#newcastle comic con
zigzagziggyyy · 11 days
Both Billy and Jamison at the Newcastle and Liverpool comic con
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Credit to the lost frogs comics for the second picture. You should defiantly check them out on their socials!
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nerdwatching · 2 months
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Lord Drakkon? Never heard of him…
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satelliteofsin · 7 months
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me when I'm a silly little ninja
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moodypidge · 10 months
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So I got into MCM Comic Con.
I have no idea how this happened. I applied entirely on a whim thinking there was absolutely no chance but that I wanted to show willing. I may have screamed and peed a little. A lot. It was a lot. The screaming is now no longer external but that doesn’t mean it’s stopped. That is also a lot.
Holy moly, hhuuuuUUUHHH
So unless I’m able to squeeze into some other event in the meantime, my next confirmed event is MCM Comic Con London at the end of October! Following that, I have a table at Newcastle Comic Con and once again the kind folk at Sunnycon are welcoming us back in 2024. I’m so glad that I’m getting into more conventions! It’s one of my favourite parts of running Moodypidge and I want to attend as many as I’m able to.
But London first though… I’m so excited and I feel so lucky but it is also extremely terrifying for a home bird like myself hhhhhhh okay gotta get back to my breathing exercises right okay
*starts hyperventilating*
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oswincoleman · 2 months
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Jenna Coleman has been announced as a guest at Comic Con North East in Newcastle, on Saturday, the 13th of April!
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parsleyleaves · 10 months
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Howl Jenkins Pendragon - Howl's Moving Castle
Shot at SunnyCon Anime Expo Newcastle 2022
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Comic Con North East - Sean Pertwee
I went to Comic Con in Newcastle today just for the photo op with Sean Pertwee and he was just lovely!
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hamishsteele · 8 months
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Hey all! Here are my upcoming signing dates for the rest of the year in the UK. Hope to see you there at Travelling Man, MCM and Thought Bubble!
October 7th - Travelling Man Newcastle at 11am, Travelling Man York at 3pm October 8th - Travelling Man Leeds at 11am, Travelling Man Manchester at 3pm October 27-29th - MCM Comic Con, London November 11-12th November - Thought Bubble, Harrogate
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constantineshots · 8 months
I'm kind of confused on John Constantine's characterisation. But, to be fair, I did come across him in the dp x dc crossovers, so...*shrug*
It's just that he ranges from the most pathetic, self-centered but also accidentally altruistic smoking asshole who couldn't care less if you burned alive to a soft-hearted tsundere who wants to help but lets nobody see that and tries to be an asshole to drive them away.
Also the thing about him backstabbing everyone he spends more than five minutes with, but still being on the JL's speed dial???? And everyone says he's an asshole who's more trouble than he's worth but they still turn to him for help?
If you have the time, could you please clear that up a bit? What is he like in the comics? The good ones I mean.
Thank you and have a nice day.
hello! sorry this took me a minute- had a lot to say. its a long post SORRY
buti think the simplest way to describe it is that in regards to the dc x dp crossover, they focus more on the dc universe's john constantine- which is the mainstream universe, with big shots like superman and batman and all of the things that make him, for the most part, seem like he's the best in magic and this man who is on, as you put it, the justice league's speed dial. he's the butt of most jokes, he never actually shows his bisexuality in a healthy manner because he's more likely to be joking about it than actually being in a relationship with a man (his usual love interest is zatanna, and ofc, bisexual people are allowed to date someone of the same gender, but what annoys me is that they are willing to joke about his bisexuality without showing him actually dating these men that he jokes about).
however, vertigo comics (which is dc's black label: comics like hellblazer (john's line), lucifer, the sandman, etc. reside because the topics they touch are for mature audiences- and not just because lucifer's naked 90% of his comic run) is where we get john constantine. in hellblazer, he starts off as a terrified man who's willing to do anything to survive- and, honestly, i'd say that's still the case throughout the series. he seems more real. more possible. more like someone i can connect to.
all the magic he's learned isn't this "inner power" that we see in characters like zatanna (love her, no shade to her) who was taught her magic by her father and has been around it her whole life, or characters like the enchantress. he picked up some books and started digging through them and learning to regain some semblance of control of his life because of his abusive family and just overall not being the most popular kid.
a lot of john's character stems from trauma- his family life, newcastle, most of his relationships with other people, the things he does in general, being in ravenscar, etc.
i said something a while back that i think still stands to this day- he's not a hero because he'll do anything to save his friends or himself, but overall, he comes first. to put it in perspective, there are times he knows things are dangerous, and yet he still asks for favors. also, this guy was dying of lung cancer (yknow. because he was smoking as much as he was) and he didn’t stop smoking, of course. no, he basically pulled this huge con on a bunch of higher people in hell and was like “well now if i die, a whole war starts” so they? made sure he would live. that’s the kind of shit john does. he’s a con artist.
while john doesn't like to sit on his feelings too long, he does care- he just doesn't like showing it. he shoves people away when they get too close, and when someone hurts him- for example, kit moving back to belfast and essentially breaking up with him because of the fact people attacked her to try and get to him, john was horrible. he was cruel. he called her cold, which he knew would hurt her. then, he went into an immediate depression and was homeless for,,, what, a year? because he blamed himself for so much shit and kit was just what made him keel over.
on top of that, john is pretty political. his whole character is- he talks about climate change, he talks about racism, he’s aware of his privilege, and in one of the more recent runs of hellblazer, he shows that too. shame that one wasn’t very long- would’ve liked more of it. however, his dc run doesn’t show any of that. it’s like they’re showing john but without getting into the gritty parts of him that make him him. it’s like they’re scratching the surface and won’t just take the metaphorical shovel and slam it into him. which sucks- i like the idea of him being around the other characters, somewhat, but i don’t want him to be the go to guy when it comes to dc comics’ magical people. he certainly isn’t that. they have those- they’ve got dr. fate and zatanna right on the league, why do they need john?
his character in vertigo is definitely not a hero, and dc wants him to be that. they want him to be the magic guy they have on speed dial. they want him to be the sexy guy with a cigarette in his mouth flirting with everyone in sight. they don’t want to delve into the darker territory because it’s going to scare people away, and the ones that are scared away probably shouldn’t be interacting with his character in the first place.
honestly, i’m probably missing a lot, but this is getting to be storybook length as it is, so sorry for my little tangent but i hope this helps!
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teahermitcomics · 1 month
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Here's my CON SCHEDULE for the year so far:
MCM London Comic Con May 24th-26th
Sunnycon Newcastle June 21st - 23rd
Thoughtbubble November 16th-17th
MCM London Comic Con Oct (TBC) Hotarucon Nov (TBC)
Like last year I'll be announcing all my new products right before MCM, so keep an eye out here or on my socials (@jadedlyco) for those (and discount codes to come...)
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constructbreakdown · 4 months
R.I.P. Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1623 - 1673)
If I had a time machine, I would take Margaret Cavendish to Comic-Con.
Song is Panpsychism by Kat Wilson.
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nerdwatching · 2 months
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Rita’s newest monster seems different than normal!
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spacehippieface · 1 year
Thence the joyful news had flashed all over the world; a thousand cities, chilled by ghastly apprehensions, suddenly flashed into frantic illuminations; they knew of it in Dublin, Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham, at the time when I stood upon the verge of the pit. Already men, weeping with joy, as I have heard, shouting and staying their work to shake hands and shout, were making up trains, even as near as Crewe, to descend upon London. The church bells that had ceased a fortnight since suddenly caught the news, until all England was bell-ringing.
A reminder that the Martians only invaded London and the Home Counties. Everywhere else was left alone. Though it does kind of make sense that to our narrator they might as well have sacked the whole country. I'm from Birmingham and have only been to London maybe 5 times in my life for comic con, and to me it feels like a different country in itself, with the transport links, the sheer scale of it, the prices, how fast everyone seems to walk there. And the tories and press they lean on seem to have this opinion that London is the only part of the country that matters and everywhere else is, in their own words, "desolate, uninhabited wasteland".
It's oddly funny to me that London falls and our narrator stumbles around like "all is lost now, the Earth belongs to the Martians," while a few hours away by train, people in Birmingham, Liverpool, Newcastle, etc would be like "what's going on in London?" "Men from Mars," "Nothing to do with me," and carry on with everyday life. Oddly prophetic even.
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londonwit · 1 year
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           ❝ let's take a walk on the d a r k s i d e then. ❞
« jack mullarkey, 30, he/him, dc comics » ∙∙ loading case file for john constantine. known aliases, if any: the hellblazer. current location: new york, new york.  current occupation: occult detective. he is known to be quick-witted and selfish, so proceed with caution. their current alliance: civilian. penned by ree. ©
full name: john thomas constantine. nickname(s): johnny, conjob. name meaning: "god is gracious." age: thirty. date of birth: may 10, 1992. place of birth: liverpool, england. ethnicity: white. gender: cis man. pronouns: he/him/his. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. religion: unaffiliated. occupation: occult detective. education level: general certificate of education (gce). living arrangements: bounces from one place to another; was homeless for several months when he was 16 after being kicked out of his childhood home by his father. speaking voice and accent: british. spoken languages: english, latin, ancient greek, hebrew, sanskrit, ect.
faceclaim: jack mullarkey. hair color and style: blonde, clean cut. eye color: blue. height: 6'0". weight: 158 lbs. body and build: lanky, somewhat muscular. tattoos: several incantations of varying languages inscribed on his forearms, similar to the tattoos he has in the injustice comics. piercings: helix piercing in both ears, yet they've mostly closed up. clothing style: typically formal wear with a tie and trenchcoat. distinguishing characteristics: dimpled chin and piercing blue eyes. signature scent: silk cut cigarettes.
mental disorder(s): suffers from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as brief instances of psychosis following the incident in newcastle when he damned a young girl’s soul to hell by accident. physical disorder(s): lung and cardiovascular complications due to his chain smoking. allergies: cats. sleeping habits: often experiences insomnia and has difficulty falling asleep. he also just stays up until ungodly hours. eating habits: a lot of instant noodles and hot pockets. sociability: he’s rather sociable unless he’s going through a rough time. it’s others who’d prefer not to associate with him given his track record of dead friends and family members. addictions: nicotine. drug abuse: in his early twenties, he was on antidepressants and prescribed olanzapine by his doctors at ravenscar psychiatric institute, where he was a patient for two years. alcohol use: will go on a bender every once in a blue moon but usually sticks to a glass of whiskey (or several) each night.
label(s): the con artist, the devil’s advocate, the bibliophile, the karma houdini, the narcissist, the hellion, the addict, the deadpan snarker, the anti-hero. positive traits: charismatic, persuasive, humanistic, pragmatic, quick-witted. negative traits: cunning, selfish, arrogant, cynical, self-loathing. astrology: taurus. personality type: entp. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. hogwarts house: slytherin. element: fire. primary vice: pride. primary virtue: diligence. weather: rainstorm. color: orange/gold. music: the clash. movie: blade runner. book: the island of doctor moreau. sport: rugby. beverage: whiskey. food: bacon and eggs. animal: fox. season: autumn.
mother: mary anne constantine (died in childbirth). father: thomas constantine (deceased). significant other: n/a. best friend: chas chandler. exes: zatanna zatara, oliver (ex-boyfriend), nightmare nurse, several meaningless flings. sibling(s): cheryl masters, sister (murdered by her husband), unnamed twin brother (died in the womb). children: n/a. extended family: tony masters, brother-in-law (deceased), gemma masters, niece. pet(s): n/a.
short bio: after a botched exorcism in his adolescence led to an innocent girl named astra logue being damned to hell, john has been running from the demons of his past and drowning his sorrows in a bottle of liquor, all while leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake. a conman by trade and savvy occult detective on nights he’s not conjuring demons, john’s spent the last several years swindling the streets of london with his impressive wit and token charm.
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jamiemarsters · 1 year
Highlights from James Marsters, Charisma Carpenter & Juliet Landau's appearance at Comic Con North East last weekend. Chapters: 00:00:00 James arrives in Newcastle 00:00:12 Buffy Trio Ops 00:00:18 Q&A intro 00:00:38 Q&A Part 1 00:05:53 Q&A Part 2 00:16:29 Charisma's highlights #JamesMarsters #CharismaCarpenter #JulietLandau #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #ComicConNorthEast #Newcastle by jamiemarsters
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parsleyleaves · 10 months
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Nandor the Relentless, Nadja of Antipaxos and Laszlo Cravensworth - What We Do In The Shadows
Shot at SunnyCon Anime Expo Newcastle 2022
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