#niragi scenarios
amortentiaz · 1 year
alice in borderland season 2 out of context
hatter: if you were to die what would your last words be?
aguni: finally
hatter: no—
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kaizensluvr · 1 year
can u do chishiya arisu and niragi x reader who cant sleeps without cuddles please?
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chishiya, arisu, & niragi x gn reader who can’t sleep without cuddles
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author note! ty for requesting
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shuntaro chishiya
- warning at first he feels stiff bc he’s touch starved but he will eventually warm up to it
- in the car back from a game, u fell asleep on his shoulder and he liked that u felt safe with him
- [real world] once you two were watching a movie and u fell asleep on him, he wrapped his arms around u and since then he’s secretly liked it
- after a long day and a game you came home tired, chishiya was already in bed but you couldn’t tell if he was sleeping, u didn’t wanna wake him up but ever since you got to the beach u haven’t been able to sleep without cuddles
- you snuggled up into the covers and after about an hour and a half of twisting and turning u still couldn’t fall asleep
- eventually you just wrapped yourself up into his arms and then you heard his voice
- “y/n, you’re still up?” u just mumbled yes and fell asleep on his chest
ryohei arisu
- he is FLUSTERED like he’s always blushing and feels so loved and special that u want him holding you <3
- i think he’d be a good cuddle giver even though he’s nervous
- [real world] you were on his lap while he was playing a video game, and you fell asleep on him; he didn’t wanna wake you so he took you onto his bed, but as he was about to get up, u grabbed him so he ended up staying with u in his chest
- he will play with your hair or rubbing your back if you can’t sleep while he’s being the big spoon
- doesn’t get annoyed at all if you wake him up bc you need him to sleep, as long as you get a good nights rest
suguru niragi
- oh he loves this, the fact you’re reliant on him for a simple task as sleeping
- gonna act annoyed but secretly is super proud of himself, usually people fear him but not you
- wants to protect you so would most likely already want to cuddle every night
- he likes to be the big spoon but when u guys are sleeping he ends up laying his limbs EVERYWHERE which gets annoying ( also a blanket hog)
- when he is doing something and u come over to him to ask for cuddles, he will tease u but he will 100% cuddle u all night long
- sometimes u can play with his hands or hair
- tbh he can’t sleep without u either so let’s say u guys got into a fight and u went to sleep on the couch he would eventually come to u and deal with his ego and just lay next to u
- since u can’t sleep without his cuddles, u always end up in his arms
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ⓒ caution. don’t repost my work without my permission. plagiarism is prohibited. don’t translate my work without my permission. i will take measures of reporting you.
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1K notes · View notes
syntheticfoxfire · 1 year
Tremors | Niragi Suguru | [A, F]
Summary: Between your unspoken worries and Niragi proudly showing you the game he's been working on, something goes wrong and it's a mess. [real world au] Word count: 5.7k Warnings: mentions of abusive relationship, implied smut
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The train shakes and you sway from side to side in your seat. It’s a nice day, the sun is shining and the breeze is gentle on the skin. Everyone has to be enjoying it somewhere outside because the train is almost empty. It’s a rare and welcomed occurrence. 
You look out the window, barely able to stay still and control your bubbling excitement. You watch the building and trees pass by in a blur of movement. You watch the clouds, try to count the white cars, anything to keep your mind from wandering and imagining. It’s useless really. The only thing on your mind is him.
If you’re honest, it’s a little embarrassing that you’re like this. You’re not a highschooler anymore, and this isn’t a stupid crush. Your relationship is long established, long enough that you’d think the bubbly and nervous feelings one associates with new love would long since disappear, but that’s not the case. Maybe you’d be a little more accepting of the childish rush of joy in different circumstances, but as it stands it’s only been a week since you’ve seen Niragi. A week. And you have chosen to take some time for yourself. So there’s really no reason you should be feeling like a child about to go to Disneyland.
But there’s more to it, isn’t it? You sigh and lean your forehead against the cool glass. Feeling like a bubbling pot that got its lid taken off, you deflate in your seat, pondering.
Niragi’s been stressing over work again and he’s insufferable when he’s stressed. Not always, but usually. Sometimes it’s quite nice. He gets more dominant. And hungry. Always so hungry for you and your body. Fucking like rabbits is about the only thing that calms him. And you’re not complaining. If only that was it.
Other times, like now, he’s… well, not the same. 
He gets more dominant as well, but in a different way. It’s almost controlling. And loud. All he does is yell and you can’t seem to do anything right. He’s a perfectionist. And whenever he’s stressed, nothing could ever meet his standards. He has a bad temper, you know that about him. You’ve always known. He doesn’t do too good of a job hiding it - if he’s even trying at all. 
The point is, in times like this he’s actually scary. 
He’s never hurt you but you’re not sure he wouldn’t ever do it.
Not on purpose. You don’t think he’d ever get violent with you like that. However, you can imagine it happening by accident. You’d say or do something wrong, or maybe just be at the wrong place at the wrong time when his frustration is at its highest and bam, your body would hurt and he’d look at you like he doesn’t recognize you. You can almost feel the sting of your cheek, your fingers touching the tender skin. He’d just stand there with a shocked expression, and he’d be shaking. Would he try to approach you? Would he apologize? Cry? Double down?
You can’t be sure, but just the reality of you being able to imagine the scene so vividly in your mind scares you. It’s not right, you know that. But he can be so sweet. He is sweet. He needs you and you need him. Maybe once you’re not so young and wild it’ll get better - then again, the clock is ticking.
Your phone buzzes and despite your gloomy thoughts you smile when you see it’s a message from Niragi. And then another one. He always gets so clingy when you’re not around. Apparently something came up so he won’t be able to make it to the station to pick you up. And he tells you to hurry. To go straight home. To text him when you get off the train. And to text or call him if you even think anyone is being creepy. You roll your eyes.
Niragi has a habit of being way too possessive and protective. Not that you mind, not really. Your social circle is tiny anyway, and more than anything you want your friends to be his friends too. It’s challenging, but you make it work. You’re more of a homebody too, and if Niragi suggests it and you do go party in a club, you’re more than happy to stay by his side.
And he likes it. He’s always walking around carrying himself like he owns the place, as long as he has his arm tightly wrapped around your waist. You must admit that it feels good to you too. It’s hard to feel wanted in this world. Niragi makes you feel that way.
That being said, it has its drawbacks. Should you get separated, things tend to get messy. For some reason he always acts a little off after he finds you. He drapes himself over you, he won’t let you go anywhere alone. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he needs to reassure himself somehow by clinging to you. Like needs. But that doesn’t make any sense, does it.
And if someone touches you, it’s over for them. Niragi always miraculously finds out and makes sure the person in question knows they’ve fucked up. It usually ends up either with you dragging Niragi away by force or the two of you getting kicked out after he started a fight. More often the latter. He’s really scary when he’s angry.
But so sweet when he isn’t.
As soon as the train stops at the station, you get off and text Niragi as he told you to do.
If you get here within thirty minutes, I’ll show you what I’m working on.
He always knows how to shift your mind to what you love about him. You’re out of the station and hurrying through the streets towards your second home right away. There are so many memories hidden behind each corner. The cafe you frequently visit and have Niragi tease you about the drinks you pick. The park where you so often walk and enjoy the sunshine during the summer and his eyes linger on you just for a second longer when you smile at him.
It’s so easy to forget all the bad times. The red flags.
You skip down the streets and smile at strangers you pass. Might as well spread the good mood in some way. 
Few minutes later, you’re unlocking the door to the apartment building and running up the stairs. Another minute later you finally unlock the front door and step into the apartment. It smells like home here, more than in your actual home. You take off your shoes and turn to lock the door. Before you get to finish the task, however, you’re pushed against the door and there’s a firm, warm body on yours. His hands are already wrapped around your waist and his lips press openmouthed kisses to your neck. You shiver, chuckling.
“I missed you too,” you sigh, finishing locking up. You turn in his hold and Niragi wastes no time melting his lips against yours, tongue invading your mouth as soon as he gets the chance. You moan into the kiss and feel him smirk. He takes his time kissing you like he needs to make sure you’re real. That you’re still his. Remind you of his claim over you. You let him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Finally he lets you breathe, but he doesn’t move away. He needs to breathe the same air you’re breathing, his forehead against yours. His eyes are dark but with a hint of softness. You raise a hand to his face, gently stroking his cheek with your thumb. He leans into your touch.
“We should really talk some more about you moving in,” he says. There’s a teasing lilt to his voice but you know better than to believe he doesn’t mean it. You know it’s something he’s wanted for a while and that he’s getting impatient. The only thing that’s keeping him from blowing up at you about it is, you guess, that you’re basically living here anyway.
“Missed me that much, huh?” you tease back, avoiding the conversation. You’re not in the mood and you know it would end in a fight. He knows too so he lets you off the hook. For now. You give him an hour at most, and in that time, you need to prepare yourself for whatever is about to come. Why are you so hesitant to move in anyway?
“You have no idea, baby,” he purrs and with one last kiss he pushes himself off you. You go unpack the few items you’ve brought with you. It’s true that you’re basically living here already. You have most of your stuff here, he let you - in a rare case of a compromise - reorganize the kitchen and bathroom so that the stuff you need is within your reach. The apartment already feels and for all purposes is your home. 
At the same time you like the freedom and opportunity to escape his bad moods that having your own place, albeit shared with roommates, provides. But then again, his apartment has privacy, and well, him. What’s worse - his moods or missing him? You wish you knew.
You finish unpacking and change into more comfortable clothes before stepping out of the room to look for your boyfriend. You yelp when he catches you from behind, licking a long stripe up your neck. You smack his arm playfully but give him a stern look.
“I told you I hate it when you scare me like that,” you pout though he can’t see it with his face buried in your neck.
“I just want you to be prepared. The game is pretty scary, you know,” he hums against your skin, sucking a mark just under your ear. You gasp, and for once it’s not because of his attention but from the implication in his words. You know that the project they’re working on right now in his job is just some fps shooter, nothing scary.
“So it’s the one you’ve been working on this whole time? The solo project?” you turn in his arms, cupping his face in excitement. He nods and bites his lip, watching you gush about how much you’re looking forward to seeing it, listening to your praises of his hard work and dedication. He shushes you with another kiss, this one slower but deeper. You smile. He only kisses you like that when you make him flustered. Or that’s what you call it anyway because it sounds better than admitting he kisses you because he doesn’t know how to cope with whatever he’s feeling. To admit you’re sure that a kiss is not the first thing that comes to his mind as a reaction. You’ve noticed the twitch of his eyes, the slight strain in his smile. 
It’s the same look he gives you before he beats a drunken guy that flirted with you.
Niragi isn’t very vocal about his feelings. He never talks about his feelings. Honestly, you think he isn’t really feeling them, pushing them all away until he blows up. You get it. Anger is safe. Anger doesn’t hurt him. But it isn’t very productive either.
He’s never told you much about his past, which is telling in and of itself, but from the scraps of information you’ve pieced together, you suppose you understand. 
Still his serious communication issues cause problems in your relationship sometimes. Understandably. Which makes it even more surprising that you can’t say that there’s ever been a time you haven’t felt loved. He makes sure you know it, proving it with his actions rather than words. Your friends might tease you for it but you know they’re also jealous. For all his imperfections, you can’t imagine someone would love you as much as he does.
And maybe that’s the problem.
He pulls away and you smile warmly at him. He warns you that it’s not done and that there are some bugs and stuff to be done but you assure him you don’t care. You know it’s going to be as perfect as it physically can be. With how critical he is of himself, he wouldn’t allow his work to be anything less than perfect. 
You study him as you walk through the apartment. He looks the way he always does, cool and unbothered but you see the little hints. He’s nervous. Of course he would be. You know how much time and effort he’s put into this alongside the projects for his work. Despite what most people think about him when they see him, Niragi is actually really smart. Like very fucking intelligent. It scares you sometimes - mostly because he’s also really childish and impulsive. Not the best combination.
“You sure you wanna see it? I thought you said you don’t like scary stuff,” he smirks. It makes you pause for a bit. This is the second time he warns you about it, something he never does. He hates having to repeat himself.
“Is it really that scary?” you ask, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth. He cups your jaw and runs his thumb the flesh, almost daring you to bite him with his eyes. You don’t.
“Just a little bit,” he shrugs and it doesn’t make you feel better but you decide that this is really important to him so you’ll manage. He looks at you expectantly.
“Alright, show me then,” you nod at him and jump a little to look cuter. It must work because he smiles and shakes his head, his hand falling to the small of your back.
He leads the way to his home office. The blinds are closed. The room is dark, safe for the light from the screen. It’s clean, not a speck of dust to be seen, but messy with all kinds of cables and parts lying around. You remember he’s been talking about upgrading his computer for a while.
He sits down on his chair and you don’t need any encouragement to sit on his lap. One of his hands wrap around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder. It feels good. Safe. Domestic even. You feel yourself relax despite the curiosity gnawing at your nerves. This position is familiar and your brain is flooded with another wave of memories. 
Why are you so on edge today?
His arm around you feels like home. The hours he’s spent holding you like this while you played a game on his lap, or watched him play, feel like liquid comfort. You could drown in it.
With his free hand Niragi controls the mouse, clicking away until the screen goes dark and the game starts. You jump a little when you hear music coming from the speakers. How did he do that? He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“One of the guys helped me,” he explains as you mouth a silent ‘how’. You nod, remembering that one of his coworkers was dabbling in music, sound effects and the like even in his free time. Your friends are his, his are yours. No matter how few of them there is.
He explains the controls to you, tells you what to do and not to do unless you want to crash the game but nothing more than that. You listen attentively and immediately try what he told you in gameplay. Sometimes you feel him tense behind you, clench his jaw or sigh when he notices a mistake or something he doesn’t like. You do your best to reassure him, commenting on things you like instead. Or turning your head to kiss him. Distraction works the best.
So far it seems like a pretty standard game. The main character is a university student. You can’t see much about them as it’s in the first person pov. They are on their way from school now. The music playing in the background started off nice and pleasant but gradually it just keeps getting more and more ominous, hitting a crescendo when colorful fireworks erupt in the pinkish afternoon sky.
“Huh? Isn’t it too early for fireworks?” you comment off-handedly, turning to look at Niragi who just bites your shoulder and nods for you to pay attention to what’s happening on the screen. You shake your head but listen, intrigued.
When you look back, the surroundings have changed. The streets are dark and abandoned. It’s quiet. You frown and feel Niragi kiss up your neck.
“It’s not scary yet,” he whispers into your ear helpfully. You trust him- 
You trust him. 
You trust him and walk around the city with your character in search for clues. You find nothing. You’re just about to ask your boyfriend for help when the building not far away lights up. You make a little confused sound but go to the destination. It says that a game will soon start there.
“So meta,” you tease, only to be bitten again. There’s more strength to it now. It comes as a surprise and it startles you. You hyperfocus on him.
“Just you wait,” he smirks. He’s getting excited, but you feel like he’s getting more nervous too. It’s worrying you a bit. There’s that spark in his eyes and in the way he speaks, but his hand on your waist holds you tightly. Almost too much. Thumb of his other hand is stroking across your tight. You decide to just go through with the game without analyzing his behavior too much. It still passes as normal.
So you go with what the game tells you to do. There are more characters now that you can interact with. You talk with them some, learning more about them but not the situation your character got stuck in, unfortunately. You praise him for his writing skills, and you swear he both preens at the praise and gets the rug pulled out from under his feet with it. Your heart aches a little. Why can’t he take a compliment?
Then the game in the game starts and all your thoughts are thrown out of the window.
It’s brutal. Try as you might, the characters around you all die in horrible ways. Sometimes by accident, sometimes because you don’t react fast enough. Either way it’s horrifying, not in the jumpscare-ish type of way, but something inside you just doesn’t take it well. Maybe you just feel for the characters too much, got too absorbed, whatever the reason might be, you’re shaking and your eyes are tearing up and then you can’t focus and your character dies out of nowhere and you jump back from the keyboard.
Niragi is there to catch you. One of his hands is still around your waist, the other one stroking through your hair now. He lets you turn to the side so you can bury your face in his neck. He kisses your forehead.
“I told you it was scary,” he scoffs. It’s hard to notice since he’s trying to hide it but you know him too well. He’s upset - angry. As always, it’s a puzzle what the anger means. He remains gentle though, caring. So your best guess is that something about your reaction has hurt him. Of course anger is the only reaction he knows to that. He won’t tell you what’s going on either. You know that if you asked, or worse pushed for him to answer, he’d explode on you.
Maybe he’d really hit you this time.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I’m such a coward,” you murmur, nuzzling closer to him, “But maybe I could just watch you play instead? I mean if there’s more.” 
He tenses again. You move so you can look at him. He looks confused and you give him a tight smile. 
“I mean, the idea is cool and I’m curious what other games there are but it’s too cruel for me to play,” you admit, “You know, I guess I’d rather die myself than let someone else die.” Finally he huffs a small laugh too. It’s the one that means he thinks you’re being stupid but you don’t mind. Whatever was troubling him seems to have receded at least slightly.
“You’re unbelievable,” he mocks but he leans closer and takes control of the character as the game where you died starts over.
You stay cuddled to him, watching and wincing as he goes through his own creation. His playstyle is the exact opposite of yours. He’s cold, merciless. If there’s an option to sacrifice someone, he does so without a moment of hesitation. If the task is to kill, he’s happy to bash somebody’s head in. 
Not just the character but Niragi himself. 
You watch him intently, perhaps more than you watch the screen. There’s a wide, pleased smirk on his face. He laughs every time he gets to kill someone in an especially painful or morbid way.
It’s genuine, that smile, that laughter. Bright and happy.
You feel your heartbeat speeding up and deep down you wonder if you really know who your boyfriend is. You understand it’s just a game, but the excitement in his eyes is too genuine. He’s really into it. If you’re honest, it worries you. Then again, maybe it’s just because of the thoughts you’ve had for the last couple weeks. You wonder if you’re only worried because now you can imagine him both beating you and having fun doing it. 
You shake your head a little. No. Your Niragi would never. 
Not on purpose anyway.
The room goes perfectly dark and you realize he switched off the computer. You straighten up and smile at him in the darkness. Now that his hands are free he wraps them around you again. You gladly accept the comfort. The reminder that he’s not a monster, that he’s warm and that he loves you.
“Was it that bad?” he asks. The excitement from the game lingers in his voice but you note the other thing in his voice. It’s like he’s testing you. He’s a good actor when he needs to be.
“It was great, actually,” you hum and loop your arms around his neck. You play with the loose strands of his hair. He hasn’t tied it today, you finally notice.
“That’s why you kept looking at me?” There’s a hint of irritation in his voice. You know you need to be careful now.
“Yeah, I told you it was scary. It does a great job of setting the mood and when you talk to the characters, I could really feel for them and it was just hard to watch them die,” you share your opinion, whining a little at the end, “And I’m curious about the storyline! I can root and relate to the main character so I think it’s really well done. I guess I’m just too soft for it.” You chuckle and see him roll his eyes even through the darkness. You sigh, leaning closer. He’s still a little worked up. His shoulders are tense and he holds you close instead of caressing you. You kiss along his jaw and he melts under you, his hands sliding down to your hips.
“Besides how am I supposed to focus with this handsome eye candy right in front of me,” you tease, sucking on his neck, “I really missed you.” 
He growls, grabbing your chin and slamming your mouths together. It’s good. He’s not angry. He wants you. You press yourself closer to him. You’re desperate to feel him, to have him. You just want your boyfriend, not the paranoid images your mind insists on creating.
“We’re not done here,” he says nonchalantly when he’s done kissing you breathless.
He orders your favorite food for dinner and you laze on the couch together, waiting for it to arrive. You’re lying between his legs, back against his chest. He’s so warm even with the clothes separating you. You’re playing with his hands, intertwining your fingers, admiring how large his hands seem compared to yours. He allows it, relaxed and, dare you say, happy. 
You talk about things that happened since you’ve seen each other, he mostly talks about work and you about your own life and the shenanigans that your roommates got into. He listens, only ever interrupting to kiss down your neck or bite your earlobe. You feel playful enough to get revenge when it’s his turn to talk. You know Niragi loves the attention as much as the knowledge that you actually listen to him, making little noises to let him know you’re still focused on his words despite nibbling on his neck.
You’re happy and comfortable. This is how relationship should feel, and for a moment you forget about the intrusive thoughts that have been bothering you.
“What do you really think of the game?” he asks finally. Of course your bubble of serenity had to disappear eventually.
You should’ve known it was still on his mind.
You sigh, holding his hands on your stomach. You think for a moment before speaking. Somehow the atmosphere turned serious and heavy. It’s important to him, more than you thought. That much is clear. Only you don’t know why. You know you need to be careful, but honest. So you take your time choosing your words.
“I think… Well, trust me or not, I see the appeal. It might not be my cup of tea but I understand why some people enjoy games like this. Shit, let me play when I’m stressed and I will be into it like no one else,” you laugh and see him smirk at you, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. There’s a strange look in his eyes, almost cautious. It doesn’t look good on him. You’re not used to seeing him like that. 
“I mean, we all need to relieve our stress and frustration somehow. Sometimes people just feel like destroying something, hurting someone, killing someone,” you speak slowly, calmly, “Just… Just know that even if I don’t enjoy playing games like that, your game, it doesn’t mean it’s bad. And that you like it certainly doesn’t make you weird or anything. I don’t care. I’m just happy to see you happy. I love you, you know?” You smile, your little rant now over. You shift higher to kiss him gently. He returns the kiss, all remaining tension left his body.
“So what was your favorite mini-game? Was it live-or-die maze one?” he inquires, pulling you closer. You chuckle, more than anything glad to see him return to normal. And this question, you can answer.
You talk for hours. Laugh, kiss. He seems different. You can’t pinpoint how exactly, but you feel it’s not a bad change. You feel like you didn’t fuck up with your answer.
It doesn’t take long for him to seduce you again once you’ve had dinner. Frankly, you’re surprised he waited that long. 
Sex with Niragi is always amazing. Even if he’s in a mood for a rough and long night, he takes care of you. And as always, tonight too you fall asleep in his arms, safely wrapped in his loving embrace.
What’s unusual, though, is that you don’t sleep peacefully.
Your mind is plagued by nightmares. Visions of people screaming in agony, running away. You can’t move, paralyzed with fear. You don’t see what they’re running away from until it’s too late.
But it’s not your Niragi. This version of him is different. He looks the same but there’s a cruel glint in his eyes. He swings a gun around like it weighs nothing. He shoots every single living thing around, laughing at the mayhem. You make the mistake of whispering his name. He looks your way and tears flood your eyes instantly. He knows you. But you wish he didn’t. 
He reaches you quickly and pulls your hair. You scream and call for help, struggle against him, pushing and punching but he’s so strong and he keeps laughing and you’re crying and scared and desperate.
Your eyes shoot open and the first thing you see is Niragi and you panic, trying to escape from him. But then obvious hurt and confusion flash across his face, just for a second, before his jaw clenches and you know he’s angry and holding himself back, letting go of your arms and sitting back.
It wasn’t real. 
He’s straddling you, running his hand through his hair. This is your Niragi. The one with many flaws and dangerous anger issues but also the loving boyfriend who always keeps you safe. 
Not the psychotic maniac you saw in your dream.
Your body reacts on its own. You lunge forward and hug him tightly, squeezing the life out of him. He stills before, carefully, he envelops you in his arms. You sniff, nuzzling closer, hiding your face in his chest. 
He strokes your hair and back, slowly so he doesn’t scare you. You listen to his heartbeat, bask in his warmth. He’s quiet. You can almost hear the gears turning in his mind. Despite his behavior sometimes, you know he’d hate it, hate himself, if you were truly afraid of him. And you know that’s exactly what he saw in your eyes before - fear.
“Can we lie down?” you say weakly and Niragi nods. His hands never leave your body as he helps you lie back down and tucks you under his chin. Having his arms around you makes you feel safe and soothes you, even if you can feel the nervous, angry energy radiating off him. 
You try to shake off some of the lingering anxiety and tangle your fingers into his hair. It seems to help both of you relax until you’re able to speak. Niragi’s not going to ask, you know that, instead he’ll wait for you to talk, getting more and more impatient in the process. You really need to talk to him about that.
“I had a nightmare,” you begin slowly, still playing with his hair.
“Guessed that much,” he comments. Venom drips from his words and you’re both annoyed and shaking your head at his childishness. But underlying is the urge to flinch.
This is your Niragi. Not the nightmare one.
“You were there,” you mention and suddenly he’s paying close attention, “But… You were different. Like you were in the game. You were just killing everyone and then you saw me and I knew that it didn’t matter because you’ll just hurt me too and you looked so… satisfied.” 
You feel his arms tighten around your shaking body. You haven’t even realized you were trembling.
“You think I’d hurt you?” he asks, tone flat. It’s unfortunate that he asks the question you’ve pondered for weeks. At least you know the answer. But are you ready to say it?
You know he’s close to snapping already. Not in the violent outburst, no, not now that you’re shaking in his embrace. But the silent, cold distancing himself thing he does sometimes. That one hurts more, mainly because then you know he’s hurting. You don’t want to hurt him. Somehow it feels like that’s what he expects of you, and you want to be better than that. However, you also want to be honest with him.
Sometimes, there’s just no way to win.  
“No,” you sigh, “You wouldn’t hurt me intentionally. I know that. But… I don’t know, maybe if you lost control or something, people do all kinds of things then.” 
Before you can raise your head to look at him, worried about his reaction, he does it for you. He holds your jaw between his fingers and there’s fire in his eyes you haven’t seen before. His hold is tight, bordering on being painful, but it barely doesn’t cross that line.
“I would never hurt you, understand?” he growls lowly, desperately.
The fire is just embers now, a crazed look in his eyes. Similar to the look he gives you anytime he pulls you to the side when you speak to a new acquaintance.
There’s fragility to it, you think. You might just be imagining that though. It’d make sense, what with him being so clingy and possessive, but that always felt like his way of asserting dominance. Could you have been wrong?
“Never. You’re mine and I promised I would take care of what’s mine,” his voice drops lower.
You smile a little. He did. It’s been the first thing he told you after you accepted his proposal to go on a date. 
And maybe he’s telling the truth. Well, he certainly is - the truth he believes in anyway. You’re hesitant to believe it too, though. He has tremendous self-control, that much you know, but he slips up sometimes. Every human does. Perhaps it won’t happen in the near future or maybe never, but the fact is that you cannot shake off the feeling that one day he might hurt you, even if he won’t mean to.
“Only yours,” you sigh and bump your nose against his. He frowns at you. He hates these cute displays of affection. You kiss it better, melting against his lips. The piercing in his tongue is a nice distraction from everything else, its round and smooth shape curious against your tongue. You love it and he knows it. He smirks when you won’t stop playing with the metal stub.
“I could make you more tired if it helps you fall asleep,” he whispers suggestively into your ear but his touch remains tender and loving. Despite that, you know he’s serious. He has a special talent to turn even the most innocent things heated in a second.
“I love you, Niragi,” you chuckle, “Just hold me, please.” You kiss the corner of his mouth, cuddling closer to him. He smells like home. You let your hands fall to his chest, feeling his heart beating under your palm.
“Never gonna let you go, baby,” he promises and pulls you closer, stroking up and down your spine with his fingertips. Another one of his little unspoken love yous. You smile and trail a little path of kisses on his shoulder.
No. Your Niragi couldn’t possibly ever become like the one in your dream… could he?
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moon-kitsune · 1 year
ʟɪᴋᴇ ʜᴀᴛʀᴇᴅ, ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜꜱʏ ɪꜱ ꜰᴏʀʙɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀᴡꜱ ᴏꜰ ʟɪꜰᴇ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ᴇꜱꜱᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟʟʏ ᴅᴇꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ.
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Sort of like a lost puppy; he's jealous but doesn't know what to do about it. Will usually sit by you as if trying to remind you that he is there and the two of you are in a relationship. If he feels like your pursuer doesn't understand, then he will hesitantly explain to them that you two are together but pretty much hopes that you'll tell them off for flirting with you. Definitely asks Karube for some advice on how to deal with jealousy.
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The hot kind of jealous; he has that jaw-clenching thing down. Karube finds himself being green-eyed frequently. You're with him, and he thinks everyone should respect that but pair that with his trait of being protective, he gets jealous quite a lot. Definitely wouldn't admit to it, but plus side, he looks sexy as he fumes in the corner with his arms crossed over his chest, watching you; well, that's until he begins stalking over to you. Good luck to anyone who tries anything flirty with you.
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Doesn't realize she's jealous at first, she gets really annoyed when people flirt with you, but it takes her a while to understand. She'll fight for you, not physically, unless they try to hurt her, then she will protect herself and you. She's the type to stay close by and scoff at your admirer's words, her eyes roll every few minutes, and you can literally hear her teeth grinding, but she gives you a wide smile and thumbs up when you catch her mid-annoyance.
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Honestly, Chishiya's jealousy varies. While he is completely laid back, on the other hand, when it comes to you, he isn't willing to leave things to chance. He believes he is the best choice for you and knows you'd never leave him, but he doesn't like seeing people try their luck. Straight-faced, but no one sees his clenched fists inside his jacket pockets. His sass is 10/10 if he catches your admirer alone; he doesn't want you to see him jealous. Hates when Niragi flirts with you to try and get a reaction out of him.
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When Kuina gets jealous, she gets stuck between 'fight and insecure.' While she wants to go and roundhouse kick anyone threatening her relationship with you. She does, unfortunately, feel some sort of insecurity. She wonders if you'll fall for their jokes or looks, but then she remembers you're with her, and then her fight comes back. The type to physically defend you when needed.
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He refuses to believe that he gets jealous. He is simply overprotective. You're his, so he's obviously just being protective of you as he glares at anyone daring enough to look in your general direction or brave enough to talk to you. Niragi is the type to take his annoyance out on you because you should have done something to stop that person from flirting with you. In his mind, you're asking for attention if you don't immediately rebuff other's advances.
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Her jealousy comes out in her emotions, her disgust for people shows clearly on her face. Treats anyone like they're a germ if she catches them flirting with you. She's not the type to get in a physical fight over it, but her sass could kill anyway. If you ask what's wrong, she'll just ignore the question and kiss you in front of the 'perpetrator' side-eyeing them during it.
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Sits silently like a pouty child, but on the inside, she's plotting murder. Mira's jealousy could be seen as the calm before the storm type. If you question her jealousy, she gives a small giggle and laughs it off, but inside, her wrath is building. She is not the type to take her jealousy out on you, but god help whoever she thinks is trying to take you from her.
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imagine--if · 1 year
Hi may i ask for a niragi dating headcannons? Thank you (^-^)
Btw, I love your work
A/N: Thank you so much ☺️ I’ve been wanting to write for you all sooner, but my laptop charger decided to stop working, so I’ve been a little restricted with working and basically did this on a different computer because it’s literally impossible for me to type everything on my tiny phone screen 💀 Anyways, enjoy!! Requests are closed now but I’ll be able to answer every one that’s come in for you in the meantime 🤍
Warnings: Mentions of suggestive stuff (hickeys ☺️) and violence… is Niragi a whole warning himself lol
Quick note: These headcanons are personalised slightly since I absolutely hate how he acts with Usagi (you know what I mean 😐) so let’s say he’s more of a decent person than how he’s portrayed in some scenes 😅♥️
🖤 Dating Niragi Includes… 🖤
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🤍• Aaaaghhhh it’s the strutting bully in black and white who is almost as crazy possessive with you as Banda would be 😵‍💫 have fun, because once he notices that you didn’t shy away in disgust from his bold flirtatious advances and returned his attention back at the Beach, take him, boy’s yours 😂
🤍• These headcanons are typically set in Season 2, but before the fire and Niragi’s presumed death when it all burned down, with time and privacy, you somehow found the soft side of the victim-turned-bully who desperately wants you to believe that he’s a powerful, intimidating bad boy.
🤍• Jealous jealous jealous 💀 especially with Chishiya; if the smug blonde looks at you for a moment too long with that raised brow and observant eyes? He gets Niragi’s rifle shoved into his face with a barrel of insults and threats. Because deep down, he’s still vulnerable and doesn’t want anyone turning your head or seeing that he’s not done fearless trigger happy guy, he’s just Niragi.
🤍• And if you end up telling him when you’re alone that you only want Niragi, he has to a take a second to not cry. 🥲 Still, when it’s not just you two together where he lets his walls come down, he’ll persist on showing off by declaring how he dedicates his wins in games to you or something. All the survivors nod in confirmation with wide eyes at you when you question it in amusement.
🤍• He’s not one at all to back down from PDA, since subtlety is not Niragi’s strong suit, but if you’re not comfortable with him leaving massive hickeys for the world to see and his tongue down you’re throat in wide open public… yeah, okay, a roll of his eyes but he’ll tone it down and keep an arm slung around your shoulder.
🤍• He likes you playing around with his rifle, which is a wonder, since anyone else who gets too close to it has it snatched away and pointed right in their face 😅 but Niragi’s surprisingly quiet when it’s just you two in your room, him sitting behind you and playing thoughtfully with your hair, or guiding your hands absentmindedly, while you look over the weapon’s triggers and material. Occasionally his head drops in the crook of your neck with a tired pout and he gets fed up of your attention being on it instead of him, which could lead to… well, him having your full attention 😉
🤍• But after the Beach burns down and Niragi’s presumed dead, it leaves you to stick with Arisu and his group while you stay quieter than usual, watching the colours of lovebites fade from your skin over the days and your mind drifting to the cocky bastard who you’ve seen cling to you at night, neither of you saying a word about it but just letting it happen. Being the only comfort to each other, the only person in possibly years that Niragi’s let, in or even loved.
🤍• So when you see him at that evaporation game, or threatening Chishiya and Arisu with his gun, it’s a wave of relief and tears that makes him forget what he’s doing and hold onto you like he’d never let go again 🥹 he keeps saying he’s sorry, over and over, cradling you so tight you have to tell him that you can’t breathe
🤍• However, because of what happened at the Beach, he’s now terrified all over again about you hating him because of the burns on his face, so when you assure him that you don’t care and that you’re only glad he’s still alive, he’ll get that urge to break down and cry again 🥺
🤍• He’s still as arrogant and headstrong as he was before in games and with people, but a little weaker. You’re basically his nurse, cus the dude spits blood 😶 and him being him teases about that, but really, he wants to make sure he’s strong enough to carry on and get you both safe back in the real world, where he can look out for you instead of the other way around, and be a proper kind of couple
🤍• Niragi is increasingly protective now too, since he already lost you once. There’s no way he’ll let it happen again, and it’s hard to convince him to let you do things in games without him doing it all for you with you behind him. He means well, obviously, but it can be a bit overbearing sometimes 😅
🤍• All in all, once Niragi’s in love, he’s in love, and he won’t let you go. He’s actually a really great, passionate lover, all violent cray-cray traits aside - they’re never directed at you anyway, never - and there won’t be a day that goes by where you can’t tell.
🤍• I might have to write an imagine about this now 🥹 gotta love Niragi 💕
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How AIB men will handle you being insecure about your tummy.
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This man pays such great attention to detail, it’s actually crazy. Chishiya will notice you’ve changed your shirt from a crop-top to a regular tee. He’ll question you about it, knowing you’re having an insecure moment/day. “You know I like your stomach, right? You don’t have to hide it around me, or anyone for that matter,” he’ll reassure you, coming up to you as he wraps a snug arm around you protectively.
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Cuddling with Arisu, he’ll grab around your waist, clutching you close as he caresses your stomach. When you move his hand and pull your sliding shirt down, he’ll groan, already knowing what’s up. “Cut it out. Your stomach is cute and soft. Let me massage you,” he’ll whisper softly. You’ll cave in, sighing as he returns to rubbing the squishiness with a happy and child-like smile.
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“Maybe I should start working out with you,” you’ll randomly blurt, hinting at your dislike for your belly. Confused and thrown-off, Aguni will turn to you, now curious as to why you’re saying this out of the blue. “I mean sure, babe. You know I don’t mind,” he’ll reply. “But why now? Where’s all this coming from?” Rolling your eyes, you’ll throw yourself back onto the bed, slapping your tummy. “This. This is where it’s coming from.” He’ll side-eye you extremely hard, coming down quickly to give your belly a ton of kisses. “Woman, if you don’t stop—you’re perfect.”
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“I’m ordering takeout!” Niragi will shout from downstairs. “What do you want?” You’ll peer your head from the bedroom door to reply back. “Nothing—I don’t want anything.” He’ll squint his eyes perplexed, slowly but surely getting irritated. “Come down here,” he’ll demand. Sighing, you’ll drag your feet down the stairs, plopping down beside him on the couch. “What?!” You’ll exasperate impatiently. He’ll pop you on the forehead and thigh, ignoring your squeak at the assault as he says, “You know I like my woman with meat on her or else I have nothing to bite or grab. So, grow up. Now for the final time, what do you want to eat?”
Awwww. I love chubby tummys, they’re so fucking cute. — Ash <3
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unorideul · 1 year
fireworks are already going off rn and i have the sudden urge to go to the restroom yikes
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page-soobinnie · 9 months
៹࣪Shows and Movies៹࣪ ៹࣪ Actors៹࣪
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៹࣪Alice In Borderland៹࣪ ៹࣪Strangers From Hell៹࣪
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yawnzzznnn · 10 months
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⋆ Requests are closed ⋆ Request Rules ⋆
⋆ Prompt List ⋆ Taglist ⋆
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⋆Head Cannons⋆
⋆Banda Sunato as your bf⋆
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⋆One Shots/Drabbles⋆
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Should I get back into writing aib fanfic? Send in some request :)
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amortentiaz · 1 year
what’s your opinions about alice in borderland season 2?
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gif by: eohachu
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kaizensluvr · 1 year
heyy hope ur well! can i request aib characters x gender neutral reader who experiences nightmares from the games
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aib men comforting gn reader who experiences nightmares
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author note! hi thanks for requesting ❤️ this will be in two parts. but anyways, enjoy.
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ryohei arisu ㅤ
- he is scared when he sees you frantically kicking and screaming beside him
- immediately he leans over and grabs both of your arms to start shaking you
- you’re startled and so confused, so you keep kicking and end up sobbing
-wraps you in his arms and reassures you telling you that you’re safe with him
- he’s actually flustered when you stop crying as soon as he says that.. does he make you feel protected?
- holds you tightly on his chest and will ask you about your dream tomorrow, for now he needs you getting rest
shuntaro chishiya
- boys confused at first but once he realizes what’s up he is full on bf mode
- he makes you hold his hand and does breathing exercises until you calm down
- once he is sure you’re ready to be alone for a second he goes to the bathroom and gets a cold towel for your head ㅤ
- will keep asking you how you feel and he wants to hear you talk about your dream
- since he knows you so well, he knows you’ll get tired from talking and just want to sleep again
- will hold your hand until you’re asleep, and whisper words he can only dream to be able to say.. one day he will finally open up ㅤ
suguru niragi ㅤ
- he wakes up to your screaming and crying in fight or flight mode and we’ll of course chooses fight.. “y/n what the hell who’s here!?!”ㅤ
- scans the room, picks up his gun, then sees ur body wailing over nothing
- he quickly wraps himself around you and starts shaking you but then he remembers what happened last time where you punched him
- the man is freaking out so he just gently grabs your hands and starts hitting them (again, gently)
- as soon as you wake up and realize it’s niragi, you pull him in for a hug ㅤ ㅤㅤ
- pulls you onto his lap and tells you “there’s nothing to be afraid of, my baby” as he kisses your neck up to your face until you just end up falling asleep in his lap
aguni morizono ㅤ
- he’s gonna think you’re being attacked, i mean you kinda are ig ㅤ
- you’ll hear him say “honey! why are you scared?!” and he will instinctively hold you to his chest ㅤ ㅤㅤ
- then he’s like oh a nightmare and he will rub your back while whispering to you affirmations
- as you are frantically telling him snippets of your dream he can’t even pay attention cuz he hates seeing his baby cry
- will just end up shushing you and cuddling you, will try to stay up even as you fall asleep just in case it happens again, which it doesn’t since he’s holding you so safely <3
tatakora samura / the last boss
- he is prepared bc of the last time and as soon as he hears you scream he just looks at you and calmly says your name while holding onto you firmly
- hates seeing you like this and ends up telling you stories about his life as he plays with your hair ㅤ ㅤㅤ
- will get you anything you need, a glass of water, a snack, even just a kiss
- hearing his voice puts you in a trance and you fall asleep to the sensation on your head as he whispers good night and kisses your cheek
- he’ll end up being the big spoon as you’re protected in his arms
chota segawa
- first he’s super worried and terrified and confused
- will turn his head scanning the room and once he sees nothings there he just goes and grabs you and starts shaking you
- “y/n!! wake up! it’s just a dream!” and once you wake up he’s gonna stroke your hair
- he’s taking it very seriously rn, but i’m sure later on he will tease you about it (wants to see u laugh)
- he’s not sure how to calm u don’t exactly cuz it still feels so real so he will cuddle you and just have u sleep like on his arm kinda
daikichi karube
- he knows what you’re experiencing so he doesn’t freak out when he wakes up to you kicking him and panicking
- he will grab your hand while sternly saying your name and once your conscious he’s gonna just be like “it’s not real y/n. you’re okay i got you now darling” and you find his voice soothing
- pulls you onto his chest so you can calm down by hearing his heartbeat as he whispers sweet words into your ears
- he’s gonna rub your back till you’re sleeping and hold your head
- just wants you to smile and get good sleep
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ⓒ caution. don’t repost my work without my permission. plagiarism is prohibited. don’t translate my work without my permission. i will take measures of reporting you.
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syntheticfoxfire · 1 year
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ niragi + companionship [tw: dying, physical injuries]
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You’ve been close to death before. Who here hasn't? This world isn’t particularly forgiving, so it’s only to be expected.
Still, you’ve never been this close and getting closer.
Putting more pressure on the bleeding hole in your stomach, you brave on. This isn’t how you meant to die. No matter how ruthless the games and this whole experience made you, how it all changed you, you still longed for happiness. And dying cold and alone wasn’t part of it. One would think that among the bodies that littered the streets there would be someone barely alive to keep you company at least, but that’s just your luck.
Then you hear a wet, disgusting couching. Great, that sounds promising. You’re not sure for how much longer you’ll be able to move, so you try to hurry.
What’s good is that the person in question isn’t too far and his wounds seem pretty bad. He’s been shot like you, and clearly you’re both at the end of your life spans unless a miracle happens. The bad news is who this guy is.
Then again, it’s the end of this world, seeing as only one last game remains. It’s most likely going to be your end too, so why not let go of all the hard feelings. You barely have any strength left anyway and you’d like to use it to breathe for a while longer.
You lower yourself to the ground, leaning for support on the car Niragi’s resting against. You sit right next to him, ignoring his scoff and venomous ‘fuck off’. Fuck him, though, so you move even closer, letting yourself fall over him and resting your upper body on his lap and stomach. His blood soaks your hair. You don’t care, it’s a mess anyway. Being like this feels pretty good though. Who would’ve thought.
“The fuck you’re doing,” he growls, his chest rumbling with blood slowly filling his lungs. You suppose he’d like to remove you from himself, but neither of you have enough strength to really move.
"Dying, the same as you," you shrug, or try to, "Don't wanna do it alone."
It's too late to hide now, to pretend. You're scared. You don't wanna die, period, but the prospect of dying alone is even more terrifying. While you were never more than a casual acquaintance or reluctant ally with Niragi, he’s a piece of familiarity. He’s not a good person, but he’s been decent enough to you. And you figure that here, on the brink of death, it doesn’t matter if he sees you open and vulnerable.
“Should’ve killed you when I had the chance,” he sighs, as exaggerated as his busted lungs allow. His wheezy breathing sounds terrible. You almost feel sorry for him. 
“Should’ve fucked me too, now we’ll die without ever having fun,” you chuckle. Ah, the memories. Maybe you were more than acquaintances. Where’s that line anyway? He huffs.
“Where’s the fun if you can’t fight back,” as he speaks, he lazily trails one of his hands up your thigh. You can tell it’s a lot of effort.
“I wouldn’t have fought back before either,” you hum, “You’re an asshole, but you’re hot. Back then and now.” His hand pauses on your leg, resting on your thigh before getting anywhere inappropriate. 
“You know, I always wondered how you were in our world,” you continue. Blood loss is probably making you too chatty for your own good. It feels comfortable though. He’s warm even as he’s bleeding out on you, you on him, your blood mixing with his in a puddle under your bodies. “I’d like to meet you there. I’m curious if we’d be friends.”
“You hate me,” he deadpans.
“You think I’d come to die together with you if I hated you?” you roll your eyes weakly, too afraid they’d really get stuck up there with how weak you were feeling, “The point is me hating you, not myself. I mean it’s not like I like you, but I guess there might be potential if we met under different circumstances.”
You close your eyes. You really shouldn’t have talked that much, but at least it’s taken your mind off things. He’s really warm. Soft, and his hand feels nice on your thigh. You let your head swing closer to his body, gently rubbing on his chest. His blood smears on your cheek and he hisses as you brush against his wound.
You feel him move, his hand lands on your shoulder and you think he might push you away. Yet instead of retaliating he just wraps his other arm around you. His hold is loose, and you guess there’s not much time for either of you. What a shame. You’d love to tease him.
Faintly you hear explosions somewhere both far away and all around you. A voice informs you about something, but you only make out the key words over the sound of Niragi’s barely-there heartbeat.
You make your choice, and you wonder where you’re going to wake up.
[part 2??]
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moon-kitsune · 1 year
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ALICE IN BORDERLAND: NIGHTMARES (all the nightmares are in italic)- They all have a nightmare about you.
Everything was fine; you and Karube were running in front of him, trying to find a place to hide. He saw you flinch with every gunshot blaring through the building.
He wanted to be the one to help you survive, but his tall friend had quickly grabbed you and run off, leaving him behind to follow the two of you.
Hearing a noise behind him, he turned his head to see a horsed gunman behind him; you had all been found. Arisu yelled at you and Karube to run before stumbling and falling to the ground just as the sound of gunshots began again.
Arisu screamed, watching as your body was littered with bullet holes, he had been spared by falling, but you weren't so lucky. Karube let go of you to pick up Arisu dragging him away as he cried, reaching out for you.
Waking up drenched in sweat, he sobbed even after seeing you snoring softly next to him. Losing Karube and Chota was hard enough, but there was a very real chance that he could lose you, too, at some point. That was like a living nightmare for him. ♥
Crossing the laser border, he turns when he realizes you haven't followed him. Your visa was up, but Karube wasn't about to let you die and found a game close to where you'd been staying.
"what are you doing?" He questioned, taking a step towards you before remembering the lasers and stopping. You still hadn't taken a step closer to the game entrance.
You just cried, shaking your head and apologizing to him, "I can't do this anymore. I give up! I'm sorry, Karube." tears fall down your cheeks as you sob.
His heart drops when he understands what you're doing and there is nothing he can do about it. "No, please, I'm here. We can do this together" he could hear the voice behind him explaining that the game was about to start. "Please don't leave me."
A rumble comes from the sky as a static sound begins, one that he knows all too well. It was too late now. A red beam shot from the sky and down into your head as you dropped to the ground dead "Please, no!".
Yelling, he shot up and turned to hold you, only to see that you weren't there. He began to worry, thinking it wasn't a nightmare, when you walked into the room confused, holding a bottle of water.
Grabbing you when you climbed into bed, he breathed deeply. You were still here with him. You hadn't given up; you were still fighting for your lives together. ♦
She giggled, racing you to the top of the mountain. It had been a long time since she went mountain climbing. Ever since her father's death, she left the hobby behind, but you helped her get back into it.
Just as she made it to the top, she turned to mock you for being so slow when she saw you reach up to grasp onto a rocky ledge, only for it to crumble.
She screamed as you started to fall and helplessly watched as you began to plummet from the mountain, almost in slow motion. Your own shriek slowly fades out as you get further out of view before it gets deathly silent. Usagi clutches the wall tightly, sobbing, knowing you are gone.
Opening her eyes quickly, she feels her hands scrunched into balls, almost as if she were still holding onto the wall. You wordlessly wrap your hands around hers as you pull her back into your front, covering her like a blanket. "I love you," Usagi whispers as you feel a tear drop onto the top of your hand. ♣
This was a situation he never thought he would be in, which was why he tried to avoid getting close to anyone in the borderland. You, however, had somehow wormed your way into his life, and now he was paying the price.
He watched you pick up the last card he needed for the deck and slyly took out more cards from your pocket. Chishiya frowned and checked his own, watching you with wide eyes when he realized his pocket was empty.
Seeing you smirking at his expression, he froze. "I'm sorry, Chishiya, but I had to do it before you betrayed me because that's what you're good at, right?".
You weren't wrong; he lied and cheated people all the time, but it felt different having you do it to him. He nodded silently as you giggled, "well, I'm better."
He could do nothing as the person he'd fallen for changed into someone he didn't recognize. What's worse is you were the only one he'd never backstab. "Goodbye, Chishiya," you whispered, holding the cards and leaving him alone in front of the burning building.
His eyes opened slowly as he thought about the dream and its meaning. Turning to his side, he watched you sleep. He knew the real you would never do that to him, so what was he subconsciously trying to tell himself? ♠
It was the look of disgust on your face that had her heart shattering. She thought you were far enough into your relationship to tell you her secret; she'd gotten advice from Chishiya, who even agreed to her decision to tell you.
You said you loved her, so why had that changed when she told you who she was born as? She's Kuina now, the person you said you had fallen for. Dropping her hand and pushing her away, you told her she was disgusting before walking away as she cried. "…Please don't".
Feeling you pull yourself closer to her, she realizes that she was crying in her sleep. Seeing you try to console her even in her sleep made her see how stupid her nightmare was.
You already knew all of her secrets long ago, and you had reacted with nothing but kindness and love. You loved her no matter her gender, beliefs, or differences. ♥
He let out a manic yell as the bullets sprayed from his gun into the crowd of people as they screamed. Everyone was diving left and right, trying to escape from him, but he wasn't letting them; body after body dropped to the ground dead.
Hearing a noise behind him, he turned with a wide grin before seeing your horrified face "Niragi? Chishiya was right. You really are a bad guy" He watched you run into the arms of a certain blond who held you in his arms safely. Niragi didn't think as he raised his gun -bang-
Niragi gasped as he sat up in bed; another loud bang of lightning made him jump. The space next to him was filled with a quietly sleeping you, exactly where he had left you when he drifted off to sleep earlier.
He brushed the hair that had fallen on your face in your sleep as he watched you for a moment while getting his breathing back to normal. You were the only thing Niragi had nightmares about, and you were the only person he cared about to actually have nightmares for. ♦
She'd finished up with one of the bodies she had been examining and placed a sheet over it before walking over to another emotionless. There wasn't any feeling involved; she couldn't let herself feel sad for every dead body she got in here.
Cutting into the cold dead skin, she stopped seeing a familiar tattoo on the back of their shoulder. Sure it was a generic one, but it still filled her with dread knowing who it could belong to.
Her stomach dropped as she turned the body over slowly and wailed when she saw your blank face staring back up at her white eyes open into nothingness. "No!"
Jumping up, she accidentally bumped into you, causing you to groan in your sleep. She quickly realized her mistake and lay back with you, throwing an arm over your waist and holding you tighter than before as she stared at that small tattoo on your bare shoulder. ♣
She watched through the screen as the words 'Game Over' lit up over your picture in shock before a laser came down from the sky, burning through your head.
Mira watched in heartbreak as your knees buckled under the pressure of your dead weight. You lost a game of hearts. One of her games. It wasn't supposed to be like this.
You'd gone in for her. She asked you to watch over her game, so she had more time to prepare others. Now you were gone, and there was nothing she could do about it.
With a gasp, she opened her eyes as she turned in bed, feeling you next to her, but her heart still hurt from the pain of the nightmare. It almost made her feel bad about the designs of her games. Almost. ♠
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imagine--if · 1 year
hiii all! just a reminder that requests are closed after tomorrow for Alice in Borderland, so if u want to send in any more headcanons or scenarios then get them in before i close my inbox 😁
ill be writing some more chishiya and aib character imagines tomorrow - wanted to sooner but my laptop battery’s shot so i gotta go use the library one because i can’t type hundreds of words on my tiny phone scree- 😵‍💫
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How the gorgeous men of AIB would react to walking in on you playing with yourself. 🙈
1. Chishiya:
Chishiya will return home from work earlier than expected. He’ll smirk to himself, hearing your hushed whimpers and moans outside the bedroom door, already aware of what's going on. When the door opens, you’ll be taken aback by his early arrival. His face will glow with amusement at your reaction and he’ll just simply tell you to carry on, leaning against the door to watch you cum.
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2. Arisu:
Waking up from a nap on the downstairs couch, Arisu will come to the bedroom in hopes to cuddle up with you. Practically sleep-walking, he doesn’t end up hearing your moans at first. He’ll open the door and freeze in his place, only the lamp light on in the room, but providing enough light for him to know what’s happening. He’ll blush aggressively, turning away. “I’ll come back when you’ve finished,” he’ll awkwardly say, closing the door with the quickness.
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3. Aguni:
Aguni will return home from his afternoon run, grabbing bottled water from the fridge, throat drier than a desert. Sweaty and sticky, he’ll be deeply in need of a shower. So, he’ll head to your shared room where you’ll already be. Little does he know, you’re already in the shower, using the detachable shower head to pleasure yourself. You would be at the height of your climax when Aguni walks in. There’s a delighted and lustful grin on his face. “Mmm,” he’ll growl, removing his shirt in one clean movement. “How about a round two?”
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4. Niragi:
Currently on the game taking his frustrations out on it, Niragi will remove his noise-canceling headphones to take a break. His ears will immediately be blessed with your pretty sounds and he’ll come blazing into the bedroom, licking his lips at the sight of you pushing the penis-shaped toy deep into your wetness. He won’t be able to take his eyes off of you, walking up to you to remove the toy out of you and onto the floor. He’ll replace it with his fingers and tongue, using his piercing to assault and devour your clit and pussy. “Throw those fucking toys out…you don’t need them.”
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OOOOOOO chile, I don’t know which is my favorite. But if I have to pick…Imma go with Niragis(I FEEL SO GUILTY CUZ HE IS EVIL). It’s just something about that mouth of his that…does it for me. Ooo wee. Which is your favorite? Leave me some requests! Message me! Do whatever children. Live free. I’m super interested in what yall would like me to write. <3 — Ash
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