#obikin fix-it
underacalicosky · 24 days
I continue to torture myself with fix-it scenarios where Anakin just can't handle seeing Obi-Wan having an emotional meltdown and gives up the dark side as a result. What if Obi-Wan was a wibbly mess on Mustafar?
“Until now, you’ve become the very thing you swore to destroy.”
“Don’t lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see—“
“Lecture you?!” Obi-Wan snaps suddenly, his voice bellowing. “You think I came here to lecture you?”
His sharp tone makes Anakin take a step back. He sucks in a shaky breath and straightens his posture, refusing to be rattled. As he opens his mouth to respond, Obi-Wan continues interrupting him.
“No, Anakin, I lecture you for staying up too late. For not folding your tunics properly.” His voice gets progressively louder and more impatient. “For not getting enough fiber in your diet! I’m not here to lecture you. I was sent here to kill you!” Obi-Wan yells.
Anakin knows it’s the reason why Obi-Wan is here, but to hear him say the words, with such certainty, makes his heart plummet. He’d hoped, with whatever little hope was left, that he wouldn’t have to fight Obi-Wan. His chest aches, knowing that this is how it must end. But he ignores the weakness that still lives in him and draws on the dark side for strength. The Force ripples around them when he pulls on it.
“And kill the rest of myself along with you,” Obi-Wan says furiously. “Part of me has already died.” He fixes Anakin with an intense stare, a seething fire in his eyes.
Taking another deep breath, Anakin narrows his eyes and returns his glare. He’s never seen Obi-Wan angry like this. It frightens him, but he keeps pacing like he's a caged wild animal because he can’t let it show.
“It died when you knelt in front of a Sith lord and proclaimed him your Master!” Obi-Wan’s face twists with uncontrolled and un-Jedi-like rage. “It died knowing that you would trade me for him. Do I mean that little to you?” he demands, spreading his hands and arms out in front of him. “I poured all of myself into training you and raising you and—”
With matching ferocity, Anakin shakes his head. “This isn’t about you!” Anakin yells, pointing at him.
“Of course it’s about me!” Obi-Wan yells back. “Your mother entrusted you to Qui-Gon and he entrusted you to me. Do you know what it was like everyday being scared out of my mind that I would let them down? That I would let you down?”
This is not Obi-Wan. Anakin was prepared for Obi-Wan to use reason. To remain somewhat collected as he projected his disappointment. Perhaps confronting Anakin with all the ways he’s violated the Jedi code, betrayed the Republic and democracy.
Obi-Wan’s skillfully talked circles around politicians, foreign royalty, the Jedi Council and kept his emotions at bay every time.
But this… Anakin is unprepared for this.
“No,” Anakin says with another shake of his head. “No, I made these choices,” he insists.
“Maybe I should’ve left the Order with you. We would’ve found our own way.” Obi-Wan was lost in his own thoughts, his eyes ticking everywhere at once, unable to focus. “And I wouldn’t have had to train you to be a soldier. Wouldn’t have dragged you through a war. Wouldn’t have let Palpatine near you.”
“I never wanted to be a burden!” Anakin cries.
“You weren’t a burden! You were my brother, Anakin! My greatest joy!” Obi-Wan screams. “What could I have done differently to stop this?” Obi-Wan asks, nearly begging.
With his fists balled at his sides, Anakin holds onto the last vestiges of his resolve. He can’t let Obi-Wan break him.
“We can’t change the past,” Anakin says, his voice hollow.
“Did I not love you enough?” Obi-Wan asks sadly, tears streaming down his face.
Instinctively, Anakin reaches for him through their bond, a habit formed from years of training and bickering and teasing and laughing and to his horror, it recoils and his heart shatters.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Anakin stomps his foot. He can’t have both. He can’t embrace the dark side to exploit its unnatural powers and still expect to find comfort in the golden and pure light that tethers him to Obi-Wan.
Anakin Skywalker has made a lot of choices in the last day. And here, he makes another.
With his head hung, he relaxes his hands and releases. The ground beneath them shakes as the dark, consuming anger bleeds from him.
Again he touches their bond, tenderly. Lovingly. Apologetically.
“I can’t change the past, but help me change the future,” Anakin sobs. “Please. We need to save Padmé. And the baby.”
Finally, Obi-Wan blinks as he snaps out of his trance. His eyes lock on Padme’s unmoving form on the ground and Anakin sees the moment that Obi-Wan realizes his renewed purpose.
“Yes. Get her onto the ship,” Obi-Wan says with the authority of a war General. “I’ll make sure 3PO and Artoo are both accounted for and have them help me find the nearest medical facility,” Obi-Wan says.
“If the Republic finds me… after what I’ve done…”
“Then we need to be careful where we go so they won’t find us,” Obi-Wan tells him and glances at Padmé, then back at Anakin before he boards the ship.
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human-rocket · 2 months
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Guiding Light | 1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0 | 2.5 | 3.0 | 3.5 | 4.0 | 4.5 | 5.0 | 5.5 | 6.0 | 6.5 | [next]
Also available to read on Ko-fi and now AO3!!!
**Please do not repost**
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rots au where anakin listens to the voice in his head and lobs palpatine down an elevator shaft for suggesting they leave obi wan behind one too many time
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tennessoui · 2 months
Fix-a-Sith AU, my beloved. Does Obi-Wan attend Council meetings with his Sith glaring suspiciously at everyone over his shoulder?
honestly i feel like it's a watershed moment for sith anakin when he attends a council meeting with obi-wan (glowering over obi-wan's shoulder the entire time with Massive Bad Vibes shooting out from all corners of his force signature) and the council is like 'whoa obi-wan, sith in the middle of rehabilitation do NOT attend council meetings??' and obi-wan just shrugs and is like 'oh who is he going to tell? he's temple bound and his comm link is baby sith-proofed.'
and that bugs the hell out of vaderkin for most of the meeting but he can't put his finger on why.....at the end of the meeting, when they're back in their quarters, he's like 'you know i could still contact sidious and tell him everything i just learned. it wouldn't be easy but it wouldn't be extremely difficult. i AM good with technology, you know.'
and obi-wan is like 'oh yes dear, so you've said. i know you're very clever. but you see, what i couldn't say to the council at the time is that i trust you completely to not betray me the way you so easily could.'
and vaderkin bluescreens because trust??? obi-wan trusts him?? his husband?? trusts?? TRUSTS??? he trusts him?? him???
and obi-wan sighs and gives him a very fond only slightly sad smile and he's like 'i know you've been hounding me to fall in love with you, but which one do you think is more damning, darling - to love a sith or to trust one?'
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embrassemoi · 2 years
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Oh, it’s you.
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justsuffilike · 1 year
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obikinetic · 8 months
Day 22: Scratchy
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theseptemberist · 2 years
i wonder how much of anakin’s sense of betrayal toward obi-wan, his utter hate and resentment of him, is based on how if their roles were reversed anakin would stop at NOTHING to get obi-wan back. he will slaughter thousands to save his loved ones, he’s still trying to find a way to get padme back years later, but he stands there and tells obi-wan “anakin skywalker is dead” and obi-wan just… believes him. and walks away.
to anakin that level of non-attachment, that acceptance of reality, is unfathomable. they loved each other, they love each other, so they must continue to act out their feelings as they always have— obi-wan by trying desperately to help or reach anakin, and anakin by refusing him, by hunting him, torturing him, hating him because he loves him so.
when vader tells luke “obi-wan once thought as you do,” there is a profound grief behind those words. obi-wan thought he could reach me, but he gave up because he stopped loving me, because i made him stop. anakin could’t understand until the very end that obi-wan loved him, loved him always— but that in this life, the only way obi-wan had left to love anakin was to let him go.
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skyyworker · 1 year
anakin staining his clothes with grease, some of it ends up in his hair, some of it on his cheeks.
anakin stuffing random objects in his mouth while he’s fixing a droid because he only has two hands but he needs the bolts and screwdrivers of different sizes within reach.
anakin spending most of his days back at the temple locked in his room tinkering with droid parts or in the hangar making... adjustments to his ship.
anakin falling asleep on his most recent project and obi-wan gently moving him into a more comfortable position before covering him with a blanket.
anakin bringing his little projects on missions because he wants to test them on the field and being put off when, at times, they get blown up in the heat of the moment.
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deermook · 1 year
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Its early, the war is over, and you are wishing a good morning to your heart and soul before going to the creche to give a lesson to the younglings there
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intermundia · 2 years
Obi wan should just simply fuck the dark side out of anakin
the problem is truly that anakin has too many thoughts in his pretty head. he is not designed to be a thinker. if he doesn't get the noise fucked out of his head regularly, he starts to get confused and acts out. you have to turn him off and back on again with a prostate orgasm and a kiss, clear his anxiety cache, and he's a good boy again. obi-wan really fell down on the job here lmao
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tomicaleto · 7 months
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Obi-Wan was aware Anakin had been assigned an undercover mission, the Council had simply not informed him of the nature of said mission.
Obikin bingo: Lingerie
Full picture here
Card under the cut (edit: I put the outfit reference on the AO3 notes) Do you recognise Obi-Wan's teacup?
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anakinsthot · 1 year
16 from the duolingo prompt list
16: I do not need to read your terms and services to accept you.
Background: in this universe Jedi are allowed to court/marry each other.
It’s raining on Coruscant. Droplets pummel the windows of the temple and the roll of thunder can be heard in the quiet center of the gardens. Obi-Wan sits in lotus position under the shade of an Aphor tree near, but the peace of meditation escapes him.
He gives up, sprawling flat on his back, eyes closed. The sound of rain used to help him fall into a deep meditation, but since the end of the war he’s struggled to clear his mind. Most of the time he can stay busy. When he’s running around the temple, teaching younglings and clones alike, or going back and forth from the Council Chambers to the Senate, Obi-Wan doesn’t have to think.
When he has time to himself he thinks of what ifs.
What if Quinlan never found out about the chips? What if the chips had been activated before most of the clones had undergone procedures to deactivate them?
What if Anakin had fallen?
Obi-Wan shakes himself. Darth Sidious had been wrong about Anakin. His apprentice was strong and wise. Anakin may have toed the line between Light and Dark at times – hadn’t they all, at some point, in this Force-forsaken war? – but in the end he was a good man.
All the reassurances in the world couldn’t stop Obi-Wan’s mind from conjuring up nightmares of a yellow-eyed Anakin when he slept.
Speak of the devil, as they say on Corellia.
“Hello Anakin.”
Anakin sits on the ground next to Obi-Wan. He’s trying to play it cool, but Obi-Wan can feel his worry in the force. Ever since the final fight with Sidious his apprentice has refused to completely block their bond. Obi-Wan pulled his shields as tight as he could one night, trying to hide his nightmares, and had woken to Anakin breaking into his room in a panic.
Anakin had decided that the best thing for both of them was to sleep together after that. Obi-Wan had to admit that it helped. And it was nice, waking up enclosed in Anakin’s arms.
“I was thinking,” Anakin starts and stops. He’s tearing up blades of grass with his left hand. Something is making him nervous.
“A dangerous thing,” Obi-Wan says lightly, hoping to goad Anakin into continuing.
A warm hand grasps Obi-Wan’s and tugs him up into a seated position. Like this, they are face to face, knees touching and hands clasped. It reminds Obi-Wan of how they used to meditate together, when Anakin was young and wild, and couldn’t sit still without the grounding energy of his master. His heart fills with pride for the capable man his apprentice has become.
“I want to court you. Officially.”
Anakin had developed a crush on Obi-Wan when he was a teenager. Obi-Wan had assumed he’d grown out of it, until the war. They’d fallen into each other’s beds (and storage closets, and gym showers) more than once back then. It was a way to find comfort and release stress.
In the months since Sidious was killed and peace declared nothing sexual has happened between them. Anakin has been hovering around Obi-Wan, making sure he eats, and rests, and does his physical therapy. He’s been sharing Obi-Wan’s bed, wrapping himself around Obi-Wan and keeping the nightmares at bay, but carefully keeping his hands above Obi-Wan’s waist and never doing more than brushing a chaste kiss against Obi-Wan’s cheek when he gets up in the morning.
Obi-Wan assumed that it was simply the worry of an apprentice for his master. The kind of support two best friends might give each other. With the war over, Anakin would move on.
“No you don’t,” Obi-Wan tells him. He can’t quite meet Anakin’s eyes when he says it.
“Yes, I do,” Anakin squeezes Obi-Wan’s hands. “I love you, Obi-Wan. I thought you knew.”
Anakin may have said as much a couple of times, when Obi-Wan was riding him, when he had Obi-Wan’s legs wrapped around him, when they got each other off with quick hand jobs in a storage closet before meetings.
Maybe he said it more than a couple times, in retrospect. But that was just the kind of thing young men said when they had just had an orgasm, Obi-Wan reasoned.
“You don’t want me. I’m too old for you.”
Anakin rolls his eyes. “You’re not even forty yet. And we’re Jedi, we’ll live longer than your average humanoid.”
“I was your master,” Obi-Wan continues.
“You aren’t anymore. Not for years, now.”
Obi-Wan swallows. “You deserve someone better. Someone who doesn’t have nightmares. Force, Anakin, I can’t go two days without thinking about what could have happened. I still wake up crying some nights.”
He doesn’t say it, but the thought slips through their force bond anyway: you deserve someone who isn’t broken.
Anakin crawls onto Obi-Wan’s lap, cradling his face. “You’re one of the strongest men I know. You’ve been through more than almost anyone else on this damn planet. And still, every day you get up and you go out into the world and you help people.
“The clones have the chance to be more than soldiers, thanks to you. The younglings love you more than their crèche masters, I think. Every Jedi in this temple looks up to you.”
“That’s not – Anakin you don’t need to be weighed down with my issues for the rest of your life. My entire torso is covered in Lichtenberg scars, my shoulder hurts when it’s cold now, and the healers don’t know if my heart will return to normal or if they need to implant a device to manage dysrhythmia - ”
Anakin interrupts Obi-Wan by kissing him. It’s soft and achingly sweet. When he pulls away he doesn’t go far, and his lips brush Obi-Wan’s when he speaks. “Obi-Wan, I don’t need to read your terms and services to accept you. I love you.”
Obi-Wan deepens their kiss, arms wrapping around Anakin and holding on tight. When Anakin pulls back for a breath, Obi-Wan rests his forehead softly against Anakin’s. “I love you too.”
The smile that crosses Anakin’s face is brighter than both of Tatooine’s suns. “Does this mean I can buy us rings and tell the Council that we’re courting?”
Obi-Wan pushes on Anakin’s shoulders until he tips backwards to lay on the grass. Obi-Wan leans down, kissing Anakin again before stretching out next to him, head resting on Anakin’s chest to hear his heart beat. “I suppose it does. Have you thought about rings yet?”
Anakin laughs, bright and clear. “I commissioned two already. They match our kyber crystals.”
Obi-Wan pokes him in the ribs but doesn’t protest further. He feels like a weight has been washed away, and with the steady beat of Anakin’s heart below him and the patter of rain on transparisteel above, his mind finally clears.
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tennessoui · 2 months
fix-a-sith!! I need to know more about that AU! How did sith!Anakin end up under Obi-Wans supervision?
i'm glad you asked!! it's vague so far, but the original premise of the fix-a-sith au is that the jedi believe that every jedi who has fallen and every sith/dark side user they come across can be rehabilitated back to the light side - they view it as a sickness that can be healed, and the best most efficient way to heal it is to give them a tether to the light side via a marriage/bond to a light side user
it's supposed to be a thing jedi can opt into whenever they come of age/become a knight (like donating organs is on your national identity card/drivers license), and obi-wan signs up after he's knighted
he just...never gets the call and sort of forgets his name is in the system until he's being called back to coruscant in the middle of the war to marry and rehabilitate anakin skywalker aka vader
how he got chosen to be the one to rehabilitate anakin is up for interpretation - could be luck of the draw, but i personally like the idea that he's such a strong and pure presence in the light that yoda and the council have been saving his hand in marriage for a very very very powerful sith (given that jedi can usually only marry once - even after a sith has been rehabilitated and summarily divorced, they tend to be very possessive of their old jedi spouse)
and anakin fits the bill as the chosen one who has fallen into sith-y ways
it's just bonus points that obi-wan can do a mean cow-eyed look of hurt that needles even at the most vicious sith lol
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thegingerwrites · 1 year
I keep trying to figure out what it was about the Kenobi show that dragged me into obikin for what basically amounts to the first time (aside from you know, everything about it) and I think what does it for me is the pining™️ The flashbacks, the glimpses of a figure in the distance, the desire for something you want so badly and almost had once but never will again.
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emotionyetpeace · 9 days
The Third Option
Rating: G
Pairing: Obikin
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Obi-Wan's confrontation of Vader in the season finale goes a bit differently. Written for Whumptober 2022.
Read on AO3
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