#notion 6
i-singularity · 2 years
Capriccio by Johan Logy
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transmechanicus · 2 months
That prev post reminded me how much it weirds me tf out when someone only interacts with specific subsets of a minority group and learns their associated niche behavior patterns, and then tries to apply those patterns to every member of that minority that they meet afterwards only to be shocked when it doesn’t work.
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3416 · 3 months
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sounds about right
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misty-missdee · 2 months
5 11 and proud.
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lesbiangiratina · 4 months
I might get blorboblasted in abt 40 minutes
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
You make me want to listen to FNF every time but I hate that song it makes me SO sad
someones not catching uuuuuuh uhhhhh uhhhh upppppppp
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Can you tell us about colour meanings in Lucis? I want to know how they compare to those from Galahd.
This list won't be as comprehensive as the Galahd one, mostly because I haven't thought that hard about Lucian colour meanings (yet).
Black is the royal colour. By that I mean the pure base black. Before it used to symbolise dreams and/or death, but that association was slowly lost over time. Pure black is only worn by the royals or those in their direct service. Nobles tend to wear very dark colours to get as close to that black as they can without being impolite.
White is the colour of mourning. Lucis Caelums only wear white at funerals and during the traditional mourning period. Even in modern times pure white is mostly only worn at funerals by the normal populus as well.
Wedding gowns are red. The red symbolises life and love. Historically this goes back to Solheim and Ifrit, but that knowledge has been lost and the meaning for red has been reduced to mostly those two meanings. It's also considered to be a feminine colour.
Blue is associated with religion, belief and warriors because of Bahamut and the Crystal. The Crystal Knights (the knights traditionally protecting the Crystal) wear blue armour, as do the Paladins of the Crystal. While the warriors tend to wear darker shades, the priests and other religious people tend to wear lighter shades.
People with brown eyes are considered stubborn and steadfast and loyal. This mostly goes back to Titan and how he caught the meteor. This isn't necessarily a popular opinion anymore, but it survives in childrens' rhymes.
And that's all the colour meanings I have for Lucis. Sorry it's not very comprehensive. ^.^;
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Irish people have such bitter souls it’s beautiful
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fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
Someone on a NaNoWriMo prep thread: if you’re trying to win NaNo for the first time my advice is to pick the simplest idea
Me: yep, that seems smart. I’ll do that
Also me: *walks away from my first brainstorming session needing to research the golden age of piracy, the composition of the UK in the mid 17th century, the British navy in the mid 17th century, and the overall concept of a time loop*
#i was doing nanoprep by the book. i was like okay; i can’t pick an idea and a lot of people have said it’s easier to finish nanowrimo with#a fresh idea rather than trying to resurrect an old novel idea#because if you have a brand new fresh idea you don’t have any preconceived notions of how it should turn out#whereas if you’re working on an idea you’ve had for a WHILE you’re already way too invested#and you’ll get bogged down in making sure everything is perfect (which is NOT going to happen in one month) and you’ll get frustrated#so i was like okay. brand new idea. so i did the idea generation prompt (which is just to write down a bunch of things you like/are#interested in) and i was like ‘wait. about 6 of my favourites can probably fit perfectly together here’#they were: pirates; ancestral curse; time loops; two timelines intersecting; gothic vibes#and a tragic/bittersweet love story#so i was like okay. i can definitely do something with this#it’s not Entirely new if i have to be totally honest… i’ve been thinking about writing a pirate novel for years. but i never had a plotline#but now i have Something. i’m also using a couple of characters i’ve had for a while but honestly i wasn’t doing anything else#with august and henry. and all the other characters will be entirely new#we’re having a timeline in the 1650s and a timeline in 1905 and that’s about as much as i know right now#i’m fully expecting to open my notebook tomorrow and say ‘what the fuck’ because i’m sleep deprived and sad today so my ideas probably#aren’t half as good as i think they are. but right now i think they’re great so that’s enough for me#personal
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anhedoniacity · 7 months
every time i pick a new anime to watch i have to fight the gay autistic demon that tells me to just rewatch no. 6
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akkivee · 11 months
It looks like, to me at least, Hitoya is more relaxed. Like he's gotten to a point of happiness in his life that he can be a bit more at ease and help support his teammates even more
i feel that more open vibe from him as well!!! and while i do think he’s still wearing his black and white theme, i’m a little surprised it’s not obvious from the art we got??? if heaven and hell was his way of carrying his brother with him, hitoya’s probably really gotten some good mental healing ;w;
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bicurioustomhardy · 9 months
peaky blinders is kinda funny bc it's like. well it's not that it doesnt have artistic merit it's a good show but it is a tiny bit like YA lit. like just a little bit. i can see why both the manosphere and x reader fanfiction writers latched onto it
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kissimirrit · 2 years
this memory just hit me like a shitton of bricks ok listen so like
i had my first ever relationship when i was 11. we were both 11 and she was one of my closest friends, and it was an online relationship. she confessed to me via deviantart note yadda yadda that’s the context.
but early on, i kind of caught on that i didn’t feel the same way she felt for me. and i felt very, very guilty about it. that relationship ended, and a few months later i got another girlfriend who confessed feelings to me. and it became a little bit of a pattern where these girls i was friends with would confess feelings for me, i assume that we’re such close friends that this MUST be love, and then very quickly realize that what we are feeling are two very different things.
and all the while i was doing what any sad 11-13 year old furry on deviantart did at the time: make vent art saying that i’m incapable of love and that i’m scared i’ll never fall in love and that i’m a loveless husk of a person.
i just think it’s kind of funny that, looking back on it, from an early age, from relationship #1, i sort’ve knew that i didn’t feel romantic feelings, and that i never had before, and that i probably never will. (and i was right).
#i deleted like 8 more paragraphs because i didn't want to throw a novel at u guys#i love posting about my aromanticism i used to be soooo insecure about it until uhhhh idk 2020? 2021?#whenever the loveless aro community came to my attention was when i was like ''ACTUALLY.... BEIN ARO KINDA RULES''#cuz i felt so ostracized from the notion that 'aro ppl can still love!! just in a different way!! platonic love and familial love and—''#like uh no actually i'm incapable of love and i am a loveless husk of a person and that is fucking POGGERS of me actually!!#anyway tl;dr being aro and incapable of love is actually very epic and it helped me feel very secure in my aromanticism#knowing that many other people felt similarly.#and i like reflecting on when i first noticed my aromanticism-- even if it wasn't by name#(well i mean i also did this thing when i was 8 where all my irl friends had crushes and i didn't but kinda knew i was queer so—)#(i picked a boy at random and pretended to have a crush on him for uhhh almost 6 years. he moved away when we were 10 btw)#(because i KNEW i wasn't into boys but i didn't want anyone else to know that. but i couldn't have been more fucking obvious abt it)#(like it was very clear to everyone i was queer and even i knew i was queer even if at the time i thought my flavor of queer was lesbian)#(but pretending to have a crush on the same boy who MOVED AWAY EARLY ON for 6 years was just... jesus fucking christ)#(i sincerely could not have been less subtle about the fact i wasn't into dudes.)
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viovio · 2 years
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voulezloux · 5 days
#i am so close to screaming#i’m p sure i wont have a job by tomorrow bc i cant cut hair#the owners son told me that he can’t have me on the floor if i can’t cut hair#didn’t even entertain the notion of me receptioning for them#and there’s nothing in place to protect me if this happens so like#i’m fucked#i’m so beyond fucked#i’m so stressed out of my mind that i can’t figure out how to write a cover letter#i can apply for disability but at min could be a 6 month process#if i make it to them trying to decide on if i can get it#and then my mom thought it’d be a fucking great idea to show me that she’s posted my birth name twice on social media#when she knows i’m insanely protective on who knows it#especially now that there’s no legal reason as to why people should know#ESPECIALLT when she knows i’ve had my previous names weaponized against me#i’ve told her numerous times to not do that and she doesn’t fucking care#shell do it and act like i’m the bad guy for being upset that she’s done it#like i’m sorry that we live in a world where trans people are so incredibly close to being second class citizens#and i don’t want everyone to know that i used to be jessica#that isn’t an old name i had but still#like it’s not hers to share anymore!!!#especially when she posted my birth name and my last name in a private facebook group with my name in the same comment#like thanks i’m no longer anonymous to these people#jesus christ i am going to fucking lose it
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acerola-tree · 6 months
why is painting trees my achilles ankle my kryptonite
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