fabricated reveries end now! Time to find a real flesh and blood guy, not an illusion.
With dusk, the stars shine, cuddled under a blanket on the couch watching television. Phone by my side, its lighting up like a Christmas tree, texts and incoming calls, ignoring all, the messenger of my sanity Taeyong blows up my phone.  "It's not real!" I tell myself over and over and over.
Ten thirty pm, bedtime, work tomorrow, thinking of the accounts that need my attention, with heavy eyelids, sleep.
Awoken by an erotic dream with Taeyong, I realize I'm not alone. Just as I am about to let out a scream a hand covers my mouth
"Shhh shhh babe it's okay its me"
"Who else were you expecting?" He demands angrily.
"You are not real" yelling at my imaginary lover.
"Not real?" He states, " I will show you how real I am!"
Stretching and purring like a well satisfied cat, toast? Eggs? Bacon? The established aroma of breakfast drifts through the small yet cozy apartment. Realizing I'm bereft  of clothing, 'I was really on one last night' Hungry, I need to make breakfast. 
Someone is in the apartment! Looking for a weapon, any weapon, a stiletto, red to be exact, well, work with what you got. Armed with a red high heeled shoe, stealthy making my way to the intruder, Taeyong pops his head around the corner "great you are up, breakfast is ready"
"Who else babe"
The shoe is still positioned above my head, "I'll take that" Taeyong grins.
The food tastes real, delicious in fact. "You are not real, I can not see you anymore! I have to end this" 
Slamming the utensils on the table they hit the plate and bounced onto the floor. "I don't know what is wrong with you? But my love I am going nowhere! Do you understand me?"
His tone and facial features are set in stone. Anger that is close fury radiates from him. Why am I scared of my imaginary boyfriend? This is my dreamscape, my imaginary landscape, do not back down! 
"Its over" grabbing my handbag i decide to run from my flight of fancy.
The Cafe, warm and inviting and best of all no Taeyong!
The croissant melts in my mouth and my third cup of coffee hits the spot. The waiter, a good looking guy, flirty and funny makes me laugh, something I have not done in a long time. Leaving a generous tip I head home, those accounts need my attention. Turning the key with hesitation, telling myself it's you, you have the power. The place is empty. Work, I need to get to work!
Enjoying the pizza delivered by door dash, feeling a sense of accomplishment although weary time for bed. Before dozing off, patting myself on the back for the progressive steps that I took today, slumber is welcomed.
Friday, last working day for this week, time to crunch away.
Knock knock knock
"Shit" ignore it 
Knock knock knock 
The door opens, Taeyong, a very angry one, enters the apartment. 
"Dump me so you can flirt with the coffee shop guy?" 
Ignore him, he is not real!
"Dont ignore me!" He demands
Looking at him he looks so damn sexy today, ignore him!
"Not real not real not real" becomes my uttered mantra.
"Not real?" he roars.
"Enough! a fucking enough!"
Grabbing my hand he storms out of the apartment.
The Cafe? Back at the Cafe. This time Taeyong is here. "I see your boyfriend is working"   the good looking waiter heads to our table "can't stay away huh?" Taeyong scoffs at this light humor. "Ready to order?" He enquiries, "yes a coffee, Caramel flavored and a croissant please". Scribbling down my order "and you sir?".
Wait, the waiter is taking his order, then he departs to the kitchen.
"I've lost it completely" I must still be in the apartment. 
"You are  a figment of my loneliness"
"I am very much real, flesh and blood, and today my love I am going to prove it"
The whole day passed as if in a blur, the places the shops unknown to me previously whizz past me in an unreal whirl of sensations, a whirlwind  of disbelief. Everyone saw him, spoke to him, pinching myself, digging my nails into my palms till they bled, I could not wake up, or dissipate the illusion of him.
Nestled safely in the confines of the apartment although not alone.
"I'm going to say this just once, listen well my love, I will not tolerate your flirting, or ignoring me, you belong to me, me only, I do not share! Understood?".
"Now go make us dinner!".
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nctsjiho · 2 years
NCT's JiHo Opens Instagram Account
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December 9, 2022 By E. Cohen (K!Today)
On December 7th 2022 JiHo from NCT opened her own instagram page; she's the last member of her subunit, NCT 127, to do so. Not only were fans delighted, but they swarmed to her page in heaps to follow her. In only two days, her account reached 5 million followers, making her the NCT member who reached 5 million followers the fastest.
In a funny response to the sudden growth, JiHo posted a simple text story which said "❗how? what are you guys even doing here?".
Not only did many of the NCT members already follow her, but they also showed a lot of support and excitement for the female member's addition to the social media platform. Co-unit-members Mark, Doyoung, Jungwoo, Taeyong and Johnny all posted her account on their stories, possibly causing more fans to follow her.
As of right now JiHo is not following anyone.
How do you feel about JiHo joining her members on Instagram? Let us now in the comments below or on our Twitter @KNewsToday
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kpopsexstories · 4 months
A new story/member every Monday. Click here to view the posting schedule.
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Story: Haechan gives Mark and Jungwoo hand jobs in the shower.
Content: Masturbation, Boys showering together, Hand job, Gay (sort of), Cumshot (several)
Word Count: 4,268
Members: Haechan, Mark, Jungwoo, (Johnny, Ten, Doyoung)
Story #14: HAECHAN
Showering together was not a regular occurrence among the NCT members, but over the years it did happen quite frequently. At gyms, in various dressing rooms, and during activities in their free time, to name a few examples. Anywhere with shared showers, really, and most members had seen the majority of their friends naked at some point.
It was not normal, however, that the members would get hard together, and certainly not that they'd touch each other in the nude. That’s why Haechan’s most memorable sexual experience stood out to him, and became a secret that frequently aroused him.
Back in their very first dorm, nudity in front of others had sometimes been a necessity. The cheap dorm had only one bathroom, with a dual shower in it, and not enough time in the day for everyone to have their turn alone.
Not only would the members shower side by side, but some would happily parade naked through the dorm. As young teenagers, this was odd and embarrassing to Haechan and several of the others, yet also something they joked, laughed and giggled about. Haechan saw more dicks in this time than most men who don't frequent locker rooms do in a lifetime.
Ten in particular stood out in the group. He would always jump at the opportunity to share the shower with someone. Johnny too, who had never been ashamed of showing himself in the nude. At one point, it was a running joke that the two would only shower together.
Still, privacy had always been respected, and being young teens many of the members were uncomfortable with nudity in general. Thus, a system had quickly formed in which everyone patiently awaited their turn, when time allowed it.
That first dorm was a long time ago though. They had all come a long way since then. Nowadays, they all had their own private bathrooms. They had also matured, and grown incredibly close, to the point that nudity and sex was not a matter they giggled or felt nervous about. They were not teenagers anymore.
That said, because so much time had passed since the last time he had to share a shower with someone, on the day of this story Haechan was taken by surprise.
“What the hell?” he exclaimed, when the members of NCT 127 explored the makeup area, changing rooms, and finally the associated shower of the particular venue in which they were about to perform.
“What?” Johnny said. “It's not like you haven't seen this bad boy before.” He clutched his crotch and everyone in the group laughed. Maybe some where more mature than others, after all.
“Not voluntarily,” Haechan joked back.
The shower room which they all stood in had nine heads, an open floor plan and no privacy whatsoever. It was an efficient solution in terms of saving space, but it was rare that a venue would expect them to get naked together.
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The show was a sweaty affair. It lasted for several hours, and when the boys came off stage for the last time of the evening, their drenched bodies were pumping with adrenaline. Exhausted from the physical efforts of their performance, and hot from the strong lights and arena full of fans, they returned to the dressing room and began to spread out.
Haechan went to have his makeup removed, but some went straight to the showers to wash up and get changed. Taeil and Jaehyun excused themselves early, and headed back to the hotel to clean up there. An underground tunnel connected the arena to where they'd be spending the night.
When Haechan was ready, he peeked inside the showers. Johnny, Doyoung and Yuta were inside, naked and soaped up. They were facing the far-end wall with their backs to the door, deeply engaged in a conversation about the show.
When Doyoung turned around, Haechan couldn’t help but glance at his long, slack dick. When Doyoung caught him staring, Haechan smiled but quickly decided not to interrupt his friends. He nodded, turned around and left.
He sat down on a couch outside to await his turn, and Jungwoo and Mark came to join him. They began to chat, about highlights from the show, the choreographs, and details they could improve on.
Eventually, Johnny came out of the showers and left, shortly followed by Yuta and Doyoung. They said goodnight, but the threesome on the couch didn't get up. They were too engaged in their conversation, and before they knew it they'd been sitting there for over an hour.
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“How's your girlfriend?“ Mark asked.
“Alone and longing for me,” Jungwoo winked. “This tour is almost over though. I can't wait to see her.”
“Must be frustrating to go so long without sex,” Haechan said. Not that he’d had any himself recently. Perhaps that was why he wanted to talk about it.
“The worst!” Jungwoo laughed. “I've jerked off so many times these past weeks my dick is sore.”
Haechan was not a virgin, but sex was not something he had frequently, and unlike some of the other members, certainly not on tour. Jungwoo had been in a steady relationship for a while, and often arrived late to practice because of it. They regularly joked about how the couple couldn't keep their hands off each other.
Mark, who was single, was also feeling naughty. “It's the first thing I'll do when we get back to the hotel,” he announced.
“Me too,” Jungwoo nodded. “Performing makes me horny as fuck.”
“Me too,” Haechan agreed. ”I don't think we've had a single show where I haven't jerked off immediately after. I once did it in a bathroom, because we were going straight to a dinner.”
Despite his infrequent experience with the opposite sex, Haechan was known to be dirty. He was often quick to joke about sex, talk about sex, or make naughty comments toward the other members. In that sense, he was still the least mature among them. The members all loved him for it.
“Have you ever jerked off with another member?” Jungwoo suddenly asked. Perhaps it was the distance from his girlfriend and the sexual frustration it resulted in that made him ask such a question, but surprisingly, Mark instantly confirmed that he had.
“When?“ Haechan gasped. “Who?“
“With Ten,” Mark said. “We once shared a hotel room. He was horny, as were I. We were in separate beds though.”
“You remember our first dorm, the one with the double shower?“ Jungwoo asked. “I know for a fact that Ten jerked Johnny off in it.”
“No way!” Mark exclaimed.
“It's true. Johnny told me himself.”
Their conversation was interrupted when a member of staff came by. “Are you going to the showers?“ she asked.
The boys confirmed.
“You're the last ones left and I'm about to leave, but take your time. Let security know when you're done and they’ll escort you to the hotel.”
They all bowed in respect and confirmation, and Jungwoo was first to get up. Mark followed, and Haechan had no choice but to join them.
The initial shock about showering together had settled though. It was no big deal, after all, and Johnny was right. They were no strangers to seeing each other naked. The image of Doyoung’s dick returned in his mind.
In the shower room there was a wooden bench to the immediate left of the door. They placed their change of clothes on it, and began to undress. Haechan took off his shoes and socks. Jungwoo started with his shirt and worked his way down. Mark was next to the door, soon standing in his underwear and t-shirt.
“Do you ever jerk off in the shower?” Jungwoo asked.
“Depends,” Mark said. “I keep a box of tissues by my bed, but if I'm not alone in the room I have done it in the shower.”
“I usually lock myself in the bathroom,” Haechan pitched in. Then he laughed. “You all think I'm pooping.”
“That explains your bathroom habits,” Jungwoo joked.
“In bed, I usually come in my underwear though.”
“Ew,” Mark said and frowned.
“What, it's convenient,” Haechan said. “I throw them in the laundry immediately after!”
“Even when you jerk off in public bathrooms?“ Jungwoo asked and gave his friend the side eye.
“Well, alright, sometimes I keep them on. That time though, I came in the toilet.”
Jungwoo pulled down his underwear. Completely naked, he looked at his friends.
“Imagine how much cum went down the drain in that first dorm,” he said.
“Yeah, we used to joke about it,” Haechan said. “Twenty-one boys in a single room. No one could jerk off in bed back then. That shower washed down so much sperm.”
Naked and ready to wash the now dry sweat off his body, Jungwoo was first to walk to the shower heads. He picked the one in the middle, at the far-end wall, and turned on the water. His naked body was slim, and his ass was flat. Among the members, he was definitely the skinniest.
Haechan was next. Still a little shy, he turned his back on Mark before he took off his underwear and revealed his bare cheeks. He walked over to the closest head, by the wall on the left. He faced the wall, still somewhat unwilling to fully reveal his private part in front of the others.
Mark wasn't embarrassed at all. His dick swung as he walked toward the wall on the right. Haechan couldn't help but turn his head to take a peek at it. Mark caught him looking, but didn't say anything.
They soaped up their bodies in silence, with lotion and shampoo from bottles fixed to the walls. Eventually, Haechan turned around completely. Curiosity got the better of him.
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Mark's body was slim and firm, but like Haechan he lacked abs. They were not part of the muscular clique, which included members like Jeno and Johnny. Mark was famous for his round ass though, which stood out even now when he wasn't wearing pants. His dick was average, but he had an unusually large ball sack hanging underneath it.
Jungwoo's dick was long and slim. He was also the only one in the room who was cut. His body looked toned because of how skinny he was, but his abs were faint and his chest unnaturally flat, which revealed that he didn't work out the way some of the others did.
“Hey, I see you looking,” Mark said suddenly.
“What, I'm curious,” Haechan grinned. He wasn't embarrassed about being caught.
“Does it turn you on?” Jungwoo joked.
“No. I'm not Ten. If anyone would be turned on in here it would be him. Maybe Johnny too, but in his case more so because seeing himself turns him on.”
All three of them laughed. Still, the thought of being turned on was exciting. Haechan suddenly felt a tingle between his legs.
Without thinking, which was so often the case, he suddenly came up with a suggestion.
“If we're all going to jerk off back at the hotel anyway, why not now?”
“What, together?” Jungwoo asked.
“Sure, why not? Not because you turn me on, but because all this talk does. And I'm still high from the show.”
Mark was surprisingly quick to jump onboard. “I'm down,” he said.
Jungwoo, who was done with his shower and ready to leave, turned off the water and walked over to the bench where he grabbed his towel.
He snickered while he rolled the towel, and began to playfully snap it at his friend. Haechan laughed and leaped out of the water. He ran around, past Mark, to grab his own towel in self defense. Jungwoo came at him, and soon the naked boys were engaged in a playful fight.
Mark giggled and observed from a distance, while scrubbing the remaining soap off his body. He too felt a sudden tingle. There was definitely something arousing in the air.
When the boys calmed down, he called for their attention. “Let's do it,” he said and grinned.
Haechan and Jungwoo turned to face him. They were met by the sight of Mark, standing firm under the running water, with a hard dick in his hand.
“Hah!” Haechan said with a grin. He couldn't take his eyes off his friend.
Jungwoo laughed loudly. “What the hell?” he said. “You’re horny?”
“Yeah,” Mark shrugged. “I haven’t had sex in months. My balls are bursting.”
“Well, you're not going to fuck us,” Haechan declared.
“No, but I bet we can fill this drain too.”
Jungwoo smiled wide. He put his towel down and returned to his initial shower head. He grinned while playing with his still soft cock.
Haechan was slower to react, and Jungwoo looked at him with a naughty expression. “Come on then,” he said and winked.
“Are we really doing this?” Haechan asked.
“It was your idea,” Mark pointed out.
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Masturbation starts here...
Haechan thought for a moment. Then without a word he went to stand between Mark and Jungwoo, in the far right corner. He too started stroking his shaft, and without so much as glancing at the others he felt a sudden tension in the room.
Mark and Jungwoo’s presence next to him, and the way they undoubtedly looked at him to see what he would do in this moment, felt piercing. He became hard in seconds.
For a while, none of them said a word. Jungwoo had a hard time getting it up, and began thinking about his girlfriend. It helped, and he soon had a stiff shaft in his hand. Mark was still hard but moved his hand slowly, as if he was either really enjoying the moment, or was waiting to see what the others would do. He didn’t want to be the first to come.
Haechan always used both hands when he jerked off. Now, he spread his legs while he rubbed the shaft between his palms.
When they were all hard, but had not yet come to terms with what they were doing, they looked at each other and began to giggle. Haechan felt nervous, but the laughter comforted him. Still, when things were weird he had a tendency to say strange things, and that’s exactly what he did in this moment.
“Can I touch it?” he asked and looked down at Mark’s erection.
“Hell no!” Mark exclaimed.
“Why not?” Haechan asked. “I just want to feel it. I’ve never held another man’s dick before.”
“And why should you?” Mark asked. He laughed at how silly his friend was being. “That’s weird as hell.”
“Why though?” Jungwoo asked. He was leaning against the wall under the running water, stroking his cock slowly, and had a contemplative expression on his face. “It always feels great when my girlfriend gives me a hand job. You’re not her, but I’m sure it would still feel good. It’s just physics. Or biology. Whatever. Why is it weird for guys to touch each other, especially if we’re all touching ourselves in private? It’s not like it would mean anything, and even if it did there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“You seem to have thought a lot about this,” Mark joked.
“Nah, I’m just thinking out loud,” Jungwoo said. “If it feels even better when someone else does it, why aren't guys allowed to pleasure each other?”
“That's the kind of strange but real reasoning I'd expect from Mark, not you,” Haechan said and laughed. But he saw an opportunity. “Can I touch yours then?”
“No,” Jungwoo said and grinned. “That’d be like cheating. Only my girlfriend can touch this.”
Mark thought for a moment. His dick was throbbing as blood rushed through it. “Alright,” he eventually said.
“Alright what?” Haechan asked. He suddenly felt excited. This was so not him, and not something he’d ever thought about doing, but for some reason the idea appealed to him. It was a new experience.
“Alright, you can touch my dick,” Mark repeated.
Haechan’s face lit up. “Really?” he said.
Mark didn’t respond. Instead, he straightened his back and turned his pelvis in Haechan’s direction.
Haechan took a step closer to him. Am I really doing this? he thought. The suggestion had partly been a joke to ease the tension, but it didn’t come from nowhere. He actually wanted to try this. Mark’s boner pointed straight out, calling to him.
When he was inches away from it, he reached out and let his fingertips touch the shaft. The dick jolted, hardened by a sudden rush of blood. For a moment, both men held their breaths.
Then Haechan felt courageous. He looked up at Mark and their eyes met. Mark smiled naughtily, as did Haechan. Without breaking eye contact, he suddenly wrapped his hand around the shaft.
Mark’s smile immediately disappeared. “Fuck,” he said and closed his eyes. “That does feel good.”
Jungwoo stood and watched them. He grinned and smiled to himself. The sight didn’t turn him on at all, but the situation was both funny and thrilling, and he thoroughly enjoyed it.
A barrier had been broken, and Haechan was no longer shy. He was around friends, and felt comfortable in the odd situation. Encouraged by Mark’s positive reaction, he began to jerk his friend off.
Mark let him. It was easy to forget that it was Haechan and not some beautiful woman who pleasured him, because the physical touch felt amazing. His mind suddenly went blank, and perhaps that’s why he said what he said next: “Make me come.”
This was the sentence that escalated everything from curious exploration, to a mutual masturbation party.
Haechan felt inspired by Mark's words. He jerked faster, and grabbed his own dick with his free hand. Mark kept his eyes closed and tilted his head back. He let Haechan's hand pleasure him, and quickly felt an orgasm coming.
Jungwoo suddenly felt out of place. He laughed to ease the tension, but the sight of Haechan jerking both Mark and himself off was strange, yet exciting, and he was left with a choice: to stay away and feel awkward, or to go over and join them.
He decided to join them. With slow steps, he walked over to his friends and stood beside them. He looked down at the two dicks, and held out his own.
Three boners were now in a close circle. Three hard and horny young men sharing an unexpected but arousing experience.
Once Jungwoo was by his side, Haechan didn't even hesitate. He let go of his own shaft, and slowly reached for Jungwoo's. He wasn't sure if Jungwoo would let him take it, but he wasn't stopped. Jungwoo smiled at his friend, let go of his shaft, and gave in to the pleasure of Haechan's fingers wrapped around it.
With both hands occupied, Haechan milked his friends. Mark was easy to please, and he moaned and grunted occasionally. Jungwoo, who was in a relationship and had reservations, was harder.
“Faster,” Mark said. Haechan did as he was told.
Rapidly, he continued to stroke the shafts of the horny boys. He hunched down a little to get a better grip. He glanced from side to side, first at Mark's dick and the large balls shaking violently beneath it, then at Jungwoo's. He smiled to himself, as he realized that what they were doing was insane. Insane, but somehow so natural.
Suddenly, Mark's body jolted. There was no warning as his moans remained steady, but it quickly became clear that he had reached his climax.
Cum oozed out of his dick head. It dripped down into the drain and Haechan's fingers, before it was washed away by the running water.
Some of it shot out and landed on Haechan's arm. It took him by surprise, as he'd never before contemplated if he could make another man come, and what it would be like. When it did register what was happening, he sneered, quickly let go of the shaft, and pulled his hand away. Did I just cause that? he thought.
Jungwoo quickly jumped backwards when he too realized what was happening. He laughed, while Mark groaned and giggled at the same time.
Mark took over and pointed the head to the floor, where water washed away his produce. For a few seconds, the cum kept coming, and Haechan was amazed by the sheer volume of it.
“Damn,” Jungwoo said. “How much can those balls of yours hold?”
Haechan too began to giggle. He quickly washed his arm, disgusted and a little shocked by the sensation of Mark's cum on his skin, and the reaction his hand movements had caused in his friend.
Mark was panting, but slowly coming back to reality. “Holy shit,” he said and looked first at Haechan, then at Jungwoo. “You were right. From now on I never want to jerk off by myself! Haechan, can I call on you every night?”
The joke landed well, and the three laughed like it was the funniest thing ever. It was a moment of relief, in which a mixture of thrill, arousal, awkwardness and joy was released all at once. The laughter was confirmation that none of the boys had anything against what they were doing.
In a way, it wasn't just Mark who had orgasmed, as Haechan too felt a strong release by the situation. Not an actual orgasm, but a different kind of release, one that's made the day so memorable to him.
He hadn't come yet though, and was still incredibly horny. As was Jungwoo, who suggested what they would do next.
“I'll race you,” he said and looked at Haechan, while Mark turned to wash his now slack dick in the running water. “Whoever comes first wins.”
Haechan was actually relieved by the proposal. He'd worried that he'd be made fun of for having taken things this far, but the sudden change of focus meant he was off the hook.
And if he were indeed to orgasm himself in front of his friends, he needed a purpose to make it feel okay. A contest was a funny idea. If Mark's ejaculations hadn't already convinced him that everything was fine, a little competition nailed it for him.
And so he agreed. Jungwoo returned to the far-end wall and leaned against it. He spread his legs, tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Soon, he was grimacing excessively while imagining his girlfriend's naked body.
Haechan stepped away from Mark and took a good look at his friends to either side of him. Mark snickered and smiled wide at him, as he soaped up his body a second time. Jungwoo was already in his own world.
If he were to win, Haechan needed to get going. He widened his stance and resumed his previous hand movements with both palms.
He had an advantage over Jungwoo, whose cut dick meant he was less sensitive. Jungwoo had a firm grip around his whole shaft, and held it hard to get the necessary friction.
Haechan, on the other hand, focused on the head and touched himself much more softly. When he quickly but gently rubbed his palms against the head he could usually come in under a minute, which was quite a feat.
There could only be one winner, and he was determined it would be him. Alas, he failed.
With his girlfriend's hot body in mind, Jungwoo was next to reach an orgasm.
Still leaning against the wall, he moved both his hand and pelvis back and forth until he ejaculated. He released the grip around the shaft, and the sperm shot out in front of him as the dick swayed freely in the air.
“Look, no hands!” he said as if it was some sort of achievement. To his friends, it was.
Haechan came a close third, as he hunched over and picked up the pace. Mark was looking at him, and Haechan caught his gaze. To purposefully make things weird, he decided to maintain eye contact while he came. It was his idea of being funny.
Haechan's cum came in three waves. Like Mark, he pushed his dick down to get it all in the drain. The first wave was a pre-show. It oozed out slowly, dripping from his shaft and to his feet. The second was the main event, which shot out fast and far. The third was the encore, and it oozed out slowly much like the first.
All this without taking his eyes off Mark's fascinated face, though Mark wasn't looking him in the eye any longer. He was looking at the dick, and at the white liquid which diluted on the floor until it was all washed away.
“Wow,” Mark said. “My balls may be bigger, but they've got nothing on yours.”
“Holy shit,” Haechan said. “That felt awesome.”
Jungwoo was still panting by the wall, coming down from his own high.
“Well,” he said. “Thanks boys, for a great experience.”
They did a final round of washing off, before they got dressed and walked out of the room. They told security that they were leaving, and whispered and giggled the whole way back to the hotel.
“Let’s promise to keep this a secret,” Jungwoo said. Mark and Haechan quickly agreed. It was better not to mention any of this to anyone.
To Haechan, the time when he gave Mark a hand job and made him come, and had a masturbation contest with Jungwoo, became a most memorable experience. And they all kept their promise, as no one ever mentioned the event again. And that was indeed for the best.
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Want to read more NCT stories like this one? Check out the NCT Most Memorable Sexual Experiences series. A new story and member is posted every Monday!
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catgirl-yeji · 6 months
this shapeshifting vessel is a lie
hi and welcome to my corner of the internet. this blog is still under construction until I can add my about page ( did you know that you have to personally ask support to be allowed to use a page code with javascript in it? :)) well, you do now ) so beware of the construction tape!
I'm Autumn or Faon, I use they/them pronouns and I was born '95. ticked about all the boxes on the queer registration form and I'm currently in a queerplatonic poly relationship. central european & white. future linguistics student, and plant parent. I really adore vampires and I write original and fan fiction, as well as poetry. I speak german and english, and I'm studying french, korean, japanese and finnish. lover of bats, snakes, horsies, deer and cats, as well as sharks. 🦈 I sometimes draw cat ears or fangs onto idols and actors ( see: my icon ), if you'd like me to make you an icon, drop me a DM.
my hyperfixations and interests change over time — yes, mom, it was a phase! name a constant state of being, mom! — and I change my username every two or so years. currently I'm really into the quantum leap spin-off, the one piece live action show, and I'm watching a couple of k-dramas and such at the side. I play baldur's gate 3, vampyr and control, but also 2064: read only memories.
I was very active in the shadowhunters and the dragon age fandom as well an 00q shipper. I will reblog every single gif of spirit - stallion of the cimarron, it's my childhood movie;; also, Jin Oshiro from STRAY (2019) deserved better, thank you for your attention.
you may know me as leafmiilk, taehdenveri, fliederfuchs or thetevinterelf — and most recently @catboy-jaebeom ! 🌺
tumblr veteran and survivor of the mishapocalypse. I've been renting this space ( occupying, maybe, rather? skjsdlkgs it's not like I pay rent ) since 2012, and trust me when I say: this website is a hellsite, but it's our hellsite, so, I'll stay until the last person switches off the lights, probably. >< a lot of other social media networks just never grew on me quite like tumblr.
I have three sideblogs worth noting: @splittergheist, my writing blog where I post short stories and poems irregularly, and my secret and private miscecanis / omegaverse blog ( a lot more interested in the world-building, concept and lifestyle than the smut, but no hate! ) that I may give out if you ask nicely and privately. also, if you're interested in some tumblr rp, you can message me as well, I have an OC blog for that. 🐰
that said, I tag my posts extensively, so if you need me to tag something, you can shoot me an ask and I'll try to tag specific things for you! please be nice in my inbox or I'll simply delete your ask and block you. 💛 oftentimes I'll message you privately when you send me an ask that doesn't seem like it should be answered publicly ( unless you've sent it on anon ofc ) and while I do answer tag games, I'm too anxious to tag ppl myself unless we're like super close, sorry ><
I track #faon.tagged. if you make ( especially kpop ) content you think I'd like ( itzy, got7, nct & wayv but especially ten, xiaojun and yuta, red velvet, shinee, svt but especially joshua, mingyu and dk, skz but especially hyujin and felix, but also others! ) you can use this tag, I'm always happy to reblog pretty gifs and support you guys, you're the backbone of our and any community.
relevant kpop stuff can be found under the cut, as well as some 'reviews' my lovely mutuals wrote for me ( if you like to leave a review, hit me up in my DMs! ) thank u, ily 💚🌼
and thank you everyone else for reading this, may your days be bright, I think we could all use that at the moment;; I'd super love new ppl to talk to ( pls have your age or an approximate in your bio! while I'm fine with talking to minors, I'd like to know beforehand if I do ), so message me!!
kpop stuff
ult group: got7
other groups I like: nct 127, itzy, wayv, shinee, red velvet, seventeen, oneus, ...
soloists I adore: xia / kim junsu, taemin, ...
biases: lim jaebeom & choi youngjae; nakamoto yuta & xiaojun; kang seulgi; hwang yeji & lee chaeryeong; joshua hong & lee seokmin; choi minho & lee taemin; kim leedo & lee seoho; park seonghwa & jeong yunho; kanemoto yoshi; ...
wreckers: mark tuan & kim yugyeom; ten lee; kim mingyu & lee woozi; kang yeosang & song mingi; shin ryujin; ...
for as long as xitter still exists, I can be found under jaebueomgi.
blog reviews
@meant-to-be-a-hero wrote on november 22nd:
Shall I compare Autumn's blog to a summer's day? I shall not, because I am not a hack. Equal parts language jokes, kpop boys (and girls, but I don't look at those) and #bitter millennial blogging, there's something for everyone here at Autumn's blog. They are also one of the few people who still write funky things in the tags, a true dying breed on Tumblr. I feel like I'm reviewing a restaurant or something. Either way, click follow, thank me later, because you will. It's a good blog, Bront.
— ★★★★★(★★) [ 7 out of 5 ]
@klutenpetter wrote on november 22nd:
It seems I have misplaced the URL of the blog in question that I was supposed to review.
— ★★★★★ [ 5 out of 5 ]
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