#none of this was even part of the original rp he was quite literally Entirely unassuming which is the entire reason he got away with it
radioves · 1 year
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mr. medical malpractice
hemlockheart was an rp character from wc : ft [arguably the best game btw. fuck ult and fuck the fact they locked the legacy version - but i will not be getting into that] that was a medicine cat apprentice and his entire character was that he would poison people by more or less spiking their herbs with toxic plants. no particular reason why he just felt like it
it started when he was an apprentice when he slipped some yarrow to someone just to see what would happen, which lead to him realizing “haha wait i am in complete control of these peoples lives. surely this discovery won’t have any repercussions on my ego and overall view of the worth of life.” yeah, about that
somehow nobody catches on over the years, and he ends up gaining his full medicine cat name via good ol fashion *~lying~*. it ends with him poisoning the new leader on their way to the moonstone, and when he comes back he attempts to call a meeting on tallrock to announce the leaders death, only to get a lightning bolt to the face and fucking die
also his existence got me mini-modded up the Ass because everyone threw a hissy fit over his name “not being in the prefix list” so i had to change it to hickory during the rp ☠️ i then proceeded to get threatened to be reported because everyone that was part of the rp left [cough* died *cough] and all the new people thought i was just being obtrusive. ahh forest territory my beloved how i miss you terribly
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lunarwarden · 3 months
Modern/Heartsteel Thresh and Diana HC
Where did this absurd/strange ship manifest?
Well, I was talking with a friend who felt there wasn’t entirely anyone they could ship Yone with, and I voiced the same about Diana, though pointed out that Thresh would be cute to pair with Yone due to their spirit blossom skins. “Let’s just ship Diana and Yone then!” Was said not too long after that we also threw Thresh into the mix… Needless to say, it originated in the Spirit Blossom universe, but I’ve adapted both Thresh and Diana to Heartsteel and High Noon.
Goodness, I’m so nervous to post this but fuck it. If anyone wants to bitch at me, you can kiss my ass X’D
Heartsteel Thresh Headcanons
Erlok is an ASMR RP/commentary channel that started a few years ago and quickly gained traction thanks to his voice. His channel name is The Warden where he refers to himself as Thresh and tends to refer to his viewers when not doing his roleplay content as “My Precious Souls”.
The content that Erlok puts out has gained him the nickname of “Master” among his fans as his asmr roleplays tend to veer about yanderes. His content tends to be on the darker side, but despite this, he has countless fans flocking to him.
Erlok came up with the name of Thresh in a DND session he was a part of, he’s since sadly stopped hosting that campaign, but it did give him the idea of “what if I brought my ability to roleplay others into a video setting?” an idea that has entrapped many in his content.
Totally has a Patreon where he does NSFW ASMR content that he makes a killing from.
OLD MAN SQUINTS Literally cannot read for shit without his glasses, and even then, he hasn’t updated his prescription in like 5 years? So, it’s gotten worse, and he still squints when he’s trying to read even with his eyeglasses on.
Erlok is a relatively slender man, and maybe has some muscle, but if he does it's lean muscle and doesn’t show too much aside from some minor definition. And even then, he tends to hide his figure behind turtlenecks and coats.
Totally has an abnormally long tongue and at the very least sharp canines (Though sharp teeth be looking spicy). He’s made quite a few past partners choke by shoving his tongue down their throat, apparently not something most people like.
Erlok was born and raised in Germany, he grew up not knowing English but taught himself it when he found there was a larger DND community of people who spoke English. He then further refined his English and his accent so that he could make an ASMR channel and not worry about being not understandable. He’s not ashamed of his accent or anything, just knows he can reach a broad audience with English.
Has a more ‘refined’ or ‘sophisticated’ style. Tends to wear turtlenecks, dress pants, button-ups, and the works.
Also, can see him wearing black eyeliners, maybe lipstick if he’s feeling fancy, but primarily black eyeliner and some concealer to hide the nasty ass bags he has under his eyes. Man, fr be looking like The Walking Dead without it.
Closeted Jew, no one can tell me otherwise haha. (Obviously, this means while he might practice things in the comfort of his home, he doesn’t actively wear his kippa or follow traditions of wearing his Tefillin out and about on days that require it)
Heartsteel Diana Headcanons
Diana is a relatively new Vtuber who has quickly gained fame. Her content tends to be a bit all over the place, but she does focus more on singing and horror games. Her fans seem to enjoy her reactions to the jump scares and scary content.
Her channel name is The Lunar Goddess, though her fans tend to call her “Moon Mom” while she refers to her fans as “Moonbeams”. None of her fans know what she looks like or her real name, and she plans to keep it that way for a bit longer as she doesn’t want to disappoint people with her appearance.
Other content that Diana does is skits, first-person shooters, and relaxing streams where she just hangs out with her chat. Her content is relatively pg-13 but there are times when her foul mouth does get it marked a higher rating.
Diana lives with her sister, Leona, and her sister’s boyfriend, Pantheon. Leona tends to make appearances in her streams as a mod who watches the chat and can sometimes be heard reading the chat out to Diana when she’s really focused on her game. This has gained Leona the nickname “Auntie Sun”.
Was born with naturally white hair, it confused doctors because it at first started as a streak through her sable hair as a kid, but over the course of a few years, her entire head was turned white. At first, doctors thought it was Poliosis, but now they just don’t know what caused her hair to go white.
Diana was born and raised in a very conservative Jewish household in Israel. She’s still Jewish, but not as religious as her mother and father are. She partakes in some of the traditions with Leona, but even then, sometimes misses out on some.
English is a language that came relatively easily to Diana, she also knows Yiddish as it was spoken by her great-grandmother (Even if most other Israelis consider it a dirty gutter language) Her accent isn’t horribly thick, but it is noticeable and the first thing she’s often asked by new viewers is “where do you come from?”
Diana tends to wear either jeans or long skirts that cover the knees, same for dresses, but for tops, she’s fine with showing a bit of stomach and has no qualms about wearing tank tops.
Diana doesn’t wear too much makeup, especially since she works behind a screen away from the view of others. On the days that she does go out, a light lipstick with some mascara and blush works fine for her.
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candaru liveblogs reading her own writing: episode 6
it still absolutely makes my day when people get excited over me talking to them; like habgsdklfgh I’m not Jello I’m just an awkward bean who likes to write?? anyway today’s been pretty good
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Gorou being absolutely oblivious and his minions being the ones to drive the plot is hysterical tbh
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every once and a while I write a line and then have to squint at it until I figure out where I stole it from because I hear it in a VERY specific voice in my head so I know it’s a reference but even I don’t know to what
anyway (Kirbopher vc) I’M NOTTA SQUIRE!
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I’m not overly fond of the original bar fight but I wanted to go with the same goofy cartoon brawl aesthetic, so I spent quite a while throwing around ideas before settling on “Nightmare Fuel, but it’s Gorou so instead of being actually scary it’s giant talking donuts trying to eat the people”
I think that was a good idea :)
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this was just my personal vendetta upon learning Gorou’s original powerset haijgklsdfhgbh
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...but also a good excuse for a swap!version of the “nah, I’m just awesome” line XD
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soooooo this was a BIT of a cheat, but I had to have someone drop Molly’s name and I knew it couldn’t be Molly herself because she wouldn’t be dumb enough to do what Gio did (no offense Gio) and every other way I tried to make it happen had other problems, so. Gorou gets to hint at Molly’s backstory! yay!
he used to buy toys for himself and the Banzai Bees even tho he was already very much an adult :’)
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this is a joke
but also a very subtle reference to the fact that the cat (who is in Howdy Morning’s role) was part of a plot-relevant “government experiment”
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I absolutely love that last one ngl habsdlkpfaghfsd it’s just so absolutely something that would happen in EE
just. a bunch of minions way more competent than their leader but they all refuse to be promoted and “leave the others behind” so they end up as these very highly-skilled but low-ranking Banzai Blasters
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don’t let your mental illnesses stop you from achieving your dreams, kids
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and thus everyone’s favorite nickname was born
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the most-loved scene in this entire thing, by FAR, and honestly I’m perfectly happy with that
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everyone please salute Anime Campaign, proof that even your dumb friend group RPs can be turned into a masterpiece as long as you’re open-minded to change things
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...I forgot I actually DID put Howdy into this basghsdklfgh (tho most of the joke was that none of his lines needed to change at ALL)
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this episode is just full of jabs at Jello, huh?
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one of the reasons I didn’t like Redwood Run as much as the Museum Arc was bc I felt that Percy and Ramsey didn’t have much time to actually develop their dynamic, so what they did have felt kinda forced and rushed. of course that’s not exactly Jello’s fault bc he only had THREE episodes to work with and a lot to set up, but I still did my best to give the swap duo as many little moments as possible.
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I cared NOTHING for Yoomtah before writing this episode and by the time I was done I LOVED her
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one of my fav artists drew this scene PERFECTLY and I now see it in their style whenever I read it
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open/confirmed spoilers up ahead regarding Yoomtah:
so the whole “Yoomtah is a robot/cyborg who runs faster than anyone and has electric powers (?)” thing REALLY bothers me because Jello NEVER established that there was magic besides Epithets during the ENTIRE SHOW SO FAR (same with Phoenicia being a magical girl) and that’s just,,,, bbghdsjkg it took me a long time to go “okay, this was based on something else first, I get it, I can get used to the new rules” but gosh I just wish that had been set up better. then again I guess it’s nice that even the writers I admire the most make mistakes.
anyway, got off topic but I love how in the swap version, Yoomtah being a robot/cyborg/??? is just vaguely implied and never actually confirmed, it’s such a good running gag
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I had. SUCH a hard time coming up with a reason for Sylvie and Yoomtah to have a rivalry, since Sylvie’s got no interest in construction work
and then literally my friend was like “isn’t Yoomtah the one who never sleeps?” and I was like “yeah, why— oh”
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idk I guess I just really like “characters who break the personality stereotypes of their moral alignments” which REALLY fits the rest of EE to a T
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the case of the “golden buttocks”
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I know I talk about this a lot but I was really so, so proud to finish this (& then the next script) on the deadline. I have discovered that shockingly enough, I like (creative) deadlines. Deadlines make me happy.
maybe I was fated to love EE just because of the opening intro or smth idk
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
Cockadoodledoo, (M//M)
Hey! I’m Jonesy! I’ve posted on here before a few months ago, and I spoke with a number of people about starting RPs, and then some shit happened where I was literally unable to get to the computer, thus vanished for a while. For… four months. Yeah. (Anyone want to know what it’s like to wake up from a coma and get in a fist fight with a nurse because you have no idea what’s going on? Just ask.) Anyhoo, if I had something started with you, or even if we were just talking about starting something, and you want to hit me up again, please do! For time’s sake, I’m just gonna copy/paste part of my last advert, because… coughlazycough.
 I’m in my late 20’s and am looking for M// literate (advanced) rp partners, ages 25+ please. I do not fade to black or avoid mature themes. My writing style has a casual feel to it, but I use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and I prefer that you have a good grasp on this, as well. I write third person paragraph style, and am looking for someone who likes world building and writing three dimensional characters. You know what I mean. If our characters walk into a town, I want to know who else is there, how the buildings are painted, what the air smells like. Take me to it. Paint me a worrrrrrddd pictuuuuureeee. If your character has a Maserati, I want to know how he treats it, how he drives it, and if he has that kind of money, why on EARTH would a Maserati be his car of choice?
 Absolute No’s: ….Well crap, I can never think of these until someone asks.
 Things I don’t like so much:
-Winey characters
-Super young characters
-Unrealistically serious characters
-Too much drama
-Posts that don’t move the story along (sometimes this is ok but not EVERY post…)
-Short posts.
-Spanish dudes (HA just kidding I LOVE spanish dudes.)
 Things I like:
-Spanish dudes
-All dudes
-Size differences
-Humor (Didn’t see that coming, did you?)
-Realistic dialogue*
-Open communication
 Genres I like:
-Sci fi
-Space stuff (This is its own genre, don’t argue with me.)
-Mild horror
 What I’m really craving right now is to use my character Ashby, and to find him a partner. I do have some other plots I’d like to write, or if you got something completely different and you want to run it by me, let me know! Worse that can happen is I’d say no. And then hunt you down and put sugar in your gas tank. (But mostly just say no.)
 So, Ashby. He’s a very complex character, thus kind of hard to explain while keeping it brief. Ashby Thornton Foster is a real strange creature. Not just because he’s very proper and likes to keep a position as the head butler in a household even though he probably has enough resources to never have to work ever. He’s tall, painfully handsome, with round antique glasses, and auburn hair. Sharp tongue, but can be a little daffy if you catch him off guard. He collects frightening tea pots, has been learning how to cook for 9 billion years but his chicken stew will probably send you to the can for the rest of the night, is excellent with mechanics and spends a lot of his free time tinkering, and has read almost every book ever written but can’t remember what happened in the last chapter of the one he’s currently working on. I should mention that this character is not human. He is a specific species of being that I created myself. I’ll go into it if you’re interested, but the basics are that he has handsomely jagged teeth, large amber eyes, and claw like nails that often lead him to be mistaken as a vampire, however when he shifts out of his human form, he looks more like a sphynx cat and a lady got together. That sounds awful, but he’s actually quite exquisite. (NOT a furry. He just looks a tad strange and has interesting legs.) Ashby is very sweet natured but runs a strict household. He is well respected and well loved.
 Ashby has a dark side to him that’s very calculated, very… intentional, if you know what I mean. He has the ability to make you the happiest person alive, but can turn around and cause you a lot of pain and suffering if you give him reason to. Battling with his darker side is a constant struggle. As far as a romantic interest for him, I usually play him as a switch, however he likes pretty masculine men (or beasties) who have the ability to dominate HIM because he doesn’t often run across many who can do so. (And I don’t just mean with sex. He can physically f*ck you up.) I would love to find him someone who can both talk him out of those times when shit gets a little too dark, but can also overpower him if need be.
 Usually, I play Ashby in a steampunk setting, and he’s the head butler of a household he runs pretty tightly, but I can also play him in other settings. He translates well. So if you’d like to Rp him in another setting, let me know! This character comes with an identical twin (Molocai, who prob won’t appear) and a Soul Eater character, who sets up camp in whatever town he settles in due to being promised his soul whenever he shuffles off his mortal coil. They’re best friends. (It’s a long story.)
 Here were some of the other stories I had ideas for, but if none of them tickle your pickle and you think we’d be a good RP match, let me know, anyway and we can do something else!
Made for one another:
Could fall under sci fi, apocalyptical, dystopian, adventure, hell it could fall under all of them. I have a really loose idea for this one. Two characters are genetically made for one another. Not romantically, but as in two parts that make up a whole. Both are genetically engineered to do something different, but both of their abilities need to be combined for whatever final outcome to happen. (The outcome being what they were created for.) Reasoning behind this was that maybe one person having both abilities, or the one ability that the both of them make up, would overload their system and kill them. Or significantly harm them in some way. Thus, two genetically engineered people were created.
The loose plot I had for this was that maybe one character has escaped the facility that created them. (Escaped a long time ago, perhaps.) This facility has some major unethical and downright inhumane practices (like lab growing people.) Character A. we’ll call him, decides to destroy the place, maybe from the inside out. (Perhaps he’s some kind of mercenary or rogue whatnot, living his life in secrecy so no one from said facility finds him, blah blah.) Ever see Alien Resurrection? With that scene where Ripley goes into the lab and finds all the failed experiments?.... No? Just me? Okay. Anyway, so while Character A. is torching the place, he finds Character B, who is the only experiment alive. He can’t just leave him there to die, so he takes him with him. That’s how they meet, but I don’t have much else for a plot for this story, other than that I see Character A as being kind of an asshole so they struggle a lot and much later they discover they’re literally made for one another.
 Mad Max:
This would be sort of based on the Mad Max world (as in the 2015 movie, even though I do so love the originals) though not using any of the characters, places, or… you know, anything. The world is a wasteland, but it’s not oil/gasoline that’s the hot commodity, it’s water. The wasteland is filled with different tribes, none of them very nice unless you belong to one of them. This pairing would be a character that’s kind of like Max, a lone wolf who belongs to no tribe and wanders, and…. I dunno, I guess he would be a POW? He’s a warrior from another tribe that was captured. Character A stops (cautiously) in one of the territories to trade for water and supplies. Character B is pretty roughed up and knows he’ll eventually end up dying if he doesn’t get away somehow, so his main objective is to get Character A to trade for him. Obviously, this eventually happens. Character A discovers that Character B has something that would be useful to him (maybe it’s just knowledge of mechanics and whatnot) so he ends up trading for him. Plot twist! They end up HATING one another. And maybe Character A finds out that Character B was lying all along and can’t really do the thing Character A traded him for, however now they’re stuck together, because they’re crossing the wasteland.
 Space Pirates (Totally not nerdy AT ALL.)
I have a space captain. He’s an alien. He has a super cool space ship and a super cool crew. His species is rarely seen in this part of the galaxy, usually they are a very secretive race living in deep, deep space, that remain secluded, however Janka has been exiled, and now creates a lot of havoc and headaches for anyone he encounters. I have a real old descrip of him from… jesus, like 2010 that I haven’t updated, but I’ll send it if he sounds interesting! Anyway, he’s a sarcastic, lazy sh*tface, kinda pretty gross without meaning to be, but he’s a real loveable character. Likes blowing things up. Kind of clumsy, which isn’t the best thing for someone who’s built like he is. He’s well known in space ports all over, so he sticks to the real shady ones, where he’s somewhat popular. This character comes with an entire crew, and bonus interesting genitalia. He really needs someone to take care of him (emotionally.) Very hard headed when it comes to relationships (“What? No, I didn’t get you anything for your birthday. You said not to get you anything.”) but when he falls for someone, he falls hard.
 *Please note that all of my characters are usually in their late twenties or older with VERY few that are mid-twenties. I also do not play with younger characters, and prefer them to be around the same age category.
 *Let me explain about the realistic dialogue. Two OC’s walk into a bar. My OC walks up to the bartender and says “Ay, Sugartits, I’ll have the usual.” Your OC says “I will have a beer.” Unless your OC is either a.) An android or b.) Two 12 year olds in a big coat, or c.) Horribly constipated, he’d better say something an actual human being would say. “I’ll have a beer.” “Gimme a beer.” “Just whatever you got on tap.” “Uh… Beer’s fine.” Don’t make your character sound like they’re reading a bad script.
 If I haven’t scared you off, shoot me an email at [email protected]
My RP mediums are usually Skype, Email, and I can be persuaded into Discord.
 And just to clarify. Gay RP. Plot before Porn. Thank you
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artcanary · 6 years
oh my god dude 
im gonna put this under a cut bc this is a lot. this is a ride, have fun i guess
1. Your first OC ever?god. its got to be Super Kitty. when i was like … an incredibly small child I used to draw comic strips about this feline caped crusader, who was friends with everyone in the city, and the comics always involved him stopping an evil banana man from stealing money from the local bank. He was paid with donuts for his service to the city. i still remember how to draw him. 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?i’d get arrested if I didn’t answer this with Bronze, probably… but really, they’re very important to me
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?man, i cant remember! i really dont think i have… P:
4. A character you rarely talk about?there’s loads of characters ive never even posted a single picture of on tumblr, i wouldnt even know where to start asdf
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? bronze is the easy answer, but… i guess that could also go to Servant or Westrin. Servant has a comic project in the works that basically stars him, sort of a series of one-shots about the things he’s experienced, i feel like that would be a good thing to take off and run with. Westrin’s just fun as hell, i love the guy.
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?real talk now… there’s at least five different characters that i refer to as a whole as “bronze-tangential”, who started out as, “what would bronze be like if they were in this world?” and then becoming their own thing within said world because i just get stupid attached 
its an epidemic
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?nearly all of them, actually. that’s the main reason i make characters, after all! too many to really go into specifics here, again P: 
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!not often, but i think Bronze and Westrin are the most common ones. unless playing a character in dnd, or running an npc in dnd counts… then a whole lot more hahaha
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?it depends on the circumstances. i don’t really like the idea, though. 
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? Westrin’s old getup is a pain to draw, and there was one other design i did that I cant find anywhere… whichever way, i dont often tend to draw super complicated things often 
a couple fakemon ive designed though… heheh those can get pretty finicky
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? hmmmmmmmm my immediate thought was Eric Silverdale from a comic i was working on a few years ago. hes a darling, i want him to be my friend irl
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lothow could you do this to me i love each and every one of all my friends ocs GOD the first one who comes to mind is @d20-official‘s Smith, whos Bronze’s friend… everyone in that DND party actually
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? Rated on a scale from “harmless” to “honestly somewhat frightening”: -Baromet (charming and quite friendly but definitely a kleptomaniac),-Westrin (demigod of bards and travelers), -XEN09 (a nonsense hacker), -Conny (needlessly contrarian and dumb as HELL), -Enza Colie (long fucking story but hes a good-for-nothing), -Hemlocke (mad scientist, chaotic evil), -Iris (AI and hacker, VERY bad), -The Terminus (glitch-in-the-matrix demon, chaotic evil), -and Sydd (the Queen of the Faeries, hopefully the danger there needs no explaining :’D)
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory Mmm… there’s a few of them, most obviously Lent (whose background I did a short comic about). Basically his entire town got eaten by ghosts and turned into zombies, he only barely survived with a sliver of his soul left. 
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?yes, i often discuss storylines and such with friends
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? Probably Bronze’s dad! I don’t talk about him much, but his name’s Devon Reed, and he was a biotech developer specialising in android design. 
I often describe him as being something of a reverse Arthur Weasley - a very fatherly scientist fascinated to the moon and back with the concept of magic. 
17. Any OC OTPs? having trouble thinking of a lot of them right now, but there’s Eric + Lent & Naiadine + Tailias from Emerald Sigil, Avken + Baromet from my space campaign world, Sydd + Wyvv from my unnamed campaign world, and I’ve been considering Westrin + Servant as an interesting dynamic in Servant’s story
18. Any OC crackships? My character Bismuth and @autistictimeknight​‘s oc Eros. Theyre so fucking in love, I love it. Its been awhile but I do still think about them sometimes.
As I recall, Eros is an empath, she can read other people’s emotions. But Bismuth is a robot, and Eros can’t read her. Because of this Eros can let go of her fear of unintentionally manipulating the emotions of her date, which would hold her back from most other relationships. 
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)Hey, meet Bronze! I definitely do not talk about them every five minutes, why would you say that. 
Bronze was with me through two of the hardest years of my life so far, and being a DND character they grew with me, both as a fighter and as a person. They were non-binary before I started using those pronouns, they were the first character or person or anything who I fought someone about using the right pronouns for, they make a great icebreaker for if I want to see how someone reacts to non-binary pronouns … 
One funny anecdote about Bronze is that when I first made them, their “gimmick” was that they would sometimes glitch out and mess up their speech, mostly because I wanted an excuse not to engage in the roleplaying (which I was very bad at). The interesting thing is that as I got better at interacting with the group, we both grew out of needing it very quickly. 
I’m very proud of Bronze. 
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?Westrin is a bard! His singing voice sounds like Bill Wurtz and these are his theme songs.
21. Your most artistic OCProbably Westrin again, he writes a lot of songs… and Hallux is a game designer?
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? I honestly dont know… no-one talks to me about them, haha! 
people use all manner of pronouns for bronze, though. 
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?I’m gonna go with Enza for this one. Enza Colie was originally written entirely because I wanted an antagonist for a short starring his sister, Jane Colie. But the more I fleshed out his reasonings for acting how he did and explored his character, the more I realised he’d make an even more interesting character if allowed to have a redemption arc, too. 
I just want to state for the record that I was very reluctant to the idea, and he basically dragged his way out of the villain pit entirely of his own accord. I am dubiously proud of him, and also a bit scared. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?Probably either Eric (Big Man, Best Friend), Crocus (Mother figure), Reed (Father Figure), Westrin (hed just make a good friend u kno??), or Bismuth (she makes good conversation!)
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)probably the homestuck fan-troll Hallux, but that’s mostly because they were based on a troll-sona I made awhile ago. They’re a hope/prospit game designer who is small and full of rage and love
oh, and there’s dave! dave’s a superhero speedster, existing in a modern-day superhero version of seattle. theyre idiot, just like me,
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? this is an interesting one… i don’t think ive ever had something Bad in a design ive done called to my attention by someone, but I did create my character Servant at around the same time I was first really expanding the diversity of my casts. (since i don’t talk about him often, a little context: he’s a magic spirit creature bound to human form to serve the royal family of the land and follow their orders.) 
somehow, younger-and-more-stupid me managed to have the revelation that making this “eternal slave” character literally anything other than a white man, especially as a white author, would be Pretty Not Good. im … thats really, really not something i should pat myself on the back for, but i do consider it one of the biggest bullets dodged in my artistic career so far that i realised that not all representation is good representation so quickly, before i could make that incredibly, incurably stupid mistake. 
after that, trying to make sure my characters and their presentations don’t harm anyone pretty much has become a paranoia. i don’t seem to have stepped on any toes yet, but when it inevitably happens, please let me know - i didnt know, and i want to fix it! 
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? None that I can think of, actually! I don’t really do that often. 
28. Your most dangerous OC? god damn it i have no idea!!! is it the terminus? glitch in the matrix god of chaos motherfucker?is it sarle? terrifying calculating scientist with the power of the soul at her fingertips ??? is it ares??? is it athena????? is it petra?????? the gatekeeper???? 
… actually, the gatekeeper might be it, if “dangerous” just refers to “the amount of raw power it can wield”. the Gatekeeper is a titanic entity that exists in interdimensional multiverse space, and its implied to have the ability to create and destroy entire universe bubbles at will. for what cosmic purpose, no-one knows. 
at a more personal scale, though, literally all of the aforementioned characters are pretty bad to run into too. 
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?god. Mina or Tawn. Tawn is the Indiana Jonesy type and probably dumb enough, but also competent enough not to get into too much trouble there. Mina would probably drag her friends along. 
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? XEN09. No-one knows, because no-one knows xir personal identity. Xe absolutely does, though. It’s less of a secret if you know xir in person, but good luck finding out about it otherwise. 
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)dave just reblogs memes all the time tbh. they like to keep tabs on the ridiculous superhero news going on, and they show human jokes and cat videos to their alien gf. they dont really post or add to posts, but they talk in tags a lot. 
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? i want to say tawn because i literally just realised ive been imagining their voice as sounding like luigi this entire fucking time and i never realised until this exact instant
33. Your shyest OC?probably baromet. they prefer to keep to themself in their hideout, with their collection of shiny things. they don’t really enjoy trying to communicate much, mostly because they expect to get yelled at. 
34. Do you have any twin characters?Yes! At least two sets; 
- Crocus and Sarle. (x) (x) They don’t exactly have a very well-developed relationship, but they are both quite important to the plot of my campaign world, and they are both very interesting. Crocus is a motherly figure who just exudes friendliness, while Sarle is .. very much not that, a researcher studying very gruesome things and pushing the boundaries of reality. 
- Jane and Enza Colie. I haven’t talked a whole lot about either of them here, but I’d rather leave their story to do the talking whenever I get around to it. Essentially, the both of them were intended to do the dirty work for their crime boss family, but Jane ditched to study medicine. Most of the conflict between the two of them comes out of Enza not understanding why she made the choice she did, and coming to understand how he’s been manipulated. 
35. Any sibling characters? I can’t really think of any off the top of my head, I should … I should really work on that. 
I can talk about Westrin, though. Westrin (a demigod of many things, but namely bards, travel, travelers, and people who are lost) often becomes close friends with mortals, sometimes practically adopting them. These people who consider him family, and people who have received his blessing, are able to use his surname, Brilanta, as their own if they choose. So I guess all of the Brilantas are siblings, at least in spirit. 
Oh, and XEN09 has like, seven siblings. Xe is the second-oldest, and least remarkable. 
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? I already talked about Eros and Bismuth up there a ways in question 18, but I’ll talk about another relationship here. @autistictimeknight​‘s character, Nova the Alchemist, is mentor and adopted parental figure to my character Munna. Munna … Munna isn’t a very good apprentice. She tries very hard. 
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human That’s most of them, I’m not quite sure what to say here. Bronze is an android? Bronze again? Westrin? All the aliens ?? 
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? man. uh. westrin or jean. or perhaps valencia. 
39. Introduce any character you want ??? uhhhHHHhhHHH Lord Brillium is the reigning deity of the Cloud Kingdoms in the other campaign setting I’m working on. They represent light and the quest for knowledge, and spend most of their days in the Cathedral Observatory watching the stars. 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!one time bronze flew a hover-bike through the stained glass window in a cathedral blaring all star by smash mouth on their iguana
also one time bronze rickrolled a rakshasa demon and then pulled updog on it like, two minutes later
another time bronze scared off an entire army by pretending to be an automated security system 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)ive got a whole little folder on here from all you blessed people !!!! right now ive got a drawing quinn did of one o fmy characters as my lockscreen
but i think the one i’ll really never ever get over is this piece of Jane, by @rabendraws​ / @owoltron​: 
Tumblr media
(i bet you thought i forgot about this, dude. dude. think again.) 
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? this is kind of a weird question, m, I feel like Bismuth would find learning about the mythos utterly fascinating, as would Tawn. 
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confesshaha. uh. i might. 
aside from the entire “bronze-tangential characters” thing i mentioned awhile back, I tend to really like designing characters with hair color lighter than their skin color. it just looks so cool man. i love drawing freckles but dont put them on enough characters. i like really curly hair, but also really long and flowy hair. i like drawing triangular body types, and pointy/prominent noses. 
44. Something you like about your OCs in generaluhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is a really vague question. m. m. 
45. A character you no longer use?there’s old versions of characters, but a lot of my older ones have been somehow repurposed. I guess there’s Turien, my first-ever DND character, who’s just kind of sitting dead now. Haven’t really done anything with him other than a pretty recent tangential character. 
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?Not that I can think of.
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? Im certain it’s happened, but I can’t remember any specific instances. 
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pureSpring. spring knows nothing of th dangers of the world who is letting them into fights someon eneeds to stop this
(spring roll, hehe.) 
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memesim not sure what this question is asking since many of my ocs actively enjoy memes including but not limited to westrin, dave, bronze, xen09, iris, and doctor archersen
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you wanti think. i think im going to pass on this one. i gave you the good old oc talk. your damn turn, yall: 
if you have any questions about any of these guys feel free to shoot one at me!
thats all from me im tired and its one am. techskylander you absolute madman 
12 notes · View notes
singingpuppies · 3 years
RP With Sanders-Sides-RP-Blog-12
Who: Patton and Roman.
Part: Eighteen.
General Notes: When Patton woke up this morning, he was a regular guy. Now he’s come to find out that he was kidnapped as a baby and he’s actually a Prince, who’s set up in an arranged marriage with another Prince named Roman. How will Patton react to so much changing in his life all at once? Especially when neither of the young princes want to marry someone they’ve just met?
Warnings: None just lots of cute.
After a few minutes of gently massaging Virgil and pressing kisses to his shoulders, Remus looks at Virgil. "Do you want me to wash your hair too?" he asks, gently running one of his hands through Virgil's hair as he asked the question. He loved Virgil's hair- it was so soft, and he just liked doing nice things for Virgil- and Remus would never, ever admit it- but he loved the soft moments after sex- the cuddles and the after care.
Virgil's hands found their way to Remus' waist as he continued to try and balance himself. "Yeah." he replied quietly, loving the idea of Remus' hands through his hair as much as he loved the idea of getting to wash Remus' hair. He always had loved running his hands through Remus' hair, it was so calming, and he'd realized earlier today when Remus started playing with his own hair when he'd been feeling anxious how much he really enjoyed that as well, relaxing into the feeling of Remus' hand running through his hair.
Remus finds a bottle of Virgil's shampoo, and then he pours some out onto his hand, smiling a bit when Virgil's hands wrap around his waist. He gently rubs the shampoo into Virgil's hair, his fingernails lightly scratching at Virgil's scalp as he washes his hair, humming softly as he does so.
Virgil held onto Remus a little tighter, but not so much because of his ankle, more so because of the way he absolutely melted at the feeling of Remus' hands in his hair, the feeling of his nails scratching lightly against his scalp, and the sound of Remus humming was probably the most beautiful relaxing sound in the world.
Remus can't help but smile at Virgil, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. "Close your eyes please, sweetheart." Remus says, before he moves so that Virgil's hair is under the stream of the showerhead, not wanting his boyfriend to accidentally get soap into his eyes. He gently rinses the soap from Virgil's hair, before moving him out from under the water again, grabbing the conditioner.
Virgil smiled more when he felt Remus kiss his nose, humming out a small response before closing his eyes. Thinking about it, this might've been the most relaxed he'd ever felt. Normally, there was one anxious thought or another popping it's way into his head, but what could he possibly find to be anxious about right now? He reached one hand up to wipe the water away from his eye lids before opening them again once he was sure that he was out from under the running water, letting his hand return to it's original home on Remus' waist.
Remus pours some of the conditioner out into his hand, before massaging it into Virgil's hair, and he can't help a smile at how relaxed Virgil looks. When he's done rubbing it in, he speaks again. "Close your eyes again?" he asks, before moving Virgil under the water, washing all of the conditioner out, before moving Virgil out from under the stream of water, pressing a kiss to his forehead gently.
Virgil relaxed even more, if that were even possible, when he felt Remus' hands return to his hair again to add the conditioner, closing his eyes just as Remus asked him to. As soon as he was out from under the water and he felt Remus kiss his forehead, he smiled a bit more, honestly just enjoying the feeling of being close to his boyfriend and melting at the feeling of letting him take care of him. Virgil was very use to being independent, doing things for himself, sometimes doing things for others, but before he started dating Remus, there weren't any times he could think of since he moved out of his childhood home where someone did for him. He enjoyed it more than he realized, especially when it was Remus.
"I forgot to tell you earlier- but you have a nice ass." Remus tells him- and for anyone else, that might ruin a moment, but with Remus, it just seems to add to it. He turns off the water in the shower, lifting Virgil up, and then finding a big fluffy towel and wrapping his boyfriend in it, carefully drying him off, and then grabbing another towel for himself.
Virgil snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Remus' voice, letting out a small laugh at the comment. "Thanks." he said, a slight blush on his face as he smiled at his boyfriend. It took him a moment for his brain to catch up, he wasn't use to being this relaxed so it was surprisingly difficult to focus, feeling his boyfriend lift him up and wrap him in a towel. Realizing that in his relaxed, trance-like state he'd completely missed his window of opportunity to return the favor and wash his boyfriend's hair, he grabbed the second towel from Remus and ran his hand through Remus' wet hair a bit, playing with it in his hands before using the towel to towel-dry it a bit because there was no way there was a situation where anything hair related was involved and he was going to walk away from it having not gotten to mess with his boyfriend's hair at all.
Remus can't help but smile at Virgil's actions, and he gently leans into the hand in his hair, closing his eyes for a second and letting out a soft hum of contentment. He lets Virgil dry it, and he takes the towel when he's done, wrapping it around himself and then lifting Virgil again, carrying him to Virgil's room again, and he gently set him down on the bed. He looks through Virgil's drawers, tossing Virgil a pajama set that he found, and then just slipping on a pair of oversized pajama pants of Virgil's he found, not bothering with a shirt.
Virgil doubted Remus was all that surprised by his actions, playing with his boyfriend's hair was like the most defining aspect of his personality by this point, and he wanted to take care of him too, so of course that was the first thing he did when he saw the towel. Virgil smiled a bit when his boyfriend lifted him up again before setting him down on the bed, taking the pajamas from him and putting them on, about to tell him he was pretty sure he had some that would fit Remus, but stopping when Remus seemed to find a pair he liked. "I like seeing you in my clothes." Virgil commented once he'd put his own pajamas on, using the towel he was still holding to towel dry his own hair a bit.
Remus smiles a bit, walking over to the bed and then sitting himself down beside Virgil, wrapping his arms around him. "I'll just have to wear them more often then, won't I?" Remus asks with a little smile. "I like your clothes- they smell like you and you always smell nice." Remus says.
Virgil immediately dropped the towel and glommed onto Remus the moment he climbed onto the bed, somehow feeling like it'd been far too long since he was close to him despite the way they'd spent literally every second since the others had left the house, climbing onto his boyfriend's lap to make sure he was as close as humanly possible. Some of his clothes might be a bit short on Remus, but Virgil had a thing for oversized clothing so despite the fact that his boyfriend had longer legs than he did, he bet a lot of his clothes would actually end up fitting Remus perfectly because of that. "Definitely." he hummed in response, smiling a bit. "Sounds like a win/win because when I get the clothes back they'll smell like you and you always smell amazing." Virgil commented as he buried his face in his boyfriend's shoulder.
Remus laughs softly, wrapping his arms around Virgil when his boyfriend climbed onto his lap, turning to press kisses to every part of his face that he could reach- his nose, his cheeks, his forehead- everywhere. He moves so that the two of them are laying down, Remus's arms wrapped tightly around Virgil, holding onto him- no wanting to ever let go of him.
Virgil smiled and let out a small laugh when he felt Remus kiss every inch of his face before feeling him lay down, he loved just laying on top of his boyfriend, he was so comfortable, and like he'd just said, he smelled so good, and it was so nice to be close to him. Nuzzling his face into his boyfriend's chest he lightly traced patterns on Remus' bare collarbone with his fingertips, feeling so calm.
Remus smiles at Virgil, happy when his boyfriend nuzzled against his chest, keeping his arms firmly around his boyfriend- he doesn't think he's ever been this... content? Happy? Both?- in his entire life. He's extremely happy to just hold Virgil, occasionally leaning to press a kiss to his face, but mostly just tiredly holding onto him.
Virgil just allowed himself to enjoy the moment, something that was quite rare for him, but he was feeling so soft and happy and like an absolute mush and that never happened for him, so he was going to enjoy it. After a while of just enjoying the silence and the closeness with his boyfriend and the occasional kisses, he glanced up at him. "How long do you think we have left before all those loud messy people get back?" he mumbled tiredly after a moment.
Remus shrugs. "Why- you hoping for another round?" he teases with a smile, before he thinks. "Probably not that long, actually- they should be back soon." he says softly to Virgil. He doesn't want to get out of bed with Virgil- just wants to lay here for eternity with him.
Virgil smiled a bit. "With you? Always." he replied with a smirk before letting out a small sigh. "Yeah, I was afraid you were gonna say that... they're gonna want us to get out of bed and eat dinner and talk to them and I just wanna stay here laying on you forever and forget the rest of the world exists." Virgil mumbled as he buried his face back in his boyfriend's chest, his words muffled against his skin. "They're great, I care about them all, but I just want you right now." he concluded after a moment.
Remus looks at Virgil. "So then we won't get out of bed." he tells him simply. "They can't make us- and you're being nice enough to let us stay in your house. They can eat by themselves if you don't want to go out there." Remus tells him softly, cuddling Virgil. He didn't really want to get up either.
Virgil looked back up at Remus when he simply stated that they just wouldn't get out of bed if he didn't want to. "Really? I don't wanna be the reason you don't get to eat, star." he said softly, reaching up to play with Remus' hair a bit. He didn't want to get up, just wanting to stay here and cuddle Remus for the rest of the night and not interact with anyone else, but he didn't want to prevent Remus from going on there and eating and socializing if he wanted to.
Remus can't help when he smiles at the nickname, a faint blush crossing his cheeks because he just loved it so much- "VeeVee, it's okay- I'm not that hungry. If I was, I'd tell you- I think they'll be fine without us for a night." he tells him with a smile, leaning into the hand on his hair softly.
Virgil smiled when he realized that he'd caused that blush on Remus' face. He leaned in to give Remus a quick kiss before resting his head on Remus' chest again. "You're the best." he said as he continued to reach his hand up to play with his hair, closing his eyes and just relaxing at the idea of getting to stay like this. Realizing just how relaxed he was, cuddled a little closer to Remus before mumbling-- "I might fall asleep... if I do and you get hungry just... shove me off, throw me, whatever you have to do so you can go get food." sleepily as the hand playing with Remus' hair slowed a bit.
Remus smiles, gently leaning into the hand on his hair, closing his eyes softly as he relaxes into it. He can tell that Virgil is going to fall asleep soon. "Okay- get some rest, sweetheart." he says to him softly, gently kissing the top of his head. Roman and Patton were the first of the group to arrive, Roman holding one of the shopping bags in his good hand.
Between how bad his anxiety had been earlier in the day and the amazing rest of his day that he'd gotten to have with Remus, he was honestly surprised he managed to stay awake for as long as he had. He was wiped out. He was so glad that they'd managed to convince the others to go out for a few hours so he could have that time with Remus, he just hoped it had been as good for Remus as it had been for him. He finally stopped playing with Remus hair, falling asleep on his boyfriend. Patton set down the bags he was holding, surprised when he put them down to see he'd put them next to Virgil's sword and shield, what was that doing out? 
He bit down on his lip in thought, the group of them was sort of making a mess of things around Virgil's house, and he kept making mental notes to clean as a thank you to Virgil for letting them stay here later, but he was starting to think later might be now. He just wanted to show his appreciation, even if he couldn't exactly remember how they'd all end up injured or why they were staying here in the first place. He'd decided not to question it, his friends hadn't exactly done the best job of hiding the fact that whatever it was they didn't want him to know about it, and they must've had a good reason if that were the case, plus he liked staying at Virgil's. Homey cottage was much more his vibe.
Remus was really glad that the others had left so that he could have time with Virgil too. He closes his eyes as well, but doesn't fall asleep just yet, just enjoying holding his boyfriend, enjoying being near him and holding him- and then eventually he inevitably fell asleep beside him, snoring softly next to him. Roman looks at the sword and shield as well- Virgil had gone back to get those!? He sighs- Virgil had put himself in danger to go get those, while telling everyone else not to go to the castle themselves. "You've got a look on your face like you want to do something- what is it darling?" Roman asks him.
Patton looked back at Roman when he heard his voice, pursing his lips together. "Well, we're kind of all making a mess of Virgil's house... so I was thinking maybe we should clean so that we can show how appreciative we are that he's letting us stay here for a while." he suggested with a small smile. Patton had actually always enjoyed cleaning, so he certainly didn't mind the activity, and was more than happy to do most of the work himself if Roman's arm hurt too badly to do too much.
Roman nods, giving Patton a smile. "Yeah- that's a good idea!" he says with a smile, looking around at the little bit of a mess that they had made. "I'm assuming Virgil and Remus are in Virgil's room- so we could clean it while they're...asleep or whatever." he says.
Patton nodded, making a mental note to be quiet while he cleaned so he didn't wake up Virgil and Remus. "Okay, do you wanna tidy up in the kitchen and I'll get started in the living room?" Patton asked, figuring there was a bit less mess in the kitchen since they'd been doing a fairly good job of washing dishes after meals and such so that way the activity wouldn't put too much strain on Roman's arm.
Roman nods. "Sure." he says with a little smile. "Janus and Logan should be back soon too, so they might help." he says to him, before starting to clean up the kitchen, starting putting away any plates or cutlery that he found not in it's proper place.
Patton nodded before kissing Roman on the cheek, heading into the living room. He took the sheets that were on the pull out and made the bed, figuring it just looked nicer that way and it was always more comfortable to sleep in a made bed anyway, also straightening up the sheets and pillows on the chairs Logan and Janus had claimed, since he couldn't exactly make them like he could a bed but he could make them look neater and nicer so it didn't look like quite a mess. He picked up and put away a few random items that were out, setting his stuffed cat on the pull out by the pillows before noticing his bag, most of his items were out. He didn't remember doing that, and there were even a few items that he put back in the bag to neaten up that he couldn't even remember why he'd decided to save, but he decided not to think too much about it, looking at his stuffed frog and debating about whether to put him back in the bag with the rest of his things or whether to put him on the pull out with the stuffed cat.
Roman cleans around the kitchen, wiping down the countertop, picking anything up off the floor that he found, and just generally tidying everything up. He grabbed a dust rag to dust the cabinets and such, cleaning up. As he was finishing up, he heard the door open, Janus and Logan walking inside, Janus holding a bag of things from his house, he had got things for himself, and for Remus as well.
Logan stepped inside after Janus, carrying a bag of a few things that he'd brought from his house. "Hi, we're just tidying up." Patton said, holding his frog. "I can help... but I'm going to take a shower first, if that's alright." Logan said. He'd wanted to take one earlier since he felt a bit dirty after being shoved to the ground at school during that altercation, but he didn't have anything to change into then... he supposed he could've taken the time to shower when they stopped at his house, but he didn't really want to be in that house any longer than he had to be and risk his dad coming home. "Of course." Patton said with a nod as Logan went into the bathroom. "Did he have all those scratches before?" Patton asked as he looked back at Janus, not knowing about what happened at school since he and Roman had been outside during that conversation.
Janus nods, watching Logan leave, then he turns to look at Patton and Roman, Roman who looked worried as well as Patton. "No... some kids at school were being mean to him- they pushed him over, and then they locked him into a closet... but don't worry- they've been dealt with." he tells the two of them. "Patton, any way that I can help?" he asks him, gesturing to the cleaning, seeming as Patton seemed to be in charge of the cleaning process here.
Patton pouted a little when Janus told them what happened to Logan. He hated the thought of the kids at school being mean to him. "Is he okay?" Patton asked as he looked at the bathroom door around the same time that he heard the shower turn on. He hoped Logan wasn't upset in there. He'd be upset if someone pushed him down like that. Looking back at Janus at the question, he bit his lip in thought. "Um, there's some crumbs on the floor by the kitchen table, maybe you could sweep, if it's not too much trouble?" Patton asked politely.
"I think so." Janus says but he glances at the door worriedly. "I had a little talk with him- and he promised to tell me if it happened again." he tells him, before looking around, finding a broom, and then starting to sweep up the kitchen. Roman nods- didn't he promise to banish any bullies that touches Logan? Was that still an option? he thought to himself as he cleaned.
Patton nodded a bit, it was good that Logan had promised to tell Janus if it happened again, but hopefully it wouldn't happen again. Patton went back to debating whether or not to leave his frog out with his cat... he supposed he could. None of his friends seemed to think it was weird or immature how much he loved that cat, in fact, Virgil had given it to him, so he supposed they wouldn't judge the frog. He set the frog on the bed carefully next to the cat, taking his bag and setting it down in the corner along with the shopping bags he and Roman had just brought in so that the stuff wasn't as noticeable since it was more away in the corner of the room out of sight. Looking at the sword and shield, he just sort of chewed his lip, not really sure where that went, so perhaps it was just better to leave it by the door. After a while, Logan came out of the bathroom, his hair wet and having changed into a pair of pajamas he'd brought from home, his spare pair of glasses on his face since his others had been broken earlier in the day. He set his bag down next to where he saw Patton had put his own along with the shopping bags, figuring that was where it was suppose to go. "I can get started cleaning the bathroom." Logan offered, it wasn't really messy in there, but he wanted to help and it seemed like everyone out here had everything covered out here.
Janus's worry had kind of died down about the bullying at school, but now he was just worrying a bit more because what if Janus had accidentally made it worse? What if by talking to them and making them leave Logan alone that day he just had it worse in the future? What if Logan was too scared, or didn't want to go against what his father said- and he didn't tell Janus if it happened again? And he didn't get help? He looks over when Logan gets out of he bathroom, and he nods a bit. "Sure, Lo. If I finish then I can come help." he tells him, continuing to sweep up the floors. Roman finishes cleaning up the kitchen, then looks at Patton. "Pat? Need any help in the living room?" he asks him.
Logan nodded, looking around the bathroom. Honestly, it wasn't really all that messy, just a few things left out on the counters and some towels that could be washed. He straightened up the few things he saw out before collecting the towels and putting them in the hamper so they could be washed. Maybe tomorrow they could do some laundry to help Virgil out. Patton looked up when he heard the question, shaking his head a bit. "No, I think I'm done in here." he said. Looking around the house, it looked a lot better than when they started, so he felt a lot better about the whole thing, not feeling like he'd made a huge mess of Virgil's home anymore. "I might actually take a quick shower myself and then go to bed." Patton admitted as he looked back at Roman. He was getting tired, and he really wanted to change into the new pajamas he'd gotten but he felt like he should shower first... he still couldn't remember what happened to cause all these injuries but he hadn't taken a shower since it'd happened and he bet the warm water would feel really good and maybe make him a little less sore.
Janus and Roman finished up their cleaning, and when Patton said he was going to shower and then go to bed, Roman nods. "Okay darling." he tells him softly. "I might actually head to bed soon to." he admits. Recently Roman had been perpetually tired, and going out and walking around and doing things today had been exhausting. Janus looks over at them. "Patton? Do you want me to make you something quick to eat while you're in the shower?" he asks him, not wanting to have Patton go to bed hungry.
Patton had noticed that Roman was more tired lately, he hoped it was nothing to worry about, but he supposed the injury to his arm just was wiping him out, and it was probably part of the recovery process to get a lot of rest, so maybe it was normal in this particular circumstance. Patton looked back at Janus, giving a small nod. "Yeah, that'd be really nice, thank you." he said appreciatively before kissing Roman on the cheek and heading into the bathroom. Logan grabbed the destroyed book from school, sitting himself down on his chair and trying to figure out if there was a way to salvage it at all or if it'd be better at this point to just buy a new copy.
Roman smiles when he received a kiss on the cheek, looking at Patton happily, and watching him leave. He moves, sitting down at the kitchen counter, as Janus walks through the kitchen, looking for something simple to make quickly for him. He finds some soup in the fridge, and he pours it into a pot, heating it over the stove, watching it to make sure that it didn't boil over.
Patton took a quick shower, feeling a lot better afterwards, he should've done it sooner, but it was nicer now that he had new clean pajamas to change into afterwards. He looked at himself in the mirror before he put the pajamas on, examining the bruises and cuts that covered his body. Some looked a lot worse than others, but over all, he figured he was healing nicely. He couldn't help but notice that the bruise on his neck looked suspiciously like a handprint... he really wished he could remember what happened, but given the shape of that bruise, part of him was afraid to ask... maybe it was better not knowing. He put on his pajamas, making sure the bathroom looked just as neat and tidy as it had been when he came in before coming out, walking over to where Logan was sitting and watching him work on the book. 
His brow furrowed slightly and he grabbed one of the pages, letting out a small gasp. "Logan, there's blood on this... there's blood on a lot of this book." Patton said, Logan instantly shushing him. "Shhh, Roman is right in the kitchen and Remus could come out of the bedroom at any time." Logan said, glancing over at the kitchen to make sure they hadn't heard Patton. "So?" Patton asked, confused. "So, Roman and Remus can't know why there's blood on the book." Logan explained. "I'm confused." Patton admitted. "Just... don't tell them." Logan said before sighing. "I should probably just throw this away, I doubt there's any way to salvage it." he said finally. Patton looking the book over a moment. 
"Well, I don't really know how to, but you could take all the pages that aren't ripped or covered in blood and save them and use them as origami paper.... that way they don't just get tossed in the trash... and I bet there's some sort of craft we could use the cover for... the pages that are too ripped and damaged and... bloody... we can just throw away, but that still leaves us with a lot of salvageable paper." Patton suggested. "I... love that idea, actually, I really enjoy origami, I could teach you to make some different animals, if you'd like." Logan offered, Patton smiling. "Sounds great."
Janus waits for the soup to heat, before grabbing bowls from the cabinet. "Does anyone else want soup?" he asks, and Roman nods. "Sure, why not." he says with a little shrug. Janus carefully ladles out two bowls of soup, one for Roman and then one for Patton, hesitating a moment before making one for Logan- if the other didn't end up wanting it he could eat it himself. Roman takes the bowl, setting it down at the table and then getting up, then peeks his head out of the kitchen. "Pat? Logan? Foods ready if you want it." he tells the two of them, before going back to the kitchen to sit down again, leaving a place for Patton beside him.
"So, why can't Roman and Remus know about the book specifically? Does that mean you could tell Janus, or Virgil... or me?" Patton questioned. "It's better if you and Virgil don't know either, but it's imperative that Remus and Roman don't find out... I know Janus found out quite a bit about the incident at school when he came to pick me up, but I don't know how much he knows about what actually happened... especially with the book. I'm concerned. For all I know, he's already told them, especially Roman, look how long they were alone in the kitchen, that was ample time for him to tell him all about what happened with the book." Logan said. "I don't think he has all the information... all he told us was that some kids at your school were being jerks, he didn't even really mention the book. 
But if it's something you're worried about, you could always just tell Janus not to tell Roman and Remus about what happened with the book." Patton suggested. "I thought about that, but then I realized that if I'm wrong and he doesn't know about the book, then he'll want to know why I'm keeping it a secret, and then he might tell Roman and Remus, and then it just becomes a 'what I fear, I create' sort of situation." Logan stated. "Oh, right, I guess I hadn't thought of that." Patton said. "I think it's better to just get rid of the evidence and destroy the book entirely. Throw away the damaged pages and use the rest for origami, as you suggested." Logan decided just before hearing Janus, setting the book down on the chair and covering it with his blanket before going with Patton to the kitchen.
Janus set a bowl of soup in front of Logan when he set down, going back to pour another for himself, then sitting down across from Logan at the table, slowly starting to eat. He hadn't been intending to tell Roman or Remus about the book- although he had been worried about Logan most of the day- he didn't think that Logan would want the others knowing more than they had to. Roman smiles at Patton when he enters the kitchen, and since he can't take his hand because he needs it to eat, he just gently leans against him after he sat down.
"Thank you." Logan said to Janus as he set the bowl down in front of him, starting to eat. Logan wasn't entirely sure of what information Janus had gotten out of Beth, Greg, and the other boys. He probably didn't know about the book, or at the very least, he might've known, but not known the whole story, the parts Logan was trying to keep hidden... most people hadn't seen what had actually happened with the book, or how that book was what caused the argument to turn physical and result in Logan getting thrown to the floor in the first place... which, Logan actually had to admit he was starting to feel partially guilty about, since Greg might not have gotten physical and it would've stayed as just an argument if Logan hadn't had the book... maybe it was Logan's fault that Greg had pushed him and gotten into trouble, which led to Logan getting locked in that closet. Greg had deserved it, of course, but still. Perhaps there had been a better way to handle the situation, a more mature way. But Logan couldn't be mature and professional and perfect all the time, even if he wanted to to please his father. Patton smile when he felt Roman lean on him, giggling a bit at the feeling before giving his attention to the food. "This is really good, thank you, Janus." Patton said with a smile.
"Not a problem." Janus says to Logan with a little smile. He takes a few bites of his own soup, eating, then shoots a smile at Janus. "Thanks Pat." he tells him with a little smile. Roman happily eats next to Patton, leaning against him. He yawns, tired, exhausted.
Patton had to admit, he was trying to eat a bit faster than normal just because he could tell how tired Roman was and he didn't want to keep him up. Logan focused on his food, he hadn't realized how hungry he was until now, he was glad Janus had decided to make some for him even though he hadn't specifically asked for it. Patton finished his food, looking back at his boyfriend. "You wanna go to bed, Ro?" he asked, brushing some of Roman's hair out of his face.
Roman nods softly, gently leaning into the hand that brushed the hair away. "Yeah." he says, standing up, and bringing his bowl to the sink. He stands with Patton, gently taking his hand, and then moving to go to the pullout with him to get some rest. Janus looks at Logan. "Are you going to go to bed soon too?" he asks him.
Patton carried his bowl to the sink as well, before following Roman to the pull out, crawling under the covers and cuddling up to Roman, both his cat and his frog near by, as he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. Logan finished up his food, holding back a yawn as he nodded at the question. "Yes, I think I'm going to do the dishes first." he stated, he hadn't gotten to help with the cleaning as much so he figured it was the least he could do. "You?"
Roman wraps his arm around Patton gently, pulling the other close to himself and holding onto him. "Goodnight darling." he tells him softly, gently leaning to press a kiss to his cheek. Janus nods. "You look tired- I can do the dishes." he tells Logan, picking up Logan and then his own dirty bowls and putting them in the sink so that he could wash them.
Patton cuddled up to Roman, humming a response before starting to fall asleep. Logan looked at Janus, watching as he carried the dishes to the sink. "Are you sure? I don't mind helping." Logan offered one more time. Janus had done more to help when everyone was cleaning than he had, and he wanted to do his part, even if he was getting tired.
Roman fell asleep very quickly- almost passing out, asleep beside Patton. Janus nods. "I'm sure, Logan." he tells him, carefully slipping off his gloves, setting them down near the sink. The discoloration was extremely severe on his hands, hence why he usually hid them with gloves. He knew Logan probably wouldn't make a big deal about it though.
Logan stood up, noticing as Janus took the gloves off, and noticing the discoloration on his hands, but not putting two and two together when it came to why Janus wore the gloves in the first place, he didn't see any reason to hide his hands. He just assumed Janus just liked wearing gloves. "How many pairs of gloves do you own?" Logan asked curiously after a moment, walking over to Janus, looking at the gloves that were set down.
Janus looks over at Logan when he was asked the question. "Not that many- since I wear them all the time, I went through the trouble of finding a good pair that won't inhibit any movement- and that came with a bit of a price tag, so I just own three of the same pair." he explains to him, glad Logan wasn't saying anything about it. He had the discoloration on half of his face as well- but it would be weirder to cover his face than to have people see it- and it was less severe there as well.
Logan nodded at the answer he got. "You must really like wearing gloves." Logan commented, further proof that he didn't realize why Janus wore them. He just assumed he liked gloves. Whether it was the way they looked or completed an outfit or maybe he just liked the feel of gloves, perhaps his hands got cold easily. "Virgil has gloves that don't cover your fingers... I don't really understand the point of them." Logan admitted as he looked away from the gloves and back up at Janus.
"I don't, really- but it's better than the alternative." Janus says, before looking at Logan. Did he- not get it? Well, Logan didn't get quite a few cues here and there- so he might not understand, but- he didn't see anything wrong with Janus? "Gloves without fingers? That's a disgrace to gloves." Janus jokes.
Logan looked at Janus, clearly confused. "What alternative?" he asked innocently. He didn't get what Janus meant by that. He shrugged lightly at what Janus said next. "This is the same person who wears pants with holes on purpose, so I've learned not to question his choices in clothing anymore, I don't really understand the function of most of the clothes he picks out for himself, but... whatever makes him happy, I suppose." Logan stated.
Janus sighs, but finishes the dishes, drying his hands. "Better then people seeing this." he says, gesturing to his hands, and face. He carefully picks the gloves back up, slipping them on again. "It's bad enough people grimacing when they look me in the eye- I've learned to wear the gloves- it's a tad embarrassing when grown men refuse to shake my hand because of it." he says with a little sigh. "And yes- while his fashion choices are... a bit out there- it works for him."
Logan furrowed his brow. "Your hands?" he asked, confused, though he finally started to realize what Janus meant the more he spoke. "Oh..." he said, not sure what to say because he couldn't imagine that people actually gave Janus a hard time about that. Especially grown men refusing to shake his hand because of it... seriously? "Embarrassing for them, I suppose. People are really stupid, aren't they?" Was all he could manage to come up with after his moment of thought. "It does work for him. He looks good... I doubt I'd look good if I tried to wear something so... edgy. I think my look suits me pretty well." he said.
Janus nods along to what Logan is saying. "Yes- the hands. And people are imbeciles." he says with a sighs. "It's stupid superstitions or just generally disgust of me." Of course- the people who wouldn't touch his hands because they thought the discoloration was a witches mark didn't need to know that while the discoloration was there- it wasn't the cause of Janus's magic. "Yeah- I like how you dress- but who knows- maybe if you change it up you'll find something you like more." he says with a little smile.
Logan tilted his head when Janus said it was superstitions or even disgust. "I think that if someone is the sort of person who's superstitions cause them to be rude to people, perhaps they should rethink their superstitions and what sort of weight they hold on their life and the choices they make." Logan stated simply. At the suggestion, he thought a moment before responding. "Perhaps... I'm always open to trying new things..." he admitted before yawning again.
Janus nods a bit. God- he didn't get how most adults could be so damn stupid. Logan had the right idea- he knew it was stupid the way people saw him- but it had just become life. And then he sees Logan yawn. "Go to bed Lo- it's getting late." he tells him gently.
Logan gave a small nod, hesitating a moment before giving Janus a quick hug before rushing over to his chair. He climbed under the blankets and got comfortable before falling asleep. About two and a half hours later, Patton started moving around in his sleep quite a bit, sweat building up on his forehead as he clearly was having another nightmare.
Janus smiles a bit at the hug, watching Logan go. He settles himself down on his own chair, laying down and closing his eyes to try and get some sleep. He eventually drifts off. Roman wakes a bit when Patton starts moving- he rubs his eyes, yawning and sleepily sitting up. "Pat?" he mumbles softly.
Patton continued to move around, finally sitting up and letting out a small yelp when he finally woke up. The yelp was loud enough to also wake up Logan, who rubbed his eyes sleepily, barely awake. "What was that?" Logan asked through a yawn, Patton grabbing his head as he desperately tried to remember what his nightmare was even about because there was no use being upset by something you couldn't even remember, but it was already out of his head... he couldn't think of what it was.
"Nothing Logan- go to sleep." Roman calls to him softly, not knowing if Patton wanted him to know. Roman looks at Patton, gently moving his hands from his head so he didn't hurt himself. "Patton, darling? You alright?"
Patton buried his face in his hands, trying not to cry from how frustrated he felt. "I can't remember." he said into his hands, Logan sitting up a bit more despite the fact that Roman had told him to go back to sleep, it sounded serious, and even though he was barely awake enough to understand what was going on at the moment, it felt wrong to just go back to sleep. Virgil shifted slightly in his sleep, opening his eyes slightly at the sound of something going on in the other room, listening to try to figure out if it was something he needed to get up for.
Roman frowns softly, moving to gently wrap both arms around Patton, ignoring the slight pain in one of his arms. "Shh- it's okay... you don't have to remember." he tells him softly, holding him. Remus moves in his sleep as well when Virgil moves, pulling Virgil closer to himself- not wanting his boyfriend to get out of bed.
Virgil listened carefully, unable to tell if it was something serious or not. He was about to get up and check when he felt Remus' arms pull him closer, not sure if Remus was awake or doing it in his sleep, but as much as he wanted to stay here with him, he felt like he should go check. Logan tried to figure out where his glasses were when he could tell Patton was crying, too upset to notice that Roman had wrapped both arms around him otherwise he would've said something because he didn't want Roman to hurt his arm even more.
Janus wakes up when he hears crying, frowning softly at the sound, and rubbing his eyes. Was- was Patton crying? "Patton?" he asks, confused. Remus sits up, yawning. "VeeVee? What's going on?" he asks him with a little yawn, leaning against him. Roman tries to soothe Patton, softly whispering to him and gently rubbing his back to calm him.
Patton buried his face in Roman's chest, trying to calm down but he was too worked up. Logan managed to grab his glasses, sleepily sliding them onto his face as he tried in his tired state to figure out what to do. "I don't know, sounds like Patton." Virgil said before letting out a small sigh. "We should go check." he decided before kissing his boyfriend's temple quickly and climbing out of bed. Forgetting about the crutches, he walked into the other room. "What happened?" Virgil asked. "Patton had a nightmare, but he doesn't remember what it was." Logan stated with another yawn, trying to hold them back but he was too tired. "Aw, Pat... it's okay that you don't remember, I wish I didn't remember when I had a nightmare. Do you want me to get you something? Water?" Virgil offered.
Roman just holds him, gently petting Patton's hair and keeping the other close to himself. "Deep breaths, okay darling? Just try and breathe- it's okay." he tells him softly. Remus can't help a little smile at the kiss, but he's really worried as he leaves the room. He doesn't like crying- he hates seeing the people he cares about upset. "Virgil- crutches, you'll hurt your ankle." he chided. Janus frowns, sitting up and looking over at Patton, worried about him.
Patton shook his head a bit against Roman at the question from Virgil and Virgil glanced back at Remus before shaking his head a bit at the reminder of his crutches, he was too worried about Patton to worry about crutches right now, but he sat down on the edge of the pull out to try and make Remus feel better so he wasn't standing on it. Again, he couldn't help but notice just like he had during Patton's panic attack on the bathroom floor that Patton seemed younger when he got upset, it reminded him more of when his nieces and nephews got upset than when he got upset himself... and Patton's memory was wonky enough that he hadn't had an answer for Logan when he asked how old he was, maybe the more upset he was the more he regressed and he should approach this that way? 
Heck, even if he was wrong, Patton loved stuffed animals so this would probably work anyway. "Hey Pat, your stuffed animals look a little lonely." he said, handing Patton the frog and the cat so he could cling to both Roman and them at the same time. "You know, we still haven't named the cat... maybe you and Roman can talk cat names, what's the frogs name?" he asked with a smile. Patton hiccuped but the crying seemed to stop, and sure maybe it was a momentary thing since he'd distracted him but he'd take it. "What happened to you?" Logan questioned, Virgil noticing he was looking at Remus and... shit. Forgot about that. Shit, shit, shit. 
"I was teaching him how to use a straighter, and it burned him." Virgil replied quickly. "On his collarbone?" Logan asked skeptically even through how sleepy he was, not seeming to buy it. "That's how bad he is at using a hair straighter, okay? Go back to sleep, you're young, you need your rest." Virgil said quickly, pushing Logan so he fell back down into a laying position. "Roman, cat name suggestions." he commanded, hoping everyone would drop it and go back to focusing on Patton. He knew Roman and Janus weren't stupid enough to fall for that, but he hoped they at least didn't mention it... or how red his face was now.
Roman was also generally starting to catch on to what Virgil was doing. He quickly decides to hop on board though- it seems to be working- and that's good- Roman doesn't want to see Patton upset anymore. "So what do you want to name the cat?" he asks him gently. "And you never did tell me the name of your frog- did you name him?" he asks him, continuing to gently pet Patton's hair. Remus just stifles laughs at what Virgil is saying, covering his mouth with his hand, and then looking at Virgil. "Hair straightener?" he mouths at him. His hair wasn't even that curly- more straight that anything. Janus looks over at Remus- and he sees what is... obviously hickeys. "Oh my god-" he says, blinking and looking away. Nope- he's not going to say anything else. Roman looks over, and now he needs to distract himself with name suggestions. "Uh- what about Whiskers? Or oh- I always think that Ollie is a cute name." he suggests.
Patton wasn't quite up to speak yet, sniffling a bit, still clinging to Roman. But it was obvious he was calming down and that was the main goal, so Virgil would take the win. He needed one after the whole hair straighter thing anyway. He looked back at Remus just in time to catch what he mouthed to him. "Did you have a better idea?" he mouthed back, raising his arms slightly. He didn't need Logan to know what they were doing when no one was home, and Logan actually did seem as though he were so tired he actually was starting to fall back to sleep after Virgil pushed him so maybe he wouldn't even remember any of this in the morning anyway. 
Patton cuddled up a bit closer to Roman, nodding a bit when he asked if the frog had a name, but not responding. "It's embarrassing." he mumbled under his breath, hiding his face in his boyfriend's shirt. "I'm sure it's not embarrassing, Pat." Virgil assured, knowing Patton probably picked the name for the frog when he was a kid, maybe even a toddler, before he looked at Janus when he heard him, deciding to avoid eye contact with him for the rest of the night. Or forever. Depended on how long his face stayed red, really. "Oh yeah, one of my little nephews goes by Ollie, his full name being Oliver, love that name. What do you think? Whiskers is really cute too." Virgil said to Patton.
Roman held onto Patton, letting him hide his face into his shirt. "I'm sure it's not embarrassing darling." he tells Patton softly, continuing to hold him and gently stroke his hair. He presses a kiss to the top of his head, just holding him. Remus sits down next to Virgil, draping one of his arms around him and leaning his head onto his shoulder. "Yeah, both of those are cute- and I don't think whatever you named the frog is embarrassing." he says with a little shrug. Janus nods to that as well, sitting up to look at Patton.
Patton sniffled, holding onto Roman. He definitely seemed calmer than when Virgil came out here, so he figured his plan of getting Patton distracted by the stuffed animals was working. Patton had honestly seemed more distraught over the fact that he couldn't remember what his nightmare was about and why he was upset and scared than about whatever happened in the nightmare itself, but as an anxious guy who had the occasional nightmare himself, he guessed what Patton had was less of a nightmare and more of a flashback to what happened when he was kidnapped, or maybe even something traumatic that happened with that guy when he was younger, who knows. 
Virgil was glad he couldn't remember whatever it was, he didn't like the thought of Patton reliving any of that in his nightmares. Wasn't it bad enough that he had to live through it once? The more awake he started to feel from sitting here talking to Patton for so long, the more aware Virgil was becoming of the fact that he didn't feel well, his stomach hurt, and he could only assume it was hunger pains from not having eaten enough because of how bad his anxiety had been during the day, but his anxiety was also rearing it's ugly head so he knew there was no point in trying to even grab a light snack right now, he'd make a mental note to hope his anxiety was better in the morning and have a nice sized breakfast... assuming his anxiety was better in the morning. 
He ignored it for now, leaning against his boyfriend and trying not to think about his anxiety, no time for it, Patton needed him. "What if we guess the name? Did you name him after a storybook character or... a food maybe?" Virgil asked, okay maybe that second guess was less based on guessing what a toddler would pick for a name and more Virgil projecting, but based on the look on Patton's face it was worth it. "Ah, food name! Cool, okay the frog's named after a food, that's cool." he said, trying to think of what Patton's favorite food as a little kid might've been, or maybe it wasn't a food he actually favored and more a food that he thought the frog reminded him of?
Roman listens, and he listens to Virgil and Patton. A food name? "Well- something like muffin? Or cupcake?" he suggests, thinking. "Is his name noodle?" he asks. He just really wants to distract Patton and help him feel better. He just wants Patton to feel better- he doesn't want him to be upset, doesn't want Patton to be hurt by anything- let alone his own mind. Remus just holds Virgil, holding him close to himself, resting his head against him. Janus thinks. "Pesto?" he guesses, seeing as the frog is green.
Patton hiccuped, shaking his head a bit at the guesses he was hearing. Patton glanced over at Janus, shaking his head. "No but I like that better." he sniffled, Virgil letting out a bit of a laugh. "Alright, so I guess that means Janus is who we go to for all future name suggestions." he said, trying to ignore the anxious feelings building up inside him. He could feel his breathing getting a bit shaky, but hopefully it wasn't noticeable enough for anyone else to pick up on it. Maybe if he could speed up the process of cheering Patton up, he could go back to bed and fall asleep before the anxiety attack happened and then he'd just sleep through it... or at least push it off until morning. That plan hadn't ever really worked in his favor before, but desperate times call for desperate measures and who knows, maybe this will be the one time worked. 
"I know his name." Logan mumbled without even opening his eyes as if he'd somehow been able to read Virgil's mind, though Virgil should've guessed Logan knew it because Logan was the one that sat up reading all of Patton's old journals when they were trying to figure out where Patton had been taken the night he'd gone missing. He just hoped in his tired state that Logan didn't accidentally admit to doing that, since they were trying to keep Patton in the dark about what happened, and Virgil noticed that Logan tended to be less... Logan when he was half asleep. "Pickles." Logan stated as he opened his eyes about half way, propping himself up a bit so he could sort of look at the others. Patton sighed before giving a small nod, luckily not over thinking the fact that Logan got it right, Logan was really smart, Patton just figured he was good at guessing stuff.
Remus of course noticed that Virgil wasn't feeling so well. He was always aware of how his boyfriend was feeling. He could kind of sense how he was feeling- and he held Virgil a bit closer to himself to attempt to try and calm him down a little bit. He didn't even pay attention to the others anymore, just gently petting a hand through Virgil's hair. Roman gives Patton a small smile at the frogs name. "It's not embarrassing, darling- it's cute." he tells him softly. He smiles at him a bit, moving to gently kiss his forehead. "It's adorable, Pat." he tells him softly. Janus gives a little smile. "I think Pickles is cute." he tells him.
Virgil wished his anxiety had gone unnoticed, but he had to admit, he was grateful that Remus seemed to be trying to help calm him down, and doing it in little actions that would basically go unnoticed by the others. "It's a good name for a frog." Logan commented before his gaze fell on Virgil, his brow furrowing a bit. "Are you okay? Your breathing is unusual." Logan mumbled sleepily, reaching a hand up to rub his eyes, Virgil just gave a quick nod. "I'm fine, Lo. Maybe we should think of a food name for the cat, keep the theme." Virgil suggested in hopes of taking the attention off himself.
Remus gives Logan al little look, not knowing if bringing up how anxious Virgil seemed would make it worse. He continues gently petting his hair, holding the other close to himself and taking one of Virgil's hands in his own. Janus looks at Patton, thinking. "Basil?" he offers to him. Roman thinks, then suggests his own name. "Peaches? Nutmeg?" he suggested to him.
Logan noticed the look, though he was too tired to figure out what it meant, and in all honestly, Logan wasn't that good at picking up on those sorts of things anyway. He yawned, sitting up a bit more, causing the blanket to shift. "If my mom were here, she'd suggest Ziti." Virgil stated, watching Patton's face to see if he liked any of the names that had been suggested so far, but before Patton could really respond, Virgil happened to glance back in Logan's direction. "Logan, is that blood?" Virgil asked, grabbing the book that had been revealed when the blankets moved. Logan's eyes went a bit wide, the question enough to wake him up a bit more, and he instantly looked at Roman and Remus. "Janus said some kids were picking on you, but none of the scratches you have should've caused this... is there another injury you're not telling us about?" Virgil pushed, not caring about his breathing at this point because he was getting really ready to go fight a 14 year old boy. Patton bit his lip and looked down, knowing that whatever was going on, Logan didn't want Roman and Remus knowing about it, but... too late for that, he guessed. 
"Logan, talk, now, I wanna know what actually happened during that fight at school." Virgil said firmly. He didn't want Logan to be embarrassed but look what'd happened when Roman had hid his arm, he couldn't let Logan do the same thing. "It's nothing." Logan stated, looking away. "Logan, you are smarter than this, look what happened when Roman hid his arm from all of us, it got infected, you were the one saying how dangerous that was and now you're gonna do the same thing?" Virgil questioned. "I'm not doing the same thing, it's not my blood on the book." Logan said quickly. "Wait... what?" Virgil questioned, furrowing his brow a bit as he looked back down at the book. Logan sighed. "Greg was making fun of me because he believed I was looking at another boy with romantic intentions, I told him I was not, and that even if I was, there was nothing wrong with a boy liking another boy and it was a completely ridiculous thing to ridicule someone for, so then he started arguing with me that it was wrong, and I told him that if he thought it was wrong, then he was insulting the royal family, because both my cousins are in relationships with boys, and that to insult someone for liking the same gender is to insult his King." he glanced at Patton. 
"Future Kings." he said quickly, remembering that Patton didn't remember the wedding. "And since there's nothing wrong with it, I didn't take offense to the implication that I also liked boys. Which he responded to by saying that if that were the case my cousins were..." his voice trailed off and he looked away from Roman and Remus. "An unkind word, so when he turned and walked away from me laughing, I stopped thinking and threw the book at his head. I was not expecting him to turn back around and for the book to give him a bloody nose. Nobody was watching when it happened because they'd lost interested and assumed the argument was over, but that's why Greg suddenly got physical and shoved me to the ground, technically, I started the physical altercation." Logan admitted. "I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want Greg's words to hurt Roman and Remus' feelings, or Virgil and Patton's for that matter, but I suppose that's why Greg got angry enough with me to lock me in a closet, because I technically started it but I did not get in trouble because the teacher walked in to see me get shoved, but not him get hit with the book. I suppose I should be punished for letting my anger get the best of me." Logan finished. Virgil blinked a few times, not sure what to say. Was it inappropriate to go in the kitchen and make the kid the world's biggest ice cream sundae and praise him for standing up for Remus and Roman and tell him how proud he was of him? Honestly, he didn't think Logan had that in him.
Janus looks over at Logan worriedly when he heard that there was blood on the book- and he was definitely with Virgil. Logan had to tell them what was wrong, he didn't want Logan to end up hurt- but then he heard the story of everything going on and he was just- so proud of him. He thought Logan was insanely brave- and he hadn't given Logan nearly enough credit for anything. Roman and Remus listened- and the two of them couldn't help but smile, Roman looking a bit more worried than Remus though. "Logan! Holy shit you threw something at a kid for me and Roman? I've quite literally never been prouder to be related to you. You shouldn't get in trouble! You were standing up to a homophobic piece of shit!" he tells him. Roman nods. "I second that statement. Logan- don't fell bad, please- you should be proud of yourself- the kid deserves a bloody nose- and worse." he says.
Logan felt his eyes go a bit wide again, shocked at the response he was getting. If his father found out that he'd gotten emotional enough to let his anger control him instead of his logical thinking, he would've been in such trouble. "Technically, he also sacrificed a book for you, since it's all damaged." Patton pointed out quietly. "I... I'm not in trouble?" Logan asked, clearly surprised. "I wasn't trying to keep it a secret to avoid trouble, I just didn't want what Greg said to upset you." he added after a moment as he looked back at Roman and Remus. "That's it, 3 AM ice cream and Crofters party in Logan's honor." Virgil said finally as he stood up and headed into the kitchen. "I don't understand, I let my emotions control my decisions..." Logan said, happy that no one seemed angry with him, and that Roman and Remus didn't seem to have their feelings hurt, but he seemed to think he should be in more trouble for his emotions than for anything else.
Janus goes over to where Logan is, sitting down next to him. "Lo- you're not going to get in trouble for having emotions. It's normal, encouraged even. And I can guarantee you that every one of us has had bigger emotional outbursts than that before." Janus tells him. "Come on Lo- you deserve some ice cream and crofters." he tells him with a smile. Remus follows Virgil into the kitchen, wrapping an arm around him to keep him upright. "You okay Vee?" he asks as he helps him grab the stuff, and bowls. Roman smiles at Logan, holding Patton closer, not with his injured arm anymore though. "Logan- you did good. We're proud of you, don't worry- it's not bad that you made an emotional choice."
"I would at home." Logan replied without really thinking before biting his lip and looking back at Janus. Virgil grabbed some vanilla ice cream and the crofters jars, grabbing the scoop so he'd be able to put the ice cream in the bowls, which, luckily Remus had grabbed. He was grateful for Remus being there, especially to help hold him up. He gave a small nod at the question, letting out a shaky breath. "Yeah, just... anxious." he said softly. "But I'm okay." he added. He didn't really have anything to be anxious about, so he was really trying to just ignore the feeling, especially now that they were taking a moment to celebrate Logan, that didn't happen often and he'd feel bad if he had an anxiety attack and distracted from that. Patton nodded in agreement with what Roman said, wiping at his eyes a bit now that he'd finally calmed down.
"You get in trouble for this at home?" Janus asks him, a worried frown crossing his face. "Logan- that isn't... normal, you know that right? Sure- throwing a book at a kid isn't technically the best way to have resolved that situation, but everyone makes emotion-based decisions." he tells him. Remus looks at Virgil, but nods. "Okay- but if the 'I'm okay' part changes just let me know, and I'll have you out of here faster than you can say 'goldfish inside of a condom.'" He promises him. Roman looks at Patton. "You feeling a bit better, darling?" he asks him softly, rushing some hair from his face.
Logan nodded. "Of course. Like I told you before, my father wants to prove he can raise a successful, intelligent, and professional son, emotions go against that, they're a distraction from what's important." he said before furrowing his brow slightly. He supposed he did know that wasn't normal, but that was the whole point, his father was trying to raise him to be superior to everyone else, that meant not getting distracted by feelings. Virgil let out a laugh because... how could he not when Remus actually said 'goldfish in a condom'? But the actual sentiment really meant a lot to him, it was such a relief to know Remus was there for him, and he really didn't want to have a full blown panic attack in front of the whole group so knowing he had an out was incredibly comforting. Not that his anxiety was exactly a secret, but this was a special moment for Logan, he didn't want his anxiety to ruin it. 
So it really was so wonderful that Remus was there to support him. God, how he wanted to just grab him and tell him he loved him right here and now, but he decided to wait, maybe plan something sweet or romantic and tell him then, Remus deserved that. If it wasn't time to say it out loud, he'd just show it instead, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and giving him a hug. "Thank you, Rems." he said honestly hoping his shaky breathing wasn't even more noticeable now that he was hugging Remus and therefore even closer to him, but he didn't care about that. He wanted to be close to his boyfriend and make sure Remus knew how much that meant to him, how much he meant to him. He leaned up to give him a quick kiss before returning his attention to the ice cream. Patton gave a small nod, relaxing at the feeling of Roman's hand in his hair. "Little bit." he said softly.
Janus nods, but he frowns. "Logan- emotions are not a distraction. Emotions are wonderful most of the time, sure- there some instances where they aren't the best, but mostly, they're good. Logan- you can have emotion and still be smart and professional and all that." Janus tells him. Remus gives Virgil a little smile, holding onto him tightly. "Don't worry about it, okay VeeVee?" he says, hugging him back. And yes, of course he noticed his shaky breathing and that made him want to whisk Virgil away and wrap him in a bunch of blankets and hold him close forever- but he decided to trust him on this one, let him set his own boundaries. Roman nods, giving Patton a little smile. "I'm glad, darling." he tells him softly.
Logan was never really sure what to do or how to respond when Janus started talking about emotions. It was just so different from what he'd been told his entire life, so he had no idea how to reply to it. Even if he wanted to believe it was true, he wouldn't have a clue how to go about just... acknowledging his emotions. How was he suppose to do that after a lifetime of being specifically raised not to? Virgil filled the bowls with ice cream, crofters, whipped cream, any sort of topping he could find that he thought would go well, cherries, he just wanted to make as big of a deal as he possibly could at 3 in the morning about this because Logan never led with his emotions and he wanted to make sure to reward him for doing so, maybe that would make it easier to do it again next time... though, preferably in a way that didn't involve throwing a book at someone's head but... baby steps. He put the unused ingredients away before having Remus help him carry the bowls, handing one to Logan. "Here you go, kid, go nuts." he said with a smile, before handing one of the other bowls he was holding to Patton, hoping a bowl of ice cream would distract Patton enough that he made it back to feeling completely okay. Patton took the bowl, feeling a bit better just at the sight of it. He did really love ice cream, so it was hard to be sad when he had a bowl of it.
Janus looks at Logan. He knew that it would be difficult for Logan to eventually acknowledge his emotions- but he knew that with time, and help from the others- that maybe Logan would eventually realize that it was okay for him to have emotion, and to have feelings. He looks at Logan, and then gesturing him to take the food- maybe ice cream would help? Remus smiles, picking him up, and holding Virgil in his arms, sitting on the couch with him. Roman looks at Patton with a smile, kissing his head gently, and taking a bowl of his own ice cream from Virgil.
Logan took the bowl as it was handed to him. He still wasn't quite sure if he deserved it after letting his feelings run wild, but everyone seemed proud of him, especially for standing up for Roman and Remus, so, he supposed if he focused on that and less on the emotional aspect of the entire situation, it was easier to allow himself to enjoy the reward. "Thank you." he said as he took the bowl, instantly so distracted by how much he loved Crofters, and focused on the ice cream instead. Virgil passed a bowl to Janus, making sure that all six of them had one now before smiling when he felt Remus suddenly pick him up, cuddling up to him on the couch as he tried to focus on his own bowl. He was hungry, so he was hoping the ice cream would make his hunger pains lessen, but his anxiety was still causing him to eat less than he actually wanted to. Patton was fully focused on the bowl of ice cream, so happy to have it that he seemed to have completely forgotten why they were even all up in the first place.
Janus smiles at Logan, watching him take the food. Janus preferred his ice cream plain, so he didn't add any of the toppings to his ice cream, choosing to just eat it plain. Remus on the other hand, decided to put some of everything onto his ice cream, adding all of the different toppings to his bowl. Remus holds Virgil with one arm, and eats his ice cream with the other. Roman smiles a bit at Patton, gently holding him in his arms.
Logan finished his ice cream pretty quickly, unable to help but get over excited by the Crofters. He set his bowl down, figuring he'd wait until everyone else was done and then offer to do the dishes so that Virgil wouldn't have to stand on that bad ankle. Patton glanced up from his ice cream, looking at Virgil a moment. "Are you sure you're okay?" Patton asked softly, appreciating how much effort Virgil had put in to help Roman calm him down, he wanted to do the same for him since Virgil seemed... off. Virgil gave Patton a small nod, more so because he didn't want to worry him. He could feel his anxiety getting worse though, and it was really aggravating him. Why was he getting anxious now? Well, he could list off a bunch of things to be anxious about that the group had going on right now, but they were all little things... not things that should be making him this anxious. Speaking of things to be anxious about... his gaze went from Patton to Roman's arm around him, looking at his friend. "Roman, how's your arm?" he asked after a moment. He knew Remus had talked him through it, but he was still worried that he'd done something wrong while trying to clean it up and take care of it.
Remus just holds Virgil closer at that, noticing how he didn't seem to be eating as much as he usually would, and he moves so that he's gently petting his hair. Roman looks over at Virgil when he was asked about his arm. It had been doing better, but it was hurting just a bit from when he had hugged Patton just before. "It's definitely better- and it doesn't look as bad as it did a few days ago." he tells Virgil. Janus looks over at Logan as he eats, smiling at how excited he seemed. This was something that kids, normal kids Logan's age usually enjoyed- he was glad that Logan was having fun and enjoying it.
Virgil felt a bit a relief at the combination of Remus petting his hair and Roman stating that his arm was doing better and that it didn't look as bad as it had a few days ago. He was glad to hear it seemed to be healing well... or at least, Roman thought it was healing well... but what if it wasn't? What if it just seemed like it was and all of the sudden it got worse and Roman had to be rushed to a doctor and the doctor said the reason it was getting worse was caused by something Virgil did and... he set the bowl down, putting his head in his hands a moment as he tried to shake the thought out of his head and just breathe. It was Roman's arm, Roman knew his body, and he saw how badly things went when he kept his arm a secret before... he wouldn't do that again, if something was really wrong, he'd tell him... right? 
But what if he didn't? What about Logan for that matter? What if there was even more to the story than he'd told and Logan was secretly hurt too? What if Patton wasn't actually feeling better and he was still upset because of his memory issues and he was just pretending to not ruin Logan's special moment? What if everyone was falling apart around him and they were all keeping it from him because they knew he was feeling anxious? Even Janus... and Remus... "Virgil?" Logan questioned when he noticed how loud the other's breathing had gotten, Virgil just shook his head, he knew there was no way to say nothing was wrong, his anxiety was getting more noticeably worse, but he felt too terrible about ruining Logan's moment to really admit that. 
"I'm okay, Lo." he said quickly, closing his eyes a moment. He just had to take a second and think of something positive so that he calmed down, maybe he could still turn this around... even though it was pretty obvious that he was basically having a full blown anxiety attack at this point. "Are you sure? Maybe we could go outside so you can get fresh air?" Patton offered softly, not exactly sure how to help, but wanting to. "I don't need to go anywhere... I just need a second." Virgil insisted, knowing if he left the room now he'd just become the topic of conversation of everyone who stayed behind... he was still holding onto a tiny bit of hope that he could somehow stop this in its tracks, despite the fact that he'd never successfully done anything like that before.
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greensunprincess · 7 years
Triumphs as a Storyteller
I wanna talk about exalted a bit here, just because I had a surge of pride in our campaign:
First off, this campaign, which is nameless, mostly due to it being so hard to quantify, we seldom stay in one place long enough to name it after a place, the party is divisive enough to have naming it after a goal to be a little too complicated. . . so it’s just called Exalted. It should be noted there are multiple exalted campaigns being run, which everyone defines by their difference from MY Exalted (i.e. Scrub Exalted, Side Exalted, Bros-night Exalted). When we say “we’re running exalted” they mean my game, which I like.
Secondly, this one story has been running for FIVE YEARS. and I don’t mean that in game time. I mean in real time. In fact, only one of the players present at the beginning of the campaign is still in it (not counting me) and NONE of the starting party of Solars are still alive (One of them became part of Gaia, and so he continues to exist as a spirit but. . . he doesn’t count) The same circle is still together, however, tied together by a city they once saved and their past life memories.
Thirdly: In game time, enough time has passed for the newest Solar addition to be of age with one of the original Solar’s kids (the two of them started dating) The Solar who became part of Gaia has two daughters, who are old enough to be Queens of a different nation in their own right, and have kids of their own. There’s a lot of family based RP in it, and a lot of interesting coming of age stories, both of the characters and eventually their kids, allowing in game parallels which I love.
In terms of more blatant bragging, I’ve managed to tempt three seprate players into accepting an Akuma deal through honeyed tongue alone, even with them knowing that I’m mean and more than likely to compel them/ take control of their characters as Yozi can do. I’ve brought the entire table to tears at least a dozen times, and individual players to extreme emotional responses more than I can count(read: not just rage due to shitty gameplay, but character bleed), which is perhaps what I am most proud of.
In terms of pure events: We’ve had several people nearly sleep with Luna, someone HAS slept with Lilith, we once had our archer Night try and punch a Hekatonchire in the face. That same night then got bucked and thrown twenty miles, and survive. We had an airship crash into a manse the Solar’s had conquered, nearly destroying it. We had a battle against a giant river squid, and then a desperate attempt to detach a city from a underworld copy of itself, before the two merge and plummet into the void together.  The Brave Archer Night caste saves a simple country doctor from an Infernal Trap. (Remember this, it will be important later! Date: early 2012) The Solars survive getting all their intimacies reversed, prompting them to turn on everyone and each other, and then having the city they were in tossed into the deep wyld. Our Twilight got so mad that someone stole his gun that he created a wagon that moved faster than sound to pursue them. Our token Lunar both impregnated someone and got pregnant in the same session. She then traveled across the world to acquire an artifact that controlled reincarnation so that a kind and sad ghost could reincarnate into the baby in her belly. The party accidentally summons Mercury into an Infernal trap, and both the Twilight and the Lunar bonded to him die in her defense. (And everyone was terrified of Shredderkin forevermore) Our dawn surfs on his sword on a wave of Lava, punches a tower out of the sky, and uses the Sun’s own laser to kill an Infernal. The party confronts Juggernaught and the mask of winters at the gates of Fallen Lookshy, and, with the brave and true sacrifice of the oldest remaining Solar (the same twilight who punched the Hekatonchire), manage to break the Mask’s mask, kill him, and team up with Lookshyan rangers, the Elemental Dragon of Air, and an Infernal Princess to destroy the walking fortress just before it turns Lookshy and half the scavenger lands into a Shadowland. During that same fight, our Dawn learns that he accidentally impregnated his shape-shifting dragon-horse mount, and she gives birth to a daughter literally ON Juggernaught’s back, whose mint-new soul is the perfect place for shards from the Mask’s broken soul to nestle. That same girl is kidnapped and tortured to death at age 10, and becomes a hideous Abyssal. Dawn swears by all that is holy that he will cure her. (this is also important date: late 2014 i think) The new Night Caste starts hate-dating the leader of all the Infernals, Hell’s top general, the leader of the Reclaimation. They get way too close, and actively avoid killing each other even though their armies are diametrically opposed. Party joins a war, helps the Brides of Ahlat overthrow their husband, and then they kill him. HIs manor is declared a cursed place after a party member dies horribly there. (And everyone is afraid of Ahlat’s manor forevermore, second only to shredderkin) Party raids a Realm Embassy, barely survives a battle against nearly two dozen dragon blooded, ends up fighting Anys Syn herself, escaping only because the dead Night caste’s mother is equally attached to the new night caste, and she happens to be a millennia old Sideral. Party escapes to Hell, where they adjudicate a domestic dispute between three Yozi. Dawn is given a carbon copy of his Abyssal daughter, but this one became a Solar instead. Everyone suspects the Ebon Dragon. Dawn adopts the spare daughter anyway, dares anyone to tell him she’s not his. Night’s hate date tells party she’s going to steal the US’s spear. Party rallies an entire nation to stop her, starts a war with the bull, fights a hundred battles only to lose horribly against her in the final moment. Turns out she only wanted it for one brief task, which she traded to Adorjan in exchange for curing her daughter of something horrible (Shredderkin is no longer insane! Still very scary) Less than a day later, Party fights a full circle of Abyssals lead by another Deathlord. Somehow wins, thanks to both strength of arms and the friends they made along the way. Turns out the simple country doctor was actually a third circle demon who fell in love with both Night Castes (Date of reveal: early 2017 - a four year con~!) Dawn redeems his daughter at the tail end of this fight. (Motivation achieved, only took three-ish years!)
. . . So yeah. I’m quite proud of this. I love exalted. Things have kind of ground to a halt recently, since we’ve been making the swap to 3rd ed, or rather, my own homebrew of 3rd ed. I’ve put more work and effort into this campaign then I have into the rest of my life combined (my transition not included)
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deactivatedashe-s · 7 years
Yet Another OC Meme (50 Q&A)
I'm not sure what the original post was but if anyone knows please tell me so that I can link it to this one. (blame 9th grade me). http://nekotan-chou.tumblr.com/post/120740460331/loi-got-this-from-some-other-post-1-your-first So this is a "yetanotherocmeme" that I did a couple years ago //cries// and I cringe. I cringe heavily. I don't roleplay anymore much less create individual or fan OCs nowadays. This questionnaire will only revolve around the 200+ characters I acknowledge as still in use. Virtually all of the ones from the first post are abandoned. SO MUCH CRINGE. Also, I know that a lot of these questions specify just one OC but I like talking about ALL of them. 1. Your first OC ever? Looking back through old sketchbooks, it was actually a group of Kingdom Hearts OCs. The one that sticks to memory most, however, was supposedly the daughter of Kairi and Sora. 2. Do you have a personal favorite among your OCs? Liluna Maefield. She's my absolute favorite character. I love developing her character and her design is actually one of my favorites. Ironically enough, she's also the furthest away from my general character designs/personalities. 3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? I don't believe so. I have many characters that are influenced by other people and their characters but I don't think I've ever had one directly. 4. A character you rarely talk about? Seiren. He exists but I don't normally delve into him. During the early drafts of Secret (during the cringe years), Seiren was the Teacher to Violet, whose a special type of Mage. In the current version of Secret, Seiren is the father of Violet and Liore 5 If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? Riden. If I make Riden popular, that would mean people would read Litheliun. All my time and effort put into that story won't have been for naught. Also because Riden is one of my most complicated and the second favorite after Liluna. I love his character designs. 6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? Prior to my redesigning to diversify my character designs, the characters that were most similar without purposeful relation were Lucas of Secret and Day of re:Meetings. Looking back on it though, I think re:Meetings was a recycled plot line of Secret but I just forgot that fact. 7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories? All of them are. I'm a writer nowadays so all of my OCs are characters created for my stories. I have a master list of my main works /here!/ 8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here! All of my OCs used to be RP OCs, however, I mentioned I wouldn't use any of the ones from prior to 9th grade and that was really the last times I role played. There was one, however, from this year. Their name is Anaro. They're a merperson from the Voltron: Legendary Defenders universe. I used them as a character for an OC-centric Voltron AU with my friends. They're flirtatious. They also travel around on either a wheelchair or a fish tank on wheels. 9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? I really would depend on the situation, what I'm getting in return, and which character. 10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? I want to Sora Davit due to his scar and eccentricities but almost all of the main characters of Dragons have rather ornate designs. 11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? Mikaela Kay. Now and forever. She's no longer a universal RP character since s has a set role as one of the leading sidekicks of the Litheliun: Eternal. 12. Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot. Jun's character Alwyn! He's been put through a lot! He deserves happiness with his family!!!! 13. Do you have troublemaker OCs? Gods below, yes. A majority of my characters are chaotic neutral or even just chaotic in general. 14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory Liore and his older sister were suddenly dropped off at the orphanage. There he met his soulmate. He wasn't a prime candidate for adoption because he couldn't be separated from his sister who was too old, in her teens, for most couples. His soulmate did get adopted and they began to fade away from each. Then he and Violet "die" at the hands of his soulmate. He resurrects with no memories or hints of his life beforehand. He wanders around until he's picked up by a kind couple who had recently founded what would become the Red Outlaws guild. Unfortunately, the happiness wouldn't last when a family friend betrays them. In a course of events, battles wage and his parents die. 15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people? Yes! Please! Talk to me! I created this entire blog just to do that (and world build). 16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? A lot of my Litheliun characters. Pheal is actually an anthropologist with a hobby focusing around cryptozoology. Ziren learned a lot from Pheal and is a scientist in his own right as a botanist. Chiron, despite being a renowned chemist, would actually be very good at biology. She just doesn't like it. Reidoux would also be best at biology since she studied the body. Had it not been for the war, she would've actually become a marine biologist. 17. Any OC OTPs? Yes! Chiron and Liluna are my precious married girls! I love drawing them together and it's fun to do so. 18. Any OC crack ships? I'm terrified to say that there is one. It's Ziren x Jasper. The idea once popped into my head and it hasn't left. Ever. 19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) Riden Olivyon. Believe it or not, he's actually one of my oldest original OCs right next to Ziren. I never really delved into him as much as I tried to outline a plot for Litheliun back in my younger years so he's not really brought up often from back then. If memory serves right, Riden was also originally based off of my mom (they're both born in August Leo's). I worked, reworked, and fixed Riden from the jumbled mess he already was into a pretty decent character. He's probably my greatest achievement. 20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)? Hm... Yes? Riden does technically sing when he has a voice. The world of Litheliun doesn't really have verbal music since language had been destroyed not too long ago and it's been a struggle to build it back up. His voice is lilting and is reminiscent to bells. It's also pretty raspy. He sings to music boxes. Oh, and they're Harriet! She is quite literally a famous singer named Rehenna (a cheap alias based on a book series he likes). It's difficult to pinpoint his music genre but it's something like pop and Celtic. 21. Your most artistic OC Chiron Hallows. Prior to becoming a chemist, she worked as a commissioned artist. On the flip side, Cedar Flores became an artist as a hobby after taking a liking to drawing the blueprints for Meth's inventions. 22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? I wouldn't know. I doubt anyone even knows my characters exist beyond a visual design. 23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? ..... Virtually all of Litheliun, all of the Secret Series. Holy frick none of my original plans go out right. However, there is Skylar Davit of Fantys Aurea. His original personality was meant to be a true villain who greatly enjoyed villainy. However, after infiltrating the hero school and befriending the students there, he decides to become a hero himself. In his current personality, he became a vigilante in hopes of finding his missing brother. When Sora does eventually return, Skylar finds himself enjoying screwing around. He's a trickster over a sheer villain. He stays a villain through the rest of his life with bouts of vigilantism here and there to assist his hero boyfriend Joseph. (also, I wanted to give him blue hair so I made his original sociopathy a side effect of a loss of emotions while using his power) 24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why. No. They'd all try to kill me. 25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) Chiron Hallows actually uses a redesign from //cringes// Kanoka Seiwa, an RP OC who was based entirely off of me. Not only is her physical appearance similar but she's also an artist. Luckily, I've managed to make her her own person over the years. On another note, Sapphyr Mata is quite literally based on a self-insert with a design taken from a character physically based off of me, Phiran Korand. A lot of the characters from Secret are based on my irl friends and myself. 26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? With my current characters, no, not really. If I change something about them, it's mostly because I either wanted to or forgot the original aspect of them, improvised, and it stuck. 27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? While the characters themselves were created based on the song, Blake and Ruby's story, as well as their personalities, were inspired by the song "Both Sides of the Story" by We Are The In Crowd. I did end up changing this plot line so the original is more of a backstory leading to the events. They still hate each other but they don't end up back together in the current version. 28. Your most dangerous OC. Depends on your definition of dangerous. If you mean by potential danger, then Kylan, Goddess of Destruction. She can remove anything from existence, even souls. Luckily, she's level-minded and is very responsible. If you mean as actually shown being dangerous, then... Oh, that's difficult. Many of my antagonists/morally ambiguous protagonists are ALL considerably dangerous. 29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? Avery "AJ" James. It's pretty much her job to investigate abandoned areas without telling anyone. Aside from her.... Jamie Rowen maybe? 30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? Secret? Almost any of the ones who have a stuffed animal collection would display it proudly. 31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) Pheal Nascal would have a conspiracy/science blog. They'd have spent days upon days coding the layout with Matrix by their side. Ironically, it'd be mostly pastel colors. 32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? ..... Um.... The characters of Dragons? I've been tempted to dive into the tragedy genre and me doing so usually means horror genre too. It's kinda weird. Aside from them, Sora Davit. Previous child quite literally went through a horror game scenario on his way to escaping. 33. Your shyest OC? Young Phiran. He was a rather tiny thing and during the course of Litheliun, he had just awoken from a coma and with amnesia. He's not very good at socializing and can barely speak more than a few words at a time at a whisper-level. He was easily frightened. 34. Do you have any twin characters? A LOT. The most notable are Sora and Skylar. Under the right circumstances, they can pass as identical and have a tendency to steal each other's identities since they're both wanted criminals. There's also Riddle and Rhyme (although Riddle had stopped aging around 16 while both of them are presently 19), Derek and Dylan, Evan and Eloise, Mil and Mira, and Ioryn and Carolyn. Then I have my fraternal twins, Wren and Harriet. Neither of them know they're even close to related. Both of them like to hide behind their undefined ages. 35. Any siblings characters. Aside from the twins, there's also A LOT. Most of them are adopted, half-siblings, or dead. Justin and Jay, Jasmine and Jaden, Avery and Avalon, Stella and Alice, Jun and Jewel, and Violet and Liore are the most notable siblings. Sonja is the older sibling of Sora and Skylar, while Riddle and Rhyme are the eldest to Silica, Erick, Meric, and Pyrus. There's a lot more. 36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? I'm not entirely sure what this is supposed to mean now that I'm actually reading it. "Pair" is a rather vague word. 37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human. I'm a fantasy genre writer. NONE of them are "quite human". However, I'll introduce Rubee Sonata. She's a vampire born after the fabeled Flooding of Terraria and her parents had apparently been born shortly before the Flooded waters sunk down to regular bodies of water. Her clan had joined together with another clan, the Novellas. During her youth, she was childhood sweethearts with the Novella heir, as was to be expected as she was the Sonata heir. Rubee, like her predecessors, were cursed to rely entirely on the Novellas for their immortality while the Novellas relied on the Sonatas for sanity. The curse manifests itself as a ruby embedded in the front of her neck. 38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? Either Onyx Mata or Eloise Tallon. Both are vaguely based off of my sister who is a rather amazing competitive dancer. 39. Introduce any character you want Avalon James is the deuteragonist of Secrets Behind Lock and Key. During the original concept, however, he was the sole main character. His book was styled like a journal and he was the author. In the current version, it's Avery and she is the one who found the journal. Avalon is considered the "host" of the Seven Vices. While his body does indeed act as the basis of the Seven Vices, he himself as a soul is the vice of Lust. During the current version of SBLAK, Avalon is around 27-28 years old and is one of only three members - the other two being his closest companions - of the gang literally known as Vices. He's also thought to be dead for most of the book. It isn't until an infiltration mission where he is mistaken for his sister is he revealed to have been alive this entire time. 40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! I don't think I have any linked to the characters themselves aside from the actual process of creating them. No one is really interested in my characters so I never get the chance to develop or think of them outside of the words being put down through typing or through pencil. 41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!) Yes! Henry draws my characters on occasion without me having to request that she do so. My favorite one is of Ziren with Riden's back facing the camera in the background with leaves everywhere! The link to it is here! 42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? My actual God characters, of course! Godly Affairs occurs in a world where the human race managed to wipe itself out. The Greek pantheon is one of the few pantheons that managed to survive and flourish in the new world so the newer pantheons admire them greatly. 43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess I have a rather wide range of characters designs but in earlier designs, you could typically find a reoccurring theme of white hair, red-eyed undead characters, fire-powered red-heads usually as an ode to my first original work OC, Mikaela), and characters with short black hair, a blue color scheme, and somewhat relating to sapphires. In my stories, you might even notice how some characters tend to have altered replicas in groups of 4 to 7 across their universes. I enjoyed using my irl friends as the characters themselves. 45. A character you no longer use? Look at the original post for this. All except for Mikaela. 46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? Yes. All the time. I tell it to myself too. 47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? No, not really. As I've mentioned before, no one really cares. 48. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes Rubell and Joseph. They are casual existential despair personified that cover it up with memes. 50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want All of Them: Help me.
0 notes
singingpuppies · 3 years
RP With Sanders-Sides-RP-Blog-12
Who: Patton and Roman.
Part: Seventeen.
General Notes: When Patton woke up this morning, he was a regular guy. Now he’s come to find out that he was kidnapped as a baby and he’s actually a Prince, who’s set up in an arranged marriage with another Prince named Roman. How will Patton react to so much changing in his life all at once? Especially when neither of the young princes want to marry someone they’ve just met?
Warnings: None just lots of cute.
Remus nods. "Yeah- of course I will. Although there really isn't much that scares me." he says with a smile. He takes another second to just look at Virgil, taking in the details of his face, looking at him for a bit, before finally leaning down to connect their lips again. And Remus couldn't believe that this was going to happen- that Virgil actually wanted him.
Virgil let out a small laugh at what Remus said, but he was glad to know that he would say something if there was a need to. He leaned in closer to Remus when he felt their lips connect again, moving his hand from Remus' hair to his shoulders, more so for balance. He did feel a lot better now that he'd actually said all that out loud and gotten it all out of his head, okay maybe he was still a little embarrassed that he'd let it slip that he wanted Remus to pick him up and pin him against a wall, but the rest of it had been sort of holding him back in a way he hadn't realized, and it was nice that he could just focus on Remus, and the kiss, and enjoy it without all that anxiety floating around in his mind.
Remus deepened the kiss a bit, and he closes his eyes as he kisses his boyfriend, jut relaxing and letting the kiss go wherever it went. Remus is glad that the conversation hadn't been weird- Remus's bluntness lended itself quite handy when talking about topics that most people would find gross or inappropriate. It didn't affect him, he just literally had no shame. After a while of kissing, he pulls away just the tiniest bit. "We're both wearing too many clothes." he tells Virgil breathlessly.
Virgil moaned against Remus' lips when he felt him deepen the kiss. He knew Remus could be a bit blunt at times, but if anything, that made talking about this sort of thing with Remus even easier because he knew any response Remus had to anything he said was completely honest, not to mention the additional comfort of knowing that if he was worried about Remus thinking or feeling something bad and Remus didn't say it, it really was just his anxiety playing tricks on him because Remus certainly wasn't one to hold back. Feeling Remus pull away a bit, he blinked before the words registered in his head, smiling a bit. "Agreed." he said, pulling his hoodie off and setting it down on his desk chair, his hands finding their way to Remus' shirt instead of his own. "I mean I did get make up all over this so it's had to go for a while now." he joked playfully as he tugged on Remus' shirt a bit.
Remus laughs quietly, nodding. "Oh absolutely- the shirt coming off is long overdue." Remus says with a smile, and when Virgil tugs at his shirt, he lifts it over his head, just tossing it somewhere onto the floor. Remus wasn't the most buff, but he definitely had some muscle to him from climbing and practicing with his Morningstar. "Your turn!" he tells Virgil with a little smile.
Virgil couldn't help but get distracted when he finally saw Remus shirtless. He just kept finding new ways to totally make Virgil's brain glitch from how hot he was, didn't he? Hearing Remus speak, however, he snapped out of his thoughts before laughing a bit. "Oh, so we're doing all this in turns? Good to know, make sure to keep me up to date on the schedule." he joked, pulling his shirt off, those few self conscious thoughts still floating around his head but not enough to actually stop him from doing it like they might have if he hadn't voiced his concerns earlier, throwing his shirt on top of his hoodie on the chair.
Remus laughs. He was glad that Virgil felt comfortable enough with him to joke around with him. His eyes roamed up and down Virgil's torso. "Vee, you've been holding out on me- if I'd known this was what you looked like shirtless I would have kicked everyone out a long time ago." he tells him matter of factly.
Virgil couldn't help the way his face turned red at the compliment. He wasn't sure if Remus was just saying that because he knew Virgil was self conscious and he wanted to make him feel better or if he actually meant it but for the sake of the confidence boost he most definitely needed, he'd go with that second option for now. "Yeah?" he said with a small smile, running his hand through his hair to try and get it out of his face.
"Yeah." Remus confirms, and he steps closer again, one of his hands gently trailing down Virgil's torso, before he leans in to kiss him again. He was so lucky that he had Virgil, wasn't he? As he kisses him again, his hands continue to run over Virgil's bare skin, tracing patterns over his chest.
Virgil knew he was pretty lucky, he wasn't as banged up and scarred as some of the other Knights in training, he had a few small ones here and there, but nothing major or even all that noticeable. He knew in his line of work that could change at any time, but he was fine with it. Roman might not have thought so, but he looked pretty bad ass with his battle scars, so maybe if it ever happened to Virgil it'd make him look a bit more bad ass too. Not that he was hoping for it but... at least he wasn't anxious about it. He leaned into the kiss, feeling Remus' hands on his bare skin and all but melting at the touch. He'd thought Remus just rubbing his back and tracing random patterns was nice, but the actual skin on skin contact was so much nicer. His own hands found their way to Remus' chest, which... wow, even more distractingly nice when he got to touch it instead of just looking at it.
Remus smiles into the kiss, feeling Virgil melt under his touch, and he decides that he's going to let Virgil lead- because Remus's pace might not be what Virgil needs right now, so he'll let his boyfriend decide how quickly things move. He leans into the hands on his chest gently, leaning into the soft touches. This was really nice- Remus enjoyed the feel of Virgil's hands against his body.
Virgil could almost sense that Remus was letting him take the lead on all this, which was... a bit anxiety inducing and a lot more pressure than he'd originally realized because he really didn't want to do something wrong, or something that seemed really sexy in his head that just turned out to be awkward when he actually tried to execute it, or something potentially embarrassing... definitely did not want to do something potentially embarrassing, but he did understand why Remus was doing it, it made sense, and it was pretty sweet that Remus was so concerned about him and wanting to make sure that he set the pace so that he was comfortable. Hoping to not get too in his head he just sort of let himself focus on the feeling of Remus leaning into his touches, his hands lowering the tiniest bit so they were right where Remus' chest met his stomach.
Remus just focuses on feeling Virgil, making sure that he was okay and not getting too into his head, closing his eyes as he relaxed into the kiss, his tongue coming to gently probe at Virgil's lips, and leans even more into Virgil's hands, in turn moving to trail his hands up and down Virgil's sides again.
Virgil closed his eyes, his mouth opening slightly when he felt Remus' tongue against his lips. He could feel Remus leaning into his touch and he was really trying not to let his knees buckle at the feeling of Remus' hands against his own skin, but Remus's fingers trailing up and down his sides like that was doing something to him. He was so distracted by the feeling that he hadn't realized how low his own hands had trailed down until he suddenly realized he was no longer feeling skin and that his fingertips were brushing against the top of Remus' pants. He moved his hands up a bit, not sure how Remus felt about that.
Remus certainly didn't mind when Virgil's hands started trailing lower, and he felt Virgil's hands move back up, not sure if Virgil was stopping because he was worried about him. "That was okay- don't worry about stopping on my account." Remus says with a teasing little smile, pulling away from their kiss for just a second to say that.
Virgil took a moment to catch his breath, relieved that he'd gotten the confirmation from Remus that what he was doing was okay. Not that Virgil was entirely sure of what he was doing, but he was just sort of going with it, and it was nice to know Remus was good with that. He reconnected their lips and let his hands wander back down to where they'd been before, right at the top of Remus' pants, his thumb brushing against his belt for a moment, really tempted to get that belt off, that was okay, right? Well, Remus had just told him not to stop on his account so he'd take that as a yes, if it became a no, Remus would stop him. Undoing the belt Remus was wearing, he pulled it off, not breaking the kiss as he did so.
When Virgil kisses him again, Remus kissed back happily, letting Virgil's hands sit on his waist, letting Virgil pull his belt off of him with no protest. He deepened the kiss a bit, before turning to start pressing kisses trailing down from Virgil's lips to his jawline, then slowly starting to kiss down his neck, not leaving marks just yet- although he did think that hickeys would look gorgeous on Virgil's pale skin.
Virgil blinked when he felt Remus pull away from the kiss, but he certainly didn't mind when he felt him start to kiss down his jawline. He couldn't really help but let out a small moan at the feeling, especially as Remus continued on down his neck. He instinctively tilted his head slightly to give Remus easier access to his neck. What had he been doing? Hard to focus when Remus was doing that. Right, belt, still holding the belt. He abandoned it, letting his hands find their way back to Remus, gripping his hips slightly for balance because between his bad ankle and how much he was melting at the feeling of Remus kissing his neck he didn't want to accidentally lose his balance or fall over.
Remus smirks against Virgil's neck when he's able to draw a soft moan out of him. Who could blame him? Virgil's moans were downright musical. "Can I leave marks, VeeVee?" he asks his boyfriend, continuing to kiss down his neck. He lets Virgil hold onto his hips, and he notices that Virgil seems to be a bit shaky-legged at the moment. "Should we move this to the bed?" he asks.
"Mmhmm, whatever you want." he hummed out in response to the question. When Remus suggested that they move to the bed, he snapped out of his thoughts, nodding. "Yeah, good idea." he said. His ankle was a little sore, especially since he'd spent the entirety of his time at his parents house walking around without his crutches since he didn't want them to know he was injured, and since he'd be doing that again tomorrow night, and for a longer period of time, he didn't want to stand on it any longer than he had to now, plus struggling to balance was distracting and Virgil definitely did not want anything to distract him from what was currently going on.
Remus nods, moving so that he was walking towards the bed with Virgil, temporarily pausing the kisses to his neck to help Virgil sit down on the bed. After Virgil is sitting, Remus seats himself on Virgil's lap, facing him, and then he wraps his legs around Virgil's torso, before going back to kissing at his neck, gently sucking and nipping at the skin now.
Virgil stumbled a bit, relieved when they finally reached the bed. He smiled a bit when Remus climbed into his lap, letting out another small moan when Remus found his way back to his neck, nipping and sucking on his skin, and he felt his legs wrap around him. He immediately tilted his head again as he moved his hands from their spot on the bed and let them find their way to Remus' lower back, suddenly realizing how easy it would be to just let them slide lower.
Remus was almost methodical with where he placed his bites, leaving a few hickeys over Virgil's collarbone, and then sucking one to where Virgil's hoodie would just barely hide it. Remus would not mind at all if Virgil decided to slide his hands lower, he'd welcome it in fact- and he adores whatever small sounds he's able to pull from the other.
Virgil couldn't help the sounds that were escaping him, especially when Remus found his way to his collarbone. He let his hands slide down further so they were at the top of Remus' pants again, this time in the back as opposed to the front. He wasn't quite bold enough to let his hands slide under the clothes just yet, more so because he was still trying to make sure he didn't make Remus uncomfortable plus he'd never grabbed his boyfriend's ass before, so instead he went with over his pants, though he sort of wished he wasn't wearing them anymore.
Remus took his time with another mark, finding the spot where Virgil's neck met his collarbone, and then taking his time to suck a hickey there, carefully biting at the skin, and leaning into Virgil's hands to encourage what they were doing. After a moment, detaching his mouth from his boyfriends neck and admiring the smattering of bruises across his chest and neck, leaning in to now kiss Virgil's lips again.
Virgil let his hands squeeze his boyfriends ass just before he felt his lips reconnect with his again. He leaned into the kiss, his hands moving back up Remus' back as he tried to pull Remus closer, maybe pull him down a bit so that they could move so that Remus was laying on top of him now, his hands finding their way to the front of Remus' pants as he tried to figure out how to get the zipper undone without having to break the kiss they had going on.
A small moan made its way past Remus's lips when he felt Virgil squeeze his ass. When Virgil moves so that Remus is on top of him, Remus feels him trying to pull his pants off, and he breaks the kiss only for a second to throw his pants across the room, and then immediately his lips are on Virgil's again after the garment had been successfully removed.
Virgil just about lost it when he felt Remus' moan vibrate against his lips. No wonder Remus always talked about wanting to make Virgil scream because right now, he definitely wanted to do whatever he could to get Remus to make more noise. He took a moment to catch his breath when Remus pulled away to actually take his pants off, the sight of Remus in nothing but his underwear incredibly distracting and he made sure to milk that moment he had to just admire his boyfriend before the kissing resumed for as long as he could. His hands found their way to his own pants, unzipping them before a thought crossed his mind. "You might have to help." he mumbled against his boyfriend's lips, not entirely sure he'd be able to get his pants past his ankles in this particular position without hurting his bad ankle, and he certainly didn't want to get out of this position to take them off in a safer way, besides, the idea of Remus undressing him was really hot to think about so hopefully it didn't totally kill the mood.
When Virgil spoke, saying that Remus might have to help, he nods, before slowly starting to trail kisses down from Virgil's neck, slowly continuing down to his stomach and then when he reached the waistband of his pants he reaches down to slowly pull them off of his boyfriend, slowly tugging them off of him, looking up at him as he pulled the jeans off of his legs, careful of his ankle when he got to the bottom of the pants.
Virgil barely held back a moan when he felt Remus leave a trail of kisses all the way down his body until he reached his pants. He propped himself up on his elbows a bit when Remus reached his waistband, relieved when they passed his ankle and it didn't hurt that badly. He had to admit, he was a bit surprised that he didn't feel as exposed as he would've expected to laying there on the bed in nothing but his underwear, honestly, he was way too distracted by Remus to care.
Remus tosses the pants onto the floor, throwing them somewhere, and them crawling back to where Virgil was, dropping a quick kiss to his lips. "I wanna suck your dick." he tells him bluntly, Remus never one to really hold back or beat around the bush with something that he wanted- especially this. "If that's okay?"
Virgil wasn't ever really surprised by Remus' bluntness, it was part of what made Remus... Remus, and while sometimes the things he said weren't what he was expecting, he was use to the unexpected coming from his boyfriend. Still, he was a bit surprised at what Remus said next, not really sure why it surprised him, but maybe it was just because there was still a part of him that was always shocked by the fact that Remus wanted to be with him in the first place. "Yeah, thats okay." he repeated a bit breathlessly with a nod.
Remus smiles at that, sitting himself down next to Virgil, and looking at him while he slowly grabbed the edge of his underwear, and as he pulled the fabric down, he scans Virgil's face for any sign of discomfort, making sure that Virgil felt okay, and that it wasn't too much. When Virgil's cock was free from that constraints of his underwear, Remus momentarily forgot what he was doing, distracted by the sight.
Virgil would've been surprised by how okay and comfortable he felt with all of this if he were allowing himself to get distracted by his thoughts. But he supposed he shouldn't be because he felt comfortable with Remus, Remus had always made him feel safe and this wasn't any different. He glanced at Remus' face when he felt his hand grab his underwear, watching him as he felt him pull the fabric down, he felt comfortable and safe, yeah, but he still felt the tiniest bit nervous about Remus' reaction to actually seeing him for the first time.
Remus makes himself a place in between Virgil's legs, pushing them apart and then sitting between them, looking up with him, eyes lidded with lust. "You're hot." he tells him, before leaning down to gently take the tip of Virgil's dick into his mouth, swirling his tongue around into, before lightly sucking on it.
Virgil couldn't believe that even now, in a moment where he was literally laying there naked propped up on his elbows, hearing Remus call him hot made his face go red. He was already hard, he'd felt it happening when Remus was kissing down his body because what could he say, he was eager, and he found himself let out his loudest moan yet when he felt Remus' mouth on him, sucking on him, hoping that wasn't an over reaction since Remus was literally just getting started but wow, how could he not react like that... the combination of what Remus was doing and just the sight of it being more than enough to get that reaction from him.
At the sound of Virgil's loud moan, Remus felt his own dick twitching in interest, half-hard in his underwear. He loved hearing Virgil's sounds- liked knowing that he was making him feel good. He keeps the tip in his mouth, sucking for a minute, before slowly easing his mouth down and further onto Virgil's cock, hollowing out his cheeks.
Virgil let out a small gasp when he felt Remus move further onto his cock. "Fuck, Remus." he mumbled out through a moan, his head falling back a bit. Allowing himself to fall back on the bed so he didn't have to be propped up on his elbows anymore, his hands that were now free to do whatever they wanted instinctively found their way to Remus' hair, lightly gripping it the tiniest bit.
When Virgil's hand found its way into Remus's hair, Remus couldn't help but let out a small moan at that, simultaneously trying to lean up and into the hand, while also trying to push himself down further onto his boyfriends shaft. He swirls his tongue around it as he goes, sucking.
Virgil's hands continued through Remus' hair, surprised when he heard a small moan coming from his boyfriend, but loving the sound of it and the way it felt against him. He was really trying to fight the urge to push his hips up, not wanting to make Remus take more of him than he was ready for, but then he felt himself trying to hold back another moan as he felt Remus move down further onto him, gripping Remus' hair a little more.
Remus loves Virgil gripping his hair- and he move so that only the tip of Virgil's dick is in his mouth, taking in a breath through his nose before suddenly going down to take all of Virgil into his mouth at once, ignoring his pretty much non-existent gag reflex in favor of humming around all of Virgil's length to pleasure his boyfriend more.
Virgil let out another gasp at the action, his back arching the slightest bit as he gripped Remus' hair a bit tighter in his hands, trying to be aware of what he was doing and not pull his boyfriend's hair by accident but... "Oh my God." he moaned between shaky breaths, a second loud sound escaping him as he felt the sound of his boyfriend humming vibrating against him. Good thing he didn't have to worry about trying to be quiet.
Remus wouldn't give a flying fuck if Virgil pulled his hair- he had a bit of a thing for it, actually. He smirks a bit at the 'oh my God'- well, tries to, it's a bit hard to smirk when he's got a dick in his mouth. Remus was glad that they had gotten everyone out of the house for this.
Virgil let out a small groan, still gripping Remus' hair. Somehow he could just tell that if Remus could, he'd be smirking right now at the responses and reactions he was getting out of Virgil. He wasn't sure when he'd gone from just gripping Remus' hair to actually pulling it, but as soon as he realized it, he loosened his grip a bit. "Sorry..." he mumbled without thinking as soon as he loosened his grip on Remus' hair.
Remus let out a small noise around Virgil's cock when he pulls his hair, and when Virgil apologizes, he pulls off for a second. "Don't apologize- I was into it. If you wanna pull my hair feel free- I would have stopped you if I didn't like it." he tells him quickly, before going back to taking Virgil into his mouth again.
Virgil looked at Remus as he explained that it was okay, giving a small nod. His boyfriend liked having his hair pulled... good to know. He let out another loud groan when he felt Remus return to what he was doing, this time not trying to hold back the urge to pull Remus' hair as it happened, gripping his boyfriend's amazing hair tightly in his hands as his head fell back again.
Remus leans into the hand, letting Virgil pull and yank at his hair as much as he wanted to- and he's glad to go bobbing his head up and down, and then his other hand comes up to gently cup Virgil's balls as he continues his minstrations with his mouth.
Virgil gasped, tugging on Remus' hair a bit harder at the feeling of both Remus' head bobbing up and down and his hand cupping his balls. As Remus continued, he could already start to feel a strange sensation building up inside him and it took him a minute to realize he was already getting close to his edge. He still had a little more time before it happened, but he figured he better warn Remus anyway, just so he was prepared for it, so he could move off of Virgil as he got closer if he wanted to. "Remus.... I-- fuck..." was all he could manage to get out, letting out a loud groan as Remus continued.
Remus lets out a quiet groan when Virgil pulls his hair harder, and when Virgil starts trying to warn him, Remus just takes that as encouragement to what he was doing, sucking harder, his hand now trailing along the base of Virgil's shaft as well as on his balls- trying to bring his boyfriend to orgasm.
Virgil let out another far too loud moan when he felt Remus start sucking harder, feeling his hands on him, causing the feeling inside him to just intensify. He let out a shaky breath before tugging on his boyfriend's hair a bit, different than before, as if to silently warn him of how close he was. "Rems..." he moaned out his boyfriend's name, one last final warning since he still wasn't sure if Remus wanted to move off of him and he knew this was probably Remus' last chance to do so, before he came.
Remus wasn't going to move off of him unless Virgil wanted him to- though he did appreciate the warning. He adored the sound of his name on Virgil's lips- and he swirls his tongue around Virgil with more vigor- sucking to push Virgil over the edge.
Virgil realized Remus had no intention of moving at the exact same moment that he finally came, moaning out his boyfriend's name again as he spilled into his mouth. All but panting at this point, he gasped, gripping Remus' hair tighter and pulling on it as it happened before finally loosening his grip on his boyfriend's hair as he let out a shaky breath, his head feeling like it was spinning for a second causing his hands to go up to his own hair, which he hadn't realized was a little sweaty until that moment.
When Virgil came into his mouth, Remus swallows, swallowing it down, a bit of it dribbling out of his mouth. He pulls off of Virgil's cock after a minute, wiping his mouth and then looking at him from where he was sitting between his legs, looking Virgil over to make sure that he was okay.
Virgil's hands ran down from his hair to his face as his chest moved up and down a bit dramatically as he tried to catch his breath. "Wow, you're really good at that, holy shit." just sort of slipped out of his mouth before he could even register the fact that he was speaking, pressing his palms on his eyelids a moment before a very shaky sigh escaped him because wow. Just wow. His hands moving back up to push his hair off his forehead, he opened his eyes again, his brain still trying to register what had just happened.
Remus lets out a soft laugh at that, looking up at Virgil as he covered his face. "Thanks, VeeVee." he tells him with a little smile- because oh my god, his boyfriend was adorable. Remus was still hard- but he didn't give a damn about himself if Virgil was tired or done or anything like that.
It took Virgil a moment or two to come down from the high of all that and collect his thoughts, before it finally registered in his brain that while Remus had just done an incredible job of taking care of him, and Remus had definitely done an incredible job, he'd yet to do anything for Remus, and he wanted to. "Rems, what can I do for you? That, something else, what... whatever you want." he said quickly between his still slightly heavy breathing, not sure if he was even making sense because his brain was still a bit fuzzy but he was honestly way too happy that there wasn't a single anxious thought in his head to care, he'd take fuzzy over freaked out any damn day.
Remus can't help but smile at Virgil. He's so adorable- and when he's like this, all fuzzy- Remus just think that's even cuter. The offer of whatever he wants does sound tempting- but he doesn't want Virgil pushing himself. "I wanna ride you, but not if you're too sensitive or anything." Remus tells him, looking at him.
Virgil nodded a bit. "Yeah, okay." he said before the nod turned into a shake of the head when Remus stated that they didn't have to if he was too sensitive or anything. "No, just give me a minute." he breathed out. He was absolutely up for that, he just needed a few more minutes to collect himself, or whatever it was that he was currently doing. He just really wanted to do whatever he could to make Remus feel as good as he'd made him feel.
Remus smiles, moving up to drop a kiss to Virgil's lips. "Good- I need to stretch myself anyway... do you want to help, sweetheart? Or just watch?" Remus asks him, as he finally pulled off his underwear, letting his erection spring free and out of the confines of his underwear.
Virgil smiled against his boyfriend's lips before trying to register the question. "Uh, watch." he repeated before noticing that his boyfriend was taking his own underwear off and my God, why was Remus so freaking hot? How was he suppose to focus on anything when his boyfriend looked like that? "Ugh, you're so gorgeous." Virgil mumbled after a moment, not even seeming to realize that he'd said it out loud.
Remus smiles a bit at Virgil, leaning in to kiss him again- how could he not want to constantly kiss him? "Thank you- but really right back at you. You're stunning, Vee." he tells him with a smile. "Do you have lube anywhere?" Remus asks Virgil, glancing around quickly.
Virgil leaned into the kiss, his face going a bit red at the compliment before he bit his lip in thought. "Uh... yeah, bottom drawer of the nightstand." he said finally, moving slightly so he could point to it, pretty sure he had condoms and lube and stuff in there. A bit crazy that he was finally at a place in his life where that stuff in the drawer would actually be used.
Remus nods, leaning over to reach into the nightstand and grab the lube and a condom. "I'm clean- I'm also assuming you don't have any STD's?" Remus asks him. "So condom or not is up to you." he tells Virgil, before leaning back on the bed, propping himself up on one elbow, and uncapping the lube with his free hand.
Virgil listened as Remus spoke, shaking his head at the question. "Nope, no STD's." he said. He was clean, well, he supposed that was sort of obvious since he'd never done any of this before, but it was still good to put it out there and actually say it. "We can still use a condom, though." he decided after a moment even though they probably didn't need one.
Remus nods at that, tossing the condom packet over to Virgil. He pours some of the lube out onto his hand, using a decent amount, letting the cool liquid warm on his fingers for a moment, before carefully slipping his first finger inside of himself, going slowly, putting on a bit of a show fo Virgil as he slowly pushed the finger in and out of himself.
Virgil grabbed the condom as it was tossed to him, taking it out of the packet and sitting up a bit more so he could put it on. He glanced back up from what he was doing just in time to see what Remus was now doing, the sight in itself enough to get him hard again. He knew his mind kept going there, but he really couldn't believe that Remus was his, that he actually wanted to ride him, that he was about to be inside of him, Remus even wanting to do any of this with him was crazy to think about, and thinking about it at all just made that fuzzy feeling in his head all the more intense.
Remus looks up at Virgil as he stretches himself, giving him a cheeky smile as he pushes a second finger inside of himself, rolling his hips back onto his own fingers, scissoring himself open. He lets a soft moan fall from his lips as he moves, and he has to force himself to take his time with it so that he doesn't just jump onto Virgil and hurt himself.
Virgil let all his attention fall onto his boyfriend once he got the condom on and no longer had anything else he had to put his focus on, just in time to catch that cheeky little smile Remus gave him. He smiled to himself, letting out a small chuckle at that look on his boyfriend's face before biting his lip when he he saw Remus' hips roll back. "You're so hot, babe." he mumbled lustfully, reminding himself mentally to be patient since he didn't want Remus to rush and end up hurting himself. He glanced back up at Remus' face after a moment, still biting his lip.
Remus looks at Virgil with a small smile on his face from the compliment. "Thank you, Virgey- I'd certainly hope that I looked hot with two fingers up my ass." he jokes, before finally slipping another finger inside of himself, slowly pushing all three of them and out, trying to push them in as deep as they could go.
Virgil couldn't help but let out a small laugh at Remus' response, because it was just... so Remus, and Remus being Remus always resulted in Virgil being happy. He waited patiently, just enjoying the sight before him as his boyfriend slipped a third finger inside himself, his dick practically twitching at the sight of it.
When Remus felt that he was stretched enough, he takes the excess lube on his hand, and wipes it onto Virgil's cock, taking a second to stroke his dick, before standing, and positioning himself over Virgil's cock, lining up the head with his entrance, and then starting to slowly sink down onto him.
Virgil shifted slightly when he noticed Remus coming over to him, biting down on his bottom lip when Remus wiped lube onto his cock. He let him position himself over him, unable to help the moan that escaped him when he felt Remus start to lower onto him. Remus felt amazing. He tried not to move, though, wanting to make sure that Remus sunk down at his own pace and that he didn't do anything before Remus was ready for him to.
Remus continues pushing himself down onto Virgil, biting his lip slightly to hold in his moans, and then finally- finally he had sunk all the way down onto him, Virgil completely buried inside of him. He lets out a moan, shifting a bit, and then rolling his hips a little onto Virgil's cock.
Virgil held onto the base of the condom, just to make sure it stayed on while Remus lowered down onto him, until moving his hands to Remus' hips when he was on him completely, unable to help but grip Remus' hips a bit tighter when he heard him moan because the sound of Remus moaning just did something to him. He let Remus set the pace for what they were doing, wanting to make sure he didn't hurt him and also wanting to make sure that Remus got as much pleasure out of this as possible.
Remus gently braced his hands against Virgil's chest, before using his legs to lift himself up, then back down, and it felt like Virgil fit perfectly inside of him, stretching him open so well. He starts out slowly, moving up and down on Virgil's dick, his ass bouncing as he moved.
Virgil loved the feeling of Remus' hands on his chest, knowing he was mostly doing it for balance, but it felt good knowing he was helping Remus balance and his fingers always felt so amazing against his skin. He moaned loudly when he felt Remus moving up and down on his dick, noticing the way his ass bounced as he continued to move. His boyfriend really had the best ass. Once he was sure Remus was okay, he was going to figure out more he could do to make Remus the one moaning.
Remus continues, very close to telling Virgil to just fuck him already- but also not wanting to rush him. Remus smiles at the sound of Virgil moaning, and he pushes himself down one more time, and then he moans when he feels the tip of Virgil's cock brush up against his prostate, happy at the feeling- it was good, perfect even.
Virgil watched Remus for another moment, just wanting to be really sure that Remus was okay and that if he started to move there was no way he was doing anything too soon that could result in him accidentally hurt him, but Remus seemed good, and it was getting hard to keep still, so he figured it might be okay... if it wasn't or if anything hurt, Remus would tell him and he'd stop. His hips instinctively pushed up the second the thought crossed his mind, trying not to let himself get too caught up as he started to really fuck his boyfriend and to keep paying attention to make sure he wasn't going to fast for him.
When Virgil's hips pushed up, Remus let out another quiet moan, pushing himself back against him, continuing to bounce on his cock. He moves with Virgil, just letting himself get lost in the feeling of Virgil seated inside of him, soft moans and gasps escaping from his every so often.
Virgil moved his hips, trying to match the rhythm that Remus was setting. After a moment, he started moving a little faster, hoping the action might get him another moan from his boyfriend, maybe a louder one. In all honesty, he didn't expect to be great at this right out the gate, although wouldn't that have been nice, but he really wanted to make Remus feel good.
When Virgil starts moving faster, Remus likes that- happy with the faster pace. One one of Virgil's thrusts upwards, Remus pushed himself down, and it hit just the right angle, causing Remus to let out an even louder moan than before, his eyes slipping closed just for a second, before they open again to catch Virgil's lips in a kiss.
Virgil kept up the faster pace, speeding up a bit more just in time to hear Remus moan again. That might've been his favorite sound. When Remus leaned in to kiss him, he met his lips, pulling away slightly so he could lightly bite Remus' lower lip, getting so distracted by the action that his hands lowered a bit on Remus' hips, before he pulled away from the kiss completely. "Do you want me to go faster or slower, babe? Tell me anything you want me to do and I'll do it." he hummed out, his mouth still close enough to Remus' that the words vibrated against his skin, ready to basically do anything Remus asked him to.
Remus lets out a quiet sound halfway between a moan and a whine when Virgil bites his lip, almost pouting when Virgil pulled away from the kiss. "Faster- please-" Remus gets out, shuddering happily at feeling his boyfriends words against his skin.
Virgil sped up his pace the second he heard Remus ask for it, leaning back into the kiss, deepening it just enough to hopefully get Remus more hot and bothered before pulling away again. From there he moved to kiss along his boyfriend's jaw, one of his hands moving from Remus' hip to the back of his neck as he kissed just below his ear, his hand moving up a bit so it was right where Remus' hair met his neck, lightly tugging on it a bit, hoping that the combination of him going faster now and all the additional actions would result in more sound from his boyfriend, at the very least he hoped it felt good.
Remus pushes his hips back on Virgil's, loving the feeling of him moving faster inside of him, and he happily kisses back, ready for the deep kiss and whining when Virgil pulled away from him- but when Virgil started kissing along his jaw, and he pulled his hair again, Remus moaned loudly, his eyes slipping shut in bliss- Virgil was good at this.
Virgil continued at his faster pace, moving down to Remus' neck as he continued to kiss his soft skin, nipping and sucking a bit as well as he continued to pull on his boyfriend's hair. He may have gotten too caught up in what he was doing because he hadn't meant to leave a mark right where Remus' neck met his shoulder, but he definitely did, at least it'd be easy to hide the unexpected hickey once Remus was dressed again.
Remus leans into all of the soft kisses, and then biting and sucking to his neck- he didn't mind the marks at all- welcomed them, even, and he lets out another moan at everything that Virgil was doing, and he feels his inevitable closeness drawing nearer- the combo of everything Virgil is doing, and the thrusts that are hitting his prostate more often than not bringing him closer. "Vee- I- close!" he gets out breathlessly.
Virgil could feel himself getting close as well, but tried to put off the feeling because he wanted to make sure all of his attention was on Remus and making sure he brought him to orgasm. He had just finished leaving a mark on Remus' collarbone when he heard what Remus said next, nodding against Remus' skin before moving his lips back up to his boyfriend's neck as he twisted his finger's in his hair, tugging again. His mouth reached Remus' earlobe, nibbling on it a bit as he sped up his pace a bit, really wanting to push Remus over the edge.
When Virgil started kissing at his neck- then his earlobe, and then his hair is pulled along with a thrust from Virgil at the same time sends Remus tumbling into orgasm, coming with a loud moan, and a cry of Virgil's name.
Virgil thought he was going to be able to hold off on his own orgasm, but something about hearing Remus cry his name out like that as he came was enough to all but push him over the edge. "Rems." he mumbled against his boyfriend's skin as a very last minute warning, pulling on his hair a bit before he finally spilled into the condom he was wearing, burying his face in his boyfriend's shoulder, which muffled the sounds he was making a bit.
Remus closes his eyes, breathing heavily, watching as Virgil buried his face into his shoulder. He wraps a gentle arm around his boyfriend, not moving off of him just yet, just holding him. "You're good at that." he tells him with a little smile. "And you're hot when you cum." he informs him.
Virgil was about to apologize for not giving Remus more of a warning than he had, but he was cut off by the feeling of Remus' arm around him, and the compliment. His face red, he smiled a bit when Remus commented that he was good at that, before hearing the next thing he said. "Funny, I was gonna say the same thing to you." he mumbled against his boyfriend's shoulder.
Remus laughs softly, closing his eyes, and then relaxing against him. He presses a gentle kiss to Virgil's lips, and then he carefully pulls off of him, sitting down on the bed next to him, looking at the bit of a mess he had made during orgasm. "Shower first? Or cuddles?" he asks Virgil, keeping an arm around him.
Virgil smiled into the kiss. Once Remus pulled away he let out a small, happy sigh before feeling Remus pull off him. He sat himself up a bit, starting to remove the condom before he heard Remus' question. "Uh, shower then cuddles." he decided finally after a moment of thought, nodding a bit along with his answer.
Remus nods, dropping a kiss to Virgil's forehead, and then lifting him up carefully, a bit tired, and carrying him to the bathroom quickly. Once in the bathroom, Remus sets Virgil down carefully, then turns on the water in the shower. "How hot do you like your showers?" Remus asks him.
Virgil smiled when he felt Remus kiss his forehead, a bit of a surprised sound escaping him when he felt Remus pick him up, but he certainly didn't mind it. Once Remus set him down, he held onto the bathroom counter to balance himself before giving a small shrug at the question. "I mean, I'm like a 'burn my skin off' kinda hot shower person, but I'm fine with whatever." he said honestly, more than happy with whatever temperature Remus wanted and was most comfortable with.
Remus nods, turning the shower on to a quite warm temperature- testing the water and the wrapping an arm around Virgil and stepping into the shower with him, careful about Virgil's injured ankle, letting Virgil support most of his weight on Remus.
Virgil stepped into the shower with Remus, holding onto him a bit more than he normally would since he was a bit nervous about slipping in the shower. He'd taken that one shower since his injury, but his adrenaline was through the roof at the time since he'd literally just fought someone and he wasn't aware at the time of how bad his injury actually was so he was putting way more weight on it than he should've been. Now that he felt safe and calm and was aware of his ankle, he had a bit more trouble balancing in the shower on his own, so he was grateful that he had Remus to hold onto.
Remus let Virgil put as much weight onto him as he needed, and he grabs some soap, and after getting the cum off of the two of them, he then gently starts to rub the suds on Virgil's shoulders and back, gently giving his boyfriend a massage, occasionally leaning to press soft kisses to Virgil's shoulders as he did this.
Virgil was actually a bit caught off guard by how intimate it felt to have Remus wash him, massage his shoulders or his back, deciding to just focus his attention on how good it all felt because he was not about to stand here and get emotional about how nice this was, nope, not gonna be that person. As he felt Remus press very soft kisses along his shoulders, he relaxed into the feeling, trying to figure out how to best balance himself so that he could do the same for Remus.
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
M// OC RP (Read my dumb gay post)
Hi! I’m Jonesy (or JJ) and I’m on break from uni so I have a lot of time on my hands to-- lel jk, I’m grown. Anyhoo. I’m in my late 20’s and am looking for M// literate (advanced) rp partners, ages 25+ please. I do not fade to black or avoid mature themes. My writing style has a casual feel to it, but I use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and I prefer that you have a good grasp on this, as well. I write third person paragraph style, and am looking for someone who likes world building and writing three dimensional characters. You know what I mean. If our characters walk into a town, I want to know who else is there, how the buildings are painted, what the air smells like. Take me to it. Paint me a worrrrrrddd pictuuuuureeee. If your character has a Maserati, I want to know how he treats it, how he drives it, and if he has that kind of money, why on EARTH would a Maserati be his car of choice?
  Absolute No’s: ….Well crap, I can never think of these until someone asks.
  Things I don’t like so much:
-Winey characters
-Super young characters
-Unrealistically serious characters
-Too much drama
-Posts that don’t move the story along (sometimes this is ok but not EVERY post…)
-Short posts.
-Spanish dudes (HA just kidding I LOVE spanish dudes.)
  Things I like:
-Spanish dudes
-All dudes
-Size differences
-Humor (Didn’t see that coming, did you?)
-Realistic dialogue*
-Open communication
  Genres I like:
-Sci fi
-Space stuff (This is its own genre, don’t argue with me.)
-Mild horror
  So what I have is a bunch of ideas for weird couples, some with loose plots, others with none at all. I’m looking for someone to plot with. Even if none of these characters take your fancy, or the stories, but it looks like we think along the same lines and might get a whole new story with new characters together, contact me anyway. I only bite if you have dumb ideas. (Hard.)
  Made for one another:
Could fall under sci fi, apocalyptical, dystopian, adventure, hell it could fall under all of them. I have a really loose idea for this one. Two characters are genetically made for one another. Not romantically, but as in two parts that make up a whole. Both are genetically engineered to do something different, but both of their abilities need to be combined for whatever final outcome to happen. (The outcome being what they were created for.) Reasoning behind this was that maybe one person having both abilities, or the one ability that the both of them make up, would overload their system and kill them. Or significantly harm them in some way. Thus, two genetically engineered people were created.
The loose plot I had for this was that maybe one character has escaped the facility that created them. (Escaped a long time ago, perhaps.) This facility has some major unethical and downright inhumane practices (like lab growing people.) Character A. we’ll call him, decides to destroy the place, maybe from the inside out. (Perhaps he’s some kind of mercenary or rogue whatnot, living his life in secrecy so no one from said facility finds him, blah blah.) Ever see Alien Resurrection? With that scene where Ripley goes into the lab and finds all the failed experiments?.... No? Just me? Okay. Anyway, so while Character A. is torching the place, he finds Character B, who is the only experiment alive. He can’t just leave him there to die, so he takes him with him. That’s how they meet, but I don’t have much else for a plot for this story, other than that I see Character A as being kind of an asshole so they struggle a lot and much later they discover they’re literally made for one another.
  Mad Max:
This would be sort of based on the Mad Max world (as in the 2015 movie, even though I do so love the originals) though not using any of the characters, places, or… you know, anything. The world is a wasteland, but it’s not oil/gasoline that’s the hot commodity, it’s water. The wasteland is filled with different tribes, none of them very nice unless you belong to one of them. This pairing would be a character that’s kind of like Max, a lone wolf who belongs to no tribe and wanders, and…. I dunno, I guess he would be a POW? He’s a warrior from another tribe that was captured. Character A stops (cautiously) in one of the territories to trade for water and supplies. Character B is pretty roughed up and knows he’ll eventually end up dying if he doesn’t get away somehow, so his main objective is to get Character A to trade for him. Obviously, this eventually happens. Character A discovers that Character B has something that would be useful to him (maybe it’s just knowledge of mechanics and whatnot) so he ends up trading for him. Plot twist! They end up HATING one another. And maybe Character A finds out that Character B was lying all along and can’t really do the thing Character A traded him for, however now they’re stuck together, because they’re crossing the wasteland.
  Space Pirates (Totally not nerdy AT ALL.)
I have a space captain. He’s an alien. He has a super cool space ship and a super cool crew. His species is rarely seen in this part of the galaxy, usually they are a very secretive race living in deep, deep space, that remain secluded, however Janka has been exiled, and now creates a lot of havoc and headaches for anyone he encounters. I have a real old descrip of him from… jesus, like 2010 that I haven’t updated, but I’ll send it if he sounds interesting! Anyway, he’s a sarcastic, lazy sh*tface, kinda pretty gross without meaning to be, but he’s a real loveable character. Likes blowing things up. Kind of clumsy, which isn’t the best thing for someone who’s built like he is. He’s well known in space ports all over, so he sticks to the real shady ones, where he’s somewhat popular. This character comes with an entire crew, and bonus interesting genitalia. He really needs someone to take care of him (emotionally.) Very hard headed when it comes to relationships (“What? No, I didn’t get you anything for your birthday. You said not to get you anything.”) but when he falls for someone, he falls hard.
  Steampunk Whathaveyou:
Ashby Thornton Foster is a real strange creature. Not just because he’s very proper and likes to keep a position as the head butler in a household even though he probably has enough resources to never have to work ever. He’s tall, painfully handsome, with round antique glasses, and auburn hair. Sharp tongue, but can be a little daffy if you catch him off guard. He collects frightening tea pots, has been learning how to cook for 9 billion years but his chicken stew will probably send you to the can for the rest of the night, is excellent with mechanics and spends a lot of his free time tinkering, and has read almost every book ever written but can’t remember what happened in the last chapter of the one he’s currently working on. I should mention that this character is not human. He is a specific species of being that I created myself. I’ll go into it if you’re interested, but the basics are that he has handsomely jagged teeth, large amber eyes, and claw like nails that often lead him to be mistaken as a vampire, however when he shifts out of his human form, he looks more like a sphynx cat and a lady got together. That sounds awful, but he’s actually quite exquisite. (NOT a furry. He just looks a tad strange and has interesting legs.) Ashby is very sweet natured but runs a strict household. He is well respected and well loved. This character comes with an identical twin (Molocai, who prob won’t appear) and a Soul Eater character, who sets up camp in whatever town he settles in due to being promised his soul whenever he shuffles off his mortal coil. They’re best friends. (It’s a long story.)
  *Please note that all of my characters are usually in their late twenties or older with VERY few that are mid-twenties. I also do not play with younger characters, and prefer them to be around the same age category.
  *Let me explain about the realistic dialogue. Two OC’s walk into a bar. My OC walks up to the bartender and says “Ay, Sugartits, I’ll have the usual.” Your OC says “I will have a beer.” Unless your OC is either a.) An android or b.) Two 12 year olds in a big coat, or c.) Horribly constipated, he’d better say something an actual human being would say. “I’ll have a beer.” “Gimme a beer.” “Just whatever you got on tap.” “Uh… Beer’s fine.” Don’t make your character sound like they’re reading a bad script.
  If I haven’t scared you off, shoot me an email at [email protected]
My RP mediums are usually Skype, Email, and I can be persuaded into Discord.
  And just to clarify. Gay RP. Plot before Porn. Thank you.
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