#octavinelle twisted wonderland
takalzuoom · 1 year
same thing different fonts
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mylittlesecrethaven · 2 months
Facts About the TWST Boys You Might Not Know: Octavinelle
So, it's been a minute since I made the other ones, but by the time I'm making this, the Heartslabyul part has been out for 3 days, and it's already the most popular post I've ever made, which is kinda insane. 92 fucking notes. Where did all the people come from? No clue.
Tbh, I'm glad people enjoyed the post (or just liked because it's a thing people do where they just like posts they think are cool? Which I don't understand, but whatever.), but I make these posts for very selfish reasons, so it's not super important. I just chose to include this because I find it insane so many people interacted with one of my posts.
He knows how to play the piano, and was in a band with both Jade and Floyd
He can write with all 10 of his limbs in his octo form (I figure that's pretty well known, but I still like this fact)
He's into coin collecting
His last name references a color like his first name, but also has grotto in it, referencing the grotto where Ariel in The Little Mermaid kept her human findings (that sounds weird, but it's technically true)
His job when there is a new influx of Octavinelle students is to gain info on them to both appeal to them and blackmail them. The info includes: home countries, hobbies, tastes, least favorite foods, worst subjects, and a catalogue of the students' public, private, and secret Magicam accounts (I do not want to be an Octavinelle student, holy fuck)
The little earing he wears (Floyd also wears, so I'm gonna put this fact in his as well) is made from sturgeon scales, because before they entered middle school, a sturgeon challenged them to a fight, and in return for being beaten by the twins, the sturgeon had to give them some scales (I'm pretty sure they might have also just taken the scales and said the sturgeon gave the scales to them)
The sturgeon scales mentioned above are apparently lucky charms in the Coral Sea
His name is actually Welsh, and means "grey" or "grey-haired" (very interesting, actually)
As we all know, he has a nickname for most of the TWST cast. (I actually made a post about these nicknames a while ago, but I'm not linking it because going through my posts for that would be waaayyy too much of a hassle)
He says he's neither the older nor younger twin brother of Jade (which.... like... does it really matter? And since they hatch from an egg (I'm assuming because I just looked it up and morays do lay eggs), wouldn't they have a chance to hatch at the same time?)
His skin is very beautiful and well-moisturized according to Vil (Is Jade not the same or...?)
Floyd is very interested in shoes (I'm sure we knew that though)
Oh shit, a good fact right here. Floyd can perfectly recall anything he has seen or heard as long as it's interesting to him. If it's boring, he'll forget it immediately. (I actually never knew this wtf)
I wish the other dorms got as much love as Heartslabyul, but I feel like that last Floyd fact will make up for that for now.
Anyways, I'll get Scarabia done when I get it done I guess.
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thetimeagent · 1 year
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so, i'm gonna start trying to post my twisted wonderland oc so i'll leave you with this so y'all can guess who he's twisted from
edit; i was tired n forgot to mention, this was made by @arventixx
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hatsu2 · 1 month
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jamil's very normal fans
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fima11 · 16 days
can you draw azul pls i’ll cry (no pressure)
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That's the first time I draw him properly😔
Adding some old octavinelle sketches along because I prolly won't have other opportunity to share them (I draw them rarely)🐙🐬🦈
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oya-oya-okay · 1 month
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kkalimarii · 2 months
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even more leech mom!! 🌊
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galacticproblems · 2 months
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His first mistake was trusting them.
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povoti · 2 months
j,, jade n azul ,,,,,,, mayb,,,,,,,
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I always wanted to try takoyaki
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dizplicity-draws · 3 months
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POV: You wake up Octatrio at 3AM to solve a dorm dispute
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takalzuoom · 2 years
I literally wrote this on deuce’s birthday lmaoo
but here it is‼️
Azul x writer reader
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You really didn’t want to be here.
Though you really didn't have a choice at this point, did you?
You’ve already exhausted all your other options- yet you had nothing to show for it. So at this point you were desperate
Especially after the piss poor help you got from Idia
oh yeah, you even went to Idia.
aka the school shut in
And though he had a million ideas, they were all shit and didn‘t help
And so that’s where plan Z comes in. To sell your soul to the devil. Aka : Azul Asshengrotto
Like Eve's temptation to the apple, you couldn't help but open the doors to the lounge, knowing that there was an evil waiting in the shadows of the fine dining establishment, just waiting to snatch you up. And drag you to the scorching layers of hell.
Looking around, you recognized the randoms who were scattered around the lounge doing things randos do. Like eating with friends, or studying alone with a crazy expensive drink at their side.
So just knowing you had a live audience to your walk of shame made it even worse.
Assholes 🙄
“Ah, greetings y/n We’ve been expecting you” you couldn't help the shiver that ran up your spine when you heard a familiar silky purr. Already having an inkling of what it was as you slowly craned your neck to the side.
And right you were cause lo and behold; the twins.
Almost like they were dragging themselves from the isolating shadows, they both wore a matching grin on their faces, though they were both different in meaning.
“Jade, Floyd”
“We heard you were scampering around the school like a crazed catfish, so we knew you were bound to show up at one point”
“Of course you heard” You sighed, shifting your satchel- a ‘generous’ present from Crowley, uncomfortably the texture of the leather soothing you a bit.
“Can anyone do anything without you two knowing?”
“Nope!” “You could try” Jade leaned down towards your neck “ After all we like a good chase”
“Okayyyy” you pushed him to the side a bit, seeing Floyd just stare at you as his brother chuckled, going back to his side.
Floyd wasn't even smiling or anything- he was just zoning out … menacingly
“This is great ‘n all, but I would rather get going now”
Walking past them before they could say anything, there was a sudden grip on your shoulder stopping you from moving “careful shrimpy, you don't wanna swim with the fishies don't ya?” Floyd whispered. And though there was a considerable height distance. The leer he was giving you was enough to get the message across as his nails started digging into the front blade of your shoulder more and more as each second passed. A dull pain is starting to bloom.
“Oh, Floyd” Jade chuckled “Don't say things like that, you’ll scare away our VIP. And Azul wouldn’t like that.”
He groaned, grip slipping as Jade consoled him a bit before they quickly slipped into their conversations
“Creepy” you shuddered, slinking off towards Azul’s office, muscle memory proving you use as you couldn't help but think of the last time you were here. To get your idiotic friends out of their own idiotic consequences
How long ago was that, you weren't sure but you were ready to forgive and forget if it meant getting your shit done and over with.
The creaking of the door and the small call of Azul’s name were the only things to liven up the gloomy, stand-offish atmosphere, all the books
settling down on the couch, bag almost blending into the fabric, you started wandering around- pulling at books, checking his desk, staring at the giant fish tank which seemed almost morally wrong…
There was yelling outside, so you hurriedly went to sit on the sofa, bag on your lap as you pulled out a book in the nick of time- as the doors slammed open, knocking against the wall as you heard the light panting coming closer
Having some kind of dignity, he cleared his throat, and made his way towards his desk “ah perfect! You didn't tell me you were going to be early!” “..I got here the time you assigned” sitting down, across from you, you swore you could hear giggling from a distance
“Now! Tell me perfect, why did you finally decide to make a deal with me? Is it to get better grades? To get something Sam doesn’t have in stock? Pray tell, to take care of someone-”
“No!” You shouted, not missing his ever-growing smirk “No! Nothing like that” you groaned. A rush of shame washed over you, tucking the pieces of paper that spilled from your bag back in. Taking a breath, you couldn't help but ignore his eyes as you rubbed at your neck.
“Uh, well… oh god this is so humiliating” you whispered, covering your eyes hoping that if you didn’t see him, he wouldn't see you. Though the feeling of having stared through never left, you weren't surprised to see his eyes when you finally looked up.
Pretentious dick.
With a final mental reassurance, you spilled the beans. “Okay- this is gonna sound weird- but not too weird 'cause that's weird ‘n all! And I wouldn't be here if my lovely dimwitted friends couldn't help me, but even if they could they probably wouldn’t take it seriously, or just make fun of me and I’m not in the mood to be bullied like a third grader so that's why I’m here. Though if you can't help me then I don’t know what I’ll do, but then again” you looked him up and down “you’re you so I don't think you’ll even be able to help. So better now than ever ya’ know!- .”
Woah. Just- Woah. Azul was growing dizzy from all the rushed speaking, fast hand movements, and fickle eye contact. He had stopped understanding what you were trying to convey with the rushed change of topics.
“So I need your help” was all he heard as the room suddenly grew quiet
“… Correct, that is why you are here. But what exactly do you need my assistance with?”
He would pat himself on the back later for that one
Though he was rewarded with the funny look on your face that slowly shifted into one of fear. Like you were caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar.
“Actually- thank you for all your help but I don't think-“
You sat.
Sighing, he ran his hand through his hair.
“It honestly can't be that bad. And your friends… well… let's say there's a reason why I didn't offer them a paying position”
“Haha… right”
It was silent
“I need your help-“
“With writing”
A smug smile overcame his face as he twirled his long bang “An essay? Thesis? Easy. Done by tomorrow-”
“A story..”
He faltered, eyes wide as you suddenly grabbed your bag and pulled it to your lap. You pulled out a stack of index cards, a pen- no you put that back- and a large stack of unruly lined paper… all filled with writing- lots, and lots of writing. And of course, you had to put it in a neat stack on his coffee table.
“ I already have a rough draft of it, but I don't know how to tie the events together, if they're even good and or too cliche. How the characters relations are going to work out, what kind of ending I should pursue, if I should have it as a love story or not-“ you stopped to take a breath, combing your hair as you slouched, elbows on your knees as you stared at him with a tired smile.
“I just need help”
He nodded, mouth zipped shut as you picked up the index cards, smile still there as you run your fingers through them, showing him the array of different colors that filled out both front and back.
“..Is that it?”
You nodded.
“… I see…”
Really? For free???
You’re giving him the right to everything- your entire life, future, body, and soul- for free???? I mean- granted he's never actually written a story before, but how hard could it be?? Essays and thesis’, even persuasive writing pieces were a breeze for him! So how could a story differ?
He would find that out when you ordered him to write a descriptive paragraph of a memory.
“You shouldn’t keep using big words that readers won't understand- it takes away from the scene”
“The sun takes 10 minutes to set, so you're telling me it took them 10 minutes to walk five steps at a normal pace?”
“ ‘water nipped at his ankles’ i need more. Was it cold, was it hot, what color was it?, how did they walk through it? Also its a run-on sentence”
“ your hook wasn't even remotely strong enough, I was bored reading the first sentence!”
“ ‘There was something beautiful about the sea’, Well yeah, no shit. I need more… Also you have a run-on sentence
“Knock this out. No ‘but, though, maybe, like-‘ it makes your writing seem weak, you have to have confidence”
“The readers will know you're bored when writing, so don't be bored!”
“You have another run-on sentence”
“It’s not a run-on sentence!“
So with a red marked paper, he realized- the three are extremely different things
After making some bullshit contract agreeing to the deadline of a full month- so basically May 3rd to June 3rd.
Honestly, it took a week for you to actually get things done, as Azul was hounding you down to get a peak at what you were writing about so he could get started because of no one. And he means no one gets in the way of his contracts
That's why you found yourself being dragged away by the twins. And like the villain he is, he emerged from the shadows and sat you down, and to his surprise, you were working on your story - without him
“If you did not want my help then why did you approach me?”
“No, I just-“ papers and cards were discarded around the table, different colored pens and highlighters laid on top of them. You sighed.
“I just never really worked with someone before, and it’s… embarrassing to show what I have so far as I go by a pen name and just post my stories online… I don't even have an editor”
“..so is this a-“
“No, it’s not fan fiction!” You hurried out, his amused smirk making you angrier than you already were. “I’m writing it with original characters and intend to make my debut with this! A lot of my fans are waiting for this and I've already spent too much time procrastinating”
“So why not get Idia? He seems better fitted for this line of work” you carefully slid a paper over to read, eyes never leaving yours until he was sure you were deep enough in despair to not catch him snooping.
“I have! But..”
“But?” 🤨
“… never mind! I’ve already tried him and it was a bust! Besides… If I could then I’d be there and not here”
“Ouch,” he covered his chest, faux hurt written on his face as he slid the paper back once he noticed you starting to look up. “I’m offended”
“You know it's not like that” you exasperated, head in your arms as you looked at him.
“.. if you want you can take them and read them on your own time, but for some reason, I can't be there when people read my stuff, it’s just weird for me”
“Got it” you both went to scoop up your things, collecting each paper and note card and properly picking them up, hands accidentally touching when you both went to get the last paper.
But with that, he was on his way- faster than usual that is.
- “Azul said to meet him in the lounge at lunch” Jade commented from behind you, pearly whites on display as he and Floyd slinked off from the bookshelves…
What the fuck? Where did they even come from???
Were they always here? Were they always watching??
That’s beside the point- your brains now worrying about Azul reading your story.
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yeah, babe he technically called it hot shit 🧍🏻
“Well, I personally think it’s an extremely romantic tragedy! A slow burn that everyone likes! Kind of like Romeo and Juliet!”
“Romeo and who? Perfect, you are forgetting that I do not know your world's literature. And judging from this” he flicks at the stack of strapped paper he was holding. “You know nothing about our world”
You groaned, jumping on the couch in his lounge “you sound just like Idia” you whined
You weren’t sure if the sigh was from you bouncing on his couch or from the comment, but he rubbed his temple with his free hand
“And besides the point, a lot of readers wouldn’t like you romanizing Stockholm syndrome. Seeing the topic as more taboo than romantic”
Right. Aurora. You forgot about her and how this world is a literal fairy tale. Fuck.
“Why not use another story from your world?”
“Uh, how ‘bout no. I’m not going to steal some old guys work just so I can get my foot out the door”
“And why not? They would never know, and I’m sure if we advertise it as ‘tales from another world it’ll be a huge hit!”
You made a buzzer noise, arms lifted up in an ‘x’ shape “Wrong-o! Can’t and won't do that as I don’t want the only reason my books are trending to be from me being from another dimension. Plus in the contract, it said something I made”
Sighing, Azul pulled out his phone, typing a bit as he stood up and made his way towards you.
“Well from that reasoning, I’m guessing you won’t give up on your idea. And by all means! I’ll have an extra worker for practically nothing! But if you look at the top trending books”
He gave you his phone
“They’re all sappy love stories. So what makes you think your idea hasn’t been done by someone else and if it’ll even stand out? And if your writing will compare to veteran writers' works.”
‘The last dance’
‘Forbidden lovers meet one last time at the king's royal ball before its time for his date with the gallows’
‘Swan song’
‘A hunter finds his lover dead in a lake. Investigating their death only leads him in circles as the only clue he has are a pair of her fading footprints, and a swan feather’
‘The seas of viridity’
‘ an action-packed reverse harem of a royal gone rogue as they experience betrayal, love, lust, and death.'
“That’s because… no one will die!”
“You said the male lead dies-“
“Not anymore! He will have to live with his consequences!”
“Eh, mid at most”
“Fine? Do you have any other ideas?”
“Yes. To change your plot completely.”
“Think about it! What do all these books have in common?”
“Wrong! They’re all straight couples! So… what if they were two male soldiers? Childhood lovers on opposite sides of the war find themselves helping each other when blah blah blah. Both keeping the idea of them being tragic lovers, and bringing something new to the table than a traditional fairytale”
“Hm, that isn't awful…?”
“I know perfect,” he pushed up his glasses, smug smile returning “I know”
So that concluded your daily ‘ plotting session’. Going your separate ways, jotting down ideas here and there, daydreaming about one of them dying and leaving the other mentally scarred as you took Trein’s midterm
So you know, Just the usual ☺️
Until it was time for you both to meet again.
“No! One should die!”
“What? And didn't you just say that no one should die?? Plus- Azul- it's war! They’re going to die!”
“Well, 53% of readers say that they would rather have a heartbreaking event occur than have the two characters live happily ever after!”
“Then 47% say they want them to suffer! And I want them to suffer!”
Sighing, he pointed to the whiteboard with a marker
“Look. We are here to get you on the top of the charts- it doesn’t matter what you want!”
“It does when I’m the one writing!”
Yeah… uh… Jade and Floyd would have thought you two were going at it with how much you were yelling at each other- if it wasn't for the sudden call of their names
“Eh? My opinion… well personally- I like them to be in so much turmoil, that they are physically and mentally impaired for the rest of their life”
“Something that isn't boring and a waste of time. If I got to know the characters. I don't see the point in them dying as I’d immediately stop reading.”
This was a mistake. The obvious difference in preferences and motivations was hindering any sort of process. And you didn't even start writing yet with 3 ½ weeks left.
And this was a daily occurrence. Both bickering about the plot, character traits, title
It was enough for Floyd to rather be working than in the back slacking off
“Fine. How about you try making one of the guys with all your logic bullshit, and I’ll make the other. Then we meet tomorrow and try to connect them! Deal?”
“… very well”
Oh god- oh lawd 👴🏻
It was a bloodbath.
But… there was a sudden light at the end of the tunnel you had during crewel’s joint class. With Azul of course
You were with Jamil and Azul was with Ace when you had the genius, life-changing idea
They fake their deaths! But it’s implied of course. The side characters saying something about it.
You just had to tell Azul or else you’d just lose your mind!
“Y/n, focus. You can talk to your boyfriend later”
Whipping around to see Jamil’s unimpressed face, you could only gape your mouth like a fish as he went back to work.
“I- he- we aren’t dating Jamil!”
“Then why are you staring at him like you're about to bite his head off”
“Cause I have to tell him something! Important!”
“Oh my god no I'm not gonna-“ you lowered your voice “confess to him”
“So you do like him?”
“You're dead to me Jamil”
“Good. One less person to pester me.”
You groaned, almost knocking over a beaker as Jamil snapped at you.
You just had to tell him. now. and neither Crewel nor Jamil was going to stop you. So you did everything to try and get his attention - paper airplanes, accidentally walking past him, punching him in the shoulder- which he only glared at, shushing you when you tried talking.
The last option was Ace.
And so you paid him a buck to deliver the paper to Azul, shooting him a glare when he tried to open it.
Drumming your hands silently as crewel taught you kept glancing between the board and Azul- that was until you made eye contact- eyes equally wide as a smirk went onto his face, as well a thumbs up
“Aww look at that, you have a boyfriend”
“Y/n detention!”
Scuffing, you garbled at the ‘oblivious’ vice dorm leader who was smirking underneath his palm as he and Ace shared a giggle.
And so, after class, you were told to stay with the teacher's aid- Azul.
Wow. How convenient is that? 😐
Almost like it’s a part of a cliche romance troupe 😧
“What you did today was incredibly stupid” he scolded, erasing the board of the deletions due now.
“But this is much better than my office. So good job”
You both grabbed a marker and got to work, writing furiously as you mumbled aloud to each other.
“Okay, so after the big battle, Tedros will storm into the castle, stab wound already on his liver- which will be the reason why he is so fatigued and drowsy”
“And at that point, the king will be hiding behind Samuel, who got punctured by an arrow.”
“And so they both meet in the throne room!”
“Yes! Yes! Then what uh. Uhhhh then what? fuck-“
“They duel? No. The king will be there and that would give time for Nik to come in and stab the king”
“Though it would exile Sam when he finds out he’s dead! And when he sees that it’s Nik he’s going to kill him!”
“And since it’s his first kill-“
“He spirals into a traumatic mess where Tedros comes in and consoles him, resorting to them kissing and confessing!”
It was funny.
The look you both gave each other when you blurted that out at the same time. The smiles on both your faces seemed to falter as you were eye to eye, the few inches he had on you seemed so much more towering than before. His cheeks were a bit rosy, along with his ears as you noticed the grip on his marker tighten, just a smidge.
And if you reached out your pinky, you could touch his hand to feel how incredibly hot it was. You had a thought he noticed this too, his eyes flickered down to your hand before clearing his throat and loosening his tie. He quickly moved to the other end of the board, starting a completely new paragraph.
“But then…” he continued, voice a little quieter as he leaned over to write.
“Why and how would they fake their own death?”
“… Make a moat surrounding the castle? With crocodiles and throw their capes in it?”
He didn't look at you, the marker still touching the board as he started writing again. “Yeah, okay yeah that's good, doesn’t change much” he mumbled.
That was two weeks ago. And there was one week left until the due date. And besides from potions, Azul didn't see you, at all. As you were too busy typing up and finally creating the story you two imagined.
You had a week before the end of the deal, so every minute was crucial as the writing in potions seemed to grow furiously as you had asked Jamil to take notes for you- who of course said no, but you were too busy writing to care. Though luckily, you had noticed his longing glances at your writing. Grey eyes greedily read up every word you jotted down.
And Azul couldn't do much about it as he had other contracts to deal with. No longer being at your side plotting every waking minute felt weird, as more ideas for the book came to mind- no stop that. You were already almost done.
He couldn't interrupt you just for the idea of Tedros already being betrothed and making it an entirely different story
And what’s this about another book idea? Burn it, toss it in the garbage, run it over, and give it to Floyd- you had only asked for one. And who says you'll ask him for help again? With how stubborn you both are you both crammed until the last second.
Bursting the door open, he and the poor savanaclaw student jumped off the couch as jade and Floyd jogged behind you. “Y/n can't you see I’m busy-“
“I finished it! I finished the first draft! Final draft! Peer editing! All that stupid bullshit! Here!” Jogging behind him, you planted your hand on his shoulder and dropped the stack of papers onto his desk. The title of your novel is on display.
“… y/n I'm in a meeting’
You looked at the Savanaclaw student, then at the twins.
“See, I told ya so”
“Shit- my bad”
And with that- you didn't sleep as your mind raced in meaningless circles, wondering if he liked it or not. Face stuffing into your blankets with a groan when you realize he's reading something you wrote
Aka, the day after tomorrow
And it wasn't until the next day at lunch you heard from him, hair with a little less volume, droopy eyes hidden behind his glasses as he left the stack of paper in front of your tray. Not a ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’ as he made his way out of the cafeteria and to the lounge.
And as much as you tried to drown out your friend's persistent attempts at snatching the pile of papers from your grasp, you flipped through it, inked words blurring together as you looked for some kind of critique.
Nope. There was nothing.
With a sigh, you collected your things and immediately bid your friends goodbye, making your way to the ramshackle dorm so you could get in touch with your publisher.
The due date was tomorrow, and you had just barely managed to get the artists commission for the cover-
Good. Good. You can sleep now, relax a bit and just wait for the money and reviews to come flooding in, oh and on top of it all, it’s Friday.
So after class, you trudged into your room, handed grim your phone so he could play on it and wen5t straight to sleep.
Your bed felt a bit softer than it’s usual prickly texture, your blankets feeling warmer and pillow fluffier as you snuggled in with a content sigh, glad this nightmare of a book was over…
But you were promptly handed it back when grim grumbled about Azul texting you and interrupting his gaming sessions. All to tell you to come to the Monstro Lounge.
Groaning, you flipped up covers, feet about to touch the cold, hardwood floor until you remembered- the book is done. So you don't need to go. With a smile, you rolled over, put Azul on mute, and went back to bed
Until grim’s shrieking abruptly awoke you.
Cause at your door was the twins. Just… standing there… smiling…
“Like it?”
No. You didn't.
“Azul- we both agreed that I wouldn’t have my name on anything!”
“That was before you put my name on it as well, so legally I get some rights- like properly promoting your book”
You groaned, immediately regretting your good deed of adding him to the credits.
“Look Azul, you know that-“
“We’re in a partnership now? Yes I thought you would say that after looking at the reviews, so I’ve already prepared a contract for you”
“I haven't looked at the reviews yet…”
“Are you insane? Look at this!” He snapped his fingers, to which Jade turned around with a computer balancing on one hand as the other was professionally placed behind him.
Placing it on one of the barren tables, Azul motioned toward it as you hesitantly stepped forward
“Well, go on then. It’s not going to bite”
Rolling your eyes, you started scrolling, your face gradually morphing into one of disgust? As you saw all the 4 and 5 stars people were giving, all the screaming, all the chaos in the review sections-
“W what- Azul! This is amazing! It only came out yesterday!”
“8 hours to be exact. And would you look at that- it’s climbing the ranks”
“Oh my god! W- what do we do? I what-”
“We give the people what they want” he smirked, holding up two fingers as you felt your face beam with happiness, cheeks hurting as you went to hug the frozen octopus.
Alright kids, that's how your father tricked me into becoming his (business) partner 😸
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this was a lot longer than i originally thought it was…
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artjiayi · 4 months
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Draw this in my style: NRC Master Chef Judges version ✨
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Hey there, long time no see…! It's been a very long time since I wanted to draw the judges from the Master Chef event so there it is. Their facial expressions are chef’s kiss and I thought it'be be fun to do it in my artstyle so TA-DAAA.
While drawing, I noticed that Azul's hair was on the wrong side so I corrected it. Same goes for the magical pens that are on the wrong side on the reference. Guess I love these silly and controlling fishes too much to not care.
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Here is a close-up of their faces and I definitely had so much fun drawing them in my style.
I might turn these illustrations into cards to collect and draw more characters from Twst like that. Just an idea but that could be fun... I'll think about it.
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I'll try to do something for Azul's birthday as I saw his groovy and fell for his evil expression... Please Azul, never change.
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sin-syrup · 4 months
Twisted Wonderland characters but it's that haunted hallway picture
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NRC Staff minus Headmage Crowley
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nicoliharu · 4 months
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I'm loving his expressions from the Savanaclaw and Octavinelle manga, it's diverse showing more of his personality, I love how expressive he is…Man why don't they just RELEASE EVERYTHING I NEED HIM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA´REÁERG´R´LERFÇ,ERP´]WF,]wÊFPLWE~]PL]EWPRKWPRTJ~WEKFAWE~MFELGMERG´MGL´PEFK´P,WEG´P4PGA~WE4,gÂPWE4ÉWFKWE´][FWEFWAEFJE BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK I'M SO HAPPY THAT IN CERTAIN ANGLES HIS TAIL APPEARS, FINALLY HIS TAIL IS BEING VALUED GRRRRRRRRRR- I want to say that at first I was afraid of Oda Suzuka in charge of chapter Savanaclaw…But babes I wish she would work on everything she made everyone so perfect!!!
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There's just one thing: moments where he appears from chap Savanaclaw and Octavinelle!
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rakiah · 5 months
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Selfies! ✨
[part 1] [part 2]
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wafflesex · 9 months
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Jade as a Pomeranian... who Azul hates bringing on business trips...
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