#not in a 'this is genius' way most of the time but a very solid
creature-once-removed · 4 months
#once in english class we watched A Study in Pink and had to take notes on the filmmaking details we noticed#I think about that specific day pretty often because I so suddenly discovered I had so much fun noticing all of this stuff#and there was a lot to notice#minute details where you can't be sure if they're there or if the curtains are just blue#like light and dark in a frame foreshadowing the morality of people in that position in the next frame and the like#stuff where you can't tell if it's intentional but even if it's not it's still doing something#and that so quickly and clearly nailed it for me what I myself like in visual storytelling in films and would love to do myself someday#and come to think of it that's exactly why Lucky Number Slevin is my favorite movie#(one of the reasons)#because it's on a whole different level#it's chock full of details that on the surface are just pretty#then below that they have a pretty solid function that's not too hard to make out#and then below that there's a fucking world of 'look what this is also doing' that makes my heart race when I spot a new one#there's load bearing convoluted wallpaper for fucks sake. And that's by far the most obvious#I still notice new stuff about this movie that leaves me sitting there like 'shit that's so smart'#not in a 'this is genius' way most of the time but a very solid#'yeah this was a good choice;#you could have easily done it differently but this way you sidestepped the hint of a vibe based problem three scenes down the line'#and I freaking LOVE that#anyway I just found out. same fucking director.#somehow... this keeps happening#yes I'm currently watching it again. fourth or fifth time this month I don't remember exactly
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the-fo0l · 9 months
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Spencer Reid x gn!reader hcs
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Notes: lotta spencer content has him as an asshole, pregnancy, angst, smut, insecure reader...so here's some classic fluff
Warnings: fluff!, earlier seasons reid +he's kind of a simp (and a bit subby ;))
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the way his eyes just absolutely light up whenever he sees you <3
the man's a total genius, but only in the book-smart way, socially, he's a little...stunted
he's very much not used to any proper form of love, so you're gonna have to be a bit patient with him while he gets used to it
but believe me he is trying his very best cause he does not want to dissapoint you
at first he thought your love of his rambles was just a way to make fun of him
but since you seem to actually like listening to him talk, he'll take the opportunity to ramble to you about anything and everything on his mind
which the team appreciates, he has an outlet to rant to, someone to attend his geeky events with, and most importantly, someone reliable to support him
(they are still annoyed when he's constantly on the phone with you, meanwhile there's an active crime scene a few meters away)
before you two started dating he probably already considered you his best friend who he totally neverrrr had a crush on (sarcasm)
he was blushing, stuttering, jittery mess when he asked if he may be your boyfriend
and yes, that's how politely he asked
or at least he tried to, you had to cut off his blabbering with a "yes"
how could you ever say no to such a charming, lovable, polite young man
plus yk...he's cute as hell
the type to go out of his way to wake up early to make your coffee and breakfast just the way you like
wearing matching rings, either with each other's initials or some nerdy inside joke
he absorbedly teases the ring on his finger when he misses you
whenever someone mentions you he gets visibly more engaded in the conversation, and the team teases him like crazy for it
like, sometimes the crew'll pretend to be talking about you and watch how reid immediatly perks up from whatever file he was buried in and turns to look where the he heard your name be spoken. and he falls for it every. fucking. time
gushes to you about any new interesting books, reseach, interesting statistics, facts, events etc
in a similar vein, he'll get caught in gushing to the gang about how cool and smart and funny his partner is
rizzes you up w magic tricks
but can't handle you flirting with him, he's smiling like an idiot and bashfully looking away, with his face all red
a lot of people say he wouldn't like pda, and i get it, but i think if you've been together long enough and he feels comfortable around you he's not shy about expressing it, verbally or physically
i mean yeah, it's not "all up in your face" pda, it's with smaller affectionate gestures
vents all his thoughts, concerns and emotions out to you, and listens attentively and patiently when you have to vent
falls in love with you all over again listening to you get caught up talking about your interests/opinions
man's capable of easily retaining encyclopedias worth of info, so anything and everything you tell him gets commited to his database of a mind
be it the most insignificant gossip or tiniest detail about your childhood, you best belive he's never forgetting that shit
tries his best to not profile you or try to explain your emotions to you, but really he dosen't need to be told twice when it comes to learing the intricacies of realationship ettiquette
he's never dated anyone before and he's about as nervous as he is excited
deeply fears disappointing you, hates the thought of being a burden to you, so hearing affirmations of your love verbally means a lot
more than anything he needs a solid positive presence to help him deal with his emotions
so if he's had a really bad day, or a rough case, he comes to your front door and just totally breaks down and falls into your arms, crying into your shoulder
if anything traumatic were to happen to him, you're the first person he needs to be there
and if he woke up in a hospital bed he'd immediately start asking for you, rather frantically too
and if the event is traumatic enough, he may become a bit codependent, at least for a week during the recovery process
used to get jittery around you from nerves, now it's from the uncontainable happiness he feels being around you
his kisses are so shy and inexpirenced but also so, so needy and desperate
he'd die if you ever custom made a puzzle or quiz with questions about your relationship, like he'd be so overjoyed, literally would never shut up about it
(he'd nail it ofc)
reid usually isn't one for physical affection, like, not at all
but it's completely the opposite with you, he can't seem to keep himself away
and the guy is starved for touch...or really affection of any kind, so whenever he can, he clings onto any part of you he can
sits on your lap facing you, it's like you guys' favorite relaxing position, it's so intimate
follows you around like a puppy, all giddy and stupid with love
always holds your hand or onto your forearm while walking beside you
cuddles very close, tightly intertwined with you
you'll have to squirm and push while he just pulls himself closer into the crook of your neck
or yk just tickle his sides when he least expects it
reads to you, odds are whatever book it is, he's already read it, dozens of times over if it's a classic or scientific. he very well could just recite it but if there wasn't a book to look at, he'd have to look at you which would make him get distracted and trail off
which you'd, of course, playfully tease him for
in conclusion, you're never allowed to break up with him, i don't make the rules, it's the law
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wisp-enclosure · 2 months
So Wisp, what's this about the Catrats being in love?
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Let me preface this all by saying that Lucasta and Kudo are very good friends.
This isn't me being facetious by the way, it's a fundamental part (to me, because I'm delusional) of their 10+ year slowburn. All this elder dragon nonsense might have forced them into proximity, but it's NOT what's keeping them together.
The catrats' interests overlap; Lu's rune crafting and Kudo's research into practical magitech often go hand in hand. Kudo admires (and honestly envies) Lu's tendency towards out of the box thinking, and thinks she's brilliant. Lu, meanwhile, knows that Kudo is a certified genius and thinks that absolutely sick, and values his insight.
And it goes further than that. Kudo appreciates how kind and caring Lu is (even though he worries she sometimes goes overboard at the cost of her own comfort). Lu finds Kudo very sweet and selfless (even though him doing things for HER instead of the other way 'round makes her antsy). Kudo appreciates her unwavering support, Lu appreciates his seemingly infinite patience with her intricacies. They're similar in many ways and perfectly complement each other when they aren't.
They're both shut-ins that hate leaving the house and just want to talk about their projects together, basically.
What else?
Well, turns out they're broken in the same way too.
Kudo's destiny was never his own to write. He was going to be Kudu or he was going to be Snaff; if anything, being Kudo was more of a temporary state of being. A blank slate for other people to mold. He isn't sure there's anything to him. At least, nothing good.
Lu was born to serve. Her Legion, her father, whatever mate was picked out for her. Lu wasn't afforded the chance to find out who she was because it didn't matter. What she's supposed to be is useful. That's it.
Neither of the catrats have a solid sense of self. Different circumstances, but same core issue. And becoming commanders at such young ages certainly didn't help. They can't see who they are deep down.
But they can see each other. And they love what they see.
Lucasta and Kudo might not be sure in their own identities, but they recognize the other as clear as day. There is an unspoken understanding. It sucks, but there is a certain amount of comfort in having someone by your side that's just as lost and confused as you are.
They can't see what the other sees in them, but they do paint such a beautiful picture of it.
So when does this all happen?
Well, that depends on how you define "when" and "happen". And "this". Arguably the first time their blossoming romance starts to bubble to the surface is during HoT.
Where they're fighting for basically half the expac.
The specifics of the fight are for another lore post, but it culminates in a big blowout argument in Tarir and ends with Kudo pleading with Lu to share her burdens (both commander-related and emotional) because he cares about her dammit! Lu can't put her finger on it, but she starts to see Kudo in a slightly different light after that.
LWS3 is when things become much more obvious, because that's when the crush Kudo's unknowingly been nursing reaches its peak. He's still oblivious, of course, but he does recognize that SOMETHING is happening to him. Why is he so frustrated and jealous when Lu gets flirted with? Why does he keep staring at her when she isn't doing anything? Why is his heart racing? Is he dying? Must be.
PoF is THE BIG ONE. Arguably the most important catrat expac just by virtue of how it affects their relationship. Kudo dies. But you knew that I'm sure.
But he dies FOR LU. And as she cradles his lifeless body 300 realizations hit her at once, but they all lead to the same conclusion: she loves him. She loves him and now he's gone. It took her this long and now it's too late.
Kudo meanwhile is having his fun little field trip in the ghost zone and comes to the same realization at roughly the same time as Lu. Sacrificing yourself will do that I guess.
Okay so what's the hold up?
Me. :} Just kidding. Sort of.
You'll notice that PoF takes place halfway through the story and as of EoD they're STILL not together, what gives?
The problem is twofold.
Lu, ever reluctant to share her negative feelings at the risk of being a burden, had started to open up to Kudo after that fight in HoT. By PoF and onward he is her emotional anchor and confidant. It felt so good to not have to hide or lock up her feelings in front of someone. But that's also sort of the issue. Lu is being open but she still feels like a burden when she does it. Every time she comes to him for comfort she feels so so guilty to put him in that situation. Like a liability.
To Lu, telling Kudo how she feels is yet another of her problems he'll have to shoulder, on top of everything else he's dealing with. It's selfish. And she's not even useful to him, has nothing to offer; why would he ever love her? Not to mention the whole "different species" thing.
Kudo has his own laundry list of reasons why he's not confessing to her either. Most pressing though is that time he almost killed her. He still feels so agonizingly guilty over the whole incident years later that it makes him sick. Haunts his dreams. In what world could she possibly feel the same? He doesn't deserve her love.
So they're both stupid, basically.
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Listen, I know I should be cracking down on the requests cluttering my inbox, but I felt the need to be petty today. Being caught up with the latest chapters of BSD, I feel just a bit angry at Fyodor for his crimes against my sweet, beloved Sigma. So, without further Ado, I present:
A List of Embarrassing Things Fyodor Dostoevsky has Done
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Yeah, I got this off Pinterest. Look at him, he looks so worried that I'm about to embarrass him in front of his fangirls >:3
🖤🐀 Forgot to sleep for three days straight, and fainted at the dinner table as a result. This really isn't uncommon for him. He's such a workaholic that you've had to actually carry him to bed more times than you can count (Don't worry, he weighs, like, nothing.).
🖤🐀 Forgetting to take his iron supplements. This one is usually the culprit behind most of his other mishaps. When he gets really busy, he often neglects to take the one thing that keeps his anemia symptoms at bay.
🖤🐀 Lost to Nikolai at hide-and-seek. Multiple times. Despite Fyodor's infinite genius, he can't ever seem to beat Nikolai at hide-and-seek. Nikolai loves to hide in places that Fyodor physically cannot get to, such as up a tree, and laugh when Fyodor can't find him.
🖤🐀 Accidentally called you 'Nikolai' when you pestered him while he was trying to work. He gets a little snappy when he's lacking sleep, and he's used to Nikolai pestering him. He apologized afterwards, he knows it must be terribly insulting to be mistaken for that damn clown.
🖤🐀 The amount of times he has fainted in the shower is ridiculous. It's a good thing you're there to catch him, otherwise he might accidentally drown! That would be quite an embarrassing way for the great Fyodor Dostoevsky to die!
🖤🐀 Every time you steal his ushanka, he stands up too fast and almost blacks out. He has to sit back down to avoid fainting. He sits there for a solid minute with the dizziest expression on his face. It's hilarious!
🖤🐀 Almost died of hypothermia because he insisted that he "is used to the cold." He thinks he's a lot tougher than he actually is, and part of that is because he wants to impress you. The other part is that he's usually cold because of his anemia, but that isn't going to stop him from catching hypothermia and dying.
🖤🐀 Dunked his head in a bucket of ice to get rid of a migraine, instead of just taking pain meds. This one was Nikolai's suggestion, the absolute bastard. For all his genius, Fyodor can be a real dumbass sometimes.
🖤🐀 He keeps trying to eat things that aren't food! This is one of the lesser-known side effects of his anemia, and usually only happens when he forgets to take his iron supplements. Half the time he doesn't even realize that he's chewing on his pen until you point it out to him!
🖤🐀 He has the weakest immune system, but he refuses to rest and take care of himself. You've had to legitimately tie him to the bed and spoon feed him soup to get him to rest. He insists he's fine, but he really isn't.
🖤🐀 He blacked out on the stairs and just sorta laid there like a rug for a solid two minutes. This happened because he was chasing you after you stole his hat, and he ran up the stairs too fast.
🖤🐀 Despite what you might think, this rat bastard is very much a blushing virgin. As such, it doesn't take much to get him excited. If you can convince him to let you sit on his lap, you're gonna feel him not even seconds later. He gets very grumpy when you tease him about it.
🖤🐀 The longer he goes without sleep, the more he mixes up his words. He also swears a lot more than usual, which is pretty funny in its own right. Nikolai knows this, and loves to pester sleep-deprived Fedya. One time he called Nikolai a "fucking society on tumor, and a fothermucking holy and good to all things disappointment." If you record him while he's sleep deprived, he's going to threaten you to hell and back (but it's worth it, lets be honest.)
🖤🐀 You startled him while he was working and he almost smacked you across the face. He's actually really easy to jump scare while he's engrossed in his work, but proceed with caution because he gets really jumpy and might almost kill you before realizing that it's you.
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fipindustries · 11 months
oppen heimer style
let me just start this by saying that this is not necesarily nolan being back to form, necesarily. i would place it just above the rest of nolan's dark period known as intersrellar, dunkirk and tenet. but that is not an exceedingly high bar to pass.
he has sadly become a director that i still respect appreciate and whose movies i enjoy but whom i can no longer say is an unmatched genius.
lets start with the bad.
its too long, and its pacing its a little awkward, no need to worry for spoilers here since we all know the history. the big money shot that we were all expecting, the trinity test, it happens roughly at the middle of the movie and after that the movie struggles to reach any other point of heightened emotion as high as that one.
its a solid three hour experience and more than once it had me wondering "ok, how much left, are we done yet?" but i will say this: once i reached the final scene and the credits start i did not feel a tired relief that it was finaly over, thank god. i feel dread, i felt doom and dread. i was fucking terrified. this movie has a good strong final scene that makes you forget of previous tests of patience you might have gone through watching it.
it tries to do this weird parallel story telling between lewis strauss and oppenheimer that it feels like they tried to film two different movies and then awkwardly splie them together. it jumps back and forth between the past and the present told form different points of view and a lot of it feels like it could have been cut out and the movie would have worked just as well. im not sure how necessary was the whole lewis strauss subplot to be honest.
the characters and dialog work a little better than in previous movies although we still get a lot of scenes of people talking in a clinical manner with expository dialog and deep philosophical musings. but once again i will say nolan seems to be learning some lessons, we do get a lot of scenes where actors are allowed to flex their emotional muscles.
in a lot of ways this is nolan's most lurid film. i think this is the first time we get to see breasts and naked people having sex in a nolan movie and it hits hard, both because of how unexpected it is in a nolan film and because of how out of context it shows up in-universe. i dont actually want to spoil this one because the effect it achieves actually worked really well.
and now moving on to the good, if i mentioned this might be nolan at his most lurid, it is certainly also at his most poetic. sure there is inception, but in here we get to see a lot of surrealist or downright metaphorical scenes without the excuse of being inside a dream. we get to see things that are not happening literally in universe but that are an artistic representation of what the characters are feeling. it felt really effective.
the man himself
this is a movie that is very much about the titular guy and trying to understand his inner world, trying to understand who the hell was this person, and honestly, where did he get off.
it seems oppenheimer was a complicated man, whose actions and desitions were sometimes confusing, sometimes downright contradictory (there is a nice wink to this when talking about the paticle/wave duality at the beggining of the film). he was a communist, he was a proud american, he was a genius, he was painfully naive,he was merely following orders but he had absolute control over his little town in los alamos, he worked hard for peace, he created nuclear war, he built a bomb that he didnt want people to use.
i heard criticisms that this movie romanticizes his work, that it may excuse or justify the use of the bomb, that it may be too kind with the guy. rest assured it doesnt. the movie brings up multiple times how the japanese were basically already surrendering, how senseless and callous and cruel the use on japanese cities was, how attrocious and horrifying the effects of the bomb were. and how oppenheimer definely contributed to it. if it shows the guy hand wringing or feeling gulty or trying to be a martyr of sorts, the movie definetly calls him out on that too by saying that its very rich of him to have done the deed and then regret it as if he didnt knew what he was doing or as if he had no control over it. a lot of times the movie shows the man as spineless, as a moral coward, as someone who was too weak to take on a position. "you dont get to commit a sin and then make everyone else feel pity for you because there are consequences!" is yelled at his face.
yet all the same, either because he is portrayed by cyllian murphy and his puppy dog eyes or because nolan deep down still admires who he was and what he did, you cant help but feel bad for the guy and like him still. he was a person, a complicated person with ugly sides that this movie in no way ignores, but still a brilliant man who at the very least had the basic decency to feel bad for the atrocities he contributed to.
going back to the movie itself
its has a weirdly star studded cast. if you were surprised by the sudden appearance of matt damon in interstellar, get ready to have that feeling multiple times during this film, every other scene suddenly shows up a hollywood megastar and it will take a few seconds before you accept ok, i guess gary oldman is in this film, and is that rami malek? and oh right, robert downy junior and oh my god is that fucking kenneth brannagh. in fact the one hollywood actor who is NOT in this movie, is surprisingly, inexplicably enough michael caine.
truly, breaking new ground.
and the cameos dont stop at the stars, the characters themselves are a constant delightful surprise if you are into the history of quantum mechanics and science in the first half of the 20th century. you have einstein of course (presented as this old exiled king, his time of glory long past but still sough after for his wisdom) but you have also bohrs, heisenberg, feynman, fermi, and fucking gödel somehow (they managed to shoe in a comment about his paranoia and hipocondry)
the actual explosion
time to talk about the thing we all went to see this movie for. is the atomic explosion cool? is it big? is it loud? does it go boom? does it look cool?.
suffice to say. yes. one of the coolest experiences i had in watching film ever in my life. it has a build up of a solid 30 minutes or so (arguably its been building up the entire movie) the tensin keeps on rising all through out. the countdown slowly advances, the expectations are at the highest theyve ever been and by the time the bomb was actually about to go off in the middle of the american desert, the first atom bomb ever exploted, my heart was hammering out of my chest.
its fully worth the price of admission and the three hours.
final comments
i want to double back to the poetic filmmaking i mentioned early to comment about the main thing its used for. nolan makes it clear in no uncertain terms the horror that atomic weapons unleashed on the world. the man goes out of his way to make it clear, these things can destroy the planet. we've all become perhaps a bit desensitized to atomic explosion in film, made more and more espectacular with the advancement of cgi. but this movie brings it back home and leaves you with a last message about the danger of nuclear proliferation.
i walked out of the theatre with my legs shaking and my eyes falling out of my skull. i had a hard time talking a bit afterwards, i was a little shell shocked.
so, i guess in the end, my thoughts on this movie are just as complicated as the man himself, the man who oppenheimed the world.
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knightsickness · 2 months
what do you think about how corlys and rhaenyra were adapted bc i haven’t heard any takes on them outside of incessant team discourse
(anon amended to rhaenys in a follow up) i like the decision to have corlys ride really hard for rhaenys’ inheritance over viserys and it being ambiguous as to exactly how self-serving this is thats fun. like he does love rhaenys a lot but theres this Other element of him as a guy who is intensely ambitious specifically for proximity to the iron throne. would have preferred them to keep him significantly older than her esp w this dynamic between them i think his seniority is interesting though i see why they didn’t. his willingness to overlook the strong boys parentage to have his name on the throne even if he knows they aren’t blood is soo something esp bc hes patently wrong abt history remembering names not blood EVERYONE remembers whose blood the kids were its a great historical joke. self centred proud and ambitious hes kind of classic targ i love his early rivalry w otto and wish they’d done more w the idea hes this intensely worldly strategic genius. i probably will not be watching his spinoff if they do one tbh i think pure hbo projects in the got world are doomed to fail but lovee steve toussaint in the role
rhaenys clearly conceived for the show as a proto-feminist mentor-type which i do have some problems w i think she jumps between that and extremely jaded and defeated by how a patriarchal society has fucked her over and instead of feeling like shes supposed to be both of these all the time they tend to feel like two different hats. she puts herself forwards and is publicly rejected in front of the eyes of the entire realm and that takes a political and psychological toll. in ep2 when she remarks to rhaenyra abt men putting the realm to the torch before theyd submit to a woman thats not said w intent to change it its put as an immutable fact of life w almost vindictive pleasure. just you wait. she seems for the most part exhausted by the idea of throwing herself back into politics shes relegated to a sort of eyerolling commentator while ambitious corlys tries to gently cajole her back into caring about her claim for what shes fully aware are partly his own ends. what anchors her as a member of the family and as a successful woman in society is her kids laenor and laena are both sweet and attractive and make great matches and shes very close with them both and then theyre both killed practically overnight. then corlys is dying possibly dead and even though shes literally in kl for the succession conversation she ISN’T invited to the viserys last supper before he dies shes the only other family he has and no one even considers inviting her. rhaenys loses everythingg while being basically ignored and then both teams immediately jump at the chance to have her blessing for the optics. and all this is really solid interesting rhaenys stuff and then occasionally they have her wear a modern feminist talking point mouthpiece hat and scorn alicent for not girlbossing her way to the top of the patriarchy when rhaenys herself is INTIMATELY aware that isn’t doable. i love rhaenys i hope they do rooks rest well and i really hope they explore her extremely mixed relationship w daemon and rhaenyra. need more team black infighting theyre playing dysfunction catchup
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honor-above-all · 10 months
TMNT & Art
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Everyone knows the Mikester is the resident artist.
Spray paint, acrylics and oils, any form of colorful substance is his medium of choice.
There isn't a surface in the lair or the sewer system that is safe from his splashes of color. You have even become his canvas on a few occasions.
Your skin and nipples pebbled under the cool liquid paint on his brushes. Tingles and shivers ran over your body when he blew air through straws to direct the splotches of color across your shoulders and breasts.
Sadly, his art on you never lasts very long. Heck, most of the pieces never reach completion before your lips find his and he forgets the task at hand to chase your taste.
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There is more to this big guy than meets the eye.
He expresses his soft side knitting in various styles and patterns. He keeps everyone warm during the cold New York winters by providing blankets, scarves, and mittens.
However, when he's agitated, his yarns aren't always his go-to artistic outlet. He'll carve out his aggressions into blocks of wood or lumps of stone. He can shape the rigid wood to an elegant dancing ballerina or he can turn solid stone into pieces that look like flowing water.
You often wake, nude under his knitted blankets, to find him whittling away at a new art piece. You can spend hours watching his large hands mold and shape the harden materials to his will.
Snuggled beneath the soft interwoven yarns of his blankets, watching those huge hands work their magic, you find yourself growing hot and longing for him to run his calloused palms over your surfaces.
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This genius has a passion for more than numbers, chemicals, and electronics.
He finds the world of highlights and contrasts intriguing. From the slides of fungus on under his microscope to the silhouette of the New York skyline, he finds the shapes, colors, and patterns visually stunning and he is masterful at capturing them with his cameras.
He has an eye for seeing beauty in everything and when he saw you it was no different.
Others walk past you all day and never take notice the angle of degree of the slope of your cute nose, the balanced ratio between your eyes and your mouth, of how your face is so close to pi that you are the perfect ideal.
He often requests your attendance for artistic and sensual boudoir photo sessions that he keeps in his private collection.
You feel his expert eyes roaming over your exposed skin from behind the camera lens, it is thrilling and sexy. You hear the husk in his voice as he asks you to lift you bottom a little higher and arch your back just a millimeter more.
His photo shoots always end the same way, with him sauntering out from behind the camera to finish undressing you and spending the rest of the evening studying your angles up-close and personal.
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Fearless found his artistic side almost by accident, or rather due to an accident.
It was an unfortunate mishap as a child that had him sitting on the sidelines in the dojo with a broken leg wrapped up in a makeshift cast, having to watch as his brothers got to do their daily routines with their father.
Not wanting to fall behind, he started focusing on the forms and lines created by their bodies as they moved through their poses. It wasn't long before he started bringing his pencils and a notebook into the practices to capture the forms and lines for review and reference.
His pencils etched masterful body studies into the pages of his book. He skill with perspective and shadows grew and eventually, he started to rival his namesake in drawing.
He kept his art quiet and private from you for a long time. However, one morning, waking up in your bed, you were surprised to find the terrapin sketching you by the breaking morning light.
He confessed, you are his muse. His bedroom walls are adorned with graphite recreations of the shape of your eyes, of images of your hair flowing over your shoulder, even intimate studies of your cute feet and tiny toes.
His most treasured pieces are the ones he has you sit for, nude, lounging in his bed as he breathes life into his pages.
His intense stare has a whole new meaning when it comes from behind a sketch book. He is all business trying to capture your beauty as accurately as possible. You know that he will not stop until he's completed the drawing, but you know once he done hours of passion await.
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friendlyengie · 5 months
I would love to hear ur hcs about the mercs sleeping habits (including ur OCs ofc)
ive always wanted To draw something for this but ive never had the like. Idea to do it in a way that would land the punchline. But basically on their days off I think Engineer is up until sunrise and Demo sleeps until sunrise and they sometimes catch each other in the middle but otherwise they wont see each other until theyre forced to start waking up at the same time again for work.
Anyways . Specifics. Hm.
Medic- trying to write this out for him I’m torn between “despite the way he is, Medic’s sleep schedule is shockingly consistent” and “he surgically removed the need for sleep out of his brain when joining Mann Co. and now sleep is like a recreational activity for him.” I genuinely think it could go either way.
Sniper- sleeps a solid 8 hours and still manages to pass out standing up during mission briefings. I don’t think his sleep is particularly pleasant, easily startled due to spy anxiety. But during his inappropriately timed naps? He could sleep through the base exploding probably.
Scout- Shockingly well put together morning person if he gets to sleep on time. Usually the second person up after Soldier to go on a morning run and shit. But if his sleep schedule is thrown an hour off track it all goes out the window. Drag his out of bed and he goes right to the couch and back to bed.
Heavy- With the way he lived growing up I could see him really having trouble with sleeping. Not easily startled, but very restless. Type of guy to occasionally have a “Something is Very Wrong” instinct kick in at 3 am and is perfectly aware that trying to get back to bed afterwards is a lost cause, so he’s learned to commit and has a handful of things that he does to pass the time instead.
Engineer- great at giving well thought out advice on why sleep is important, follows it unless he doesn’t. Celebrates his ability to keep himself on a good sleep schedule for a few weeks by letting himself go multiple days with no sleep if he feels like it’ll be “useful” for whatever he’s working on. Started to cap himself off at a 72 hour maximum after a 5-day streak resulted in the genius decision making that went into getting drunk and lobbing off his hand (And then remembering he probably should’ve had Medic around, or a proper gunslinger prototype built before doing so.)
Pyro- probably sleeps but always seems strangely and immediately attentive if you go to wake them up.
Demoman- respects his sleep schedule and expects you to as well. Fuck your all nighters, he knows how comfortable his bed is and he’s taking it. Hours vary depending on how much he’s been drinking, which will also determine how well he participates in the “guy who can just kind of fall asleep anywhere” club.
Spy- I feel like the only thing worse than sleep paranoia about spies is being a Spy trying to have a proper sleep schedule. Less as a result of his current job and more as a result of the many jobs hes taken in the past, I’d think Spy’s developed serious paranoia to letting his guard down in most regards, sleep included. Smoking supposedly “helped” the issue way in the beginning, most definitely just exasperates the issue now. Usually walks around the base with clear intent as to not be heard by anyone, so he’s probably got most of them convinced he sleeps pretty routinely.
Soldier- Consistently, on the dot, like clockwork. Not always the first to bed, but always the first to wake up. Wouldn’t wake up if you launched a bomb through his window but if you tried to gently nudge him to wake him up he would attack you like an enemy combatant and now you have to fight him and win.
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no because, supernatural is absolutely a train wreck. it's a colossal accident that is happening in front of you that you can't look away from. it is homophobic and non-sensical and downright laughable at times but you know what? I love it. I absolute love it.
season 1 was absolutely beautiful. you don't understand, really, you don't. they had a piss poor budget, you can see that in every frame. but does that stop it from being fucking beautiful? no. it is stylised and ambitious and a fucking visual treat.
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and this is like the first fucking episode. the shots have so much character! and that's nothing to say of the characters themselves. from the first fucking scene you can clearly distinguish sam and dean's character clear as day. their motivations, their dreams, their hopes, all of it. it's established so well. their dynamic is unmatched. does it also have a lot of garbage? yes for sure. because what in the name of hell was that episode with bugs? what glue were they sniffing when they green lit that one? no seriously... I wanna try some.
but then they recovered, cause they did faith. my god, what an episode. WHAT AN EPISODE. that motherfucking reaper haunts my every waking hour
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like yeah, I love me some baby dean and baby sam going on their small scale ghost hunts while learning deep lessons about who they are as people and what they want from life.
also that 'laugh I nearly died' needle drop? where sam sees jess? god tier editing, GOD TIER.
then they came back with season 2. and here is my most controversial opinion that should not be controversial at all, season 2 is the best season of supernatural to ever supernatural.
what is and what should never be, hollywood babylon, heart, nightshifter, and the whole fucking season actually. not a single miss in my humble opinion. and that finale? THAT FINALE. beautiful, magnificent. ground breaking character writing, everything comes full circle while simultaneously opening up new plot lines to explore.
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and my god, yellow eyes is an epic villain. he is a very viciously written villain like, he's... my god. it ain't a walk in the park writing villains, believe you me patient readers, villains are harder to write than the protagonists, always. well, at least the compelling ones are.
now season 3 suffered because of the writer's strike, but didn't miss much either. like yeah some of the hits don't hit as hard as the season 2, but hey, mystery spot, time is on my side, ghostfacers, bedtime stories are nothing to laugh about. those episodes are fucking solid, like most of the season. and there is so much raw emotion is sam's need to save dean, it just makes my weak winchester brothers loving heart throb a little too hard. also...
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need I say more?
does the show did look little more washed out and boring? yes. but it's cool, cause we're moving on to season 4.
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listen, I kinda just wanna leave all my season's critique at this. i mean, yeah this. this is it. this is the long and short of it; castiel. i don't think i need to get anymore into it
so season 5 is just—
i'm kidding. obviously i'm gonna talk about season 4, at length.
listen, being able to introduce angels this late in the game and then have them be a such perfectly hidden players is a masterstroke of genius. it just is. i am a writer guys... apart from the relentless fanfic as well lol. and when i tell you, introducing a new big player which is also (not so) secretly the next big bad and playing it off as smoothly as they did in season 4, is beyond hard. but the biggest home run these fuckers hit is castiel and the best part is they weren't aiming for a one lol. and oh oh, the way they use their very VERY limited budget to show wings with just flashing the fucking light? CINEMA! that's fucking cinema right there man. i work on film sets, i am telling you, this is the smartest filmmaking choice they make on the entire show. it adds so much visual intrigue while being so awfully easy to execute. BRILLIANt.
now i cannot talk about supernatural without talking about the deancas romance of it all, which i understand not everyone can see or wants to, which is fine. to each their own. you consume art the way you want to, i don't care much as long as you can acknowledge that castiel and dean's friendship was just some of the best written television that mankind has ever seen. is that too grand a statement? yes. does that make it any less true? no.
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they even brought back the moody lighting.
and then there's the episodes this season, most of which are home runs in their own regard. just like beautiful writing, the character development for cas, for dean, for sam, even the late john winchester is wild. anna is a wonderful addition, so is uriel, and alastair? they don't make villains like him anymore, they just fucking don't. AND THAT GODDAMN PLOT TWIST AT THE END? man! the finale was just... too good. Chuck's introduction is absolutely wonderful, even if they ruin him by the end but that happens a decade later so wtv, who cares? But,,,, Jimmy. Fucking. Novak. That's all. that's the tweet. yeah. i'm gonna end the season 4 fan fair with jimmy.
moving to season 5.
subjectively speaking, this is my fucking favorite. this season is a writer's dream while also being their goddamn nightmare. so many WONDERFUL characters to play with and such a grand plot but you get to see it all on a very small, consumable scale which is just... it's too smart for me to not mention. i won't start naming the plot points and neither will i name my favourite episodes because what even is the point? all of it was fucking perfect. you don't understand how hard it is to develop characters to such an extent that they become so familiar to the audience that they know their next move before you even put it on the screen. and supernatural had that. they tied everything together with so much care and consideration, just... AAAH so good.
a special shoutout goes to endverse!cas, crowley and death this season. you all know it in your bones that those three were just the absolute scene stealers. especially death's introduction... immaculate.
they did lose a few points for not being as aesthetically pleasing as the past few seasons but hey, gabriel was enough to make a smooth recovery.
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but this... this is the end of the road for me people. season 5 is where it should have ended. in no way shape or form am i saying that there aren't a few good episodes here and there after this, because there are. i think season 5 was so fucking solid, tied up so many goddamn lose ends and then just put a cute little hell shaped bow on top and i just... yeah. this was and should have been the end of the road. do not get me wrong, i love me some jack kline, charlie bradbury, kevin tran, rowena macleod and eileen lahey but were they worth the bullshit ending i had to sit through? not really.
i absolutely think if there weren't more episodes of supernatural I would never have become a destiel fan, because i started shipping them when dean made cas a mixtape in season TWELVE! but my god, the good times were so scattered amongst the horseshit that even when i found those hidden gems, they were so fucking drenched in the stink that they lost their value.
the worst of it all is that, i cannot explain to you what supernatural means to me in a million words, because it is a part of me, heart and soul. i fucking AM castiel. i am a gay little angel you hear me? i love this show. i do. i'm glad it went on for however long it did but i feel like once in a while i need to write shit like this or read shit like this to remind myself of the show that it used to be. of it's beautiful cinematography, of it's clever little storytelling techniques. of it's wonderful cast. of how epic their song choices used to be.
FUcking RENEGADE? iconic. wanted, dead or alive? cannot hear the song without hearing sam's off tune goat bleating that he called singing along.
i need to remind myself of how afraid i used to be of lucifer. of how much i cried while watching dark side of the moon; when dean and sam burst the crackers, and how i learnt the lyrics to knocking on heaven's door just because of that scene.
sometimes i just have to walk through memory lane and look back at gabriel's death, the good one, the only one. it was so fucking meaningful. i have to think of "we are making it up as we go" to be able to breathe properly because those moments were so fucking beautiful.
fuck the big ones, i even remind myself of the small ones, of dean's handwriting being in all caps, just like him. of sam's fucking huge laptop with that weird blue black sticker in the middle. of castiel's tie, that just was the right shade of blue, and hung all wrong but just naturally enough to add so much more to his character than any fucking dialogue could. every small little detail of supernatural that made it so damn supernatural. i miss it all.
idk. i'm rambling. whatever.
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ahaura · 6 months
(Dec. 11) [Article] by Asem al-Nabih
Article title:
Speak up! We owe it to Refaat
Article text:
What can you say about someone like Refaat Alareer?
I’ve known Refaat since I was 10. I am now 33.
To describe him as a genius is an understatement. He was a source of many ideas. He was so humane.
Over the past days and weeks, he and I would walk every day. He always looked everywhere for inspiration. He looked at everything.
Anyone who knew Refaat, knows that he was a very solid man. Steadfast in unimaginable ways.
The day before he was killed he surprised me by telling me he felt tired.
“I’m tired of carrying water. I’m tired. I am responsible for 50 people.”
Refaat’s assassination is not just a loss to one family, it is a loss to us all. He was responsible for so many people, who sought him out for his wisdom and his ability to care.
We lost someone who was a voice of Gaza, who could convey the reality in Gaza.
He could have lived anywhere in the world. He didn’t have to stay in Gaza. He had the education and experience to work anywhere. He could have lived his best life somewhere else.
But he refused.
When I was out of the country earlier in the year, I remember telling him that I could get better job opportunities abroad.
He just said: “Or, you could come back here. You could do something here.”
So talk about Refaat. Write about him.
The last thing he said was that if he came out of this war alive, he wanted to concentrate on being a storyteller, he wanted to vent, let things out. That if God kept him alive, he would want to focus all his life to tell the stories of his people and their experiences and feelings.
Every day he and I would walk. We would go out to this or that area in search of eSIM cards or phone reception. You would find him climbing on top of high walls, lifting his arm up to get reception, putting himself in danger, just to convey a message.
He used to speak up.
Now we’re saying, speak about him. Because Refaat deserves this.
We all know about him because he used to speak about Gaza. All of Gaza needs to talk about him. The whole world needs to talk about him.
Speak up
I saw him after they bombed his house back in 2014. I saw how he went straight for the room where he used to keep all his students’ poems and stories.
They were all burned and scattered on the floor, and he would pick through the rubble to salvage what he could as if he was gathering treasure.
To him these stories and poems were the most precious memories of his beloved students. And he truly loved his students.
If you meet his students, they will tell you the same thing, that he loved them.
May God have mercy on him.
Palestine deserves that you speak about him. I personally don’t ask anything of the world because we’ve given up on the world. Gaza will speak for itself, we don’t need anyone’s help, because with God’s help, we are more than capable of saving ourselves.
But I do ask Refaat’s students and those he taught to write about him, because we are the ones who truly knew him for who he was.
The day before Refaat was killed, he and I saw a group of displaced people playing football at the Yarmouk football grounds in the afternoon. He wanted to take photos with the smoke of recent missile strikes rising in the background.
“I swear, the people of Gaza are hardheaded,” he told me. “The people of Gaza are hardheaded.”
He said it like an artist appreciating his work. Like he felt these people.
When he walked down the streets, he would advise random people, telling them where to go, where to be safe.
He never gossiped. He only spoke about what he saw with his own eyes.
And he saw a lot. That was why he would walk 25,000 steps a day.
One day, he found a dark, cold space somewhere. It had no light, no comforts, nothing. But it did have an internet connection. So he stopped. He wrote. He spoke out about what was happening.
That’s what he did.
Our people have been displaced so many times. Refaat and I went to visit the mayor of Gaza one day. He was stuck in the old city. The mayor and his family have been displaced three times. He has lost his son.
We’ve all been displaced so many times. My own family has been displaced four or five times since the Nakba. I have no friends left. I have no home.
But we bear it with dignity and honor. What has happened to us, has not happened to any other nation.
We remain dignified.
And none more so than Refaat. As we in Gaza have come to equate life with death, as we have come to feel that nothing matters any more, we must remember that Refaat always walked and talked.
His was a mission to tell the story of Gaza and its people. We honor Refaat by continuing that mission.
Speak up.
Asem al-Nabih is a friend of Refaat Alareer and one of the last people to see him alive.
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useramor · 1 year
for the soft prompts if it sparks inspiration I offer laughing while kissing and/or fixing the other persons clothes absentmindedly or like tucking their hair behind their ear U KNOW WHAT I MEAN THAT SOFT STUFF
ps. I love the fact that you're doing this as well as a fwb fic aksndmfngmg
16. laughing while kissing rating: G | word count: 1.6k thank you so much for sending this in!! someone else also asked for the fixing clothes so i'll probably complete that tomorrow :)
the 118 are hosting a fundraiser. eddie gets roped into doing the kissing booth. buck's not happy about it.
For the record, Buck absolutely supports the fundraiser. One of the counties in Northern California got completely wiped out from a forest fire, a flame that took root in the trees and spread to the small town that sat on the edge of the woods. 
Most fire departments in the state have set up some sort of fundraiser to help. Buck knows Bobby’s planning on using the 118’s donation money to help out with the elementary school. It’s in the worst state out of any of the buildings, he’s heard, and, unless they raise enough money to rebuild and figure out accommodations in the meantime, it’s gonna leave a lot of kids schoolless. 
Of course Buck believes in the cause. 
He’s just…okay, he’s not a very big fan of how they’re planning on getting that money.
Hen managed to talk everyone out of doing a date auction, saying it was objectifying their incredibly dignified and respectable line of work. Buck wasn’t over the moon about the idea, either. He’s had to reject a lot of unwanted advances just about any time he’s in uniform; the idea of people trying to outbid each other for a date with him that he couldn’t say no or do anything about made his skin crawl.
Especially, especially because he’d have to watch Eddie get bet on, too.
And Eddie’s the most beautiful person he’s ever seen in his life. Buck doesn’t have enough money to out-bet all of Los Angeles county. 
There are countless single, millionaire women in this city who would take one look at Eddie and immediately spend their millions to get him to look their way for an evening. 
And it’s—it’s Eddie, of course they would. Eddie, who is beautiful and genuine and kind. Eddie, whose smile is bright and cheeky, who winks at Buck from across the room with the sweetest grin. Eddie, whose laugh makes Buck’s chest feel like it’s fizzing like a shaken can of coke, feels like he could spill over from how giddy he feels when that laugh is because of him. 
Eddie, who Buck is so irrevocably in love with it makes him stupid. 
And that’s the problem.
Because Hen, bless her, may have talked everyone out of doing a date auction, but just about everyone thought it’d be a great idea to get a little barbecue going and set up some carnival style games to get people in to donate.
Chimney was the genius who suggested a kissing booth.
Eddie was the kind (stupidly attractive, kissable) idiot who got roped into participating. 
Buck tries very, very hard to think of the children. He does. It’s in vain, because he’s pretty sure he’s about to burn a hole through the floor while he stares at Chimney and Ravi set up the banner that says Kissing Booth in hot pink. Lucy doodled hearts all over the paper. It looks great.
Buck hates it.
The worst part—the worst part—is that he has no right to be jealous. Not really, anyway. He’s pretty sure what he feels is reciprocated at least a little. It feels silly, getting his hopes up. It’s only ever been crushed, his hope a small bug under the heel of a shoe, so he tries his hardest to keep his feelings tethered and watches helplessly and they float up, up, up anyway.
Because sometimes Eddie will come up behind him and drag a broad hand across his shoulder, letting it linger a little too long on the base of his neck. It’s sweet, it’s so sweet, because Eddie is sure, is solid, is confident, but he blushes so pretty when he grabs Buck’s hand to play with his fingers as they watch a movie or sit up in the loft at the station. 
It’s easy. Loving him is easy. Being with him is easy, but it hasn’t always been. There’s been miscommunication and traumas and words that got stuck in that tricky part of their sternum as they tried to come out, but they worked through that. 
It took a while to get here. They’re still getting there, really. But, goddamn, at the rate Buck’s jealousy is simmering, it just might boil over enough to get them there right fucking now.
“Careful, keep your face like that too long it’ll get stuck like that,” Hen says as she slides over to him. “You could just kiss him yourself instead of trying to blow up the damn kissing booth stand with your mind.”
Hen’s in charge of selling tickets. She looks two seconds away from smacking some sense into him using the large roll of them she’s holding in her hand. 
Luckily for the back of the back of his head, she just mutters something about idiots as she walks away.
Buck’s supposed to be helping out. In general. He’s not sure what his actual duties are, seeing as Bobby explained them to him while Eddie was getting gently kissed by sunlight as he got out of his truck. Unfortunately for, well, probably everyone, Buck was not paying attention.
He’s pretty sure he manages to do some good, anyway. Teaches a little girl the difference between being a firefighter and a paramedic, helps a young mom by fetching her kid off the top of the ladder truck, and manages to pie Chimney in the face. 
The day’s almost wrapping up when Hen walks back over to him. 
“You know,” she starts slowly. Conspiratorially. Buck narrows his eyes instinctually. “He’s been looking for you all night.”
She nods over to Eddie, who’s slumped sadly in his kissing booth. He perks up the second their eyes meet, his cheeks so rosy Buck can tell even from across the station. 
“He–he hasn’t,” Buck stammers. 
“Buck,” Hen’s tone is gentle. Patient and kind, and she’s got that kind of big sister smile she’s been using on him since they met that always makes him feel like a kid. In a good way, though. He feels loved. Cared for. “You don’t even need a ticket to go kiss him. He’d do that for free. But, if you need a push, here.”
She rips off a ticket from what’s left of the roll. 
Buck trips on his way to the kissing booth. It’s–it’s ridiculous how heavy his heart is beating, how it skips a beat or two when Eddie’s smile grows as he realizes Buck’s heading his way. 
“Hi,” Buck breathes out. They stare at each other for long enough that a line starts to form behind him, the people who were still loitering cashing in their last chance to get a kiss from Eddie. Buck’s been sort of, kind of, maybe watching him. It’s been chaste pecks and kisses on cheeks, and Buck’s seriously hoping he falls in a secret, third category where Eddie kisses him within an inch of his life. 
“Hey. You’re–you came. Here. To the kissing booth.” It’s the shiest, most awkward Buck’s ever seen him be. The hope sparks and burns so brightly, nearly brighter than the forest fire. Feels just as big and brazen, anyway. 
“I did.”
“Are you—”
Buck slides the ticket across the table, cutting Eddie off. 
“One kiss, please?” His voice is small, but his smile is genuine. The weight of the day seems to slide off Eddie’s shoulder as his eyes go brighter than Buck’s ever seen them.
Eddie nods as he stands. His hand finds purchase in the dip where Buck’s neck meets his shoulder. 
God, Christopher’s gonna call them so lame when they tell them how they finally got together. 
Warm, golden, sparkling brown meets blue. Holds the gaze for a beat, and then another. The corner of Eddie’s lips turn up, his eyes flick down, Buck leans in, and—
“Oh my god, can y’all just kiss already?” a girl says behind them.
They both erupt in breathless giggles. 
“Yeah, Eddie,” Buck teases, still laughing. “Can we just kiss already?”
Eddie answers by pressing his smile against Buck’s. It’s barely a kiss, too much teeth, just the right amount of overwhelming love. 
“This is ridiculous,” Eddie murmurs, and Buck feels the words. “We’re being ridiculous.” He laughs again. Eddie’s laughter has always been Buck’s favorite sound, but hits a little different when the laughter is for him. “This isn’t even a kiss!”
“Show me what a real kiss is, then.” 
Eddie takes a breath to sober up, and when he leans in again it’s…God. Buck feels alive and settled all at once. Eddie’s lips are soft, a little chapped from a day of kissing everyone, and they taste like strawberry chapstick. They’re a gentle pressure against his, and they move slowly. Drag gently, like they’ve got all the time in the world. 
Buck’s teeth dig into Eddie’s bottom lip, tug at it enough to make Eddie tighten his hold against his neck. The angle could be better, but Eddie’s still leaning over a table, and Buck’s not about to complain about finally being able to kiss him. 
“Jesus Christ,” the same girl mutters. 
“Shush, lady, can’t you see they’re in love?” Buck hears Chimney say. 
All it does is make them laugh again. 
When Eddie kisses him again, it tastes sweet. Like love, like the rest of his life. Buck’s laugh bubbles and bubbles and bubbles out of him, stains the whole damn station with the amount of love that pours out everywhere. 
Eddie kisses his cheek, his chin, his birthmark. Whatever he can reach because Buck’s smiling too wide to be able to reciprocate. He’s distantly aware of the fact that they have an audience and there’s gonna be copious amounts of paperwork to complete, but then Eddie whispers a soft I love you in his ear and Buck kinda stops caring about everything else. 
And, okay. He can admit. Maybe the kissing booth wasn’t actually all that bad. 
(He’s still vehemently against the auction, though.)
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total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
Saw this somewhere and wanted to throw it your way, sorry if you’ve been asked this before but what do you think of the concept of Noah always having been an assistant (even before the first season)/never playing as a contestant would look like?
The thing about Noah as a contestant is that he's, for all intents and purposes, kind of useless. And by that I mean Noah as a character isn't important to the plot at all in the grand scheme of things. He's barely important from an episodic point of view either; Noah does very little throughout Total Drama in terms of story relevance, and just in general. (Lazy king 👑.)
So taking him out of the equation wouldn't really affect too much in the grand scheme of things, save for probably preventing his friendship with Owen and, from a fanon standpoint, the rest of team E-scope. He'd be pretty much the same person, just behind the camera instead of on it.
But that's kind of a boring answer, and not at all what you were looking for, right?
So, let's say that Noah lands himself a job working as the personal assistant for some hot-shot A-list celebrity through one of his many siblings' various contacts; is it nepotism? Probably. But who's Noah to look a gift horse in the mouth? A fairly easy job following some pretentious asshole around all day and grabbing him the occasional coffee sounds like a pretty sweet gig, especially with the salary and various benefits that come with the job description. So Noah takes the job without question.
And that's how he finds himself stuck in the middle of nowhere, Muskoka, on an undisclosed island owned by said A-lister whilst he films the first season of his new Reality TV show, Total Drama Island.
Being Chris' personal assistant was supposed to be an easy pay check. "Supposed to be" being the point of interest there; Noah didn't anticipate Chris being as sadistic or as childishly needy as he was. If he wasn't running around like a headless chicken trying to accommodate for Chris' oftentimes outlandish whims and fancies, he was stuck answering to the producers in the host's stead- and the producers were pissed with Chris more often than not for his frivolous use of the show's budget. Something about having a genius level IQ and enough snark to make grown men cry apparently made him qualified enough to deal with the industry big-wigs. Noah was far too overworked to question it.
So much for an easy pay check.
Noah's not bad at his job by any means. In his professional opinion, the whole show and Chris' career would be in the dumps without his personal input keeping everything afloat. That doesn't mean he doesn't loathe his job with every sleep-deprived inch of his being.
And, inevitably, Noah ends up spending a lot of time around the campers themselves. Mostly as a consequence of always having to remain "on set" so to speak, since Noah's pretty much contractually obligated to linger around Chris' vicinity and wait for his boss to assign him some menial task to do. Most of the campers are just as egocentric and insufferable as he'd first assumed- and honestly, what else would he expect from people who singed up for a Reality TV show?- but a select few turn out to be decent company; namely Owen and Eva (and Izzy, but Noah refuses to admit that the "Psycho Hose Beast" is actually bearable to be around).
He'd even go so far as to claim they were friends good acquaintances.
Of course, his job takes precedent over frivolous things like relationships, platonic or otherwise, so Noah doesn't exactly have the free time to hang out with them. Which is probably for the best considering if he did spend a lot of time around his friends acquaintances, the other contestants would have a solid enough foundation for accusations of foul play in the competition, and that's a headache Noah really doesn't want to deal with.
Consequently, Noah floats through the filming of Island, and later on Action, maintaining cordiality with his little group and cold indifference towards pretty much the rest of the cast. Not that he doesn't keep close tabs on the campers; of course he does, not only is Noah incredibly observant by nature, but he's also the one in charge of accommodating for these weirdos... plus, Chris is oddly invested in his "prize cast of ratings jewels", whatever that means. So Noah knows these people, probably more than some of them know themselves, thanks to a combined sixteen-ish weeks of observation and forced proximity.
In turn, the competitors know of Noah, though for the most part he's regarded as little more than a spectre on set- Chris' elusive personal assistant who the cast will occasionally see the barest glimpse of, usually hidden behind an impassive pair of mirrored sunglasses and, more often than not, rushing off to do whatever it is a PA does. Chris does get a little lazy in Action and on a few occasions does get Noah to make a "guest appearances" on screen- mostly just to deliver him a coffee and a gluten free muffin during the downtime of that day's challenge- but he's still practically non-existent to he majority of the cast.
Which is fine by him.
What isn't fine by him is the surprise addition of two people he knows nothing about, come the third season.
One of those contestants happens to know a lot about the cast, and a concerning amount of information about him. It's uncanny, just how much Sierra seems to know about everyone around her, even more so because of the way she practically worships the ground they walk on. Sure, Noah's encountered the odd super fan here and there- not fans of himself, of course, but in this time as Chris' assistant he's had to chase off more than enough rabid fans from trying to sneak their way onto the set of whatever show Chris was working on (or more accurately sic the on-scene security on them)- but Sierra's brand of crazy takes it to a whole new level. Noah doesn't like her on principle and is both incredibly vindicated and incredibly concerned when her stalkerish behaviour rears its ugly head. Not that he's allowed to do anything about it; the producers are adamant that Sierra's outlandish behaviour is entertaining enough for the audience to ignore the immorality, and given how much Chris has been allowed tog et away with in the past Noah's inclined to begrudgingly agree.
And the other new contestant? The one who qualified for the apparently non-existent Total Drama Dirtbags (and Noah totally isn't salty about that show being an elaborate ruse that he spent countless sleepless nights working on)? Noah's just as concerned about his friends acquaintances ignorance to Alejandro's inherent sliminess as he is about Sierra's blatant disregard for others' privacy, but again it's not like he can do anything about it. He's not even supposed to be on the show, so any sort of interference would be a big no-no.
Oh, what's that? They want him on the show?
Turns out, Noah's brief appearances during Action (characterised by his usual level of sass and snide comments) really resonated with their audience; they like him for some inexplicable reason, and want to see more of "Noah, Chris McLean's mysterious personal assistant".
So he's pretty much forced into acting as a co-host of sorts, much like Chef had done for the first two seasons, all whilst carrying out his usual tasks. Is he happy about this? Not a chance in hell, and he lets the producers know exactly how he feels about the sudden change in his contract. Not that it changes anything.
And the best part? World Tour is a musical themed season. If they expect him to sing, they've got another thing coming.
But, as a small part of him chimes in, spending more time on camera would give Noah plenty of opportunities to spend time with his friends acquaintances. There's a non-zero chance that he could have fun, even if it's at the expense of his valued privacy.
His new status as part of the show does allow Noah some opportunities to skew the competition in the favour of his friends acquaint- no, screw it, his friends. That's one silver lining of the whole situation.
Better yet, he can tilt things out of Alejandro's favour, since the former Dirtbag seems to have a knack for manipulating the competition anyway- Noah might as well make things more challenging for him, as it seems this game is too easy for him thus far.
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thislovintime · 4 months
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Photo 2 by Henry Diltz (?), photo 3 by Gene Trindl.
“[Peter] encouraged me no end. Bought me my first guitar and my first drum kit.” - Davy Jones, They Made A Monkee Out Of Me (1988)
“I was at a distinct disadvantage because I was attempting to play an unfamiliar instrument, but I gave it my best shot. Even on the set of that pilot we fired up the instruments between takes and jammed on some rock & roll tune or other. I must have been terrible. But everyone, especially Peter, was very supportive.” - Micky Dolenz, I’m A Believe: My Life of Monkees, Music, and Madness (1993)
“I have a great deal of respect for Mike as a musician and a songwriter. He’s very good. He could make it on his own easily. Also he’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met.” - Peter Tork, Flip, August 1967 (x)
“[N]o one of us really supported any of the others except that, that I like to think that I tried to support Micky in a way which, for some reason, he never did pick up on. I mean, I think that Micky has a certain kind of genius that he was never able to acknowledge in himself.” - Peter Tork, Headquarters radio, September 1989
“I’ve always thought that Micky was far more creative than he ever gave himself credit for. He’s a vastly more talented individual than he’s aware of.” - Peter Tork, Headquarters 1995 liner notes (x)
“Well, Davy’s always been a man of great talent and heart and I had just been hoping to work with him some more. He had such talent. He was probably the most talented of us all. He certainly had the best pitch and the best time. He should probably have been the drummer or the bass player of something. He should have been in the rhythm section. It’s kind of amazing – the two guys with the best time in the band weren’t in the rhythm section [laughs]. That was a little weird, looking back. And he was so able – there was just nothing he couldn’t do. I remember once in the middle of a tour, we said, ‘Well, we want to do this song, and we want to do it this way. But we’re missing a bass player. Davy, here’s a bass. Put your fingers here and pluck this string there.’ Next thing you knew, he was playing bass on stage like that night or two nights later or something. It was nothing major – he wasn’t popping strings and doing runs and fills, but he was laying down a bass and it was solid – it was solid. And that kind of ability is, I think, what I’m going to miss … what I’m sorriest to see go.” - Peter Tork, LeHigh Valley Live, June 2012 (x)
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fanonical · 2 months
gallifrey is full of intellectuals
to be fair, you have to have a very high iq to understand time travel. the logistics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the ideas will go over a typical viewer's head. there's also rassilon's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from otherian literature, for instance. the gallifreyans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ideas, to realise that they're not just smart - they say something deep about LIFE. as a consequence people who dislike gallifrey truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in rassilon's existential catchphrase "i'm the biggest smartest boy" which itself is a cryptic reference to omega's neo-gallifreyan epic sorry i've got no head. i'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as rassilon's genius wit unfolds itself on their universes. what fools...how i pity them. 😂 and yes, by the way, i DO have a time lord tattoo. and no, you cannot see it. it's for the time ladies' eyes only - and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 iq points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. nothin personnel kid 😎
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visiblenostalgia · 1 month
The Future of The Internet: An Intuitive Deep Dive Into The Madness Of Millions
First off: This is gonna be a prediction on such a mass scale. I don't expect anyone to really FULLY pick this up (it is a prediction after all, so it's like throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks). But from what my spirit guides are telling me to do right now, they want me to push this out as far as I can because of the Pluto In Aquarius permanent ingress happens next year. We're all changing for the better and somehow the internet is going to FULLY reflect that. Why am I capitalizing 'fully'? Three of the most mundane planets are influencing this. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The icey planets are changing the paradigm soon and it's gonna flip a whole switch on our digital reality. Kind of like a 'whopping us into some sense' type of way. A rough face slap essentially. Or would it be like a baby giraffe who just arrived and has gotta walk on stubbly legs? Who knows. And because of the current state of hateful and aware affairs.... it looks pretty tribal and yet all too liberating at the same time. Without further ado, more below the cut!! ~ <3
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Now most aren't really too speculative on where the internet started, but with a little research on hand, there have been speculations that the original basis for the internet and how it was programmed in it's "alpha" form, would be around October 29th, 1969. It was mainly a military owned and insider personnel type thing. Used for the benefit of the government to send messages to its military at a faster rate than normally possible at that time. Doesn't help that if we keep it to the basics of the sun being in scorpio (the personification of what 'underbelly' means), and knowing the ruler of that sign being Pluto (which so happens to be in a mercurial/communicative sign, Virgo), insider communication seems to check out perfectly. Setting the precedent of what's to come.
On closer inspection Pluto sat at the last decan of Virgo. Taurus being its sub-ruler. Which brings its slow-notoriety and slow-growth to the public eye.
Because after over a decade, the internet has its "beta" release because of Xerox's more interactive systems. Networks being more common, has brought more information sharing and an ultimate release for IBM systems. The computer went from a government owned invention, to a technological advancement for business and relaying data on stock prices on January 1st 1983. Very much a business incorporated sign for it to be born in, being Capricorn, we look to its ruler Saturn for extra conformation. Again, more notions of privacy and economy come to the internet. It sits once more in Scorpio. Dealing with the 'underbelly' once again. Taking another chance to look at the ruler of the sign Saturn was sitting in, it brings us to Pluto being in Libra. Which libra does deal with connections and solid foundations among people. Agreements and liability. Saturn's exalted sign as well, don't forget.
So the two (Saturn and Pluto) are in mutual reception. Businesses and powers-that-be are in symbiosis despite neighboring one another. Neutralization of any discomfort (which makes me think of a sextile -- a sextile that isn't a sextile at all (man, ping that to your notes about mutual reception hehe)).
Then, when 1984 came around, the Macintosh released the FatMac. Bringing the computer to the Homefront with a 'computer for the rest of us'. A bit of virtue signaling to the future of where computers were ULTIMATELY headed. We love Apple. God bless the genius of Steve Jobs y'all <3 (besides we'll do a whole bit on this at some point the more I think on that). But to bring the internet to the Homefront, coding had to have improved. Which, once more and finally, do we get to the internet "driving down your neighborhood street". It finally comes home on April 30th 1993. A nearly exact opposite to the "alpha" release we discussed all the way at the beginning of this section. This is where the 1.0 phase of the internet comes in. The World Wide Web ("www"). From personal studies on dates I thought were significant, colored blue like this, this day would particularly stick out to be a very Saturn and Moon dominant day. Jupiter being in third. It brings a structural (Saturnian) and personal (Lunar) backdrop to what's coming down later. HTML was released this year as well. Bringing more of an emphasis on that structure. Setting off more of the creativity in some people. In terms of modality, it was Cardinal heavy. Pioneering and brand new. Plus, because of the newness to this invention and the fact that this IS the 1.0 release, it started a... settling the Oregon trail kind of energy.
I know, the connotations of saying that are very dark, but an analogy is an analogy. We colonized the digital space as a human race. And we still do with the sphere of the STILL current invention of Virtual Reality.... lil food for thought..
Let's backtrack to the nineties once more shall we? I'm not done (cause we're only getting started!)
Established and released in November of 1994, this started the wide WIDE reach to have people start their own website. A lot of the energies involved were once again tied to Scorpio. Now beginning to show the Piscean side on top of that. Tying in more creativity and personal-ness to the sites people had made. Capricorn being involved too, enhancing the structure of the internet once again with the infamous release of this digital product.
To make another very similar analogy to American history, the internet has brought a sense of decentralized-ness. Or, if we were going to use a more 'american-historical' term, it was a 'confederation of sites'. No big central power to the way in which it worked. Even if you had search engines. It was all of the people who made them.
To make an astrological connection to this, Saturn (structure and now coding), was in Aquarius. A sign dedicated to the underdog and smaller man. The 'we-the-people' kind of energy that we see now with Pluto in Aquarius in 2024.
God had blessed the United States back then am I right?
Time flies and now we land on the date December 17th 1996. CSS and coding for the 'look' of a website makes itself a lot more accessible and easier for people to grasp. Better yet, it was a tool released for the folks willing to enhance usability and design for their digital experience at the time.
The energies on that date were relatively splashed. Nothing too significant. And with my synesthesia, the one thing that comes to mind when someone says 'splash' is paint and iridescence. Bringing more of that emphasis on the freedom to design and enhance a users experience in the personality of sites that were created. By 1996 though, Pluto has finally reached Sagittarius! GEN Z REIGN SUPREME (despite our never-ending depression we'll get through it though I promise you that)!! Again, igniting that need to bring a sense of adventure. More people start to join the online space. With Saturn at zero Aries by this day (structures in detriment and a new Saturn cycle sadly), there's a theme of freshness and the slates wiped. So, again, more pioneering and newness. Hell. This is where Saturn and Pluto are in trine with one another. And if the powers-that-be externally meet up in harmony like this, oh you know it's gooooooddd.
The golden age of the internet begins.
Although started with water, invert the alchemical triangle to the upright position..... and alchemy begins to take shape. so to say~
Alrighty! We made it to the y2k movement pre-2000s. color was all the rage thanks to CSS and HTML makes it much more possible to code ones own sites. The tools continue to evolve and become more advanced. Not to mention the commodified Windows 95 and 98 experience was well underway this year, and Macintosh brought in Mac OS by this point. I mean... do you see this absolutely gorgeous graphics on both of them????
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(even though they were rivals, they both had a lovely look to them)
what comes next after these years? 1999 of course! A BIG PROPRIETOR FOR 2.0
Geocities get's acquired by Yahoo! (January 28th 1999): This day was huge with a lot of energies being torn between Taurus and Aquarius (yet, I see the contrasting energies actually quite beneficial to one another). Most of the Taurus comes from the degrees in which some of the planets were situated (using degree theory as a base for this). But the contrast on both has fixed earth and fixed air. Some would say it's because the detached and logical energy of Aquarius doesn't get the slow to grow and traditional ways of life side of Taurus, but I see them coexisting. Like how fog creates the dew in grass on those very revitalizing yet calm 'last days of school' that you may have experienced. Take what resonates as usual. If it doesn't es fine. But it's foggy air, calm winds and the dew sitting on cool crisp grass. It's a good mix. Hell one could say it's Venus and Uranus working together. A wonderful (Venusian) surprise (Uranian) to the collective. Hell it made Geocities far more accessible because of Yahoo being a rising name in the internet search engine space.
HTML 4.01 (December 1999) Maybe it was an attempt to absolve the 'y2k' bug, maybe it wasn't. But what it DID bring, was more unanimity to the eventual structure of the internet. The Taurus-Aquarius energies are still prominent, yet it was slightly different with Jupiter at 25º of Aries. Doubling up on Aries energy since 25º Aries is on an Ariean degree. So, more luck in pioneering more sites for more online adventures. Saturn in particular was in 11º Taurus (in the Aquarian degree) when the released occured this month. Bringing more of that 'stability' aspect to the freedom to code. And then the outer planets were set in Aquarius to Taurus degrees. Except for Pluto..... Sagittarius 10º.... Capricorn degree. This was gonna lead to success either way.
So, what else? We made it to 2000. And 2.0 was at its time. It brought such big risers like YouTube, Facebook and MySpace this decade. Geocities continues to be used and with that, there was more of an emphasis on respect for what people brought to the online space.
It of course raised the question about living double lives and with the invention of proto-social media, personas slowly begin to fall. Eventually there's more real-life integration and an 'everyone in' type energy because of Pluto in Sagittarius destroyed the boundaries of intercontinental travel with the advent of speaking to someone on the other side of the planet with your PC. Fucking wild shit man.
Soon, the 2010's approach. Windows 8 is soon to release in the next few years
.... it brings us to another component.
2013 - Neocities
The indie web. An alternative to Geocities because it used HTML4.whatever at this point. Evolution is pretty hard to pay attention to when you're tryin' to write a whole thing on the history of how we function on the web; just to prove a point.
Before we go on about the astrology of such, this year also marks a turning point in the internet. I personally see this as the seed for delusion and craze. Social media starts to make our real life selves more noticeable. Sure, it enhanced communication to an even MORE personal level. But, the internet was highly synthetic and had fictional tones. So, the homogenization begins with bringing those same sites who were rising stars in the 2.0 era, into the current state of affairs. They became big conglomerates. Years continue with them starting to implement ad-revenue systems, stock exchange and other such money-power-lucrative systems that the newly ingressed Pluto in Capricorn is willing to expose. By 2019, geocities is completely shut down. Personality has been swiped away in trade of Wix's dull and corporate look.
Back to my point, a secret stem to this internet begins to slowly form. Neocities.
June 28th 2013
Because this site is a major nostalgia revamp, its ultimate goal of replicating and replacing the former private-on-public-server brethren has since reached its goal today. Look to Tumblr and you notice the culture if you throw in the hashtag for it. Most people don't notice since they're too busy protesting thanks to Neptune in Pisces being our current cycle. Yet, when you want to leave the homogenized internet for something a little more personal and free to your own designs, then this would be your ticket. But it's gonna take effort to code a site.
Much like it takes effort to build a home, this release has a slight pull toward more of a water dominant presence. Bringing the full story of privacy and personality full front and center. But, because of the addition of fire in its chart, there's a lot of support for the freedom to adventure out and stand out. So, Fire and Water heavy.
It's best to work in short bursts. But put your ALL into it when you can/do.
With the advent of Neptune in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, and Pluto in Aquarius being on the precipice of what's to come, I think there'd be point where the homogenization of the internet is going to be too much to bear. I'm not trying to make this an eventual doomscroll, but don't you feel like the internet is kinda..... dying? Do we really need AI? Do we really need Bitcoin? Do we reallyyyy need this or that or anything to digitally exist other than just a little taste of our souls? I see a split (fracture) and a break.
if push comes to shove and we DON'T regulate AI or make it so where it's NOT subscribe able and it's a free service (i.e. we teach people the ways of building these mechanisms and make it easier to do so), then the internet is gonna split.
You'll have social media (the first one in the group), suddenly fall. The toxic nature could start to die down and become less and less significant as we get around to moderating our use. Respect could come back this way, but with the advent of that, it's the responsibility that comes with using the internet. Being careful with what you put out and more needs to teach digital literacy at a younger audience.
Fandom could take a slight hit because of this. Having a full-circle experience of everything I had to know about what it means to be in one, from being banned, blocked to accepted and loved, as well as the arguments over logistical means in a fictional world (which by the way Neptune in Pisces loves to blend reality with the incomprehensible imagination and raw emotions we get). Antiship and Proship wars too. (That's also gonna be something I wish to talk about with my Neptune in Aries predictions) But because of the 'digital literacy' clause and intent of stuff stated above, it'll take a slight hit where fandom may have a more respectful way of saying or doing such and so. Silent blocks, DNI alerts, the usual that we're so encompassed to.
Other than that: Forums or modified forums become the norm as we revert to a more personal and open lifestyle with the digital space. Doxxing and callouts will still happen, yet I feel as a greater disdain and utter repulsion for it could occur. All of this could be known as ADAPTATION for some. Better yet, true RESPECT.
If push comes to shove and the internet space begins to get a little too dicey and personal, basically making it more of that TRIBAL sense of finding your people (not to mention it starts to also devolve to where there's cases of subconscious levels of aggression and too many 'what-if's' being thrown around -- i.e. assumptions, accusations and subliminal hate), then something out there or somewhere is gonna completely tear apart the fabric of the internet. For a bleak example: a foreign country hacks into our digital region. Our VPN.
Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars rules knives and seperations. Wars. If Neptune rules over the subconscious over everyone, this could bring about primal actions on a structure like this.
! not to mention that Saturn (code, structure), conjuncts with Neptune (dissolution and dissolving/illusions and spiritual destiny)... and Aries is known for the anger and drive that it has......
we could revert back to a 1.0 like state of mind. Addictions to social media will have huge withdrawals. Attention and clout chasing will get worse outside of that, and it just straight up becomes a crime.
One thing's for certain. We learn a lesson of being careful to not put our personal information out there. .... but that break gives a chance for the proto-web to come back. Hyper-personalization and drive to keep it within chat services like Discord could become even more so the norm or remain as they are. HTML 6 could come out and bringing the retro look with offline capabilities to the public. So as long as we're careful not to once again put our information out there, then that might bring us to once again let the people shine. The key theme with the break is RESTART.
I apologize if it did seem bleak or aggressive. It’s what I channeled and like I said, if you don’t resonate with it, don’t have to worry about it. 🧘✨ my last couple of statements before we close this off with resources, and one is gonna sound a lot like Smokey The Bear.
Care will prevent the destruction of our exchange in ideas and communication. Only YOU can prevent the 'break'. so let's strive for a 'split' alright? ~visiblenostalgia
and then there's something one of my professors had admitted.
"We have more information than ever, but we're more uninformed than ever."
and a small song before I really tie this up.
love you guys <3
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prince-liest · 2 months
I am literally checking your blog daily how the backflipping DUCK did I miss the recent snippet!?!?
It is genius. Bestest thing in the entire universe. I am filled with admiration for your skills. If I were home, I would be screaming into a pillow.
Just how do you make snippets this good?!?? Hahah♡ /pos
Backflipping duck got me, HAHA, thank you for that. Honestly, this entire chapter has been sitting solidly in "there's a lot of emotional fallout here from the previous installments of this series, and it is making me very paranoid about pulling both of them out of character," so I'm really glad people are enjoying the bits of WIP that I've been posting! Now that I've made it through a night out followed by an all-day party, I can sit, relax, and edit the shit out of it prior to posting so that I feel solid about it, hahaha. Anyway, thank you so much! <3 These kind messages have been fueling me amidst all the chaos, ehehe.
More replies specifically on the snippet under the cut! <3
okay I'm DYING over that snippet, alastor is going through a crisis not feeling comfortable with what they've been doing any longer and trying to figure out how to express that and one of the first things vox says when he breaches the topic is "I'm gonna dress up valentino as you and fantasize about fucking you anyway" like buddy!! all horny no brain asdfg they're both killing me omg - ✨
Vox was allowed like two seconds of healthy, genuine communication prior to the snippet I posted before I was like, "Hm, one sec, gotta remind everyone who he is," hahaha. He was, to be fair, mostly trying to be glib in that moment in a way that just didn't land.
Vox says "well it doesn't have to be literally you if you don't want" and Alastor hears "I've objectified the idea of you to such an extent that I'm going to go to such length to still realize my desire to fuck you" and oof.
Hi, anon who loves your writing snippets here 👋 Reaction summarized: “The Emotions They destroyed their cage Yes YES The Emotions are out” In other words: I am ready to be utterly obliterated. Hit me with the emotional weightlifting these two idiots are about to do. I’m rubbing my hands vigorously like a little creacher, a raccoon or common housefly, perhaps. On another note, so happy you’re getting off to a good start in your residency! As someone who’s been below the poverty line for most of their life, I know how thrilling it can be to look at future housing prospects. There’s nothing I love more than decorating a new space to make it feel like home :). I hope for the best for you these upcoming months!
Ehehehe, what a GREAT use of that poem. >:D The emotions really have finallly destroyed their cage. Time to face the music!!
And ahhh, thank you! Yeah, I've moved around a lot throughout my life (including switching houses weekly between my parents most of my life) and I feel like one of the ways I adapted to it was just being very gung-ho about decorating and home-ifying a place I'm staying, so I'm so excited to finally have a space that is All Mine To Do With As I Please without being concerned about roommates, etc, etc. And it won't be permanent, but I'll be there three years, and that's a decently long time!!
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