#not our precious vinnie!
kyssimmee · 1 year
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visceravalentines · 2 years
Smut prompt 110 with Vincent my love? He’s so hhhrrrnnngg Yknow
"For your safety, I'll be gentle."
Vincent Sinclair x GN!Reader
Thanks for this, Vince and I have hit a new level in our relationship. 😁
1.6k words
Smut, Vinny gets rough, mild choking, marking, biting, manhandling, creampie
Waking up in Vincent’s workshop always felt like melting out of one dream and into another.  The flickering of the boiler, the sweet, deep smell of wax and earth, the quiet, crackling sound of Vincent playing Chopin or Metallica through his little radio speaker with the volume turned way down so as not to disturb you.  The man himself, bent over his sketchbook or a canvas with his gorgeous long hair like a curtain shutting out everything but his own thoughts.  It was like a fairy tale, some alchemist’s lair. 
You didn’t remember falling asleep.  You remembered what came before.  So did your body.  The dopamine hadn’t quite faded from your veins, even after a few hours’ sleep.  You’d never been with anyone quite like Vincent Sinclair.  He had an uncanny knack for picking up on every detail of your pleasure, every muscle spasm, every gasp.  And he remembered it all, recited it like a litany with his mouth and hands whenever you let him. 
It was unquestionably the best sex you’d ever had. 
You rolled onto your side on his cot, adjusted your legs gingerly around the pleasant soreness between them.  He was sitting staring at a canvas, hands on his knees.  Examining his own work, making notes, finding flaws no one else could see.  He was still shirtless, wearing a pair of sweatpants that was holding onto his hips for dear life.  He was maskless too, a recent and monumental milestone in your relationship. 
You watched him for a while, the way he chewed his lower lip with concentration, the way his hands could not keep still for even a second, long fingers tapping and flexing on his thighs, scratching at a spot of wax in the fabric, rubbing his thumb over his cuticles. 
“Vincent,” you said softly at last.  That sole, precious eye flicked over to you in a sudden realization that you were awake.  The suggestion of a smile graced his lips. 
“My love,” he signed with one hand.  “Come here?” 
You stretched and pushed aside the thin blanket, padded over to him.  He gave the canvas one last look before turning his full attention to you, guiding you into his lap and wrapping his lithe arms around you. 
“You feel good, beloved?” he asked. 
“Wonderful,” you sighed.  You gazed up at him.  “You’re…quite the lover.” 
He had this adorable twisted, close-mouthed grin that appeared whenever he felt genuine mirth.  “I'm telling Bo you said that.”  You laughed out loud. 
Your fingertips traced the invisible lines between moles on his arm.  “I feel like it’s always about me, though.  I want it to be about you.  I want to make you feel good, Vin.” 
Vincent looked down at you with his head cocked, a silent request for more information. 
You ran your thumb over his collarbones.  He still wouldn’t let you touch his face.  “It feels like you’re…holding back sometimes.  I want you to let go.” 
He considered you for a second, leaned down to kiss you sweetly.  “But you are what’s important,” he signed close to his cheek. 
“You’re important.”  You could feel his heartbeat under your hand.  “I want you to take what you want, Vincent.”  His expression was inscrutable, wary.  You kissed him again, stroked his chest, his arms.  “That would make me happy,” you whispered, a breath away from his lips.  “If you used me.” 
His brow was furrowed, but you felt his cock jump against your thigh.  You couldn’t fault him for being reluctant; he took a lot of convincing when it came to doing anything for his own benefit. 
When he finally released you, his pupil was blown, his eye glittering with something besides the candlelight.  His chest rose and fell with the effort of restraint.  “Are you sure?” he signed sloppily. 
You circled his nipple with your thumb, rocked your hips innocuously to coax up his erection.  “I want you to use me, Vincent.  However you’d like.” 
You kissed him again, the tip of your tongue teasing at his lip.  He hesitated for only a few seconds before meeting your persuasion with hunger, pushing your tongue aside to make room for his own.  You loosed a soft moan, arched against him when his hands fell to your hips and squeezed gently.  He took your lip in his teeth, bit and sucked on it. 
You nodded, alight with anticipation.  “Please.  Show me what you need.” 
The words were barely out of your mouth before he was stealing your breath again, kissing you with a fervor he had often brought out of you but never shown himself.  His hands were all over you, under the shirt you wore, groping and grasping at your flesh.  With little effort he repositioned you so you were straddling him, fingers digging into your ass, grinding your bare sex against him.  You gasped when he pulled away from your lips to suck on your neck, hard. 
“Vincent,” you breathed. 
Immediately he stopped, head snapping up to look at you with a mix of concern and craving on his face. 
You shook your head quickly.  “I’m okay.  I’m…god, Vincent.”  You laced your fingers through the hair at the base of his skull and brought his face back to your throat.  You felt his tongue on your skin, goosebumps rippling down your entire body.  He was gripping you tight enough to leave bruises, rocking you against him with increasing urgency.  Those sweatpants were fighting a losing battle. 
He lifted his head again, a pretty flush on his cheek.  You opened your mouth but he cut you off before you could speak. 
“I’ll be gentle,” he signed quickly.  “For your safety.” 
“I – okay.” 
In one fluid motion, Vincent stood and lifted you onto the workbench at the same time.  He shoved the sweats to the floor, erection springing free, the tip glistening with his arousal.  He pulled you against him, hitched your legs over his hips, his cock prodding at your entrance. 
There was a beat, a pause.  He kissed your forehead.  Then his hand was on your throat, pushing you back and pinning you against the wooden tabletop.  You instinctively locked your ankles behind his back.  He eased himself into you slowly, deliberately, his head falling back, teeth bared.  You let out a soft whine, arching your spine against the tabletop.  His grip on your neck tightened and for a moment the basement was filled with stars. 
You gasped, your windpipe jumping against his palm.  He gave a few experimental thrusts and you felt your sore muscles part around him.  The tender sting gave way quickly to an irresistible heat. 
His hands found your wrists and trapped them against the waxy wood at your sides.  He ramped up his pace rapidly, fucked you hard in the shadow of every canvas he’d ever made, his grip almost crushing, his eye blazing.  His hair fell over his face.  He paid it no mind.  You couldn’t tear your gaze away; he was beautiful and terrible, the lust on his face raw and unguarded. 
Without warning he released your wrists and pulled out of you, took hold of your hips and yanked you halfway off the tabletop, easing you to the ground.  He circled his finger in an unmistakable sign. 
“Turn around.” 
You obeyed, panting, faced the table and bent forward.  He grabbed your hips to position you where he wanted you, then pushed halfway into you with a single thrust, drew back slowly, did it again and again until your ass was pressed against his stomach and he was buried inside you to the hilt.  It felt like being coveted, being claimed, being conquered. 
Then he stopped, left you quivering and clenching desperately around his length.  You twisted to look back at him.  He was drinking it in, the sight of you doubled over and helpless in front of him, with a ravenous expression on his face.  He ran one broad hand up your spine, grasped the back of your neck, squeezed firmly.   
A snap of his hips made your breath hitch in your throat.  “V-Vincent,” you whimpered.  He did it again and you cried out. 
The heat of his firm chest pressed against your back.  He laced his fingers through yours, stretched your arms out long in front of you, splaying you over the table.  The angle of his thrusts was indescribable, deeper than you thought possible, and you were powerless to do anything but choke out his name. 
You came apart as he laid kisses down the back of your neck, the simultaneous brutality and tenderness too much to withstand.  Vincent pounded through your climax, driving you into frenzied overstimulation, groaning low in his throat as you bucked against him. 
When he hit his release, he sank his teeth into the crook of your neck, squeezing your hands as he came deep inside you.  You could feel him breathing hard against your back.  Your shirt was damp with sweat from both of you.  Vincent nuzzled your ear before pulling away, his hands on your waist to steady you, or maybe himself, or maybe both. 
You turned around and looked up at him.  His face was flushed, brow knit with concern.  “You okay?” he signed. 
You grinned up at him, wrapped your arms around his bare torso and held him against you.  “I’m so good, love.” 
The relief on his face was quickly replaced with a smile – a real smile.  He slumped forward, pressed his lips to your brow.  You set your head on his chest and listened to his heart rate slow back to normal, overwhelmed with affection for this man who simply could not see how marvelous he was. 
“You know, Vin?  We oughta make you the priority more often.” 
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criolla-star · 2 months
Overwhelmed(Vinny x Garmadon)part 22
(hshuihsaxsah here's another part even though I uploaded two parts yesterday but I need to feed you my stars)
(Check out part 1-21 if you haven't already)
The two began eating their pancakes and honestly they were both starving due to last nights events*cough cough*. Vinny surprisingly finished eating first. "That was delicious" Vinny said out as he melted in Garmadons' arms. He could barely keep himself up and had no strength. Seeing this the oni let out a soft chuckle before kissing his lovers' forehead earning a soft giggle from him.
"I feel like absolute shit right now" Vinny said as he rested his head on Garmadons' chest as he ate. "Sorry...too much last night..."The oni said feeling guilty again. "No...it's not your fault it felt amazing of course it's gonna have some consequences" Vinny said as he rolled over and face planted into the bed. Garmadon smiled before continuing to eat and after 5 more minutes he finished eating. "Well I'm done...why don't we put that cream on you?" The oni asked as he read the tube. "Yea I guess...anything to make me feel somewhat better" Vinny said as he took of his shirt and pants, don't worry he's wearing boxers underneath he isn't butt naked.
"So do I just put it on you? Like a normal cream?" Garmadon asked staring at Vinny curiously, "Yea then just rub it in...but can you be a little gentle my body hurts" The smaller replied as he lied down on the bed. "Of course I don't want to hurt you" Garmadon responded and he put a blob of cream on his hand, the oni began carefully massaging the cream onto Vinnys' upper torso being mindful of his lovers' sore body. Vinny flinched when Garmadons' hands made contact with his body it just caught him off guard, but the oni still apologised for doing literally nothing.
"You okay?" Garmadon asked as he continued applying the cream, Vinny held up a thumbs up he was honestly really comfortable at the moment. Eventually the oni finished with the upper torso so now it was for his legs which were way more sensitive. "I'm going to start on your legs now" the oni said earning another thumbs up from Vinny. Garmadon began with the legs carefully putting the cream on him not wanting to hurt him, but Vinnys' legs hurt way more than his upper torso so he flinched and hid his face in a pillow trying to ignore the pain(our precious baby😢) Garmadon instantly stopped when he could tell the pain was a bit too much, but he whispered comforting things into Vinnys' ear as he continued more carefully.
Eventually after about 20minutes of this they finally finished and yes it did take him that long to finish. "I'm done...are you feeling alright?" Garmadon asked worriedly, "Y-yea.." Vinny replied as he rolled onto his back, "Thanks" the smaller added. There was an awkward silence that went on for 4minutes. "Nya might come to talk to me soon.....you should go hang out with your brother or son" Vinny said as he broke the awkward silence between them. "Are you s-" Garmadon was cut off, "Yes I am..." Vinny said cutting Garmadon off. The oni nodded, "Let me...stay here for a little longer...I don't want to leave you just yet..." Garmadon said as he nuzzled Vinnys' neck making him chuckle out before he put on his pants.
After 10 minutes Nya came in, "Sorry am I interrupting something I can come back later" Nya said as she realised the two snuggling against each other. "Hmm? No I was going to leave soon" Garmadon said as he kissed Vinnys' forehead and said goodbye then left. "Did something happen between you two?" The water ninja asked worriedly as she closed the door. "What? No why would you think that? I just told him to go talk to his brother he looks like he needs to talk to someone other than me" Vinny said as he put on his shirt. "You did? He might take it that you're angry at him and need a little space" Nya said as before sitting on the bed.
Vinny stared at her, "I mean...I know he can take things the wrong way...but I doubt he would be thinking I'm mad at him..." Vinny said worriedly. "Maybe but Jay used to think I was angry when I told him to talk to someone else" Nya said earning a nod form Vinny, "I'll tell him when he comes back" he said, "Good...now how you doing?" Nya asked wanting to know everything....not the actual sex bit or little details or any weird details at all they're just gossip buddies now.
(WOOOOO hope you guys enjoy I am pumping out with new parts for you guys I gotta feed you)
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neptunes-blue · 4 months
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short summary: Vincent Krawczyk graduates from Illinois’s Naval Hospital Corps School after first enlisting on the 8th of December, 1941
warnings: implied child neglect (sort of?), sailors get drunk and slip off chairs
(Main) characters: Vincent Krawczyk (oc), Terence Flynn (oc)
word count: 1.8k words
notes: this is like. The only time ever I will post my writing… if it disappears tomorrow I have succumbed to my shame and deleted this 😔. I had to format this on my iPad with no idea how any of this works…. Also if you see spelling/grammar mistakes no you didn’t I was too scared to share this to a friend to proofread ☹️ (looks at the ‘art blog’ in my bio hmmmm)
Grant me, oh Lord, for the coming events;
Enough knowledge to cope and some plain common sense. Be at our side on those nightly patrols; And be merciful judging our vulnerable souls. Make my hands steady and as sure as a rock; when the others go down with a wound or in shock. Let me be close, when they bleed in the mud; With a tourniquet handy to save precious blood. Here in the jungle, the enemy near; Even the corpsman can't offer much lightness and cheer. Just help me, oh Lord, to save lives when I can; Because even out there is merit in man.
If it's Your will, make casualties light; And don't let any die in the murderous night. These are my friends I'm trying to save; They are frightened at times, but You know they are brave. Let me not fail when they need so much; But to help me serve with a compassionate touch. Lord, I'm no hero—my job is to heal; And I want You to know Just how helpless I feel. Bring us back safely to camp with dawn; For too many of us are already gone.
Lord bless my friends If that's part of your plan; And go with us tonight, when we go out again.
— Navy Hospital Corpsman’s prayer 
When Vincent was 5, he woke up in his home to nothing.
When he tried to focus on where he imagined the hallway, there was nothing but black. And from the kitchen he heard a faint drip and nothing more. 
It’s hard to recall a memory in the muffling black dark. It’s more of a feeling really, cold icy dread that travels down your spine and keeps you at a standstill. 
Vincent still remembers how his body— much smaller in his youth, chattering with fear on the dusty couch. Too scared to call out for his parents.
10 years later, he’d brought up the memory at the dining table and was flattened by his father’s admittance to a fuzzy memory where he forgets to take him off the couch and into bed.
Currently, Vinny is 19 and fumbling with the neckerchief of his dress blues. His brow knotted while Terence Flynn shined his shoes.
“Vinny, how in hell are you gon’ take care of your wife? 20 and you can’t tie your own kerchief?”
Krawczyk swivels to face Flynn like you would in drill. His face in a crooked smile.
“20 in a week actually. I thought I told you yesterday that I was 20 next week.” He says in a voice dripping with a very matter-of-fact tone, a crooked grin plastered on his face.
“I’m gonna start praying for your future wife.” Flynn half-snorts, rolling his eyes. 
Vincent listens to Terence’s back click as he stretches, taking a ‘well deserved’ break from his shoe-shining; it was a lousy attempt to seem presentable and handsome for graduation. Terence Flynn, mousey-faced and dark-haired tucking away at least some of his antics for today.
Vincent had complimented how nicely Flynn’s chevrons were stitched once. Terence had flushed red and muttered ashamed that his mother had sewn them on for him.
Within each stitch a gentle kiss of a mothers love tucked under the dark fabric of the Navy’s pride— that’s what Vincent imagined anyways. He had responded with a quiet ‘oh’ and looked at his own chevrons that still had stitches leaking from the edges of blue fabric. 
Krawczyk tried to stare back into the mirror and ignore the eruptions of jealousy that burst across his face.
Men dressed neatly in their Navy dress blues begin to leave barracks, putting away shaving kits and slicking their hair back with their caps in hand.
Terence whistles and clicks his tongue, already standing at the door out of barracks. 
Vincent glanced at Terence and then back at himself in the mirror before quickly scampering after his friend. Finally figuring out the intricacies of his neckerchief while his shoes hit the plywood floor.
Vincent's rowing team had been best in Missouri, he was the best batter in baseball, captain of the swimming team, and one of the top boxers in school. 
It didn't count for much, all his trophies and awards were in a box underneath his bed. 
Krawczyk wouldn't know until after his enlistment had ended that his parents had pawned his gold medals off when he'd left for the Navy. Vincent would understand when he came back. Forgiving, sweet, war-torn Vincent who would believe his family was going through tough times.
His photos remained in the box however– the same crooked grin even as his face matured. Collecting an inch of dust.
The winter wind had calmed to a soft breeze (thank the lord) and Chief took to the stand saying speeches Krawczyk seemed to block out with his anticipation.
Rows of navy men with their chests puffed out with the boyish pride that never left them even as men. Preparing to leave for war with the promise to serve and a prayer for survival. 
Thomas Murray, a tall, gawky man with blue eyes and blonde hair had been a surgeon before all of this; Chance Henderson always wanted to be a doctor who and thought this was the quickest a cheapest way to get there; shy Samuel Davis who blushed easily and hated using the communal showers was plain kind-hearted and liked the idea of helping wounded; Dayton Bishop was smart and steady-handed, he was suited to the role of a corpsman with square eyes and a handsome jaw.
Terence had smirked at Vincent when he told him he joined up because he thought it’d make him popular with the ladies. 
Vinny had roared with laughter, telling him that he’d, ‘never even get a nice girl to look his way’.  
Flynn had tried to counter him, reminding Vinny that he had a girl— ‘A girl that left him’, he had responded with. Flynn wanted to argue but Vincent turned the topic too quick.
‘Colours, present arms!’
Vincent was beaming. 
The whole thing felt like his High School graduation but fancier. And if it wasn’t an important ceremony he wouldn’t have stopped himself from laughing but, he’d be lying through bared, grinning teeth that he wasn’t pouring over with pride. 
He (rather excitedly) stepped onto the stage, shaking hands with the CPO and then to the SCPO who passed him his graduation paper. Vincent was only able to glance at his name ‘Vincent Phillip Krawczyk’ scrawled in the middle of the paper before he had to ‘calmly and mild-manneredly’ walk across the stage.
"I solemnly pledge myself.”
"I solemnly pledge myself…” The bright faced men echoed. 
“Before God and these witnesses.”
“Before God and these witnesses.”
“To practice faithfully all of my duties.”
“To practice faithfully all of my duties.”
“As a member of the Hospital Corps.”
“As a member of the Hospital Corps…”
The band marched out soon after the Corpsman Pledge, Anchors Aweigh cutting through the dewy morning air and sending out that good ol’ Navy pride. Vincent could’ve sworn he saw Terence’s eyes water as he muttered the lyrics under his breath.
Flynn roared, hopping from bar stool to bar stool— hand on heart while the other swung a bottle of beer. 
Davis was bright red, with 7 drinks too many he had joined Terence in his performance. Vincent clapped, repeating Terence and Davis’ “So vicious foe steer shy-y-y-y!”, despite not having even one drop of alcohol that evening. The rowdy sailors had scared off most of the other bar patrons. Dayton sat smartly as ever, Murray was playing craps with the increasingly drunker Chance and the other boys— Mark, Jones, Sutton, Kidd, Freeman, West, Patrick… were either pink-faced and whooping or challenging the other to another game, drink, or bet.
“Y’know, back in my home-place, Missouri I used to drink like there wasn’t a God!” 
“Anchors aweigh my boys! ANCHORS AWEIGHH!”
Dayton didn’t seem to be really paying attention to Krawczyk’s yammering.
“My pal, Nate, he drank beer like it wasn’t a Wednesday afternoon. Never trust a usual mild-mannered Missouri man, we might all seem pleasant but as soon as he gets a drink too many he’ll sock you right in the face if you even mention his favourite sport team’s rival team— I nearly got socked in the face for it once, can you believe it?” 
Vinny bursts into laughter, not really taking note that Dayton didn’t join in.
"Farewell to foreign shores, we sail at break of day-ay-AY-AY!”
“You’re not drinking.”
Vincent perks up when Dayton speaks.
“Yeah— yeah, no, I'm not a drinker," Vinny shrugs. "Christian, I keep it to special occasions." He finishes, grinning.
“Uhuh. Isn’t this a special occasion?”
“Someone has to be sober enough to hold caps when you all retch whiskey in the bathroom.”
Dayton shrugs, swirling his brandy on the rocks.
“Drink to the foam, until we meet once more! Here's wishing you a happy voyage HOME!”
And with the end of the second verse, Flynn missed the barstool he was jumping to by a foot and cracked his head on the side of the counter.
The sand was soft at Nunn beach.  
Vinny liked beaches, he liked the waves, how the seawater dried on his arms and left white salt stains on his skin. He even liked nursing his good friend after slamming his own face into a bench, who now had a rapidly growing lump above his right brow.
The sun had sunk halfway under the ocean, sending out stretching wands of orange light that sparked crashing waves yellow. It turned his and Flynn’s faces amber and made his bruise just slightly more obvious. 
“Finally put those corpsman skills to good use.”
Vincent was grinning— Terence was not. 
He reached into his wrinkled blues, pulling a silver rosary over his head, careful to not bump his tender lump. Terence cleared his throat, trying to clear the shame in his voice. 
“My gal got it for me but you know uh. We broke up”
“She left you.”
“We broke up!” He insisted, with a huff. Flynn turned from Vincent and admired the carving of Christ. Hanging by his hands on the silver cross, intricate swirls that seemed to grow from his hollow body and border the cross he was strung across. It seemed to glimmer white in the setting sun.
“Take it. A parting gift. Or an apology— I don't care. Or really believe in that crap anymore anyways”
“Don't call it crap.”
Vincent tenderly accepted the gift from his friend, thumbing the cross.
“Tell me a story, Vince.” Terence’s voice was flat, eyes glued onto the horizon instead of his friend.
“Well. Once me and my pal Nate thought it'd be funny to throw rocks at the school greenhouse.”
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geekcavepodcast · 1 month
"Biker Mice From Mars" Comic Book Incoming
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Oni Press, in partnership with Nacelle and Maximum Effort, has announced a new Biker Mice From Mars comic book series. The series hails from writer Melissa Flores and artist Frances Portela. The comic will be part of the Nacelleverse, revealed in Nacelleverse #0.
"Best friends Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie, just three anthropomorphic, motorcycle-riding mice who called Mars home . . . and were always bad to the bone. But when the ruthless Plutarkians stage a mass invasion to strip their planet of its precious resources, their antiauthoritarian streak is going to turn into a full-blown insurgency. Only the Biker Mice from Mars can prevent the mass destruction of Earth’s nearest planetary neighbor . . . and the freedom of our entire solar system may just hang in the balance." (Oni Press) 
Biker Mice From Mars goes on sale on July 2024. Covers are by Dustin Weaver, Juan Gedeon, Roger Cruz, Ramon Villalobos, and Francis Portela.
In related news, Nacelle is also developing a new Biker Mice From Mars animated series. Brian Volk-Weiss will direct and serve as an executive producer. Production on the series is by Nacelle, Maximum Effort, and Fubo.
(Image via Oni Press - Dustin Weaver's Interlocking Covers for Biker Mice From Mars #1-3)
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you-know-miles · 4 months
The Big Reveal & Then Some
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To say that Max and Yeosin had a beautiful wedding was the understatement of the century and he could feel how happy his platonic and Parabatai was to not only get to marry the love of his life but to also finally be reunited with his best friend. He and Max had just gotten done singing a song that Max wrote a while back for Yeosin and it was time for his best man toast. "Hello everyone. Bear with me because I'm not exactly the public speaking type." Miles laughs awkwardly. "For those who don't know me, my name is Miles and Max and I have been best friends since we were about 10 years old going through the academy together and have been partners since we graduated. Though we've been separated for several years I can honestly say that I couldn't ask for a better best friend. Yeosin, when Max told me that he found his soulmate I was beyond happy for him and I couldn't wait to meet you. You were everything he described when we talked about our perfect matches back in the day and then some. I want to thank you for taking care of my best friend and for taking Lexi and Win in as your own even though you didn't have to. You've been a great mother to them and the beautiful little girl that you and Max had together." He says smiling at the couple. "Real love is hard to find and at first I was worried for Max when he told me that he had fallen in love again. I saw how hard it was for him and Lexi when her mother left them, when he had to raise her and then Win when he adopted him on his own and I prayed for the day that he would finally find his person. Watching Max and Yeosin inspired me to put myself out there and allow myself to love and be loved. If it weren't for them I wouldn't have met the loves of my life, I wouldn't have two beautiful newborn twins with the loves of my life." He says as he sees the look of confusion and shock written on their faces and he grew a bit more nervous as he continued. "Two years ago, I fell in love. I think for one of my loves it was a long time coming since I'd known him most of his life but the other snuck in and hit me like a freight train. I was completely at their mercy. Two years of long distance, seeing each other every chance we got but making the most of it until we could finally be together permanently." He says before he looked out at Gio and Win. "Giovanni, Win, I love you. I have loved you for the past two years, maybe even longer and I can't imagine my life without you, Vinny and our two new precious babies. I want to give you the world. But first I want to give you my last name. Gio, Win. Will you marry me?" He asks.
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imlyfie · 2 years
Reread  @rosetintednerdglasses’s Greek Mythology Hades/Persephone AU Don’t Bite for the nth time and being the PJO fangirl I got absorbed into Uncle Rick’s Riordanverse again. 
Now I’m thinking how the Characters of Vincenzo would be as Demigods. More specifically Who would be the godly parent of the Vincenzo Cast. Here’s my take on our protagonists.
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Vincenzo Cassano / Park Joo hyung
Son of Hades (obviously)
- Lmao, you saw that coming from a mile away didn't you?
- Tbh we all did. 
- His personality trait just fits the traits of a demigod of cabin 13 (ngl as a fellow Scorpio like Vinny I agree with this)
- The entire premise of the story is calling Vincenzo a ‘Monster’ associating him with death so this was a no brainer
- But actually, I had some after thoughts about him being the son of Hephaestus due to his affinity for fire but I personally just took this as a side aspect of Vincenzo with his preferences for destruction.
- His powers would be like Nico Di Angelo’s but also being able to control hellfire and metals. Basically a bit of everything because why not?
The ability to control Hellfire hence his affinity to regular fire which is a mild comparison of his powers and keeps him in check calms him down.
His ability of precious metal manipulation resonates with his desire for gold (let's be real who doesn't want to be rich) but imo in this AU, this greed for money is a partial excuse because gold is his main dealings (just like how he sent like 80 million euro which I can assume to be the value of the gold traded to the Luciano for Cha Young) I think his main dealing with bribery is his domain when it comes to material affinities. And since he can conjure precious metals out of thin air he is never out of money or else how do you explain him getting enough Booralro suits to change here and there every episode when he got robbed in his first five minutes in Korea? Also side headcanon that his lighters are made of gold and platinum, the ones he conjured on his own.
he also can control the undead like Nico, but i think it would bee more watered down, occadionally summoning a kitten skeleton to keep him company in his private office or something.
Umbrakinesis (ability to control the shadows) cool ability I don't think he uses it much unless he is preparing for a combat attack but the side effect is since he does not use it much, this ability of his is only able to be harnessed in darkness. Any flick of light as bright as the billboards in Seoul city or bright street lights can cause him to strain. He can also hence shadow travel but becomes really exhausted.
And just like all children of Hades, he can control the walls of the underworld.
Preferred choice of weapon: Stygian sword and gun
-Vincenzo is more accustomed to death and is both known as the Gatto Sazio and Reaper of Scum in the mafia, the latter name mainly for his affinity of eliminating the betrayers of the Cassanos. 
As the saying goes, “you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.” This designation might also give some insight on how Vincenzo is emotionless to killing (since in most cases, rather than death, the killing is what traumatises you) yet Vincenzo Cassano is very mechanical when it comes to his kills, going the extra mile to toy with them. Maybe being the son of the God of Death might be one of the reasons he is so unaffected, though he has trauma through nightmares, it is safe to  say that for the most part he doesn't mind if he has to kill someone, he’ll carry out the order without a second thought if he deems the victim of his kill worthy of death as a consequence for their actions  as if he is almost reaping them. Yes his actions have caused unresolved trauma to him, but he has accepted it, made peace with it. 
Imagine a young 9 year old korean boy who has just assimilated into his new italian life, name and language only to realise that he was emitting strange powers, he could bend shadows and had an affinity for metals (which were not cursed). He would hear stories about the demigods who once roamed the earth and his own family’s ancestry which travelled back to one of the children of the big three. After his parents Matteo and Fiorella Di Angelo were murdered by a freak robbery incident Vincenzo Di Angelo found himself at the Cassano estate holding his family’s only heirloom of their ancestor, the Diary of Nico Di Angelo which contains tips of how to survive as a demigod of the King of the Underworld and a black Stygian sword . Imagine his mentor was a fellow demigod of Nyx, and taught him the ways to defeat monsters if he came across some, imagine him killing enough monsters both magical and mortal that he looks at himself and realises he is still alive, he has lived long enough and killed enough to become a villain forging his own path away from the gods.
Should I write this? Please someone write this so I can die happily.
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Hong Cha Young 
Daughter of Eris (goddess of chaos/ mischief and strife)
Another close call but this time with the goddess Nike goddess of victory (because my girl does not like losing). But the more I think about it, our resident crackhead lawyer and her infamous theatrics are the main reason I chose her to be the offspring of this powerful goddess.
Headcanons borrowed and inspired by @pjoheadcanonsbyid65
“Usually very intelligent, able to properly assess any situation. Very good at finding weak spots in defences, in people or armies. those kids who can ask a question at the start of class and send the teacher on a spiral, making them completely forget about their lesson plan. Can send any room into chaos with two words. Make excellent lawyers. Will literally fight over anything”
This has Cha Young’s name written all over it. Though she loves her drama in life by creating it, she has the emotional maturity and can assess situations, has background knowledge and she is willing to create chaos for the fun of it. Just look at ep 6, 15 and 16 for her strong points in relating to this theory. She is a ball of chaos and though more toned down than the riordanverse wiki claims how Eris’ children usually are, Cha Young is pretty spot on with chaos surrounding her.
 Hong Cha Young thrives in the commotion and adrenaline caused by arguments, she is an ace in court because of it. She bribed her witnesses, but in ep one where she decimates her father’s case? All by herself, she wins over her father who has 22 more years of experience than her. She even enjoyed and wanted Pig's blood on Jang Han Seok and when the ensemble screams in shock and disgust she grins and giggles giddily on adrenaline. Want more proof? Look at ep 6 where the tenants cause a scene in court at the gallery, she smirks, she glows in the chaos and she wins. When confronted with Choi Myung Hee she is practically giddy over the accomplishment, mainly fed by the chaos. Hours later she doesn't let go of the scene and laughs about the chaos executed and how the judge gets stung by the Hornets. 
Since being the daughter of Eris means inadvertently she is a granddaughter of goddess Nyx the goddess of Night, she can also to some degree shadow travel and has the constant pull towards Vincenzo for no reason. Though the attraction is one, their magnetic pull is another that can vaguely be traced to their shared power of darkness. Cha Young has never harnessed this, and mainly uses chaos, but I figured Vin teaches her this as well as becoming a villain.
Facts from the Riordan wiki page
Children of Eris can be very unpredictable and persuasive
The children of Eris can shadow travel due to the fact that Eris' mother is Nyx.
13. Children of Eris don't fear the Underworld.
Children of Eris are able to make a room darker due to Nyx being Eris' mother and have the ability of Umbrakinesis.
7. Children of Eris tend to have a rebellious nature because they are fond of chaos and anarchy
Peferred weapon of choice: Most of the time are her pointed high heels which can cause severe damage if struck  by her kick in the place where the sun doesn't shine or a dagger knife or celestial bronze and cursed gold given to her by Eris the gold causes sharp prickling pain that intensifies for an hour before the victim gets treated, however the gold only works on deities and/or non-mortals (though she prefers to stab them in the arms and legs before running away, she doesn't like bloodshed and kept it locked up once she left camp)
Side headcanon: that Cha Young went to camp when young but since Eris’ cabin was not widely recognised she was embarrassed by her godly mother since she was the only Eris kid there, she preferred the woman her father married when she was three, to be her actual mother. Her father was a mess not knowing how to handle her hence he sent her to camp at the age of 10 causing her to bear a grudge against him. She went to camp until 18 where she was studious, even rivalling Athena’s kids in her pursuit to become a lawyer out of spite to beat her father in his own game since she knew very well the topic of law was the only thing that sparked a decent conversation between them, and even that soon spiralled into a fierce argument, and the louder they both got, the more the temper and emotional whirlwinds flared, the stronger she became, she emitted a sheen of confidence, the aura that spells: ‘You fell into my trap, it's too late for you' which she discovered in one of their many arguments being the observant girl she is, and it enhanced her willingness to unleash her dramatic flare.
Vincenzo teaches her to embrace the powers she is born with and the skills she has developed. She learns through this journey with him that your powers are best when put to use for benefit of others doc not define who you are, and if the actions are taken to achieve your goal, and your powers mean the world calls you a villain, then fuck their opinions because you live your life to win it.
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leffee · 11 months
Vinnie headcannons?
Oh my precious Vincent gecko son whom I most of the time think as a human. AnYWay, lemme load up my cringe thoughts. Just a bit of warning, the headcanons might directly or indirectly contradict each other, because I have so many that this is basically a Vinnie multiverse. Don't try telling me that something's not canon, I know ommm. That's something you didn't think you would hear today. Anyway, ignore the contradictions if there are any. In the future too. I am completely normal about him:
starting with perhaps the most important headcanon, he's not fucking dumb pls. I mean, he's not a genius either, he's no Russell or Sunil, but he has his niches and has more, idk? Common sense? Yeah
he's... maybe... just a bit paranoid. Mainly when it comes to his friends and when they're not around. He just... doesn't like not being around them, because if he's not around, he won't know if something bad happened to them. It could! Even worse, if it's something avoidable he could maybe protect them from that something, but if he's not, he can't
all I'm saying is that he loves all his friends, nah just kidding, this ain't a headcanon, this is just canon. The headcanon is that maybe he loves them a bit too much
this one is especially strictly human au, because it's obvious if he's a gecko, but he's got a lower body temperature than your average person. I like to think he has some permanent disease that causes it, but according to google something like "innate disease that causes your body temperature to be lower" doesn't exactly exist :( well, it does in my head!
for the same reason during especially colder seasons he stands noticably closer to other people (or pets! That actually works very well too) to a b s o r b their warmth. On the plus side, he can be a natural freezer during warmer seasons
he wears those fingerless, black gloves and he has ear piercing, I'm not 100% sure about the gloves, but I have definitely seen people draw his human design with ear piercing, and at first I was like :|. I didn't hate it mind you, but I didn't exactly like it either. But now I'm all for it! He has an industrial and three upper helixes, they're black
his fridge is filled with energy drinks and ice coffees. He doesn't like regular coffee too much. Plus, he needs his coffee in a can specifically or he's not drinking it ("I'm not drinking this shit." - Vinnie, probably)
I said that his natural hair color would be ginger but I haven't mentioned before that I imagine his natural eye color would be either black or, of course, green. (I also love thinking that if the pets were humans, and let's say that he world would be like ours in which you can't have other natural hair color and eye color than the ones we already have, Vinnie and Pepper (and maybe Sunil?) would just inexplicably have those purple and pink eyes respectively. Because if you think about this, the rest of the pets have eye colors that people normally do, and then there's these two (three if Sunil, but I guess you could techincally dismiss his gold eyes as really light brown? Idk, I think about their eye colors a lot and it's not even an exaggaration)
he has a hairbrush on him in every and any case. No matter what no matter when or why, he just does. Can you blame him though? Look at his hair, damn (especially in my headcanon in which he has waist-long hair, ye ye, I said that in some previous headcanon post). And he is quite obsessed with it too
I reckon it's enough for now :D especially since I have like 2 more asks for him. Yeah. I hope you didn't cringe too much. In short, I love his hair.
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venicebixch · 2 years
V and y/n are at their friends house and she’s horny and super needy and begs him to have sex
Poor Thing
smut. degradation, a tiny hint of exhibitionism. i wrote this a little differently than i usually write so lmk what you guys think! enjoy.
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His side eyed look of disapproval does little to simmer my desperation, but I know if I’m not careful I’ll pay later. So, with soaked underwear and a deep throbbing between my legs, I keep my eyes down at my plate and try to think of anything except him.
And for a moment, it was working. That is, until I heard the laughter of our friends erupt around us over something. I was too wrapped in my thoughts to know what it was but hearing his voice… It's got me desperate again.
I hold my breath and turn my head just enough to look at him beside me and catch a glimpse of his full lips curled into that precious smile, showing off those pretty teeth and deepening those fine lines around his gorgeous eyes as he laughs.
Everything about him does this to me. It’s ridiculous to say the least. His laugh alone shouldn’t be able to turn me into a dripping mess but it does. Any time of day, anywhere, in any situation no matter how inappropriate, I’m his. All he has to do is ask and I’m on my knees.
Sometimes I think he’s annoyed by it, how willing I am to spread my legs for him. Ready to be used at his discretion. But other times, I think he loves that I drive him as crazy as he drives me, but he just does a better job at hiding it.
His eyes flicker to mine, making my heart race. I cross my legs and grind against my chair a little, relishing in what little friction I can get from it. My movements don’t go unnoticed by him and he quickly looks away. I pout, scolding myself for being so obvious knowing I’ve lost his attention again.
Or so I thought… Suddenly, his hand is gripping my thigh close enough to my core to make me have to bite my lip to stifle a moan.
God, he knows what he’s doing and it’s enough to make me lose myself. I can’t do this anymore, I need him. I need a release, the throbbing hurts and it’s only getting worse by the second.
I reach over, gripping his shirt to give it a swift but firm tug. His eyes meet mine again and I lean toward him, whispering in his ear. “Can we please go to the car?”
His hand tightens around my thigh and he shakes his head before turning back to our friends. No. I huff and feel tears forming at the edges of my eyes. I tug at his shirt again, being sure to keep my best pout on my face.
He lets out a soft sigh before looking at me again. His brows are drawn together, lips parted slightly. His expression tells me with no question that I’m one incident away from getting punished later but at this point, the only real punishment he could give me is not touching me at all.
“Please,” I say softly. “Please, I’m begging. I just need a few minutes, I’ll be so quick.”
He rolls his eyes and moves his hand away from me, making me whimper probably just a little too loud. I hold back my tears, now worried I’ve lost him for good for the night.
I sniffle, realizing I’m not going to be able to hold it together for much longer. I need to get out of here, away from these people before I make a fool of myself.
I go to stand when suddenly my whole lap is covered in CocaCola. I gasp, partly from the cold, partly from my disappointment. My white skirt, ruined. How did this even happen? I lean down to grab the napkin off the table when Vinnie’s hand wraps itself tightly around my wrist.
“Oh, god,” he snickers. “I’m so sorry, honey. Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
I look up at him and can’t contain the smile on my face. It was on purpose, wasn’t it? A ploy to give us an excuse to get out of here. My favorite skirt suddenly seems like a small sacrifice for this.
His hand doesn’t leave my wrist as he pulls me down the hallway and into the bathroom. With the door locked behind us, he turns to me and scowls.
His expression has me worried. Surely that was on purpose, right? And surely he didn’t just do it as a way to bring me in here to torture me and give me no relief.
I bring my fingers to my mouth and bite on my nails nervously as we stare at each other, neither of us speaking a word. He definitely isn’t happy.
“Well, you gonna take your skirt off?” He finally breaks the silence.
With a glimmer of hope I nod, quickly dropping it around my ankles. “My shirt is wet too,” I say.
“Take it off.”
I slide it over my head and drop it on the ground next to my skirt. The cold air sends a shiver down my spine, hardening my nipples against my bra. “Vinnie-”
“Be quiet,” he says. I seal my lips instantly, not daring to speak another word.
He walks over to me, gripping my waist tightly and lifting me on to the sink. My smile returns, wider than ever as I lean my head against the mirror. It’s all cold and I would have preferred the warm car but I’m willing to put up with this if it means getting some relief.
His hand slides between my legs, working his way up to my drenched thong. “Spread your legs,” he says softly. His lips brush against my neck making me whimper. I bring my ass forward a bit, opening myself up to him for whatever he decides to do with me.
His cock presses against me, I don’t know why he always puts up such a fight with me. He’s hard as a rock every time. Maybe he gets a thrill from the anticipation, or maybe he just likes to see me beg.
He wastes no time slipping his fingers past the thin fabric to be coated in my wetness. His touch is like magic, making me melt instantly. My mind goes blank and all I can think of is this - my personal heaven. Escapism in it’s finest form.
He tisks in my ear before humming softly. “Mmm, poor thing. You’re really struggling aren’t you?”
I nod, biting my lip. My hands grip his shoulders, tugging lightly on his shirt collar. He toys with my entrance and clit, his teeth scraping gently against the most sensitive part of my neck, teasing me just a little too long.
“Please,” I beg him. “Give me something.”
“Why should I?”
“I - I’ve been good,” I say. I know it’s a lie.
He chuckles a little. “Hmm, have you?”
“I try to be,” I say. That’s true.
“You are really a piece of work, honey. You know that?”
I nod. “I know… I’m sorry.”
“I don’t think you are,” he says. He finally slides a finger inside of me, still teasing my clit with his thumb.
His teeth get a little rougher against my neck and I moan, trying my hardest to keep quiet enough to not raising suspicion from the half a dozen people sitting 10 feet away.
“You’re always so fucking relentless.”
“I know,” I groan. “I am.”
“I can’t even bring you to hangout and have dinner with our friends without you literally fucking begging me to fuck you. It’s utterly pathetic.”
I blush harshly at his words. I know it’s true and while it’s not something I’m proud of, I can’t help it.
“And when you talk, honey, you think you’re quiet in my ear but more than once I’ve gotten strange looks from the people around us who know exactly what’s going on,” he says. He pulls his fingers out of me, making me whine.
“I - I…” I start to say before his hand comes up and cups around my mouth to keep me quiet.
“I don’t wanna hear it, baby. Nothing you say is gonna justify it, nothing I say is gonna change your behavior. You’re like a bitch in heat, constantly,” his hand moves from my mouth and he slides his pants down, taking his boxers with them just far enough to expose his cock.
“I don’t -”
“It’s just embarrassing for you, is all,” he cuts me off. “But lucky for you, your deviancy doesn't scare me off. You better be grateful you found me, I’m not sure any other guy would put up with you the way I do.”
He lines his cock up with my slicked entrance, just his tip already stretching me. “Hmmf,” is all I can manage to say. He’s right, no one else would ever put up with me like he does. And no one could ever compare to him or the power he holds over me. I don't think there's anything he could ever do that would push me away from him.
He pulls his lips away from my neck and looks down, taking his cock into his hand to guide it up and down my slit.
“Aww, pretty thing. I love how tight my baby girl is,” he groans quietly. He finally slides himself in, making me throw my head back and my loud moan fills the bathroom, echoing off the walls. The grip my hands have on his shirt collar tighten as I brace with the feeling.
A strong sense of gratitude for him overwhelms me, making me smile. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I moan again, wrapping my legs tightly around his hips. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” he mumbles, pressing his lips to my neck again. He picks up the pace, my aching cunt finally getting the attention it needs. Pleasure burns through me, so strong it makes me want to burst into tears of ecstasy. I feel sorry for anyone who will never get the chance to experience this.
I grind my hips down to meet his and move one of my hands to my swollen clit. The sounds of his body slapping against mine and our stifled moans are surely making their way down the hall by now. I only hope our friends are too chatty to hear what we’re up to in here.
It doesn’t take but a few short minutes of this for my favorite feeling in the world to start creeping up on me. My body tenses and relaxes over and over again, my hand that’s still on his collar moves to his hair to grip it tightly.
“I’m cumming!” I didn’t realize right how loud my words came out until he laid a sharp smack to my cheek.
“Be quiet,” he says, pushing his lips harshly to mind. “So fucking loud.”
My cum is dripping down my thighs, down the base of his cock, and on to the counter top. I hope they have something that we can use to clean this up. With one last wave of pleasure ripping through me, my head gets dazed and then my whole body goes limp.
“M’sorry,” I whisper.
“You done?” He asks.
I nod.
“On your knees,” he says, pulling out of me.
“I want it in me,” I look at him with a pout.
He stares at me with that same look of disapproval he was giving me earlier.
“Please,” I put my feet on the counter, inviting him back to me. “Want you to fill me up… wanna feel it dripping from me when we go back to our friends,” I smile.
His expression turns from cold to soft. “You really are so fucking filthy,” he wraps his hand around my neck and pushes himself back inside of me, thrusting hard. My hand grips his wrist, nails digging into his flesh.
“You always make me feel incredible, I love it… I need it, cum in me! Please,” I beg, my breath hitting the curls laid on his forehead.
His eyes close tight and his grip on my throat tightens a little as his cock bounces inside of me. “Mmm,” he groans quietly. “Fuck.”
“Yes! Thank you, Vinnie!” I giggle, happy as could be that I finally got that sweet satisfaction. I’ll be sure to savor this feeling while counting the hours until the next time.
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I would be INCREDIBLY interested in reading what you wrote about the extent of the damage on Vincent’s face!
Okay okay okay. So let's start off with a few caveats:
I have a medical background and lots of general medical and biological knowledge, but I am not a doctor or anything, so while I have done some additional research relating to this, I'm sure there are things I missed/don't know. A lot of what I'm going to cover is just what I consider to be scientifically logical with the benefit of my background.
While we're at it, I've seen the movie a decent amount of times but not, like, a ton. I may very well misremember something. Feel free to correct me or add on.
I'm disinclined to believe that the House of Wax production team brought in a specialist or even did more than cursory research on the subject, so there will be areas where I'm going to have to discount aspects of the movie for the sake of realism. (Sometimes movies aren't intended to be completely realistic and that's okay, but we're going to cover this from the perspective of how it would have to be to work in the real world.)
I'm not trying to debunk anyone else's interpretations; if anything I put here flies in the face of your personal headcanons, don't worry about it. You do you. This is not intended to be dogmatic.
This is fuckin LONNNNNNG. Which is why I avoided typing it up for so long. This took like 3 hours :p
So first off: conjoined twins.
The specific type that describes Bo and Vincent is craniopagus, i.e. conjoined at the head. The movie takes some liberties here, as the face area is practically never involved in real life, and as far as I could tell there's never been a case of conjoined twins born in their specific orientation (most of the time they're joined at the forehead and facing each other, joined at the back of the head and facing away from each other, or joined at the top of the head).
Furthermore, there are two major subtypes of craniopagus twins (CPT): total and partial. This has to do with whether or not the twins share a large portion of their dural venous sinuses (major vessels found in the lining of the brain) - total meaning they do, and by extension also show pronounced distortion within the cranuim. As you may expect, this type is associated with higher mortality rates and much greater difficulty of separation (lots of large vessels at a surgery site = higher risk of complications and bleeding out). Many of these twins are stillborn, die shortly after birth, or cannot be separated without one or both twins passing away during surgery or shortly thereafter. While it is the more common type of CPT, it's safe to assume that this is not the type that Bo and Vincent fall into, since they were apparently separated fairly easily and with no lasting damage aside from poor Vinny's precious face :(
Partial CPT, however, do not share a significant portion of these vessels (or any at all), and are characterized by limited surface area involvement and intact (or mildly defected) skulls. Prognosis of separation is much more optimistic in these cases. I'd say this one has gotta be our boys.
Okay, so we've got some background on the condition. Let's move on to surgery.
We're told (I think? I'm pretty sure this has been said) that Dr. Sinclair performed their separation surgery. Now. This is a tiny town in backwoods Louisiana, which probably does not have the best facilities or equipment - and who knows how qualified he was to actually perform this procedure in the first place.
The process in general is super interesting, but I'm not going to get into the details since it's not relevant to the current discussion (and probably isn't nearly as intriguing to people without a medical background, honestly). It usually involves a multidisciplinary team (often surgeons and cosmetic specialists), a long procedure (sometimes 12-18 hours), and several stages of surgery (as in, several surgeries over a few months) before full separation. Dr. Sinclair's resources were likely not ideal, which is why Vincent's face looks that way. Normally, there would have been cosmetic surgeons present to repair damaged tissues and structures. Dad likely just had to make do with what he had. (For this reason, I'm going to go ahead and make the claim later that their skulls were fully intact, because I honestly don't think he would have been able to separate them so successfully otherwise.)
Bo seems to have come through quite unscathed (someone has stated previously that he might wear a wig, and yeah, he might), but let's talk about
the lasting damage to Vincent's face.
There are two ways to approach this: skull deformity or no skull deformity. I've already stated which one I prefer, but let's go over both for the sake of thoroughness.
Let's say the twins' skulls were, in fact, joined. Bo would have been the one to come away with it, leaving Vincent with an open cranium - which their surgeon would have had to address, because you can't very well leave the brain with no protection. This would mean some kind of plate, or something, which would significantly complicate and lengthen the surgery. It's possible, but not likely in my opinion.
If Vincent had his own complete skull, albeit with some degree of fusion between the soft tissues to the bone, things would be a lot simpler in terms of survivability. The bone would be damaged from the separation, but present and closed, which at least means his brain is intact and safe, and it's only the outward structures we need to worry about.
If you separate his face into quadrants, the connection seems to be focused on the upper right side, specifically in the area of the eye socket - contrary to being a casualty of the separation, that eye likely never even formed.
Other possible structural issues include the sinus cavities, any holes in the hard palate, jaw connection (if it extends that far), and muscles/connective tissue. These things could all be repaired with varying degrees of success. It's likely his TMJ (jaw joint) wasn't involved. Dealing with a cleft palate or damaged connective tissue is easy enough (at least enough to make it functional). His sinuses on that side are very probably fucked up, but that's not necessarily a big deal. His mouth and teeth shouldn't be affected, overall.
There is, however, significant trauma and scarring throughout the soft tissue layers. His skin is visibly a mess. There's nothing wrong with it, necessarily - that's just what happens when tissue is traumatized and then left to heal that way. This is something a cosmetic surgeon could have fixed, at least by and large.
Ready for some pictures? :)
I'm not sure the method they used for this, but even if they did some practical effect makeup, I suspect CGI was at least involved and I'll tell you why in a moment.
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You can see an intact zygomatic arch (cheekbone) and supraorbital, forming a complete eye socket. This part of the skull appears to be properly formed and structured. You can see where an eye would have been. (That ear might be gone, too, if the damage extends that far - I'm not sure if we're ever shown. But cartilage isn't very hardy.)
That nostril is gone, and the sinuses surrounding it are likely either not present or collapsed and nonfunctional. Our boy is probably very congested (and nasally, if he speaks), and has to breathe through his mouth unless he wants to sound like Darth Vader.
The tissue around his mouth is fairly deformed, though his lips seem to be mostly intact. I don't know what that's supposed to be in the corner there - it's tooth-colored but doesn't have the same structure as teeth and isn't in the right place. Weird scar tissue or CGI weirdness, idk.
I also don't know why his teeth look sharp there?? There's no reason his teeth would be sharp. If anything, they would be missing, IF the permanent teeth, which form within the skull before they erupt and push out the baby teeth, seen here:
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were either affected by the process or didn't form in the first place, which I suppose is possible. But even then, his lower jaw shouldn't be involved. Those teeth should be normal.
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His mouth looks more normal here, and you can see even more clearly that the cranial structure beneath the skin seems to be complete.
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Right side of lower lip and corner of mouth look more substantially affected here. (and the teeth again. why the weird spacing and sharp points? it doesn't make any sense.)
Here he is in motion:
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And here's the annoying part:
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From this angle, it looks completely caved in on that side. I'm going to discount this as a CGI mishap or something, because 1. his skull seems perfectly intact in every other view and 2. this would cut deeply into his cranial structures, which would cause pretty significant impediments and 3. if his skull was caved into his brain like that, he'd be severely impaired or dead. And he doesn't appear to be either one of those. This is horseshit and it will not stand.
Finally, on the subject of speech:
Is he unable to talk, or does he just not want to? I'll give you my take on it, but again, feel free to believe whatever floats your boat.
I don't see any reason he shouldn't be able to speak, physically (its possible he could be mute for some psychological reason). His vocal structures themselves should be unaffected. Between the damage to his lips (not extensive, but still), sinuses, and possibly some missing teeth or palate deformities, however, it's likely that he has a hard time speaking clearly - whether due to the quality of his voice (nasally, congested, probably can't articulate terribly well) or even a full speech impediment. That's my personal belief on the subject.
And with that, we've finally reached
the end!
Let no one ever challenge my love and devotion for this man. :)
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smallesttits · 3 years
□Sound on?□
This is one of my stories from wattpad, felt like adding it on here. My wattpad is in my bio, ZONT STEAL MY SHIT IM BEGGING YOU LMAO ILL COME FOR YOU.
Based off that mf 25 minute video I watched with my airpods in on YouTube. The urge to just- y'know just read the damn imagine
Also the creator of the video I'm talking about took his videos down so if you dont know  what I'm talking about I cant really do anything anymore:((( ]]
Warnings: sexysexsexsex <3
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Vinnie had gone away with his friends for a short 3 day trip, and God I missed him so much.
He wasn't... a submissive type of guy. Always dominant. That was all good for me, I was a switch, and everything was fine.
When he left, I ordered a couple toys for myself, just incase something like this happened again.
When they came in, it was the second day he'd been gone.
We hadn't fucked in a solid week, due to him being busy or me just being tired.
Oh how I wished I could have gotten a good fuck in before he left.
I sat on our bed, humming, and moaning as i rubbed the silicone toy between my folds. Vinnie didn't know I had this, and he'd probably be mad if he found out I'd fucked myself without his permission.
I didn't give two fuck shits though.
I quickly pushed the toy into me, moaning quietly as I slipped it in and out of me.
Forgetting to put my phone on silent, it flashed, making me squeal and pick my phone up quickly to see two snaps from vin.
Vin <3  you up?
I responded with a "yeah, why¿" and tossed my phone to the side. I moaned and clenched around the toy, leaning my head back on the pillow.
My phone flashed twice and I groaned, but quickly choked when I saw two videos he'd sent me. I opened the first one and my stomach churned in pleasure, and embarresment.
Vinnie soft moaning filled my ears, and his hard, burning red tip showed on the screen. My thighs instantly closed, the toy still inside of me going deeper. I moaned, and reached my hand down to pull the silicone out, then push it back in repeatedly.
"O-oh fuck I miss you so m-much y/n," he whimpered, and I groaned. His mumbles and grunts got a little louder as I heard his hand speed up, and he sighed when cum splattered all over his hand and cock.
I hummed, and continued to play with myself, opening the next snap to hear similar noises. His hand palm wrapped around his dick, using fresh cum to lubricate, he sped his movements.
"Mh-m oh.. yes m-mommy, yes, yes, yes.. please," he quietly whimpered, and choked on his air. I clenched around the toy, rolling my hips when I heard his dirty mouth speak those soft and precious words.
His wrist slapped against his hips, and he continued moaning and rubbing himself. The sounds of his cum that still stuck to his cock were amazingly peaceful and turning me on.
"Yes, yes, please, hm- yes," he whispered, and came again, sighing out.
The video ended and I closed my eyes, feeling the second heart beat in my lower regions.
My phone flashed again, and it was another snap from him. This time, it was just a text.
Vin <3 you're up next ;)
I moaned out, and pressed the camera, starting the video. I moved my phone to were he could see my core, and the toy inside of it. I rotated my hips against the dildo, flipping myself over and the phone, placing it in front of me as I rode the dildo.
"Hm, yes, you're a bad boy now? Hm? F-fuck, sending me videos while you're away.." I moaned, and reached up to pinch my nipple.
Pleasure waved through me, and I felt the toy kiss my g-spot.
I arched my back, showing the front camera my ass as I reached down and slide the toy in and out of me quickly. I tightness in my stomach grew, and I tried to meet the dildos thrusts myself.
"Oh I'm cumming baby im cumming," I whined, and came around the toy. I ended the video tiredly, pulling it from between my legs.
I sent the video, and started another, bringing the toy up to my lips.
I looked at myself as I licked and sucked the dildo. My hair was slick, and a few strands scattered across my cheeks and forehead. The mascara I'd forgotten I put on was smeared under my eyes. I smiled and giggled, shoving the most I could down my throat. I gagged slightly, breathing through my nose as I pulled away and sucked on the tip.
After about 30 more seconds of that, i ended the video and sent it, getting up and cleaning myself off. I stripped the bed, and peed, cleaning off everything before I got in the shower.
I washed my hair, and scrub my body,
Getting every part. When I felt relaxed and clean, I stepped out the shower, and dried myself off. 
I pulled on some sweats and a spaghetti strap top, and moisturized. After I put a face mask on and   swallowed my medicine and birth control, I finally checked my phone.
I choked when I saw 30 snaps from vinnie, 20 messages, 10 missed calls from him on snap, and 4 on imessage.
I called him, and he answered quickly with his eyes narrowed. I bit the inside of my cheek, wondering what I did before realizing...
The dildo.
🕴-Cheese and crack ass
No I'm not making a part two you little whores.
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spirithub · 3 years
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our precious spirithub members! 
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— run by ✰
sin @sinumaki sfw, nsfw, dc, sug: jjk, hq, om 
— admins ✰
lija @ffsg0jo sfw, sug: jjk, hq, mha, aot, one punch, saiki  
theo @shoberri sfw, sug: hq, bnha, jjk, kny
kavya @sasusaki sfw: hq, mha, aot, jjk, kny, knb, naruto
— members ✰
charlie/dakota @1800charlie sfw: hq, mha, om, kny
rumi @blackweebtrash sfw, sug: jjk, hq, mha, genshin, aot 
moyenne @loyenne sfw, nsfw, dc: jjk, hq, mha, tr, aot, kny
maia @serxeinxx sfw, dc, sug: jjk, mha
jazzie/vinnie @kazutoro sfw, sug: jjk, mha, hq, tr, aot
dakota @dawnindakota sfw: hq, tr, om, kny 
nao @ninzhuo sfw, sug: jjk, hq, mha, tr, kny
luna @kiyunas sfw, sug: hq, mha
melinoe @melsuki sfw, sug: hq, mha
tay/sage @thelovehashira143 sfw: hq, jjk, tr, aot, kny, naruto
mari @roriova​ sfw, nsfw, sug: hq, kny
angel/retaa @angelshimaa sfw: mha
marlyne/mars @amourlyns sfw, s: hq, mha, genshin
maya @tealings sfw, s: jjk, hq, mha, tr, aot
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Sjk saying that Vincenzo is a sad story and that the ending is not a happy one is in sync with his character.. he resigns himself as a villain not deserving love, only with the monk's words did he accept that he was allowed to love cha young. But still his life isn't one where he can hope for a ever after at the moment. Plus, they are parting for an uncertain period of time, both not knowing when they'll meet again. So them staring at each other with longing and sadness is so fitting. But our queen nodding slowly, definitely is a till-we-meet-again look. And as yeo binnie said in her interview, cha young will def go to malta. Thats so cha young too, her coming to his room after saying she'll be fine at the hotel; repeatedly asking him if he'll leave, if he can come back; running after him at the airport; her coming to see him for the last time after telling him not to call... Who are we kidding? She'll definitely go to Malta. It is sad in the sense that these soulmates aren't together all the time, the promise of them settling down is isn't anytime soon... Considering how much they love each other, this seperation is obviously painful. And they are badass at their jobs, not able to sacrifice that for the other... But i love that about them... They are so powerful as individuals, and their bond defies any distance... 1 soul in 2 bodies, villains tenacious in love. (But ofc she's the ceo of jipuragi, she can always take a vacation with her hubby) Its a happy ending. Sjk can call it sad, well, Vinny's losses in life are huge. He's lost so many ppl precious to him, has been betrayed so many times, his life is never peaceful, and his nights are ridden with nightmares. However, he found a fam in guemga plaza and a woman he shares a soul with... He learns to love and accept the villain in him. That's a happy ending to me... And I'm sure he will return to settle in korea, he sure wants to. Plus i don't think Mr.Ahn and Mr.Cho are simply searching for him.
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alby-rei · 3 years
Paint My World in Shades of You (Vincent x MC)
a/n: Happy birthday Vincent <3 
[Characters]: MC, Vincent, Theo
[Genre]: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
[Warning]: None
{Paint my World in Shades of You}
I was sitting in Vincent’s room on his couch while he painted. His eyes were trained on the beautiful arrangement of flowers that rested against the window.
My eyes were trained on him; I was obsessed with his side profile. I loved the way his eyes shone with concentration, and his jaw relaxed and tensed as he worked. Suddenly, his serious expression lit up in laughter.
“When you look at me like that, I can’t help but lose focus.”
“Ah—I’m so sorry! I just—” My face heated up considerably, I must be a roasted tomato by now, “I really like watching you paint. It fascinates me so much how you create such wonderful paintings, and I was… taking mental notes of your technique,” and your face, and your arms, and your fingers, and-
“Have you painted, too, in your time?”
“Mmhm,” I nodded with enthusiasm, “though I’m still very much a beginner. I enjoy painting with a friend more than I do when I’m alone.”
“Oh?” Vincent set his palette down and faced me fully, “I can get you a canvas if you want to paint with me.”
“Right now?? I mean I’ve never worked with oil paints before… just acrylic and watercolor.”
Vincent rummaged through his supplies behind his desk, taking out a case full of paint tubes.
“I’ve got watercolors right here,” he shot me an excited smile, and my heart fluttered. How was I so lucky to have such an adorable boyfriend?
I wasn’t used to painting on large canvases— though it was still small compared to his— so I felt pretty intimidated just staring at the blank white abyss in front of me.
“What’s wrong?”
“I… don’t know where to start,” I looked back at him sheepishly.
I waved my paint-less brush on the canvas, shifting my gaze between the flower bouquet and the canvas to make a mental sketch. I caught sight of Vincent’s work in progress, and I had an idea.
“Hey Vincent, do you mind if I… copy you?”
“Hm?” He quirked his head to the side. 
“I want to learn how to paint like you, that’s how I’ve always learned actually— by watching others.”
His eyes widened, and he stuttered uncharacteristically. His gaze softened, as a small blush crept up his cheeks, and he looked back at his own unfinished work.
“Well, if that’s what you want to do, then I’m all for it.”
“Yay!” I clapped my hands in excitement. 
Vincent didn’t have an extra easel, so he suggested I use his. But I insisted that I can work without one. I brought a stool and dragged it close to his and started watching his every move.
“So first, I mixed these colors…” he stretched his arm out to display his color palette. It was a beautiful mess of oil paints, with a large white spot in one corner.
Time flew as we enjoyed the moment in each other’s company doing what we both love. 
“I’m not sure how to make this shade…” I pouted, staring at my messy palette.  
“The trick is to get a bit of ochre yellow in the mix, and then…”            
We talked on and on as we painted together. I tried to keep my focus on the bouquet, but I always ended up leaning over to see Vincent’s own painting.
“Your painting should capture how you­ see the world, MC.”
“I know… but I can’t get it to stand out the same way yours does,” I confessed. 
Vincent’s soft laughter eased my anxiety. I mixed some colors together blindly to try to create the right shade I’m looking for.
“Hey! That’s a great shade of purple you got. How did you make it?” He asked me with child-like curiosity and excitement.
I told him honestly that I didn’t know how, and we sat and experimented together. In a way, it gave me a confidence boost to see him try so hard to replicate the shade that I accidentally made. 
Clearly, I had lost track of time because the sun was gone, and the lamp in Vincent’s room was the only source of light left. I didn’t even notice the change, so when I looked up from my work, I had to rub my eyes to adjust.
“Oh boy, I didn’t realize I was so focused. I think I got a small headache…” I brought a hand up to apply pressure on my forehead.
“Are you ok, MC?” Instantly, Vincent was by my side, one hand caressing my arm as I sat on his couch to regain my bearings.
It took a second, but the world stopped spinning. I took a deep breath and looked up, smiling to reassure Vincent. Worry was written all over his face, bordering guilt.
“Don’t look so down, Vinnie~ It’s nothing serious,” I giggled, scratching the back of my head.
I looked between my canvas and his. I was really proud of how it turned out! His painting definitely had better defined lines and clearer contrasts in all the right places. Mine was less impressive in my eyes, but still a full image of the bouquet, no less.
“What do you think of my painting?” I nodded towards my canvas.
“It’s beautiful just like its artist,” he brought my paint-stained hand up to his lips and gently kissed my knuckles.
“Oh you…!” I punched him jokingly with my free hand.
“Mm… I meant it,” he laughed along, shielding his arm from further assault, “I’m a lucky man to be able to share my passion with my sweetheart.”
“Vincent, you’re too sweet.” I wrapped my arms around him, hiding my tomato-red face in his chest.
I felt his arms wrap around me, too, and we sat there in comfortable silence. The smell of oil paints and flowers wafted in the air around us, as his arms squeezed me securely. It was like we were left in our own bubble and time itself had stopped for us to enjoy this moment. I pulled away eventually, needing to wash my hands and help Sebastian with dinner. Looking outside again, I realized I was already late… woops.
“I have to go prepare dinner with Sebas soon, so I’ll see you later?”
I reached up to plant a kiss on his cheek. He turned his head and captured my lips with his. How am I supposed to say goodbye like this? The thought of leaving this room, this bubble of ours, felt like I was leaving a paradise behind.
“Don’t go just yet…” He pleaded with his eyes shimmering under the glow of the lone lamp.
“How about this: I’ll go wash my hands, then come back to clean up with you. Then, we’ll walk together to the kitchen, deal?”
He nodded, “Deal.”
I went to the guest bathroom room across the hallway. Paint was a lot harder to wash off than I thought. I scrubbed at it with soap, making sure not to damage my skin in the process.
It took a solid while, so I hurriedly dried my hands and made my way back to Vincent’s room. I was standing outside when I heard—
“…and what do we have here?” A chuckle, “Were you teaching a kid how to paint?” It was Theo.
Theo and I… didn’t get along. Maybe our humor just didn’t align, maybe he didn’t appreciate walking in on us that one time when he… shouldn’t have. And maybe I was too sensitive for his bluntness. But we made an unspoken truce to avoid conflict with each other for Vincent’s sake. At least, I thought we did. 
Before Vincent got a chance to speak, Theo was already inspecting the foreign painting in art-dealer mode. 
“Hmm… the colors are dull, and the strokes are uneven. If they thought they could imitate you, they’ve clearly got a long way to go,” he scoffed.
“Theo, that’s not—”
“And who asked you, huh?” I couldn’t stand aside and let him talk about me or my painting like that. It meant a lot to me; it embodied my precious time with Vincent.
“So the pup wanted to paint, eh? I guess I shouldn’t have expected much, then.”
I was about to give him an earful, but Vincent stepped in.
“That’s enough, Theo! MC and I painted this together. So, if you think it looks like a child’s work, then you’re saying that about me, too.”
“What…? No! I didn’t mean—” He shook his head, choosing to stare at the wall instead. He sighed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly, “I’m sorry I said those things, hondje. I didn’t mean to upset you.”      
Well, that was fast. At least he’s being civil about it.
“I-it’s fine… I’m just an amateur anyway,” I hugged my arms, looking away as I tried to calm myself. I was shaking, whether it was from anger or embarrasment, I didn’t know.
The silence was killing me, so I made to start tidying up my station. I blinked away the oncoming tears—I had nothing to cry about! I enjoyed painting with my boyfriend, and Theo apologized.
So, I kept blinking. Discretely.
Or at least as discretely as I thought I was.
Theo dropped the supplies he brought in for Vincent, talked to him for a bit, and left. I wasn’t paying attention to their conversation. 
Vincent’s voice broke me out of my thoughts. I sensed the guilt rising in his voice, so I rushed back to hug him in reassurance.
“…don’t worry, Vinnie,” I nuzzled my head into his chest, not realizing my tears had spilled onto his apron, “it’s not like I’m a professional artist anyway, he was just stating his opinion.”
His strong arms wrapped around me firmly, rocking me back and forth as he spoke.
“You are an artist just like me, with your own unique view. That, in itself, is a valuable treasure that no one can take from you,” he pulled away to stare into my tear-streaked eyes with his own saddened cerulean eyes.
Then he smiled gently, soothingly, “Art isn’t about perfection, it’s about self-expression… about sharing your world on a canvas. Today, you shared a piece of your world on my canvas, and it is my greatest honor.”
I was speechless, I couldn’t find the words to express the pride, the elation, the utter admiration I had for Vincent and his ability to always say the right things to cheer me up.
“…Thank you, Vincent. I-I really appreciate it,” I smiled brightly up to him, and my tears flowed freely down my cheeks.
He brought his right hand up to wipe away the tears, using his thumb to caress the side of my face. Try as I might, I couldn’t blink back the tears fast enough before they spilled silently down my face. I wasn’t mad, or sad even. I was just really extremely happy. It’s hard for me to explain though, and Vincent held my face in his strong hands and kissed every tear as they fell.
“We should do this again,” he declared, his hold on me never faltering, “I want to display your paintings all over my room until every part of it is immersed in the world you create.”
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sacarvos · 3 years
I’m only posting this in the tags to hopefully reassure and/or ground people.
What happened and what Vinny is doing now and will do in the future is nothing we can control.
I know it can be hard to not get upset about the allegations and how they affected the people involved and Vinny himself-- the whole situation was devastating to me, as well. I know we’re all eager for answers; a more detailed explanation; and/or public apology from Vinny, and the truth or a time back to where things were as they were before when Vinny streamed most everyday.
But as external entities who have absolutely nothing to do with the man nor the people involved, the only thing we can do is wait for these people to heal and, maybe applicable for some people, heal ourselves. Learning that Vinny might have had behaved that way sucks. Learning that the allegations might be embellished or completely falsified by a person or group who aimed to bring Vinny and his career down by making up very serious and utterly horrific accusations of emotional manipulation and sexual misbehavior sucks. However which way any of us feel about it, it’s beyond our abilities to do anything.
Please respect Vinny’s decisions for what he does from now on for himself, and please respect the accusers for their retaining of their anonymity-- publicly addressing experiences such as this that involves someone with social status can be a very daunting and traumatic thing. It’s the least all of us can do.
I don’t intend to come off as malicious or rude but I think our emotional and mental energies are far too precious to expend on something we can’t control nor really have any personal involvement with.
Please take care of yourselves, everyone.
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iamknicole · 3 years
Trouble Man
AN:: Because I ain't like it so rewrite it is. Mitch and Lainey are together, Candace is alive in order for this to work..
Candace tossed and turned in her hotel bed trying to shake the voices of those whose deaths she caused. From Oscar, War and Quincy to Erica and Lil Q. She yelled out in her sleep until she felt someone grab her and her eyes shot open landing on Oliver.
"Stop fighting. Stop. And shut up." Oliver demanded in a hushed tone.
"What are you doing in here? Get out of here! Leave me alone!"
Rolling his eyes, Oliver placed a the handkerchief he held over her mouth only moving it when she stopped fighting. Placing it into the inside pocket of his suit jacket, he stood from the bed and motioned to the men he'd traveled with.
"Restrain her and put her in the trunk."
Landen scoffed stopping the other two service members. "We don't just do what you say, Oliver. You don't make demands."
Oliver stepped into his face. "Who did Charles put in charge of this when the first person fell short? Who knew that there was a job to get done and played around?"
There was silence between the men.
"I'll answer for you. He put me in charge when you played around." Oliver spoke through clenched teeth. "So do what I said. Restrain her and put her in the trunk. Now."
Oliver glared at Landen a little longer then left the room with his phone to his ear.
On the other side of town, Benny sat in Melissa's house changing her locks. The two of them had just come in from their ruined dinner.
"Benny, you don't need to change those right now. They're not coming here. Lemme clean that cut on your forehead."
Benny shook his head still working on the front door locks. "Nah, ima be aight this needs to be done. You don't know these people like I do, they're coming. And when they do you don't wanna be caught slippin. Aight?"
Melissa sighed, "Benny, it's fine. I'll just call Veronica and get this taken care of."
"Isn't she the reason you're in this mess? You not calling her. That kid that they sent its tryna prove a point and I'm not gon let him use you for target practice to prove it."
"Alright, Benny. But when you're done I'm cleaning that cut and you're getting out of here."
Benny shook his head again. "No, I'm not. I gotta make sure you safe. He looking for me too I'm sure now so when he shows up he can get the rest of the ass whoopin he ain't get in that damn restaurant."
"I see you're not budging so I'll give up but I think you should at least go check on your family."
"I got that taken care of, ima call them. Why don't you go fix us something to drink or something. Relax. I got you."
After receiving his punishment from his family, Mitch went to sit across from Vinny in his booth clutching his side. Vinny took a swig of his beer then chuckled.
"Learn ya lesson?"
"Yeah, Uncle Vinny. So we good now?" He asked wincing a bit.
"Yeah we are but you listen to me no more lying to your family and covering up for this kid."
"I was helping my friend. His family is my family too. I told you that."
"No," Vinny barked, "The Malones are your family, not them. We are. Understand?"
Sandy approached the table clutching the ice back to his head. "He's acting like that cause he's dating that guy's sister. He's been hiding it from us."
Mitch turned to glare at his cousin, "Shut your little bitch ass up before you get beat up again, Sandy! Not the time!"
"You ain't gonna do nothin. Guess what else, Uncle Vinny. He's got a baby with the broad. How you like that, Mitch?"
Mitch got up as quick as his injuries would allow and stood in front of Sandy glaring down at him. "What did I say to you? What did I tell you?"
"That dumbass friend of yours is gonna get what he deserves for what he did and if I'm lucky I'll get that broad and that baby too." Sandy taunted with a smirk.
Mitch threw a few punches knocking the smaller man down before being pulled away, backed into a wall. Vinny stood in the open space between them pointing a finger at each of them.
"Sandy, if you knew how to back up the shit you say, you wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. You just love getting your ass kicked, don't you?" Vinny asked sarcastically.
Sandy sucked his teeth. "Oh everybody has jokes now. Aren't you gonna do something? He hit me and he had a baby with the black kid's sister."
Mitch struggled against his cousin, "Oh shut up, you whiny ass cry baby! You're lucky they're holding me!"
"Shut it, Mitch! Sandy, you get outta here and do what you said you were gonna do and I want it done tonight. If it's not done then I'm gonna do it to you."
"You got it, Uncle Vinny. I'll even get extras for you." Sandy answered with a smirk.
"I swear to God, Sandy. If you do this, I'll take you out myself. And unlike you, I'm not afraid to do it."
Vinny waved Sandy out of the bar then got closer to Mitch letting his nephews know that they could move.
"So what ... you're gonna kill your own family over these people? It's that what I just heard?"
Mitch glared at his uncle, "They're my family too."
"You mean the black girl and the black baby? Right?" Vinny chuckled.
"I mean my best friend, my girl, my daughter, all of them."
"When were you gonna tell us the good news? Our boy's a daddy now. Hey," Vinny called out, "Get him a drink. He deserves a congratulations."
Mitch huffed. "I don't want a damn drink. I'm leaving."
"No, you're not. You're gonna sit here and wait for Sandy to call. And while we're waiting you're gonna tell me why you didn't tell us."
"I'm not staying here while he's trying to kill them. I told who needed to know. Mama Rose. That's it. She loves my girl and my baby, she's gonna be pissed when she finds out."
Vinny's nostrils flaired as he grew angrier. "Mama Rose isn't here! I am! I'm in charge!"
"All you are is a placeholder while the heat dies down. She wouldn't leave this to you, Vinny. You couldn't even defend yourself from a drug addict," Mitch laughed.
"You keep it up and you'll end up dead along with your precious family, you lil bastard."
While they were going back and forth, one of Mitch's cousins sent a text to Mama Rose about what was happening. Moments later his phone rung and he stepped away to answer.
Hanna pulled up in front of her house and hopped off after killing the engine. She chuckled to herself approaching her stoop.
"Well ... well ... well ... look at my babygirl. What are you doing here this late with my baby?"
Lainey smiled bouncing her four month old daughter in her arms. "Tell your Nana that we were at home alone and your daddy wasn't answering so we thought he was here with Benny."
Hanna grabbed her grandbaby and gave her daughter her housekeys. "No, he's not here but I'm glad you two came to see me. I missed yall. Let's go in and I'll call your bug head brother, I'm sure they're together."
The three of them went inside the two story home, the older two engaging in conversation with each other.
Oliver stood in front of Candace in the chair she was tied to squinting at her. He took a moment to clean his glasses and put them back on before smacking the side of Candace's face.
"Come on, get up. I don't have all day."
Candace came to with a frantic gasp as she tried to move around.
"You might as well stop moving, you're restrained and that won't change. Now are you going to be quiet while we talk to you or do I need to tape your mouth?"
"No, don't. I just wanna know why I'm here. What's happening?" She asked fearfully.
Oliver stepped to the side as the door opened and in walked Charles. His signature smile plastered on his face.
"We met again, Ms. Young. Bet you thought you got away, didn't you?"
"Charles ... what ... what are you doing? Is this because I didn't want to come back? I'm sorry. Just let me go."
With his hands in his pockets, Charles walked a circle around the chair she sat in laughing loudly. "That's not it. Guess again, Ms. Young."
Candace sat quietly. "It's because I told you that I'm pregnant? It's the truth, I am."
"Its not about that because I know you're not."
"What? I went to the doctor. Yes, I am. Please. I'm go away and I won't bother you. Just let me and my baby go."
Again Charles laughed. "You hear that, Oliver? Just let me and my baby go," he mimicked, "When we met, I told you two things that you shouldn't have ever forgotten. Do you remember?"
Oliver stood back with an amused look on his face.
"No, you told me a lot of things. I don't know, Charles."
Charles stopped in front of her and leaned down so she could see his face. "I told you that I'm not the one to play with and there's nothing that you can do, nothing you can say and nowhere that you can go that I won't know about. That doctor told you that because I wanted her to. Wanted to see how long you'd keep it to yourself before you used the card you thought you had."
"All of this so I would come back? Are you really that delusional and crazy?"
"No, that's not it. Whether you came back on your own or forcefully you were coming back. I always make good on my favors for my friends. And this favor just so happens to be for a best friend of mine."
Candace started to move around in the chair trying to get loose. "This is about that money I took from Jim? He got you being his bitch now?"
"That's cute," he laughed, "You think that shit that you pulled with Jim is gonna work on me and you're wrong ... its not. I wouldn't piss on Jim if he was on fire."
"Then who? Who asked you to do this?"
"Aah, if I tell you then I have to kill you." He smiled wickedly at her. "Well ... I'm gonna do that anyways so I'll tell you. On a few occasions David Harrington let you know that you had no idea who you were playing games with and that he could make your insignificant life disappear just ... like ... that. And you didn't listen, you took him for a joke."
Candace started to get scared but still attempted to hide it. "Why?"
"Oliver, would you please enlighten Ms. Young with the list of offenses, please?"
Oliver stepped forward. "Gladly, sir. You extorted money multiple times, interfered and toyed with his niece, Amanda's well being, inserted his son into a murder and got his fiancé killed. And that's just what you did to Mr. Harrington."
"Thank you, Oliver," Charles said with a smile, "Now let's talk about the things you've done to other people. You screwed a friend over which caused the death of your son so you killed your son, you're the reason your brother has caused heartache in the past, you're the reason your brother almost died twice, you're too blame as to why Benny had bad blood with the Malonrs, and you're the reason you're mother almost died."
Candace bit back tears. "Why does he care about those things? They had nothing to do with David."
"Since you asked so nicely. David sees the pain you put your mother through and he doesn't like it at all. Your mother, Ms. Hanna, it's a beautiful woman and beautiful soul who didn't deserve the pile of shit you left in her lap. But he intends to clean it all up, starting with you being in Itty bitty pieces."
Oliver removed his suit jacket and picked up the electric hand saw starting it. The tears started to fall freely from Candace's eyes as she looked between both men.
"Please ... please don't do this," she sobbed "I'm sorry, I'll give the money back I'll leave them all alone."
"Sorry won't undo any of the shit you did, now will it? Oliver, she's all yours. Have fun."
"Will do, sir."
Furious, Mama Rose called Benny's phone. After speaking with her nephew she knew it was time to come out of her faux retirement to set some things straight. In that moment she didn't care about the heat on her being hot, she was going to protect those she held close to her heart above all else.
Benny looked at his phone and frowned a little before answering. "Who this?"
"Now, Benjamin, is that how you answer your phone for your Mama Rose?"
"No ma'am," he chuckled, "How you doing?"
"Oh I would be better if half of my family wasn't worthless. Where are you?"
Benny glanced up from his spot on the floor at Melissa, so was handing him a glass. "I'm at a friend's house helping her. You need me?"
"Is it the girl Veronica had Vinny go after? Is it her, Benjamin?" Mama Rose asked urgently.
"Yes ma'am and I don't even wanna know how you knew that."
"You know I know everything. Listen, you need to go to your mother's house. I'm on my way there but I don't know if I'll make it in time to stop it."
Benny frowned, "Stop what? What's going on?"Just as she got ready to answer, another call came through from mama. "This her right now calling. I'll call you back, Mama Rose." He answered her call effectively ending the previous call.
"Benjamin, baby. Where are you and that friend of yours?" Hanna asked laughing. "Your sister and niece are not happy that you're stealing him away."
"I'm not with him, Mama. I'm helpin, Melissa out. I'm bout to head that way though."
"Okay, baby and bring Melissa with you. And can you please see if you can find out where Mitch is?"
"Yes ma'am I will. Be there in a few. Love yall."
Benny finished chaging the locks quickly then he and Melissa left her house headed for his mama's house. Thankfully there wasn't much traffic so he was able to speed a bit to get there quicker. While they made their way to the house, Mitch was glaring at his uncle making a plan in his head.
"You got something you wanna say to me?" Vinny asked.
Mitch shook his head. "Nothing that I haven't already told you. You know where I stand on this."
"And you know where your family stands. There were lots of good girls that hang around here that you could've had. And you have too many cousins around here to be lookin elsewhere for friends. You're just gonna try any way you can to get away from us."
"I never wanted this. Ever. And you know that. The only reason I got as involved as I was is because your ass went and got stabbed so I had to help." Mitch fired back smartly. "You're so mad that I'm Mama Rose's favorite and she understood me not wanting to be apart of this."
Vinny grunted, "I don't give a shit about that."
"Yeah ... ya do. That's why you try do hard to find shit on me."
"You know what ... if Sandy doesn't get that broad and that baby I think I'll do it myself. And I think I'll enjoy it."
"The same thing I said to Sandy goes for you too. I'm not about to play this bullshit game with you or him when it comes to my family. I will kill you and not think twice about it. And if I don't," he smirked, "Mama Rose will. Just like I'm her favorite and she would do anything for me ... she feels the same way about those two. You harm any of us and she'll kill you."
Vinny stared at his nephew as he answered his ringing phone. He put it on speaker and sat it on the table.
"Just letting you know that we're pulling up to the house."
Mitch's blood boiled as he listened to his younger cousin talk. "You little bastard ... you better not."
"Shut up," Vinny barked, "Good. You do it and then you get your ass back here. Understand?"
Sandy agreed before getting off of the phone. One of the cousins that worked behind the bar approached their table extending the bar phone to Mitch making Vinny frown.
"What the hell are you doin?"
The cousin shrugged urging Mitch to take the phone. "Mama Rose."
Mitch took the phone and the cousin walked away. When he put the phone to his ear, he stared atvhis uncle.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Do not change your face. You keep whatever expression you have, I want him to think I'm pissed at you." Mama Rose instructed quickly.
Mitch sighed harshly, "Yes ma'am., I understand."
"Good, good. I know what's happening and I'm trying to get there and stop it."
Mitch almost broke and cheered but the sight of Vinny's smug smile kept him from doing so.
"But, Mama," Mitch started trying to act as if he was pleading. "Please, that's my baby in that house."
"And I'll make damn sure they all remain safe. But listen to me. Are you listening?"
Mitch dropped his head a bit. "I'm listening."
"If I am unable to get there before it happens and stop it, whether anyone gets hit or not, I will make sure that those involved are handled. In the event that this happens, I will let your cousins behind the bar know and they will do as instructed. Okay?"
Yes, Mama. I understand but please hear me out."
"I know, Mitch. You did good. I have to go."
The phone hung up before Mitch could say anything. The cousin came to retrieve the phone making quick eye contact with Mitch then walked off.
"Mama, can you make her a bottle while you're in the kitchen? She getting all fussy." Lainey yelled from her seat on the sofa in the living room.
"Yeah, baby but you're gonna have to bring her formula! I don't have anymore here!" Hanna yelled back.
Lainey looked through her daughter's diaper bag for the can of formula. Once she had it, she carried it and her daughter to the kitchen. Benny pulled up in front of his mother's house and quickly jumped out of the car with Melissa. He pulled her in front of him then let them into the house.
"Mama! Lainey! Where yall at?" He yelled frantically as he walked through the foyer.
Hanna laughed a little, "We're in the kitchen and stop yelling."
Benny pulled Melissa along with him, when he got to the kitchen he hugged his sister and his mama then kissed his niece's head.
Lainey stared at him strangely and laughed, "Boy what is wrong with you? You squeezing the life outta us."
"Something is going down, it's not safe." He explained quickly. "Mama Rose called to warn me. I'm sure it's about what happened earlier."
Lainey and Hanna shared a look then looked at him. "What did you do, Benjamin?"
Melissa stepped forward. "He was protecting me, Ms. Hanna. Veronica sent the Malones after me and Benny beat him up so now he's pissed."
The black van carrying Sandy and his cousins pulled up slowly in front of the two story home. Inside Sandy readied his gun but kept fumbling.
"You sure you got this? We can do it."
Sandy glared at his cousin. "I don't need help. I got this. You just sit back and watch. I'm gonna take all of them out."
Oliver finished with his task, set up the disposal and went to get cleaned up before going to meet with Charles. He met the president elect in his home office.
"I take it that it's taken care of," Charles said smoothly turning side to side in his office chair.
"Yes sir, of course. She's being disposed of as we speak."
Charles smiled. "Did you save what I asked you to save?"
"Yes sir," Oliver said proudly, "Packaged, sealed and ready to go."
"Good, good. I want to be in Savannah tonight. I like to deliver my good news in person."
Oliver nodded pulling his phone out. "I can make that happen in the next thirty minutes. If I can ask, sir. May I make a personal stop during this trip to Savannah? It won't take long."
Charles leaned back in his chair relaxing, his smile still on his face. "Somce you did such a good job, I'll allow it. What is the stop?"
"I just wanna check in on a friend of mine. She had a baby not too long ago and I haven't been able to see the baby yet."
"You got a girlfriend and a baby, Oliver? Hiding things from me?"
Oliver quickly looked up from his phone laughing, "No, sir. Of course not. Me and her have been friends for years, nothing like that. She's actually Hanna's daughter."
Charles raised a brow, "Alaina? She anything like her sister?"
"No, not at all. If she was, we wouldn't be friends. She's a good girl who doesn't take anybody's shit," Oliver laughed going back to his phone, "She is definitely her mother's child. She loved to fight growing up."
"I think I'd like to make this stop with you."
Oliver glanced at him for a moment then back to his phone. "That's fine with me, sir. But I have to warn you, she is in a relationship."
Charles chuckled. "I just wanna meet her. Nothing else."
"Yes sir of course. We will be ready to take off in about twenty minutes. I'll have a bag prepared for you. "
"Thank you, Oliver. Let Landen know you and Ramsey will be the only ones accompanying me. He is to stay here and make sure that the house gets packed up correctly."
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