#not like early morning talkshows but like the News
theparadoxmachine · 8 months
There weren't already enough feral old men in this show, they had to add Bronson "SCARING THE LITTLE GIRL?!!!!/NOW WE ARE SO HAPPY WE DO THE DANCE OF JOY!" Pinchot into the mix. I have no idea what energy that man is bringing to OFMD but I am not ready and in all likelihood neither are any of you
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dinsdjrn · 1 year
everything i wanted | j. miller | 2.8k
track one | track two | masterlist
AU!Joel x singer!f!reader
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summary: it's not what i meant when i said i wanted to be seen. a scary note, a long day, and a security detail.
tags for the series: 18+, minors DNI, angst/fluff/eventual smut, sarah's dead (plot), ellie is alive, parental manipulation/abuse (maternal), depression, drug and alcohol use, sobriety, stalker behaviour from a fan, will update as i go, this ones gonna get dark but it will have the happy feel good too! as always if anything is missing tell me and i will add it!
a/n: another wip that im pumped about, and guess what i have already written pt 2.. so thats coming. this is intro it really picks up next chapter xoxo.
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track one - to be seen
It was a cool winter night in LA, or well as cool as LA gets. You had just arrived back at the house you rented in LA when you were in the studio. It had been a pretty typical day for you, your album had just been released and you were doing loads of press. You were also attempting to write and produce a deluxe edition of your most recent studio album. The resounding success of your first album catapulted you into fame overnight. 
This second album was much more by the book, trimmed and produced as if to make you a working dog eager to please those who owned your success. You felt it was missing the grit of your first album. You hoped with the release of a deluxe edition you’d be able to bring that grit back in, take back control of your sound. The only issue being you had to write the songs to be able to produce them. 
You were so excited to just collapse into bed, it had been a long day doing both a morning talkshow and late night TV. You reminded yourself that this was your dream for so long and it was finally happening. Two be grateful for the love and support. That your fans cared about you and the songs you made. 
‘They started your career, and if you don’t work for them they’ll end it.’ you could hear your mother in your head. So you turned your exhaustion into gratefulness. Long days meant a long career ahead. 
As you unlocked the door to your house a small envelope fell from the crack of the door to your feet. 
Probably just a flyer. You thought to yourself. 
You picked it up and made your way into the modern home. The kitchen was clean and a bit too sterile for your liking. You missed home, your friends, your dad, playing gigs at bars and comedy shows. This life was overwhelming, it felt like a tornado scooped you up and placed you in LA, New York, or London. Your heart was both so full and so empty all at once. 
You opened the envelope with your finger and pulled out a small piece of paper. 
And just like that, your chest went tight, phone falling to the tile floor and the world stopped moving.
‘I’ve found you, and I’m never letting you go. You’re going to be mine forever. Love always, B.’
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The next twelve hours were a whirlwind, it was a blur. Going from your house to you managers, and now back to Golden Record headquarters at a bright and early 4am. You sat in meetings for hours, where people would talk about you as if you weren’t there. By ten in the morning it was decided that the letter was a threat and you needed a new apartment and a permanent body guard. By eleven, a firm had been hired and a detail was on the way.  By noon you were being shuffled away to a new apartment with a large broody man who was referred to as Miller. 
You had never felt so tired in your life, being awake going on twenty eight hours now and coming down from a hit of adrenaline had really taken all you had left to give. You sunk into the leather seats of the large black SUV and let out a large sigh clenching your fists and closing your eyes. 
You glanced over taking in the man who was assigned to be your detail for the next three days. Three days on, rotating between Miller and Jones they said, two private details until they decided there was no threat to your life. 
Miller, first name unknown, was quite handsome. He had thick brown hair and soft waves, he was wearing all black t-shirt and jeans that fit is form extremely well. He was toned. But not to the point of being “chiseled”, his jaw was square and there was a seriousness to him. It made him look threatening even. He pulled out his phone briefly as the car started moving and you could see his jaw tighten at whatever message he had received. 
“So is Miller what I am supposed to call you? Or Is there a first name that goes along with it?” You asked through a yawn. 
“Joel Miller,” He said quickly, not even glancing in your direction. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Joel.” You said. An awkward silent fell between you, you shifted in your seat. 
As if by grace of the gods, your phone began ringing loudly. 
Joel glanced to see if there was caller ID, it was just your mother. A conversation you’re sure couldn’t be delayed, but you dreaded it none the less. 
“Hey mom,” you sighed.
“Why did I have call you?!” She started. “You’d think that when something like this happens I’d find out from my OWN daughter, not her manager telling me she won’t be recording today!” 
You just put her on speaker and let her berate you for not telling her, you scrolled through twitter wondering how your interviews were being received. 
“Are you even listening to me?! You don’t have anything to say for yourself?!” She dramatized. 
“Mom, I’m really sorry. Everything happened so fast and I was in meetings all night. I was about to call y-“ 
“I don’t want to hear excuses, this is stupid. You’re being dramatic, if you had thought this through you could have recorded today.” 
“I know, I’m sorry,” you droned. 
It wasn’t an uncommon track to play, you get blamed for something out of your control and you apologize for something that wasn’t your fault. 
“I didn’t have a whole ton of material today anyway. I’ll make sure we do double time tomorrow and I was going to write this afternoon,” you said hoping you were reaching the end of the conversation. 
“Good, you’re not popular enough to slack off. One popular song isn’t the promise of a career,” She said in a matter of fact tone. 
“I know, I’ll keep working on it,” you pinched the bridge of your nose. 
Joel had been so quiet next to you, not seeming interested at all in the conversation at hand. For the best, every time you spoke with your mother, she took a small piece of your soul with her. Breaking you down into the perfect little star, nothing left of who you once were.
“Great! Make sure you don’t waste the potential of this! Crisis’ creates hits! Alright my love, Jan and I are meeting for breakfast on Fifth so I have to go! Next time you’re in New York we’ll catch up” 
“Yeah, talk so-,” the call ended before you could finish your sentence. 
At least she was happy, and you needed to lay down for the foreseeable future. You rubbed your temple and sighed, you just wanted to curl up and cry until there wasn’t anything left. 
As soon as you arrived at the new apartment you noticed your clothes packed neatly away for you, it comforted you knowing you wouldn’t have to go back to the house. You laid down fully clothed on your bed, finally alone for the first time in twenty-nine hours, and you let yourself cry. 
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By the time you had woken up it was nearly dark out, the sun had made its descent past the Los Angeles skyline and all that was left were the warm oranges and reds of the evening. 
You were still tired but needed to get up, eat and do a bit of work. You grabbed your phone to check the time, 7:31. You noticed a few missed texts from your dad back home, your manager, and saw a headline on twitter about a police presence at your house. 
You swiped away the twitter notifications not wanting to be reminded what a nightmare the last day was. You opened the text conversation with your dad, certain he just wanted to check in. 
Hey Kiddo, hope you’re doing okay? Mom called, here for you. 
No surprise there, they divorced as soon as you had moved out for good, but she would always call to prove a point. To let him know that she knew something before he did. 
Hi Dad, I’m ok, uneasy but ok. Talk soon :)
Your manager had texted you the phone number of both security details and the company they worked for just incase something were to go awry. 
You made your way to the living room, Joel was there sitting at the island on his phone. You made your way to the fridge not surprised to find it empty. You sighed pulling out your phone to order delivery. 
“You hungry?” You asked him. 
“Huh?” He looked confused. You noticed he had put his phone away and was standing again. 
“I’m gonna order some Thai food, do you want me to grab you something?” You explained. 
“Oh, uh, that’s alright, thank you though.”
You noted he had a slight southern accent. 
“Well there’s no food here so…” you trailed. 
“Well just grab whatever and I’ll eat some of it,” you nodded in return.
It didn’t take long for your food to arrive, you and Joel both grabbed a plate and ate in silence. You hated every second of it. You’re not sure he felt it though, the uncomfortable silence between you. 
After eating you grabbed your headphones and made your was to the living room. You had to have something to show for yourself in the studio tomorrow. You could tell there was frustration around your deluxe edition, you had recorded and scrapped three songs this week alone. 
Just as you were grabbing your guitar your phone started ringing on the table. 
You answered immediately. 
“James! What’s up?” You were excited to hear from your best friend. 
“Hey girl! Some crazy shit going down this morning?” He asked. 
“Something like that,” you sighed, giving him just a few details of the past day.
“Well, I’m here if you need me. I did have a question though?” 
“What’s up?” 
“How would you like to come out with some friends tomorrow? We have a table at new bar and it might be fun, take some stress off!”
“I-,” you started, being cut off immediately. 
“Before you shut me down you only have to come for like ONE drink,” He said emphasizing the ‘one’.
You sighed, “Fine. ONE drink. Text me the details and I’ll run it past my security team.” 
“Fancy ass security team. Are they at least hot?” 
You scoffed. 
“So they’re super hot,” he made it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Okay, I’m hanging up now. Love you, bye!” You said ending the call before any more words could be exchanged. 
You phone buzzed immediately. It was James. 
Lucky bitch! Send a picture ;) here’s the details for tomorrow xo.
[attachment: 1 image] 
A screenshot with the details. You loved the message and left it at that. 
“So what are you running past your security team?” Joel inquired, your head snapped in his direction. 
“Drinks with a friend tomorrow, at an exclusive restaurant.” You showed him the screenshot. 
“I don’t think that’s a great idea,” He sounded unsure. 
“I’m not really asking; I mean I am, but if there’s even a slight chance I’d like to go.” 
Joel sighed and scratched his temple, “Alright.” 
“Great, you can stay here if you want. I don’t think going out with a large group requires this level of security.” You pushed to see what the answer would be. 
“Do you have any concern for your own safety?” He scoffed toward you. 
“It was an empty threat, Miller. Look I can appreciate everyones concern for my safety, but this is hardly the worst thing anyones said to me.” Your annoyance was no longer easily masked. 
He inhaled sharply at your remark as if it surprised him.
“Yeah, but most of the time the things people say aren’t in an envelope on your door.” 
You just sighed in return. 
“Alright well, then you come with me. No use getting up in arms about it.”
The dark and broody man crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter. Somehow it made him look exceptionally powerful. The muscles in his arms moved and shifted showing how well defined they were, he had a few tattoos that peaked out from below his t-shirt sleeve. You had realized your were staring and quickly turned to look down at your notebook, Joel still in your peripheral.  
“So is there any reason you took this job, Joel Miller?” You asked as you reached for your guitar again, finally starting on a song. You had a soft tune stuck in your head since your meeting with the security team earlier that day that you had to put to chords. 
“I don’t think knowing about my personal life is keeping you any safer,” he grumbled. 
“Maybe not safer, but more comfortable with my situation perhaps.” You continued to hum the same tune over again. Scribbling lyrics into your notebook. 
Not what I meant when I said that, I wanted to be seen. 
“Well, Miller? Why private security?” You pressed. 
“My uh- my kid. It is just her and I, the gig pays well and I’ve been told I look like an attack dog before.” 
That made you laugh. 
“Whoever said that, I whole heartedly agree,” you smiled at him. 
“I’ll do it if I have to,” you hummed, “hope and dun na in between.”
Quickly jotting down the first part of that lyric, hoping the second half would just come to you. 
“So, this kid, tell me about them?” You asked strumming some barre chords. 
“Oh come on! Her name? Her age? Anything?”
“Have you ever been told you’re too friendly? That you pry?” He scoffed. 
“Most people don’t seem to have problems with it funny enough,” you quipped. 
“Ellie, she’s fourteen,” he hesitated, “she like jokes, the outdoors and playing guitar.” 
He was very grumbly and reluctant. You could help but smile at the fact at at least today he would talk to you. 
“Well if she’s any good you should bring her to the studio! Maybe she can help me get out of my slump,” you chuckled smiling at him. 
For a moment his face softened and he smiled lightly at you. It sent a chill down your spine, he was handsome when he was hard and cold. But that moment of softness made your stomach do backflips. You quickly looked back down. 
“Dun dun little empire and made a mm mm mess,” you jotted that down. 
“She’d uh love that you know. Thanks,” Joel interrupted momentarily. 
You smiled and nodded for at him. He didn’t say anything else after that leaving you to record little voice notes here and there.
You got on a bit of a roll writing this song. It had finally sparked something exciting in you. Maybe writing something your mom would detest was what you needed to do more often. She only ever wanted a breakup ballad or an upbeat song. The songs that you loved most though were the ones that pulled from your soul, explained the pressure you were under. They were the flowers that bloomed in your darkest parts, picking them and presenting them hoping someone would understand you. 
As you worked Joel sat on the stool on his phone, or worked away on his laptop you’re sure filling out reports for the day. You couldn’t help but stare as he worked. It made your song writing take exponentially longer, but he was just mesmerizing. You’d never felt a pull like this to anyone. Maybe it was his mysterious demeanour or his unparalleled looks or even the sense that he was a bit dangerous. Any way about it he was off limits.
You knew everything in your head was off limits, but fantasies weren’t going to hurt anyone. Joel Miller was devilishly sharp and handsome, and you were going to be spending a lot of time together in the coming weeks. 
By the time midnight rolled around again you had the bones of a song and a headache to match. You yawned and stretches your back, it ached from being hunched over your notebook. 
“Right, well, I think it’s time for me to go to bed, Joel.” You closed your book and stood up. 
“Alright, have a good sleep. If you need anything, I’m just down the hall in the security room.”
You nodded taking him in one more time, his salt and pepper hair, tight fitting t-shirt and chiseled jaw sent you into a frenzy. 
“Anything else y’a need?” He looked at you confused. 
“Oh, uh no, goodnight!” You turned on your heels embarrassment flooded your system. 
This was a bad crush, but when he looked at you it was electric. No matter what you felt when he looked at you, you’re sure it was one sided. Your fantasies had to stay just as they were, no matter what.
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track two
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tags: @joelsversion @tightjeansjavi @pedgeitopascalreads @wand-erer5 @orcasoul @quality-lust @bearsbeetsbeskar (once again new fic new tag list, if you'd like to be added lmk, if you want to be tagged in everything i post just lmk, i don't wanna tag anyone who doesnt want it 🥺❤️)
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reversecreek · 3 years
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hi it’s me... clicks across the linoleum of the dash wearing high heels w a spray tan like i’m a member of jersey shore suddenly..... best summary of willa is that she got moira rose as her #1 chara on a What Character Are You Most Like personality test out of thousands of options.... says so much. u can find her pinterest here n her playlist here 😋 like this or hmu fr plots!!
* ashley moore, cis female + she/her  | you know willa deneurve, right? they’re twenty-four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, most of her life, on and off? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to watch me by the pom poms like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole sticking gold stars over old polaroids until you can barely see faces, dressing as marie antoinette at your high school prom & delivering fake laughter to a bratz doll you’re pretending is a talkshow host thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is august 1st, so they’re a leo, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nai, 24, gmt, she/her )
willa ws born to honestly like….. the perfect family not to honk my own tit bt……………. they were jst rly quite wholesome. her mum celeste was this larger than life person who could never b contained by the four walls of any room she was in. she hd the presence of a gold glitter chess piece on an otherwise mundane wooden board. her dad marlon used to always joke that he had absolutely NO idea how he landed her bc he was just this like. rly average guy by all accounts n purposes….. blended into the sea in high skl……. had a few close friends but was never rly Notable or made a proper impression anywhere…… he always retold it as him coasting thru life until he met her in college. kind of like he’d been half awake before. they just Clicked n no-one cld believe she’d chosen him bt she was jst. completely head over heels n didn’t care what anyone had to say bc that was That
willa always very much took after celeste…… there’s this one quote i remember reading that goes vaguely like “my mom and i would sit and listen to leonard cohen and joni mitchell lyrics together. from a young age i remember her being like "i’m playing this song and when it’s done i want u to tell me what’s happening in it” n she would give me a fake glass of wine when i was 8 and i would listen and b like. i think there was an affair.” which so much summarises their dynamic…… she ws just so like. dramatic n fun n always encouraged that in willa too. her mum was like. everything she aspired to be…… got scouted by a modelling agency in college n shot one campaign before blowing it off simply bc she was bored. starred lead in a play. spent a few weeks travelling asia selling handmade candles shaped like koi fish or curled up foxes or elegantly stretched hands. dated a parisian movie star during a break she and her father took n was featured in tabloids on his arm at the premiere. sm fun n exotic stories willa literally cldn’t get enough. whenever she’d tell them to willa as a kid her dad wld roll his eyes like ohhhhh here she goes again but it’d all b playful n he’d smile bc he honestly cldn’t get enough either. the stuff dreams are made of luv (lizzie mcguire stans rise)
(car accident & death tw) so u know when ur walking down a flight of stairs n then out of nowhere u miss a step n u get that lurch in ur stomach like ur in free fall? yeah. i won’t go into it too much but one night they were driving back from getting frozen yogurt and then suddenly they weren’t. she doesn’t rly remember much about it except for completely ignoring the doctors trying to give her the news and just saying “dad chose pecan. who chooses pecan?” n repeating that over n over n over until it didn’t rly register in her ears as english any more.
willa was uprooted from irving at 11 to go n live w her aunt in NY. this was like. a huge adjustment honestly….. her aunt blanche hd always been a little unconventional bt extremely glamorous. she lived in an old defunct theatre she’d bought out n came from a lot of money. willa’s mum’s side of the family hd always been well off bt celeste opted to live a little more Ordinarily shall we say after settling whereas blanche ws jst balls to the walls dripping w eccentric excess…. wld say she was never naked bc she ws always wearing black opium by yves saint laurent…… probably the living embodiment of la vie boheme….. she’d been admitted a yr early to a rly prestigious parisian design school n is an AMAZING seamstress. a corset she stitched a broadway star into got commissioned fr an actress’ red carpet walk at an indie film festival. rly just lived such a life rich w lots of stories n lots of talent too…… had that star quality essence tht her mum had n that was smthn willa found quite comforting everything considered.
(grief tw) u would think maybe a situation like this (one involving so much sudden change) wld cause a kid of tht age to withdraw into her shell bt willa only came out of her shell MORE. she coped w her situation by spinning it into a celebrity origin story inside her head. the tear jerker tale someone tells during their x factor audition to get the judges rooting for them. mentally streamlining things. repackaging all that hurt as a surefire ticket to success bc it had to be useful for something right? there had to b a point to it right? willa decided the point was she’s a star. KFHSGKFHGFKHGKJSFHG. get it girl….. she ws literally just like ok well clearly i’m destined to be famous n i’m the main character of this story. this story called earth. it’s all about me.
rly heavily immersed herself in her high skl theatre scene……. loved experimenting w fashion n literally wore the most outlandish things like. she treated the hallways like her milan f/w debut every new school yr…… a lot of the things she wore were actual like. costumes frm her aunt’s collection…… she has a multi-story closet u have to climb ladders to reach things in like a very rustic library…. it rly wasn’t uncommon for willa to turn up one day corsetted like a pirate with billowing sleeves or sporting the baby blue gingham of a swedish milk maid. it’s like she literally jst…… became a role. always. every day. the world ws her stage. the cameras were always rolling. her aunt only encouraged this tbh n honestly? icon. we love to see it. willa partied a bunch n rly lived a lax lifestyle where responsibility was concerned…. her aunt ws her best friend…… made rly gd friends with performers in the drag club scene n loved the glitz of that….. lots of wild nights turned grossly bright mornings
snagged an agent fresh into her first yr of college (she gt accepted to a pretty competitive theatre program at [redacted] in NY bc i haven’t looked into what that wld be yet <3 i’m merely a helpless british lass <3) n booked a few commercials n things….. when i say willa wld enter audition rooms like she owned the place i’m rly not exaggerating…. once she turned up to a casting call for MEN n just walked right to the front of the line scraping a random chair along the way n then took a seat w her legs crossed popping a bubble in her gum as they all glared at her like wtf is literally going on who are u. she received several complaints n she was just like “ur all acting so jealous of me….”
i feel like she got a pretty big role in a theatre production in her last yr at school. haven’t decided what yet. maybe smthn rocky horror or even mimi in rent. this was meant to b some like huge moment for willa like yes girl finally making it ur on ur way this is what u wanted n she WAS happy abt it but once it was wrapped she jst had this strange like Huh feeling in her chest……. n a la celeste w all her exciting stories was just like well i’ve done that so what’s next? i think she’d graduate n then jst suddenly decide to move to irving in a fit of impulse. to all her college friends she’d be like “ugh a beach retreat is so necessary honestly the city is sooooooooo toxic this place cld literally enlarge my pores if i wasn’t so rigorous with my skincare routine” bt like 🤔 what u seeking girl? results pending.
SO basically i feel like she finally moved back to irving little over a yr ago. she hd a brief stint starring on a reality tv show tht filmed in one of the larger beach houses where her dog gained a handful of fan accounts dedicated to him……. u maybe will see why in the first bullet point of her personality section………… FKGHKSHFGGKFSHKHG. honestly she ws received pretty well too (mostly bc she’s so fking dramatic n like a caricature of a person) bt it wasn’t anything to warrant actual Fame (despite what willa herself might think). she’s mostly jst like. chilling honestly. accepting scripts n flying out fr auditions still. she’ll nab the occasional part bt she’s looking for that One Thing that rly feels like her big moment….. otherwise i cn just imagine her treating irving like a little dollhouse compared to the roaring mansion of NYC n having fun playing around in it. strikes a pose w a hand on my hip…. and now to personality.
got a very large n lithe greyhound n named him marlene dietrich bc she was a black n white hollywood starlet famously known for her affairs n “bedroom eyes”. willa was like ugh. icon status instantly. didn’t rly foresee the responsibilities tht came w owning a dog tht loves exercise n complains abt him being like “ugh he wants to run soooooooooo much 🙄 like where are u literally going”. having said tht loves him dearly n he can often be seen wearing little clothes. a baby’s bonnet. a quilted leather waistcoat. a custom dog boa. he’s very glamorous. willa calls him a gay icon despite no evidence to support this theory. she also says he can sniff out evil in ppl so she brings him sometimes when she’s first introduced to a friend’s new bf n if his nose quivers a certain way she’s like “marlene has spoken. it’s done”. her friends r like omg? what’s done? willa gets up n walks away without elaborating. marlene’s little paws clicking along the floor w attitude.
literally dressed as marie antoinette for her high skl prom even tho there was no theme pertaining to this. jst loves the spotlight. can fake cry and WILL to get out of a parking ticket or teach someone to watch their tone or even simply for the theatrics of it all. the Most dramatic………….. rly fits being an actress like when people find out what she does it’s very like oh that makes sense.
says she doesn’t get hangovers. she’s just like “i revoked that it doesn’t happen to me”. alludes tht this is bc she’s an all powerful deity that was Chosen to be Blessed bt really she’s jst great at bouncing back n acting fine even w a blistering headache. it’s about believing the performance so much that u even convince urself.
has an extremely elevated sense of self importance bc this is kind of the equivalent of several layers of bubble wrap to cushion her frm the world. strives to b extraordinary bc ordinary honestly feels like a death sentence n there’s nothing she’d want to b seen as less. despite this weight she puts on that she rly doesn’t tend to let ppl’s opinions affect fr the most part like she’s quite firmly set in this I’m Literally The Most Gorgeous And Beautiful Angel Star Creature To Walk This Narsty Little Earth view
probably an incredibly big fan of dramatic short lived love affairs. she wants the glamour of it all. the scandal. the randomly breaking up w someone in a public place n sliding on sunglasses after delivering the words over a freshly ordered coffee (tht she’ll leave without drinking bc that’s star power babey she waits fr no man or no hot beverage)…….. has no preference gets w any n all regardless of gender……… romanticises things so they hv a better spin or story in her head n doesn’t rly take things seriously like jst has fun in her fantasy world…. she’s like ugh chuck i know u wanted to marry me but i’m a beautiful bird in a cage n u literally need to undo the latch n set me free……. the guy’s like……. my name’s chase n we’ve only been on two dates….. willa’s like…… please don’t take this so hard i can tell ur besides urself but people r starting to stare……. gets up n leaves. no-one was staring. chase is confused n honestly probably semi concerned fr her welfare.
always has to b the hottest n most glamorous person in a grocery store…. probably goes to them when she doesn’t even need anything jst holding a basket nonchalantly over her forearm glancing over at a cashier in her wizard of oz corset seamed interpretation on a dorothy dress thinking he wants me soooo bad it’s not even funny….. seduces him over the check out counter jst for him to ask her to come back to his so she can lean back scandalised n cry “IS THAT THE KIND OF WOMAN U THINK I AM, PAUL?! YOU’RE A GHASTLY LITTLE MAN, YOU ARE….” with all the gusto of a telenovela. attracts the shocked glances of all surrounding elderly.
speaks fluent french. probably on her brief stint on tht reality show i mentioned earlier was like “ugh can you believe Deneurve of this guy?” n in her head was like this catchphrase is sensational it’ll catch on fast the twittersphere is abt to implode but it didn’t become a thing except for in a small isolated community. despite this she’s like “yeah it went viral….. go figure. just another day in the life.”
honestly like a lot of fun bt also a huge handful at the same time. keeps her real Serious emotions in a locked box bt is always overflowing w melodramatics n rly giving her all at the drop of a hat where Performing is concerned. probably Loves parties n sees them as another form of production in which she wants to b the lead. rly just. loves herself. except does she? 🤔 lifts my hand up like rihanna n winks. find out next time. lucky by britney plays as i slowly disintegrate in spiderman rp…..
unrequited flame: willa burns thru people like matches. bright n fast. honestly i feel like she struggles to take romance seriously so it cld be fun to play around with someone who’s been singed by that in the past…. mayb they hd actual feelings whereas willa was just messing around n having fun…. living la vida loca so to speak…….. we can discuss a time frame or specifics to expand upon this but. sexy angst perhaps.
those she knew from childhood: willa moved to NY at 11 n i feel like it was very sudden n soon after the accident. maybe she didn’t even say goodbye. maybe they were rly close n all of a sudden she didn’t show up to school the next day n when they rode past her house on their bike the sign said sold and that was that. honestly very dramatic of her even at a young age. we love a disappearing act. houdini who?
acting rival: honestly jst feel like this cld be funny. willa’s so dramatic she’d be like i literally want them dead they’re a despicable little gremlin fr trying to steal my spotlight. cld be as simple as having auditioned a few times fr the same parts or something.
childhood sweetheart: i think it cld be rly cute n sad if there was someone that kind of echoed the dynamic her mum n dad had except she was the celeste n they were the marlon…. (open to any gender)…….. so like. willa was always very larger than life commanding attention in a room n they were more to the sidelines but they just kind of got each other n brought out the best in one another. added angst to the fact tht willa wld maybe want to avoid them as much as possible now bc it dredges up feelings she doesn’t want to confront where her parents r concerned n also in a way any possibility of them winding up together feels like sellotaping an expiration date to both of their foreheads in willa’s brain
someone who was either a fan of or also on the reality show willa was: i imagine it like a reinvention of the hills honestly except based in these irving beach houses…. probably didn’t run that long bt there was a bunch of drama on it mostly staged…… maybe they were willa’s love interest bt it was all fake fr the cameras…… it wasn’t like. a huge deal n didn’t rly catch flight so much where popularity’s concerned bt. cld be fun to play with <3
patti frands: jogs in high knees to translate that into party friends as i adjust my spectacles. willa’s very sociable bt she’s also like kind of full of herself n obnoxious so do with that what u will. KFHGKSHGKGHFSKG. she knows hw to have a gd time tho like growing up she was rly into the gay club scene n the drag scene in NY so like. let’s hear it fr the gays who know how to do it right <3
someone equally over the top: i luv the idea of willa having someone who just like runs with made up scenarios n roles she makes up on the spot n them hanging out is like a 24/7 improv session tht they reel random surrounding strangers just fr the fun thrill
the other woman: willa is quite detached n selfish so she wld easily be the other woman in a relationship n not care about it n this cld make for good spice <3
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scribble-fics · 7 years
Transformers r.i.d.2015 headcanons
(Hi so first thing I had the mighty need to do some robots in disguise headcanons. I apologize if you don't liken them.)
~I feel like bee has trouble recharging during his breaks because he is either thinking of what new decepticon might pop up, or the fact that he has "nightmares" about the past
~ Also feel like bee has ptsd from his voice box being ripped out and what not.
~ sometimes he might feel embarrassed about how his voice sounds and the best way to cheer him up is to compliment it. Say how it makes him sound like a leader and such.
~okay weird I know but I think strongarm watches female volleyball.
~like one day the t.v was on and it was showing the female volleyball tournament. Making her watch in pure awe at the power of the serves and team work showed.
~Also think she admires wildlife on earth.
~like silently watching the birds flutter is sort of peaceful even though the animals are alien to her.
~this boi listens to radio too much. Like not just music but talkshows too.
~he likes to listen to them because he hears all the juicy gossip and comments. Like who cares if he has no clue who they are talking about HE WANTS IN ON IT!
~whistles in his free time to the tune of his favorite songs. Maybe when jazz comes back they can jam out!!
~Omg this softie loves bubbles. Look at him he has too!!
~like if bubbles were blown he would chase after them and smile the biggest smile!
~when they pop he gets kinda sad. No bubble friend whyyyyy
~Also he tries to make things from the scrap yard- like sculptures to impress everyone
~they kinda just clap to make him feel good. I mean- yeah sure two smashed and twisted pieces of metal are art! Good job grim!
~he gets into word searches and sudoku I bet
~feeling smart when he gets it done and doing a tiny victory shuffle
~if there is a maze on a cereal box fixit calls dibs. Puzzles are his thing.
~and them being from earth it takes him a while to solve. Then bam! Solved any puzzle from crosswords to rubix cubes.
(Now for steeljaws pack)
~this furry likes to go on walks/ runs through the woods during night and early morning.
~like early early morning he will just be in the woods not really knowing what he's doing. Maybe just comforting himself with alone time.
~interested in the earth wolves he does some research on them. Looking for similar traits and such.
~then he finds the stories of wolves-like the three little pigs, and little red riding hood.
~he must keep these away from the pack if he wants no remarks to him about these stories.
~I think he sneaks up on someone (mainly clampdown) and like screams AAAAYYYOOOOO!
~because he knows it scares the scrap out of them
~I feel like he won't let anyone touch the tip of the last edge of the horns he has (does that make sense? Like the last nook on the end) because it's sensitive. He's used to the ones closest to his helm being held from like others defending themselves.
~it's hard for this baby to scratch his back (if he ever has to) and when no one is looking he might rub his back against like a tree or pole to help.
~shark bait uh-ha-ha!
~anyways- he has a fear of lighting.
~he won't let the others see it, but if there is a lightening storm he kinda goes to his room and comforts himself
~the minicons help as best as they can to comfort him too.
~he likes his helm to be rubbed I bet, like between his spikes.
~he trips all the time. Like all the time.
~Also likes to talk to himself. Like a-HERMIT (GET IT?)
~primus help him he gets lonely.
~hugs himself.
~he has heard of humans tattoos and wants a cybertronian version of one. With the names of his fists on his shoulders
~what a dork.
~he has to like wrestling and is always trying to get someone to wrestle with him.
(Thats all I'm going to do- hope you liked them and if there is any misspelling I am so sorry! I will try to fix it!)
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gotstory · 7 years
My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 14 - OPPA
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14
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Jimin led the way back to the dorm and stood at the door, waiting after he buzzed the door bell.
Jungkook got to it first, with the rest of them following suit.
At once, the door swung open and just like the day you saw them in the waiting room, they were all staring back at you, only that they greeted you in all smiles this time.
"NOONA!!!" Tae broke through the bodies of his hyungs and launched himself to hug you, only to be pulled back by Jungkook and easily blocked by Jimin, as he stepped forward like a bodyguard.
You made a discreet wave, knowing they weren't expecting your sudden arrival. "Hi... guys..."
Jhope slapped Tae's head, and muttered under his breath "don't be a fool, you're gonna scare the baby."
Embarrassed, you quickly looked away.
"Yah! let her in already!" Suga bellowed, pushing the rest of them away, letting Jungkook guide you in by the hand.
Jimin and Namjoon disappeared into the room and Jin into the kitchen.
Jungkook smiled proudly, "so... this is the dorm you've always heard about... what do you think?"
You spun around, looking at every corner of the utilised space, and recognised pieces of furniture you saw in your video calls.
"It .... looks just the same as I imagined."
They gave you a light chuckle, still a little amazed that you were really here, standing in the middle of their 7-men dorm.
Tae bellowed in his low and husky voice, one that you never grew tired of hearing. "Noona, you're the first girl who's ever step foot inside here other than the cleaning aunt."
"And you're also going to be the first and last one to stay here." Jimin said as he emerged from the room, holding an arm full of pillows and his blanket.
Jungkook realised Jimin had taken his set of bedding to let you rest in his space of their room while he took the lounge chair in the living room.
At the same time Jin came out, holding a cup of milk in a clear glass.
"Here, you're gonna have to take one cup of this every single night from now on okay?"
You took it from his warm hand, speechless with gratitude.
Jungkook watched you, overwhelmed.
"See? I told you right, these are my hyungs - and now, your oppas." It was a little cringey but true.
Jimin was nearly done setting up his new cosy corner. "Hey Chae-rin, you've had a long day and you must be tired... why don't you go wash up and unpack inside the room? Jungkook will show you the way around."
You took a sip before Jin took the cup away from you, "I'll keep it warm and you can have it later." He smiled, ever SO gentlemanly that it was making you fuzzy inside.
Once you were safely out of sight, Namjoon gathered everyone else, Jungkook included, and they had one Jimin would call - 'The meeting'.
It went by in quick, hushed tones and Namjoon sorted the things that needed to be done tomorrow.
"So Jin and Jungkook, you've got to go grab groceries first since you've got the car. Take Chae-rin with you early before the crowd starts coming out and don't take more than 2 hours. We'll be eating in a lot more now so make sure you buy enough." Jin and Jungkook nodded, quick to make a mental note of what they needed. "Tae, you're the actor so you go to the company first thing tomorrow and get our pass codes changed. Tell them you feel unsafe with your bursting popularity or something... The bottom line is to make sure no one else can come in here, except us."
Jhope turned to his best partner in crime, "Hyung-nim, we've got to clean the house then!"
Suga moaned in dread that he would finally need to pack his mountain of stuff. "Arraseo... we'll clean the toilet too."
Namjoon smiled at them all. "And I'll just -"
At once they said in unison, "JUST DON'T DO ANYTHING."
Jimin looked up at Jungkook, "did you check if you have a schedule tomorrow?"
"Ah." Jungkook dug out his phone and started scrolling - something he'd not done since he touched down.
Of late, Jungkook, Jin and Jimin had gotten more individual schedules while Suga, Jhope and Rapmon declined most of them to focus on the production of their next album. Taehyung on the other hand had already been casted for another drama.
"There's a filming tomorrow afternoon, but why is it just me alone? Hyung, aren't you coming?" he asked, looking to Jin and Jimin.
For the bulk of Jungkook's schedules, the managers never let him out alone unless it was something solely related to singing or dancing. Even then, he was always accompanied by either one of their agency artistes. They were still unable to trust him to fully manage interviews and talkshows.
"Oh, your first individual schedule? Congrats Jungkook!" they patted him warmly with smiles, encouraging him and reassuring him that he'd be fine.
With their longstanding teamwork, it hardly took much to get roles and responsibilities in order.
"Doesn't this feel like when we were in Europe?" Jimin laughed, reminiscing the time they toured together and had to buy groceries while dodging from fans who recognized them.
"Yea, I miss those times." Jhope smiled fondly.
Tae sounded excited at the plans that now had you in mind, referring to it as a 'staycation' in the dorm. "I've got so many movies lined up to watch with noona." He revealed a dreamy smile.
It earned him stares all around.
Jimin attempted to set things straight, "Taehyung-ah, I'd think she would prefer to spend more time with Jungkook than with us, don't you agree?"
But in all seriousness, Tae had assumed the role of being a caregiver and was more than eager about it. "There are gonna be times he's not around too and baby Mozart is good for fetal development if you want your child to be a music genius, Jungkook." he said in pure zealousness towards the newfound object of his affection.
Jungkook seemed somewhat speechless, "Uh- yyyeah sure V-hyung!"
The first night went by quietly, with the boys leaving you and Jungkook on your own. As a gesture of decency, you suggested to keep the door of the room open. Not only was it more convenient but it was sending a subtle message to everyone that you honestly had nothing to hide and wanted to be as open as possible, being the one to 'intrude' into their space. You wanted them to know they could come in anytime and need not keep you at arms length with Jungkook.
Early next morning, Jin was the first to rise as he walked passed your room, surprised to see it wide open.
"Ah... this kid." He sauntered in, and crouched next to the bed where Jungkook slept. "Yah. Wake up." He nudged his sides.
Instead of stirring awake, Jungkook only smiled with his eyes closed, obviously dreaming.
"You crazy or something, JK? It's me HYUNG, quit smiling and get up! You need to get going!" He half-whispered in a tone of mild urgency.
At once Jungkook's eyes sprang open, his first instinct to check on you.
There you were, sleeping soundly without a care in the world.
Jin's eyes traveled to the bed where you were, "H-How do we wake her up? When she's sleeping so peacefully?"
"I don't know, Hyung..." Jungkook sat up from the pull out bed that was below yours, where Jimin usually slept, and reached out gingerly to tap on your exposed hand.
"Noona..." He called out softly.
Jin laughed, "do you always call her that?"
"No," he replied with a slightly bashful smile, "It's just... Cos Hyung, you're here... "
The murmurs stirred you awake as you figeted under the sheets, gradually coming to your senses that it was a new day in a new place with new people.
Jungkook stared in surreal amazement, still in wonder that you were finally here with him and now waking up in his bed.
"Morning love," he whispered, inching nearer to caress your cheek. "It's time for some shopping with Jin Hyung and I."
At the mention of 'shopping', your eyes seemed to be able to open naturally and you found yourself completely awake.
"Wow." Jin watched on from where he stood, "it must be the effect of my name."
You didn't know he was standing there till you heard him.
"Jin oppa?"
It was the first time hearing you call him that and it was a pleasant surprise that made him smile.
"Yes it's your worldwide handsome Jinnie oppa, now hurry wash up before the milk gets cold!" with that, he blew a dramatic hand kiss and made his exit.
Laughing at his adorable nature, you got up to a great start for the busy day ahead and went about the plans Jungkook had for you.
Am I really going to be safe here? Will I get any of the boys in trouble? So... Is this my new life from now on?
There were a multitude of questions running through your head even though you were enjoying every minute of being in Seoul.
As you were preparing to pay up with Jungkook, Jin's sharp ears picked up the familiar sound of a high speed camera shutter.
With ease, he identified the source to be a paparazzi hiding behind a low planter.
Quickly, he whisked Jungkook aside flinging him to another payment counter, away from you.
"What - -?? Hyung?? " his wide open eyes didn't catch on.
"We're being followed." Jin said between gritted teeth, slotting his credit card in between your fingers. "We got to go, meet us at the carpark."
With that, he dragged a confused Jungkook away, not letting him look back once. There you were holding his shiny card, left with a trolley full of groceries in tow.
Great, this is how it's gonna be, huh.?
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kuyarexdelsdiaries · 5 years
KRD Media Roundup No. 12
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(DZBB’s Fab Four: Mike Enriquez, Joel Reyes Zobel, Arnold Clavio, and Ali Sotto)
Super Radyo DZBB 594AM revamped its programming lineup since Monday, June 3. On the weekdays slot, Melo Del Prado sa Super Radyo extends airing from the 5:30am pre-Dobol B Sa News TV slot to a 1-hour simulcast edition at 6am, making it 90 minutes of his program. While Easy Easy Lang replaces Kay Susan Tayo sa Radyo with Susan Enriquez manning the 1-hour public affairs program spinoff to the defunct GMA public affairs program Kay Susan Tayo during the early 2000′s, airing at 11am, back to back with the nationally-syndicated newscast Super Balita sa Tanghali Nationwide (via satellite on all Super Radyo AM Stations) anchored by Orly Trinidad and Lala Roque at 12nn. While Walang Siesta finally replaces with Bidang Bida sa Dobol B, a Showbiz-oriented talk show with the Dibadiingdings headed by Tootie, Janna Chu Chu and Mega Ooh La La at the 2pm slot, and the formal relaunch of Super Kalusugan with Ms. Shirley Escalante airing Mondays to Thursdays at 9pm (including the Go Natural-sponsored ‘Super Kalusugan: Natural na Galing’ on Wednesdays). While on Saturdays, Melo Del Prado will man Super Radyo Nationwide which originally hosted by Francis Flores which he then hosted his new afternoon program ‘Francis Kiko Flores: On Board’ from 2:30-4pm. The 6am slot of the program will retain, but for only one hour, thus the weekend newscast Super Balita sa Umaga will be at 7am-8am, Rowena Salvacion hosts Isyu At Iba Pa from 8am, Mang Tani Cruz’ IM Ready sa Dobol B now airs at 9am, Connie Sison tackles health issues on the long-running GMA Public Affairs program’s radio spinoff, Pinoy M.D. sa Dobol B at 10am, and the trio of Norilyn Temblor, Tootie, and Lala Roque hosts DZBB Super Serbisyo at 11am. Presinto 594, hosted by Manny Vargas, and Mark Macalalad now airs on Saturdays at 7-8pm and Sundays 6:30-8pm (right after 24 Oras Weekend). On Sundays, Orly Trinidad will begin with Buena Manong Balita at 6am, taking over the last hour of Fernan Gulapa’s Sunday Gwapo now only airs from 4-6am. While Bantay Balita, a new program focuses on the two houses of congress was launched, with Nimfa Ravelo for ‘Bantay sa Senado’ at 8am, and Divine Reyes for ‘Bantay sa Kamara’ at 10am, after Benjie Liwanag’s ‘Liwanag sa likod ng mga Balita’ at 9am. MMDA sa GMA, a long-running public-service program of MMDA and GMA Network now airs at 11am. Execuitive Summary, a new program on the review of executive department’s activities (including department updates and government-related news) hosted by Tuesday Niu and Isa Avendaño-Umali airs at 2:30pm, and Dindo Bellosillo’s TKO (Talakayan, Komentaryo, at Opinyon) now airs at 5pm.
GMA News TV has successfully moved to Channel 27 with no test broadcasts or shutdown notice, but after midnight of June 5, GNTV’s former home formally abandoned its transmission on Channel 11, though it underwent a 3-day low powered test broadcast from June 1-3 lowering its transmission power from 100KW to 30KW (a Ultra High Frequency TV Station must limit transmission up to a maximum of 50kw for analog TV) before the move. GNTV broadcasts nationwide on 30 relay stations being DWDB TV 27 as the sole origin station. Dobol B Sa News TV extends broadcast hours for 1 more hour and airing days up to weekends, making this simulcast broadened to a daily 6am-12pm timeslot right before GMA News’ longest-running midday newscast Balitanghali.
Aside from the termination of GMA Network and ZOE Broadcasting Network’s blocktime agreement, which most of its programs are no longer aired on GMA-7, GNTV, and international channels GMA PinoyTV and GMA LifeTV. ZBNI’s own programming are now exclusively aired on their own Light TV God’s Channel of Blessings on DTV-33 Manila and Free TV 33 Palawan.
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Prior to its move, some weekend programs of GNTV as well as 2 of its weekday newscasts bid goodbye from May 25-May 31st. Day-Off, bid goodbye after 13 years from its debut on QTV on November 12, 2005 hosted by Pekto and Carmina Villaroel and changed its hosts over the years. While Wagas, a weekly drama anthology on love stories cancelled its entire 6-year run, but it will move eventually to GMA-7 by August as a daily series.
(Courtesy: GMA News Youtube)
News To Go and Balita Pilipinas Ngayon had its final edition after 8 years on the air. GNTV’s mid-morning (soon, pre-noontime) newscast News To Go has covered live events in time of disaster and war, the 1st to break news, interviews with newsmakers on the developing story and issue, social media interactions, and virtual reality graphics. NTG earned a Gandingan award from the university of the Philippines Los Baños community.
(Courtesy: GMA News Youtube)
Balita Pilipinas was originally a weekly regional newscast hosted by Arnold Clavio when it began airing on March 5, 2011, and several years later, it became a daily regional newscast anchored by Mark Salazar and Maki Pulido.
A week after it’s move, MARS, GNTV’s primetime talkshow bids goodbye with their final episode last June 13. MARS debuted in 2012 hosted by Suzi Abrera and Camille Prats and lasted for 7 years on the airwaves. This July, MARS relaunches on GMA-7 as a newest morning talk show Mars Pa More, with Camille retaining her stint plus her new partner Iya Villania-Arellano.
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ABS-CBN Corporation has launched its newest DTV device for mobile phones. The company that brought ABS-CBN TVPlus when it sold more than 7 million units has introduced TVPlus Go, an on-the-go device suitable for Out-of-Home and outdoor use. With this new product, the public can now experience the same TVPlus benefits in the palm of your hand. How it works? TVPlus Go Units are available in Cellboy & Celltime stores in select SM Malls for an introductory price of P799 (includes a OTG USB dongle base and a detachable antenna). To enjoy TVPlus Go, your android device must be Version 5 and above, RAM must be 1GB or higher, and processor must have Dual Core or higher core. Download TVPlus Go app on the Google PlayStore, and once installed and the dongle has plugged in, open the app, and register your account (one-time registration is FREE) then scan available channels to enjoy all DTV channels, including ABS-CBN, S+A, Cinemo!, Yey!, DZMM Teleradyo, Knowledge Channel, and free trial channels O Shopping, Asianovela Channel, Movie Central, Myx, and Jeepney TV (free trial channels available in Metro Manila, Rizal, Cavite, Laguna, Metro Cebu, and Cagayan De Oro. Freemium channels are available in most TVPlus coverage areas). Freemium channels can be activated for FREE for only 1 android device, while succeeding android units with the same TVPlus Go device may charge P40/unit. In the next few months, TVPlus Go users can enjoy KBO Free Trial for registered users.
Last month, KRD reminded DTV box users in Mega Manila to rescan for continuous viewing of GMA & GNTV which many acted them until June 3rd deadline. Most viewers lost signal to these channels after the June 3 deadline due to lack of information on rescanning. Now, GMA Network invites DTV box and other DTV devices in Mega Manila to rescan and continue enjoy these channels and avoid duplicate channel name issues on your digibox.
TV Sets with DTV tuners may rescan (refer to the brand’s instruction manual for rescan instructions), while mobile phones with DTV apps can also rescan (make sure you have a DTV dongle plugged in to the OTG jack before rescanning. Apps like My Digital TV and TVPlus Go has a scan function to rescan available channels).
0 notes
The revelation of an email trove in which the senior aide trafficked in far-right ideas provoked outrage but little surpriseStephen Miller is one of the few survivors from Donald Trump’s original White House team. Photograph: Evan Vucci/APThe extraordinary email leak came with a sense of inevitability. The senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist articles and books in emails to a writer at Breitbart, who after leaving the hard-right website leaked 900 messages to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).It was a discovery that would end the careers of most political figures. But among calls for Miller’s resignation, a common theme emerged: a lack of surprise that the architect of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda endorsed white supremacist views.“Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career,” a coalition of 55 civil rights groups wrote to the president this week. “The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.”A columnist at the conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner, Tiana Lowe, wrote that while the public doesn’t know for a fact how Miller feels inside, he has historically shown an unwillingness to bend his hardline stance on immigration, thereby threatening more mainstream Republican policies.“It’s long past time for Trump to dump Miller,” Lowe wrote.In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.Courts have ended, amended or put the policies on hold but they are standout examples in a portfolio of changes to legal and humanitarian immigration frameworks happening at such a rapid pace it is difficult for most Americans to comprehend.What the American public does understand is Miller’s laser focus on blocking immigration to the US.Before the emails were released, Miller was called a fascist at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. He also reportedly threw away $80 of takeout sushi, after a bartender followed him into the street.Miller’s uncle, who has admitted he has not had many conversations with his nephew in the past 10 years, wrote an opinion piece charging that Miller was an “immigration hypocrite”, because his ancestors included Jews who came to the US to escape pogroms in Russia.In an interview with the Washington Post published in August, Miller dismissed charges of racism.“It is a scurrilous and scandalous lie,” he said, “born of a complete and total lack of understanding of the harms done by uncontrolled migration to people of all backgrounds, and born of a contempt for this nation, for our law enforcement officers and for the citizens who live here – and oftentimes, I might add, born of a personal grudge against this administration.”He told the Post he had no plans or ambitions beyond his job, because of his focus on the president.“You cannot understand me, you cannot understand anything that I say, do or think if you do not understand that my sole motivation is to serve this president and this country, and there is no other,” Miller said.Such religious attachment to Trump might have seemed unlikely for a Californian from a predominantly liberal, beachside community like Santa Monica. But Miller started early as a conservative provocateur.“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school.Before graduating, he had appeared on a nationally syndicated conservative radio talkshow more than 70 times.In the Trump administration, as one of few surviving initial appointees, he has deployed a similarly inflammatory style.In response to questions about Trump’s authority to implement the travel ban, Miller said the president “will not be questioned”.His response to the four Democratic congresswoman known as the Squad? “They want to tear down the structure of our country.”How to explain the zero-tolerance policy which allowed for mass family separations at the border? “A simple decision.”The email leak, however, showed a new depth to Miller’s anti-immigration agenda. In reports published in the past two weeks, the SPLC showed that Miller disseminated conspiracy theories positing a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America and recommend a book which claims refugee resettlement – a program Miller has helped nearly destroy – is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.There has been a steady drumbeat of calls for Miller to go. This week, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every day Stephen Miller remains in the White House is an emergency.”On Thursday night, more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed a letter to Trump demanding Miller’s removal.“A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position,” the letter said.The White House has supported Miller. But it has not denied the emails came from him; nor has it addressed the emails’ content.Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said the SPLC was an “utterly discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization”. Hogan Gidley, her deputy, claimed the criticism was related to Miller’s Jewish identity.“He loves this country and hates bigotry in all forms – and it concerns me as to why so many on the left consistently attack Jewish members of this administration,” Gidley told the New York Times.On Friday morning, a coalition of Jewish groups called on Trump to fire Miller, in order “to make clear that white supremacy has no place in the White House or the United States of America”.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QJUt2E
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banelemental · 5 years
The revelation of an email trove in which the senior aide trafficked in far-right ideas provoked outrage but little surpriseStephen Miller is one of the few survivors from Donald Trump’s original White House team. Photograph: Evan Vucci/APThe extraordinary email leak came with a sense of inevitability. The senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist articles and books in emails to a writer at Breitbart, who after leaving the hard-right website leaked 900 messages to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).It was a discovery that would end the careers of most political figures. But among calls for Miller’s resignation, a common theme emerged: a lack of surprise that the architect of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda endorsed white supremacist views.“Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career,” a coalition of 55 civil rights groups wrote to the president this week. “The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.”A columnist at the conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner, Tiana Lowe, wrote that while the public doesn’t know for a fact how Miller feels inside, he has historically shown an unwillingness to bend his hardline stance on immigration, thereby threatening more mainstream Republican policies.“It’s long past time for Trump to dump Miller,” Lowe wrote.In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.Courts have ended, amended or put the policies on hold but they are standout examples in a portfolio of changes to legal and humanitarian immigration frameworks happening at such a rapid pace it is difficult for most Americans to comprehend.What the American public does understand is Miller’s laser focus on blocking immigration to the US.Before the emails were released, Miller was called a fascist at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. He also reportedly threw away $80 of takeout sushi, after a bartender followed him into the street.Miller’s uncle, who has admitted he has not had many conversations with his nephew in the past 10 years, wrote an opinion piece charging that Miller was an “immigration hypocrite”, because his ancestors included Jews who came to the US to escape pogroms in Russia.In an interview with the Washington Post published in August, Miller dismissed charges of racism.“It is a scurrilous and scandalous lie,” he said, “born of a complete and total lack of understanding of the harms done by uncontrolled migration to people of all backgrounds, and born of a contempt for this nation, for our law enforcement officers and for the citizens who live here – and oftentimes, I might add, born of a personal grudge against this administration.”He told the Post he had no plans or ambitions beyond his job, because of his focus on the president.“You cannot understand me, you cannot understand anything that I say, do or think if you do not understand that my sole motivation is to serve this president and this country, and there is no other,” Miller said.Such religious attachment to Trump might have seemed unlikely for a Californian from a predominantly liberal, beachside community like Santa Monica. But Miller started early as a conservative provocateur.“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school.Before graduating, he had appeared on a nationally syndicated conservative radio talkshow more than 70 times.In the Trump administration, as one of few surviving initial appointees, he has deployed a similarly inflammatory style.In response to questions about Trump’s authority to implement the travel ban, Miller said the president “will not be questioned”.His response to the four Democratic congresswoman known as the Squad? “They want to tear down the structure of our country.”How to explain the zero-tolerance policy which allowed for mass family separations at the border? “A simple decision.”The email leak, however, showed a new depth to Miller’s anti-immigration agenda. In reports published in the past two weeks, the SPLC showed that Miller disseminated conspiracy theories positing a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America and recommend a book which claims refugee resettlement – a program Miller has helped nearly destroy – is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.There has been a steady drumbeat of calls for Miller to go. This week, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every day Stephen Miller remains in the White House is an emergency.”On Thursday night, more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed a letter to Trump demanding Miller’s removal.“A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position,” the letter said.The White House has supported Miller. But it has not denied the emails came from him; nor has it addressed the emails’ content.Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said the SPLC was an “utterly discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization”. Hogan Gidley, her deputy, claimed the criticism was related to Miller’s Jewish identity.“He loves this country and hates bigotry in all forms – and it concerns me as to why so many on the left consistently attack Jewish members of this administration,” Gidley told the New York Times.On Friday morning, a coalition of Jewish groups called on Trump to fire Miller, in order “to make clear that white supremacy has no place in the White House or the United States of America”.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QJUt2E
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weopenviews · 5 years
The revelation of an email trove in which the senior aide trafficked in far-right ideas provoked outrage but little surpriseStephen Miller is one of the few survivors from Donald Trump’s original White House team. Photograph: Evan Vucci/APThe extraordinary email leak came with a sense of inevitability. The senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist articles and books in emails to a writer at Breitbart, who after leaving the hard-right website leaked 900 messages to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).It was a discovery that would end the careers of most political figures. But among calls for Miller’s resignation, a common theme emerged: a lack of surprise that the architect of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda endorsed white supremacist views.“Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career,” a coalition of 55 civil rights groups wrote to the president this week. “The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.”A columnist at the conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner, Tiana Lowe, wrote that while the public doesn’t know for a fact how Miller feels inside, he has historically shown an unwillingness to bend his hardline stance on immigration, thereby threatening more mainstream Republican policies.“It’s long past time for Trump to dump Miller,” Lowe wrote.In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.Courts have ended, amended or put the policies on hold but they are standout examples in a portfolio of changes to legal and humanitarian immigration frameworks happening at such a rapid pace it is difficult for most Americans to comprehend.What the American public does understand is Miller’s laser focus on blocking immigration to the US.Before the emails were released, Miller was called a fascist at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. He also reportedly threw away $80 of takeout sushi, after a bartender followed him into the street.Miller’s uncle, who has admitted he has not had many conversations with his nephew in the past 10 years, wrote an opinion piece charging that Miller was an “immigration hypocrite”, because his ancestors included Jews who came to the US to escape pogroms in Russia.In an interview with the Washington Post published in August, Miller dismissed charges of racism.“It is a scurrilous and scandalous lie,” he said, “born of a complete and total lack of understanding of the harms done by uncontrolled migration to people of all backgrounds, and born of a contempt for this nation, for our law enforcement officers and for the citizens who live here – and oftentimes, I might add, born of a personal grudge against this administration.”He told the Post he had no plans or ambitions beyond his job, because of his focus on the president.“You cannot understand me, you cannot understand anything that I say, do or think if you do not understand that my sole motivation is to serve this president and this country, and there is no other,” Miller said.Such religious attachment to Trump might have seemed unlikely for a Californian from a predominantly liberal, beachside community like Santa Monica. But Miller started early as a conservative provocateur.“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school.Before graduating, he had appeared on a nationally syndicated conservative radio talkshow more than 70 times.In the Trump administration, as one of few surviving initial appointees, he has deployed a similarly inflammatory style.In response to questions about Trump’s authority to implement the travel ban, Miller said the president “will not be questioned”.His response to the four Democratic congresswoman known as the Squad? “They want to tear down the structure of our country.”How to explain the zero-tolerance policy which allowed for mass family separations at the border? “A simple decision.”The email leak, however, showed a new depth to Miller’s anti-immigration agenda. In reports published in the past two weeks, the SPLC showed that Miller disseminated conspiracy theories positing a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America and recommend a book which claims refugee resettlement – a program Miller has helped nearly destroy – is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.There has been a steady drumbeat of calls for Miller to go. This week, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every day Stephen Miller remains in the White House is an emergency.”On Thursday night, more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed a letter to Trump demanding Miller’s removal.“A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position,” the letter said.The White House has supported Miller. But it has not denied the emails came from him; nor has it addressed the emails’ content.Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said the SPLC was an “utterly discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization”. Hogan Gidley, her deputy, claimed the criticism was related to Miller’s Jewish identity.“He loves this country and hates bigotry in all forms – and it concerns me as to why so many on the left consistently attack Jewish members of this administration,” Gidley told the New York Times.On Friday morning, a coalition of Jewish groups called on Trump to fire Miller, in order “to make clear that white supremacy has no place in the White House or the United States of America”.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QJUt2E
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worldnews-blog · 5 years
The revelation of an email trove in which the senior aide trafficked in far-right ideas provoked outrage but little surpriseStephen Miller is one of the few survivors from Donald Trump’s original White House team. Photograph: Evan Vucci/APThe extraordinary email leak came with a sense of inevitability. The senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist articles and books in emails to a writer at Breitbart, who after leaving the hard-right website leaked 900 messages to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).It was a discovery that would end the careers of most political figures. But among calls for Miller’s resignation, a common theme emerged: a lack of surprise that the architect of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda endorsed white supremacist views.“Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career,” a coalition of 55 civil rights groups wrote to the president this week. “The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.”A columnist at the conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner, Tiana Lowe, wrote that while the public doesn’t know for a fact how Miller feels inside, he has historically shown an unwillingness to bend his hardline stance on immigration, thereby threatening more mainstream Republican policies.“It’s long past time for Trump to dump Miller,” Lowe wrote.In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.Courts have ended, amended or put the policies on hold but they are standout examples in a portfolio of changes to legal and humanitarian immigration frameworks happening at such a rapid pace it is difficult for most Americans to comprehend.What the American public does understand is Miller’s laser focus on blocking immigration to the US.Before the emails were released, Miller was called a fascist at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. He also reportedly threw away $80 of takeout sushi, after a bartender followed him into the street.Miller’s uncle, who has admitted he has not had many conversations with his nephew in the past 10 years, wrote an opinion piece charging that Miller was an “immigration hypocrite”, because his ancestors included Jews who came to the US to escape pogroms in Russia.In an interview with the Washington Post published in August, Miller dismissed charges of racism.“It is a scurrilous and scandalous lie,” he said, “born of a complete and total lack of understanding of the harms done by uncontrolled migration to people of all backgrounds, and born of a contempt for this nation, for our law enforcement officers and for the citizens who live here – and oftentimes, I might add, born of a personal grudge against this administration.”He told the Post he had no plans or ambitions beyond his job, because of his focus on the president.“You cannot understand me, you cannot understand anything that I say, do or think if you do not understand that my sole motivation is to serve this president and this country, and there is no other,” Miller said.Such religious attachment to Trump might have seemed unlikely for a Californian from a predominantly liberal, beachside community like Santa Monica. But Miller started early as a conservative provocateur.“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school.Before graduating, he had appeared on a nationally syndicated conservative radio talkshow more than 70 times.In the Trump administration, as one of few surviving initial appointees, he has deployed a similarly inflammatory style.In response to questions about Trump’s authority to implement the travel ban, Miller said the president “will not be questioned”.His response to the four Democratic congresswoman known as the Squad? “They want to tear down the structure of our country.”How to explain the zero-tolerance policy which allowed for mass family separations at the border? “A simple decision.”The email leak, however, showed a new depth to Miller’s anti-immigration agenda. In reports published in the past two weeks, the SPLC showed that Miller disseminated conspiracy theories positing a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America and recommend a book which claims refugee resettlement – a program Miller has helped nearly destroy – is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.There has been a steady drumbeat of calls for Miller to go. This week, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every day Stephen Miller remains in the White House is an emergency.”On Thursday night, more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed a letter to Trump demanding Miller’s removal.“A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position,” the letter said.The White House has supported Miller. But it has not denied the emails came from him; nor has it addressed the emails’ content.Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said the SPLC was an “utterly discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization”. Hogan Gidley, her deputy, claimed the criticism was related to Miller’s Jewish identity.“He loves this country and hates bigotry in all forms – and it concerns me as to why so many on the left consistently attack Jewish members of this administration,” Gidley told the New York Times.On Friday morning, a coalition of Jewish groups called on Trump to fire Miller, in order “to make clear that white supremacy has no place in the White House or the United States of America”.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QJUt2E
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7newx1 · 5 years
The revelation of an email trove in which the senior aide trafficked in far-right ideas provoked outrage but little surpriseStephen Miller is one of the few survivors from Donald Trump’s original White House team. Photograph: Evan Vucci/APThe extraordinary email leak came with a sense of inevitability. The senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist articles and books in emails to a writer at Breitbart, who after leaving the hard-right website leaked 900 messages to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).It was a discovery that would end the careers of most political figures. But among calls for Miller’s resignation, a common theme emerged: a lack of surprise that the architect of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda endorsed white supremacist views.“Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career,” a coalition of 55 civil rights groups wrote to the president this week. “The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.”A columnist at the conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner, Tiana Lowe, wrote that while the public doesn’t know for a fact how Miller feels inside, he has historically shown an unwillingness to bend his hardline stance on immigration, thereby threatening more mainstream Republican policies.“It’s long past time for Trump to dump Miller,” Lowe wrote.In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.Courts have ended, amended or put the policies on hold but they are standout examples in a portfolio of changes to legal and humanitarian immigration frameworks happening at such a rapid pace it is difficult for most Americans to comprehend.What the American public does understand is Miller’s laser focus on blocking immigration to the US.Before the emails were released, Miller was called a fascist at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. He also reportedly threw away $80 of takeout sushi, after a bartender followed him into the street.Miller’s uncle, who has admitted he has not had many conversations with his nephew in the past 10 years, wrote an opinion piece charging that Miller was an “immigration hypocrite”, because his ancestors included Jews who came to the US to escape pogroms in Russia.In an interview with the Washington Post published in August, Miller dismissed charges of racism.“It is a scurrilous and scandalous lie,” he said, “born of a complete and total lack of understanding of the harms done by uncontrolled migration to people of all backgrounds, and born of a contempt for this nation, for our law enforcement officers and for the citizens who live here – and oftentimes, I might add, born of a personal grudge against this administration.”He told the Post he had no plans or ambitions beyond his job, because of his focus on the president.“You cannot understand me, you cannot understand anything that I say, do or think if you do not understand that my sole motivation is to serve this president and this country, and there is no other,” Miller said.Such religious attachment to Trump might have seemed unlikely for a Californian from a predominantly liberal, beachside community like Santa Monica. But Miller started early as a conservative provocateur.“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school.Before graduating, he had appeared on a nationally syndicated conservative radio talkshow more than 70 times.In the Trump administration, as one of few surviving initial appointees, he has deployed a similarly inflammatory style.In response to questions about Trump’s authority to implement the travel ban, Miller said the president “will not be questioned”.His response to the four Democratic congresswoman known as the Squad? “They want to tear down the structure of our country.”How to explain the zero-tolerance policy which allowed for mass family separations at the border? “A simple decision.”The email leak, however, showed a new depth to Miller’s anti-immigration agenda. In reports published in the past two weeks, the SPLC showed that Miller disseminated conspiracy theories positing a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America and recommend a book which claims refugee resettlement – a program Miller has helped nearly destroy – is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.There has been a steady drumbeat of calls for Miller to go. This week, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every day Stephen Miller remains in the White House is an emergency.”On Thursday night, more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed a letter to Trump demanding Miller’s removal.“A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position,” the letter said.The White House has supported Miller. But it has not denied the emails came from him; nor has it addressed the emails’ content.Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said the SPLC was an “utterly discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization”. Hogan Gidley, her deputy, claimed the criticism was related to Miller’s Jewish identity.“He loves this country and hates bigotry in all forms – and it concerns me as to why so many on the left consistently attack Jewish members of this administration,” Gidley told the New York Times.On Friday morning, a coalition of Jewish groups called on Trump to fire Miller, in order “to make clear that white supremacy has no place in the White House or the United States of America”.
0 notes
beautytipsfor · 5 years
Stephen Miller: the white nationalist at the heart of Trump's White House
The revelation of an email trove in which the senior aide trafficked in far-right ideas provoked outrage but little surpriseStephen Miller is one of the few survivors from Donald Trump’s original White House team. Photograph: Evan Vucci/APThe extraordinary email leak came with a sense of inevitability. The senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist articles and books in emails to a writer at Breitbart, who after leaving the hard-right website leaked 900 messages to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).It was a discovery that would end the careers of most political figures. But among calls for Miller’s resignation, a common theme emerged: a lack of surprise that the architect of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda endorsed white supremacist views.“Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career,” a coalition of 55 civil rights groups wrote to the president this week. “The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.”A columnist at the conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner, Tiana Lowe, wrote that while the public doesn’t know for a fact how Miller feels inside, he has historically shown an unwillingness to bend his hardline stance on immigration, thereby threatening more mainstream Republican policies.“It’s long past time for Trump to dump Miller,” Lowe wrote.In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.Courts have ended, amended or put the policies on hold but they are standout examples in a portfolio of changes to legal and humanitarian immigration frameworks happening at such a rapid pace it is difficult for most Americans to comprehend.What the American public does understand is Miller’s laser focus on blocking immigration to the US.Before the emails were released, Miller was called a fascist at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. He also reportedly threw away $80 of takeout sushi, after a bartender followed him into the street.Miller’s uncle, who has admitted he has not had many conversations with his nephew in the past 10 years, wrote an opinion piece charging that Miller was an “immigration hypocrite”, because his ancestors included Jews who came to the US to escape pogroms in Russia.In an interview with the Washington Post published in August, Miller dismissed charges of racism.“It is a scurrilous and scandalous lie,” he said, “born of a complete and total lack of understanding of the harms done by uncontrolled migration to people of all backgrounds, and born of a contempt for this nation, for our law enforcement officers and for the citizens who live here – and oftentimes, I might add, born of a personal grudge against this administration.”He told the Post he had no plans or ambitions beyond his job, because of his focus on the president.“You cannot understand me, you cannot understand anything that I say, do or think if you do not understand that my sole motivation is to serve this president and this country, and there is no other,” Miller said.Such religious attachment to Trump might have seemed unlikely for a Californian from a predominantly liberal, beachside community like Santa Monica. But Miller started early as a conservative provocateur.“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school.Before graduating, he had appeared on a nationally syndicated conservative radio talkshow more than 70 times.In the Trump administration, as one of few surviving initial appointees, he has deployed a similarly inflammatory style.In response to questions about Trump’s authority to implement the travel ban, Miller said the president “will not be questioned”.His response to the four Democratic congresswoman known as the Squad? “They want to tear down the structure of our country.”How to explain the zero-tolerance policy which allowed for mass family separations at the border? “A simple decision.”The email leak, however, showed a new depth to Miller’s anti-immigration agenda. In reports published in the past two weeks, the SPLC showed that Miller disseminated conspiracy theories positing a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America and recommend a book which claims refugee resettlement – a program Miller has helped nearly destroy – is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.There has been a steady drumbeat of calls for Miller to go. This week, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every day Stephen Miller remains in the White House is an emergency.”On Thursday night, more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed a letter to Trump demanding Miller’s removal.“A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position,” the letter said.The White House has supported Miller. But it has not denied the emails came from him; nor has it addressed the emails’ content.Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said the SPLC was an “utterly discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization”. Hogan Gidley, her deputy, claimed the criticism was related to Miller’s Jewish identity.“He loves this country and hates bigotry in all forms – and it concerns me as to why so many on the left consistently attack Jewish members of this administration,” Gidley told the New York Times.On Friday morning, a coalition of Jewish groups called on Trump to fire Miller, in order “to make clear that white supremacy has no place in the White House or the United States of America”.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QJUt2E via Beauty Tips
from Blogger https://ift.tt/33jCKBF
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The revelation of an email trove in which the senior aide trafficked in far-right ideas provoked outrage but little surpriseStephen Miller is one of the few survivors from Donald Trump’s original White House team. Photograph: Evan Vucci/APThe extraordinary email leak came with a sense of inevitability. The senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist articles and books in emails to a writer at Breitbart, who after leaving the hard-right website leaked 900 messages to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).It was a discovery that would end the careers of most political figures. But among calls for Miller’s resignation, a common theme emerged: a lack of surprise that the architect of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda endorsed white supremacist views.“Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career,” a coalition of 55 civil rights groups wrote to the president this week. “The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.”A columnist at the conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner, Tiana Lowe, wrote that while the public doesn’t know for a fact how Miller feels inside, he has historically shown an unwillingness to bend his hardline stance on immigration, thereby threatening more mainstream Republican policies.“It’s long past time for Trump to dump Miller,” Lowe wrote.In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.Courts have ended, amended or put the policies on hold but they are standout examples in a portfolio of changes to legal and humanitarian immigration frameworks happening at such a rapid pace it is difficult for most Americans to comprehend.What the American public does understand is Miller’s laser focus on blocking immigration to the US.Before the emails were released, Miller was called a fascist at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. He also reportedly threw away $80 of takeout sushi, after a bartender followed him into the street.Miller’s uncle, who has admitted he has not had many conversations with his nephew in the past 10 years, wrote an opinion piece charging that Miller was an “immigration hypocrite”, because his ancestors included Jews who came to the US to escape pogroms in Russia.In an interview with the Washington Post published in August, Miller dismissed charges of racism.“It is a scurrilous and scandalous lie,” he said, “born of a complete and total lack of understanding of the harms done by uncontrolled migration to people of all backgrounds, and born of a contempt for this nation, for our law enforcement officers and for the citizens who live here – and oftentimes, I might add, born of a personal grudge against this administration.”He told the Post he had no plans or ambitions beyond his job, because of his focus on the president.“You cannot understand me, you cannot understand anything that I say, do or think if you do not understand that my sole motivation is to serve this president and this country, and there is no other,” Miller said.Such religious attachment to Trump might have seemed unlikely for a Californian from a predominantly liberal, beachside community like Santa Monica. But Miller started early as a conservative provocateur.“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school.Before graduating, he had appeared on a nationally syndicated conservative radio talkshow more than 70 times.In the Trump administration, as one of few surviving initial appointees, he has deployed a similarly inflammatory style.In response to questions about Trump’s authority to implement the travel ban, Miller said the president “will not be questioned”.His response to the four Democratic congresswoman known as the Squad? “They want to tear down the structure of our country.”How to explain the zero-tolerance policy which allowed for mass family separations at the border? “A simple decision.”The email leak, however, showed a new depth to Miller’s anti-immigration agenda. In reports published in the past two weeks, the SPLC showed that Miller disseminated conspiracy theories positing a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America and recommend a book which claims refugee resettlement – a program Miller has helped nearly destroy – is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.There has been a steady drumbeat of calls for Miller to go. This week, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every day Stephen Miller remains in the White House is an emergency.”On Thursday night, more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed a letter to Trump demanding Miller’s removal.“A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position,” the letter said.The White House has supported Miller. But it has not denied the emails came from him; nor has it addressed the emails’ content.Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said the SPLC was an “utterly discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization”. Hogan Gidley, her deputy, claimed the criticism was related to Miller’s Jewish identity.“He loves this country and hates bigotry in all forms – and it concerns me as to why so many on the left consistently attack Jewish members of this administration,” Gidley told the New York Times.On Friday morning, a coalition of Jewish groups called on Trump to fire Miller, in order “to make clear that white supremacy has no place in the White House or the United States of America”.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QJUt2E
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attredd · 5 years
The revelation of an email trove in which the senior aide trafficked in far-right ideas provoked outrage but little surpriseStephen Miller is one of the few survivors from Donald Trump’s original White House team. Photograph: Evan Vucci/APThe extraordinary email leak came with a sense of inevitability. The senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist articles and books in emails to a writer at Breitbart, who after leaving the hard-right website leaked 900 messages to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).It was a discovery that would end the careers of most political figures. But among calls for Miller’s resignation, a common theme emerged: a lack of surprise that the architect of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda endorsed white supremacist views.“Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career,” a coalition of 55 civil rights groups wrote to the president this week. “The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.”A columnist at the conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner, Tiana Lowe, wrote that while the public doesn’t know for a fact how Miller feels inside, he has historically shown an unwillingness to bend his hardline stance on immigration, thereby threatening more mainstream Republican policies.“It’s long past time for Trump to dump Miller,” Lowe wrote.In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.Courts have ended, amended or put the policies on hold but they are standout examples in a portfolio of changes to legal and humanitarian immigration frameworks happening at such a rapid pace it is difficult for most Americans to comprehend.What the American public does understand is Miller’s laser focus on blocking immigration to the US.Before the emails were released, Miller was called a fascist at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. He also reportedly threw away $80 of takeout sushi, after a bartender followed him into the street.Miller’s uncle, who has admitted he has not had many conversations with his nephew in the past 10 years, wrote an opinion piece charging that Miller was an “immigration hypocrite”, because his ancestors included Jews who came to the US to escape pogroms in Russia.In an interview with the Washington Post published in August, Miller dismissed charges of racism.“It is a scurrilous and scandalous lie,” he said, “born of a complete and total lack of understanding of the harms done by uncontrolled migration to people of all backgrounds, and born of a contempt for this nation, for our law enforcement officers and for the citizens who live here – and oftentimes, I might add, born of a personal grudge against this administration.”He told the Post he had no plans or ambitions beyond his job, because of his focus on the president.“You cannot understand me, you cannot understand anything that I say, do or think if you do not understand that my sole motivation is to serve this president and this country, and there is no other,” Miller said.Such religious attachment to Trump might have seemed unlikely for a Californian from a predominantly liberal, beachside community like Santa Monica. But Miller started early as a conservative provocateur.“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school.Before graduating, he had appeared on a nationally syndicated conservative radio talkshow more than 70 times.In the Trump administration, as one of few surviving initial appointees, he has deployed a similarly inflammatory style.In response to questions about Trump’s authority to implement the travel ban, Miller said the president “will not be questioned”.His response to the four Democratic congresswoman known as the Squad? “They want to tear down the structure of our country.”How to explain the zero-tolerance policy which allowed for mass family separations at the border? “A simple decision.”The email leak, however, showed a new depth to Miller’s anti-immigration agenda. In reports published in the past two weeks, the SPLC showed that Miller disseminated conspiracy theories positing a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America and recommend a book which claims refugee resettlement – a program Miller has helped nearly destroy – is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.There has been a steady drumbeat of calls for Miller to go. This week, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every day Stephen Miller remains in the White House is an emergency.”On Thursday night, more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed a letter to Trump demanding Miller’s removal.“A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position,” the letter said.The White House has supported Miller. But it has not denied the emails came from him; nor has it addressed the emails’ content.Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said the SPLC was an “utterly discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization”. Hogan Gidley, her deputy, claimed the criticism was related to Miller’s Jewish identity.“He loves this country and hates bigotry in all forms – and it concerns me as to why so many on the left consistently attack Jewish members of this administration,” Gidley told the New York Times.On Friday morning, a coalition of Jewish groups called on Trump to fire Miller, in order “to make clear that white supremacy has no place in the White House or the United States of America”.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QJUt2E
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tendance-news · 5 years
The revelation of an email trove in which the senior aide trafficked in far-right ideas provoked outrage but little surpriseStephen Miller is one of the few survivors from Donald Trump’s original White House team. Photograph: Evan Vucci/APThe extraordinary email leak came with a sense of inevitability. The senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist articles and books in emails to a writer at Breitbart, who after leaving the hard-right website leaked 900 messages to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).It was a discovery that would end the careers of most political figures. But among calls for Miller’s resignation, a common theme emerged: a lack of surprise that the architect of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda endorsed white supremacist views.“Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career,” a coalition of 55 civil rights groups wrote to the president this week. “The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.”A columnist at the conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner, Tiana Lowe, wrote that while the public doesn’t know for a fact how Miller feels inside, he has historically shown an unwillingness to bend his hardline stance on immigration, thereby threatening more mainstream Republican policies.“It’s long past time for Trump to dump Miller,” Lowe wrote.In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.Courts have ended, amended or put the policies on hold but they are standout examples in a portfolio of changes to legal and humanitarian immigration frameworks happening at such a rapid pace it is difficult for most Americans to comprehend.What the American public does understand is Miller’s laser focus on blocking immigration to the US.Before the emails were released, Miller was called a fascist at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. He also reportedly threw away $80 of takeout sushi, after a bartender followed him into the street.Miller’s uncle, who has admitted he has not had many conversations with his nephew in the past 10 years, wrote an opinion piece charging that Miller was an “immigration hypocrite”, because his ancestors included Jews who came to the US to escape pogroms in Russia.In an interview with the Washington Post published in August, Miller dismissed charges of racism.“It is a scurrilous and scandalous lie,” he said, “born of a complete and total lack of understanding of the harms done by uncontrolled migration to people of all backgrounds, and born of a contempt for this nation, for our law enforcement officers and for the citizens who live here – and oftentimes, I might add, born of a personal grudge against this administration.”He told the Post he had no plans or ambitions beyond his job, because of his focus on the president.“You cannot understand me, you cannot understand anything that I say, do or think if you do not understand that my sole motivation is to serve this president and this country, and there is no other,” Miller said.Such religious attachment to Trump might have seemed unlikely for a Californian from a predominantly liberal, beachside community like Santa Monica. But Miller started early as a conservative provocateur.“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school.Before graduating, he had appeared on a nationally syndicated conservative radio talkshow more than 70 times.In the Trump administration, as one of few surviving initial appointees, he has deployed a similarly inflammatory style.In response to questions about Trump’s authority to implement the travel ban, Miller said the president “will not be questioned”.His response to the four Democratic congresswoman known as the Squad? “They want to tear down the structure of our country.”How to explain the zero-tolerance policy which allowed for mass family separations at the border? “A simple decision.”The email leak, however, showed a new depth to Miller’s anti-immigration agenda. In reports published in the past two weeks, the SPLC showed that Miller disseminated conspiracy theories positing a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America and recommend a book which claims refugee resettlement – a program Miller has helped nearly destroy – is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.There has been a steady drumbeat of calls for Miller to go. This week, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every day Stephen Miller remains in the White House is an emergency.”On Thursday night, more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed a letter to Trump demanding Miller’s removal.“A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position,” the letter said.The White House has supported Miller. But it has not denied the emails came from him; nor has it addressed the emails’ content.Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said the SPLC was an “utterly discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization”. Hogan Gidley, her deputy, claimed the criticism was related to Miller’s Jewish identity.“He loves this country and hates bigotry in all forms – and it concerns me as to why so many on the left consistently attack Jewish members of this administration,” Gidley told the New York Times.On Friday morning, a coalition of Jewish groups called on Trump to fire Miller, in order “to make clear that white supremacy has no place in the White House or the United States of America”.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2QJUt2E
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newsfundastuff · 5 years
The revelation of an email trove in which the senior aide trafficked in far-right ideas provoked outrage but little surpriseStephen Miller is one of the few survivors from Donald Trump’s original White House team. Photograph: Evan Vucci/APThe extraordinary email leak came with a sense of inevitability. The senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist articles and books in emails to a writer at Breitbart, who after leaving the hard-right website leaked 900 messages to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).It was a discovery that would end the careers of most political figures. But among calls for Miller’s resignation, a common theme emerged: a lack of surprise that the architect of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda endorsed white supremacist views.“Stephen Miller has stoked bigotry, hate and division with his extreme political rhetoric and policies throughout his career,” a coalition of 55 civil rights groups wrote to the president this week. “The recent exposure of his deep-seated racism provides further proof that he is unfit to serve and should immediately leave his post.”A columnist at the conservative newspaper the Washington Examiner, Tiana Lowe, wrote that while the public doesn’t know for a fact how Miller feels inside, he has historically shown an unwillingness to bend his hardline stance on immigration, thereby threatening more mainstream Republican policies.“It’s long past time for Trump to dump Miller,” Lowe wrote.In a turbulent White House, the 34-year-old has been the driving force behind controversial policies such as family separation, the travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and a rule that would penalize legal immigrants for using public benefits.Courts have ended, amended or put the policies on hold but they are standout examples in a portfolio of changes to legal and humanitarian immigration frameworks happening at such a rapid pace it is difficult for most Americans to comprehend.What the American public does understand is Miller’s laser focus on blocking immigration to the US.Before the emails were released, Miller was called a fascist at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC. He also reportedly threw away $80 of takeout sushi, after a bartender followed him into the street.Miller’s uncle, who has admitted he has not had many conversations with his nephew in the past 10 years, wrote an opinion piece charging that Miller was an “immigration hypocrite”, because his ancestors included Jews who came to the US to escape pogroms in Russia.In an interview with the Washington Post published in August, Miller dismissed charges of racism.“It is a scurrilous and scandalous lie,” he said, “born of a complete and total lack of understanding of the harms done by uncontrolled migration to people of all backgrounds, and born of a contempt for this nation, for our law enforcement officers and for the citizens who live here – and oftentimes, I might add, born of a personal grudge against this administration.”He told the Post he had no plans or ambitions beyond his job, because of his focus on the president.“You cannot understand me, you cannot understand anything that I say, do or think if you do not understand that my sole motivation is to serve this president and this country, and there is no other,” Miller said.Such religious attachment to Trump might have seemed unlikely for a Californian from a predominantly liberal, beachside community like Santa Monica. But Miller started early as a conservative provocateur.“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?” he asked while running for class president in high school.Before graduating, he had appeared on a nationally syndicated conservative radio talkshow more than 70 times.In the Trump administration, as one of few surviving initial appointees, he has deployed a similarly inflammatory style.In response to questions about Trump’s authority to implement the travel ban, Miller said the president “will not be questioned”.His response to the four Democratic congresswoman known as the Squad? “They want to tear down the structure of our country.”How to explain the zero-tolerance policy which allowed for mass family separations at the border? “A simple decision.”The email leak, however, showed a new depth to Miller’s anti-immigration agenda. In reports published in the past two weeks, the SPLC showed that Miller disseminated conspiracy theories positing a United Nations-inspired plan to colonize America and recommend a book which claims refugee resettlement – a program Miller has helped nearly destroy – is part of a plan to erase American sovereignty and culture.There has been a steady drumbeat of calls for Miller to go. This week, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every day Stephen Miller remains in the White House is an emergency.”On Thursday night, more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed a letter to Trump demanding Miller’s removal.“A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position,” the letter said.The White House has supported Miller. But it has not denied the emails came from him; nor has it addressed the emails’ content.Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary, said the SPLC was an “utterly discredited, long-debunked far-left smear organization”. Hogan Gidley, her deputy, claimed the criticism was related to Miller’s Jewish identity.“He loves this country and hates bigotry in all forms – and it concerns me as to why so many on the left consistently attack Jewish members of this administration,” Gidley told the New York Times.On Friday morning, a coalition of Jewish groups called on Trump to fire Miller, in order “to make clear that white supremacy has no place in the White House or the United States of America”.
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