#new fandom on this blog alert !!!
monochrome--clown · 1 month
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....oh no.
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Shout out to the time on this blog a year ago. What a whirlwind
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clarenecessities · 7 months
He-man.org will close in 5 days.
He-man.org has been a staple of the Masters of the Universe community since the early days, originating as an email list that worked to document episodes before anything (not footage, not lists, nothing) was available online. It grew into a sprawling, multi-faceted beast of a thing, including an encyclopedia (an in-house wiki), merch lists, a marketplace, forums, anything you could think of.
Several years ago now, the main site went down for updates/maintenance. For a few weeks, we were told, maybe months. The forums remained open for fans to communicate, and barring a period of downtime earlier this year things were going smoothly.
Yesterday, the owner of the site, Val Staples, announced the site would be closed on November 14th, 2023. Six days later. We are currently attempting to contact him, to see if he’s interested in selling, and if he means closed as in “no new posts” or closed as in deleted entirely. Regardless of its eventual fate, the archiving of these forums is essential to preserving the history of the franchise, the fandom, and the brand.
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TO SHE-RA (and MotU) FANS SPECIFICALLY: I have personally used these forums to answer questions that could be answered nowhere else. Had I not had access to them, I would never have been able to prove that Purrsia was fake, or found so much unpublished concept art, or discovered that Scott “Toyguru” Neitlich personally wrote Catra’s MOTUC bio (even if he’s put off answering my questions about it for over a year now). Forum members have conducted interviews with the likes of Jon Seisa, Cathy Larson, Janice Varney-Hamlin—essential figures in the very foundations of POP, and those interviews revealed and recorded priceless information for future generations (me! you! us!) to find. Did you know Cathy Larson named Adora? That she originally pushed for “Dorian”, after her own daughter? We cannot let this treasure trove disappear into the ether(ia).
TO THE UNAFFILIATED: Please help. Pretty please. If you’ve ever liked my art or my writing or my haphazard blogging, ever, at all, consider archiving just one board. Just one page. Literally anything helps. I am spiraling into madness & this is my library of Alexandria. The mythical one that was totally unique and persevered nowhere else and was destroyed in a single cataclysmic event. Pretty pretty please help.
Archive.org has several ways to upload shit but most of them are longer term than “a few days” so we’re focusing on two (which can be run simultaneously): Save Page Now, and browser extensions. From their help page:
1. Save Page Now
Put a URL into the form, press the button, and we save the page. You will instantly have a permanent URL for your page. Please note, this method only saves a single page, not the whole site.
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We want to keep outlinks and screenshots wherever possible. The Archive does not keep your IP address, so your submission is anonymous.
2. Browser extensions and add-ons
Install the Wayback Machine Chrome extension in your browser. Go to a page you want to archive, click the icon in your toolbar, and select Save Page Now. We will save the page and give you a permanent URL.
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One plus to installing the extension is that as you surf around, when you run into a missing page they will alert you if we have a saved copy.
More extensions, apps, and add-ons:
Firefox add-on
Safari Extension
iOS app
Android app
I strongly encourage you to use these tools even if you aren’t helping with this project/after it ends. Documenting and preserving information is essential in this day and age & The Internet Archive is at the heart of it. Please support them however you can.
I’m serious about paying you, though I may need more communication with folks I don’t know so we can coordinate/verify shit gets done. I think this is a worthwhile pursuit in itself but I recognize your time is valuable & like, people gotta eat. DM me if you’re interested and we’ll talk. I may need to adjust pay depending how many people bite but I’ll do what I can
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can you write relationship headcanons for hyugo please? he's so underrated oh my god- btw love your blog, i'm so happy there's more people in the tkatb fandom <33 thank you for your service!!
My Exaltation (Hyugo x MC/Reader - Relationship HCs)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! And especially thank you for the kind words! :D
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer Exaltation: a feeling or state of extreme happiness. Trigger Warnings: NSFW and sexual mentions (nothing too crazy though).
A/N: (Check down the bottom for more info: but here's the server skeleton I've made: Link: TKATB Server).
I see Hyugo as somebody very affectionate, like a puppy. (He literally gives puppy-dog eyes like c’mon). Also is capable of becoming as feral as one.
Definitely will be the type to walk up to you randomly and beg on his knees request to do something, considering I feel like part of the reason he has so much on his plate is due to the fact he can't stand having the same routine day after day. He needs spice. And you'll happily oblige.
Also very protective. Hell, this guy killed someone(s), so he’d be more than willing to defend you if it comes to that. Owns weapons 110%. Is also very capable at using them.
Hides all his suspicious activity from you. Not because he doesn't trust you, but mostly due to the fact he doesn't want you to get involved.
When If you move in together, he will make sure to enroll you in self-defense/weapon training classes (or he'll teach you himself, who cares about the law he's committed about 56 crimes in the span of a month /jkjk).
Is alarmingly strong, for someone of his stature and build, he often ensures to work out, because, well, he never knows when someone will come after him now does he?
Is paranoid about your safety 25/8, he's alert and vigil every waking moment. Ever since the cinema incident, he's been freaking out internally. (What if they find out about you? What if you go missing too?). Will hide it though, he can't afford you to be scared of him, now can he?
Crime hustles aside, Hyugo is genuinely a very loving and #goldenretriever boyfriend. Will use petnames as much as humanely possible, usually the flirty ones like 'darling'.
If you are a clothesnapper, expect him to start stealing back, eventually both your wardrobes will be swapped. You both don't care though, because both your horny asses will be relishing in the smell of each other in secret teehee.
Will be pulling the biggest 'Aww you look so adorable!!!!!' face known to man the first time you stole his clothes (probs a sweater or overshirt). Will tease you about it.
Makes puns 24/7, actually a master at them, it's kind of unnerving.
If you're ticklish, do not, under ANY circumstance, let him find out. You will be on the verge of dying each time he tickles you.
Hyugo's heart melts if you wanna watch his favourite movies with him: "Uh...Oh my God! MC! The new *insert movie title* came out...wanna watch it together this Sunday?" *insert massive puppy dog eyes, a cutesy little pout and two slender hands clasped together in a praying motion*
You agree, because...of fucking course you will.
Doesn't care enough to cook most of the time, but will try for you. :]
If you're cooking (or baking desserts), he'll spawn right behind you and hug you.
Will make you game with him, you don't have a choice, this guy needs action in his life (totally not like he doesn't already have any right-)
He's the little spoon, loves being smushed into your tits/pecs pressed against your torso, it means he can hear your heartbeat. It means he can fall asleep knowing you're safe.
NSFW (I am aware these may seem short. But. uh. I'm rusty cut me some slack).
I see Hyugo as a power bottom, or even a switch. (Emphasis on the 'power' part, this guy is strong).
Is capable of serving cunt/cock scarily well. Like you have no clue how he got this good.
Don't pull his hair too hard, a bit'll make him whine groan, but he doesn't seem the type to be into hair pulling unlike Sol and Crowe teehee
More funny during sex imo, depending on how intimate it is. If it's a sudden need then he'll be silent as the grave and going all out on dishing his horniness out, but if you're both chill and happy then he's much more jovial.
Masterful at aftercare, will murmur praises for how good you were, how much he loves you, etc. into your collarbone.
You are everything to him, his lover, his vehement source of peace, and his exaltation.
A/N: So, @hayooni mentioned that we should probably have a Discord server or something, so I made one. It's pretty mid so far, and I'm definitely going to hand off admins to other people who're superior when it comes to Discord server making, but hell, how about we make sure this community is as nontoxic and interconnected as possible. We're the OGs and veterans of this fandom; we might as well make it a fucking good one.
Link: TKATB Server
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
On Your Knees
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Summary: As general maid for 221 Baker Street, you assist most of the residents. However on one quiet night when most of them are out, only one resident returns to his home... a little worse for wear. He thanks you in the easiest way possible.
Fandoms: Enola Holmes 2, Henry Cavill
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+, Smut, NSFW, Drunk Sherlock, Oral Sex (Female Receiving).
Here is my masterlist and AO3
Wordcount: 1854
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
On Your Knees
The cold wind rattled the fragile glass in the frame, a chill advancing into your room even further as the dark night continued. The building of 221 Baker Street was colder than usual, most of the apartments empty for the night due to various parties and festive events happening this time of year meaning the tenants wouldn’t be back until the morning. 
As the scullery maid of 221 Baker Street you were in and out most of the apartments each day, tending to the fireplaces and delivering meals if required. The housekeeper who supervised you telling you where to go and what to do wasn’t around either, though her instruction was rarely needed anymore, you knew the routines of all of the tenants and could read the calendar hung in the kitchen showing who was home and who wasn’t.
At that moment the wind rushed against the window again and you pulled your dressing gown further around your body, shivering beneath your quilt. Glancing at your own laundry you’d hand washed that evening, your bloomers hung on the wooden airer where the chimney breast rose through the building. With every pair you owned doing little to dry in the cold attic room, you cursed your schedule for not giving you time to do it earlier in the day when the sun had been coming through the window. Now you just had your thin nightgown and woollen stockings to keep you warm beneath your dressing gown.
You were drawn from your thoughts by the sound of movement in the hallway far below your room. Freezing you wracked your brain to try to remember if any of the tenants were due back tonight, but none were. Through the eerie quiet of the house there was another bump and a quiet curse. You reached for the large floor brush that still sat beside the door to your room with its dustpan, lifting the brush as a weapon as you opened the door and carefully stepped out onto the old floorboards to peer down through the stairwell. Clinging to your brush you leant forwards over the bannister and peered through the darkness, a single lamp in the hall four floors down barely illuminating the entryway before you suddenly saw a shadow move. Letting out a small gasp you clamped your hand over your mouth as you watched, but that tension evaporated when you recognised the wide shoulders and curly dark hair of the tenant in apartment B;
“Detective Holmes!” you called out, the figure below swivelling rapidly before spinning and looking up.
“Ah. There you are…” a soft hiccup followed as he swayed on his feet.
“I’ll be right down Sir”
Just last week Mr Holmes’ sister helped him into his apartment having had too many drinks at the pub, and it would seem he’d done the same again tonight. Padding on stocking clad feet you descended the stairs quickly, soon arriving in the hallway as Mr Holmes swayed a little on his feet;
“Can i help you to your apartment Sir?”
“Oh that would be *hiccup* wonderful Darling”
Hooking your arm around his back and pulling his own arm over your shoulders, you started to help him up the stairs one at a time, before arriving at his apartment. 
“I have a… I have my… dammit” Mr Holmes cursed as he fumbled for his key, and as you glanced down you could see that the bunch of keys in his pocket had caught on the fabric and were stuck. Without even thinking you batted his hand away and slid your much smaller hand into his pocket, moving the keys around until they were no longer snagged on the fabric. You tried not to think of the heat radiating from Mr Holmes thigh, barely separated from your touch by a thin layer of cotton, nor the firm muscle beneath the fabric that flexed as your delicate fingers brushed against it. He answered your silent thoughts with a grunt, before you pulled the keys out and unlocked the door, all whilst he had his arm around your shoulder.
His body was firm and heavy, a welcome weight against your cold frame, and as he swayed you did so too, before he finally pulled his arm free of your shoulders and started to shuck off his coat and scarf, struggling as he went about the task.
“Mr Holmes, Sir, please let me help…”
He swung around, shrugging his shoulders, his coat now held on his arms around his elbows, his wide shoulders only accentuated by the white shirt and silk waistcoat that clung to his torso. Whilst distracted you didn’t spot his flailing, one stray arm of his coat socking you around the chin, and although not hurting you, caught you by surprise and knocked you back where you lost your footing and fell on your bottom. 
“Ta-da! Done it!” he proclaimed proudly, before spinning around; “Where did you…?”
Climbing to your feet you took the bundle of coat from the floor;
“Ah, there you are Darling, didn’t get you did i?”
“Just a little Mr Holmes. Let me hang this up for you”
As you hung the coat onto the hook near the door you heard a gasp and a soft thud, turning to see Sherlock on his knees before you;
“Mr Holmes!”
“My Darling, i am so sorry, so very very sorry”
He had big puppy dog eyes as he looked up at you, his drunken state obviously accentuating his normally muted emotions; I should have been more careful… a heinous crime I have committed to sock a young lady around with my coat, please… please forgive me…”
You tried very hard not to laugh, for this was so far removed from what Mr Holmes was like normally, but also it stirred something within you, to see this big man on his knees before you, his face mere inches from your stomach. 
“Please Darling…” He edged closer, wrapping his arms around your bottom and pressed his cheek to your stomach; “Please forgive me…”
At first you were frozen with fear, this was not only completely out of character for Mr Holmes, but wholly inappropriate, but the long days and lack of sleep perhaps clouded your judgement and you cautiously rested your hand on the top of his head;
“It’s… it’s ok Mr Homes, Sir”
He turned his head and peered up at you;
“Let me make it up to you”
You could only watch in shock as he moved his hands to rest them on your stocking clad ankles, before he started to inch those warm palms up your legs. When he reached your knees his fingertips rubbed soft circles against the backs of your thighs, your nightgown bunching at his wrists. For the whole time you kept eye contact, unable to draw your gaze away until his fingertips reached the top of your woollen stockings and he let out a small grunt of appreciation. He ducked his head forwards and pressed a single kiss to the skin just above the tied ribbons that secured the stockings in place.
“You smell divine” he muttered softly, inhaling deeply before he bunched your nightgown up in one hand and pressed his nose to the apex of your thighs.
“Oh! Sir!”
He pressed a kiss to your soft mound, before his fingers stroked softly along your seam. Never breaking eye contact he lifted one leg over his shoulder, opening you up like a spring blossom. A warm puff of breath warmed your skin before he leant forwards and his tongue found your silken pearl. If it wasn’t for his firm shoulder your leg was hooked over you would have damn near fallen to the floor, you did lose your footing a little, your back falling to rest against the door behind you and your hands found their way to his dark curls. 
The slight tug on his hair seemed to spur him on, his wicked tongue parting your folds, and the appreciative murmur that came from his muffled lips only excited you more. Sherlock knew exactly what to do, and you can’t believe you had never even considered that this fine specimen of a man would be skilled in the art of lovemaking, but because of his cold demeanour it just hadn’t been something you’d thought of. 
You tried to concentrate on the look of bliss on his face, but the way his long tongue was pushing at your secret canal, his nose rubbing against your pearl, it was almost too distracting. Your head slowly fell back until it rested on the wooden door behind you, your eyes fluttering shut as pleasure grew in the pit of your belly. It was only when he moved a little, his lips finding your pearl again and he slid a thick finger into your tight channel did your eyes spring open;
“Oh lord!”
A quiet chuckle came from between your thighs, looking down to see the mischief in his eyes and he winked at you just as he slid a second finger in alongside the first. He crooked them just so as he moved them slowly but firmly, stroking at your velveteen walls, his lips and tongue increasing their efforts until you felt a surge of pleasure, a white hot fire bursting forth from your core and you climaxed with a loud cry of his name;
As your body trembled he slowed his fingers, before pulling them free and holding them up to the faint candle light, inspecting the stickiness on them with a learned curiosity, before he sucked them both clean. He looked up at you as you trembled above him, slipping your leg off of his shoulder and he went to rock back onto his feet, but unfortunately losing his footing and topping back onto his behind;
As your nightdress fell back around your ankles and on unsteady legs you rushed forwards to help him to his feet, his eyes a little glazed from his drunkenness. He was like a lead weight, swaying on his feet until you managed to half carry half drag him to the chaise lounge and unceremoniously drop him on the soft cushion, watching as he twisted his body until he was on his back;
“What was i saying? I’m sure i should have thanked you for something…” he was already nodding off to sleep, oblivious to the rich smell of your sex now hanging in the room. 
You let out a sigh before turning and to the quiet background noise of his snores you lit a fire in the hearth to warm the room. Making sure a heavy yew log was placed in the centre of the grate to ensure a long slow burn, you set the fireguard in place. Spotting his long blue dressing gown hanging over a chair, you carefully laid it over his sleeping form, and with one last glance back at him you exited the apartment. At least with the fire in his apartment now going a sliver of warmth would seep into your room that cold night.
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kozumesphone · 22 days
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╭₊˚ TOKYO DRIFT . . . skye’s 50 followers event ! ⋆⭒˚.⋆
intro post here !
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ᝰ. PODIUM (masterlist) . . .
— click here for the event masterlist <3
~ completed: 21
~ remaining: 12
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ᝰ. CONDUCTOR’S NOTES (a/n) . . .
ahhh! thank you all so so much for this!! i’m so grateful to everyone who follows my blog and reads my fics <3 I have the best time interacting with you (: your guys’ support is the best fr. i’m so so happy to write what I love with no time constraints, and having amazing mutuals and followers sending in the best requests. I hope to interact more with the rest of you, and make new friends! also… new theme alert! hope yall like it 🤍 all the love, skye <3
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ᝰ. IDOLS (ib & cr) . . .
event inspired by covey (@hopelesslyromanticshark), zuri (@canonfeminine), sunni (@sunnitheapollokid), eden (@cinemaconrad) & special mention to mori (@nuncscioquidsitamor-14) for being the reason I grew this much + found some of my fav moots (including you <3)
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ᝰ. GENERAL (everyone) . . .
I. IF U SEEK AMY ! ִ ࣪��
give me a short/long description about yourself (hobbies, likes/dislikes, favourites, etc.) and i’ll assign you a book gf/bf !
II. PUMP IT ! ִ ࣪𖤐
you can request moodboards for any character/ship/friend group (:
ask for any character and i’ll write you a bunch of headcannons (you can provide a prompt or choose not to) <3
request a playlist for any character/prompt (maximum 10 songs) !
ᝰ. RESTRICTED (only moots) . . .
I. WHO IS SHE ? ࣪𖤐
give me a short/long description of yourself and i’ll tell you which of my oc’s you remind me of !
drop a request and i’ll make you a moodboard on how I see our friendship (+ book duo we resemble) (:
i’ll write you a letter <3
IV. YOU AND I ! ࣪𖤐
drop a request and i’ll write a few headcannons about what you and I would do if we ever met irl !
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ᝰ. INSTRUCTIONS (rules) . . .
i. i’ll only be able to answer your request if i’m a part of that fandom, so I would suggest checking out my fandoms nav here first
ii. only one request per message
iii. only three requests per day
iv. normal asks might be closed until event ends
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ᝰ. RACE TIME (dates) . . .
starts on — 17th may, friday
ends on — 30th may, thursday
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ᝰ. PATH (asks’ format) . . .
please include title of the ask (ex. pump it/supermassive black hole/etc.) and the character name & fandom (if applicable). if it’s a description request, send your desc in points (if applicable) so it’s easier to read (:
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ᝰ. RACERS (taglist) . . .
@nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby @sunnitheapollokid
@jgracie @canonfeminine @cinemaconrad @totokyo @urbanflorals
@aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr @pjoverseluvr
@maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn @metyouattherighttime
@a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor @iheartgirlzn
@nomournersnofuneralss @over-the-oceancall @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia @lara20aral
@bloophasarrived @xoxochb @auroraofthesun1 @sophiesonlinediary
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valyrfia · 24 days
I mean this the nicest way possible but have you considered the fact that you just .. hate RPF? Wich is fine, like you said it's a gray area. It's not everyone's cup of tea, actually! It's not even mine because I actually came across those trailers you said! And I instantly went "ew wtf" and I clicked not interested, and then I another showed up, and clicked not interested, and then the algorithm went ok got it, and it's been a while thankfully, that hasn't showed up. So, what I mean is, there is content in the internet that is weird, that's for sure, but there's like... Ways to avoid it? And the way that this has been a persistent subject in your blog in such a deep way makes me think that you suffer it more than anyone, wich is fine but just, don't look at it anymore? I don't know what to say honestly because, again no to be rude but youre making the MOST out of it. And it's like you're treating fandom culture like this deep dark secret when its as public as it can be and I promise you the most a person can do is feel weirded out and mute that content, and hope it doesn't show up.! But for example, I hate povs content, and that has to be the most persistent content I've seen so far on F1, full of "you're the wife/girl/sister" blah blah and I'm a lesbian, I've clicked not interested so many times I lost count and IT KEPT showing up (until i figured muting y/n, driver x reader helps) so if it keeps you more calm there are ways to avoid content you dont like!
I get where you’re going with this but also, nah. I’ve always loved RPF and will keep consuming it whenever I can. I just make a big stink out of seeing it outside of tumblr and ao3 because of algorithms and the way I was taught to interact with RPF about fifteen years ago in which….these things have to stay within their intended circles at all costs. This is back when fandom content was not cool and mainstream and unless you kept your fandom life and your actual life very separate you get bullied to hell for it. Now, I often feel like the pendulum has swung a little too far the other way and there’s such a massive influx of new people because fandom culture is trendy that fandom etiquette is starting to collapse. The treatment of RPF being one of them.
RPF differs from POV content in two ways. The first is that POV content is a little more accepted than RPF in the general consciousness, usually because it’s het but also because it’s very obvious this is a self insert fantasy which while I imagine is awkward for drivers to see, can be easily laughed off as being so obviously just a fantasy. RPF on the other hand builds off of pre-existing relationships and lore and is usually slash, which already introduces an awkward element (and you can say the men shouldn’t have toxic masculinity all you like, it’s not just them that’s the issue it’s everyone who perceives them and the content), also it’s more difficult because people DO talk about these pairings platonically. In order to not experience Lestappen on my tiktok FYP, I can’t interact with any video that mentions those two in the same breath ever because the algorithm will eventually push me ship content even if I don’t want to see it and I click not interested. This happens over and over again.
I love RPF which am just on super high alert about RPF safe spaces being breached because I know from lived experience that it doesn’t bode well. This is also just personally not the way I was taught to interact with fandom, and again I’ve seen enough shit in my time to understand why that etiquette had to be enforced.
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checkedandfound · 1 month
Theories on recent drop in content:
*Disclaimer: please note that these notes have my personal take on them, they are not to demean or put anyone down. I don't consider myself to be a part of any specific fandom, but I do enjoy talking and theorising about my favorite shows/movies/anime/dramas - that said, I will say clearly; I am not just a Polin fan, nor am I just a Kanthony fan - I am mainly a bridgerton fan.*
Personally I think all of these uploads are staged 🤔 am I complaining? Not at all but it does make me wonder about how many people have caught on, and if they will do the same thing for future seasons (assuming the show will go on till at least 6 to 8 seasons).
We got our CARRIAGE SCENE OMG like the way my heart dropped, but I would like to eco someons here and say the last scene of the leaked sneak peak trailer could be spliced, because Pen looks like she just saw colin opening the door to her carriage, where as Colin looks like he is in the carriage arguing with Pen.
Also I checked out the person who gave the insider info about 1 to 6 ep of season 3 on reddit - I would say what they have said is contradicting alot from what we have heard, seen and got (again no accusations here, I just have a feeling that there is not a whole lot of truth in what they have said but again maybe I could be wrong too)
TBH I have no issues with Benny or Colin really exploring themselves a bit, when of course used for proper plot relevance ofc. The latest 2 sec scene of Benny and Lady Tilly making out was though okay.
I do a 80% think we will get our confrontation b/w Pen and Colin - he will find out for sure the Pen is Lady whistledown, I do think they might teak it a bit and to amp up the drama, could show that they are being followed by the people of the place.
I totally get when people say if there is any of the siblings who has taken after their mother (violet) - it's Colin for sure. Plus the friends to lovers trope is such a vital part from Violet's story (and will be later for Fran's story as well).
There are always candles, mirrors and/or the color red following the shots when colin is looking at Pen. Coutresy of @waltricia going in such detail! Do check their blog out cause their keen eye is the type to look forward too.
And omg the theme of spiring is SUCH a wonderful tone to the whole season - knowing both Bees and Butterfly get their nector/polin from flowers - and it's not just surrounding them, because as we could see our latest shot of our dear Victountess smelling some (I have a very strong sense it's because her time to get a new beginning is coming as a child will enter either at the start or will be announced in part 2 ending). Also to add on here that in Greek mythology, flowers represent fertility. And specifically the flowers that our she is smelling. - again thanks to @waltricia, I could really put my lazar shape focus on this detail 😂
I absolutely love how whenever there is a vulnerable scene for Pen, the lighting represents moonlight or soft violet/blue light on her. And when it's revelations, For both Pen and Colin - the lighting starts glowing on their face and you could see they are in the spot light.
Also from the interview I definitely get the vibe that the next season we could have our main couple as Eloise/Philip - again just an opinion but plotwise I would actually like to see a mix of both El and Benny's season (as you can see, I have a soft spot for one Mr. bridgerton in particular, soft yet confident emotionally caring men are my weakness). Personally it would make alot of sense cause both stories are interconnected, we'll also get to know more about Polin, etc.
Also also, when I read the season 3 ep 1 over view on reddit - the way I gasped! Because a line mentioned there was how when the mondrichs got their new estate, they have a relative named MICHAEL?! (Those who know, they know from the books), who was coming to town so maybe instead of just being cousins with John (Fran's 1st husband), he could be also related to our dear Mondrichs 🥺.
~ Fin ~
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p-redux · 3 months
So, more info from Hyrox Glasgow 2024! Again, thanks Team for all the DMs, I really appreciate you! ❤️
Reminder of what I posted yesterday.
So, today, I get this video of Sarah Holden competing at Hyrox Glasgow, and you can CLEARLY hear Sam Heughan cheering her on. Sam's voice is at the very end. At the beginning, you hear a man with a thick Glasgow accent pronouncing Sarah's name Serah. That's NOT Sam. There's also a woman's voice. And at the END of the video, you can hear Sam's unmistakable "C'mon, Sarah!" This was shared by one of the Team and I saved it to my YouTube Channel. Enjoy!👇
I also received this DM with additional info. 👇 Posted with permission.
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Here's the pic where Sam is tagged. 👇
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And Sarah posting she got FOMO aka Fear Of Missing Out and spontaneously competed today in the women's open race. 👇 She definitely matches Sam's energy level! I'm tired just looking at her. 😊
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Anyhoooo, I also got some conflicting info regarding whether Sam competed yesterday after all. I was alerted to this Tweet. 👇
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And then I received this DM from someone I've never talked to. 👇
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It's all very confusing. On the one hand, it is weird that if Sam competed, he never posted anything on his own IG. On the other hand, Hyrox DID post his results as if he DID compete yesterday. 👇
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If Sam decided to not compete and wanted to give his slot to someone else, why wouldn't Hyrox be able to substitute the other man's name? Everything is computerized, so I don't see why they couldn't have made the change easily. Also, isn't it fraudulent to post results with Sam Heughan's name if he wasn't the one competing?
On the flip side, if Sam didn't actually compete, then he literally went to Hyrox to watch Sarah! Those saying "No, he went to watch his friend, Valbo. who also competed." Yeah, except Valbo didn't compete until 6:00 PM yesterday, and Sam was there at 12:00 PM, when the women's competitions started. Literally RIGHT THERE where Sarah was competing. 👇
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No reason for Sam to be there 6 HOURS before Valbo was competing if he only went to support Valbo. 🤷‍♀️
I ran out of room to post pics since Tumblr limits to 10 pics, but I also got a DM saying Sam got a bunch of new Instagram follows who are Sarah Holden fans. That leads me to think they went to follow him because they saw him with Sarah at Hyrox.
So, that's it for now. I'm in the process of vetting someone from the Glasgowish area who approached me with some Sam and Sarah info. If she and the info check out, then I'll post it.
PS. I'm hearing from people that my usual haters and assorted newish haters are gnashing their teeth about my #samarah posts...same as it ever was. This has happened any time I've ever posted about Sam possibly dating someone. If you look at my track record for the last 10 years, my info has been at least 90% accurate. No one in the Outlander fandom would have known about Cait and Tony, and Sam and Cody, Abbie, Mackenzie, etc if not for my INSIDER source info, and me posting it FIRST. Facts, people. So, the hate makes no never mind to me. I keep doing me. I'm here for those who want the info. If that's not you, go somewhere else. Simple as that.
Oh, one more thing...the LIE that I have a restraining order against me from Sam resurfaced in my Inbox. Let's use our brains once in our lifetime, shall we? If I had a restraining order or a cease and desist, I wouldn't still be here, now would I? Doh. 🤦‍♀️ My blog is just like any celebrity news blog. It's called freedom of speech, peeps. And in the USA people have died to protect this right. That's all, folks.
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odessa-2 · 5 months
you are missing all the fun...
Am I? Somehow I seriously doubt that Anon. Let me guess. Another blonde? And let me guess. Shippers are giving it underserved airtime yet again? If you answered yes to both of these questions then it doesn't sound like much fun to me Anon. It sounds like doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Here's the deal. After the funeral reveal which proved to everyone exactly what we (shippers) have always believed or known, it confounds me why blonde fuckery repeat performances are even making it onto shipper blogs? Why? What's the point in fanning the flames? I know it's as boring as fuck around here but c'mon! It only perpetuates the narrative.
Oh and don't tell me the sociopath has come out of her 4 week fandom retirement to alert everyone of this hot scoop?! 😂. So much for notion that she may have found herself in legal entanglements. More like she's getting fed the narrative by SC's PR. It's sort of obvious at this point.
I know it can be tempting to fall into the trap of discussing the PR blonde fuckery but without active audience participation, Sam and Cait's PR teams cannot succeed. So why not perhaps take the new single blonde mum discussions out of public view into group chats and DM's? Just a suggestion. Anyways off I go and crawl back under my rock 😉
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kataang-week · 1 year
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Special thanks to Mod Atarah (@penguinsledder) and our new Mod Celes (@chocomd​) for the lovely gif! 
What is Kataang Week?
Kataang Week is when we, as a corner of the fandom, celebrate the ship Kataang! The prompts for Kataang Week 2023 were selected through four rounds of voting over the last few weeks and all prompts were submitted by Tumblr users.
Cool, when is it?
Summer Kataang Week 2023 starts on Monday, July 24th - just over seven weeks from today - and ends on Monday, July 31st.  
How do I participate?
The most common ways to participate are by creating art or writing a fic and posting it online. Some people try and create something for every day while others only fill one or two prompts.  
As always, we want to reassure you that it’s perfectly okay not to do every prompt! We just hope to have lovely pieces to share on each day.
But I can’t draw or write!
That’s totally fine - there are more ways to participate! You can sing a song, create a graphic, write a poem - just about anything really. You can also show your support by reblogging and liking other people’s contributions.
What are the prompts?
The following will be the running order for Kataang Week 2023:
Wind & Rain - Monday July 24th
Injured - Tuesday July 25th
Confession / Whisper - Wednesday July 26th
Cultural Differences/Cultural Exchange - Thursday July 27th
Secretly Dating / Rivals to Lovers - Friday July 28th
Spirits - Saturday July 29th
Reunion/Meeting Again - Sunday July 30th
Free Day - Monday July 31st
Don’t forget that this year we have the Kataang Week 2023 Bingo Challenge, as well as alternative prompts for Free Day! See the bingo challenge post for more information. 
* As a reminder, Cultural Differences/Cultural Exchange and Reunion/Meeting Again were combined during voting as they were very similar prompts. You can interpret them as singular or separate prompts and incorporate one or both for each day.
** Confession and Whisper, as well as Secretly Dating and Rivals to Lovers, were tied with votes, so instead of flipping a coin/deciding randomly, both tied prompts are included as options. You can incorporate one or both prompts for each day.
*** And as always, there is a Free Day at the end of the week. You can use this day to post anything you’d like! It can be a prompt that didn’t receive enough votes or something you’ve been wanting to work on, anything goes!
How should I tag my work?
The easiest way for us to find your work so we can reblog it to this blog is by using the tag “kataang week”. Using “kataang” and “kataangtag” also help. You must tag one of the three in your first five tags otherwise it doesn’t appear in the search.
Sometimes even properly tagged posts may not appear when we search the tags, so if you do not see your content reblogged, please let us know.
Once we’ve reblogged it to this blog we add our own tags (a prompt tag and a user tag) for easy organization. This means we can find all the work for one prompt or all the work from one user in one easy click (this also means that if you have changed your username since participating last year you need to let us know so we can update your tag!).
Can I post my stuff other places online too?
Of course you can!
Why seven weeks? Is that enough time?
Traditionally, we like to provide our content creators seven weeks (for the seven prompts) to create quality content. Kataang Week is also traditionally held in the last week of July.  
If you are unable to complete a prompt in time, please do not fret. You can alert this blog by mentioning it in your post (ex. @kataang-week​) or messaging one of the mods and your content will still be shared even if it is a week (or a month - or sometimes more!) late.
We also like to post WIP for Kataang Week and encourage everyone else to do so as well - we reblog it here for motivation!
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don’t hesitate to send an ask. Don’t forget to reblog this as well to help spread the word!
Good luck, Kataangers, and happy content creating! :) - The Mods
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silverzoomies · 1 year
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👾⚡️ hiii, i'm lom !! this is a (nsfw) fanfic blog !!⚡️👾
📎my ao3 │ 🎮my main blog │ 📼fandom blog
🎧quicksilver playlist │🪄doctor strange playlist
⚡if you like my work, consider donating a dollar to my ko-fi !! tysm !!⚡
feel free to chat with me if you want (if you're 18+) !! i'm always up for makin' new friends and goofin' off !! if you're reading this, you're amazing and ilysm !! 🤍⚡️🤍
atm, i am the biggest peter maximoff and doctor strange simp in the entire universe !! argue with a wall !! i'm also a huge dork weirdo who posts a lot. if you get tired of the spam, you can always block the tag #nonsensical posts !!
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❗fic requests are currently closed !! i took wayyy too many and now i gotta catch up !!! ty !! if you already sent a request, pls be patient !! ❗
👾⚡️fic masterlist under the cut⚡️👾
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anything tagged with ☆ is smut jsyk (spoiler alert -- it's almost all smut)
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🤍⚡️(x-men) peter maximoff x reader⚡️🤍
the two parter with the sex pollen ☆
the one with fangirl reader and car sex ☆
the one wherein he catches reader masturbating ☆
the one with virgin reader and ding dongs ☆
the one wherein he jerks off ☆
the one wherein he's a virgin and there's a heatwave ☆
the drabble wherein he's trans ☆
the halloween one with zombie reader ☆
the halloween one where he gets drunk ☆
some dumb filthy headcanons ☆
the two parter with phone sex ☆
the fluffy one with the boombox
some more silly headcanons; time travel edition
filthy wandavision pietro drabble ☆
some more silly headcanons; bakers edition
the drabble wherein he gets you off really fast ☆
💙🤡(ahs) kai anderson x reader🤡💙
the two parter with the mommy kink ☆
the one wherein he and reader are rivals with benefits ☆
❤️‍🩹🔪(ahs) james patrick march x reader🔪❤️‍🩹
the one with reader bein' a simp ☆
some dumb filthy headcanons ☆
💚💀(ahs) kyle spencer x reader💀💚
the one with dubcon and zombie kink ☆
💘🦞(ahs) jimmy darling x reader🦞💘
some dumb filthy headcanons ☆
😢🐦‍⬛(ahs) tate langdon x reader🐦‍⬛😢
the one where reader's a ghost and he's aged up ☆
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thecoffeelorian · 2 months
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Hello again, everyone...
Just a few small notes before we begin--first, it would seem that Tumblr slightly updated its tagging system in that we can no longer make a list of people in one big block, so from now on, I'll have to start adding people in little rows of 5 so that this site doesn't end up not alerting anybody.
Second, in case only a few people saw the announcement, @vaporglaive is hoping to go to Dragoncon next year, but in order to get there, they just might need some help getting commissions as far as creating artwork goes. So! If you're interested, please check out the link below:
And now...so I don't spend too much time off-topic, here are my picks for this week, and I hope that you'll like and reblog them like you would any other artist/writer. Thanks in advance!
The Bad Batch Fanart
Tech and Phee by @bri75672
Crosshair goes to 79's by @doodlingfoolishness
Phee Genoa by @im-yotsu
The Bad Batch Fanfiction
Under Sun And Shade by @doodlingfoolishness
The Quiet Part by @the-little-moment
The Clone Wars Fanart
Untitled by @skywalkerrtno
Battle Buddies by @depomera
The Original Trilogy Fanart
Luke <3 by @aveliney
The Tinies by @silvereddaye
The Original Trilogy Fanfiction
Patchwork by @jedi-order-apologist
Other Star Wars Fanworks
Fulcrum by @frumpybutsupersmart
And so, in order to support all our writers and artists, please check out the links I included above, like, comment, and reblog as you would with anyone else.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time. Thank you, good morning, and good luck.
No pressure tags: @littlefeatherr @smw-on-kamino @sharpasanaro @yeehawgeek @callsign-denmark
@chefobiwankenobi @ilovemedia @gun-roswell @melymigo @groguandthebadbatch
@ankossss @jedi-princess-kestis @skellymom @here-comes-the-moose @trixie2023
@theosb0rnway @saphiranishimurashan @ray-rook @serinzatravel-blog @called-me-vicky
@dinosaurs-and-fanfiction and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting works around the fandom. Have a good morning, and don't stop creating.
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25 notes · View notes
angryschnauzer · 1 year
In Need Of Help
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Summary: Whilst visitng your parents for the holidays you find a present your roommate gave you, a buttplug. Unfortunately for you it gets stuck and there’s only one person you can ask for help; your parents next door neighbour and your dads best friend; August Walker
Pairing: Dads Best Friend August Walker x Female Reader (Slight age difference approx 8 years)
Fandom: Henry Cavill, Mission Impossible: Fallout.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Age Gap Relationship, Sex Toys, Butt Plug, Butt Plug getting stuck, fingering, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Creampie
Wordcount: 3333
Here is my masterlist and AO3
 I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
In Need Of Help
This is not the predicament you had been expecting to find yourself in when you’d made plans to spend Christmas with your parents in the suburbs. The worst thing you could have imagined happening would have been your much younger siblings causing bruises as they excitedly climbed on you - their big sister - instead you found yourself with your phone in your hand, scrolling through your contacts from high school to figure out who you could call as this was a problem you couldn’t fix on your own and was certainly not one you could ask your parents with.
When your best friend handed you your Christmas gift before you’d left, she had a shit eating grin on her face and simply said ‘don’t open it in front of your family’. It was only when you’d been sorting through your bag towards the end of your stay you’d found the forgotten gift and unwrapped it, almost dropping it when you saw the silver plug shining in the discrete velvet box, a small package of lube tucked in next to it. A note in your friend’s handwriting was tucked into the lid; ‘you need to open your horizons’. 
“Yeah, we’ll I've got to open my asshole first it would seem” you muttered to yourself, your thoughts interrupted by your Mom as she called up to you.
“We’re going now, enjoy the peace and quiet!”
That had been an hour ago, and now as your parents had taken your younger siblings to their post Christmas gymnastics lesson you’d stayed home, and after a restless half hour of attempting to read or enjoy your other seasonal gifts, you’d found yourself in your bedroom with the plug. You were horny. The walls of your parents' home were thin, so you hadn’t had a chance to use the small vibrator you’d optimistically packed, and had settled down with your kindle and some of the spicy titles you’d downloaded. A brief moment of misplaced confidence and that was how you found yourself in your predicament; the plug was stuck. 
At first you’d enjoyed the sensation, having gone slowly with a small amount of lube, but you’d shifted on the bed to get more comfortable but it’d had the opposite effect. Deciding it was time to remove it you’d stretched, twisted and tried, but no matter what you attempted your ass was not giving up its new decoration. 
So this is where you were, in need of help. Shutting your phone down you sighed, not a single one of your local contacts was someone who you’d feel comfortable approaching with such a matter, those that had stayed in town seemed the most vanilla type of people possible. You couldn’t even call your best friend as you knew she was on duty as a flight attendant, probably somewhere 40,000ft in the air right at this moment. Standing in your room you glanced out of the window and a thought came to you. Chewing on your lip you considered your options, before pulling your woollen socks further up your legs so your knitted dress covered the tops of them, sliding on your boots and making your way out of the house.
Your parents had conceived you early, whilst they were in high school, and against the odds had made a teen pregnancy work. Married fresh out of high school they had taken turns to go to local community college whilst raising a small child, only expanding their family once you headed off to college, and now you had twin sisters who were almost a generation younger than you. It also meant that the ages of your friends and the ages of your parents' friends would intersect in the middle. One friend in particular of your parents was their next door neighbour, August Walker. 
Mr Walker, or August as he’d insisted you’d call him, was smack bang in the middle of the age bracket between you and your parents, and although your father’s friend, he was known to throw a wink at you now and again when your parents weren’t looking. When you’d visited for 4th of July you’d be bending over in a short sundress to unload the dishwasher, when you’d turned around and saw him paused at the door to the kitchen. A smirk and a wink, he’d started to approach you when your Dad had called out to you, and with another wink he’d discretely adjusted himself before disappearing back to the party.
As you crossed the short path between houses you did your best not to slip over on the snow, the last thing you needed to happen was to fall on your ass, especially considering your current ass-based issue.
When he opened the door he briefly looked surprised, before a small smile crossed his face;
“Hi, what can I do for you?”
Shivering on the doorstep you hugged yourself tightly, your shivering more from nerves than the cold;
“Umm… can I come in, please?”
Ten minutes later you were stood beside the sleek marble kitchen island, August pushing a strong drink across the counter for you to take;
Rather than staying on the opposite side of the island, August circled around with his glass of whiskey before he stood in front of you. Placing his glass on the counter he rested both of his hands on your upper arms, softly rubbing as he spoke;
“Thank you for coming to me with this. You’re a beautiful girl and i wouldn’t want anything to happen to you”
“August, I’m not a girl, I’m 25” you corrected, slightly annoyed that he called you a girl; “And currently have a buttplug stuck in my ass”
“And we’ll get that sorted. Lots of first times can be embarrassing or tricky”
“It’s not my ‘first time’, i’ve fucked before”
He hooked his finger beneath your chin, guiding your head slightly so you could meet his intense gaze;
“I don’t doubt that, I meant the first time with something in your ass” he said with a slight chuckle.
“So umm… how are we… Are you going to do this? Should I just bend over or…?”
Wrapping his arms around you he pulled you to his chest and pressed a kiss to the top of your head;
“Oh Princess, no. No we’re not. You need to relax, as you’re no doubt wound so tight right about now that nothing is gonna go in or out of that ass”
You let out a sigh, inhaling his aftershave as your face was pressed to his chest, the soft knit shirt warm and comforting. After a few moments you pushed back and looked August in the face, for the first time noticing how his left eye had a little patch of brown in the iris among the icy blue. You were lost in your own mind when you realised he’d been saying something;
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“I said, let's get started”
He slipped his hand into yours but you didn’t make a move;
“How are we going to do this?”
He sighed before stepping back towards you;
“Believe it or not Princess, this isn’t my first rodeo with a lovely young lady being a little over confident with their butt. First and foremost you need to relax, and i don’t mean mentally, i mean physically. You need to relax all your pelvic muscles…”
“And the easiest way to do that is arousal”
You paused, taking in the reality of what you were about to do
“I see. And you’ll…”
“Help. In any way you need me to”
August had led you through his house to his bedroom which was exactly as you’d been expecting; simple dark tones, dark bedding, low lighting. The windows overlooked the wooded shore of the lake, the opposite direction from your parents house. The sense of privacy was comforting, and yet as August shut the door you felt a sense that you were way out of your depth. Crossing the room he stood in front of you, again resting his palms on your upper arms;
“So, what would you like?”
Taking a deep breath you could feel your voice waiver a little;
“I want you to take charge please, August”
He let out an appreciative hum before hooking his knuckle beneath your chin to turn your face to him before kissing you. What started as a small gentle touch of his lips soon developed into more, and before long your arms were around his shoulders as his tongue pushed into your mouth, tasting you as you were pliable in his grasp. He slowly pulled at your sweater dress until it was at your chest, breaking the kiss;
“Lift your arms Princess”
Doing as he told you, he lifted the garment all the way off, taking a moment to appreciate the way your bra cupped your breasts.His gaze travelled further down and smiled at the Christmas print cotton thong;
“Mmm, turn around” he instructed, his voice low
Slowly turning, your socks smooth on the thick pile carpet of his bedroom, when your ass was facing him he rested a hand on your shoulder;
“Hands on the bed”
Leaning forwards a little you set your palms onto the black comforter that was neatly folded on the high bed. You felt as he held your buttocks in his massive hands, warming the skin with his palms before pulling your cheeks apart a little and letting out a long slow breath;
“Now that is one of the prettiest sights i’ve seen”
You let out a small squeak as his hand slid between your legs, his thumb barely grazing against the plug as his fingers worked between your folds, grunting as he found you already soaked. Tenderly his fingers explored your folds, his other hand wrapping around your torso and pulled you up to stand, cupping your chin to turn your head so he could kiss you as his fingers worked between your thighs.
As his fingers pushed further you broke the kiss, panting out as you instinctively rose up onto your toes, your back supported against August’s chest.
“Such a good girl, so wet and tight, your pussy is begging for another finger, isn’t it?”
“Yes August, please”
With another low hum of appreciation he shifted his hand to allow a second finger slide into your eager hole, his breath hot on your face as he worked your body until you were rocking against his hand, eager for release. Your sighs and moans were an easy indication that you were close.
“It’s time to cum Princess, cum for me”
Your mouth fell into a silent O as you came, your hands clinging to August’s strong forearm that sat across your torso, your body shaking as he held you tight and let you ride out your orgasm on his hand. 
Eventually he pulled his hand away, and as you turned slightly you watched as he sucked two fingers into his mouth, sucking your slick juices from them;
“Delicious. Now, on the bed, on your hands and knees”
He swatted a light slap on your ass, to which you let out a little yelp before you did as he asked, settling on the high bed, your ass towards him.
“Now, let's have a good look here” he muttered to himself, smoothing his palms over your cheeks to pull them apart and take a look at the prize between them. Hooking your thong panties to one side he tenderly ran his finger through your folds and up to your ass, around the jewelled flared base before grasping it and giving it a little tug.
“Hmm, still tightly in there. How much lube did you use?”
“Just… Just a little bit”
He sucked in air through his teeth;
“Tut tut tut, No, with anything butt related you use a ton of lube. Copious amounts, it needs to be wetter than a slip and slide in a thunderstorm. Stay there.”
You heard him moving around the room before quickly returning to you, his warm hand on your ass again, this time carefully pulling your panties down until they sat around your thighs. The soft click of a capped bottle broke the silence before you felt a cold drip of something viscous land on your ass near to the plug, soon followed by the warm touch of his finger spreading the lube around the base of the plug;
“We’ll need to work the lube in around your little decoration Princess. No no, I can feel you tensing up again, relax…”
“That’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one with something stuck in your ass”
“How do you know I haven't?”
You whipped your head around in shock, only to be greeted with August’s now tell tale smirk. Narrowing your gaze you glared at him;
“Yup. Now get back into position”
He pressed a hand to your shoulder blades, pushing you down until your chest was resting on the comforter;
“Time to get you relaxed again”
With your vision now obscured you could only feel what he was doing, the soft furnishings muting his movements, so you were shocked when you felt something warm and wet slide through your folds, followed by the rough brush of facial hair against your labia;
“Oh oooh god”
August set off at a brisk pace, his tongue working against your cunt to the point you barely noticed his fingers working around the plug, only realising something was amiss when you felt the definite stretch of a finger sliding in alongside the plug. The movement was a foreign feeling, but as his tongue delved further into your soaked hole you started to enjoy the feeling, your moans and sighs increasing until you could feel the start of an orgasm building in the pit of your stomach;
“Please… please, so good, more… please August…”
He didn’t reply, one hand now firmly gripped on your hip whilst the other worked at the plug, his mouth all but buried in your pussy until you came with a cry of his name, shuddering as your body was rocked with a strong orgasm, cumming on his face until you slumped forwards and lay twitching on the soft covers of his bed.
As the world came back into focus you saw August moving at the foot of the bed, a soft cloth in his hand before he pressed it to your buttocks;
“Sorry, there was a bit more lube than we needed”
It took a couple of seconds to register, but when it did your eyes went wide and you stretched a hand to your ass, only to find the unwanted decoration now missing from its prison;
“You got the plug out!”
“Hmmm mmm” he hummed, looking down at you as your hands explored your naked below the waist body, running his own hand over the obscene bulge now in his pants. In a moment of confidence you moved forward, resting carefully on the edge of the bed before reaching a hand out to palm over the bulge alongside his own much larger hand;
“I should thank you for your help” you said coyly, looking up through your lashes as you moved to tug the zipper down. 
August cupped your chin;
“Do you think you can handle me? You ever been with an older man?”
“Dude, you’re seven years old, eight at most depending on what month”
He just smirked at your response, instead picking you up and softly tossing you on to his bed;
“Lets apart, I want to see that pussy”
You did as he asked as he stripped, and you were transfixed by his body. Thick with muscle his chest was covered in a thick layer of hair that ran down to his stomach and dick. Speaking of which he was rock hard and girthy, patterned with veins. You licked your lips as you watched him roll a condom down before climbing into the bed.
He kissed his way up your body before settling between your thighs, pressing a kiss to your lips before he suddenly turned the pair of you so you were on top and straddling his stomach;
“You’re gonna show me just how much of a big girl you are Princess, I’m gonna let you ride me, see how much of me you can take”
“You want me to…?! Oh god…”
Pushing yourself up on your knees you took a deep breath and looked down at the monster standing proud beneath you. Reaching out to hold it you positioned him at your entrance before pushing down, feeling him breach your body. Resting the palms of your hands on his stomach you shut your eyes and rocked up and down a little, easing your way a little further each time until you heard him grunt;
“Doing well Princess”
In a moment of bravery - or perhaps stupidity - you rose and then fell all the way, taking him as deep as you could. Both of you let out curse words as your bodies grew accustomed to the size and tightness, trembling as you urged your body to relax until you were confident enough to start rocking your hips just a little.
“You’re so big August…” you praised, riding him with your eyes closed so you could focus on the stretch and pull every time. 
He didn’t respond, and when you opened your eyes you saw his were wide open, jaw slack as he watched where your bodies were joined;
“Your cunt looks so perfect stretching around me. I know you’re struggling to take me, you can do it… ride me Princess”
With renewed vigour and confidence you rode him like he was a pony ride at your 10th birthday, grinding your hips down so your clit rubbed against the root of his shaft, bringing you closer to another orgasm. You felt his hand grip your thighs then hips, pulling you down to meet his upwards thrusts and you could tell he was getting close. You quickly moved your hand to your pussy, rubbing your clit;
“Cum for me August, let me feel you inside me. You needn’t have worn the condom, i’m on the pill and tested…”
He suddenly pushed you up, pulling the condom off and tossing it aside before pulling you straight back down again onto his cock. The groan you both let out as you felt skin on skin filled the room;
“Oh fuck, i’m gonna cum, your cunt feels too good”
Your orgasm surged through you as you felt August filling you with his creamy seed, pumping you full as you trembled around him.  As your throes of passion subsided you collapsed on his chest, sated and full.
“It was so good of you to show my girl how to stop that hacker getting into her phone” you Dad said, clapping a hand over August’s shoulder as he stood in your parents kitchen. 
After what had happened you’d had to think of an excuse as your parents had seen you crossing the snowy lawn to which you’d had to come up with something quick as an excuse. That was how you found yourself standing in your parents kitchen listen to August make up a very plausible scenario, whilst his cum slowly dripped down your inner thigh.
“Hey, did she tell you she got a paid internship?” your Dad’s question to August pulled you out of your daze.
“No, where is that then?” August asked animatedly
“Some big law firm in the city”
“Oh really?”
“Where was it sweetie?” your Dad pushed
“Syverson, Marshall & Walker Associates”
“Ohhh really…” August nodded, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth
Your Dad missed the expression on August’s face, wrapping his arm around your shoulders;
“Yup, my little girl is all grown up now, playing with the big boys”
August smiled;
“Sounds like a dream come true”
You were completely unaware of just who your bosses come Monday would be.
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soup-scope · 10 months
You have been bitten by the mutual virus. To cure yourself, you must provide one reason why you follow each of your mutuals before sending this to others (whether mutuals or not) while in anon.
Good luck!
This… is gonna be so long…..
@star-sheeps : absolutely fucking hilarious. i always catch myself giggling whenever i see one of ur posts!! i also loved the ‘styling the listeners’ lil series u were doing i love fashion content sm. you were also one of the first people i followed when i first joined the redacted fandom🫡🫡
@caramel-metal : you somehow find the funniest shit to ever exist. your blog is a genuine gold mine for content i would’ve have seen otherwise it’s so‼️‼️‼️‼️
@taelonsamada : i thought it was a mistake when u followed me back 😭😭 but ī absolutely ADORE your writing. i constantly find myself rereading between me you and the fence post ehehehe. i’m gonna be ordering your new book soon and i’ve been vibrating at a frequency that’s impossible to witness with the naked eye (translation: im very excited)
@davidsfanclub : ANOTHER PERSON THAT MAKES ME GIGGLE. i loved ur angel design the first time i saw them and it’s genuinely infected and rotted my brain like THATS how i see angel too now omg. a very creative mind that makes me want to nibble on it
@artbykays : another person who i thought followed me back by mistake. *THE* best listener designs omg. THE ANGEL DESIGN EVER. AAAAAAAAAAAA. i genuinely love ur redacted art sm i had heart palpitations the day u followed me back
@basiliskbrews : another one of my first moots!!! i love citrus with a burning passion. i witnessed u rebrand ur blog and i still absolutely adore all and any content you put out. your vega and warden design has me frothing and convulsing on the ground like a fish abandoned on a deck.
@mothmayhem : I MISS YOU💕💕💕 another moot that has me giggling and kicking my feet. constantly has me twirling my hair and laughing ehehehe. i still can’t get over how you CALLED the david and asher proposals like dawg. how
@beedoes-stuff : GIGGLE ALERT. aka another moot that makes me laugh my ass off. not only do u post absolute bangers you have a tendency to reblog them too and i always have to put my phone down for a few mins
@themonotonysyndrome : it took me three tries to spell ur user right. we got another castin lover in this house 🤝🤝 i want to bite you on the head and then maul you. (all said with love and extreme amounts of affection) I LOVE HOW U TALK ABOUT BRIGHT AAAAA. i want to take a gigantic chunk out of ur writing i love it sm it has me rolling around and flailing
@falkea : MISS YOU💕💕. THE ANGEL DESIGN THAT EXECUTED ME ON THE SPOT. i hit the floor when u followed me back like my mouth was AGAPE. your quinn and darlin art genuinely changed my brain chemistry i will never be the same. a very big art inspiration for me. i shake with anticipation whenever i wait for ur next posts.
@vaselinepot : sometimes all you need is a silly lil moot who says the funniest shit unprompted. sometimes i have to put my phone down and breathe. i miss u vaseline come home
@darlin-collins : ANOTHER MOOT THAT MAKES ME LAUGH. YALL ARE FUNNY AS FUCK. however whenever you talk about the imperium i have to mentally prepare myself to be mentally and physically crushed.
@jollyfang : I LOVE THE REDACTED ART SM AAAAAA. another person who’s follow sent me into cardiac arrest. THE GAVIN DESIGN THAT HAD ME SWEATING. i love how you draw portraits it has me falling in love with ur art all over again when i see that u post.
@thevqid : i think we need to sit down and have a talk. idk about what. i just know that one of us isn’t leaving that room alive. said with all the love i can possibly muster. i love u tho💕💕
@beemybella : genuinely one of the sweetest people i’ve ever interacted with. i love being on ur tag list smth whenever you post it tosses me out of artblock and FILLS me with inspiration 💕💕
@konnorhasapen : PIRATE AU PIRATE AU AAAAAAAAA. i love your writing sm i need to be beaten back with a stick. i’m going to fist fight with you in a parking lot one of these days. i’m so glad you made it back into ur account. i love u sm from afar i feel like a maiden waiting for her husband to return home from the war.
@bratty-telepath : so shape. so shape. i love how stylized your work is. make an art book. please. graphic design IS your passion like pls spare some good character designs and interesting layouts for the rest of us. another moot who id be down the fist fight. this is a fight that i know id get my ass kicked during tho. like my body bent at angles no one is capable of. said with love ofc
@lovesstateofmatter : i always forget we’re moots until you interact with my shit and i bounce around for 5 minutes straight. YOUR BLAKE AND ELLIOT ART. I STILL THINK ABOUT IT. that’s fr how i imagine them now 😭😭
@friendly-waffles : TANKTANKTANKTANKTANK I LOBE UR TANK DESIGJ SM AAAAAAA. AND ANGEL AAAAA. i want to bite your art and SHAKE like a rabid animal. i think about ur sam and darlin art daily. i hit the floor when we became moots
@peraltuki : THE WWDITS X REDACTED VIDS 😭😭 we joined the redacted tumblr at like the same time so i feel a bonded connection to u. ily. you have the best fucking posts they have me sobbing on the floor (cause i giggle too hard)
@doodleanddie : your redacted doodles killed me, sent me to heaven, then dragged me back down to hell and then reincarnated me as a fly. i love ur art and all ur doodles have so much character it’s WILD. (i miss u💕)
@epsi-l0n - your thoughts are so incredibly big brained i want to pick apart ur brain and take a few bites while i’m at it. i think if we fought it’d be the battle of the ages. simply because i think we both *CANT* fight so it’d just be entertaining to every witness
@dollvre : VINCENT STAN HIIIIII. finding another vincent lover and taylor swift enjoyer in this fandom had my brain exploding. tell me what zsakuva videos i should watch. i’m too indecisive to choose what series i want to get into. i think we need to hold hands and exchange rings 👍
@mrsmiagreer : Niyah i would genuinely kill for you. tell me a name. or names. plural. i would quite literally do anything for you. say the word. BUT I LOVE UR WRITING SM PLS MAKE A TAGLIST PLS
@oceanicwhitetipshark : whenever i feel myself drifting from redacted. i get a notif that you’ve posted and i’m immediately pulled back in by all ur writings and your thoughts. ur genuinely so talented and so incredibly sweet di i’m very glad we’re moots
@kelseadelle : i’ve never loved women more in my entire life. the way u draw has me wanting to sacrifice myself to the nearest woman for no reason other than that they’re a woman. your evie and ranger art. id give anything to be a werewolf.
@romeo-the-homeo : there can only be one trans jackass in the redacted fandom there isn’t enough room for the both of us. we should totally combine our physical forms and ascend to a higher form of being. and then get a wendy’s frosty or smth.
@clover-46 : whenever smth messy happens i always appear in ur dms 😭😭 i love obsessing over hush with you and giggling in our dms💕💕. YOUR DESIGNS SLAP SO HARD. i hope you know that i think of your milo design on the daily. he’s my little girlfriend and i’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life
@celestecreateschaos : trying to type out ur user gave me an aneurysm. I ALSO MISS GEORDI SM WHERE IS HE. you’re genuinely so funny you constantly have me giggling. i wanna tape an x-ray of ur brain to my wall.
@venuslove-28-replies : HIIIIOIOIIIIOOOOEDIIWIWISIDOW. one of these days i’m going to shake you so hard you come apart like a mr potato head. your art has me wanting to bite you and not let go. all your designs have me AAAAKAOSAIKALA
@peacefullibrarian : i will never get over that one piece of writing u did about lasko and his listener. the “like the fan” has me slamming myself into the ground imagining them interacting. make a tag list. make a tagLIST RN AND ADD ME
@morgansplace : hi king i’m going to evict you from this plane of existence. (translation: i love you and i love how incredibly creative you are. i want to eat ur nails. i think we could solve all the worlds problems if we held hands and spun in a circle until we fell over from dizziness. i think it’d be nice)
@heshheshfish : omw to send u a cease a desist. your walls are very comfortable. i have officially devoured all tress-passers who have crossed my unwelcome path. i only accept offerings in the form of whole blocks of cheddar cheese. (translation: hi hehe)
@teaseat : i don’t think i can genuinely put into words how much i love u tea. you have me CACKLING. and other days you have me needing to put down my phone to take a minute. anyways. IN SO GLAD IM IN UR TAGLIST HEHEHE I LOVE UR WRITING SM AAAAAAA
@deviantaj : you make me want to listen to marina and the diamonds and then kill someone. aj ily. you make me giggle. i think if we were ever put into the same room we’d probably cause a cataclysmic event that no one could ever recover from.
@swanconcerto : HOLLYYYYYYYYYYUEJFJE. ily holly my favorite person to ever exist you have me twirling my hair and giggling i’d give anything to exist in ur presence. holly i am in ur basement.
@messenger-of-stupidity : i love your writing so much it has completely rewired my brain i think we should tussle outside and then hold pinky’s or smth. THE VEGA LOVE>>>>> i wait with baited breath for your vega fic
@shawslut : i love ur blog layout sm how do you do it. we both go by ray/rae so i think maybe we should do a lil dance to decide which ones superior. your geordi fic had me wanting to test the sharpness of my new kitchen knives. i will eat you one of these days.
@4letteraroace : i want to bite your hands so bad bro. i still think about ur darlin dance fic. now i know nothing about dance but i could fucking picture what was going on and it HURT. i think your keyboard deserves to be taken away. it should also be taken away because of how u interact with lemon on a daily basis 😭😭
@milosirlgf : hi jaydyn i think one of these days you’ll genuinely rule the world so pls remember that i am nothing but ur undying servant hi. i’m going to empty my life savings in ur name.
@terrazaurio : YOUR DAVID AND ANGEL DESIGN AAAAAAAAA RAHHHHHHHH. i want to bite someone’s head off. i get horrific cute aggression whenever i see your work. i think if we ever existed in the same section of the universe the space time continuum would collapse
@goodboyaudios : i think we should fist fight.
@tunasfishbowl : i think we should paint each others nails and then watch horror movies. tuna ur designs have me gasping for air on a daily basis i lost my mind when we became moots.
@yoteako : THE LASKO DESIGN EVER. INCREDIBLE WOLF BOY DESIGNS. i lobe how u draw them as grown men. idk if that makes any sense but it does to me. also enlightened me to the idea that is vega and brachium omg the most brain idea ever. when we became moots i breakdanced on the hardwood floor
@echovale052 : HI ECHOOO i’m taking a few chomps out of all of ur works like your art style is so pleasant i wanna EAT IT. i think that if we fought we’d probably end up destroying a few small towns.
@kittyshaw : HI REIIIIIII 💕💕💕💕 genuinely one of my fav people. you have the best takes and omg i love ur headcanons sm. i am going to eat ur brain one of these days. any second you aren’t moving i’m only getting closer
@lovelylonerliterature : i’ve read your cutie/geordi fix it fic an ungodly amount of times. (also a shadows appeal……) i love ur writing and interpretations of the redacted characters so much. your ability to capture angst has me wanting to throw myself into the abyss.
@elisacaleisa : another user i struggled to spell 💔💔. THE BEST MORGAN DESIYJ IVE EVER SEEN THATS MY MAN THATS MY WIFE I LOST MY SHIT M.LWFIIWKSJWIWO. i’m going to bite and shake your gavin design. i think our brains should combine at some point for fun
@sweetlemongrove : Lemon u are the light of my life. please make a taglist and add me to it. i love you. THE LOMLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. also ur blog layout is so pretty what.
(Ok but in all seriousness. This is my first time ever really fully interacting with a fandom and not just lurk. To be able to interact with an incredibly creative and kind fandom has been a pleasure :)))) thank you all for all the work you do!!!!)
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coexistentialism · 8 months
I've talked about these things a lot on this blog, so a lot of this might be repeated things I've talked about before, but I've always said that I've described my experiences as "identity hyperfixations", where I latch onto things, even just Words that I find myself really liking, and an "identity" is "created" based around that Thing.
For some examples from my personal experiences!:
A lot of the time, these "identity hyperfixations" involve me latching onto media, particularly whatever current media we may or may not be interested in in the moment.
There's a game called Stray Gods: the Roleplaying Musical (pls play it omg pls-nJFNDSK). We were very attached to that game for a while when it came out and we found out about it. We particularly grew attached to the character Calliope and for about maybe 2 weeks or so? I thought about using the name Calliope at times, and I painted my nails yellow to match the color of her nails in the game. I wanted to dress like her and overall you can see where this is all going lmfao
Or recently where we were very attached to Splatoon (it's our main special interest, but the way we feel, play, and interact with the game and fandom and such online differs per parts!!) and 'I' identified as an octoling and just thought of myself with the name Octo, mostly as a placeholder because I couldn't think of anything better, but I grew to like it lmfao. Ofc I am always interested in Splatoon, but recently I was just much more interested in it and particularly interested in specific aspects and such, even ended up creating another blog, a Splatoon-centered blog that also functions as a sort of vent/DID-related blog (it's @annaki-octo if anyone wants to check it out lol)
You can, again, see where this is going. Incoming long post. Because I can never make a short post lmfao
I should also mention that, in the past, I often wouldn't actually ever use a different name, and I still don't, but I've more recently been doing that for a bit now because we're starting to get used to it and be okay with it and honestly it's been beneficial. But yeah, most of my life, I usually didn't outright actually use any separate names outwardly with people, and didn't even really realize that I was choosing different names for myself in the first place because I thought that I was just creating characters. And if I DID end up outwardly using a different name, it was excused as me choosing a different name because I'm trans or making up a "fake online pseudonym" for "privacy" reasons. It has never been any different to me than creating a character. It's still not.
This is basically EXACTLY what my experience is like, day-to-day/week-to-week/month-to-month.
They never really last long, and a new "identity hyperfixation" quickly follows, while the other one dies out.
Tumblr media
And it usually goes like this, in the image above (it might be hard to read, sorry lol, but I'm describing it anyways so dw):
--- Concepts/ideas/etc. Pop Up Into My Brain:
May be thinking about the idea of using a different name
May be really invested in a new, or "re-new'd" interest (as in: something I liked in the past and I am now interested in it again after a long period of disinterest)
May prefer certain gendered terminology (or no, or different 'gendered' terminology), for example, boyfriend/girlfriend/partner (or something/anything else)
May prefer certain pronouns over others, and/or may struggle to know what kind of pronouns I like
May be thinking about changing our icon to something different than before (on Discord, Tumblr, etc.)
May be thinking about creating a new Tumblr side blog (with or without a ""fake name attached to it, definitely not an alter :)"" spoiler alert: it's usually an alter lmfao)
May or may not think about what it would be like the have a particular physical attribute(?), not sure how to word this lol, like I'll think about how I wished my hair looked a certain way, or sometimes if it's possible, I might actually do something to change my physical appearance somehow, even if it's just wearing a specific clothing piece, but sometimes it can be like with my Calliope example where I paint my nails a particular color, or I actually dye or cut my hair, etc... The possibilities can be endless and can even be much bigger changes, such as alters making the decision to go on HRT.
--- An 'Identity' Begins to 'Solidify'
May have found a name, or a 'placeholder name' to use
May like using a specific icon (on Tumblr, on Discord, etc.) or icons, or may like using icons with a common theme/visual appearance/etc. (such as using icons that feature the color blue a lot, or using icons of a specific character, etc.)
May become much more self-aware and confident in their existence
May or may not have created a new side blog, with or without a particular name attached to that blog
--- An 'Identity' Diminishes; start from the beginning
May no longer care for, or like, the previous name(s) or placeholder(s) names that we may have chosen
May no longer care for, or like, the previous icon(s) we used, the Tumblr blog(s) we may or may not have made, etc.
For as long as I can remember, this has been my experience with DID - or at least, NOW I understand that it's been DID all along.
And the cycle continues.
Nothing really ever "comes back." It's just "new" "identity" after "new" "identity" after "new" "identity" for me, day in and day out, week-to-week, month-to-month.
Not sure how to close off this post, but yeah lmfao
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