nowhqs · 4 months
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Em toda Seul, a neve dança, o vento canta e os jovens ainda no ensino médio se preparam para o mês de fevereiro, que está batendo à porta e anunciando a chegada da formatura geral do ensino médio sul-coreano. Junto com a formatura, também são esperadas as inscrições para o ensino superior, temidas por todos os lados… exceto por aqui! O Nowon Institute of Arts está fervilhando de ansiedade para conhecer seus futuros calouros. Todo ano, os alunos do NOW preparam um grande show para mostrar que, sim, crescer é assustador, mas também pode ser lindo — principalmente quando há uma chance para a arte. O Winter Showcase 2024 tem como objetivo uma pequena demonstração (e muito convencimento) do que acontece dentro do campus de nosso instituto, contando com a participação dos veteranos.
Em uma noite cheia de cores, músicas, luzes e tudo mais mágico, os corredores do NIA são tomados por exposições de arte, enquanto os palcos são preenchidos por performances. A ordem geral é clara: nesta noite gelada, mas quente de emoções, o importante é se divertir! Experimentar, criar, dar o seu melhor, demonstrar que a juventude pode ser mais do que parece ser. Por isso, os estudantes ficam livres para preparar sua amostra, apesar de todos serem incentivados a participar.
Por outro lado, para os veteranos do NIA, a noite do Winter Showcase também é importante por outro motivo: a grande revelação da próxima grande produção do Nowon Institute of Arts. Durante todo o ano, o instituto promove peças teatrais, geralmente de origem musical, com a participação de estudantes em todas as áreas. Em parceria com o podcast mais popular do campus, o NOW OR NEVER!, brincadeiras serão conduzidas durante a semana para que os alunos tentem adivinhar qual será a peça da vez, até culminar na sua revelação ao final do evento.
Com tudo isso, a Atlética SHARKS anuncia sua já tradicional festa de encerramento das férias de inverno. Com microfone aberto, muita licença poética, karaokê (será uma referência a Saltburn (2023)?) e participação especial da piscina aquecida do time de Natação, a única regra é: obrigatório criar boas memórias!
Boa noite, players! Antes de tudo: feliz abertura oficial da NOW! 
Para o primeiro evento, nós optamos para realizar só no final de semana, tanto por entender que durante a semana é um momento ruim (ocupado) e também pois pensamos ser melhor que vocês interajam um pouco, e se conheçam, antes de qualquer coisa. Planejamos algumas atividades para os dias seguintes para ajudar na movimentação da timeline, porém, o grande evento acontecerá só no dia 27.01 (sábado), com início às 19h.
Como dito no texto, todo ano o NIA realiza um showcase para que os estudantes demonstrem um pouco das habilidades, aproveitando o momento de formatura do Ensino Médio e a chegada dos possíveis calouros. Para o evento em OOC, amanhã iremos disponibilizar um formulário para que vocês preencham e inscrevam vossos personagens na lista de performances e exibições do dia. A apresentação não é obrigatória, porém, gostaríamos muito de começar a comunidade já com um gostinho do potencial de cada personagem. 
A apresentação pode ser por self-para; material do próprio faceclaim; material encontrado pela internet, devidamente creditado; entre outras possibilidades, livres para a criatividade. Deixaremos vocês soltos para que planejem, só pediremos que nos enviem através do formulário até sexta (26.01) pois montaremos um sheets com informativos sobre horários e conteúdo de cada performance.
Por enquanto: começando 19h, as duas primeiras horas do evento são dedicadas para apreciação das exposições dos alunos que quiserem exibir alguma peça, sem ser uma performance de palco. Depois, às 21h, as luzes do auditório se acendem, seguindo o show até 23h, quando começa o after party oficial da Atlética. 
Dúvidas, sugestões, reclamações: estamos abertas para ouvir! Esperamos que gostem da comunidade e se divirtam muito conosco. Valeu!
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aesrot · 4 months
oh mein gott my sister is getting into minecraft, im about to witness either the best or the worst thing to ever happen to her slowly unfold
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bonyato · 10 months
DE DONDE SALIO EL DIGIPOSTEO MI QUERIDO AMIGO VIRTUALITO?? pregunto por un amigo (esta franquicia es mi infancia)
OMG NERONWRONERONWEROOOO7O FELLOW DIGIMОN ENJOYER HI HI HIIII !! 💖 Justamente vos sos de quien siempre me he acordado cada qe veía cualquier cosa relacionada a la franquicia before properly getting into it myself . I feel like we've come full circle(?)
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GHWJRHJWHEHEHE ANYWAYS i started watching Digimоn Adventure relatively recently after some friends & I became interested in visiting the franchise (or, well— re-visiting, in their cases; 'twas my 1st time being exposed to the series in my case <"3) y  H E R M A N O  noexagero cuando digo que he pasado por Todo Un Arco De Desarrollo De Personaje viendo esta vaina i'm literally so unwell Y ESO QUE TODAVÍA NI LA ACABO‼️‼️HEAD IN HANDS, literal aún estoy en proceso de negación al respecto even now bc there's like No Way my attitude went from thinking it was so insane and off-the-wall I was sure I would only end up enjoying it ironically to being Deeply&Irreparably Emotionally Invested w/ it oVER THE COURSE OF 40 EPISODES 🗣
So, naturally, I've developed brainrot about it grins 😁
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williamoody · 1 year
Qué bonito es poder sentir la energía del público mientras cantan a pleno pulmón tus canciones 💔
How beautiful is feel so much love energy💔
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sthavoc · 3 months
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𖥔 ࣪˖ pairing: enzo x actress!reader
𖥔 ࣪˖ summary: you and Enzo are in the same event, meeting each other for the first time, and of course the paparazzi wanted a few shots with you both. Which later led to conversations between the two of you.
𖥔 ࣪˖ warnings: none
𖥔 ࣪˖ note: he looks rlly good in that pic doesn’t he.. but apart from that I hope u guys enjoy this. this is in spanglish bc I just think the dialogue in spanish fits the guys better. also I’m not rlly good with writing imagines. this would be like my first time I publish one so I’m sorry if it’s ass lol. btw i’m sorry if I get anything wrong i’m not uruguayan or argentinian, but I do speak spanish.
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Enzo couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. It’s not that he had staring problems it’s just that you looked amazing and he just couldn’t believe he was in the same place as you. It was an important event and you both were lucky to find yourselves in the same place.
“Ya dale ve a presentarte boludo.” Juani stood next to Enzo. He had partially slapped Enzo on the back of his head making him snap from his gaze. “¿O te le vas a quedar viendo como loco todo el evento?”
“Callate” Enzo laughs as he glances your way. The cameras flashed on you as you posed and smiled for the pictures. You looked gorgeous.
“No en serio. O te presentas vos o lo hacemos nosotros.” Fran’s voice made both of the boys heads turn his way.
“No me va a pelar.”
“Yo creo que ya lo hizo. Mira.” Juani chuckles racing his brows as he darted at Enzo.
Juani had seen you staring their way with a feeble smile painted on your tinted lips. They all payed attention to how you looked forward to the cameras, giving them all a smile with a wave as you walked the opposite direction.
“No, no. Que viene acá.” Enzo panics. “Que hago.”
“Presentate.” Matias gives him a dull push.
By the time you had reached them, the guys stepped away and began to make their own conversation, leaving Enzo and you alone. Enzo turned around to the guys. He just hoped he wouldn’t mess anything up. After all, it was his first time meeting you.
“Hola mucho gusto, Y/N L/N. Te vi desde lejos y quise venir a saludar y a decirte que vi la Sociedad de la Nieve, y debo decir que me encantó.” You gush with a small smile as you hold your eyes on the man. You extended out your hand for him to shake. Which he did, but he also gave you a small kiss on the cheek. You hoped your lipstick didn’t leave a kiss print.
“Enzo Vogrincic. Muchas gracias. Es un gusto conocer a gran estrella como vos. yo soy un gran fan tuyo y.. te ves muy hermosa.” He was trying so hard not to seem like an idiot right now.
“Ay que lindo. Gracias.” Your lips carved a smile at his praise. You yourself made an effort not to blush. “Tú también te ves guapo.”
“Guys! Look this way!” A paparazzi called for your attention.
“¿Te gustaría tomarte algunas fotos conmigo?” You request motioning towards the cameras.
“Sí , sí. Claro.” He gestures for you to follow first. He somewhat helps you fix your dress as you walk away. As you both find your pose his hand lands on your lower bare back. And of course as the gentleman he is he instantly withdrew his hand. “Perdona.”
you let out a small chuckle telling him it was okay. He partially thought twice but he placed it back in its place when he felt your own hand on his back. Enzo just wanted you to feel comfortable around him. As he didn’t want to weird you out on your first meeting.
“You guys look amazing together!” A paparazzi exclaimed trying to get as many pictures concurrently.
“Hm, creo que les encantamos a los paparazzi” Enzo jokes making you look up at him with a smile. There will absolutely be pictures of that pose.
“Al parecer sí.”
“Vamos, si queres te puedo presentar a los chicos.” Enzo’s hand rested inside the pocket of his dressing pants in a nervous manner.
You of course agreed with a hum, stepping away from the center and walking towards where the rest of the cast was. Enzo tried on guiding you while he motioned the guys with his hands to walk over.
“Chicos, Y/N. Y/N estos son Matias, Juani, Fran, y Agustín.”
“Mucho gusto.” You greet each of the boys. “Buen trabajo que hicieron en la película.”
“Muchas gracias.” They all reply in unison.
“Sos una actriz increíble me veo todas tus películas.” Juani comments making you give him a warm smile, and bringing your hand to your heart.
“Ayy re lindo.”
“Bueno pero y si entramos ya? Cómo que tanto flash me está mareando.” Matias’ eyes shoot a double blink. He also brought his hand to his right temple giving it a small massage.
“Concuerdo.” Enzo nods.
Everyone walked inside the event. First thing that met the group were the LED lights that colored the room and the huge amount of tables that had glasses and champagne on them. Not to forget the decorations. Every single one of you turned your heads to admire the whole room. Enzo who didn’t waist no time hurried himself to pull up a chair for you. That made you release a smile.
He himself sat next to you as the boys filled around some of the seats around the table. Juani grabbed the bottle of champagne making a foolish face towards Fran, creating a bit of laughter between the two. Matias and Agustin didn’t last in joining their conversation, and also in taking silly pictures of each other.
“Entonces, Enzo. Cuéntame de ti.” You tried to make a conversation to reduce the quietness between the two.
“Uff.” He raised his brows letting out a chuckle. “Que no se puede saber ya.” He comments making the two of you laugh, you yourself racing a brow tilting your head to the side for a split second. “Pero pues tengo 30 años. Me fascina el teatro. Me encanta tomar fotos, la música”
“Wow. Tenemos cositas en común eh.” He looks at you with a warm smile and a glint in his eyes from the small nudge you gave him. “me encanta la fotografía, también me gusta el teatro y amo la música. Tengo un record player y me encantaría poder ir a una disquera y comprar más discos. Y debo de mencionar que nunca me vas a cachar sin mis audífonos en mis días libres.” A small chuckle escapes from Enzo’s lips at your remark.
“Ese soy yo con la fotografía. Voy a todos lados con mi cámara.” He motions towards his camera, which you hadn’t even noticed. “Si queres podemos ir a una disquera que vi por ahí cuando me estaba paseando.”
“¿Me estás invitando a salir?” A playful smile crept upon your covered lips as you watched how a nervous look arose on his face.
“Bueno.. como amigos obviamente.” He quickly adds.
“Te estoy jodiendo. Claro que podemos ir.” He laughs in relief as he sets his arm on the table staring at the ground. “Sirve de que tomas algunas fotos” You add motioning towards his camera.
“¿Me darías tu número entonces?”
You watched how Enzo took out his phone from his pocket, unlocking it before setting it between the two of you. Your hand reaches for the phone, giving him a small glance with a slight smile. You start to look for the contacts app before you began on typing your number in his phone.
“toma. no me nombres nada malo por favor.” You joke as you watched him create your contact.
“para nada, linda. No quiero que me odies.”
Enzo was starting to come out of his shell, letting out a pet name was somehow a small way of him showing he was getting comfortable around you. He just hoped it didn’t mean too much for you to shut him out. On the contrary though.
You softly giggled and somewhat blushed at the pet name. “odiarte no creo.” His eyes turned their all divided attention to you as he finished his typing and locked his phone again before placing it back into his pocket.
“Pues espero que me podas responder el mensajito.” He murmured as he got closer to you for you to be able to hear him.
“Por supuesto que te contestaré.” You point towards him. “Me encantaría ir a esa disquera y si se puede me puedes tomar algunas fotitos.” He smiles as he receives the silly wink you gave him.
“Claro. Sí. Sería un gusto.” He rests his hand on his chest. “Si queres te enseño algunas que tengo en mi celular.” You nod liking the idea as he takes out his phone again looking for his gallery and the folder where he kept all of his pictures.
“Podes deslizar a la izquierda.” He gives you his phone which already had the first picture set.
“Oh wow.” You were amazed by the simple yet amazing quality pictures he has taken. Some were of cats, buildings, him in black and white. “Son hermosas Enzo. Si no la hubieras echo de actor la hubieras echo de fotógrafo.” You laughed along with him.
“Es algo simple. Es uno de mis hobbies.” He murmurs next to you as he also looked at the pictures.
“Pues eres muy talentoso, de verdad.” You place your hand on his shoulder, your eyes leaving the picture with a light smile as Enzo didn’t tear his eyes off you.
“Y/N! oh my God here you are!” you recognized the voice making you look behind you, and Enzo finally looking somewhere that wasn’t your face.
You found the person the voice belonged to. “Oh, Maddie. Hi.” You chuckled. “I’m sorry I got a little distracted.” You turn to look at Enzo and then the boys.
Maddie’s eyes scanned the whole table as her strawberry tinted lips were opened a jar with a smile. “Hi. Madelyn Cline.” She greeted as everyone waved at her. Her eyes went back to you as she gave you a smile with a knowing look. “It’s okay you can totally stay here. I don’t mind.”
You looked at Maddie then back at the boys and at Enzo. He was quick to speak. “Te podes ir si queres. No hay problema.” He shrugged and the guys filled in into his request.
“Bueno. Disculpen. Pero fue un gusto conocerlos a todos y ojalá podamos un día volvernos a ver.” Each one of the guys got up from their seat and kissed you goodbye as they agreed with you, including Enzo. “Enzo un gusto.” Your hand rested on his arm for support and his on your waist as you leaned in to kiss his cheek.
“Un gusto linda.” He decided to use the pet name again for a last time tonight.
You turned your back on their table leaving with Maddie as a small smile stayed on your lips. You did hope to see all of them again, especially Enzo. There was something about his vibe and talking to him that made you feel at peace. Like you enjoyed his company.
And you honestly couldn’t wait to get his message.
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bellastay99 · 4 months
(fem!Reader x SKZ)
Dealing with you scared evento go outside after JYP release the note confirming the relationship with him...
Part 1 (hyung line): linked i⬆️
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This is a torture for him...
He started up blaming himself
He says that he should have been more careful with you
But...no, that's not true
Soon or later, it would be exposed and both would suffer the consequences
But Han didn't expect such a consequence for loving someone
You practically live at his dorm now
The boys agreed with this
Even the entertainment agreed
Jisung wants to protect you but he's also so afraid..
At the first weeks, he was worse than you
His hands and whole body were shaking
He cried, couldn't stop talking about what he should do
He hugged you saying that he was so afraid to lose you
He doesn't know if he should say something to Stays, afraid to be attacked or polemical
You just had to stop him and teach him how to breath again
You're being strong for him...at yourself
Jisung can feel your feelings about this
For him; you're his body and soul... everything
His shelter, a paradise
Every time you go out he makes a thousand of questions
Of course you're also scared...but Jisung... He seems to know what people, "stays", are able to do
If both are out and he sees a group of stays approaching or waving
He would just turn around with you and move fast
At restaurants, coffee shops, he would prefer to sit in a table where he's able to see the whole place
He keeps his eyes on you and around
He knows, or thinks that he can't protect you the way he wishes
But he'll do the best... That's for sure
If you're on the cellphone, he secretly would check what you're seeing just to make sure you're not seeing the hates...
He won't let you go out without the boys together, at least one of them
You- Han, I need to go...
Han- Couldn't you just stay home...? *Worried*
You- I know...*you hold his hands* I know you're afraid...but I need to go to the doctor, baby
Han- Is...really important?
You- Really important...*you smiled to comfort him*
Han- *sighs and you could feel his hands shaking* Can I go with you?
You- You can, but you're going to work now...Han, listen to me. I know how bad the situation is, I'm terrified, but they can't do nothing. I'm being strong for you, ok? *Hold his face, you saw his eyes watering* Oww baby...I know you're scared...
Han- *starts to cry* Stay home... Please...!
You- Hannie, I'll call your staff, how about that? He would go with me.
Han- *immediately agrees* Yes ..! Yes! *He ran to his phone* He would do it! *He calls and waits, he can't stop walking around* You don't need a taxi, he can give you a ride! *Picks up* Hyung! Hi! Could you do me a fav...? Yes...*laughs nervously* She's going to the doctor...
You- *sighs walking to him*
Han- I think is the one close to the supermarket...yes...thanks Hyung, really...*wipe his tears* Yes, she'll be waiting and I'll soon be at JYP. Ok, bye!
You- Are you...better now? *Worried*
Han- I feel better...*smirk and look at you* I'm...I'm sorry, baby, is that...*takes a deep breath* My head is...
You- I know...*you slowly hugged him* Mine too...but let's be strong, for the best of us.
Han- *hugs you tightly* I won't give up on you, baby. I promise you that... I love you so much...so much.
You- I love you too...*you look at him and smile* I'll be back soon, ok?
Han- Ok...*smiles and kisses your forehead* Text me when you get there.
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Honestly, on his case?
You would barely know about what is happening
Felix would be the first one to check the gravity of the situation
To make sure you don't get super worried and scared
He would get your attention away from the start
Take you out (alert with his surroundings), make you spend more time out of the internet
Like playing videogames, movie nights, dates, UNO, etc
He already does that, but is much more often
He's always planning something different
Even if his agenda is full
He'll take you everywhere he goes
When he gets too stressed out about the situation
He tries to hide, but... He's too expressive
If he's not ok, it will be obvious, even if he smiles, trying to hide
He explains to you, of course...
But he doesn't want you to know every scary detail
If you ask how Stays reacted to the news he would say with a smile: "Well, you know how it is, baby, a 50/50!"
Instead of showing his disappointment, he shows his love for you
How much he loves you and deserves you
How happy he is and everything is alright
He is very sad and disappointed with those "Stays", but he doesn't want to hurt their feelings either...
Is just not him doing that, he's too good
But if someone crosses the line, he would take legal actions
You wouldn't know about that... probably
But if something like, someone pushes you, tries to attack you in public or curse...
His facial expressions would be very...very serious
He would ask "nicely" to stop and go back before he calls the security with his deep, raspy and angry voice
He would definitely take a step in front of you to protect
If you ask him what is happening, why is everyone hating you
He would only say: "Jealousy... don't worry, sweety, time will fix it"
He wants to protect you physically and mentally
STRAY KIDS member Felix avoids paparazzi and fans to be close to his girlfriend due the recent aggressive threats on her
Since the threats on Felix's girlfriend started, the member of the famous South Korea boygroup Stray Kids is avoiding paparazzi and fans due to the situation(...)
Felix avoids recent events due the threats on his girlfriend: "I have to take care of her first..."
At Instagram, the member of the South Korea boygroup Stray Kids explained his absence at the recent events he was invited to. He shows very worried about the current threats to his girlfriend, who he is dating for two years and now it was confirmed to the public, and he wants to protect her mental health from the aggressive threats and news.
He writes on his Instagram story:
"She doesn't need to know... I don't want to. I want to see her smiling like always, so I'll be beside her until things get better. JYP is alert and preparing legal action against the ones that are trying to seriously injure my girlfriend. A few attacks have already happened, she's very confused and scared already... She's not stupid, she is suspecting that something bigger is happening... But, she doesn't need to see that everyday. I'll be taking care of this for her."
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Oooh his legal action would be at the first week
Haters will have to pay for damaging your mental health...
He would make sure to scare than back
JYP is not afraid of him, but... Well, Seugmin is very smart and of course he got a point about the situation
If something won't be done, how can he get back to the activities?
He can't barely sleep...
He is very very angry
Wasn't expecting that kind of "congratulations"
And of course he would do emotional blackmail for the haters
"That's the love and congratulations you guys sent to me? Really? Wow, you guys are mean to me...so mean..."
He won't hide you
He will show much more of his love from you on the internet and public, like Hyunjin
Throw his happiness on their faces
Tell them that anything they do, won't work
He'll fight paparazzi and haters if need
Ready to fight, always
Ready to call the securities wherever you go with him
Looking up to you 24/7
Send you messages if you're alone
From the cute puppy of a golden retriever to a big German shepherd police
Yes... This guy is tough
But try to make him angry
Try to do something with the love of his life
You'll meet Jesus
I can imagine him answering a hater on Twitter
Kind funny tho
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Please...just ...stop
You're hurting him so bad
He can't sleep
He can't eat
He can't focus!
He doesn't know how to feel about that
Angry, sad, disappointed...
And is his Stays...?
That broke him apart...
He doesn't know what to think anymore, what and who should trust
He stopped posting photos for a month!
He wants to protect and do something, but like Han, doesn't know how
If someone do something to you while he's beside you
For sure he'll defend you with claws and teeth
But....the internet...
How's he gonna do that?
When he asks if you want to go out with him somewhere and you say: I'm scared...
It melts him in a bad way
He tries to be reasonable, that is ok, no one will attack you...
But he knows the risks
Even with the bodyguards
He doesn't want to ask for help from JYP for now
He doesn't want to hear a "no" now... He is not ready to ask yet
He doesn't know if he will be able to ask for help
So, he only ask one permission
Post a video in YouTube about that
Jeongin is a soft soul, a good man
He wants to do it right...no mistakes
So he writes a speech for that
You said for him that there's no need for him to have himself like that
But he wants too...for you
He wants to speak for both of you
(Jeongin Speech)
*He turns on the camera and steps back sitting in the chair. Grab a paper close to him and take a deep breath. He has a serious and sad facial expression*
Jeongin- "Hello..is me, Yang Jeongin. I'm writing this speech and making this video to ask and beg, for the sake of my life, my girlfriend's life and our mental health, to stop with the attacks. And begging, if needed, on my knees... To stop attacking my girlfriend. I'm happy, I'm well and healthy with her by my side. I don't understand why so much hate on her if I'm well, she's doing my life so much better, interesting and lovely. I understand your feelings...I do, but that won't make me happy and I won't break up with her because of this. I think it is unfair to open a lawsuit for everyone just like that, so I'm doing this video to beg. Even my mother and little brother are desperate due to the situation with her; she's part of my family already and I want to take this forward. Is my life decision... So please, I'm begging to stop. Stray Kids and Stays are also part of me, my soul and my heart, but is something apart of my relationship with her. I love her... I don't want her to get hurt anymore...! *getting anguish* Someone already scratched her arm at an event we went together to have fun...! It bleed...! She's so scared and I'm too...*take a shaky deep breath* You're hurting her, so you're hurting me too. I want all of you guys that are hating her to think about your actions... Before you suffer the worst...! *Clean his watery eyes* Let me live my life and hers...! I want to be happy and I'll still love stays forever...! *Starting to cry* I don't want that something really bad...! Happens to her! I'm scared...! So please...! Stop it for me! For your own good! Stop! *Put the paper away* I just want that to stop... *Cover his face with his hand and the hand of his staff appears holding a tissue paper for Jeongin* Thanks hyung...*he grabbed it* I'm honestly very sad and feeling betrayed by those who want our bad. So I hope it changes soon. I'm a grown man now...I make my decision and live my life. I don't want to disappoint and I know that...love someone, it wasn't supposed to be disappointing...that's it, love you stay...*loose smile and video ends*
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The End
Part 1:
(link is not working?? welp)
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mehiwilldoitlater · 5 months
Básicamente un TN o YN que es como Malleus Draconia de Twisted Wonderland (Prácticamente la descripción más importante de Malleus, un ser amable y tranquilo pero muy peligroso y poderoso: por eso muchos le temen... por ese miedo muchos simplemente lo olvidan. (quiero invitarlos a fiestas, reuniones o eventos sociales porque su sola presencia molesta o incomoda a todos, simplemente algo triste)
¿Cómo reaccionarían las naciones de Teyvat al enterarse de que su YN prácticamente NUNCA ha recibido una invitación? Básicamente, están tan contentos con esta invitación que los han invitado a una fiesta.
Basically a TN or YN that is like Malleus Draconia of Twisted Wonderland (Practically the most important description of Malleus, a kind and quiet but very dangerous and powerful being: that is why many fear it… for that fear many simply forget it. (I want to invite you to parties, meetings or social events because your single presence bothers or bothers everyone, just a little sad)
How would the nations of Teyvat react when they discover that their YN has almost never received an invitation? Basically, they’re so happy with this invitation that they were invited to a party
I'm not quite sure how you wanted to put it, but I'll try!
Now, Y/N is hella strong, and I mean, creators are kind of strong. Move mountains, rise the seas, and create blood-turning rivers—ALL THE STAFF.
They have this aura around them—the one that could crash any kind of ego without even flinching a finger. And everyone knows that and fears that—to the point that they never guessed if they were actually happy in that situation.
The reader wasn't that fine with it. To be fair, it wasn't even something that they would enjoy; they felt just so lonely in their giant temple, waiting for someone or something.
Their first invitation came like a warm wind during the winter.
Freminet loved your place—so big, so quiet. He enjoyed that you let him stay at your place, minding him no business at all, just tending to your garden while he was wandering the small lakes in the Creator temple. When he sent them a small letter, an invitation, something clicked in the reader's mind.
"What is this?"
"An invitation to my sister's tea party...for you..."
They have never received any invitations since the day they came to Teyvat. It was so stressful, but they couldn't take away the happy smile on their faces.
When the day of the tea party came, finally Lynette and Lyney understood who their brother friend was that he used to talk about. That wasn't what they thought about. When the Creator himself appeared to them, with a small box full of dessert in their hands and an elegant smile on their faces, the two siblings were in pure shock.
What if they do something to upset the creator? What if Lyney says something wrong? What if... and there you and Freminet just started to enjoy the tea together?
Readre tried so hard to not make anyone feel uncomfortable, but everyone was so stiff, except Freminet; of course, he couldn't be bothered at all by them.
When Readre started to tell how happy they were after receiving that letter from Freminet, Lyney started to make a guess.
"How is it possible that you, the mighty creator, don't receive any invitation to party, even in your own honor?"
"Maybe it's for my jokes?"
Ajh, so the creator was just a big dumbass. What news!
After that, the information started to spread. And the archons started to feel some shame for themselves.
They genuinely believed that the Creator never had time for pitty little pèarty or small festivals; they never could imagine that they could feel so lonely. Things started to change—for the worst, maybe.
"Ooookay! Today we have lunch at Mondstadt with some wine tasting at the Ragnivndr Mansion, then dinner at the Akademiya. Very early, we must go, and I mean, fly, to Watatsumi Island and"
Lumine was just at the beginning of her daily report of the creator's activity. Only to find them half asleep on the table.
"Maybe being the center of attention, it's not so fanatical at all."
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karmaduck1 · 8 months
Bandita, ustedes no saben lo mucho que espero y rezo porque Missa sea el que rescate a Phil. Tipo, estoy rogando y manifestando que este sea un mini evento de ellos, porque literal cualquiera podría rescatar a Phil. Cellbit? Nuestro detective experto? Por supuesto. Etoiles? Su Codebreaker duo que le ha partido la madre a los códigos en más de una ocasión? Pero claro que sí. Tubbo? Su hijo que también le juega al detective y por los dioses que nada para a ese vato? Dios, sí.
Pero Missa, we? Missa es ese vato que sí se entera que uno de sus amigos (o su esposo en este caso) está en peligro, va aunque sea con una cuchara a pelear contra monstruos; sin embargo, a Missa siempre lo andan salvando, precisamente porque no es un muy buen jugador, y Phil se ha dedicado bastante a protegerlo... Sería bellísimo que en esta ocasión Missa fuera el que salva a Phil.
Claro que por su disponibilidad de tiempo no creo que pase, pero hermano.
Yo voy a soñar y a ser feliz con mis delirios.
My dudes, you have no idea how much I'm hoping the one to save Phil is Missa. Like, I'm begging and manifesting that this becomes a mini event for them, because literally anyone could save Phil. Cellbit? Our pro-detective? Of course. Etoiles? His Codebreaker duo that has beaten the shit out of the codes more than once? Totally. Tubbo? His son who also plays the detective role well and nothing stops him? God, yes.
But Missa? Missa is that dude who if he hears one of his friends (husband, in this case) is in danger, is capable of fighting monsters with a spoon if that's all he has; however, Missa is the one who is in constant need of saving, precisely because he's not a good player, and Phil has dedicated himself to protect him a lot... It would be wonderful if this time, it was Missa the one to save Phil.
Now, I know that due to his times and schedules, it might not happen.
But bro.
I will continue to dream and be happy with my delusions.
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elysiantrait · 6 months
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The Deveny family's success has only grown these past few years and with it so has their status. It is not uncommon to see them attending galas in the highest of social circles. Matilda has really come a long way from the tomboy, fun loving girl she used to be. She is now a power house in Public Relations, with high class individuals looking to be represented by her. Trevor has kept growing his restaurant chains, and he is always looking to expand his business more each day. Elsbeth continues to bask in the high status granted to her by her parents' hard work. You could say she has become your typical spoiled heiress. In contrast, Ellison takes his position in the family very seriously and works hard himself with his studies and tries to make good connections during events.
Previous ~ Next
El éxito de la familia Deveny no ha hecho más que crecer en los últimos años y con él también su estatus. No es raro verlos asistir a galas en los círculos sociales más altos. Matilda realmente ha recorrido un largo camino desde la chica marimacho y amante de la diversión que solía ser. Ahora es una potencia en Relaciones Públicas, y personas de clase alta buscan ser representadas por ella. Trevor ha seguido haciendo crecer sus cadenas de restaurantes y siempre busca expandir más su negocio cada día. Elsbeth sigue disfrutando del alto estatus que le concedió el arduo trabajo de sus padres. Se podría decir que se ha convertido en la típica heredera mimada. Por el contrario, Ellison se toma muy en serio su posición en la familia, se esfuerza mucho en sus estudios y trata de hacer buenas conexiones durante los eventos.
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sgiandubh · 4 months
Anon rebelde
La última promoción de Sam para Audi ha dado un paso más en su colaboración, ya no se limita a una foto con el nuevo coche del año sino que ejerce de embajador más que nunca. Esos eventos más elitistas, como su estancia en Austria y ahora en Alemania, indica un paso más en su compromiso como imagen de la marca lo que es bueno para su exposición pública más centrada en el actor y empresario serio, lejos de polémicas y rubias. Podríamos hablar de una nueva imagen ?
Dear (and always faithfully returning) Anon Rebelde,
Extrañaba tus ingeniosas réplicas y casi me maldecía por no publicar tu último envío. Entonces puedes imaginar mi alegría. De todos modos, primero la traducción:
'Sam's last promo on behalf of Audi is a step forward in their collaboration, since it's not just a pic with the new car of the year, but acting, more than ever, like a real brand ambassador. These elite events, along with his presence in Austria and Germany are indicative of a progress in his commitment as the image of the brand. This is good for a public exposure more focused on the actor and serious businessman, far from controversies and blondes. Could we see it as a new image?'
You know, OL will soon-ish be over, so I think he needs all the opportunities and projects he can get, in order to negotiate the Next Step. By no means an easy one, as the last ten years were rich, dense, dramatic and oh, life changing in so many ways. He said it himself, more than once, it will be difficult and well... new, for the former struggling actor he is. And I have to say I am so damn glad to see him working and patiently building both a financial safety net and a more elevated public profile. I am also glad to see booze promo only on his socials, for the moment: this is a good choice.
Now, if he only understood he needs to keep those ring-a-dings out of sight, as they seem to have (briefly) served their conversation fuel purpose in this very blasé fandom, I (along with many) would probably be over the moon. They simply don't fit with the effort to be seen as a more mature and serious actor -cum - entrepreneur. I will write it in deserto until it happens, just because this is my page and I can do whatever I want with it.
My surest barometer something is slowly changing on this front is always positioned across the street. Judging by the ever mounting level of bile and spit being fruitlessly spent there every time something like this happens, I believe we can be prudently happy for S, indeed.
So a big kudos to Savvy S, but without those rings and perhaps with a bit more outfit variety. That Gattaca look is so aseptic, I had trouble seeing the man we all know and are fond of.
Thank you for being back and thank you for being you, Anon Rebelde! And yes, McFitness is certainly trolling us big time: Vienna, my arse.
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thatbiqth · 5 months
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a thread in English and Portuguese ! (translator was used, so there may be some grammatical errors)
Um evento canônico de qualquer pessoa é ter se deparado com a meditação em algum lugar, quando criança, por exemplo, é mostrado nos desenhos e filmes de forma totalmente estereotipada e cômica, onde você se senta no chão na posição de Lotus e fecha os olhos.
Mas agora você sendo shifter, não dualista ou praticando alguma lei deve ter escutado pessoas falando da importância da meditação, mas não sabe por onde começar, bem estou aqui para te ajudar!
Bem a resposta é simples, observe, não é um bicho de sete cabeças, observe.
"Mas como eu observo e o que é observar?"
Observar é como o nome já diz consiste em você observar os pensamentos do seu ego(seu corpo físico), pensamentos negativos, alguma lembrança, pensamentos positivos, basicamente tudo o que vier na sua cabeça, observe e não bloqueie.
"Mas eu estou pensando que não estou tendo resultado"
Caso surja um pensamento assim, observe silenciosamente e não faça nada, deixe com que esse pensamento suma sozinho e faça perguntas para si mesmo (irei fazer uma thread apenas falando sobre auto-indagação ou autoquestionamento).
No fim, meditar é mais simples do que você imagina e não é um monstro horroroso. Isso foi o jealous, math te ensinando cada vez mais, beijos💋
A canonical event of any person is having come across meditation somewhere, as a child, for example, it is shown in cartoons and films in a totally stereotypical and comical way, where you sit on the floor in the Lotus position and close your eyes .
But now, if you are a shifter, non-dualist or practicing some law, you must have heard people talking about the importance of meditation, but you don't know where to start, well I'm here to help you!
Well the answer is simple, observe, it's not a big deal, observe.
"But how do I observe and what is observing?"
Observing is, as the name suggests, consisting of you observing the thoughts of your ego (your physical body), negative thoughts, some memory, positive thoughts, basically everything that comes into your head, observe it and don't block it.
"But I'm thinking I'm not getting results"
If a thought like this arises, observe silently and do nothing, let that thought disappear on its own and ask yourself questions (I will make a thread just talking about self-inquiry or self-questioning).
In the end, meditating is simpler than you think and it's not a horrible monster. That was jealous, math teaching you more and more, kisses💋
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mobox87 · 2 years
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HEY GUYS! I was recently reviewing the entire blog before opening it again, from what I could see, there was a lot of content of which I should have noticed some precautions, they are very old posts, almost, 
I don't know, 2 or 3 years?
to which I will put this safety alert sign for new people. As such, tumblr used to be full of mostly adult people, but times are changing and now anyone can have an account! Affinity, just as FNAF is not, and it was not something that children had access to, we tell the story in a more "graphic" way so,
Be careful what your children/siblings/nephews/cousins ​​can see on the internet!
Puedes leerlo en español por aqui! ^^
A todo aquel integrante de Affinity AU se le da a conocer que este blog lleva años de creación, donde muchos sabrán que la interacción con las preguntas y con el admin es frecuente, en algún momento han llegado personas a contarnos experiencias traumáticas.
Affinity se ha destacado por ser un Blog donde compartimos ideas o preguntamos acerca de la convivencia entre usuarios de Tumblr y personajes animatronicos, eventos, e incluso participación de parte de los usuarios en el blog.
No le recomendamos a menores de edad entrar, se hablan temas bastante complejos que no podrían entender y otros podrían ser de un mal sentimiento, así que solo gente +18.
Affinity Au se basa en la franquicia de juegos de Five nights At Freddys, pero con una trama mas "profunda" y oscura debido al aumento de usuarios en tumblr debemos reconocer que ahora con mas gente hay que tener cuidado, en este blog se toman muchas cosas como el contenido gore o como tal experiencias traumáticas, si no te sientes cómodo con estas cosas le pedimos de favor que no siga observando. Podemos hablar de que esto es ficción, pero no buscamos que la gente se incomode con el contenido presentado actual o el de hace años,
Por su atención, gracias!
Mobox87     Fazbear entertaiment
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sthavoc · 2 months
hear me out bestie, an ex's to lovers. like enzo and his gf broke up for some reason but he is winning her back and not letting her go
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𖥔 ࣪˖ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
𖥔 ࣪˖ summary: enzo and you have been broken up for almost a year now. the both of you hang out with the boys and you talk. he wants to win you back, and maybe he will.
𖥔 ࣪˖ warnings: beer. a few cuss words.
𖥔 ࣪˖ note: bestie ofccc!! thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy it!<3 also currently working on more requests so hang tight!! <3 juani and mati were a handful on this one lmao. hope I didn’t miss any grammar mistakes 🙏🏻.
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“A ver, chicos ya por favor bájenle a la cerveza.” You grabbed Valentino’s and Juani’s can, but they immediately grabbed it off your hands again. “Ya es la media noche por Dios.”
“Ay no seas aguafiestas nena.” Juani took a long sip of his can as he looked at you, before he began to walk away.
“No, no es que sea aguafiestas Juan Caruso. Es que no tengo ganas de cuidar de nadie.” Your words were followed by a sarcastic smile while your eyes were set on Juani.
The boys and you found yourselves at a park near La Plaza. All of you had agreed to buy a pack of beers and just hang around the park. Though the boys lost count and were starting to get a little tipsy.
“Ay, ¡Es viernes! Se bebe.” Juani dragged the last syllable of his sentence. All of this before Matias spoke—
“Ay se me antojó una pizza ¿Y si vamos por una?” Even before you spoke, all the guys were already saying yes. You knew there was no point in saying no because there was not going to be a no for an answer. Plus a pizza wasn’t a bad idea.
Everyone walked to the nearest Pizzeria of where you were. The guys walked in front as you stayed behind and watched them goof around, doing silly little things. Your arms crossed over your chest as the wind hit you. You felt like the mom of the group right now.
“Dale que yo te ayudo si se descontrolan.” Enzo’s voice comes up behind you making you turn to look at him.
“Ay eso ayudaría. Gracias.” You sighed.
“No hay de que, son una carga. Lo se.” He winks jokingly making a laugh escape out of you.
There was a silence after that. Not peaceful but not graceless either. Like you yearned for to say something but you didn’t know if you should. Enzo felt the same way, but the dissimilarity was that he wanted to say something he just didn’t know what exactly. So he just went with the classic—
“¿Como estás? ¿Como te trata la vida?” His hands rested on the inside of his pockets. He didn’t know if he should mentally slap himself or not for asking that question.
“Pues bien. La verdad nada nuevo, más que cuidar de Blue.” Blue was your 3-year-old cat. Enzo had gotten him for you, for your 1 year anniversary. “¿Y tú?” You glanced at the guys before looking back at Enzo. “¿Como te sientes con tu nuevo estilo de vida?”
Enzo chuckled before he replied. “Pues me va bien. Las fans son-” He puffs out a breath letting his hand drop towards his thigh. “Maravillosas. Los eventos, increíbles.”
To you, it seemed like Enzo was doing amazing. You were proud, there was no doubt about that. “Me da gusto escuchar eso. Estoy orgullosa de ti Enzo.”
“Gracias, nena.” A soft smile crept on Enzo’s lips after his sentence. The both of you walked and walked behind the guys. When he felt like saying something again, Matias spoke—
“Dale pelotudo dame la plata.” He jokingly pushed Juani who just shook his head and picked his hand up in the air. “Como queres que pague ¿ah?”
“Juani, ya dale el dinero a Matías.” You sighed, walking over towards the two of them. You had arrived at the Pizzeria, Juani just had to give Matias the money to go order and pay.
“Ay ya que es joda.” He dragged the last syllable before giving the money to Matias who snatched the bills from his hand.
While Matias went inside and ordered the pizza, you and Enzo stayed with the rest trying to settle them down and avoid any trouble. You had both clutch’s on Esteban and Juani while Enzo had Blas and Agustin (Lain). Valentino had ended up going with Matias. The walk back after the guys came back with the pizza was the same as the walk towards it. Except this time Matias kept putting the pizza box above his head all because Juani wanted a piece.
“Me van a matar.” You sighed as you watched them sit down on the grass with pizza in the middle. You shivered as you felt the breeze of the night whistle on the back of your neck. It sent a wave of shivers through your whole body creating goosebumps.
“Toma, nena.” Enzo came up to you with his jacket in his hand. He noticed you struggling with the cold. This man was like your guardian angel.
“No, estoy bien. Gracias.” Your words made Enzo roll his eyes. He had a feeling you would say no.
“Dale, tenes frío. Toma.” He pressed, extending his hand out even more. This time you accepted and grabbed the jacket off his hand.
“Gracias. Ni cómo pagarte el favor.” A chuckle leaves your lips while a sigh of warmth follows, as you feel the warm heat cover your upper body.
Enzo smiled when he saw you with his jacket on. It had been a long time since the last time he ever did. He didn’t even realized he missed it. Though he did get an idea—
“Déjame que te invite a cenar.”
You looked at him with a smile as your hands rested on the inside of the pockets. You knew what he was trying to do.
“¿Me diste la chaqueta para poder preguntarme esto verdad?” A slight smile carved on your lips, and shortly one did on Enzo’s as well.
“Ya, me vas a decir que no funcionó.” He wanted you to say yes, and he knew it was not going to be easy. His eyes stayed on you as you shook your head still with your smile on. You were gonna answer when Juani called your name— you’ve got to be kidding me. Enzo thought.
“Dale T/N, vengan pa’ acá. ¿Qué hacen allá?” Juani hollered waving for the both of you. “Háganle que se acaba la pizza.”
You and Enzo walked towards the circle as they made space for the both of you. The boys had already eaten, and some still were. Others were on their second round, while you and Enzo barely started.
“Dale pero no seas puerco salame.” Matías pushed Juani’s head towards the side as he watched how the curly head stuck a whole slice of pizza in his mouth, almost choking.
These two were a mess.
After you finished your pizza you had a few sips of your beer and still tried to calm down anything the boys would be doing. For a moment you got on your phone to check the time and realized it was 1:30 a.m. Until from the corner of your eye, you caught a glance of Enzo sitting next to you.
“¿Entonces?” He darted. His hands rested on his knees that he somewhat was hugging.
“¿Entonces?” You repeated, but knowing what he meant. You wanted to see how long it would take for him to keep asking you.
He sighed with a shake of the head and a smile. “¿Me vas a dejar que te invite a cenar?”
Even though Enzo and you had been broken up for almost a year now, you somehow always felt like there was still a spark left inside your heart for him. Perhaps in the moment of your breakup, you felt like it was all gone. But maybe he was starting to dig deeper into your heart and he was beginning to pull the spark again. Though if he was going to ask you out again you were not going to make it easy for him. You were going to give him the same hard time you did as the first time he asked you.
“Mmm, no lo sé. ¿Será que puedes?” Your words made his eyes glow even more than the dimmed light from the street. His lips let out a chuckle.
“Has lo que quieras. Pero voy a robar tu corazón de nuevo, chiquita.” He smirked. His words with a more serious but yet playful tone.
Your lips pressed together trying not to smile. “Ya te quiero ver intentarlo.” He didn’t even know he was already starting to. But you also didn’t want to give him the privilege of knowing he still had a sort of effect on you.
“Te di mi campera. Eso debe de contar.” He motions towards his jacket that you are wearing, with a raise of eyebrows. You beamed down at it before you skimmed back at him and said—
“Oh, vas a tener que esforzarte más, Vogrincic.”
His eyes looked at you with the most sincere look his eyes could possibly give. You could get lost in them forever.
“Si me dejas-” His voice cut off as he heard a scream from one of the boys making him sigh before he tried again. “Si me dejas, te juro que esta vez no te suelto.”
Enzo was determined to do whatever he had to do to get you back. If he had to move the oceans for you, he was certain he would.
just for you.
And that was another reason for you to start giving him a second chance to win your heart again.
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midnightstarsthings · 5 months
WHB? Theory: How can Solomon use magic?/WHB? Teoria: Como que Salomão consegue usar magia?
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In official character information, Solomon was said and declared as a summoning king and the character himself declared himself a wizard. However, after playing chapter 1 of the game history 39.
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the following question came to me:
"Why does Solomon, who is apparently an ordinary human being, have magical powers?"
After thinking about it for a long time, and visiting the game's attic to get some other information about it, I came up with a small theory, that:
"Solomon's powers are actually a present gift from God himself."
Let me explain the following since it is quite possible that there were holes in it until the moment I made this theory. In certain information about Solomon and God, it is described that Solomon is the only neutral figure close and friend of God, even the angels envied Solomon, thinking about it, I thought that at a certain moment, before the events that an attack occurred in Jerusalem and Solomon invoked Satan to ask for help.
It is possible that God presented Solomon as a sign of their friendship, with the gift of performing wonders with his own hands, just as God himself did and does. This is a gift that Solomon used to help both his people and others. Maybe this is what allowed Solomon to summon demons and even go to hell to visit them.
This also raises the question of whether Ra-on (a character we control) also has the ability to use magic, but until a certain time I didn't know that, but it was enough for someone to teach, just the fact that she now breaks the demons' contract, it's already a small step .
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(A detail of this part of the chapter is that Solomon clearly stated that he is not dead, just missing)
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Em informações oficiais do personagem, Salomão foi dito e declarado como um rei invocador e o próprio personagem se declarando como um mago. porém depois de jogar o capítulo 1 do jogo historia 39 me veio a seguinte pergunta:
" Por que salomao que é aparentemente um ser humano comum tem poderes mágicos?"
Depois de muito pensar nisso, e visite o sote do jogo para buscar algumas outras informações sobre, eu bolei uma pequena teoria, de que:
"Os poderes do salomon são na verdade uma dadiva presente do proprio Deus."
Deixa que eu explique o seguinte já que é bem possível que tenha furos nela até o momento que fiz essa teoria.
Em determinadas informações sobre Salomão e Deus, e descrito que Salomão e a única figura neutra próxima e amigo de Deus, até mesmo os anjos invejaram Salomão, pensando nisso, eu pensei que em determinado momento, antes dos eventos que ocorreriam um ataque em Jerusalém e Salomão invocou satanás pra pedir ajuda, E possível que Deus apresenteou salomao como sinal da amizade de ambos, com o dom de realizar maravilhas com as próprias mãos assim como o proprio(Deus) fez e faz.
Dom é que Salomão usou para ajudar tanto seu povo como ajudar ao próximo. talvez seja isso que permitiu Salomon de invocar os demônios e ate mesmo ir para o inferno visitá-los.
Isso também levanta a questão se Ra-on (personagem que controlamos) também tem capacidade de usar magia, mas ate determinado tempo não sabia disso, mas bastava alguém ensinar, apenas o fato dela agora romper o contrato dos demônios, ja e um pequeno passo .
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(Detalhe dessa parte do capítulo, é que Salomão especificou bem que ele não está morto, apenas desaparecido.)
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sleazysleazysleazy · 2 months
Tommy hace una reverencia al público, subido en mitad del ring. Acaba de calentar a la audiencia, más de 5.000 espectadores, su evento más grande, con un monologo de agradecimiento a todos los presentes por acompañar a FSW y de desearles una buena velada.
Lleva una llamativa americana de terciopelo rosa, al igual que los pantalones, con los puños y el cuello en satín negro. La pajarita es de lentejuelas del mismo color, y se mantiene atada al cuello almidonado de su camisa. Una vez ha terminado, camina hasta la mesa de comentaristas.
A un lado, Gary le indica que quedan tres segundos para que comience la emisión. Dos segundos. ...
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blendraw · 9 months
Fanfic Esp/Eng
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En español
Luigi tenía una vida tranquila, pero luego de un evento traumático que lo llevo a el pequeño error de probar hongos morados terminó arruinando todo a su alrededor por completo, ahora lucha por recuperar lo que perdió por culpa de un par de gramos.
Advertencia: Esta historia tocará un tópico que puede resultar gatillante.
Link: Ao3 - Wattpad
In english
Luigi had a quiet life, but after a traumatic event that led him to the small mistake of tasting purple mushrooms ended up ruining everything around him completely, now he fights to recover what he lost because of a couple of grams.
Warning: This story will touch on a topic that can be triggering.
Link: Ao3
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