#nothing girls
summerstrash · 3 months
currently fixated on the persistent theme of objectification and weaponization in alex's arc in the krakoan era, the way he's reduced to his body and his powers' utility to others, and how every time he asserts himself as an individual with desires and interiority and opinions, he is immediately either mocked, condescended to, narratively punished, or physically brutalized.
and like, this is specifically noteworthy in a gender way because alex often tries to express personhood via displays of heroism and/or masculinity, and he is punished both for failure to achieve these ideals, and for even trying in the first place —
and then there's the fact that alex has not had a single issue or even scene where we're directly in his head, and even when the focus is on him, his implicit thoughts and feelings, and his explicit words and actions are predominantly related to humanizing (& relating to) maddie, barring the argument he has with scott in x-men and his first scene with emma in hellions.
alex is constantly filtered through the contempt, pity, and condescension of the people around him, rather than being allowed by the narrative to express himself without pain and horror mediating the proceedings.
emma's weapon, manuel's plaything, forge's petty revenge, maddie's zombie helpmeet — alex has spent the entire past four years being used and used and used.
and people still have the gall to say he needs to "figure out what he wants" and "grow/get some spine" —
as if the second he does that, he won't just get his back broken for it.
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muffinlance · 1 month
My baby daughter got her adorable puffin-print dress absolutely CAKED in mud crawling around the yard and my first thought was "oh no her beautiful dress"
And my second thought was "oh huh it really WOULD be easy to unconsciously steer her away from playing in the dirt. Unlike my son, whose outfits are usually some kind of solid dark easily washed pants plus a shirt that doesn't trail in the dirt like a dress does."
Anyway something something gender roles start getting shoved on kids from literal birth, but with a little time to think about things, YOU TOO can let your children of any gender absolutely destroy their clothes in the dirt pit they're digging in your garden
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afewnovelideas · 1 month
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malinaa · 7 months
if i think about the hunger games in peeta's perspective i WILL start sobbing
#imagine you're a boy who's going to die. you're in love with the girl you've been watching from afar. you know your fate.#you just want to help her‚ but then there's the announcement and she's here in front of you‚ kissing you‚ risking her life for you and you#think‚ i could live and i could love. you think she loves you when she hands you the berries‚ when she puts them in her mouth.#then you both survive and you go back home and nothing is real anymore. you have nothing. no family. no friends. no love. just an empty#house. a drunk for a neighbor. the love of your life walking into somebody else's arms. you think‚ i survived the games. i could survive#this. and you also think‚ i should've bit down on those berries‚ should've felt the juice burst before i died.#and then the third quarter quell announcement rings in your ears and you think‚ she will live and i will die as i should have in the first#place. the girl you love kisses you on the beach and somewhere you heart stirs and your mind revolts and you savor every touch she has ever#given to you‚ in front of the cameras and off. because you are a tribute and you are always being watched and snow's presence looms and#you think‚ i know she cares. but you get taken. you get drugged. you get tortured‚ your mind altered. the girl is a mutt‚ a murderer. she's#everything you despise‚ your mind stirs. your heart revolts. you gain more awareness but cannot distinguish reality from fiction and you#have never known katniss' love. the war ends. you heal. you come home. you plant primrose for her. years down the line‚ you grow in love#more than you thought possible. but some days‚ you cannot tell fiction from reality so you ask the love of your life‚ you love me.#real or not real? and she says‚ real‚ and kisses you.#and you sigh and kiss her back and revel in this. a home. a life. a love.#lit#the hunger games#everlark#otp: real or not real?#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#text#tais toi lys#thgpost
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ionomycin · 1 year
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Mother of Pearl
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cowardlycowboys · 3 months
girl who constantly feels like they're in trouble and did something wrong
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oldrudshore · 14 days
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The Archivist vs the Old Ass Man
(s02e20 / s02e08)
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ssalballoon · 7 months
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Can rest his weary bones
The weight of the world
All falls away
- after the initial fright of a wizard losing one's magic, i imagine it could feel like respite similar to how flying to a new country and being unknown and a complete blank slate is... among the sussur blossoms he is just gale dekarios
- lyrics from good riddance by Darren Korb (play hades/supergiant games and change your life forever)
- his embroidery has roses in it, apparently it's a term of endearment in waterdeep :') cute
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summerstrash · 3 months
Thinking about the fact that almost immediately before the Krakoan Era, we see Alex be prevented from seeking out justice and vengeance for Rahne (a redhead with a missing son to whom he was briefly psychically bound in the 90s, and to whom he was romantically connected in an AU Marvel put out in 2015) when she's murdered in a clear allegory for a transphobic hate crime,
And like, how that is reflected in how Alex is, in the beginning of the Krakoan Era, prevented from being the agent of Maddie's (a redheaded telepath with a missing son, who also hooked up with him again in a canon AU in 2015) resurrection due to the continued refusal of the Krakoan government to recognize Maddie's personhood — she's denied resurrection, a fundamental mutant right, because she is not, in her own words, "a real girl."
curious, very curious, especially in conjunction with the Mystique parallel I've talked about before.
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ayo-edebiri · 24 days
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So it's okay when you go to other times, and you save people's lives, but not when it's me saving my dad.
DOCTOR WHO (2005 - ) I 1.08 - 14.01
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sergle · 1 year
when ppl’s “body positive/plus size” art just starts and ends with a big ass
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ghostlyeris · 1 month
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truly no one has taken the kipperlily hate to heart as strong as adaine. she doesn't want to just kill kipperlily, she wants that girl's ego destroyed
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apolunee · 2 years
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"Bear and Aphra 2" by Jessica Tanzer, 1989.
source: Nothing But the Girl: The Blatant Lesbian Image, edited by Susie Bright & Jill Posener
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alamangoes · 2 years
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🌞 sunrise, sunset 🌞
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moonmarbled · 7 days
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