#of course i am going to be invested in them and their lives while totally ignoring the rest
pls pls pls pls give us headcanons about the scara x katheryne crack ship or i will literally die bc i am a sucker for robot love too and i need this in my life :D
Okay so... I may have actually gotten way too invested in this and started writing a fic about it. 😅 But just in case that never comes to fruition, here's my more in-depth, canon-compliant(ish) thoughts:
The Katheryne in Sumeru was possessed by Nahida enough times that some of Irminsul's influence rubbed off on her and made her sentient. This only began to manifest after she was skewered by the Eremites, repaired, and then sent back to her normal Guild duties.
Scara visits the Adventurers' Guild for one reason or another and makes one of his usual snarky remarks, then is surprised when Katheryne briefly breaks character to snark back at him. Intrigued and slightly annoyed by the fact that a supposedly non-sentient "inferior" puppet has roasted him, he resolves to keep observing Katheryne and find out what's going on.
Meanwhile, Katheryne is new to this whole sentience thing and isn't quite sure what to do about it. She tries extra hard to go about her job as usual but finds that some weirdo in a big hat is always hanging around & disturbing her for some reason. She resolves to find out what his deal is and why he gives her pesky feelings in her chest sometimes.
Cue shenanigans, bonding over puppet troubles, themes of figuring out together how to make their own purpose in this world, etc. etc.
My headcanon for Katheryne's personality is that she has spent her entire existence working in customer service and has Seen Some Shit. As a result, she is usually unflappable, but can be taken aback by new or strong feelings. She's also very attached to / protective of the Adventurers' Guild and its members.
By contrast, Scara has the emotional fortitude of a wet paper bag, but he is technically more experienced with having feelings (and he has Nahida as his personal therapist). So he's able to help Katheryne adjust to being her own person & get her to explore the world a little more.
Also Scara's tsundere shit totally fails to land with Katheryne. He'll be like "Tch. As if I could ever do anything as embarrassing as spend time with you," and she'll just say "Okay, goodbye. :)"
I feel like Nahida would know exactly what's going on and would be bemused by it at first, then start actively trying to get them together. At some point she would definitely tell the Traveler to sub in for Katheryne at the Adventurers' Guild one day so Katheryne and Scara can hang out. (Of course the Traveler would be comedically overwhelmed and this arrangement would never happen again.)
If Katheryne gets a Vision in this version of events it would probably be Dendro. Her voice lines in combat would be variations on her standard canon dialogue, ex. "Compliments of the Adventurers' Guild!" or "Here is your reward!" while beating the living daylights out of some Hilichurl.
That's my take on it, anyway! There may or may not eventually be more from me on this because people seem to like it way more than I expected, ha ha 😂
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pomplalamoose · 7 months
give me more Luke headcanons I am begging you, could be anything but give moooore (pretty please 🥺)
Of course, anon!!! Here are more Luke headcanons just for you, I hope you like them🩵
(if you scroll far enough you'll find something slightly nsfw at the end)
• for some reason I'm convinced that Luke can't dance 
• or at least not in a way that is considered presentable to the public 
• (the dorky way in which he moves to music in private is unlike anything you've ever seen. It's adorable)
• while he has a good sense of rhythm and great control over his body, he turns surprisingly clumsy as soon as he's told to do, for example, a waltz
• suddenly his graceful demeanor and the elegant way in which he carries himself simply vanishes into thin air 
• the only thing left will be gangly limbs everywhere, sheepish smiles and murmured apologies 
• take care of your feet because he will step on them 
• I wouldn't be surprised if he'd somehow manage to trip over his own or slip on the train of his partner's dress/cloak/flowy garment
• could he possibly learn how to dance? Absolutely, he's a well trained fighter 
• does he want to? No.
• (he might make an exception if Leia forces him to)
• is there an equivalent to the Roman Empire in the galaxy far, far away?
• is it the old Jedi order?
• (it could be but everyone feel free to make up alternatives)
• either way Luke is a nerd because I say so and thus thinks about the Roman Empire's equivalent a lot 
• he'll be able to give you a weirdly specific answer about how often he does so too
• he'll smile at you then and you can't help but wonder whether he's messing with you or telling the truth 
• if you share a room or a bed with him, no matter if it's in a platonic or romantic way, he's definitely one to come up with the strangest of questions 
• especially when you are already halfway gone and THIS close to sleep
• he'd ask if you'd still date him if he was a worm 
• yes, he'd still date you if you were a worm 
• OF COURSE he would 
• he'd built a little worm house just for you 
• what do you mean you want him to shut up and finally go to sleep?
• the memory of experiencing his first rain fall is very dear to him 
• since he grew up on a planet without water, everything about it fascinates him a great deal 
• he's always delighted when there is a stream or a puddle nearby 
• he likes to observe big rivers and the sea and often meditates at the shore of whatever lake he might find
• because of this I like to think he'd be really into fish 
• or water creatures in general 
• he'd totally keep some of them in his rooms
• (only in a way appropriate to their species of course!)
• as a fish/crab/shell/??? you won't ever find a better place to live than in Luke Skywalker's aquarium
• he'd take such good care of them 
additonal posts for this topic here and here
• in one of my other posts I said that Luke likes to go shopping with you
• but not only because he enjoys spending time with the people he loves 
• secretly (or maybe not so secretly) that man is just as invested in getting you new clothes, if not more so, than you are 
• (everyone who knew his mother isn't surprised; they have so much in common after all)
• he has an amazing sense for fashion 
• while he himself is more than content with his elegant and sleek black look, he flourishes when others seek him out for advice on how to dress
• he has a good eye for all the different body types and what suits each individual person best 
• he loves make over scenes in movies
• he keeps up to date with the latest trends
• he'd totally judge celebrities' and/or politician's outfits with you
• while we are at it I also have to talk about his favorite pieces on you 
• he absolutely adores seeing you in shirts with a low neckline
• those that maybe tend to expose more of your skin when you move, sliding that way or another
• the more he can see of your neck, shoulders  and collarbones the better 
• he loves when you go without a bra and he is able to see your nipples peeking through the fabric 
• thus he is especially happy during summer when you are wearing thin and lacey tops 
• while he always enjoys unwrapping you like a present during winter, there's just something so tantalizing about easy access
• this applies to your panties as well (or maybe especially?)
• he thinks you look breathtakingly beautiful in a pretty summer dress or a flowy skirt
• but even more so if he knows you aren't wearing anything underneath
• he'll innocently ask you to sit on his lap
• from afar nobody would assume that there is something else going on 
• at least if you manage to keep your composure 
• you never do
• he is not easy to take without any preparation and foreplay first 
• so in case you don't happen to be aroused enough or if you're less practiced and not able to take him fully yet, he'll happily adapt and fuck your thighs instead 
• they are just as nicely warm and so smooth 
• he'd make you sit at just the right angle so you too get all the friction you need, gently guiding your hips into a rhythm 
• eventually he'd loose his patience though, and, after making sure no one's around, he'd bend you over and take you properly
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hwaightme · 1 year
Feels Like Home (part 1)
(part 2)
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pairing: seonghwa x fem!reader genre: fluff, slight angst, doctor!seonghwa, graphic designer!reader, slice of life summary: What is home? Perplexed by this notion, you spent many years looking for your own answer, moving and running from your past. Your new neighbour, Park Seonghwa, might just be the key to discovery. wordcount: 5.7k warnings: language, mentions of food, mentions of the pandemic, anxiety, mention of past abusive relationships a/n: thank you all so much for the love <3 beyond grateful for you, and am inspired by you! Here is a work on the longer side, so I will be splitting it into two parts, stay tuned~
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You lucked out. After having spent over two years migrating from one disastrous excuse for an apartment, to another, you finally felt like you could relax. No more leaks, no more creepy crawlies threatening to fall right on your face in the middle of the night… you shuddered at the memory; no more landlords that enjoyed screaming down the phone at you… you could finally achieve your domestic dreams and lounge at home to your heart’s content.
The apartment itself was on the more ‘compact’ side, located on the ninth floor of a complex in a quiet residential area. The living room, dining room and kitchen were combined, but not overwhelmingly so – everything still had its own area, and in no time did you set up your rather wild collection of plans by the sliding windows. Since the building was fairly new, you did not need to invest much in any repainting or cleaning of the apartment, and by the grace of the landlady who took a liking to you, the deposit was equally reasonable. It was almost worth it going through all the terrors after university, just to appreciate this place.
This was the place that made you understand why some people never wanted to leave their house or area – to be frank, you were turning into one of them. Only leaving on the days you had to, your hybrid work as a graphic and brand designer was becoming better and better, and finally you managed to get rid of the nickname your colleagues gave to you: “true businessman”. Your old place had gotten you used to spending some nights in the office common room, just to avoid the seedy neighbourhood, cracking walls and windows that were threatening to fall out at any second.
Really, it was heaven and earth. What was another very welcome change was the difference in neighbours. Whilst before there was that one elderly couple down the street that ran a tteokbokki stall, sure, they couldn’t exactly make you feel continuously welcome and safe, not when you quite literally had a loan shark knock on your door that one time, and then go “oops sorry wrong address, keep your money in a bank, kid”. Since that day you became the most loyal out of your friends to filling out taxes and budgeting.
In this apartment complex, there was the receptionist downstairs who, without fail, would give you the most reassuring nod humanly possible and then with a rough clearing of the throat, would go back to solving puzzles in the newspaper he subscribed to. There also was the family of four, man and wife and their boy and girl, who lived right down the corridor from you (and who you did hear on occasion, but this was nothing) – total sweethearts, the types of neighbours who left you alone, but in a good mood. And of course, him.
Park Seonghwa.
Lived two doors away and across the corridor from you. Worked as a junior resident at a hospital. A dream of a man. You two clicked instantly; maybe it was the circumstances of your first meeting that did it. You, in an oversized puffer coat, scarf wrapped up to your very eyes and a hat completing your disguise, only the crinkling of the plastic bag in your hands revealing why you were out and about at two thirty-five in the morning. Him, eyes slightly bloodshot, beanie tugged off to reveal a mop of black hair, and what looked to be a while lab coat protruding from layers of rained-on outerwear. Needless to say, both of you made quite a fascinating impression.
“So, what did you cook up in the labs this time of night, good sir?” you tried, too sleep-deprived to not fulfil your need for entertainment.
“Probably something that you were buying, good madam.” Seonghwa shot back at the speed of light, spinning on his heels to face you. You had stopped him right when he was about to unlock his front door. You noted the smirk that was appearing on his lips, and at that moment you decided that he was your type of man.
In your full incognito Mr. Stay-Puft glory you sashayed over to your neighbour, reaching into the bag and taking out a tightly packed cylinder.
“No wonder kimbap is so addictive.”
“Oh no! Not the ultra-classified prototype! Society is in danger!” raising his hands up, acting every part the diva in a low-budget, trashy horror flick, Seonghwa began to charm his way into your heart. So you did what no introvert had ever done before and, upon loosening your scarf slightly, took the risk and… introduced yourself.
“L/N Y/N. Your neighbour from… that door over there. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” You bowed your head, momentarily concealing your shy smile.
“Park Seonghwa. The neighbour you just intercepted, and the pleasure is all mine.”
That night you had also made the gutsy move to offer to snack on the kimbap together, which led to the pair of  you having one philosophical discussion after another all through the night, ranging from the basics like ‘how come we did not talk a single time until now’ to the more insightful ‘what hope of yours would you want to reignite’ to the showstopper ‘why was there sound in the Star Wars intergalactic battles’. Probably the last one could be considered your first argument, but you were adults who knew how to communicate over even the most critical matters.
Steadily, you and Seonghwa became practically inseparable and were orbiting around one another even if outside of the complex. Your work schedules somehow complemented one another, and where he had to work night shifts or catastrophically long hours, you would be ready with a comforting meal and a completed chore or two – otherwise mundane and tiring but seeing a grown man giggle because he heard you took the trash out was beyond and became your choice of entertainment. Likewise, if you had project deadlines or particularly stressful client negotiations, Seonghwa would be right at your door, ready to take care of, quite literally, anything you would point at. Not that your friend from college would ever find out, but he was the one texting her back about what laundry detergent she should buy.
As time went on, you also got to see each other at your worst and lowest. His transition into being a full-time medical doctor was met with crash courses in intense epidemiology and volumes of patients unprecedented to him. Returning home after days of barely sitting down and intermittently losing consciousness for minutes of sleep had become a horrendous routine at a certain point. Seonghwa had crashed just about anywhere one could think of. His apartment, yours, even the corridor. And every time, your heart broke just a little, and you would climb close, flinging his arm around your neck and shoulder, and be his guide to a haven.
Though you would never understand the exact pain he felt, nor what he had to see out there and what choices he was forced to make, you tried your best to support Seonghwa how you could. Need more personal protective equipment? You were on it. Need hand sanitiser and antibacterial surface cleaner? Done and stocked up. Need to sit on the floor in silence for an hour and wait until the cacophony of the day stopped echoing in the mind? You were always ready.
It was the night of the 3rd of April, yet Seonghwa did not feel even a little bit happier, nor smarter, nor like he had the right to celebrate. For the most part, he had suppressed the fact that it was his birthday, instead pouring himself out at work until he could barely stand. At that point, like an automaton he followed the command of the doctor on call and trudged home, to the complex. He fell asleep twice on the metro, nearly missing his stop, and could barely walk up the tiny hill that now seemed to be a mountain.
He was fed up. Everything was too much. His own body was an unbearable load he had to carry. How did he fall victim to the illusion that the life of a doctor was one where he would feel gratitude and honour? The longer Seonghwa studied and worked, the more confident he became that no one ever said thank you to a medical professional. No, only blamed them. Blamed them for mistakes they did not make. Blamed them for the risks they did not take. Blamed them for when they tried their hardest, but that still was not enough.
Seonghwa thought of his family. How proud they were when he left his hometown to pursue his dreams at a prestigious university in Seoul. It used to bring him joy to think that the next time he would return for the holidays, his parents would show him off to anyone they could, and his brother would give him a congratulatory pat on the back and share the words ‘I knew you could do it, little bro’. He desperately wanted to return to the time when he still knew little about the field, so that it would not yet be tainted by the true colours of the world.
The wind was unusually cold for April, as though the winter had decided to return for a spring break. The young, fatigued man was fighting a losing battle against the gusts which did little to prevent tears from welling up. Not much longer now. One foot in front of the other. He was attempting to encourage himself to get across the little square in front of his building. In a confused panic when he almost lost his footing because of a hidden rock on the path, he raised his head, pleading for something better than this. Searching for a light.
There it was. A warm hue. Cheerful rays housed in four walls, hinting at a life behind the curtains. The sun that set only when you decided. The windows of your apartment, facing the square. He could imagine you swaying to whatever new release you had discovered, humming along to mask that you did not know the lyrics, cooking away. That was his guiding star.
In brighter spirits, Seonghwa managed to make his way to the ninth floor, where he was promptly greeted by your front door opening, and you in an oversized hoodie inviting him over for dinner once he was done with his second de-scrub and cleaning. Relief washed over him. After you had officially met and cemented yourselves as more than just neighbours, you had been nothing but kind and understanding of him. His work-induced lifestyle did not matter much to you, and you had not commented a single time that he should ‘change his ways’ or ‘go into a different field of medicine’. Over dinner at a local restaurant Seonghwa had explained to you his dreams of being a neurosurgeon, and you had merely lit up in admiration and commended him for his determination and strength.
This evening, too, you were right there for him. Once he had cleaned himself up and was at your door, he was greeted by an array of dishes that you had painstakingly been preparing for a few hours. From the traditional miyeok-guk to pajeon, you had done everything in your power to celebrate Seonghwa, even if it was just for a little, until midnight. That was when the swelling of his heart became too much, and he collapsed onto one of the dining chairs, head in his hands. The tears that had been on the verge of falling for the hours he was working were finally set free, and he could not help but want to hide.
You were taken aback. Never before had you brought anyone to tears. Especially for doing something that you would consider nice. But your intuition told you that there was something more to this, you were not one to judge. Seonghwa had been under pressure for an astonishingly long time, and his ability to still function blew you away. You did not know his whole story, but you wanted to ensure that he could get the happy ending he wanted.
Silently you poured the fragrant seaweed soup that you made, trying to follow a variation created by a cook from South Gyeongsang province, and set the bowl in front of him. You sat down across from the birthday boy. When he failed to move, you nudged his elbow with a plate of danmuji you had bought. When he finally looked up at you, eyes watery and red, you mustered your brightest grin and whispered:
“Don’t over-salt the food, Seonghwa, I want you to try it as is.” Hearing his chuckle was music to your ears. You reached over to pass him his cutlery, and before moving away, softly squeezed his forearm in reassurance. The gesture was meant to be brief and non-invasive, but Seonghwa had other plans and wrapped his fingers around your forearm, letting time stand still. He was aware that you were in a relationship with some good-for-nothing, so did not overstep any boundaries (though his body was screaming at him to act), but the touch had triggered a shutdown of his rumination. Right there and then, he was home.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He released you, only to pick up the spoon you provided and dig into the soup.
“You are very welcome, Seonghwa. Happy birthday.”
Not long after that, about a year and a half of you knowing one another, your neighbour turned closest friend had comforted you through loss of love; something you had initially attempted to hide, seeing as the loss Seonghwa had to witness day in day out was gut-wrenching on a different level, but he wanted to hear none of it. That same moment that he had managed to pry out of you the reason for your melancholy, he called into work claiming an emergency day off. He had stormed into your apartment with a mission to make you smile at least once, or at least to make you feel lighter – he did not have to try too hard, you had to admit. Part of you was certain that it was exactly because you had Seonghwa you could walk out of your ex-boyfriend’s apartment with a smile on your face.
The waves of bitter regret had hit you only after you came home. Replaying every scene in your head, you never thought yourself to be the one who would, one, be able to put up with someone, in retrospect, so judgemental for a total of three years, and two, be the one who was cheated on and then cussed out. The magical world of the new apartment complex you lived was shuddering under the heaviness of your dark mood.
The few weeks before Seonghwa had fully committed to treatment had passed agonisingly slow, with you hurling your phone across the living room in an attempt to silence the spam from your ex and existing on mere inertia. Getting up because you had to. Breathing out of habit. You had been struggling to keep your focus during meetings and had notified your team that you were to be exclusively online for the next couple of weeks due to being under the weather. By grace, your boss was more than understanding. And that was when you stopped being bothered to draw your curtains or to take care of yourself. Your ecosystem rapidly decreased in size until it was mashed into your apartment. Seonghwa was the one to see the signs. You were convinced that it was because he was a doctor and thus had a sixth sense, but he did not dare explain why he was acting the way he was. At least it was not the right time.
You healed fast. And got back into the pleasant lifestyle of amiable banter and housekeeping with Seonghwa. However, a few things had definitely changed since overcoming the various plot twists life had thrown at you. Probably one of the most obvious ones was that neither of you were hesitant to share stories about one another to your respective circles. Moreover, both of you would chat away even when unprompted, which had earned you a few sighs already. To express gratitude and satisfy your curiosity for where Seonghwa worked, you surprised him by bringing him a boxed lunch he had been raving about. This had set off a couple of rumours about you, though they were dispelled very quickly by your neighbour’s squadron of ambitious, wild, and hilarious doctors. They were quick to state that you had ‘old married couple energy’ and were asking if you could adopt them so they could get good treatment too. While you were laughing, you failed to notice the proud and warm grin that danced on Seonghwa’s lips and made his dark eyes gleam.
This was your shared rhythm. Your shared feeling of home.
“Hey, do you need me to pick anything up on the way home?” your neighbour asked, his voice turning static for a split second as you switched the call to speaker.
You were currently hidden away in your home office – a tiny closet of a bedroom that you had converted to something of a studio for your creative deeds. So far, it was simply a desk and chair facing the window, a shelving unit housing random prototyping and art materials as well as being a pedestal to a potted English ivy to your right, and an overfilled corkboard to your left. As Seonghwa had commented, it was a manifestation of your creative and professional self. Truer words could not be said – it explained why you were constantly thinking of ways to update the interior.
As you repeatedly dragged and clicked with your mouse, scrutinising the vector image you were in the process of designing, you mumbled your resident partner in crime a response:
“I think I am good for now…”
“Really? So, we are just going to brush over the fact that you ran out of onions last week?”
You chuckled. The name under which you had him saved, ‘Mother Hwa🖤’ was very appropriate right that second. Nevertheless, these were the moments when you felt the most at ease. There was someone taking care of you, even though you were away from your childhood home, away from your old friends. There was someone right beside you, who you knew would return any care and affection a thousand-fold.
“See? You somehow know the contents of my kitchen better than I do. Please bestow some more knowledge upon me, dear Mars bar.” You countered, not looking away from your screen to pretend like you were still concentrated on work and not a soft mushy mess.
“Well… there was that one seasoning you had… you know the one in the red packet with the TV show host guy randomly in the corner and-” you tilted your head at the sudden pause “…since when am I a Mars bar???” you had to purse and suck in your lips to prevent a loud giggle from spilling out.
“Because you are a snack, Seonghwa.” Your success at a deadpan delivery sent the man on the call into a state of ‘error.exe’, even though the joke was outdated and highlighted how both of you were not quite the peak of modernity among the youth.
Before you had attained the status of singlehood, you were a lot more reserved with your jokes and flirtation, and understandably so. You had not wanted to appear to be a player, not give anyone false hopes. Seonghwa had to admit that it had been slightly easier to talk to you when he felt as though he had no chance. Now, more often than not, your comments reduced him to nothing more than a pained expression and flaming cheeks. Believing that there could be something, a tomorrow, hell, a whole future with you, really sent him into a mental frenzy.
“…okay… then I won’t get you the bbungyeoppang that is on sale since I am enough.” He whispered. Nothing much, but a shiver still ran down your spine at the sudden sultriness in his enunciation.
“Why not spice things up and add a plus one, especially since they are so willing?” you countered, mirroring him.
“Oh you- ah sorry, I have to drop the call, duty calls. Hongjoong is asking for a consult. Then I’ll pick up the groceries on the way, see you later Y/N.” Seonghwa rushed, jolting you back to reality. That’s right, you were still in your tiny room, in front of your set up, hand hovering above the mouse.
“Sure, got you. See you later, Seonghwa!”
As soon as you ended the call and watched the phone screen fade to black, you spun around on your chair, doing a miniature wiggle dance. These domestic interactions had never failed to give rise to pure glee within you. It was a tad unconventional to be pretty much sharing living space with someone who, technically, was just your neighbour, but it felt more than right. Oh, the wonders of having powered through life struggles and global crises together.
While you continued to work away at a brand re-design portfolio deck, Seonghwa was left standing in one of the many passageways of KQ Hospital where he worked. This particular one was almost fully glass, connecting the emergency centre to the main building. Whenever he felt like shooting you a quick text or to slow down after doing rounds and more training, Seonghwa would come here. To some degree, the location reminded him of the apartment complex – people bolting across, on a mission, never stopping to admire the setting sun that the glass captured, turning the linoleum floor into a carpet of glistening gold. People greeting each other with a curt nod, posing as good colleagues when in fact they had no idea what the other’s name was, nor why they felt obligated to follow societal norms and not ignore one another. Seonghwa, too, was guilty of this, especially in his first rotations when everything was a huge blur.
At one point he had even ceased to reach out to his friends – those in the exact same rotation and doing the same shifts as him, let alone those with whom, on top of exhaustion, there were other excuses. Funnily enough, it was you who pulled him out of this pattern, preventing him from losing himself and who he held dear. You reminded him that even in this vast world where one can never quite know anyone’s full story, you can find those whom you wouldn’t mind co-authoring with. One of these people was Hongjoong, his best friend since the first year of medical school and colleague he could count on. The shorter man was standing at the entrance to the passageway, arms crossed, his mobile phone dangling between two fingers.
“No wonder I couldn’t call you, Hwa. You were flirting with Y/N again.”
“Come on, man, I wasn’t flirting.” Seonghwa waved his friend off, hiding his phone in his scrubs.
“Then what was it, digital first base?”
Seonghwa could imagine the mischievous expression on Hongjoong’s face, one not dissimilar to that of a dad figuring out that his son was talking to someone in a very happy tone. Sighing deeply, he chose to not look to his side and continue walking, hands in his pockets. Seeing that the joke did not quite land, Hongjoong backtracked and added:
“If it is going to make you actually respond to me, I can start paging you, I don’t mind. I have gotten pretty good at dialling up the numbers at lighting speed.” This made Seonghwa shudder and turn dramatically.
“Oh, you would not dare, Kim Hongjoong, I am still getting flashbacks from the time the senior resident just decided to give me three pagers on a Friday night shift.” He proclaimed, placing a hand on his chest.
“You’ll deal with it, better train those nerves up for when you become a neurosurgeon.” Hongjoong poked him in the arm, then fell into the same stride as his friend.
That was how it had been through out the years they had known each other. Through thick and thin, on caffeine or suffering through withdrawals. They had sworn to support one another through the thorned path that was medicine, and somehow had managed to deal with each other’s nonsense. At this point they could be called brothers, having only moved into different apartments by mutual agreement to not drive each other insane 24/7. Interestingly, their opportunity to spend some time apart, forming their own habitats and lives not directly related to careers and studies, had enabled them to be even better attuned to each other’s changes. This was how Hongjoong knew you were someone who Seonghwa could rely on. In a matter of weeks after ghosting those closest left and right, he had walked into the staff common room with an apologetic smile and coffee for all his friends who he had gathered prior. And, upon being taken aside by Hongjoong for a miniature interrogation, brushed any suspicions and hypotheses aside, only saying that ‘he had found home’.
Needless to say, when the bond between you two began to grow stronger, and you had, evidently, not left his side for the duration of the worst parts of the pandemic, nor did Seonghwa abandon any hopes as he had previously done when it came to even hints of relationships, for Hongjoong you were instantly approved. Bonus points for having returned the next day after bringing Seonghwa lunch that one time to feed his friends too. It was frustrating that his best friend was not yet aware of the necessity to make the final move and make things official. For a doctor he was unbelievably thick in matters of love, or was a classicist and was afraid of rejection.
“You know…” Hongjoong began as they were approaching the elevators, “I think you really need to seal the deal, Hwa. Time goes by fast, and it is unfair to both of you if you don’t neither time nor the feelings you obviously have.”
Seonghwa expected that this conversation would happen at some point. His friend knew him too well. Maybe even caught him looking at your pictures that he had saved on his phone in a separate album of his gallery. He took a deep breath and shrugged, pressing the button to call the lift.
“True, but at the same time, things are going so well right now and-”
“Hate to rain on your parade, buddy, but that is how you messed up with your first girlfriend. And your second… oh wait a minute, even the blind date I set you up on did not work out, guess why?”
“Okay, okay, I got it. Fine.”
“No, you ‘don’t got it’. I can see you are scared. But you know why? Because you are being given a chance by the universe to hold onto something so precious and fragile that you know you cannot be the same without. But your self-doubt and anxieties wake up and torment you, day in day out, saying that you cannot step up and be responsible and commit.”
Seonghwa fell quiet, all attention on the painful monologue that was cutting up his psyche into small pieces, arranging it into a clearer bigger picture that he was trying to hide from himself.
“Take this, if you were not ready to step up, you wouldn’t have her as your emergency contact – don’t ask how I know. And, and you sure as hell would not be rushing home after a day shift just to make it to the bakery she likes. You would not be so worried for her even if everything was okay and you would not drop everything just to help her. You, my friend, are denying what is so blatantly obvious and is right in front of you that I seriously want you to call ophthalmology.”
“I swear, it is almost as if I was the one who called you for a life consult.” Seonghwa retorted as they watched the numbers blink in ascending order.
“See how lucky you are? Doctor Kim is blessing you with love wisdom for free.”
“Yeah… yeah… And I am trying my best to apply it.” If only destiny was so kind so as to give him an opportunity to just… get the awkward stuff over with and be able to wrap you in his arms – he was getting ahead of himself. Again. Seonghwa ran a hand through his hair. Way to go, declaring to another doctor he was ‘self-soothing’. He cleared his throat and decided to fully switch topic.
“Now, oh wise one, what troubles did you wish to talk to me about?”
“Oh, okay, so there is this one patient, complaining of episodes where their surroundings start spinning uncontrollably and they get a splitting headache and waves of nausea-”
“Exactly, care to check it out?”
“Sure, lead the way.”
They ambled onwards, having fully moved on from conversing about you, however Seonghwa was still clouded over, pondering what you were up to. He was meant to have a full day off soon, and his infatuated self was inclined to conjure up plans exclusively involving you. But first, this patient…
You had not moved much in the time of Hongjoong’s and Seonghwa’s chat, nor for the two hours after that. Having found the perfect position in your chair, you were an unstoppable force, bashing out page after page of innovation for a re-branding that a late-stage start-up had requested. Their market focus reminded you of Seonghwa. Neuro-something or other. Maybe you should show him a sneak peek of one of your designs, just to see what the impact would be, though the non-disclosure agreement was hanging right above you like a guillotine. Yet another cause for your having been accustomed to asking well-crafted questions about your neighbour’s day – patient confidentiality was not too far off, style-wise. Like serif and sans serif fonts. Or two font families that could be mish-mashed together and no one would mind.
It was obvious that you had spent far too long doing some ‘font shopping’, as you liked to call it. Another hour, to be exact. However, you pushed the initial wave of guilt away pretty quickly, reminding yourself that, thankfully, this, too was part of your job. You yawned and stretched, taking a look at the time.
“Right, time for a snack!” you exclaimed out loud, and with a huff pushed yourself to your feet.
It was already getting dark outside, and temperatures were dropping in true autumn fashion, so after much deliberation you settled for a decaffeinated latte and a yogurt you found in your fridge. You moved to your sofa and turned on some random drama to play in the background while you zoned out scrolling for inspiration on your phone. After not finding anything too impressive but liking things for the sake of it, you clicked on your own profile to reminisce on the memories you captured. Funny how more and more of them appeared to involve the doctor next door.
After you proudly deleted any traces of your ex from social media, you vowed to be careful about the people you included in photos. So, none actually revealed the identity of be it a shadow or an extra mug or the holder of a ticket, but for you each scene was crystal clear, and replayed with ease. There was the picture Seonghwa had taken during your ‘supposed to be spontaneous but was planned weeks in advance’ getaway to Daejeon – you looking particularly cute while scrutinising an exhibit at the museum of art. There was the snapshot from one of your late-night trips to the convenience store, when you two were snuggled in oversized hoodies, sprawled on plastic chairs. And one of a completed Lego build, completed in three hours, mainly with you observing and searching for any stray piece that had gone flying across your neighbour’s living room.
You were also glad for the time you had to move on. You had a problematic relationship previously, you had to admit, and rushing into anything more would have had you repeating patterns you did not want to remember. Yet now, all you were hoping for was for a new chapter. An evolution of what you had been cultivating. Your instincts were telling you that you and Seonghwa were approaching a sort of crossroads, or a breaking point, and depending on what decisions you two would make, your future could be rewritten, and the world around the apartment complex either bloom or wither.
It was not that complicated a conclusion to reach – your ex had been bothering you incessantly with messages, voicemails and even direct messaging on social media, leading you to block him almost everywhere. He was going through the usual routine of pretending to care for your wellbeing, demanding attention and then on a night when he was probably shitfaced, saying he loved you and then proceeding to call you a whore. Prince charming indeed. You were disgusted that you had ever associated yourself with that sorry excuse for a man.
Tonight was no different. After deciding to post a ‘throwback’ story, he was back. It had been months since you last shared a full conversation, and it appeared that he was more communicative than ever. Was this what the memes you had seen online were talking about, where two people in a breakup often had radically different grief processing schedules? You were tired. You wanted to forget what and who you had moved away from. You wanted to build your new home in peace, and here was a ghost, howling and wishing to haunt you.
[do not answer!!] hey
[do not answer!!!] I know you are seeing this, you have read receipts on
[do not answer!!!] Y/N… come on I just want to talk things through
[do not answer!!!] I don’t think we have ever really had a chance to go over things
[do not answer!!!] you know, understand each other’s perspectives
[do not answer!!!] Y/N! seriously give me a chance I want to just TALK
[do not answer!!!] anyways, I am on my way to your place so… I guess talk soon?
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uchihakeimei · 1 month
Helloooo, hope it's ok if I reply here! Also I forgot to apologize in advance for my terrible English, hope it's understandable!
What a relief to find someone who actually understands Kaiser! He's one of my absolute favs together with Rin and Isagi, but I never really spoke much about him since I noticed the fandom has a bad habit of misinterpreting him. AND Kaisagi in general. No, Isagi is not his soft-uwu toyboy, he's a badass, a menace and if anything, it's him that would put Kaiser in his place. And yes, they totally hate each other. Like, super hate. And that borderlines on obsession from Kaiser's part. (Ngl, that's my favorite part in all Isagi's ships, how he's unbothered, moisturized, living his best life, and the counterpart is decaying in their obsession in beating him. God, he's such an icon.) Their mutual disdain is what makes the ship so balanced, and also the reason why I dislike Kainess, I don't really appreciate the power imbalance and how submissive Ness acts around him. He deserves better than that. Oh, how I would love to see him leave Kaiser in the dirt to fight alone: that would be such a great character development for both of them. Ofc I'm not judging anyone who ships Kainess, it's a perfectly valid ship! I just love both Kiis and Rnis cause they check all of the boxes of the chemicals in my brain. And when the Kaiser flashbacks drops? I'm gonna go absolutely crazy. I need to be the worm in his brain and understand him in a much deeper way than Kaneshiro ever could.
(Also, I love your headcanon about their alternative jobs. I tried to come up with something for Rin too, and I concluded that he definitely could only ever work in front of a computer, where he would never have to interact with people - and traumatize them with his weird bullshit, lmao). (Oh, and Kaiser would be an even worse boyfriend than Rin, let's be real. One small argument and he's dumping your ass to ""find himself"" like any mediocre fuckboy).
Yes, despite my BLLK obsession I'm keeping up with other mangas! I've been reading One Piece since I was a child, but lately I got invested in Chainsaw man, Choujin X, Kagurabachi, Bungou stray dogs and My hero academia, too. What about you??
Of course, it's totally okay!!
And hello fellow Kaiser fan, great to meetcha!!
And yes. A lot of people mischaracterise Kaiser- either as an Isagi simp (most common in fanfictions) or a complete asshole with no depth.
KaiSagi characterisation tends to be even worse (which, this is NOT me criticising authors at all, people are entitled to write what they enjoy!), but either Kaiser or Isagi gets reduced to a desperate simp trying to get into each other's pants (mostly I have seen this with Kaiser, actually) and that's not very likely.
The charm of KaiSagi is their mutual hate, and the ways they overcome that!
And yes. You hit the nail right on the head! Such unbalanced ships, like KaiNess (SasuSaku or NaruHina from Naruto) are the one kind of ships I can never get behind. Whether it's love or hate, it needs to be mutual for me to enjoy it. Power unbalance is not my thing but different strokes for different folks and all that
And yes, Kaiser currently obsessed with destroying Isagi while all Isagi wants to be is no 1 is a delicious flavour and Kaneshiro is cooking
I need an explanation. Of everything regarding Kaiser. That flashback needs to be longest flashback in the manga. I want a biography I can write a thesis on.
(True!! He definitely isn't a people person. He will most likely be doing a job that requires minimum human contact lol)
(And yeah, Kaiser is such red flag, we'd need rose colored glasses to date him 😝)
Hehe. Fellow CSM fan!! My fav is Denji, and I am eagerly awaiting Season 2!
And although I haven't seen the rest of them, I have they are very good anime as well!
My absolute favourite would be Naruto, as I have been in that fandom for years as well. Apart from that, I am currently keeping up with Solo Leveling and Windbreaker!
(Although listing all the animes I have watched will require a separate post, I watch a lot of them!)
Ps: Your English was lovely, no worries!!
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msmargaretmurry · 7 months
Matthew curls/slutty collarbone-appreciating anon again - BOSTON!!! Home of another rat king! My home! (Not living there at the moment, but I miss it so, if you’ve seen Letterkenny/that one episode with the two dudes from Newfoundland getting all melancholy and homesick when Newfoundland is mentioned, that is me rn. No hard feelings re: Ratthew et al. knocking out Boston, though, I was still cheering for my slutty rat boy in the final.) I hope you and all of the other scholars are having an excellent time! Are you attending/watching any games? Don’t know if the Bruins are home or away tho, I haven’t been to the Garden in years, it’s such a fun venue. Bummed the PWHL team won't be able to play there, but I get it, schedule's packed. (Much as I love Boston, I will readily admit that the fans are… eh. Basketball is probs the best of the bunch.)
Matthew is only escalating his slut phase and I am living for it, that French girl lounging, Matthew is not beating those submissive and breedable accusations (or at least the breedable ones, he’s down for a fight first, if someone wants to wrestle him down and sink their teeth into the back of his neck and hold him there he/I will not be opposed, you know.) And you know, in a post-trade Matthew/Leon scenario, what’s a rat boy to do when he’s surrounded by men who want to fuck him up/probably also fuck him, when his former ?? hookup/fuckbuddy/fuckenemy/boyfriend/baby daddy (????) is all the way in Edmonton, not flirt with them? And of course when you’re a bitchy tank who only gets to play his… whatever Ratthew is to him, best not to think about that, twice a year, you’re not gonna not seize the opportunity/nearest storage closet to chew him up a little. It’s just not done.
I am very here for this vampire AU and neck/throat appreciation/biting. I am also generally here for Matthew the problem child and/or Matthew the generally good and together child whose one moment of rebellion is bringing home a nightmare boyfriend and/or Matthew with daddy problems or at least an adrenaline/danger kink whose constitution is incapable of not goading hot vampire into trying to bite him. And hot vampires cannot be blamed, he is flashing an irresponsible amount of collarbone as is.
hello again anon! yay boston!! absolutely one of my favorite cities. i am home now and even though i love home i am missing it already. just a lovely place to spend a lovely long weekend with lovely friends (whom i also miss already 😭😭😭). i am, i'm sorry to tell you, anti-boston sports (me being an east coaster NOT from boston, i feel like this shouldn't be a surprise), but y'all do always seem have a handful of players i love anyway, and even i must admit fenway is one of the most fun ballparks i've ever been to. the bruins sadly were not in town, but we went to the bc vs. denver game on saturday, and on sunday we schlepped out to worcester for a railers game, and both of those were very fun 💞
but onto the more important topic: our beloved rat boy. a concept related to your original ask i am currently mulling over is one where they are Totally Just Frenemies Who Occasionally Sleep Together (they used to be rivals who occasionally slept together but leon is not going to call anyone who plays in florida a "rival") which means that matthew can fuck whoever he wants. and does. and tells leon all about it while they hook up, and for some reason comes out of these hookups looking like leon tried to eat him alive. perhaps he will need to invest in a tshirt that he hasn't mutilated so that he can talk to the media in the days afterward without showing off all the teeth-shaped bruises he seems to have acquired. surely this all means nothing. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
i have a couple of other asks about the vampire leon extended universe so i am going to save my thoughts about THAT for answering those so i can stick them all in their own tag 😅 thank yoooouuuu for the ask though!! 💖
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ghost-of-you · 8 months
Why do people feel the need to produce break up rumors out of thin air after every tour/album 🫥 the expectations of some people in this fandom are wild to me.
What do people think they should do? Even if it weren't for Michael's baby, they released an album last year and played two tours, of course they'll need some time to recharge now. Why would you expect new music or ANOTHER tour now already?
And they have not said or done anything that would indicate that they are thinking about breaking up and still people choose to be paranoid instead of putting some trust in them and just let them rest.
Idk maybe I'm the opposite of those people who are still traumatised by 1D or whatever but my other favourite band just had a 5 year gap between albums, they didn't play any live shows for like 4 of those years (partly bc of the pandemic od course) and the front man did a solo album + tour in the meantime. One other band member did some stuff as a producer and from like 2 of them I think I saw a total of 4 social media posts during that time lmao. I didn't see a single person worried that they would break up. That never came up as a possibility anywhere. And then I go to 5sos fandom spaces and people are freaking out when the band goes on a break because one of them will have to care for a damn newborn like please 💀
Sorry for ranting, I'm sure you have a lot of this stuff in your inbox now. No need to respond, I just needed to express to someone how truly baffled I am by this behaviour.
Honestly, I blame one direction for a large part of it. Obviously not the boys in 1D but the whole culture and the intensity around them. I like them but I was never in really invested in them so I did watch everything that happened from the outside and I keep seeing the effects of it. A lot of people did not handle their break up and since 5sos has this connection to them that ended bringing fans over to 5sos people get triggered. But it's bullshit because 5sos is a band that wanted to be the band they are. To act as if 5sos is doomed to follow 1Ds footsteps is stupid because 1D was a bunch of kids who didn't want to be in a band, who got put in a band package and explored until they broke. And all of them are doing the thing they wanted all along, which is be solo acts, so the comparison is not fair. You can't compare 5sos to the boyband curse, because they are no are not a boyband. And this is the dumbest argument ever but it is true, 5sos has a lot more freedom with each other to do other things while still keeping the 5sos project alive. Everything they do that's not exactly like the 17 yo posting keeks and doing twitcam from a mansion creating a constant stream of content creates a wave of mass histeria and honestly, I am so tired of it. Even if 5sos were about to take a decade long break, which I don't think they will, they like making music with each other too much to just stop, they can. They gave us over a third of their lives already. They are allowed different dreams.
Also I think there's this layer of desensitization surrounding famous people in general, that makes people not see them as real people with real feelings or see them as this character they get mad won't follow the script they made in their heads. And the whole way some parts of the music industry just want a really fast rotation that's not really possible and things like K-pop that end up having a higher rotation that creates a bigger stream of content that's not really sustainable in a healthy way for very long but creates a weird expectation anyway. And people think they're allowed to demand shit just because (and this goes from the temper tantrum for the lack of tour to the obnoxious hbg chanting)
5sos already did the killing themselves for the band. Now they live and have a band. I rather to see things this way. They are happy, they are thriving in other aspects of life. If that means waiting another 2, 3, 5, 10 years for new music, so be it. To use 5sos own metaphor, they're driving the bus, we're just along for the ride so whatever stops and turns they want is what goes. They can do whatever they want because is their life and it's their band. And I'm not worried they're gonna break up. Not even a little bit. If not seeing them for a year while Michael settles into being a father is what it takes for them to be happy and healthy, then so be it, let them exist outside the band.
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 year
Here’s what everyone was totally waiting for: my unsolicited thoughts on this cartoon man panel thing I found that got posted on YouTube! I… ended up writing MUCH more than I thought… but you know what, I can’t do text cuts on mobile. So I’m not cutting it. Sorry not sorry for forcing you all to read my opinions. 😆
I just kind of focused on the PPG parts because those are really mostly what I was interested in and scrubbed through the rest (since I’m not a huge fan of Foster’s, love WoY but just am not as invested in it as deeply, aaaaand I’ve only seen one or two episodes of Kid Cosmic). The whole PPG section was essentially me just nodding my head at all the stuff I knew that was repeated from other interviews (immediately blurting, “COWARD,” when he said he wouldn’t name them Pink/Green/Blue, occasionally laughing at the “I’m weird~, I’m artsy~, I’m not like other girls~” type of comments 🤣) but mostly agreeing on what he said about the girls. I mean, no surprises there! It’s cool to see how he’s thought about it all, especially in regards to the 2016 reboot and the live action thing.
I mean, agh, I dunno if I would say them getting older takes the Powerpuff out of the Powerpuff Girls (like… not gonna lie, REALLY bummed my mood to hear him go, “Oh, if they get older they’re not Powerpuff anymore, they’re just three super girls,” like…… I dunno, similar to other comments he’s made in the past that have irritated me, I’m sure it might’ve just come out bad and he didn’t mean it that way, but the way he said it just made me feel awful for the characters… sheesh, Craig, God forbid the girls grow up, then they’re just like eeeevery other woman, they’re not ~special~ anymore 😬😬😬) but like I understand that, what makes the girls different than other superheroes, specifically in the OG show, is that they’re little kids and they deal with kid issues. But… they’re also special because they’re sisters! They also have this cool id, ego, superego thing going on (I guess it’s more accurate to call it their heart, mind, and soul connection, now that I’m re-reading this, but what other superhero team has that? It’s very unique to them). Those are just two other big parts of who they are! I don’t think it’s impossible to have them be adults with adult issues (there could certainly be similar types of adult responsibilities that might serve as “kryptonite” as well, ones that are also more universally relatable). And I don’t think it’s impossible to make something with these three very interesting, iconic, strong characters in a setting where their femininity still wouldn’t be the main focus. They still would be living very unique lives: they don’t have secret identities like most superheroes, they still could be trying to live “normally” despite their amazing powers, like… it’s not that you automatically have to focus on them being women all of a sudden when they get older. You can still treat them like, you know, people. Why it seems like there’s an inability for these reboot creators to do that, whether they’re writing them young or old, I’m not sure (…I mean on a certain level I know but I won’t let myself rant about that). …also, yeah, like I’ve said before on here, for live-action you’d need a much bigger budget to even begin to give any of the villains worthy representation! Anyway. I guess tl;dr I personally would of course prefer them be their kids selves because that’s the original concept but yikes dude. I dunno, the comment just rubbed me the wrong way. 🫤
…also, I don’t know if it’s just me, but he seems to really light up talking about the Foster’s thing he wants to do. I would really, really, really want him to just work on THAT instead of doing that plus a PPG reboot. That kind of passion put into a project is great! I keep thinking about how PPG suffered with Craig having little to no involvement with it while working on Foster’s, and keep thinking about how… yeah, essentially, the PPG reboot is happening because money. Which, it is what it is, let’s face it, but I just hate thinking how, if they’re being worked on at the same time, the quality might suffer on one or the other, and I have a nagging feeling that it would be the PPG that would suffer, especially since I don’t really detect that same genuinely excited feeling he seems to have about the Foster’s thing when he’s talking about the PPG. …I dunno. I just feel like the, “Stop, stop, he’s already dead!” kid and I don’t want the series to needlessly suffer more. 🫠
Also that whole “bigger battles, tougher stakes,” etc., thing for the PPG… like, yeah, sounds cool I guess, but I hope it’s fun? It sounds like the edgy kind of tagline I would hear from these kinds of animation bros who want a darker, super-bloodier, serious PPG. I, too, love a good brawl and some gore now and then, but there is…… a balance. I hope he doesn’t veer too off-course in an attempt to make the series what other people haven’t made it. It’s a cursed enough series for something like that to happen. I dunno. I am trying my HARDEST to stay neutral about it guys, I am going to try to just bleach my brain and forget anything being said about the reboot. 😩
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Balloon Debate: WTF Is Even This Short Trip?
So, here I am following up on Balloon Debate. It's time to discuss exactly wtf happens in this thing.
I'll include a cut for Spoilers because I'm going to spoil the whole damn thing.
I'll explain the Basic Premise for anyone who hasn't read my previous posts about it. Balloon Debate is a Short Trip in which Sarah Jane writes a little story in universe about some weird interdimensional disaster where the televised companions of the first 7 Doctors all end up in the TARDIS together at the same time. This causes the TARDIS to go all screwy and start getting smaller on the inside. K9, who serves the role of Exposition Bot, reports that the life support will soon only be enough to sustain six passengers. Since a TARDIS is meant to be piloted by six people, this makes sense. As a robot, K9 doesn't need oxygen, so he doesn't count. But, the only way for any of the companions to survive for long enough to help the Doctor/escape the TARDIS, is to throw a few rooms into the vortex with most of the passengers as well.
The vast majority of companions immediately accept that people are gonna die and that the goal is to make it be not them. The only one to immediately protest this is Adric.
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And of course he gets picked on for wanting to find a better solution to the problem, because he is Adric and this was written in 2003.
So, while Adric messes around with the console in an attempt to save everyone's lives, it's decided that everyone will take a turn arguing why they should be among the six survivors. Everyone is also a dick to Mel.
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So, if you're too negative or positive, we hate you. Got it.
Look, this blog is called Cringe Companion Apologist for a reason. I'm always going to complain about unpopular companions being treated unfairly. This story has a lot of that.
Anyway, the debate begins. They go in alphabetical order, so Ace makes her argument first.
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Adric's turn doesn't go very well for him, since he's still trying to save everyone's collective asses. He's taking a while, so Turlough gets impatient, but at least he believes in him.
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Adric tries something and the console zaps him. He dies. Because he's Adric.
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Since Tegan appears to know Turlough, that means she's from a point in her timeline where she's seen Adric die before. You'd think she, and possibly Nyssa, would have some sort of reaction to this, but no one really does and the debate goes on.
I'm not going to throw in a screenshot of every argument because that's too many screenshots. From here on out, I'll only include ones that I can't easily sum up by myself. Most arguments amount to "I'm a badass" or "I'm a genius". Barbara's is one of the more unique.
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While most companions make arguments about why they shouldn't die, there are a few other types of argument. Ben just wants to go where Polly goes, Polly goes where Ben goes, and Ian goes where Barbara goes. I'm skipping around here because of how similar their arguments are. None of them are very complicated.
Dodo is the first of many "I know I'm totally fucked but" arguments.
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Out of the companions that are often treated poorly, unlike with Adric and Mel, this story is actually pretty kind to Dodo.
Harry offers to sacrifice himself for one of the ladies.
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Inspired by Harry's willingness to die, Leela speaks out of turn, skipping several people, to declare her willingness to die a warrior's death.
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Jamie is also ready to die, because he's spent quite a while being willing to die for the people he's loyal to.
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It's sweet that Zoe is invested in someone other than her surviving. Will Ian/Barbara and Ben/Polly are couples who will Live Together or Die Together, Jamie and Zoe come across as just good friends who care about each other.
Then it's Jo's turn to be bullied make her case. Sarah Jane is more special than her and Liz is smarter. A lot of drama with Three's companions here.
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This would be Mel's turn if everyone wasn't awful.
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At least Nyssa feels bad about it. She wins the Good Person Award for this. She also decides that, though she's got science knowledge, other people would be better than her and she's already outlived the rest of her species, so she's ready to go. She'd be useful in keeping the rest of the survivors from killing each other, but okay.
Peri is another unpopular companion who's treated at least decently. She's too young to die, but she knows that she doesn't have many useful skills. There really isn't much for her to say.
The Romanas make their argument together, though they're aware that There Can Be Only One. Then Romana I completely screws over Romana II.
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Since Sarah Jane is the one writing this story, it's sort of a given that she'll be one of the survivors. Whatever her argument is, it's really not important. She just kinda wants to be a companion again and is really motivated.
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Steven is willing to sacrifice himself as long as someone takes care of Hi-Fi, the stuffed panda who was his only friend during two years of solitary confinement. Nobody volunteers to look after the panda because they're all terrible people.
You'd think Susan would be obvious, but Romana I pulls a "where's the birth certificate" on her.
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Again. Terrible People.
Tegan's argument is slightly interrupted by Turlough.
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Turlough, meanwhile, is still with Adric, wondering why they don't try to find a less lethal solution. But he sulks, so we're supposed to not like him.
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I will admit that Turlough seems in-character here, at the very least.
Vicki sees herself as Not Susan and if Susan isn't surviving this, she knows she's not. Because Ian and Barbara were clearly traveling with Susan and hadn't met her yet, Steven is the supportive co-companion.
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Victoria has nothing to appeal to except pity. This somehow works better than when anyone else does it.
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Lastly, Zoe has some simple, logical arguments.
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So, we don't know how voting worked or who voted for who, but the winners are Harry, Liz, Romana I, Sarah Jane, Victoria, and Zoe. We're treated to the last moments of everyone else.
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Honestly, if Peri and approached either Turlough or Jamie and insisted, they probably would've comforted her. Jamie would be a gentleman and Turlough would probably want to be comforted too, but would never admit it. So, they died as they lived: confused, miserable, and annoyed with Mel.
You might be wondering why Harry didn't take the place of one of the women like he said he would. Once it's revealed that this is a story Sarah Jane is writing for her own amusement, she admits that it was out-of-character for him not to do that.
To sum up the rest of the story, they took too long debated and the TARDIS has decided that There Can Be Only Two now, leaving Sarah Jane and Victoria. K9 gets a message from the Doctor (somehow) that he's gone to another dimension, can never return, knew he could only take one companion, and he chose Victoria. The Victoria in the TARDIS is actually Kamelion and K9 shoots him. Sarah Jane seems to think it makes sense that Victoria would be the chosen companion, though I still don't get it.
Sarah Jane had writer's block and she wrote this just to get out of it and it was never meant to be seen by Man. She never met most of the companions she was writing about and wrote them based on...stories she heard about them, or something.
The answer to the WTF Is Wrong with Everybody question is unknown to this very day.
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
two kingdoms
I haven’t wanted to write about this, but I guess I may as well.  When it comes to a work of fiction, there are two very separate magesteriums.
The first is that of the creator. If you're a creator of an original work, especially of a work that you want to sell then you have a basic responsibility to do things that help your story and get rid of things that don't help your story, no matter how nice they are.
If the yellow rectangle is the total set of all the things one could write/draw/edit as a creator, then the categories of helpful and not helpful can be represented as two smaller rectangles. What is in which category is one known only to yourself.
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I think that ongoing serial works do pose a particular problem for writers in that it’s a living work that’ll inevitably develop further as it continues being written. A particular case in point has been One-Punch Man. While the story has long since been planned out, its realization has definitely evolved, and goodness knows that ONE and Murata have never hesitated to get rid of even the sweetest things if they don’t feel that they’re earning their keep. Sometimes it causes readers some anguish, but there’s nothing to be gained from not penning the best story possible.That's how you actually make a living at creative works: every letter penned, every line drawn, every note staved must contribute usefully.
The second magesterium is that of fans: people who read, watch, listen, and respond to that work in some way. Here's what fan works are responsible for: enjoy/make the things that make you go yes, avoid those that make you go no and what you do with maybe is your business. If the grey box is all the possible fan responses (yup, everything -- the critiques, the fanfics, the cosplays, fanarts, role plays, headcanons, ships, the lot), the three basic categories are contained so:
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The most important thing is that there is no overlap between what fans are responsible for and what creators are responsible for.  Not a damn thing. You’re really emotionally invested in the work? You have no stake. You see the creator online? No stake. They’ve talked to you? No stake. You know them in real life? No stake. They’re your best friend? No damn stake. Equally, it’s a pretty immature creator who goes out to give aggro to readers/viewers/listeners over how they respond, but thankfully, that’s a rapidly self-correcting problem.
It’s not the writer’s responsibility to write something that you find comfortable, edifying, satisfying, or even agree with. What the story needs is what the writer has to consider, and those might include elements that you don’t like but work in the context of the story (and vice versa, there may be things you love but would derail the story if the writer put them in). Of course, no one owes a creator a living: with all the great work out there, not supporting works you consider duds with your time, money, or attention is good for you. This isn’t high school, and you’re not being obligated to read Macbeth for English: you don’t have to finish shit that doesn’t do it for you, even if it once did.
Anyway, where am I going with this?
1. Writers owe it to themselves to tell the best stories they can.
2. Fans owe it to themselves to enjoy what they do, including interpretive, derivative, parodic, and satirical responses to a work.
3. Writers don’t owe fans explanations, justifications, or changes to their works.
4. Fans don’t owe writers a living. Life’s too short to buy/read/follow shit that doesn’t do it for you.
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dear-wormwoods · 5 months
Happy New Year!
I know I haven’t been posting much lately, but I do like to write something every year on New Year’s Eve so I can look back on things if I want to in the future.
So 2023 was a pretty awesome year for me, to be honest. I really didn’t accomplish any of my goals from my last New Year’s post, except for continuing my Duolingo streak, but you know what? It’s totally fine. I set myself back financially and made no progress on getting in shape, but I had a lot of fun!! And that’s really what this year, particularly this summer, was about.
Travel Highlights:
Went to Colorado in June/July, had an amazing spa day and fancy dinner on my birthday, did a bunch of really cool hikes and took a ton of photos, had more fancy dinners, saw 4th of July fireworks over the Denver skyline, went to museums including the Molly Brown house and the best prehistoric exhibit I’ve ever seen, saw moose and elk, and generally had the best time ever.
Visited my aunts in North Carolina for the first time, and had a great time. They convinced me to treat myself while we were at a real jewelry store so I got myself some diamond earrings. Because why the hell not? I’m an adult with a salary, and I don’t need to save or put toward bills every penny I make.
Went to Ocean City in Maryland for the first time as well, which was a ton of fun even though I’m not the most beachy person ever. Ate crabs, got wasted, rode rides, saw wild horses, and then afterward went to Hershey Park which was also a lot of fun and had great roller coasters!
Went to Colorado AGAIN spur of the moment in November because we finally got invited to go to Casa Bonita. So we did that, of course, went on an awesome winter hike in RMNP, got massages, and had a fancy dinner at a Chianti event in Denver.
I also went to a few shows this year:
Iron & Wine in July which is definitely a highlight of the year because he is my favorite musician and I’d never seen him before. Super intimate acoustic show so I didn’t get any pics or videos but I’ll remember it forever, especially that he played my favorite song!
Modest Mouse, Lord Huron, and a bunch of smaller bands at a two day festival in August. Such a fun time, and both headliners were SO good. Lord Huron is a newer find, but I’ve been listening to Modest Mouse for over a decade and never saw them live!
Death Cab for Cutie and The Postal Service in September, for the 20th Anniversary Transatlanticism and Give Up tour. This was my second time seeing Death Cab but this show was special because both bands played those two albums in full, and Transatlanticism is one of my favorite albums ever.
Other cool things:
Went to a fancy tea room in Boston.
Saw Titanic in theaters TWICE during the 25th anniversary rerelease.
Saw a queer comedy show.
Practiced drawing more, but not as much as I’d like.
Went to the gym slightly more consistently.
Cooked some great meals.
Started writing a fanfic I love, which I truly do intend to finish!
Went on a couple of writing weekend trips to Maine which did of course include lobster and a dessert bar.
Had many snuggles with my cats.
Made sweet desserts for my family’s Thanksgiving and Christmas get togethers.
Played a billion hours of The Sims, and took hundreds of screenshots for my save’s very extensive family tree.
Cut down on waitressing hours at the expense of my savings account so I can have weekends back and not burn out so easily.
Other than all that, I went to work and that was fine, tried dating a few times but nothing panned out, and just kind of hung out and did my thing most days.
Huge shout out to @terieri who not only is my travel buddy, but also willingly came to all those concerts, and is the only person who is as invested in my Sims lives as I am! This year would have been super lame without her.
2023 was all about having fun, exploring, doing new things, and eating great food. It gave me a lot of memories and while I know I won’t be able to afford having another year like this for some time, hopefully I can make 2024 pretty great too!
I hope you all have a wonderful night doing whatever you choose to do on New Year’s Eve, and that 2024 starts off amazingly for you all. For myself, I like to get takeout and play video games so that’s what I’m going to do.
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squeakygeeky · 2 years
Aaaand it’s Wednesday! Someone on reddit was hosting actual Unforgotten Night bingo and I should have participated because were 3 sec in and there’s already running water. He is actually seen turning it off though. A miracle.
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Anyway, it’s time for the fancy pool house vacation with everyone. It’s pretty par for the course that Kim immediately ditches Kamol to go swim with Baiboon (and all the bodyguards). At least he wanted to hold hands with Kamol on the plane. But again, where is the BDSM in the trashy BDSM show? I need something to mock for the internet! Kamol just watches while drinking tea. Baiboon almost immediately manages to hurt himself while getting out of the pool because of course he does.
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At least this time he has Khom tending to him as is right and proper.
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Baiboon was trusted to carry two (2) drinks several feet across a patio?? What show am I watching?
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Not Kim wanting to sleep with Baiboon! Except the only way I imagine this scenario going is, “Baiboon, let’s gossip about boys! Do you need a glass of warm milk? Let me tuck you in, here is your teddy bear.”
Wait, Khom and Baiboon are actually sleeping together? Yes, but not like that either. They appear to just be sharing a room, but who knows. Unlike:
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What? I mean, I knew to expect this because I am in no way avoiding UN spoilers (if the show itself can’t spoil my enjoyment, how can anything else?), but still. It is completely out of nowhere that they other random bodyguards start hooking up in the shower. All three (3) of them.
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Also Baiboon’s aunt (the housekeeper) has been here the whole time and is apparently just happy to have been asked along for this trip despite the fact that she’d actually working, unlike anyone else I could name (not that I can name the 3 horny bodyguards).
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Hey hey hey I guess we finally are getting BDSM in the BDSM show. This seems unwise from the perspective of slipperiness, structural integrity of the plumbing, and the drinking contest (with wine?) they just had. But what would UN be without running water?
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Safe and sane left the building a while ago.
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Anyway, that kind of action over, we see some actual action in the form of Cherry and her earrings being kidnapped, and a gunfight at the vacation house (in the pool for some reason) that Kim totally sleeps through. Kamol watches him sleep while taking nutritional supplements, as one does.
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Kim finally gets to cook for his man, and I’m hungry despite having eaten lunch while watching this, except then there’s a fly in the shot because of course there is. Like a big one and then also a little gnat thing that keeps trying to fly into Kamol’s eye. Also Baiboon accidentally sees Khom naked, thus spotting his back injury, which is an excuse to get all up in his business. And who could blame him, Khom is the best looking in this show.
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Time to go home. Somehow Kamol’s ex is in their bed. I guess that’s what happens when you bring all your bodyguards on vacation and don’t have a halfway decent home security system that relies on something other than live tigers.
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Looking forward to next week, whose preview promises the drama but whose actuality will probably once again bring a slightly random series of events that I will nonetheless be heavily invested in.
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brownfrogs · 2 years
i leave for a day or two and come home to the most chaos, like the tag of u begging ppl not to send u asks about piss really sums everything up here
the imagery of satya spraying cole with febreeze like hes a cat is quite fun however
buttttttt- i am here to combat the chaos with some wholesomeness
so post recall- i like to think the heroes who do return end up developing different rituals with each other
like i always adore the idea of hana investing her time in the older heroes to try and learn as much as she can. like doing target training with hanzo and respectively talking in their own native tongues. she still teases him for whatever social mess he has gotten himself into that week of course, she is mischievous by nature but holds a huge deal of respect for him too!!! she would invest a lot of time earning his respect and company and i think she would be very interested in the dragons themselves!!
i could imagine her comparing the dragons to her meka, (because she would carry that level fondness and admiration for it!!!) shes like oh theyre just like tokki!! and hanzo just deadpans like respectfully your technological contraption is not way comparable to the divinity and history held by the dragons
whilst the dragons themselves i think they would simply be amused, like hanzo desperately trying to defend their honour and they r like no no, technically she has a point, they would totally have a soft spot for her
i also think hanzo would eventually carry a similar fondness for her too!!! like the different perspective that hana can give! he knows the life they live can be tough and unforgiving and yet she still takes the next day in her stride. some part of it probably worries him as it’s an uncomfortable reminder to how playful kiriko and genji were when they were all younger and how he couldnt of stopped what had happened to them but he never /ever/ would doubt her capability. he’s not that kinda person!
it would totally help loosen him up too, like i could see him only taking part in like self enjoyment very briefly thinking it’s frivolous and time could be spent elsewhere but one night when they had originally scheduled training but maybe something comes up (honestly with all the trans headcannons the idea of hana dealing with menstrual stuff and hanzo being like oh shit yeah lets change plans is a big slay actually.)
so they sneak off of base, this is how hana learns how sneaky he can truly be and he teaches her a thing or too, and head into more central gibratlar and they go find a late night food place/arcade (hana would obviously know the best spots) and they eat the like best worst takeaway food and play games in a quiet arcade and its our favourite causal intimacy (who cheered!!! and all platonic ofc if that was not clear)
but it’s a very fond memory and hanzo is like okay maybe sometimes he does need enrichment outside of his enclosure u know haha
anyways !! short rambles but theyre so <333
- sabs !
See, thats the thing bout this blog. You’ll never know what you’re gonna get. And I think that’s kinda beautiful 🥹
BUT YEAHHH!!!! I wholly agree and enjoy the idea of all the characters interacting on day to day basis. Makes me happy. They all do their part and take turns with the grocery runs, kitchen duty, and tending to the community garden. One big misfit family :>
Hana does contribute when she’s not in her room streaming. As for the older heroes, she definitively respects a certain few like Ana and Rein haha.
With Hanzo, I think their relationship was actually pretty rocky at the start. They def butted heads a lot bc both are such leader types. Hana thought he was way too old-fashioned and overbearing while he thought she was too naive and reckless. I do love the voiceline of her putting Hanzo in his place the most.
But over time, seeing the other sides of the other helped their assumptions change. Hana begins to appreciate Hanzo’s tactical plans because it always gives her an easy escape route whenever she gets overwhelmed by enemies. He admires her vital spirit and always willing to sacrifice her mech for the team. Eventually it turns into Hanzo giving her shooting tips at the training range and Hana challenging him to spicy noodle eating competitions. I hc Hanzo is a polygot and knows Korean and Mandarin (learned it for business). Hanzo whips it out whenever he wants to motivate her or when she’s feeling homesick and can’t call her dad. Hana on the other hand can sense when he is about to ruminate and drags him to one of her streams. He backseats game the whole time, but he is just so deadpan funny, the chat adores him so she lets it slide. She even has a Hanzo unimpressed emote.
Oh yes, Hana absolutely is interested in the dragons. While she thinks the kitsune is Cute, the dragons are just way Cooler. Imagine Hanzo trying to explain all the grueling hours of training he did in order to harness the dragon’s power and control them at will, while they are just nuzzling up to a giggly Hana. He sighs. I can definitely see the dragons sunbathing on top of Tokki on a nice day 😂😂😂
Once there is that mutual respect, Hanzo wouldn’t dare to think she is in incapable at anything. Like you said, he would often be reminded of Genji’s and Kiriko’s youthfulness, so the Older Brother comes out occasionally. But she is different to them because she is so headstrong and knows who she is fighting for. And Hana always comes to him when she wants a serious, no bullshit answer because others tend to walk on eggshells with her due to her celebrity status. She counts on him to be the realist to her idealism.
YEAHHHHH, Hanzo knows what’s up and they sneak off on a hovercycle that he hotwires. Hana comments saying she didn’t know he knew how to ride one of these. While Hanzo just smirks, he has many secrets that only few are worthy of being privy to.
They eat and play at the arcade, casual platonic friendship at it’s best!!! Hana beats his ass at all the games, but he is a worthy opponent. Hanzo def is an expert at those crane games tho, and gets her the pinkest plush they have. Hana gets him those tacky orange sunglasses. It’s a warm pleasant memory for the both of them.
Also I 100% know this was one of their interactions:
Hana: are you homophobic
Hanzo: im gay…????
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winged-fool · 2 years
As always, would love to read your episode summary. Also, in case I haven't said so in the past thank you so much for putting yourself through this atrocity of a show and providing summaries of its stupidity 😗😗😗. Its my favorite way to experience RNM.
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Oh, my friend, that is such a nice thing to say! I've been watching this clown show live since I think 1x07 or 1x08? While it has TESTED me, I've invested so much time and effort into it that I had to see it through to the end so I'm really happy that my nonsense reactions are fun for other people :)
Now that that sap is over with! Summary below the cut!
The episode began with a Liz voiceover which really felt like a s1 throwback. It showed a bunch of scenes while she was talking about how far you would go for love and obviously the only one that matters is the malex scene. Dallas and Bonnie were decorating the chapel and Bonnie put up a Malex Forever banner which while sweet was...ridiculous lol Alex looked so excited to marry the love of his life while Michael looked on sadly.
Alex does his vows and I just couldn't take the scene seriously with that godawful blue filter slapped on and Alex was wearing his beanie. I sear it was a Look and not a good one lol. Michael decides to say "I don't" for his vows because he doesn't want Alex to die and he thinks he can still figure out a way to get them out of there. Alex desperately pleads with Michael to not let him die without marrying him which woof yanno??
In the no-filter universe, Liz and Kyle are working on trying to recreate fuel to get them out of the blue-filter universe. Isobel and Kyle decide they're done waiting and they're just about to kiss when Max interrupts them. *shakes fist*
They go to the portal because Maria had a vision or something idk I wasn't really paying attention because I don't care? They realize that Clyde is probably in blue-filter hell so Max and Isobel decide to go into it as well and echo has a passionate kiss while kybel decide to take the plunge and do the same. All very moving het stuff (I say this bitterly only because I think the malex kiss was pretty tame last week...)
The storm in blue-filter hell is getting worse but they go to where the tree that grew fuel fruit so Michael can try to revive some of it. Which then Alex is like since when are you a plant daddy? Which btw makes no sense because didn't we find out in s2 that Michael wanted to study agriculture engineering? Or am I making that up from fics?? Anyway, Michael calls Alex babe and also that he wants to take a shower with him (this sounds like a total non-sequitur but everyone was talking about missing water and what they wish they could do in no-filter universe).
Clyde shows up and kidnaps Bonnie, easily incapacitating everyone else. Alex is steadily getting weaker and feverish. Max and Iz show up and then they go fight Clyde and free Bonnie but not before he takes some of her blood so it can get rid of the mark/tattoo on his shoulder (the alien symbol which It think is the mark of Ophicus but I'm going to be real with you, I don't remember or care...)
Liz is steadily losing her memory from her alien mist drug stint but is keeping it secret. Kyle finds out because of course he does, he's a smart one. She almost relapses but Rosa had locked the mist and told her later that she knew she wouldn't. It was a very sweet Valenti-Ortecho moment tbh.
They figure out what they need on their end of the universe so they head back to the spaceship portal thing while the blue-hell gang do the same on their end. They also have Clyde in alien handcuffs which he easily breaks free from once the portal is open. Because of Bonnie's blood, which for some reason has trace amounts of DNA from everyone she's ever kissed and their powers, he is super crazy strong now and kind of freezes everyone in blue-hell, destroys the fuel to the console that opened up the pocket universe, and pops on over to no-filter universe.
The aliens immediately give up in blue-hell and Michael goes over to Alex to tell him he's sorry for not marrying him when he had the chance and he thought with his heart not his head etc. And Alex is like my love, my sweet handsome cowboy, I mean this with all the love in my heart but please stop whining. There are 6 aliens here, figure it out. And then Michael is like, you're right, you're right! And tells Dallas to use his water power to pull the fuel from the ground from when Clyde broke the console. Max is holding back the storm while they get this all done and finally are able to reopen the portal. Where would they (and this show) be without Alex Manes??
Tezca shows up in the pocket universe to kind of coach Max into controlling his powers to hold off the storm blah blah blah who cares, Isobel feels sad about her being there because it means she can't get out because she also has the mark of Ophicus but she tells her to go and then she and Max leave and Tezca is no more.
I left out a lot of the nonsense with Shevani, Maria, and Sonia (Eduardo's daughter) but honestly nothing of value imo lol
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
I liked watching the con videos and don't put to much thought into most of the answers as far as interpreting what something meant. So many fans try to make drama where there just isn't any. I am honestly just trying to look at everything as they are trying to entertain me why am I making myself miserable by trying to interpret their personal lives and feelings. I think fandom is a lot more more fun when you don't complicate it with your own biases. Do you have a favorite part of this recent con
On some level, I get the need to try to tell if actors are actually being honest. Sometimes they do say misleading things or even outright lie as part of managing public impressions. Casts who claim to be besties while actually hating each others' guts is a cliché for a reason. In SPN-land specifically, a lot of people are very invested in whether or not J2 actually want to work together again - whether they love or loathe the idea.
Actors not actually liking each other generally becomes public knowledge through BTS stories of them avoiding each other/fighting/having to be green-screened into mutual scenes. Or through the actors themselves admitting to it after the fact, when they don't feel the need to pretend anymore. Whenever one of these reveals does happen, of course there are fans claiming they totes already knew! Remember when they noticed in video interview X that A grimaced when B was talking at twenty minutes and fourteen seconds, it was ~*so obvious*~ they hated each other! Except they may have been seeing something that was there - or it may have just been coincidental indigestion. It's very easy to brag after the fact about all the totally real clues you saw. Or, conversely, when it hasn't happened? To keep insisting The Truth™ just hasn't been revealed yet, look at all these totally real clues, it has to be true (just like You Know Who do).
Reading that hard into any single con/interview/interaction is a lot more about the fan than reality in the vast majority of cases. Especially since we see so little of these people's actual lives, and when we do it's in such artificial situations. So yeah, theorizing or stressing over what every individual little eyebrow twitch ~*means*~ is IMO futile in terms of any real understanding and a waste of time. Even when we're not talking about fans cherry-picking only certain moments to get to a specific conclusion, as we so often are.
As to my favorite part of the con? It's fairly hard to pick this weekend, because I think J2 had a lot of great answers to new questions and interesting additions to old stories. There were a lot of funny interactions and I always love watching them eagerly watching each other for a reaction after telling a joke. If I have to pick a favorite, though, I think I'd have to go with the question about their best and worst roles answered by each other (though I kinda wish the questioner had specified roles other than Sam & Dean). They clearly had so much fun answering that!
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thepropertylovers · 2 years
We're Painting the Inside of the Beach Shack White
A decision has been made.
Remember our little Beach Shack we bought a few months back? Well we’ve been back and forth to the beach more times than I can count this summer and it’s because we’ve been renovating it nonstop. I’m not kidding when I say nonstop, either. PJ woke up at 4 am this morning to head over and install the floors. He is a man on a mission and he can’t be stopped, y’all.
Ever since we bought it, we’ve been going back and forth on what we should do with the original wood paneled walls on the inside. They’re so gorgeous and actually in really good condition. At first, it was a no-brainer: We were keeping them. How could we not? They made it this long without anyone touching them (helped by the fact that the same family has owned our beach shack since it was built) and we weren’t about to be the ones to end that streak.
Isn’t the original wood stunning?
We thought about leaning into the beachy, woodsy vibe, sort of like the beach house in the movie Message in a Bottle. It could be cozy and warm and inviting, and of course old and charming, which is a style we’ve always been so drawn to.
But the more we thought about it, that’s not really the feel we want when we’re at the beach. Every beach house we stay at while we’re down here always has a few features in common that we love: Light, airy, calming, relaxing, bright. Our beach shack didn’t feel like any of those things, and if we’re investing so much time and money into fixing it up, shouldn’t it? Shouldn’t we want it to feel and look exactly like what we look for in all those Airbnb’s we rent while we’re down here?
So a decision was made. Light and bright and airy it is! After going back and forth for months, we finally decided to paint it all white. At first it was just going to be the walls and we were going to leave the ceiling and window trim alone, but then PJ started installing the new, lighter hardwood floors and they totally clash with the dark ceiling. So now we’re painting it all. Everything. THERE WILL BE NO SURFACE LEFT UNTOUCHED AND WE CAN’T WAIT.
Sorry to yell at you I just get really excited thinking about how gorgeous it’s all going to be. I mean people pay money for that “shiplap” look and we already have it waiting for us in the shack, it just needs a little TLC to get it looking and feeling like the beach house we’ve always wanted. Think Nancy Meyers style: Cool, casual, comfortable, neutrals, etc.
We are installing new windows (that we brought with us from Tennessee- can’t wait to show you how gorgeous they are!!) and window trim, so we didn’t bother painting those because they’re just going to get replaced anyway.
There are only five rooms in the whole house, and they’re all teeny tiny, so painting it shouldn’t take that long. PJ brought a paint sprayer from home and we all but knocked out the back bedroom and living room yesterday. It went by pretty fast, though after the first two coats, it’s clear now that we’re going to have to use Kilz paint as a primer first because the stain keeps coming through underneath the white paint.
Is that a sign? Should we not have painted? Is that the house’s way of telling us we made a mistake?
I don’t think so. We’re so happy with the white and there’s no turning back now.
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kinetic-elaboration · 1 month
April 29: Writing Thoughts
I’m having a jumble of thoughts that I suppose is part of my creative process: it mostly involves just feeling too much and being kind of overwhelmed and obsessing over the same beats, moments, characters, character traits, relationships, and bits of dialogue, over and over in an ever-shortening loop. It’s fun for a while, and as I said, I do think it’s part of the process, but then at some point it reaches the end of its usefulness. That point is definitely now, both because it’s starting to make me feel ragged, and because I need to get to sleep. And I need to work on the drawer fic first. On the one hand, this is the work I’ve been obsessing over. I feel more invested in it than I have in a while. On the other hand, I’m overwhelmed and feel like I need to separate myself from the thing, not work on it in an enjoyable manner. Also, I’ve been rereading the last two major scenes, and while I wouldn’t say I dislike them, I feel like they lack some of the incision of other scenes, in this fic and in general. They’re a little rambly, and I’m not sure I get to the point in either of them. A part of me thinks this is okay because there is no point. Another part is uncertain and skeptical and sort of embarrassed they’re not better. But then, of course—this story is for me first and foremost, and it was always supposed to be more about the journey and the process of writing, and the enjoyment of writing, more than anything else.
So, I don’t know. I want to rest and re-set but then I also do want to be creative. But like when I’m in a different mindset, which I know is very much an excuse.
I think I’m a little antsy for something but I don’t know what. Also—I have totally not celebrated enough that I finished the draft of a fic I started working on in 2017. Completing an I-swear-it’s-not-abandoned draft like that: totally unheard of. They said it couldn’t be done. I think I had been thinking about it as ‘all but done’ for so long that the transition to ‘actually done’ is too easy, doesn’t feel like much. Plus it’s not post-able yet, and it’s pretty far down in the edit-queue. And finally, I don’t know what WIP list fic is going to come next. So nothing really seems real.
I think the editing queue, which I’m going to start in on after I catch up on Whale Weekly, is something like this:
Talk about timing…
D/J College AU Ch 1
Mist (? Might push this one back even more, I’m not sure)
J/M Fic
D/J College AU Ch 2
But depending on how fast and far ahead I’m writing on the D/J fic that second chapter might get moved up. We’ll see.
And on the writing front, I think I’ll focus on the D/J fic until I can decide if I want to start the Road Trip AU or not. I… think I do. I’m currently leaning toward it. But I’ve swayed toward and away a hundred times. I think it’s closer than any other project and there are aspects of it I really do like. But a part of me is just really unkeen on starting something I don’t fully think I’ll finish, if I’m being very honest with myself. And if I do finish it, it will only be after a really quite considerable effort. Which I think I fear more than an abandoned story. Like objectively this is not where I should be putting my energy. But… I know so much about the first chapter, and if I can do it right it would be so good, and so overall, it’s quite tempting.
I’m glad I have something else, a fic I actually am quite enjoying and feeling optimistic about, to give me something definite to work on while I figure these other priorities out. I’m pretty impatient to post this thing… it’s part of the jittery feeling, wanting to work and get stuff done, for some arbitrary accomplishment that nevertheless lives quite strongly in my brain.
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