#neil tenet one shot
dancerinthestorm · 2 months
Fic Recs: A World in a Grain of Sand Edition.
I love epic tales in which authors slowly build up their worlds and characters. I love losing myself in works slowly outgrowing canon word count to the point of forgetting to go to bed at reasonable hours. However, I am in absolute awe of writers who manage the rare feat of conjuring the same level of immersion with just a short story or even a one shot.
This totally incomplete list of my all-time favorite short(-ish) stories is a tribute to all intrepid souls out there tackling this challenge.
If you aren't familiar with the fandoms yet I still recommend diving straight in. They can be read and enjoyed totally out of context and you might just come out the other end with a new fandom obsession 😉
„Ars Poetica“ (AO3) by Rhune
Helping out around the Devil May Cry you are perfectly content to leave center stage to the devil hunters and demons of your acquaintance. Until the day Dante returns from hell, his stand-offish brother in tow. Suddenly - and quite unnervingly - you find yourself sharing your once quiet existence in the background with none other than Vergil.
One achingly perfect installment full of poetry, searing stares and everyone’s favorite moody half demon.
Devil May Cry (post DMC5). Vergil x fem!Reader. Rated E. 16k words.
„Coming up Roses“ by @eupheme
The new groundskeeper at Wayne Manor is unsure what to make of stoic, unapproachable Alfred Pennyworth. At least at first...
All the yearning and suppressed feels of a 300-page Jane Austen novel condensed into two gorgeous chapters about falling in love when you least expect it. Topped off with some seriously hot smut for good measure.
The Batman. Alfred Pennyworth x fem!Reader. Rated E. 10k words.
„Posterity“ by @whats-rambled-rambled
Posterity. Tenet's operators. Always just a call away to back up your field agents while they flit back and forth through time. It's dangerous work. People die. So you don't get close. Until there's Neil.
I know, I know , 7 chapters with 31k words is putting A LOT of strain on the definition of „short stories“ but I just HAD to include this one. Reading it simply broke me. Absolutely gorgeous prose, two main characters you cannot help falling in love with and a story that keeps you guessing until the very end.
Tenet. Neil x GN!Reader. Rated M. 31k words.
Pro tip: If you are not ready for a 31k word commitment yet (fair enough!) go for „The Way Down“ instead: A hauntingly beautiful 3-parter Battinson!Bruce Wayne/GN!Reader. Rated T.
"Three Weeks on the Nimrodel" by @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras
Haldir is quiet. Stoic. Solitary. Not the easiest person to be around for three weeks of guard duty up a solitary mallorn tree. He knows that and has made his peace with it. Until a so far unfamiliar fellow marchwarden comes along.
Do you know this moment of utter bliss when you come home after an absolutely rotten day and are finally able to snuggle up with a fluffy blanket, your favorite hot beverage and your comfort book/band/movie? This fic is that exact feeling distilled into 3000 words. Add a good helping of pure love for the more obscure corners of Middle Earth and two absolutely charming, introvert main characters et voila: utter contentment for you to come back to again and again and again whenever that fluffy blanket is out of reach.
Still not an Elves person. But I might have to fess up to being a Haldir person one of these days. This gem surely is another nail in my coffin 😅
Lord of the Rings. Haldir x GN!Reader. Rated G. 3k words.
„Pinky promises & glow stars“ (AO3) by @softlyspector
Steven bumps into Marc’s childhood best friend in a coffee shop and decides that he wants to get to know her better. Marc decides that's a terrible idea.
Quiet and sad and sweet and absolutely beautiful.
Moon Knight. Marc Spector x Reader. Not rated on AO3. Think M to be on the safe side with everything the Moon Knight boys have been through. 10k words.
As always: a huge thank you to all creators for your time and your passion and your talent. You guys are absolutely incredible and make this world a better place!
Something missing you say? Please feel free to shout your own recommendations at me in the comments!
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plastic-tulips · 9 months
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@achapnamedtom tagged me to list 6 comfort films, it's also ages since I did one of these and I love listing anything so here we go!
Brief Encounter: what list of comfort films would be complete without a sad film to put on when you're feeling a bit fragile and want to enjoy a beautifully shot doomed romance amongst all the bits and bobs of a bygone era (the steam trains! the repressed emotions! the hats!)
We are the Best!: incredibly sweet and quietly realistic story about a trio of teenage punks in 1980s Stockholm. Wonderful naturalistic performances from the young cast makes me almost (almost!) nostalgic for my own early teens
Fantastic Mr Fox: I find the intentionally creaky handmade-ness of this film inherently comforting, especially the way the puppets' fur moves around like the 1930s King Kong. This was also the first thing I ever saw Jarvis Cocker in, so it's close to my heart for that reason too.
When Harry met Sally: yes the central tenet of this film clearly comes from a very different time but it's nonetheless an absolute treat, from the beautiful shots of autumn in New York to the believability of the relationship between the main characters. It's always on telly and I can never not watch it
Romantics Anonymous: what could possibly be more 'comfort film' than a story of two shy chocolate makers who are meant for each other but too afraid to say how they feel? It does that charming Gallic move of having a little musical number in the middle even though the film isn't really a musical, which I always find irresistible.
The Wicker Man: it's just so 70s and low-budget and unerringly odd that I can't help but be charmed by it. Even Christopher Lee's voice as he's sentencing Edward Woodward to get burned alive sounds soothing. I always give it a watch around springtime (May Day if possible) so it ties in with the general sense of renewal and optimism I think a lot of us feel around that time. RIP to Neil Howie but i'm different.
HONORARY MENTION goes to The Muppet Christmas Carol, not a comfort film in that I can stick it on at any old time of year but that little frog dressed as Tiny Tim makes me believe in the magic of Christmas every single year. Look at him.
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whew this ended up being a lot longer than I planned but anyway I tag @rock-n-rollin-bitch @snookicoin @tautittology @britannia-hospital @iwatch-thebees and @veradune
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ktficworld · 2 years
London boy
Paring: Neil tenet x desi!reader
Summary: you were in a bad mood. And a poor blond was your victim.
Warnings: none
A/n: yelp, I'm going this. Neil with desi reader equals no traction. Anyway. If anyone wants to be tagged, let me know. Let's see if it's going to be funny outside of my head.
Main masterlist
Neil tenet masterlist
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To say you were in a shitty mood would be an understatement.
First your AC broke, then unannounced guest dropped like bomb, and then groceries ran out. Meaning you'd have to go to market in the middle of the June afternoon.
Oh and the heat.
Don't even talk about that. Sunny dearest was sucking up all your energy like someone drinking every drop of a very expensive drink.
God you hated summer
No it was not summer. It was the trailer of the hell that everyone was going to.
You didn't bring your scooty. Oh no, because you were pretty sure with this heat rain. You could probably make dosa on the seat. Which you didn't wanted to do to your backside. So a good walk it was.
You were so exhausted that you didn't even tried to bargain. Your mother was going to chew you out, you were sure of it.
You took the gorciers. And made your way back home. When a accented voice called from behind.
"Excuse me, miss."
Huh, when did mumbai boys started having british accent.
You turned around to see two very tall and very non- Indians. One was clearly white. With blonde hair and blue eyes. Like if someone wanted to give a example of a white man. He would fit right in. Another was a dark skinned man, black. You concluded.
After seeing them you had two questions.
First, how the fuck were they wearing suits while you were melting here?
Second, what the fuck were they even going here?
"I'm neil." The blonde said.
Clothes wihitening neel?
Oh god! No you idiot it's a name. You mentally chastised yourself.
It wasn't helping that your brain was cooking something evil after listening his accent. British hmmm...
"Yes neil, how can I help you?" You said while grinning internally. You were going to pull something and he was going to be the target.
"I want to-" That was when the tubelight went off in your head.
"Want. What do you want? You already took everything." You said in a sickeningly innocent voice.
He stopped as if his train of thoughts have hit a dead end. And his face contorted in utter confusion. Same was the black guy.
Honestly you were having a hard time keeping a straight face.
"I'm sorry?"
"It's okay, at least someone said sorry."
Now, his gaze was just screaming "what the fuck lady."
You glanced at the black dude. You held your gaze for sometime with your innocent face. And you saw as realization dawned on him.
Now, he was trying hard not to laugh.
"Actually, we are looking for someone's address." The black man said. While the blonde was still processing.
"Who?" Knowing everyone in Mumbai was impossible. But you could take a shot.
"Oh! She's abroad, studying."
"There are lakhs of priyas. You gotta be specific."
After he gave you some details. You figured out who he was talking about. Priya, nice and sweet lady. You have met her a few times. So you gave him her address. And he looked pleased with the information.
"Neil, let's go." He said as he put a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, but-"
"We don't have time for this." He looked at you and said." Thank you."
"You're welcome." You said as he dragged Neil away. But you wanted to pull his leg one last time.
"HAVE A GOOD DAY, LONDON BOY." you shouted. It got his attention and also of some bystanders, but you didn't care about them.
His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. He looked like he just solved the baramunda triangular mystery.
You threw your head back and laughed till your lungs hurt and your eyes waterd.
Maybe he finally got the reference.
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carbonpressure · 11 months
Good Omens Season 3 predictions: Crowley and Aziraphale spend most of the season coming up with unnecessarily elaborate plans to find and rescue someone’s lost cat. The person who lost the cats at one point looks Crowley and Aziraphale in the eyes and says “I read a book called Good Omens once and it reminds me a lot of you two. It’s obvious that you two should be together. I’m an audience insert, you see, so by having me parrot the fans’ opinions I make it look like Neil is listening to them.” At one point, There Was Only One Bed trope is used and we think they’ll have to share, but nothing actually comes of it because Aziraphale doesn’t sleep anyway. For a brief moment he watches Crowley sleep and emits a fond/wistful sigh, in a scene that is short and especially artfully shot to ensure it will be giffed. Said gif is used as a promo before the season drop, to make us think Aziraphale might be about to get in bed with him, but of course when we watch the actual episode this never happens. At the end of the season, it’s revealed that Michael and Dagon have been dating for a week and are now madly in love. They have a passionate onscreen kiss and recite “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” to each other in its entirety. Satan appears and offers Crowley a promotion as long as he returns to Hell never to visit Earth again, and Crowley says “this literally goes against the core tenets of my character but of course I’ll do it because it’s a shocking twist and that’s the only thing filmmakers care about these days!”
Good Omens Season 15 predictions: We are rapidly running out of time periods in which Crowley and Aziraphale’s interactions aren’t accounted for. We think there’s a sex scene between them but it turns out to just be a dream. The demon Belphegor and angel Jegudiel meet for the first time, and get married the next day.
Good Omens season 108 predictions: Heaven and Hell are both completely empty because every single demon and angel have now paired off and go e to earth to live in domestic bliss, except of course for Crowley and Aziraphale, who must remain apart so that Neilman can secure season 109 and he and Amazon can keep making money off of baiting a ship that they never need or intend to deliver on.
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chellestrash · 2 years
oh my gosh for the favorite fic thing god how do i choose?!
um well for starters i created this blog because i had seen tenet and couldn’t get enough of robert, and i do what i always do and search for a fic… but there was only one person who had so many up and i remember just binging through them all. it was you! and and “Promise” was my first neil fic :’)
but after binge reading them all like there’s so many of those stories just always stuck in my head since it was such an unsure point in my life? so i sorta clung onto those stories and… yeah. i really love “Patience” (like… liked it more than i should’ve), “Virtue” (again… jesus) andddd “Devotion” was so super cute i loved reading it when it dropped!!
gosh but also the winslow headcannons?! nobody else had really written for him and i was… a big ol bottom for him back in the day CKSKSK i loved it so much and i still always think of you whenever i see him!
alright this is getting long i’m sorry let me try and go quicker! UMMMM “Morning” i always think of it whenever i see the shot of sam smoking in bed, “A Bit of Encouragement” literally is rent free in my brain and anytime i do any school work i find it in my head and my stomach does a cartwheel, “The Sound of Rain” actually makes me wanna cry i loved it so much and and he and the kiss and and the and cause *sobs*, “Quit it” hit me like a train and so did “A Little Longer”, and “Better late…” is literally so so good i keep thinking about it and i really liked “More Of You” because it was your first matt one and the was so good you’re really great at describing him with his senses heightened!!
i think… i think that’s about it? i just gosh baby anything you write i love so so much! and i know we’ve both written each other things in dms that haven’t seen the light of day but CKSKSK i love all of those just as much too! anything you write it beautiful and hot at the same time (especially the angst woman, that shit gets me so warm so fast) and i just love how much work you put into these because they start off as just a line of dialogue you randomly shoot me in a text and i get to see how your mind worked to unpack it, roll it out and say “alright so how do we go about this?” and it’s just really fucking cool to see how it ends. i’ve been supporting your writing for years now and i can’t wait for all the years to come!!
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dude what the…i…cause i…you…i…okay well i fucking cried a little there oh my god
this means so fucking much to me like you don’t
the god damn robert pattinson beginnings, my first fic PATIENCE was like almost my first ever!! and then i wrote so many and then like marvel stuff and and then JON cause you just threw that frank scene at me and i just my god i’m genuinely so happy i like keep pushing myself and others keep pushing to write shit and just…idk i don’t think you realize how much what you said here means? it just it means so much just know that, okay?
idk where my brain would be at now if i didn’t find an outlet in this like no matter how bad my fics are they’re like…idk writing helps sometimes that’s all I AINT i’m…i’m not getting anymore like emotional or anything…i’m leaving now.
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yesttoheaven · 3 years
pairing – neil x female!reader
wc – 3.8k
warnings – mention of death, self-blame, anxious/intrusive thoughts, questioning reality, refusal of help, guns, stalking, but I swear there's a light at the end of the tunnel haha
a/n – The last time I suffered so hard for the death of a character, was when Newt died (Maze Runner) and now Neil has captured all my attention and his death has hit me in the same way 😩 I needed a happy ending so I decided to write this!
The Eternal Return and Amor Fati mentioned in this fic are one of the main ideas of Nietzsche's philosophy.
English is not my first language. I am getting help from google translator and he is not always a good ally, so I apologize for any typos or grammar errors.
Y/N – your name
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She approached the painting hanging on the wall, watching the details closely. Ouroboros. A serpent eating its own tail. Months ago, when Y/N was visiting an antique store in Mumbai, she saw that same symbol. The owner of the establishment approached when she realized her interest in the piece and explained that Ouroboros represents the ideas of movement, continuity and, in consequence, Eternal Return. A concept that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space.
"Max finally fell asleep." Kat returned to the living room, attracting Y/N's attention.
She walked away from the painting, taking back her seat on the sofa and asked:
"How is he after everything that happened?"
For a moment, Kat looked at the painting on the wall and then at the friend she won in the midst of confusion over the Algorithm. At that time, despite being fighting on the front lines to prevent a possible Third World War, Y/N seems complete. Happy. Today that happiness no longer exists in her eyes.
Letting out a sigh, the woman sat next to her, answering:
"Sator was never a present father. He was always busy... now i can see the kind of work he was involved in. Anyway, Max just got used to his absence."
"It's notable that he's happier at your side. When we first met Max was a bit of an introvert, but today he is radiant." Y/N confessed, showing a small smile and the blonde shook her head, agreeing with her words. "How's everything?"
"Perfectly well. It's weird sometimes... After years of being stuck in a failed relationship, freedom is good."
"It seems like life is good for one of us." The woman let out a bitter laugh, putting the latest events on a scale, but she didn’t want her friend to think she wasn’t happy for her. She really was. "I'm sorry, I just..." The words remain stuck in her throat, while she covers her face with her hands. In addition to physical and mental fatigue, Y/N tried to hide her grief.
Kat touched her shoulder, showing that she was here.
"I know you're hurt, but it's been three months and you never talked about what happened that day... This is not good for you."
"What do I have to say, Kat? The guy I fell in love with was a fucking time traveler! And now he's dead and I don't know what to do. My life just... stopped without him."
"I can imagine how difficult it's for you to cross that line without Neil at your side, but giving up is not an option. Grief is consuming you little by little and you are just accepting it..."
"We are trained to contain our emotions and deal with death in the best possible way. It used to be easy for me, but then he came and turned my life upside down." Y/N put her hands on her knees and stood up, walking without an exact destination. "Neil was always one step ahead of us all..." She stepped forward too and found the painting again, but her mind was lost in thoughts about him. Neil knew her so well. And he had a charming smile, but completely arrogant at the same time. "I was sent to Mumbai to help two agents and when I arrived at Priya's penthouse that night, there he was. When he saw me, that was the first and only time that he let his guard down. I'll never forget how he looked at me, it was one of those breathtaking moments... Completely cliché, I know."
On the sofa, Kat was impressed. When Y/N turned towards her, there was a bright smile on her face. The simple memory brought her a breath of happiness and Kat enjoyed seeing her friend like that, but unfortunately that moment did not last long. Memories aren't enough. Neil is dead and nothing can change that.
"I miss him so much, Kat." The smile disappeared as soon as tears appeared in her eyes, cascading down her cheeks.
"My dear..." Worried about her, the woman got up quickly and approached Y/N, wrapping her in a tight hug. "I'm really sorry."
"I spent the last three months locked up in my a-apartment because I thought I could handle this situation on my own. At times I b-believed it was just a fever dream... Maybe I was losing my mind, but this is proof that everything was real." Through tears blurring her vision, she looked at the watch on her wrist, remembering that night.
Y/N was in a private cabin on the ship. The others were with Ives and Wheeler, going over the mission in search of any loose ends. A standard procedure. Y/N knew she should be with them, but she needed a moment alone to organize her thoughts. And that moment is now. The past few weeks had been a real mess. The inversion was difficult to explain and mainly to understand. She was used to field missions, but being an inverted soldier on the battlefield was not in her plans. Either way, she agreed to be a part of it and running away with biased assumptions was not going to help. Humanity depends on them.
Three knocking on the door caught Y/N's attention, but she remained silent, waiting for the person to give up and leave, but when it didn't, she just murmured 'Come in'.
"So, here you are." The man used a surprised tone of voice and closed the door behind him. "What will our superior think when he learns that you are running away from the briefing?"
She let out a laugh before answering in the same mood:
"Don't worry, I know this mission like the back of my hand. I just needed a moment."
"There's something wrong? Are you ok?" Neil spilled the questions quickly, visibly concerned for her.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Neil." Y/N smiled at him, but looked away just seconds later, confessing: "Maybe I'm a little surprised by the situation. I have spent years dealing with terrorists, but the inversion is really not my point."
"I'm not good with advice, but someone once said to me: Don't try to understand. Certain things in the world do not need an explanation."
"It's wise advice, but I'm a methodical person. Logic has always been my ally in missions."
"A methodical person, huh?" He asked with an arrogant smile playing on his lips and she just rolled her eyes. "I know how worried you were when Sator shot Kat, but we are using the inversion to save the world and you're one of the most brilliant agents I have ever seen. Everything will be fine."
"Are you praising me?"
"What's that? Can't I praise my partner's talent?" Neil pulled up a chair to sit across from her, crossing his arms.
"In that case, thank you. Remind me to put this on my resume." Those words made him laugh and that sound could easily be compared to music in her ears.
Touching her knee, Neil added:
"We are very confident with the mission. You don't need to worry."
"Are you sure?"
"I cannot say that unforeseen events do not happen, but we are prepared for that." Y/N knew he was right, but this mission is the biggest one so far. It's not about saving a country. It's about saving the entire world. This was arousing insecurities in her and it was like walking in a minefield. Ironically, she was familiar with this, but not in such catastrophic proportions. "I want you to have this." The man took his watch off his wrist and handed it to her.
"What’s that supposed to mean?" The question came out as a whisper from between her lips.
It didn't make sense. Why does everything in this conversation look like a farewell?
"We will be on opposite sides tomorrow, but i want you to know... I will always be with you, Y/N."
"I saw the way he looked at you... That's how I used to look at Sator before he became a monster in my life." Kat started, running a hand through Y/N's hair. "When I was lying on that stretcher and partially drugged with the medicines, I saw him beside you... watching you sleep. There was so much love in his eyes. Love for a lifetime, Y/N. So don't do this to yourself. The way he left hurt us all, but there was nothing you or any other agent could do to change what happened at Stalask-12. Neil saved the world. This gave us a second chance. You cannot give up now. This organization needs you. And keeping your mind busy at that moment is the first step towards a fresh start."
"N-No, I can't..." She broke the hug, shaking her head in denial. "I left the organization."
"What? Don't you work for Tenet anymore? But when we first met you told me that you can't imagine working in another area... And that this is your life's work."
"Being an agent is my life's work. I was in Yemen when Tenet found me and assigned me to this mission. My only job is to make this world a less hostile place, but the motto of this organization is not what I believe, Kat. What's happened's happened. Really? It doesn't work for me." Y/N ended the sentence with drops of anger in her voice and Kat did not say a single word.
Through the newspapers, Max's mother followed what was happening in Yemen over the years – a real endless war – and knowing that Y/N was in the middle of it, makes the situation unquestionable. People died in front of her eyes. Friends of the corporation. And then some time later, Tenet arrived with a fresh start, but in the end everything remained the same. She lost Neil. It is as if her life's work never had a happy ending because the world will never stop being a hostile place.
"He knows?" It was easy for Y/N to identify who she was talking about. The Protagonist. Or just TP.
"Here's another problem. I worked with him and indirectly worked for him at the same time! God, that man created this organization! And his name remains a mystery to us all!" She pinched the tip of her nose, feeling frustrated with all the secrets that haunt this organization. "And answering your question, yes, he knows, but he did not argue about it. I was a complete mess and he was not doing very well either... He stayed in my apartment for the first month, probably to make sure I didn't do anything stupid." And Y/N would be forever grateful for that. She likes him. Just as friends, of course. TP was a reserved man, but it was he who held her when everything was falling apart. "But we've had a fight. I blamed him for what happened at Stalask-12 and since then we haven't spoken anymore."
It was easy to see that they carried more pain than they could actually bear. Y/N lost her great love and the man lost his best friend. The situation just turned into a conflict between them and that was the result.
Realizing the sadness reflected in Y/N's eyes, Kat decided to change the subject of the conversation. Keeping that thought, she smiled and pointed to the painting on the wall. Maybe that could help.
"You seemed interested in this one."
"Oh yes, in my spare time I am a lover of art and its meanings. It is really attractive the way Ouroboros is connected to the Eternal Return..."
"And Amor Fati too." Kat completed, piquing Y/N's curiosity. This part was new to her. "It's impossible to affirm the Eternal Return without loving life. We need to learn that things happen as they do. Sometimes seemingly good. Sometimes seemingly bad. We don’t always get it our way... Unless we choose that whatever way it is, is our way. When we choose to Amor Fati, to love everything that happens, to love our fate, then we will always get it our way. Because the way it is, is the way it is. Unchangable. And therefore it must be good, even if it sucks."
These words touched Y/N's heart. This was a contradiction to what she is experiencing right now. Love your fate. She would like to understand and accept what happened, she really wanted, but why is it so difficult to move on?
Because Neil is dead.
That was the only explanation for her. The end of a relationship would be more acceptable. If he were alive, things would be completely different now. However, grief is overwhelming. How could she just accept what happened?
"I... I gotta go." That was all she managed to say before picking up her bag and leave the penthouse, ignoring Kat's protests.
When the elevator doors closed, an exhausted sigh left her mouth and the instant she saw her reflection in the mirror, Y/N wanted to cry again. After three months alone, she thought visiting her friend would be a good idea. Kat was willing to help, but the problem was that Y/N is not allowing herself to be helped. As soon as the doors opened, she left the metal box and found the hotel lobby partially empty. Her watch showed it was 3:13 AM, this explains the absence of people on the street as well. In front of her car, she searched the bag for the key and coincidentally her cell phone started to vibrate. Probably the text messages were from Kat, but confusion hit Y/N the instant she looked at the identifier and saw that the messages did not belong to any of her contacts.
Stay away from the car
They put a bomb
I'm on my way
Her first reaction was to take a few steps back and look around, trying to understand what’s going on and find the person responsible for these texts, but Y/N was alone in the dark street. When she thought it might be an unnecessary prank, a black SUV approached at high speed. The car stopped just a few meters away from where she was, but that was enough to make her body freeze.
"Y/N, come on!" The man exclaimed, the urgency in his voice would have made her run immediately, but she didn't move. Her feet had frozen on the floor. This cannot be real. "Come on, get in the car! We don't have much time!" He tried again, it was possible to hear the sound of the other cars approaching.
Y/N watched in slow motion the moment he left the car and ran towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"How is this possible?" She asked in a whisper, completely lost in his blue eyes.
"It's good to see you too." Neil admitted, feeling his heart race. She looked so fragile in his arms. Very different from the last time he saw her. "We have to go." He accompanied her to the car and as soon as Y/N took the passenger seat, he returned to his seat.
For her this moment was like a fever dream, so she just looked down and started counting her fingers. One, two, three, four, five... Neil noticed, but said nothing, just kept driving. The cars were fast approaching, but he would do everything possible and impossible to get Y/N away from these people.
"Give me your cell phone." He looked at her for a brief moment, but when Y/N didn’t react, he wasn't sure if she heard it, so he just took the phone from her hand and threw it out the window. That was enough to get her out of the numbness:
"What the fuck, Neil?!"
Despite the adrenaline rushing through his body, the man laughed.
"If I found you because of your cell phone, they can too." After that, he crossed the red light and made a risky turn, trying to end this chase. "Before you ask, no, this is not a dream. Unfortunately this is very real..." Neil didn't like what he saw when he adjusted the rearview mirror. "And now they are getting ready to shoot us."
That observation put Y/N on alert and she looked back, seeing a man with an AKS-74U and another with a Beretta M12.
"If you knew it wasn't a dream, why didn't you bring an armored car?" She ran her tongue between her lips, smiling at the man beside her. Neil tried to argue, but she just took off her seat belt and picked up the Glock 19 stuck in the vest he was wearing.
Y/N crawled out of the car and sat at the window opening. This encouraged the men in the two cars to start shooting, trying desperately to hit her. Neil shouted something that she couldn't understand and then she felt one of his hands on her thigh, giving her stability to continue with the plan. With her arm resting on the roof of the vehicle, Y/N aimed the gun at the car that was closest to them. Her intention was not to start a firefight in the middle of one of the main avenues in the city, but she had no other option. Holding her breath, she fired the first shot and the bullet hit the tire, taking the car out of circulation. Y/N celebrated while preparing for the second car, but dealing with this one was not an easy task. Now they were in a tunnel and, consequently, losing speed because of the other cars that came along the way. Neil left two pats on her leg, indicating that she had better get back in the car and that is what she did. Screams, honks and gunshots echoed through the tunnel, turning the place into a war zone. Whoever these men were, Y/N knew they weren't going to give up.
Tired of playing cat and mouse, she went to the back seat, getting on her knees. Through the broken glass above the trunk, Y/N adjusted the aim of her gun, ignoring the sniper and focusing on the driver. With another accurate shot, the bullet hit the man's chest and he lost control of the vehicle. The car overturned for a while, streaking the asphalt, but no other car was involved in the accident. Y/N sighed in relief and looked for another possible threat, just checking, but when she realized that the area was clean, she returned to the passenger seat, leaving the gun on the dashboard in front of her.
"Next time I'm going to get an armored car." Neil comments, stepping on the gas. "Nice shot, by the way."
"Anytime." Y/N smiled, trying to control her breathing.
With the adrenaline disappearing from her body, it was hard for her to believe that this was really happening. For many nights she cried, wondering what it would be like if Neil just came back to her, but now she was afraid to wake up and realize that it was just another vivid dream.
The sun was rising when they arrived in a shed away from the city. Seen from the outside, the place was a little scary, but the interior wasn't that bad. There was some equipment like trackers, walkie-talkie, bulletproof vests, weapons, ammunition; a table with a mess of papers and on the other side two beds and something that Y/N supposed to be a private bathroom.
"Where we are?"
We. That simple word echoed in her mind. Y/N thought that "we" didn't exist anymore.
"For now in a safe place. It's dangerous for you out there." He answered the question and took a bottle of water, handing it to her after taking a generous sip.
"Who are these people, Neil?" She wanted answers, lots of answers, and that frustrated the british spy because for the first time he didn't know what could happen.
Neil had a mission and that mission ended with him dying in Stalask-12, but after what TP did, everything changed.
"We have a name..." He wanted to say more, he wanted to reassure her, but that was all he had at the moment.
Y/N drank some water and left the bottle on the table, looking at some reports and photos. All photos were of the same man.
Lenard Vaher
"But apparently they don't just want you..."
It took a few seconds and when the realization hit Y/N, concern appeared on her face.
No, not him.
"Where's TP? He's safe, right?"
"He was going to see you when Lenard's men kidnapped him. This happened three weeks ago." And considering the anger in Neil's voice, finding TP was proving an almost impossible task, but in the midst of so much concern, one point attracted Y/N's attention.
"You said he was going to see me..."
"There was something he needed to tell you." Neil sighed, resting his hands on the table. A few strands of blond hair fell over his forehead, but he quickly shook his head back, as he always did. "He returned to Stalask-12, Y/N."
After that statement, the only sound that could be heard was Neil's footsteps closing the distance between them and the first thing she did was put her hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. Neil smiled. And that was not one of his famous smiles. That was a shy smile. His heart was beating like a drum and it was all because of her. Loving Y/N was something so special and pure, that Neil accepted his fate without a second thought. Saving the world, he was giving her a second chance to live, but now he is the one who received a second chance.
"I missed you every day." Before she could begin to consider the meaning behind his words, he settled his mouth upon hers, robbing her of thought.
She closed her eyes and melted against him, flattening her hands on his arms. Neil caught her bottom lip in his teeth, nibbling and licking at it until she thought she might perish from the intensity of the feeling. She whimpered at the sensation, and he rewarded the sound by deepening the kiss, giving her everything she desired. His tongue stroked hers, slow and insistent. A lush, decadent pleasure unfolded within them, snaking through their veins as though it had lain coiled in anticipation for years.
Just waiting for this moment.
a/n – really hope you enjoy it and thank you soooo much for reading ;)
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imaginedisish · 3 years
The Adults are Talking (Tenet) Neil x Reader
A/N: HEY GUYS!!! HERE IS THE SMUT!!! This is my first time writing smut in a long time, so I’m sorry if it’s awkward ahhh!!! It’s 3:30 over here on the East Coast of the US, so I’m going to BEDDDD!!!! Enjoy!
Summary: (dom!)Neil teaches you a lesson for being forgetful and late, and it’s the type of lesson you're sure to never forget. 
Warnings: SMUT, SO MUCH SMUT. Overstimulation, lot’s of cursing, minor violence, and a very dominant Neil, so this is very much 18+, read at your own risk...
Word Count: 3,747
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I’m so fucking late, You think to yourself. 
Nervousness swells in your gut as your black boots press harshly into green grass below your feet. Your eyes search the crowd around you as shoulders hurriedly crash into your chest. No one apologizes, they just keep moving as they try to get a better view of what lies at the front of the crowd. 
You were 10 minutes late for a training session with the new recruits. You knew that Neil would most likely tease you endlessly for it. You were late because of him, after all. 
You and Neil had been secretly together for quite sometime, which meant extensive sneaking around, just like a couple of teenagers. Usually you would go to his room while everyone was still eating dinner in the cafeteria, spend some time together, and then head back into your room to go to sleep. No one saw a thing. No questions were asked. 
But this time was different. This time, you let yourself fall asleep in his arms. 
I’m an idiot, You think to yourself as you push a hand through your dampened hair. Neil decided to steal the keys to your room and run into the shower ahead of you as a playful punishment for your forgetfulness. 
“I don’t know what to say, but I’m disappointed, (Y/N)!” Neil sarcastically sings through the other side of the bathroom door. 
You rush over to the door, and knock a few times. “Come on Neil, let me in, or at least give me my keys so I can shower in my room!” You can’t help but smile, despite the fact that you were definitely going to be late. 
“No, I’m teaching you a lesson here,” Neil pauses, “And then after the training session, I’ll teach you another.” You feel your cheeks flush with redness. 
Your heart somersaults in your chest at the thought of the other lesson Neil had planned.
You look around, forcing yourself to focus. You can easily tell that you stick out like a sore thumb amongst the new recruits. You look far too polished and put together to be new. You’re too…sophisticated. Your black, faux leather dress pants and tight black turtleneck clash against the beige and green bodies spread across the open field. Still, despite your appearance, you get the feeling that you’re a freshman being judged by the older kids, when in reality it should be the other way around. You shake the feeling off, remembering that you have nothing to prove. 
While you weren’t recruited to Tenet too long ago, you were granted extremely high clearance almost immediately. TP saw something special in you from the very second he met you. You were skilled in hand to hand combat, and you could shoot a gun better than anyone, better than Ives, better than Neil, even better than TP.  After all, you were a high level CIA operative before you were recruited to join Tenet. Your training goes back years. 
“(Y/N)!” You hear a familiar voice call out from the near distance. You stand on your tippy toes, searching for the dirty blonde head that matched the voice. 
Out of the corner of your eye you spot two slender, toned arms waving erratically at the front of the crowd. He smirks, and waves even faster as he realizes that you’ve found him. You push through the recruits as you get closer to the front. 
All of a sudden, a hand grabs your wrist and pulls you out of the sea of people. 
“Took you long enough,” Neil says, a cocky grin spread across his face. Your heart thumps in your chest. His long fingers are still wrapped around your wrist. He pulls you closer to him, and brings his lips to your right ear, “Try to be faster next time, love, and maybe I’ll go easier on you.” 
You feel your face redden with heat. He lets you go, but you’re all shaken up now. You almost wish he held on. A shiver travels down your spine. Your mind is too foggy with thoughts of Neil to recognize that Ives had already started talking. 
You clear your throat, still focused on what Neil had just said. “G-go easier on me?” 
With the blink of an eye, Neil grabs your waist, and pins you down to the ground. He presses his right hand into the center of your chest. He pulls a knife from his back left pocket and points it in the direction of your throat. The recruits rowdily cheer Neil on. He smirks, basking in the attention. You can’t even imagine how red your face is now. 
“And at this point,” Ives pauses as a slight smile tugs at his lips. He looks down to you, “We can see that Neil has the advantage. It’s safe to say that (Y/N) would be dead if she were the enemy.” Neil puts the knife back into his pocket, and stands up.
He extends a hand out to you, and you grab it, grateful for the assistance. That is, until he twists your arm, turning you to face the crowd. His right arm pulls your back into his chest. Your hips brush against his. He pulls you even closer so that you’re glued against him. You’re stuck; there’s nowhere to go. He takes his knife out of his pocket and brings it to your neck again. 
You swear that you can feel him pushing his crotch against your lower half. 
“Are you alright, darling,” He mumbles against the skin of your neck. You can feel his gaze land on your face. You swallow harshly and nod. “Good,” Neil says in response. “I wouldn’t want you too beat up, especially for later.” 
Later? You think to yourself as you ignore Ives’s description of Neil’s move. “What’s happening later?” You whisper back to him. 
He lets you go and gives you a smug look that reads, You should know already, love. 
You breathe in sharply as your mind races with thoughts of Neil. Now wasn’t the time for this. You were embarrassing yourself in front of the new recruits. They were going to think you were weak. 
You tilt your head side to side, cracking your neck slightly. You roll your shoulders back and get into your fighting stance. You’re ready this time. You tune everything out and focus on Neil’s movements. He flashes a smile your way but you know he’s trying to distract you. The recruits’ cheers quiet down a bit as their interest piques. 
“You’re so unbelievably cocky, Neil. It’ll be the death of you,” You playfully remark. Neil furrows his brows and squints his eyes. He takes a single step towards you and you take a single step back. 
Neil chuckles, “What? You’re too scared to get any closer to me?” You can tell Neil’s guard is down. You’ve got him right where you want him.
The left corner of your mouth turns up slightly. You rush towards him, stepping onto your left foot and round housing Neil on the right side of his stomach. He buckles over. You feel a twinge of guilt before you take another step, sliding down to the ground, and kicking your legs into Neil’s ankles in a circular motion from left to right. You sweep him off his feet and he falls to the ground. You stand back up and look down at him. 
“Now that’s what I call a comeback!” Ives shouts. The new recruits roar in excitement. You reach out your right hand to Neil and he takes it. He gets back on his feet and brushes off the dirt from his navy blue dress shirt.
Neil shakes his head in defeat. “Yeah, I guess she got me back,” He says taking a step towards you. He lowers his voice and says something that’s clearly only meant for you to hear, 
“But I’ll get you back later.” 
Later, the word repeats itself over and over in your head. 
“Alright everyone! We’ll reconvene after lunch!” Ives yells, and the recruits make their way back into the boxy white building that houses the Tenet headquarters. 
Neil and Ives walk a few feet away from you and begin to chat. Ives briefly looks concerned, but Neil waves his hand, appearing to reassure him about something you’re not supposed to hear. Ives shakes his head as the concerned look falls back upon his face. He breaks his stare from Neil and looks towards you. 
You take that as your cue to walk over. “I kicked your ass there, didn’t I?” You say jokingly, nudging into Neil’s side with your elbow. 
Neil sighs and moves his head to turn towards you. “The adults are talking, (Y/N), pipe down love.” The sense of elitism in Neil’s words are carried through an ever so dominant tone. You know he’s teasing you, but you can also tell he’s trying to get under you skin. 
Ives chuckles, “The ‘adults’? Neil, since when have you proved to me that you’re an adult?” You can’t help laugh at Ives’s dig at Neil. Ives’s laughing continues as turns away from you and Neil and follows closely behind the recruits. 
You take a step forwards to walk behind Ives, expecting Neil to come along as well, but he doesn’t. He grabs your upper arm and pulls you towards him. 
“Thought you could get away?” He stares into your eyes. “You didn’t forget about what I said earlier, did you?” He questions, his grip growing tighter around your arm. 
Your heart pounds in your chest as you think of some sort of response. “I-I-,” But you’re speechless. 
Neil’s eyes pierce through your soul and he parts his lips, “I believe I told you that I’d be teaching you a lesson, didn’t I?” His domineering voice leaves goosebumps on your arms. 
You look around, noticing that everyone had already gone inside. It was just you and Neil now. 
Neil pulls you closer to him yet again. “You still haven’t answered, love,” He says softly as his free hand glides down your side, settling finally on your hip. 
“Yes,” You mumble under your breath. You can’t concentrate. You’re too wrapped up in the thought of Neil pinning you down to the ground and taking you right here and now. 
Neil releases your hip and begins to walk you towards the building. “Good,” He says nonchalantly. You walk across the green field and onto the concrete sidewalk that outlines the shape of the headquarters. You finally approach a door. Neil opens it and brings you inside. He instinctively lets go of your arm the second you enter the building, as the sounds of people and the flow of pedestrian traffic overwhelms your senses. 
“Follow me,” Neil demands. He walks in front of you, and you follow close behind. You walk down a series of similar hallways before recognizing where you are. 
You’re headed towards the living quarters of the building. 
You swallow hard, trying to keep up with Neil. He turns around to catch a glimpse of you, and notices that you’re starting a slow down a bit. 
He grins confidently as he closes the gap between you and him. “What? Are you overwhelmed, darling?” He questions as his hands land on your waist. 
“Neil,” You whisper, “What if someone sees us?” 
Neil pulls you against his chest. “That just makes it more exciting, doesn’t it?”  
You gasp as he pulls the collar of your turtleneck down a bit, bringing his lips to your neck, planting soft kisses on your now exposed skin. He sucks lightly. You look around. The coast is clear, but you know it won’t be for long. 
“N-Neil,” You moan. Neil’s lips leave your neck in response, and he brings his left hand up to cover your mouth. 
He looks left, and then right, searching for somewhere to go. There’s a single door at the end of the hallway. He uncovers your mouth and grabs your wrist. He practically runs into the door before twisting the knob and pushing it open. 
He pulls you into the room as the door shuts behind you. 
“What happened to going back to your room?” You ask, confused as to why you’re in what appears to be a dark, tiny, unused office.
“Because, I couldn’t wait any longer.”
You feel your need for him growing. He takes a step towards you so that your back is up against the door. Neil reaches behind you and twists the lock. 
You can feel yourself getting more and more wet. You need friction between your legs. The sensation is driving you crazy.
Neil’s hands secure themselves onto your hips, pushing you harder into the door. His lips find themselves in the crook of your neck again, but this time Neil is rougher. He lightly sucks your skin, intending to leave his mark on your. You moan in pleasure as Neil’s right hand finds its way in between your legs, spreading them a part slightly. 
“You need me, don’t you?” He asks as his lips leave your neck. His ocean eyes deeply stare into yours. 
You breathe shallowly. “Y-yes,” You stutter. 
Neil grins. “I thought so.” He grabs your waist again, picking you up and setting you down on the desk that’s on other side of the tiny room. He grabs the inside of your thighs and parts your legs with his hand, filling the newly made gap with his body. He rests his right hand on your thigh, and his left on your waist. 
“Please, Neil,” You murmur, wanting him to touch you where you need him most. 
“Please what?” Neil asks, his face moves closer to yours. 
“Please,” You pause as your heart beats out of your chest, “Touch me.”
Neil’s lips crash into yours as his hands wander to the hem of your pants. His fingers move down to play with your button before undoing it completely. He finds his way to your zipper and carelessly unzips your pants. His hands move back up to the top of your trousers. Much to your dismay, his lips leave yours. You groan at the loss. 
Your unhappiness ends almost instantly as you feel Neil slide your pants down your legs, discarding them to the side. He pushes himself back in between your legs and brings his thumb over the your underwear to your clit, slowly sliding down to explore the rest of you. 
He lands over your folds and smiles. “You’re already wet for me and I’ve barely touched you at all,” Neil says. He takes his hand away from your heat and brings it up towards the hem of your panties. He plays with the elastic band for a second and brings his attention to your eyes, searching for consent. 
You nod your head in anticipation, and he pulls at the hem, bringing them down your legs, and throwing them on the floor. 
Neil grabs the bottom of your shirt next, pulling it up over your head as you lift your arms to give him easier access. He places his hands on your back and starts to mess with the hooks of your bra. With ease, he undoes the clasp, and your bra falls to the side. 
He steps back, looking you up and down. You bring your knees together, rubbing them against one another in search of some sort of friction. Neil shakes his head and spreads your legs again. 
“You haven’t earned that yet,” He breathes. His hands grab your waist and slide up the sides of your body. He stops at your breasts, playing lightly with your nipples. 
You gasp at the feeling, needing more. Neil squeezes them tightly. He smirks, and then moves his hands back down to your hips. 
“What do you want me to do?” Neil asks. His breathing becomes heavier. Despite his attempt to be the dominant one, you can sense his need for you.
You take a deep breath as his hand moves down towards your heat. “I want you to make me come, please,” You plead. 
You gasp as Neil’s thumb brushes over your clit. It’s slow at first, but still enough to make you moan. He picks up the pace a bit, rubbing small, slow circles where you need them most. You throw your head back and moan. Neil smirks, loving how he’s making you feel. 
Neil’s circles get faster, pushing you closer to the edge. You shut your eyes tight, letting the pleasure take over.
Abruptly, Neil’s touch disappears, leaving you feeling cold and empty. You groan in agony, wanting more. “N-Neil don’t st-,” 
You’re cut off by a warm, wet sensation at your folds. You open your eyes to see Neil’s head in between your legs. His tongue rolls over your clit. Suddenly, you feel a finger at your entrance.
“Shit, N-Neil,” You cry out in pleasure as Neil pushes his middle finger inside of you. He sucks roughly on your clit, pushing his finger in and out. 
Neil adds his index finger, and it’s already too much to handle. “Fuck,” You whimper as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to climaxing. 
“You like that?” Neil says, his words vibrating against you, sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. 
You moan in response, but that’s not enough for Neil. He takes his lips off of you, and takes his fingers out. “I asked you a question, (Y/N).”
You want him to fill you up again, to make you feel whole again. “Y-yes Neil, I like it. You feel amaz-, oh fuck!” You practically scream as Neil shoves his fingers back inside of you, his tongue lapping at your folds. 
“You taste amazing,” Neil says against your clit before sucking on you again. His words alone could take you there. 
“Neil I-,” You try to get your words out, but you can’t form a proper sentence. 
“I love when you say my name like that, darling,” He says, sucking even harder now. 
You can’t hold back anymore. “I’m so close,” You mumble. “I wanna come, please,” You beg. 
“Then come for me, (Y/N), now,” Neil commands. You do as he says. You feel your walls tightening, you feel yourself collapsing around his touch. 
“Holy sh-shit,” You stutter. You come around his fingers as you throw your head back against the wall. 
Neil removes his fingers from you and stands up. 
“I think it’s my turn now,” Neil remarks slyly, undoing his belt. You feel butterflies flutter in your stomach. 
You watch closely as he slips his pants down his legs and steps out of them. He brings his hands up to the top of his shirt and unbuttons each button one at a time. He throws his shirt to the side. 
You gulp harshly as he pulls his boxers down, revealing his hardened member. He gets closer to you, pushing your hair out of your face, searching your eyes once more for consent as he lines himself up with your opening. 
You nod.
“F-fuck!” You cry out, feeling the overstimulation wash over every inch of your body as Neil enters you. He grabs your right breast with his hand.
Neil starts out slow. “You feel so good around me,” He says, moving rhythmically in and out of you. 
He then brings one hand up to your chin, and the other to the middle of your back, forcing you to sit up and stare into his eyes. His lips meet yours hungrily, searching for something more. Neil picks up his pace, growing faster and faster. 
“Neil,” You sigh, “I don’t know how long I can last.” You were already close.
“You got to hold on longer, darling. Don’t come yet.” Even when he whispers he’s commanding. 
“O-okay,” You mumble, bitting down on your lip, trying to hold yourself back. It was all becoming too much for you to handle.
“You’re taking me so well, (Y/N),” Neil praises you as he speeds up even more, his hips bumping hard into yours. 
He’s going to send you over the edge. Your walls begin to clench tightly around his cock. 
“Neil, I-,”
He cuts you off. “No, not yet,” He says shakily. “I’m so close. Shit!” 
Neil moans loudly, his lips capturing yours in another passionate kiss. 
“Y-yes,” Neil huffs, pushing in and out of you even quicker now. You know he’s seconds away from finishing, and so are you. “I’m ready now, love. Come with me,” Neil begs. 
You do as he says, your walls clenching harder around his hard dick. Profanities fly out of your mouths as you both reach your climax. After a few, slow pumps, Neil pulls out of you, stroking his cock a few times before reaching down and grabbing his boxers. He slips them on, and looks over at you, still sitting on the table. You’re so sore, so tired. But it’s all so worth it. 
He walks over to you, cupping your right cheek in his hand, and bringing your face close to his. 
“I love you, (Y/N),” Neil says as his lips find yours again. 
You part from him. “I love you too, Neil.” 
Neil grins, looking around the room at the mess you two made, and the mess he made of you. He looks proud. 
And he should be, You think to yourself. Only Neil could make you feel this way. 
You stand up, grabbing your panties and slipping them on. They’re still soaked. You grab your bra put it on as well. You look over at Neil, who’s buttoning up his dress shirt now. 
He’s watching your every move, as if he’s still fucking you in his head. 
“Just looking,” He says, a wide smile makes its way across his face. “I mean, how could I not?” He slides his pants back on, and buckles his belt. 
“So,” He pauses for a second, “Do you think you learned your lesson?” He questions finally, arching an eyebrow in your direction. 
You can’t help but giggle. “If the lesson was that I should ‘misbehave’ more often, then yes, lesson learned.”
Neil grins widely and walks over to you. “I guess I’m a good teacher then.”
He embraces you tightly, pulling you into his chest, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Yeah, I guess you are,” You say, grinning back at Neil. 
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Crack the Shutters Open Wide
Neil x Reader - one-shot
Summary: Everyone knows mornings are dreadful. Or... are they?
Warnings: swearing; and idiocy.
Author's Notes: I've know clue what this is. I woke up one day with a cutesy morning daydream stuck in my head and this is what happened. Shortest ever so that's something worth celebrating ✨Only 2k of fluff (and chaos), bringing back my two idiots and their perfect dog. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think 💕
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You never liked mornings. But then Neil happened. And Stalsk-12. And inversion, Tenet, and life you never imagined. And along with it, mornings changed too.
Even if you still were not a fan of those.
The harsh alarm pierced the cosy dream and shattered the surroundings mercilessly. Your mind landed back among the soft covers and warmth of the body next to yours. Too soon. With a groan, you extended a hand to try and find the phone blindly and shut it up. But you never got as far. Before you could reach the bedside table, the alarm had been cut off with a heavy sigh coming from your right. A smile appeared on your face even before you opened your eyes to register the reality.
“Christ- I hate this sound” it was Neil’s turn to groan as he pulled you closer into his arms.
Now that was a good way to wake up.
You wound your arms around his torso and finally snapped your eyes open to gaze up at him. His affectionate smile betrayed none of the ire heard in the previous complaint. Your eyes wandered over his features leisurely, taking in the ruffled blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes focused only on you.
It was always like this – falling asleep in an embrace and waking up cuddling, only sometimes having changed the positions throughout the night. This time Neil had you hugged into his bare chest with both your arms around each other and legs intertwined. With no words present, you just hid your face in the crook of his neck and breathed in the familiar scent. In and out. Feeling his hands caress your back with startling precision, you let out an exhale and replied:
“Sorry, some of us have work on Saturdays. Yes, I know it sucks big time, but I’m afraid people won’t recruit themselves” bemoaning the subject, you watched as your fingers trailed down Neil’s side and over the scars.
It was not an ideal plan for the weekend, but a job has been given, and you would not dare oppose Wheeler’s wishes. Plus, it did sound like a quick affair and one including coffee. Sold. Well, almost.
Because first, you had to get up from the bed. As though following your line of thoughts, Neil tightened the grip and pressed a kiss to the top of your head before dropping the remark:
“Careful though, don’t want you falling in love with a recruit” it was the casual tone that made you lean back and meet his gaze.
It was worth even if only to see the fond look in his eyes and the tinge of insecurity hidden underneath. As if he could believe that was a possibility. Idiot (affectionately).
“No chance” using Neil’s body as leverage, you pulled yourself up to face him, adding the punchline with a perfectly crafted poker face “Only you could be that lame,”
With pleasure, you observed as he gaped, taking in the joke with utter confusion. And then Neil frowned, pretending to inch away from you with a glare.
“Wow, my feelings have been hurt. Deeply” Neil gave you an exaggerated pout and a perfect impression of a moping Labrador.
Laughter was impossible to hide. You giggled as happiness filled your chest, brightening up the outlook and sparking up the courage. There was one last thing you wanted before getting up. Without hesitation, you untangled from Neil and straddled his lap in one smooth move. The practice did indeed make perfect.
Your smile widened upon his double-take, that one second of paralysis before he found his footing and placed his hands on your hips to keep you in place. Underneath the shirt, naturally.
“Good,” you whispered the word with an unhidden mirth, letting your eyes slowly skim over his face.
The stubble, shading the chin, the sharp jaw, plush bottom lip, and curve of the nose. As your gaze wandered up, your eyes met. The piercing blue, lightening up with love and pulling you in with the use of your private force of gravity. Your breath hitched audibly when Neil pulled himself up, letting your body fall flush against his chest and inched his fingers up your chest beneath the material. The trademark smirk curled his lips as you gasped, encouragement glimmering in his eyes:
“Should I get you coffee for that mood? Or…?” the telling pause, a clear suggestion further strengthened with the broad strokes travelling up your stomach and stopping just below your breasts.
A frustrated sigh caught in your throat as you watched him, suddenly eager to forget about the work and let the situation develop as it should. But… There was time.
Carefully, you allowed your hand to run up his chest, feeling the warmth of the skin and relishing in the way Neil’s breath grew shallow. In the current position, it was difficult to deny the eternal need. Focus.
“Coffee, though I’d like that second thing too. When I’m back maybe,” enjoying Neil’s trance-like state, you winked and used the proximity to roll your hips against his crotch in a familiar move.
It was enough to make him gasp loudly, hands sliding down to grab onto your hips and help you notice how excited the potential made him. The realisation still made you blush furiously, feeling your arousal collect between your thighs.
“Perfect, I’ll be waiting impatiently” Neil grinned as though reading your mind and leaned in to brush his nose against yours.
A break, a moment to take a breath. You were grateful for that, taking in long inhales to calm down the racing heart and centre the senses. That meeting better goes quick.
Neil cupped your cheek, gently stroking down your neck and easing the sudden frenzy to a pleasant hum underneath the peace. It was the moment your eyes met again that made you speak up:
“I really adore you. Do you know that?” tentatively, you mirrored the position of his hand and placed it on his cheek, pouring the feelings through your eyes.
You knew Neil understood from the satisfied smile that appeared on his face. He shifted slightly to give you easier access and tipped your chin. One glance at your lips and a hand travelling down your thigh were all you needed to feel the flush of warmth once more. Gravity pulled you in, inching closer until there was a breath of space left between your lips. A sight of the devilish smirk on Neil’s face, followed by the feigned thoughtful remark:
“That lovesick gaze does give me some ideas, but… kiss me, and then I’ll know,” he whispered, closing the gap to breathe out the words against your mouth.
As if you needed encouragement.
Simultaneously, your hand wandered up to tangle in his hair and prepare for the right angle as you licked your lips thoroughly, counteracting the morning dryness.
“Gladly,” effortlessly reflecting Neil’s smile and letting your tongue trail along the seam of his closed mouth.
His lips opened with a gasp underneath your prying, and you took the invite to envelop his mouth in a hungry kiss. Taking everything as though it belonged to you. And he did. Your tongue slipped inside his mouth, exploring the familiar ground with the zeal of days of starvation. Even though it had only been hours. Neil’s fingers dug into your thigh as he tried to get even closer, responding to your tempo with equal eagerness. Your mouth collided and brushed against each other with the moves of astounding intimacy and ease, pairing with desperately stolen breaths and brave touches. Soon enough, you were both left gasping, tiptoeing the line separating you from unconsciousness if only to extend the kiss a second longer.
As the stars swirled underneath your closed eyelids, you tried to lean back and break the contact. But it was never possible. Sensing your intents, Neil took the matters into his hands. Literally. Before you could understand what was happening, he used the hold over your thigh to pin you to the bed without a notch of effort needed. A startled yelp was all you could manage before he closed your mouth with another kiss. Long and careful, a far cry from the previous desperation. A means of placing the morning confessions on your lips without using the words. A promise of countless wake ups just like this, waiting to happen. It was enough to make you want more. But it never happened.
Neil finished the kiss with a chaste peck, signing off the caress and leant back to let his gaze wander over your stunned face. It was hard to keep the awe hidden from him. And pointless too. Before you could find anything to say, he spoke:
“You’re incredible. Absolutely breathtaking” the compliments were placed with terrifying honesty, painting your cheeks red and making your eyes glaze over.
There was no point in trying to take apart the exact meaning of it all. So, you cupped Neil’s cheek once more and thoughtfully caressed his face while working on the passable poker face. Once that was achieved, you twisted your lips into a smirk and whined:
“God… I need coffee to survive that sort of talk,” a wink to make sure he understood the scheme and a quick peck on his nose.
Just because.
“On it,” Neil grinned, quickly returning the endearment and jumping up from the bed before you could perceive his movement.
You flopped back onto the covers with a happy sigh, hand reaching out for the fateful phone to pass the time. That was not meant to be. As soon as Neil opened the bedroom door, a black cannonball skidded through the doorway and jumped onto the mattress. Oh, dear. You waited for Niki to locate your face and frowned as he extended the pink, sloppy tongue to greet you. Your arms flailed idly at your sides, overwhelmed with the stimulus akin to a cold morning shower.
“Miss, stop neglecting your child” the mock stern tone from the doorway made you look up.
Neil has stopped there, watching you both with fondness in the soft gaze. Still, too much.
“Oh, fuck you” blindly, you reached for the pillow and threw it at his head with deadly precision.
It missed the mark by an inch, landing at Neil’s feet.
“Language” he contemplated the item with sorrow and then looked up at the dog, “Sorry you had to hear that foul word, Nikola,”
It was the full name that got you. Bursting into laughter before you could take a full breath. With both hands stroking the black fur of your juvenile, you grinned at Neil:
“Get your girlfriend caffeine or else-” throwing a glance towards one of the remaining pillows as a warning.
He chuckled and blew you a kiss before heading down the corridor. Turning your attention back onto Niki, you placed a kiss on his head and patted the space beside you, urging him to lie down.
“See, that’s why we need coffee on a drip” the call from the kitchen made your smile wider, easily reminding you of so many similar conversations.
Maybe mornings were not so bad after all…
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sesamestreep · 2 years
your choice of Tenet characters for 6, "patting the other’s head"
i misread this as “patting the other’s hand” and I’d already written this whole thing by the time I realized my mistake, so I just went with it! 😬
It takes about eight years—that’s total, backwards and forwards, not each way, it’s worth noting—before they’re in a place where it makes sense to recruit Neil. The idea of it sneaks up on him, actually, that it’s finally time. It’s a thing he’s thought about and planned for and (honestly) worried over so much that it doesn’t feel like a real thing he could just decide to do one day. It feels too monumental, like he needs permission from someone else before it could happen. He has a whole network of people, too; he could theoretically ask someone for permission if that’s what he really needs, but he’s the one in charge, in the end. He’s not sure it would be good for morale if he shows any doubt.
Still, it’s weighing on his mind when he goes to have his regular lunch with Sir Michael. He hadn’t truthfully been all that surprised to find that his generous benefactor had actually been in on everything since the beginning—the beginning beginning, that is, which is saying something. He’d done a commendable job of not showing any recognition when Priya had connected them during the Sator case—which was the other beginning, or it was the end, depending on how you look at it—but he hadn’t actually been fresh faced to Sir Michael then. They’d met earlier, in Michael’s case—and later, technically, in his. Once he’d looped back to actually found Tenet in earnest, it had been clear that someone like Sir Michael Crosby would be an asset to them and he'd need to be involved somehow. If the timeline imploded or whatever, he figured they would just have to deal with it. They had so few friends, back then, that the risk was acceptable if it gave them even one more.
The point is this: if there’s anyone he can ask for permission about the Neil question, it’s Sir Michael. He’s not in charge, not by a long shot, but he’s older and significantly wiser and not likely to sugar coat anything. Besides, if you can’t trust someone who’s been knighted, who can you trust?
He lays the whole case out for him while they’re eating. Well, Michael is eating, unbothered and undeterred by business talk as always, while he rambles on for fifteen minutes. It feels like rambling to him, at least, accustomed as he normally is to staying professional and keeping the ends out. When he finishes speaking, he takes a big, obvious deep breath, which would certainly give him away if nothing else that came before it did.
Michael, of course, takes his time thinking it over. “You know as well as I do that you don’t need my permission for this,” he finally says, after he’s taken an introspective sip of his wine and blotted his mouth with a napkin.
“I’m not looking for permission,” he replies, carefully. “I’m looking for…”
“Forgiveness?” Sir Michael supplies, with a knowing look. He’s amused, though. That much is obvious.
He won’t rise to the bait, even though it feels suspiciously like the truth now that he hears it out loud. He feels vaguely embarrassed at the selfishness of what he’s about to do, even though he knows the end and it’s not all bad. Neil is an important piece of the puzzle that ends up saving the world. He said himself that they had good times together—in the past for Neil, but in the future for him. If he doesn’t recruit him, they don’t get those experiences, and they don’t save the world. But recruiting Neil also means sending him, knowingly, to his death, and that feels like a high price to ask for a few years of whatever good times they’re going to have. He doesn’t know what Neil meant by that—we get up to some stuff—but he hopes he does. If he’s being honest with himself, he knew where they were heading from the moment Neil sat down next to him in that club in Mumbai. The timing is the mystery for them, not the end result.
“I need an unbiased opinion,” he finally says, “on the strength of my assessment.”
“Then you’ve come to the wrong place, I’m afraid,” Micheal says, as he casually pops an olive into his mouth.
“How so?”
“I’m completely biased on this matter. You’re terribly good at what you do, my friend, don’t get me wrong, but I worry about you. About your soul. There are more things in life than work!”
“There can’t be,” he replies, immediately, as he shakes his head. “Not with this work. Not for me.”
Sir Michael shrugs, as though he expected nothing less. “You see? This is why I’m going to tell you to recruit Neil!”
“We would recruit him to work for us, so I don’t really see how it would help you, if your goal is to get me to work less.”
“My dear,” Michael says, unimpressed, “I know I have the glow of youth about me, but I was not, in fact, born yesterday.”
He feels his face warm, but he knows from years of practice that his expression remains pointedly neutral. “Point taken,” he murmurs in the direction of his untouched lunch.
Michael reaches across the table to pat his hand gently, allowing the touch to linger for a moment. “As much as I enjoy your company, I don’t think I can go on being your only friend,” he says, with a charming smile. “And all this talk of the end times does put me off my appetite occasionally.”
“Sure it does,” he replies, with an equally affable eye roll. If his eyes feel a little watery as he does it, no one needs to know.
”It’s settled, then,” Michael says, cheerfully, as he withdraws his hand and raises his wine glass in a mock toast.“You’ll go recruit that beautiful young man of yours and we’ll keep trying to avert the apocalypse. Together!”
Against his wishes, he finds himself smiling and he brings his own glass up to clink against Sir Michael’s. “Together,” he agrees.
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
Goodbye - Neil {TENET}
Pairing: Neil x Reader
Words: 1.5k+
Type: Angst
Summary: Y/N decides to leave after Neil comes back injured from a mission.
Warnings: Mentions of blood and death.
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You walk back in the room and stare at Neil’s asleep state. He looks peaceful, just like any other night.
It doesn’t even look like he took two bullets onto his abdomen and isn’t laying in a hospital bed.
He had just come back from surgery a few hours ago, and he should be waking up soon, or at least that’s what the doctors said.
Your chest aches at the sight of all the cables connected to his body and the large bruise on his jaw. You had seen the large bandage that covered his torso when a nurse came to check his stitching, and you just can’t take your mind off of it.
You put down the warm paper cup with coffee on the side table and take your seat next to the bed once more. Your hands are freezing under the warm air of the air conditioner, shaking out of pure anxiety.
You stare at the ground while leaning back on your chair, deep in thought.
The beeping sound of Neil’s heartbeat is the only sound that surrounds your ears, filling the silence in the room.
The door of the room slides open, making you snap back to reality and look up at the nurse, who is already staring at you.
“Hi” She whispers with a quick and small smile.
You nod as a way to answer her, not giving out a smile back, before looking over at your fiancé, who is still very much quiet and not moving.
The woman walks over behind you to check on Neil’s IV and charts and you move your hand over his. His hand is warmer than yours but also not as soft, his calloused bits on his palm feel familiar to you but it has been so long that it also feels somewhat different.
It’s not the first time Neil has left for work without a word, especially during the night. But it’s the second time he ends up in a hospital bed, badly injured.
The nurse walks out of the room, taking a good look at you before walking away and you ignore her gaze.
Once the door of the room closes, leaving you in the silence once more, you move your chair closer to the bed. You lift Neil’s hand and lay it on your cheek, feeling his warmth against your skin, consuming the coldness of it.
Your gaze lifts over to his face and your eyes fill with tears.
It’s probably the tenth time you’ve cried over him and the amount of emotions you’ve been feeling ever since you’ve stepped in this hospital.
Your heart breaks and feels heavy every time you think about the call you received.
Neil’s coworkers told you exactly what had happened in the mission once you settled in the waiting room and also how you shouldn’t worry about him since “he’s strong”. But you can’t help it.
Your anxiety has been awful ever since he left, affecting your daily life profusely.
You couldn’t focus on your work; you couldn’t focus in conversations and just to make matters worse: your friends have been oblivious to everything. Making you seem like an awful person and co-worker to them.
A hospital call or even one from Neil’s workplace is something you prepared for every time he left, but the nausea and the pumping heart were still very much prominent when you got it.
A groan from the man next to you sounds.
“Neil?” You whisper while getting up from your chair and letting go of his hand to hover yours over his face.
You cup his cheek slightly to try and not hurt him and his eyes open slightly, making him groan, again, over the brightness of the lights in the room.
“Where am I?” He asks. His voice is hoarse, over being asleep for so many hours, but you tried not to pay too much attention to it.
You move back a bit as he opens his eyes and quickly let go of his cheek as you feel yours wet. You wipe your tears, ignoring how you possibly didn’t feel them earlier, and decide to answer him.
“Hospital” You answer, a little louder than before.
He tries to sit up but cringes once the pain courses through his body.
“Try not to move too much, you got shot twice on your side” You say.
You sit back on your chair as he grabs the bed’s little controller, quickly getting the hang of it and making it help him sit up, and you hesitate to look at him as he gets comfortable, making Neil notice.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“I should be the one asking you that” You say with a small fake smile, looking up.
Neil notices the slight puffiness under your eyes and bites his tongue to not say anything out loud. Not before thinking twice. He knows how much you worry, that’s one of the reasons why he’s usually so careful in his missions.
Luck certainly wasn’t on his side this time, and he is hating every second of the outcome of it.
“Have you eaten?” He asks, concern is highly noticeable on his tone.
You nod slowly and the weight in your chest heavies the more you look at him.
“Come sit” Neil says, moving his legs over to one side of the bed so you could take your seat next to him.
You get up from your chair and take a seat right where he petted the bed, facing him.
“How bad was it?” He asks in a whisper, “When I came into the hospital”
Flashes of the nurses red tinted hands against Neil’s soaked shirt and the faint deep red trail around the entrance of the ER run through your mind.
You take a deep breath before answering.
“Bad” You answer, feeling tears fill your vision once more, making you look away discreetly.
Neil, to try and grab your attention, moves his hand and puts it over yours. His body feels rather stiff with the pain, but he tries to hide it with the best of his ability so he can focus on you for just a moment.
He notices how your eyes stare into nothing as you think about something and gives your hand a slight squeeze.
“I don’t think I can do this anymore” You whisper, so faintly that Neil almost doesn’t catch it.
“What do you mean?”
You stare up at him, your eyes meeting in the quick movement. Your eyesight is affected by the tears, that fight to drip down your cheeks, but, in a way, you can still see him clearly.
“I mean about us”
Neil freezes in time as those words leave your mouth and chills travel through him.
“It’s the second time you almost died in these missions, Neil” You say leaving out a sob, but you quickly cover your mouth in hopes to control it.
Neil stays quiet.
“You walk out of our apartment without even saying a word and disappear for months, reappearing like this” You say, trying to compose yourself in the middle of the sentence, “We were supposed to get married next month-”
“We still can” He says, moving his hands to cup your face. Shock has finally left his body and he’s back to his senses, “Don’t do this to me” He adds, voice cracking.
You sob at his words, lowering your head almost as in shame in how much you’re breaking. “I need to” You say in a low tone. Neil pulls you closer and you continue to sob loudly as he tries to hold you.
“It’s for the best… For the both of us”
“No” He says shaking his head, “No, we can get through this together”
You look up a bit at him.
“I love you so much” You whisper, “And that’s exactly why I can’t deal with the thought of you getting killed when you step out of our home”
His thumbs run though your wet cheeks slowly as the two of you stare at each other, both heartbroken.
“The doctors said it was a miracle that you survived” You say with a sad smile, “And I’m so thankful that you did, but I really can’t, Neil”
Neil’s eyes glisten with the light as one of his hand move over to the back of your neck, making you feel the wetness of your tears still on his skin.
“Is there anything I can do to make you stay?” He whispers, breathing slowly to try and keep calm.
“No” You say calmly, “Because you are not going to stop working”
He stays quiet while listening to your voice and pulls you closer by the back of your head, making your foreheads meet and your noses touch.
“I love you” He whispers, and you fight your tears.
You close the space between you and kiss him. Your lips don’t move, but neither do Neil’s, they just press onto each other.
Both of your hearts shatter with the feeling of this being your last kiss and how you can just tell by the way it feels. Your lungs burn as you breathe in when pulling away and you wrap your arms around Neil’s neck, pulling him into a hug.
Neil leans his head onto yours when wrapping his arms around you and he breathes in your smell, trying to get it through his head that it will be the last time he feels it.
You pull away after a few seconds and look over at him. A tear falls from his eye as he looks up at you. You bite your lip, pulling the ring out of your ring finger and lay it on his palm.
You move back a bit and take a good look at him once more.
“Goodbye” You say.
“Bye” He answers.
You force yourself out of the bed and quickly grab your things from the chair.
Neil stares at you, as you do it, and once you walk out of the sliding door, not looking back, he moves his gaze towards a table next to him.
Exactly where your, now, cold coffee sat.
- - - - -
Hope you guys liked it!
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weclassygirl · 4 years
𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞
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Word count:+1.1k
Pairing: neil x f!reader (tenet)
Warnings: bullet wound, some blood
Summary: reader gets shot by andrei and neil tries to go in reverse to keep you alive
Author's note: really wanted to write something for him and already plan to write a few more but I need to rewatch the movie. sorry if it's bad 🥺 spoilers ig, also english is not my first language. take care ❤️
You only feel the droplets of blood going down your body as the hole in your stomach fills up with more blood. Bullets are painful enough when shot in normal time, the inverted ones however… those are real motherfuckers. You hear a shuffling of feet and from the corner of your eye you see that Andrei from the blue room is getting away as well as the one who shot you just seconds before. The blue light of the other room falls on your face. You don’t feel hands on your shoulder and cheek as Neil comes up to you.
He looks up at you, saying some words but they seem distant to you, you can feel the heaviness of your eyes and you think that you will close them for a brief moment when a loud voice pulls you out to reality.
“(Name)!” you hear Neil shout, his hand feeling warm on your cheek, the other pressing onto the wound. You lift your head up and see his face, all worried. You see the dark skinned man behind him, he watches you carefully also trying to think of a way to help you. The people that came in through the door are on the other side of the glass, checking up on Kat, one of them comes up to you and Neil steps aside but keeps close.
“Can you help her?” he asks the man in military gear.
“She got it worse. The bullet went through the organs.” he says, he looks at you with pain in his eyes. He turns to Neil. “I don’t think she’ll make it in time.”
Neil looks sad… and angry, the dark skinned man comes up to him and places his hand on his shoulder but Neil swats it away. They look at each other, seemingly having a silent conversation. They step off the side as the doctor looks at your wound, trying to prolong your stay. The man they call Ives comes up to them, starting to argue with Neil. You don’t hear the conversation but can guess what it's about.
“It’s a bad idea. Thousand things could go wrong.” you hear Ives say. “You know this, Neil.”
“You have any better idea!?” he questions, fury in his voice. “I can’t let her die.” Ives hangs his head low as the other man agrees with Neil, he wants to save Kat. Neil seems like he doesn’t care, despite Ives’ protests. He comes up to you, placing a hand on your cheek.
“Can you stand?” he asks you softly. You nod your head and lean yourself on him, clutching to the wound. Your breathing getting more heavy and you try to repress a grunt that gets past your lips. All of you move to the door behind you, Kat on the stretches, unconscious. Ives begins to explain to the man how the machine works, he needs to see himself in the window, exiting from the other side before entering it.
All of you see your reflection in the glass and move to the machine. The next thing you know you’re on the other side of it, the blue light now more vibrant. You see yourself in the window, going backwards. You don’t pay the mind to it, not wanting to see yourself get shot again.
You hear the stranger telling Neil to find them a way back to Oslo, he places you on the bench by the wall and turns to the man. You press onto the wound, trying to stay conscious.
“We need to save them, here and now.” you hear Neil say. Neil comes up to you and helps you up, both of you leave the room as Wheeler explains to the stranger how everything works on the reversed side.
“Neil.” you say weakly as you walk to the containers on the ship. The mask on your face begins to fog up. “Neil.” you try again and he looks down on you. He looks at the wound and sees that there’s more blood on your clothes than before. “This may not work.”
“What are you talking about?” he questions, worry and confusion evident on his face. You enter the container and see Kat already laying on the stretchers, breathing weakly.
“You know how time works here. Even if we’re here now, doesn’t mean that I will make it alive out of here.” you confess. You didn’t want to say it but he needs to know that there’s still a possibility of you not getting out of it alive.
“No. Don’t say that, you’ll be fine, you hear me?” he looks at you and your features soften at his stubbornness. He kisses your forehead and places his own against it. “I won't lose you here, alright? I’m not letting that happen.” you smile up at him weakly before you feel your eyes closing. You hear his voice calling out to you but it seems too far away. You don’t remember passing out.
You wake up a few hours later, laying on the stretchers, an IV in your arm. You hear Neil and the man talking and see Kat talking with them. Neil notices that you’re awake and abandons the conversation, his eyes now focused on you.
“Hey. How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Like I’ve been shot by an inverted bullet.” you say back and he chuckles. He explains to you that he managed to stitch you up and you feel the thread and a bandage going around the wound. You try to sit up but only feel pain as you raise from your seat. You fall in and out of unconsciousness several times in that container.
You wake up to the sound of multiple shouting voices. But you can’t understand anything they’re saying. You realize that you hear them backwards. You hear an explosion in the background and feel yourself being pulled on the stretches. Neil drags it behind him, a black vest and mask on him. You see Kat on the other pair of stretches next to you and feel being put in the ambulance.
You open your eyes and hear Neil saying that the both of you will be alright. You turn to him and he sees the movement because he's by your side moments after. You smile at him as the ambulance begins to move.
"Told you you're gonna be fine." he tells you, you're smile growing wider and he hugs you, not too tightly to not cause you any more pain. Both of you fall asleep in each other's arms before getting on another ship that will take you to Andrei.
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Stuck in reverse - pt 3
Neil x Reader
Chapter 3: Bad guy
(<- see Chapter 2)
(<- see Chapter 1)
summary: you and Neil end up on an undercover mission together, but what should you do with all that free time?
warnings: alcohol consumption, blood mention, swearing
author’s note: this one surprisingly works as a standalone fic as well, I had  fun writing playful banter and flirting, hope you enjoy it!
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It was a chilly evening, but it wasn’t bothering you. You inhaled a cold air deep into your lungs.
That’s more like it.
You really enjoyed the thrill of being on a mission, when you could lock all the bullshit deep inside and just focus on a task ahead: quick undercover scout of the location, then stopping a local kingpin from acquiring some inverted materials. You could already feel all your senses sharpening, you were ready for the hunt.
You heard Neil’s footsteps behind you. You glanced over your shoulder and smirked.
“Aww, no tie?” you teased, trying not to laugh as you watched the hint of confusion on his face.
“Nothing, you not wearing one on a..." – you cleared your throat - "...night out used to be a rare sight, that’s all.”
You didn’t mind though.
Neil blinked twice and crossed his arms. “Oh I’m sorry, should I go and change now?” He looked you up and down, a shade of smile tinted his lips. “I wouldn’t want to be under-dressed.”
“What, you don’t like my converse?” you huffed and mirrored his pose. “Hey, I enjoy a good pair of heels, just can’t save the day wearing them.”
“Fair enough,” he said and smiled, tilting his head and looking at you with those playful sparks in his eyes. “You look amazing.”
You raised one eyebrow and chuckled. “So do you. Now... shall we?”
The loud music hit you as soon as you entered the club, the bass blasting in your eardrums. While you were trying to mentally match the club’s layout from the brief to the actual location, Neil reached to his pocket for the phone. After few seconds he tapped you on a shoulder and showed you the screen with a message from Ives: “Uncle Bob is running late – looks like an hour, so have fun.”
You nodded and pointed at the bar. “Drinks?” you mouthed. No point in yelling, he couldn’t hear you anyway.
By the time you reached the counter, you already spotted eight security guards in various locations inside the hall, two of them trying to remain undercover in their civilian clothes.
Neil leaned against the bar.
“Nine,” he said, looking at you for confirmation.
You positioned yourself close to him so nobody could eavesdrop. The music was still annoyingly loud. You knew everyone entering the club was carefully examined at the entrance and that the club’s security was paying close attention to anyone behaving suspiciously, they weren’t willing to take any chances, especially that night. You were more than happy that Neil was your partner for that mission – you trusted him enough to just roll with anything the situation might require to remain unnoticed.
“Huh, I have eight, who did I miss?”
Neil gave you a half-smile.“The redhead at the end of the counter,” he said.
You didn’t even have to look at that direction, you knew exactly which one he meant. You smacked your lips, annoyed at your poor judgement.
“Damn, she’s hot,” - you nudged him lightly - “you sure she wasn’t just checking you out because of how incredibly handsome you are?”
“One hundred percent,” Neil laughed dryly.
“Nine then. Excuse me,” - you waved at the bartender to get their attention- “one gin&tonic and one vodka tonic.” You could hear Neil’s chuckle, so you shot a quick look at your partner. “Two can play that game, my dear.”
The smug expression on his face definitely made your heartbeat increase its pace. You shook your head and tried to stifle a giggle.
When your drinks arrived, you switched to a meaningless small talk, so no one would bother you while you were focused on locating things that might give you any advantage later on. There was still over half an hour of time left and you felt that you need to move to cover more ground, but you couldn’t just get up and walk around without drawing too much attention to yourself. Then you heard a familiar melody and gasped at that perfect excuse.
“Hey, wanna dance?” you grinned at Neil, your hips already swaying to the rhythm.
He pointed at his half-full drink. “Go ahead, I’ll join you in a bit.”
The dance floor was an excellent vantage point, you spotted two more guards hanging out at the back near the entrance to the VIP lounge. You let the music run through you, it almost felt like every part of your body was vibrating with that insane bass. You noticed Neil staring at you from across the room, but that only boosted your self-confidence. You knew you were good at this and it surely felt nice.
The song switched to something new, so you went back to the bar. You wanted to tease Neil about just sitting there instead of joining you but someone tapped your shoulder.
“Eyyy sexy, can I buy ya a drink?”
You turned your head and saw a guy smiling slyly from his seat. A quick look told you enough: a random stranger, pretty drunk, one of those business douches who considered themselves gods.
“No, thanks,” you replied, turning your back to him to strengthen the message.
“Come on, one drink!” he insisted. And then he grabbed your arm.
You could hear Neil’s glass clanking against a counter a bit too hard, but you were quicker. With one swift move you grabbed a toothpick from an abandoned drink next to you and pressed it against man’s thigh, hard enough for him to feel pain, but not hard enough to break the skin. He yelped and his eyes widened.
“Touch me one more time, I dare you,” your voice was dripping with sugar, but your eyes were deadly serious. “No means no, you twat, now piss off!”
The man squirmed and raised his hands in a defensive way. “Okay, okay,” he hissed and stood up. “Fucking bitch.”
You realized you were holding your breath the entire time, so you forced yourself to inhale and turned back to Neil. Your partner’s expression was a mixture of concern and amusement, so you let out a nervous laugh and ran the fingers though your hair.
“What’s wrong with those guys, I swear,” you shook your head, disgusted. You checked the time, 20 minutes.
Neil finished his drink and leaned your way. “Redhead and baldie over there have been watching the whole thing, come on,” - he said and reached out his hand - “I owe you a dance.”
You took Neil’s hand and followed him to the dance floor. You both knew you had to put on a bit of a show to keep the suspicion off your backs.
The rhythm of the song playing was a bit slower than before, the mood was heavier, made you think about a hot summer night. You could feel the bass pulsing in your veins, your heartbeat slowly getting in sync with it. Neil’s eyes found yours, you felt his gentle touch on your hand. You remembered he was a good dancer. He wasn’t a party beast, far from it, actually, but damn, seeing him move always made you swoon. That night was no different. Your bodies tuned to each other instantly, on one hand that was a familiar feeling, on the other- ...something changed, but you couldn’t put your finger on it yet, and to be honest, you didn’t really care in that moment. For the next few minutes nothing else mattered anymore, there was no mission, no past, no guilt. Only Neil and you, lost in the music, in each other’s closeness, in the rising warmth between the two of you.
Someone bumped into your back, making you lose your balance and fall into Neil’s arms.
“I've got you,” he said softly right into your ear.
His warm breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine and made you forget how to speak for a second. You pulled back to look at him and smiled, your heart singing in your chest.
With the corner of your eye you noticed a sudden change in the security’s behavior. Go time.
Neil must have seen the same thing, because he nodded and guided you back to the bar. The next few moments were crucial, but you already had a plan. You winked at Neil, took his hand and began to lightly stroke his long fingers. Then you got the bartender’s attention.
“Hey, settle this for us, we were wondering if you have any...” - you intertwined your fingers with Neil’s - “...tenets about PDA here,” you said, biting your lip at the sudden touch of Neil’s hand on your waist.
The bartender rolled their eyes and slid a glass of water your way. You could see a shiny metal object under the glass.
“Not really, but I recommend avoiding the main lobby,” they laughed and turned to the next customer.
You exchanged a quick look with Neil. So they are switching the swap location. With his hand still on your waist, he pulled you a bit closer, raising the other hand and slowly tucking a part of your hair behind your ear. That gave you enough time to get the key and hide it in his pocket.
You made your way to the toilet area of the club, where the storage was supposed to be. You maneuvered around the guards playing a tipsy couple, giggling and leaning on each other, not so different from other party couples around you. There were less people next to the storage, thank the Universe, you couldn’t proceed with the mission without getting your stuff first. Neil took the key and opened the lock, he was about to press the handle when you spotted another guard coming your way. You grabbed Neil by the front of his shirt and pulled him your way, slamming your back against the wall painfully. Your eyes locked with his. You buried your face in the crook of his neck. Neil’s hand grazed your hip, the other one, holding the key, slid behind your back. You closed your eyes so you could focus on the sound of footsteps around you, trying to tune out the overwhelming scent of Neil’s cologne.
“I think we’re clear,” he said in a husky voice.
You decided not to comment on it, focusing on leveling your own breath.
Neil entered the storage and you followed him, quickly closing the door behind you. You found your gear hidden in one of the boxes at the back of the room: a lockbox with a laptop, a pair of pistols, silencers, ammo, walkies, a backpack and two bulletproof vests. You opened the computer and ran a program, connecting it to the club’s security system and allowing it to access all the cameras in the building. Meanwhile, Neil got final instructions from Ives and checked the guns. The meeting had already begun. You watched two men carefully examining the contents of a black suitcase. There. Some of the parts dropped back into their hands. What the hell did they need it for?
Neil tossed you your vest, already equipped with everything you needed. Then you had to trigger some silent alarms to smoke the bastards out of that place, but without scaring the civilians in the club. The less people outside, the better. You tapped few command lines into the software and watched the guards outside the transaction room jump at their places, one of them going inside to alert the bosses, the other one rushing to check for the intruders.
You packed all your things to the backpack and gave it to Neil. He pushed three boxes together so you could easily reach the small window near the ceiling, allowing you both to drop in the back alley.
Clear. You jumped down quietly and ran towards the back entrance, where you expected some company. Neil was right behind you, taking cover at the other side of the door. 3...2...1.
The door opened with a loud thud and you grabbed the first man that went through them. He didn’t put up much of a fight, bless his soul.
The next one was quite a different story.
Same as all the others after him.
Next thing you knew, you were ducking into cover behind some dumpster, shots being fired in your direction.
“Just like old times, huh?” Neil laughed as he joined you a moment later, hitting his back against the dumpster. There was a moment of silence and he wanted to get up, but you grabbed his arm and shook your head.
Two more shots.
Why does nobody count?
You focused your fire at two remaining guards while your partner ran after a guy trying to escape with the inverted materials. Poor bastard didn’t have a chance. Neil shot him in the leg long before he could reach a car parked at the end of the alley.
You made sure none of the guards remained a threat and you joined Neil near the knocked-out man.
“Took you long enough,” you said, looking around for any witnesses. Luckily, the street was empty, thanks to late hour and the work of Ives and the rest of the team, of course.
“You told me to wait!” Neil scoffed, checking out the suitcase. Everything seemed to be in place.
“And you’re welcome.”
You wiped the sweat from your forehead and hissed from the sudden pain. You looked at your fingers. Blood.
Neil jumped on his feet, clearly worried.
“Y/N, your brow...” he raised his hand as if he wanted to examine your wound, but he hesitated. He placed it on your shoulder instead and looked into your eyes. “You okay?”
You put your hand on his chest and smiled reassuringly. “I’m fine Neil, what about you?”
Neil nodded and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.
You noticed your team’s car approaching from the distance.
(next Chapter ->)
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i just saw tenet -
the main actors entire first name is John David - not John or David. it's John David and that is an aesthetic i can appreciate
i am so happy to see robert pattinson beginning to be appreciated + thriving
the amount of doctor who i have watched prepared me for this movie
when i saw the two & a half hour time for this movie i was SKEPTICAL but it flew by so fast
can i please have someone explain how they did the fight-scene choreography for this movie? because it's - i cannot - i am still thinking about it
also the inversion effect in general - was that just them reversing what was filmed???
tho the protagonist x kat was also cute
btw neil x protagonist is a thing. they are husbands. i don't make the rules.
i thought for sure the movie was gonna keep fucking reversing until the protagonist was back in the concert hall + he was the one that shot at himself
overall - great movie + highly recommend if you like time-travel, have to think about it, kind of films.
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docmurph12 · 3 years
Ok review time, and I am going a little meta on this one. I finally got the opportunity to watch Tenet, so while this isn't the first time through, I am going to try to review this one live on the second watch through. Fair warning though, there may be spoilers ahead, so skip to the end if you actually intend to watch this one.
Before I get started, a description. This is a very ambitious film with a lot of physics-based talk about time. John David Washington's Protagonist gets recruited by some folks who want him to investigate a potential temporal war to end all wars and stop it.
Before we get too much farther, on to the film!!
We open at the opera!! Right away we get hit with a heavy score, lots of synthetic, definitely showcases the Chris Nolan obsession with time. This thing really drives.
Neat little challenge and password piece for immersion. Makes it a little more believable for military folks.
Nolan does a good job establishing the type of character we are looking at in the first sequence of the movie. You are dropped right into the shit as soon as the film opens up and right away we see a driven and intense man bent on both accomplishing the mission and doing the right thing.
Our first introduction to time mechanics, given with a little Inception style show AND tell exposition. Just enough to tickle your interest in the coming visual wizardry and give you a basic understanding of the world's rules.
Interestingly short intro for Pattinson's Neil. Its obvious he is hiding something, but the first time seeing this I didn't distinctly get that feeling. Great job on his part.
More practical everything from Nolan. If I didn't know he literally endo-ed a semi truck in the middle of Chicago in The Dark Knight I would have though it was visual effects but nope. All real. Beautiful.
Lots of obvious Nolan favorites acting in this one. Not a bad thing as he has a skilled eye in selecting his actors, just funny to see Michael Caine et al in yet another Nolan film.
In our introduction to Elizabeth Debicki's Kat, the first time through I got the feeling she knew more than she let on. Second time through, I don't get that. What you see is what you get here. Probably a product of being a Nolan fan, looking for and through every last detail for meaning that may not even pan out.
I like seeing Washington's precision oriented tactician balanced against Pattinson's refined artist of chaos. Great character interactions, and both are unbelievably fun to watch here.
More of this great score. Massive, awesome, and driving.
We get our first sight of how the time inversion mechanics work. You actually see a bit of this sequence in first trailer. Absolute visual magic. I absolutely need to see how this is done. The sound engineering in this was awesome too, finding a way to work not only the visual aspect of someone fighting against someone moving backwards through time but also the audible piece as well was very well thought out and beautifully executed.
Kenneth Branagh's Andrei Sator is REALLY fucking intense. Not just when we first meet him, either. Like for the whole film.
The first large scale stunt piece has me wondering what Chris Nolan pays his stunt actors. The pieces he puts to film are not only huge, but also incredibly complex and dangerous, and all done practically.
Seeing the second turnstile room was really interesting in that we see the two separate timelines interacting with each other and set up yet another rule for the film's world. Really cool to see the interaction and more shots where forward moving people and things interact with backwards moving people and things.
Now we get the second part of the earlier set piece. We get a little explanation of who the people in inverse were and what they were doing when we saw them earlier in the film.
Debicki's Kat gets a really great developmental arc in the film. Well written, and an outstanding performance to boot.
So I don't want to say too much more about the film while I'm watching it, so to avoid heavy spoilers, I'm going to culminate this one here.
So to be completely honest, I had a really hard time being objective here. If you know anything about my tastes, Chris Nolan is well known to be my favorite director. That said, this is very typical of a Nolan movie, in that it is absolutely just chock full of filmmaking professionals operating at peak efficiency, showing what it can be to work at the top of your craft. It is also typical of his work in that it definitely requires multiple views, and just when you feel like you have it, you don't. It is definitively a work of art and is entirely up to the viewer's interpretation.
This is a beautifully shot film. Excellent use of lighting and location, wonderful editing. Even though this movie bounces around the timeline pretty consistently, the pacing never feels off, and you are pretty easily able to track the action on screen. All of the characters seem to have some level of development, and where development seems absent, you have lots of motivation and empathetic writing. I'll say I'm not entirely sure where people talk about this one being TOO cerebral. You have to pay attention but they do a pretty good job of giving you everything you need to understand what is going on. You just have to be patient and take it in the way it is intended to be taken in. It is definitely not to be watched in parts. The score of the film was really good too, it drove the action along, and was totally perfectly in line with the style of the film. You really had a sense of urgency with just a touch of futurism in the music.
Final verdict? A+. I might be scoring a little subjectively here but technically speaking it is a well crafted art piece with an intense and heady plot that doesn't leave you (or at least I didn't feel it) feeling talked down to. I have already revisited this and shared it with others. I know realistically speaking this was never going to be the film that saved cinema, but timing is everything and its box office failure (If you really want to call it that, all things considered) is absolutely no indication as to the quality of this movie. Definitely sit down with a drink of your choice and a loved one or several, and take the time to enjoy a real work of art from cover to cover.
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chellestrash · 4 years
Morning after
Neil x Ives’sister!reader
warnings: some mentions of smut...maybe some light smut, not sure if it qualifies as that, angst, swearing, most likely some dyslexia related typos.
authors note: so...I dont know if this is good. It came out a bit longer than I intended so not sure how I feel about that. Dont know if I got the characters right this time but...yeah I got an idea at 2am the other day and really wanted to write it so here we go. I hope you'll like it! Let me know what you thought!
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Neil woke up first, as usual. He laid on the side and watched your sleepy expression closely, smiling to himself. He brushed a strand of hair away from your face and you opened your eyes feeling his touch on your face.
“Morning.” You mumbled quietly, stretching.
“Morning love.” He answered softly.
Your yawn followed by a soft moan made Neil chuckle.
“Oh? I could listen to those pretty little sounds of yours every morning.”
You huffed out a little laugh and rubbed your eyes.
“Well...it’s not like there’s a lot of days that doesn’t happen.”
You pointed out and he nodded in agreement.
He wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you in to hold you closer. Your head resting on his chest as he runs his fingers over your hair.
„We should get up soon.”
„Or…” He started. 
„We could just stay in bed all day and do absolutely nothing even remotely productive this Saturday?”
He said with a smirk and propped himself up so he was now on top of you. The feel of his lips on your neck, the tender little kissed, his big hands slowly sliding down your body and eventually under the covers, it was your heaven. You gasped quietly and tilted your head back sinking your teeth into your bottom lip as you bucked your hips slightly.
„Neil…” Moving his hands quickly between your legs he cut you off before you could finish the sentence.
„You know what I want sweetheart. Let me hear it.”
A quiet moan escaped your mouth as you felt his fingers dancing on your core.
„Good girl.” He whispered into your ear, causing your entire body to shiver. You could feel the heat between your legs no matter how much you wanted to fight it. Smirking at your reaction he dove under the cover to finish what he started.
„Neil.” You stared again as you used all your existing willpower to cross your legs right in front of his face. You lifted the covers and was met with his incredibly confused expression.
„I can’t.”
He pulled himself up so his face was back directly above yours now.
„Why not?” He frowned,
Are you not feeling well loved? Did I… do something?”
You shook your head reassuringly, your hands resting on his cheek as your thumb brushed over the sharp edge of his jawline.
„You didn't do anything…except maybe lose track of the time? But I understand, all the inversions, constantly going back and forth in...you know time, yeah thats understandable.” You teased him a bit. 
You shook your head, this time in disbelieve, with a smile and proceeded with an explanation.
„It’s Friday love…not Saturday, and I have a training session with Ives in about…” You turned to look at the clock on the bedside table. „20 minutes.”
“Shit!” He collapsed on top of you and sighed loudly as you laughed at his very obvious disappointment.
“...you knew and you let me start. You let me start and now you’re gonna leave me like this?”
“Perhaps.” You kissed his cheek innocently and pushed him over to the other side of the bed. He let out a frustrated groan when you climbed out of bed. He  grabbed your wrist and you looked back at him.
“Can’t you just stay a bit longer...maybe skip the training today?” He asked hopefully. You chuckled and locked your lips into a kiss. He sat up on the bed, as you moved away,  just so he could feel you on his lips for a moment longer.
“You know how my brother gets.” 
He propped his head up on his palm and watched as you walked into the bathroom wearing nothing but his shirt. You looked the same as you did when you fell asleep the night before, completely exhausted after all the things you two got up to.
“Can I at least join you in the shower?”
“Sorry can’t hear you!” You popped your head out of the bathroom and smirked at him. “Water’s too loud.”
You finished getting ready quickly and left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body. The sight of Neil laying on the bed wearing nothing but his boxers made you smirk to yourself. He didn't even try to hide his intentions of making you forget about your today’s responsibilities completely. You walked over to the bed and picked up your phone from the nightstand. As you checked your messages you felt Neils hand on your thigh.
A short gasp escaped your mouth as his fingers moved higher, and higher under the tower. Again, fighting with yourself you pushed his hand away and shoved him down onto the bed.
“You’re just...unbelievable you know that?”
“Well, I’ve been told that a couple of times.” He winked and you rolled your eyes at his answer.
„Come on, you gotta get ready now. I've got two messages in the last 10 minutes, both are from Ives. One says Why are you not at the training yet? The other is Have you seen Neil so..”
„Are you gonna tell him?”
He asked as you sat on the edge of the bed and started getting dressed.
„What? No, no of course I'm not gonna tell him.”
„Well, he's gonna connect the dots eventually.”
„He’s not gonna connect shit. Trust me.”
You pulled the shirt over your head and glance over at him.
„Don't tell me you’re not enjoying all the sneaking around we have to do around him tho.”
Neil chuckled and pulled you closer locking your lips into another kiss, his lips moved slowly with yours, you tilted your head to the side and closed your eyes. Your hands went up to his chest and neck and just when you were about to climb on top of him he pulled away.
„Oh sorry, didn’t you just say you have to be somewhere?”
You smiled and shook your head as you pulled yourself up and left the bed. Neil followed behind to grab his trousers off of the floor and slipped them on, making him half-dressed, at least for now. As you walked around picking up the rest of your yesterday's outfit  and trying to decide on a pair of sweatpants you’d wear for the training a loud knock on the door made you tense up immediately. You looked over at Neil first and then at the clock.
„Shit.” You whispered and pointed at the time. It’s already been 20 minutes since the training had started and you had a very unsettling feeling you knew who was standing on the other side of the door right now.
„Right, open up, its me. I hope you have a pretty good reason as to why you decided to skip the training today.”
You glanced over at Neil, feeling your heart fall to your stomach.
„I think I'm a pretty good reason,” Neil whispered and you smacked his shoulder.
„Go on, tell him!”
„I'm not telling him.” You waved your hand aggressively in front of his face. “
Shut up. Im thinking!” You hissed out as you threw Neils shoes behind the couch.
„Oi, did you hear me?”
You hid your face in your hands trying to think of a plan.
„Yeah, sorry I'm…naked?”
You frowned at your answer but it would at least buy you two some time.
„Right well put something on, and open the bloody door.”
You mouthed a silent „hide” to Neil as you took a deep breath and walked over to the door. You opened them only enough for Ives to see you and smiled innocently at him.
„Everything alright?” He asked clearly a bit confused.
„Oh yeah, yeah everything is perfectly fine.” You smiled hoping that your lies would sound at least a bit credible.
„Why aren’t you downstairs then?”
He asked as he leaned on the door trying to push them open but you stood right in front of it, blocking the entrance.
„You’re just gonna make me stand here or can I come in?” He asked and you got an idea.
„Oh no please don't I've been…I have really bad cramps, you know period and all? Its been so bad today there’s blood and I’ve puked like twice I need to clean it all up I don't want you to have to look at it.”
„Oh.” He frowned but pulled away from the door a bit.
„I thought you said you were alright?”
„…well beside the period I am?”
You answered quickly with an innocent smile. He nodded, concerned and it looked like he believed you. Part of you felt bad for lying to him but you knew it was the only way out of this absolute mess of a situation.
„Right well, you’re excused today, of course.” He explained and nodded to accept his own decision. “I’ll come to check on you later, make sure you’re feeling better.”
„Oh, you...don't have to I'm sure i’ll be fine.” You started but he just shook his head.
„Well okay but...later, okay?”
„Yes. Take care of yourself then, right?” He said as he scratched the back of his head and look up at you.
“Im assuming you haven’t seen Neil then? If you’ve been in here.”
You could feel your cheeks getting warm from all the lies, you were never good at lying but there was no turning back at this point.
„No, no of course I haven’t seen him. I've been in here since I woke up.”
„Alright, ill go look for him then? I’ll tell him your not feeling well.”
„Yeah yeah. I just… need to sleep some more that’s it…okay bye.”
You shut the door close and froze in place as you listen to Ives's footsteps slowly getting away from the door. You collapsed onto the floor and hid your face in your hands exhaling loudly.
„Holy fuck.” Was all you managed to get out as you caught eye contact with Neil again.
„You did it.” He popped out from behind the couch.
“ You successfully lied to your brother again”
„Hey! I was saving your ass!”
„Both our asses, and I appreciate that.” He stood with his hands on his hips, no shirt on, and trousers half was undone still. 
“I think I know how I want to thank you for that.”
“I think I know too.”
He smirked as you stood up from the floor and walked over to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his hands on your hips, pressing his lips onto yours firmly. As you tilted your head to the side to deepen the kiss his hands moved lower to you butt. You could feel him smile against your lips as you moved closer to him, pressing your entire body against his now. And at that very moment, you heard the doorknob. 
You didn't lock it.
„Right, I forgot to ask if you need any-„
Ives stopped mid sentence, watching you and Neil push away from each other in a desperate attempt to make it look like nothing happened. He looked from you to Neil and from him back at you. You could see him processing the scene he just walked in on. It was bad, it was very bad, you were both half-dressed, clothes scattered around the room, your bed was a mess, everything was mess. It not like you and Neil stayed in the whole time. You coursed yourself for that in your mind.
Neil slowly raised his hands above his head in a very clear I give up  motion.
„I…Ives I can explain.”
„Oh, you’re fucking dead mate.” Ives speed walked at Neil ready to break at least both of his legs right there and then. You run to stand in front of Neil, unsure what ives would do.You tried to push your brother away but the fact that he was twice your size didn't help in this situation.
„Ives! Ives look at me! It's not what it looks like!”
„Oh bollocks! You two’ve been fucking behind my back haven’t you?!”
You looked at Neil and back at Ives.
„Well..” Neil started
„Don't fucking answer that! My sister?! The fuck were you thinking?”
„Well, maybe he wasn’t the only one who wanted it?!” You snapped back in response.
„Don't!” He pointed at you as an angry parent would. „You just stay quiet for a moment.”
You slapped his hand away.
„Don't fucking tell me what to do!”
„Neil shut up!” You both yelled at once and Neil took a step back.
„Right, sorry, family… I get it. im just...gonna go there.”
„You can’t treat me like this Ives, you’re not responsible for me!”
„You are my baby sister Of course, I'm responsible for you!”
„I'm an adult now! Shit, Ives I'm not a baby anymore, I don't… you don't get to make decisions for me like that!
„I just…”
„No! Listen, you can be worried about me, I won't take that away from you. But worry about me the way I worry about you. Don't try to control my life choices like you know what’s best for me! I have my own life now, you need to learn to accept that or…or I don't know what to tell you.”
He moved his head to look over at Neil.
“If you'll even think about hurting her. You know I’ll rip both your legs out of your ass.”
„I'm not planning to hurt her! I haven't done anything so far!”
Ives rubbed his forehead, still visibly bothered by what he’d learned just moments ago.
„So far?! How long?”
He asked looking up at both of you. Neil walked over to stand by your side and gently took your hand in his.
„Eight…” He started.
„Eight what?”
„..Months, jesus, eight months now Ives.” You tried to read your brother's expression, a part of you wanted to run away but the other one felt…happy, relieved you wouldn’t have to hide this anymore, that you wouldn’t have to lie to him again.
„..and going strong.”
„Right, sorry.”
The room was silent for a moment. You held Neil's hand tightly, your eyes didn't leave Ives’s. You knew lying to him for so long would eventually come back to bite you in the ass but what happened moments ago was just what you feared the most since you and Neil became something serious.
„So…” You tried to break the silence.
„If you're not on your period, get to the gym, you have 5 minutes.” He turned around and left the room not bothering to close the door behind him. 
“Well at least he didn’t shut them aggressively right?” You sighed heavily finally letting go of Neils's hand.
“Maybe... lets just appreciate the fact that he didn't walk in on our last night.”
„I fucking heard that!”
You jumped at the sound of your bothers voice and hurried to get ready, silently deciding to skip coffee this morning, nothing could wake you up more than what had just happened here. 
Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated!
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iamtheprotagoneil · 4 years
continue from this post where i was talking about ives. i had to migrate to a new post because this is sort of another topic, and the other post is so long already; i don’t want my followers to break their thumb scrolling through that 😆
anyway, sonia ( @zolotaia-ptitsa ) & isabel ( @cutekitten6 ) were talking about the scene in the hypocenter and how the sequence goes, in neil’s pov. to my understanding and like isabel already explained in her response, the sequence went like this (in neil’s pov):
neil got through the rubbles left behind by the blast from the bomb volko had planted
neil went down to the hypocenter
neil found that the door was closed and, presumably, locked; ives and the protagonist were already on the other side fighting with volko
neil opened the door and went to stand behind it, presumably to keep it open
when the protagonist and ives went backward out of the door; volko went after them
volko kept on approaching the protagonist with his gun aimed at the man
neil’s instinct kicked in; he closed the door (and accidentally engaged automatic locking mechanism, i presumed) to prevent the volko from getting to the protagonist while also putting himself in the line of fire
volko shot neil; neil went down.
now, here’s my take on it (and correct me if i’m wrong): neil didn’t invert to go down into the hypocenter to open the door. he inverted to go down there to die.
consider this: when they were pulled from the hypocenter, ives asked the protagonist if he opened the door. my man was probably still running on adrenaline and was confused of the situation. but remember, he was a trained agent, and had been with tenet for probably a long time (he was team leader, after all, and on a need-to-know basis of the mission).
so, on top of knowing that neil wasn’t coming out of this mission alive (as my other post has touched on), he must have known that neil’s main purpose down in that hypocenter wasn’t to open the door.
he must have run the sequence back in his head, from his own point of view and then inverted. he must have known that neil pushed the door in between of the protagonist and volko to protect the former, and took a bullet for him. he must have worked it all out in his head that neil was more needed down there to die, than to open the door.
he must have.
so, again, two scenarios:
one, ives said nothing.
ives sat on the chopper with neil, right across from him along with a few other agents, and didn’t say a thing. he didn’t tell neil that neil wouldn’t die from the blast of the explosion, or even from the debris falling down because of it.
he sat there, and gave neil a contrite look to make up for his silence, and neil only jotted it up as ives feeling sorry for him, that he had to die for the success of this mission.
ives sat there, and didn’t correct neil’s assumption.
ignorance is their ammunition, after all.
or two, ives told neil.
ives sat on the chopper with neil, right across from him along with a few other agents, and spoke up. he mentioned it offhandedly, like he was chatting about the weather.
“you know, when we got down there the door was locked,” he said, not looking at neil but instead out at the sky, his voice as impassive as ever.
“yeah, i figured as much.”
“and there was a dead body,” ives added, and neil’s expression gone cold. “with a blue band on his uniform.”
ives glanced at the same blue band on neil’s bicep, and looked up at the man. neil said nothing for a moment – not right away, anyway; he needed a little time to process that – and ives didn’t push him.
when neil found his voice again, he asked, “how’d he die?”
“gunshot, i think,” ives answered, still so fucking stony that neil almost wanted to rush over, grab his shoulders and shake the emotion out of him.
instead, neil hummed, then looked away, out at the sky. it didn’t really matter all that much; he knew he was going to die after all. neil ignored the contrite look ives was sending him, hating that he knew exactly what it was for.
either scenario, neil died. it’s written down. but, which one do you think is worse? him going down there with the knowledge that he’s going to die for the cause (assuming future!protagonist never said anything about it)? or him knowing that he would die protecting his teammates (one of them being the love of his life)?
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