#oc: Jackie Price
ghouljams · 14 days
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This was giving your dad!ghost :((
Ghost does not handle any of his girls getting hurt well. He's been through actual hell and yet it's sitting in the hospital while his kid gets patched up that sends him into a spiral. So here's Cowboy!Ghost dealing with his kids getting hurt:
It happens in a split second. Mary's on the pony and then she isn't, the usually docile animal panicking and trying to get as far away from the wailing little girl as possible. Ghost vaults the fence while you try to corral the pony and skid to a stop next to his daughter. Big fat tears roll down her face, her little hand smearing snot over her cheek as her other arm hangs bent at her side. Simon's stomach churns, he knows a break when he sees one, and he's seen plenty. They've never set his nerves on edge like this one.
He shushes his daughter, gathers her in his arms as carefully as he can, trying not to jostle the break more than necessary. It's heart breaking to hear her cry like this, her hiccupped sobbing as she presses her face against Simon's shoulder and tells him "it hurts daddy" makes blind panic seize him. Fuck's sake he's broken arms before, he's been shot, hung by his ribs, buried alive, but somehow hearing his daughter cry twists a knife so deep in his gut it hurts worse than death always seemed to.
Simon holds her the whole way to the hospital. He lets her wipe her snot all over his shirt and soak his shoulder with her tears. His baby, his poor little girl. He should've been watching the horse, he should've been keeping a closer eye on her. He holds Mary's hand (the good one) and imagines all the worst case scenarios that could happen while you talk to the doctor. Simon almost rips the man's hand off when he touches Mary's arm and she whimpers.
Ghost sits in the ice cream shop with his daughter in a bright pink cast, watching you help her put stickers on it and thinks there's no way he can go through this again. He's bubble wrapping this girl.
A sharp cry of a scream, quickly cut off with a sniffled whine. Ghost whips the door open to see his daughter holding her fingers tight against her chest. She looks up at him with a glare that could almost rival yours as you ask what happened from the other room
"Daddy closed the door on my fingers!" Bibi yells back, her pout reinforced by the tears blossoming in her eyes.
"Baby," Simon chokes, reaching for her. Bibi turns tail and runs off to her room with a sniffle and a:
"No! I hate daddy!"
Simon feels something break in him, and drops to his knees. He presses his hands over his eyes, tries to get a grip on what's slipped loose inside him. You wander out of the baby's room to check on the situation and Simon looks up at you like he's killed someone. The hollowness in his eyes when he drops his hands makes you raise a brow. Simon takes a deep breath and you have to stuff down your smile when he tells you:
"I hurt her," with all the severity of a deathbed confession, "She hates me."
"Si..." Your lips pull tight, he doesn't appreciate your humor in his failures as a father, "she's three."
It takes a bit of coaxing to get Simon up and into the girls' room, even more to get him past the doorway once he see Bibi laying facedown on her toddler bed crying. He feels big and out of place sitting on the little bed, even more so settling a hand on his daughter's back. It feels awkward, like it isn't enough to make up for the sin he's committed. How could he ever think he could have children, he's not made for this.
She turns to look at him, pouting, it breaks his heart. "Lemme see your fingers baby," He implores, helping the little girl sit up. She holds her hand up and he carefully inspects the little digits, all red and bruised from where he'd closed the bathroom door on her. He kisses the tip of her fingers and she gives a watery little laugh. "I'm so sorry Abs," He tells his daughter pulling her into a hug as she wraps her little arms around his neck.
"I sorry too daddy," she tells him and Simon sighs with relief. She doesn't hate him. That's good.
Jackie has to be the most accident prone kid on earth and she's going to be the death of her father. He doesn't remember two being such a dangerous age, but it feels like every time he turns around the kid has knocked her head on something or tripped or- something. Simon sweeps her up out of the way before a goat can butt its head against her. She giggles as he sets her on the other side of the paddock fence and watches her run after one of the barn cats. Only to face plant into the grass.
It seizes Simon's poor heart every time, watching like a hawk as she pushes herself onto her hands and knees and gets to standing again. "Ok Dad-dy," She tells him, the same way his other two do every time they fall. No tears, just a bruise or two. Now if he could just get her to keep this "no broken bones" attitude when she needed shots...
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
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"And what happens to the dogs when there's no one to hold their leash?"
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greatasexualattorney · 2 months
Some FMA OC babbling #1
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Luanne Leblanc – Age 17
The tomboyish and hot-tempered big sister of the townsfolk's children. Makes her living housekeeping the local inn, whittling/carving and chopping firewood, and ice-fishing.
She is skilled at kickboxing and on high alert, a fierce protector of the isolated island town. She has a deep-seated hatred for alchemy and those who practice it, like the military. Luanne doesn't trust Cleverflower due to her past as an Alchemist and her involvement in the war.
She trusts no one and keeps everything to herself, letting out her emotions when doing manual labor or practicing. Luanne is desperate to never let Jackie get hurt again, and even more so— prevent him from ever practicing alchemy.
She deeply resents her father for doing these things, which subsequently almost took everyone from her. That's why she holds so tightly onto Jackie, for fear of losing him too. In her mind, she only needs him in order to keep herself together. Because she's a teenage girl who lost her mother, father, and almost both of her brothers. Jackie survived by the skin of his teeth. She was deeply traumatized by the destruction that alchemy caused her family, but denies her own traumas.
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❌️ Father: Desmond Leblanc
❓️ Mother: Vienna Leblanc
❌️ Brother: Buster Leblanc
⭕️ Brother: Jackie/Jack Leblanc
Vienna Leblanc went missing during a blizzard one night and never was found again. It is unknown if she is truly deceased or if she fled and lives elsewhere. Desmond Leblanc performed human transmutation and as a result his body was never recovered.
One of the twins, Buster wanted to try and repeat the process, using double the ingredients because he believed it would be enough– naive and not aware of the Truth and the Price of human transmutation. Sharing the same blood, both he and Jackie were taken to the gate. Buster was never found, and Jackie lost his left leg and left arm. Luanne returned from grocery shopping to one less brother and almost lost Jackie too from blood loss.
(Cleverflower caught wind of the alchemical rebounds taken place within the same home, small town.) She took in the 9 year old boy and the unresponsive 15 year old girl. He refused to let Luanne see him like this, and Cleverflower commissioned automail prosthetics for Jackie at his urgings. He vowed he wouldn't let Luanne see him until he could walk, run and use his left hand again.
He would take a train all the way to Rush Valley and go through the rehabilitation process for 2 years before returning home. Luanne had become someone he didn't even recognize anymore during all that time.
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queerdetectiveblue · 1 year
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rules: create one (or more) of your ocs using this meiker and then take this uquiz and share their results
Thank you for the tag @solarisrenbeth !💜
Tagging @sunshineandviolets​ @moderarato​ @nerdferatum​ @roxaro​ (no pressure!) and anyone who wants to 🥰
Charlotte: she/her (twc, infamous, the passenger, body count) 
Belladonna: This is the poison of falling in love. You taste it and your heart beats fast. Your eyes dilate, you fall into deep delirium. You may be a bit dramatic and impulsive, and it gets you into trouble sometimes, but you just can't help yourself. It's in your blood. You love because it is the truest beauty you've found in this harsh world. Even when it's hurt you before, when it's poisoned you, you still find a way. They may call you naive for still believing in it, or vain for making yourself and your surroundings so meticulously lovely. But to love like this is brave and noble, and I hope you find the beauty you seek. Chances are, it's within and all around you already, if you know where to look.
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Jacky: she/her (infamous, the nameless, project hadea, the golden harp)
Doll's Eyes: This is the poison of unchecked vices. You slip into hallucinations. You are wracked with convulsions. The delirium threatens to overwhelm you. What are you running from? You look in every direction, wild-eyed at every turn, seeking some reprieve from what torments you. Each vice brings new consequences, and the price of escape seems too great, and yet you cannot seem to face things head on. If you aren't running from yourself, I hope you find a true way to freedom soon. And if you are running from yourself, perhaps you would do well to realize your pain is not something you can simply escape by avoidance. You deserve healing just as much as the ones you love. Someday, soon I hope, you will know this and feel it and reach inward to grant yourself all the kindnesses you offer others. That is the only true way to peace for ones like us. Oh, and if the pain of it seems too great? I hope that you realize you don't have to do it alone.
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Arya: they/them (blood moon, blooming panic, andromeda 6)
Oleander: This is the poison of stagnation. You grow drowsy. Your heart rate slows, and when you do move you can't seem to stop shaking. It may seem to others that you're lazy, or reticent. Like you avoid hard work on purpose, like you always take the easy way out. But you know deep down that it wouldn't be like this if you weren't so tired, so deeply tired. If you weren't crushed under the weight of sorrow like a mile of water over your head. Nothing brings you peace, except rest and-- though you can hardly dare to ask-- having someone tend to you gently and sweetly. A good gardener speaks to their plants, sings to them, waters them, fertilizes their soil, prunes the dead parts, nurtures the new growth. You yearn to be cared for like that, even though you feel you don't deserve it. The secret is that you do. You always have. And someday, you'll learn that, and receive that care, and the exhaustion won't keep you from growing strong and lovely anymore. You were never the problem. These are simply poor growing conditions for you.
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sacredcyber · 7 months
Break, ghost and midnight for Veruca 👀👀
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
The realization that everyone Veruca has come to love or care for has died, and she has inadvertently played a part in it. Her childhood best friend and boyfriend murdered by her mothers armed guards, Jackie at konpeki plaza. Johnny finds her sitting in the shower and she’s not moving, he knows she’s still alive but he’s never seen her so unresponsive and still. He calls out to her, messes with her, shakes her anything, anything to get her to do something. She eventually gets out and let’s Johnny take over for a bit, he dries her and dresses her in something comfortable, lays her down and lets her rest. He tells her not to worry, he’ll find a way to save her and it makes it so much worse. He’s the closest person to her and she can’t lose him too, it’d be too much. That causes Johnny to reevaluate their relationship and he starts to view things as “saving us” and not “saving you”
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
Feeling responsible for getting Sunnie and Charlie killed. It was meant to be an escape, freshly 18 and Veruca made the decision to leave, go on her own with her Nomad found family and never look back. But she couldn’t have predicted her mothers armed security waiting for them at the border, she couldn’t anticipate them not letting Sunnie and Charlie escape after she folded. She didn’t know she had put them in so much danger, that their lives would have been the price to pay for being in her world. She never got to see Mr. And mrs. Kim afterwards to apologize, to beg for forgiveness for getting their children killed. She never saw them again and to this day it still keeps her up at night, after Jackie died it was like a horrible repeated nightmare. The only difference is mama Welles doesn’t blame her, she knew the kind of life her son lead and she knew this day was an inevitable. Trying to convince Veruca otherwise? Not likely.
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
Other than the paranoia of being hunted by gangoons or being revenge killed by an old associate there’s an incident from childhood that keeps her up at night. I won’t go into detail but she is a CSA survivor. she gets flashes of the event and sometimes it can be too much so she’ll forgo sleep after having the nightmares. When that happens she will wake up, lay there for a while and then go to the kitchen to make a pot of tea, something soothing like chamomile. Johnny will occasionally pop up, sometimes he talks about random things from his past to distract her. After a while the fight or flight subsides and she’ll try to sleep again.
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elvenbeard · 10 months
7, 17 and 30 for Vince from the oc ask.
Thanks so much for the ask!! :D
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7. Do they have any unusual fears?
I wouldn’t say he has any unusual fears actually, no, nothing completely unheard of. He doesn’t like doctors a lot though. Vik is really the only one he can stay somewhat relaxed around (most of the time at least), and only because they’ve known each for a really long time (almost as long as Vince has known Jackie). I think it is partially rooted in his parents trying to “optimize” him from a young age on, equipping him with cyberoptics when glasses could have done the trick and such. Things like that often made him feel very vulnerable and at the mercy of strangers in cold, sterile rooms.
When he was 17, and which ended up becoming the catalyst for him to run away from home, he also had a doctor rat him out to his mother about something he really didn’t want her to know at the time (technically, it was his mother’s right to know, but the doctor had promised him to stay quiet - and then he didn’t, cause Vince’s mother wrote him a fat cheque). That sort of cemented his trust issues towards to most medical professionals, especially those working in corporate medical centers.
17. How easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
Well..... Vince is somewhat morally flexible to begin with. Is it bad to kill people? Yeah, it sorta is, but if they're assholes who do shitty things, well, tough luck. He's walked into gigs fully intenting to "resolve this peacefully somehow" and then ended up shooting someone in the face because they were just such a piece of unbearable crap in person, talking would've been a waste of breath. At other times he's spared people that were not worth sparing with what they'd done, but to him personally it made no difference whether or not they were dead or alive and so he saved himself the ammo and potential retaliation.
It is actually quite hard to buy Vince now that I think about it. He's not the kind of guy who would do anything if only the price is high enough - not because he's living a frugal life or anything, but he has no trouble finding work that's more enticing easily with his reputation. You're more likely to get him by offering something interesting, even if shady, something that piques his curiosity or that sounds like a challenge. It's how Arasaka got him on board in the first place, the money and all the other benefits were a bonus on top of a job that sounded like a unique and interesting challenge to tackle. Did he do shady as hell stuff for them? Absolutely. But in the end, that's part of living in Night City.
30. If they had the chance to be famous would they take it? If they are famous would they rather they weren’t?
Vince doesn't really care about fame at all. He doesn't mind being known, be it as a merc, fixer, Kerry Eurodyne's new input, whatever. But he'd much rather just have a good reputation really than only have his name known for something big he did or for having connections in the right places. The lines are kind of blurry here, but for him the distinction is important. He feels like a good reputation is harder to earn in his particular line of business than "just" fame (or infamy on that matter). Yeah, you can become famous overnight by allegedly killing Saburo Arasaka, but simultaneously half the city is not gonna wanna touch you with a 10 feet pole anymore, let alone work with you after that.
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staticart · 2 years
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A little work doodle of Jackie (oc) fucking around with Skulduggery
Her information DOES come at a price after all >:3
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mod3rnwarh3ro · 1 year
Random HCs of my OCs w/141
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- Off the bat, I have two OCs:
: ̗̀➛ Badger, who is a medic and former Recce (South African Special Forces). I'd like to think she's a mom friend with how she is with everyone. Like looks after them even when they don't need physical care. Before she joined the 141, she had been a psychologist helping veterans with PTSD.
: ̗̀➛ Jackalope "Jackie", who is also a former Recce but transferred to an SAS group before joining the 141. She's significantly younger than Badger and holds a lot more scars. She jokes that she didn't dodge nearly as quick as Badger in her recruit days. She harbors a very very dark past, one that limits her in her interpersonal relationships.
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OK on with the headcanons:
The team once genuinely thought that Badger and Jackie were sisters. Neither party confirmed nor denied such an accusation. It turned into a bet (because of course it would) until eventually Price put a stop to it after some new recruits made a rather perverted comment that made Jackie uncomfortable. It took both Ghost and Soap to keep Badger away form the oblivious recruit. She's rather well known to rip people a new one for making Jackie uncomfortable.
There's certain lights that cannot be turned on when Jackie is in the room. You can try but she'll be very snippy with you if you do.
Badger is well known at the base for not mincing words. She'll state it very matter of factly unless she knows what triggers someone. She is however very careful about what she says to Ghost. There are rumors going around that she has therapy sessions with the Ghost.
Jackie and Gaz both have friendship bracelets.
There's a bet going around that the Captain and Badger are secretly dating each other. There's another one where Nik and Badger are dating one another. And then there's an out of pocket bet where all three Nik, Badger, and The Captain are in a poly relationship.
Everyone's seen Jackie angry. No one talks about Badger's anger though.
Jackie and Soap were together before they both decided on Ghost joining the relationship. It took a lot of talking about it because even though Jackie knows Ghost won't take Johnny away, she's still insecure about what she brings to the relationship. Now, she loves Ghost just as much as she loves Soap.
Both Jackie and Badger love hot baths. It's one of the few things that genuinely relaxes their muscles.
Badger knows everything and anything about everyone. People just talk to her and she listens.
OK that's all I got for now. I'm starting to come back to the MW2 fandom again so, keep an eye out ;p
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ghouljams · 9 months
Character Directory
Cowboy AU
Goose: Ghost's Darling, Duck's daughter, Friends with the others. Moon: Soap's Darling, Friends with Goose and Birdie. Birdie: Gaz's Darling, Teacher, Friends with Goose and Moon Duck: Price's Darling, Goose's mom. Bee: König's Darling, Tech Wizard, sort of friends with the others.
Fae AU
Love: Ghost's Darling, BFF of Liebling, Customer of Witch Liebling: König's Darling, Friends with Love and Witch Witch: Price's Darling, Friends with Liebling and Threat Threat: Soap's Darling, Crybaby's partner, friends with Witch Crybaby: Soap's Darling, Threat's partner, friends with Gaz's Darling Gaz's Darling: Gaz's Darling, friends with Crybaby, very new addition Pet: Valeria's Darling, unknown affiliations Angel: Keegan's darling
Demon AU
Die: Ghost's demon, friends with Hush Fetch: König's demon, doesn't know or care about the others Price: Price's demon, defaulted in charge of the 141's demons Hush: Soap's Demon, friends with Die Luck: Gaz's demon, Price(the demon)'s right hand
Carmilla: fae!Ghost and Love's oldest daughter, literal cabbage patch kid Mary/Frog: Ghost and Goose's oldest daughter Abigail/Bibi: Ghost and Goose's middle daughter Jackie: Ghost and Goose's youngest daughter Jamie/Bug: Gaz and Birdie's child Wilhelm and Felix: König and Bee's twin sons Melissa: König and Bee's daughter Ainsley/Monster: fae!Keegan and Angel's oldest kid Arthur/Bear: Witch and fae!Price's son Andromeda/Andy: Witch and fae!Price's daughter Fenrir/Hund: König and Liebling's son
Misc OCs
Murphy: Feed shop owner in the Cowboy AU The flower fae/Rose: regular at Liebling's shop The Fae-by: Ghost and Love's home grown infant, dubiously canon Tock: Former owner of Liebling's shop, made her a Seer
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shadow0-1 · 2 years
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Boys bein bros 😌
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vocesincaput · 5 months
A list with more details on each muse can be found on the carrd.
Izzy Hands - (He/Him) (OFMD).
Frenchie - (He/Him) (OFMD).
Samuel Bellamy - (He/She/They) (OFMD - OC).
Peter Price - (He/Him) (TURN - OC).
Captain Henry Simpson - (He/Him) (TURN - OC).
Genevieve Hawkins - (She/Her) (TURN - OC).
Edmund Hewlett - (He/Him) (TURN).
John André - (He/Him) (TURN).
Ensign Baker - (He/Him) (TURN).
Benjamin Tallmadge - (He/Him) (TURN).
Caleb Brewster - (He/Him) (TURN).
Abraham Woodhull - (He/Him) (TURN).
James Flint - (He/Him) (BLACK SAILS).
Thomas Hamilton - (He/Him) (BLACK SAILS).
Shay Patrick Cormac - (He/Him) (ASSASSIN'S CREED ROGUE).
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway - (He/They) (ASSASSIN'S CREED 3).
Aguilar/Cal Lynch - (He/They) (ASSASSIN'S CREED (movie)).
Edward Kenway - (He/Him) (ASSASSIN'S CREED BLACK FLAG).
Jim Jimenez - (They/Them) (OFMD).
Anne Bonny - (She/Her) (OFMD).
Mary Bonnet - (She/Her) (OFMD).
John Watson - (He/Him) (SHERLOCK HOLMES (movies)).
Samuel Clayton - (He/Him) (HORNBLOWER).
Charles Braddock - (He/Him) (AGE OF SAIL - OC)
Kaveh - (He/They) (OC)
Spanish Jackie - TEST MUSE - (She/Her) (OFMD).
Anna Strong - TEST MUSE - (She/Her) (TURN).
George Washington - TEST MUSE - (He/Him) (TURN).
Abigail - TEST MUSE - (She/Her) (TURN)
Fang - BY REQUEST - (He/They) (OFMD).
Lucius Spriggs - BY REQUEST - (He/They) (OFMD)
Alex - BY REQUEST - (They/Them) (OFMD - OC)
Theo McNair - BY REQUEST - (She/Her) (OFMD - OC)
Lucian Morgan - BY REQUEST - (He/Him) (OFMD - OC)
Stede Bonnet (He/Him) (OFMD).
Ed Teach (He/Him) (OFMD).
Auntie (She/Her) (OFMD).
Black Pete (He/Him) (OFMD).
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dickytwister · 6 months
How about crying, fearful, shaved ice, moon, maple leaf, sun, hear-no-evil, scissors, package, train, comet and red hearts for Finley? 👀
HAIII THANK U that is so many asks omg i'm kissing u with tongue
oc asks
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
finley doesn't cry very easily, mostly because he tries very hard to stay in control as much as possible. he cries whenever he loses someone dear to him—cried when jackie and t-bug died, cried when the bakkers dissipated, etc. he also cried when his car got smashed by delamaine, but that's mostly because he was still emotionally wrecked from the whole dying-and-coming-back thing.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
full on fight, which he sometimes ends up regretting when he's with people he cares about or in crowded places where bystanders might pay the price for his fighting instincts.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
he lost most of what he had from before he became a nomad, but kept a bit of the chain of his first bike, which he now uses as a belt accessory. he also kept a kids' geography book he found in an abandoned trailer as a child.
the chain is just something he keeps because he has nothing else tying him to his biological family, but the book represents everything he wants: to travel, to see the world, and to settle somewhere nice and peaceful, away from the chaos of night city and its surroundings. if he were to lose it, he'd be absolutely devastated. it's like a traveller's guide to following his dream, at least to him.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
he literally just wants to settle down somewhere nice and live out the rest of his days quietly. that is literally it. he's willing to do a lot to get it, but he's too busy to really work on it, and night city is determined to keep him there.
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
winter!!! he loves seeing snow so much. sure, there's not much of it and it's kinda hard to drive his motorcycle in the snow, but it's worth it for the cold weather and the kind of scenery he can see.
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
NOT a morning person. kinda guy to snooze his alarm 1378458679 times before actually getting up. first thing he does is drag his ass to the shower and spend an hour rotting under the cold water.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
that he damns everyone he loves :D and he'd believe it because he lost so many loved ones already, lost his biological family and the bakkers and jackie and t-bug,,,, it'd kill him to hear it but he'd know it's the truth.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
it'd have to be something REALLY big for finley to actually cut someone out of his life, like putting someone else he cares for in danger or something like that. apart from that, he's literally impossible to get rid of.
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to…" that can apply to them?
most likely to drive off a cliff (he can sometimes be a distracted driver 🕺)
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
pull the lever. save as many people as he can– inaction is as bad as doing the wrong thing, might as well do something and hope for the best.
☄�� COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
because of his cold demeanour, people assume he's a dick, and they're only partly right. yes, he can be a bit of a cunt, but he's actually a cheesy little mf and very caring and loving. please believe me.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
acts of service and gift giving :3 he's always doing things for others, always giving things to others. but don't you dare give anything back or he'll be sooo uncomfortable. mf doesn't know how to accept any kind of affection while actively giving all the affection he's capable of to the ones he loves. smh.
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1ndigowitch · 10 months
Lisha's Appearance
@aarcanechaoss @jacks-little-jacky I would like to present to you my main Black Clover OCs look. My drawing skills are still shit, so I can only give you Pinterest boards. But just remember she has heterochromia, her parents look like Kevin Kaslana and Raiden Mei, so you can guess what her eye colour is.
Hair: Braids
Note: It only reaches to the knees and the boots reach above the knee and looks like a thigh high
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raincoonparade · 1 year
First of all, let me introduce myself. Here's a list of basics you should know about me (cause, idk, don't want to add so much text):
Call me Rain, Scooter, Patch or Zuleyka... Miss Disfortune is also ok
I'm a graphic designer, illustrator and aspiring writer
She/they, 25yo, mexican
All my socials: missdisfortune.carrd
My commissions are ALWAYS OPEN
So are my asks here!
10 things to know me better
10 things to know me better (PT.2)
I know, it's like the fourth time I re-do my pinned post but, hopefully, this will be the last time... I'll add my OC list here so...
I'll edit this post constantly whenever I have new art, delete or add OCs
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OCS & Fandoms full list! (April 2023):
Amphibia - Opal
Animaniacs - Zane
Art sona - Miss Disfortune
Ben 10: Omniverse - Skylar
Big Hero 6 - Oaklynn
Boku no Hero Academia - Aki, Flora, Ha-eun, Hoshiko, Itsuki, Journey, Serena, Tomomi, Toshiko, Ume, Yuna
Brand New Animal - Cassie, Robin
Cannon Busters - Yazmin
Carole & Tuesday - Kora
Coraline - Zarina
Craig of The Creek - Anayance, Barbara, Melisa, Quetzali, Scooter, Tara, Ula
CSI series - A.J
Dr. Stone - Chie
DuckTales 2017 - Alana, Cambri, Lafayette, Luoana, Taumny, Umbra, Xanthi
Encanto - Esmeralda
Fantasy/Ghibli OCs - Zephyrine & Minuette
Fairy Tail - Erandi, Luna
Food Wars (Shokugeki no soma) - Ginko
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - Violet
Galatea (my personal project) - Aisha, Allastor, Allister, Arturo, Beetlepache, Chenzira, Cherry, Kalem, Nisha, Nitzia, Raymundo, Pandora
Gargoyles - Altea
Ghostbusters – Jackie
God of War – Adelphos, Amicia, Selene, Zeltzin
Goofysona - Blair, Oceana
Kaleido Star - Mirana
Kotaro lives alone - Vanna
Las leyendas Saga (Ánima Studios) - Iztli
Loonatics Unleashed – Hadley, Kit
Marvel - Donaji, H
Mexopolis media - Karina
Monster High - Jericho, Scooter, Winter
Monsters Inc. / University - Vesper
Music sona – Chia
My Little Pony - Fawn Spellbound, Mind Dusk, Pumpkin Moon, Sugar Sprinkles
No Straight Roads - Zohnette
One Piece - Ginger, Senki, Xaria, Preya, Yue
Over The Garden Wall & Infinity Train - Ollie
Rain (hard to explain where she from)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians – Nicte
Pokemon - Juliet, Patch
Puppetsonas - Ully, Ozzie
Radiant - Nahia
Ranma 1/2 - Gumi
Shaman King - Xia, Zaire
Shinbi: The Haunted House - Gumiho
Sing (Illumination movies) - Bia, Dawn
Sona - Scooter
Spiderman 2017 - Echo
Splatoon - Frizzy
Stardew Valley - Rain
Steven Universe - Moonstone, Yellow Amber
Tales of Arcadia – Metztli
Teen Titans - Aura, Calliope
Teen Wolf - Jack
The Amazing World of Gumball - Pumpela
The Legend of Hei/Spirit sona - Qiu
The Muppets - Nehru
The Umbrella Academy - Quetzal
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 3n1d, Crystal, Draq, Frankie, Scooter, Tommy, Vivienne
Undertale - Willow
Victor y Valentino - Whisper (Jun)
Vocaloid - Dalia, Isabela
Young Justice - Liv, Razz
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Yeah, I know... I have to redraw that... Anyway, just like you noticed, I have a LOT of OCs and, as surprising as it sounds, I DO USE THEM ALL! I doubt I'll ever take offers, though they're still in the works, I have all of them built and active (otherwise I wouldn't keep them) and I'm trying to work on their Toyhouse profiles as well...
Despite that, I actually have adoptables available! They can be found on Instagram too! If you're not interested on them but still want/can support me I also have a Ko-fi or you can donate directly to my PayPal! I know what you're thinking... Donate? As in for free? Well, if you want to, yes, but if you don't...
Like I said, my commissions are ALWAYS open! I only update the prices every now and then, sometimes do special discounts... You know how it is... For now, this ones will stay so... If you're interested:
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"Don't want so much text" she says as she does a super long post... If you read all that... Thank you so much!
Also thanks for checking out my profile! I know I don't have much but random blabbering but I'm looking forward to change that soon enough, if you decide to stay... Here, have a cookie 🍪
Enjoy your stay! (if you do)
🎃 𝓝𝓸𝓬𝓽𝓾 𝓞𝓻𝓯𝓮𝓲 𝓐𝓾𝓭𝓮 𝓕𝓻𝓪𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓻 🎃
(Strive for your ideal place)
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have not spoken much of Rien on here but he is the Dark Souls 1 oc i will never play bc dear god i cannot play dark souls. bloodborne has already consumed me.
ANYWAYS. werewolf au for bloodborne. has dark souls in it too. Rien and Antal are half siblings (bc i think itd be funny if they both ended up with a cheerful sunshiney dude. altho Alfred's a little more. feral than Solaire is. it's okay. Antal's not the most nornal dude either)
Rien + Antal (+ Jackie, Antal's little sister) share the same father but only Jackie and Antal grew up together
Rien has another half brother that he grew up with. Diederick aka Didi. they didn't get along for a long time until Rien got hurt bc Diederick was ignoring him and he went "oh fuck. I'm being an asshole" and Amias helpfully said "yeah. now take me to my best friend 🔪"
ANYWAYS the point is i decided Rien got in trouble for making thermite in his high school labs so he could break one of his friends out of her house and then proceeded to blackmail her mayor father into giving Rien her medication. said blackmail included photographs of a political rival getting Dealt with. Rien was not as sneaky as he should have been and shit happened and then he had a hitman/whatever following him home bc "holy shit this kid is stupid what the fuck"
Didi was not aware of this and thought the car hanging around was an ex-friend who got a little too interested in Rien for his liking and so he immediately grabs a bat. cue Rien tackling him because
Diederick: WHAT HITMAN
Zita: ????
Rien: it's fine, don't worry about it Zizi, eat your cake, you deserve it
Diederick: HITMAN. WHY
Aldert: because your brother is so monumentally stupid, it's impressive
Aldert: *looks at the bat* I think it runs in the family
Rien: I thought i told you to fuck off, dude
Aldert: no, you said to get out of the car. which was fair. you should also be aware that blackmail of yours has now achieved a price on your head
Rien: why? because the mayor is weird about having sex with men and–
Aldert: no because you're blackmailing him with threats of a fake federal crime
Diederick: RIEN
Aldert: fortunately for you, I find your antics amusing and I loathe most others in this profession
Rien: can i take my chances with the–
Aldert: if you want to die, sure
uh. anyways. i also think it'd be funny if Diederick and Aldert ended up together bc Rien would give Didi so much shit
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staticart · 2 years
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Absolutely lovely commission done by the fantastic @madphantomsart of Skulduggery and my oc Jackie Trade
Well worth the (very cheap!) Price!
I'm so happy with it!!
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