#ocular health
dr-whoopsie-daisy · 1 year
There are treatment options for Dry Age Related Macular Degeneration just released now within the last 6 months, which was previously the leading cause of untreatable vision loss in the world. (Cataracts are leading treatable causes of blindness)
Wet ARMD has had treatment for years due to the blood vessel growth but those who never transition from dry to wet and got geographic atrophy just got worse and eventually needed low vision training.
So I'm a little emotional about being able to tell these patients there is a treatment now. 🥺
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drforambhuta · 3 months
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Eye Health Evaluation within Comprehensive Health Checkups: Assessing ocular health is vital within comprehensive health evaluations. While optometrists and ophthalmologists conduct primary ocular examinations, additional tests are integrated into full body checkups to provide a complete assessment of eye health. These supplementary tests include:
• Visual Acuity Assessment: Healthcare professionals evaluate visual acuity using standardized eye charts to identify any central or peripheral vision impairments.
• Intraocular Pressure Monitoring: Tonometry is used to measure intraocular pressure, crucial for screening glaucoma and initiating timely interventions to prevent vision loss.
• Ocular Surface Examination: Evaluating tear film stability, corneal health, and tear osmolarity aids in diagnosing and managing dry eye disease.
• Fundoscopic Evaluation: Direct or indirect ophthalmoscopy enables visualization of internal eye structures to detect conditions like diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.
• Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): This imaging technique provides detailed images of the retina and optic nerve, aiding in the detection and monitoring of retinal pathologies.
• Visual Field Testing: Automated perimetry assesses visual field integrity, essential for diagnosing and managing glaucoma and optic neuropathies.
• Corneal Topography and Biometry: These tests characterize corneal curvature and dimensions, crucial for evaluating candidates for refractive surgery.
• Pupillary Assessment: Evaluating pupillary reflexes helps identify neurological disorders such as cranial nerve palsies.
• Color Vision Testing: Assessing color perception aids in diagnosing retinal pathologies and congenital color vision deficiencies.
• Refraction and Prescription: Optometrists conduct refraction assessments to determine the appropriate refractive correction for optimal visual performance.
These tests collectively provide a comprehensive evaluation of ocular health within a regular full body health checkup. You can choose to undergo regular health checkups from some of the best hospitals in India offering health checkup packages.
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opticalhub · 3 months
Diabetic Retinopathy: Protect Your Vision
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Diabetic Retinopathy: Protect Your Vision
Diabetes, a condition that affects millions worldwide, has profound implications for overall health, and the eyes are no exception. One of the most serious ocular complications of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy, a condition that damages the blood vessels in the retina and can lead to irreversible vision loss. For those with diabetes, safeguarding against the unseen dangers of diabetic retinopathy is crucial for maintaining good vision and quality of life. This guide will lay the foundation for understanding diabetic retinopathy and offer strategies to manage it effectively.
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Understanding Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic retinopathy emerges from prolonged high blood sugar levels, which cause havoc in the retinal blood vessels. As damage progresses, these vessels can swell, leak, or close, preventing blood from passing through. In advanced cases, abnormal new blood vessels can grow on the surface of the retina, which can lead to further complications.The Stages of Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic retinopathy generally evolves through four stages:- Mild Nonproliferative Retinopathy: Microaneurysms occur, which are small areas of balloon-like swelling in the retina's blood vessels. - Moderate Nonproliferative Retinopathy: Blood vessels that nourish the retina may swell and distort. They may also lose their ability to transport blood. - Severe Nonproliferative Retinopathy: More blood vessels become blocked, depriving several areas of the retina of their blood supply. - Proliferative Retinopathy: The retina starts growing new blood vessels, which are often fragile and can lead to serious vision problems if they leak blood. - Blurry or fluctuating vision - Dark or empty areas in your vision - Difficulty with color perception - Seeing spots or floaters - Vision lossThese symptoms may not necessarily indicate the presence of retinopathy alone, so a comprehensive diagnosis by a healthcare professional is paramount.
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Risk Factors: More Than Just DiabetesWhile every person with diabetes faces the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy, there are additional risk factors:- Poor control of blood sugar levels - High blood pressure and cholesterol - Prolonged duration of diabetes - Smoking - Being African American, Hispanic, or Native American - Visual acuity testing - Tonometry (eye pressure testing) - Optical coherence tomography (OCT) - Fluorescein angiography, to examine the blood flow in the retinaAnnual eye exams for people with diabetes are strongly recommended, as early detection and treatment can limit the potential for significant vision loss. Previous Next shop now Treatment: Taking ActionDepending on the severity, various treatments are available for diabetic retinopathy:Early Stages- Managing blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol is often the recommended treatment. - Medications that help control blood sugar, as well as a healthy diet and regular exercise, are part of early intervention. - Focal or grid laser treatment (photocoagulation): Can stop or slow the leakage of blood and fluid from vessels in the eye. - Panretinal laser treatment (scatter laser treatment): Can shrink abnormal blood vessels. - Vitrectomy: A surgical procedure that removes the vitreous gel and blood from leaking vessels in the back of the eye. - Anti-VEGF Injection Therapy: Medications like Lucentis, Eylea, or Avastin injected into the eye, which can prevent new blood vessels from forming and decrease vessel permeability.
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Image source: Harward Health Publishing Managing Life with Diabetic RetinopathyWhile the implications of diabetic retinopathy on vision can be daunting, there is much you can do to contribute to the successful management of the condition:- Monitor your blood sugar levels meticulously. - Maintain an A1C that's as close to normal as possible. - Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol in check. - Stay active, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight. - Quit smoking or seek support to stop. - Stay vigilant about scheduling and keeping eye appointments. - Communicate with your healthcare provider about any shifts in your vision. - Non-invasive imaging tests are improving the accuracy of diagnoses. - Novel pharmacological treatments are being developed to provide more effective treatment options. - Telemedicine and AI are expanding access to diabetic eye screening, even in remote areas. Previous Next sHOP NOW Being Proactive: Education and AdvocacyOne of the most potent tools in battling diabetic retinopathy is knowledge. Educate yourself about diabetes and eye health. Advocacy for regular eye care, and early intervention can make a monumental difference.Lifestyle as Medicine: The Holistic ApproachA holistic approach that encompasses diet, exercise, and healthy living can go far beyond treating diabetic retinopathy. It can enhance overall health, potentially reducing the diabetes complications that could lead to eye problems.
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Diabethic Retinopathy: Vision and DiligenceProtecting your vision from the unseen dangers of diabetic retinopathy involves a commitment to routine eye care, vigilant health management, and a proactive partnership with health professionals. Taking such steps will not only help safeguard your eyes but can also contribute to a better quality of life.Our online optician store is dedicated to supporting individuals managing diabetic retinopathy, offering products and resources to help maintain optimal eye health.Embrace your eye health journey with our support.Managing diabetic retinopathy effectively can seem like an uphill battle, but with the correct knowledge and resources, it becomes a journey filled with hope for maintaining and protecting your vision. Shop now Facebook Youtube Instagram Pinterest Twitter Linkedin Wordpress Read the full article
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drsurbhikapadia · 4 months
Thyroid Eye Disease: Expert Treatment and Care by Dr. Surbhi Kapadia
Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is a condition that not only affects ocular health but also significantly impacts the quality of life. In Vadodara, Dr. Surbhi Kapadia stands as a beacon of hope for those suffering from TED, offering advanced treatment options and comprehensive care.
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Advanced Treatment Options for Thyroid Eye Disease
Dr. Kapadia employs a multifaceted approach to treating TED, tailored to the severity of each case. Her treatment regimen includes:
Medications: Utilizing corticosteroids and immunosuppressants to manage inflammation and other symptoms.
Innovative Surgical Techniques: For severe TED cases, Dr. Surbhi Kapadia offers surgical options such as orbital decompression, which alleviates pressure on the eye, and eyelid surgery to correct vision-related issues and improve cosmetic appearance.
Living with Thyroid Eye Disease: Insights and Tips
Living with TED involves continuous management. Dr. Kapadia advises:
Regular Monitoring: Keeping track of symptom progression and adjusting treatment plans accordingly.
Lifestyle Modifications: Implementing lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, which is known to exacerbate TED.
Eye Protection: Using sunglasses to protect the eyes from UV rays and environmental irritants.
Frequently Asked Questions About Thyroid Eye Disease Answered
Dr. Kapadia addresses common queries regarding TED, offering clear and concise information:
Diagnosis: Explaining the methods used to diagnose TED, including clinical assessments and imaging techniques.
Treatment Effectiveness: Discussing the success rates of different treatment options and what patients can expect.
Post-Treatment Care: Highlighting the importance of follow-up care post-treatment to ensure the best outcomes.
Dr. Surbhi Kapadia's expertise in treating Thyroid Eye Disease makes her one of the best ophthalmologists in Vadodara for patients seeking specialized eye care. Her dedication to her patient's well-being ensures that they receive not only the best medical treatment but also the support and guidance needed to navigate through the complexities of TED.
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sanjayghghg · 5 months
Comprehensive Guide to Diabetic Retinopathy Treatments
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9ofspades · 1 year
Opinion:  I'm an Anti-Specsser and Everyone Else Should Be Too
Why are you wearing glasses?  
No, seriously.   Why the fuck are you still wearing glasses?  
The epidemic is over.  I don't know anyone who worries about nearsightedness anymore.  Do you hear anyone talking about it?  Do you see nearsightedness germs flying around?  No, because it's OVER.  
Look, I don't know how to break it to you, but a thin piece of glass in front of your eyes isn't going to help protect you from macular degeneration.  It's a false sense of security, an illusion; like if you just keep looking through them you can pretend that the world has crisp sharp edges.  Well, guess what?  The world is blurry.  You don't know where empty space ends and your body begins.  In fact, it doesn't.  Your body is mostly empty space.  
Everything happens for a reason, anyway; so if you get into an accident because you can't drive without your glasses?  Tough cajones; take your punishment like God intended.  It's your fault for having bad genes, which you got because of... original sin, or something.  I don't know, I didn't actually read the Bible.  I just believe vehemently in every word of it, except the words you use to disagree with me.  Because that's wrong.  
I don't think I'm doing anything wrong by yelling at glasses-wearers on the street.  It just fills me with such visceral, incandescent rage when I see a pair of pince-nez balancing on someone's nose.  It's like they're sending a direct fuck-you to people like me, who choose not to wear glasses.  So of course I have to yell at them; it's just simple self-preservation - if I don't, pretty soon everyone will be wearing glasses, and ganging up on those of us that don't, because we're "jeopardizing public safety" or "a danger to the common good."  I don't need to listen to that.
When you declare you're on the opposite side from me with that flag you wear right on your face, you shouldn't be surprised when I treat you like an enemy.  "What sides?" you ask?  "There's no 'sides' here; everyone is just choosing-" oh, shut up.  You're so naive.  Of course there are sides.  There's sides to everything.  What about a circle? you say.  Inside and outside.  There.  Now don't you feel stupid.  
And those circles you wear on your face mark you as being on the inside.  I don't like that.  Nobody likes being left on the outside.  So stop wearing them.  That way I can find something else to be angry about, like freckles.  I think I'll take on freckles next.  If you have them, stop having them.  You're being too different from me and I don't like it.
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What is an Adventure Journal?
An Adventure Journal is a dynamic blend of storytelling and task management, designed to transform everyday routines into thrilling quests. Unlike traditional journals, an Adventure Journal invites you to become the hero of your own story, where daily activities are reframed as challenges that earn you experience points, similar to a role-playing game. By documenting your journey, setting goals, and conquering daily tasks, you not only keep track of your progress but also engage in an ongoing adventure that makes productivity exciting and rewarding. This innovative approach turns mundane to-do lists into a narrative of personal achievement and growth, set against the backdrop of a vividly imagined world.
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What is Thaloria?
Thaloria is our meticulously crafted fantasy world, a rich backdrop for the characters you create and the adventures you undertake. This world is populated with diverse monsters and mystical landscapes. 
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Extending beyond journaling into RPG's and 5E content
But that's not all—our vision extends into the realm of role-playing games. We are developing a series of 5e-compatible content, including detailed monster manuals, one-shot scenarios, and extensive lore that fits seamlessly within our journals. Whether you’re a veteran gamer or new to the world of RPGs, our content is designed to enhance your gaming sessions and bring the world of Thaloria to life at your table.
Join us on this extraordinary journey to redefine journaling and gaming. With the Thaloria Adventure Journal and our RPG content, every day is an adventure, and every task is a step towards epic achievements.
As you journal, you’re not just planning your day—you’re exploring Thaloria, engaging with its inhabitants, and overcoming challenges that are both fantastical and all too real.
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Once upon a time, in the not-so-far-off land of everyday Stress and Anxiety, there lived a designer who battled the dragons of PTSD, stress, and trauma. Armed with nothing but a pen and paper, our hero set out on a quest to conquer these beasts through the ancient art of journaling. But alas, while the simple act of writing wielded power, the quest was fraught with the peril of monotony, making it a challenge to stay the course.
In a stroke of genius fuelled by the desire for a more captivating way to slay his demons, Jason conjured the Thaloria Quest Adventure Journal. Designed not just to engage the mind but to enchant it. This wasn't your grandma's journaling routine; it was journaling with a side of battling minions, forging alliances, and uncovering treasures, all while stealthily deploying scientific principles of mindfulness, habit-building, and routines.
And they journaled happily ever after...or at least until the next epic boss battle.
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What's included?
Premium Faux Leather Deluxe Journal 
Versatile loose-leaf style: Durable 6-ring metal binder—perfect for endless customization and endless adventures!" The binder is A5 in size
91 Days of Immersive Journaling: Dive into three months of guided adventures, with daily entries that bring your character and story to life.
Over 250 Pages of Rich Content: Packed with lore, quests, and exercises, each page is a new discovery in the vast world of Thaloria.
Daily Mindful Writing Exercises: Start each day with thoughtful prompts designed to enhance mindfulness and creativity, fostering a deeper connection to your adventure and personal growth.
Weekly Combat Encounters: Test your might and strategy with weekly battles against minions and formidable bosses, designed to challenge and thrill.
Loot Tables for Adventure Gear: Discover treasure and gear to equip your character.
Detailed Character Sheets: Track your progress, stats, and achievements with comprehensive character sheets that grow as you do.
Magical Spells and Abilities Guide: Unlock the secrets of Thaloria's magic with a guide to spells and abilities that your character can learn and master.
Quest Log: Keep track of your quests, goals, and achievements.
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Exquisite Faux Leather: The journal is encased in high-quality faux leather that not only gives it a sleek, sophisticated look but also provides durability. Its smooth texture offers a comfortable, tactile experience that appeals to both visual and practical sensibilities.
Premium Quality Stitching: Every edge and join is meticulously stitched, ensuring the journal withstands the rigors of daily use while maintaining a flawless appearance. The stitching also adds an element of artisanal charm, highlighting the care and precision invested in its creation.
Flexible Loose Leaf Style: At the heart of its design, the journal features a loose leaf system held together by six robust metal ring bindings. This not only adds a striking visual contrast with its metallic sheen but also provides unparalleled flexibility. Easily add or remove pages to customize the journal to your evolving adventures.
Convenient Interior Pockets: Integrated within the journal are thoughtfully designed pockets. These compartments are perfect for storing important cards, notes, and even small trinkets and tools, ensuring you have everything you need at your fingertips.
Secure Magnetic Clasp: A strong magnetic clasp keeps the journal securely closed, protecting your notes, drawings, and reflections. This feature ensures that your ideas stay safe and private, ready for when you next wish to ponder them or carry on with your quests.
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Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Layouts
Organize your life like never before. From daily tasks to long-term goals,  Thaloria Quest has got you covered.
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Start as a novice and grow into a legendary hero, all within the pages of your journal.
With the Thaloria Quest Adventure Journal, where your character's progression is a mirror of your own achievements. As you level up by completing quests and challenges, your journey will be marked by the acquisition of new equipment and skills, enhancing your capabilities and opening up new avenues of adventure. 
Character Levelling: Advance your character by completing tasks, simulating a true RPG progression system.
New Equipment and Skills: Unlock new abilities and gear to aid your quest as you level up.
Achievements with Stickers: Mark significant milestones and achievements with unique stickers in your journal.
Bonus Rewards: Earn special rewards upon completing achievements, adding value and excitement to your journey.
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Level up by completing challenges, and earn experience points to unlock new abilities, weapons, and treasures.
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Face off against menacing bosses who test your commitment and consistency.
Using a simple D20 combat mechanic. (D20 = Dice with 20 sides)
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Thaloria Quest Cards, are exclusively designed to bring excitement and challenge to your routine. Each card draws you into a unique quest that, when completed within the week, rewards you with bonus experience points; accelerating your journey through the Thaloria Quest Adventure Journal.
Deck includes 52 Quest cards made out of 300gsm high-quality satin-finished card
How It Works:
Draw Your Quest: Each week, draw a card from your Thaloria Quest deck and secure it in your journal.
Embark on Adventures: These quests range from simple tasks to stretch your daily habits to complex challenges that test your limits and expand your capabilities.
Earn Rewards: Successfully completing your quest by the week’s end not only brings a sense of achievement but also grants you bonus experience points. The more challenging the quest, the greater the rewards.
Whether you’re tackling a straightforward task or navigating a demanding challenge, these quest cards are designed to keep your weekly planning dynamic and engaging. Perfect for anyone looking to infuse a sense of adventure into their everyday life, the Thaloria Quest Cards turn every week into an opportunity for growth and excitement.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Fri, June 14 2024 10:00 PM BST
Website: [Ocular Oddities] [facebook] [instagram] [TikTok]
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frecklenog · 5 months
comforting scenarios include. hugh in sickbay with beverly for whatever routine medical checks he needs and the facilitation of his reclamation from the borg on his own terms
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vampirecatboy · 8 months
funny how it's happened twice now that i had a falling out with an internet friend that resulted in them blocking me, and in both instances i was torn up about it for a while, but in the end it was what was best for me
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padillastrange42 · 1 month
Clarity in Sight: Exploring the Wonders of Eye Vision
Welcome to our exploration of the incredible world of eye vision. Our eyes, with their remarkable ability to perceive light and color, provide us with a window to the world around us. These complex organs play a vital role in our everyday lives, allowing us to navigate our surroundings, appreciate the beauty of nature, and connect with others through non-verbal communication. Understanding the intricacies of eye vision can truly unveil the wonders of this essential sense that we often take for granted. Let's delve into the fascinating mechanisms that enable us to see and appreciate the world in all its clarity and splendor.
The Science of Eye Vision
Our ability to see the world around us is made possible by the complex process of eye vision. It all begins with light entering the eye through the cornea, the transparent outer covering that protects the eye and helps to focus light.
Within the eye, the light then passes through the pupil, which acts like a camera aperture, adjusting in size to control the amount of light entering. The iris, the colored part of the eye, contracts or expands the pupil to regulate this process automatically, based on the brightness of the surroundings.
The light then reaches the lens, a flexible structure that further refracts the light to focus it onto the retina at the back of the eye. The retina contains millions of photoreceptor cells known as rods and cones, which convert the light into electrical signals that are sent to the brain for processing and interpretation.
Common Vision Problems
Blurry vision is a common issue that many people experience at some point in their lives. the best eye health supplements can be caused by various factors such as refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. Blurry vision can significantly impact daily activities and hinder the ability to see clearly at different distances.
Another common vision problem is eye strain, often associated with spending long hours in front of digital screens. Symptoms of eye strain include headaches, dry eyes, and difficulty focusing. Taking regular breaks and practicing good eye habits can help alleviate eye strain and improve overall eye health.
Furthermore, age-related vision changes, such as presbyopia, are common among older adults. Presbyopia affects the eye's ability to focus on close objects, making tasks like reading challenging. This natural aging process of the eye can be managed with corrective lenses or surgical options to restore clear vision.
Tips for Maintaining Good Eye Health
Whether you're working or relaxing, remember to take regular breaks and look away from screens to reduce eye strain. Proper lighting and minimizing glare are also essential for healthy eyes.
Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can provide essential nutrients like vitamin C and E that promote good eye health. Hydration is key, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Don't forget to protect your eyes from the sun's harmful UV rays by wearing sunglasses when outdoors. Lastly, macuguard eye supplement -ups are crucial in detecting any problems early and preserving your vision for years to come.
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gaardeegholm39 · 1 month
Seeing Clearly: Exploring the Wonders of Eye Vision
Our ability to see the world around us is truly remarkable. From the vibrant colors of a sunset to the intricate details of a flower, our eyes allow us to experience the beauty of our surroundings in a way that is truly unique. The complex process of vision involves the eyes working in harmony with the brain to create a seamless and vivid picture of the world. Through the lens of our eyes, we are able to perceive depth, movement, and even emotions, making vision an essential part of our everyday lives. In this article, we will delve into the wonders of eye vision, exploring the fascinating mechanics behind how we see and the importance of caring for our eyes to maintain clear and healthy vision.
The Importance of Eye Health
Maintaining good eye health is crucial for overall well-being. Our eyes allow us to perceive the world around us, making vision an essential sense for navigating daily life. supplements for vision and healthy eyes -ups are important in detecting any potential issues early on and ensuring optimal eye function.
By taking care of our eyes, we can prevent common problems such as blurry vision, eye strain, and discomfort. Simple habits like wearing sunglasses to protect against harmful UV rays, giving our eyes regular breaks during screen time, and eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients that support eye health can go a long way in preserving our vision.
Ignoring the health of our eyes can lead to more serious conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, or even vision loss. It is essential to prioritize eye health by being mindful of our habits, seeking professional guidance when needed, and incorporating eye-friendly practices into our daily routines.
Common Vision Problems
Many individuals experience refractive errors, such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia. Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, causes distant objects to appear blurred. Hyperopia, referred to as farsightedness, affects close-up vision. Astigmatism leads to blurry vision at all distances due to irregularly shaped corneas. Presbyopia, often occurring with age, makes it challenging to focus on close objects.
Cataracts, a common age-related condition, cause clouding of the eye's lens, leading to blurred vision. Glaucoma, a group of eye diseases damaging the optic nerve, often results in gradual vision loss if left untreated. Age-related macular degeneration affects the central part of the retina, impacting the ability to see fine details. Diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes, can cause vision loss due to damage to blood vessels in the retina.
Tips for Maintaining Good Eye Vision
Firstly, protecting your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays is essential. Wearing sunglasses that block out both UVA and UVB rays can help prevent long-term damage to your eyes and preserve your vision.
Secondly, incorporating eye-healthy foods into your diet can significantly benefit your eye health. Foods rich in antioxidants such as carrots, leafy greens, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to maintaining good eye vision.
Lastly, giving your eyes regular breaks from screens and digital devices is crucial in today's technology-driven world. Follow the 20-20-20 rule - every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds to reduce eye strain and keep your vision sharp.
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blxphotos · 3 months
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Photo taken and edited by me. Please seek permission before copying or reproducing. For inquiries, contact me directly. Thank you for understanding and respecting my work.
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rainbowthefox · 4 months
An ocular migraine varies in its symptoms, depending on the person. It’s caused by the swelling of the blood vessels in the eye’s optic nerve, leading to visual distortions. Unlike standard migraines, ocular migraines are often not as painful, and the onset period is compared to looking through a kaleidoscope. It can include an aura that lasts about half an hour; if a headache follows, it’s usually within minutes to half an hour after the aura.
Examples below:
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welshspence35 · 4 months
What are the differences between LASIK and PRK?
Eye Institute: A Beacon of Visionary Treatment The Eye Institute represents a pinnacle of excellence in ophthalmological care, providing modern therapies, sophisticated research study, and thorough patient services. From regular eye examinations to sophisticated operations, the Eye Institute stands as a leader in the field, devoted to preserving and boosting vision. This blog explores the many aspects of the Eye Institute, showcasing how it acts as a model for phenomenal eye care. Intro Eye health and wellness is a essential facet of total health, yet it is typically neglected till troubles emerge. The Eye Institute, with its innovative centers and experienced team, plays a critical duty in addressing this requirement, offering top-tier eye care and vision preservation solutions to patients of any ages. Comprehensive Eye Care Services Regular Eye Tests Normal eye tests are the keystone of keeping good eye wellness. The Eye Institute uses detailed examinations, including vision skill tests, eye stress measurements, and testings for usual eye conditions like glaucoma and cataracts. Pediatric Ophthalmology Focusing on eye take care of children, the pediatric ophthalmology division addresses aesthetic growth problems, strabismus ( gone across eyes), amblyopia (lazy eye), and various other pediatric eye conditions. Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Advanced imaging innovations, such as Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and fundus digital photography, allow for comprehensive visualization of the eye's structures, promoting early detection and monitoring of eye illness. Cutting-Edge Therapy Options Cataract Surgical treatment The Eye Institute's surgeons excel in cataract surgical procedure, utilizing the current methods and technology to recover vision with marginal downtime and discomfort. Glaucoma Management Using a variety of treatments from medicated eye goes down to laser treatment and surgery, the Institute offers individualized treatment plans to take care of and reduce the development of glaucoma. Retinal Conditions Specialized take care of retinal problems, consisting of age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, is offered, with treatments varying from laser therapy to intravitreal injections. Refractive Surgical procedure Refractive surgery options, consisting of LASIK and PRK, are supplied to correct vision issues such as nearsightedness, hyperopia, and astigmatism, minimizing or eliminating the need for glasses or call lenses. Study and Advancement Recurring Professional Trials The Eye Institute goes to the center of ophthalmological research study, performing medical tests to check out new treatments and modern technologies for various eye conditions. Technical Advancements Financial investment in the most up to date innovation makes certain that the Institute remains a leader in innovative eye treatment, continuously enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of diagnoses and treatments. Education and Area Outreach Educating the Next Generation As a center of knowing, the Institute trains future ophthalmologists, eye doctors, and vision scientists, guaranteeing that the area continues to development. Community Programs The Eye Institute is dedicated to neighborhood interaction, providing educational programs, vision testings, and assistance services to raise awareness regarding eye health and wellness and prevent vision loss. Patient-Centered Approach Personalized Care Each client obtains a tailored treatment plan, created to satisfy their unique needs and make certain the very best feasible end results. Assistance Services A series of assistance solutions, consisting of vision recovery and counseling, aid individuals adapt to vision changes and keep a top quality of life. Conclusion The Eye Institute exemplifies excellence in eye care, from routine assessments to sophisticated operations. Its dedication to patient-centered care, integrated with a relentless search of technology and education and learning, makes it a leader in the field of ophthalmology. Whether resolving common vision troubles or taking on complex eye diseases, the Eye Institute stands as a beacon of hope and a resource of visionary care for all | Eye Institute: A Vision of Quality in Eye Treatment The Eye Institute stands as a leading facility for eye care, blending advanced clinical innovation, pioneering research, and a patient-centered method to deal with a broad selection of eye conditions. This institution is not just a medical care center; it's a center of innovation and education and learning in the field of ophthalmology. This blog site aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Eye Institute, its services, and its contribution to eye wellness. Intro Good vision is vital for lifestyle, yet eye health and wellness commonly does not receive the attention it deserves till problems develop. The Eye Institute addresses this void by providing superior eye treatment services, varying from standard eye examinations to complex surgical procedures, all while adding to the field through research and education. Comprehensive Eye Care Solutions At the Eye Institute, a variety of services is offered to fulfill the varied requirements of individuals, guaranteeing comprehensive take care of every ages. Regular Eye Tests Relevance of Normal Check-Ups: Highlighting the requirement for normal eye examinations for any ages to keep optimum eye health and wellness. Solutions Offered: In-depth vision evaluations, pressure testing, and testings for common eye conditions like glaucoma and cataracts. Pediatric Eye Care Child-Friendly Providers: Concentrating on eye take care of kids, attending to typical pediatric eye concerns like careless eye, crossed eyes, and hereditary eye conditions. Focus on Early Intervention: Recognizing the relevance of early detection and therapy in making certain healthy and balanced vision growth in kids. Specialized Eye Treatments The Eye Institute is renowned for its expertise in various specialized treatments, using cutting-edge innovation and ingenious techniques. Cataract Surgical treatment Advanced Surgical Procedures: Utilization of the latest techniques for cataract elimination and lens implantation. Personalized Treatment Strategies: Tailoring surgical procedure choices to every patient's particular demands and aesthetic objectives. Glaucoma Management Comprehensive Treatment Options: Offering a variety of therapies from drug to innovative laser and surgical treatments. Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi on Individualized Treatment: Customizing therapy strategies based on the extent and development of the disease. Retinal Condition Treatment Specialized Retinal Treatment: Professional treatment for conditions like macular deterioration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal detachment. Use of Ingenious Treatments: Employing the current therapies and medical strategies to take care of complicated retinal illness. R & d The Eye Institute is not only a treatment company but additionally a leader in ophthalmologic research study. Cutting-Edge Research study Introducing Researches: Carrying out groundbreaking research to develop new treatments and understand numerous eye conditions better. Collaborations with Industry Leaders: Partnering with leading institutions and firms to progress eye treatment technologies. Technology Advancements Buying the Future: Making use of state-of-the-art analysis and treatment equipment. Innovating Care: Creating brand-new surgical techniques and therapy strategies to boost individual results. Educational Endeavors The Eye Institute plays a critical function in enlightening the future generation of eye doctors and raising public understanding regarding eye wellness. Training and Education and learning Residency and Fellowship Programs: Giving detailed training for future eye treatment experts. Proceeding Education And Learning for Professionals: Supplying training courses and workshops for ongoing specialist advancement. Area Outreach Public Recognition Initiatives: Carrying out neighborhood education programs to advertise eye wellness. Screening and Prevention Programs: Using screenings in the community to spot eye issues early. Final thought The Eye Institute stands for the pinnacle of eye care, supplying a mix of professional medical therapy, cutting-edge study, and dedicated curricula. It stands as a testimony to the value of specialized treatment in maintaining and boosting vision. Whether through giving remarkable person treatment, advancing research study, or training future professionals, the Eye Institute plays a pivotal role worldwide of ophthalmology |
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drsurbhikapadia · 8 months
Blood in the Eye? Dr. Surbhi Kapadia Explains
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Discover the causes and implications of Subconjunctival hemorrhage (blood in the eye) as explained by Dr. Surbhi Kapadia, a top eye surgeon in Vadodara. Learn when to seek medical assistance and how to safeguard your ocular well-being. Unveil the mystery behind this common eye condition and ensure a proactive approach to eye health.
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kaiju-kisser · 5 months
Currently having another ocular migraine and I'm not sure how to describe the terror that comes with them. If you google the symptoms it'd like 50/50 stroke or benine. I didn't have them until the worst time of my life so they say it's stress induced...
Guess what over stressed symptoms overlay with....
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