#new masterlist <3
woonierkiz · 1 year
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FIRST STOP ! ヤ MAPLE STREET by mayor jake sim
BURN THE MEMOIR ! smau . . . ( on hold )
PRECIS, Jake Sim skipped his violin lessons to hang out with his friends, and they suggested going to Starbucks. However, he doesn't know how to order a drink at Starbucks. But when he saw this cute barista, he couldn't stop stuttering and making up a weird combination of a latte. When the barista asked for his name, he thought she was making a move. So, he gave his number instead! 
GENRE — smau with written chapters, second-hand embarrassment moments, idiots in love.
SECOND STOP ! ✦ CANDY STREET by mayor jungwon yang
VALENTINE BY VALENTINA ! mini smau . . . ( upcoming )
PRECIS, Valentina, the new solo artist of Ador, runs a mini show where she gives a gift to strangers for a gift on Valentine's and accidentally runs to Jungwon, whose dancing her song cupid at the hallway.
GENRE — idol au, smau with written chapters, second-hand embarrassment moments, fluffy fluff, crack, idiots in love.
THIRD STOP ! ♡ CORNELIA STREET by mayor niki nishimura
BEAT THAT ALLEGATIONS ! smau . . . ( ongoing - on hold )
PRECIS, Niki Nishimura finally found his only soulmate, the one who will respect and see him as himself, who you can be yourself, and makes him smile and shines his day whenever they see them. They finally got the courage to be themselves on screen but people find them just friends. They are exhausted from people telling them they are just best friends, They need to beat the best friend allegations.
GENRE — fluff, idol au, verrry slight angst, crack
BUTTERED POPCORN ! mini smau . . . ( upcoming )
PRECIS, Niki Nishimura was watching avatar 2 in the cinema dressed up like a criminal since he was an idol but didn't notice that his idol crush happened to be his seatmate at the cinema and ate his popcorn and thought it was hers. That night he found out who ate his popcorn after seeing the same person trying to eat in the hallway while re-watching avatar 2 across their dorm room.
GENRE — smau with written chapters, fluff & crack
THE SLAP ACCIDENT ! mini smau . . . ( upcoming )
PRECIS, Niki Nishimura was known as the class clown & infamous delinquent but he was more known as the person who secretly like yn the loud introvert of their class, however niki accidently slap her ass & thinks that she was rei, his best friend.
GENRE — smau with written chapters, fluff & crack
( you cant tell how much i love cornelia street so much )
FORTH STOP ! 𓆩♡𓆪 CUPIDS STREET by mayor heeseung lee
LAST, FIRST, SECOND TO MY HEART ! smau . . . ( upcoming )
PRECIS, After being transferred to Decelis academy and trying to change a new lifestyle, however, a rumor started to spread that the rugby player Lee Heeseung was your boyfriend. Your life becomes hell as you become tramped with many obstacles as this rumors wildspread and even reaching you family, the fact that your mother wants to bring Lee Heeseung along for the summer as you become panicking and agree and give her affirmation to bring him—the fact you never talked with Lee Heeseung about these rumors.
GENRE — smau, fake dating, written chapters, slow-burn angst, fluff, bullying
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FIFTH STOP ! ▽ ANGELS STREET by [redacted]
PRECIS, █████▒▒▒▒▒█████████████▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
. . . the bus has run out of gas ! please wait for a while until we proceed our trip !
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ria's tablet ! i love interacting with you all, and seeing just little comments made my day. Unfortunetly, i wasn't able to update. I have test coming up, hope you all understand ♡ don't be afraid to like or reblog my post it honestly a boost to see someones work got reblog !! THANK YOI
20 notes · View notes
goosewriting · 3 months
Dinner Disaster
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summary: after some flirting, reth finally asks reader out for dinner, but it doesn’t go as planned (follows the dinner disaster quest)
relationship: Reth x gn!reader
warnings: spoilers for Reth’s backstory and interactions, smooching
word count: 5.1k 
A/N: literally no one asked for this but this game is consuming my very being to a molecular level, and this man is a big reason i’m obsessed. btw if any of you play palia or are interested in playing, hmu and we can add each other lol this is set some time after the flirting starts, after reader gets involved in his uh, side business. this is more or less how the quest played out in my head so, yeah, enjoy~
Navigation: Part 1 (you're here) | Part 2
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
Since you developed a real green thumb, to the delight and pride of Badruu, you have some extra apples from your tree that you don’t know what to do with. So, as with most of your garden surplus, you decide to bring them to Reth, who will surely find a good use for the produce.
You spot the freckled Majiri behind the bar when you enter the Inn, thinking that he’d probably make an apple pie with the fruit, and that you’d surely get a slice. Your mouth waters at the thought. You wonder when the cook will teach you the recipe; maybe you should ask him. 
Reth’s working the register, finishing some transaction with another human customer, when you place the wooden crate of apples on the bar, and proceed to take a seat on the stool you usually occupy when you visit him at the Inn. Reth gives the apples a curious glance, and talks to you over his shoulder as he hands the customer some change.
“Thanks, babe,” he says without thinking, and you both freeze at his words, as does the human who just paid for a recipe. They shoot you a quick look with raised brows, then silently turn on their heels and walk out of the Inn. Reth slowly turns to you. 
“Sorry, that kinda slipped out,” he says sheepishly, unable to meet your eyes. “Are we at the babe status yet?”
To be honest, if he had asked you first, you probably would have said no. It’s not your favourite pet name, and he could surely come up with something better. He often calls you sweet tooth, which you’ve actually come to like a lot. But hearing him call you ‘babe’ so matter-of-factly out of nowhere… You’re surprised to realise that you actually like how it sounded, how it sounds coming from him.
“I mean… If you want to be,” you answer after a moment, deciding to tease him a little. “Sure thing, babe.”
Except that it backfires and it ends with both of your faces burning up, which he tries to play off by clearing his throat. 
“Yeah, I’ll still have to get used to it, too,” you chuckle, bringing a hand to your face in an attempt to cover up how flustered you got. “But I like it when you say it.”
“Noted,” he replies, then looks around the Inn to see if someone else will approach the register. As there’s no one else, he fully faces you, leaning slightly over the bar. “Say, what are you up to today?”
“Oh you know, the usual,” you reply, starting to count on your fingers. “Hunting, fishing, foraging. Then tending to the vegetable garden. I also need to craft a new chair. Why?”
“A-are you busy later tonight?”
You prop yourself up on your elbow and give him a lopsided smile. 
“I’m never too busy for you,” you offer, and he smiles amusedly at your answer. “You have anything in mind?”
“I was thinking we could have dinner. At your place, maybe?” he asks. “I’ll take care of the food and everything. You just have to show up.”
Up until now, no one has actually visited your house. Sure, you upgraded from your first precarious tent to a proper building, and the Majiri came by every so often to say hi or bring you something, but no one has actually gone into your house. And for some reason the thought of Reth not only being at your place but also being the first one to do so, it makes you a bit nervous… but in a good way.
You realise that he’s still looking at you waiting for an answer, fidgeting with a loose nail on the wooden crate still on the bar. 
“I’d love that, actually,” you reply.
“Great!” He looks actually relieved. As if I would have said no to you asking me out, you think, smiling to yourself. He’s so innocent sometimes. Reth takes the crate and shoves it under the bar somewhere. 
“Then let’s say around 6pm?” he proposes.
“Sounds good,” you agree with a nod. 
Ashura enters the Inn, giving you a warm smile and a wave from afar as he spots you. Given that it’s his boss and you shouldn’t be distracting Reth from work, you take it as your cue to leave.
“See you later then,” you say in a low voice so Ashura can’t hear you.
“Don’t miss me too much,” Reth gives you his usual goodbye. He winks at you and you merely roll your eyes as you turn to exit the place. And just in time, so he can’t see your flustered face. You can’t remember when exactly the winking started, but it never fails to make you weak in the knees.
Once down at the plaza, you refocus on your tasks for the day, mentally making a list of the things to buy, resources to mine and places to go. Then you head for your first stop with a spring in your step. Tonight can’t come quickly enough.
— — —
You come home with a backpack full to the brim of crabs, plants, stones and other goodies. As you set down your things on the grass with a grunt from the weight, you see your palcat coming out of the house to greet you.
“Hey there,” you say, crouching down to scratch her head. She purrs and meows happily. You recently got this companion, and it’s been nice having someone at home to come back to. She often accompanies you when you go out as well, but this morning she was feeling especially lazy and cosy so she stayed in bed. You walk to your storage crate, starting to put everything away, and your cat looks at you with a light tilt to the head as you tell her about your day.
“Oh and actually,” you finish your retelling with the big news. “We’re having a visitor today.”
“Yeah, him… So you have to be on your best behaviour, you hear me?” you tell your cat with an accusing finger pointing at her. “We have to make a good impression. If you’re good, you can have lots of treats later, okay?”
She meows again, and you like to think she just agreed; bribes with food always work, after all.
There’s still some time until six, so you tend to your garden, clean yourself and change into a new set of clothes, the nicer one. It’s the only one you own, and it was a gift from Jel. In fact, all the clothing you have was given to you by him in some way or another. You make a mental note to prepare a gift for him for helping you out so much.
Next to your house there’s a nice spot among the trees, near the pond, where you can hear the trickling of water. You grab a big blanket and a lantern, and set everything up for a picnic corner. Even if whatever Reth brought was more of a “plates and cutlery at the table” kind of meal, you could still come out here after and look at the stars a bit. Then, maybe you’ll find the courage to make a proper move on him… You imagine the both of you sitting on the blanket, illuminated only by the warm glow of a candle and the gentle moonlight, you take his hand, he leans in, and… 
You mentally slap yourself to get rid of those thoughts, cheeks ablaze. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, you reprimand yourself. He may be a bit of a flirt at times, but Reth doesn’t strike you as the type of person to take such feelings lightly. So you have to make sure that he even is into you in the first place. Like actually into you. Suddenly your whole mental scenario shifts, and as you take his hand, he pulls away, disgusted. But wait. Dinner was his idea. He even called you ‘babe’. Surely he must have some interest, right? You’re not just… a side piece? 
Before you can spiral down further, you hear your name being called, although it’s not the voice you were expecting; this one is higher and has a slight lisp. You turn around to find Auni by the gate to your yard. You jog up to where he stands, smiling curiously. Sure, he delivers the mail twice a day, but usually you just find the letters in your mailbox as if they magically appeared; you never saw him actually deliver anything. You wonder if he has a new cool bug to show you.
“Hey Auni!” you greet the boy as you approach him. 
“Hi, I have a delivery for you,” he announces, holding out something for you to take.
“Oh, what is it?”
“Reth paid me in cakes to have this brought to you asap, said it was really important.”
You take the letter from him with a thanks, and he says his goodbyes. Why would Reth send a letter when he’s supposed to show up himself? Maybe it’s a treasure hunt kinda thing? 
You open the folded piece of paper, which isn’t even in an envelope, recognising Reth’s handwriting, but it’s even messier and more hurried than usual. The curious smile on your face disappears, your brows furrowing as you read.
Hey, I feel like a HUGE jerk for doing this, but I have to cancel our plans tonight. Something came up that I can’t ignore. Next time we see each other I promise I’ll explain.
- Reth
It feels like your whole body suddenly runs cold, and your hands drop to your sides, your eyes looking ahead at nothing in particular.
Your cat, who had poked her head out the door when she heard Auni, seems to sense the shift in you and approaches, meowing softly, as if asking if everything is okay. You look down at her, and give a light shrug.
“Looks like we won’t have visits after all…” you explain, reading over the letter one more time, then letting out a deep sigh. “Let’s get you something to eat, c’mon.”
She seems to know those words, as she immediately stands up and circles around your legs. Following you inside, she waits for you to get the bowl ready, and once you set it on the ground, she happily digs in.
“Well, at least one of us got a nice dinner.”
You stroke once from her head to her long bushy tail, to which she comically lifts her behind, then you decide to turn in for the night and head to bed, not really feeling hungry despite the eventful day.
— — —
The next morning you wake up to the sunlight shining through your window and fully hitting your face; you forgot to close the blinds the night before. With a squint, you look down at the weight you feel on yourself and find your cat curled up on your lap, which gets a sleepy half smile out of you. 
Picking her up in your arms, you go to close one of the blinds, then make your bed and head to the kitchen for breakfast. You start your routine like normal, having breakfast, taking care of the garden, going through your inventory to check what you need and what you can sell. You take your time, though, not really wanting to head into the village just yet. 
By the time you’re ready to go, it’s almost noon. Usually you’d be at the inn in the morning to say hi to Reth and chat a bit before starting your day. And while you really don’t feel like talking to him after leaving you hanging yesterday, you also know that he’s probably beating himself up about it, even more so if you haven’t been seen all morning. So after heaving a deep sigh, in hopes of letting all anger and frustration exit your body, you walk through the gate down into the village. To your surprise and delight, your cat follows this time.
You make your way towards the central plaza, exchanging greetings with those who walk by you, stopping to have a short chat with Chayne, whom you probably don’t talk to enough. You make a mental note to remedy that.
Somewhere in your mind though, you know you’re just stalling; you should just get it over with. Reth probably has a good explanation. Besides, you don’t want to be mad at him or give him the silent treatment or anything. You miss him, and you do want to see him. You’re just… disappointed. 
Taking one last deep breath as you stand before the Inn, you look down at your palcat and give her a nod. She meows encouragingly. You walk in through the open door, relieved to find it mostly empty. There’s very few people sitting at the tables in the corner, and Ashura isn’t at the reception desk. 
Your eyes find Reth’s behind the bar, and he freezes for a moment. You approach him like you normally would, about to take a seat on your usual stool.
“Wait,” he says before you’re able to fully sit down. You merely shoot him a questioning look. He lowers his voice, shooting a quick glance at the people eating at the tables. “Let’s talk in the back.” 
Reth scribbles something on a piece of paper and places it next to the till, indicating for you to follow him with a nod of his head. You pat the seat you meant to take while commanding your cat to hop onto it, and she does, so you tell her to stay there and wait. Then as you walk to where he said, you take a quick look at the paper; it reads “back in 5”.
You follow Reth into the back room, and you both come to stand in the farthest corner; since there are two archways but only one has a door, this will have to do to stay away from prying ears and curious eyes. You both talk in hushed voices.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he says with a sigh, scratching his neck. He drags his eyes up to meet yours, scared of what he might find.  “Please don’t be mad. Are you mad? You can be a little mad. I’m such a jerk–”
“Hey, no need don’t say that,” you interrupt him, and you just look at each other in silence for a second. “I mean, I’m upset, but not in a ‘mad at you’ way. More in a… ‘I was really looking forward to it and was bummed that you had to cancel at the last minute’ way.
“I was really looking forward to it too, it’s just…” Reth runs his hand over his face with a groan. “Yesterday was kind of a mess.”
“What happened?”
“Ashura caught me sneaking into the back rooms after hours. I panicked, so I lied and said I was actually planning a party for him, as a thank you. He liked that idea, so he got off my back, but now I actually have to throw him a dinner party with other people.”
You look to the side, unable to stop the scoff that escapes you. But it isn’t a mocking or offended scoff, it’s more of an amused sharp exhale. 
For a moment, you think back to how you kind of ended up roped into his side hustle of smuggling illicit goods (especially Flow and ancient artifacts, which are very illegal), which is why he was sneaking around in the first place. You’ve been covering for him with Ashura and many others for a while now, and while at first it was more of a personal favour, now you're in too deep. Not that you mind, though. If you’re being honest with yourself, it adds a bit of an exhilarating factor to everyday life. You’re not entirely sure yet about the actual power and meaning of Flow in this society, but it seems to be connected to humans in some way, so you’re at least a little bit interested in it. If you have to investigate and interact with it in secret, then so be it; you also want answers as to what happened to humanity and how you landed here. Besides, it’s one more thing you two can bond over. Literally partners in crime. The thought makes you smile to yourself.
“You’re kind of bad at this whole criminal thing, you know?” you tell him with a playful grin. “Getting strangers involved, almost being caught by your boss.”
He doesn’t seem too amused. 
“I know, I’m…” his demeanour shifts from annoyed at and with himself to almost shy, and he looks down as he bites the inside of his cheek. “I guess I’ve been distracted lately, is all.”
You hum in response, somewhat intrigued. When his gaze comes back up to meet yours though, eyes filled with yearning, the look he gives you makes your heart skip a beat, and suddenly you’re all too aware of how close you’re standing to each other. You need to wrap this up.
“So is there anything I can do to help you out?” you ask him.
“What? No, you really don’t need to. You’ve already saved my hide so many times,” he’s quick to dismiss your question. “Besides, cooking is one of the few things I’m actually good at, so I got that covered.”
Suddenly he looks like he just thought of something that you could in fact help out with, but he doesn’t want to say. You give his upper arm a soft push with your fist.
“C’mon, out with it,” you encourage him with a playful smile. 
“Well…” His eyes linger for a second where you touched him. “I need to prepare everything, so I can’t be out and about actually inviting everyone to the dinner party.”
He takes out a paper from his pocket and hands it to you. You skim over it, seeing a list of names.
“If you could invite everyone and let me know how many guests will come, I can make sure to cook the right amout.”
“Got it,” you reply with a nod. “I’ll ask around and probably send Auni back to let you know. He told me you’re paying him in cakes for special deliveries. Think you can sneak another baking session in today on top of dinner? On my tab.”
“Sure thing,” he chuckles, then gets serious again. “And hey, I really am sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”
“Reth, it’s okay, really,” you say, and he’s so close and he looks so sad, you want to hold his face so badly. In fact, your hand is already going up, but you pull back midway, fidgeting with the collar of your shirt instead. “Just… be more careful next time, okay?”
“Yeah…” he sighs. “And thank you, for the invites. I owe you. Again.” 
“Yes, you do,” you chuckle. “Maybe I should start charging you with interest.”
He starts patting down his pockets. 
“I don’t have any cash on me at the moment,” he says with a smile, playing along. 
Your answer comes quicker than you can anticipate and you’re unable to stop your words. 
“I was thinking more along the lines of kisses maybe…”
Both of you look at each other a bit shocked.
“Oh. O-oh,” is all he stammers.
Whatever confidence came over you for you to say that, immediately dissipates as Reth turns several shades of pink darker. The tips of his ears look like they might actually catch fire any moment.
“But we can talk about payment later,” you’re quick to add, and clear your throat. “I’ll uhm, get your invites out. You better start on that food.”
“Right. Yes,” he says stiffly, and you both put some space between each other. “Thanks again. And sorry too. And–”
“Reth,” you cut him short again, giving him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay. See you later.”
You exit the backroom, calling for your cat, who walks around the bar to find you, and you make a hasty exit through the back, walking down the stairs to your left. As you pass the river, you consider for a moment jumping into the water to cool down. Maybe that would get your heart to slow down again. You fist your shirt over your chest where you can feel the pounding against your ribs. 
An inquisitive meow from the side gets your attention back, and you look down at your companion, who’s looking up at you confusedly.
“Right. We have a job to do,” you say and go to take out the paper with the list from your pocket, except that it’s been in your hand the whole time, and it’s now crumpled and slightly damp because of how clammy your hands were. You cringe a bit at that, commanding yourself to calm down at once. Geez, get a grip on yourself, you think.
It takes a while to track Auni down after everyone else, given that he’s always out on his mail route or out and about exploring, probably trying to catch some bugs. When you finally find him, you give him the list of people who plan to atttend Ashura’s dinner, and send him to Reth to deliver the news with the promise of getting his sticky hands on more cake. This seems to do the trick, and he happily jogs off with the new list stuffed into a side pocket of his gigantic backpack. You look after him as his figure gets smaller and smaller, wondering how he’s even able to carry all that. His equipment is bigger than himself. 
With a shake of your head, you bring your attention back to your own equipment, and get your bow and arrows ready. Today you’re hunting chapaas; Hassian asked for some meat and fur earlier this week and you haven’t been able to deliver yet. 
— — — 
You get back home relatively late, and when you do, the flag on your mailbox is up. Setting down your haul next to it, you get out several letters, looking for a message from Reth. And lo and behold, there’s one from him, this time properly written and folded into an envelope. 
He says that in the end everything worked out, to which you sigh in relief. Ashura doesn’t suspect a thing apparently, and everyone had a great time. He tells you to meet him at your “private spot” tonight, he has something to give you. 
You look at the time, then down at yourself; you’re looking pretty shabby after hunting for hours on end, kneeling down in mud and such. So you quickly change into clean clothes, wash your face and prepare food for your loyal cat. As she happily munches away, you grab your jacket and leave again. Nights can get pretty chilly here, you’ve learned. 
It doesn’t take long for you to make your way to the inn, given that you’re essentially bee lining for it. Checking that no one’s following you or sees you enter the inn from the back, you quickly take a left and go down the stairs towards the storage room. Reth gave you the key to it, so you unlock the door and enter, quickly closing it behind you. 
When you turn around, you’re met with the cook on the other side of the room, stopping whatever he was doing on the table, and he stands up to come and meet you.
“Hey sweet tooth, thanks for coming,” he greets you. 
“Hey,” you smile up to him but he looks tense. “Is everything okay? I thought you said the dinner party worked out? “
“No, it did. It’s- It’s not that,” he curses under his breath at himself. 
“What is it then?”
Reth sighs, and you can tell he’s trying to find the right words. So you give him a moment to gather his thoughts, waiting patiently.
“You know… I’m not used to asking for help,” he starts explaining. “Even as a kid, I wouldn't, and I didn't expect others to help, either. It was always just me and Tish against the world. And now there’s you.”
His cheeks flush ever so slightly, and you can start to feel yours mirroring his.
“Here you come, busting into my life,” he says with a soft smile, but it quickly vanishes. “And even though I keep messing up… somehow you’re still here. You’re not sick of me yet.”
You want to interject, as that “yet” doesn’t sit well with you, but he doesn’t let you.
“And more than that, you've put yourself on the line for me, more than once. I honestly don't understand why you keep putting up with me but… I really do appreciate everything you've done and how much you've helped me out, and Tish as well. But the cartel… I- I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. And I don’t want to scare you off either.” He lets out a shaky breath. “Whatever is going on between us, I don’t want to lose this. So let me make it up to you.”
He steps aside to show you what’s on the table: a container with your favourite food. 
“And I know this is barely enough for everything–”
“Reth, please stop,” you interrupt him before he can spiral further, your voice soft. “I’ll take the food, thank you. It looks delicious. But you really don’t have to try to make up for any of the, uh, side business stuff. Sure, the dinner didn’t work out, but if you say we just have dinner another day, then that is enough for me.”
You step a little closer, your hand tentatively reaching out for his.
“And you don’t have to worry about scaring me off.” Your voice is nothing more than a whisper now. “I also don’t want to lose what we have. I’m not going anywhere.”
Reth looks down at your hands as he shyly intertwines his fingers with yours, and when his eyes come back up to meet yours, they’re full of something… new. His gaze flickers down to your lips for a second and back up, and you wonder if he can hear your erratic heartbeat. You’re standing so close to each other right now, it wouldn’t take a lot to close the gap.
“That said, though, about that payment I mentioned…” you trail off.
His jaw clenches, and he looks to the side, pulling back away from you ever so slightly.
“Are you sure about this?” he questions rather bitterly. “About me?”
“What do you mean?” you ask. He sighs, eyes cast down at the floor.
“People will talk. They probably already are. With my reputation and all… I strayed from my Path. Most days I’m convinced people don’t even like my soup. I’m nothing more than a scoundrel.”
Your free hand comes up to gingerly hold his chin and turn his face to make him look at you.
“First of all, I don’t care what people say,” you start refuting his arguments. “Maybe I still don’t understand Majiri tradition, but I think you should be free to choose your own path with no expectations, and change it if you find it doesn’t suit you. And I like your soup. Also, I think being a scoundrel is part of your charm. Is that a bad thing?”
He doesn’t reply immediately, and when he does, his voice is so small you almost miss it. 
“You’re too good for me.”
You pull back slightly to fully look at him, and it breaks your heart a little how earnestly he means that. So you let go of his hand and hug his torso instead, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
“I don’t know what happened that makes you think that, but I will try my best to show you how wrong you are. You deserve good things, Reth. Whatever it is you want, you’re allowed to pursue it.”
He hugs you back, tightly, so you place a kiss to the only place you can reach, which is his jawline just below his ear. You feel him tremble, but if it’s from relief, anticipation or something else, you can’t tell.
“Right now what I want is you,” he says after a moment. 
“Then what are you waiting for.”
Reth lets go only enough for you to come back face to face with him, and he doesn’t waste a second to capture your lips with his. At first it’s shy, new, a sequence of soft pecks, testing the waters. When your hands travel up his chest to cup his face, he relaxes a bit more, kissing you more confidently. His hands slip underneath your open jacket, holding onto your waist and pulling you to him. 
His kisses grow more intense, hungrier, and his tongue finds its way to yours. You can’t help the low moan that escapes you when he presses you further into him, and he practically swallows it. 
As he takes a step forward, you take one backwards, then another and another, until your back hits the door, and you’re being squished between the rough wooden surface and Reth’s body trying to get impossibly close to yours. The impact makes you grunt, and he responds with something between a sigh and a growl, moving away from your lips to attack your neck. You welcome the break to take a breather, panting, and you remember something.
“Wait,” you say between breaths, and immediately Reth stops his soft bites and licks on your throat, also out of breath, and worry starts spreading on his face.
“W-what? Is this okay? I–”
Your hand on his face gently covers his mouth to stop him from talking, while with the other you turn the key below the doorknob to lock the door, which you had forgotten to do when you arrived.
“Just don’t want to risk getting interrupted, is all.”
You take a moment to admire his slightly dishevelled form: the bandana is a bit askew, his pupils are blown out, his cheeks and ears a deep pink. You probably don’t look much different, to be honest. He looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to give him permission to continue. 
“Let’s move away from the door, maybe–” you start, and within an instant, strong arms are picking you up under your thighs, carrying you over to the other side of the room and setting you down on the table. 
“Better?” he asks, placing a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Better,” you reply with a smile.
“You said you’re charging me with lots of interest,” he mumbles into your skin as he starts again where he left off earlier. You can only hum in response. “And I plan on paying back what I owe.” 
You pull back a little to look at him, and the newfound confidence and assertiveness in his eyes and voice send a pleasant tingle down your spine. 
“I’m very much looking forward to it.”
— — —
A/N 2: what? goose being attacked by brainrot over a freckled red-head who seems confident on the outside but is actually riddled with insecurities and does some illegal stuff to keep his family safe? huh, bet no one saw that one coming 🙄 guess i have ONE TYPE, smh.
A/N 3: if this is something you'd like to see more of, feel free to let me know and i'll add palia to my taglist fandoms for you to sign up :D palia has now been added to my taglist! link in my pinned post~
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concreteburialplot · 3 months
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New series:
Cool About It
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Meet: Amelia Alastor
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x OFC
A/N; I began writing this in December because it was meant to be a light, fluffy, hallmark-y one shot but the more I wrote the more it begged to be a sadder longer, more involved fic. I kept going back and forth between just scrapping it but ultimately I chose to continue. To not derail the original framework of the plot, I’ve decided to keep the holiday setting so… just roll with it & enjoy christmas in the spring ig 😅
Summary: When Noah comes home for the holidays with Nicholas, he runs into an old friend. While catching up, they fall back into the shoes of the children they used to be. Amelia quickly realizes that even after nearly 10 years apart, she still knows Noah like the back of her hand. Their reunion raises questions about Noah’s abrupt and secretive disappearance at 16.
Themes/warnings; childhood friends to lovers, ‘I know you better than anyone else’, hallmark-y? kinda?, [AU] family/childhood trauma, eventual smut, and as always, incredibly sad lol, 18+ MDNI
Disclaimer: this is an au that follows no actual timelines/events, and uses oc's for family members.
Comment if you’d like to be tagged❄️☕️
chapters with smut with have a *
-> 01 - Breaking & Entering
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fandxmslxt69 · 3 months
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Hello friends!
As March comes to an end (my birth month wooo) I thought it would be a fun idea to have a little hang out during the last week! So from March 25 - 31 we are PARTYING !
Sort of!
My askbox is open to all sorts of silly dilly fun time! This is my first little hang out so PLEASE BE KIND TO ME i'm just a silly girl who wants to make friends and have some fun! I'm also hoping this might get me back into writing!
Yes, the poster is all Loki NO HE'S NOT THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION!! Here's a little info I guess (I am just winging this as we speak, it is not very thought out):
Rules & Info
The event will run from 03/25 to 03/31 - you can send in as many asks and hang out as much as you would like!!! No I will not kill you if you drop a hello in my askbox start of April - to be honest, I love friends so I won't ever turn anyone away
You can stop by my askbox to say hi, share some thoughts (or thots...) tell me anything, or play a game! (will talk about that in a bit)
Anyyyyoneeee is welcome I don't care if we aren't mutuals or we don't even talk, STOP BY AND SAY HI :D If you are rude or disrespectful in any way, I will kick your butt and break your nose.
This is a positive, fun zone. I just want to have my fun and mind my business, please don't be trying to cause problems. I'm a relatively small blog so thankfully no one really looks my way but I've had some bumps in the past.
Fuck, marry, kill - send me any three characters that you want me to decide a fate for....oh my god please don't make me kill anyone I love dearly....
Blurbs!! - send me a little prompt/kink/thought & a character and I will try SOOOOO HARD to put out a little itty bitty something of writing! Like 500 words or so!! Can be fluffy or smutty. Angst is not allowed unless its just a LITTLE sad and with lots of fluffy stuff after
Character Association - tell me about yourself and let me give you a character. This is literally my favourite game ever, and I swear I'm super good at it
Book Recs - tell me your reading vibes/popular tropes you like and I will give you FIVE (not one, not two, but FIVE!!!) book recs because I like talking about books. If you show up talking about non fiction, then sorry but I am not your gal at all.
Chat - Come talk!! Come chat!! Come say hi and giggle with me about anything!! Come be crazy with me over narratives and themes and character arcs!!! Tell me about school or your day, your OCs, latest WIPs or anything currently on your mind!
Okay that's all I could come up with but literally any and all games are free game. I am keeping this as chill and lowkey as possible.
You guys already KNOW my vibes and what I'm around and what I'm not, so feel free to send anything! I float around Marvel/DC (just send in any character and if I don't vibe with it I'll just let you know or leave it unanswered), I think it's obviously I'm Oscar Isaac obsessed....um. Pretty much anything. It's free game and I'll put my foot down if I'm down okay with something or don't want to answer :D
I'm..about to tag some friends...if that's okay...
@divine-knight-hand @romanarose @sarahscribbles @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @sailorholly @in-som-niyah @fictive-sl0th @mischief2sarawr @saturn-rings-writes @superficialdomina @planetwaynez...and I can't remember anyone else now I'm sorry LMAO
PS: If you're worried whether I'm comfy or not or familiar with a character or not, just send it in anyway and we'll figure it out from there!
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dieaverage · 5 months
ROSE-COLORED BOY — eddie munson x fem!reader
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♫ you got me nervous, i'm right at the end of my rope, a half empty girl, don't make me laugh, i'll choke ♫
summary: daphne byers is the fiery, emotionally challenged daughter of darlene, joyce byers' estranged and now deceased addict younger sister. six months after her death, daphne apprehensively crawls back to hawkins (following a mysterious departure four years prior), in search of the maternal wing of joyce byers which she spent a considerable amount of her teenage years nested under. however, her return does not come without its difficulties, especially not when on her first night back in town she manages to crash into the one, well, excluding the greater hawkins area, person she so hoped to elude... eddie munson.
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warnings: set in 1988 (canon divergent), angst, lots of flashbacks, childhood friends to enemies to friends to lovers, sprinkles of found family, slowww burn, miscommunication, strong language, smoking, drinking, mentions of toxic and/or abusive relationships, lots of fluff, eventual smut.
pairings: eddie munson x f!reader, past billy hargrove x f!reader, mentions of unrequited lust x f!reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ SERIES
chapter one: spaghetti and meatballs
chapter two: 4
chapter three: an encounter
chapter four: wildfire
chapter five: (coming soon)
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alphawolfstabs · 8 months
Billy. He/Him
I'm not a minor. Terfs dni, also basic dni criteria. This space is viewer discretion advised. This space is also Autistic friendly as I am autistic.
I'm Billy, my ao3 is also aphawolfstabs. Currently fixated on Scream, more specifically Stuilly. Updates on Fics may be slow or may be quick as I'm Bipolar; If that bothers you- fucking oh well. I'm not super nice but I do consider myself mostly chill.
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My Fics:
Animosity: Pre canon, trans Billy Loomis. [Inspired by Sharp's Debaser fic. Highly recommend.]
The Vexation: A crackship fic with Doug/Billy
Fangs of Insatiable Longing: Vampire Billy, Human Stu.
Crimson Moon: Stu discovers he's a werewolf and Billy will need to help him figure out how to navigate. [idea originated from Cereals art, highly recommend his blog if you're 18+]
You Like It Rough, but I Like It Rougher [18+]: Smut fic, lots of blood and knives in this one
Shut My Brain Off, But Keep Me Breathing [18+]: Submissive Billy Loomis with Dom Stu, This was self indulgent when I wrote it.
To the Edge, Until We All Get Off [18+]: Sub Top Stu with Dom Bottom Billy, It's Stus birthday and Billy gets him a present. not super long but it's pretty snazzy, me thinks
My Carrd: This is a Carrd I made mostly for fun, there's a link in my bio as well. I recommend looking at it before following
My Discord: alphawolfstabs [Honestly if you decide to message me through discord please consider I'm really fucking awkward and if a conversation suddenly ends, it's because I can't hold a good conversation so you'll probably need to double text.]
I'll probably use this blog to post my fics, headcanons, mostly random shit. I say random shit a lot, and I reblog a lot of things as well.
And as always, feel free to use my inbox! You can ask questions, pester me, yell out shit, literally tell me random shit I don't care, I love everything that gets sent to me <3
Stuilly Headcanons
Autistic Billy Loomis
Funny Scream Posts
Scream Script
My poems
Have a good day / night, you're all loved and valued very very much <3
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tigertofu · 10 months
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💌 = ao3 | 💞 = mild nsfw | 💗 = explicit smut |❓ = requested
18+ only ! minors DNI.
please heed the tags on my ao3 fics !
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❀ longfics ❀
A Toxic Strain | E | Trevor/Female OC | 220k words, complete 💌💗
After a territory dispute with dispensary owner Franklin Clinton, 23-year-old Kacie Ocampo is coerced into abandoning her simple life of slinging dime bags of homegrown weed on Vespucci Beach and relocating to Sandy Shores to work for a violent, unpredictable criminal: Trevor Philips. A storm of conflicting emotions brews within Kacie as she falls victim to Trevor's manipulation while also harboring intense feelings of attraction to him - a storm that threatens her senses of morality and rationality with obliteration. She finds herself dragged into increasingly dangerous situations as Trevor tangles with a vengeful gang of bikers, his own mental instability, and a past that he refuses to let go of.
Growing Pains | E | Trevor/Female OC | 230k words, complete 💌💗
Kacie and Trevor's first few months as a couple have passed by in a hedonistic haze of sex, drugs, and petty crime. A toxic codependency has taken root, and neither of them have even tried to mitigate its growth. Trevor is more than happy to have an unlimited source of affection and attention, and so long as she's having fun with him, Kacie cares about little else. But a series of bad choices - some made by her, some made by him - may be enough to make things decidedly unfun.
Burning in Heaven | E | Trevor/Female OC | 34k words, WIP 💌💗
After starting a new life together in their totally–legally–obtained home in Rockford Hills, Kacie and Trevor are hard at work finding their footing in Los Santos. Getting Trevor’s new lifestyle coaching career off the ground has turned out to be no small feat, and the couple have turned to more familiar ways of squeezing profit from the city’s scores of drug–addicted citizens in the meantime. Though their work is challenging, more strenuous problems arise. Their relationship has finally levelled out into their own twisted (yet mostly happy) version of domestic bliss, but as an old flame is reignited and a new one is set, their peace is threatened by more than just the dangers of Los Santos’ criminal underbelly.
Handsome in an Ugly Way | E | Trevor/Fem!Reader | 27k words, WIP 💌💗
You're a clerk at a liquor store in Sandy Shores. The job is mind-numbingly boring and most of the customers are assholes. But one customer, the biggest asshole of them all, has caught your eye. And on one particular night, he notices you looking at him.
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❀ headcanon lists ❀
my stupid-long list of general trevor headcanons 💞
trevor w/ pregnant fem!reader & their baby 💞❓
north yankton trevor w/ photographer fem!reader 💞❓
general north yankton era headcanons about trevor, michael, and brad ❓
trevor as a husband and father ❓
hate to love w/ fem!reader & north yankton era trevor 💞❓
north yankton trevor w/ a goth fem!reader 💗❓
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❀ oneshots/short fics ❀
fem!reader meeting & hooking up w/ trevor 💗
north yankton trevor meeting & falling for fem!reader who is into boxing 💞❓
post ending-b trevor/fem!reader who reminds him of michael 💌❓
sandy shores exhile era trevor/michael 💌
fem!reader surprises trevor in lingerie 💌💗
chubby and shy fem!reader/trevor 💗❓️(+ separate ao3 link)
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lavenoon · 2 years
Cryptid Sightings Art Masterlist
If you're new here, go read Cryptid Sightings by @naffeclipse I cannot recommend it enough. I've done a bit of art for it ("a bit"), so here's the list:
*will keep this updated
*spoilers are marked, except for chapter 1 spoilers as I assume that as baseline knowledge
Demon behind you. (reveal centered, spoilers for up until but especially ch4)
Steady, Heart (reveal centered)
Y/N's scary thing (reveal centered)
New day (post-reveal centered)
Favorite (post-reveal centered)
We clear the Path (post-reveal centered, spoilers up until ch4)
Bird Bully (post-reveal centered)
Worst Case Scenario (*warnings for blood and death)
Hands (post-reveal centered)
Subtle (and bonus isolated lovestruck boys)
Cryptid Selfie (post-reveal centered)
"Fixed" PJs (ch5 spoilers)
Rude Awakening (ch5 spoilers)
Three names
They know. (post-reveal centered, spoilers for ch6)
Clever, heart. (ch7 spoilers)
Oops! Trauma (ch8 spoilers)
Their cryptid loves them. (ch8/ The lost Episode spoilers)
Hello :) (ch9 spoilers)
Promise || Trick (ch10 spoilers)
Help us (ch10 spoilers)
Red (ch11 spoilers) (*warning for blood)
Bait (ch10 spoilers/ tons of theories)
Trust (ch12 spoilers)
Teeth (post reveal centered)
It's not safe (ch13 spoilers)
No more secrets (ch13 spoilers)
Hands 2 Electric Boogaloo
Justice for the detector (vague ch13 spoilers)
No shit, Sherlock (ch14 spoilers)
The gang's all here (ch14 spoilers)
WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? (ch14 spoilers)
Stack the trauma (ch15 spoilers)
Eclipse Demon (ch16 spoilers)
Demon Goo (post-reveal, but no spoilers) (linked to Cinna's addition because it's hilarious)
Eager (post-reveal, but no spoilers)
Into a New Day (ch20 spoilers)
Standalones/ Other:
You take care of the scary things
Stay here (ch2 spoilers)
Creature of the Night
The Guide and the Guardian
Poor Mothman (ch5 spoilers)
Memes Part 1
Memes Part 2 (ch5 spoilers)
Chapter 5 doodles (you can figure)
All of us @ Naff (spoilers up until ch4)
Cryptid Boys True Form
Henry Emily (spoilers for ch16)
On Care, and Scary Things (ch18 spoilers)
Naff after ch19 (go figure)
Long Time No See (ch19 spoilers)
Not art but you're already here:
Click here to read along as I scream about my theories for the fic (all spoilers, till chapter 5, by now severely out of date)
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kirishwima · 5 days
Soph's Super Serious Pinned Section (Under construction)
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Soph, 18+ (Age in bio)
Comission Info
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JJK Masterlist
HQ! Masterlist
Mysme Masterlist
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** More to be added soon **
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aller-geez · 3 months
Getting to know: Zeroh Osiris
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199 // he/him // pansexual // Undead (Reaper)
Full name: Zeroh Osiris
Nickname: 0, Oh
Date Of Birth:
Big Three: Scorpio 🌞, Scorpio 🌙, Cancer ↗️
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Physical Appearance —
Age: 199 years old (died at 27 years old)
Eye Color: White/Pale blue w/ grey rings
Hair Color: Black & White
Weight: 157 lbs
Height: 6’7
Race: Undead, Reborn as a Reaper
Distinguishing Marks or Characteristics: A black “mask” type tattoo around his eyes, three straight lines between his bottom lip and chin, both eyes have a vertical line from his hairline to his eyelids, both hands are pitch black (blighted) and dark bruise-like marks fade up to his shoulders. Usually wears leather gloves to cover his hands. His throat, shoulders and the joints in his arms and legs all have dark scars (think where jointed dolls have their joints), three ring clacker in his septum, plus various other facial piercings
Personality —
Greatest Strength: His empathy. He loves animals and goes out of his way to make others feel accepted.
Greatest Weakness: His empathy. Often times he absorbs too much of everyone else’s moods and energy and will fall into a depression.
Soft Spot: Onyx
Mannerisms: horrible about making ill-timed, corny jokes whenever there’s tension around. One of those people who greatly overshares and trauma dumps without realizing. Because he’s a reaper and sees death constantly, he’s completely desensitized towards it, often resulting in comments/work stories that make others uncomfortable.
Miscellaneous Trivia —
Always has what appears to be the spirit of a Raven that flies around him or sits on his head/shoulder. She can dematerialize to be invisible, although she can be heard through the veil. actually a spirit who’s wandered earth, lost for so long their soul had deteriorated substantially and they are only able to materialize a small portion of their original form, unable to pass through the realms to reach thier afterlife. They choose to take the form of a semi translucent raven and has been with Zeroh for as long as he’s been a reaper.
He died at the age of 27 by drowning, and even as an immortal he still tends to get anxiety around bodies of water.
Because it’s crafted by shadoweavers*, his scythe can be transferred through the veil whenever it’s not in use, making it disappear, and can be retrieved again from anywhere whenever it’s needed.
* Kriia’s clan crafted his scythe, where he met and became close friends with her, Blythe and Freya.
Sneeze Content —
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Almost anything small and fuzzy like Rabbits, Mice, Ferrets, etc.
Photic (traveling thru the veil as means of transportation/teleportation triggers a few photic sneezes as he rematerializes from the light it generates)
How severe are they?
Extreme. Even though he’s allergic, whenever called to a soul in need of escort and it happens to be an animal he’s allergic to, he still will treat it as he does the rest, often times holding the animal to his chest as he walks to their destination.
Do they get sick often?
Doesn’t typically get sick because of his lack of a beating heart, therefore a nonexistent immune system, although it’s not impossible.
How bad is it usually?
Although it only ever lasts a day at most, it’s almost always severe, and when it’s at its worst, his skin can leak black ooze, and passing through the veil isn’t possible until his health is restored.
Do they stifle?
Sometimes, but it isn’t a regular occurrence.
How loud are their sneezes?
Usually they’re more harsh sounding than loud sneezes if they’re from his allergies, but sneezes from an illness can become extremely loud, often causing Amara to hide in the veil to protect herself.
What do they sneeze into?
Often his hands. If he’s wearing his cloak, he sometimes uses fabric of the sleeves and/or collar.
How often do they sneeze?
Often. With the number of reapers dwindling and Alistar’s laziness quickly increasing, his case load is extremely full. There’s only 3 reapers in a 100 mile radius, meaning he often came in contact with animals he’s allergic to, as well as teleporting home which also causes him to sneeze.
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?
2-3 in a fit is pretty typical, although sometimes he’ll get stuck in a drawn out fit of 6-10 over a 10 minute span.
Do they have build-ups or are they sudden?
Drawn out fits can have build ups, otherwise they’re pretty sudden.
Do they sneeze in public?
He doesn’t like a ton of attention, but he’s very unskilled at holding back so he just accepts it. Gotta do what’cha gotta do, right?
Often he’s even sneezing every few sentences throughout the entire walk to heaven with animals that trigger his allergies.
Some examples of their sneezes?
hh— huh’AHTSSCHHh’iew!
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Backstory —
‪In life, he was a seasoned thief/con artist that scammed and cheated his way through life, selfishly screwing over anyone he could for a quick buck. After a few years, he’d ruined more lives than he could keep track of, although he didn’t care to. After a freak accident that prematurely ended his life, his soul was condemned to the underworld for his actions on earth. There, he begged Lucifer for his forgiveness and to be spared from eternal torture, to which the devil had two conditions: 1. His hands were blighted, and anyone to touch his bare hands would die instantly, and 2., Because of the Anti-Christ’s laziness, more Reapers were needed to be sent out to retrieve souls for him. Zeroh agreed, and he became a reaper, an entity that is permitted between all three realms, in charge of collecting the souls of any living creature on earth and escorting them to their designated afterlife. He wears leather gloves to avoid touching anyone accidentally After his rebirth as a Reaper, Zeroh fell in love with a human man and was in a 15 year relationship with him. One night, he fell asleep without his gloves, and when he rolled over to spoon with him in his sleep, his blighted hands touched his skin and he was killed instantly. It greatly effects him still, making it second nature to keep other people at an arms length, especially romantically. His lover’s soul was stranded for a few hours until he finally woke up, and when Zeroh discovered what had happened, he sobbed for a few minutes before having to walk hand in hand for the very last time with his boyfriend up to heaven, somewhere Zeroh would probably never get to go. It made him swear off relationships as to avoid prematurely ending a life, and saving himself the heartbreak of losing another person. He used to be someone selfish and apathetic towards the world around him but becoming a reaper and being the last conversation many souls ever had was sobering and reformed him. ‬
He is always accompanied by a raven spirit that he dubbed Amara, meaning “Blessed without end or demise.” While they appear as a crow, they are actually a spirit who’s wandered earth, lost for so long their soul had deteriorated substantially and they are only able to materialize a small portion of their original form, unable to pass through the realms to reach thier afterlife. They choose to take the form of a semi translucent raven and has been with Zeroh for as long as he’s been a reaper.
Reference Sheet —
(Coming soon~)
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1.5k Event Masterlist!
Hey folks!
So here it is, a lil masterlist comprising all of the Event prompts/responses from this recent 1.5 K celebration (so far)!
Soon enough, I'll make one of these for my older 1k Event as well, and I'll keep updating this one as I go on answering the rest of the asks, but for now, I hope y'all enjoy this!
Event Prompts (Key)
Fallout 4
Danse - Night Stalker
Deacon - Night Stalker
Gage - Night Stalker
Hancock - Night Stalker
MacCready - Night Stalker
Maxson - Night Stalker
Nick - Night Stalker
Piper - Night Stalker
Sturges - Night Stalker
Deacon - Deathclaw - "Move out of my way."
Deacon - Deathclaw - "All you do is lie."
Cait - Deathclaw - "How could you do this to me?"
Hancock - Deathclaw - "I'm trying to do the right thing!"
MacCready - Deathclaw - "You haven't seen angry yet..."
Nick - Deathclaw - "You did this to me."
Danse - Mirelurk Queen - "What? Am I not allowed to look...?"
Danse - Mirelurk Queen - "I was worried something happened..."
Danse - Mirelurk Queen - "Was that your first kiss?"
Deacon - Mirelurk Queen - "How about a kiss before I go?"
Deacon - Mirelurk Queen - "You always see the good in people..."
Hancock - Mirelurk Queen - "Keep it. It looks better on you."
Hancock - Mirelurk Queen - "I'm not afraid of you."
MacCready - Mirelurk Queen - "You're my family too."
MacCready - Mirelurk Queen - "You feel like home to me."
MacCready - Mirelurk Queen - "Thank you for protecting me."
MacCready - Mirelurk Queen - "C'mere you."
Nick - Mirelurk Queen - "What? Am I not allowed to look...?"
Piper - Mirelurk Queen - "You're my family too."
Sturges - Mirelurk Queen - "Don't be a stranger, okay?"
X6-88 - Mirelurk Queen - "I'm not giving up on you."
Danse - Bighorner (NSFW) - Wet Dreams
Danse - Bighorner (NSFW) - First Time
Gage x Deacon - Bighorner (NSFW)
Gage - Bighorner (NSFW) - Praise
Hancock - Bighorner (NSFW) - Semi-Public
Hancock - Bighorner (NSFW) - Needy Reunion
Hancock - Bighorner (NSFW) - Balcony
Hancock - Bighorner (NSFW) - Slow and Sweet
Maxson - Bighorner (NSFW) - Mommy
Piper - Bighorner (NSFW) - First Time with Sole
Piper - Bighorner (NSFW) - Consensual Infidelity
Curie - Bighorner (NSFW) - First Times
Fallout 3
Butch - Night Stalker
Charon - Night Stalker
Desmond Lockheart - Night Stalker
Charon - Deathclaw - "If you touch me again, I'll break your hand."
Butch - Mirelurk Queen - "Is that my shirt?"
Butch - Mirelurk Queen - "I'm not giving up on you."
Charon - Mirelurk Queen - "Thank you for protecting me."
Charon - Mirelurk Queen - "I'm just glad you're okay."
Charon - Mirelurk Queen - "Let's go somewhere..."
Gob - Mirelurk Queen - "Hold still. This might sting a little."
Gob - Mirelurk Queen - "You're welcome to stay, if you want."
Jonas - Bighorner (NSFW) - Praise and Sarcasm
Fallout: New Vegas
Arcade - Night Stalker
Benny - Night Stalker
Boone - Night Stalker
Arcade - Deathclaw - "I'm trying to do the right thing..."
Benny - Deathclaw - "You only care about yourself."
Benny - Deathclaw - "I never would've hurt you..."
Boone - Deathclaw - "Say it. Say it!"
Col. Hsu - Deathclaw - "How could you do this to me?"
Joshua - Deathclaw - "I never should've trusted you."
Arcade - Mirelurk Queen - "Hold still. This might sting..."
Boone - Mirelurk Queen - "Is that my shirt?"
Boone - Mirelurk Queen - "You can hold my hand, if you want."
Jessup - Mirelurk Queen - "I'm not afraid of you."
Joshua - Mirelurk Queen - "I'm not afraid of you."
Ulysses - Mirelurk Queen - "I don't think I've ever seen you smile."
Boone - Bighorner (NSFW) - Dominant Partner
Joshua - Bighorner (NSFW) - First Time
Vulpes - Bighorner (NSFW) - Jealousy
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sebsxphia · 1 year
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dabbles part one.
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bob being proud of you
bob giving you praise*
bob can’t risk loosing you
you’re bob’s family
bob wants to get caught*
lieutenant floyd*
bob’s nicknames*
hiding your relationship at top gun
best friends to lovers
bob will always stand up for you*
sugar daddy bob
dirty talk*
new mirror*
sexting with bob at the hard deck*
bob calling you ma’am*
candid photos*
wedding dances and wedding rings
the pda incident*
“bob talks about you all the time.”
he’s a lil freak*
bob will run you a bath*
you know they’re married right?
place your bets
bob fancying the nurse
you bob and your baby girl
christmas and the snow
playing video games with the whole team
pixar films with bob
boy dad bob!
i wanna kiss bob like he’s never been kissed*
bob and his skilled fingers*
bob has all the dirt about everyone
coming home to husband bob 
bobs glasses steam up*
dirty letters*
bob acting like rhett*
housewife for bob*
strong reader*
slow burn, friends to lovers*
hangman walking in on you and bob*
filthy letters*
learning another language and part one*
bob and his glasses and part one
uniform kink*
flight attendant reader
jealous bob*
dumbification, breeding and daddy kink*
thrown over his shoulder*
making you come for the first time*
photo both
in a club with bob*
taking care of you after a hard day
new home*
cold reader
housewife with bob*
being bob’s pillow princess*
daddy!bob type of punishment*
daddy!bob spanking you*
bob x little!reader
paper aeroplanes & part one
calling bob robby*
bob noticing little!reader regressing more
poly!squadron and little!reader
bob coming home to find you folding his clothes*
spoiling bob with his favorite coloured lingerie*
soon to be dad bob
bob accidentally hurting you during sex*
up against the bathroom stall*
sitting on bob’s face*
first time you squirt*
giving virgin!bob his first blowjob*
large family man bob*
sugar daddy bob*
touching you in a cinema*
honeymoon suites and camcorders* & part one*
bob’s tattoos & part one
innocent bobby eating you out*
star gazing
bob marking you*
oversized stuffy*
shy virgin bob and reader*
begging to eat you out*
bob bringing you coffee
bob and your pleasure*
drunk bobby*
hate sex with bob* & part one*
shy virgin bob*
mean dom bob and childhood home* & part one*
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chososdoll · 5 months
‿︵‿︵‿୨ 𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖞'𝖘 𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖗 ୧‿︵‿︵‿ ✦ 18+ ! STRICTLY no minors ! ageless blogs will be blocked ! ✦
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penny ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ - 29 - taurus - scotland - bunny girl - autistic - pansexual yukki's sweetie, choso's doll, levi's wife, reo's bunny, kaeya lover. REQUESTS: closed. (writing break)
divider credits to @/cafekitsune
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𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴!! ✦ - minors, ageless blogs dni. please please display your age or you will be blocked - no exceptions! ✦ - anti LGBT+, racism, ageism, pro israel and general asshole activities are not prohibited here. ✦ - this blog contains MATURE & dark content (including dub/noncon, stepcest, ddlg, hybrid) most cw's will be tagged but sometimes i do forget so please be aware of my blog content! ✦ - i am self-shipper and use oc's to express this. my main self-ships are kenyu yukimiya, levi ackerman & choso kamo.
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𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔢!!! ✦ - soon to be children's nursing student :3 ✦ - i have BPD & undiagnosed autism. please keep this in mind when coming into my inbox. i am always willing to sign post and support any moots in need but PLEASE do not trauma dump on me or overload me without checking first. i am not your therapist or your mother. ✦ - i am 420 friendly but i don’t really post about it outta respect to my followers as i know it’s not everyone’s thing! anything will be tagged with a trigger warning. if you ever have questions about this sort of thing my inbox is open!
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𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌/𝖒𝖞 𝖔𝖈'𝖘!!! masterlist (COMING SOON !) my oc's. (not updated)
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fyodior · 1 year
˗ˏˋ sigma ˎˊ˗
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❊ = 18+, minors DNI ! ┊┊ ✘ = dark content, read at own discretion
one shots
home ❊ breeding kink!
all hcs
sending fem!sigma to work with remote control vibrator ❊
mirror sex (pegging) ❊
general sigma hc's ❊
corrupting cute shy sigma ❊
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amethystsoda · 1 month
Gonna make the first Kitchen of Witch Hat recipe this weekend 👀✨
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yzashaven · 9 months
hii hii will be doing a redesign of my masterlist and the whole blog itself !! goodbye pink-white you will be missed 😞😞
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