#no humanity hope
fandoms--fluff · 11 months
Hello I just wanted to ask if you can do one where Hope has a little sister is another daughter of Hylie and Klaus is named Crystal Mikaelson, she is the light of Hope's eyes and she is the key for Hope to turn on her humanity crystal age is 6 months
The Little Key
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Baby female Mikaelson reader x Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: swearing, thats all
A/n: I did change the oc name to just y/n, cause that's what I'm used to writing and the age is a bit bumped up to around almost a year old to fit better with the fic, but she's still female. I hope you like it 💗
Josie bounces you in her arms with one of her hands on the back of your head while you're crying your eyes out. Your sobs and crying are silent, wanting your big sister and everyone can tell you miss her even if you can't speak coherently yet.
You remember the feeling of another woman but she's been gone a long time. Now it's only Hope, your big sister, you have that same feeling with.
Josie holds you close and stands up from the couch in the living room, trying to quiet and calm you down a bit. Lizzie, Kaleb, MG, Finch, and Cleo are the only other ones in the room. They're all standing or sitting, trying to come up with a plan to get Hope's humanity back.
They hear heels clicking on the hardwood floor, "Hmm, I can help you with that. Stop trying" Hope walks into the Library with her arms crossed.
She glances at you for a moment before quickly moving her vision over to everyone else standing up now. Cleo starts a spell on her, but Hope picks up on it straight away and knocks the witch out with an easy spell. The older witch falls back onto the couch, unconscious.
"Hope, what are you doing here?" Josie asks, hiding your face under her jean jacket so you don't see any other incidents that may come.
"Do I need a reason to come back to my old school?" Hope rhetorically says.
You let out a loud whine, tears subsiding, hearing your sister's voice and wanting to go to her. You manage to escape from under Josie's jacket and make a grabby hand toward Hope while your other hand is holding onto Josie's shirt collar.
"What about your baby sister? The old you would have never been this unthoughtful" Josie exclaims, tightening her grip as hard as she can without hurting you.
Hope laughs with a scoff mixed in, she says, "This is your big plan? Saying some tiny touching thing about my sister and then insulting me? Heh, you can do better".
She started to walk over to the brunette twin. Lizzie moves quickly and stands in front of you both.
"What? You really think I'd hurt my own sister and the girl I had the smallest crush on for a measly week?" Hope chuckles at the taller girl.
She raises her hands and snaps the heretic's neck effortlessly before she could answer. After, she casts an immobilization spell on everyone except you.
Vamping over, Hope takes you into her arms and leaves the school before the spell wares off.
All of your tears immediately subside and your breathing levels out as you cling to the tribid.
She walks into the abandoned Mikaelson mansion that your guys' family used to live in for around two years. She's been staying in the house since a week after she turned her humanity off.
Hope walks up the staircase after locking the door and enters the room which she's taken, which is Klaus', or used to be anyways.
She puts you down on the bed and starts pacing back and forth. A second later you raise your hands up, wanting to be back in your sister's arms.
"What the hell is wrong with you, why'd you take her. There was absolutely no reason to, ughh. No, no way am I turning the damn thing back on. I see what your doing" Hope rambles to herself and her mind trying to get her to flip it back on, ignoring your pleas to be back in her hold.
"Hhh-o,mmhh" you whine, not being able to pronounce it.
You keep trying over and over, not being able to get it right, and Hope paying no mind to your babbling.
She can already feel her switch flittering between off and on, but she pauses as soon as she hears the word that comes out of your mouth.
"Ho...Hop... Hope" you finally pronounce correctly and yell out to your sister.
"What'd you just say?" She walks over and finally picks you up from the made bed.
"...Hope," you say again.
She closes her eyes, trying to fight off her switch, but after some time it was no use. Opening them back up slowly, she looks down at you in her grasp, holding onto a lock of her wavy auburn hair.
"Hey y/n/n, I'm sorry. I'm here now sweetie" Hope holds your tiny frame against her tightly, not wanting to let go.
You lay your head on her collarbone with a hand still in her hair, content and happy being back with your big sister.
"You said your first word" she whispers into your hair and kisses your head.
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handonhaven · 5 months
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#done with the nonsense
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andreal831 · 11 months
No Humanity Analysis
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If you're caught up on The Great War, you know why I am analyzing the No Humanity storylines in TVDU. I think there is a lot of confusion about what 'turning humanity off' means. And I think a lot of the confusion stems from the writers/characters not really knowing what it means.
The characters, when their humanity is off, will often throw around comments about not having emotions, but that's not realistic. If they had no emotions, they wouldn't feel anger or annoyance, which we clearly see from each NH character. Characters who actually experience no emotion would be very calm and logical. We see NH Caroline wanting to party and have fun -- all emotions. NH Stefan gets annoyed, a lot, with everyone wanting to turn it back on. Even NH Damon gets annoyed and vengeful with Lexie in the flashback. NH Elena is petty with Caroline based on emotions. So it is clearly different than turning emotions off.
Rather, to me, it seems more like they lack empathy. They feel the emotions but just don't care how they impact those around them. The show calls it humanity because the way humans can empathize with each other is a core part of humanity. NH characters can act ruthlessly because they do not fear consequences or how their decisions affect those around them. But throughout this, they still want to live their lives and experience emotions -- just without the guilt that comes with humanity.
Now, if you are caught up on TGW, you know I've added something that we are told is not possible in TVD, *spoiler* an Original turns off their humanity *spoiler* We are told by Rose that the older vampires cannot turn off humanity because their humanity is already so blurred. But older vampires still do have humanity, if they didn't, the audience wouldn't root for them. For a big part, they do not care how their actions impact humans, but they definitely care how their actions impact each other. It may be a selfish humanity, but there is still empathy/guilt there. And we even see moments of the Originals showing empathy to people outside of their family. Meaning they still have something to shut down. It may be a less dramatic change than seeing someone as compassionate as Elena or Caroline shut their humanity off, but there would still be a difference.
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N/h Hope: I prevented a murder today
Lizzie: Seiously? How?
N/h Hope: Self-control.
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trihedaburden · 1 month
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Moodboards for two of my upcoming fics.
First moodboard is for my college AU fic "hey baby, won't you look my way (I can be your new addiction)" and will have Penizzie, Hosie and Lethan.
Second moodboard is for my past and future fic "you can only hate what you could love (if things were a little different)" and it'll have Penizzie, Posie, Finsie and unrequited Hizzie (it'll go between past and future for each chapter and will have intertwining moments to do with canon but still be an AU).
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thedragonqueens · 1 year
TVDu femslash week
Day 4 - Dark side
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—Random headcanons ˎˊ˗
Hope made Lizzie turn it off
They traveled a lot just enjoying life
We're living like rich bad bitches
Lizzie wanted to drink Hope's blood
Hope let her do it
They ended having s3x
They started "dating", even if they are supposed to don't feel anything
Lizzie is the bottom but Hope likes makes she feel pleasure
They started hunting people who annoyed them in the past
Partners in crime ofc
They were living in luxury hotels
At some point, their humanity started flicker because of their feelings for each other
Hope's humanity come's first because of her family
Hope helped Lizzie turn on again
They decided start dating when Lizzie turned on again, they kissed and made out again
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starlightswait · 2 years
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jadejcw · 5 months
No Humanity Hope Roleplay
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stargazerexo · 8 months
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tvdu-hope · 1 month
Season 4 Hope Mikaelson was something else. I fucking loved how she turned into Thee badass Tribrid and didn’t take crap from others. I loved how she stood up to her family and friends.
But one thing I wished she did was finish off Alaric!!!!! He deserved more than just a coma!! Worst mentor, father figure, and headmaster of the year goes to ALARIC SALTZMAN
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versaillesbee · 10 months
t h e f a ll WIP
Some days were better than others, a lightness to her, Lizzie felt— she hoped— but there was a vulnerability there too, far more than she was used to. The kind that felt like last words: a sickening profession, an acceptance of death and erasure. It made her unrecognisable— this girl, the saviour. Her hero. Who was Hope if not her secrets? Who would she be if the dead weren’t the only people who truly knew her? Lizzie found herself fearing the answer— no matter how the vagueness frustrated her, no matter how many nights Hope woke up from terrors she wouldn’t speak of, no matter the years Hope stayed silent about— wouldn’t breach for even the sake of a happy memory.  A Hope who was honest meant a Hope who was dead. 
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It was nearly freezing that night, the type that claimed children in their bassinets if the window was left cracked. That stopped sweet blooms in their tracks, drying them out and killing them before they ever truly got to grow. 
She sneezed almost as soon as she entered the room, a burning tingle spreading from her nose and into her cheeks at the abrupt temperature change. Erratic and spontaneous, each window cracked against the side of the building, spurred by the harsh, whistling breeze. It rolled and thrashed through her room, tangling and tossing loose pillows and throw blankets from both the beds and the chairs. Papers fluttered about, forcefully thrown this way and that. Trinkets crashed and rolled off the tables, glass cracking and scattering across the floor.
Lizzie winced as air sliced through her eyes, frigid shards and gusts pushing against her clothes and hair, beating her back through the threshold of the door. Bending her knees and angling her feet, she stood her ground, spluttering and gagging as she pulled hair out of her mouth and waved her other hand in the air. The windows shut with a loud slam, silence and stillness rushing over the room in one fell swoop. Sketches and marked Polaroids curved and sailed to the floor in wide billows, joining the mess.
She ran her hands through her hair with trembling fingers, pushing the strands back behind her ears before she wrapped her arms around herself. They brushed her sweater in an up and down motion, trying to offset the growing shivers before they could really set in. 
“Hope?” she called, glancing around the room.
In the centre of her bed was a mound of blankets, utterly still through it all. Lizzie rounded the room cautiously, a flutter of fear building up in her chest. Her throat bobbed with a thick swallow, mouth suddenly dry. 
“Hope, I know you hear me.” Still no movement. She carefully avoided the papers and marbles, picking up a Polaroid of the Super Squad and placing it gently on the side table as she stepped around her bed. Lizzie gently curved her hands around the edge of the duvet where a crown of auburn hair peeked out, more brown in its oily and stringy state. 
She carefully pushed the cover down, startled when she saw Hope’s drooped eyes staring directly at her. Hope made no movements, no acts of acknowledgment— simply laid there and breathed slowly. Lizzie felt tears spring to her eyes immediately, shockingly, she might add. A certain acute sense of distress had flooded her system, unsettling her just as much as Hope’s condition.
A shaky smile lifted her lips as she knelt down low in front of her best friend, reaching out and finding her hand in the swaddle of fabric. The skin was icy in her grasp but Lizzie didn’t let go. “Hey,” she whispered, pulling the covers down further to reveal more of her body. 
Hope’s voice was empty, and yet trembled with the essence of fear, of melancholy. “I saw it.”
“Saw what?”
“‘He’s dying. He’s dying. He’s dying.’ I kept hearing it. They told me. But I couldn’t stop it.” Hope’s eyes drifted away, glossing over with whatever she saw in her mind. “I knew, Lizzie. And I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I couldn’t even bring him back and now—” she swallowed thickly, shaking her head. Her hand slipped from Lizzie’s grasp, clutching at the duvet to bring it back around her neck, “now he’s just out there.”
Lizzie dipped her head to catch her sight, tucking her in deeper before finding her hands again beneath the covers. “Hey, hey— no. He’s at peace, Hope. I know he is.”
“He can’t be. I-I had to leave him there. Now he’s— he can’t make it back. He’s lost, I feel it. He won’t be able to rest, Lizzie, don’t you know that?”
She squeezed her hands together, rubbing them as she chanted into the small space they left when the sides unevenly matched. The flesh began to glow an unnatural colour, expanding into a ball of light she spread and smoothed over the silhouette of Hope’s body. A little shiver escaped from her before she stilled once again, eyes drifting shut and breaths growing deeper. Lizzie pressed the last of the fading heat to her forehead, pursing her lips into a small frown.
A memory was called to the front of Lizzie’s mind. One that she pushed to the furthest recesses whenever it dared to creep up, always catching her when the world eased and her attention began to wander, or on one of those light days, whenever she dared to hope things might get better. 
Two weeks before: when Malivore’s interference had given way, Hope’s darkened blood reanimating and swarming together on the map. That should have been her first sign— they were always so focused on how Hope could defeat Malivore they didn’t see they cancelled each other out. 42 hours she’d been in his presence, his entity still stretching wide like he was still a goopy parallel dimension rather than a walking man. She’d been caught in it somewhere, her blood circling around the perimeter and trying to breach it in every locator spell they’d done, unable to find its source. 
Heavily sedated, she was in an ambulance on the way to Whitmore Hospital. The paramedics who’d escorted her were haggard and concerned, described her to be in a state of mania which they thought was induced by stress and shock, fuelling her desperation to get away from them. “It’s likely she’s not even lucid right now. Probably won’t remember any of it when she wakes up.”
Any accounts of her movements before then were choppy, Hope wouldn’t speak of it herself, and the people who’d called the ambulance stated that she’d knocked on their door and begged for help. 
She remembers MG reaching out towards Hope, slipping his hand into hers and squeezing while he told her everything would be alright. His face was twisted into a frown, the shadow of his stubble grown darker in her absence. He’d jerked away a moment later, disoriented. 
Flashes of train cars and blood and chains and Malivore’s new face, he’d told her. Hope’s mind was fragmented, split into different trains of thought with her voice speaking in the background. Whether it was from a disjointed memory or her subconscious, he couldn’t tell. “He’s dying, he’s dying, he’s dying.”
Not a trace of anything but pheromones when they’d found the abandoned train car. The scent of it was so thick Jed had nearly thrown up. Hope and Landon’s fear, anger, death. He was followed by Brutus who left quickly, the essence of danger in the area triggering his wolf and his fear instincts. 
Rafael had sent them in his stead, forced to stay in his dorm by Alaric. Her father didn’t curse in her presence very often, never allowed his fear to show too much, but when Raf’s nose began to bleed and his fingers trembled with spreading desiccation, his facade had cracked to pieces. He’d only seen this in his earlier years, he’d said— unable to lie or cover the truth of something so serious— when he had helped kill one of Hope’s uncles. An Original. An hour or so later, every vampire from his bloodline was dead, dropped to the ground with similar symptoms to Rafael. 
But they didn’t come back like Raf did.
The blood magic struck him several times, restricting him to the bed as his limbs seized and arrested. It never reached his heart, stopped and started in intervals until he’d been so weak he nearly begged them to kill him for good. 
She’d been dying, her father theorised. Over and over, seconds— minutes at a time. The reason for it was obvious when they’d found her, reddening impressions in her skin in the shape of chains. A thin stream of blood from wide puncture holes that were surrounded by rash-like welts and boils, smelling like wolfsbane. She must’ve been so weak, her frail heart faltering in its thready pulse, only to be kick started moments later by the healing of her vampire side. 
Hope woke up seconds after MG had touched her, eyes bloodshot and frantic. She grabbed his hands, begged him to help her, told him she had to go back — that they’d left him. 
“There was no one there, Hope.”
“No, MG, please— you know— MG.” His name trembled from her lips, helpless and imploring. 
She didn’t speak much afterwards, but when she did, she repeated along the same lines. 
Landon won’t be able to rest.
We have to get him back.
He’s out there, alone. 
He can’t rest, don’t you get it?!
Landon’s lost. He’s lost.
It suddenly clicked for Lizzie then, for reasons she’s still unsure of now. 
Hope had taught Lizzie about her heritage and the magic of her home during those flittering seasons. Built on Ancestral Magic, but recently converted to Earth Magic when their Well was destroyed, however the former was still threaded throughout all their ceremonies and practices. 
She’s a New Orleans Quarter Witch at her core, and they’d been taught to lay their dead to rest and consecrate them so that their energy would be returned to the earth. Lizzie had learned from Henry that the Crescent wolves did something similar— put bodies on boats and sent them into the bayou burning. 
Hope had done it for her parents, for her great-grandmother and uncle, for Henry. Every one she’d known had a funeral of some sort. But Landon…. Landon was still lost. Up until now everyone thought she’d just meant physically, but to her… his spirit was gone. 
Wandering in purgatory, in a perpetual state of confusion and loneliness. 
She thought it was her fault. “Oh, Hope.”
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fandoms--fluff · 21 days
If possible could you do a No Humanity Hope Mikaelson x Fem Reader smut where reader and hope are out at a restaurant for a date night and hope decides to give reader a "gift" and crawls underneath the table and eats reader out
Glorious Thought
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Female vampire reader x Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: f/f oral, that's it I'm pretty sure
"What's going on in your head?" You raise your eyebrow. Hope is sitting across the table from you. You guys are on a date in a secluded area of a restaurant.
You haven't been on a date that hadn't ended in bloodshed in a long time. So you guys stopped at a charming restaurant you guys came along, ready for a break. Even with no humanity, you guys still get tired of killing people once in a while and want to have a good time.
"A glorious thought" Hope answers, a playful glint in her eyes.
She looks around, and when she's sure no one is in sight (not that she would exactly mind), she sinks down to the floor and crawls underneath the tablecloth and under the table.
Before you could ask any questions, Hope is already kneeling in front of your legs. You feel her hands traveling up your bare legs and to your thighs and keep going underneath your short black leather skirt.
You pick up your martini and take a sip, trying to act inconspicuous as your girlfriend starts to feel you up under the table.
She hooks a finger through your panties and moves it to over to one side before bringing her head down. She sticks out her tongue and licks one streak up your pussy.
Hope then proceeds to kitten lick at your clit, wanting to get you worked up.
You stifle your facial expressions as you feel Hope's tongue against your sensitive nerves.
She starts to hum, making you let out a small gasp. In return, you squeeze her head between your thighs. She lets out a happy groan as she explores you with her tongue. You taste euphoric, she wants to ravish you all night long.
Too bad you're in a restaurant.
Her tongue moves between your walls so fast you can feel an orgasm coming on fast. So of course, this is the time when the waitress decides to come over to the table.
"Alright, here's the machine" The teenage girl hands over the credit card machine. You pick your card up from the table, smiling as if your girlfriend isn't under the table getting you so close to cumming right in front of this poor waitress.
You insert the card into the machine and quickly put in your pin. You watch as the screen loads for an annoyingly long time to then the check mark and the receipt print out.
The girl hands you your copy before putting the restaurant in her apron pocket.
Hope smirks, hearing the waitress. Smugly, she brings up her hand and moves it up to your clit, rubbing it in circles.
"Is there anything else I can help you with?" She asks you.
You almost let out a whimper before catching it. "That's all, thanks" you give the girl a tight-lipped smile.
Thirty seconds after the waitress turns the corner, your climax hits you at a hundred percent. You bite your lip to make sure you make no sound and squeeze her head tighter.
After your high, you release your legs from the sides of Hope's head. She moves your underwear back in place and pulls your skirt back down the little amount it can. She crawls over to her chair and exits from under the table.
Hope licks her lip as she sits down, "Mmm, delicious. Thanks for dessert" she smirks.
"Oh, you have no idea what waits for you when we get back to the hotel" You smirk right back at her. Her eyes widen before a glint of curiousness sets in. "Can't wait."
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handonhaven · 1 year
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#same energy
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cjriles · 5 months
void stiles x no humanity hope would be a power couple tbh
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Lizzie: *hugs N/h Hope*
N/h Hope: *panicked* What are you doing? What is this?
Lizzie: *amused* It's called affection.
N/h Hope: Gross.
Lizzie: ...
N/h Hope: ...
Lizzie: ...
N/h Hope: *glaring* Do it again.
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harmonyverendez · 1 year
No Humanity Hope x Sister! Reader | Legacies - Season 4.
Summary: In Which Hope turns off her humanity and maybe, just maybe Y/ N is the key to her humanity.
Warning: Blood & Gore, Killing, Blood Drinking. Mention of killing, Ripping out hearts, Neck snapping. Etc.
Pairings: None, Except Hope & Landon.
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Reader's POV
To say you were shocked when you heard Hope turned off her Humanity after learning that she killed Landon was shocking. Why did she kill the boy she loved? And why did she turn off her humanity? People who always do that are never the same, they always end up harming the person they love or destroying things.
Now here you were in the school library also known as Salvatore Library. Weird name, but it was fine.
Picking up a book, you begin to look over the words trying to find a way to get your sister out of the situation she was in.
But it seemed nothing worked.
If your friends couldn't get Hope to turn her emotions back on, then maybe you could.
But how can you when the world is on your shoulders?
A sigh left your lips as you found what you were looking for.
Humanity switch.
You carefully walked over to a table and tried not to lose your spot in the book, sitting down you run your finger over the words of the page.
And took in every word slowly and carefully.
“ Emotions, also known as humanity, are one of humankind's greatest strengths and weaknesses. Vampires and vampire-hybrids are able to feel emotions more strongly because everything is enhanced. Vampires also have control over their emotions. Emotions can empower witches and their magic, while werewolves are strengthened by anger, though they are also very susceptible to it. ”
Pausing your eyebrows were scrunched up and your eyes were wide, So humanity was just Emotions, and the person turned them off?.
You jump when the library doors open, a class is coming in. With a sigh, you grab the book and walk away trying not to be seen.
As you walked out the door, you didn't notice a pair of eyes looking at you.
Time Skip : New Orleans.
You were nervous, the family had invited Hope to New Orleans but your sister didn't know that this was Klaus ( You two's) father funeral.
If you knew your sister well, you would assume she would be in denial and think they were poking fun at her.
Which no one will.
This is serious.
You were currently at the table looking over words in a book you found from the library.
You look up when you see your sister coming in. She made eye contact with you, and you felt a shiver run through your spine.
“ Hello, Hope. How are you sister? ”.
Hope narrowed her eyes at you and walked forward, her footsteps seemed to get louder and louder in the quiet room with every step she took.
“ Where is Aunt Rebekah? And what is going on? ”.
You forced a smile and closed the book you were reading.
“ Nothing is going on hope. We are just worried about you”.
Hope eyes flashed and you instantly grew scared. You were not as powerful as she was, so you knew her mindsetsate isn't normal at the moment.
And you had to be careful what you said and how you said it.
Closing your eyes you took in a deep breath, relaxed, and prepared yourself for the worst outcome.
“ Hope we are here for you”.
“ What the hell is that supposed to mean? ”.
Hope, your sister didn't get a chance to say more until Rebekah and Freya.
You sighed.
You were just glad you didn't have to talk everything in.
But the look on your sisters face was telling it all.
She was looking for trouble.
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