#no she's doing it because she believes in ELORAs
bberry005 · 1 year
kit's "i've never believed in anything my whole life. but i believe in you" moment was just SO GOOD because we've had proof, time and time again, that kit really doesn't believe in anything. she doesn't believe in magic or the idea of elora danan or that people care about her or that she'll ever matter as anything more than an idea and a princess. she doesn't even believe in herself.
but now, at this moment, kit believes in elora. kit knows they're the only two that believe in the fate of the quest and that they can still save airk. she can't let elora lose that hope.
so she goes up to her, tells her that she believes in her, because kit really, truly does believe in elora. not elora danan the symbol, but the girl named elora that she's gotten to know. believing in elora the person means believing in the fate of the quest. it means believing that they can save airk. it means jumping off the edge of that cliff and praying that they're right about the immemorial city.
the fact that kit is the only one that goes off that cliff with elora is proof that two of them are the only ones left who have any hope that this will work. and it just makes me feel things.
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Okay so I know you're a big Dadstarion fan. So what do you think of Astarion and Gnome! Tav having a baby. (I'm not sure if it is quite possible given the size difference but let's say it is.) I couldn't help but start thinking about Astarion and a teeny tiny gnome baby the other day. Doing headcanons for this would be interesting I think 🤔
OK, so, I did some research. Apparently, there is a half-official sex guide that says that gnomes don't mate with elves. But there are no breeding rules at all. So, people suppose that unless it's human x elf or human x orc, the mixed kid just ends up inheriting one of their parents' race (so in this case Astarion will probably have a gnome kid whose elven ancestry will manifest in some minor details).
When I write fantasy I usually stay firm on biology issues (some races can have mixed kids, and some can't have kids at all coz they are different species - so they can just fuck without contraception which is good), but it doesn't have to be the common rule at all.
Headcanons The image of Astarion's daughter is inspired by Leroy van Vliet from Art Station (I love the ears)
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So, you actually were sure it wasn't possible to make kids.
He is a vampire and he is an elf.
Gnomes don't mate with elves, that's for sure!
Do they?
When you find out you are pregnant, it's the worst time in your relationship.
You are afraid you don't remember being assaulted. Astarion blames you for infidelity.
Then, you are just afraid you can't carry a bigger child without consequences (elven kids are small that's for sure but not small enough for a gnome).
You often quarrel till you end up in tears. Once to twice you hit his knees with all the strength you have while insulting him in gnim.
But to your surprise, pregnancy goes... normal.
You go into labor when it's due and give birth to a gnome, just like you and all your relatives.
But with very familiar silver hair.
A gnome with elven ancestry, that's how it's called.
Astarion feels uneasy holding such a small child. She looks like a toy in his hands.
But the girl grows up looking very similar to Astarion - his facial features, his nose, his hair color, his crafty hands.
Just a different race.
Astarion jokingly calls her his pocket princess since she is small enough to be put in a bag when he needs to go somewhere.
Often, when Astarion takes a job helping an unfortunate person with shitty supernatural contracts, people can notice a little gnome looking out of her father's traveling sack.
"Here, princess, have an apple - daddy is busy"
And the little gnome keeps chewing an apple while looking at the world with her big green eyes.
As she grows, her mixed ancestry shows off.
She is way taller than other gnomes. 4 feet tall! A giantess!
Thanks to that she easily wears armor crafted by gnomes and the swords are all light to her.
But there is some miscommunication since Astarion subconsciously believes his gnome daughter is a baby when she isn't.
She is short, but ferocious and gorgeous- and you know that at least five young gnomes (three girls and two boys) can't take their eyes off her.
Outsiders sometimes assume she is an elf though bigger palms and a weird shape of ears betray her true nature.
Sometimes Astarion misses the days when he could fit his daughter into a pocket or a bag because now she is an adult who fights monsters and dates humans (because she has daddy issues and a thing for tall men).
But he still can carry her around, placing her on his shoulder while she gets angry for "being treated like that".
She actually doesn't mind. There are not many people who dare pick her up.
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angryshortstacks · 1 year
Canon tanthamore moments people don’t talk about enough because the show is not dead yet.
In almost every shot where something happens that’s cool or new they look at each other first. Every time. Sometimes it’s a judgemental “are you seeing this shit?” A worried “are you okay?” Or “what have we gotten into.” Sometimes it’s a happy “how fucking cool is it we’re finally having adventures together” neeedless to say on your next rewatch look for it. It’s so cute
The fact that Jade let kit win not because she thought kit wasn’t capable, but because she sees herself as kits protector and she wanted to shoulder that burden for her princess
Boorman saying I ship it at any given moment
Graydon being COMPLETELY oblivious to the obvious sexual tension between kit and Jade. I’m convinced when we get a season two that they’d save Graydon and he’d see them kiss and be like wait what??
That when they thought they had to kill Graydon Jade was completely ready to do it so Kit wouldn’t have to
Jade and kit joking around in the wildwood before they get attacked. You hear Jade say “I’m not joking” just before boorman interrupts the conversation. I wanna know what they were joking about 🥺
This idiot kit Telling EVERYONE her goddamn REAL name!!
Jade being so smart and getting the riddle immediately and kit looking at her like “that’s my girl”
Jade saying “I got you. I got you” to kit after Elora saves her from drowning
Jade leading kit holding all her weight at the beginning of episode 7
Kits stubborn ass saying “I’m good” taking exactly one step then falling over
How Kit argues with Jades little anecdote in the porcupine scene because they know each other so well and she’s absolutely heard that story before.
How softly jade says yeah, when kit tells her she loves her. It’s like she doesn’t believe it 🥺
The little hum when they kiss 🥺
The fact that the thing kit wants most in the world is Jade 🥺
Jade yelling “a little help princess!” when she gets trapped behind a pillar. Just her finally Trusting kit to be her equal and to save her 🥺
God I would die for this ship. There are so many cute little moments they have together.
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acre-of-wheat · 1 year
I know in this house we’re all about supporting Kit’s wrongs, but I do want to take some time to analyze another dear sword lesbian’s wrongs.
Our dearest Jade Claymore.
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You’re telling me this face has done wrongs?
Sadly. Yes.
The High Aldwin
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Elora disappears into the woods and Kit wants to set off to continue the mission. Jade has other feelings, and drops this statement about what they owe Elora. It’s an interesting moment, because only an episode ago it was, “where the princess goes, I go,” but Kit rides off alone.
I think Jade knows Kit well enough that she fully expected to catch up to her. To save face, Kit couldn’t turn around and go back, but she could certainly take her sweet time walking down the road.
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Later on they discuss Elora’s inability to demonstrate magic, and Kit once again wants to keep moving forward to continuing the mission, and Jade has this to say.
This is just a straight up lie, girl! Sorsha’s last instruction to her is to stay with Kit, to guide her, to pull her back from the edge.
I think this is an intentional tactic from Jade though. Jade has very subtle ways that she manages to manipulate or instruct Kit. Because of their difference in station, their history together, and Kit’s stubbornness, direct conflict doesn’t really work. Jade’s weapon for influencing Kit is showing her disappointment in the princess or, in some cases, outright lying.
I think there is an important call back to this, in Children of the Wyrm, where Jade goes over the edge of the world not to save Airk, or for Elora or Sorsha, but just for Kit. Because for once love is more important than duty.
The Battle of the Slaughtered Lamb
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The reveal that this relationship was orchestrated by Sorsha is a huge blow, but the last line here is the real betrayal. If Jade didn’t ever believe that Kit would be in a life or death situation, then all of Kit’s dreams, all of her plans and fantasies, were just that to Jade-- so much make believe.
I think we give Kit a lot of shit for her mistakes, but she does always apologize. It’s worth noting that there is no apology from Jade here.
Whispers of Nockmaar
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Hmm, I can think of someone who could have used your backup about this about an hour ago...
The Wildwood
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By far my favorite Jade wrong.
Kit is actually trying to negotiate a release-- and it probably would have worked too!-- and the typically so in control knight with her anger on a tight leash just can’t keep it together enough for it to work.
Love this for her. Get everyone killed, babe.
Prisoners of Skellin
This is not technically a wrong! But it is a type of betrayal for Kit that I think is worth discussing, because these two absolutely won’t.
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The devastation.
What is most interesting about this is even though Jade is the one to bodily remove Kit from the tomb, Kit’s rage focuses solely on Elora. It’s Elora she blames for not reuniting with her father, it’s Elora she vents her frustration on.
I don’t think Kit is even capable of remaining angry at Jade, because for Kit, Jade is all she has, and she can’t risk chasing her away. When Jade tells her that she’s leaving for Galladoorn, Kit pitches a fit, but then comes to her with a kiss and a smile in the night. When Kit learns that Jade lied about her training, Kit avoids her for awhile, but all she says is, “I’m just glad you told me.”
So when Jade wraps her arms around her and drags her away from the father she’s been missing her whole life? That rage has to go somewhere else.
The Gales
We’re going all the way back to the beginning with the last one, because it is the only one I can’t defend Jade on. It’s not her accepting a place with the Shining Legion, or even picking the absolute worst time to tell her best friend that she’s leaving, it’s this.
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For what, Jade? There is literally no more time left for Kit. Jade is consumed by her dedication to duty, to such an extent that she believes that extremely queer Kit should marry a man she doesn’t know, to have heirs she doesn’t want.
What are our responsibilities to those we lead? To our parents? To our loved ones? To ourselves?
Must we all give up something for what we believe in, or is love the most powerful force in the universe? What mantel from our parents is worth picking up, and which is worth running away from?
The show hasn’t answered all these questions yet, but I hope it has time to explore them, and I know that Jade will be an important part of that exploration.
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gotylocks · 1 year
So do you ever think about how Kit said to Elora "I've never believed in anything my whole life. I believe in you." and Jade is in the background not because Kit never believed in Jade but because she never believed Jade would love her because her only examples of love were her father leaving, her mother being cold, and her brother sleeping his way from girl to girl with reckless abandon but what she felt for Jade was so much deeper and felt so much more real but it wasn't until Jade confessed she was in love with her because of the truth plums that she knew her feelings were reciprocated and then after a couple near death experiences she was finally able to make her own love confession through their shared love language of sword fighting and without the aid of any truth plums so she is fully making that choice on her own and then she asks if Jade is going to stop her because she knows she might have to do something crazy to help Elora and Airk and Jade says no and trusts Kit and then right before jumping off the waterfall Kit looks back at Jade to say in one look "I need you to believe in me now" and to make the last thing she sees in this life Jade just in case this doesn't work and her love of Jade made it so she could finally start believing in things and stop being so cynical and start being the hero she was born to be
Or. Or is that just me?
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knight-princess · 4 months
The way that magic in Willow is tied so deeply into belief is so well done, and I love how Elora and Willow walk similar but different journeys with it. The way that, at the edge of the world, above the waterfall, they reach their lowest points, the breaking that is the province of the shattered sea, the last hurdle. Willow’s, “I’m just a farmer who got lucky,” summaries perfectly the self doubt he has always struggled with. He has it within him, but he takes the wind out of his own sails and second guesses himself, right from his first impulse when he himself took the finger test. When he has confidence in himself, he can do great things. The ‘magic’ that saves baby Elora, the disappearing pig trick, works precisely because he sells it, performing it so confidently even Bavmorda believes him. It’s all about confidence. But even that very success undermines him, because he feels he can’t live up to it; it adds to his fear and self doubt, that everyone thinks he did incredible magic. But he did; the confidence is the key, the true miracle. If he believes he is the greatest sorcerer that has ever lived, he is. And Elora, “I don’t want to be Elora Danan,” Elora reveals to them, at her lowest point, atop the waterfall. “I just want to go home.” Acceptance and belief in herself are her hurdles too, but manifested as her fear of taking up the role and responsibility of ‘Elora Danan’, a mantle with much weighing on it, as the woodcutters in episode three illustrate, and the threat of the Crone and the Wyrm who don’t just want her dead, even before you get to any responsibility being empress will set her up for. And she tries across the series; her promise to Willow, to study and practise hard, she lives up to. But her true block is deeper than correct pronunciation of spells. Elora tells Jade in the Mines of Skellin that the closer she reaches for the magic, the harder it seems; the more she thinks she understands it, the further away it seems. “I grew the eckleberry bush,” she tells Willow. “Which was apparently amazing.” The way that yes, she did grow it, but it sprung only after she’d been taken away, so she didn’t even know it had grown at all because she didn’t see. Kit tells her; even in episode four, Kit’s belief in her helps her find her belief in herself. And what she does isn’t anything she’s been taught. The way she ‘kisses’ Graydon, pulling the evil out of him that way, was all her. Her trust in her own ability, her own magic, feeling it, tentative as it is at this stage. “It’s not that you don’t have the power,” the Crone tells her. “It’s conviction you lack.” And therein lies Elora’s problem: she puts so much effort into learning, but the magic was always within her. She needs to accept who she is. She can practise all she likes, but while she does not accept her role and her nature, there will always be blocks. Willow tells us to believe in ourselves. That we have to be brave. Magic as something you are, not something you do
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like you literally are one of the blogs who brought about a change of jason's perspective as a character in pjo/hoo tumblr, which now I see more of it every day, you're literally a revolutionary now
I'd like to send in a request of
pjo character x character - a day of percy and jason at percy's house (where jason finds a home with the jackson-blofises)
if that's not already requested ofc!
Omg hii!! Pooks you calling me a jason grace revolutionary is literally so flattering I'm giggling and kicking my feet ily tysm. I'm glad I brought a change in jason love in the Tumblr fandom?? Because that's the whole point of why i started my blog! My blog's duty had officially been fulfilled. thanks for participating in my event! It means a lot love!
・゚࿐ ࿔*:・“Blue Cookies and found family”・゚࿐ ࿔*:・゚
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thank you @gentlehue for teaching me how to do the Tumblr gradient texts, you are literally a life saver!! Credits to @saradika for the dividers!
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"You ready, man?" Percy asks as they reached the doorstep of the Jackson-blofis household.
Jason was fidgeting, indicating his nervousness, but he replied "a little".
"Don't be, my mom and Paul are great, they won't judge, I promise" Percy gave Jason a reassuring smile. He had brought Jason to meet his family because Jason didn't have anyone to go back home with from camp, and Percy thought it was a great idea to introduce him to Sally and Paul, he was sure they'd love him.
The front door creaked open revealing a weary but sweet looking Sally. "Ah Percy! You're here, I missed you, sweetie!" Sally rushed over to hug Percy, before she darted her gaze towards jason, who was timidly looking around. Percy had never seen Jason look so self conscious before. Thankfully Sally cut in by giving jason a big hug, Jason smiled, this new feeling of being hugged by a motherly figure seemed so.. rare and unusual. But it felt nice. Almost nice enough for Jason to make Ambrosia to taste like home again. Yeah, it was that kind of nice.
Paul peeked his head through from the doorway, looking elated to see Percy. "Percy! it's good to see you! And who are you?" Paul asked to Jason. "Oh um hello sir. I'm Jason Grace, a friend of Percy's, Percy has told me a lot about you, I hope it isn't a bother that I came along..." Jason replied politely, giving Paul a small smile. Paul laughed. "No no, of course not, any friend of Percy's is always welcome in this household. As long as they aren't one of those monsters in disguise claiming that they're Percy's friend and try to kill him or something" he awkwardly joked, to which Jason laughed, but Percy rolled his eyes.
"Okay, let's all go inside, and I'll get you some blue cookies that I freshly baked this morning!" Sally said, clasping her own hands excitedly. Jason has heard of Percy's famous blue food, he's even seen Percy's blue pancakes. But he's never tried them before. So he'd be lying if he said he wasn't excited to try them out. Sally's reputation as a cook only made him more eager to wanting to try her food.
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They were all surrounding the dining table, as Sally served some blue punch and and her most anticipated blue cookies. Jason took a bite of the cookie and boy. It melted in his mouth. Is this what people meant when they say that food that's made with love always tastes the best? Jason had never believed in that idiom. Until now.
"So Jason, how old were you when you came to camp?" Paul asked, munching on his cookies."Well, technically 4 years old, if you don't count in the fact that I was trained by Lupa the wolf since I was two-"Jason was cut off with a small gasp from Sally. Paul had almost dropped his utensils.
"Two??? Jason, honey, you were two years old?" Sally asked wide eyed, concern in her voice."Uhm, well yeah..." Jason tried to brush it off as no big deal. He hadn't realised how shocking this must be for mortals. "But, what about your mother?.. Percy said something about...." Sally began hesitantly
"My mother was an alcoholic, according to my sister, she barely got by, since she was unstable and wasn't well enough to take care of me. And I found out she died in a crash years ago. The Goddess Hera was upset that my father sired another child with another woman, so she demanded that my mother should give me away as a prize. That's also why I'm named Jason, I was forced to be named after heras favourite Hero"
Jason had started to ramble without even realizing it, but he couldn't help himself, Sally and Paul were so welcoming, he felt comfortable to share this with them.Sally, Percy and Paul had stared at Jason, with a mix of gaping, sad, pitiful and potentially horrified looks.
Percy dropped his blue cookies back on to the plate. "I'm so sorry bro.." he said patting Jason's arm and giving him a one armed hug.Paul and sally hadn't said a word and Jason was afraid he had said too much, but what he didn't expect was to be tackled into a huge by both of the adults. Jason heard Sally's whimpers as she held on to jason tight.
Jason had suddenly felt awkward, I mean, he never found his situation this upsetting, he thought it was normal for demigods to experience tragedy. "Jason, I want you to know that if you ever need someone to confide in, me and sally are always there" Paul said, pulling away from the hug, as Sally wiped her eyes. Percy smiled at Jason in a "I-told-you-they-wont-judge-you-bro" way, and Jason had to smile back, but his eyes started to water in gratitude.
Two people he barely even met, had volunteered to be his confidant and had offered him him comfort, it was something jason never knew he needed.
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The day ended with Jason sleeping over at Percy's, where they both stayed up all night playing Mario party six on Nintendo, and Sally had packed him some blue cookies for him to take back home. Paul kept complimenting jason for his architectural knowledge, and had encouraged his temple project, even throwing in a few ideas of his own.
For once, Jason Grace wasn't alone.
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spyskater · 1 year
The quotes I believe are every characters' thesis statement in Willow (2022) and why. Elora: I believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe. Kit: You're afraid. So am I. But you know what? My fear, it doesn't get to decide. It doesn't get to, to define me. I'm not giving it the power. I'm giving it to you. I have never believed in anything my whole life. I believe in you. Jade: Yeah, and when you love someone and they need you, yes, you jump off the edge of the world to go and get to them. Graydon: One day you and I are gonna be in charge. And when that day comes, we don't have to do things the way our parents did. Boorman: I finally figured it out. This isn't my story. It's yours. You're the one. And all you gotta do is believe in yourself, and you'll be unstoppable. Willow: You know, it's taken me a long time to learn, it's okay to fall, to make mistakes. I've made lots... The trick is to embrace your defeats as well as your victories. You pay for both in the end. Be decent. Be fearless. And know this, wherever the adventure leads, I'm with you. Airk: You know, defend the realm and just be the best brother, and husband, and father, and son that I can possibly be. Because that is what you do when you have honor, right? Scorpia: All we have ever wanted is our freedom. That our children would not have to live in fear. They'd serve no master... We have no barrier to hide behind, no army to defend us. All we have is the fear our masks evoke, the determination to survive, and each other... Freedom, rebellion, passion, joy. To the break of dawn! Sorsha: Everything I've done, I've done to protect the people I love. It costs a lot. Madmartigan: It was the hardest thing I've ever done. But love is sacrifice. You've gotta be willing to give up what you want for what you believe in.
Elora's is extremely obvious. As the heroine and chosen one of our show, her quote not only represents who she is and what she believes, but the most important message that the show wants to leave us with. At the end of the day, love above all things. Let that be your guiding force. It's what all of our characters come away with. Jade lets go of her ideals of duty to follow her heart to Kit. Kit learns to love and gains courage through it. Airk is saved by Kit through the power of love. Graydon becomes who he's always dreamed of, partially due to his love of Elora. Elora is able to fully grasp her power through her love of Graydon. And Elora tells us throughout the season that love is the most powerful thing in the universe, at first taken as a joke by Airk, Kit, and the audience and evolving into the hopeful statement we're meant to latch onto.
This is Kit's big moment. She spends the entire season having everything she thought she knew stripped from her. When you have nothing left, it'll make you reevaluate what you truly want and what you believe. We know that all Kit has wanted is to be brave and loved and I would argue that quote is part one of the thesis of Kit. It's Jade's love that gives Kit the bravery to take the leap of faith. As she stares at the edge of the world, she's probably at her most fearful. But she's spent her whole life giving into fear, fear of loss, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment. She knows what it means to give fear power, so she chooses to give the power to Elora, to love, to hope, to finally believing in something greater than herself. And by choosing not to give into fear, she also inspires Elora to do the same. Fear no longer gets to control Kit and we shouldn't let it control us either.
Like Kit, Jade is completely stripped of everything she knows about herself. Her honor, her duty, her history, her beliefs, her identity, it all comes into question. But she had to lose all of the things that she thought made her Jade Claymore in order for her to truly follow her heart. You don't jump off the edge of the world out of duty. You do it out of love. Jade does it for Kit. Graydon does it for Elora. Elora and Kit do it for Airk. And while I don't think Jade fully knows what any of what she's learned means for her and her future, the one thing she does know for a fact at the end of the season, which was the only thing that she was uncertain of at the beginning, is that she is totally, ridiculously, desperately in love with Kit and that love is returned. It's like Elora said, love is the most power thing in the universe and Jade now knows that.
Graydon's quote, I find, is one of the most important quotes of the show. This is the story of the next generation learning from the previous one’s mistakes and trying to do better. All of our younger characters are forced to confront the mistakes of their elders, especially Willow, Sorsha, and Madmartigan’s. Kit as Elora’s protector and learning that love comes before dutiful sacrifice (her parents). Jade learning love before duty and honor (Ballantine). Boorman facing the mistakes he made with the older generation and making the better choice with the younger one. Going on this adventure with the others, Graydon is able to find his true self and make his own choices. Just because his father wants him to be one thing, doesn't mean that Gray has to be that. He gets to be his own man. You get to be who you want to be, not what your parents want.
Boorman desperately wants to be the hero of the story and that’s probably the source of a lot of his bravado. He feels shame for leaving Madmartigan for dead, for lying about his escape from Skellin, because it’s not a heroic tale. He was a teenager/young man when he went after the Cuirass with Mads. He was Jade once upon a time, a squire in service to Tir Asleen royalty. The problem is that Boorman thinks the cuirass is the only way he can be a hero and being a hero is the only way to make up for his mistakes. But the cuirass is not meant for him; it’s not his story. The way for him to come full circle and become whole is to make up for his sins against Mads by giving the cuirass to his daughter. He’s not the hero of this story, but I do believe he’s the hero of another.
Willow gives us another important message of the show that we've seen throughout the season. Our mentor's journey over the course of the season is to let go. Willow can't seem to accept the consequences of the past. The loss of his wife. The departure of his son. The loss of Elora. The fact that he never became the sorcerer he thought he was meant to be. All of this causes him to be incapable of training Elora with any sort of true openness or understanding. Where Elora needs freedom and a safe place to fail, Willow only provides restrictions and pressure. The world can't afford for Elora to fail. And if Elora fails, she dies. But in the end, it's only his ability to accept his failures and victories that allows him to help Elora grow to become the hero she needs to be. And it's an important lesson for us.
Airk is a character that could have easily played into his own trope of charming playboy prince without a care in the world, but this quote helps separate him from stereotype. In episode one, I'm sure we would all admit we all believed, like Kit, that Airk didn't know Elora's public name. But he did. And throughout his time resisting the Crone, Airk proved time and time again that he truly was honorable and that all he wanted was to be good. Madmartigan's departure and Kit's future ascension left Airk looking for his purpose and trying to prove to his family that he was everything his absentee father couldn't be. He does everything he can to be a good boyfriend, a good brother, a good son, a good diplomat, and, in episode seven, he does everything he can to be a good man.
Scorpia is an inspiration. She has lost so much, but still finds the strength to care deeply in the face of her grief. She's lost her mother, father, and several brothers and sisters, but finds it in herself to keep loving. She may be mostly concerned about her people, but it's their philosophy of life, of freedom and liberation (another analysis yet to be written) that sends her on a crusade to save all of those people in Skellin. Not just her people, but all people. And I think that will be important in the war to come. As much as Scorpia will want to avoid war, her belief in freedom for all and rebellion will convince her that it's necessary. The entire Wildwood episode shows us the joy and passion and freedom that's a stake, what's worth fighting for. There is no freedom under the Wyrm and Scorpia will not accept that.
I think it's important to discuss Sorsha and Madmartigan's quotes together, because they explain their mistakes as well as layer them with complexities. One of the things that kind of irritates me is when people paint Mads as saint and Sorsha as awful, because they're cut from the same cloth (Kit, I love you, but I blame you for this). At the end of the day, they were willing to make the hard sacrifices if it meant protecting their kids and saving the world. Neither one of them could have foreseen the harm that their choices would have, but they did what they thought was right. They are one and the same, united in their cause and parenthood. But every single choice also cost them so much sacrifice, the biggest one being their chance at parenting Elora, and I think a lot of people forget that, especially when it comes to Sorsha.
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i really need more willow modern aus, because most of the fics on ao3 are canon compliant (which are GREAT do not get me wrong) but the potential that tanthamore has for modern aus... hear me out:
actor au: where both of them are very famous actresses who HATE each other. Jade hates how Kit is a nepobaby and she has gotten to act in some of the greatest films in the last year, she believes it's just because she's the daughter of Sorsha (old Hollywood star). Jade hasn't actually stopped and watched any of Kit's films so she doesn't know that Kit is actually a great actress. Jade on the contrary had to do everything on her own, she has built her career slowly but gaining a great reputation. Kit on the other hand, wouldn't use the word HATE to describe what she feels for Jade, she feels a bit of anger because every time she has tried to interact with her, Jade was a bit rude (not in a mean way, more like in an indifferent kind) and she was a bit disappointed because everyone always says how Jade Claymore is the nicest actress in Hollywood. So she has built this resentment towards Jade. And this is where the fun part starts, both of them get casted in this fantasy show (winky face) where they play girlfriends, and rumors start to appear about how "JADE CLAYMORE AND KIT TANTHAMORE RIVALS ON SET LOVERS ON FILM????" "TENSION ON THE WILLOW SET", which according to their publicists is. not. good. So, behind Jade and Kit they decide that the girls have to start a fake relationship, obviously at the beginning both of them refuse but they know rumors in Hollywood fly fast, and that's not good for their careers. And they have no other choice but to accept. And so many things happen but I do not have that much imagination rn to finish it but you get the memo.
lovers to strangers: kit tanthamore and jade claymore were the ones who were supposed to make it after high school and became the so called high school sweethearts, or that’s what the people on their yearbook said. They didn't though. They broke up at the end of the summer after high school, no one knows why but them. One day they were together and the next Jade was leaving Tir Asleen and Kit was starting business school to help her mom with the family business. They stopped talking, Jade barely answered texts from their group and Kit stayed. At the end, trying to talk to Jade got harder and harder so they (Airk, Elora and Graydon) stopped trying. Five years later and Elora and Graydon are getting married, they started dating a year after they started college and year and few months after Elora and Airk's break up where they realized they loved each other just not romantically. They didn't want to do that to Airk but the chemistry was there and it happened so naturally (they hid it for a few months [kit knew from the beginning] and one day Airk caught them and said "omg finally I thought you two were never going to realize" to which Graydon and Elora are actually SHOCKED because "what do you mean????" and Airk was like "??? you two have been in love for almost a year didn’t you know?" to "WE THOUGHT YOU WOULDNT WANT US TO??" to "why wouldn’t I??? ... ohhhh, yeah idc babes") and even though they haven't talked to Jade in almost 5 years, they send her an invitation just in case, kit is not going to find out she’s obviously not gonna com- oh shit she said she’s coming. And she does, she comes back the week before the wedding with a very pretty girl (she brought a plus one?) and kit is one day just walking around town and she sees her and she is texting the group chat "I need to go to the doctor I think I just saw jade around town lol" and the other three are like "... you might want to sit down for this one" so chaos begins. Kit has never gotten over Jade, and neither has Jade, but none of them know that because there's a girl with her, but the girl is obviously Scorpia???? she brought her to have someone to help her through the week of coming back to her hometown, seeing her ex (the one she dated in high school and has never gotten over her because she thought she was the love of her life), and her old friends without crumbling down. This fic would be the type of fanfic that has lots of flashbacks to high school and throughout those five years. Also Scorpia would be seen flirting with Boorman (that one guy Kit met while working with her mother who is a bit weird but everyone loves him) and they’re like "How dare she flirt with Jade in front of her" and Jades is totally unfazed because obviously doesn’t care ???
These two are the ones i think about the most so yeah :D might try one day to write them but probably not because writting is not my strongest suit.
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sunf10wer67 · 1 year
It's so fun to dissect a character and why they do what they do etc, etc, and I was just thinking about the difference between Jade and Elora, and I just think it's so interesting, because both of them are (or were) in love with members of the royal family (Elora with Airk and Jade with Kit), but they both reacted to it so differently. They're both orphans, with no real place to call home other than the home/job that Sorsha gave them, and so they would both understand their rank and where they should stand in regards to the royals.
Jade keeps it to herself, tells herself that she can never have Kit because Kit's a princess and Jade's just, well, Jade is nobody. She never makes the first move, never initiates physical contact, and constantly holds herself back from her true feelings.
But Elora, despite calling herself a nobody when Graydon asks her if she really is Elora Danon, does not treat herself as a nobody. She genuinely believes that love is the strongest power in the universe. She seems to believe that her love for Airk, a royal, is stronger than any rules or expectations. She not only initiates physical contact, but she also does it in public. She's the one who tells Airk she loves him. Jade doesn't even say anything about being in love with Kit until after Kit says something.
And yes, Kit is expected to marry to strengthen the throne and nothing is really expected of Airk, and I'm sure that affects the way that Jade and Elora feel about their loves, but still.
I just think it's interesting
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cloveroctobers · 8 months
OCTOBER PROMPTS 🎃 — 2. Willie Jack
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A/N: okay y’all lured me in to write anotha one about our girl! Can’t believe the show is over, idk why I expected at least 4-6 seasons smh. Show will be missed and I’m open to seeing where the cast further take their careers fr. I’m not speaking on that supposed relationship between two certain characters because it wasn’t really executed to me while watching? We all know if there was going to be a relationship between the teens who it really should have focused on. So whatever they hinted at this time doesn’t actually exist and it’s not canon to me! Anyways, would definitely recommend a rewatch for myself lol.
WARNINGS: language + awkwardness when it comes to crushes?
PROMPTS are from here + I’m using: blackberry picking, “do you want some hot chocolate?” and “I don’t like scary movies.” “I’ll keep you safe.”
🕸️𖤐༘⋆/ᐠ - ˕ -マ༘⋆𖤐🕸️ 🕸️𖤐༘⋆/ᐠ - ˕ -マ༘⋆𖤐🕸️ 🕸️𖤐༘⋆/
Willie Jack is still in disbelief that she’s back.
Well…not really back she thought. Mika was simply visiting temporarily from Nebraska—of all fucken places!!! which she moved to with her house full of family a few years back. She didn’t get the chance to visit much (at least Elora did being a whole college student and shit) but it seemed like she kept up with mostly everybody else, except for Willie Jack who was still being closed off with Mika’s departure.
“What’s up with you? Why aren’t you over there chopping it up with Mika? You know she’s outta here on Sunday right?” Bear says from beside Willie Jack, who quickly turns her attention back to her friend on the field.
Willie Jack shrugs, “don’t be in my business bro.”
“Yeah Cheese is right, you’re vibe is giving preternaturalness.”
Immediately Willie Jack jerks her head back with a frown, “fuck did you just call me?”
“I don’t know but i know it fits.” Bear grins at Willie Jack, slapping his hands down on her shoulders before leaving her at the plants to join the rest.
Yes it was unusual for Willie Jack to ever distance herself from her friends. She was a social butterfly amongst her friends majority of the time but having Mika back after all this time made her feel off and that’s something she hardly allows herself to feel.
“Sup,” another familiar voice catches Willie Jack off guard from behind the shrubs, her fists going up ready to defend herself but she realizes it’s just Elora staring at her strangely.
Elora lifts her chin, “what’s up with you?”
“I really wish everyone would stop saying that shit to me. I’m cool, having a grand time with my buddy, bart the blackberry tree.” Willie Jack is waving her hands at the dark fruit.
Elora stares hard at her friend before flicking her eyes off to the group where Mika has her head thrown back in laughter at something Jackie says.
Which also doesn’t sit right with Willie Jack.
“Jackie ain’t funny, so fuck is she laughing at?” Willie Jack mutters making Elora slowly nod her head and cross her arms as she gets closer to the girl.
Elora states, “Mika’s still that giggly person we’ve always known and love. That hasn’t changed.”
“Yo, You’re supposed to be on my side here.”
“Why does there need to be sides when it comes to Mika, she’s our homie no?”
Willie Jack rolls her eyes and says nothing more at that. She did consider Mika a friend once upon a time and it’s not like she didn’t consider her as such but things did change the night that she left. And Willie Jack never told anyone about it and still wasn’t sure how she felt.
“I guess but like…it’s different now.”
“But why?” Elora pressed, “to me it seems like you’re the one making it an issue when it didn’t seem like she had a problem since she hugged you when we met up earlier.”
Willie Jack messes with her beaded earrings now, briefly thinking about that encounter hours ago. Mika was all deep dimple smiles and although Willie Jack was the last person she hugged, Mika still acknowledged her like they haven’t stopped talking.
“If I tell you, you got to promise me you won’t make it a big deal.”
Elora nods, “okay…go on.”
Willie jack looks around to make sure everyone is still out of ear shot, she scratches at the back of her neck in nervousness. She’s been holding onto this for so long now and she knows there’ll be some relief telling somebody about what went down.
“Alright so I’m just gonna come right out with it,” Willie Jack exhales, “the night Mika left to shitty Nebraska…she came over to the crib and we were out in my backyard having a bit of a heart to heart you know? And she kissed me, bro.”
“What?!” Elora yells gaining the attention of everyone and Willie Jack goes to slam her hands on top of her cap covered hair in embarrassment.
Willie Jack glares at Elora who covers her mouth trying to hide her laughs, leaving Willie Jack to turn to Jackie, Bear, cheese, and of course Mika. She gives them a commercialized thumbs up before turning back to Elora, yanking on her shoulders to shove her further away between the shrubs.
“Fuck did I just say,” Willie Jack hisses at Elora who’s grinning at the younger girl now after stumbling a bit, “you’re the one making it worse now.”
Elora rolls her eyes, “please, they have no clue what we’re even talking about.”
“Maybe not or maybe! with you sounding like a fucken surround sound.”
Elora chuckles, “my bad, bro. But this explains so much!”
“Does it?”
“Yeah! she’s been asking me about you whenever we catch up with me at school and her all the way in Nebraska.” Elora informs Willie Jack who lifts her brows at bit at the news until Elora then sighs, “I was the only one that figured out that something went on without her really saying anything about it.”
“Wait…Mika’s asked about me?” Willie Jack is rocking on her toes now and Elora sends her a knowing smile.
“Uh yeah bro, it’s not like she ever forgot about you. You’re the one who stopped sending letters and picking up the phone.”
Willie Jack lifts her chin inquiring, “How you know that?”
“Mika told me, shit ass!” Elora lightly shoves Willie Jack’s shoulders.
“So…I’ve been a shit ass all this time when Mika’s been worried about me?”
Willie Jack’s never been the type of friend to just leave you hanging. If there was a issue, she would be quick to tell you to, “not be like that!” Wanting to figure it out, even if it was only keeping each other company until you were ready to speak on it. However with Mika, things change and she wasn’t sure if it was for the better.
“Well…I wouldn’t say worried but she cares and I don’t think she ever stopped being your friend, you’re the one who stopped.”
“I didn’t mean to.” Willie Jack feels the weight of that statement and she didn’t enjoy the sinking feeling in her tummy right now.
“Then fix it.” Elora orders, “Stop hovering in the corner by yourself like a fucken weirdo and just talk to her! So maybe you guys can be something if that’s what y’all want.”
Willie Jack scowls, “who said all that? I still don’t even know how I feel about it all. It happened forever ago anyways. Maybe she forgot? Plus she could be seeing somebody and we live hours away now so I doubt that will ever work.”
“Stop doubting yourself and you won’t know unless you try.”
Plus they could always look at Elora as a prime example. Although she wasn’t that far away from Okern, Elora still put in the effort to still be around now that their lives were slowly but surely changing.
“…Mvto, Elora.”
“Don’t mention it,” Elora pushes Willie Jack’s shoulder, “can’t believe you’re growing up on me, making out and shit.”
“Ah, yeah, shut up.”
“Let’s go!”
“Alright man, don’t rush me! Let me get my thoughts together first.”
“If you think too much, you’re gonna fuck it up…more than you already have.”
“Wow, it’s like that?
“Yeah, kinda.” Elora snickers.
Elora ends up leaving Willie Jack for a few moments to gather herself, gradually directing the rest away from Mika as she sees Willie Jack making her way over.
She’s swinging her hands behind her back awkwardly as the crisp air blows. Mika’s dressed in a jet black off the shoulder baggy sweater paired with a patterned pleated skirt, ripped up stockings, and gummy bear earrings.
She’s gorgeous and it’s not fair.
“How much blackberries you think you got?” Willie Jack starts from behind Mika, who’s on her tippy toes.
She sets back down, tossing some into a picnic basket she brought along, which Bear and Jackie teased her about but she shrugged it off with a smile and middle finger.
“You know…I was trash at probability in school right?” Mika’s sunset eyes glance at Willie Jack over her shoulder, “I never guessed right or got the prizes and it definitely pissed me off to no end.”
Willie Jack leans forward, peeking at her basket but Mika playfully steps in front of it, “I’m not sharing.”
“What?” Willie Jack blows a raspberry, “I’m sure I got more than you back in my own stash. These hands are the quickest ones here.”
Mika stares off at the spot Willie Jack was once at and dips her head, almost pointing, “are you faster than a Prairie dog?”
Willie Jack whips around, locating the chunky animal running off with her sack of blackberries. “Hey you oversized chicken nugget, that shit ain’t yours!”
The animal stops in the middle on its run, dropping the bag to bare its teeth at Willie Jack who jumps back with her hands raised in the air, leaving the dog to pick the sack up with its teeth and carry on its way.
“Even the fucken animals tryin’ to tear a hard working woman down, that ain’t right! Imma tell the ancestors about your bullshit too!” Willie Jack yells as the prairie dog continues fleeing.
Mika’s laughing before softly placing her hands on Willie Jack’s shoulders, “I think that was his way of telling me to share, although you’re the one who ghosted me.”
“Don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” Willie Jack is poking her lips out.
Mika gives the long haired girl a look before turning to put her basket on her wrist, leading the way through the rows of blackberry shrubs.
Letting out a long sigh Mika replies, “the dogs never told me you ended up with amnesia.”
“I don’t think I have that,” Willie Jack said walking beside her, “…I just don’t want to make it awkward for you.”
Mika glances at the braided girl, “For me or for you? I don’t have any regrets if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“…are we talking about the same thing? The thing that happened a couple years ago in my backyard?”
“Oh you mean: me kissing you and you kissing me back?”
“Is that how it went?” Willie Jack’s eyes were in slits now.
Mika laughs, “hell yeah, shit ass and I didn’t forget! I couldn’t, which is why I wrote to you.”
“But you never brought it up?”
“I couldn’t get the best read on you when it happened. I knew you were caught off guard but…did you like it?”
Willie Jack stares at the floor, twisting her lips around in thought. How it felt to have Mika’s always covered bracelet arms locked softly around her shoulders, and her natural scent of patchouli, apples, and brown sugar was already intoxicating before she even put her lips on Willie Jack’s. Of course she was caught off guard with Mika taking the lead, Mika’s focus only on Willie Jack’s lips as she stopped thinking about it and just did it. There was only one chance and she waited a long time to take it so why not go forth with the risk?
“I mean…I didn’t not like it.” Willie Jack peeks at Mika who nods with a small smile, “it’s just shitty that you pulled that that same night you were leaving though. Didn’t really have a chance to talk about it or process it really.”
Mika understands that, “sorry about that, the not talking about it but not the actual kissing part. guess I kinda had to process myself…since I been wanted to kiss you but I did panic when you didn’t say much after.”
“It was something…but a good something.” Willie jack bumps her shoulder with the girl who smirks at her.
Soon they’re walking in silence, fingertips brushing against each others as the make their way back to Elora’s car where everyone else is standing near it talking themselves.
“Hey guys!” Cheese waves, “we’re gonna have enough berries to last us to new years!”
Willie Jack announces, “I got the most though!”
“Where?” Jackie asks.
Willie Jack kisses her teeth, “fucken prairie—it doesn’t matter, I just do and you’ll have to take my word for it.”
“I’d rather not.”
Willie jack rolls her eyes.
Elora laughs as she gazes at Mika and Willie Jack, “you two ready to go? It’s getting dark and we got a hour drive back home.”
Her eyes meet Willie Jack’s silently hinting that she hoped they got somewhere with their talk but Wille Jack just shrugs her shoulders.
“I’ll help if you get tired, Elora.” Mika speaks up.
Willie Jack raises her brows, “you got a license?”
Mika was a year older than Willie Jack.
“Yup not long before my family and I traveled back here. Think that’s why my ma really wanted me to do it in the first place since they took my granny’s license away. She’s losing her sight and thinks my hair is on fire instead of pink.”
“Orange would look sick on you though,” Jackie comments, making Willie Jack flick her eyes over to the once bleached girl.
Willie jack adds, “you want Meeks to look like fucken child’s play? She’s wearing the pink well, better than I’ve ever seen. True queen shit, which you wouldn’t know a thing about.”
Jackie sends a look to Elora and Bear, unsure what was going on here.
Mika bumps her hip with Willie Jack’s, “we’re cool again, I think.”
“Must be with how hard Willie Jack just went for you,” Bear grins before glancing at the girl on his right, “got Jackie here speechless.”
“Fuck off,” Jackie shoves Bear while looking at the hat wearing girl, “…glad whatever you two went through is over but…do we got a problem Willie?”
Willie Jack is nonchalant, “we don’t got no beef…just chill out.”
Which definitely sounded like a warning in Jackie’s eyes.
“It was a compliment or suggestion. Don’t see Mika getting tight about it.”
“Okay! Let’s get going.” Elora steers the conversation away, “Jackie, ride up front with me.”
“Sure,” Jackie eyes Willie Jack who huffs at her, circling around to the passenger side.
Cheese gets in the middle of the backseat while Bear runs around to the other side of the car to sit behind Jackie. Willie jack is awkwardly looking at the space in the car.
“I’ll hold your basket for you, Mika.” Cheese offers, while she thanks the young boy.
Bear sees The dilemma and also offers, “You can squeeze in Mika or sit on my lap if you want?”
“Oh god,” Elora mutters, pressing her forehead against the steering wheel, making Jackie frown at her.
Willie jack shakes her head, quickly moving to sit right beside cheese, strapping herself into the car before holding out her hand, “C’mon on then, you heard Elora. We got a long way to go.”
“Ohhh are you—
Willie Jack dips her head silently making Mika smile to herself, while the rest await the scene that plays out in front of them. Mika doesn’t further question it, entering the car and sitting right on Willie Jack’s lap before closing the door behind her.
“Aw but Mika doesn’t have a seat belt.”
Willie jack carefully slips her hands around Mika’s waist, “I got her.”
“That works for now!” Cheese beams, not reading into it too much like the rest in the car are.
Bear is smirking now after it dawns on him what is happening as Mika leans back into Willie Jack’s embrace so Elora can better see out the back window but also because it was a nice place to be.
“Is this okay?” Willie Jack whispers to Mika who’s made herself comfortable, head resting back in the space between Willie Jack’s neck and shoulder.
Mika says, “yup! Long as you got me.”
“I do.” Willie Jack meets Mika’s eyes, squeezing her a bit tighter.
“Good, then we have nothing to worry about. Let’s enjoy the ride.”
“Word.” Willie jack concludes, almost snapping her eyes shut at how annoying she probably sounded but Mika just presses her forehead into the side of Willie Jack’s head.
Elora drops Willie Jack off first with Mika having to exit the car. She asks Mika if she’ll walk her to her door and she agrees with a yawn along with a stretch of her arms up into the autumn air.
“So…” Willie Jack is back to swinging her hands in front of her as she stands face to face with Mika on her stoop.
Mika laughs, “yes Mena?”
“Do you want some hot chocolate?”
“I’d love some!” She bounces on her toes, “I’ll just tell the guys that I’m staying here.”
“Yeah, okay. Nice!”
Willie Jack silently curses to herself again while she just knows her friends are in the car talking shit. She watches Mika lean against the door of the window, talking to their friends in the car, waving at them before she steps back. Skirt spinning with her as she walks back to Willie Jack and fuck she’s so pretty!
Which almost distracts her from Bear smashing his lips on the car window as Elora pulls off from the curb with a honk of her horn.
“After you my lady,” Willie Jack holds her hands out after pushing the front door open.
Mika curtesy’s before entering the home, peeking around as she steps into the first space, which happens to be the living room. “Everything still looks the same.”
“Uh huh.” Mika plops down on the couch while Willie Jack enters the kitchen, turning the stove on before opening the fridge to get the leftover homemade hot chocolate she made at midnight.
It’s quiet but it’s not awkward as Mika makes herself comfortable, folding her legs underneath her on the couch. It’s not long before Willie Jack enters the living room with steaming mugs.
“Thanks,” Mika takes the mug with a smile while Willie Jack places her’s on the coffee table.
She takes off her hat, tossing it on the arm of the couch before digging her fingers into her braid to let her hair run free. Mika watches Willie Jack as she sips on the just right hot beverage, admiring just how beautiful her “friend” is.
“Your hair’s gotten longer,” Mika observes, “it’s still stunning.”
Willie jack fans her hand about, “thanks girl, I grew it myself.”
“Hell yeah! Love it just the way it is.”
And the way Mika is looking at Willie Jack makes her heart thud in her chest. The damn girl’s only been here for a day and she’s already got her feeling a way.
“We should watch a scary movie!” Willie jack jumps to her feet, heading over to the collection of dvd’s.
Mika rests one hand in the crease of her other arm, “I don’t like scary movies.”
Willie jack looks back at Mika from her squatting position, picking up on her unease. She was aware that Willie Jack’s parents weren’t home as the house was too hushed and she didn’t see her dad’s truck in the driveway. Night time has definitely fallen and they were alone, dancing around what they could be and now this girl was trying to put on a horror movie?!
“Really?” Willie jack asks, “any particular reason or…?”
“I don’t think it’s never really been my thing,” Mika murmurs while she looks at the front door, “every time you or bear would suggest sneaking into the outdoor movie night by lake crow I wanted to stick my head in the dirt and never come out.”
“Shit…guess I gotta pay more attention.”
“Nah, who wants to be the odd one out when everyone else was down? I just dealt with it…plus you two were always so excited although I lost sleep for a few nights because of all those movies but…you get over it you know?”
“If we do this…you think you’re gonna have any nightmares?”
“Hard to say honestly.”
“Then…I’ll keep you safe.” Willie Jack strongly said, “but that’s only if you want to. I’ll even pick the least scary one out of the batch.”
Mika sips at the hot chocolate, thinking about it, “I’m gonna hold you to it.”
Willie Jack makes a offering motion with a imaginary hot chip before taking the time to go through the collection. She finds one that she thinks will be alright before shoving it into the dvd player. Once she’s seated back next to Mika, she tosses one arm along the top of the couch allowing Mika to fill in that space.
She does, shuffling closer as a long suspenseful intro starts after Willie jack fumbled with the remote. Willie jack tries her hardest to keep her eyes on the screen but it’s the heat radiating off from Mika that makes it hard.
“Hey…you’re not drinking your chocolate?” Mika points out, pulling her head back to look at Willie Jack who fails to hide her staring.
She scratches at her ear, “oh right, it’s still piping hot. Imma let it rest for a bit you know?”
“Don’t tell me you’re one of those iced hot chocolate people?”
Willie jack scrunches up her lips, “I’m not. Don’t even think I ever tried that before.”
“You don’t believe me?”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“Your face did though.”
“What’s wrong with my face?” Mika leans back to give Willie Jack the side eye.
Now they’re looking at each other and Willie Jack is silently counting the beauty marks that’s on Mika’s diamond shaped face while Mika’s peering at Willie’s side profile.
“Nothing,” Willie Jack fully turns now gripping Mika’s chin and she almost forgets to breathe correctly, “nothing at all,” before she leans forward to press her lips right against Mika’s.
Willie Jack hears her squeal a bit but Mika knows she has to hold on tighter to the mug now while Willie Jack holds her in place. Mika tastes just like chocolate and cherries while her lips feel like fresh petals. Look at that, Willie Jack could be poetic or corny when it comes to romance too! Mika’s unfortunately not Willie Jack’s first kiss but this kiss definitely makes her forget all about what’s their face. The only thing that’s on her mind is how her heart basically skips a beat with her lips right on Mika’s.
And a kiss like this has never made Mika’s toes curl before.
When she pulls back, Mika is curling Willie Jack’s hair back behind her ear. She bits down on her lips to hide her dimpled smile (which doesn’t work in her favor really, Willie Jack was so tempted to poke them) as Willie Jack slowly opens her eyes to meet Mika’s sunset.
Willie Jack remembers to breathe, “What?”
“You kissed me, you really like me.” Mika sings into Willie Jack’s face, while the girl claps her hands against her face hoping her skin isn’t warming up but knows it probably is.
Mika reaches for Willie Jack’s wrist while laying her head back on the couch, “don’t be shy now, that was glorious!”
“Glorious? Oh my god.”
“That a great thing! Marvelous! Splendid even!”
“You sound like one of those teachers who thinks the sun shines out of their ass, bro.”
Mika pauses,“I don’t think you can call me bro anymore.”
“Why not?”
“‘Cause we kissed, twice?” Mika holds up the deuces, laughing as Willie Jack shakes her head, trying to wrap her head around the fact that she initiated this kiss.
Willie Jack nods her head at her own thinking, “You’ll always be my bro…just a different type. More meaningful, a higher level.”
“Oooh so I get perks?”
“Yeah…as soon as we figure out what to do about us?”
Mika goes quiet then, knowing their time was limited. She was only here for a week, mainly to visit and go to the state fair but that thought made her depressed since she was also building a life after graduating high school…all the way in Nebraska…and that’s not something she wanted to dwell on right now.
She peers at Willie Jack from underneath her lengthy eyelashes, “We could always just make out some more until we do?”
Willie jack scoffs, “I see, you only want me for my lips.”
“And your heart,” Mika leans into Willie Jack who licks her lips, feeling those butterflies in her stomach.
Willie jack throws her head back, “the rizz is killing me!”
“You love it.”
“I think I do.” Willie Jack nods.
“Yeaaah! So kiss me.”
“I’ll do more of that after we finish the movie, I know you’ll need it.”
“So you’re the one plotting on me then.”
“Noooo.” Wille jack fails to hide her smile although this wasn’t originally her plan…it doesn’t sound half bad now.
Mika pokes the long haired girl, “Now I don’t believe you!”
“Well I hope you have it in your heart not to hold nothing else against me. I made you hot chocolate, I gave you my love—
Mika laughs a bit, “that you did, that you did.”
They briefly place their foreheads against each other until Mika moves to rest her head on Willie Jack’s shoulder. It’s not long that they turn their attention back to the screen, both confused on this grainy yet clearly dated horror film.
“I think we need edibles to enjoy this.”
That would make the most logical sense and why Willie Jack’s dad even owned this film: House (1977).
“Damn,” Willie Jack snaps her finger, “and it would be even better if we at least had the blackberries. All that work we put in, we should at least be able to enjoy them.”
Mika gasps, “I can’t believe I left them in elora’s car.”
“That blows…hopefully cheese holds them down for you or else we’ll have to kick somebody’s ass. And by somebody, I mean bear and probably Jackie’s Wednesday Addams lookin’ ass.”
Mika snorts, missing this friend dynamic, “Meeks and Mena, doing what we do best.”
“Fuck yeah, thriving and Survivin’.”
“Real shit,” Mika grins as Willie Jack slips her hand to intertwine with Mika’s.
And she enjoys how Mika’s hand fits just right in her own, although a little shaky, which reminded Wille Jack of Mika’s old fear of bodies of water when they were much younger, Willie Jack gives Mika’s a quick squeeze to ease any form of anxiety her body maybe experiencing.
Whether it be the wonders of the world or the wonders of their relationship.
They didn’t have to always search for the answers, at least not right away. So for the present they could settle into the excitement of what’s happening in the now…
To just live with the guidance of one another.
With Meeks and Mena holding on no longer tiptoeing…then perhaps that could be more than enough.
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Continue with my October anthology prompts here.
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Elijah Angst please 🥺 you can do whatever plot you want I just want Elijah angst
Yes and yes time for some angst
Warnings: Angst like a lot of angst, Elijah being an ass, Soft!Klaus, Jealous!Hayley
Elijah cough up blood, he was jolted awake seeing that his arms were chanting up above his head and his shirt tore open. Elijah was surprised to see he was cut and bruised. Elijah felt weak when he heard heels clacking against the stone floor when he looked seeing a beautiful young woman dressed in jeans and tanktop eyes glaring at Elijah.
"Good to see you wake Elijah." The young woman said sipping on a glass of blood making Elijah's eyes darken feeling the hunger flooded him.
"Who....are you?" Elijah asked weaken and starving watching the young woman.
"Not surprised that you don't know me. But you know my mother intimately. Y/N L/N and my name is Elora L/N." Elora says smirking seeing the familiarity reached his eyes remembering. Elijah looked over Elora seeing how she xould be his daughter, Elora was beautiful loose chocolate curls and had her mother's eyes.
"It was 1807 when she told you that she was with child. You didn't believe her and left her after an argument yet you were quick to believe the witches about Hope? I guess the noble honorable Elijah isn't so honorable."
"Listen....Elora, I apologize please let me go. I am sure your mother wouldn't want this." Elijah says before flinching when Elora pressed a knife against his thoat her eyes flashing
"Don't. You. Dare. Speak like you know her. My mother is still alive, weak but alive. No thanks to you." Elora said pulling away. Elijah out a shuttering breath watching his daughter.
"Mum is suffering because of you and I will make you pay." Elora said smirking darkly at her father making Elijah shiver. She reminded him of Klaus when she smirked like that. Elora walked over to a tray of tools picking up a knife before looking at Elijah.
Klaus paced while Freya was trying to locate Elijah after the Original was taken. Elijah and Finn were checking up on Hope since Hayley moved out to the bayou after she had a fight with Elijah. Finn had his neck snapped and still hadn't woke which worried the siblings and Hayley hurried to get to the Abattoir hearing that Elijah was missing.
"Uncle Kol...is uncle 'Lijah okay?" A six year Hope asked as Kol smiled gently took her small hand in his. Elijah was close to Hope other than Klaus, Hope would always seek out her favorite uncle but now it felt weird that her uncle wasn't there.
"Yes little one. Uncle 'Lijah is in a bit of trouble but don't your father will save him." Kol says smiling with Hope nodding hoping that her uncle was okay.
"You know, mum really loved you. I mean she was disowned by her coven, she gave up everything for you yet you broke her." Elora said sitting a chair hearing Elijah groaned when he felt a pain in his chest. Elora would stop his heart before letting it beat again.
"I apologize. I wasn't thinking back then." Elijah panted with Elora rolling her eyes looking at her father.
"So what about Hope? Why believe the witches so easily? I think you just needed an excuse to leave mum, you must have been bored with her." Elora said making Elijah growl eyes flashing pulling at the chains before falling back to his knees unable to breathe.
"Nice to know my so call father has some fight left. But do not get angry with me after all, you are fucking that wolf. So quick to forget about mum, now look at you." Elora said before hearing a knock and someone moving upstairs. Elora did a silencing spell and both listening to what was happening.
You shivered pulling your shawl tighter around your shoulders answering the door pausing seeing Klaus. You hadn't seen him in centuries and Klaus was surprised to see you. The hybrid frowned seeing how pale you looked and how weak your magic felt.
"Y/N, love it has been a long time." Klaus says while both Hayley and Freya was surprised to see how soft Klaus was with you.
"You know her?"
"Yes, Y/N L/N. Elijah's soulmate, he left behind." Klaus says surprising Hayley Hayley. Klaus had been angry with Elijah when he left you. Klaus had been helping you and Elora secretly behind Elijah's back.
"What brings you by Nik? I apologize you just missed Elora. She went out with friends." You tell Klaus your voice soft. Klaus frowned helping you sit down frowned with how weak you were.
"That is fine love. How are you?" Klaus asked while Hayley looked around your home with Freya.
"Our soul bond has been healing but weaken. Don't worry about me Nik." You rasped out seeing Klaus frown and kneeling down beside you worried for you. Hayley bit her lip feeling a little guilty while Freya felt Elijah but felt magic push back.
"I apologize for bringing her here then." Klaus says seeing your eyes settle on Hayley with a tear escaping your eye. Of course Hayley was beautiful, it made your heart ache since you were pale and no longer held the beauty Elijah once adored.
"It is okay Nik. As long as Elijah is happy." You whispered flinching hearing Klaus growl angry. Klaus had been angry with Elijah but they had to find Elijah. You let Klaus take a look in your basement with Hayley and Freya following after.
"Elora, color impressed." Klaus says stopping Hayley and Freya from just rushing towards Elijah. Elora smirked holding a sliver dagger while Elijah's eyes fell on you. Elijah's heart ache seeing how weak and tired you looked while he felt no back lash from the soulmate bond, you felt everything.
"Hello uncle came for Elijah? As you can see we have been bonding." Elora said smirking at her uncle.
"Elora....let him go." You tell your daughter watching her frown stepping forward her magic sparking.
"After everything he had done! You want me to let him go?!" Elora shouted angry making you frown.
"Listen kid, we...." Hayley began taken back by the glare Elora gave her, it was nothing but pure hate.
"Shut your dirty mouth wolf. Elijah abandoned us, tell me how does it feel knowing you are the reason my mother is dieing?" Elora questioned glaring at Hayley. Elijah looked at you guilt climbing up his back. Hayley took a step back eyes looking to Klaus for help.
"Little witch, I understand you are upset but please." Klaus says watching Elora closely.
"Fine have him. We don't need him." Elora says heading upstairs, the chains let Elijah go. You watched Hayley catch Elijah, pain settled in your heart.
"Come I still have his old suits."
The air was thick with tension, Elora was glaring at her father and Hayley. Klaus made sure Elora didn't attack while Freya was help you get tea.
Elijah didn't know if he should be glad Klaus helped take care of you and Elora or be angry with hisself. Elora may have looked like him but she clearly had the Mikaelson temper and clearly wanted him to pay.
"Here we are some tea." You say turning away coughing knees buckling and Klaus quick to help you. Jealously surged though Elijah unaware the link in the soul bond repair its self. Klaus helped you sit down holding your hand rubbing it with his thumb.
"So you were Elijah's soulmate?" Hayley asked while Elora scoffed arms crossed while you smiled sadly. The one thing your daughter hated was how you forgave and still loved her father. As you waited years for Elijah to return to you while you called it love, Elora called it weakness since she believed Elijah deserved nothing.
"Why do you care? My mother is no threat to your so call relationship." Elora said glaring harshly at Hayley while Klaus sighed. While Klaus loved his niece much like you, he worried about Elora and wished she'll let go of her anger.
"Elora, please. I apologize I didn't....." Elijah was cut off when Elora stood up glaring at her father.
"I don't want to hear it." Elora said walking out of the house and Klaus followed after the young woman. You gave Elijah apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry about her."
"Don't apologize, this is my fault." Elijah tells you gently taking your hand making Hayley narrow her eyes at the scene. You flushed at the familiarity of Elijah holding your hand.
A week after what happened Elijah came around your home to help out and to get to know Elora. Elora on the other hand wouldn't give Elijah a chance but could see that you were getting better.
"How are you and that wolf?" Elora asked when Elijah had came over for dinner. Elijah had been trying to have a relationship with his daughter, to get to know her.
"We are in a middle of what Hayley calls a break.... it seems that I have not been there enough for her." Elijah tells Elora handing her a box.
"A break? What did you do?" Elora couldn't help but ask taking the box looking at her father. You paused at the doorframe of the kitchen watching the two.
"I wanted to find your mother or any descendants just to try and fix what I broke." Elijah tells Elora and she saw the hurt in his eyes. You had told Elora stories of Elijah and how the Original always did everything for his family.
"Mum always said you do everything for family." Elora said softly getting a smile from Elijah.
"Yes, well I failed you." Elijah said watching his daughter stand up looking at her seeing the anger flash in her eyes.
"Yeah you did. Enjoy dinner with mum." Elora said walking up to her room making Elijah sighed. You walked up rubbing Elijah's shoulders feeling him reach up and hold your hand.
"She hates me."
"She is angry my dear. Elora needs time and you need to let her come to you." You tell Elijah smiling gently and felt him kiss your hand. Elijah agreed with you and enjoyed dinner with you.
"Do we have to be here?" Elora asked feeling flustered you smiled at your daughter. Klaus had invited you and Elora to an gala to get you out of the cabin.
"Yes. We promised your uncle also you get to see family." You say using a cane to help you walk even though you had been getting better due to Elijah's visits, you still find it hard to walk some times.
Elijah spotted you and Elora, he felt his heart skip a beat. You were gorgeous and had an urge to be by your side. Elijah and Hayley had been having a rough patch because Hayley believe that Elijah was still in love with you. Which was a little truthful after all you were Elijah's soulmate and of course he would always love you.
"Y/N and Elora. It has been centuries."
"Hello Finn." You say smiling hugging the vampire feeling a spark of jealousy though what you thought was a broken soul bond. You looked up at Elijah smiling softly at him watching him look away both of you felt warmth flood the broken bond.
"I'm going to go find uncle Kol." Elora said walking off to find Kol leaving you with Finn.
"She has became a beautiful young woman." Finn says walking with you making you smile.
"She has. Sadly Elora has been tough on Elijah." You tell Finn who nodded understanding how Elora felt. No one in the family pushed Elora to forgive Elijah or be nicer to her father, everyone believed she needed time.
"May I have this dance?" Elijah asked you making you smile nodding while Finn watched smiling softly.
"Elijah sure has spending time with mum. I'm sure that wolf hates it." Elora said glaring while Kol smirked looking at you and Elijah.
"Oh Hayley does. She left Elijah." Kol answers his niece surprising the young witch. Kol remembered the night Elijah came home after trying to spend time with Elora.
Hayley had accused Elijah of cheating on her and still being in love with you. Elijah told Hayley that he wasn't and that he wanted to know his daughter. Which lead to a bigger fight of Hayley making Elijah choose between his daughter and the hybrid. Elijah picked Elora over Hayley, claiming he couldn't fail the young witch again.
"He picked me over her?" Elora asked looking at Elijah in a different light genuinely surprised that Elijah picked her.
"Yep. Hayley was pissed." Kol answered Elora watching the witch relax a bit watching her parents dance.
"I guess he ain't too bad."
Elijah sighed relaxed in bed reading softly to you and Elora. Elora was knocked out cold while you were drifting in and out of sleep listening to Elijah's low baritone voice.
"She is sweet when asleep." Elijah commented softly making you giggle nodding.
"I am glad you two are starting to get along." You whispered pressing closer to Elijah. Elora had finally let Elijah be around her while you and Elijah was repairing your relationship.
"As am I." Elijah says softly kissing Elora's head smiling when she nuzzled closer and from there Elijah knew he could spend an forever to make it up to you both.
"I love you both Always and Forever." Elijah says softly smiling hearing your soft snores before settling down just listening to you and Elora sleep.
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evodevo-geekmonkey · 1 year
I really love how in Beyond the Shattered Sea, they feed Kit and Willow’s family stories off each other.
Like, it’s very subtle and I may be way off base, but when they’re talking in the little cabin and Kit is telling him about how her dad was in the light and you can just see the pain she’s in without him there and not knowing what happened to him and probably believing he’s dead, Willow’s long silence is him thinking about Mims and seeing a daughter missing her dad like crazy. And that’s just like his kid. And he wants to get back to his kid so badly because she’s just like Kit and she needs him.
Then later Kit finds Willow missing Mims and she sees how much pain he’s in over that and all she can see is a dad who went on this quest because it was the right thing to do (for Elora no less) but all he wants is his kid but he’s still there because it’s the right thing to do but it’s really messing him up and something finally clicks for her.
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gotylocks · 11 months
Willow Month 2023: Day 2- Favorite Relationship
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If you read my day 1 entry, this will be similarly unsurprising. Obviously Kit and Jade are my favorite relationship on the show. From the first moment Jade flicked her eyes down to Kit's lips, I knew I was going to ship them regardless if it was canon or not.
Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long to have my feelings confirmed by the show itself. I adored how their relationship was built. The foundation of inseparable best friends ("For Kit and only Kit", "I can't do this without you") gives way effortlessly to the clear, overwhelming, yet buried love and desire they have for each other.
One of the most fascinating things about them is while most stories (especially mainstream) will build both romantic and sexual tension in a queer relationships by keeping them apart. Willow really said "What if the tension comes from them kissing immediately and then not being able to unpack that till way later?" It makes their every interaction have this hidden weight to it, whether they're just joking around around the rest of the crew (almost trying to pretend they're "just good friends" so nobody suspects anything, which Boorman clocked day 1) or they're having an argument as if having that tension bottled up is rippling and causing easy discussions to be fights (specifically thinking about the Wildwood).
For Kit's brashness and bad attitude with everyone else, when it comes to Jade, she acts so differently. Where she holds grudges a lot, Jade admitting she had been lying to her about training results in Kit pouting, sure, but in the immediate aftermath of the Battle of the Slaughtered Lamb it's like she has already processed it. Instead, she is in full "Comfort Jade" mode, which continues into Nockmaar.
Jade's statement "Who protects Kit? I do." in the finale hits me so hard because it doesn't come off as Kit is a damsel always needed to be saved. Instead, it has the feeling of "She is my partner and we need each other. We keep each other safe. We look out for each other." When they're separated, they're capable, but they're better together. They're better together because they push each other to be better after the training lie is revealed. There are so many moments where they deal with the exact baggage they need to in order to be in a romantic relationship together.
This can be individual baggage like Kit's anxiety about her connection to Bavmorda or Jade's discovery of her heritage; or it can be shared baggage like learning Kit's dad killed Jade's. At each step, they go through these huge moments that could have massive ramifications in their lives, they deal with them, and they look at each other like "As long as we're together, we can get through anything."
I also think about how at no point does Kit lash out at Jade for pulling her away from her father, as all of that anger is directed at Elora (despite Jade being the one that physically restrained and removed her from the Tomb). This ties back into that feeling that they protect each other. She doesn't blame Jade because she's her partner, she had no choice but to protect her, whereas Elora had no responsibility to save her, which also is a big moment that sets up their connection later (but that's another essay).
The trust Jade shows Kit at the end of episode 7 ("I think you're going to make that decision on your own") hits me so hard because it is this clear feeling of growth on both their parts. It's Jade taking her hands off the wheel and making it more of an equal partnership between them, where up to now, she's often had to be the voice of reason to rein in Kit's poor decision making.
"When you love someone, and they need you, yes, you jump off the edge of the world to go and get them."
I've made the joke that Kit and Jade made me believe in love again, but it's true. Their connection, support, friendship, deep attraction, and overwhelming love for each other felt so vivid, so real, so beautiful, there are painfully few relationships that live in my heart and mind like Kit and Jade.
Oh and they had the two most intimate and beautiful kiss scenes I've seen in ages, if not ever.
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knight-princess · 6 months
There’s something about Kit and Elora being really quite close to each other long before they decide that they like each other. While they still borderline hate each other really. like their souls knew that this was always supposed to be their roles even if their minds still reject it. Like, the way that Elora tells Kit about the woodcutters, choosing to be vulnerable with her, of all the choices, it’s Kit she bares that to. Kit seemingly being the only one that Elora tells about them, at all, ever. Now it may be that this is partially motivated by the very fact that of them all, Kit thinks the least of her, and she’s feeling so shit about it and herself and thinks Kit’ll probably agree, aid her in the emotional self flagellation pit she’s sunken into with the whole “I can’t save anyone”. Or maybe it feels like the safest option, to confide in someone who’s opinion can scarcely sink lower. And yet, Kit doesn’t immediately use her sharp tongue on her, and while they get interrupted with the general mad castle shenanigans, that unexpected insight into Elora’s psyche and current headspace is so important to Kit. And it’s this episode too that Kit recognises how important it is that they at the very least attempt to save Graydon, insists that Elora should snap out of her funk and at the least try. She can do it, Kit knows she can, deep down, even if she didn’t like it or doesn’t want to, she knows Elora can save them, if she only believes in herself, and the conversation earlier showed Kit that she doesn’t, that’s she’s so scared and beaten down and hurting right now that she can’t, so Kit steps up, giving her her belief in her, foreshadowing and laying the road for the tumble off the cliff a few episodes hence. Because even at this early stage, even with so many of their issues sharp edged and unresolved between them, there’s a spark and a respect and a mutual tie that cannot be ignored
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wolfsbane-666 · 1 year
I noticed quite a few people dislike Kit for the way she is acting, which I can understand let's face it she is a little shit. But that's exactly what I love about her.
One of the biggest problems in fiction is that characters tend to be too perfect. Especially queer ones. In so many instances, queer characters only have very few flaws that are easily overlooked or have none at all.
But not Kit. Kit's flaws are right there.
She is cocky, arrogant, confrontational, impulsive, hostile, stubborn, and so on.
But that's a good thing. Flaws are incredibly important for a character. Not only will nothing tell you more about a character and their past than their flaws, but a character without flaws is stuck in place. They can't develop because they don't have a reason to change.
Something Kit is starting to do, because of the events in episode 3 (I made a post about that too if you are interested)
She was still somewhat of a bitch to Elora, but they had a heart-to-heart and in the end, it was Kit, who gave Elora the confidence she needed to save Graydon. And I don't just mean Kit telling Elora about performing the growing seed spell successfully, but the way Kit made it clear she believed Elora could save Graydon.
If the one person, who was constantly hostile toward you, suddenly tells you that you can do something it has a huge effect. Because you can 100% trust that they actually believe in you.
Kit still has a long way to go. No one just changes overnight.
But if the writing team keeps up the good work and realistic portrayal they have shown so far, I'm sure that we are going to see a change in Kit's cocky behavior.
Here's a fact: No one is born cocky or arrogant. It's something that develops over time. For example through a history of being right or having frequent, competitive success.
Like sparing with your best friend and beating them basically all your life and being right when you say that you will keep beating them.
Just to make it clear, I'm not trying to blame Kit's flaws on Jade nor am I trying to defend Kit's actions.
Kit blaming Boorman for their situation was completely uncalled for as was the way she was acting toward everyone the whole time.
What I am going to defend, however, is her suggestion to kill Graydon. And before you yell at me through your screen, try to see the situation from Kit's point of view:
Her brother, who she had a fight with, has been kidnapped and could be tortured or dead any minute for all she knows. Every second they are not moving forward they are wasting time. Especially now that they have lost their horses.
If they can't magically heal Graydon, he will only slow them down until he eventually tries to kill them. Keep in mind that Willow had made no move to reveal that he might have a way to help Graydon until Elora explicitly asked him.
So for Kit, who had asked Willow directly if he could do the same thing he did earlier (again Willow didn't mention that there is something they could try to help Graydon), there were only two options. Either leave Graydon chained to the floor so he can suffer a lot of pain and turn into a monster that will try to hunt them down or grant him the quickest and most merciful death they could manage to give him.
Like Jade said later in the episode: Kit was right.
Kit was just the only one who had the guts to actually say what had to be done sooner or later.
And that's something no one can blame her for. In fact, speaking the truth no one wants to hear takes great courage and is something I will always respect. Even if I don't like what I'm hearing.
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