#not sponsored by Jack Daniels
cuntoss-inz · 5 months
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Huh??????? I thought they're going to aston martin?
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elsadventures · 7 months
lando’s special helmet livery is lowkey so good, like the detail and the difference from his normal helmet and just the las vegas vibes 🤭
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pigeonwit · 1 year
“What’re you even doing here? Ain’t you meant to be a square or something?” Before David can stop himself, he scoffs and says, “What does that make you, a circle?” - David has a bad habid of wanting what he can't have.
i was not joking about the rise of the pink ladies au.
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ehcahache · 1 year
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Seeing the first image yesterday it reminded me of the second pic, when they did this for the fans and I thought it would be nice for June, pride month, if they did this with LGBTQIA+ flag.
I know it wouldn't be the best approach as "love is love" does not include everyone in it but still could send a message to stop hate towards LGBTQIA+ people
They would have races in Spain, Canada and Austria, three countries where it wouldn't be ilegal doing this, even though I don't know if the FIA would like this with the stupid rule.
Even if they don't really care, it would be a nice sponsor thingy
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ticklethepup · 1 year
I’m so lee rn it’s unforgivable
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albonium · 2 years
such a weird sponsorship.... jack daniel's 💀💀💀💀
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 8 months
Danny and Damien are twins au, but a slightly redeemed vlad makes Danny the CEO of Vlad Co and DALV and all his other shell companies. Danny is danny, he got pushed into this against his will and is very overwhelmed by CEO duties, so he reaches out to one of his father's sons, Timothy Drake-Wayne, for advice
So, danny definitely knows his heritage in this au. He was the spare to Damien's heir, and while their relationship was strained by the constant competition, they still love each other, even when Danny started to show more proficiency in infiltration and subterfuge than assassination. Damien and Danny have a huge fight before Danny leaves, with Damien swearing to never forgive Danny for his betrayal, while Danny is like "what betrayal??? I just cant bring myself to kill someone outside of self-defense??"
(One of the things I hate about Danny and Damien Twin AUs is this depiction that, just because (usually) Danny is unwilling to kill, that makes him weak and a traitor. You think the medical staff in the LoA are assassinating people? Or the lawyers? He's not useless, he's just not good as an assassin)
He was sent to the Fentons at like... seven? eight? to study how the Fentons are purifying lazurus waters from Jack and Maddie, both of whom are partly sponsored by the League of Assassins. He's also learning more about spying from Jack, surprisingly, because no one would expect him of being a top tier spy. He has the occasional mission as a child, but it's mostly shadowing Jack to learn how to spy.
Danny sends letters to both Talia and Damien regarding updates on his training and the Fenton's research, but after a year of no reply from Damien, it's only to Talia. He's feels super hurt by this, and abandoned by the LoA, but the Fentons are kind and familial, and Talia visits once a year. She's unwilling to risk visiting more often, lest she risk getting the JL or the Spiders attention, but sometimes she even manages to visit on his birthday!
(Meanwhile, Talia starts sending birthday assassins to kill Damien so she can spend their birthday with Danyal. She's a really hot and cold mom.
Talia: You can choose me, and have a birthday dinner. Or you can choose your father and have a birthday assassin. You're choice. )
When Slade blows up the LoA, Danyal is given permanent orders to remain as Daniel Fenton until Talia, and only Talia, brings him back to the League. No missions and only one letter every six months. But when Ra's comes back to life and the League is back in power, Talia... never tells Danyal. Because she's seen how happy Damien is being a normal child with their father and wants that for Danyal too. Plus, she wants to continue to have a good relationship one of her children, sue her bruce.
So Danny is completely convinced that the League is mostly gone other than his mother, her zealots, and knows that his brother is living with their father. and he's... relieved. His brother is safe, and his mom told him their grandfather was avenged, so Danny can just enjoy his life. Which he does.
He sends out his six month report days before the portal accident.
Canon stuff happens until Danny is sixteen and Vlad, the fruitloop, steps down as CEO and strong-arms Danny into becoming CEO in his place. Jack and Maddie (who at this point know [or have always known in Jack's case, adn Danny didn't appreciate his dad using his his poker face against him like that] about Phantom) are thrilled.
Vlad is using his "foster son" (Dark Danny, but in this idea, he's Dante Masters) as an excuse as to why he's stepping down, since Dante needs all the attention he can give as a "troubled youth". Danny secretly hopes Dante kills Vlad in his sleep, but signs the papers away.
And there's so much work.
Danny has some idea of what he's doing (Vlad co is a tech company and DALV is weapons manufacturing, plus vlad gave him a crash course on CEOing). Sam and Tuck even help! But he wishes there was someone who could understand the pain of being a CEO while still a teen. But... his father's son, his brother, is one such person. And even though the other would never know, he really wanted to get to know his other siblings. So Danny reaches out for advice to Timothy Drake-Wayne.
Tim is immediately on guard when this Damien clone walks into his office claiming to be the new Vlad Co CEO. The clone acts nothing like Damien, but he still thinks this Danny Fenton is a league plant.
His paranoia doubles when Damien freaks out and confesses that A) Danny is apparently his twin brother and B) that he's been with the League of Assassins this whole time. Damien, who really doesn't want to admit that the reason he forced himself to forget his brother was because said brother didn't want to kill people, says "Tch. I didn't want to associate with the likes of him, so I put him out of my mind." Tim now believes that he's dealing with a master assassin with a huge grudge against Damien and Danyal showing no signs of malicious or aggression in their meetings only convinces him that Danyal is a master actor too.
Which, Danyal is a master actor. But all that other stuff is just Tim reaching.
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F1 Drivers that I think would date some plus sized queens and how I think it would go
Carlos Sainz
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- I can't explain why, but I feel like Carlos is already an ass man and with his personality he seems like the guy to love when his girl was squishy. Maybe like a fit plus size queen like they go to the gym together and stuff, but she's still thicker than a Snicker like Ashley Graham without the boobs (TBH that's specifically my body type and all the plus size queens with the boobs get love, but were is the love our itty bitty bitty plus size babes?) if you have the boobs sis he would love it too; just wanted to give some representation for my body type cause I know I can't be the only one out here like this! - Would constantly come up to you saying "I shall call her squishy and she shall be my squishy" before wrapping you in such a great hug and peppering you with kisses (come guys I can so see this like AAGHH) - If you're tall and a plus queen I think he would also be totally down for that too! We need some tall plus size love too man :) - He knows that you probably can't wear his clothes or that if you can that they don't fit oversized like he knows you would find cute so he orders some hoodies a size or two too large and keeps "accidentally" leaving them around you. - Krispy Kreme has nothing on this man, he is hot and ready for you all the time - Summer is his favorite time because seeing you prance around in those shorts that ride up your ass have this man so distracted that he is a danger to himself and humanity - Hand on the ass ALL the time (y'all can't argue with me on this one okay) - He loves to lay on you whenever possible - You are his human pillow now - Carlos Sainz is a cuddle bug and no one can tell me other wise!
Mick Schumacher
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- If I were to picture our precious Mick with anyone else other than a beautiful tall plus size sweetheart it just wouldn't fit in my mind - He is such a boob guy like there's literally even no denying it (~starts crying in itty bitty titty committee~), but if you were less blessed in the chest I think Mick would still love it cause he is an angel - Mick is a sweetheart who has been through a lot, you provide him a sense of comfort and love when you pull him for one of your ever constant and always soft hugs (you never let go before he does because sometimes he just needs to hold you and that's okay) - You're like the Anna to his Kristoff (Frozen anyone?!) sweet, fun, adventurous, with a little side of chaos - He will kiss every single freckle, scar, and stretch mark on your entire body, in fact he makes it his life mission to do so - Sometimes he steals your sweatpants cause y'all are pretty much the same height and he loves having the extra room from the size difference - One time he stole a pair of your Juicy sweatpants to wear around the house and didn't realize the butt had JUICY bedazzled on it until his mom pointed out when she came over to visit for dinner - Mick loves to snuggle with you while you sleep, but he always falls asleep with his hand on your boob - You make him smile so much the boys started teasing him telling him he should try to get Crest toothpaste as a sponsor - Mick is major on cockwarming and if he had it your way he would never leave the warmth of your walls
Daniel Riccardo
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- I feel it in my bones that Danny is an ass man - He is constantly sending up little prayers of thank you to whoever invented leggings and compression shorts - Daniel loves when you steal his button ups to wear around the house with nothing else because even though they aren't quite oversized it's the fact that seeing you wear his clothes and seeing your ass at the same time as poor Danny boy wound up tighter than a Jack in the box - You know they do say that cowboys tend to like their women like molasses, sweet and thick and well as bad as Danny wishes he was cowboy he makes sure to follow that rule -Save a horse ride a cowboy anyone? - He swears he's died and gone to heaven when he looks down into your innocent doe eyes every time you suck him off - You guys have matching sweatsuits for movie nights (secretly he loves it) - Danny just gives off the vibe of loving if you were tall too like it's giving off power couple vibes - He actually steals your hoodies because they're so soft and smell like your perfume - He loves when you rest your head on his shoulder like he actually smiles a kid getting to meet Santa for the first time - Is constantly giving you forehead kisses because he doesn't have to bend down and he loves seeing your eyes light up like a Christmas tree when he does
Jack Doohan
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- first off there's not enough Jake Doohan love on this platform and I am determined to fix that sweethearts - Okay IDK if it's just my experience, but it's always the skinny, tall white boys getting with these plus size queens and Jack is no exception - I'm not really sure if Jack is a thigh or an ass man more, but I'm totally getting those vibes you know - He already loves surfing and spending anytime in water that he can and now he gets the added bonus of seeing your beautiful figure in his second favorite amount of clothes for you (the first is when you're butt ass naked) - I can't explain it, but I am very much going with the theory that these Australian boys love themselves some tall plus babes (if you're short I'm sure they would like you too baby it's just the vibe I'm getting okay) - He always holds the door for you because he's a gentleman duh, but he also gets to look at that world shattering ass and those beautiful thighs of yours - This man loves you more than a southern granny loves her biscuits and gravy - Jack loves not having to look too far down to see, if he even has to look down at all TBH because let's be real here couples with a height difference especially a big height difference one of the poor love bugs always ends up with back problems - No lie he reminds me of Johnny from Hotel Transylvania like he'll try to be smooth with you, but you keep this man so flustered that sometimes he doesn't know what to do with hisself - Jack 100% loves to snuggle with you on the beach; He's sitting between your legs leaned up against you while you read your book - He loves to take you doggy style (he has Pierre to thank for the idea after that interview) - Always is pulling you into his lap during movies, make-out sessions because he loves having you straddle him
I have no true evidence to back up these theories, but going strictly off of vibes. I am convinced our bros would be down to date some plus size queens, especially some tall ones ;) Please feel free to leave feedback below!
All photos are from Pinterest!
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readyforevolution · 5 months
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Tuskegee Airman Jack Daniels Holsclaw was born in Spokane, Washington, on March 21, 1918. His father, Charles, was a clerk in a downtown store, and his mother, Nell, was a manager at Pacific Telephone and Telegraph. Holsclaw attended North Central High School in Spokane, where he excelled both academically and athletically. When he was 15, he became the first black person in Spokane to earn the Eagle Scout badge.
Holsclaw entered Whitworth College in 1935 but transferred to Washington State College (now Washington State University) in 1936 to play baseball. Beginning in his junior year, he played center field and helped the Cougars finish as co-champions of the Northern Division, Pacific Coast Conference. He was the second African American earn a varsity letter in baseball at the college.
In 1939, Holsclaw transferred to a chiropractic program at Western States College in Portland, Oregon, where he met his wife, Bernice Williams. They had one son, Glen. Holsclaw completed the chiropractic program in 1942 and passed the Oregon state board examination.
While there, he enrolled in a government sponsored Civilian Pilot Training Program at Multnomah College and earned his pilot’s license. On October 5, 1942, he enlisted in the army as a private and entered flight school, training at Tuskegee Army Airfield, Alabama. After completing his training, he received his wings and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant on July 28, 1943. Lieutenant Holsclaw received advanced training at Selfridge Field near Detroit, Michigan before his squadron was shipped to Italy in December 1943.
Lieutenant Holsclaw flew in the 100th Fighter Squadron, 332d Fighter Group, an all-black pursuit squadron. Holsclaw named his favorite P-51 “Bernice Baby” in honor of his wife. The 332d Fighter Group had distinctive red tails giving them the nickname “Red Tails.” The 332d Fighter Group escorted bombers on their runs over enemy territory, shielding them from German fighters. To the bomber crews that were protected by them they were the “Red Tail Angels.”
On July 18, 1944, in an aerial battle over Italy, Holsclaw shot down two German fighters. For this action he received the Distinguished Flying Cross. By December 1944, Holsclaw had completed 68 combat missions, nearing the limit of 70, when he became Assistant Operations Officer, an important administrative position that included aerial mission planning. In January 1945, Holsclaw was promoted to captain.
Captain Holsclaw returned to the United States in June 1945 to serve as assistant base operations officer at Godman Field, Fort Knox, Kentucky. He served as an Air Force ROTC instructor at Tuskegee Institute and then Tennessee State College.
From 1954 to 1957, Holsclaw was assigned to Japan, and from May 1962 to the end of 1964, he served as chief of the training division, Sixth Air Force Reserve Region at Hamilton Air Force Base, California. He directed the preparation of two textbooks to guide incoming air force personnel. Holsclaw retired from the Air Force on December 31, 1964 as a Lieutenant Colonel.
From 1965 to 1973 Holsclaw served as a manager in the Marin County Housing Authority, California. In 1973, he and Bernice returned to Washington where Holsclaw joined the staff at the People’s National Bank in Bellevue. He remained there until his second retirement in 1983. He and Bernice took up residence in Arizona, where Jack Holsclaw died on April 7, 1998, at the age of 80.
In August 2019, the Jonas Babcock Chapter, NSDAR, dedicated a historical marker in the memory of Lt. Col. Holsclaw at the site of his childhood home in Spokane.
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chernobog13 · 3 months
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Superman meets Ireland's resident superhero, Jack O'Lantern, in DC Comics Presents #46 (June, 1982). Written by E. Nelson Bridwell. Art by Alex Savior and Pablo Marcos. Colors by Gene D'Angelo. Letters by John Costanza.
This was Jack's first appearance in the DC Universe continuity, but not the first time in comics. He, along with the rest of the international superhero team he belonged to, the Global Guardians, was first introduced in Super Friends #8 (November, 1977).
Super Friends was based on the Hanna-Barbera animated series that was broadcast on Saturday mornings at the time. As such, its stories were not considered part of the canon of DC's stories. However, after the Super Friends comic was cancelled in 1981, writer (and Global Guardians creator) E. Nelson Bridwell was able to insert the Guardians into the DC Universe-proper with this story in DC Comics Presents.
Jack O'Lantern was Daniel Cormac, a farmer who was granted a magic lantern by a fairy, presumably the leprechaun on his shoulder in the picture above (who, as far as I know, never made another appearance). The lantern granted Cormac several abilities: super strength, flight, energy projection, illusion casting, teleportation, and fog generation. Because of its magic properties, the lantern (and Jack's powers) were strongest at midnight, and non-existent at noon.
Cormac and the Global Guardians remained a part of DC continuity after Crisis On Infinite Earths. However, the group fell on hard times and split-up after the UN decided to sponsor Justice League Europe/International instead of the Guardians.
Jack then fell in with the villainous Queen Bee and was a bad guy for a brief period, even tangling with the aforementioned JLI. He eventually redeemed himself and became a hero again before eventually passing away from natural causes.
His cousin, Liam McHugh, then became the new Jack O'Lantern, with a different costume. McHugh was able to internalize the powers of the lantern, and no longer needs to use it. He was a member of the Global Guardians, the Leymen (from Primal Force), and the Ultramarine Corps (from Grant Morrison's run on JLA).
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onboardsorasora · 2 months
Hii, if you don’t mind and if it isn’t too difficult, could you maybe create a list of all the different Max and Daniel’s in your au’s and give very brief descriptions of them and their relationship? And saying what fic they belong to? Sometimes I get a little confused 😭
Allo! This one is gonna be probably a long post. and I apologize from now for my potentially shitty descriptions😭 All can be found on my Maxiel Masterlist 1 and Masterlist 2. I do have a lot of stories, but I'll only talk about the ones that feature the most in my ask box currently.
Lets start with Enchanted AU - Daniel is a Disney Princess with magical powers. Max is Max. They meet in Monaco and Max is confused and in love. fluffy, funny, tooth rottingly cute
De-Aged Daniel AU- Daniel gets Exchanged with a younger version of himself (as of right now, he is 5yrs old). Max is Max. Max is taking care of Little Daniel, Older Daniel is at his Parents' house in the past. Currently a prompt fic, and i am woefully behind
Tennis AU - Daniel is a Tennis Pro, Max is Max. They meet at the Monaco GP. Very feral and horny for each other. Horny wag daniel before horny wag Daniel AU
Horny Wag Daniel - Max is Max, Daniel is a model/influencer/we never really fleshed that out. Only lives as tumblr ask prompts. Actually feral about each other. Turns marketing people's lives upside down (i hope that link works)
Sponsor Max AU - Max is a high powered/wealthy Vcarb sponsor. Daniel is Daniel. Max is obsessed about Daniel and uses his power, wealth and influence to get what he wants. fairly dubcon. currently (using this loosely) being written as an actual story but most lives in tumblr ask prompts
Harem Verse- ok so the problem with this one, we went through so many different prompts before it became a harem that theres no reasonable way to tag this properly (sorry). They're all drivers, except Josh. Daniel has like 5 boyfriends on the grid- Max, Lewis, Carlos, Charles, George. And then Josh. this started out as like a jealous Max over pregnant Daniel verse and spiralled into its own universe of beautiful chaos
Alpha Max vs Grid Kids - unfortunately I don't remember the actual tag for this one, but essentially its Alpha Max complaining that Omega Daniel is spending too much time taking care of his grid kids (Oscar, Liam, Jack, Logan and Zhou i think) and neglecting him and then eventually became the grid kids claiming Max as their grid dad
Adore You Verse - Mafia/Organized Crime AU. Daniel and Max are high ranking members of their organizations. Action fics, 95,523 words. Daniel deals with a lot of isolation and grief in parts
Reclamation AU - Angsty, slow burn, getting back together. Alt universe where no one is a driver. Max and Daniel had a really bad break up, and they eventually make up. 73,191 words
Mob Wife Daniel - Max is a bodyguard, Daniel is the wife of Chr*stian, a high ranking mob boss. Originally an poly pairing but for obvious reasons we strayed from that and actually kinda strayed from this au all together. Mobwife Daniel is very unhinged and dangerous and Max loves it
I hope that was all of them!
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norrisleclercf1 · 5 months
the tennessee angle could also be that he’s there for work because Jack Daniel’s sponsors McLaren. once upon a time i had a similar idea for mclaren!daniel but i’m so painfully australian and not at all equiped to write a southern fic so it’s in the wip graveyard! 💖
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Babes!!! 😭😭😭 Your help just made my brain explode with the plot and I can't thank you enough!!! Tha k you much and ugh I'm sad, you always write Daniel to fucking perfection 💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕💕❤️
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simpingcowboy · 1 year
Pedro Boys and Drag!
How they got interested in drag and their relation to it now! (Part 1?)
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Note: This focuses on drag as an art form. Queerness is at the core of it, but this is not a discussion about the sexuality of any character (with brief exception for Dieter). Drag can and should be enjoyed by everyone!
Dieter Bravo
The first time he went to a drag show was by accident. He'd been bar hopping, eventually finding himself in a bar with a show going on. Ever since he saw that first queen do a backflip in a corset and 6 inch stilettos - he was hooked.
He loves the really artistic drag performers. The crazier and more unique a performer is the more Dieter is obsessed with it! He's always a great audience member, cheering and tipping when appropriate. Dieter feels happiest and most relaxed when he's connecting with his community. When he can't go out to shows, he's watching The Boulet Brother's Dragula to get his fix of queer creativity.
He once even tried a death drop, but unfortunately threw his back out. Leaves it to the professionals but gains an even deeper appreciation for the art.
Jack Daniels
Jack's first time was at the request of a friend. Someone who was a bit shy about going alone to the Gay Rodeo (this IS a real thing!! If you're interested in rodeos at all look it up it's incredible!) While Jack was not entirely sure what he was getting himself into- he did love a rodeo. Turns out it wasn't too difficult from other rodeos at all, just a few more pride flags. It wasn't until "The Wild Drag Race" that anything really stood out. A team comprised of a man, a woman, and a drag performer attempt to jump atop a bucking bull. That landed Jack on a projectory he never imagined himself going.
He likes all types of shows! Brunches, pageants, pop-ups, he will attend any and every type of show. But Jack's all time favorite performances are drag kings who perform "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)". They're instantly his favorite and he is definitely getting a photo with them later if he can. He is also unironically asking where they got bits of their outfit from and if they made it themselves?? Oh, he's asking if they take outfit commissions from non-drag performers.
Marcus Moreno
His introduction to drag was through RuPaul's Drag Race. A night of late night channel flipping landed him in the middle of a runway challenge. Though he would never consider himself a fashionable person, there was something very fun and entertaining about getting to hear about the inspiration and making of each outfit. Which brings him to today...
Marcus is a bit shy about going to shows. In his older age he's not so much into the late night scene. He IS big into brunch though!!! Loves brunches or otherwise seated performances. I think he likes comedy queens. He needs a good laugh! Most of his days are spent being very professional so he enjoys the playful nature of drag. He loves to watch Drag Race with Missy! Though Drag Me to Dinner might be his favorite drag competition show. Especially considering that his favorite Drag Race Alumni, Bianca Del Rio, is the host!
Marcus Pike
Marcus was an edgy artsy punk 15 year-old when he was first introduced to drag via the documentary Paris is Burning. He was in awe, and as soon as he was able, Marcus could be found supporting his local drag community most every weekend!
Now in his older age he's not so big into the night scene anymore. He absolutely will make FBI sponsored appearances at charity shows though!! It took a bit of convincing to get his boss to clear the cost of his attendance, but Marcus made it well worth it by shaking damn near every hand in the room. He was happy to support the community, and to get to make so many new connections.
Marcus is also very into drag pageantry. The more calm, collected environment is more his pace at this point in his life. He enjoys getting to see and really appreciate the glamor and artistry!
Javi Gutierrez
Similar to Marcus Pike, Javi's introduction to drag was through film. To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar was a movie that teenaged Javi was not prepared to see. He really only liked action movies, wanting to believe he could be like the cool guys in the movies. But something about the characters in To Wong Foo appealed to him. It ignited his interest in drag.
He's very shy at drag shows, though he always tips exceptionally well. Javi prefers seated shows. That way he doesn't have to worry as much about having a good spot to watch the show. Also makes tipping easier when the performers come to him.
It should go without saying, but his favorite performances are ones with pop references. And if there's a Nick Cage reference?? Oh you can bet he's tipping extra! And seeing if he can't get a quick conversation after the show.
Frankie Morales
Frankie had a very fun first experience with drag. There was something about the toxic and perpetual performance of masculinity in the army that wore him and so many others down. It happened rather suddenly, when him and the delta crew stumbled into a gay bar. While Redfly was quick to turn on his heels out of there, the rest of them stayed, curiosity getting the better of them. Their eyes all grow wide as the show started. They'd never seen anything like it!
Things got a little out of hand as him and Benny were pulled from the crowd to compete in a lip sync off. The two of them being teased as the part of the "obviously-off-base-out-of-place-military-men" sitting in that far corner. Though Frankie very clearly lost the lip sync to the much more boastful Benny Miller, those little cheers for him and encouraging smiles play in his head time again. As well as that feeling of freedom from the pressure to perform masculinity in the ways expected of him.
Whilst it's been a couple years since he's gone to a drag show, if you offered to take him, Frankie would go in a heart beat.
Ms. Flores, not a boy but she deserves some drag too
The first time her son manages to bring her to a drag brunch...she is totally unimpressed. The food is only okay, and she thinks the music is way too loud. Not much about it resonates with her much...until a Latina performer doing a very dramatic lip sync of "La Gata Bajo la Lluvia" (the cat under the rain) that she understands. Perhaps it's just that the song is in her native tongue. Or that she can see parts of herself in the performer, but it suddenly seems to click as to why people like this.
And when the performer approaches her during the song and takes her hand while she sings, Ms. Flores is moments away from crying like she does for her telenovelas. She feels seen and blessed by the beautiful performer, which she proceeds to tip a considerable amount.
While she will probably never attend a drag show again, she will be a fierce watcher of Drag Race Mexico...just don't expect her to admit how much she loves it.
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f0point5 · 3 months
“guy who is coasting on being a personality hire”
So true, Daniel doesn’t give a fuck about racing, he’s just there to have a good time.
The narrative that the only reason Daniel is in Formula 1 is because he’s a good time is such a bullshit tired narrative. Guess what, you can be popular with sponsors and still contribute heavily as a driver to a team - crazy right? I’m sure Mekies and Bayer are just talking out of their asses when they talk about the positive impact he’s had on the team as a driver.
Not sure why we’re writing him off completely after one race in the season which realistically was fine, it was his qualifying which he needed to fix slightly.
I think he cares about racing, I think he loves it, but that doesn’t score points. RB didn’t want him because he loves racing, they want him because they love Daniel. Which is fair but you gotta be honest about it. When I say he’s a personality hire, I mean, he got picked up by the RB family after McLaren because of who he is, not because of the results he had. “8 time Grand Prix winner” wouldn’t have meant Jack shit to Red Bull if it was KMag. Personality hires aren’t necessarily incompetent, they’re just people who got a leg up based on what they bring to a workplace other than KPIs.
Is he a bad driver? No, I don’t think so. Would be any better than Checo in the Red Bull? Maybe, and I don’t think he’d do worse. Does he have a lot to contribute to a team? I’m sure he does.
Is he far away this championship contender material driver that would take it to Max in the same car? No, I don’t think so.
I’m not writing him off for the season, I’m just saying, he’s there in the first place because he’s Daniel Ricciardo. He may still do great things with that car. I think as long as he doesn’t cause stupid damage he will get the Red Bull seat because they’d rather lose Checo than Daniel, and they need a seat for Lawson. And I think he’ll do a good job as a second driver to Max.
So yeah, I don’t think anyone is lying when they say he brings a lot to the team. But I stand by my opinion that his likeability and marketability is why he’s in a position to do that in the first place.
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Date Night
Daniel Sousa x Reader
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Masterlist - Taglist!
Fandom: Marvel
Requested: Yes, by anon
Summary: Y/N and Daniel are ready to relax and listen to their favorite radio program together after a long week at the SSR. Unfortunately for both of them, Y/N's older brother Jack Thompson has the spare key to the apartment, and he has a history of picking terrible times to drop in on his little sister.
Word Count: 1,619
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Alright, this is the week we finally find out who the murderer was," said Daniel as he crossed the room to turn on the radio sitting on my fireplace mantle. I hummed and smiled as I settled into the couch after setting both our drinks and deserts on the end table.
Daniel and I had been dating for a little over three months now, and with our busy schedules, we'd quickly realized how important it was to carve out designated time for weekly dates. The tradition of going to one of our places', making dinner together, and then settling in on the couch for a new installment of a radio program we picked together was the perfect solution.
"I still say it's the grandmother," I said, taking a sip of my wine as Daniel worked to put on the right channel. "I mean, she's the only one that could've gotten around the house without anyone questioning her! Nobody suspects the little old lady, which gives her the perfect cover."
"I think you might be overestimating the writers of this particular program a little," he said. I smiled into my wine as the program before ours came on, wrapping up some Western. Daniel grinned and turned back to me, his hand still on the radio dial. "Are you sure you don't want me to put on The Captain America Adventure Program? Betty Carver might be in danger this week."
I rolled my eyes, making Daniel chuckle as he crossed the room to finally take his seat next to me.
"I swear, one of these days, Peggy and I are actually going to raid that radio station and show them what the real thing is actually like."
"And I will be carefully looking the other way when you do."
We shared a smile as Daniel settled into the couch beside me, and I leaned in closer to his side. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and I sighed. After a long, exhausting week with the SSR, this break with my boyfriend was exactly the thing I needed.
"And now, up next, the thrilling conclusion to The Painted Window. But first, a few words from our sponsors," came the announcer's voice. I frowned, then turned to Daniel.
"If this is the conclusion, that means we have to find a new show to listen to."
"Maybe this one'll suggest one for us."
"I don't know if I want another mystery like this... What about-"
I stopped short at the sound of my front door flying open, banging against the wall before swinging shut again. I jumped to my feet, rushing to the end table where I'd set my purse and grabbing the gun out of it to prepare for whoever had just broken into my home. Behind me, I heard Daniel getting ready for a fight too, when a familiar blond head poked into the living room.
"Hey knucklehead, Mom and Dad are in town this weekend and we need to talk about-"
Jack Thompson, my older brother, stopped short in the doorway as his eyes landed on Daniel standing in the middle of the living room, our two wine glasses sitting on the table. Despite both working at the SSR, we hadn't told my brother we were dating yet. We'd talked about when we might want to do that and what it might look like, but thanks to my brother having no sense of boundaries, that wouldn't be a problem anymore.
"What the hell is Daniel Sousa doing in your living room?" he asked, whirling to me. Then, raising his voice as he turned back to Daniel, he rephrased. "Sousa, what the hell are you doing in my sister's living room?"
"What the hell are you doing in my living room?" I demanded, crossing my arms and glaring at my brother. I'd put my gun back in my purse, but the longer I stared at Jack (who was still glaring at Daniel), the more I regretted discarding the weapon. "I gave you a key for emergencies and taking care of my plants when I'm on vacation. You're not allowed to just barge in here whenever you want-"
"How long has this been going on? He's in your apartment drinking wine-"
"And now we present: the thrilling conclusion to The Painted Window!"
"Alright, get out!" I said, giving up on arguing and physically shoving Jack towards the door. He kept staring at Daniel and shouting nonsense at me, but I used my strategic knowledge of his weaknesses that came from growing up with a person to poke, prod, and walk him backwards to my front door as the theme music for the show started playing over the radio.
"You can't just throw me out after I catch you with Sousa-"
"Jack, I've spent three months engaged in this radio show, and I'm not missing the ending because you want to insert yourself into the middle of my life. Daniel and I have been dating just as long, and honestly, I couldn't care less what you think about it. We were going to tell you eventually, but the reason I asked him to hold off is because I knew you'd react like an idiot about it. And I know Mom and Dad are coming into town this weekend, I already planned a full slate of things to keep them busy and off our backs. I'll give you the itinerary at work tomorrow. Now get out."
Jack flung his hands out, stopping himself in the doorway that I'd just thrown open, right before he could tip out into the hallway like I'd wanted him to. He grinned at me, and I gave him my fiercest scowl in return.
"Look at my little sister, just as pushy and irritable as she's always been."
I narrowed my eyes, threatening death without needing to use a single word. I was two seconds away from slamming into Jack to knock him out of my apartment for good, bodily harm to either of us be damned, when he sighed and let go of the doorframe he'd been clutching.
"You know, if you repeat this I'll kill you, but... as far as guys go, Sousa might just be the only one I've met who might be good enough to date my baby sister."
My expression softened, a tiny smile creeping onto my face despite the lingering annoyance as Jack at last stepped fully into the hallway.
"Can't wait to tell Mom and Dad the good news."
"Try it and I'll rat about you making up work excuses to get out of spending time with them," I threatened, stepping forward to close my door and making sure Jack understood just how serious I was.
"Sousa better be wearing different clothes when I see him at work tomorrow."
I slammed the door in Jack's face, then slid the little hallway end table in front of it for good measure.
I huffed, shaking off as much of the irritation as I could, then hurried back to the living room where I found Daniel waiting on the couch, a smile on his face.
"That was fun to watch," he said as I curled up next to him for take two of the end of our date night.
"Yeah, I'm definitely taking his key back tomorrow." Daniel chuckled, and we sat in comfortable silence together as the announcer wrapped up the recap of the last episode. Thankfully, despite Jack, I hadn't missed anything important.
"So... do I need to be prepared for a murder attempt from Thompson tomorrow?" asked Daniel after a second.
A smile grew on my face against my best efforts, and I turned to look up at Daniel.
"Actually... I think you're in the clear. He told me not to tell you, but he said you're just about the only guy he's met who he'd be happy to see me dating."
"Huh." Daniel looked away to stare into space, a bemused but happy smile on his face. I smiled too, snuggling into his side a little closer as the opening theme song for our program began.
"After the show's over... could we talk about maybe telling my parents about you?" I asked, unable to quite get the idea off my mind since Jack had mentioned it. "They'll be in town this weekend, and Jack and I usually do everything we can to limit the amount of time we spend with them, but... I'd still kind of like them to know, if you'd be okay with that."
"Sure thing," he said, pulling me tighter into his side. "Maybe we can use one of the plans we cooked up for Jack on them instead."
"Fortunately I think there's a way lower risk of one of them throwing something at you," I said. "The biggest threat is them talking about marriage and kids whenever we're around for the rest of time, but I can give you some tips for blocking them out. Jack and I have been developing our strategy for decades."
"I'd like that."
I couldn't tell which part of my statement he was talking about, and I couldn't quite bring myself to ask before the program officially got underway. Daniel and I leaned against each other as we listened carefully, and I couldn't help a small smile creeping onto my face. We'd only been dating three months, but I was absolutely, head over heels in love.
I had a feeling Daniel and I had a long future of radio show-listening and wine drinking together in our future, and I couldn't have been happier about it.
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate​
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omegasmileyface · 9 months
The Forest, the Trees, the Fire I: CATALYST
Chapter 5
chaptor 5 lets go Authors: @attackradish, @ectolemonades, me. Artist: @/crunchysart
For the full characters list, word count, content warning, and a directory to all the currently available chapters and related content, see the Table of Contents!
full summary: The world outside of Amity Park has learned about the existence of ghosts, and the time for first impressions has arrived. The delicate public consciousness could be disrupted by the slightest ripple. Danny Fenton is being ripped apart from all sides, and when he finally breaks, the ripples will be very big indeed.
warnings: mind control
words: 3778
AO3 link
first chapter
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next chapter
Jack Fenton was shocked at the verdict discussed in the GIW's leaked paper. Vlad? A ghost? Sure, he probably would have reached those same conclusions himself given that data, but the paper was very new, only a few days old. It hadn't been through a peer review process. It was only an unproven hypothesis that Vlad was dead. If the paper had been thorough enough to have a valid conclusion, it would have been published officially. This was still in its workshopping stages, leaked before it could finish incubating. Sure, the readings were concerning and deserved to be looked into some more, but it would be unscientific to say his friend was dead. It would be unfair.
Maddie Fenton was less confident. She distrusted the bureaucratic process of the GIW and loathed an unreviewed paper as much as her husband, but there were some things clicking together in her memories. Some hazy events starting to make a lot more sense.
Valerie Gray was hesitant to trust a group that shot at anything with an ectosignature— like she used to— but she had never been a fan of Vlad Masters. An appreciative business partner, sure, but… he was just a sponsor. And he had never set off her suit's alarms or anything, but he had made it, and even when she altered it… there were lots of varieties of ghosts. She wouldn't be surprised if there were types that were specialized in pretending to be human. So when the very agency that had been benefiting from his support was convinced that he wasn't human… Valerie remembered his massive living room and his face on the cover of a magazine and his board position at the company that had fired her dad. She felt tears of anger build behind her eyes.
Jazz Fenton saw the headlines— "Richest Man Alive in the Midwest… Not So Alive?"— in a city that wasn't even completely sure it believed in ghosts. And wasn't that fun? Going from a place where it was a simple fact of life, and you accepted it or died, to the terrifying outside world where reputable sources and established worldviews and "seeing is believing" all fought for dominance on the daily? And amid all the debate, there was the face of her awful godfather on the news with the scariest captions she could imagine. All she could think to do to help was call her brother. 
Vlad had no choice but to call for a press conference that evening. Waiting would only make things worse. This was not the kind of thing people could go without word on for more than a few hours. He could say something there that would make things worse, yes, but if he waited any longer to speak, he was good as gone. Ruined like a croissant made with warm butter. Thrown out like a dropped cupcake. Fucked.
It was just too bad that he hadn't thought of what in the fondue to say.
And, oh goodie, there was Daniel the moment he closed the door to his office. Looks like he wouldn't even have a chance to think of something.
"Daniel, I appreciate the moral support, but I really need to prepare for this."
"What are you going to say out there?"
"Straight to the chase, are we? Look, it's a very sensitive matter, and it requires more thought—"
"You don't know? The great chessmaster played with fire and didn't have a plan for what to say when he got burned?"
"Bold words coming from you! I'm surprised you even heard about what happened, with the way your parents tell me you've been missing in action!"
"You know damn well where I've been! I've been actually trying to fix this whole mess, unlike you on the inside, playing around—"
They both heard a car pulling up the driveway. They shared a look.
"Probably GIW," said Daniel. "If they can't be sure you're human, they definitely can't be sure you're not planning something."
"Mm," Vlad agreed. "Let's go to the lab."
The two went downwards, beyond the floor and into Vlad's lab. Oh, Vlad realized, the authorities will probably be clearing the place out as a crime scene after this. The lab was supposed to be inaccessible to humans, but… well, it wouldn't be the first time they'd destroyed one of his houses. He figured he should move his important data before he left for the conference.
"Here, help me pack up or destroy anything the GIW shouldn't get to find. Just stick it through the portal if you think it's worth keeping."
"Fine," said Daniel, "as long as you listen to me while we do that."
Vlad walked to his computer station to update his backups. "Of course."
"So, it's just as well that you don't know what to say. I've got ideas."
"Do tell?"
Danny opened a fridge to find an array of plastic vials labelled with his name and a date from 2004. Ew. He burned those up with an ectoblast. "Your options are pretty much to tell the truth, dispute their findings, or claim to be a full ghost, and I think you can see how two of those would be no-gos."
"Are you certain? You've seemed awfully sure before that having a human side would prevent humans from doing anything unthinkable. Why the new attitude? Are you afraid of getting caught out yourself?"
Danny sighed. "Vlad, if they find out that there's a grey-area between ghostliness and humanity, they'll have a whole new playing field. They could… like, try to make people liminal on purpose as soldiers. It's really better that they have as little information as possible."
"You're so confident that they wouldn't see right through me!" Vlad tossed a box-shaped construct full of hard disks through the portal. "Besides, it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe they'll start to believe in our humanity! Ha."
"Yeah, no way. That's out of the question. And I don't know about you, but I can't think of a single way to deny the ghost allegations without that backfiring immediately."
"So I'm going to have to pretend that I've been 'just Plasmius' the whole time. Great. I look forward to that conversation. Is there a point to this?"
Danny threw some boxes of paper files through the portal without caring if they spilled out. "If you agree to stick to that plan, and don't do anything that could rat either of us out, I'll get you a good place to stay in the Zone and a ride there after the press conference."
Vlad paused. His face was blank, tired.
"…You do know you can't stay here, right? They're gonna know your face everywhere. I don't know if you've figured out shapeshifting, but I think it would be hard to keep it up for long. Your life on Earth is done for, at least until this whole thing is over."
Vlad straightened up. "What about outside the US? There are communities just taking ghosts as another part of life in other countries. I imagine I could hit it off well enough in a small town in China somewhere."
As if Danny hadn't bargained the same thing with himself a thousand times by now. "The GIW haven't hesitated to work abroad before. I can't imagine them stopping once they have a grudge against you."
"I bet I could even find some sort of willing overshadow host—"
"No!" Danny stepped out of the weapon cache he was sorting into "useful (save)", "creepy (burn)", and "God only knows (steal)" piles to look Vlad in the eye. "We both know you don't want to run away to somewhere where you could never see anyone you know, or build another portal, or get too far into the public eye. That lifestyle just isn't for you. You're too desperate to fulfill your ego."
Vlad tried to defend himself, but Danny didn't let him.
"I'm offering you a free ride to a place in the middle of the familiar part of the Infinite Realms, defended from all the enemies you've made, no restrictions. I even made sure it's safe for your cat. Just accept, and it'll be that easy."
Vlad's eyes filled with a manic energy Danny hadn't seen since he turned fifteen. "Goodness, Daniel, I thought you weren't the type for deals. Are you losing yourself in your little jaunt with the High Throne?"
Danny ran his hands through his hair and wondered if Vlad would take going back to cleaning up as a sign of weakness. Then he wondered if he really cared what Vlad thought. "God, dude! Just shut up and take the deal."
"You know, Daniel, if I told them the truth, they would put the clues together and find you. I'm sure you wouldn't like that very much. Either they'd take you away for good or you'd have to leave this dimension behind. Either way, you wouldn't be able to contact any of your friends and family." His eyes were wide and looking behind Danny somewhere. He was smiling. It was the least controlled smile he'd ever seen on Vlad. Something was wrong. "Of course, I'd already be running away. You don't have the resources to stay on Earth on your own, but I have cash. If you wanted to talk to anyone you knew, anyone who could understand, I'd be your only option. You would have to come with me."
"What the hell are you talking about?" There were GIW agents stomping around upstairs and the press conference was in a few minutes. They were running out of time.
"I'm going to tell them about us, Daniel, and you're going to have to come with me! You don't have a choice! You never DID!"
Vlad was actually breaking down! He was panicking because everything was over for him, and reverting to familiar plans! Was he gonna listen? Could he listen? They were both screwed. What was Danny supposed to do? 
His mouth was open before he knew what he was doing. Vlad always did make him a little impulsive.
"You have to take the deal."
He realized he had fucked up when Vlad didn't even hesitate. "Okay." His tone and face were flat, as if he hadn't been experiencing a crisis a second ago. Then his face curled up like he had eaten something bitter.
They both looked into each other's eyes for a moment, and in both faces there was barely hidden fear. Then Danny grabbed the last few bags of tech and tossed them through the portal so he didn't have to see Vlad's face. He had just used a Command. Like, capital C, barely written in the books, "rare Ghost King shit" Command. It only got brought up once in his lessons and he had already hated the idea. He hated even more that he had used it less than two weeks after getting coronated.
He didn't even mean to! But he was so sure that he wouldn't get through to Vlad, and that he and Dani and every liminal Amity Parker would be screwed over permanently, and he was desperate…
Maybe Vlad was right, and neither of them had a choice.
Vlad finally got his voice reconnected to his thoughts. "Are we going to talk about that, little King?"
Danny shut off the portal, then ripped some components out of the tunnel so it hopefully couldn't be easily repaired. "Make sure everything from the mansion that you want to keep is ready to be moved. I'll grab your cat. Meet me at my place when they stop listening and start shooting."
Danny flew off without looking at Vlad's face again.
Mayor Vlad Masters took the stage just late enough to spur concern, at 5:03 PM. The sun was already gone, and under the portable lights the news station had brought, he looked absolutely normal. There was less of an in-person audience than usual.
"Hello, Amity Park.
"This morning, a research report from the Garrison Irving Walker Commission was leaked on a number of public websites. The report centered around myself: specifically, an investigation into my history and relationship with ectoplasm. In short, the authors concluded that my ectoplasmic readings suggested that I am a ghost, or that something similar is the case, and pointed to some events in my past as a businessman and ectologist which might support that."
From off the platform, a single person booed.
"For the sake of transparency, I have decided to publically share my side of the story. I would like to preface this by saying that I apologize for the times I have misled anyone before about my identity. I did so knowingly and willingly in hopes that I could go about my business without being interrupted. I have made many selfish and damaging choices before, and I am choosing to cast light on them now. Please allow me to tell you…"
Vlad barely caught the piercing eyes of Phantom— probably a duplicate made solely to intimidate him— hiding behind a light pole across the street.
"…the whole truth.
"In February of 1984, I… Vlad Masters was enrolled in an Ectology graduate program at the University of Wisconsin Madison. The program was even smaller and more ridiculed then than it was a few months ago, and most of the research being done in the program was very experimental and quite risky. Masters and… his lab partners had spent the rest of the school year theorizing the existence of a dimension adjacent to this one, where ectoplasmic events and entities originated. By spring, they were working on a prototype of a portal meant to make such a dimension visible from this one.
"Against all odds, they were able to make some kind of a connection, but it wasn't how they intended it. J— some idiot didn't—"
Vlad clutched his lectern and took a breath. He was clinical. He was neutral. He was an outside observer.
"Not all safety checks were followed on the portal. When Masters was investigating the portal after a failed test, it suddenly activated and expelled a massive amount of ectoradiation into his face, along with some mundane radiation and raw ectoplasm. It was not his fault, but he was severely injured and came down with an ectoradiation sickness which took him out of college and left him in the hospital for a year, slowly dying.
"My name is Plasmius. You may know me as the Wisconsin Ghost."
He avoided transforming, still, in case it might make the audience more trigger happy. Or somehow spark an investigation into half-ghosts.
"When the prototype portal activated, it made a small connection with the ghost dimension, and I just happened to be present to feel it. I followed, and I was subsequently shot into the body of Vlad Masters. He was present, but very ill, and as he slowly died, I slowly gained control. I also gained access to some of his memories, and I could still use my powers in his body without stopping it from being human and looking like him. It seemed the perfect opportunity to pick up his life after he died and I made his body healthy enough to leave the hospital.
"I started using his identity as my own. He became something like a skin to me, so much so that my own form was influenced by his appearance and now looks something like him, but more ghostly. Later on, I would learn to leave his body temporarily, if I needed— rather, wanted, to do something like fight other ghosts. For the most part, though, the life and body Vlad Masters left behind became my home.
"As remorseful as I am to admit it after all this time, I would occasionally use my powers to influence business partners and rivals to gain more money and power. While I was on Earth, living something like a human life, I wanted to see all it had to offer me, and money seemed like the only way to do that.
"Eventually, I, like many ghosts of our time, grew a fondness for picking fights with the Phantom. That, alongside a developing friendship with my— Vlad Masters's godson and his family, led me to relocate to Amity Park."
Across the street, Daniel's duplicate rolled his eyes. Well, Vlad couldn't exactly mention the prank war, now, could he?
"I campaigned for mayorship out of that same desire to experience the full human gambit, and I did influence some voters into voting for me. I apologize for my disruption of the local democracy.
"Since I started to li— reside here, I have focused on my work as mayor as much or more than my business as a ghost. I have—"
Someone threw a shoe at Vlad. He stepped aside.
"I have recently been genuinely attempting to work with the Garrison Irving Walker Commission to keep the humans of Amity Park secure and free among new knowledge about ghosts. I okayed the construction of the research facility in town, and permitted local rights to use defensive ectoweaponry not yet approved outside town. The investigation into me was sudden, and was triggered by my pushback against a policy which would result in the constant surveillance and reporting of every Amity Park citizen's biological information via a tracking of ectocontamination.
"As far as I know, I am the only ghost who was pretending to be a human in Amity Park, and this particular investigation did in fact reveal my presence. In a few minutes, I am going to leave this town once and for all and you won't have to worry about me anymore, but I urge you to think about the fact that the GIW were so ready to write a report like this as soon as I, a consistent supporter of theirs ideologically and monetarily, questioned a proposed move to start monitoring innocent civilians.
"One bit of potentially critical response, and they were pulling up confidential medical information on an individual they had no proof was guilty or inhuman. They were tracing all of my past correspondences and records, without my knowledge or permission, when they thought I was human. They are not the government, or the police, or the court. They are a private institution, and the moment I did something they didn't like, they went behind my back to upheave my life.
"Perhaps, in your eyes, I deserved it. But someday they will do the same to someone who does not.
"Personally, I am glad to return to the realm of the dead, where those in power never do something like this without being physically attacked in response."
Vlad turned invisible, and the small audience turned into a cacophony. The GIW agents in the group immediately started firing. But he was already gone, shooting off toward the Fenton portal, where he was expected.
Jack and Maddie Fenton had been paying rapt attention the whole press conference, united in their confusion. Neither of them knew what to feel.
Was it considerate or cold that he refused to mention them by name, despite their massive part in his story? Were his claims about the GIW acting out without good reason true or manipulative?
Should Jack feel remorseful that his honest mistake had killed his friend, or victorious that the Wisconsin Ghost hated the memory so much it stopped him in his tracks? Should Maddie feel sad that her old friend's image had been dirtied in her memory, or vindicated that he really had been different in recent years?
With their hearts full and minds blank, the only thing they could be sure of was that everything was moving very quickly, and without their involvement.
Whether they were there to help fight the good fight or to change the system from the inside, it was finally time the Drs. Fenton gave in and joined the GIW.
Valerie Gray had planned on watching the press conference alone, but her dad had asked her to join him. She figured, now, that his presence was the only thing keeping her from throwing something at the TV.
The Guys in White had kept going too far, just like she was afraid, and the very man she had said she trusted to keep that from happening turned out to be a ghost. Not just a ghost, either, but the Wisconsin Ghost, one of the worst ones. He came, did as much damage as possible without engaging anyone, and left. Val was even pretty sure she saw him threatening Dani, way back when.
He never showed up except to wreak havoc. Of course he was the same as "Vlad Masters", who took over companies just to make life worse for teenagers and got voted in despite nobody wanting him. He had been an okay benefactor, but…
He had been seen naked on live television. She only put up with him so she could do her job. Of course he was a lying, manipulative, stealing ghost!
If there was a proper afterlife, for people who didn't become ghosts, Valerie hoped the real Vlad Masters was there, laughing that Plasmius had finally been forced to own up.
And back on Earth, Valerie locked herself in her room and vowed to never again trust someone who hadn't proven themself.
It was a beautiful day in Victoria, British Columbia. Sure, there was a foot of fresh snow, and it really didn't look the same without its summer blooms, but Danielle Phantom had snuck into the Butchart Gardens anyway. They were still magical! A thousand different kinds of leaves, hidden by frost blankets… she loved to see it in any season!
She couldn't resist twirling around in the air when she finally left the Gardens to go back to the levy. Yes, she was visible, and maybe Victoria was just a tad too populated for that to be safe, but… she was living life! How could she turn down a chance to live her day to the fullest when she never knew which one would be her last?
The sunset over the ocean was stunning in its greys and blues and oranges. She almost wished she had saved some film in that disposable camera she bought for her journey through Alaska.
There was only one boat on the water, approaching the harbor. She didn't question it, even when they weren't stopped for nearly long enough to complete a safe border check. They just pulled into the harbor, unboarded, and then Danielle's vision was going blurry, and she was forgetting where she was, and three men in white suits were dragging her over to the boat.
What a vacation, huh?
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