#neurodivergent trait? idk
mentally-an-almond · 10 months
Apparently I made this account just to rant. Anyway. Here’s the rant.
I do not understand why people can say they hated something just because of one bad thing. Like, say, a play, just because you hated the ending.
For example:
My sister and I saw the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical semi-recently. And, (Spoiler I guess) Esmeralda dies at the end. So does Quasimodo. Because it’s based more on the book than the Disney film. Despite using all the Disney songs and most of the plot points.
It made my sister cry. A lot. Like, full breakdown sobbing on the way home. It was just a shock to the system, because she was expecting the Disney ending, where everyone lives. (Except Frollo of course) I was also, although I had listened to the Broadway soundtrack previously, but I didn’t cry. I just kinda sat in shock.
Anyway. Now that the context is there, she now says that she absolutely hated the whole musical and will never see it again in her entire life. Which I just cannot fathom.
I understand never wanting to see it again, because that makes sense to me. But not hating the whole musical just because of the end. Like, I myself do NOT like the ending of Teen Beach 2. Like, at all. I understand it’s supposed to be bittersweet and whatnot, but it just ruins everything and makes zero sense because it’d be a time paradox. Anyway. I do not hate the movie itself. Despite hating the ending.
I’m not saying she has to see it again, or anything of the sort. But why let one bad thing sour the whole entire experience? It just… doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe it’s my neurodivergent brain, but I don’t know. Just ranting. Getting my thoughts out. Wondering if I’m alone in this, I guess.
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cringelordofchaos · 7 months
Common ADHD traits/experiences I've heard of !!
(I was gonna make a post about why I might be neurodivergent but I figured it'd be going a bit too personal. Also this is just easier)
(ADHD is much more nuanced and complex than I may make it appear in this post. A lot of ADHD people don't have a lot of these traits or have traits not mentioned here. For example there are three types of ADHD (inattentive, hyperactive and combined) and most inattentive adhders are not going to be hyperactive lol)
Warning: badly worded (I'm stupid that's my excuse). also I'll go on personal rants as to how some of these may apply to me (whilst I can reasonate with each point listed here I won't go on a rat on all of these)
Physical hyperactivity (inability to sit/stand still (I used to think this meant that people with ADHD were incapable of. Sitting down (while constantly fidgeting or not) for one whole class)(I was an idiot)(I still am)). (Just overall constant , movement (I might have it idk I'm ALWAYS
Excessive talking
Stimming, fidgeting, general and overall repetitive movements (such as flapping hands, pacing, clasping hands together, etc)
Low attention span regarding things that don't garner much interest to you
More likely to be autistic, have anxiety or depression (or generally have other diagnostic conditions)
Ability to Hyperfocus on specific things, at times out of their control
More likely to have a lower Performance in school that most people
Proneness to addiction
Rejection sensitive dysphoria/RSD (really sensitive and afraid to rejection or criticism or disapproval or stuff like that. I'm questioning if I have it and I'm pretty sure I do bc i would have a whole breakdown bc i accidentally had a bad unintentional thought about this cool person I didn't want to hate me)(it's complicated)
Emotional disregulation (easily irritable, excited, stressed, stronger emotions, more likely to lash out, etc)(people with this are usually described to be much more emotional)
restless leg syndrome (except it's permanent lol)
Lower memory spans regarding most things
Forgetting to fulfill basic needs (such as eating, drinking, showering, etc)
Women/AFAB people are more likely to be diagnosed with inattentive ADHD (this of course does not rucking mean afab people can't b hyperactive my god)
Mental hyperactivity (racing/constant/overlapping/repetitive thoughts or stuff like that)
Impulsivity (doing stuff without thinking them fully though or not knowing why)
Sensory issues (sensitivity to sensory output such as noise, brightness, etc)
Easily bored/underwhelmed/understimulated - more likely to want to seek constant dopamine (due to l
Easily overwhelmed (whether itd be due to aforementioned sensory issues, emotional disregulation, rsd or stuff like that)
More likely to be perceived as "childish" (from what I've heard obviously this and many other things listed here don't apply to everyone)
Executive dysfunction (can't do shit at all)(ok it's more complicated than that just Google it up or something)
Having Hyperfixations (things you're DEEPLY invested in for a period of time, it can be a few days, weeks, months, sometimes more than a year, depends rly)(I'm still questioning if I'm neurodivergent but like I'm pretty sure I was in a DEEP hyperfixation mode when it came to sonic for like. A YEAR. like I literally it was literally the only thing on my brain the only thing in my life. and I would get realllytyy excited about learning obscure information about it or infodumping and I would flap my hands bc of how excited and passionate I was Abt it)(man I miss the times when I was so passionate about stuff I liked it was so fun :(( )
Higher/lower levels of empathy (I've seen this moreso been brought up with discussions regarding autism but I've also seen it brought up with ADHD itself too)
Lower levels of dopamine
More likely to be a maladaptive daydreamer
Its cause is usually heavily genetic (meaning if your family or a family member has ADHD, you are more likely to have ADHD yourself)
More likely to have insomniac/have general problems with sleep (I'm questioning ADHD. I'm writing this like... Five hours before I'm supposed to wake up for school. Great.)
There is also a higher relevance between ADHD and PTSD
If I missed something important let me know!! Also if you don't know some of he
This post is not meant to be used as a substitute for self nor professional diagnosis, though if you feel like you might have ADHD because of this post I recommend further research and conversations with trusted advisors such as parental figures or therapists/doctors (not me not listening to my own advice)(<- that was me regarding my latter advice)(I'm too scared to tell my parents about it man)(idk why)
Things to note:
ADHD is not just about little elementary school hyperactive white boys !!
There's a lot of things I mightve missed
Not everyone with ADHD has all these traits (obviously)
Some of these traits may be common due to the commonness of ADHD + autism overlap (idk though)
Apparently it's one of the most diagnosed forms of neurodivergence in kids (about 7-10% of kids in the USA are diagnosed with ADHD)(APPARENTLY idk)
There's more but I'm tired right now byeeee
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starboybutler · 1 month
me, all throughout mota: why is gale so autism
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grmpgm · 1 year
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^ what it feels like being a gg fan this beautiful evening
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thecatspasta · 26 days
Theres a fine line between 'There some traits a specific person ik has that I dont like can be tied to a mental illness but the fact I personally dont like that is ok. I do not blame them for this or wish for them to change but I am making a personal choice not to interact with this specific person bc it will make me more comfortable in life'
'I dislike this specific trait ppl have and do not enjoy interacting with ppl who have it and it can be tied to some specific mental illnesses which by extension makes those mental illnesses and everyone who has them bad, therefore I will never give these ppl a chance'
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jiggery-duggery · 3 months
how I look suggesting to my group partners that we do our bio presentation on vultures
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ricketycr1cks · 1 year
Watching new sunny and missing Mac doing karate moves and project badass and standing up to Dennis and being treated as an equal in their friendship and everyone being really, really scummy like not just saying stupid shit but genuinely ruining peoples lives tbh
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paranormeow7 · 24 days
steaming hot take but there are just some things self diagnosed people just can’t talk over professionally diagnosed people about
#actual sugar post#don’t kill me for this I’m autistic#and I’m not completely anti self dx either#the medical industry is awful and has the power to take away the benefits my diagnosis allowed me to access at any time#and I’m not going to pretend that professional diagnosis is always the most reliable option because there is a lot of ingrained bias#but at a certain point#if you are self diagnosed you have to understand that you and I are different#and you have to be willing to listen to us sometimes#and hell. sometimes you’ll even have to listen to a doctor on the subject#sometimes their input can be valuable when they’re not calling you a fat hysterical bitch and asking you to cough up thousands of dollars#I’m not denying your symptoms and experiences as a self diagnosed person. i don’t know you and im not living your life#but maybe a second opinion from someone who’s been diagnosed is a bit more valuable than you think it is#we’ve had a lot of experiences that you haven’t#besides. You don’t need a label to acknowledge something you’re going through or validate your problems#for example it doesn’t NEED to always be autism if you show a few traits. you can just tell people you show those traits#do whatever makes life easier for you. you don’t need all these labels to have these issues#I’m going to get the worst anons for this I just know it#idk#sugars opinions#self diagnosis#professional diagnosis#autism stuff#autism#actually autistic#neurodivergent#adhd#audhd#actually audhd
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me when someone doesn’t give exact, step by step instructions
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thetreewhispererr · 1 year
Okay I can’t be the first person to point this out but-
Mickey Mouse (the character himself) definitely isn’t neurotypical right??
That little mouse has got adhd written all over him
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semifemme · 4 months
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sp3llboundgirl · 1 year
I wish my psychiatrist was more interested in actually listening to me than trying to prove that she's right about everything 🙃
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sleep-safe · 1 year
sometimes someone seems autistic and they're literally. just Asian. western medicine does this.
#signs#disorder#stick out#this is a critique#btw#like does neurodivergence need to necessarily be pathologized?#does disability? do we Need to pathologize the human condition?#idk maybe#we can def do smn Better tho....that facilitates more understanding and not just... separation (at best)#anyway thinking ab this lately just cause like.#so when i really figured my shit out in undergrad. i realized i want to go into health and healing#but i wanted a huamnistic perspective and not a pathologizing one#bottom-up so to speak. to appreciate the variety of humanity and alleviate suffering within that framework#so i went into communicationd with concentration in culture and disability#and in this specific instance some of autism (truly i don't think they are Symptoms bc they do not...#like. these traits are not inherent to the condition we just often display them but theyre secondary#they dont describe the core of the condition (which is just a particular neurosystem--everything else is secondary)#but is inherently smn culturally abnormal (theoretically harmful or at least disruptive)#common autistic behaviours like avoiding eye contact; low affect; high or low volume; reservedness#these are Common Traits of Asian cultures! (#obviously Most of the world is Asian so there is CONSIDERABLE variation. but the pt being that these are only abnormal from a WESTERN pov#(also I'm in the United States so i am in particular thinking about Asian Americans but this also applies to like intl interaction)#(like... idk a tiktoker from Hong Kong that ppl think is Autistic who may be allistic)#(also I'm not tryna say only westerners/usa be autistic and Asians can't LMAO)#(its a Human neurotype. just the things that depend on what is circumstantially normative)#anyway.......... hello to the 3 ppl who will see this#actually autistic#mine#critical cultural studies#coms
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it's so interesting to me that mental health and neurodivergence have long been interests of mine, and I've always looked at them from an "outside" perspective. not in a sense that I've looked down on them or thought they were "other" or anything like that, but I've just... always thought they were something I had no personal connection to? something that I had a mostly-academic interest in and no real ties to lived experience with.
but in the last few years, I've come to the slow realization that... I think mental health struggles and neurodivergence possibly run in (both sides of) my family?? and most of my extended family from previous generations would NEVER admit to it because they come from a time and culture where those things are kept very private and just not something you talk about. 
but like, I'm fairly certain that OCD runs through one side of my family. I know that tics/Tourette's do. I suspect that AD(H)D might as well. I also know there's at least one cousin who's already been diagnosed with autism, and I can see pretty clear autistic traits in multiple other family members on that same side of the family, including myself and my mother (some of the reasons I think this: I was speaking in full advanced sentences at about 18 months old, reading college-level literature at 8-9 years old, and at different points had to have sit-down conversations with my parents about needing to make a deliberate effort to make eye contact and refraining from "compulsively" talking about and comparing everything to a special interest. I was actually formally banned from talking about one media series I loved for a whole week, because it was literally all I talked about, and it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do at that point in my life. I struggled a lot with twitches/tics and repetitive behaviours when I was young; I still find it very easy to lapse back into those behaviours if I'm stressed or tired.) 
my mom has struggled with significant depression during various points of her life, as have I. at least one of my sisters has social anxiety; I suspect that my father does as well. I know one family member who likely has PTSD (due to experiences during military service) that's never been dealt with, and another (who was the victim of a violent crime) probably does, too.
and it's just... I've struggled to apply any of these labels to my own family because there's nothing official there. no doctors have assigned any titles or labels to us. I don't want to be the person who takes one college-level psych class and suddenly starts diagnosing everyone they know. but somehow, everything makes more sense when I start to look at the people around me, the ways they've been raised and have learned to operate in the world, and the ways that have in turn affected me, through these lenses? suddenly, we aren't just bizarre and dysfunctional, but our dysfunction has a rhyme and a reason.
and most importantly, I start to see hope. I see where the struggles and sins of my family members don't have to be repeated, where help can be asked for and received, because suddenly the real problems at the heart of all this mess have been uncovered, and instead of just trying to muscle through to prove my own worth, to show that I am worthy of a place in this world without needing any "special favours," I see where I can ask for grace and compassion and love and receive it.
#idk maybe none of this makes sense?#but I heard a family member say recently that another family member is incapable of showing affection#and that the same is true of their parent#and I worried that it might be true of me. that maybe people who could someday love me are destined to always be hurt and let down#because I'm incapable of showing love like they've said those others are#but... struggles to show care and affection in ways that other people (neurotypical people) can understand and accept#is a very common autistic trait#and so this all makes sense if there's a possibility that the people in question here are on the spectrum?#and not only does it comfort me that we're not just messed up. we're not just aliens or freaks or broken.#but there have been other people who have lived this way. and people who have lived with them.#there have been many people who have loved and been loved by autistic people (and people with other mental/neurodivergent issues)#and so maybe if I can just understand myself and the people who have created me as I am... maybe I can do life better than they did?#maybe I can avoid experiencing and inflicting some of the hurt?#and maybe I can reach a hand back through history and try to help them too? and if they're not around anymore#or if they can't really be helped like that#maybe at least honouring them by acknowledging them and trying to understand them and who they were... maybe that's worth something too?#neurodivergent#adhd#autism#idk even how to tag this y'all#2 a.m. ramblings with gurt are back#I may delete this in the morning but for tonight...#for tonight I just need to say all this and get it out of my mind so I can sleep
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littlenekosfan · 1 year
im now 101% sure jugram is anemic
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eatsteas · 2 years
is it weird that i don't trust people who like, hate cats because they don't behave like dogs? (you know the kinda people im talking about) my reasoning being that i just know those people will also treat autistic people like shit
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